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Whence Flowers Bear No Fruit - SSR Zuihou + theme park skin - 8/29- 9/11
Kasumi META(Cruise Mission) & Roma swimsuit skin(Cruise Pass) - 8/1 - 9/30
Nagato META - 9/5
Plymouth Blueprint Completion Plan
Mutsuki and Ark Royal theme park skin
Whence the Dust Settles - 9/5
Dunkerque, Exeter, Ibuki, Shiranui, Tashkent augments

JP 7th Anniversary
Stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQl3AtDBfFg
UR Amagi Tsu, SSR Watarase
Skins for new botes + Belfast, Kashino, Musashi, Sirius, Bremerton, Z35, Sheffield, Fubuki, Prinz Rupprecht, Ryuujou
Maryland retro
Oaths for Shoukaku, Bismarck, Fusou
Houshu META(Cruise Mission) & Suffren skin(Cruise Pass)
3D dorm
Project Indentity - Siren Oceana

Bind your account, or you might lose your account when the game updates.
/alg/ doesn't have its own discord.


Ship Tier List: https://files.catbox.moe/ah02o7.png
Equipment Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wWMIzaUKISAXMbOEnmsuuLkO9PesabpdTUWdosvHygM
Fleet Builder: https://renhex.github.io/AzurLaneFleet/
PvP Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1BewmBsf4EWKAf_UwYax05c7ksL51y6sjs96pIwD73Jc
Fleet Tech Tracker: https://retropaint.github.io/azur-lane-fleet-tech-tracker/
PR Research Data: https://azur-stats.lyoko.io/research4-blueprints
Augment Guide: https://pastebin.com/UBpjkhFg
EN Tierlist: https://slaimuda.github.io/ectl
CN Tierlist: https://wiki.biligame.com/blhx/井号碧蓝榜合集


>Story summary and Lore

>Guild Spreadsheet:

Previous: >>493511236
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God I wish I could breed with a creature like this.
Only the comfiest of naps for the plot's greatest soldier.
Clean it up sheffy
Sex, Sex with Boats.
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So who is the Oni bote this time around? It's like Mogami, and her sister ship
How come amagi still keeps that BC rigging if she is a CV now?
it's just a couple of AA guns
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>>Worst Jap Anniversary
TLR the only good thing
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Is this our Collab this year?
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So, how do you rank JP's taste in oaths, valentines, and skins for 2024? Can't say much about CN since it's cut off before the Frog event.
it's a fish
I think those are just AA guns.
Compare them to the 410(?)mm of the OG Amagi
so what happened historically with amagi? was she converted into a CV or is it a different class ship that was newly built with the same name?
She was originally a BC, but was being converted into a CV. An Earthquake happened and crippled her so they had to scrap her. Thats why we have Kaga as both a BC and CV in game.
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Unzen's popularity continues to surprise me, honestly.
Based because of Unzen, cringe because oath is nothing but URs
amagi class cv like akagi
amagi was gonna be the flagship but an earthquake ruined her before they could convert her from bb to cv so the japs had to take a tosa class bb and refit that instead

there's an unryuu class amagi but that's irrelevant here, EN says she's amagi class
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Apologize right now!
Whore. Wearing a leotard dress for your wedding?
She carries her sword to a wedding?
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Hakuryuu will.
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Yes, those are Akagi's 12 cm AA guns, only she had those specific shielded gun mounts.
She really should have had "rigging" more like Akagi and Kaga though, she looks completely out of place next to Akagi despite being the same hull type with the same rebuild.
sex with bremerton
without protection
while anchorage sleeps
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It's Akagover
On the spot castration
More or less what I expected
If you take out the '23 CN anni skins from CN and the '24 CN anni skins from JP you'll see that the tastes are very similar skin wise, with the main difference that CN loves Helena and that JP likes Guam a lot
I'd like to see a haku oath skin...
sirs...where do I redeem the atago content...
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Did Nys redeem himself?
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They should give Yamato and finally kill this game

>>Chirp Chirp
you should kill yourself
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The new Amagi is what the battlecruiser Amagi would have looked like, had she been fully completed as a CV and the earthquake not happened. You can see that she has the Amagi/Akagi-class CV guns on her rigging. Pic related is a close up view of a plastic model of them.

Fun fact: had Amagi been completed, Kaga's hull would have been scrapped. It was only after the 1923 quake irreparably damaged Amagi's hull that they moved to do Kaga instead, so Kaga's sacrifice in the story has some basis. Perhaps EN accidentally dropping Kaga (BB) in the script is foretelling something as well, but who knows as far as that goes.
Yeah, I was honestly expecting a magic landing strip like those two, and technically it's there inside the Phoenix' wings, but the AA guns are surprising.
>Amagi’s Twitter description says she’s healed and no longer sickly
>still coughs and tries to get (You)r sympathy and attention
Do not fall for this evil fox’s tricks.
She’s just trying to get you t
Mogador failed in the oath department? Alsace on the other hand, completely beat every old boat outside of Unzen.
unzen and alsace my beloved
>only 1 UR
>not even Yamato
>no UR gear
Are nips happy?
those are some very detailed models, pretty neat to see how far manufacturing model sets has come these days.. when i was a kid they were all garbage quality, still fun building them though
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Kincora? Are you ok?
Dishwasher boats up there with Cloud's and Kincora's. Sorry /al/, but he is a member of the elites, and JP loves his work.
I thought that was by Mkiii
I just realized she's not wearing a black wedding dress...
is it possible for skk to not be a coomer in this environment?
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He can choose between coomer and rape victim. Result's the same either way.
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Any pasta content?
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>mfw one day we'll get a nude wedding skin where it's nothing but a veil
Little Anchorage when?
There had better be drips that form from her chest, or I'm not buying.
And it'll be Agirs...
This is Neuro-sama
Yes, they served some stale looking spaghetti at the JP anniversary convention and put the Pasta flag on it.
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imagine flying to japan to watch this shitshow, devs dont give a shit anymore
Baseduz is pretty polular on JP, huh
Why is she wearing a bunny outfit at a shooting range booth? Why is she not wearing any shoes when playing said shooting game? And why is she kneeling on a tiny like chair when she is tall enough to aim her gun at the targets?
>missing out on a bismarck leotard crotch shot because of the pose
Doomerkek keep seething please i'd be happy.
No. That's Little Anchorage.
In their panties yes.
Most artists still working on this game have become hacks for some reason.
please refrain from high performance posting
You're a shota in this enviorment.
amusement park more like sex arcade
the light fades...
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>shota self insert skin
it's kino...
Have you seen his Dido skins? The guy can't even remember her shade of hair most of the time.
Does she likes you or still thinking about stealing your lolis?
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Scav has arrived on base!
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Nikke already has nude skins I don't see why azur lane can't
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Honestly, can we cuck oblivious dumb mc? Because I would love to.
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Correction is needed correct?
Auntie's cute honest face.
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Brown feet, sideboob and armpits in my mouth.
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She's literally mutsuki
Where is summary
>A happier time when Mihomo was based
musashi tailjob...
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Apologize to the crane!
Is she a Siren?
NEVER. Where is her cuter sister's skin?
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Last of the Big 7 is now completed.
Bismillah forgive me I never knew you were a pious muslimma. Her taqwa is glorious and sets an example for all of us.
to love ru darkness, yes

