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LATTER: >>493416537
no sticky this year dotards
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No main stage yet retard
cuz dota is dying
>*fucks you're waifu*
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we're just training for deadlock ti next year
thinking about Ephey's brown pussy
Cloud9 bought the Entity roster for TI money and publicity they'll get rid of them after TI
did they miss the dota is dead memo?
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you think im gonna play turbo or unranked when i have almost 20 years in this game?
that's like playing wow and collecting treasures for achievements
Why Germans love Arabs so much.
i miss mason
There's nothing wrong with unranked.
Why mirana carry?
>6 ults used massive fight
>No one dies
What the fuck it's already play offs? It's like half of the TI is already over, and it started like 2 days ago?
Where's the stage even? Any content? It feels like a $1000 lan lol
why'd he get banned?
Yatoro makes it work.
NAtard team, saving strats
You could literally remove everything but rearm and defense matrix from stinker and he'd still bring just as much value to the game as he does with full kit.
the clip got deleted but its most likely for a joke he made about indians being stinky
AI's based
>kill nigger tinker
>entire team falls apart
Nice patch Campo Santo
They are still deciding on the seeding.
>Tinker dead
>Decide to fight anyway instead of backing off
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ukrainians did it
fake news
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ephey is a virgin
lmao half of playoffs is gonna be without a crowd? meanwhile cs just upped their major to have a crowd for all 3 stages
He wouldn’t get banned if he just said swastika.
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>FREE 100 attack speed + 80/120/160 attack speed/dmg steroid + 200% crit at lvl 20
>Arab with tattoos
Her Palestinian father regrets ever leaving Jordan
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I missed the tundra series, anything interesting happen?
I came
ok but how does that relate to dota
I am the dota god
Jew is winning
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Ok dogard
When is gay ben going to die?
and who wins this TI?
not really. unsurprisingly south american teams are poopoo at dota. cute frog btw
I don't answer without appropriate sacrifice being offered first
can fly stop feeding please
>cute frog btw
thanks :)
What sacrifice do you require?
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wtf is that mirana damage
>Echo Slam on 4 heroes
>Does no damage
Lmfao. This game is powercrept to hilarity at this point.
the jew and the german are ruining it for the castizo future
It's carry potm with new ultimate
pretty self explanatory
she has like +500 attack speed, +180 damage and 20% chance for 200% crit when completely buffed lol
Solar crest is also putting in work, heroes just die instantly now which is why there's an aura meta the game has become a joke
if purge is that important then why doesn't anyone pick brewmaster anymore? he has a big fat aoe purge
nobody cares about purge, he fell off
Holy shit yatoro is fucking shit now lel
NA with the goated tactical feed
Is Miposhka drunk?
stop deadnaming him
>win fight late game
>luna doesnt delete the entire base in 2 seconds
What the fuck is this game now?
anon, they're all russians
of course they are drunk
Brewmaster requires the ability to be able to micro and that's not an easy thing, Sabrelight for instance talked about how he hated playing Brew because he's bad at micro
>tactical carry feed
I would be surprised if Nouns can win 2 games
Holy shit they pulled off the tactical feed strat AGAIN
what a buyback
Mirana is too squishy to be a pos 1, he's the only one who's playing Mirana pos 1
Report Tinker for that laser.
>/d2g/ getting hype over matches that literally don't even matter
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I did not expect nouns to take a game of spirit
>Your own support breaks your lasso
Vodka brains
Yeah, now here comes the real test. The #1 way lower tier teams is going "Wait we shouldn't be winning this?!" and then they just throw the next two games. Nouns needs to not let it get to their heads.
I mean they do matter but in a very boring type of way, they're basically fighting for an extra life
ES is too good
Both carries can just right click anyone, it's just that invoker/kunkka <<<< earthshaker/sk at enabling them.
>ephey: sssss sss sssss sss ssssssssssssssssssss
Him and Micke I should've said who also loses every time they go Mirana pos 1
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>upperbracket doesn't matter even though every winner started there
retard, nouns invented the mirana pos 1 in completion
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>upper bracket
>doesn't matter
Invoker is so fucking useless late/mid game it's crazy. All his spells are just powercrept into oblivion
>all that nw on tinker
>it doesn't actually do anything
Mirana's only defensive is leap which is negated by glepnir one of the most bought items currently meanwhile Luna can reduce damage by 25%
valve 3 no 3 time ti winner haha upvote
The second game is always the real struggle. It's not like Spirit can't shit the bed completely, but BO3s always seem pretty hard for the worse teams to win for obvious reasons
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills when I watch Invoker and I see teams constantly picking him up. The hero does nothing anymore.
these matches are seeding deciders, retards. there's literally no consequence for losing them.
Wrong you dumb nigger
you dumb fucking subhuman piece of shit cut your fucking throat open
How did nouns win?
>hey look I have a meteor that does 300 damage on 50 sec cd, just stand in it for a bit so I can actually hit it, and pls don't use pipe, thanks
>Wrong you dumb nigger
concession accepted
destroyed enemy ancient
Ok, but how? I thought that team spirit was the best team.
>sneeder deciders
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is deadlock good? quit dota and I'm /fit/ now
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It's alright
If you lose these matchups you go to the lower bracket, it very much matters
If the items had good icons instead of placeholders it would be better than dota fr fr
It's DEI sweet baby shit and already dying
>from sucking at the game to sucking dick
very nice
Drafted like shit
Played like shit
Got caught without bb when good bb usage used to be one of their strengths
can the enemy see the ancient?
It makes at least a $13k difference
where is reya?
I heard she fucked so many guys at the last TI she was invited they decided not to invite her anymore
she? I'm talking about you, you faggot.
/fit/ is a gay board
So what? There's nothing wrong with being gay, I love cocks and men
Wait, i thought she was a lesbo kek
Easy 2:0.
>spirit banned meepo
holy kek they 're mindbroke
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Are there mouthbreather handsome pros?
Is le healing wacko robot inventor bait?
she made a blogpost about doing a switcheroo
d2g rightfully concluded she got dicked so hard it turned her straight
she was cured by penis, many such cases
When do the GOOD teams play?
Lina feet
Yuma is a meepospammer
artour soon
meh tried one game and it had fucking retarded amounts of ability spam
like i had some crystal maiden Q kind of AoE slow/nuke with like 5 second cooldown and 4 charges and it was only one ability out of 48 in the game
>Pick Bat + Tinker again
Do you think they'll fuck up with the Tinker Laser + Lasso again?
>losing at draft this hard

