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shut up sherk your gay Edition

Resources and FAQs: https://pastebin.com/ZU4uUREV
Guilds: https://pastebin.com/zCUYwWF0

>Am poor! What do?
Daily Checklist - https://fast.farming-community.eu/farming/daily
Currencies - https://fast.farming-community.eu/conversions/overview
OW Farming - https://fast.farming-community.eu/open-world/overview
Salvaging - https://fast.farming-community.eu/salvaging/overview
Alternatively, get a fucking job and swipe.

>My build is absolute shit! What do?

Janthir Wilds released
WvW Warclaw reimbursement
WvW Restructuring
Gate/guard-tapping removed (git fukt)
AFK Farmers get kicked faster (git fukt)

New leggies (spear and backpack)
New Raid Wing
Mastery Updates
Homestead decorations, including personal statue

Janthir. It's here bros....

Update history: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/guild-wars-2-janthir-wilds-launches-today/

Latest Patch:

Latest news:

Speed Relics for Turbogays: https://www.elitepvpers.com/forum/gw2-hacks-bots-cheats-exploits/

Previous wipe: >>493195063
come to tequatl on NA
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It's shit, but it's my shit.
Homesteads are too inherently themed.
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>looks at this post
>i wonder why normal people avoid this game like the plague?
1. it is a mystery
>be artist
>make art
>look at art
>ugh this is shit
yayyy me is pingo pongo ballo now
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So apparently they got Caithe to sit on the fireplace by hiding a chair in it, and after learning that I started putting a bunch of hidden chairs around my homestead. Now they just need to fix beds so they trigger the "sleep" emote so I can hide beds too.
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>queue gone
>enter eb
>20 fucking ppl die to 5
>charr have no booba but plants do
charr r feral not furry
the multi nipples are hidden under the fur
for most people, one bad experience is worst than multiple good ones
so they go full bunker and try to avoid bad experiences but they don't realize they give up on all the good ones by doing that
fake news, larger numbers have never wiped to vastly fewer numbers in the history of the game
>t. shitterpvptard
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The Charr canonically have nipples though.
they literally jumped in to die one by one like lemmings
>responding to the bait
>taking the bait
>protect keep and defeat enemy blob
>10 min later keep is capped because they were so butthurt they did a thief exloit
ya thats why the bikini covers ur breasts if ur a femmcharr
female charr are men with pussies and if you're into that then you're gay
>t-they exploited
holy cope and seethe
anon some seethining retard has been posting the videos on how to break into keeps
at this point you're being retarded on purpose to deny it
>over 3k attak over 200% crit dmg
>gs3 on willbender crit 2k
>willbender spin 3k/hit + 1.2k burn
post build im gonna reroll wb

you pathetic faggot
if a thief can steal your keep your team is so pathetic you don't deserve to hold anything at all
oh sorry retard is your default state then
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>anon can't kill a thief with the aid of his champion keep lord
>anon can't call out his guild for help
>anon can't even /team
>y-y-y-you're a retard, thieves are really hard ok i don't know how to fight them he took my keep away ;_;
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guys stop being mean to eachother pls :c
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there's feature page of you!
I won't coddle people who follow both these criteria:
>They're bad at the game
>They blame other people for their faults
There is literally no excuse for losing an ENTIRE KEEP in WvW and then getting salty and saying it's because the meanies who took it from you were "butthurt". Anyone that incompetent deserves to be put his in place, such people shouldn't be allowed to have a deluded opinion of themselves and their lack of capabilities, when they completely flubbed their duties.

If you're bad at the game but admit it then we won't have a problem.
you know being such a hard defender of cheats like this only makes it more obvious you use them

just use the word pveasy so I can filter you like normal
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why cant we be frens
why cant we be frens
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I need some fuckin wood
At this rate I will probably have to obliterate the fences for room when it comes time to actually do detailing
lookin pretty good bro
looks like skyrim kekw
yes...? when you take on a larger force as a smaller force you're supposed to draw them out, spread them thin, and make them overextend one by one before killing the retards that think they're the next rambo...
well, welcome to your first ever time in wvw in any case
if you don't dedicate a scout to a structure, then you deserve to lose that structure, because you obviously didn't care about it enough to dedicate the necessary resources in order to protect it, welcome to your first ever time in wvw
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Just ignore it, he'll tire himself out eventually.
Or at least, that should have been the case, but WvWschizo has been sockpuppeting and shitting into these threads for over two years straight. Clearly autistic /and/ saddled with anger issues, a real specimen right there.

