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Previous Thread: >>493518629
Happy birthday to Arene!

[8/30-9/13][Standard]6* Sniper Archetto, 6* Guard Mountain (Shop), 5* Defender Bassline, 5* Supporter Quercus, 5* Medic Hibiscus the Purifier (Shop)
[9/5-9/19]AK x R6S Collab: Operation Lucent Arrowhead - 5* Guard Fuze
[9/5-9/19][Storm, Reinforce, Missions Cycle]6* Specialist Ela, 5* Specialist Iana, 5* Guard Doc
[9/5-10/3][Crossover]Ela, Iana, Doc
[9/5-10/3][Raythean Striker & Crossover Re-Edition]Ash, Tachanka, Schwarz, Liskarm
[9/5-10/10][EPOQUE Re-Edition]Saileach, Tuye, Mulberry, Suzuran, Mint, Scene

[8/29-9/12][Standard]6* Defender Horn, 6* Guard Mlynar (Shop), 5* Medic Hibiscus The Purifier, 5* Caster Warmy, 5* Medic Paprika (Shop)
[9/2-9/16]AK x Dungeon Meshi Collab: Delicious On Terra - 5* Defender Senshi
[9/2-9/16][Terran Food. Ah, Terran Food]6* Caster Marcille, 5* Vanguard Chilchuck, 5* Guard Laios
[9/2-9/16][Achievement Star]Irene, Leizi, Kroos The Keen Glint
[9/2-9/30][EPOQUE Re-Edition]Mountain, Akafuyu; Wild Mane
[9/15-10/6][0011]Wind Chimes
[TBA]Vector Breakthrough - Vanilla skin
[TBA]Come Catastrophes or Wakes of Vultures Rerun - Coldshot skin

>/akg/ website:
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
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Bnuuy love
my head is also full of pinus if you know what i mean
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I just noticed Dorothy doesn't count as a Rhine Lab ber in the trust overview menu. Why?
Thinkgen 'bout Pinus.
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More pinustent when?
The whole security room arc was one of the funniest things I've read in this game
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Whenever we return to Kazimierz. I'm sure they'll get a cameo at the very least.
Literally never
She quit her job to stalk Doctor, kind of like Roberta
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Its smooch shark saturday
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What's the best mat to farm from the event?
I have 350 devices, 300 alloys and 310 polyester, I'm feeling pretty set but need to dump my sanity on something
Should I spark mumu on the walter banner or wait for the CN half anny banner?
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Wait half-anni stream and dump 300 roll in whichever banner you like more
probably Archetto, too
Here's me hoping half anni is Fortuna, Velliv, Mandy, Talulah, Eblana, Lemuen or something like that instead of some boring Lappalt haha...
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I hope we get a zelda collab next.
I want 6* midna.
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Alloys, devices will have better efficiency in Ch14 event
Mandragora is dead.
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Thinking I should raise my pinus.
It’s confirmed already, anontachi
Surely Fartooth's delta module will be good...
Dead bitch
God if we get Fortuna I would kneel so hard
holy shit its spuria arknights
Which one? The red one's pretty decent
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There are two kinds of GG. Sexo and pic rel.
Sona and Ashley are pretty solid. Justyna, despite the reputation as the game's most useless bird, does have some legit uses here and there. Too bad it's only on like 10% of all stages.
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>get some useless garbage
>now I have to wait for the extra 10 rolls

