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Previous Thread: >>493541372
Happy birthday to Arene!

[8/30-9/13][Standard]6* Sniper Archetto, 6* Guard Mountain (Shop), 5* Defender Bassline, 5* Supporter Quercus, 5* Medic Hibiscus the Purifier (Shop)
[9/5-9/19]AK x R6S Collab: Operation Lucent Arrowhead - 5* Guard Fuze
[9/5-9/19][Storm, Reinforce, Missions Cycle]6* Specialist Ela, 5* Specialist Iana, 5* Guard Doc
[9/5-10/3][Crossover]Ela, Iana, Doc
[9/5-10/3][Raythean Striker & Crossover Re-Edition]Ash, Tachanka, Schwarz, Liskarm
[9/5-10/10][EPOQUE Re-Edition]Saileach, Tuye, Mulberry, Suzuran, Mint, Scene

[8/29-9/12][Standard]6* Defender Horn, 6* Guard Mlynar (Shop), 5* Medic Hibiscus The Purifier, 5* Caster Warmy, 5* Medic Paprika (Shop)
[9/2-9/16]AK x Dungeon Meshi Collab: Delicious On Terra - 5* Defender Senshi
[9/2-9/16][Terran Food. Ah, Terran Food]6* Caster Marcille, 5* Vanguard Chilchuck, 5* Guard Laios
[9/2-9/16][Achievement Star]Irene, Leizi, Kroos The Keen Glint
[9/2-9/30][EPOQUE Re-Edition]Mountain, Akafuyu; Wild Mane
[9/15-10/6][0011]Wind Chimes
[TBA]Vector Breakthrough - Vanilla skin
[TBA]Come Catastrophes or Wakes of Vultures Rerun - Coldshot skin

>/akg/ website:
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
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Bnuuy love
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Cute bun.
Bnuuy Sex
1-7 list, one day I'll actually get around to putting Doc in no stun like I should. You know what to do if you want something moved, anybody who posts a Doc clear has oripathy.
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Eblana LOVE
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Tall bunny
What if I post a clear Doc?
>Out of morbid curiosity I have been watching spic AK videos now, they seem to value 5*s way more than anyone else to the point they straight up tell newfags to stick with 3*s until they can get a 5* or 6* of the same role.
Do they know 4* become FREE for IS5?
CC proved metakeks only care about popularity use when it comes to basing power off CC because they still call bad ops like mostima, skyfire, manticore, weedy, rosmontis, etc, that were core on historically hard max risks
My soulmate...
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Clown love!
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Happy Birthday Arena and Faust!
Rosmontis wasn’t
Amazing how much of ascam limiteds are on average
kill yourself
You can post as clear a Doc as you want, as long as that it isn't clear that Doc was doing a clear.
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>includes skyfire and rosmontis
How is that relevant to someone struggling with stages right now
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It’s kind of irrelevant because 5* are dirt cheap and you swim in hope
Yeah I spelled Arene's name wrong damn
4* are barely more expensive than 3* and get better
>unoptimized run
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I'm not sure I've seen anyone call Mostima bad since she got her module, and I'm pretty sure I've never seen anyone try to call Manticore or Weedy bad.
Something that's free isn't barely more expensive than something else that's free, they cost the same amount of hope (zero [0])
you don't know what core means
We had a faggot few days ago who shit talked shifters
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>all new operators already M3
>average trust not even above 50
I fucking hate this so much
And when you realize that modules first came out in 2021 summer event (dossoles event) and it took them until 2024 summer event (pepe) to give this shit a QOL you'd think it's just a joke
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>I'm pretty sure I've never seen anyone try to call Manticore
It's bound to have happened at least once since her talent is like that
Not to mention Wuh, Shu, Nian, and Arturia need stun. Pretty sure Arturia needed the attack pot, too.
Reminder that Eblana is canonically in love with Doctor
From the little I can understand from my broken basic spanish and the fucked subs, it boils down to.
>4*s are garbage and do no damage, the only good one is gravel because she can tank and redeploys fast.
>Just suffer with 3*s and freebies until you can get your big dick carries.
>I pity you for not having specter2 S3 because she's so fucking good.
He also jobbed to A3.
It's so fucking interesting compared to the usual ENkeks.
Give me a link
Apologize to supah unironically
Go watch his latest video
buy an ad nigger
Wow, he’s actually pretty awful
buy an ad retard
They grow up so fast...
I think people stopped calling Manticore bad around the release of RA1, which if I recall correctly was also a few months away from CC12
W-what happened to modules in the Pepe event?!
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Oh yeah, this is gaming.
You can unlock modules at 0 trust
50 trust is needed for module level 2, and 100 trust now is only needed for module level 3