I think they're gonna get rolled hard. I think spirit is a dud every two TI.
spirit betting against themselves I see
Fuck you /d2g/ you stimulated my schizophrenia and now whenever Ephey speaks I hear the ssssSSsssss.
jesus christ yatoro got fucking fat
group stages are so fucking useless
you still have to beat all the teams to win so whats the point?
its not the nba with a full season of seeding, playing 3 games against 3/15 teams is fucking nothing
how did nouns win a match against spirit?
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pic related, whenever ephey is speaking
Spirit is too squishy and without a frontliner. They will just get jumped in teamfights and get instantly deleted.
ts hasn't been trying this ti
Worst TI ever...
How is spirit supposed to face a full team fighting team with that comp
just woke up
how the fuck did Spirit lose to fucking nouns
They're not.
>doubling down on tinker
When did they start stubborn ego drafting? Easy 2:0 for nouns.
Fly used his mossad connections to pressure them
Is ephey wearing dentures?
>When did they start stubborn ego drafting?
nigga they've been picking nearly the exact same shit for years
why did spirit last pick a pos 5 rubick when theres no enigma in the game? What kind of impact can this pos 5 rubick have that would warrant a last pick?
>can't even use the twitch chat unless you give them your number
Why is Valve so pozzed now?
Easy betting money? >>493533581
>tactical tower feed
>twitch chat
take your meds retard
It's a tournament from Valve on the official TI dota channel from Valve
and valve completely gave up the broadcast to pgl
kek at this retard
yes anon Valve is in control of their twitch channel and choose to restrict the chat, retard.
How is larl so fucking shit lel
>creating features on twitch
do you even read news? PGL is in full control of TI now
pack it up this shit is over
Channels can CHOOSE if they want to open the chat for everyone or restrict it like only allow people that verified their accounts with a phone number. You absolutely retard.
>can't even use the twitch chat unless you give them your number
>Why is Valve so pozzed now?
lina vs mars is bad mmhhhm
>top of the group
>if they lost this bo3 they are going to lower bracket
This got to be the shittiest format in the history of dota 2
That mars ult was great, lina couldn't do shit to luna
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Nouns won't win.
ruskies stronk
Why dont the numbers 1 and 2 from every group go to upper bracket? Why do the numbers 1 and 2 have to play against the numbers 3 and 4 to decide who goes upper?
upper bracket is for bitches
Team spirit realized they can make more money throwing games than winning TI
Reminder they picked nouns to play against
why does youtube have like a 1 min buffer
Wheres the damage cykabros
Read again
use 2x speed trick
why is this different from getting top of your group in the old format and then losing your first bo3 in uppers and dropping to lowers? just think of it like everyone starts in the upper bracket
nice fucking arena retard
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It's insane to me they basically nailed the TI structure years and years ago (and knew it as they basically repeated it during Dota 2's golden years) then just randomly decided to throw it all down the shitter.

It happens so much these days it's crazy. The older generation gave you the blueprints on how to run this shit perfectly, you think you can run it better, you shit the bed and make it worse.
I genuinely don't understand how anyone could have thought 4 groups of 4 was a good idea.
Burgerbros... i have a bad feeling about this...
yep, 60 mins++ game
They might be pinching pennies to reduce the amount of matches, but honestly I can't believe that it would be that much more expensive to have a bit longer groupstage instead of this shit. Some retard might have wanted to make a change for the sake of making a change and completely fucked up the format. This format is complete dogshit
He could have twice tree's networth and his impact would still be less than living armor + overgrowth.
perhaps they should try winning a bo3. against NOUNS of all fucking teams. who they voluntarily chose to face
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>6-0 in group stage
>loser's bracket
>Some retard might have wanted to make a change for the sake of making a change and completely fucked up the format.
Probably this. I work in a shop and we have a constant cycle of stuck up white collar 'consultants' who come in for half a year, completely fuck up the work flow of the shop with their retarded enforcements (only put into effect because they want to feel like they're doing something) then they leave and we're all left having to deal with their fucking scraps.
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>6-0 in group stage
>can't beat NA team
They have to be 322ing to lose to fucking gunnar
just fucking look at how bad he is
The meta and state of the game is dreadful right now. It has been designed atrociously for the last few years.
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>Yatoro renamed himself after this gay jobber
Is this format worse than the one they had in a few of the original majors with the main stage being a single elimination bracket? That was such a shitty format too
Explain Rubick's thought process to stay there and get 2 Lotuses from the pool.
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>rubick casually grabbing lotuses while his entire team dies
>gets picked off anyway
what the fuck was that retard thinking?
Spirit playing like absolute garbage
>change name
>start in lower bracket
So thats the power of anime avatar pfp retards from russia
>Explain Rubick's thought process to stay there and get 2 Lotuses from the pool.
Miposhka has facial ticks so I assume he has episodes.
Rubick thinks "Can't wait to get my 100 million ruble payout from betting sites"
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>6-0 lower bracket
nice format dotards
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>pick tinker bat
>they do nothing and lose
>pick tinker bat
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nu-internationals are so soulless
finally good guys winning, if only falcons also lost, free TI for Liquid/Ame
>Grand Finals
>Ame changed his name to "Malenia" and wins TI finally 3-2 vs Spirit
>Types "I have never known defeat" as he his Spirit's Throne to win the tournament
They have to follow the script.
What models are you using for these gens titbro?
built to be mating pressed by human men
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>go 14-4 in grp stages
>lose 2 matches
>lower bracket

