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Previous: >>493510068

>[Event] THE Great Tea Ceremony Battle: GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku, The Man Who Returned from Hell
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku Sen-no-Rikyu Pickup Summon
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku Pickup 2 Summon
2024-09-04 21:00 - 09-20 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] Back to School Campaign 2024
2024-08-25 21:00 - 09-08 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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Men are beasts
Was Zeus full of shit when he said he was about to blow up the solar system and destroy concepts
Because he didn't sound full of shit
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Kama Love!
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Muramasa love
Zealot Zaturday?
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I want to RAPE Hakunon and Gudako.
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Holy soul
I can beat Illya in a 1v1 fist fight!
Hideyoshi did nothing wrong btw
Dumb Nasu lore about textures. Sure Zeus can blow up the whole universe, in his own texture. Only ORT can destroy the world for real.
She loops decently enough but arts riders are kind of a meme when Habetrot exists and no one can compete with a 80% charge + great refund
I can see souls but I don't see anything holy about it.
Appreciate old men.
>t. Monkey
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Monkey HATE
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More like holey hole!
Peak story of FGO, peak character
t. seething Sakai merchant
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>kiyohime bicorn.jpg
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I think Monkey would actually be one of the first to admit that he did a lot of things wrong.
He'd just be like
>yea I fucked up and killed a lot of people I shouldn't have
>but so what?
It'd instead be Mitsunari who would try to defend him.
I heard you guys like old men in girl bodies
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Servantverse is just Nasu wanking his OCs on top of an extremely bad Star Wars knockoff. I don't understand how he can think it's amusing in the slightest.
They totally went behind the ramen shop.
it's fun
I fucking swear if Nasu uses this event as the reference when he makes Gudao Beast VIII at the end of OC.
Cancel Nobu immediately
I like Servants that admit they did things wrong instead of getting whitewashed
Will my wife ever get into FGO?
Big Mama
Based and same
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Sex with old men with female bodies.
Yes, yes I do.
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>the avengers were gone
>Hassan was dead
>cags was dead
>no mashu
>all the dialogue said flash summoning wasn't possible
How did Guda defeat Super Edmond?
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sis and I
>not enjoying servantverse
Peak soulessness
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Oberon love!
Men are beasts.
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Oy Vey!
Is Iyo a Useless Queen...?
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Japanese cavewomen...
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>Was an old man
>Refers to herself in third person
This old lady can't possibly be this cute...
Honorary rinface yes
>human feet and not hooves
Don't worry, Sigma, I'm sure she will either during or after the FSF event that I'm sure is coming next year
sis is enjoying this way too much
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>here's a bunch of surface level Sci fi references acted out by OOC servants and which is oriented entirely around Saber and Rin because they don't get enough in the main story apparently
>also it's all Canon now lol
Can't wait for epic grand finale of this masterpiece tomorrow :)
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Lip love!
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She is trying her best...
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Mom is the best.
We have several more days still
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God I wish I could play with those breasts.
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Take it out then. Get this soul out of my body. Servant Universe is shit.
Are passionlip's nipples tiny?
AWESOME! That's simply awesome! You just made my day, anon
>guda fist fight with Edmond animated never ever
Fiore Pseudo when?
Gudako needs more Horsefucking friends besides Paisen
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>here's a legitimately fun competently told story with fun characters
>no you can't like it because it has a thin vernier of Sci fi references on top and has characterfaces
Sounds like a you problem
This should've been her swimsuit
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How can Rikyu be evil when she doesn't have fat tits?
There's a spider goddess she can channel, right?
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It must be a real challenge to have passionlip as your servant
Imagine all the lewd bad ends
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I was just thinking yesterday about what a kino final boss this was
>>also it's all Canon now lol
Always was numbnuts
Precisely why. She doesn't have fat tits, and the lack of those corrupted her soul.
Actually I changed my mind, Ishida.
I will have McDonalds for dinner. Have our cook commit seppuku, then kill his wife, their children and their pets. Have their heads displayed on pikes in town.
I will play with my penis in the meantime.
Flats are evil.
Titties are the sign of a big heart
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Make a characters that its at all levels conceptually, personality and behavior an avenger.
Make it a berserker
Completely random character that has nothing to avenge for or a servantverse joke
Make it an avenger
Welcome to... Age of Blackness
>Completely random character that has nothing to avenge for or a servantverse joke
Literally a forgoten god twisted into a demon.
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Or Hephaestus
You know, cause, cripple
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Yeah and it was great
terrible, terrible event
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5* avenger Chacha when?
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But she fights with the doc ock arms
Oh shit I forgot ramaru existed. Yeaah it was stupid
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too silly to be an avenger, sorry
I think the entire point of the event is that he never had morality to begin with
He always told Ishida that men are beasts
They dress up their evils and their intentions in pretty little packages to appear nice, but hideyoshi never understood or cared about that kinda thing to begin with
If he wanted someone dead he simply did it without a thought, he didnt bother rationalizing it at all, that's what it means to have power
Every action came naturally and without a single care, with the push of his pen he had his best friends, his family, anyone close to him killed withour the smallest care, and then he told Ishida to come up with whatever rationalization he wanted for it