That means you can finally play your new operators with their modules before their fucking events end
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Manticore earned her stripes back during Grani's event and the test CC where she held off bob and the avenger for lucklets.
S1 is his best skill bwo, it turns him into a 5* blaze
behold, the spicGODS have spoken, this is your new meta
>playing new operators without their bonus trust stats
absolutely disgusting, get them to 100 trust you lazy whelp
Really the only 5* damage you need to cope with regular content is Tequila and Amiya, the 4* cast is generally pretty broken as far as support roles go.
You didn't read a single reply in this chain, did you?
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It's the more convenient when shooting drones.
Don't worry, I got his funny bombs mastered too. >>493566674
do you see a high ground in that pit
>ela review
>he has not and will not roll her or use her
So....why should I be listening to his opinion on this?
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makes me think how things are in other regions like Russia, India and other self isolated communities? Would love to hear from them. French have things like that in some games, but I don't think AK would fare in there.
Either way. Really interesting, anon.
I understand reading might be something you struggle with but you gotta try it sometime.
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I bought and used this skin for a single battle before swapping to her 1st skin because it was too cringe
>he has not and will not roll her or use her
He doesn't even play the game anymore, so that's kind of redundant to say, isn't it?
I trust only my own experiences and would trust only someone else. I think there was some kuma who played with low rarities.
Buy an ad
>Open 6* video.
>Guy straight up tells you to ignore any tierlist not broken into archetypes if the broken subs are anything correct because it will just confuse you further.
Spics may be smarter than EN unironically.
>He also breaks his tierlist into E2 90 worth, E2 60 worth, and poncho which I assume means "shit".
Holy shit they actually are smarter than ENkeks.
Also they seem to use a lot of mobaslop lingo?
Supah is the best arktuber. Anyone who says otherwise is just mad he called their waifu shit.
The whole problem with supah videos is they aren't his experience. He argues the exact way /akg/ does because he's from here, everything is just arguing "in theory" based on reading kits which anyone can do.
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Pepe rigged the game for everyone so if you just want trait and dip there is no waiting. Not that it changes much in the long run but its something
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cute + bunny = ???
it's really weird for me hearing someone talking about arknights in my language
He is a skipkek with brainlet lore takes.
Buy an ad.
I hate theorycrafters so much
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>ignore any tierlist not broken into archetypes
There's a lot of 6* that function better when not used for their archetype roles
I would only agree with that in the context of dps, for support roles 4* are good or even sometimes better.
This isn't as retarded as I expect. Are spics actually good at the game?
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Monie love! That out of the way, I too got her second skin but never used it in favor of continuing to use her first skin because it's just that good.
I will start to stan spic community. Not because i will believe them being superior, but since i don't understand them it is more productive than using brain cells to understand EN community's videos.
No fucking way
Remember theorycrafters calling pallas op since she out damages silverash. What happened to that
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Vile hellspawn.
Mad he called your waifu's lore shit.
>buy an ad to talk about arknights in the arknights general
Suck that dick bro
They became the people saying Thorns's DoT is better than Ascalon's because it "does more damage."
>muh waifus
Skipkek detected
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They know their ways around tierlists like no other.
>s*pah having a meldtown because people are posting different non-english content for the game
No, it turns him into a phys Broca except HE DOESN'T SELF-STUN HOLY SHIT

Imagine spending money on rolls ever
Thorns module does fucking slap though. Essentially doubled his damage and buffed him vs def walls
>skim shit to see what spics think
>in 6*s they think irene, swire2, egg2, funny fish man, exu, fia are worth e2 90 from being so good
>they also call archetto, blemi, gnosis, hellagur, hoya, QB, dusk, eben and fart fucking pinus, to be above average
>they also think aak is unusable garbage

>in 5*s they think crab, sadbear, indra, the chink aoe sniper, cement, kjera, astesia and astesia2, leon, erato, puzzle, noir2, reed1, and santalla are god tier
>they also call shalem, spuria (lol), beeswax, blacknight, enforcer, greyy, mr nothing and flint garbage

>in 4*s they call ethan, myrtle (????), pinecone, and sus worth e2 max because they are god tier
>they also call breeder, quarz, pudding ambriel, estelle, haze and indigo trash
>they also consider frostleaf worth e1 rather than unusable garbage
really want to see the thought process behind some of these picks
sucks to not know spic
Thorns dot is really fucking good, they do different things since Thorns has it a lot stronger but single target to slap down elites and the like.
Ascalonbro it's okay. She doesn't have to be the breast at everything.
Looks like their claims fell flat
Nothing changed, it's still true.
I want to fuck a Lupo (Horn)
so Ascalonfag is the maleschizo?
>see this guy know what he's talking about but since his tierlist isn't divided in subclasses, well, he's a complete imbecile
I actually laughed.
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Speaking of breasts.
Siege's sags are dropping down like no other as we speak.
Assclownbwo... it's time to let go
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i smoocha da saga