wtf, shit system
They chose to play Nouns they did it to themselves
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That's what happens when Hoodwink gets nerfed
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PLEASE tell me TI isn't infested with thirdies
Or PLEASE tell me they're not Latinx thirdies at least
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What was the point of groups of these seed matches determine placement??
are they just padding for no reason?
Losing on main stage is different than losing in this literal who cares meme stage
I miss when TI games were always on the main stage
they didnt like how the last matches of the previous group stage were often irrelevant
so instead they made everything but the last match irrelevant
>only level 1 in dragon slave
Is it really worth it?
Who the fuck is Raddan
>oh it's Yatoro
>they didnt like how the last matches of the previous group stage were often irrelevant
I don't remember many TI group stages where the last games didn't matter a lot. It sounded just like an excuse to pinch pennies
stats are worth ten times more when you play a rightclick lina
bravo miyazaki
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Where are puppey, notail and rtz
are you blind? we're infested with all the latinx furries
i fucking killed them
Liquid must be so fucking relieved they lost to spirit i cant even imagine how they feel. You know they too would choose nouns if they won
he aspires to fuck underage boys, so he renamed himself after his favorite elden ring boss
there definitely were a fair amount of games where both teams were already locked into upper/lower
Liquid would also beat Nouns
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tinker higher level than the mid bat
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I killed them
le highground
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I know d2g is thirdie general but the actual event too now???
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Who cares when Ame is going to win this anyway
>lasso kills tinker
china will never win another TI
>2-0d by fucking NOUNS
Fly the jew does it once again!
Does anyone outside of Reddit find Jenkins appealing? He is an embarrassment with his cringey outfits, and why we need to bring back bullying.

The whole cast is slipping, their takes are shit and have no clue what they are talking about. Where are Notail and Ceb to actually provide some decent insight?
Not to mention with this dreadful meta, TI is super boring.
The only thing to look forward to is Puppey and other pros joining Gorgc's stream.
isnt bat just pudge but really bad
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frog website
>huge lead all game
>cant push
is this the power of NA dota?
Im sure watching the team that 2-0d them losing 2-0 to nouns makes them think "yea we would beat them"
not at all
I only watch some of the games and completely skip the panel. It's not like they usually have anything worthwhile to say anyway, but I also don't want to look at complete clown attention whores like Jenkins play out their crossdressing fantasies instead of acting normal on a panel. You can joke around on the panel and have fun, but at some point it just becomes obnoxious and the EN panels have been complete dogshit for the longest time with the same 2k retards regurgitating nonsense
puppey is drafting for spirit today
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it's the power of modern day dota
i wonder what the betting odds look like
i've been watching only non english streams since ti10 desu
v1lat exploding when spirit won was kino
Armor reduction needs buffs.
Should probably ask the Spirit players
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Team Spirit is throwing on purpose
Check them betting sites
>He is an embarrassment with his cringey outfits, and why we need to bring back bullying.
Yeah, we need to bully people who get upset over clothes
fucking yikes dude
is anyone here going to TI
Nouns is a latinx team
is what they'd say
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>NA actually doing it
what do you mean? winning ti gets so much money, why would you throw ti?
Raddan is getting kicked after this.
It was bound to happen
each game on TI is probably 1000x the moneyflow of the entire prizepool
god i miss nitcotine
mira is euthanizing again
Did tinker break the lasso again? What the fuck is Mira doing?
>doom doomed himself twice in the row
onions outdrafted by Bossnian mastermind milan
no way spirit turns this around right?
This is clearly 322
>Spirit literally going to lose because they can't stop Warp Flaring lassos
Ok so - pro strat go into options and unbind warp flare right now.
how do I get a gf like this?
Is spirit out if they lose this
if that shit happens in a pub you know the all chat ZZZZZZ are coming out
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I believe in the 60+ minutes game comeback
piratehat lina is gonna turn this
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>doom doesn't have buyback because he bought another midas
>Losing to Nouns
joke format
Why is every game a stomp?
if you "xd" or "XD" or any variant of that, then you are a stupid idiot
raddan is shit yatoro wouldn't have lost to this
joke format
wait, i thought this was to determine seeds. why is spirit going to lower bracket? are we in main stage matches already?
>na team
>is named pronouns
Fly winning TI would be incredibly kino. Artour and sh1t get exposed, OG tards in full damage control, Ephey has to interview him through seething tears as he stands draped in the Isreali flag. Judas redeemed at last
These guys won TI twice?
huh?? dotards?? sticky doko?
Why are these faggots always hugging each other after every win? Why are Dotards so fucking gay?
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Racism won...
no one cares about nouns
it determines if you start upper or lower bracket
fat fuck raddan
i care
basically none of the group stage matches mattered, everyone gets put into upper or lower bracket based on a single bo3
you haven't watched dota for the past 5 years haven't you
more like godskin noble lmaoooooooooooooo
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>lower bracket
Arabs are so annoying that I'm rooting for a Jew
imagine your midlaner bragging that he did 8k more damage than the hard support
is tinker a honeypot hero?
most obvious case of 322
>TS doing their best to make the noobiest of mistakes
>Gunnar is still so dogshit and chokes every fucking arena
>TS has throw even harder so that the loss actually goes through
>lowest TI prizepool yet still 100's of thousands of viewers and bettors
TI integrity is completely dead
wasn't ppd involved with them?
>upset over clothes
Way to miss the point.
I guess your the kind of person who dooms others into being intolerable.
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TI has officially started now dotards
>wasn't ppd involved with them?
Who cares?
Did sheever lose her tits
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supportkeks why did you tell me tinker was good?
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Are the games interesting now /d2g/?
uhh dotard there is still one more match, but I guess it's an easy win for gaymen
Super fucking hard mid diff lmao
She had breast cancer and a (double, I think) mastectomy a long time ago.
I now understand what you mean by Ephey's "SSSSSSSSSSS" holy shit her voice changer is so annoying
>I guess your the kind of person who dooms others into being intolerable.
>umh aschulally you're the one who caused me to be a nazi
Why is this format so shit?
Spirit went 3-0-0 and came first in their Groups, Nouns went 0-2-1 and came last, but now Spirit is in the lower bracket and Nouns is in upper?
Isn't 33 an Israeli Jew? He already won TI.
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How come they never show any information and display a typical tournament graphs? Why do I have to go to a third party website for that instead of the hosts showing that instead of talking about useless shit for 2h?
I have no idea what the teams are even playing for, why the outcome for the match even matters and so on.
This wouldn't happen without matchfixing
sheever has the voice of an angel
Is Doom the ultimate honeypot?
>be 3-0-0
>choose 0-2-1 team for free win
>win is not free
>end in lower bracket
also 4 out of 6 wins are against fucking beastcoast and aurora, get a grip
it's a good game
Not a real win and didn't generate enough seethe. I'm hoping the heightened tensions will lead to some shenanigans. Liquid winning would be fine as well I like Nisha and Boxi but having every major tournament be EEU vs WEU is getting dull I want other regions to be strong again
Again, you missed the point I was making. Where did you get Nazism from? I think you are off having your own conversation.
It's basic parenting to not let your children become unlikeable. If people cannot tolerate your children, you have failed as a parent.
Despite all the negative consequences of bullying, it can at least mould your children into becoming acceptable members of society. It builds self-consciousness and saves them from being cringe.
circus theme TI, circus behavior and outfit, he's the only one bringing the right energy to the clownfest

