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Whence Flowers Bear No Fruit - SSR Zuihou + theme park skin - 8/29- 9/11
Kasumi META(Cruise Mission) & Roma swimsuit skin(Cruise Pass) - 8/1 - 9/30
Nagato META - 9/5
Plymouth Blueprint Completion Plan
Mutsuki and Ark Royal theme park skin
Whence the Dust Settles - 9/5
Dunkerque, Exeter, Ibuki, Shiranui, Tashkent augments

JP 7th Anniversary
Stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQl3AtDBfFg
UR Amagi Tsu, SSR Watarase
Skins for new botes + Belfast, Kashino, Musashi, Sirius, Bremerton, Z35, Sheffield, Fubuki, Prinz Rupprecht, Ryuujou
Maryland retro
Oaths for Shoukaku, Bismarck, Fusou
Houshu META(Cruise Mission) & Suffren skin(Cruise Pass)
3D dorm
Project Indentity - Siren Oceana

Bind your account, or you might lose your account when the game updates.
/alg/ doesn't have its own discord.


Ship Tier List: https://files.catbox.moe/ah02o7.png
Equipment Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wWMIzaUKISAXMbOEnmsuuLkO9PesabpdTUWdosvHygM
Fleet Builder: https://renhex.github.io/AzurLaneFleet/
PvP Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1BewmBsf4EWKAf_UwYax05c7ksL51y6sjs96pIwD73Jc
Fleet Tech Tracker: https://retropaint.github.io/azur-lane-fleet-tech-tracker/
PR Research Data: https://azur-stats.lyoko.io/research4-blueprints
Augment Guide: https://pastebin.com/UBpjkhFg
EN Tierlist: https://slaimuda.github.io/ectl
CN Tierlist: https://wiki.biligame.com/blhx/井号碧蓝榜合集


>Story summary and Lore

>Guild Spreadsheet:

Previous: >>493511236
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Please give unzen your congratulations as he has transitioned!
St. Louis and Brem are some of the best characters to tell if someone doesn't play the game.
They both have the same weaponry but AyaayA has a larger center of gravity making her an easier target for esase although the latter's deformed unihand might be a detriment if things move into CQC
>less than 1 week to level maryland's skills
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Lovely fox…
will get some content…
one day… maybe…
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>those tits and legs
Stupid sexy developed JC...!
As in, you can ask someone about their personalities and they'll get it wrong?
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Oi Sairenji! You're saying that you, and all the girls who have affection for me are leaving me to meet with SKK in Azur Lane? You're going to get into skimpy outfits for him, befriend his giant harem, work with him, and fall in love with him? And then you will have SEX and MARRY him? And when you return and you all give birth to his babies you'll have me take care of the kids!?

I don't know how to put this in words but YABBA DABBA DOO
>brem new outfit
>probably a few weeks before the influx of shitposting about her new outfit
>Get married to Brem
>drags you off to fuck you
What a good girl.
Can't wait for manjew to put this on the to-love ru collab
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Back to summoning JC fuckers.
Rank the Sakura package deals

Well, that's most of the popular ones aside from a maid like Belfast.
Formidable is another obvious one, I'm sure that nowdays most would answer that she's a landmine-type girl.
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I was going to give you a (You) explaining how the past 2-3 events have been the build up to this one almost entirely focused on Akagi's shenanigans, but nah.
Kaga will be back by the time the event ends
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Maybe when you stop ruining literally everything you'll get something nice. In the meantime, you are the content, so make sure to put on a good show for everyone.
for me it's vanguard, seattle, huan ch'ang, rikka takarada
Imagine being Yabuki his IRL wife cheated him and now his character gonna be NTR'd
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Fat fox walking down the street
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>Belfast can casually open a bottle with her bikini
The head maid is too fucking powerful
As long as it isn't cuck tiara, Rito lost
for me it's Noshiro/Agano/Sakawa
Yes please:

Ruined by one half:

