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>PoE 2 Early Access November 15th

>[3.25] Settlers of Kalguur
>[3.25] Patch Notes

>Compiled Links, Tools and Utilities
>/poeg/ Ingame Chat and Ban Honeypot
/global 1488

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>d4 bald in the background
Uh huh..
Shut up loser. I'll eternally crusade against idols and worthless actions.
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>S-Shut up l-loser. I'll eternally c-crusade against idols and w-worthless a-actions.
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>this is you in this idol that strawmans my opponents and alters the shape of my heart and discourse
you okay lil bro?
Time 2 cum
That you pay attention to me says more about what you think is novel and valuable to consider and says less about my actual intentions.
>owns a money printing arpg game
>still doesn't get hair implants
is he retarded?
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so good the way he said it too lmfao
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gay retard
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morning lads
fucking seething today
hope GGG give me a free mirror
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Can't wait for both games getting killed by PoE2.
What's gay is the incentivism involved in all of your gameplay. The intention and desire of every map you open is to acquire div. This is truly the state of the retarded one.
what's the WORST thing that could happen that'd make you genuinely hate POE2 so much that you won't even try it once?
I want to know what the game killer flaw is for /poeg/
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>Died on Simu wave 13/14
I thought i was good
don't run on my pc
i would like this way more if raiz wasn't such a dickhead
Bad frame rates and a 100gb download.
If it's slow (which it will be). There's a bunch of other shit aswell but speed will be the main one. Obviously it's much more constrained with movement speed and life, there's a much more limited frame of defence. All the new PoE1 nodes are more specific which they want in 2 and that could get annoying

Unironically a potential threat to me and my decade old cpu
why is headhunter so insanely cheap? i know if has been nerfed over the years but it's still insanely good, did the drop rate increase or something?
hair would only muddle the vision
>won't even try it once?
i think c dubbs would have to personally come to my house and shit on my face while i'm asleep. even then i'd probably still play it
i don't know if that even exists
"That you won't try it once" is a bit harsh no matter how you slice it. I can't think of anything save for Chris coming into my house and killing my family with his radiance.

If trying it is an option, what would put me off playing it would be extreme performance issues. Chances of that are low, though, since my PC is pretty good and there's little doubt they'd patch those.
We're now two months into the league and the item is worthless in Standard.
>the item is worthless in Standard.
really? what makes it so bad there?
Mirrors are worthless in standard, who gives a shit about standard?
standard will be the default for years to come after poe2
>get genuinely good leagues with effort put into them while almost all the manpower is trying to make 2 ready for release
>suddenly no more leagues when 2 is put and more of the team is freed up
Engine being worse somehow
It uses the same engine.
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ive been playing delve since 1.0 and this is the first time i see this encounter
>delve since 1.0
there's no way you think there will be leagues up like there are now when poe2 comes out. GGG will do everything to drive players to poe2.
yeah im sure they just split the games up for literally no reason
I think they're more likely to use poe1 and poe2 to help players when their leagues are dying, e.g. the current league has 2+ more months left but shit's already falling off so I think they'd set it up so a poe2 league would launch now.
What the fuck just killed me
>29/30 port quotas
>the easiest one requires 100k orichalcum
what do i do... i need my kingsmarch portal............
to me it seems pretty unlikely that poe 1 leagues will be what they have been in the past.
small league, big league, small league, expansion league... they already gave up on that release cycle, so i don't really see it getting better with poe 2.
my guess is this league goes until jan-feb, then we get the final expansion to finish off the maven storyline, then it's small leagues every 4 months.
I need genuine recommendations bros. Been playing Ice Nova for a couple weeks and now my eyes can't take it anymore.
Can I pivot my hierophant into something else? I don't want to create a new toon, if possible.
Also, any feedback on Arc/Power Siphon/Storm Burst?
That's 10 maps worth.
Wait, 20. Close enough though.
How much do you get 700-900? Then you have 4 other ores, so it's like 50-100 maps
Orichalcum is pretty common, and likes to spawn alongside other ores. You'll get there
you're genuinely retarded
They can just use PoE1 as pre-season/events. That'd work
1000 is pretty common for me. You usually get more than 1 ore a map so even with 4 ore types you get it commonly enough.
I'm pretty sure that when you contribute to these huge quotas, they are filled by a bigger amount than what you send. Try sending 1000 and check the actual increase.
you have to be under 18. over the decades it has been extremely obvious dev priority shifts towards their new games.
I have a power siphon mine trickster (power charge stacking) and it's pretty good, it's fast, clears very well, oddly cheap (relatively), but it's defenses are all in killing first and elemental hits, it's pretty paper to phys/chaos. There's also an annoying issue where throwing mines too close to yourself won't set them off.
As for pivoting
ggg literally gave a speech at GDC about how important it is to not burn out their players.
>new poe 1 league launches
>1 month into the league they announce the new poe 2 league
>2-3 weeks of teasers, then livestream and patch notes
>new poe 2 league launches
>1 month into the poe 2 league they announce the next poe 1 league
>2-3 weeks of teasers, then livestream and patch notes.
>poe 1 league launches
>1 month into the league they announce the next poe 2 league
lol yeah anon i'm sure they will keep that up.
>for literally no reason
The reason is that they are shutting down PoE1. It's an old game.
it doesn't matter what language you spoke first- you'll still fail to communicate with everyone.
of all games poe was the one I was absolutely certain wouldn't receive a sequel but remain updated.
it will just go into maintenance mode with a couple of ladder resets every year.
leagues will be the scope of ritual or metamorph.
anyone who thinks in 2 or 3 years poe 1 will be getting huge endgame reworks and expansions is delusional.
Why do quotas go from 3 to 2. What is this bald bullshit, just stay on 3
ur kidding me
windripper vaults, anyone?
guys are there any news about RF in poe2?
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no but they clearly said that you wont get away with 1 or even 0 button builds like rf. you WILL press buttons and time stuff there is no way around it. you can always keep playing poe 1 if mindless zoomer gameplay is more your thing.
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Anyone got any suggestions? I maxed harvest and no idea what to go for (can i improve harvest somehow?)
Scarabs and map effect
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Map effect it is, is there anything that impacts pack size?
I forget that thing exists. And map effect scales pack size
ngl i prefer D4 gameplay over PoE.
Crafting and degen gambling wise poe is king thou, no argument there.
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what are the chances of GGG re-making the league mtx rewards for PoE2? i really want the crucible armour set since its a glowy chaos orb armour set and ultimatum helmet and portal

please gib me copium
if they remove my mtx I'm not playing it beyond the first playthrough and maybe a rare check in
rf will exist
will cost spirit so you'll probably have to invest in that to 6link
wont do as much damage as actual combos
so it'll probably end up the same as poe1, rf does 1m dps and has to do nothing while big combos do 5m but you have to press 5 skills
not remove re-make new ones of old
>1 button builds
in what retarded world does this exist? even on my most simple builds I'm popping at least 3 flasks conditionally and using a movement skill. almost every build can benefit from simply tossing in a curse on hit or link or something.
ultimately, what they're going to do is reset the power creep back to 2013 and it will continue except now at a worst framerate.
Evasion is always such a fickle defense stat.
The quant nodes in and around the big wheel in the middle.
they have already said that everything you bought or will buy will be ported to poe 2, with exceptions for obvious things of course.
i don't think they have said anything about challenge rewards specifically but they are probably safe.
anon rf with enough gear is a 0 button build. stuff like reuse flask when charges are full or mb are a thing for a while now. once you have enough damage and aoe clear and you need to autistically min/max your damage with clunky mechanics.
i feel as though the mtx that was created in the past year ish is probably close enough to poe2 quality
but mtx past a couple years ago gets visibly rougher
and past 5 years most of it looks very bad and would need to be remade from the ground up
im assuming ggg isnt going to do fucking anything and just let you walk around with low quality 10 year old mtx.
and just say "well you got to keep your mtx so stop bitching and play the game(and buy more new higher quality mtx)"
I'm happy with that though, I don't want them changing old stuff
>let you walk around with low quality 10 year old mtx.
fucking SOVL
>for obvious things of course.
like what?
of the 6 new classes which one are you most interested by?
maybe i misworded, i missed out on crucible league and ultimatum league rewards, i would like another chance to earn them is what i meant and since the league mechanics are coming back i think it would be a wonderful idea to not only add 40/40 challenges for new mtx but add on top of that the old ones people missed out on double the rewards for half the work