if valve is going to be -this- lazy and just drop an event that printed them hundreds of millions each year then jenkins outfit might even be more appropriate than a suit and tie - he dressed professionally for Riyadh, because that tournament was handled professionally
more of a hexen fan myself
Quitessss a fewssss of themsssselvessss
Ephey is wearing dentures, that's why she makes those ssssss sounds
That's true. I guess he is dressed appropriately based on how Valve has handled Dota over the last few years.
I didn't see any panels for Riyadh, I might have to tune in next time if it carries a more professional vibe.
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It's time
she's actually a snake wearing a woman's skin
Riyadh was basically the real TI this year, it was very nicely done
Now GG loses and its best TI in the history
the cuck chair
Ephey became a Horcrux for You Know Who
I told you he's getting back to power
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Flat out showcasing the imbalance
nice patch valve
is that moo?
>27% winrate pango picked
ez win for gg
>my forced honeypot meme is still going years later
When does this TI get good?
dire jungle and mid lane suck ass, also fuck radiant safelane hard camp.
how thirdie infested is the modern day gulag
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>thinking you invented a legitimate term
I wonder if it's mainly placement. Do asiatics do better (than western p*gs) with Dire?
When does RTZ play?
Anon.. I...
I ported the term from /g/ to /d2g/ in the form of honeypot lan
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Forgot my smug frog image
this TI is dog shit
even the TI during covid was a thousand times better
>least obvious nazi
you're not fooling anyone
just be honest, you hate gay people
Call it now. It's going to be gaming gladiators going down to the lower bracket.
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>Digital Chaos
now THAT was a TI
final 3 teams are going to be Falcons, GG, and Spirit
Spirit will probably win TI, idk, my future vision is a little foggy rn
Okay so spirit didn't play tinker at all in groups then first picked it twice?
>d2g memes making the actual broadcast
reddit get ye gone
Literally not possible
can't believe valve is okay with synderen body shaming someone live on stream
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radiant winrate is due to vision advantage in the morning and roshan security in the morning too.
>he thinks d2g made these memes
man, these teams have no identity anymore. everyone just picks the same heroes and have the same playstyles. how the fuck does anyone get excited over this
Chaos Knight's illusions should use random cosmetic items
yeah dood and they should have random stats and random damage and random random
hecking CHAOS XD
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>the old minimap with the dire rosh advantage was more balanced than the shitshow we have today
The same map that let dire mid buy from the secret shop without leaving mid.
The same map that let you ward a specific area that let you see inside the rosh pit.
The same map that let radiant stack 3 camps at the same time with minimal effort.
is synd the only half decent caster left
Synd and Sunsfan
What was wrong with this map that needed changing?
having a mirrored map is boring anyway, change breathes new life into any game
>only 100k viewers
ded gaem
the event that occurs before u wake up at 2 pm
I don't remember ever being able to see in Rosh pit, it has its own special property

Rosh stand-offs favoured Dire, they could farm their ancients while waiting
>it's literally ace's meta
>be tanky offlane
>buy aura
>click skills
>be braindead
thanks valve for rigging it for quinao
Didn't Dire have a lower winrate even with the Roshan advantage because Radiant's jungle was generally better?
Why does it keep showing reactions of balding players?
if only beastcoast had won then we could have an 0-6 ub team
whoever's working the camera really loves showing players' faces at the worst possible angles
Chinks and being dogshit at dota
Name a more iconic duo
this is how real people look, maybe go outside and not goon to anime all day
>tinker support
>lina carry
>sand king is meta once more (prepare to get trashed and be irrelevant for 5 years faggot)
>pango still picked
it is possible
icefrog hasn't worked on dota in years
Most of us are balding
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>the gay men russel crowes are back
the dark times begin again.
There was a ledge behind rosh that you could put a ward on that let you see a tiny area inside the rosh pit. Just enough to know if it was getting taken.
how the fuck someone can say with a straight face that ace is not the biggest factor on this GG team?
quinn fans are as delusional as EE fans
It isn't, GG either fight Falcons in their 2nd upper bracket game or Spirit in the their 1st lower bracket game, one of them is getting eliminated in the lower bracket semifinal
Lina > Luna
the ultimate chokers.
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Reminder that you can always quit this shit game and play MTG instead.
anon, it's a team game
you dont have to fellate ace
it's actually tofu and seleri but ok
fuck off Chris
>play magic
>post pictures of graded slabbed cards
these are not cards you can play with, and I'm someone who does actually play with FBBs
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We know