funny you say that word with pallas ayooo
Faster attacking broca without a downside and can manual deactivated early to cycle better? Sounds great
Oh and he is FREE
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frostleaf e1 good for base skill
Bagpipe, you already have Ch'en.
It is a big improvement for him
>they do different things since Thorns has it a lot stronger but single target to slap down elites and the like.
So do SA and Pallas
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>She doesn't have to be the breast at everything.
She is breaster!
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Spic dropping facts
i will spare all of you the pain and watch it myself
>video opens by showing his anti r6 bias and seething about not having any views
>literally half the video is just listing her kit
>then he starts going off topic text to speech narrating the kit of the other r6s
>then he proceeds to go even more offtopic by calling the dungeon meshi cast trash designed like april fools ops (his words not mine)
trying to decipher spic to see their thoughts on the game is a more valuable use of my time than watching shitpah
For Myrtle, you're likely going to be using her for years and during that time you are going to use her to plug the occasional leak unless you're a huge guidefag, this means you want her to be stronger to do this emergency job.
I've lost count of the times she's pulled off a win solely by being able to tank for a couple of hits while shaving off 1% health of something.
I don't use Ethan but he's probably the same reason as many do use him. Sus is simply because she is unga bunga strong.
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>So do SA and Pallas
If only the retards could figure this out. They think every op should be a bosskiller+laneholder+wife all at once. That's why idiots are using ela as a def wall boss killer and calling her shit, and trying to boss with ascalon as well. While saying a laneholder like thorns or mountain is bad at boss killing...
If they think Frostleaf is worth it for the s2 they should at least shill e2 lvl 1 so you can mastery it. Seems like they overvalue the absolute shit out of Mushas.
I never did nothing
He was shitposting Walter last thread too so wouldn't surprise me
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>like no other
I don't think any pair is able to match the ridiculous sag Harmonie reached in her second skin, those things look like they have Angelina gravity manipulating behind them
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big bouncy bunny boobies
>While saying a laneholder like thorns or mountain is bad at boss killing...
The Thornskek was the one who called Mountain obsolete last thread. With all the spicposting I suspect they might be triggered by their self-insert not being at the top.
>Even spics think spuria is unusable garbage.
I kek'd.
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Thank you for your service and sacrifice, brother.
Stop replying to yourself retard
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I'll make a Harmonie folder...
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>Seems like they overvalue the absolute shit out of Mushas.
Understandable, Mushas are the most Shonen archetype.
I'm sorry for your lost braincells, anon. I appreciate their sacrifice.
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the best
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6* > 4* > 5*
Doggy style
>The 6* video claims raising myrtle, lapp, amiya, ifrit, suzu, skadiva and blowjob owl literally "mandatory".
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>tfw Skadoo just gets stronger and more relevant over time
Lot's of demand for huge stat walls these days.
>they also call blemi, gnosis, hoya, QB, eben to be above average
They are above average via utility and being extremely splashable.
Hellagur is the final step of a spic so checks out
We need more happy Horn. All she does in the story is frown.
It would be retarded to e2 Carnelian for her base skill, right? I could e2 Beeswax for cheaper and get 50% training speed instead of 60%.
Who would let their Durin dress like this?
Anon… crushers crushed her niche completely.
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What do we think about Susie?
>Seems like they overvalue the absolute shit out of Mushas.
gonna guess its for IS maybe? they would be sustain laneholders and hellachad gets over le 2k wall with s3 iirc, good range too
Helps every year she either gets a new AH to buff her or one of them gets a module that buffs her more
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He's right
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Crushers? Who are they?
She's a rebel, nobody can tell her how to dress.
Not to me. Dreadnoughts are a little different.
The only training skill that's worth raising an op for by itself is Irene's.
Cute design. Global range on s3 is fun.
The only training skill its worth E2ing for is Irene/Logos, all others are pointless. E1 could be justified though.
Unless you plan to actually use them, don't bother.
Only caster I regularly bring to any stages.
Smooch cats, smooch barbers, smooch their not really brothers, smooch pink haired cuties.
Some undervaluing of tactician is going on here.
Mushas are really good when they do their job, but feel quite tight what that job is, so I can see it. but for newplayer without good collection of characters i would not so I say they overvalue them.
4*s like Ambriel Indigo and Pudding are solid, so I have no idea where these come from.
To be fair you have to have especially high IQ to understand Quartz. Her use is especially sub...
So far this “better than crusher” sub class failed while crushers are thriving. /akg/ was wrong yet again.
Believe in her Delta module
>Crushers save by module
>Ulpian only carried by AH
Once hammers get their module crushers will be crushed again
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A meme subclass that produced two atrocious operators before making two 6* operators that had enough shoelace mechanics like Shelter that they became actually good.
So the reverse of what happened to earthshakers basically
where is ascalon
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>Her use is especially sub...
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Good not-family.
Ulpianus does not need AH, especially after module
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~808 hours away
Imagine a world with no bait and petty infighting.
But you should.
But Ulpianus can work without gladiia though, module helped a lot for it.
feel like there's been a decent amount of GG qipaos recently
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I know what I said.
Something about colors in spanish on tier lists kills me.
I am a simple man.
>Gohan Calvo
I kek'd
Lowlight has put you in charge of designing a new subclass for each class. What do you make
Maybe "mandatory" is bit too much but otherwise yes they are all good.
>Myrtle is the cheapest flag
>Amiya true damage + being able to switch to guard and medic
>Lapp silence shuts down lot of annoying enemies in main story and some events
>Ifrit kills trash and debuffs just by existing
>Suzu is meta
>Skadi is meta
>Ptilo gives fre +0.3 SP/s and S2 is decent burst heal
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Crushers were already fine without modules, people are just too autistic to realize they aren't made for killing dogs.
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Look at this John "Arknights" Lennon here.
Go die with a bullet or something.
Sounds like this person's basically an agnostic gamer. People who don't use commonly found guides/strats/metalists tend to have some really unique takes on a game, none of them necessarily good ones.
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We let our durins dress like this.
Is Vigil still a side grade to Beanstalk?
Bro your 27% sanctuary/10% extra physical damage Heldey?
Downgrade to beanstalk.
With module he got a huge upgrade.
Upgrade to beanstalk
Not really. Dreadnoughts get 2 lives.
Has worse synergy with my Tsukinogi.
holy moly the art of this skin drives me wild
>to make the best crusher they had to give him basically DEF and retardedly high numbers on everything
I guess if it works you're not wrong but still.
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Nah, Hoe isn't that carried by bandaid mechanics. His shelter is only relevant against big hits, and not that good against low atk fast aspd that melts him (dogs).
Ulpipi is though. Getting health back after every hit is simply defense but worded differently, which goes completely against his archetype.
The other crushers are actually bad.
>dude AH are meta I swear
Not this shit again
Irrelevant when crushers just don’t die with right support. Only nearl is barely relevant nowadays.
there is no such thing as a good or bad subclass. the positive and negative traits of a subclass will be weighed against the features given to an operator in their kit, making any operator of any archetype and subclass as weak or strong as HG chooses
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My secrets revealed...
>thfwlrgl dl aucdlsk
...is the artist going to be ok?
You missed some real spicy stuff.
>The 6* memelist calls jessicat2 "gross powercreep" and magoo "gamebreaking but only needs E2 60".
>The 5* memelist calls quercus and leizi trash.
The comments are also fucking hilarious because you can easily MTL them.
> You also have to take into account that the 6* tend to break the limits of their archetype through passives or skills that give them too much, and Typhon was a mistake that Hypergryph is not going to recover from.
>The only one I would change would be Suzuran al max and also Mumu (you put a thypon or Rosa on mumu and it's the best of all) although it's an opinion based on videos.
>Although also if you take into account the module for example Rosa with module at 3 defeats the Patriot of H-8 easily, also Aak with his module at 3 is tremendously good and having them from nvl 60 to max if it shows in the damage (spoke of RosaXD) I plan to have both Besieger maxed.