GGG said countless times they have been working on all the mtx and most look funny in the new version of the engine
my neurology will turn all builds into a 0 button build, habit taking over as my actions flow underneath me like a stream. tao is eternal.
Whatever the fastest one is
>i would like another chance to earn them is what i meant
fuck you, you had to be there and you weren't.
>GGG said countless times they have been working on all the mtx
>and most look funny in the new version of the engine
what the fuck does that mean?
its 7 atm and more to come:

merc, witch, sorc, monk, druid, warrior, huntress and to be honest i love all of them im going to make a build with every single one

>you had to be there
it hurts i missed out on the glowy chaos orb armour set so much

jonathan said in an interview way back that they ported mtx and the old ones looked like absolute shit due to the lighting and texture revamp of the game whilst implementing physics to them also and that they were touching them up to look better if i remember correctly

>wtf does that mean
look at source old mtx looked like shit the really old ones he said
>I want another chance
nah man, no awesome chaos/vaal/veiled voice lines for you
Crucible is the only league I quit ever since playing since Warbands and I didn't know the hp globe was a reward. I regret this every day.
im emailing ggg and telling them 4chaners are bullying me for missing out on their league rewards they might give me it
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Is Worship the Blightheart worth it for a Viper Strike pathfinder? I'd always have consecrated ground up due to flasks.
Or should I go with Force of Darkness?
Right now I am using Tribal fury on my amulet
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purple hp globe was affliction
the priority is already on poe2 you fucking retard, yet we're still getting good leagues
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I have not seen him in action but am interested in seeing how the warrior differs from the marauder.
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god i fucking love that set
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man I really fucked up this time
I don't know why I keep wasting time with sanctum
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>they have already said that everything you bought or will buy will be ported to poe 2
mfw when all challenge mtx won't be ported.
Basically the warrior is expected to be tge one with all the slam moves, favoring the blunt weapons whilst the marauder is gonna be about axes.
Merc is too different to not be interested in, but putting him aside, Druid seems really cool, and although Templar technically isn't new, the weapon type associated with him is, so I'd like to see what that's about.
Conversely, the new pure STR/INT/DEX classes don't seem to offer much that wasn't offered by the classes that were already there, but I guess they might've accounted for that.
things that don't exist in poe 2 won't get ported, i imagine that would be a lot of skill and aura mtx.
i'll cap this and repost it ad nauseam in a year to shit on your memory
why would that happen?
because they said bought
but challenge rewards are earned not bought
so they technically dont have any obligation to port them
plase dont no one cares
why would they stop supporting a money printing game? there's barely anyone making leagues for 1 and yet they're still making a shitton of money off it
i see. still, would be pretty weird to ruin the goodwill and not do it, seems like a simple thing
I'm using it right now.
Cool as fuck.
Stinky hope you dont get too bitter
Actually it already happened. Game is too dark, I can't see shit in trailers
What is the fastest leveling build?
I thought it was hilarious he sounded like TTS, however, once I seen an animefag enjoyed it too all joy left my body.
>After reconsideration, we are going to port challenge mtx to PoE2, but this means that it will take some time to do so. Expect the first batch to roll out next year. W-what do you mean they look shit on purpose? We did our best! Now buy some supporter packs!!!
oh no, no, no...
something with the summon wolf runesmithing
look it up on google or youtube
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>however, once I seen an animefag enjoyed it too all joy left my body.
glad to be of service
>doomfaggot has to resort to making up fake scenarios in his head because nothing real is happening
just play a game or something wtf
Support gem and gem level change is pretty fucking cringe. I think if there were no crafting systems like how it is in ruthless it'd be am absolute skip for me
Not really any builds that benefit from scaling "non-vaal strikes target additional enemies" or strike range (ignoring cyclone), outside of their obvious use to clear. Potential there for uniques / skills.
gem system change is good, any change to make the game less mindless is a massive win
crafting is unnecessary when the currency is tailored to actually be made to work with items you pick up.
part of the reason poe1 is in its current state is crafting getting out of hand. harvest was the original sin.
whats your point?
you cannot use several support gems of the same kind in poe 2. for example you cant put gmp in your main skill and gmp in a different skill, you are pretty much forced to use lmp or something else. really makes you think.
There isn't one really. Most forms of scaling in PoE have been explored but that one hasn't
>really makes you think.
yeah its gonna be shit for the first 3 years as Jonathan desperately tries to keep the game within his vision but will eventually succumb to low player numbers and gradually make the game more like poe1
what would they even need to update, i doubt anyone really cares about the back attachments. most of the full body mtx rewards are recent enough to not look completely out of place in poe2.
i don't remember most rewards but it feels like there was the rigwald set and then random shit like wings and portals until a year or two ago.
>but that one hasn't
there is no scaling
those mods exist for clear not for bossing.
so asking what could they do outside of clear is kinda pointless
>they can actually have interesting supports instead of +30% damage on everything
>this is somehow bad
i hate poe1rs
If I can't use my Breach wings the game is unironically fucking garbage
I havent said its bad. I said it makes you think which it does because you have to make a choice now.
make your own poo 2 general diablo faggots and fuck off.
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remove these and use scarabs
nah, we are taking this one. You will be forced to make a poe1 general in /vr/ for you dead old game.
my nigga mark my words, poo 2 will be concord level of disaster. anyone with half a brain cell can tell.
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you will live to see the golden era of the ARPG generals
with /d4g/ standing vigil in the /vg/ archives
almost every big streamer will be #ad #drops
asmongold has shilled poe1 and 2 for ages, his audience alone will almost break poe1s concurrent players.
add that to all the poe 1 players, console fags, fotm fags, and the 40 people still playing d4, poo 2 will be massive.
99% of players will drop it when they realize they are not the target audience. people want poe not dark souls
there's also a massive group of people that are interested in poe1 but dont want to get into it because its 'too late'. they're all joining poe2
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You willing to wager your life on it tranny?
PoE1 niggersimps out!
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Even though I wanted to check their addon out, I completely forgot about it in the meantime again. I'll wait for my friends buying it first, I guess.
no way thats real
Destructive Play is being a stingy BITCH
Lots of people are also filtered by the fact that unless you got a gorillion hours, PoE pretty much forces you to use a guide or stumble into a bricked build. While I don't expect PoE2 to be significantly less complex, it at least has the recommended gem system IN GAME, which should help them hold on to the casuals who don't want to spend half their playtime looking at maxroll and spreadsheets.
i am too much of a wuss to risk my strongest hardcore character ever on the voidstone bosses
which is the easiest?
>unless you got a gorillion hours, PoE pretty much forces you to use a guide or stumble into a bricked build
Doomers keep saying people don't want soulslop, but this describes souls games accurately as well.
eater 100%
eater by far.
it describes video games in general since the early 90s.
It's not
I don't mean the fact you can only use 1 of each support. I mean that they don't level up with your character. Completely removes an entire scaling vector from your character and from the player trade market
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>blacksmith ascendancy
she/xir neurodivergent
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Ragnarok bros, we're so back
>no support gems but you can use blacksmith whetstones and armorer scraps an infinite amount, scaling the amount needed with each use
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why does it say multistrike doesnt support lightning strike? bug?
it works for normal lightning strike but doesn't support the vaal version (doesn't prevent the normal from gaining benefit)
uh they do level with your character just not all at once.
there will still be a market for uncut 20s
there will still be vaals to use on your uncut 20s
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If my gloves has Warlord influence, I guess I can't add implicit mods from Exarch and Eater, right?
What will happen if I use a Lesser eldrich ichor and ember? Will the mod from Warlord influence disappear?
I'll buy a cheap influenced item to see what happens
you cant remove influence, its bricked if you were hoping to use it for eldritch influence
Okay thanks. I thought it would replace it
eldritch will remove synth mods however
Sometimes I think there's a Kingsmarch bug that's deleting my gold but it's just 7 hours passing without me noticing
No support gems do not have levels retard
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I'm opening Alk stream. If he says baby dog in the next 30s, I close it
does GGG actually stealth nerf drops? i got tons of voidborn keyes earlier in the league, but now i never see them with the exact same strat
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>+93% chance to block
I just completed this
I think I'm ready for PoE2
i always have a block chance reduction gem in my inventory for such occasions.
>they don't have a physical mastery they can temporarily route to so they can ignore block completely
you never specified support gems only retard
still a good change, the power from leveling should be in the gem itself not a bunch of supports leveling.
Is your build actually that bad that you can't give up a gem for 5 minutes?
>scour yt for a pivot
>found a 20d budget, 8 days ago
>just the 3 jewels cost 20d now
Getting hopeless. I just want a decent, non-eye-scratching hierophant.