Hideyoshi is the one who bmunderstood from the start that men are beasts, there's no point in rationalizing or dressing up your evil from the start
Just do it, don't even bother hiding your fangs, never hide your intentions.
Even chacha said he's a guy that always lived all out without holding back any emotion no matter how pure or how wicked, he simply did it without a thought
>Character whose entire story is about getting revenge
>Make her a Berserker
That's exactly why he would admit that he did things wrong. He understands morality. He just doesn't care to have it himself.
Kriem got her revenge was the point, at the end of her life she realised how hollow it was because Siegfried WILLINGLY died and she went insane and just gave up on living as a result.
makers sense, she basically went mad trying to avenge her husband when he essentially killed himself
Love makes you crazy
Punch Morgan
Punch Melusine
Punch Medb
Punch Molay
Punch Marie
Punch Circe
Punch Bob
Punch Sei
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where the fuck do i find tall black lace-up boots for everyday wear? all the retailers online are crap quality
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I'm RadioACK-
In fact if someone told him he did something wrong he'd probably let be confused more than anything, the idea that it's wrong wouldn't even occur to him nor would he care
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Imagine draggin these nuts over your face
Honestly all I got from this event is that every single one of nobu's friends was a retard fraud.
idk look for some bootfag on youtube or something, you think we go outdoors or something?
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Where do I find Edmond's boots?
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Uh, Hot Topic?
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Yes. They're roughly the size of a cherry as shown in her FA.
humpinh mom's butt
yamamamimimim whatever gayboy traitor is so unlikable its unreal
Those nuts are supposed to be inside a snickers.
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Honestly Hideyoshi's way of thinking is very similar to how Sakurai and Nasu write Oni so that's interesting, those two consider that sort of thinking as inhuman while Keikenchi considers it VERY human just warped.
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No, he would understand, he wouldn't be confused. His response to being told that he's doing something wrong is literally
>men are beasts, they dress up their evil acts with logic and reason, but they're just selfish
He just doesn't pretend to be good like how he perceives other people to be.
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Ok anon, you can hate the Genji and become a lanky tall woman, or hate the Toyotomi and become a short 15yo girl. Which one are you picking?
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let her cook
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How can it be a bad end if you get to do lewd things before them?
>He understood morality

He really didn't
>Hideyoshi: Ishida we gotta kill my family despite the fact that they were my closest and most loyal subject and didn't do anything wrong
>Ishida: that's absurd, they didn't commit a crime.
>Hideyoshi: good idea, frame them for some crimes first, smart man.
the real ushi they show at the end is so much better than that freak
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I loved Okita's reaction when she busted his lover out of jail
>you're cute he should have told me you existed
Dude seriously needed to get his shit together instead of running away to get caught then have to seppuku
That's not evidence of him thinking he's doing nothing wrong, it's kind of the opposite. He agrees with Ishida that they need to frame him first so that it doesn't appear like pure evil.
>where the fuck do i find tall black lace-up boots for everyday wear?
They are a gimmick so I don't think you would find any good ones, best you can hope for quality are military boots.
Check hot topic as the other anon said, maybe you will get something
Those are just shoes with a belt on
Yes, and that was a fucking stupid addition made by Higashide
I dont want to be a girl
Extra classes were a mistake. Ruler and Moon cancer were the only ones that made sense in the lore.
>the "joke" is that melu is on "Not for (You)"
wow daring today are we
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/alter/ got an update!
get out
You could have ignored it and done the needful instead.
I can't help but still hate Taira for hijacking mothefucking Yoshitsune
Can't I just say a man?
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>She's a Berserker because of [HIGASHIDE'S HEADCANONS]
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It looks like I... UNDERSTAND!
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Fuck the Tokugawa
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Every character I've ever made in a videogame has been a spooky witch or has had white hair so Koma/Rikyu it is.
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Cute little Lip.
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Morality is a gilded cage for the weak minded. Just because you understand it, doesn't mean you need to be held back by it.
crap quality. also okita's boots are super nice too
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Rikyu, by my Command Seal, break your teacups
No, the twist on the Nibelungenlied presented in Fate is kino and ties into the themes of Fate/Stay Night very well.
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Rikyu, by my command seal,
why are you gay?
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Another day, another week
Another month, another year
Another night I spend alone
Until it's day again
Our little star has moved away and all the world is a blur
I only see I am not me without her
Every day a little death for every day I'll die
Every day a little death and still I know not why
What exactly has been updated?
Thanks for prepping her for me,sis
woah buddy I think >>>/vg/fgog is more your speed
Avenger was not supposed to be the class of the seething retards, that was supposed to be Berserker. Angra is an Avenger because everyone when he was alive blamed everything bad on him, not because he was angry and wanted revenge.
Dantes muddied the water because he was both blamed for a bunch of shit, but he also enacted his revenge.
sounds like you want some handcrafted leather boots or something, wont be cheap. I used to wear surplus black military boots
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would you summon Nevil Shute?
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By this command seal, Castoria, start gooning!
Lip love!
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Remember this old thing? Shame they scrapped it completely.
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Smooth snake skin
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>began life as a dirt poor peasant farmer
>became the most powerful man in his country
I think everyone is just jealous.
>lazy edit instead of redoing the whole list
Post more tier lists
>I think everyone is just jealous.
And so did he, which is why he kept killing everyone who looked funny at him
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It will never not be funny to me that the only proper avenger we got was actually delivered by Keikenchi.
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>No BB Dubai
Now post it again with BB Dubai, goy
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Fate needs more shark teeth girls
Avengers were never seething retards
Avengers are anti heroes
Berserker is berserk, being avenger is a cold calculated revenge plot filled with hatred, and unending rage boiling below the surface