When will be able to farm grindstones again?
My soulmate...
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If precursors came from the space where are spaceships?
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Victorian operators make my pinus raise
>I just noticed Dorothy doesn't count as a Rhine Lab ber in the trust overview menu. Why?
Trust furniture was for launch ops only if that's what you're talking about.
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I love Wife Mane, she was great before agents existed
>2 dp per kill
>full dp refund on retreat
>fast redeploy
At least she still has her push memes
>If precursors came from the space where are spaceships?
Crash landed around Columbia
Because they never touched the trust furniture feature again after launch in the last 5 years, just like they left the base at beta.
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Did they not build new ones on Terra?
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After Originium Dust, it's until Pepe event for more
I asked
Eblana would never acknowledge her own shortcoming
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She’s really cursed
Probably not since most of the ayylmaos were dead by then
Oh thank goodness, ayylmaos would be terrifying.
Did the collab bring over any /r6s/ regulars?
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>putting Pon in your autos
You have nobody to blame but yourself
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>Eblana would never acknowledge her own shortcoming
Even Siege?!
Operators we hate?
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no turning back
Frost, Ash and Doc
Is that the skadiva outfit?
I see.
Base 1.0 when? RIIC is basically feature complete so I don't get why they remove the (Beta) tag or push more features for a 1.0 version.
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No, it's the green kot's midlife crisis outfit
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That's the monie cringe outfit
You have to let go, it's been 18 years.
I doubt Nintendo would collab with a Chinese gacha in the first place, and if they did it, you'd get a generic form of Link as some guard class.
This game is probably too violent and heavy for a Zelda collab, more likely candidate would be FE probably with Lucina or goddamn Three Houses cast fucking AGAIN. I think Splatoon collab would be really fucking funny, just imagine squid kids fucking around on the other side of the planet while Aegir, Seaborn and Iberians have been suffering forever.
that is a camel
Of course, have you seen that big pair of breasts?
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For next anniversary, we will announce the third Rainbow 6 collab. Because it's my favorite game
I did but have you seen the dead weight those breasts are attached on?!
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>Because it's my favorite game
Lowlight coping after destiny's death...
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Shark is too sex.
He likes Destiny2(lol) and FFXIV more now
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Enjoy your trip to Sargon
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I can't tell which of them is more autistic
>probably with Lucina or goddamn Three Houses cast fucking AGAIN
Hey man, seeing two white haired despots getting together to talk about how terrorism is justified because of their crippling, life shortening anime cancer would be cinema.
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You are now Lowlight.
Make the stupidest decisions you can make for Arknights.
So who is next? Zero, Skopos, Deimos, Dokkaebi?
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I pulled Ela because she's cheap. Is she a better buff target than Exusiai?
reed is a worse person than eblana and her sudden onset moralfagging does nothing to absolve her of her sins. at least eblana is enacting actual change while reed larps as her counterpart who wants to change things for the better while failing to further her goals beyond burning innocent people to death
I keep making for (you) operators
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I don’t need to, he’s already doing good job.
unironically t2 rocks
I close the servers to focus on Endfield
But at what cost?
Playable Mandragora (Eblana is event welfare)
Cease support on Arknights and focus on Endfield
i release a limited alter for a limited operator who deals more damage than the rest of the top 3 DPS operators combined, then i refuse to give said limited operator the outfit people have been asking for since two years ago
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Marriage mechanics are now a thing. For $5 you can get an Oath Certificate that allows an operator of choice to reach lvl.120 just like the Doc. There will also be oath skins which will take forever to be released for all characters.
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I still cannot believe they made her main outfit the worst one W has ever worn instead of the sex NPC one
reed has already accepted her terroristic ways, a few more years and she will make her sister proud by turning into eblana 2.0 or even worse.
He already created Walter, pretty difficult to surpass that threshold for now
are BAfag poojets really so desperate that they have to outsource their doomposts?
You are now Lowlight.
Make the best decisions you can make for Arknights.
RI tacticool alt outfits for every operator and L2D updates to every skin
The next April fools operator is Lowlight the Abyssal Sniper.
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Skadi the Unstoppable.
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>No jagged shark teeth
I release more yuri operators
But Reed feels guilty about killing civilians, whereas Eblana doesn't give a shit.
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I unironically won't use Walter until she gets a cooler outfit. I'll roll for her, but I don't deploy skanky hoes.
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Refuse to re-release Kirin Yato banner
Oh wait
Looks like it.
Release Lemuen or one of those NPCs that are really popular in the CN community
“Yeah… sorry” is not guilt
at least eblana has created tangible progress for dublinn through the civvies she's killed
The civilians were between the clusters, so it was justified. Also were viccys
Base out of beta.
What >>493547052 said but no L2D.
Wrap up Victoria in an event just like they did Dublinn, giving a proper fate to Nine and Talulah. Doesn't matter if they're recruitable or die just do SOMETHING with them. Then move on from Victoria.
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Eblana: can enter my blue box
Reed: cannot enter my blue box
the victor is clear
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Blame the cat for this.
>Reed: can *reed*
>Eblana: cannot *reed*
I think nyot
Post lame
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Immersive VR-ready 3D cuddling simulator with positional 3D asmr audio
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That’s the plan but I seriously doubt we’ll get a satisfying conclusion for them
Good evening, I love these operators.
I felt that you deserved to know.
She's even willing to kill taran civilians as long as it allows her to further her goals
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I refuse to believe anyone likes Destiny 2 now
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>big burrs stretching Leto's already revealing outfit to the limit
Leave HG to make another game
Why is she dressed like a whore?
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Better believe it
Meant to post this pic.
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Marriage mechanics are now a thing. For $5 you can get an Oath Certificate that gives an operator new voicelines and gilding around their portraits in your box on on missions. Also a seprate item that allows an operator of choice to reach lvl.120 just like the Doc. There will also be oath skins which will take forever to be released for all characters.
i almost feel bad for BAkeks
Any conclusion for them is a good conclusion. Talulah would've been fine if she just stayed in prison and got a redemption arc in a random event one day, and nobody cares about Nine. Instead they dragged those two throughout the whole Victoria storyline while not doing anything with them.
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Hot bear.
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Lowlight is Destiny 2's biggest fan
>REEEEEEEEEE how dare you try to make sweets and fix your family heirloom!
Man, Hortus was such a shit event where everyone acted stupidly to progress the plot
I have like a million gorillion hours on Destiny 2 just from playing it after launch. Is he still playing it now though
Did BA's writer dip from Nexon? They might be fine depending on how much of BA was written by committee and not by the series creator.
Comission 200 pages doujin with my wives from a somewhat famous japanese eromangaka
Do not let Ceobe and Lunacub suck you off. Biggest mistake of my life
Baggots will never recover
i wish arknights could get as much futa art as this whole thing has generated
Weedy? Peedy.
HG’s Victoria arc Talulah butchering is more tragic than her past desu
I’d rather redeem her instead of giving her rushed conclusion for sake of conclusion
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Bites on your dick again, Doctor?
Arturia's been to the gym
Worse. They liked the taste of my cum and now want more of it...
>Wrapping up any plot
>in an ongoing live service game
lol lmao
you will never solve oripathy btw
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>there are people that like it
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Excessively huggable bear.
I'll always laugh at the people calling to rush onto the next arc, because there is 0 chance they'll like it more.
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I have no idea how they're going to make an arc out of Theresis doing bad things? Oripathy and catastrophes are already a problem, so now we get more of the same but we go "Darn you, Theresis...!" when they happen?
I want to fuck a camel.
I know she's got huge tits but come on, she's basically a kid.
How is she compared to the other 4* and 5* Lords? Any good or does her lack of arts damage make her shit?
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>Oya oya?
>I have no idea how they're going to make an arc out of Theresis doing bad things?
There's no way he makes it out of Victoria, even if they have to meme him into the Originium universe. It would simply be too retarded to justify how he just leaves for 4 years without an army and comes back. Especially since IS5 already confirms the original Originium ends up in the soul furnace.
This when I see image dumps
>the original Originium
Originalinium, if you will
Her use is buffing the other Ursus students, the problem is that only 2 of them are damage dealers in Istina/Rosa and only Rosa is good.
Maybe she'll have a use if Zima gets a really strong alt.
Extremely punchable face
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~811 hours away
Reynell is unbelievably based and did nothing wrong
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I should not want to have sex with young bunnies...
Arc 3 will be worse
Reynell is literally me though, he's great
Impossible. We'll be out of Victoria and drop that cast.
Need side mouth pacman Ceobe
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Of all the characters who have a chance of getting an alt, Zima seems pretty low on the list so I don't think that's happening any time soon.
It's over Traceysisters...
That is why Manfred is pursuing Hoe. He is looking for a substitute father figure
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>focused on doc and close people to him
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White doctors...
Zima the Winter General SOON
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leizi finally got a skin so anything is possible now
Anything? Even a Candela banner?!
>focused on sankta and aegir
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Kind of tired of this meme already.
Anonpipi, did you even watch pv? Main story related content included cgs of amiya kal and priestess
Sankta aegir stuff are events
Jackie isn't a meme wtf, take it back
Wuk Lamat as a damage dealing defender with massive self heals.
Are you rolling, /akg/ bros?
That's almost a worse decision than making a Mandragora operator
Imagine Weedytent
How do you reckon a main story arc like that fill the next 5 years?
Bnuuys are the exception. Live fast, die young, fuck early.
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You WILL fuck the Perros.
>Live fast, die young
Yup, that's our Frostnova!
>fuck early
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saria sex
Well… they managed to drag Victoria arc 4 years… don’t underestimate hg.
Nyo. Endwalker is better.
FrostNova was too retarded to live. Same for Patriot. They knew they were getting played and that fighting meant death but their pride spoke louder.
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Does anyone even use this retard anymore? She's so fucking old and busted
We have to have 2 girls 2 guys
>forgot about the second free 10 pull and just dumped my load straight up
Anyway, definitely raising Iana, probably Ela too. How are Doc & Fuse, and which Ela skill?
Where will the new ops come from...
>she's basically a kid.
Yeah, I think that's incorporated into the comic
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Weedy modules actually have some cool stuff in them, I could see Weedytent for real one day.
>forgot about the second free 10 pull and just dumped my load straight up