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>Sirius is going blind with time
That explains a lot.
Why did she get rid of her boobs? Why is she sitting in the most boring position? Why is she uttering those boring words? AND FUCKING WHY IS THERE NO AKAGI WIFE THIS EVENT??
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She's related to Noshiro.... NICE
my lovely biscuit
that's navigator
Even that could turn out shit depending on who gets in.
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I don't need her to see, i need her to be.
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oh no bremerton dragged me to a love hotel how scary haha i'm SOOOOOO terrified haha
They were never based.
Gyaru Bremerton had to be done...
Too busy riding my cock to turn meta
rodoni and mutsu are still purples
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It's clearly a Massage parlor
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>Bremerton's skin have the same angle than this
I wonder what they meant by this
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Oh no Brem don't take my clothes off haha
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sorry bro, all Akagi content is being redistributed in favor of Amagi from now on
But she's my high performance wife.
she was always a gyaru...
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My lovely wife who i may or may not take to the optician later
Wow, I can't believe how much I hate this. Brem's personality has always been at war with her looks, but man.
Also just realized... There is a purple strap.... and nothing else is purple...
Not canon
The implication is that it's her milk but it's actually from the cowbikinijuu at the bottom.
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Her worst skin so far and one of the worst oath skins.
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I can't believe someone else actually understands. Why the fuck did manjuu just give in to public perception despite being the actual character creators. She's the love councillor for the botes for fucks sake, she's meant to be a bit reserved despite the outward demeanor way of talking
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Bremerton was never a Gyaru until now.
Aaaaaaaah a ponkotsu robot!!
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Just woke up, what did I think about the announcements
Matome picture doko
Wait, is it touched up AI art then
>Matome picture doko
matome? who?
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>Bayard got an Oath skin already
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Looks like Mog has a rival...
would have threesome with
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Awful. Bad theme, bad looks, bad outfit.
>Verification not required.
Im afraid to tell you you don't actually think. At all.
Got the skin just for you muhammed
that would explain the lifeless expression on her face lol
That, or the artist took notice of purple light being shown and causing the strap to glow purple.
Just woke up, how was it?
Someone got the announcement collage or a list of new stuff?
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That's not a DD though, and Kashino is bigger than both.
You thought the new boats are boring, hated that the META boat taking the 5th slot, and was disappointed that we got another Tsu like boat only to fill in the only UR slot.
You are a lolicon, so the rest of the content did not interest you at al.
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>surpised a social media addict turns out to be a slut
Rina Chan board:Ecchi!!
That doesn't even make sense and the strap is clearly a different width compared to the other side
Finally I get to deflower Shoukaku
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Here I was expecting everyone to calk me a faggot, but this guy gets it. This would've been a fine skin for one of the actual gyaru or St. Louis or something, but I don't like it on Brem.
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China will grow larger though.
Wtf he's literally me
It could also be something left over from an earlier draft where the underwear looked like that.
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Thank you, akhi, but sister Toot needs to put her hijab back on.
>Verification not required.
Masha'allah, even 4chan has found its way back to the right path.
Anty Cunny Lane
She's always had that style of fashion, it would be more questionable if she started like she's going to Sunday mosque.
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> Still no Shinano oath skin
Islam is mistake
>Still no Shinano grope skin
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I want to sex ol Belfast
Why does the SKK also wear it? Men are not creatures of sin and lust, so they don't have to cover themselves like the she devils.
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and now for skins, multiple choice!
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>actual gyaru
you know, like one we already have
or the one with horns
Prepare for your next bit of relaxation.
I like but don't love Amagi, so this entire event leaves me feeling whelmed.

This must be how the players who disliked York Tsu and Bis Zwei felt
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>giving a skin to a literal who
Pretty sure she'll use it for the wedding cake.
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Kneel and be humbled /alg/
thanks for posting my wife
Imagine Ryza's skin but it's your fav bote...
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Was Unzen always this pretty?
Yeah, and Bremerton.
Ya'll know gyaru is just a fashion style and doesn't imply any sexual proclivities right
>Sunday mosque
Not just one skin, but five!
That wasn't the point being discussed. The point was that Brem is being mischaracterized
thanks for saving the stream dishgod
Which anime/manga mc deserve to have his girls taken by (us). I would say Infinity Stratos one for me.
his one and only good character
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that's owari though
>dollar store Shinano
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And Brem never dressed or spoke gyaru-like. She spoke casually, sure, but lines never were reminiscent of gyaru characters.
Amagi CV isn't a Tsu
>white haired manface Akagi
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>yfw some fags complain about your wife getting a skin
Event girls look pretty meh but I like the skins
Wish there was more minor faction skins than Ting An tho
>Suffren META
unzen is my queen
you got xim, king
You know. There will be a lot ntr pictures about this.
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The plot twist would be it's an MC who wants this and goes to assfuck SKK when he's fucking a girl.
Man this garbage is just NTR bait for the artists, seriously wtf is this shit?
First bell artist drawing that art and now this? No wonder most of djs we get nowadays are always NTRshit.
Bikini and hotpants are automatically gyarus now? Or scandily clad botes are all gyarus now, because we have plenty of those on base too
She literally talks like a valley girl
>You look kinda moody... Wait, is that my cue to like, go buy you a drink?
Yeah but it sure is easy to make gyaru characters who dress or act like whores. Wonder why that is? Hmmm...
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>Suffren META
sorry was that a skin? i kinda just lumped them both together
For me new skin is simply drawn badly
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My beautiful cranewife
why are esl's obsessed with battle harems
I wish popqn drew this skin for leonardo instead
stop being gay
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brem is the オタクに優しいギャルarchetype and always has been tho
>it would be more questionable if she started like she's going to Sunday mosque.
Not entirely, her date skin is fairly tame and suits her well. Even aside from that there are shades of gray here. She normally has kind of a sexy cosplay or flirty girlfriend vibe, this outfit is full on prostitute. Not even the high class kind like Lou, she's just looks like a streetwalker.