Yes kremhild should have been an avenger, she's one of the most famous avengers in history, her entire plan is about revenge for her husband. She's an anti hero, she fits every definition of the class. A lot of lore changes are done randomly for backroom reasons or are changed at the last second
They probably just didn't make her an avenger to avoid erasing her later on, since they were already writing OC at that point.
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>Superior facial expressions and posture
Yeah... That was stupid...
>Rikyu: Chaotic-Evil
>Hideyoshi: Chaotic-Good
>Rikyu: Unlikeable garbage
>Hideyoshi: Based schizo
Death to the Toyotomi clan. Ieyasu did nothing wrong!
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Lip love!
Bit outdated but still good
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Based. Caren smacks them both.
pretty good, here's mine
Carenussy heheehe
I changed my mind. The Toyotomi clan is alright. Ieyasu was in the wrong!
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Here's a fifth anni arts looping tier list
If Melusine starts acting like a simp, smack her across the face.
Musashikeks, we kneel to SpishtarGODS
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You would submit aren’t you?
I thought about it some more and the Toyotomi clan should be wiped out. Ieyasu's pretty cool.
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Dude is a successful Japanese Mark Anthony
>Follows Chad Julius Caesar (Nobu)
>Precedes Chad Augustus who established the Empire (Tokugawa Ieyasu and Shogunate)
>Does legitimately stupid shit
The difference is he won during his lifetime
>You would submit aren’t you?
Here’s mine
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*wouldn’t you
On second thought, we should spare the Toyotomi clan. Ieyasu should die though.
>hideyoshi is unable to feel human emotion or give a shit
>What if we had his family and gay manboy killed
Ironically I doubt he'd still give a shit
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On second thought, I do think the shrimp fried that rice.
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Saber tier list
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>cast rear raking
>SS rank
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I think Chacha has suffered a little too much...
Food for Arc
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No the guy was completely right. Avengers are (were supposed to be) the lightning rods of history's hatred. People who actually did nothing (or relatively) nothing wrong and yet became pariahs covered with all of the evil committed not just by themselves but others aswell.
Nobu - the demon king that embodies all the evil of the Sengoku period
Chacha - the one that got burned even though the man responsible was already gone by that time
Marie - Executed for the opulence of the french ruling class
Even Anastasia is more of an avenger by taking all the commie hatred than most Avengers we got.
And well, we all know who's the man that took the hatred of THE ENTIRE WORLD, the grand Avenger.
Grinding my dick on Melt's SS-rank rear..
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I dont know. Nobu said that Chacha was like super important for him, even she knows that. So maybe there was a way to actually make him feel sorrow and pure rage.
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show this to a servant today
>the hatred of THE ENTIRE WORLD
You mean Dantes or Angry Mango?
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I thought Space Eresh was a flop?
Sexiest servant?

Avengers with the exception of angra don't reflect other people's hatred and desire for revenge

Lobo doesnt represent the hatred of the American settlers who hated wolves
>People who actually did nothing (or relatively) nothing wrong
This has never been part of being an avenger. You can be innocent and be an avenger but innocence has nothing to do with your qualification for the class. You're getting this confused with innocent monster.
>sagging and veiny
Oh god, that's hot.
____ ________
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Recency bias + being featured in the event story + gameplay
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Love, uh... finds a way.
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she did. she deserves more love...
very unlikeable characters
What does this say? I can't read nip nong.
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>saggy and veiny
the jurassic park...
>You can be innocent and be an avenger
bro, that's literally how angra came to be. he was just an escape goat
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>Extreme bottoms
Enma Ai
Yes, my point is we're getting shit avengers like Lobo.
Than can you explain what exactly it is that makes Angra an avenger?
God I wanna empty my heavy balls in each of Caren's holes and all across her face until it drips onto her chest
I see, so nitocris is avenger because she represents the hatred of pharaohs of all time
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bro, your google lens?
>like chacha and mori
>like illya and herc
is there a term for this kind of trope?
Calm down with your eceleb orbiting, buddy
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Very loveable girls
>Baobhan Sith's skin is normal again
I wish to see this eventually.
Nothing like watching them being happy. Truly, it give me happiness.
No the point is you have no idea what avenger means and you made up retarded headcanon

The entire point of Ordeal Call is "this is the point of the class, this is how it works, this is how it works these are the requirements" in order to put an end to the headcanon wars

You got avenger class wrong, it's about revenge and hatred. Not humanities hatred as a whole.
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Quitters sit in the corner.
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I don't know I haven't read her story, but considering 80% of the FGO Avenger class are not Avengers there doesn't really need to be a reason for it to begin with..
Underrated pick
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not sure what you'd call it but it shows up often, at least in fate it'd mostly be a callback to illya and herc like you said
I get the others, kind of, but what is so good about Morgan?
I want to beat up Gudako
>You got avenger class wrong, it's about revenge and hatred. Not humanities hatred as a whole.
This fag never read FHA and has the gall to say shit like this. FGO truly was a mistake
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I hope this years gudaguda makes Mitsunari summonable.
And Hideyoshi too.
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Yuu-san is struggling with wukong, lend her your energy!
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I want them too, along with SSR Chacha
Imagine a venn diagram. One circle is innocence and the other circle is the avenger class. They overlap, but not fully.