>& Fuse
you trade speccy's immortality for MUCH better damage
>, and which Ela skill
Same place Stainless, Rockrock, and Vendela did
Make them the fuck up
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M6 or nah? S1 seems good with Spinach and Dollkeeper relic
Look at all these retards. They could be spending sanity farming 1-7 rocks to get pulls for a pot 6 walter but no. They'd rather raise trash and pull trash. lmao
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I got my first Saria recently.... a month after getting and leveling Shu
s1 is a ball buster master it NOW
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>pot 6
Free pulls only, if Walter doesn't come then that's it
I did M6
>we are unfairly hated and mistreated
>our leader wants us to commit terrorist acts and mass murder so people will be justified in hating us
>not going through with this will hurt my pride
Victoria arc is bad. Reunion arc was bad.
do not the cat
unironically M6 worth but if you only do A0 then you can manage with M0
How can anyone hate this cutie pie
>rocks to get pulls
Look at this poor retard. He could be working a job to get pulls for a pot 6 walter but no. He'd rather shitpost on /akg/. lmao
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>Free pulls only
lmao sure thing buddy. You'll also post boasting how you ((((only)))) had to use free pulls to get her (Actually wasted 100+ rolls)
Who am I allowed to hate then?
But which skill do you use more?
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fuck that bitch
S2 more
God I fucking wish Wish'adel was here already so these retards can just pull her and SHUT THE FUCK UP
Stop feeding reply baiter schizo and just filter that subhuman.
Then Dokkaebi, Deimos, Maverick, Finka. That good?
>pot 6 walter
Can you give one reason why I would want anything more than a pot 1 walter?
why would i roll for someone that fails to get more DPS or a better rotation than year old ops?
Because pot 0 walter is more than enough, so you should only want that
They'll ironically move onto nymph after because her S2 is a "must have"
Not the w schizo, but that's a very reddit-tier reaction from you
Evil. All embodiments of evil must be destroyed.
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>w image
As old as time
They'll just move onto the next thing
It's gonna be Hibana, Zofia, Kapkan, and Mozzie. 2 are girls and are Attackers and 2 guys that are Defenders. Hibana is a team lead in r6 so she'll lead the next collab. Zofia will be looking for her sister. Kapkan for the obligatory Spetsnaz welfare since Glaz is an attacker and we've got that covered already. Mozzie is there to fill the last defender role, is a popular and likeable op, and will let HG make Rim Billy jokes.
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>pot 0 walter
Not having her at all?
I guess you don't want to clear next cc and a15 the next IS. But what do I expect from tourists who don't even play the game
>They knew they were getting played and that fighting meant death but their pride spoke louder.
I feel like you're greatly misinterpreting their death scenes, especially Frostnova's.
Why do you know so much about reddit?
I never hated the Victoria arc that much and I always accepted the shortcomings of the Reunion arc as the growing pains of a new IP with a writer that wanted to do it all. I can only hope the 3rd arc will blow the last two out of the water, I believe it's possible since they're perfectly capable of making great events.
Operators that are Reddit?
Only people who talk about Reddit are reddit
It's weird that having an op is pot 1 because they don't start filling out the potential star until pot 2. There should be a blue line to start with I guess?
nah if it was reddit the guy would just be banned instantly for voicing any dissent
i got tired of stat bloat nu-content by spectrum and got tired of IS in particular with IS4
RA2 is way more fun
The next CC requires pot 6 Walter?
Only a retard needs Walter pot 1 or above
Chill man it only cost me 30 of 500 rolls.
How will Mozzie drones work though? Does he just shit on all [Machina] enemies and against the rest is a meme?
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Oh yes the IS that you can A15 clear with zero ops or that CC we don't even know about yet.
I'd roll for Zenos after EW, desu
>disregarding 90% of the playerbase
And that is why you remain a paypig for crutch units
One of the most noticeable /r/arknights posters is a Passenger stan/husbando-lady and artist
You're getting 6* Y'shtola and you are going to like it
Why does he get so angry whenever someone even mentions skipping W?
Not really. They literally had zero reason not to pull the Yeti Squadron out of the conflict. Unlike the average Reunion schmuck they were well aware that Talulah was leading them into a deathtrap.
Granted but who are the 5*?
Reed needs SIX Polymerization Preps for S2M3??