Then they get eliminated in the semifinals, they can't all be in the lower bracket final
yeah we understand that -2apm braindead aura bot- is the most important factor on the team
>shartyfact print version
Or maybe GG is an actually good team with 5 great players. I think we can all agree that Dyrachyo is the weak link, but he's still an A- tier carry at worst.
Ace is definitely the best aura offlaner ever, that's for sure.
Pango is losing basically every match he is picked in.
that game is too much RNG
Could be worse
Could be larl
What's the winrate of pos4 Sniper in TI so far?
missed opportunity for god tier art if wasn't for the sameface
Win a ti before you talk shit
like 25%
Why do they keep picking him...
>mars 84% winrate over 13 games
Good laner that grants vision, I still think Sniper is a MUCH better Mid than support though, he clears almost every single match up for free and scales insanely well
The effect to deny shared vision because of Arena is broken.
It became a trend pretty recently.
It feels super strong when you have 3 charges and can do 3 nukes. But then it takes 105 seconds to get the charges back and he's honestly dogshit with <2 charges.
can't they just lean over to look at their teammates monitors to see what's going on inside/outside the arena?
Don't they mostly take the super short duration high damage Shrapnel Facet? It's not great at providing vision for more than a second.
Sniper has longer vision during night and even the low duration sharpnel helps a lot during teamfights, since he's almost always in safe casting distance.
You can't use really shrapnel for vision with that facet. It's dogshit for that.
It's more about not being able to do anything like Glimmer/Solar your ally unless you put an Observer down into the Arena. Heroes like SD and Veng have skills at least that give them vision inside and let them save.
these matches suck
i am honestly thankful that no one is picking spectre. this basically guarantees she will get another round of buffs.
That's true. Can cancel blinks with that from really far in a fight.
>le always lose dwarf
why is jenkins partaking in a humiliation ritual?
does ephey get off seeing him dress like a fag?
Why do they keep picking a 25% winrate hero?
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I dont want her to get more buffs
She's already so good
Gotta keep it on the downlow
Flex, Quinn plays a mean mid sniper.
Jenkins is a zero inhibition gigachad wearing whatever random attentionwhore shit he wants
At least 3 gg players are balding
>tfw 19 with a full head of hair
i'm going to make it
11 years to go before you know
IG is fucking done
>tfw 33 with a head full of hair
I don't even care

viperine tongue
can't really say that after they nosedived when icefraud nerfed all ace heroes. even when mid was much more impactful (like the malr1ne dominant months) or the hc revival with ck/alch, all great dyra heroes

we could say that ammar was a heavy factor for falcons but I'm not even comparing falcons with gg, I'm talking about GG under performing against all the others tier A teams.

and suddenly, aura shit is back again, ace dominates and they became good again
>almost 26
>full head of hair
>but also greying
Fugg, guess you can't win them all.
ssssssssstack up a few times
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is it me or her tits are bigger today?
Sorry haters but quinn is winning this TI
body parts change size
if you stayed in school you might have known that
He already won Riyadh which had the bigger prizepool and no one cared
Having the coach interviews while the game already started is so dumb
pregnancy does that
they gave them fucking chen its gonna be even shorter than previous game
So when is act 4?
Idk, XG, Spirit and Falcons are all on form, even with the blunder against Nouns earlier today I don't see GG having a favourable matchup against ALL of them on the same tournament.
She's pregnant with qojqva's child.
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quinn is a filthy human being
After TI. They extended the event to the end of October.
just tank the tower lmfao whho careas xD
Viper has to be the worst designed kit in the entire game, boring as shit, barely works, not very flavorful and extremely linear with builds. imho he needs an entire rework.
what was the last TI that had tri-lanes? ti7?
TI win immortalizes you in the game.
As THE meta option? TI4 with deathball, as a generally viable strategy? TI6, Wings did some insane shit with 2 aggro supports + early game carries.
>extremely linear with builds.
nigga viper is the only hero that can buy whatever item he wants and still work as intended
Trilanes are still good in pubs
>pick viper
It's that easy.
Yeah but that's because his gameplay is so fucking linear (walks into you and auto attacks) that it doesn't matter what items he has. Besides blink which is VERY rare there's almost no change at all in his gameplay from itemization. You want to stand in front of the enemy carry and hit him after viper striking, and hopefully tank some magic damage, that's it.
its not boring to make enemies suffer with poison
it also works well considering its winrate
very memeable hero, I think the flavor ratio of viper is actually higher than most
he has like 3 different viable buildpaths
here's poison in your eye
meme match
tis fucking cast is SO BOOOORING
I just thought quinn played ww
these skins are out of control, what happened to muh recognition at a glance
There's like 8 farming heroes in the game, of course it's a farmslop memefest
Yeah we'd rather have cap who just yells
or OD who just yells
much better than this
the most dogshit honeypot heroes of this TI
>sniper support
>dk carry
>tinker support
anything else?
Slardar and Doom are complete dogshit and are still being picked.
Luna is also dubious imho.
Would an ability like this work well in Dota 2?

Would it be too cancerous?
Give it to Riki
Seems decent but Dota has too much AoE damage for this to be anything special, Riki would be insanely cancer though, the hero is balanced interely around the fact that hitting someone in the back is somewhat difficult during manfights.
yeah, he needs conditional slows and some kind of teammate interaction to become nu dota flavored
I've always said that the quality of casting has gone down since the metoo cancelling era, everyone suddenly became more tippy toes and uptight about their casts and focused more on wanting a line in the game instead of quality casting.
Game analysis is so bad, Synderen is a high mmr person but his cast is so cookie cutter "yeah it's good because...it's good...stats...damage..." like a fucking faggot.
Sunsfan NEEDS someone who will rein him in and analyze better, much like how, you know, Synderen reined in Tobi when he goes far off in his casts.
Also, no more storyline in casts, just...plain out saying what's happening.
It's so cookie cutter, so plain, so monotonous.
dk is unironically insanely overpowered, there's no way red facet should be as good as it is
You have two people watching the game and they couldn't see whether the wildling or the concussion grenade pushed luna away from the teamfight.
Are oyu shitting me, what the fuck are they doing then
>Synderen is a high mmr person but his cast is so cookie cutter "y
he isn't a caster, sunfan is
synd is the analyser
The casters that state the obvious, like, Enigma is dropping a blackhole, are the worst
mirana carry
>le interesting kits are nudota
No nigger, Viper just does nothing but AA and ult the enemy carry, this shit offers almost no play potential except by position, which applies to literally every hero in the game.
CM, Lion, Wk, Am, Abba all have simple direct kits but offer exponential more opportunities to playmake with their abilities than fucking viper.
Why is there no information about the brackets, the standing or anything about the current tournament progress.