Innocence can be an attribute for why someone is an avenger but it's not a requirement.
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Chacha's mom when?
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>You don't know what Avenger means
>Please explain to me what you consider an Avenger then
>NO! Let me tell you about the JP content I can totally read
Thank you /fgog/. Very cool!
>You got avenger class wrong, it's about revenge and hatred. Not humanities hatred as a whole.
I once again implore you to explain to me how this relates to Angra, the original Avenger?
But pale skin is hot
>Make a characters that its at all levels conceptually, personality and behavior an avenger.
hideyoshi murdered her entire family and she didn't care and sucked his dick
she's a very good waifu so lot of people do it for love + she's a good buster aoe with good traits, anti-human
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Good job
wtf why is she speaking japanese?
i thought she was polish
God, her eggs must be so dry.
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Polish deez nuts
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hmm... i see, i see... yes this will be most useful...
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Need to hire a fucking Indian to do the train dance and bring me some fucking cloudy days already.
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I think you are overthinking this.
The class of swords
The class of bows (really generalized ranged combat)
The class of spears
The class of riding... something
The class of magic... and wordsmithing... and inventing... idk that whole thing is screwy
The class of madness, and berserking.
The class remembered for killing
The class of judging. Not governing. It's "rule-r". Arbiter would be more appropriate.
The class of hatred.
The class of lying. One whose nature is lies incarnate
Old hag
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well she is almost 70
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>The class of hatred
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I meant rain but I seem to have made a funny.
>Anything but a top
>The class of riding... something
explain Ushi
>The class of madness, and berserking.
explain Xiang Yu
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thats the best part
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Proper Avenger material
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I'm sorry, I can only make colors look better for a couple seconds.
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He HATES Akechi
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>train dance
Woah look at this edgelord
Damn I can't believe we have over 400 servants that never hated anyone...
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Ushi had a horse in the first OP
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Late reply, but very based bros
That's lost media, doesn't count
We trainposting now?
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Diarmuid Avenger when?
Well, we don't remember them for hatred like we do with Edmond.
All the other Ranmarus hate her, because she won, and she doesn't even have a penis
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Some asked for an Indian?
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you are lost media
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More like the class remembered for being useless bitches, lmao.
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>Well, we don't remember them for hatred like we do with Edmond.
Damn, that goal post certainly left in a hurry...
That actually makes sense...
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Did I?
Ranmaru's gender depends on her environment. The one we meet in guda 6 and summon in chaldea is hinted to be female.
okay now do me
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>The class of lying. One whose nature is lies incarnate
Then every female Servant would've been Pretender-class.
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Thought on this old man before you know what will happen tomorrow?
When you think of King Arthur, you think of Excalibur.
When you think of Hercules, you think of a big guy
When you think of Edmond Dantes, you think of Jim Caviezel planning the deaths of everyone who wronged him for 15 years
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>The class remembered for killing
Filthy aurora hands typed this.
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no need to sign your own posts
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I remember the brain damage I used to get looping with Ranmaru before I got someone better. She carried me. Ranmaru love
Worst part of this event so far, somehow it is even worse considering that anons said wait for his appearance in day 6-day 7 parts
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Yeah, but we are thinking about Ranmaru now. Stop thinking about unrelated subjects and concentrate!
>getting mogged by your daughter
Morgankeks? Care to explain?
Her greatest feat was blackmailing Mordred with compromising pictures
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I just noticed that Edmond isn't wearing his gloves in melty.
What conclusion am I supposed to draw from this?
Am I supposed to pretend that Morgan, who can clone herself infinitely, can't enhance her tits if she wanted to?
My Ranmaru has a cute penis.
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Ran! Maru! EKUSU!
He's never worn gloves
Totally different person from an alternate universe.
t. Nasu
>Morgan, who can clone herself infinitely
Only with her chair.
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that i'm shlicking while sniffing his gloves
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Can she clone her vagina and mass produce it?
He definitely wears gloves in his 3rd ascension in fgo
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Is this your desire husband?
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What gloves?
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>retard hating on morgan again
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i want to emotionally connect with all my servants
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3 taken out of the top 10 this year, so who will get a swimsuit next year do you think?
Who are you quoting?
bob isnt jalter daughter
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Shishou body worship
He hates everything and everyone but mostly shitposts about fae. Ignore that loser.
My paizuri onahole, Charlotte!!!
I mean
Servants can qualify for more than one Class, just cause we haven't seen them as Avengers doesn't mean they can't qualify for it
Kingprotea now that Lip got her swimsuit
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This is crazy. You all memoryholed his gloves
Don't care what anyone says, that version of Count of Monte Cristo is my favorite. Guy Richie was the best villain ever, even if he disavowed the role.
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...So, Oberon?
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Rider is getting one in a month with Summer Guda Guda.
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I can feel her
Lavinia is coming
Definitely Medea OH WAIT LMAO
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For anyone wondering where servants stand, here is the full list to give a good laugh at those on the very bottom.
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you aren't funny
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>Abby and Nobu same height
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Whoops wrong image, but who would have thought Jane is the most forgotten servant
Hyperactive protected sex with Ranmaru but the condom breaks.
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This also means all three Jing Ke fans are out of luck. Sad
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Bazett. Please. I need to see her in a sexy bikini.
>maou has the same height and weight as abby
This is why I never take physical characteristics seriously.
Habetrot sex
Rat sex
Bird sex
Tea sex
Snake sex
Abortion sex
Shrimp sex
Flower sex
Mom sex
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Damn. Dinchi is actually a big girl.
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And for the last bit it cut off since the image is just too long the biggest losers.
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Glad to see Material XV uploaded on panda, seems like bringing it up a couple days ago prompted a based anon to do it. Thank you whoever you may be, kind soul.
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Anyone got grand otome’s fc?
Abby is a big girl.
Milly a cute.
>it's just Manananaman in all ascensions
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I'm using her to sloppily farm the latest node. Fun character, a shame that her kit is dogshit.
Nobu is a loli?
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She is a womanlet
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She's asking for it.
Demon woman maple leaves...
Where is it?...
Yes, but I’m not sharing.
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That's Nobbu
Maou is 180cm so she's quite tall for the women in this game
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a lot of gods or deity's powerleves are just overhyped, yeah i don't doubt they can destroy city's or continents the moment they get serious, but until i see some asshole destroy the entire planet while laughing its ass off like frieza did then i will consider them inferior to the MC
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Help me out bro, need their Oberons
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I know she can loop when she gets her next upgrade but I only have her at NP1. I would like to go for NP3 because she's so cool and I want to use her but I have other priorities unfortunately.
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A weapon to surpass metal gear!
Damn, the japs really have shit taste.
That's First Ascension Maou, which is basically identical to Archer Nobbu. Big Nobbu is a lot taller, hence why she's called "Big Nobbu".
I don’t require to be a god to destroy theses asses in bed.
They don't like anyone who tries to bully Waver.
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Alright bend over.
>Ibaraki is 2cm taller than Shuten but also 4kg heavier
Wtf, where is all that weight coming from?
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She did pass off as one during the Maou singularity, to get free zoo tickets.
>kuku is 10th
Wtf you guys told me she was a flop
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I'm so happy we recently got a big binchi doujin that's not tainted by gay futa.
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A weapon to surpass a weapon to surpass metal gear!
She is constantly eating junk food in practically every event she appears in.
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You sure about that?
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uhh her muscles?
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If you're curious about tall woman, here.
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From her massive cock
But Taisui is not a woman
This is an otome site poll, btw.
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I would fucking love a model kit of this thing
banana suit iba
Cat has joined the big ass club
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Imagine being a man and sharing the same height with M*rgan and B*b
Wow what a big cock, no wonder she's proud of it.
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Always has been with THIS thick thighs
All summer servants are slightly heavier than the normal variant.
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Surprised when I saw that one desu, felt like a year one doujin or something that slipped into another timeline and just resurfaced now. We'll get a resurgence in big da vinch once the imposter is taken out in oc7 and she is resummoned
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Wait what? Wasn't Ibuki like 340 or something?
>This is an otome site poll, btw.
>Top two 2 are super of (you) waifu type girls
Sure thing anon
Her jiggling in the NP was a little crazy
Not in her little form
only in combat
I guess in chaldea she shrinks down to fit in
Did you expect them to be men in the female swimsuit poll?
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>We'll get a resurgence in big da vinch once the imposter is taken out in oc7 and she is resummoned
That's some really strange cope and even more some when the mini one is way way more popular
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Taller than nero but yeah she's like 5'1", that's only like 2-3 inches below the average in japan so its pretty normal, and over there they want to be small so its even more normal.