You can't spell Greed without reed......
the spicbro buckbroke him too bad with the showcase
It's a reference to the shopkeeper from Monkey Island. It refers to someone who is okay with piracy as long as it doesn't happen to them.
Azlings are ugly.
Spicgods won
Will they reveal the next anniversary limited by the time W2 drops? I might save my rolls for that instead if it turns out to be Lapp2 or Talulah.
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whats our response?
>just let everyone kill you goy
are ledditors still on with this?
Nice to see husbandos getting love too desu
They're gonna hold hands in the next Dublinn event.
The one that doesn't want to get robbed by mercenaries and thugs
Have you SEEN what the average bandit looks like in this shithole planet?
Too big.
Pretty simple, a lot of nations cannot be relied on to keep our operation safe within their borders from hostile actors.
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Seems normal to me. They have a monopoly on a medicine for treating desperate terminal patients whose disease gives them superpowers.
The CN stream usually happens 1 week before global gets the next limited so yeah
That's when you pay a specialized mercenary company to work for you
How could you know Frostnova was not a public whore of her Yeti squad?
business as usual
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Yes but it'll be Dublinntent with limited 6* Eblana
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cute ending
Bless you anon
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>rely on blacksteel to keep you safe
lol, lmao
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Gladidi love!
So, clearly, borders are the problem. If only there was a way to fix this...
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>pay mercenaries to protect you from other actors
>other bigger company/rich evil guy wants you and your humanitarian ways out of the picture
>they pay mercenaries more
>you now have no mercenaries on your side
Am I missing something?
She has the convenient excuse of being unable to be touched because of her subzero body
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Gyaru slut.
You need to make them injured somehow to sell the cure later :3
So you're saying Pissenger is reddit?
mating press
cute toot
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Nta but Passenger, Hoe, and Gnosis are all reddit gold
I hope everyone is having a good day. Remember to spread positivity and joy
why do they do this exact dialogue every other event
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what the fuck is this
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Smooch the swordfish
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Will we get a tenner ticket for the rerun as well?
she really looks better with darker skin
make her browner
Awful formatting?
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There were lots of casters in Yeti squad so they could cast something to compensate the subzero temp.

Sentenced to mating press.
i don't think the writers talk to eachother, at all. not even in the handover between chapters
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who is the spicbro? what did I miss?
wyell, i can respect a proper husbandofag
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We drink wine
Delete this
i would unironically trust wuh and sesa more with my personal safety than i would any rando mercenary outside RI
i would even take no protection at all over external faggots
>akg told me marcille is shit and generic afk op
>she’s actually caster degen
Reminder NEVER listen to /akg/ NEVER.
rayschizo experiencing a delusion and replying to his own posts please understand
I want typhoon but money is really tight right now and I rather spend money on more rolls instead
maybe she will spook me
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>Permanently mindbroke all sovlfags, rayfags, typhonfags, schizos and malefags
How does she do it?
And this is how you know skipkeks don't read the story because RI has been fucked over with that line of thinking more than once already.
Such as?
Please HG stop making good limited banners, need to save for Lapp alter...
i have two people inside my shadow, one person inside my walls and at least one invisible person somewhere in my vicinity. i'm not sure if all of this is necessary to keep me safe
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Oh it tracks your personal stats too, neat
fat FUCK
A rando spic BTFO'd all ENkek "meta" analysis faggots with a single video by showing Wuh is not as good as people shill her to be and comparing R6 ops to literal nintendo carboard in the same video.
You don't even need to know spic to understand raw gameplay footage either but auto translate subtitles are good enough.
She would not say this
>saria S3
>mystery relics
You forgot to check your vents
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I’m not gonna make it guys.
I got COVID in 2024.