>16:49 JASJ if I'm the one who has Hung E2 nvl 50 with modulo and I leave Spot abandoned (in the absence of Saria we have to take desperate measures XD)
> “Enforcer is garbage” that hit right in my heart, but I already knew it could happen anyway.
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>get 2 lives.
HELLAGUR SWEEEP! Finally HE is recognized.
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what did she mean by this
They really need to get more than 1 black npc sprite
Nah, Dreadnoughts don't die either so that's not really a point in Crushers favor.
Chain medics are a bad subclass
>Typhon was a mistake
>Aak with his module at 3 is tremendously good
are they seriously using aak as a dps?
>people are just too autistic to realize they aren't made for killing dogs.
Like clockwork
If crushers bad why did Windchimes and Quartz end up both fielded in a no 6* assrape clear?
What animal are he and Sharp supposed to be? Aegir given their lack of animal features?
Proxy Vanguards:Once their skill is active, units can be deployed on top of them for free and receive a buff from the Proxy's talents.
Titan defenders: fast aspd defenders that can attack enemies equal to block count.
Hero Supports: Ground placed bardish class
Fuck specialists desu
Corrosive snipers:
Melee incatation medics
Fuck guards
What does Hellagur have to do with dreadnought modules?
>metafagging so poorly that you trick yourself into using soulful operators
are the spics actually based?
>>skim shit to see what spics think
>>in 6*s they think irene, swire2, egg2, funny fish man, exu, fia are worth e2 90 from being so good
>>they also call archetto, blemi, gnosis, hellagur, hoya, QB, dusk, eben and fart fucking pinus, to be above average
>>they also think aak is unusable garbage
From what I could understand, he says that it is NOT a tierlist and operators above are not better than operators below (around 6:48), just some kind of "upgrade value" list since leveling one operator to 90 is costly and you could instead get 3 other operators to 60 for the same cost
The list there is about operators that get more from being upgraded to level 90 (as in, the stats have a bigger impact, he calls them the carries) while some can work at level 60 without problems (he calls them operators that work well enough with module), and I assume Poncho are the operators that don't even need to go that far or that most people (or he? idk) don't want to upgrade (or something like that)