Literally who?:
Would be an improvement somewhat given how lukewarm and not-lovey-dovey the marriage lines were..
I might be biased.
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I'll take the radio show hosts over most of those pairings. Most only have one good half.
Cute whos.
I am not sure you want to do that.
I want to FUCK Amagi
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>sakura troonspire
no thanks
this looks like some taihou retrofit skin
being sandwiched between those two must feel luxurious
is amagi even fertile enough to breast feed me?
Having some time to think, can these really be considered amusement park skins?
So, who's the next person we're gonna save after Lexington and Kaga?
literally who?
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This is my Sakura pairing.
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The fuck you talking about, Riko. You're getting bred too.
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I really fucking hope this bitch is up next because right now she's been asleep for a year and almost a half
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>order package
>expecting 1 or 2 botes at most
>this happens
I'm doing it.
I didn't know StrASSbourg floats on an invincible rock
I marry her
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Are you not entertained? Is this not why you are here?
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They don't allude to it in such strong terms like Lexington, but she's pretty fucked up. Even with Shinano's help getting into her dreams she couldn't keep her awareness for very long.
She's FAT
I have not fapped to the hebe ships ever despite my urges, and I do not need to start.
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>Wants to monopolize SKK
Another bote that needs to needs to be sent to the schizo house.
>11 (Elementary School Fifth year)
>12 (Elementary School Sixth year)
Crosswave MCs and BFFs
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>I do not need to start.
Because I feel like I would hurt them as per the ingram discussion
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I sure as fuck hope they read the room today when Mafia fucking Kajita immediately screamed HER name and don't just go "Uh...so the SSRs will be like...Lala, Haruna and Yui and uhh...then there's Yami and Mikan as SR DDs...and uhh...that's that.".
They are constructed for naval battle. Please do not overlook their capabilities.
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>hey don't allude to it in such strong terms like Lexington, but she's pretty fucked up
That's because Lexington has people who care about her. Marco Polo doesn't have anyone (in the story) who loves and cares about her, she has no friends, allies, or siblings, so nobody is trying very hard to save her. The best she has is VV pitying her because she's a giant marshmallow and can't hate anyone.
if you haven't fapped to mutsuki class you're a secondary tourist
If they skip Mikan and Yami they are actually retarded, they have flex on everyone else, but those two are the most popular girls in the franchise. It'd be like if they skipped Marie Rose in their DOA collab,
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Her being next in line to be fixed feels like what's going to happen next
>SKK promised to go to Sardegna before going to the Pacific
>Resolves the Orochi plot by fucking (up) Orochi so hard it revives Amagi
>Goes to Sardegna
>Uses his cube sex magic to awaken Marco Polo with a kiss, on the lips
>Now Marco Polo has someone who cares about her because SKK is a giant slut for botes
>Enter the "prologue" pic they posted on twitter a year ago
Lolicon is noisy minority AL proved it
Her "death" changes nothing. Akagi's still a clown and earning her rightful place in the jobber squad regardless of that.
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I've gooned to this more than i wanna admit, god i love Gloucester.
I want to be animalistically raped, with 0 regard for my well being, by her and Devonshire at the same time.
>Marco Polo doesn't have anyone (in the story) who loves and cares about her
I don't care for her either. Stupid clown
SKK is already in the pacific helping the chinks and fighting the shadow dragon thing.
t. X
...Anon, what do you think the shadow dragon thing is
I made a collage of all the new content so far from the 2024 JP Anniversary stream. I think this should be everything.
Clem does, but she has to act more like a tard wrangler than a friend since Marco loves doing wack things.
Not to mention Kii-class of wolf, sheep(?) and tanuki.
They did announce a Brem wedding dress figure.
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You won't
Why does the smaller tits on JC/JK get me in a way that the huge titcows don't? And I do like big tits too, but I want to understand my own taste and why I’m disappointed with botes with tits going to straight to big/cow with no medium for DDs or cruisers
In terms of outfits:
Yorktown < Yorktown II
Hornet < Hornet II
Houston > Houston II
Bismarck > Bismarck Zwei
Amagi = Amagi CV
bote kissing shotakan
This is just in game stuff. I had enough trouble getting this under 4mb while still making it readable.
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>skin for Kashino
>skin for Ting An
Easiest anniversary on my wallet ever. I win this round cat.
Clem is a chronic backstabber and manipulator, she betrayed Marco and there's no reason for Marco to consider her a friend or for anyone to trust her.
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Built for whoring her body for college money at bars and nightclubs
>>493557418 (me)
the more i think about it, am I really just looking for "girl next door" energy? But then I also like botes like Wichita who isn't like that though, so that explanation doesn't feel all encompassing
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Marco Polo II this December
>Verification not required
why do i feel like this is similar to the dbz krilin pasta?
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god, I can't get over how shit Hiei meta looks compared to the original
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Haruna would have made a better Meta than Hiei.
>Kongous are a tight knit group of sisters
>Haruna was the last surviving member
>Outlived Kongous, who she idolized
>And her twin sister Kirishima
>Almost survived the war
>Sunk at her moorings about three weeks before the Japanese surrender and was raised & scrapped afterwards
Last surviving sisters gotta be carrying some shit with them, I imagine.
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A tendency toward firm perkiness. Tender, supple. The natural attraction of youthful potential.
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I must induct you in the art of
>implied sex
And since she's a meta, she will probably never get a skin to change that, unless Manjuu decides to start handing them out for some reason.
They ruined everything by shrinking her hat. What were they thinking?
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>"girl next door" energy
Thoughts on these types? A weakness to me as well.
Allen M Sumner got Rabbit Hole'd before New Jersey did will forever be a black mark on NJ's reputation as a Pump and Dump
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Men are wired to love girls like that. Boys don't yet realize how good they have it.
>we're going to cuck Rito
That nigga deserved it btw.
If I played Azur Lane in 2018, how would I have saved my account? Email? Twitter? Feel like I'm just fucked and have to restart.
Wait that's supposed to be Hiei?
Email support and given them as much info about it as you can.
why the fuck do they keep pushing meta shit? Nobody likes it and it's a waste of design space
I hope they'll allow us to use normal skins on meta counterparts at some point. It would literally just make them more money.
Ooshi oath skin when
The DBZ krillin pasta is the inspiration for all posts like that
I will actually take that as a hole in my argument that maybe it’s the smaller, not so cowtit sizes I like, as I also like Weser despite her having big tits, she's quite a wallflower
Do I just like certain mixes of personalities and body types more than others?
I dont get what you are trying to say
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Love 'em. Also just love nerds.
META stuff should be replaced with retrofits
And instead of a META on the ruse cruise it's a random obscure DD/CL/etcetera
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The SSRs would be the main girls; Lala, Haruna and Yami. There's too much choices for the SRs, that if they skip Mikan now, we might get her as a SSR with Nemesis if they do a rerun.
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You figured yourself out, skk. You like what you like, and you'll keep learning. Enjoy life.
That allen pic is a rabbit hole reference, the part where miku is posed like she’s getting fucked but there's no immediate tell besides the pose, expression and perspective
This glasses bitch wearing lewd teacher get up making me... I hope she doesn't regret it when I pin her down and ruffle her fluff hair
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Yes, excellent.

We focus on looks a lot, but personality matters a ton. In a way, all of the botes being so attractive that you start paying attention more to the other stuff is kinda refreshing.

