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>What is /feg/?
/feg/ is the general dedicated to the discussion of games from the Fire Emblem franchise.

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Previous: >>493389009
All fire emblem games are valid and make sense to like at the same time. Except tokyo mirage sessions.
>TMShit might unironically win CYL one day because of reddit "mistreated" fags
Not even TMS cucks believe this LMAO
Tms is not fe so Engage is the odd fire emblem game
Design is awful, hope they drop the vtuber shit
Who cares what you think
I think I realized being here genuinely increases my misery for no reason
Did you just realize that now?
Maybe I just remembered rather
Fucking make it yourself lazy fuck
Just woke up. Flop status?
I've limited the amount of time I spend here because of just how shitty I feel after reading the thread. This place is Hell on Earth.
H tier
giga flop, same as every single other banner
Post your last built demote
How do you use Keaton + refine
Do seasonal demotes count?
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That's a cute onahole, good job anon
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Go to church
Fjorm got more alts than some FE protagonists
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>post-timeskip girls wearing their school uniforms
Imagine if FEH skipped pre-timeskip, but also had this as a seasonal theme for a few of the girls.
I guess she was on top Fjorm then.
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Gentle reminder:
/feh/ thread
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We know, Fjorm.
Kill yourself
final ice banner rank
Hagschizo working over time
Why is she meowing at me? Is she stupid?
Where does that put it?
To thank god for making such a cute onahole?
You're abnormal
Giga flop
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I love Shamir more than anything
That's most likely a lie.
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Still clinging to hope...
It matters not.
nowi literally looks older than hortensia, this virtue signaling faggot is just a pedo in denial, like everyone else who seriously cares about this shit because they're trying to justify their feelings in a fictional setting that nobody gives a shit about
Sound like a Nowi liker to me
bigger flop that hoshido summer or?
>Retards are actually trying to split again
You fucks deserve Namschizo.
it's just the schizos that are mad they aren't getting enough attention post merge
They want dead generals because it makes it harder to drown out their spam and shitposts
He's also LARPing as a Gullfag to make his threads seem "/feh/ approved." I wouldn't be surprised if he made this OP to associate /feg/ with Raul.
Shamir is so fucking cute
Biggest flop was Nabata, then Hoshido, then Ice Tribe
The vast majority of Book 8 seasonals have been total fucking trash which is why they keep doing so badly
Spreading false narratives again are we. *tsk* tsk*
If the split and anti-merge has taught me anything it's that a singular retard talking to himself on an internet forum can brute force anything he wants. Since they removed the IP counter it's not obvious to casual posters that he's just talking to himself trying to make his splinter general look active.
even if he tricks enough retards into going back to his shitpost general it won't last forever
this is the longest we've ever been merged ack together and its only going to get more common because of the simple fact that activity in the FE community has not just nosedived but continued to dwindle even further, eventually we will reach the point where both generals merge permanently or mutually cease to exist without the users to sustain them
Thoughts on Fjorm? I like her design, it’s just a shame she doesn’t have much in the way of a personality.
>eventually we will reach the point where both generals merge permanently or mutually cease to exist without the users to sustain them
The ERA of Engage
>nowi literally looks older than hortensia
In what universe?
Did you mean to reply to me? Her design is ok at best, it's incredibly boring really, like they tried to make the most neutral character they could so people wouldn't hate her, but the problem is she appeals to nobody. They force her everywhere and contributes nothing so people are just sick of her.
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Funny how the "Gulfag" forcing the split has the exact same posting mannerisms and roleplaying tendencies as the Hag spammer who has been getting less and less attention in the more active general...
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>Hortensia arguably looks like she could be 18
It's the same reason he used a Gullveig OP for the other thread, attention starved and desperate to force a split again
The past two threads were obviously made by the same guy who is repeatedly posting: "Shamir is my wife" and other such variations. Clearly he got big mad because Gullveig was being celebrated as the victor of the latest voting gauntlet.
Engaygefags wake up and think "hmm today I want to fuck a child dressed like a clown"
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Maybe it's because Nowi is balding but Hortensia does look younger to me
it's the hagschizo trying to force a split by making all of /feg/'s OPs raulcore and all of the fake general's OPs girls people here actually like
Engage was a game for the REAL fans chud. (fatesgage-only players who abandon the series two months after getting a game)
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How do IS go about reviving FE?
Remake to try to try to regain goodwill with longtime fans?
3H rerelease to capitalise on their most relevant game?
Dive headfirst into a completely new entry and hope it has a 3H effect?
FE is better when it's dead, less trannies shitting up the fandom.
>Dive headfirst into a completely new entry and hope it has a 3H effect?
This. Remakes are not what we need right now. It's only going to appeal to hardcore fans of the original which are a very small fraction of the fanbase.
Just give us a new game with a new story that isn't 80% copy and pasted from a past game (Engage was 80% Fates story with no coomer designs to compensate)
New entry made by a different company again, nuIS mishandled this series to death
The best future for this series is nuIS shitting out another Engage-like and Nintendo forcing them to outsource FE after tanking the IP so hard
>Just give us a new game with a new story that isn't 80% copy and pasted from a past game
The irony of this statement when every FE is either a retelling of FE1 (the Lord's journey) or FE3 (an ancient evil awakens).
Past 3, the only FE stories that were not 80% copy/pasted were Geneaology Gen 1 and Crimson Flower.
Mayhaps. But I've played all the FE and it only felt really blatant with Engage.
Every other game just copied some gay tropes from FE1 or 3 but it felt more like 10 or 20%
Those are common structures for fantasy stories in general though
Engage copies shit beat for beat. Usually it's just a loose framework which FE shares with medieval fantasy as a genre in general.
>two inactive threads instead of one active one
sasuga, shitposters
Turns out Fjorm is actually bigly popular according to the other thread and it's DEFINITELY not one guy samefagging
A Jugdral banner unironically would have outsold this banner.
Gullshitters really wanted their own thread kek
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Yup. Everyone loves Nono.
it's pretty blatant it isn't a real gullfag and he's just sabotaging OPs
>But I've played all the FE and it only felt really blatant with Engage.
If you didn't see the blatant copy/paste of FE1 that was Gaiden/SoV, Geneaology Gen 2, Thracia, Path of Radiance, and Azure Moon or the blatant copy/paste of FE3 that was Binding Blade, Blazing Sword, Sacred Stones, Radiant Dawn, Awakening, Fates, and Silver Snow/Verdant Wind then your media literacy is really poor
Sure, but they're within the same series and contain near identical story beats to what Kaga originally put out such as
>Lord forcibly removed from his/her kingdom (Marth, Seliph, Leif, Elincia [Path's unique twist is that you don't play as the "Lord"], Dimitri)
>The evil empire of objectively bad guys with one or two okay generals
>The super godsword of goodness that the Lord gets
>The X Macguffins (the five Spheres of the Binding Shield, Divine Weapons of Elibe, Sacred Stones, the five Spheres again)
>An evil sorcerer that awakens an ancient evil because he's mad at something stupid
Not every FE will always have these things, but most FE have almost all of these things specifically.
Not true
Kek just remembered she hasn't had an alt in 7 years and will never get one again
>one active one
>remaining three seasonal themes of the year are all shit
>remaining month-end banners are all OCs nobody cares about