My spanish is quite lacking but I'm confident it's something like that
I think the NPC is lizard for the scales on his head.
I think shaep was a pythia.
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How do YOU like it?!
You'd be surprised. You know his buff works on himself too, with his module as long as he can attack something he won't die and can be pretty decent as a budget sniper.
That being said, it's not worth the trouble most of the time.
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Pretty big upgrade with module
/akg/ will love showcase, it put him in retarded sceneries he shouldn't be used in
Have you not seen the webms of him when his module rolled out? He can essentially double as an anti-air sniper with his S1 except he doesn't prio air units
That's a big cock
Fuck off Dr. D
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W-what did I do?!
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As you can see HE has weaker version of this. It gives him the second chance to do what's right to the enemy. Pretty niche module to be sure.
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>mod3 does two (2) more damage
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I have a sudden urge to divulge secret info.
>Increased damage
He's good
>5% increase
Thats massive
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He actually is pretty solid in IS3 for the stun alone.
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Human Doctors with human girls.
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Nyo, I'm a Launching Clip because I push people away :[
that gives me more questions than answers
means hes saying you get more out of E2 90ing fish man, irene or fia from e2 60 than you get from raising another operator altogether
Are you a stun grenade.
Because I want to flash you.
I hope the Op Reserve A4 crew get 5* alts one day. Especially Steward, if he keeps his talent.
Are you a Blemi? Because you're putting me to SLEEP
What did Doc mean by this? There aren't street gangs in Paris
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Steward talent is really good and I'm surprised only Ceobe gets to have something similar and only when using her skill.
Which car would fit your waifu?
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Must... resist... /pol/posting
I think Hypergryph might be alluding to something here but I can't quite put my finger on it
The same reason Cardigan got slotted in a risk 39 clear. She just happened to meet the requirements that nobody else could
she's faking it, that's all water she put in there with her water arts
cardigan has more max risk clears than your waifu lmeow
Wrong, my waifu is surtr.
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Oh this UI matches bestie
Yamaha XR-1100 classic
That's the words he used from what I could understand, he doesn't explain individually why for each operator
On the other hand, from using Lee a lot in strange territory, I can kinda understand that more stats for him are quite welcome considering his niche of facetanking shit, so I assume for Irene and Fia is to maximize their damage that come from specific situation (enemy levitated to get def ignore and enemy being on the blast focus point for maximum damage) - but again, these are my interpretation, not the guy from the vid
Does france have notable homegrown street gangs?
Wtf two Iana
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Seeing another green cat pregnant, she must be fuming
Full nelson right in front of left
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Persona 4, kinda bullshit.
That one is a Ceobo
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konichiwa, nigga.
Gonna guess spics are overvaluing hoya due to her being based on a mythical snake that was a god there iirc.
Putting > before a link should be punishable by stoning
>10 solidified fiber boards in the event shop
what even uses these things
Not trying to say HG has been getting a bit too based recently, but...
Lappalter will
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>half a star
Fuze uses like 6.
Will they ever make another operator that uses the highest tier of Sugar?
She actually has really good interrupts and decent matchups to hard bosses.
But you prolly right.
for fellas who have done A15 IS3, any tips? I have ignored the mode for too long, want to get something going. People-Oriented is max, have unlocked up to A8, haven't played I believe since the expansion. Good starting squads, good units to recruit? Only good units I don't have access to are Ray and Spalter. I was guessing either Medic+Sniper or People-oriented with Typhon.
>Fuze got his ass kicked by a Durin
All of them, she's not that big c'mon. Maybe Hoshibros might struggle to fit their wife inside a Topolino or a Isetta but otherwise most wives can fit in most cars.
step 1 pick mommy squad
step 2 pick your favorite op
step 3 hope your favorite op does literally any damage at all
step 4 remove literally everyone else from the squad
step 5 easily stomp everything
Every E3 needs tier 7 sugars.
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Is she an adult Durin? I got the impression that she was in her teens at the oldest.
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That's not my screenshot it's from a frequent Asbestos artist who posted it
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hmm i agree
Pepe and w eating all the fiber, no wonder they're stinky
What's this?
I don't see how that would help in this situation
Getting really tempted by this but don't really wanna spend 25 dollars for it
You're gonna get so fat.
You also get 15 rolls from it to be fair
Aroma uses her for her module
50 million gold certs...imagine what you could but with that
asbetos boobies
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>Nymph and Lucilla need 7 total
Well that's convenient
That's a lot of 10 rolls!
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You should, it comes with a free 10 roll as well which is valuable for all the upcoming good banners like ascalon, w/logos, ulpian, nymph
Whenever I see people bitch about Kataokasan I'm reminded how much people forget about all her fantastic non-Exu stuff. Still hoping we end up getting an Exu alt, less because I care about her and more how I'd like to see Kataokasan back as a result, hopefully drawing other newer characters too.
Wow all those 5* blast casters known for being such great operators. I can't wait!
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Cute bestie
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You made me do this. I hate you.
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>We got new profile color theme
Neat, since when? Too bad the medal module stays black.
Pram alt will only take sugar for everything.
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What's he looking for?
Hey, you asked if they would ever make another operator
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The Schwarz X shotaDoc doujin by catlarva was translated
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They saw eachother just that morning before work?
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>it doesn't even work for clicking links
Personally I'm skipping this one and going for the Dungeon Meshi and Hello Kitty themes (Hello kitty is only like 10 bucks in comparison but no menu UI)
this is a good fucking day to be alive
Maybe it's some other kind of closure?
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>shota doc
I'm down to 90 rolls after this banner. I want to hit 300 on Wis'adel's banner, how over is it for me?
(I do have some disposable income and will probably buy packs but nothing more than that)
poz no
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are you here bwo
There's also the bean theme but that's only for profiles I think
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... this does not seem conductive to clearing? between invis enemies, needing to hit air consistently, block... is Degen the only way? Texas Alter?
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Neko is a gift to the community honestly
Hope they do another indra piece eventually
It's not that hard to use a VPN.
believe in the heart of the cards bwo
believe in your op
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Back off strange woman
Its only temporary in the doujin
>Its only temporary
That's why she needs to take advantage of the situation
Doc is already small wont he stay the same size as a shota
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It's always confusing in that aspect
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*smack* have adult sex
>Doc is already small
He is, but as a shota he becomes short as well
Go do something productive W
Dont you have something more productive to do in Kazdel other than post on rhodeschan?
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Taking advantage of a drunken Coomchetto
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You can't make her
hmmm nyo
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>read thread
>non GODnglish babble
Shan't be perusing; just raise who you want and make them work.
>its just a blank white page
Bwos, im a newfag in these realms, how do I access it?
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oh sweet
pretty sure that was the point, even the spic video said that
Sovlfags are the most pathetic retards I've ever seen
anon i...
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>getting filitered by the panda in the year of our Lord 2024
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Spanish is closer to Latin, the true god language, english is a civilizationlet language.
I meant amazing people*
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>just raise who you want
Going by the sorter, most anons struggle to fill 10 spots.
I need to learn how to make a proper "for fun" squad without going full meta. I've gone full 5* before and I know I need a few 6*s in there to not make things too hard (Or just take too long), maybe I should try 2/3 5* and 1/3 6* instead.
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In Pepe's case I can't imagine running around in tombs and the desert being good for your smell.
Doctor might be a shorty, but that's okay. He's still charismatic and clever. He probably has a nice face desu.
This, the only op someone should want to raise is their waifu, everything else can just be the best at their job.
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good morning.
he's married fuck off
>spicgod plays like an absolute fucking buffoon while relying on literally nothing but spec2 and 3*s
>reaches A3
meanwhile i have seen people here filtered by the EB midboss on A0 with degen and full meta squads
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Good meowning
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Post AI creations
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I have an urgent need to *smack* sexually
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Never cared enough to investigate further...
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What does this even do
Based and same
Stick to nhentai.
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Just google how to access exhentai, there are instructions.