Characters who I'll be mad if they aren't included

Never evers but would be killer if it happened
>Lala's mom

Characters I actively don't want

Indifferent about them
>The ghost girl
>The rich girl or any of her cronies
>The green haired girl from the extra chapter
Lately the botes have been lacking for me though, the only ones I find I particularly like to any extent over others are L'audacieux, Fleuret, Bearn META, and really not much else this year
Maybe add Indiana and Pittsburgh to be generous
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>Let botes decide how they want to remodel the base's amusement park (because somehow that was a thing)
>They decide to make Whoreworld
Why are they like this...
>Maybe add Indiana and Pittsburgh to be generous
Hold on. BOTH of them are in your "generous" pile?
Dad and mom designed the boats and Sirens to rape you, and that's exactly what they're gonna do.
>Bote pussy's made for raping
>And that's just what they'll do
>One day these botes are gonna
>Squirt all over you
Thanks, mom!
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You as well little slut, now just asking for corrections...!
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Why TLR? That shit is ancient and has a male MC, talk about pointless drama.
Meanwhile Ayakashi triangle is recent and is an all female cast, if you don't count a side character that barely shows up.
Need extra botes without using up the actual botes that are left, so it's that or paper shit.
Just grab WW1 botes, they already did it with Ironblood
>They decide to make Whoreworld
>Why are they like this...
One step closer to Mizuryu-kei land ft. Azur Lane bote wives.... hehe...
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Fine observations. Fleuret got my heart, but not my ring. But then this little brat swam in and got a ring almost instantly. Preferences all over the place.
On one hand, not immediately ramping up the UR numbers to 2 each event is good, especially for those that still have to catch up on them.
On the other hand, this line up of new botes is a bit lacking
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For (You). They can have fun with you, with each other, and at the amusement park. Win/win/win. But the fact you had to ask in the first place means you're a tremendous boy molesting fruit that probably doesn't even play the game!
The new fatass bote (Ayase?) looks like Popqn's work. Has anyone taken credit for her or any of the other botes?
>all female cast
Mc bros...
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>Amagi l2d revealed
>Feel kinda ambivalent, but they might sneak some sexo animations into it
>Preview is shown
what the fuck happened, how did they make her so damn ugly, her face looks like what westernshit artists do to anime characters.
GB is shit and gay.
A lot of the good WWI botes from the other factions are either already in the game or served in WWII. It's different with the Germans because most of their fleet was either sunk in battle, scuttled at Scapa flow, or scrapped. Only a few survived as war prizes (like Elbing's sister Pillau) or a token coastal defense force.
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>all female cast
>collabs with AL
instant harem acquired
>Ayakashi triangle
Isn't the heroine a major whore who has to consciously contain herself from fucking people besides the MC even after he gets turned into a girl (which is her fetish?)
We're going to fuck Riko
We already have an older version for meta (U-556), so a younger version can also exist.
No, only containing herself from raping the MC (male or female doesn't matter to her)
Why is amagi2 wearing takaoM outfit?
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I don't care about bote personality, if she's got the tits she gets the ring
Post it, it can't be that bad
Nice veins
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>3d sirius dorm
I feel like we've been promised this shit for so long now I am finding it hard to get excited for it
Show us your oaths!
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This approach is also fine.
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Did you oath Ting An?
If this had been just a regular event, and not one for the anniversary, this would be one of the worst events this year.
Seriously, the large amount of skins not for the event ships, oaths, and the collab saved this thing from being forgettable.
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The face is really messed up
Because it looks good and Takao META will never be released anyways.
They went with the laziest route of just mashing random skin themes and pretending they're all amusement park-themed.
The skins ARE hot but they're random themes
>for so long
>a couple of months
calm down, gena
Wow! Almost like an amusement park is a bunch of different things put together, almost like the cruise!
a mere day without shikicock is already a century for a bote
I didn't know amusement parks had women in bikinis selling their own breast milk, flashers, and a sex room
Welcome to the boteverse newfag.
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Yea she's horny all the time.
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>and a sex room
Any half-decent amusement park has one.
They're hiding Nagato, Akagi, and Kaga UR retrofits from us, to be revealed after the event's timegate. Trust the plan.
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Liduke's style really can't emulated, and should not be attempted.
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Sirius bros, Dido bros
>and a sex room
there are hotels in amusement parks
All of this shit happens at parks besides the breast milk.
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I'm going to buy Ryuujou's skin, because I like her and I want more loli skins
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Even fucking disneyland or legoland have hotels... Anon don't tell me, you never had anyone to go to amusement parks with...? Have you ever held hands with anyone?
The botemilk would normally be ice cream or lemonade or something instead, but there would absolutely be an equivalent.
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Date a live collab soon
I can feel it
>I didn't know amusement parks had women in bikinis
A lot of parks have water parks with them
>selling their own breast milk
It is a concession stand, just change the drink and it happens.
This absolutely happens, especially at water parks
>and a sex room
Some parks even have hotels attached, so yes it happens.
Okay, that nose is pretty fucking funny, also the placement of her left ear is weird.
I'm not a newfag
Why make it an amusement park theme if it's just going to be swimsuits and bunnysuits again?
The idea of a theme is making something that other skin themes don't have
You could have just placed a swimsuit skin on a theme park and it would have had the same result
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Why are they like this?
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>his country doesn't have overpriced amusement parks with overpriced resorts
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Why, majuu? Just why?
Uh oh, cucky is here to try and ruin the fun.
I wish that were me, but instead of drinks, a bote on either side emptying their bladder
Who is stronger, Code g or bhr?
Is bhr considered a meta?
Will we ever see her in normal form in a gacha event?
>women in bikinis
booth babes are a thing, japan does have a thing for girls in skimpy clothing promoting random shit.
Not uncommon, and in AL it's like a given you'll get flashed by horny botes
>sex room
Hotels, fucking disneyland has a hotel made specifically for adults and i don't think they are going there just to drink booze anon
she got patreonface'd
probably Bonnie seeing as how it is taking multiple sirens to hold her back
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BHR is much much stronger against me.
I'll swap out Akagi for Tosa with my Kaga please
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Based loli skin enjoyer
Massachusetts beat Jean Bart at Casablanca
Amagi(CV) is a different character from Amagi, so it's not like they are reusing themes.
Get that wedding ring ready too, because you will be needing it to oath her.
My crapshoot thoughts about a TLR collab actually became true
NI ships can use the skins from the old versions, so the new skin is completely redundant and low effort by manjuu, nothing new nowadays though.
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we gotta support what we love
You know what would be kino for yamato's event?
Yamato UR
Ayanami tsu
Random SR cunny
Random SR hag
Support them from the inside.
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Kashinobros, this wages war. Such a profitable bote yet no L2D on the perfect skin; cowprint selling milk.
Why cant I use the CV kaga skins on the BB
Im scared it might not be the case since we can use Houston skins on both botes even though they are different classes
It's kind of strange how rather lukewarm Amagi Ni's release is. She was incredibly popular, but people are just shrugging their shoulders.
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You new here? Most Sakura botes with animal ears also have human ones.
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I don't know, maybe I just have a different idea about the skin theme but I was expecting something more like this promo image + botes actually being in the attractions/rides
Doesn't help it's the second Anni where they've just mashed various different themes together
Most people saw this shit coming a mile away, hard to be surprised and hyped for something you knew was coming for almost a year.
Imo Leander is The girl next door.
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Is shinana powercrept now?
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I've never cared about Amagi and this didn't make me like her so I just feel like this event isn't for me. That's fine, I'm a little low on cubes anyway and tempesta is next.
Kind of been expected since CN Anni last year, if not since Yorktown II came out.
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until they overflow with love
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Tsu botes are already rather anti hype since they just end up being glorified retrofits.
Japan doesn't like amagi to begin with, it's a massive misfire to use your big dick JP anni event to shill her instead of yamato
None of the skins are particularly interesting either, besides belfap finally getting a real sexo skin.
Not surprised it's barely making waves, they really should have pushed her to end of year event.
>Japan doesn't like amagi to begin with,
Is she even being used at all right now? She is tailor made for a IJN CV fleet that is specialized for heavy armor bosses.
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Oh I support them lots from the inside don't worry
Anon..... Who's the current meta fight?
He isn't wrong, Amagi is/was an EN thing.
Albacore/Archerfish but with boobs
Herring's hair is too short
>Tsu botes are already rather anti hype since they just end up being glorified retrofits.
Yorktown II disagrees
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For a story shilled bote she's barely making into the first part of the popularity contest, that's miserable.
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Has there been any sequence in the main story that demonstrates how powerful G is? Showing, not telling is pretty important.
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confused succutary
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>Was telegraphed from a mile away
>Everyone's just sick of the Akagi/Amagi plot by now and wanting this shit to be over
>Didn't really change that much outside of getting fatter, but that's every bote nowadays
>The other event botes are kinda middling
>Second time they do the "seemingly dead/in critical condition bote is resurrected and given a UR form" (Sexington is going to fall even flatter when they do her)
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my wife geryon is so fucking cool
I think Geryon would be friends with me
now show me biscuit 2
Yorktown II didn't make a lot of money, the event being a swimsuit event after like 1 year of 0 swimsuits did.
These dumb revenue arguments don't even work in AL, when 99% of the money comes from skins in the first place. The banner ship is irrelevant for the most part.
Imagine the sex
What the fuck is she confused about I gave her her daily load of cum yesterday already fuwaht no I'm sorry not again not today you said today was a break da-
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>Check 2023 final round poll results for JP
>Amagi at 23rd
>Akagi nowhere to be found
Amagi was top 15 on JP in 2021, IIRC.
Schwerer Gustav kaiju when?
Geryon is best bote.
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I prefer Akagi and Kaga. Amagi is just... boring
It's on the chart.
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your thoughts /alg/ae?
>botes in actual streetwalker whore outfits
I NEED more like this, fuck
lmao those botted to shit chink votes
I work 44 hours a week, which bote is for me?
imagine getting cornered by these 2 late at night
Those are some good words to use, can't agree more.
Yorktown 2 had one of the highest skin sales, and was one the most oathed ship during the year she got released.
And this was in all servers.
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My not so bitchy succwife doing paperwork because I asked. It's cute.
She’s made it into the final round every time.
Got more votes than Atago, Aegir, Implacable, and Formidable even in 2023.
Or are you going to tell me they don’t like any of those either?
>Suffren META
But that's just a skin, retardbro, Houshou is the SR META of the new pass.
>Suffren META
Isn't she just getting a ruise pass skin.
go read mizuryu kei land right NOW
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Watarase and Bremerton
But it was an entire event of Tsu botes, and five of the swimsuits were Tsu botes The result was the best revenue month since 2020.
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I know someone whose resurrection isn't going to be met with a lukewarm reaction
true yes it was a mistake but only like 1 person cares about her anyway so at the end of the day it's no big deal and i'm not remaking it just for that
pic unrelated?
Proof? That's a strong allegation, and one the poll voting system is supposed to work against. Perhaps you ought to speak to Manjuu/Yostar about this.
>PR boat to event UR
It would be interesting at least
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Canonically, the only evil ship girl.
>Amagi is only an EN thing
Her reveal is about to hit 20k on JP Twitter
merely pretending
Amagi is only popular in EN.
She isn't evil, just ugly, both in spirit and in body.
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>be skk
>come to amusemnt park
>wanna ride some rides
>no rides in sight
>only horny boats
>they ride me instead
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it's the...dogfucker
Mother Harlot herself
Amagi is something that EN really likes pushing as a favorite but she never was that high in JP, might be next due to UR status but even that didnt save Bismarck from being ... irrelevant.
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I love this fork tongued pasta bote
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it's marin!
why are we gettting so many fat botes
the best botes are sticks with bolted on tits
prove me wrong
pro tip: you can't
Healthy Fox now
Why does she wear Ember's jacket
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You won't think she is pretending when she gets you back for giving shinano her gift to you.
Show me an example
Manjuu being lazy.
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This one is cute.
An improvement
Meta Takao was Takao tsu from another universe this whole time.
Is this really lidouche?
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3d dorm footage
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It's Mainz's
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The new rigging given to her by Hierophant is seemingly permanent, so when she wakes up she'll literally be a Tsu
The question is if they'll actually make (one of) the first Pasta UR a Tsu
We won't know for sure until he claims the design.
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Hello ma'am
U R vry beutiful fox gurl
Pls show bobs and vagene
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best skin
holy kek
>lifeless AI slop
ill pass
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Cough cough... almost there... wheeze...
It’s like those 1940’s cartoon characters whenever they see a girl
Instant purchase
>AI slop
Why are shitskins like this
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is it just me or are botes acting even more whorish than usual
Trying to make money off the engagement shit Musky implemented.
I feel mixed on the way she’s drawn, the loose hair should be drawn more as clumps than thin strands desu
her bangs look too clean
They got sick of hinting and asking. They are no longer asking.
that's what happens when you gave them too much dick, bro
Mog rose the stakes, there's no way back, war never changes
what are you talking about? I don't see the meta as younger, it's just that the art style is worse. She also has a very nice pair of saggers that got completely hidden by the pose,
Ah yes, my favorite amusement park attraction, public sex with flashers
Also when you don't give them enough. Oh, and when they get just the right amount.
uh, bro, mizuryukei land is common sense among japanese bro..
She's in a dressing room.
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To me this was them basically telling popqn he was allowed to do whatever and they wouldn't censor him.
musashi SEX
shinano SEX
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Maybe. But it's the only ship and skin i'm interested.
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>(This is purely for marketing purposes, Commander... Yes! It's necessary for business!)
You're just sending me nudes
sleep rape
that ear looks like it's on a 90 degree angle, fucking monkey ears lmao
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FAT fucking NOPAN fox
sorry i'm not into necrophilia, i'm not fucking a corpse no matter how sexy they are
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Been stuck in chinkland too long, my botes can barely wait for me to come back
pray for me bros, i don't think i'll survive this time
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I don't think that one could handle public sex. She'd get super embarrassed and nuke the whole block before you stick it in.
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Something similar about Mainz and Amagi Tsu..
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Popqn draws hair too… smoothly, cleanly? I dunno i rather hair like pic related, where shorter strands or clumps disrupt the longer outline
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thoughts on siren correction?
I find the comments more important
TLR's way more popular with much hotter girls, AT can't compete
what if you needed to stick your dick in to revive them?
>Ayakashi triangle
isnt this the show where the blu ray was more censored than the tv release
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Looking forward to it. I love siren correction.
way better than siren capture
they can stay dead
>going from hijab to hijab
what gives?
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Extremely hot, then.
Same theme for Da Vinci when, popqn?
Yeah, she's advertising prime Chinkussy.
Haven't even finished the first one. It's so fucking boring, why even waste resources on this useless shit?
I may need to get checked for priapism.
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Fair enough. Just wanted to mention the risks.
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I only have 22 ur gear bps, so it balances out.
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New Tempesta in October probably
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The amusement park is a competition to see who can rape you the most.
>TLR is considered ancient