These are my final supports.
Love Passenger pics with this energy.
Pinus Sylvestris cup size rankings?
>I so lonely
fucking chinks god damn it
Goodb ye soldier.
got to keep that energy up if you want to hit those air drones. Rosmontis should take note
Huh, I didn't know Arknights had a spanish community
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Cool fact: Weedy can be placed on both melee and ranged tiles
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why would i trust someone playing dps jianxin for meta advice
I want to Polymerization with Reed if you know what I mean
>collabslop supports
Good riddance.
>So mindbroken over W that he resorts to a video of some random shitskin to "own" wfags
>a 20 minute long video to explaing his point of view
I'll pass
Man, I member when water chen was the hot broken shit...
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Justyna > Ashley > Sona > Iwona
In a good way, yes
like sixty rolls...
Just buy an ad instead of advertising
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Thanks for the early nyodule test drive
Get well soon
I'm rolling until I get Logos.
She is a sinfully sexy and must be a subject to mating press.
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No matter the size, I like this horse.
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Maybe the real friends were the farming we've done along the way
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Unironically a nothingburger, I got a fewer for 2 days back in the day, then coughing for 1 - 2, thats all, getwell dokutah!
It doesn't, he must be one of the few bolivarians that play this game. The language barrier must play a big role here.
Aside from some FGO players, most of them stick to hoyoslop nowadays
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Biggest one is obvious
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You're going to need a Frightfur Patchwork then
But all puller and pusher specialists can, Weedy and Gladiia just look cooler doing it since 6*...
>already has her module
Ultrawhalebro, I kneel...
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Pinus club needs doujins
Shhh you're not supposed to point that out.
Operators for this feel?
Wtf is Sunday?
wonder what metacucks skipped to save for wuh to have such strong cope reactions
Aaiiieee spic powerhouses
wakata man
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bro you made me shit myself i thought i lost a day and had to get ready for work
Thorns with S3 up
>immortal nuke that covers half a map is not as good as people shill her
I've started playing on CN server during Pepe's banner. I got E2 Amiya with 5* E2 ticket for new players, leveled my spot, cuora and myrtle and cleared S stages of Pepe's event, all of main story on challenge mode and A10 IS5 with support wuhlter without using my brain even once in just a month.
Anon, I've told people like Storn and Supah to buy an ad many times. There's no cope, just annoyance at people trying to advertise their channel.
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My brother got his lugs fucked up and was put in a coma for a whole week. My dad didn't even know he got the coof until he took a random test that said he already had the antibodies from a previous infection. You never know.
Skadi will unite this world and national borders would cease to exist. Finally world peace would be achieved...
not exactly a good metric when the pepe event was piss easy, maybe even easier than shu's
Full nelson then mating press with lots of kissing.
Nuns don't work on Sundays.
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Which Pinus is biggest doesn't matter to me, none shall be spared. Not even Justice Knight.
I supposedly got peripheral neuropathy from it but I don't believe that
Deploying Weedy on my bed
thought storm literally buckbroke himself spamming A15 guidefag clears until he went insane
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So when is this game of pretend gonna stop? You're not skipping the main character of Arknights and we all know it
One would think you'd notice a difference in your hands/feet or whatever?
>bigger than the nue
This guy may draw Kal crazy off model but fuck me if it isn't hot
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Anon did not check his calendar.
He was linking his videos about Ray back when there was Raymundo vs Typhoon posting, and now still shills Ray as the best unit ever. Last I heard though he said Marcille was awful, but it was some random comment
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we wuz mercenaries and such
Truly AWWNB. Too bad Skadi2 isn't real and Ishar'mla is dormant.
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>main character of Arknights
>*blocks your path*
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I do have neuropathy, I just don't think it was covid that caused it like my family does.
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I'm a day 1 f2p (true) meta chaser and I didn't skip any meta.
I got facial paralysis in the muscles above my right eye
Why am I sexually attracted to Shu?
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I don't drink or smoke though
I skipped Mlynar I skipped Ines I skipped Yato2 and I skipped Texas2 what makes you think that I will get Wuh?
The growing backlog of a materials and lmd-starved semi newcutie......
If everyone in the world dies to fish can you really call it world peace? No one is there to live in it.
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Post screenshots
The famed Pinuspile...
pinus are just cuddling each other since it's cold outside
you can see mt tai
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Built for sex
That's not Amiya. And I'd skip wuh2 any day.
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Anon will just get anxious now that he got covid...

Anecdotal evidence 'n stuff bwo, just falk it off :3
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Constantly thinking how to use Ela’s mines efficiently stresses me out
>local spic cartel caster immune to amerimutt bullets
I would unironically roll for Ch'en3 no matter what it is.
>Pot 6 Fiammetta

I keep putting them so they slow shit just outside her range...
It'll get easier with nyodule though
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That's about all she's good for sadly
see seaborne aren't that crazy. you lane dwellers have landborne which are way more freaky
I hate it that they're not free damage unlike Doro's mines. Like you can't just plop them in front of someone for free AoE and slowdown.
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I made this post, which was a turning point in my gacha philosophy. >>447356740
Aside from that spikes that looks like the caterpillars I would take care of as a kid
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Also built for LOVE
you want to marry a chicken?
Eben S2 is really comfy
Tfw still 1 more month until next good content
You've been Shuduced by her beauty
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>you don't need Walter bros, trust me
I've seen enough videos of her clearing stages like H11-4 or H12-4 to convince me that I really need her in my base
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Oh come on, she's decent if you can find a Toot Tile. And her Delta Module will totally give her piercing arrows!
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Built for marriage
>in my base
Is it bullying to tell her that you think her unnaturally bushy eyebrows are cute?
Both stages that you can easily afk with fishe and friends? Lol
>using AH
A Fia-shaped chicken is fine too....
I still wish it pushes enemies instead
>Drags an enemy through the first
>Enemy flies past activating all of them
>Enemy died to the initial one anyway
>Rest explode into nothing
4*s can clear those stages still anon, if you still havent cleared them with a stacked metacuck roster then your skill issue is so severe literally nothing will save you
Am newcutie with no real sex stars. Do I get Mountain in the cert shop or save them for Walter pulls? I'm also not gay or a furry.
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Lot's of Pinus being posted today, this is a good thread.
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laneholders are obsolete with only thuc being relevant
save for someone else
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Side note, I tried H11-4 for the first time the other day and I never would have thought the robot would be dangerous. He moves too quick and kills any kind defender I put on him. Would just ccing him be better?
post your 4* only clear of them
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You don't need Mountain. Gladiia is a welfare and does his job.
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You have not seen "lots of pinus" yet
Mountain is great. Especially since you're new he can help out a lot. But if you really want Wisadel and don't have a lot of rolls might be better to save.
Mountain is good but not that good as to having to cert him, his job is replaceable.
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This thread adores Pinuses.
>Am newcutie with no real sex stars.
Convert 258 yellow cert into yellow rolls. While you are rolling you will be spooked by new characters.
Also Mountain is not a "must have" op.
Have you tried using a protector?
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I will call her Doberwife instead.
she had a banner a week ago
should of just committed
Yes, I have. They die even with Warf/NG
I would not cert him, there are many who can do his job.
Post your squad and we can help
Mindbreaking W
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I bet HG knew exactly what would happen when they named them Pinus Sylvesteris. Yes, I know it is name of a tree. It is still funny.
Why are you guys pinus and firecock posting?
They absolutely shouldn’t die. Why the fuck are you lying?
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I just got Gladiia, I like her tight pants.
Thanks bros, it's hard to tell who's still relevant or not at times.
Is taxation really as bad as war, disease and natural disaster?
I'm at work so I can't right now, just figured I'd see if there was a different strategy
It was on H11-4, I'm not sure why you're getting upset
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Because we love pinus. Did you ever wonder what the "g" in /akg/ stands for?
Yeah this artist's posts are all ESL sadly
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Reminder: Doberman has no tail.
Because the female doberman NPC in this event has a tail it means Doberman cut hers off.