>found another one, but no explanation whatsoever
What are your thoughts on this? https://pobb.in/nkfeqD8KP4YY

Thanks btw
In PoE2 you can just walk around them to sidestep the block.
is your build actually that bad that you can't give up a wheel for 5 minutes
Can they do the same thing to counter my block?
So the answer to my question is yes
i accept your concession
Of course.
Just realized that if you want to run two minions only one of them can have a minion damage gem
That's fucking retarded
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how long before /ourhag/ quits again
In PoE2*
Every bit of news that comes out about that game is worse than before
do many minon builds run multiple dps minons? aside from bama i can't really think of any.
what just happened?
>in poo2
GET THE FUCK OUT. make your own general.
Nah, all PoE2 enjoyers are welcome
poo 2 will be concord tier. you will be laughed off the internet.
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Get the fuck out, you washed up hunchback. This is our turf now!
wtf is concord?
concord tier is nobody even knowing it exists, poe2 has already surpassed that
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it wouldn't be bad if poo 2 wasn't releasing so soon after the new Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred expansion(releasing on Oct 8th 2024)
everyone i know is super hyped to play Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred and laugh any time i mention poop of excrement 2.
Looking at the list of PoE2 gems, such basic "+damage" supports don't seem to even exist anymore. The closest are the ones that give damage in exchange for something else, like Concentrated Effect(less AoE) and Controlled Destruction(no crits).
Looks like you'll have to get creative.
Is there content that would specifically have higher chance for those regular cobalt/viridian etc jewels? I know abyss has abyss jewels but not looking for them
I wish this was true if nothing else but for Diablo to actually be a great game.
>he thinks minion damage still exists
Based sarcastic anon
leave me alone
>grabs you by the arm
hey anon check this out
I wish my friends would come together to play any arpg, or fucking anything, again. They are all scattered and stopped functioning as a group.
D4 PTR is dogshit. Expansion is dead on arrival. Once again GGG wins without doing anything.
Give us a review and a couple of screenshots, fart face.
>no damage supports
>scarce and low damage multipliers
This makes end game gearing almost completely pointless. Its such massive number crunch that you wont feel any upgrades. Random shit mobs with 100k health will go from being 3shot to 2.5shot with mirror tier setups due to diminishing returns
Those trannies in California made runewords dogshit, classic trannies!
>Voice of the Storm on the ground
I never saw this amulet before
>poe1rs so mazed by pob dps they cant understand a game where timing damage and combos is more important than raw dps numbers
did you not watch the last video where they said since you can only have one of each they are free to make them very powerful and add back in basic things like melee phys because you only get one
there's damage supports in poe2 retard
How many people are going to get to the first boss and quit after they realize it's going to take 30 minutes
I feel for the mentally and physically handicapped but they have D4 for their arpg needs
15-second combo for 1% of damage btw
haha you're such a loopy troon anon. Chris also comes to your house and kicks your dog if you die
what's this mental illness called?
>he's so delusional he thinks there will be several dozen more multiplier support gems to give your skill 5 more multipliers
That would completely defeat the point of the redesign. The whole point of the game is to make button mashing combos more important than gearing. This game is the fucking antithesis of an arpg.
Actually watching the game footage.
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Sup bros
I am learning to "max your resists, idiot" and have few questions about this boots:
1)i need 3 blue and 1 red socket on them, what is cheapest way to achieve this? Spam prisms or go to bench and press 4 sockets, 3 guaranteed blue (100 prisms)
2)What is best way to upgrade them, Like my hierophant could use 95% of prefix options (even mana) and then i could just craft last one.
at what point did it take 30 mins to kill a boss? 15 secs of comboing for 1% damage? timestamp pls
Sure thing bud. Answer this - what's the point of the one off restriction if there are enough damage supports to get a full damage 6L for each of your skills? Wouldn't that make restricting which gems you could use redundant?
2 socket and use one red recipe until blue + red. Then jeweler socket recipe for blue 3rd and 4th
congrats most retarded post in the current thread goes to you poe1friend
Bars are 5x value of ores. You only need 20k bars for a 100k quota.
So no argument then eh? I accept your concession
the gems and stats don't work the way they do in poe1.
stats are a finite resource in poe2, most builds won't have 8 6 linked skills.
you're under some strange impression that every skill you use needs 5 damage supports, you have to try to stop thinking of mechanics and design in poe2 in terms of current poe1
what is this awful klanking sound at the sound of frost blades of kata it vexes my autism so, damn the vfx artist behind this
you will not want full damage on every skill, you will want some 'supporting' supports.
elemental builds want things that power up shock or freeze or inflict exposure
phys builds want armor break or stun
there are supports that give bonuses if you inflict ailments with said skill
there are combo supports that power up combo skills or consume ailments
and thats just from the few they revealed so far. build variety in poe2 just based on support choice is vastly superior to poe1 already
PoE is now a turn based game
poe1 is a turn based game but the enemies never get a turn unless they randomly turn cheats on
nta but he's right about you being retarded.
heres a nice 1 button build at level 25 in poe 1.
thats an attack skill, and two warcries, and a blink skill, oh and blood rage.
shit almost forgot leap slam.
This really says a lot about society
the skill you clear with potentially may not even be the same element as the one you use on bosses
1) There's a website called vorici calculator, use it.
2) Craft 1 undesirable mod, hit exalted orb. Then recraft the undesirable mod into a leftover desirable mod. Then use lesser eldritch embers/ichors to get some implicits on there.
For what it's worth; I don't think those boots are worth spending exalts on, the resist rolls aren't orgasmic and there's no life.
>For what it's worth; I don't think those boots are worth spending exalts on, the resist rolls aren't orgasmic and there's no life.
Got it, so i will just regal orb it, hoping to get something good and then just craft something usefull on top.
Jewelry boxes in heist drop them, Jeweled deli orbs, if you look up the kalgur port spreadsheet I'm pretty sure one of the ports will give jewel rewards too
this has nothing to do with what i was talking about. You're not even talking about the same game
>you will not want full damage supports
this is a deflection. You side stepped the question completely. Answer it or fuck off
>mazed by pob dps again
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>league start eviscerate glad
>everybody says it's clunky garbage
>try pconc
>less dps, barely tankier, no recovery
>try ele hit hh warden
>dies to a light breeze
>give up and roll ls
>less damage and ehp, meaningful upgrades are all 120+ divs
What am I missing?
nothing. eviscerate is utter dog doodoo. warden is dog shit as well, doesnt even have proper damage. its all about slayer, trickster, lightning strike and molten strike of zionist.
it seems like you are unable to follow a build guide. if you post your LS pob I'm sure anons will show you upgrades for well under 120 divines
well poe 2 is the sequel of poe 1, in poe 1 the early game is slow and requires a lot of random shit to kill monsters.
all we have seen of poe 2 is the early game which is slow and requires a lot of random shit to kill monsters.
you can maybe see some overlap there, no?
and to the other anons point, you won't want or need full damage supports, even if you did want them you couldn't run them early on because stats are a finite resource.
in hindsight, this league was awful. the only good thing was currency exchange.
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>For what it's worth; I don't think those boots are worth spending exalts on, the resist rolls aren't orgasmic and there's no life.
Well i just learned that the only way to add ability to item without ruining it (outside of crafting) is rare exalted orb and not cheap regal. Anyhow kinda happy with boots so far, any advice on ichors?
>literally "PASSIVE INCOME" the league
Its actually perfect, especially for new player like me
>can see some overlaps between the early game of poe1 and the design goals of poe2