I tune into the stream but have no idea why the teams are fighting, during breaks they talk about random stuff instead of showing a tournament graph or information which tells us where all the teams are currently standing and why/what the upcoming match will be.

It's all there
as it always has been
So viper is like most carries? Boring shit heroes that are braindead to play?
Why isnt the game allowed to have simple or boring heroes? Not everything has to be le hecking complicated interaction skill with at least 200 words of explaining needed to know what it actually does
this game is zzzz whatshould i do instead
>pos 1 so boring it's just auto attacking
do you even hear yourself?
campo sympathiser filtered by pure SOVL design
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>I am in danger
It is from a SC2 moba mod, the character that has that ability IIRC was kind of ass to target as he basically would zip around like a maniac and single target stuff was insanely difficult to land.

Dota 2 probably does have too much AoE, though I think the passive would work if combined with a turnrate slowing ability.
viper with 2 passives was peak soul
sniper pos4 is so useless after 10 minutes holy shit
>Not everything has to be le hecking complicated interaction skill with at least 200 words of explaining needed to know what it actually does
There's no heroes like that in dota, what the fuck are you talking about, and I just argued in favor of simples kits, it's just that Viper's is too simple and offers literally nothing but doing those two previously mentioned things

Retards filtered by reading comprehension

Perfect example, BB is extremely simple to the point a toddler can play him and he's still much more fun and interactive than Viper has ever been
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Sluts for Gaymen!
he does one or two thinga and he's good atit and that's all he needs, begone
Why do sunsfan always brag about not knowing anything about dota or pro dota history
don't post this shit it makes me upset
Why is mirana's head so fucking giant.
She is supposed to be behind Luna.
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I love mean girls.
>dotard learns about anime uwu moe art
he has two passives
lmao pause and no reason given and then the "g?"
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What does Alch do
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every one of my interactions with women have been either this or them looking at me with contempt...
This game was dogshit, Jesus christ.