Who the fuck are the literal zoomers porn after 9/11 saying this shit. I imagine the playerbase for AL is older than 28, so they know.
It's the old silhouette they used for previous tempesta announcements.
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My true wife, Chapayev. I shall not waiver.
This loli is too smug. Need correction! ToT
fuck yeah!
6 fingers
bro it released in 2006
that's 18 years ago
it's older than post of the posters in this thread
Im 25 so 1998
i vaguely know of tlr because of that squid tentacle video and vine tentacles but otherwise didn’t give a shit
20k is standard for event flagship
They are simply pretending to be retarded.
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Queen Anne's Revenge
TLR was the first ecchi for millions of us. If you havent fapped to any TLR character, you are a literal baby.
Head Maid love.
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say it ain't so
oh it's Sherry
and Lulu
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She called my name and my heart stood still
When she said, "SKK, go do my will!"
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>TLR is considered ancient
What is love hina and my goddess then?
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>Much hotter girls
The days of anime and manga where everyone might as well be a caveman.
>love hina
A shit, that's for sure. Any violent female lead belongs to the gutter.
I like Sirius skin because she is drawn with Kincora's new style, meaning she looks like a Nyakhimov color swap.
Shit i'd love too but manjuu won't let me. Hopefully they course correct with AP.
Love hina was my first harem anime/manga, god the memories. I miss when Ken Akamatsu was good/relevant.
I will revive this fox with my semen
honestly I'd take a violent heroin over the borderline retarded heroines like the one from TLR
Mutsumi got robbed, I'm telling ya.
Only a non-Japanese Azur lane player would not know what to love ru is. It still gets merch. Ayatri pales in comparison.