The translated doujin isnt on nhentai otherwise i would've just posted that link initially.
Nah, I just lifted my arse and made a 2 minute google search.
Smooch shark.
I just realized that there are multiple endings in RA. I'm too pea brained to effectively whittle down Dauntless Linebreaker's mob.
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Doc is going to be Susk'd
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So can we finally start getting hyped about the best character releasing soon or does /akg/ still want to act like tsunderes and pretend that they'll skip her?
don't reply to it
reply to me with thought provoking
Why are Wkeks so insecure?
They know nobody likes her.
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does this provoke your thoughts big boy
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The last time someone shitposted meta was Ray and she got powercrept before release
All this W shilling will only strengthen sniper lappland alt
Mating press
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i want to drink wine with this strange woman
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>Why are Wkeks so insecure?
What ending are you going for? It really depends, there are some generalists but squad and ending change it a lot. For squads, best range from MoM (usually with a few ops that abuse it well like Yato2/Texalt, Horn, Degen, etc so no matter who it lands on, the stage is easy clear, and enables 12x2 hard Tulip comm 30 LP boss leak), PoS (still always top tier, enables the safest starts and has the least RNG), and Caster/Specialist (many very strong Specialists for IS3 and expansion Caster relics are very strong). Honorable mention to Resourceful, it can highroll like hell and dab on Rejections, plus dice spam can unironically save many stages and lets you be greedier. My most common starter was PoS with Choom and Spot, though Sniper/Medic Squad also works (recommend it less but if you have a well raised Kal it can work). The usual busted stuff applies but priority is range and CC for IS3. Mlynar, Horn, Poz, Kal, Yato2, Texalt, Choom, Typhon, Suzu, Shu, Ines can fit in any ending/team usually. Casters get hit with RES boost hard but some still have utility or are good in certain teams like Lin, GG and Ceobe (example, killing Izumik using Tex2 S2 RES shred with Ceobe s2, Last Knight killing with GG S3, Stonecutter baiting with Lin). 5* won't deal most of the damage aside special cases or relics, they usually are utility or CC like Kroosalt, Shamare, Ptilopsis, Cantabile, and more. I can tell you more but really depends on what you want to know more in detail, I probably forgot something or someone above anyways.
NPCs you want to be playable? Now I'm just waiting for 12F's friend, Owl.
>Ascalonfag still having a melty over his shit character getting the boot out of ch14 in favor of W
rice doragon
my pink wife
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Du, Toland, Kowal
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It's okay if it happens in a paiting
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need more hats
I am thinking
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jacknife is probably my favorite official artist
Class her
i wanted tin man for a while and that worked out so now im willing DU YAOYE into existence
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Dreadnought or fighter
Smooching press
I'd go fishing
Let's wash off those stickers from the gumball machine lappipi...
2.2 Billion chidlren
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Pepe's weird cousin...
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post an image of your wife with you
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I can understand that
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Dr. A!
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Lappalt will be a Lord with 3x4 range just to creep Thorns. Oh, and AoE too because why not.
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So a bad Marcille?
oh thats cute
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>Look at this fag's channel wondering if he has guides for stages, because guides often tell more about a meta than tier lists.
>He does.
>Spics undervalue 4*s to the point you are expected to have a rather bizarre 5* lineup to use their guides.
>Also apparently lapp, lizzer and astgenne are guidefag meta.
This is far more interesting than whatever the fuck storn, supah or blue man are shitting themselves over this week.
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Wait, he calls himself Anvil because she's... God damn I think I may be retarded.
*steals your hat*
They're just like me fr fr
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Please share I think I'm retarded too
Unfair. The apple is clearly dodge tanking.
Cuora is so cute bros
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Anon, Blemishine is a blacksmith. Smithies use anvils.
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Don't feel too stupid, only a loreGOD can figure it out.
not just that...
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Ravishing the strange pink lady
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bro who's this operator? >>493520654
Asky with frill like a cat with cheese on its head...
that's chen
I'm retarded
I mean, I didn't have much of a way to figure it out because the only Kazimierztent I've done is NL which only mentions she's a blacksmith in passing (I think she forged Margaret's swordspear).
>not just that
Let me guess, her module is an anvil?
damn i wanted my bro thorns chen looks ugly
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Mysterious operator C
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Canon fertile wife.
kill yourself
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Wtf bro?
damn, it's chen arknights
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>'Does this kid want to date an anvil or something?!' —Closure
It is in reference to a quote from Closure in Blemi's profile which >>493588912 was also drawn in reference to.
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So few pictures of Deggy Weggy in such a scenario...
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Needs adult sex correction.
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Take it back, that's the main character of Arknights you're talking about.
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do we like half-elves?
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Post the superior version of this chen
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>Canon fertile wife.
You can get thorns for free during Pepe event anyways
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Who do you want as the 6* for the next Kjerag event? I'd rather it nor be Nasti, find her kinda lame overall, propped up solely because she exists in Rhine.
Bnnys are the most suitable race for breeding
Smooth operator
Enjoy whenever they remove your cookies struggling to find out why it won't let you access the website despite clearing cookies, cache, and redoing the whole dance to access the website
Still young for a Terran
wtf a free 6*?
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>Stick to nhentai.
>he is unaware
Arctosz or Monch I guess? I suspect it'll be SAlt or Pramalt though
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What, is your seed THAT impotent?
Today seems like a good day to murder High Priest and leave his corpse to rot in the barren wastes.
Why is it always Chen Arknights, and never Amiya Arknights or Doctor Arknights?
When are they adding a chat funciton to Arknights like on Nikke and BlA?
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There's still time...
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*smack* (unsexual)
If they're building SPACE KAZDEL on Kjerag for the sky observation, it has to be Nasti
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From a small selection but yeah pretty much, no conditions. You just pick one and done.
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What's with the casual racism?
Ratatos, the Zalaknights roster must grow.
Don't beast lords respawn like Kal?
because we love ch'en from the hit game and main protagonist of arknights here
fucking never ever.
Zumama do make your special soup or i am gonna take all your underwear and Lancet-3 out of your bedroom.
You heard the man. We need competitive racism.
What are the chances of Talulah becoming playable?
Goddammit, I just want to talk with our ops to know them more naturally.
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Modifiers>Generate>Subdivision Surface
Disturbingly high...
She already has an alt fuck off
Azur Lane's in-game world chat was pretty neat.
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rumao even
They're supposed to be true immortal. Don't ask me why Gawain never did shit.
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Yeah but where's the next one?
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run doctor
The Emperor literally got eviscerated by the Rat King and walked it off
What are the chances of Mandy becoming playable?
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wtf, catapult is cute now?
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She always has been cute
Maybe in a few years. We're almost 6 months into the year and all we've gotten from PV4 so far is the Seaborn tentacle and na appearance of Nefertiti or whatever the chococat's name was.
that's a really good image
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Doctor, you haven't done your SSS missions in nearly a year.
What is up with that? I am docking your pay and Rosmontis petting time.
>Proxy agents
This is neat. It's basically like SSS buff stacking, surprised we don't have any op that's similar yet after all the effort they put into SSS
Bro don't name drop me
Always has been. Any anti Catapult propaganda was a Doberfag psyop.
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>They're supposed to be true immortal.
There's no such thing as true immortality.
Talulah will sacrifice herself to save Nine in the next main story chapter.
>and Rosmontis petting time
Over the fucking line!
I want Thorns and Degen alts
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>whenever they remove your cookies
Cleaning cookies, re-logging on the forums then going back to exhentai wont fix my problems every time? Neat.
Anyway, my biggest problem right now is the wait period after registering, I cant believe myself that after all these years I registered to get access to a coomer website...
>alt for a year 5 operator
Are you stupid?
I'm refusing SSS contracts until their pay matches the pain. Tell them to stop trying to underpay me.
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Good question what the fuck has Gawain been doing this entire time?
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Worthless coomsnake
We get paid?
waiting for Siege to come back and claim her throne like she's supposed to
Nodding respectfully in Siege's direction
Yep. Sometimes you have to wait a day, or something. It's a weird system.
Is there literally any other image of Nine?
sss is a complete piss easy joke since the nerf anon, the fuck are you on about
its even easier than most annis