Appreciated, Anon. Followed your advice, and things went much smoother this time around. We weren't in any real danger whatsoever, nice change of pace.
Granted, we did luck-out with landing Knight as our Legendary boss, which certainly helped. Nearly every Convergance I've been in so far (which hasn't been many, granted) has spawned Umbriel instead; and you know just how unwilling the average knuckle-dragging pug is to move outside of painfully obvious AoE indicators. Also, running during NA morning time rather than the dregs of Real SEA Hours™ made a visible difference in the quality of randoms.
Only have a stock-typical Condi!Virt setup alongside Heal!Chrono on this character, however. Need to get some time in with Power/Boon!Chrono, and I should have a nice selection of specs to run for Convergences, Strikes, possibly Fractals, Raids someday maybe, etc. Might actually get some proper use out of this Mesmer yet.
>justifying cheats by blaming the victim
you're gay
claw island is saved! zhaitan on suicide watch when i roll up with my new formed pact and press 1
takes one to know one!
be honest anons what's the future outlook of this game looking like? Is GW2 going to be phased out by GW3 in the coming years?
I couldn't have the drive to speedrun the story like this
GW3 is going to be the overwatch 2 of guild wars
where they just port everything into a new engine with new scams
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what a dumb faggot you are, kill yourself posthaste
what exactly is the kind of absolute retardation that you suffer from that makes you put a fucking exclamation point inbetween the build type and the class like that? is it from mainlining semen or what exactly? you fucking retarded faggot
i sure as hell hope so. gw2 is still good but its got too much fuckin content and the endgame isn't going to keep people going forever.
definitely needs a reset.
Well we already have a confirmation that they're working on an expansion after JW, who knows what happens afterwards.
There's no way a reset would happen. Too many paypigs would whail about their sparkleshit cash shop skins being irrelevant.
I'd be fine if once they shifted to GW3 they just kept a skeleton crew for 2, still putting out content just without voice acting and shit. Dungeons and Dragons Online still gets expansions and content regularly and they have like 3 employees
>so rectally ravaged they're trying to be a grammar nazi when they can barely form a legible sentence
lmao, I know what I'm calling my classes in these threads from here on.
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so tired of the migrants bros
was the new ff14 expansion really THAT bad?
doing these achievements reminds me how much spaghetti is left in this game and how nobody's probably looked at this code in 13 years lol
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damn you guys get upset about the most inane things
I don't get it why does pvp gear seemingly not do anything in world versus world, I'm dying to everything in two seconds...
That is pvp content isn't it?
anon is 13 with downs pls understand
post screenshot of ur gear
anon dont take the bait holyshit how stupid are you
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i meant ur stats lmao
>nonsensical visual diarrhea is inane
wrong, it's asinine, you retarded git
WvW uses your PvE gear
>grammar nazi
retard alert
I'm bisexual.
>pvp gear
lul pvp equip is for pvp
pve equip is for pve and wvw
wvw uses real tangible gear, shitpvp uses fake and gay fantasy gear, the same fantasy gear that trannies wear in order to pretend to be women
>I don't get it why does pvp gear seemingly not do anything in world versus world, I'm dying to everything in two seconds...
>That is pvp content isn't it?
>implying im not
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Hi Bisexual, i'm dad :^D
what is the best mini and why is it mursaat overseer
I have a theory that a few years back they were thinking of just working on GW3 (maybe they had already started) which is why we had such a big content drought. But I think GW3 was probably canned as an idea and they're probably just going to continue working on GW2 instead and maybe just have a graphical update like FFXIV had in the future.
mini malice cum jar
no its the mini beach gourdon
Vaginal isn't gay. Even if they're futa (real futa).
If you mean the 2019 content draught, it's because they were working on a new internal engine and a DUNE game.
selfie with an esl
shit man, they have bugs and things that need to be fixed from fucking soto that they won't get around to. expecting base game fixes is beyond crazy
there's a new va they're using in janthir wilds that is everywhere and I fucking hate him
Michael Jordan here.
Don't worry too much about the 'condi AND power' thing, that was just because in overworld in very few, very random and unexpected occasions, mobs just have absurdly high toughness and strike damage that is fine everywhere else suddenly becomes a q-tip. The important part for convergence by a large margin is that you have something that can heal, res and boon for the final boss. If your convirt can kill all the champions while keeping you alive, that's more than good enough.
>from soto
more like from base game, Harathi Hinterlands meta can still bug out and stop progressing, preventing being able to do the WB
10+ year old bug btw
I mean there was a period of time where GW2 was down bad, I think it was 2019, I don't quite remember. Clearly they've re invested back into GW2 in recent years as we've had quite a bit of content, including player housing which people have been wanting since the game launched.
every single time we had a content draught, it's because anet started working on other projects that went nowhere and ncsoft had to shut them down. I think the first time around heart of thorns it was because of a mobile game
oh no, what are they gonna do with him??
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nah I'm just retarded because I read draught earlier
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>like FFXIV had in the future.
h-how do you know what happened in the future?
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die risen scum!
Is that... bloodstone? Ugh, sure smells like it...
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>every time the coomander says it i smile and nod, because the msura VA is pure k i n o and every line he does is based
>mfw fnorn says it
>bro thinks were getting GW3
did you not see how every single aspect of the game is based around your credit card? They are dead broke
>buy streamers
they do it for free
or anet partners with some obscure company for a 'promotion' so they can get free stuff (quiznos, coffee and a random beer company)
This game doesn't work well with streamers, not only does the community not give a shit about them and would rather just play the game but the inherent gameplay decisions like horizontal progression, legendary items, etc. don't give them a lot to work with.
the problem is gw2 is kind of niche in the mmo market. A lot of people that play mmos (wow, osrs, xiv) like the idea of a constant gear treadmill and grinding. Gw2 is kind of just a chill game that used to be able to stand on its PvP scene but that has died down a lot in recent years.
i think its less niche than people make it out to be
angry joe's gw2 review back at launch talked about how a lot of people want to get into mmos but the vertical progression and busywork scares them off.
a lot of people that would try wow would probably be more interested in gw2 because the game is more relaxed
>constant gear treadmill and grinding