violent female leads need to come back again. Tsundere's today suck too much.
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futoku no guild mogs TLR
>That shit is ancient and has a male MC
Forgetting your zoomer ass bait, it makes it hotter that tlr is a harem.

Cucking Rito is the best part.
>be 26
>birthday is this month
You all are making me feel old. Stop it.
TLR's art is better, so no...?
I am one of those few who liked the raise your TB mode. I just wished they added some qol stuff to it, like skipping stuff you already saw. I am glad they didn't abandon it.
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I know what TLR is lmao, i saw it when it came out, it's an ancient series at this point regardless of what copes you type.
Ayakashi ended last year on the other hand.
i turned 27 yesterday hermano, i feel fucking ancient
both are cuck shit garbage
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Looks like she isn't pic related.
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>turning 34 in a week
It's fine.
I started working and and stuff so I feel good, physically.
Talk like this just makes me feel old, makes me feel like I am talking to my nieces and nephews and I can barely relate to them.
Ok. Japanese players are the biggest consideration in regards to these collabs.
Do you think Japanese Azur lane players have fapped to TLR or AT more throughout their lifetimes? Are they more likely to have more TLR merch or nostalgia?
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Sad how zoomers will never understand slapstick humor.
I heard about TLR, but I could never get into it. Anime doesn't look interesting, neither do the few games.
I tried searching for naked TLR girls on pixiv and jerk off, but I'll be honest they look kinda boring to me. I am sorry.
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Just turned. Still breeding botes strong.
>Just turned
Turned what
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>Zoomer ass bait
The last tv series TLR got was 9 years ago lmao. You probably hadn't thought about the series in years before today.
Me too, but in 3 weeks.
I feel young though.
This is good content, but i would prefer something more romantic with them too.
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>Greetings, Commander. I'm Suzunami of the Sakura Empire, 10th ship of the Yuugumo class of destroyers. I hope we can be, um... friends...
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Is a shit archetype on its own, making her abusive just adds an extra layer of awfulness. Haughty ojous are fine though.
Speaking of ancient stuff, Color Wars collab when?
Jesus. Does nodoby read manga anymore?
bro, I'm 40
head maid gives me head?
>be born in 1993
>start getting into anime in 2004 because Sakura and Ino fighting got my penis tingly when watchin Toonami. Also Gaara killing niggas in the forest of death was cool.
>find onemanga dot com
>find love hina and all these different genre I've never seen before
>watching cringe ass early anime AMVs in 2006 early youtube and annoying my parents with the sound

I still remember the AMVs from 2006. Christ, I remember when Naruto vs Sasuke fight AMVs were half of youtube for me.

They obviously fapped more to TLR, with how disgustingly milked the series was, but they sure fapped to Ayakashi more recently.
hebe cat
Well, I haven't tried the manga, true. Might give it a chance.
>I'm 40
how are you still alive?
>I remember when Naruto vs Sasuke fight AMVs were half of youtube for me
For me it was the Ichigo vs Grimmjow Survivor AMV
Well TLR has actually collabed with other games I've played so this year. I have a momo folder I visit every couple of months. The amount of art Yabuki has drawn for TLR is so staggering it's impossible not to go back to. I hope he draws for the TLR ships
I liked Yuuna and the Haunted Hot springs.

Too bad jump has no ecchi right now after Ayatri ended, or I think it moved magazines beforehand anyway? We only have Blue Box, which is cute.
Look at those fucking thighs, just how much has she been eating?
first season is filler dogshit just read the manga
oh brother, someone better tell her quick.
That amv of love hina is probably older than most people here.
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why is there no art of botes wearing ball gags? Not even chapa has any bdsm art
If you're a cute catgirl asking to be friends while not wearing panties there's only one way for me to respond to this.
>I liked Yuuna and the Haunted Hot springs.
Didnt that manga end with the ghost winning and all the other girls swearing off men or becoming lesbians?

That was funny. I didnt read it
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My first anime was Urotsukidoji. It was all downhill from there.
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If I'm remembering well, we got gen 1 idol master specifically because of chink nostalgia for them over later iterations.
Read the manga

I'm shocked at how many people animeonly stuff. I have a friend who is going through the one piece anime and I beg him to just read the manga cause you go through manga 100 times quicker and it's typically better.
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My beautiful trad cranewife
Bro.... that Fade to black amv, that Falling in the black amv..... I am 30 myself soon
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More milk skins. More groping.
>mfw her swimsuit is basically guranteed to exist
>but they literally refuse to give skins to pastas outside their events, even less so L2Ds
At this point they might very well be keeping it for the pasta event where she is the tsu UR
Was this for me.


It was this exact AMV I remember too but there were a ton of copycats. Also Linkin Park ones.
>May 2006