They have admins behind them, no need to chat reason.
xie xie ;)
yeah, a tactical pause to give the razor time to think
disgusting cheating chinks
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>the baldening
Nice sniper first pick
>struggle to press doom
why did Riko draw this is it to make fun of us
>pick sniper
>both trash winrate in the low 20s
Quinn looks fucking pissed after that damn
so this is the best team America has to offer?
Its an nmaPause
women keep giggling after I pass them and then grabbing my ass
it's not fun
>Sniper has a pretty bad winrate
>Steal opponent's draft
>luna and mirana winning
It's fucking retarded that pause doesnt have any countdown. Should be 5s.
What do sniper, doom, and alch do???
that's sexual harassment
>ace on a hero that requires you press buttons properly
>starcraft fixed this by forcing players to type 'pp' and having an admin pause
>dotards have been metagaming with pauses for the past 14 years
He and Seleri were the only players actively trying this game after laning.
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Nice Pause
idk guys i cant hear that "SSSSSS"
i think youre just r*ddit/twitch bandwagonners
Why do I have to go to a third party website to see basic information like this instead of them showing it a bit during their 30min of useless talking?
When will a team draft
>Luna 1
>DK 2
>Marci 3
>Mirana 4
For real anime kino?
secondsssss ssssso
I remember that one Korean player crying on stream since Kespa policy said you can only type "ppp" to pause or "gg" at the end and he typed "pp" instead of "ppp" and received a loss which ended his tournament run.
>Get doom and alchemist on the same team
>They get a midas and radiance
If only the game lasted for another 40 minutes
Chuckling at all the people getting timed out if they say anything about Ephey that isn't positive (but not about her looks)
It's her mic being shit, can't you hear the distinct lack of quality between her and the rest?
Isnt sand storm like scorched earth but 100% uptime and twice the dps?
Take off your headphones and go to the other side of the room
You won't be able to hear what they're saying, but you'll hear the ssssssss every time ephey talks
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>0-8 doom
when will they remove ephey
Ephey is wearing dentures that's why she can't properly do sssss sounds
at least post dota smut you degen
>sssssand king
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>Ephey has good tennis balls on her chest Timed out (3600s)
>so many simps Timed out (120s)
>Ephey is a great caster! Always has insight!! I like the tennis balls Timed out (3600s)
>omg i can smell her toes from here Timed out (600s)
>Where do I get to flirt with Ephy? That voice puts me in provider mode! Timed out (600s)
>ephey analysis lmao Timed out (600s)
>anyone notice ephey’s botox on the lips? yay or nay Timed out (600s)
what happened to TeaGuvnor sucking Hobo's dick? did they already fucked?
ye but he doesn't have doom
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dota characters are too ugly
where is the anti ephey stream
They do mention when there's a bracket change on the panel, sorry your zoomie brain cant retain information
>why do I have to do thing
idk man, nobody is forcing you
>anyone notice ephey’s botox on the lips? yay or nay Timed out (600s)
She has botox? Let me check those lips closer
>dotards claim for years "talent" bring nothing to the table
>dotards say they mute when women are on stream
>dotards swear they hate ephey
>suddenly they know exactly how she sounds
I'm trying to listen to my wife Sheever
You can really tell that Ephey is having a harder time doing her fake baby/anime voice now.
I've never claimed anything like that
I simply endure ephey until sheever talks
The admiral :D
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So many waifus this TI
boring ahh series
>Ench, Mirana, WR, Marci, Lina
Is this the gooner TI?
does ephey ever stop talking
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>marci wr ench mirana lina
Ephey's voice changes even when she's just talking for 1min
>omg i can smell her toes from here
based, rip king
4 paypig skins and marci
I got mirana for free and only spent a couple bucks for Wei.
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wtf quinn is unbeatable???
very dishonest patch
Cope piggie
>visage is strong literally every year and every ti and every meta
>still barely touched
how does he do it
Quinn please just pick a normal fucking mid hero
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better than ephey at least
Unironically a good duo yeah.
mmm drow tummy
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>there are more people watching fortnite than dota 2's biggest tournament
Ohnonono what happened Dotasisters? Why is your game so dead? Dota 2 more like Dead game too.
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SEX with traxex
>lelbab talking about deadgaem
Y'all are next brother, our downfall has been quite slow, but league has been losing popularity spectactularly fast these last few years.
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We are playing deadcock.
League keeps hitting new viewer peaks with each tournament.
In many ways we're better off if league stays alive. Imagine the absolute tide of retards and morons spilling over the internet if their containment game dies?
How can a man so addicted to mmr have developed such a wide hero pool?
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Poor Marci
Check stats. Viewership for lol has been decreasing for a few years.
Dota has actually stayed about the same during the same time.
its over
Worlds is THE biggest esporst tournament in the world, it's good that it's still alive, but the game itself has lost and immense amount of relevance and playerbase these last few years, specially in the main western regions like WEU/EEU/NA
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Lol has been animefied 10 years ago anyway. they dont care about the western markets at all
why do dotatroons always have to make stuff up to feel good about themselves lol
Valve is woke and way more woke than Riot. Which is why I like Riot more.
I miss demon. Everyone that got canceled just proved that the game was taken over by the cabal and ruined everything.
What TI was the best if you don't take the grand final into account? TI6?
Synderen is a massive cuck
Riot is the most woke company in gaming right now, what the fuck are you talking about?
Not that that's a bad thing necessarily, I think they actually do a pretty good job with diversity and representation in their games. Except K'sante, fuck that hero.
Look up twitch stats for lol. It's down 40% from 2021.
leaguesissies are always in dota threads seething, but dotachads never step foot into their degeneral
Why is Valve making all the sexo heroes meta?
that resummon into tp out is so fucking tilting i've done it countless times and more often that not enemy tilts into oblivion
Finals are (usually) the worst part of TI, if you disconsider them they're all pretty close.
>huddle up to give visage 1k gold
nice team doturds
>visage with 20% more gold than anyone else
Hahaha how is gold even real
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Redheads keep winning
Ok I got clickbaited by riotshills cherrypicking viewerpeaks then.
I'd still prefer that game stay alive because those creatures are literally subhuman and I don't want them potentially picking up games I actually like
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>league is g-going to die t-this time! t-two more weeks dotasisters, trust the plan!
There is more hype for LoL Arcane season 2 than Dotashit's TI. I don't know what you're even smugging about when Dota 2 is literally so dead that Dotards couldn't even get to brag about their Gorrilion prizepool anymore because everyone is leaving Dota for LoL and Valorant. LoL world literally has a higher prizepool than this year's Dota TI. HAHAHAHA
visage facet is literally FREE GOLD
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sloppy slop bj
Sure is good people care about the tv series instead of the game
The game is dying anon, Arcane being extremely popular is mostly because it's ridiculously well made and unironically the best animated series the west has created possibly ever.
Fuck off, Milei voter.
>Gleipnir now slows and leashes instead of rooting, no longer built out of Atos, instead it's a straight upgrade to maelstrom + vit booster
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Literally wouldn't know who this is without the name
Riot really did manage their pro scene very well though. Valve's hands off approach started showing cracks in 2014ish when the prize pool ballooned to some gigantic figure and Valve plowed it all into a single tournament, making every other tournament completely irrelevant.
Wish they had been smarter about it.
>Everyone is all "Pog Quinn!" or "Pog WR!"
Where's the credit for the SD...
Most people don't know what SD even does beyond ball and poison
Oh deer...
>0-5-1 carry
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Dotakeks love making shitup because that is the only thing they have. Their biggest tournament is so dead that even Fortnite is beating Dotashit 2 in viewership and prizepool. While League of Legends popularity keeps breaking records every year.LoL is still the most watched and played esport game in the whole wide world and that's a fact backed up with reality and not delusions like what the Dotards have been coping with the state of their dead game.
Dotards proved this a few days ago arguing for hours about what his dispels even do.
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It's Lina's fault...
>ability to read.
pick one.
You only say that because you're not very into League, sure their competitive scene is alive, but that's at the cost of the any of the fun of non-riot ran tournaments which literally don't exist, personnel getting fucked over constantly, inconsistent rules between leagues which created an abyss of skill/interest in the smaller leagues and constant mismanagement and controversy caused by Riot's incompetence. LeL being dominated by Korea is not inherently due to game design, but also due to the fact that regions are completely isolated from eachother except during Worlds/MSI. We just saw South America beat the strongest dota squad ever because they actually get to play good teams and get practice, meanwhile the western LeL teams haven't beaten a korean squad in like 4 years.
Viewership is down 40% for lol. Peak viewers from embeds is irrelevant.
is this the last game? I need to know if I can start masturbating to doe pussy
>3 bracers vlad
whats the point of this build?
also both teams have pipe, vlad, drums, solar crest, crimson
>AI slop
lap it up pleb
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>This year's Dota TI only having 2 million dollars prizepool down from 30 million dollars
Dotashit 2 is so dead, me saying this over and over again doesn't even feel like an inflammatory accusation, more like a statement of fact like saying the sky is blue or the color green is green.
NA/EU's pro scenes have been handled extremely poorly and had to be artificially prolonged by cannibalizing the australian/south american/turkish/middle eastern/north african/russian scenes - essentially killing a shitload of other small regions just to fold them into the dying "major" regions and keep them on life support.