legendaries? Come on, not like everyone got every single legendary yet.
Legendary is hardly part of the gear treadmill because you're not locked out of content by not pursuing it (and doesn't get outdated an expansion later).
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What do you do with these things, nobody even wants to buy them...
vendor trash
Sell to vendor, move on with life.
the last advertisement i saw for the game was a youtube ad for heart of thorn
I've been telling all of my one friends about how cool this game is I'm doing my part
you can mystic toilet them but yeah theyre vendor trash
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They're not good at it.
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Inspecting without consent should be a crime...
this is the entirety of gw2 'marketing'
I was brought into this game by friends
they no longer play but i do. I just cant bring in people to play with me because im not playing in the region i live in
this it's beyond fucking retarded
the biggest question you'll get from people is 'is GW2 a PVP or PvE game, how is the endgame for both?'. And its kind of hard to explain that there really is no challenging PvE content, nor is there active PvP content. I know Anet has made some attempts to rejuvenate PvP but they really need to try harder.
>doesnt dox them
>paying for banner ads in the age of adblockers where even normies know how to use one
areanet is 100% subcontracting their advertisement to one of those retarded ass Slav companies that are the same one behind that evony ? game( the fake mobile game where they play like a total retard )
the average normie uses google chrome/safari on their phone and google chrome with no ad blocker on their laptop
Don't forget the most recent one where they paid five figures to some big streemer to play the new expansion and he didn't even make it to the expansion zones, just sat there trying to get the game to work and watching NPCs talk, then clocked out immediately when his two hours was up
>there really is no challenging PvE content
Raids exist
god that was the thing that pissed me off most about jw soto and eod
the endless unskippable dialogue over and over and pressing f and filling the green bar takes me out of the game so much
i have much more fun replaying hot and pof and even the base game than i do these last few expansions
they have not released a raid in 5 years. I know they're working on one now, but where have they been the last 5 years.
raids got replaced with strikes which honestly made more sense cause raids r weekly, have multiple bosses and require a lot more people to be on a good schedule to clear a wing.
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>nor is there active PvP content
tell me you don't play wvw without telling me you are too scared to ever set foot in the real game mode
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wouldnt be an anonymous image board otherwise. wanting identities involved is nigger behavior
now respect HER pronouns, chud
Not that guy but raids are just a meme word for "hard content"
CM strikes are harder than raids
CM fractals are as hard if not harder than raids
Even T4 fractals are plenty hard enough for your usual shitter asking for "endgame content"
Hell, even the odd storymode achievement to "dodge X while you kill the boss" is
There's plenty of hard stuff in the game (that people actively avoid since it's too hard for them), you just don't have the forced 1 month of gear grinding until you're allowed to beat it like in vertical progression MMOs.
it's more niche than people make it out to be, there's a reason why no one irl admits to playing this dogshit faggotshit deadshit trannyshit gachashit furryshit trannyshit p2wshit shitgame
If you don't find endgame content challenging, rather than crying to a heavily botted board unequip your legendary baby rattle and bib and try completing it with something other than the top rated build from snowcow or whatever
lv 75 selfie as im clearing up lv 70 story
might get 80 by bedtime idk yet
I've been wondering, have you been diagnosed with tourette syndrome?
>dogshit faggotshit deadshit trannyshit gachashit furryshit trannyshit p2wshit shitgame