So fucking old. Zoomers in this thread will NEVER have memories of having to watch anime on youtube in 16 part videos. And youtube having like a 10 minute video time limit.
i didn't even know the live stream was today/last night, but oh well, pretty meh so far
>CV Amagi
>musashi skin
shit, dickrinser is truly the worst
honestly the only two good things from this event are bismark oathskin, bremerton skin, and...maryland retro. yay...
old man here. Ronin Warriors was my first
>EVER have memories of having to watch anime on youtube in 16 part videos
i have vague memories of watching Dokuro-chan on youtube specifically. i don't know how i discovered it
>you either got porn or slayers/eva while searching for anime
Real story from 90s.
I'm your age and I never did that because I had fucking dial up.
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I need more
the first anime i remember completing was katekyo hitmon reborn and i watched that shit on fucking megavideo which had a 72 minute view limit for free users then you have to wait like 3 hours or some shit to get another 72 minutes
life was hard back in the day
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>first anime I watched (knowing what it was) was Rozen Maiden around DESU spam era
>got it via a torrent through animesuki
>wonder if it's still up
>dead for over 5 years now
O-oh… Fuck you and more specifically fuck me for going down memory lane.
Yes this is Azur Lane.
>musashi skin
im honestly fine with the drawing itself, but whoever did L2D for it really phoned it in
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are we just going to ignore the fact that her skin is a blatant copy of Otto's from Bisko Tsu's event?
We're ALMOST guaranteed to have a pasta event this december so probably there
Honestly what hurts me the most is the dumb unspoken rule of no vodka swimsuits outside the obligatory PR, give me that fucking Merkuria swimsuit, my penis NEEDS it
I got my anime 1 episode at a time with my shitty 256MB flash drive from my friend at school.
It's Fubuki, blindbro.
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yea but are you old enough to remember when taihou was the biggest titcow in the game?
Well there’s only so many poses you can do
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>ayano shibuya
>maidena from FnG
how topical

here, you can watch and listen to what she sounds like when she's masturbating

i can imagine the cute cat noises now
Casshern I think it was for me....
>please remember my ancient wife
I don't believe that there is a single millenial whos first anime experience isn't one of the memezaki's movies on cable tv.
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Yukikaze retrofit soon, I feel it in my nanoda
I feel you man, pastas basically don't exist outside their own events, and their l2d situation is a bad joke.
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>Actual breastpumps
Azur Lane is going full shameless isnt it? Sex mode when?
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zoomerretard here, what anime/manga do oldfags think I should watch/read?
The last one I watched (and my all time favorite) was hellsing ultimate.
legend of the galactic heroes
look at how she's holding that can...
You bet it's going to have implied bukkake like Fargo's
Fate stay night by DEEN
It was soul. Also Casshern
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i want some kot and bani milk
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Gurren Lagann
I remember ending up doing that shit for Heaven's lost property
Not first anime, but among the first I intended to watch online.
I'm blind. Where are the pumps?
macross plus
I feel like this year has been better than the last one at least: two ruse cruises, Napoli is guaranteed a skin this year or the next (unless they pull an Agir), and December is highly likely to be a pasta event, so more pasta skins + L2Ds
It's getting SOMEWHERE but it could be a lot better.
My first anime experience was I think Voltron or Speed Racer on TV, as a millennial. The first anime I really got into though was the Pokemon anime when it came out.
>That Manjuu half dunked into one of the milk tanks

Literally me.
Do metas count towards collection or not, like collab ships?
I am thinking of trying K2 in a few years. Do you guys think we will have EOS by then?
Behind Kashino, to the left
Time to go to bed, grandpa
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First airing of Robotech was what got me. '85 was a very long time ago.....
Does anyone think that Strasbourg is too fat for a supposedly fast battleship?
>average azur lane player is well into their 30's
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snowcoom and it's consequences have been a blessing for the gacha genre
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>azur lane players have stable disposable income to spend on the game to keep it going
botes if my favorite song is Evanescence's Bring Me to Life?
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Beck, Kyou kara Ore wa (manga, adaptation didn't finish the story), Darker than Black, FLCL, Planetes. Gunnm (manga, only original series), Iryuu (manga), Psyren,
Ulrich von Hutten
According to my game’s archive, yes.
Marco Polo, Amagi, Lexington, Unzen, Hood, Yorktown
Oh holy fuck. Okay, they won my wallet.
that takes me back original, not the faggot ass sequels
I would also Gantz for a decent manga read
Or Beelzebub or Medaka Box
The world God Only knows
the pillows are a fucking shit band that makes shit music
why are her legs double the length of her torso
You aren't human.
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shit taste
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You might get away if they weren't.
Kashino is so cute, I want to headpat her and stroke her cheeks before starting to slowly molest her all over.
That said FLCL isn't going to hit as hard for you if you don't watch it when you're going through puberty yourself, since that's the whole point.
I don't even remember far back enough to know what my first anime was, but it was probably one of OG Dragon Ball, Digimon Adventure or Pokemon
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bros when is gym granny going to get a skin...
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The Legend of Black Heaven
she has two what the fuck are you talking about
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>Dido bros
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yea well... she needs another!
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It wouldn't be a zelda skin without massive asses
>I would also Gantz for a decent manga read
I would never recommend it to anyone, considering the dogshit ending, but the series should be good, as it ends long before the fucking meme.
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>when every edgy AMV would use LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR, Disturbed, Slipknot, Linkin Park, System of a Down, etc.
>those kino SMBZ AMVs
I want to go back.
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This. She's a total sweetheart too. Absolute 100% total package.
>>those kino SMBZ AMVs
Bocchi the Rock!
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while we're at it, do any oldfags remember that anime with the alice in wonderland girl possessing some noble boy and becoming a scythe wielding monster? I still can't find it to this day.
>Waiting for tomorrow
>thousand foot crutch
Pandora Hearts?
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lmao what a skank
Now I've never seen this one before, though that's probably because it was made in 2011.
Jun got that animated? I thought only Black box got anime.
Go ahead and tell me this song doesn't get you hyped up, you little homo.
in the link, genius
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thanks anon. Time to start binging.
>went to search for one piece amv from the old youtube
>someone reuploaded it
Holy based spics.
this was the exact song I had in mind when I thought about how much the pillows fucking suck
that doesn't get me hyped up

THIS does, thoughever
Bunny suit soon
>boomer nostalgia thread
erm... botes? azur lane?
It got like a 24 episode run and a Kaijura soundtrack. That was a big deal for when it released.
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it's all on topic, we're discussing what we're going to watch later with vanguard
he swung the bat...
SHEIT, a fujo ex got me into it and black box. Will have to watch that
I still remember that panel where the main girl forcibly french kisses the MC, unless I'm misremembering.
The mangaka would go on to do something similar for her next series, this time with bloodsucking.
I followed Noragami for over a decade and I have opinions on that ending but they're favorable comparable to what Break Blade's entire second "half" made me feel when I finished that too.
Why are japs so fucking bad at writing endings?
Fucking homo.
I'm a classic rock guy, sorry.
I don’t just want money to throw at the game, I want the ability to subtly influence manjuu and nudge them towards things I like, like more tomboys or JC/JK botes
t. only 25
That sounds like Case Study of Vanitas, which also got animated.
While you are at it, boomers, opinion on TMR?
Vanguard only likes yuri anime
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>nostalgia hours
post old /alg/ images you never have a reason to use anymore
*METEOR starts playing*
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>tfw 28 year old boomer
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my oldest, but still relevant
Remember when he cosplayed as Enterprise and sang the 3rd anniversary song?
I only know his anisong catalog but it's full of bangers
Preserved Roses, Heart of Sword, HOWLING, fucking METEOR holy shit
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>dead game
>dead general
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who could they be?!
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actual legend, love him (no homo)
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First time seeing Lidukeface?
I risk much, but I miss boybands and BSpears.of the 90s early y2k
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Resonance is their only good opening. Fight me.
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Ummm aykchually that was by Abingdon Boys School.
down for what :P
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I actually like his music a lot, looking forward to the next Thunderbolt Fantasy season for the opening too.
i bet all you fucking boomers listen to r/a/dio nonstop on christmas eve + christmas
i do too
>Noone mentioning the OPs for numerous Sengoku Basaras or the puppet show with Vapeduck
For shame.
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Or Hack Sign.
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shut the fuck up Shangri-la you know what I meant or so help me god I will choke you