In short: Doberman is defective dog.
youre aware both the steam tin can and slime boy do phys damage, right?
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>kills the fastest despite being AoE
bwo? wasn't this supposed to show wuh is bad?
Now THAT is the Pinuspile (Real). Is the anon who drew those still around?
The solution is to not use Warf or Nightingale. Shining, Quercus, maybe even a Skadiva if they're not max level.
Warf is only good healing for Crushers, Nightingale is for res.
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Now post you ID newcutie :3
I don't have many E2 4 stars...
>I just got Gladiia, I like her tight pants.
If you can't save 276 rolls for Walter, I might wait and save up to spark her on the next limited banner she's available on. Unless they changed how pity works, it hurts to throw like 200 rolls at a limited banner and get a bunch of the other 6*
The missiles are arts
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Gladiia sex enjoyer
and so the goalposts start to move from "literally orders of magnitude better than anyone else" to "bro shes really good"
ray has her s3 on functionally 20 sp while wuh has to wait 50 sp btw
typhon is also 40 sp
>Dude just don't roll ANYTHING untill W2 comes out
Apply yourself retard
>Doberman cut hers off.
What do you think she uses to whip me wit- I mean, whip our enemies with?
In the past week I have finally beaten the RA2 crocodile priestess, H12-1, H11-1, H10-3 and the worst of them, H8-4 (the black snake boss battle with civilian escort). Avoided temptation of guides

Never give up, and smooch your ops
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I'm posting Pínus because posting Pinus is what I do and other anons are doing it too.
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Just saying that I think the H11-4 guy is a shitposter pretending to be a newcutie
i thought it meant arknight girls..
>She's not even out.
>Metacucks already using the exact same cope eyjakeks use when shown their wife is obsolete garbage.
The more things change the more everything stays the same.
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show me your cock
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Bros why does aak have 2 skins but nian has only 1?
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>I just got Gladiia, I like her tight pants.
You damn miscreant.
they are also spread out over everyone in range, making the damage a joke either way
the artillery is a threat due to the range and HG always throwing in some literally right as the stage starts, tin can doing it is a joke
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Maxx "G" ...
Fire Emblem fags? In my /akg/? My brother, based.
Show me one (1) post saying she does 3x the damage of Ray.
I didn't say that. Depending on how bad he wants Walter he might want to save 300 rolls for either this banner or a future limited banner. If so that means reducing rolls but he doesn't have to skip every banner as long as he has a plan.
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I think you're the shitposter desu
That is not the skill that kills you, it targets your highest health ops like your main tank and your dollkeeper that is baiting the second hit.
What you want to protect yourself from is the pilebunker that does about 5k phys damage.
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CHEEKS (On face)
>laneholders are obsolete with only thuc being relevant
Thuc is the only irrelevant laneholder tho
wuh only deals slightly better ST damage than the next best sniper under her most optimal conditions?!??!?!?? what a shitty operator. maybe things would be different if she had true AOE and covered 70 tiles with her AOE, but alas she's a simple ST sniper with no other features such as constantly active camouflage
pinus hehe
What got Wkeks so riled up today?
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I use my Pinus to hold lanes.
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Most laneholders are male...
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I swear people used to argue W did only slightly less damage than Ray, but was worth the pull for being AoE. Now I'm being told even this isn't true, and Wuh is just outright better at everything?
That's blaze though
Ela release
I'm pretty sure I can get that much, I likely won't roll for Ela, it's a bit too risky if I end up having to pity both.
That's because on release W outdid everyone, after a bit Ray got a module that made her single target better, and now as we get closer to global Wuh the shitposting on all sides ramps up to "prove" that an ops numbers are bad.
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bro your shark?
Blaze is still aoe with an immortality phase.
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Not sure what problem you are having, if 1 medic is not enough you can add skadiva
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I hold my pinus while my pinus holds my lane
Yes, that's why you should support passenger in all of his plans.
Only relevant lane holder on CN is Asky
ray can lose half of her damage to mooks against any boss not named patriot
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That breed of dog can have tiny tails. It wouldn't be too weird if she thought it was small enough to just tuck under clothing.
>chinks hate laneholders like thorns, blaze and ulpian
>ok with ascalon though because she has 0 block
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For me, it's pinus with trashy fashion sense
Asky isn't a lane holder
She literally has a pet that acts like a taunt. If you still faill at using her then that's just pure skill issue
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She is, yeah
Not needing to block is what makes her the best lane holder
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spic gods won
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>Roll for new OPs only by the quality of their theme music.
>Head empty, only happy.
Imagine having deep mental dilemmas and looking at numbers that would otherwise hurt my 2 brain cells!
He drew Eyja last pile
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she can also kill elites which puts her above any laneholder
based stress free life enjoyer
I recently beat this level myself. At first I borrowed GG because I assumed I wanted more damage, in reality an FRD, especially sword rain texalter, is best. The enemies that eat ops are a pain, so feed them stuff like gravel if they arent dead in time. Binding and slowing are godsends if you have any. If you got Ela, her mines might be juicy for when 2-3 of the eater enemies spawn.