you just described literally every mainstream mmo right now. OSRS just added a 'they/them' option as an official pronoun choice like 2 weeks ago, and WoW has disabled people everywhere now.
im the person hes replying to and yes i have actually
no i will NOT say nigger randomly
It takes much less resources to take a story boss (a boss stripped of its mechanics for said story, re-applied for the strike) and put it into a box vs making all new assets, story (voice acting included), and locales for Raid stuff
well the story bosses are just tutorials for the strikes
everytime a big streamer plays this, it ends badly for both the streamer and the game, see: summit1g
Nobody watches ffxiv streams either
no, but you've been diagnosed with terminal downs, retarded faggot
mmos are unwatchable outside of "le world first race" and only worlo streamers figured out that shit so they turned their streams into podcasts with the game as background footage
this is literally every western made MMO
>doing the Titan Research substory as a priory character
>get caught off guard thinking NPCs were reacting to my standing in the priory
>instead its just because its a substory involving the priory directly
Theres one strange part of the story where your character makes a statement depending on their race but it felt completely unnecessary
Strikes were supposed to be quick and easy to make since they're essentially story bosses with added mechanics, and ANet's managed to slack on those, too.
IBS had 7, then EoD had 4, then SotO had 2 and now JW has released with a whopping zero.
Let's collaborate and create the biggest guild wars two youtube channel with ten billion subscribers
Our first video can be about femcharr
femcharr are known to be sluts, every single femcharr /gw2g/ main is a slut who would have sex with anyone.
i think thats what lionmeows does
JW is doing raids instead though that they will recycle for open world and/or convergences
I mean, the entire first part of the prologue is based entirely on your race choice. Which was a nice touch, it's been a minute since they've made anything that isn't directly "they/them commander / wayfinder" and actually acknowledges your core story choices.
All they have to do is make a streamer build that starts with a tutorial, then an easy boss to showcase red circles, breakbar and dodging and a final part where the streamer has to mount up and go through a scenic jumping puzzle. Then they're teleported to the newest map and can play proper. I can understand not bothering to do it for new players because by now only the wales keep buying these cash grab early access paid living story halves they call "expansions" but, if you're going to pay a streamer to play your latest turd, you owe it to yourself to make sure he has something to show to potential new players.
yeah like teapot was doing the jw story and it was nonstop people spamming "holy yap"
i was doing the story at the same time as him and it was just nonstop dialogue and garbage content
That'd be actual effort anon. All they had to do is hand him out an account parked in the first Janthir zone with the warclaw unlocked and a good looking wardrobe setup. That's still 900 times better advertising than what they did.
>get bonked in the head by centaur
>outperform Logan as human champion
>unite the orders of Tyria into the Pact
>slay the first Elder Dragon and bring hope back to the world
>slay even more dragons
>liberate a continent from a rogue god and a lich
>get a personal dragon daughter
>save the planet from destruction
>get a letter from literally who
>"hey you're the guy who got bonked by a centaur, right? that was cool, the Queen wants to see you"
No, that was retarded. It's like some guy you knew from grade school and haven't seen since texts you "hey, didn't you sit across the classroom from me? my manager says you'd be a great hire" but you're the US President and the retard is completely clueless about it.
leave it to a fucking zoomer to not give a shit about history. his ADHD-riddled brainpan can only handle the most recent happening. its like being pissed someone liked Leonardo Decaprio for his role in What's Eating Gilbert Grape
They are too self absorbed and think anyone cares about NPCs yapping for minutes on end. Even with the forums littered with complaints about the never-ending prologue, they'll never get the memo and will probably do the opposite and double down on the exposition for the next patches because THIS TIME the players will like it!
i think the problem is lore simps gush at endless dialogue because omg theyre giving me so much story content
and don't you dare mention there's too much yapping, they'll say you're a salty kid when they have 0 legendaries and only play the story on their main
and that faggot sodapoppin. he basically scammed them by fucking around for 2 hours doing nothing then shut the game down
thats a really stupid deal though saying play for 2 hours when it takes you 2 hours to get into the fucking content
I liked the made up fantasy politics instances
Make the dialogues even longer I like listening to them because it's just once every couple of months