The game is entirely propped up by chinese and korean following, but among koreans LoL has been viewed as a boomer game for a number of years. The pro scene is alive entirely because of China (which is hilarious, because they get absolutely raped by the Koreans).
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Smart deer
Be careful anon, mods are banning people for talking badly about Valve. They are paying the mods extra during TI times.
Do koreans even have a good competitive game they care about except league?
>proof by assertion fallacy
Everyone's aware of this one because it is the calling card of the chinkbug shill. It's the only thing your ilk are capable of
>chink spyware
Valve is the company Chinks love, gooks play League. Retards.
just curious, do you guys believe the 2020 election was stolen?
lil bro acting like he's a 1600 hp agi carry with those instant bkb tps
*locks you in my basement*
*sets a pack of niggers upon you*
What the fuck are you talking about.
Also no, probably not.
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Why did they buff bracers when it was already like one of the strongest items?
>one of the strongest items?
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>dotashart delusional cope
I am literally laughing at your dead game, dotards. Even Just chatting has more viewers than Dota 2 biggest tournament.
Every single universal hero and STR hero get at least two of them.
dude chain lightning lmao
>The jinxtroon is still at it
You do realize you will never be a woman, right?
>let's group on ww
Early game stat items should no longer get 25 min boosts. Also, Universal needs to go away.
zoo dota
that is one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen
that series sucked
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I agree with the stat boosts, I get the point of them but they made Wraith/Null/Bracer insanely powerful to the point of legitimately breaking the game multiple times.
Universals are fine except pos 1, those have to go yesterday.
>come back after a bit
>nouns 2-0 spirit
Hmm dare I say, U S A?
Winter Wyvern wasn't picked, dummy.
almost every gay new mechanic introduced after 7.00 needs to go away
I quit playing dota a long time ago. Are there any edota girls with nudes out yet.
wind wunner?
What's the matter, Dotard? Didn't you often used to cry out loud about the "MUH GORRILION" prizepool when LoLCHADS were attacking your 3-digit viewership's biggest tournament? What happened? Did that cope dry out just like what happened to your tiny, shriveled penis? Lmaoooo
whirlwind ranger
Fucking clown games, god I hate this patch so much
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>league sissy crying about his dying game in the dota general
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You can't even copy his lexicon properly, lurk moar.
It's only thanks to China and Korea
>negative ass
Spirit drafted Tinker + Bat, but forgot that Tinker's shard cancels Lasso.
Then they picked them again in the 2nd game. And once again Tinker canceled his Batrider's Lasso.
sheever is so cute bros
god I wish I had a dutch wife that played dota but wasn't that good at it but it's ok because I love her
I want to give ephey a holiday baby, if you know what I mean
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God I want to be pounded into mulch by marci.
Ephey talking about holiday season babies...
She really wants to get impregnated by the german guy
>Liquid are known as the China slayers
>Beat them in TI7 grand finals
>Ever since China hasn't been able to win a TI
Were they really that mindbroken?
I want to eat her ass but her from 3 or 4 years ago
is sheever autistic?
Is Tinker shard even part of his core build? I feel like you could do without it, but I haven't been watching too much pro games.
Her entire life has been dota for the past 10 years. You have to be autistic.

this thing has a penis doesnt it
>dotasharts claiming that they have healthy esport scene
>in reality Dota 2 esport is so dead that Valve is literally selling out dota 2 esport scene to the Saudis
>in reality none of Dota 2 pros has even come close to Faker's level of popularity and 7 million dollars salary per year
>In reality, Dota Battle Pass has only earned Valve around 2 million dollars, down from the 30 million that they used to back in 2021
>fortnite esport is more popular than dota 2 esport
No, she's just based.
Definitely my favorite dota 2 "personality", I love that she's an actual dork giantess who just loves the game and is in no way a poser. I'm happy she's beaten cancer and stayed active since.
What ethnicity is Ephey?
Brown sexgoddess
A mix between a camel and a paki that immigrated to saudi arabia
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is it just me or is ephey aging like milk?
>>in reality Dota 2 esport is so dead that Valve is literally selling out dota 2 esport scene to the Saudis
everyone is doing that
it's not about if your game is dead or not, it's about how much money you can earn for doing nothing
She's only there for the money, she makes around 2k per day sitting on a couch saying a few words.
nop, its incase tho, xenobiology, good fap desu
She is Jordanian
And she fucked Jenkins, 100%
do they ever fix bugs like this? can you still stack turrets if you turn off fog?
>no eliminations tomorrow
Man they're really stretching this out
Does Tinker March healing stack on multiple uses?
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Only dead game shitters like CS2 and Dota 2 does that. Healthy and popular video game like Valorant and LoL doesn't need Saudis money to prop up their esport scene. This is the reason why LoL is still the most watched and played PC game for straight 15 years and counting.
Its a mobile game
>Healthy and popular video game [sic]
>Valorant and LoL
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>Retard Dragoons
Still in the game, but what happens there is incredibly rare.
They fixed some stuff with the Starcraft Remaster release, like having too many Valkyries causes them to not shoot so now the unit is actually viable.
most of the issues with the game is just pathing from 1840 and no they wont fix it mostly because elitist would cry they are changing it to sc2
people who are into rts play either sc2 or aoe2, brood war is for people who can't let go or play protoss
nounsbros … I’m thinking this is our year
I'm looking forward to it, for sure.
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templar assassin in bondage when?
Dotashit 2 is a mobile game now? Grim
I am laughing my ass off looking at Dotashit TI supposed biggest tournament getting beat up by Just chatting and Fortnite. Just how low Dota 2 can get with their buckbreaking level of self humiliation? LoL now has higher prizepool than Dota TI. This alone marks the end of dota 2 pissport.
>. This is the reason why LoL is still the most watched and played PC game for straight 15 years and counting.
but that's wrong though?
yeah i know i just remember playing custom games and sometimes you had to abuse stuff like this to get past something
now its probably over 20 years since i played so i don't remember quite what it was but i do remember you could walk over terrain that you shouldn't be able to
Why are you insisting on posting cropped images of the post TI waiting for patch dead weeks?
Terran could do it consistently by landing a building on their units.
ah yes now i remember
thanks for the nostalgia anon
pink elf sex
I really cannot understand your sentence and I've read it like 5 times
Sorry dotard, you can cry to your "biggest" measly 2 million dollars prizepool flopped tournament to cope with it.
how do we save dota
nobody has brought that up except you
Why are you insisting on posting cropped images of the post TI waiting for patch dead weeks pics?
It's not up to you.
Umm dotards I think loltrannies are bullying again … how do we cope??
We blame psg.
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Only 2 million dollars prizepool dotards? Not even skin sales revenue share like in League of Legends? No fuckin wonder dota 2 is dead as hell.
>arcane jinx
Fuck off, they just had to ruin her.
loltranny posts are automatically filtered away because a loltranny never has anything worth reading
Edging to the model viewer in wild rift while I take a shit :) I’m repeatedly sucking the poop up my ass and letting it slide out again
vex sex
Still only you who care about that

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