Put it on Kumano.
Looks like Ruse Cruise, so it's a skin
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Yes, that's the cruise pass rewards - 1 META and 1 skin as usual.
>EOP can't have a discussion based on og jp lines
i fucked up
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Yes exactly
uh oh literal-who enjoyer melty
how long would shinano be able to hold this position while I feast on her pussy?
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Ok, antibro.
cute manface unzen
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Bros, I wish they didn't nerf Brems thick sequoia tree waist from her base skin.
He left for Hoyo slop games. Main artist for ZZZ
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Date a live collab soon
I can feel it
might be in the running for the ugliest bote tbhdesu
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Love both.
What vibes does her default outfit give off then?
and he got fired a week later, now he's a billionaire.
This bird is PURE
I could never quite get into the Bremerton love train. Partially because I was always more into Baltimore, and partially because none of her skins ever satisfied me despite coming quite close. Mostly because her dialogue always lacked that sense of romance I like in botes.

Even her oath skin was 70% her talking about Instagram followers and what little romantic dialogue it had felt too casual, if that makes sense. She felt less like a wife and more like a girlfriend early into the relationship.
>love councilor
>party dress wearing
>whore and gyaru
>actual gyaru
>also gyaru
>jk uniform wearer
I see.
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Ready for your maids to whip you shikikan?
sorry bud i simply enjoy foxes
>No pasta
>No vodka
>No pirate
>Frog sent to the Ruse Cruise
What's with JP Anni and not giving minor factions skins? Same shit last year
I'm not fan of BDSM though
Mystery Tentacle Nigga is the best because she could be anything, and thus has infinite possibility until revealed.
In this state of quantum superposition she can be both a tittybote and a loli, a refined lady and a slutty guard.
Looks like a Code Geass face
I want more inayama botes, we need an AL Ingrid
What? He didn't get fired...
ready to not remember who this literalwho is
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>TFW she was a flop
why does she look like that
traditional oath skins are nice
How come the best "new ship" is Maryland retro and the Live2d is wasted on a fucking Mikuma clone of all things?
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You know just because a character likes a style of fashion doesn't mean she has to wear it all the time right
looks worse than fucking musashi
NTRfags really love dicks.
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>people asked for cowshino for years
Didn't ask, bremcuck.
>Have Soyuz front and center in both promo pictures
>No vodka content
Still my favorite UR tho
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>that art
you mean this?
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>balticuck accusing others of being cucks
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bad skin
Still love her
>Frog sent to the Ruse Cruise
Didn't see you bitch and moan when they sent regolo to ruse cruise for CN anni, you were claiming they were tooootally like any other anni content
why do mutts always picture themselves getting cucked
Can't believe I just nutted to Fubuki
Why are asian bugs so obsessed with NTRing themselves?
Didn't her event drop around the time of BA's anniversary or something? Would explain a lot.
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Are you two HOMOS gonna have a SISSY slappyfight?
cute tranny.
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This is her default outfit as shown in-game, the coat and that strip of fabric tone it down some. I could also maybe see it on the boardwalk or at a Beach-themed party without looking so awful even without. Her default is still sexy cosplay-tier, maybe like an 8 on the whore scale.
>Holding a grudge over that
please no. i'm tired of being raped. mogador please stop let me rest today
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So proud of manjew for including a transgender bote
So they are here for my entertainment?
So we're on the predicted schedule, it seems.
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She clearly doesn't have a problem showing off skin
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>That tranny face.
>holding a hrudge over that
On the contrary I'm giving him a positive outlook by reminding him how he used to act when things went his way, when pastas were the only ones actually left out while slavs and frogs were granted content
Okay but nobody cares
I want to know more about the Unzen in a cup and the acrylic figure of Tashkent bound up and in her underwear.

Guess we'll find out tonight.
>tranny bote
>where burger bote?
>no burger bote on jp anni? trash anni!
Why are amerimutts always so insufferable? Just enjoy the new stuff or else shut up and leave
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That tashkent standee is old merch
my handsome dommy wife unzen...
>wake up
>to love ru collab
Shame this OG outfit wasn't given enough attention because the tennis one was too good. This outfit is still hot as fuck and I would rail her in it all day
Already have her other skin but i might need to swipe for my kuudere maid again.
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>No Shinano skin
>No Unzen skin
>No Ryuuhou swimsuit
>No Yahagi or Tone
>No Le Tri skin
Garbage line up of botes and skins.
Garbage Anni.
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>"If Shido wants me, then I'll gladly give my everything to him. To become his lover, kiss him, have sex with him, marry him, give birth to as many babies as he wants, grow old together with him. But, even if Shido chooses someone other than me, I won't mind. If Shido thinks to marry Tobiichi-san, I'll bless him with all my heart. Of course, it also applies for other person as well. Even if Shido chooses Tohka-chan, Kotori-chan, Yoshino-chan or perhaps someone that I don't know. Of course, I don't mind if he doesn't choose to be with anyone, or even if he chooses everyone I'll support his wish. I'll do anything for Shido's happiness. If Shido wishes it, I'll grant any of his wish. I don't mind becoming his childhood friend, his lover, his wife, his younger sister, his older sister, his mother, his daughter, his superior, his subordinate, his enemy, his nemesis or even someone unrelated to him. As long as Shido is happy, I'm satisfied....Oh sorry, it seems I got too worked up by myself. But it is true that I don't mind whoever Shido chooses."
O my lovely Alvitr, I pray you finally make an appearance in the story this time.
I'm so happy Belfast is finally getting something new. I wish it was a l2d but I will take this, her new skin looks great and I'm buying all her skins in a new account too because I want them to make more Belfast stuff
Why did they make her so flat? racing skin still best.
nah we will have school principal L2D
open your eyes bro...
She reminds me of Devonshire
i hope none of these botes see another skin for another 3+ years
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We gonna get more SSR bulins for this anni or what? Amagi is pretty cringe.
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That torso is still unmmatched to this day

I want to hug her TIGHT god DAMN
add No Leander skin ok thx
Reminder: Veneto and Dido will NEVER get skins
You will NEVER see a Vanguard event bote get a second skin
When will Intrepid get a new skin... she's pure sex...
my rock wife...
That anon cared enough to post that so I wanted to cheer him up
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Rupprecht's fat ass
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I keep forgetting I have the anthropomorphized Eye of Sauron talking up half the screen. Seems like a pretty important character design for such a sidelined waifu.
Houston II?
Obviously. Is it autism or illiteracy that makes /alg/ this way? I don't take offense to her not being dressed for me to show off to my mother, I just dislike that she's dressed like an actual $20 prostitute. She can be 7/8 naked without coming off like that, it's the idea behind the outfit.