the ass end of feh really needs improving, no wonder we always see the biggest player drop-offs going into the new year
have a new nowi
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Cute cute cute!
>Nil has more alts than Nowi
Kek, makes sense because he's actually popular and his fans aren't weird, yup yup.
>his fans aren't weird
is that why both his free alts are blatant shota bait in sexual damaged poses
Stfu. You're probably the gullshitter that made it himself trying to deflect away from people attacking Gullshitters now that you're being called out.
FE desperately needs to appeal to zoomers. With this in mind there can only be one way forward: less icky sexualization, more gay characters, maybe even an exclusively gay avatar.
zoomers love sexualisation though, look at fortnite
More Three Houses!
and another i found
Ask any zoomer if sexism in games is a problem and if we need more feminism and they'll answer in the affirmative.
They tried this with the 100% LGBT cast in Engage, sadly it didn't work.
Engage was too hetero. You can play the game to completion and avoid all gay content, which is a big problem. Gay kids need to be able to pick up the new FE and see themselves represented immediately and unambigously.
gullshit was getting less attention since the merge has /feg/ rightfulling shitting on gachasloppers...
>You can play the game to completion and avoid all gay content
you have to either player as faglear or female alear though
This guy has a mental disorder...
I don't want him to sperg out so I won't say it out loud.
>Engage was too hetero
Engage was the Concord of Fire Emblem games
You said that already and it didn't catch on
But Engage already showed that going full homo makes your game flop
And his sperg out has begun
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this is what is going to happen
>Concord's TV episode was pulled as well
No it wasn't retard
Everyone has a +10 Gullveig by now, right?
You didn't buy the game, faggot
I love that Engage has ruined his life
I forgot Maeda ruined your life too KEKABUNGA
Maeda has made more money off Engage than you will your entire life
I don't have any Gullveig
They're vastly different
Good. Maybe now you'll go outside and get a job
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>My Gullveig x Kvasir comm got sacked
Fuck this gay earth