If you wanted to you could headcannon that Archer is like 14 and Maou is what she actually looked like from 20-50. It's never been explicitly stated that Nobu was summoned in her youth, and her allies' memories seem to imply little nob is the one they remember, not big nob, but it makes more sense the other way around.
Maybe Big nobu comes from a timeline where food was more plentiful in her youth.
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get down on your 4 and bark
I want to fondle and caress her hair.
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Low blow desu
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no shit retard, its a stupid joke. i know she'll never come back without your ummm ackshaully autism
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>Write up a nice summary of the Riyo Collab for an Anon
>Explain the connections between the Statesmen event, the Riyo collab, and the established rules of the nasuverse
>Not even 2 days later:
How can anyone care about anything in this worthless fucking franchise? Even the gag characters are fucking bait and switch trash. I believe that the Japanese are genetically predisposed to thinking that subversions are just making shit up to lie to their readers and make them feel confused.
That said, the signs were there, Super Bunyan was always depicted with Jackalope ears and horns. Now we know Riyo doesn't just add design features just because its cute, but because it means something. So yeah, I guess Riyo is a better character designer than most FGO artists.
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She basically looks like a swimsuit servant already so I get it.

>Super Bunyan
I feel like most Bunyan bros would want OG Bunyan so she only represents a small slice of an already specific audience, so I get it.

Early game servant that isn't super popular and whose artist historically doesn't do particularly exciting designs. I get it.

>Trung Sisters
This I don't get. I feel like they have potential for cool swimsuit designs, Take is a neat pick, and they even fit a summer water theme. But I guess they're just not very popular.

>Da Vinci
Should be way higher, but I assume this is because of the story.

>Dinosaur and Faker
Already niche collab characters who have minimal story presence for people to have grown to like them, makes sense.

>Miss Crane
Now I would love to see a Miss Crane summer alt, but I also see why it's not in demand since her whole appeal is being a classy, modest older woman beauty. If she does ever get anything I feel like it'd be along the lines of Carmilla's red dress.