It's nice, but recently I've been wanting to peropero Indiana.
She may be a flop but she's really cool
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Don't know what y'all are yapping about, azur lane never shied away from LGBTQIA+ representation
I want to put my penis into Bremerton's vagina
>Houston II
Her tits aren't even close to that size, blindbro.
It's Gloucester.
You sound upset
Suffren is a tranny??
I want to put my penis into Shinano's tail.
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I love my fat wife
So what makes her default outfit not a hooker outfit
Do you think hookers walk the street naked or something
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Grope your Shinano
she kinda looks like Belfast
Made for endless breeding!
Not at all
Yes, the eye of Sauron is pretty reminiscent of Hatakaze META, you'd think it would play some importance for the story.
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Holy shit they ruined Unzen and made her an actual tranny.
I wonder if they sometimes give us intentionally underwhelming side bites so all the focus can go to the poster girl . This Amagi event and Musashi's event are the biggest culprits.
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Always has been
what are some botes you'd fuck the living shit out of but not really ever consider marrying?
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Miyuki clearly wasn't a throwaway
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Sakawa is my wife so fuck you
Stop making fun of Unzen you retard
>weeb sees a character drawn with a nose and gets a stroke
Eugen Bel NJ St Louis VV Allen Sumner Hanazuki
What is that
what bote would get the UGLY award
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Any askshitter
No matter how much an artist cares for their pasta ship, they never get commissioned second skins for them.
This isn't a cloudtranny situation.
It's Manjuu and their usual irrational hatred of a faction they themselves introduced.
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>You will never be cool like Guam
bache is still uncontested the ugliest bote in the game
akashi a close second
I didn't give Wakatsuki much attention at first but I really like the free skin they gave her some time ago
What are these
Haha I want Unzen to lick my sword(My penis), haha
>they never get commissioned second skins for them
...But we literally got second skins for Regolo and Roma this year by their original artists?
>not marrying the eternal cutie
Come on now
US MKIII riggins
Unzen just uglycreep musashi
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Sheffield gets another skin? Mayag is eating good tonight.
flying ships from Alliance or what's it called (parallel timeline humanity survivors)
I prefer Roma.
>gets DP'd by futa Helena and Cleveland
>Muchin style
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>I am light cruiser Watarase of the Sakura Empire. It is a pleasure to meet you, Commander. With this blade, I shall protect the honor of the fleet.
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I kinda already made the joke that she's a spy for her, but realistically she's just reusing a cool asset.

Please understand, jjk fans have zero personality outside of making unfunny references to their shitty anime and acting like apes
>So what makes her default outfit not a hooker outfit
It's suitably outlandish but could also almost make sense in one or two contexts outside of selling sex or marking herself as the easiest lay in the state. This new thing is too real and also evokes some doujin memories. Not being animal print or neon would back that up some, I think.
>Do you think hookers walk the street naked or something
Have you not seen hookers? Some certainly do.
Why did Musashi become the designated ass bote of SE?
Yes, should have specified that they always make sure to pick the unpopular ones, if they bother
Maybe she'll get a retro one of these days.
what's special about unzen again
What's jjk fans?
Regolo was decently popular, if anything you'd have to point out how they are relegated to cruiseshittery and GOD FORBID they are L2D
Shinano. Javelin. Ayanami. Bache. Jade. Elbe. Emden. Alsace. I probably could keep going on and on but let's leave it at that.
what the fuck is wrong with her face.
Both Vodkas and Frogs could go the rest of the year without a thing and it still wouldn't be a slight on them.
Pasta content since July 2023, instead, was a mid DR and two ruse skins.

>no minors
Chinks got one.
>Moving the goalpost
>When Regolo was the most liked pasta in CN
brother... you are missing out on peak wife material
10 hours babymaking session with Soyuz
Because boobs were already covered
I'm not moving any goalpost, since the original intention was to call bullshit on popqn not caring about da vinci
who is the designated boobs bote, then?
If I were to speculate, Alvitr is probably involved with FdG and whatever she's doing with other METAs. At least that would make sense, but we're dealing with manjuu here, so anything goes.
Yeah but you said bullshit
This, but with Unzen
the cow
Bro, your literal cow?
unzen im sorry manjuu treated you like this...
My trad cranewife
Rather than that, what should be called out is 2 skins (both trash pass) in 14 months.
I was about to say that only Tempesta is worse off, but guess what, their new event is already confirmed.
I was so disappointed with Devonshire that she's not an S, glad they didn't forget Gloucester
I don't doubt you and I love her but just not that way...
is hindenburg officially secretary of bismarck? they have appeared together in pv a few times now.
Isn't Pasta December basically confirmed by this point tho? With Pirates taking October, and November being collab month, Pastas take December as the only faction that hasn't had an event yet
Eugen is the right hand woman
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Sex with the no longer sick fox.
Nothing is confirmed until it is in the game
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Bel bros..
bro... they censored her jiggle in the latest skin
Nothing is confirmed and I'd say that even chinks have a chance because "lol plot".
It's gonna be HMS or IB
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I'm happy but
>low angle again
>Feet shit
Just why
FdG does kind of get carte blanche when it comes to doing super sekrit stuff as far as the story is concerned, so this could be the case.
Lets be honest here, this is one of the trashiest skins in the game, easily surpasses Lou, other anons are right it's ooc even.
>Pastas take December as the only faction that hasn't had an event yet
And you think Manjuu cares about that?
There's literally one faction missing an event and literally one event slot left
You'd have to be retarded to not connect the dots
can anyone convince me new amagi is not franka from arknights?
I feel the same way wtf, love the white and sheer and kini but fuck why is everything pandering to feet niggers
Yes? They've spent the last two years giving every faction an event
they go where the money is.
(You) are not profitable
>the horses look like bdsm too
It's a long list and this won't be all-inclusive, but... St. Louis, Akagi, Roon knowing that I shouldn't put my dick in crazy just makes it better for those last two, Owari, Yamashiro, Essex, Mog, and Hindenberg for starters. And let's not even start on the botes I'd plow and then immediately forget.
You'd have to be retarded to treat an entire faction like the chicken does with pastas (there'd be far more to gain from treating them normally rather than isolating them) and yet here we are.
Feetchads, we won again
Vodkaniggers are always flops
cute gangbang addicted NTR bitch bote
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She's like 10 times uglier w/o the nose, Unzen is just that ugly
(We) hate this bote
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BUt we were told Alsace flopped..?
Sounds like you don't wanna accept it
We had a DR, a UR is no longer an impossibility
Some dev thinly veiled fetish...
you fell into the thread's agenda...
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Alsace can flop around my dick all she wants
But it's not confirmed
>footfag skin
>stockings on
>shoes on
>can't see a single toe
>ass and tits clearly the focus
You guys are either brainbroken or this is a footfag psyop.
Just woke up, can anyone tell me did we get the 3D dorm and new siren on TBMaker?
one schizo*
he called the previous en anni a flop only for this year's en anni make less money
bro... your third degree burns?
Look where the plot is going and who's the last PR6 that is going to be used for catch up and you'll easily guess who's getting December.
They don't even need double URs anymore, so they can just chalk it up to catching chinkoids up to pastas and have an excuse to fuck them over.
Pitts and Bell have such beautiful breasts.
I'll take em like a man
This is how oath skins should look like. Coombrains fuck off back to gooning to Mogador.
actually the real pattern is the cruise meta announcement before the event
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I just woke up; why is /alg/ so gay?
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I'm sick of this low angle shit since Agir L2D and you know they always cater to feetshit, just look at the stream line-up, one way or another, they always emphasized the feet.
Pastas? SKK promised to visit Sardegna
CN loves feet its obvious at this point.
Unzen my boy...
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>Amagi (CV)
>Not II
So this is not the same BC Amagi we know upgraded to her Unryuu class just like Kaga (BB) is not our CV Kaga
They have been spamming this "le power from the future where the CCP navy is sending back technology through time and space shit" for a year
>but just not that way...
Why are even imaginary relationships so complex, bros?