I'm cutting his stomach open and taking my food back when this is all over.
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No one can take this away from me.
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No, I just like Degen.
still can't believe I missed the skin
kill yourself retarded nigga
you fool, you fell for the classic blunder
Emergency gimmick are mega annoying
It's mega boring to do it twice.
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The closest we have now is Sussuro but dw next year we'll get a hebe Sui younger sister. Trust.
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Handsome goats deserve tender treatment too.
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You guys don't accidentally post /akg/ posts in other generals do you...
>bong cops
Oiiiiiiiiii you got a loicense to post this here?
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What the hell did I miss
I only use 4chan for /akg/
Except for shitmiya.
I have never seen one
Someone posted picture from a different game
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you didnt see that
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They're scum worse than even Ligmites
i only come here
bwo? You already forgot the time a guy made the new thread on /a/?
those hands are so tiny they would barely wrap around my penis
Why are you even doing it on emergency/CM? It gives no extra rewards.
ascalon tramp stamp
>You already forgot the time a guy made the new thread on /a/?
Did someone make a collage for it. How do you mess up that badly
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they were a ponbro
Fuck off already
She couldn't dock it to pay back the helicopter you broke otherwise
Don't remind them...
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Someone posted AK in another general. Once.
He received a proper *smack* for such behavior.
IS being the hardest when you begin and when you're already at the end is awful design. I don't wanna play IS4 when I keep failing on the first stages while trying to level up the perks.
I had 110 saved pulls for W, and I decided to use them on Ela instead.