Yes. The game directors stated objectives are to create a game reminiscent of the poe1 act1 remake. They want it to behave like act1 all through into end game. You made the analogy but ironically can't seem to grasp that it's a design paradigm in poe2. Ironic
Been saying it since week 1
Literal cookie clicker tier league. No meaningful mapping mechanics, no interesting bosses, no interesting builds. The only difference between this league and standard is an increased damage enchant on my weapon. Fucking crucible of all leagues was more interesting
Exalted orb, not regal orb. Regal orb is for upgrading blue to yellow. You already have a yellow item so using a regal won't do anything.
>any advice on ichors?
Use only lessers or greaters if they are gigacheap, these boots aren't worth bigger ones.
You can have 1 implicit from Eater of Worlds (eldritch ichors) and 1 from Searing Exarch (eldritch embers). There are handy stats like chaos res, regen, avoiding ailments, etc. You can hit just a few embers/ichors and see what you get. This won't mess with prefixes/suffixes.
Don't use an Eldritch Chaos Orb or something by accident, just embers/ichors.
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>carno the rmting redditor couldn't level past 96 on his 5 mirror "immortal" 25k es trickster and had to resort to 5 ways
are there any ichors but for weapons?
so basically you don't really know anything about poe 1 or 2?
you can watch mathils ranger gameplay footage from a few months ago, it looks consistent with the current league start clear speed.
when ggg showcase shit it's done to actually showcase the skills or mechanics, it's not really how people play the game.
all that matters is endgame..sooo
>have to kite around and dodgeroll packs in t16
>the combo shit they made ends up being like the d4 skill system
okay retard
10 minutes ago he was still under the impression there are no damage supports and had to create a new argument, obviously he isn't keeping up with anything
he'd never make it without 5 ways and credit cards
this is what i think about poe 2!
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Eldritch crafting typically goes like this:
>Roll desired mod using lesser eldritch currency(they have a smaller range of mods they can hit, and the mods are generally better)
>Use Exceptional eldritch currency of the other type to add any random mod from the other baddie
>Use Orb of Conflict to make the mods "fight" for dominance
>If the desired mod disappears, reroll it with lesser currency and try again
>If the desired mod is improved, use Exceptional currency of the other type to increase its chances in the next Orb of Conflict use
>Repeat until desired mod is "Perfect"
>Roll Exceptional currency of the other type until you get a good one
This can cost dozens of divines, though, and those boots are hardly worth it, so instead just slam on some Lesser Embers and Ichors until you like the mods you see. Those are basically free improvements for your rare gear. Use Blessed Orbs if the mods don't have max rolls.
PoE2 posters are extremely desperate for someone, anyone to like their game.
crafting bench not having "suffix/prefix cannot be changed"
this. it's gonna flop it will make concord look successful.
do you have stocks in activision or something why is a videogame frightening you this much
i'm playing it right now. there is nothing that would make me not play. it's simply the best, even in its current (unfinished) state. no other ARPG compares.
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i never changed my argument, and you never countered mine, retard.
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Hes a filthy redditor who likes to lie
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>passive income
wow bro it's so cool building up mats for 2 weeks and sending a big shipment for 1 divine orb. fucking retard.
bro you literally said
>no damage supports
there are damage supports, there are different kinds of damage supports too so one skill could have gmp, on has lmp, maybe another has volley.
you just can't have gmp on every single skill, not that you would want that anyway because it would be fucking retarded.
you use your main clear skill with gmp, you could then link lmp to a secondary skill, say essence drain, for the regen.
i swear poetard don't know the meaning of passive income.
bro your posts are still in the thread you don't have to lie
>there are no damage supports, that makes gearing pointless, you won't feel upgrades
you were wrong and changed your argument, there are damage supports. your damaging skills will have 5 damage supports
>there won't be dozens of multiplier gems
there is
>but that defeats the point of only being able to use 1 of each support
it doesn't, your supports for clear and single target skills will be different and synergize with different utility skills and their supports
The eye enemies in heist can raise alert but what does the red skull enemies mean there? Is it just an unique enemy or is it some deadly player killer or something?
>click on random video
>"VALE orb"
>close video
>Not Interested
>Don't Recommend Channel
I'm not even sure because everything just dies, but I think the red circles some enemies do alert enemies to you or something
not being able to play it now is fucking painful.
Crafting being worse somehow.
Luv craftin'
Simple as
get owned
i'd watch him more if he stopped doing that retarded dududududududu "singing"
I will probably drop it instantly if the performance isn't an improvement from PoE
But I think what would make me not even give it a chance is if they add all the PoE bloat back in like blight, sanctum, delve, etc
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I really really really like the state of the game right now
I need a build to 40challenge the league, I have tried the Peuget2 CI Trickster build but the slow attack speed even using Lightning Strike is really REALLY pissing me off, and I want a build that can also ignore T17 map mods. I have been taking a look at Holy Relic Necro, the BalorMage version, is it feasible to get it rolling with about 50d? Heard that the only map mod that gives it some trouble is cannot block.
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Well fuck that's unexpected
10div to 20div in like 4 hours or something
since the league is dying, people are grabbing stuff to bring to standard so prices are equalizing
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So uhh, when should I stop and finally progress my Atlas further? I can at least buy the premium tab so I can sell stuff easier without the sale I guess
>drop item worth 5d
>drop raw div
>irl basedjack
So is this guy your new obsession? What happened to "kraut"?
>when should I stop and finally progress my Atlas further?
2 days ago, there's no reason to be stuck in lab that long.
Well I wanted to be prepared and wanted to wait until Friday and just do lab, but it's getting a bit old and boring so I guess moving on then
>there are dozens of multiplier gems
Okay show them
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Man I don't know what's going on with Destructive Play but I'm actually getting literally nothing from it. 8-mod deli orb with <20 monsters remaining entering boss arena. Just the 1 scarab drop from bosses.
Also doing Ritual for fun and that's going pretty ok.
are you waiting for maven to spawn the bosses? sometimes you can go on a long stretch of getting literally nothing. happened to me, went on 25+ maps without a single conq/shaper etc maps.
>are you waiting for maven to spawn the bosses?
Thankfully you don't need to do that anymore.
what are some good defensive layers to pair with barkskin? if possible i don't want to go block again but it just seems so strong this league
they changed it so you can nuke everyone right away? when?
Block, crab barrier, wind dancer, evasion out the ass.
Honestly barkskin is kind of a supplementary defensive layer, you should build whatever strong shell and then add barkskin to it.
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here you go pookie baby.
poe2db .tw/us/Gems
6 dozen support gems, you can probably find a few that are multiplicative, lmao whatever that even means.
>doesnt even know what multiplicative means
lmao, now i get it
ohhh lawdy jesus we got brainiac in the thread.
so about the
>no damage supports
uhhh.. what were you saying again?
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I just ran through that site and there are basically no more multipliers. Pic related is the highest more multi in that entire list, and there's only like 4 others including controlled destruction, pulverise, empowered damage (needs a second skill), crit damage, and conc effect
That's literally it. I was right in everything i fucking said and you retards are just fucking coping
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>deli + breach + Alva + beyond
>literally 0 drops other then deli rewards
So did they nuke t16s from orbit to create more design space for t17s "more loot" mods? Or is there some secret juice I'm missing.