How handsome. Which botes have yaoi hands?
Retard, they’re both the same person
when will unzen get the love she deserves bros
Manjuu just hate MANzen...
Chinks already got an event
It's gonna be Pastas
Tonight, when I'm loving her.
Most of these so called footage skins are really just skins posed to appeal to a bunch of different fetishes in a single illustration, maximizing the chance that it appeals to a broad portion of the fan base.

But feet are included in that list of fetishes, and that's all the obsessively anti-feet faggots see or care about. I think footfaggotry is kind of silly and not appealing, but I'm not going to get upset over it.
Not an unryuu class, this is a what-if - what if Amagi class Amagi actually got upgraded to CV as she was meant to instead of getting rekt in earthquake and scuttled.
I should be able to choose not to download OS and TB to save a few gigs of storage space
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An anon explained this earlier.
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When your bote got a skin after a long time or her only chance to get one, of course anyone would be angry. Go back, dumbnigger.
Why did she take the dress from Napoli and redecorate it?
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It's like Steins;Gate. OG Amagi lived, so Kaga had to be scrapped. They only moved to Kaga after the earthquake wrecked Amagi. Thus, Kaga's sacrifice in the game.
Her intro says it’s the same Amagi, just as a CV
no, she actually saved AL
Don't see how that addresses the problem. Frogs just this year got as many L2Ds as the pastas have since their introduction. How are you making things right with a single event?
Kaga bros, it's not fair
we need a bote Bigger than kashino
I'm glad I got tired of this even and skipped that scene. Also, Kaga Tsu in like three years.
I want Kaga Ni now!
>When your bote got a skin after a long time or her only chance to get one, of course anyone would be angry.
What does that have to do with anything? A skin catering to footfags doesn't prevent it from catering to others. I don't see why feet being visible is enough to ruin a skin. It's such an insipid fetish that is silly and a little annoying at worst.

It's not like Belfast doesn't have a shitload of skins either.
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I need /alg/ reactions bros
Kaga Light Cruiser
Now that Amagi has gotten over her health problems, can she help me get over my health problems? I seem to have a blood pressure spike and some swelling localized entirely in my penis.
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>7 seconds frame of Akagi
>0 seconds frame of Kaga
Because the pose has to be designed around that first, holy shit you retard. A cowboy shot focusing her waist above would be fine but no it has to be low angle shit
? Modern Kaga is a carrier
>Which anime/manga mc deserve to have his girls taken by (us)
The cuck from Rental Girlfriend.
Akagi is so lovely...
>Amagi Ni saving us from Yamato and inevitable game death
>Kaga Ni most likely next JP anni so not Yamato then too
At least two more years of Azur Lane Babyy
>7 seconds of MANzen
we lost
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So what? I was too busy looking at Belfast's tits, tummy, and thighs to pay attention to the feet. It's not my favorite angle or pose, sure, but I'm not going to let that ruin a skin that's plenty sexy otherwise.
News on 3D dorms?
>Yamato being added=game death
What is this doomfaggotry?
You reek of newfaggotry. Don't bother giving me another (You), fag.
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finally /alg/...
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>woke up
>Bismarck oath skin
I'm double winning.
what is there to look forward to that isn't eagle union after Yamato?
It's not doomfaggotry, dumbfaggot
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Both of those fags from Gridman deserved it.
Rito deserves it.
I agree IS would be good too.
Ryza and Klaudia are too hot and deserve to both be converted to dick. Not sure if that really counts as ntr if you fuck both.
>marrying multiple boats
You whore.
Putin needs denazify you
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found the horse
my right hand... it's raising on its own
Nothing, even including american boats
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The Belfast love marches on.
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Hmmmm, nyo.
So have there been any anniversary physical goods announced yet?
>even including american boats
Your Essex 2?
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I kneel.
feetgods run this shit
Only /alg/ will care about that for 2 seconds tops
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Man, my dream of a Battleship Yamato collaboration is just that, a dream. Every year, it's just a disappointment.
post your favorite BDSM AL art bros.
She looks decent.
One of the few cosplayers I actually like did Le Tem but I haven't seen her in any of the group pics, just a few she posted on twitter.
Natsume's Formi isn't that great but she's still the champ.
We will get playable Sirens after Yamato
I feel the same way about Bismarck’s oath skin.
The French event was okay because the girls they lewded didn’t have serious personalities. They can’t do it to everyone, though.
I remember this exact pose, and with the same glass table, but I can't remember which boat had the skin.
She's a "helicopter destroyer," winku winku. wikipedia.org/wiki/JS_Kaga
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Yumi a cutie~
What is there to look forward after Yamato
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Space Battleship Yamato or Super Yamato. Bet you feel silly right now, boy.
Noted, thanks anon.
If they were willing to make and Amagi Brilliant Park reference then I don't see why Yamato herself can't have a spaceship for a rigging.
But that says she’s an elementary schooler????
even better!
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the more I look at this skin, the more I like it
Who's our next mermaid
Yeah, destroyer alright
Ark is going to FREAK!
>Will absolutely be part of the collab
>Have a fighting chance
>Have no chance
The rest
HMS Mermaid, duh.
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what's her appeal?
Waste of a slot but you're probably right
Fwiw, if we are getting 6 collab characters like usual, pic related is the roster of the toloveru characters that came over in collabs with the senran kagura gacha.