When I figured out the boss path, I found that my Hoshi with warfarin/reed support could tank him. I think one side I had Shu solo healing. I found that patience is the key, slow down on the damage enough that your healers can recharge skills for each barrage cycle
Use the barrier deploy on your squishiest ops before a barrage (if they're targeted). I think I did lose a squishy each barrage, but if you patiently cycle deployments you can replace with a substitute each time
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Who needs a Centurion when you can get 8 seconds of 3-block SCHWING like 4 times in a single minute?
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>Nobody is skipping wuh, everyone is saving for her.
His narrative breaks when he sees people rolling for other operators instead of saving for wuh, and that hurts his feefees.
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Justyna, the HEART and SOUL of Pinus Sylvestris
Typhon, Marcille, SA, Hoe, Zuo le, and Ulpian are also great vs elites.
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2.1 Billion
>Wschizo is an Ascalonfag
Should've seen that coming
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my brother in pajeet shit, what in the absolute fuck is that team?
it feels like you are doing a randomizer challenge
None of those are laneholders, unlike Ascalon.
the middle one is peak
>Shitposting Asky vs everyone
We're doing this now?
>Surtr, Reed, Ray, Shu, Degen, GG, Ines
NTA but looks normal to me
This took me way longer to figure out than it probably should have.
What's with the spam?
Bro I can see them
if you consider that normal no wonder metakeks struggle to clear basic content
what spam?
This is the average player that W2 was designed for
i don't see anything
Heh I know, but actually that's almost all the good, e2 6-stars I have man. I only started this spring
I am always broke trying to level my ops to catch up
Ulpian can solo everything and thorns have stupid dps now he can easily kill elites/bosses at range
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That one was weird. You had to redeploy Saria or something, right?
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who do I take
>thorns have stupid dps now he can easily kill elites/bosses at range
He consistently fails to kill easy elites from Babel to Pepe's event
Trustworthy loyal reservepipi vs lying, attention whore back stabber whore.
The choice is obvious
You know the answer, but are you ready to face it?
Doberman are actually born with long tails and floppy ears. Back in the day they were used as guard dogs and they would cut the tail off and do surgery to the ears to get them to stick upright because it allegedly made their hearing better. It became part of the "look" for the breed so people will get that stuff done for their pet dobermans even though it's entirely unnecessary.
>Trustworthy loyal reservepip
Like Guard
Mumu it is, she'll at least have a knife
AK is more about putting pegs in the appropriately shaped holes.
A 4* fit for the role is always better than badly shoehorning in a 6* because muh rarity.
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There’s nothing shameful about jobbing to Demon king slayers
I ended up putting Ifrit on the bottom lane (after range guys walked away obviously), blocked the path to her with Saria, everything that spawns until the first grotesque died normally, bombed the right pillar to kill the first one, did the combo to kill the Dublin goons and the second one, then dropped the last pillar on the 2 that spawned last.
Dog owners were a mistake
I'm talking about capybara
Then maybe I'm a slow learner like Ifrit because I distinctly remember having to redeploy one of them to get it working
maybe if you're autistically seeking some definition of perfection. if a solved stage is all you want, a given 6* is almost always going to be more useful than a given 4
you struggling with stages proves otherwise
I know some people cut their dog's tails off so other animals can't grab it. Before it used to be hunters, these days it's a hood thing because of dogfights.
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After another intensive training session with Gavial and Irene, Fuze has been fully mastered.
I literally just e2'd Ifrit, there's probably more ways to do it if you have her higher leveled or have mastery levels/module.
If thorns module dots can't then ascalons can't either anon. Thorns are way stronger
I'm retarded, meant for >>493565998 >>493566217
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Putting my peg in 4* operator holes...
INVESTOR-SAN, PLEASE decide for yourself whether that's too lewd or not.
Not a surprise
Some owner should be shot. Had to burry my golden retriever last year, still thinking about her regularly, she was more human than some retard you see on the streets, you could see the intelligence in her eyes.
Shit like cutting a dobermans ear for looks should be on the same level as mutilating a person.
>panic at the museum:sankta slaughter
>thinks its some sankta murder pornography made for the sarkaz
>its actually a serial killer flick
dont they know potraying people as an unstopabble killer isnt an insult but a compliment?s
stupid devils man i swear to god
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We posting sexy wolves?
pic unrelated
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you first
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This happens to corgis as well. They have tails, and they used to be docked (cut off) to prevent livestock from stepping on it while herding, but now it's just that people will cut off the tail so they have the signature look.
I have a corgi with her tail and I can't understand why anyone would want to cut it off. It's sickening to think about
Well mutilating your children for social validation is also in vogue in parts of the world, so I think the dogs are probably shit out of luck for the time being.
The age of Pinus is over, the age of Lupo is Lupon us.
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135x4 arts dot (540)
270x4 arts dot (1080) vs ranged enemies
110x3 arts dot (330)