This I don't get honestly. Would've thought she'd be higher.
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No, so they put all of their votes in Kriemhild. All of the others don't scream woman at all.
It's the weight of semen.
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It's her turn for summer.
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>classy, modest older woman beauty
>Miss Crane
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>Super Bunyan
>I feel like most Bunyan bros would want OG Bunyan so she only represents a small slice of an already specific audience, so I get it.
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Feels good being 188cm.
>>This I don't get honestly. Would've thought she'd be higher.
Old servant + married woman + very one-note humor. Haha she got mad at Orion again!
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>likes robots (karakuri)
Would she take Okuni as her concubine just to play with Zanzaburo?
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>Mister Bone's wild ride
>Doesn't scream woman at all
Men are beasts
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Teensy Tinyma...
feel like they do bait and switch way more in fgo simply because they have to release multiple servants every event and that allows them to make servants that arent actually that servant so they can rerelease the real one later if they need to
>Scream woman
Anon you you might be retarded
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a little bit closer to killing myself everyday!
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Her artist literally said she's meant to have the aura of a mature "cougar". Obviously the idea is that that is broken the moment she starts fangirling too though.
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>Would she take *** as a concubine
Yes. Nobu is a lecherous old man.
is that
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I actually had a nightmare where I died today and it was awful. I want to live.
anytime… my greatest ally
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Maybe she'll finally get to do her ojou-sama laughter.
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These are the top 20 most hated servant in the game. Say something nice about them
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Ganbare faggot! You can do it! Do a flip for the crowd!
But I don't see M*rgan and B*b
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I'm sure they would come to an understanding.
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Riyo has drawn her before actually
my mother is 5'1'' and my grandma is 4'11''
>It's not dangerous enough to go alone, take this!
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>Editing in gimp to respond to a post
>Have to do something
>When I come back the thread's moved on and the moment's passed
It's hard.... being unfunny...
Teen Love!
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Japan truly has shit taste.
Oh, this was the OC character Riyo was drawing. So Super Bunyan is literally being overtaken by Riyo's OC.
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Here's another Nanabozho
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and what about you sweetie how tall are you?
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Calm down it's a metaphor, men have normal, human-shaped and sized dicks. And tongues.
I think Jane is great but what would you even want from a swimsuit design for her? You could have honestly released her as one with the same designs she has now and I don't think anyone would question it
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I have vivid dreams almost every night and I remember them. I've never actually had a nightmare. I get shot, fall off tall buildings, doesn't matter, my brain just goes "come on man, you know you're fucking immortal" and the dream continues. I do kinda want to know what the feeling of a nightmare is...
5'7'', not even mad given how short my family is
cute skinwalker
Or maybe you have the shit taste here.
I thought summer Lip is just an NPC though
No, it's Japan.
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Servant when
country girls make do
You're doing it wrong. This is /alter/ we have the same conversations over and over again, just do the edit and wait for the next time for perfect comedic timing, that's what I do.
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The forbidden lip…
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Cat has also joined the even more exclusive and prestigious black toenails polish club
Post your maxed out Jane.
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Yeah, I remember her. Wow, Riyo really did shove his OC in without approval. Based.
Why couldn't he just add her or even just feature her in the event? Hell, even just mentioning it in one of the story nodes would have been helpful.
Its not like collabs haven't made shit up to add in non-servants.
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No... but then... why...
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I feel you, bro. It was novel in the beginning, but it's used so much, I'm tired of it. Everybody sucking Nasu's dick for le ebin subversions early on only emboldened Nasu and other writers to keep doing it. Now we have it happen all the time, and almost never do the reveals have the same impact as they did before. They've completely worn the subversion out, so it doesn't have the same impact, and even if it comes as a surprise, the surprise factor gets superseded by the frustration of them pulling the same trick again and again. It doesn't help either that most of these subversions never have the buildup to them, or leave little breadcrumbs to clue people into it like Oberon. That's why this Super Bunyan reveal feels so ham-fisted since it was never alluded to in the game, and got dropped in our lap by fucking extended material.
are you here bro?
I'm so hungry
ask your mom for food
Hello bro.
Schrodinger's Skinwalker, if it didn't happen in the game did it really happen?
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Hey man, you're as tall as Amakusa and he snagged a knockout like Semiramis. You're gonna make it king.
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>Anon wastes time explaining how this is amazing character development for Bunyan
>It's not even Bunyan
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I'm always here for you, broski.
Interesting. The bunny suit makes more sense in hindsight too.
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she's still at work....
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>a little crazy
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>Riyo really did shove his OC in without approval.
She must have learned from someone else.
>like gag characters
>get mad they are gag characters
Make me some tea
And then maybe we can cuddle afterward.
bros is this event based or cringe?
Eight days until we get FSF anime news
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Nobbu is meant to be a lolibaba yes.
>get told to draw a Russian warrior
>draw your FF14 OC instead
What a fucking hack.
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I guess you have to wait until she comes back...
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>OC character
It's a native American trickster spirit, Nonobuzo
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Has it been confirmed she is an NPC yet? If not, then I'm still holding out hope she will be the welfare.
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We know that Gray has become friends with Bob in a way, I wonder if Reines has made any friends yet. I know she talks to the chinese servants sometimes and that they go to her for advice.