CLAP! 500 points
That doesn't make any fucking sense.

Also I might be wrong, but you only get an email like that if the artist has accepted your comm but then cancels it before delivering. If they decline it instead of approving you just don't get an email at all, and if they miss the deadline you get a "the delivery deadline has been exceeded" email. That means the artist accepted, took another look at the request, and said "yeah fuck that I'm not doing this trash"

What artist was it so I can call them based
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I lied actually. It wasn't related to Gullveig at all. I just wanted to trick your miserable ass into posting and you did so as expected (lol. You're way too easy, spiccypoo.
Oh and don't worry. The request wasn't cancelled. The artist asked me to resend because my reference link was dead. Doesn't that just make seethe? (lmao
>act like a retard
>"haha I wanted you to call me out for acting like a retard"
That's not what happened at all LMAO
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It's more like baiting the drug addict with crack and giving them salt instead. Everyone gets to laugh at him (You)
That was an epic bait.
All that happened was anon said his request was cancelled, I made a simple post, at that point there is no indication that anon is lying, why would they be
and then anon escalated it even further for no reason

No it's more like you sucking my dick and then laughing and saying you're not actually gay
Alear gets more bitches than you
>I made a simple post I'm the victim here
Except that's not what happened at all. You tried to shame someone for something bad that happened to them because you're a horrible, vile person and instead got outed as a retard. All because Gullveig mind broke you.
>You are sucking my dick!
You don't even have balls LMAO
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You're the caged monkey we like to poke with a stick. Sure it's low brow amusement but hey it's still funny.
Well obviously. You need the fucking dogs for the ingots.
Damn even literal dogs make more money than you too KEK
ShamAnon about to drop the biggest paragraph of cope
BAHAHAHAHAHA ShamAnon! That's a good one! Because his love for Tharja was a sham! A decade of lies, HAHAHAHAHA
That means you have something in common with it KEEEEEEEEEK
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*cuts to shamir getting fucked by a pack of feral dogs*
Kekalekka high!
Kekalekka low!
Your reply took longer to make than all of the cutscenes in Engage.
kek it to the max
If the original post hadn't mentioned Gullveig and instead it was about some shit character he likes he would've replied like a normal person. It's always funny to see his feral reactions over anything Gullveig related.
It's a skeb request, you're acting like I made fun of his dying mother.