And Rito gets pretty cucked with all of them having a approving pai touch line in the dressing room. So rito is a cuck and deserves it
I dont like it either but japs like her for some reason.
>Not liking Haruna
Fuck off, fag. Darkness should've been the one crossed from that list.
NuLiz has a ramp, can she be busty now?
>But her META--
Momo after touching her boobs
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For me it's Kotegawa.
I really hope Yui is part of this one.
Manic pixie pirate dreamgirl
Old school adventuring with fat tits.
Genki pirate girl
Fun character
Prostate massages
>Likeable personality
That´s literally all a girl needs.
Tentacle prostate massage while you fuck her
Just hope that they fix that purple strap, or show that it's intended
I'm surprised Nana didn't come in the SK collab but guess they preferred nonflatties if said flatty (nana) isn't popular.
I think it'll be Lala, Yami, Momo, Nana, Haruna, and the last one is your real toss up.
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Why can't uniporn just be a good girl?
Its fucking wierd having a TLR collab when that series have come and gone and the series that the author done also come and gone.

Maybe it was just cheap and easy since who the fuck cares in 2024 and Darkness ended in 2017 ... either way, dont give a much of fuck.
I actually didn't like her personality much until we got the island event. She didn't cut it for me in the haunted house, but then she let loose a lot better later.
So what are people even complaining about? This is just your basic massage parlor shit. I guess the animal print is kind of out of left field but that is it.
Assuming we get Lexington II before Yamato, these:
>Super Yamato-class
>Two other unnamed Yamato-class hulls
>Super Akizuki-class DDs
>Super-Agano-class CLs
>Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, Illinois, Kentucky
>Midway & her sisters
>Alaska & Hawaii
>Gearing-class DDs
>Lion, Thunderer, Bong Temeraire
>Ark Royal II
>Hermes II
>Sovetskaya Ukraina
>Sovetskaya Gorizia
>Sevastopol II (Kron's sister)
>Remaining H-class BBs
>Normandie/Bourgogne (Alsace's sister)
That vulnerability we got to see in the Tempestas event was also delightful. She just keeps getting better.
Why did she suddenly appear in the main plot?
I am honestly not too crazy about the new skins but that´s fine because it means I get to save for the TLR collab.
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It's old.
are you telling me that waiting for Yamato is the single reason that keeps you playing? fuck off retards
Would Sparviero be a UR?
She was basically just a slightly better Aquila
Nay, you will get Lexington II before it ... Yamato is at least 2 years away if they come up with Akagi II in her battlecruiser configuration or similar retarded ideas ...

Hell Yamato never I suppose.
Transzen, lol
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>just saw Amagi's l2d
Noses were a mistake
Is it weird? It's not like gridman is a thriving series or however you want to define how "alive" a series is. TLR still gets merch.
But Azur Lane has a couple prereqs for a collab I think
>has to have enough girls for the collab
>the girls are allowed to get lewded.
>it's a brand that is recognized by Japanese Otaku
>it isn't overly expensive to bring over
Idolm@ster really failed on point 2 (maybe point 4?). ToLoveRu is really recognizable to people who have been around anime for a while. For many in the 25-35 age range, TLR was a lot of people's first ecchi. It was for me.
She makes a bbq for Valentine’s Day
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Indeed. Such a lovely octopuswife.
>royal fortune literally makes a paradise island just for (You)
>"why do people like her"
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Now that haremslop collabs and cucking of canon MCs are a thing, here is my wishlist, manjuu.
>Infinite Stratos
>Zero no Tsukaima
>Highschool of the Dead
>Walkure Romanze
Was Harbin supposed to be shorter? Why is her special touch spot below her boobs and not on them?
Is this the first harem we are cucking with a named protag
For what I understand, they do collabs with shit they like, it doesn't have to be popular or recent.
DxD is the only one there with enough presence. Didn't the author kill IS because people didn't like the main jap heroine?

Grindman hit when the movie was in the works so the timing made sense, Kagura still have a gacha game I think ...

TLR is dead, does it make money 7 years later? Certainly making some money out of a certain Chinese company thats for sure but its long past its height, its not a new series like say Friren so I am not seeing the appeal, Its not even the mandatory Nier collab but I suppose with just what? 4 characters if we genderbend 9S there is nothing to make a banner.
It wouldn't be if EN ever got the fucking Underwater Ray Romano collab.
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what's HER appeal?
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>this fox is deceased
No, but Yamato is the last ship that will bring a lot of interest on her release. After she comes out, it will feel like the day after Christmas
Do not show this to the chinks!
Bro? Highschool DxD and Highschool of the Dead are 2 different series.
>author kill IS
No idea, but the harem cast was good.
I think they like booba and fanservice outside that one im@s collab. Im still pissed we got the twins over Miki or Takane. My top predictions going into 7th anni for collab was TLR or Kobayashi Dragon Maid. For 8th, I think it'll be Dragon Maid or DxD.
that's not Kaga
Anson, lol
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Look at what these sisters are doing to each other!
Ah I was speedreading. HOTD would be nice. I'd like for Satou to do the art. Was that a harem though? I though main guy only had two girls.
>Used to wish for a SK collab
>Got it
>Used to wish for a TLR collab
>Got it
Which collab should I will into existance next? I was thinking Sono Bisque Doll.
Her massive, uh, heart. There's another for the list of botes I'd bang but not marry.
>Zero no Tsukaima
Ah, trashsekai in the age before trashsekai.
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Cute wallflower with a nice body
Variations in pity bait/gap moe always have niche appeal.
What is Rito going to do about this!?
the ima@s collab was marketing guy's project iirc, he's the one into im@s
>Highschool of the Dead
Dead series. Fucking literally.
so you can see into the future now?
>Somehow has the sexual skills and stamina to satisfy 700+ women
SKK's literally built like a bad guy in a NTR doujin, how the fuck can Rito compete?
>was thinking Sono Bisque Doll.
Does that have enough sexy girls? Wish for dragon maid. Imagine iruru in AL
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Here, I did a thing with Ingraham.
bad girl...
Sit in the cuck chair where he belongs.
SKK is canonically a fat bastard tho.
The ex-girlfriend, Busujima and a pink-haired girl, so it counts.
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Idolmaster part 2
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He's also attractive and diligent, which makes him more of a rival character. SKK is Gary Motherfucking Oak
Pink is for fatty
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>Does that have enough sexy girls?
Juju´s younger (but bustier) sister.
Nowa (Marin´s friend)
Akira (if we count characters that haven´t shown up in the anime yet)
Could also include the characters Marin cosplays like Shizuku-tan or Rizu-kyun.
Perseus...what are you doing to Anchorage?
Did SKK's appearance get outted in some event or something? I thought he was formless like blue archive sensei
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We can go much older than that anon.
Nay, I am afraid 9 years is too much for a gacha game to hold any new interest ... they will announce Yamato and nobody will care because newer games people are playing and people that dropped out no longer hold the interest to return.