I don't dislike t17s, I'd just rather spam strands. Kinda thought that the whole point of getting your voidstones, favored maps, and div card scrys set up.
you were right in saying that there are NO DAMAGE SUPPORTS.
you just have to ignore all of the damage supports in the game.
how did you get so smart, mom drink a lot when she was pregnant with you, diet of paint chips, maybe a nasty fall on your head as a child?
>being pedantic
You understand this isn't an argument right? Are you so far gone that all you have is this retarded sophistry where you ignore the massive number crunch of essentially removing all multiplicative damage scaling from the game? Just close your eyes and ears and pretend you are right lmao
quick scroll through the list of poe damage support gems
>reduced resistance
wow i can't believe there are no damage supports in path of exile 2.
fucking retarded faggot lmao.
I just named all of the ones that exist on that page. Feel free and post a picture of any I missed
Now list those that you can just slot in for free damage and not be making any kind of tradeoff.
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this one is 50%. it also outlines what you are struggling to understand, that this isn't a straight 50% damage support. you use another one to break the armour first.
and then you lose the bonus and have to break the armor again. Depending on the number of hits it takes to break the armor will determine how much of a more multiplier that is. It is at most 25%, but probably much less
the fucking cope is off the charts.
so just so we are clear
>poe2 doesn't have damage supports!
>ok so it has some damage supports but no multipliers!
>ok so it has a lot of damage supports but there are like trade offs, so you can like do more elemental damage but not like inflict ailments.
>NO ITS NOT LIKE POE1!!!!!!!!!!
why not close the thread and try again tomorrow?
And again, these are all occuring in completely different archetypes meaning they will not stack on top of one another. There IS massive number crunch. End game gearing WILL hit diminishing returns much faster than current poe because of it. When your top end damage is much lower, that means mob health is much lower, and you won't FEEL the effect of going from 500k damage to 700k damage, like you would gonig from 5mil to 7mil. You havent refuted this fact, you havent even attempted to address this glaringly obvious truth that the number crunch will cause end game scaling to feel like shit.
well i think it's fair to say that the top end damage is crippled in path of exile 2.
i don't know what ggg were thinking not adding a single damage support to the game.
i also heard that there isn't even any life on the skill tree.. so good luck!
upcoming stock market crash but unironically
All youre doing is attempting to obfuscate and shift blame by arguing the semantics of "none" and "much less" while completely side stepping the impact more multipliers have on scaling and how these gem changes impact what you do as a player. Youre a shill or a retard
>poo2 tards are also trumptards
shocking... said no one ever! sad!
>still kike-fueled semantic arguments because you cant argue as a logician
There's no point arguing against your conjecture anon. Show an endgame PoE2 build and tell us where its damage comes from, or at least what supports would be in your 6-link setup at endgame.
If you think that
>extra damage support
>extra damage support
>extra damage support
>extra damage support
>extra damage support
Is anything like
>extra damage but fuck your area support
>extra damage but fuck your crits support
>extra crit damage but fuck your normal damage support
>extra damage but fuck your cooldown support
>extra damage but only if your fuck up your minion support
You're fucking retarded.
When PoE2 drops, do try and use those "damage supports" to scale your DPS like you would in PoE and post results for us so we can laugh at you.
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if supports aren't the majority of your multiplicative scaling that means there is no multiplicative scaling in the game. it's over.
Ok so why are people acting and talking like they know the in depth of poe2? Sure it has videos and people played, but no one actually knows. It's going to change too. And this isn't even one of those
>this is beta and things will change!
>nothing changed
Bull shit moments. Things will change because this company is retarded
>he's already consneeding
you lost chud
so can i just ask a simple question.
why did you lie?
>no damage supports
what was the point of saying that, it's not true. you know it's not true, either you willingly lied... or you didn't actually know that there were damage supports in the fucking game, meaning you were/are retarded... so you are either a liar, a retard, or a retarded liar.
which is it?
>all this arguing over something they haven't played
just wait a few months and you won't have to speculate anymore
What are we even getting? 3 acts?
Why do you persist on focusing on the semantics of "none" vs. "much" less you dumb fucking nigger? Oh because that's all you have eh?
My initial statement was hyperbolic to the point of parody to outline the issue. Which I fucking outlined succinctly, and you have yet to address the number crunch issue elephant in the room because youre a dumb fucking retard.
They've already changed or reverted many things that were in the game at exilecon and even the playtests from a few months. The last interview with niggyD they went back on no damage supports and said they are putting the basic ones back in again so looking at the list of ones from act 1-2 doesn't even mean anything.
It's fun to ASOOOOOOOOM but arguing about this stuff like fact is retarded.
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>PoE2 in early access during the giant WoW 20th anniversary kino