If that's the cope you have to tell yourself
Alear bros… we’re reaching Corrin levels of retarded.
quintessentially sloppy fanservice
Cumming in Fjorm’s ass, cumming in Gullveig’s ass, when was the last time anyone even thought about cumming in Edelgard’s ass?
Every time you see stuff like this you just know IS was trying to make an epic meme for the fanbase and it just keeps repeatedly failing because nobody actually cares about Engage.
>5 years to +10 Tharja
The signs of abandonment were there a long time ago.
they desperately want to recapture the waves that used to be made in the fanbase when 3H characters showed up in forging bonds, engage just can't catch on
This is very weird and obsessed mentality. We must study your cranium
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It was all over the moment she was shown in the treehouse live
every time you make fun of engage this little fella pops up to seethe, I think we should call him tiny game timmy for the tiny amount of people who didn't hate engage
OK but seriously we can all admit that Engage killed FEH yes?
Raul's going trip off to cry about people discussing Engage's failings again. Remove the sloppy modern clothing and even he wouldn't defend it, he only likes it because he hates Fire Emblem and it stopped looking like a Fire Emblem game.
Lol you're the freak anti engage schizo
You're the joke here, not the people calling out your mental illness.
Whatever you say Timmy!
Two years
Of Engage derangement syndrome
Kek just remembered Engage flopped
Seems to be the only memory it has in it's hollow head
>thread is completely dead except for the one retard bumping it to cry about Engage
Just being retarded for free
Eangageq eag SRPG link. If you siding like it you are a soteycaggot.
Kek no surprise he's the only one here left. Dude has no life.
KEEEEEEEK that’s so true he’s a loser I used to bully 3trannies all the time and I got like 10 of them to quit /feg/
The divine pussy is for Alcryst’s twink cock only
Alcryst fucks the bench
Kek reminds me of a vice presidential candidate that fucks couches
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I love Shamir so fucking much
...I abandon her to lust after a child idol girl from a shitty crossover.
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Why'd you do that?
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Why do girls have such smelly feet?
They know it turns men on
and the villaon should be doland drumpf who travels throug time ti steal electoins
snd the good qeens should be kamala haris and michaele obama who are a lesian couple
and the campain goal shuold be to free ukrain and putin should be secretly the vilain
and 50 of ur army shoulf be gay bipoc
and the gane should have cameos form the mcu adn stevben universe
and voldemot should revaeled yo be jk rowling
and edelgrad should be the lord if the game and dimirti shoiuld be the villian

do all that and zoomers will buy fe again
That was actually Radiant Dawn, Shadow Dragon, or New Mystery
when is the next FEH calendar?
My wife Shamir?
How does the math for true DR stacking work? For units like Ike, Dimitri or Tiki who can stack it with their prfs and laguz friend.
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Three Houses but good
What the actual fuck? Look at this shit
Worst JRPG series ever
No, majority of it is all anti-engage shit with some posts being ones directed towards me
Seems like one anon was shitting up the thread and janjans didn't like that
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Literally who
You saying janjans makes you just as bad.

Still, could you imagine how much of a dramatic drop in shitposting there'd be if they had poster IDs and you had to get verified to post like in /biz/, that and bringing back IP counts
What's with all the deleted posts?
Gullgooners won again…
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My husband, Claude!
Still, the fact only a few people are making that many shitposts is ridiculous, like do something better with your life already.
Based Jannies
Antiengage schizo's NPC dialogue should just be considered spam at this point
>do something better with your life already.
Yeah, you should
It should be multiplicative, or something similar. It's not additive.
True DR is additive, not multiplicative.
% DR is multiplicative
I'm going to cum inside of Gullveig anon
I'm gonna cum inside Oboro
Hot (2015 OLDCHAD)
Ironic post
I will raise a family with Shamir
>Fates is old now
kill me

(The anon who thinks he’s gonna cum inside Oboro is cringe because I’m gonna cum inside Oboro. The anon who knows his place and sticks to garbage is based)
I mean I'm going to cum inside of the anon who posts Gullveig and is trying to split the thread.
It will be 10 years old next year...
It feels weird starting off similar age as your waifu then growing older while they stay the same
>tfw still younger than my waifu
Japan really needs to realize that designing "older" women should actually make them older. Especially considering the playerbase.
No you aren't
Yes I will
Lol KYS. Still love my waifus being aged 14 to 24
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Majority of the FE girls I like are all generally older
Too old
Nobody asked you pedo
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>Fates was 10 years ago
Awakening andFates could have been someone's childhood games and they could be posting here now.
Someone stop this ride, I want off.
I feel that. Knowing I may just be some old fuck here who's getting annoyed at zoomers who never played anything before awakening is sad

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