Mash last month talked about how she complimented Waver and Reines burst out laughing when she heard it, which was nice.
It's a good event, sir
She's not maxed out yet, I prioritized appends over level 120. But I'll be rolling for more coins when she gets her skill upgrade in 2 years.
Till then, I use her for story/free quest clears and CQs.
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Cute murder machine. It kills for the simple pleasure of it.
any short anime girl can pass as a loli
>not showing appends
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>As much milk as you need.jpg
With airbags as big as hers, I think Shez should be fine
Schez is very useful!
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post faster
DHSR was a nice event, even if it was dumb as shit. Maybe that's just nostalgia though
Sometimes, you just gotta have faith, I'm not opening the game up again, so you can call me a pigger anyway.
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I want a new extella with Achilles and Sigurd
cute oppai loli
9 more hours and she's complete. I'm so close.
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I'm like, literally hitler, yeah I know, you wouldn't get it.
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Why is gilgamesh all of a sudden gay for shirou?
She's literally a Shakugan no Shana reference, of course she is.
Good job Schez bro
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All TM employees are female until I see them with my own eyes.
Rare Jane
please stop making me masturbate please
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me in the middle
Thank you. Only thing I'll have left after that is about a bond and a half to finish for append 5, and she'll be perfect.
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NP goal?
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I get it. I'm in love with Japanese Hitler.
fujos ship almost all guys who have some conflict
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Cute witches.
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I remember tried to brought this up weeks ago
So that's a her, and a hidden lore to the Riyo Collab, and that also explains why she was felt so different in the event
Honestly they should explain this or at least give some hints in the plot, now after 2 years a patch like this is just too late
my drivers ed instructor in high school made the entire class watch a news report about a guy who got cut in half by his seatbelt during an accident
Based schez bro. I still have a long way to go.
>We'll never get Trench Coat Columbine Nobbu
Gudaguda never fails to awe and disappoint.
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Kaiser should've been Maou's first ascension, rather than them replacing Archer Nobu...
Cute invisible medjed.
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now cum
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who of these https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_of_the_Sengoku_period_in_popular_culture do you want in fate?
kaiser is already basically archer nobu, she just replaced her cape with a coat.
Date Masamune would be an obvious choice.
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Can I have one drunk Drake sex please?
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immune to anal
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Yasuke purely for the shitstorm it'd cause.
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All of them. Honestly, just give me a sengoku strategy game with fate characters.
Just keep at it. We'll all get there.
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I got a new PC but there's no fate pics on it, help me out bros
Akechi, Hanzo and Ieyasu.
>120 SSR
>13k atk
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Marry and Fuck Kaoruko
Kill Mash
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Marry Murasaki
Fuck Illya
Kill Mash
I'm quite saturated from nip figures to be quite honest, but out of those I think Hattori Hanzo would be cool. Has he even been mentioned in Fate or am I missing something?
She has a ridiculous amount of HP as well. They really pushed the "I don't want to die" gimmick to the limit
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>Yasuke (Pretender)
Imagine the shitstorm
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Nah she's edgier and less of a shitposter. She's closer to Red Line's Nobu.
Considering we already have Takeda the only one on the list I want is Hanzo.
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It may be because of her t h i ccness too.
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Kill Mash
Fuck Illya
Marry Auntie
thinking about bros
not me
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cups with big cups...
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thinkin about turnin bros into submissive and feminine cock sleeves....
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Hideyoshi Toyotomi
Ieyasu Tokugawa
Hattori Hanzo
>Important figures, add soon or at least feature during event tier.
Masamune Date
Yukimura Sanada
Hideyori Toyotomi
PHH Ranmaru Mori (Publicly execute Nasu and disavow servantverse and servantversekeks)
>You have the assets fucking add them already, retards. What the fuck are you waiting for? tier
Maxwell's demon(No excuses, 30 billion justifications for sakurafaces, make one up for Maxwell's demon)
Shibata Katsuie
Akechi Mitsuhide
Mitsunari Ishida
>Stop adding this shit, its embarrassing tier
SHITsenGOMI(I know they're not Sengoku, but they've been cringe from the start)
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What if every servant had at least one historically accurate ascension?
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I've been learning how2draw so I can make cute fanart of my waifu... Drawing is really hard bros...
when is her rate-up?
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august of next year, roughly
she's in the FP pool at the same time, i believe, so you can go for her that way too
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Just as planned
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/soc/ thread is already full of them
>complains about sakurafaces
>posts a saberface
Only japanease man we need is Sukune
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ganbare anon!
Fucking finally
God I wish Nobu would play my head like a drum
Kinda surprised this hasn't been an event for some japanese servants that get some costumes for it like ushi or nobu etc
That is not a 15 cm difference.
>forced akechi to consume co-
no i mean like in the perfect way where they look good not the shitty way reality has
oh yeah? pyw
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Nero gets a pass for being one of the first ones + being the cutest one.
If you post it a hundred more times it would become even more funny
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the /soc/ thread is barely moving bro, there's no bros there at all
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>Seething baldie hands typed this post
Who is your waifu bro?
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Says who
Who the fuck is Monkey?
>Bunyan had her soul eaten by a skinwalker offscreen
What the fuck man. This would never happen to a japanese servant.
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Who's the most Shrigma male servant in the Fate franchise?
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That wasn't a complaint, but seethe, I guess.
>Once, for Nobunaga’s amusement, at a party he had forced Akechi to consume copious quantities of saké despite the fact that Akechi was not a heavy drinker. The alcohol had made Akechi sick.
>During the Edo period, another possible explanation for Akechi’s growing resentment of Nobunaga came to light involving Akechi’s mother. Whilst conducting his campaign in Tamba Province, it is said that Akechi sent his mother as a hostage to Yagami Castle to convince Hatano Hideharu, daimyo of the Hatano clan, to surrender. Hatano complied but Nobunaga later overturned Mitsuhide’s agreement and his promise of safe conduct and executed Hatano along with his brother. This supposedly caused the enraged Hatano family to retaliate by executing Akechi’s mother. If this story is true it would amount to a grave breach of trust between daimyo and vassal and Akechi’s bitterness towards Nobunaga becomes fully understandable under the circumstances.
from "Sengoku Jidai. Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Ieyasu: Three Unifiers of Japan" by Danny Chaplin
the guy from wukong
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Because I want OkitaSISTERS, NOT BROS!
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ptn next update introduces shrooma
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Damn, Nobu really was a piece of shit.
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The fuck chu jus say nigga?
Says me, a 195 cm manlet. Pretty sure that 210 cm in height guy is taller than that when he is more than a head taller than the 195 guy.
Last I heard, he allegedly is part of Ieyasu's spirit origin.
Tokugawa is a "classless" servant that is able to switch classes based on the retainer he appointed.
To be assassin class, he takes on Hattori Hanzou's persona.
Though I don't remember if this was just a concept idea, or what. Either way, its more fusion trash.
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>Hatano surrendered? Great.
>walks out
>comes back
>I changed my mind, execute him and his brother.
nobu is just like monkey lmao
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Aint shiet talking bout ma bros nigga dam
No mangaka would ever make mistakes when coming up with heights.
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Their fault for trusting her honestly
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>only if he had hip-hop playing during his NP
Men are beasts
Never getting this version as a costume dress or something is a crime.
How is Nobbu the bad guy in either of those scenarios?
That first one is Akechi being a bitch. The second one sounds like Akechi propaganda.
Men are breasts
>That first one is Akechi being a bitch.
No, that's just you being a retard like nobu
Men are bros
Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the Imperial Regent, second of the Three Great Unifiers of Japan.
Iyo sucks ass
Men are bobs
that would make a fun Berserker gimmick
men are women
Chacha's husband, he was one of Nobbu generals and after Nobbu's death he became the supreme ruler of Japan and killed everyone.
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best of luck, but the bro to sister ratio is like 20:1. so its gonna be hard to find an okitasister
gonna post based in next thread
With every single political figure being a douchebag back then, I guess you had to pick your poison.
Who was the third?
Don't post my support without my permission bro
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Well no not really, Akechi was supposedly the one making the deal. Maybe he should've asked if Nobu had any intention of actually letting the guy live. Unlike Monkey's constant flip flops Nobu tends to decide on something and then do it no matter if it's a good idea or not, or how the circumstances have changed.
Btw, you'll notice that story is the only unconfirmed one and it's based entirely off rumours. Kinda weird they have reports of the bald head slapping but not of the mother thing, no?
Tokugawa Ieyasu, founder of the Tokugawa dynasty of Shoguns and the Edo Bakufu.
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Thanks mom... I love you!
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Hiruzen Sarutobi, also known as a "God of Shinobi".
I want to spend the rest of my life humping Schez's choco mommy milkers
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I'm a latelet so I don't get why monkey is drawn like how he is on the right, has he appeared in events before?
Kukochihiko SEXO
Holy shit this made hard as a rock what the fuck.
I want to fuck you
Why is he called Monkey in the first place?
Honestly, it's kind hard to believe that actually happened, since not only a lot of anti-Nobu people wanted to portray Nobu as a cunt to his most loyal men. But at the same time, there are several theories that try to explain the reason why Mitsuhide betrayed Nobu.
Nobu? Based
Hideyoshi? Based
Ieyasu? Fucking cringe retard die in a fire.
he's drawn that way in the comics that Nobu and Okita are originally from
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Well yeah because japanese history is all made up to appear tough to westerners
Because he's of mixed blood
he looked like a monkey so nobbu called him that for the lolz
In case you hadn't noticed, Nobunaga was a douchebag and liked being a dick to people. "Monkey" was the nickname he came up with for Hideyoshi, who was one of his most trusted and talented retainers. He wasn't really one for showing respect to others...
chacha, pls
Kukochihiko got mud…
he literally looked like a monkey. look him up.
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Was Nobbu based or cringe in this event?
are all americans called "monkey" in japan?
According to Nobbu, his face looked like a monkey. He would also do whatever it took to win Nobbu's approval including carrying her sandals in his shirt while he ran to warm them up. Monkey.
Bros are beasts
Hideyoshi was originally a very low ranking warrior, like a generation removed from peasant stock. Oda Nobunaga recognized his abilities and promoted him several times, until he was essentially the number 2 guy in Nobunaga's inner circle.