I believe WoW is for trannies and PoE is for straight males so there isn't much overlap.
95% of poe audience and players are trannies, you included.
>teehee i was only pretending to be retarded :P
damn bro, that is original.
if it was hyperbole you wouldn't have moved the goalpost so fucking much lol
your last ditch effort was to say because supports have a downside they don't count, which not only ignores one of gggs core design principles of 'nothing for free' it also ignores most of the support gems in poe 1.
i guess the tl;dr is that you are just a retarded doomtroon.
you say that like its a bad thing
So you claim there is no number crunch then? That Poe2 isn't meant to make getting damage on a single skill harder?
keep your fetishes out of poeg
chances I can sell my multi-mirror shit build to a chinese credit card swiper?
total tranny death
wow that was rude. take a chill pill bro
my claim is that you are a retard.
that is an easily verifiable fact.
i don't know what the end game, ascendancies, uniques, item affixes, crafting, mapping, etc looks like. i'm not going to speculate on 'number crunch' because there are no numbers to crunch.
you tried to pass off your retardation as valid information, you failed.
no more (you)s. kys.
invest in t17 map farming anon
I've gotten fuck all from scarab farming in t16s with barely any raw currency so far but at least with t17 map farming I get something every once in a while as well as a lot of gold
but if you want a more consistent money maker in t16 either go with harvest+scarab combo or go after the juiced up rogue exile method
Who are you gonna play in poe2? I'll probably just play huntress
raider :)
i had a dream i got a mirror to drop. but it was real and i accidentally broke it, and i was hoping GGG would replace it for me but they wouldn't
I'm thinkin mercenary or druid. The only one I'm not too interested in is witch unless she has a full chaos ascendancy with no minions.
I don't think we'll have ascendancies in early access, but when they come back, elementalist will probably go to sorc, so witch should get a new one to fill the void.
>did you feel the weight as the mirror slipped from your fingers
>>y-yes chris
I just want to turn into a bear and maul people.
is CI actually viable for Elementalist?
80% of the playerbase is going to play druid. They are just always cool (and strong) whatever the arpg/mmorpg/rpg
why wouldnt it be?
Merc then witch then druid then monk then huntress then warrior then sorceress
Witch first, because I've literally never played a summoner before and they'd made it less afk
thats what i want from minion builds they need more ranged attacks
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ACKTUALLY, druid was the WORST class in BG3!
minions having active skills is massive improvement, the other is that they've balanced clearspeed vs bossing using temp minions.
>consume fully broken armour to deal more damage
but I thought builder spender skill design was bad
or have we decided it's good now because the leprechaun told us it was
nigga everything is viable with a mageblood
armour break is clearly only for single-target.
Do I need more than 50+ div worth of gear to play CI Elementalist comfortably in juiced t16s? I was thinking Archmage+whatever spell tickled my pickle.
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>maven-witnessed elder
easy peasy
>maven-witnessed shaper
fucking impossible
What causes this?
Is it the endless spam of beams, homing orbs, constant barrage of enemies and duplicates?
maybe learn to use poeninja search
Regular elder is extremely easy, shaper at least has the death beam.
our girl looking hot today
but dclara isn't online
he's talking about tabula russia
Whats a good currency strat for low investment?
I'm still at 2 watchstones and trying to craft a bleedaxe before doing Maven/Uber Elder.
expedition, you don't need to invest anything except points on your tree
>pre-babushka russian
I pity the moment the hand of russia comes to touch her
1div = 70chaos by monday
>speccing red altars for chaos is better value than winning the blue altar lotto
the economy this league has been so fucking wacky. the exchange has been super impactful and not at the same time
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i made most my money from harvest
If you think shaper is bad try eradicator. That shit is ridiculous. I could do shaper but I wiped twice to this asshole
How to make Static Strike Slayer feel good? Feels like it whiffs every few swings even when I'm on top of the mob and I already have hits can't be evaded. Do I just need to stack more strike range?
I am pretty sure they don't necessarily have to "remake" all the MTX (models, shaders and sfx) since PoE uses an iteration of the current engine.
I am sure most MTX will be compatible with PoE2 at first by default but they will remake the older ones to not look as "old"
there are even 0-button builds anon (autobombers, wardloop, etc)
name 3 endgame builds that actually use GMP in a 4-link AND in the main 6-link
i just meant i missed out on the mtx and want the chance to get them again in poe2
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how do i turn this into a good ring with life and ele damage? i was gonna fracture it but lolno, do i lock suffix and spam essence/fossil then repeat till not shit?
buy a curse implicit ring instead
Use a mark of submission, you'll have better damage with a lvl 20 frostbite.
>speculating about the endgame when we at most only have seen act 3 gameplay
it's like watching this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7hyUnvksqk and pretending to have a clue you would be blasting maps in 2 minutes many years later
Not on my main computer right now but want to ask, can you use gold to refund Ascendancy points and choose a new one?
yes but it costs a lot
oh my fucking god
i wish i knew that before i sent over 100k bars just now
Just buy a ring with the curse on implicit like >>493583203 said.
whatever the case poe2 will almost certainly be so grossly power creeped in 10 years to keep players attention. I keep making this point here.
>looking for potential added gems/+level uniques I can mess around with
>obviously forbidden shako shows up in the ctrl+f
>so does replica (removed)
What was the difference between them? As far as I can tell they're the same.
Do people that send 50 mil crop shipments send 50 mil of value or 50 mil individual crops?
50 mil of value (as in, the whole ship cargo combined), not individual.
At what point do you start ignoring the Favored Resources?
Always. Quotas are just for random unique item rewards.
>replica (removed)
tradenigger eternally cringe
they used to roll different mods but replica was removed and the mods were added to regular shako
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bros what happens if i remove the mirror of fortune with an accursed pact? do i lose my duplicated divines? or do i keep them and get another chance at the mirror?
i dont see any frostbite or ele weakness curse implicit rings up on trade maybe im using the filter wrong
Do miners take gold when they have nothing to mine?
ideally you want to fill quotas at riben fell until you roll 3 crops and you send your 50m ship there for the bonuses
ignore everything but
well, i just removed it and my duplicated rewards stayed in case anybody wanted to know.
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it's back
For trade league alva+ritual is great.

Realistically these things should've been 50 div each all league except that no one was bothering with reflected jewelry. They are insanely rare.
I went to the no no place to see what people were cooking and people are unironically calling for recombinators to get gutted because you can make +2 frenzy gloves with 5 mods for only 200 div + ~6,000 (six thousand) melted warlord gloves. How fucking cucked is this community that we think this is so OP that it can't exist?
>+2 frenzy gloves with recombinators
How? You can only do that by hitting a corruption implicit on warlord gloves and it's really fucking hard to do so. So, what's the issue?
Am I missing something?
you can recomb craft with corrupted bases
So then you end up with corrupted item. I still fail to see the problem. I guess I'm not reddit enough for it.
rebbitors doesn't like strong items existing because strong items are expensive and rebbitors are poor
i dont understand why none of these rings show up for me when i put in a simple frostbite-implicit in the filter but thank you for the secret bald repository
finally got a few days off to roll into this dead league, ps locus miner or ls slayer for catching up?
1 div = 0.10 usd
redditor spotted
idk look at what I put on the filter
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hes been his obsession for a year now
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The bell in the $140 supporter pack is literally just the bell from this guy
I'd say LS slayer just because it was THE meta build this league so it's easier to find gear from people liquidating
and it looks like shit in game
same as that black hole back thing
way too big
thank god they doubled down on ripping off souls art direction for poe2 cant wait to fight the solaire or let me solo her reference
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they are both in fact bells
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Joined as Diablo Exile around the end of August last year. Played for a few months, then moved on to other games. Came back to this league as I've been hearing good things. Also feels nice knowing more about the game and I feel like I'm actually making sound decisions and not just bumbling around.