They are holding too much on Amagi II and I suspect they will learn a lesson about it considering Global anniversary was meh this should be strike 2, this anniversary so far gave me no hope on the game as they doubled down in about every mistake they have made, Yamato wont change things ...
I want a symphogear collab, Skk (I) will fuck the yuri out of the girls
We've seen his hand, thats about it. Otherwise you just have to go off the girls descriptors.
SKK is (you), just like Sensei is (you).
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Racing each other to my bedroom.
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>anchorage taller than perseus
is pink just that short? Or is anchorage taller than we thought?
>Nana Mizuki bote
That's an expensive bote
We have conflicting statements in a few things like whether he's ripped or pudgy, but the vast majority of botes at least agree that he's hawt and (too) hard-working.
Amagami SS soon, trust the plan.
Policewoman was for fatty, before she died.



How do we stop us?
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Does the wedding skin face look like dogshit to anyone else
>most of the girls
It's our solemn duty to protect Yukine from the gay.
Botes make a lot of comments about SKK being a stud
SKK's stamina is some schrodinger's cat shit
He's got enough stamina to keep up with the physical activities -sexual or not- but the constant desk job shit tires him immensely if we have to believe some secretary stories, port timeline events and the setting of stuff like Queen's Order
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Saved, thanks.
Can't be worse than default haoface.
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>finally cowprint
>No L2D when everything else was
I honestly would rather have taken an oath skin over that.
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Here antifootfag bro, I fixed the Belfast skin for you. No more f**t for you to look at.
Physical exhaustion is different from mental exhaustion.
It's perfectly in line with her Tsu and swimsuit which are great, so no.

Maybe you can draw a line between mental and physical stamina? Desk work can be legitimately exhausting but it is in a different way than five hours of sex with three sisters would be.
no, it looks very aryan
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have you ever done a lot of paperwork before?
Is that aerola
I really want to see the dynamic for this, I'm super curious about how she opened that
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When's the 7th anniversary song?
Bets on who sings it?
Good. Bury her deep
I may be autistic
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No, it's official art
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>Become pudgier
No, this is the average krautwoman when you married them
She uses the string to pop off the bottlecap
Bottled Tea.... extracted directly from the source
Tenchi Muyo
High School DxD
School Days
Mushoku Tensei
it like not being able to finish your veggies but then stuffing yourself with sweets
skk gets tired of dumb paperwork but sex with botes is what gets him going
Yeah I think that’s my issue with it.
At least it’s realistic
Want to rape her
that's just women in general
once they get the ring they know they can stop trying
It's a neat party trick but you neet fat knockers and a strong top. I bet Kashino would be great at it.
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Oi Sairenji! You're saying that you, and all the girls who have affection for me are leaving me to have meet with SKK in Azur Lane? You're going to get into skimpy outfits for him, befriend his giant harem, work with him, fall in love with him? And then you will have SEX and MARRY him? And when you return and you all give birth to his babies you'll have me take care of the kids!?

I don't know how to put this in words but YABBA DABBA DOO
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This is exactly the only thing I enjoy about collabs. I haven't seen gridman but they made such official concern posts it was hilarious. I watched TLR as a teen thoughever, and the mc deserves it for not making any approach to that purple haired crush whatsover.
All those ships are somewhat real, except Normandie/Bourgougne who are just ahistorical fantasy
I know it's probably not realistic, but I can still dream
only 4 of the girls are fags, right? hibiki x miku and kirika x shirabe are the official couples. The other three didn't get any romance shit iirc. And now that I'm thinking about it, I don't even remember any concrete "romantic" love scenes and it has been only implied. Could be also interpreted as a "friend" love thing, but being real, it's probably actual yuri.
Huge! Fat! Belfast!
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Do not.
HMS lion rawr
Where did this meme come from
Redpill me on Rito, why does /alg/ want to cuck him
Where is the webm of her part in the bikini animation and when and where will it the complete video be posted?
End of darkness especially is just the lack of choice on his part and also just not telling girls like Momo to just stop and reject her outright. It's fine to not want a harem, women are annoying, but at least reject them.
He is just your normal harem anime protag, incredibly dense and stupid.
holy kek
>He is just your normal harem anime protag
Coincidentally, this also means he deserves it.
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Fat fucking pirate breasts.
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She has autism she can't help it.
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For me it's ladies vs butlers.
She also has a realistically hot body without being a super model. And very vulnerable and cute overall
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The dragon ball super general in /a/. It's a breeding ground for shitposting, it's like an alternate world. Just step into the thread and you'll see immediately. Essentially they like to cuckpost a lot and since lots of people like to draw krillin being ntred by 18, some dude started making long winded posts with Krillin begging to be cucked in ridiculous ways and ending it with yabba dabba doo. And it just evolved.
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>No physically crippled botes
>No mentally insane botes
>No ringlet ohohohoho ojou-sama botes
AL is shit
It's the merch ringslop artist
Jesus, look at that body.
I am not even into rape/forced usually, and I am just some cowtit/thigh/ass pleb lover. But this bitch here, damn, summons something in me
Because he is a faggot harem protag who doesn't deserve it. I want to cuck him.
>>No physically crippled botes
don't care
>>No mentally insane botes
are you a secondary?
>>No ringlet ohohohoho ojou-sama botes
I admit that this is a big issue that AL has
>Mushoku Tensei
surely they'll do it after collabing with brown dust 2
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Not the type to judge, but your taste is shit and super weird. Maybe make your own gacha for that type? I'm sure you have some type of talent, right?
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>No mentally insane botes
I'd rather very much not
We have abruzzi who lacks her right hand
Chaser is RIGHT there anon
>No mentally insane botes
Every META bote
>No mentally insane botes
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>No physically crippled botes
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Sumners carry a very particular build, and I love it.
Holy fucking secondary
She is just a delusional Becky
best yandere
Is that the one where the author got sick of it so he screwed the characters in the last LN?
Dense and indecisive harem protags were the worst. I understand that you are supposed to self-insert into them and pick a girl depending on your own preferences, but if you look at the the harem shows of the era as proper stories - holy shit it is obnoxious.
true, true. Sorry, forgot about her, since I scrapped her.
They are like those overgrown teenagers that are rapebait
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well shit you're right, i'm not usually into their types but they make me go feral for some reason. I think I am unlocking something
There's a word for it. I don't know what that word is, but it is nice. Like an ideal form of average.
Danmachi was the only time I dropped a series because I genuinely just hated the MC and wanted nothiing but misery for him, so that I guess?
It's hard to explain why but to be honest I didn't like Danmachi as a whole which is fucked up when they got Yasuda doing the art
I called the "teenage daughter´s best friend" body type.
In terms of anime romcoms, I really like omnibus type stories like the amagami anime or tsurezure children which focus on multiple relationships. Harems have been on somewhat of decline I feel in anime since self insert gachas took off. At least it feels there is less
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>My name is Ayase, of the Sakura Empire... Umm, yes, I brought my pet bunny here... Good girl, good girl, go say hello to the Commander...
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Build Sumners. Love Sumners. Oath Sumners. Have consensual handholding sex with Sumners under holy matrimony.
As I recall the reverse trap (girl dressing as a boy) won.
it's the one where the reverse trap maid wins out of nowhere and then the childhood friend and the meat blonde turn into dykes, the kouhai who was actually the winner no way fags the MC and there was a chuuni loli, a loli nun, and a drunk nun
and the MC is the EH, NANDATTE? guy
She looks human.
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>selective deafness
>you mean like a friend, right?
>what if she says no, better keep things as they are
It really seems that manjuu is is set in stone for with that large backlog of ships, now if they could just start releasing regular monthly ships instead of META’s again that would be neat
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I call her Allen when we simultaneous orgasm and profess our love to each other
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Do they do something for (You), while the starters don't?
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another shortstack bote, we are winning shortstack bros
Yozora? Based!
When are we getting the Nina Pinta and Santa Maria? It'd be perfect for global anni UR
No she's a cunt and rightfully loses
I want the ultimate flex. Not only will I cuck Rito 5 times over but I'll also turn him into a girl and inseminate him.
No, Yukimura.
Yozora fucking lost hard, cut her hair, got caught itching her ditch in the shower by Kodaka and then got fake married to Meat
No, the starters are also cute. The Sumners well, Allen and Ingraham, specifically are different. Like an older almost-not-hebe form of hebe.
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>No mentally insane botes
Honestly my favorite of the new botes. Mikos are great especially if stacked.
Sena becomes a dyke? fuck that shit.
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Honestly? 100%. Except maybe niimi because of the style of her fanart, and some ayanami outfits are just lewd as well. But they don't invoke animosity in me like the sumners do
Did I stutter?
she was salivating over the wig Yozora used to crossdress very early on
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And that's why you should never watch romcoms past season 1.
>all of this anons who cares about TLR
Man, You're old
AL is 7 years old.