That didn't mean he got any respect from Nobbu. He was not a very handsome guy, and Nobunaga was keen on reminding him at every opportunity that he looked like a monkey.
Only two are done tho, Eresh and City
holy sex
I want Nurse to leave lipstick marks on my lips and asshole
love these noises
Kukochihiko is a Woodwose but black
I would eat her smely hairy cavewoman ass for hours
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Based, but not based enough. She should've opened fire on Monkey's twink during the meeting.
But he's not black, he is a fucking wolf
>Guy speaks honestly, does away with formality to focus on practical matters, and doesn't let social barriers and practices bar him from accessing potential resources
Thats Beryl
So is every antagonist of Gudaguda just people from Nobu's inner circle vying for power after he died?
Good night, bros.
He’s a black wolf though
No hate on Kukochihiko, but he can't really compare to Woodwose.
I still wouldn't mind both of them, with Wood being summoned first.
Anon, he routinely insulted his closest advisors and vassals for no real reason but personal amusement. He was a huge asshole.

He was probably Japan's greatest military genius since Minamoto-no-Yoshitsune, but he was still an asshole.
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>Had ____,
>I would have to
Shouldn't that be "I would have had to"
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the suit guy and otome bait redhead from last year had nothing to do with her
or the year before that with kamo since he was shinsengumi
Maxwell Demon wasn't even nipponese
Tea girl is from Nobu's inner circle?
Tea girl is vying for power after he died?
Takasugi and the Kinnou group from Nobbu's inner circle?
The SHITsenGOMI in Yamataikoku are part of Nobbu's inner circle?
where is new thread
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You forgot the god complex and haughty derision of anyone he doesn't find entertaining on a personal level. He was a fucking dick, but he earned that unlike monkey.
nightingale is NOT a rimjob queen
Then why does she give my anus deep french kisses until I cum every week
monkey earned it more. his life is that of a shounen protag while nobu was already born into a big clan.
Ah yes, the backstabber was absolutely a shounen protag and not a spineless worm.
Monkey more than earned respect, and fear, by subjugating the remaining powerful daimyo through conquest. The Shimazu, the Ikko sect, the Hojo, the Chosokabe, and others besides all resisted him to the bitter and, and were destroyed or forced to submit under his heel.

By the end of it nobody could challenge him. His armies were considered to be invincible.
Did Nobu do anything in this event?
>big clan
Oda Nobunaga was born into a minor clan that ruled half of a rural, backwater province. He had to kill his own brother to unify support of the Oda vassals, and even then most of them had no confidence in him because of his oafish reputation.

He only managed to get them solidly behind him because he proved himself to be a military genius.
She's the best rimming in Chaldea BAR NONE

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