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PREVIOUS: >>493526946
I really don't get why you rush to make such shitty threads
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Buff Hoodwink
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templar assassin in bondage when?
guys... dotards... guys!
hear me out
what if spells had kickback/recoil
>finger of death launches you back 1000 units
hoodwink already does and it's already aidscancer in the butt
so no thanks
except tinker
tinker gets self knockback on all spell
and self damage too
Probably a /v/irgin tourist.

The kids obsessed with making a new thread immediately when the thread hits bump limit, and also turning the thread into a Twitch chat feed are usually kids from /v/.
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>the knockback scales with finger of death stacks
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wtf bros whos in my party...
>tfw no deer hero
>with enough stacks lion is instantly thrown to the map walls no matter where he was when casting finger
Magnus would have 20% winrate.
anal sex with anessix
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Awwh, what's the matter, Dotasisters? Did your dead game end up being cucked of having a 30 million dollar prizepool because Dota 2 is so dead that you're only getting 2 million dollars prizepool this year? Is this the reason why Dota pros are whoring themselves to Dubai oil princes so that they can experience getting their face shat on just to make a living? Kinda sad when you think about it.
anessix persona for warlock or something instant 1 gorillion dollars valve
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>leaguetroon is this obsessed with dota
Low test post

Midas was based and goldpilled
i thought this was ai generated from the thumbnail
with a big swinging futa cock
>no white dota streamer other than waga
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Shouldn't you get back to eating Prince Ahmed of Dubai's hairy butthole, dotard? He's not going to fund your 30 million dollars prizepool for free you know. Especially when you keep wasting your time seething in this dead game general.
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Reminder that all you need are the reserved list cards and Legacy/Vintage is pretty much free to play from that point on.
bro i've never seen these artifact cards before...
How many Volcanic Islands should I buy for my Ogre Magi build
Nobody likes reserved list.
>playing the beta version game
yu gi oh is the improved version
The Reserved List is basically why MTG is as big as it is today. It's an essential part of the game that adds mystique.
t. "investor"
Everyone who plays TCGs is an investor because you want the cards to hold value.
>implying that's possible with hasbro
>allowing edh to kill your game
>teammate picks hoodwink
>he's a worthless fucking piece of shit
how fix?
edh is kino THOUGH
Wait for Hoodwink buffs, she's one of the worst heroes in the game right now
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all hoodwink players are niggers
just euthanize
>PSG taking on the leaguetroon persona to further shit up this place
why dont you fucking kill you are self
>streams during the middle of night NA
>stream early morning EU hours
you shall DIE thougher
2024 TI pricepool is even smaller than last year's?
Why is it that people who look like this never enter higher education? Not to call him a retard Bulldog is probably better at Dota than most phd's are at their specialization but there were tons of this phenotype in my schools until high school were they entered construction school or something similar.
valve realized no one actaully cares about pro dota and they could keep the remaining 25% cut by making a separate battlepass
He's pretty much set for life with the money he made streaming. Akke went into tech and app development I think.
What happened to Zyori? I know he went into some NFT game company but he just disappeared from the internet, at least seemingly.
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Challenge: can you guess the hero just from the silhouette?
DO NOT google zyori's instagram
>be disruptor
>glimpste the AM back to fountain that just TPed
>see some russian words afterwards
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Some good games tomorrow