BOOMERchads run this game
Comfy thread
This is a gacha general, most of the people here will be people with enough disposable income to throw at PNGs, i.e., old people.
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The more developed end of peak JC lovers, I understand. Grasp-able waists.
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Sir, this is a millenial general.
Get back to mowing my lawn for pennies zoomerchama
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/jp/ sends regards.
More like normalfaggot that doesn't know about anime in general
Not even that, that's LN territory.
In the anime Sena wins but past that point Kodaka just kind of stops paying attention to her and she realizes it so they break up almost immediately.
Then Kodaka tries to confess to Rika whom he actually loves and she shuts him off before he even tries.
And finally Yukimura just assaults him and takes him since Yozora and Meat are out of the race and Rika forfeited before winning.

It's an ending that pleases no one and makes you hate everyone.
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don't let the cuck poster see this
>sendai class
>has a pet bunny
Bros I think she’s gonna eat it…
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What happened?
Ingram's glasses make me want to do irramatio on her and cum on her glasses and face. I am usually a cum inside mouth/pussy kind of guy nor am I particularly into being rough why is she like this why is she showing me bare shoulders fuck I want to handle her ahhhhhhhhhhhh
more like they send retards
Ah shit, they're wolves.
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Turns out you're actually retarded. You're not pretending.
She's hiding them so the rabbit isn't scared.
Slightly unrelated but I miss the PSP era when all romcoms would get VNs and literally all the heroines could get happy endings.

>Ayase route in the Oreimo vn
>Kanako route in the Oreimo vn sequel
>Yui and Iroha routes in oregairu
>Ami route in Toradora
>Onodera and Marika routes in Nisekoi
>Sena route in haganai
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Congratulations, you've been infected because no one else thinks that way
A fox in sheep’s clothes.
As usual they pulled random art from the vault and just called it Ayase
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You need to calm the hell down.
Or don't https://litter.catbox.moe/2uob3w.jpg
Naka retrofit fucking when?
>i share a general with elders
uh oh
I hope she has a skill called Emergency Rations
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If it's really the same class yeah I'm confused. I love the design but it should match her sisters.
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>5 years without akagi content
why are manjew like this
It feels weird to say, but I want her to sit in my lap.
She is Anson2
>5 years
Foxtard doesn't even remember his Fox got something last year.
for me it's thick outlines and bright colors
I found 6 of me
>thigh straps kept on in the nsfw pic
I am not a hair grabber as I dump my cum into them in doggy style against the wall kinda guy, but-
Anon, do you have literal brain damage.
Obviously this will cause the same uproar as Anson right?
last of the burger 7s, you mean.
but who even cares about them? I'm honestly suprised that anyone still has them, rather than having had to scrap them to make room for actually-useful botes in the years since they got added; they were already irrelevant junk when they were new.
*Atago content
foxbitch shows ups every other event and actually got skinS (plural) in the past 5 years
Do not play oppression olympics with nee-sanGAWDs foxcuck, you WILL lose.
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Not enough, doesn't count, feels like 5 years anyway
She got a skin last year and the year before you secondary retard.
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Thank you for noticing.
alright grandpa lets get you and your literal who back to bed
new bread doko?
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considering even you are typing "gyaru" like a faggot when it's just "gal", I'm surprised -you- realize it's not actually the "haha instant slut" meme that people push about it.
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Who would win?
based fat bastard
Esase looks smarter
there are no botes by those names, what are you talking about. and what's with the blank image?
that she hates having touched.
kind of a waste tbqfh
What happened? ... Zero effort.
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>No mentally insane botes
different generation. wouldn't be the first time someone didn't fit into their family, though
>myoukou and nachi are birbs
>ashigara is a wolf
>haguro is... some random goth chick with a bird mask
>nagara and isuzu are oni
>and then natori is a dragon
>noshiro and sakawa are oni
>agano is a normal human
>the akatsukis are oni
>except akatsuki herself
and kent. and various other odd-girl-out cases. complete the sets, manjuu.
It's a retard samefagging and shitposting.
It's a "realistic" (i hate using that word here) body size, feels much more like a girl you're likely to meet
The bodytype is different as well but not in the extreme way shitson was. Nys is just special in the head and I given the shadows he drew he is autistic enough to make mistakes like Anson without staff guidance.
When you can't beat them, join them. If Rito becomes Riko then now she doesn't have to worry about beating SKK.
Well you wouldn’t be here if you weren’t.
Repulse feels much more like "a girl you could meet" than Liverpool or Pittsburgh at first glance, idk why that is though, even if it doesn't make sense

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