Weird, almost like Tyria doesn't have a means of instant communication and information flow across its lands. Almost like if you went to high school with Tom Brady, you'd probably reminisce about the time he threw you the winning touchdown for some forgettable high school game. Also the letter was from Jennah in the Prologue you absolute retard, if you're gonna say some stupid shit at least get your facts straight.
There needs to be a balance, either make the lore discoverable by the player like Asgeir's journal or make it a side objective to talk to anyone that doesn't progress the story. Going all eXpLoRe tHe WiLdS and then hiding the wilds behind two hours of exposition makes the players bored before the expansion has even begun. Luckily the actual map was good this time...
>he basically scammed them by fucking around for 2 hours doing nothing then shut the game down
holy fucking based as fuck, i like him now, i was ambivalent towards him before but now i will sub
>it's just once every couple of months
thats the funniest part about the bitching lmao, theyre only asked to sit in on two meetings and its the worst thing theyve ever done ever.
I want MORE dialogue and LONGER voice acted lines and im NOT KIDDING
>m-m-muh shit deadgame isn't popular because no big streamers/youtubers making content for it!
big faggot content only follows games that are popular enough to warrant making said content for said game, make your game not shit and cater to the players instead of pissing on their shoes and telling them that it's raining and maybe your shit deadgame will become big enough for big faggots to make content for it
until then, fuck off and shut the fuck up
>almost like Tyria doesn't have a means of instant communication and information flow across its lands
...it totally does? The moment you unmask Lazarus, everyone in DR knows that Balthazar is back, there's even one of his priests celebrating. Likewise, everyone just knows that you shouldn't kill an elder dragon as soon as Taimi makes the big reveal in Flashpoint.
It makes sense, too, since it's a world with teleporters and both Asura gates and jade waypoints are acknowledged in the setting.
Also it's been twelve years since the personal story, too, and even if news spread much slower than that, a big event like the elder dragons going extinct would spread like wildfire and it would have your name associated with it. In fact, the coomander's actions would be the fastest news to spread all over Tyria in this scenario.
>fagnet can only afford 5 figures for promotion
what happened to all this money they've supposedly been making hand over fist for all these years? the "top 3" mmo can't afford to pay real money to promote?
Me too
I liked that it brought up some interesting happening around the world that could be clues as to what's happening while we're doing stuff - or at least places we could be checking out down the line
ding 80!
time to gear and do eod hps
>it takes you 2 hours to get into the fucking content
game design skissue
tyria has team chat, but the coommander is on the opposite team from the NPCs and thus cannot see it
The bit with Isgarren appearing and everyone taking him at face value, that was fucking stupid though.
>oh so you're a super secret society defending the world from super secret enemies
Where do I go for WvW builds except for Mists?
I think its in part because the coomander had their say in vouching for him and Frode, as well as Queen Feetpics saying that she met them earlier
There was still some distrust but Isgarren saying that he was willing to explain things to everyone on top of those things eased the tensions
(You) vouched for them, and literally everyone in that room trusts you.
They should've skinned you with him for keeping them in the dark
Which elite are you going for first?
I mean, he is a Seer.
If you're going to believe anyone claiming to be a member of a super secret society defending the world from super secret enemies, it would probably be the only member of the super secret society race anyone has seen since they went extinct 5000 years ago in their war against the super secret enemy race.
Considering the Coomander ended in a week the same kryptis threat that Isgarren had seemingly been fighting for millennia, I would have my doubts about the wizards even after the Coomander vouching for them.
run around EB pestering everyone to link you their builds
>I mean, he is a Seer.
looks more like a djinn to me desu, i wouldnt trust him on that either. now if he had legs like a REAL seer, on the other hand....
>ywn be isgarren
>ywn pound waiting sorrow
I mean, they did. The whole janny wilds release event was pretty successful, there's people constantly showing up ingame, itt and elsewhere asking questions sounding like people who either never played before or have played many years ago but haven't kept up.
Nah, you're far too important to be tried or sentenced like that
Even in the same story instance there's a scroll that goes on about how you're basically connected to the governments of multiple societies/Nations.
Going back, you've basically got the backing of
>Your race's society's
>The Orders / The Pact
>an Elder Dragon goddess