I was just doing my maps and ran out of yellow and red maps and was perusing Kirac and started the Summit map. As I was chasing the boss from one area to another, one of the mobs dropped my first Divine Orb!

As someone who probably only had a max of 15 Chaos Orbs at one time (saving up for some equipment) and anything more than a 5c investment is a major spend, I hope this gives an idea of how big a deal a Divine Orb is for me!! I'm actually doing rare sets to get 1-2c per set and then this Div just comes along!! Can't stop smiling!!

I'll probably wait until I get another Div or two before spending it. I'd just want to look at it in my currency tab.

Probably not such a big deal to all you seasoned Exiles but just wanted to share this milestone!

EDIT: thanks for the suggestion on Wealthy Exile.... turns out I've got a nice little skill gem that's worth a good amount! I don't even know when I got this skill gem!
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over under on Ornstein and Smough being a boss in the game?
>want to build PC before PoE2
>not a single company replying to my job applications, probably because I haven't graduated yet
it's over
I have a friend working at a call center and while the pay is enough to get build a decent budget PC in one or two months, it's a fucking call center and I am autism incarnate
do I just man up and bite the bullet? It's just for a few months anyway
>rip all the assets from poop2 because you have like 3 people keeping poe1 alive
>nothing left for poop2
sometimes dad gamers are so cute
donate bodily fluids
So if ore doesn't return currency, is the purpose of shipping in simply to fill their quotas?
go back
if you have nothing to post, dont post anything, you dont have to resort to reposting reddit threads here just so you have something to post.
Was about to congratulate you and tell you that the chaos recipe was what got me going when I was a noob, and to keep it up.

But then I saw the edit and realized this is a copy paste from reddit
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How did you know it was a reddit post?
Just do it, then quit after you get enough money to build your pc and go back to being a neet
It returns items anon and most of them have good rolls. I'm not sure how crazy it gets if you ship an actual lot of ore. It's fucked up though that even if you get good rolls it's not enough to be a good item
LS slayer or icenova archmage
i want to spend my divs and go full meta faggot
power siphon
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Just noticed that Molten strike is one of the top builds of this league, anyone remember when mathil made a MS build a few years back? it enraged the dad gamer redditors
>ZHP!!!! ZHP!!!!!
thats how.
you cant edit 4chan posts
also it has reddit spacing
>need to get a fucking 300div ring base to increase dps beyond ~25m
jesus christ
just fucking cut my nuts off i guess
what fucked up build are you running?
I'm guessing Flicker Strike or some Frenzy charges stacker.
>320 divs for a +1 frenzy ring
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Thoughts on Mathil?
shield crush slayer
i said the wrong dps, im at like 26m right now.

working on a +1 frenzy glove that will take me to 29m
past that, the last thing i can really do it get a +1 frenzy ring and use a kalandras touch ring to mirror
i could get a 29 qual shield too i guess

but at that point i think i may as well just make another character
I feel like I haven't rolled reflect on my maps in a while, did they change something?
Both will get a nerf next league but LS will get it harder. Whichever you haven't played yet
He takes shit skills and pushes them, of course he's going to have shitty defenses.
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im watching empys based or cringe for ultimatum just found out about these ultimatum rings, why the fuck are they so cheap they got good mods and a fucking insane catalyst modifier on them?
haven't played either, which is more zoomy for mapping?
he also goes through more builds in a month than most players go through in a year.
I still think he has an attitude problem but after his worb run a few gauntlets ago I began to respect him unlike the other trade streamers, especially those faggots gypsy(empyrian) and cutedog who have meltdowns and ban people if someone asks them if they'd consider doing a hcssf, gauntlet or even regular ssf runs for a change
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>asking rmt streamers to do ssf
>crops out the name
fucking kill yourself
He seems to make a lot of things work, doesn't rely on overpowered mechanics and is pretty frugal with his money. He has a salty attitude though and his defences are pretty average but that comes with building damage on a sub par skill
can't function playing outside of "his" group
cant function without his trader rezechs aka his rmt middleman
I'm the least reddit person you'll find, for future reference.
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how hard it is to use the wiki?

it's a good ol stat stick, the best leveling ring imo, but it falls off hard in the endgame
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Ixchel's Temptation you double corrupted nigger
I regularly destroy divine orbs simply because people like them so much. SSF btw.
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>it's a good ol stat stick, the best leveling ring imo, but it falls off hard in the endgame
even with the 200% perfect rolled catalyst? or is that quality? im confused
Haven't played frostbolt but from what I've seen it can move really fast with a lot of cast speed. But you can slot in a HH no problem on LS Slayer + do the VLS spam dagger memes later on so there's a lot more wiggle room to suit your playstyle
>how hard it is to use the wiki?
how hard is it to not crop out the name of an item you are talking about?
>bro just know the name of every item by the art
yeh, im the retard here, sure thing champ.
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It's quite simple why you'll never see omega currency juicer streamers like Empy, Cutedog, Tuna, Fubgun, Mbxtreme doing gauntlet, hcssf, regular ssf, zero to hero challenges or any private leagues because it's not a good business decision for them, they know that they wouldn't do well and it would alienate their viewerbase who basically expect them to make multiple mirrors per day or put out mega broken expensive builds because they've based their streaming brand around making currency and juicing, they don't have any personality except Cutedog whether you like him or not(I don't)
>the father of ethical gameplay
this just seems like a baseless claim retards throw at streamers because they don't like them.
your newfag is showing
why is this animeretard still fucking posting here bros....
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saar, your reading comprehension redeem it
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But to me the funniest recent streamer is Fubgun, just as I predicted he almost broke at this league start when reddit accused him of exploiting and ended up crying on stream
This, he's the best of a bad bunch.
he baits in multiple generals with those k-on girls
>slice of life anime
truly the most cancer of the cancers. I hope he remembers his horrible nature when he tries to watch this homosexual shit.
where did you see him?
you're literally a retard
osrs general
>the father of ethical gameplay
Where was ProjectPT mentioned?
>a 4channer uses other generals

no way

you fucking retards
troon melty initiated
Retard, its the a mentally ill faggot who stalks one mentally ill avatarfag on multiple generals
>says others bait
>baits himself
buy a fishing rod you carp
>wahhh wahh stop noticing me being a faggot everywhere
melty status at 41%
watching anime is like watching chink family guy. play poe, mine diamonds.
>going out of your way to see the posts of someone you dont know just because they post an anime image
i think its you who is the faggot if im being honest and im nta
esl redditor assmad itt
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I still can't believe that the LS build that I copied from some random youtube video did this.
desu you could ssf ls right now and still do that list that's what I'm doing
good thing you're basically an avatarfag. it's extremely easy to scroll past your posts without subsuming such retarded takes even slightly.
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wtf nigger don't lump me in with that
this is such a retarded insult. I know ESL people who know more english and specialist vocabulary than most native speakers. I'm relatively certain every hourly post of
is basically just one assmad racist retard
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have a you for your attention seeking you mass replying faggot
Abe aka Celi
why is this random guy writing paragraphs about streamers
damn cleave of rage got gutted hard
the vision is incompatible with the concept of fun
rage changed a lot, what is the aoe now?
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kys hater of abe
nice to see cute aggression alive and well.
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I'm thinking of doing that Ralakesh + Badge of Brotherhood + Void Battery power charge stacking, but as a Wintertide brand. I know there's no crit benefit from the power charges but with Occultist's AoE and Damage scaling it still gets benefit.
Wintertide brand works for this right? Or is it because it's a fucky wucky DOT skill that somehow none of this applies to it?