Tide, Ursa, FV, NS, Sven, Puck, OD, SS, Viper, Lesh, Slardar, Doom, Necro, WD, WR, DK
tide ursa fv ns sven puck od ss me orine lesh slardar doom necro wd wr dk
i don't recognize anyone from any team
what happened to zfreek? i thought he played for nouns
Why is Sven the only one facing the other direction?
>pos 4 picks mirana
>lose mmr
Why do they keep picking this garbage hero?
70% winrate in TI, but as pos1.
fatfuck is long gone
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what a dumb overwatch cases. Feels like a total waste of time. 3 retards running after each other
>pick viper
why even play, game is that easy
3rd worldies get a massive dopamine rush from landing LE EPIK LONG RANGE ARROW and use that as justification for being a useless piece of shit for the other 30 minutes of the game
>these games are tomorrow already
>no crowd
>no venue
>no fucking nothing
how did it happen that fucking cs tournaments which also have only fucking 3 days of crowd since 2014 generate more hype
we are unironically regressing so hard in every part of entertainment, tournaments, video games, movies
feels like technology is regressing too with the fucktarded EU laws about plastic bottles when 30 years ago you could drink from glass bottles
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>SD is my favourite hero
I sure hope IceFraud won't nerf him too much after TI.
Twice this week I've had the enemy team pick Spectre into SD. Why are cores so bad at drafting they should not be allowed to go second
Every single russian deserves to die painfully in their retarded faggot war
t. hohol
whos the most unhinged dota pro?
my hots boys have a hardcore maga grifter https://x.com/akafacehots
Every single midas abuser I ran into was Russian or some slav variant there's really no way to tell. I wholeheartedly agree everything east of Germany needs to be nuked.
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Fellow dotards, how does one even set up hotkeys for micro characters such as Chen or Arc Warden? There aren't enough buttons on my fecking keyboard to switch between this unit and that. Every key is already bound to something else. What gives?
isn't that basically what bone7 is?
do you have a 10 key keyboard or something
even for the small mouse/keyboard things you can just bind things to a different layer that you access by pressing/holding a certain button
theres literally no difference
One key for you, one for everything, one for everything except you, one you set with ctrl+(numeral) for fast access.
>pick visage
when will this change
People do that a lot. Spectre, PA, Omniknight, Necrophos, Monkey King, etc.
It's pretty weird. Why pick PA into SD? I get Aghs you're a melee creep.
sd doesn't break anymore
His Aghs makes his Ult apply Break. x2 charges, 6 seconds each.
he's about to 1v15 all of the other heroes
you guys make me feel smart
Those are the Dotards picking PA into SD and are confused when their hero can't crit anymore.
Permanent stat stealing is so fucking stupid. Why does Slark HAVE to steal 1 agility permanently per kill? Just make it temporary and jack up the temporary stat stealing to make up for it.
since when can an sd farm an aghs before the game ends?
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It's iconic for Silencer but everyone has so much mana and items give so many stats that it doesn't even matter anymore.
Hero can actually farm well, it's just that his role (pos5 most of the time) doesn't give him farm priority.
Even if he gets Aghs at minute 30, that's still sets a time limit for you to get a win with a hero like PA because the second he finishes Aghs you have to insta kill him in every future fight or you're literally a melee creep.
Man, I miss that UI so much. I forgot how hard they worked to make it look as close to Warcraft 3's perspective as possible for the purists.
Just press tab you retard
There were nice overlay cosmetics for it too, I liked one with leaves and vines and stuff that looked like Warcraft III Night Elf UI.
Now it's useless.
Not only are you great at clearing camps you're also great at stacking them.
The game - like everything else - is soulless now.
Is Dagon worth getting on Earth Spirit vs Tanky heroes? I have a hard time securing kills with him vs tanks, even magnetize doesnt seem to help
Those are the dotards telling you to purge Luna for Focus Fire lmao
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Don't remind me...
there's no such thing as a soul, anon. everything that humanity once ascribed to a 'soul', such as personality or consciousness, can be altered through the use of drugs or selective destruction of the brain. the reason why you use a nebulous term like "soul" to describe something you enjoy (or in this case, once enjoyed) is because you don't know what you like about it.
fuck off satan
Farm heroes.
>third game in a row ruined by russians
Why are these """people""" allowed to play?
They're the majority of the playerbase.
I'm listening to wonder wall.
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I'm listening to Wonder Wheel.
Drow hero when?
If all russians were banned the playerbase would increase since there wouldn't be any russians to ruin the game for humans.
when did winning lane become more important than everything else?
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>Missed out on her and WR's Arcana
>Gaben won't let me buy it
>I will never have either of them
My account is bricked.
Unfortunately all the other slavs and balkans would still exist. And turks too.
It's apparently so important that everyone is picking pos4 Sniper to win lane while he has 20% winrate in TI so far.
Be happy. Arcanas ruin a hero by changing their ingame portrait and giving them a different hero model. They are essentially pay to win and should be removed from the game
This is a genuine case of the playerbase being better now.
There isn't a particular change of patch you can point to for this. It's just that a strong start inherently snowballs into a strong everything else.
They're effectively remodels for old heroes. WR's base hero model looks like shit but she'll never get a remodel because of the Arcana.
Same for QoP, or Mirana and the Persona.
I don't see how it's pay to win ro have a different model. Everything else is still the same.
>small invoker model
>a literar dog crystal maiden
>in game portraits that change and confuse players
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>patch every 5 days that's 100 pages long that drastically alter every hero in the game and every item in the game
>"wtf the models are confusing"
It just breaks a fundamental game design rule that they change the ingame feel of a hero in fundamental ways.
They should instead have released a second frozen dog hero. Not an arcana
>people still use the 'free game' excuse whenever someone criticizes a f2p game
i hope one day people will understand that f2p is a business model and not a charity
Take me back, dotards...

>people say icefrog stopped balancing dota
>deadlock is the literally the same tanky regen bullshit endless brool
Maybe Icefrog should stop balancing dota
as if he was
Icefrog isn't balancing Deadslop either.
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really i've come to the conclusion that icefrog is just a fucking idiot who inherited something good from neichus
w-where is she putting that ward?
on a cliff
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he's half-assing both games at the same time
bravo icefrog
on the enemy big camp near the offlane
If Slark steals agility and Silencer steals intelligence, who steals strength?
is fantasy even a thing this year
s h i t
It's literally the typical double-elimination bracket at this point
i miss grant casting TI pubs
>dumb retard casting whatever pubs around whatever tourney
biggest loss imo
Is there no hero that steals strength permanently?
of course not lol
would be potentially broken sometimes
pudge gaining strength from your corpse is enough
slark also doesnt steal agi permanently
He does
desu esports has optimized the level of play to such a degree that it's just not fun to play anymore.
the sweet spot for any competitive game is the first 5 or so years. i can see why valve wanted to move on to deadlock.
That's not true at all. My friend orders bootleg cards
the game was sanitized too much.
it is much better to play now for all the five players

but yeah, competitive got mastered to the point where some teams mastered a few way to plays to the point it's all about what the patch favors the most is it aura deathball or is it str facetank late game tower eater, mid ricers or "sup 3 mid", is it 4p1 and etc

and I'm afraid we went back to aura deathball shit again
Exp/gold/streak/assist formulae stop being updated = dead game

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