>Xunlai Jade Corp, the Kestrels, and MinSec (and effectively the canthan government by extension)
>The Zephyrites (as Aurene's pet)
>The Free Awakened, Order of Shadows Zalambur and Sunspears (bascially most of Elona)
>The Charr (for aiding in their Civil War)
>The Astral Ward
>Canach, a multimillionaire
>The Shining Blade (even if its cringe)
>The Kryptis (you're Peitha's favorite ASMR streamer sub)
>The Queen (helping stop her own Civil War)
>The Pale Tree (Core/LS2)
>Now the Lowland Kodan
You've rubbed shoulders with a lot of powerful people and many of them owe you a debt for your service The Coomander is basically this world's Big Boss
The fact that his legs are obscured is just a technical limitation. They used the djinn animation string and made a seer model for it. Yes seers are supposed to have 4 arms, yes they are supposed to float.
Nah he ain't a Djinn
Djinn got those fucked up monkey hands
if u hit 80 and need hps, dont bother with an hp train
gear ur character, then:
hit ur arborstone portal scroll, knock out saitung kaineng and dragons end cause pretty much all of those are soloable
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>dont bother with an hp train
>do an annoying solo run rather than a tried and true train that has been perfected thanks to being run for nearly a decade
>your mom
>not a whore
ye but then u need to be on their schedule so by the time u can get an hp train u could already be done
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>Yes seers are supposed to have 4 arms, yes they are supposed to float.
Yes they are supposed to have two legs, and theres nothing stopping anet from modeling them on post fact. it would take literally 5 seconds
>his legs are obscured is just a technical limitation.
of all the lines of shit ive been fed about the devs, this takes the cake
just go obsidian sanctum and buy the HPs lol lmao pveasy
Zoomer shits can't handle soulful solo roaming they NEED a mindless zerg to follow. Lel you sound like a wvwshitter.
>ineducated retard
wvwchads would just buy the HPs with their infintie supply of jade heroics
>wvwshitter thinks he's a chad
>pveasy can't solo the HoT HPs
>wvwshitter can't follow a simple conversation
>beat up the bigot
>conversation goes from in depth lore discussion and thoughts of where the story may go next to wvw vs pve mudslinging
*sips* Yup, its /gw2g/ time baby!
how can't you solo everything just summon some elementals
Where's my 15 minute dialogue scene explaining why the Titans have the wrong number of fucking legs
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>grievance about having the wrong number of fucking legs
get in line
lol speaking of streamers scamming the company, just saw reviewtechusa advertising ffxiv and hes level 1 in the stream
make your fucking own, retard
don't have the iq to do so? stay in pveasy where you belong then, bottomfeeder
>ESL retard
signed, sealed, delivered, i'm yours!
pveasy here, is it bad to buy hero points with heroics?
if u have a large excess of them its fine, but eod hps are so easy
remenber to add random typo to your posts to make the eol (english only language) dimwits seethe
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Hey /gw2g/!! I saw the new pvp mode that they are developing and I feel like it's going to be interesting! I'm still bunny rank because pvp is kind of scary. Are engis good in pvp or should I play a different class? I'm looking at this build: https://hardstuck.gg/gw2/builds/engineer/static-discharge-holo/ but it talks about sword/shield and not shortbow, but it recommends running short bow? I don't get it.
It looks like this is a WvW build anon! But I'll keep this one in mind the next time I go there.
I thought you wanted the real pvp, my bad! With spvp I can't help I don't play the wussy mode
>not having the full range of stat combos available
>wvweasy calling spvp the 'wussy mode'
You know in spvp if you just rifle 4 away from all the enemies forever, they'll just take objectives and win the game. Spvp forces you to actually engage with the enemy.
>queue ranked spvp
>take close while team goes mid
>they lose mid
>one guy starts raging hard and goes afk the entire match
>this is every match
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>racist kodan
These lowland bears are hella bigoted.
Beat up the bigot
>whiteboi cant get his brown bearussy cause her mom is a racist cunt
white kodan dont even spice dey food doh so i dont blame her
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polar bears have white fur and black skin
for me it's the bear with the big, strong arms who drops his spaghetti
Nasty bears.
Peitha should carry on talking to you in Janthir Wilds and all future content.
>mommy! i can't handle the real game! please remove the stat combos i don't like, and food and utilities, and sigils and runes i don't like! and nerf every class and trait and weapon skills i don't like!
>not a wussy
lmfao, shitpvp wussy faggot
thoughts on players having to hack together shit like this because anet has been an incompetent company?
>map queued
>90% of our team is afk in base
>waiting for (hidden) tag
>meanwhile the other 2 teams are having fun fighting each other
>been like this for over 30 minutes