As long as thorns isn't required to block them and die he will outdamage ascalon very easily vs everything. You really underestimate how strong thorns module is
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I specially don't get the corgi thing because people buy them for looks and their tails are cute. Cuter than a nub, at the very least.
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The power of aegir toxins is simply unmatched
worthless post
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Dobermanm has no tail
the penance sexo
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It seems we're already revving up those clown schizo melties.
kally wally is a natural taillet, no amputations here
Ascalonbros our response??
>vs every boss
>no IS bosses
>no SSS bosses
>no hatefull avenger
>no collab bosses
>no RA bosses
this video is le fake and you should le kill yourself
Wtf bros, you told me Suzu is good but she can't even solo Patriot?
Do you hear that? It's the sound of a gorillion poojets shitting the floor when their mudrock waifu fails to tank what cuora or bubble easily can.
Dobermann's tail is in her pants.
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>losing to zarro
nobody does that..
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I just wanna smooch my Asky...
I too have my tails in my pants!
Who told you that? Nobody in /akg/ has used Suzu in 3 years
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If you think killing bosses is the intended use for an operator with
>Attack all enemies within range
as their core feature, then you deserve to feel like you wasted your rolls.
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I use Suzu in SSS...
if only there were any 6* protectors huh
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Cuora is better. She is.
You're trying to reason with the retards saying ela is shit because you're using essentially a marksmen sniper vs 3k def enemies
They're talking about bringing a 6* because it's a 6*, even if it's not suited for the role vs bringing a lower-rarity unit who fills the role.
People still get buckbroken by hoshi S2 not reaching the peaks of walling that is her S3 or nian S2 and straight up dying.
Against H tin can pretty sure she still needs both shining and skadiva to not die to the pilebunker.
Maybe even quercus if you don't use mousse.
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The 6*s are good but Cuora and Bubble are exceptional for 4*s. Cuora is the main reason nobody wanted to invest in higher rarity protectors early in the game, and for a long time after.
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>You really underestimate how strong thorns module is
It's easily the 4th best lord module
What amI supposed to use her on then, the dogs I feed to Bagpipi?
Handsome women...
Lords are just built different.. truly living up to their title
And Matterhorn comes with res
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I use Suzu everywhere
There's only 3 6* lords and it's better than QB's so the 2nd best.
i-i-is that a 6* not soloing every boss????
even when it's not her role whatsoever??????
The two arknights enemies
>3k DEF walls
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Handsome women are the best
>it's better than QB's
>It's better than Lappland's
every lord got a top tier module for some reason
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This but unironically.
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Easy choice.
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Speak for yourself, sis. I like to bring Suzu whenever I bring Virtuosa's S3
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Pinus Sylvestris Meet n' Fuck...
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>every lord got a top tier module
Letobros... the only one without the bonus arts hits..
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I can't wait to pot6 Lapipi2
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im picking whatever this thing is
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Nothing they could have done to fix her, so I appreciate the flavor at least.
I forgot leto exists
Sex with all lords except one.
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Everyone does...
I think more about Leto's mom than Leto herself...
awful taste
100 pulls 1 thorns 1 weedy no ela. Accounts fucked kek
Why doesn't Leto activate Beehunter's or Absinthe's skills?
She's not their friend
Free 10 roll soon...
>1 thorns
>1 weedy
cute couple
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Not that one.
Bwo you get an extra 10 roll ticket in a few days, and Ela is guaranteed at 120.
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>8% fragile and that's it
Next lapperator will be better.
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Margaret Nearl might be strong and tough, but she is highly vulnerable to an intense fingering.
I'm pretty sure she's Beehunter's friend
Lappland alt will deal necrosis damage to allies near her because she's so STINKY
If you're this unlucky here, you'll be super lucky on the next limited banner.
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>10% more arts damage on her own hits and increasing the damage everyone does to 1 or 2 targets near periminantly
It's very comfy, SCALES, and even makes her s1 worth using.
I wanna make her feel good...
Non 6*s aren't allowed good modules or multiple modules, because they exist to make people grind eternally to boost 6*s.
I need to deploy myself near Lappland NOW
According to how statistics work, this isn't true.
Lappland's module is good though
thought we were supposed to wank off ela for her mediocre fragile with meme uptime?
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6* > 4* > 5*
for what it is it's better than most 5 star modules
That is indeed how numbers work
>/akg/ math
This, nightmare is worse than every 4* caster. Folinic is a downgrade from the 4* medics.
Hear that guys? Fartooth is better than myrtle!
/akg/ math...
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erm, no
add me to the screencap
So what did we learn today?
||1 + 1|| ?
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>||1 + 1||
I can't believe Honeyberry, Harold and Mulberry are worse than Chestnut
People are desperate for the next shitpost
what the hell is that
4 > 5
i have unironically gotten better gameplay advice off 2 spic videos than the entirety of the english speaking community
Punished for her crimes
Which norm?
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Discord spoilers
Wait... we really have discordfags among us?
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>start playing the event
>first tutorial stage
nvm I guess
>dorothykeks are discordfags
Every time they get worse
I fucking love this event, even if the story isn't up to par.
Sorry Ascalon, I'm rolling for Ash, the tacticool is too good.
Nightmare is a meme because they went out of their way to make her awful but you can still force her s2 in hard content.
They're behind every "celebrity" operator
new or retarded?
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>Pull for meta operators so that you can win against... IS
What good is a tier list if there's no content like CC?
most of the english speaking community is ESL anyway
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>Sorry Ascalon, I'm rolling for Ash, the tacticool is too good
I was thinking of the 2-norm, but I guess you can use your favorite.

??????????????????????????????????????? You don't how to do math?
There should be a competent tier list for no 6* runs.
Out of morbid curiosity I have been watching spic AK videos now, they seem to value 5*s way more than anyone else to the point they straight up tell newfags to stick with 3*s until they can get a 5* or 6* of the same role.
I don't like this. It makes me feel bad.
remember that time arturia killed her mom?

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