I'm trying to push myself out of my comfort zone and build an ES based character that's not Trickster since I suck dick with ES and this is an easy scaling type I know.
>ping spikes hard and all you can do is watch yourself die
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aka subhuman russian
flame golem of hordes.
>ping spikes hard
>on resync the whole screen is dead or I am
Why do you faggots love nerfs so much? It's a single player game. Why does every single thing that's found need to be gutted just because some retard faggot doesn't like others playing it
they get off on thinking about Chris hurting them
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It maybe a single player game for you but for me it's not, feel free to play SSF or whatever faggot mode you like to 'explore' and 'engage' with the game as you like with your shitty homebrew builds as you fucking like
didn't read this
the game has been this way since the very beginning.
chances are you are a new player who doesn't actually care about the skill, you just like how strong it is.
when they nerf it a streamer will make a video telling you what the new 'cracked' 'broken' 'op' meta skill is, they will have a pob you can follow along with.
around the same size as ds_lily's leaky clitty
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>they "gut" a build/skill
>I play it for 1/10 the price the next league
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To me the funniest thing was last league when they added T17s, so many people were crying that all the big money making methods were in T17s, these people expected to farm T7 cemeteries every league
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What? Play this game long enough and it's obvious that when players have too much fun for very little time and currency investment, that shit gets nerfed. I don't make the rules buddy. DD league starters didn't get nerfed for YEARS cause the 2 button build is clunky as shit BUT when everyone started playing COC DD it got dumpstered. They'll even let some shit slide until some faggot redditor or streamer spills the beans like jung did with the tincture regen exploit
>To me the funniest thing was
to me its the harvest manifesto and the reaction of the people who spammed haewark hamlet 24/7 to sell their crafts on tft
I should have just played RF again
trash meme build, even that cws ultimatum sim farmer
i've been thinking about respecing my league start jugger to rf so i can just afk walk collecting ore and gold.
you run through the map at 200ms and it explodes around you, when it's late in the league and I log in for a few maps that's what is enjoyable. you sound like a dork.
Yep its a overrated build honestly only because that coomer pohx has a wiki lol
>"friend" became wagie around leaguestart
>only connects during night nowadays
>always asking for divs, dont mind giving him a few since he's being a wagie all day
>fast forward to this month
>acting very suspicious, he used to be very obnoxious to the point he would get mad if I was online and not inviting him to party
>doesn't ask for divs anymore
>now barely speaks, only links hundreds of divines or expensive gear
>check his profile
>less than 25 challenges
>hasn't cleared a single T17 yet, not even a single scry
>2 mirror wands and multiple 200+ div gear pieces
>joke about it with him on call
>he suddenly gets defensive as fuck
>keeps saying "my wands are worth more than your entire build lol"
grim, I didn't really consider him a close friend but it is still hard to see someone you know become an RMT troon
fastest way to get him banned?
its a 32 bit game, im honestly shocked that soo many of you oldfags of this game need this explained by a newfag like me i literally found this out from a delve clip from connor, there is a health cap on bosses, meaning if you allow all power creep you will be able to one shot everything without any investment into your build which then means there is no reason to grind the game, any and i mean any power creep needs to be nerfed for the game to continue running
post his account here
email to ggg, they reply quickly with the usual speak saying that they'll look into it. i've gotten one guy banned it took them a few months though
>>they "gut" a build/skill
its always shit like
for me its rf and ice trap.
>got 3 power runes from Pirate today
What's going on!? Is BFR trying to bribe me into staying?
>its a 32 bit game, im honestly shocked that soo many of you oldfags of this game need this explained by a newfag like me i literally found this out from a delve clip from connor, there is a health cap on bosses
retard zoomer
it's not a "32 bit game" anymore
it's just that many of the client/server variables are still uint32, specially for things like damage calculation and what not
I am assuming GGG wrote the calculations with a lot of bit-level operations (as usual in game engine core loop logic to optimize calculations) so they can't just change the variable type without breaking a big part of the client/server logic. It requires a rewrite
They didn't do it years ago, so they probably won't do it now, now that PoE2 is closer than ever
PoE is the one of the greatest examples of what happens when a single faggot makes all the decisions and the only people he listens to are fucking faggot streamers who play the game 60 hours a week and hump the meta like its a body pillow.
PoE2 will have exactly the same problems because people like this never learn.
what's the point of +100 mil DPS builds?
I reached 50 mil dps and I am melting ubers and titanic 8-mod 4-rare mod T17 gigantic rogues already
why do people want more?
>my wands are worth more than your entire build lol"
he's cringe. doubt you can get him banned though. I'd just try and embarrass him and make him tell you how he got those mirrors
whoops I meant to post this on r/pathofexile
SSF btw
>I reached 50 mil dps and I am melting ubers and titanic 8-mod 4-rare mod T17 gigantic rogues already
if that's true you probably have more than 50mil. you can still tell the difference between 50mil and 200mil on the toughest content
uh oh eslschizo melty
sometimes you just make the number go up
you realize that chris is/was just the face of the company, he hardly designed anything in the game. afaik talisman was his biggest addition to the game. everything else is him managing the company and signing off on completed work. in his own words he doesn't understand any of the crafting systems past basic bench crafting. he thought all delve builds were immortal because someone showed him a legacy immortal call build.
its 32 integer or whatever the fuck its called nothing has changed you cant change it once its made


play the video from the start he explains the bosses have a hp cap because of it being 32 integer or whatever its called thats why everything gets nerfed, delve has the hardest content in the game and its why at i think 6-7k depth and beyond all bosses have the same amount of hp cap because they cant add anymore to it
doesn't fit the doomsissy narrative, blocked + ignored
There was a guy on our discord who we also began to suspect rmting a few years back
>started showing up 3 weeks into the league
>always posts the video showcases of his builds
>5-7 challenges
>shows up with decked out multi mirror characters out of nowhere
>we ask him whats he farming to make that much currency
>"im farming nem3"
>check his challenges that league
>literally didn't unlock a single atlas point in any atlas regions
it was pretty funny at first but its gotten worse when mageblood got added, he has left the discord a while back but we still check on him sometimes. literally always shows up a few weeks into the league leveling a character with a mageblood lol. we don't wanna report him as he was a pretty nice guy, his profile pic on discord was his family lol
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found the minute he says it 7:41
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How does militant faith work? Do I just reroll it with divs until it attaches to nodes that don't fuck up my build?
Okay now do that but make it 100% delirious
use the timeless jewel calculator on pob
use pob to find a good seed for the jewel slot you want to use.
Is all the league is dead just trolls? Surely these retards don't think 50k is dead?
I wasted all my currency mostly on shit I found boring as fuck. I did get a few useful things though I can use.

Anons what is legit really fun, and great at bosses/t17 that requires around 100-150 Div investment without MB? Im gonna just use my main archmage to get my currency back but want something else from my league starter.
sorry kid 3.15 made sure those two words could never be used together
elementalist firetrap of blasting ci
>its 32 integer
That's what uint32, unsigned int 32 bits, means (unsigned means starts at 0, no negatives).
Do you really get a better chance to get corrupted essences with this? Did like 20 maps with this on and most of the time it just overwrites the purples with shittier ones
try the meme trickster ward build, looks pretty fun, although idk what main skills you can even use there
I'm america native

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