literally flashbacks to WoW raiding
worthless TRASH players just standing there for HOURS
this is why I always hated raiding and what these scumbags are doing is glorified raiding (Le woweeword)
>whispers or radio dialogue in open world content
>mechanics description popups with no way to turn them off after the first notification
Literally nobody likes this shit, why does ANET continue to do it?
if my only friend didn't play this game i would not be logging on anymore
Anyone else on Tomb of Driscal? The amount of schizo meltdowns in map and team is hilarious.
>see enemy approaching in wvw
>It's a harb or chudbender
Might as well just give up
you vill play the cookie cutter build you vill have fun this way you vill not complain
Arnt they using story stuff for the new raid
two entire zones and it boils down to "doing" 6 hearts a day and logging out fuck ME this is awful.
Yes, because (as i said) doing raids as before (new locale, new story, lots of voice acting just for it) isnt feasible, so finding a middleground between what a Raid is and what a Strike/Convergence is seems to be their plan going forward
>for the new pvp mode we decide to make it only 1 point to fight over since our players are stupid and can't grasp running away from superior numbers back capping or rotationing
What did they mean by this
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This guy thanks anet will stick to something haha this time surely >>493606672
Your gonna pick up that cat shit and your gonna like it
no wonder chudbender wont ever be nerfed
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someone ought to [redacted] roy
>doing all 6 hearts every single day
I feel no sympathy for you when the next update isnt for another 73 days
my jw gameplay options
>afk for hours looking for events to get the extra mps
>partake in the goldsink (shitstead) that adds no value whatsoever
>run around the maps gathering nodes like a bot
>complaining he cant make money off the homestead
The lengths people will go to piss and bitch lmao
Join erp guild
what exactly am i supposed to do then with the brand new content for 73 days? there is NOT 73 days worth of content.
I love the homestead system but I refuse to melt my wallet for materials when I have the resources stockpiled so I am literally just playing for only a few hours every reset day to build shit until I run out.
ah yes selling materials is truly an expansion exclusive game play feature.
Really makes you think
Play the winbender or fuck off, im tired of all this kvetching
>he bought janny milds
you deserve all of your suffering in life, you earned it
>what exactly am i supposed to do then with the brand new content for 73 days?
not really my problem, but its all supposed to be a slow burn. If all youre doing is guild wars 2 18 hours a day you need to take a step back and reflect on some life choices. This is a normal person's game buddy, with real life jobs and all. its designed for a few hours of play a day over a long period of time
how dare I spend my free time the way I want to! silly me!
evens i play ff14, odds i play wow.
>0 you're stuck playing dead game 2
yup, thats me. you're probably wondering how i got into this situation....
Hi puggy
isnt that the matchup where shitdo and his backpackers are on a green team with one of the two maguuma contingent guilds?
no idea, i also don't know who "shitdo" is. but red definitely feels like mag.
There is no mag anymore, chud
I used to hate maguuma because I played against them but now I realize they were my people
coordinating with other skilled randoms to destroy discord noobs
that was what I wanted all along and now it's gone...
0 is an even number buddy
there's AT LEAST two mags now (not counting alting faggotry), faggot
>this is the iq of a dead game 2 player
pure pottery
>he didn't get an invite to one of the two mag contingency guilds
guess they weren't your people after all
Well, my other favorite PvP mmo looks like its approaching the End Times (BDO), but GW2 appears to be on the upswing lately which is rare in the MMO world. How's the PvP in this game? I think its called WvW in this right or something? Is it active?
1. didn't ask
2. maguuma is dead, magswag is just cope

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