speaking of Shangri-la
dogshit op-kun's origin story... <3
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This I found genius but never found a time to use
The flat Prinz that got the swimsuit skin looks like a gremlin. Dunno what her name is. Can only keep track of Prinz Eugen. But I know she's a Prinz.
for some completely unknown reason she's the only 3d woman i've ever found attractive in my entire life
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and another cup until...
hey JK? is that the joke here?
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someone post that vanguard clip of her with big breasts. Does anyone have it?
Until what? Mainz Fate Sim 2?
There are days where all I listen to is METEOR on repeat.
I was blasting that shit even when I was autoing the Alsace event in the background.

The pink one
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did you mean rupprecht? she's not flat
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I have no need for this pic after prince philip's death.
those horns are actually comically huge lmao
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kumano is an ecchi jk
atsuko the vocalist of the band angela I assume
The hiragana says Kumano
She looks so much better with tits
>く ま の
What's it like being a fan of a franchise written and voiced mainly in Japanese yet you can't recognise simple kana? No, don't respond, I know you're just gonna say "who's gonna want to learn some shit minor language" or some shit
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never saw that one before. saving.
there was also a webm of her doing a magical girl transformation and had big breasts too.
Bruh that's basically flat. They don't need to be Hipper to be flat.
sorry i refuse to learn hieroglyphics
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I think that one was just from her PV, but I don't have it.
if that's flat for you, then hipper negative tits
Speaking of nostalgia, /alg/:
One of your AL-related wishes that has become true?
One of your AL-related wishes that is yet to come true?
fuck off retard
>Came true
Nelly retro
>Yet to be true
Penny retro
grosser kurfurst
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Gonna molest Rupprecht at the pool
>Came true
Roon L2D
>Yet to be true
Sex with Roon
Soyuz UR
Veneto chan
wtf male you guys told there were no males wtf!?
mental illness btw
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>One of your AL-related wishes that has become true?
They stopped writing behind innuendos and started writing actual sexual situations between (you) and the girls
>One of your AL-related wishes that is yet to come true?
Depends on how the 3D dorm pans out, I still want my dating sim.
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don't get to post this too often
>One of your AL-related wishes that has become true?
A hayamin bote
>One of your AL-related wishes that is yet to come true?
da Rodney kai (real) (not META)
If I hadn't seen her identified here, I never would have guessed that was Sirius.
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Here you go bro.
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I had a lot. The last thing I was wishing for was Indiana and she's perfect. I haven't given a lot of thought about what I want in the future of the game.
someone have the image related to that picrel? I can't find it. The one about anon saying she cups the balls due to the way she's holding the can
Ok We are so fucking back
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As far as I am concerned, that one loading screen of her is her canon size.
sex with sex and roon
Essexposters are a threat to society.
>No Shinano skin
>No Shimakaze skin
>No Akagi or Kaga skins
>Still no Enterprise or Helena skins this year
>Still no second skins for any bote from Vanguard's event
>No Janus skin
>No Ryuuhou swimsuit
>Bismarck somehow gets a sexier oath skin than the Whorebird Toot
So many missed opportunities.
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>One of your AL-related wishes that has become true?
Colorado retro
>One of your AL-related wishes that is yet to come true?
UR Johnston
>Whorebird Toot
Shut the fuck up Akagi you useless fox.
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I'm siding with the coomer
it was not unreasonable to infer this
thanks man. I agree
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>Came true
My lovely cranewife got an oath skin today.
>Yet to be true
More skins for my lovely cranewife
Btw, Fullmetal Alchemist is pretty good. /a/ schizos need not apply
Siren capture, which is half-true half-not, I guess
watch the original (2003) first and not the other way around
Goes without saying but good for pointing that out
The commander still lives and this vexes me
this isn't Melissa...
Slimy X hands typed this
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>One of your AL-related wishes that has become true?
Little Formidable
>One of your AL-related wishes that is yet to come true?
FOrmidable oath skin, or better skins in general
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This is the best /alg/ thread I've seen in years
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Soyuz shown and mentioned in the PV!
That's because less zoomer shitposting is in this thread
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>Commander, don't look!!
>most off-topic is the best
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Brotherhood is objectively superior to 2003.
Doomkeks are on suicide watch
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Soyuz was finally added to the game.
Still no Baltimore oath skin.
portland going up to indy always gets me
lmao at reddit coping about the new Bremerton skin as if she isn't one of the sluttier botes
Thighs to surpass Thigh-hou
I've seen what happens when you're "on-topic"
true for the entire site imo
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Off-topic discussions in vidya generals are awesome more often than not.
I want all who entered the general past 2019 to die or something unless their posts are exclusively of high quality.
and that is the reason you watch the 2003 first
to appreciate its merits without needing to compare the two all the time
She dresses that way, but she isn’t slutty however.
She's still top 3 with her swimsuit skin
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That's a lot of pasta cuties
Lorewise collabs included which is the strongest obtainable bote? I think unzen or fubuki senran?
Nah, it's like saying you have to watch og Hellsing to appreciate the Ultimate. Just skip it.
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God I want to fuck those twins as roughly as possible.
I fucking love bote milk.
So who's the dumb faggot at Manjuu HQ that decided not to make the Belfap skin L2D? Do they have an aversion to making a fuck ton of money or what?
I still get a hearty kek at the little Chkalov toddling along.
Honestly this is a pretty middling UR event
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>Make sex videos with Leonardo
>Runs around nearly naked with a trench coat in the attraction park
Ting An is a gigantic slut
Ironically the best case for "dressing like that doesn't make her a slut"
who said I'm watching it to appreciate anything?
it's two different stories
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Godtier new lulu/louis set
too spicy to be animated unfortunately
Where's Leo's flasher skin?
grabbing lulu's insecurities while fucking louis' hole!
File deleted.
Now that this is canon, how much more can we expect to see?
Event so boring we have to resort to offtopic shit.
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Blame Mog for escalating.
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It really is bizarre. I thought Asians loved money, and therefore would develop shrewd business sense.
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What does the scan button and resend button do which shows up when you click on the valentine gift?
No one gives a shit about that brain damaged bimbo
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Akagi UR retro when?
we don't do that anymore
We just did it though.
I think it's supposed to check if the relevant mail is in your inbox/archive and then send it to you if it isn't
haven't managed to make it work though
only to whos
All Sakuran botes want to marry SKK (He’s shown to be white)
It's not something a bote should be into, it’s something YOU FORCE on them
so rape basically
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You care enough to reply to every post made about her. You may not play AL, but you're still highly obsessed with Mog.
Kisaragi didn't get to go to the virtual amusement park...
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Why are you upset?
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PAIN is weakness LEAVING the body
She's working the lemonade stand.
Kisaragi is a smart, mature girl for her age, and so she's okay with letting her sister have fun.
Would give her tan children with black hair and green eyes
Doesn't look Injun like the others one are.
More like a half sister at best. She looks like a white girl that's bronzed out
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Shit take mate.
She objectively looks like a tanned Washington or Washington's sister. At least Sodak Massa and Alabama look a bit more injun
zoomers, one day you will be an old oji-san.
I'm one now
I'm just 27, 27 is still young...
That's my biggest issue with her, she's like a white girl playing cowboy, not an indian.
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Why the fuck would Hindenburg work for Bismarck when the whole point of her character is for her to be contractually bound to the commander?
She was abducted from her family (white) by SoDaks tribe and raised as one of their own.
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>Also Gaara killing niggas in the forest of death was cool.
Sir the segregated thread is 3 pages down
i was 27 too once, and then it felt like in the blink of an eye i was already 30+ bro...im sorry
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>Tfw 30
Still feel young, and look younger than my age thankfully.
Bet you look a rough 35
I heard JKs are attracted to Oji-sans, so there’s that.
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>All of Kashino's milk is actually Moloch semen
Played yet again
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People think I'm late 20's at most.
Stay mad, Norbert.
>I am 30
>Late 20's at best
I mean alright bro. The real gene test comes when you look 30 at 40
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Hahahaha. I am 42, been on 4chan since 2003 Remember, you are here forever.
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why did she do it?
Killer hips and figure on Unzen.. No wonder they like her
If you were given a mic, how would you dunk on Yostar in one sentence?
Hindenburg is still a Iron Blood
It was just a prank bro
Is the Tashkent on the right okay? She seems to have lost some clothing...
This pic needs to be run through every poyopoyo gifmaker animation.
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Are there any webms of Indianas bouncy chocolate titties.
Azur Promilia
I'd say the name of my guild
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Better look at the Shimanto acrylic figure
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Akagi won
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Indians are not chocolate retard.
Maybe she'll have a skin for the new year event, I guess.
Akagi sharted
Unless they are actual Aztecs, but they are supposed to be Injuns, plain Indians
>[File deleted]
I thought Shimanto was supposed to be kind of aloof.
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Yeah but remember when Kaga used to be alive? That was cool.
Most Indians have intermingled with Whites so much that they are just a shade of beige or khaki. Some tribes have higher full or half blood members though.
She's going to come back from the dead, the shikidick demands it
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It isn't fair
You wouldn't get it
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Too gratuitous desu
Akagi Malparida Hijueputa
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Helena is now a Sofmap model.
jajaja burrito taco
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>Doesn't appear anywhere during the anniversary stream
Honestly, this JP anni is shit. Shit event. What the fuck?
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What is it?
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Shark milk soon.
Not gratuitous enough. You have to look behind the figure to find it.
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English only
Find the most offensive guild name in the spreadsheet
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Yeah yeah, we get it, you are a cuck
He’s a faceless Japanese eroge protagonist.
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>black man
Where's the Mikasa strong bikini skin Manjuu?
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>"If Shido wants me, then I'll gladly give my everything to him. To become his lover, kiss him, have sex with him, marry him, give birth to as many babies as he wants, grow old together with him. But, even if Shido chooses someone other than me, I won't mind. If Shido thinks to marry Tobiichi-san, I'll bless him with all my heart. Of course, it also applies for other person as well. Even if Shido chooses Tohka-chan, Kotori-chan, Yoshino-chan or perhaps someone that I don't know. Of course, I don't mind if he doesn't choose to be with anyone, or even if he chooses everyone I'll support his wish. I'll do anything for Shido's happiness. If Shido wishes it, I'll grant any of his wish. I don't mind becoming his childhood friend, his lover, his wife, his younger sister, his older sister, his mother, his daughter, his superior, his subordinate, his enemy, his nemesis or even someone unrelated to him. As long as Shido is happy, I'm satisfied....Oh sorry, it seems I got too worked up by myself. But it is true that I don't mind whoever Shido chooses."
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>You have to look behind the figure to find i
I did. That's what I was referring to.
uh oh anon. that image used to be a ban
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We Laffey's big sisters so mean to her?
>granny muscles
new fetish acquired
They put these in there so chinks and japs would keep paying.
>used to
Not my problem
When Granny Avrora gets one too
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Oh no, anyway
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>we could've gotten a nice Belfast feet animation if her new skin was a L2D
it's so over...
>every giving AL anything

Also DAL collabs suck in other games. They dont lewd the girls at all
Bastards are normally not seen as proper kin, so bullying is a given.
not if i die first faggot
Irresponsibly cumming inside bote wombs since they can't get pregnant
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>they can't get pregnant
So TLR collab. They are not human character. They are aliens. So they are allowed atago yeah?
>He doesn't know
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Oh yeah? Where'd I get this from then?
Okay so maybe you should scuttle yourself then. I see nothing to complain about when that Tashkent figure is there and Unzen is dangling her tits over that cup.
Akashi experiments
Some are humans. Mikan, Yui, Haruna.
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Yes, botes
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What harem protag to cuck next
>that bulge

anon what are you thinking...
Nier doesn't have a male protagonist so none. I want 2B.
What's the point of inviting female voice actors to the anni streams if they don't announce a single thing for the characters they play?
Just to trick the fans of those girls, botes and/or VA, into expecting stuff?
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I'm thinking of fucking my daughter
That series has what? 3 girls?
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I agree with other anons saying IS would be a good one. Their protag was equally annoying and deserves it.
Uuuuh Kaine
I dunno I only played Automata but there's more in other games
Thoughts on PV?

Alien and imouto sex...
It shows they made a lot of progress with their animation studio. Because the very old PVs used to be loading screens and character arts getting the L2D treatment
Uhhhhhh bread??????
foreshadowing that the ayy lmao can’t beat the skcock
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I love it.

It's not their studio. Marketing guy said it was Madhouse.

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if the krauts run out of ships to add, should they just invade the dutch and have their ships be released under the IB umbrella?
Give it a couple hours and it should be still good
they're like decorations
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Is it time for all-ages lewds?

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