I didn't get her, so now I have to wait till next friday AND my dream of getting W is gone...
God damn, even the OP image was embarrassing....
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Of course it was her...
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>the faggot that fucked up did so with a pon image
the jokes write themselves and he was the punchline
ponbros will never escape the accusations..
anon had multiple /vg/ tabs open and shot from the hip into the wrong thread
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Reed bwo
Your wallet?
I can probably post complains about the lack of QoL in this game by accident and they would agree and talk about it lmao.
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Kill yourself ligmite, you will always be the lowest lifeform on this board. Literally the Rick and Morty of the gacha world.
It's become the property of my local spiders...
>doing emergency takes him more pain and suffering and time than just doing shit normally twice
for what purpose?
i even have to do extra runs to get the rewards because i always cap out the season before i even get all the milestones
But GFL exists
>I don't wanna play IS4 when I keep failing on the first stages while trying to level up the perks.
thats why everyone on CN just did Walter starts
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I can quit early on the 2nd run. That saves me from doing more maps than I have to.
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Ascalon seems more like the womb tattoo type
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We told you to not roll for a trash operator. Unfortunately you fell for Yostar employees' shilling campaign.
at that point just do two normal runs with afk setups like good ol anni
I actually fell for the fomo since this is my first collanb in this game...
You have 2 months to save if you're nor rolling for anything else inbetween.
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I will protect her. From herself
W is a slut who will come home for free
dont worry bro
ela is shit and got obsolete by elite killers right after launch
do you feel proud about your orundum spending life decisions?
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Still feasible. You only need such a mass amount of rolls if you are part of the 4-6% of people that need to get to 300 rolls. Most people get the banner up in 120 pulls or so.
You okay retard?
Skip walter. Roll hagbanner
did you roll because fomo or because you like Ela more than W?
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man both the RS6 stories are so good, imagine if Arknights was tacticool all the time
walter is not even out yet though, who do I cheese IS4 with to get my typhon skin and fuck off?
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*pat pat*
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Ela is very good, but might never rerun, Walter is better but you can get Walter later.
Stop giving the poor guy false hope, it's just not possible for him to get walter unless he luckshits her from the free tenner.

He can MAYBE save 20-30 pulls in time for her banner, which is laughably low
Don't feel down dorobro, I know what absolute value is
Degen start is pretty idiot proof, you even get a medic
>get Walter later
lol this game will eos before you'll be able to get her again lmao
the fact that Lin is still up there is pretty impressive
I like both, but I rolled cause of fomo like this anon here said >>493594616
Any year now doombro, this time for sure
I gottem
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>Rolling for Limited(true) vs hoarding for Limited(false)
Whatever people will tell you, you did the right thing, even if by FOMO.

>inb4 we magically get a third R6 collab
lol, lmao
Stop encouraging newfags to save for walter. They will get her, proceed to curbstomp literally every stage, get bored and quit
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Why post a screenshot of a guy's outdated tier list?
even by fomo metrics his anus will get gaped by not having ash
Sign the european citizen's initiative.
Unironically at this point I would rather only trust spics for tierlists.
That's just how shit are both CN and EN at the game.
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>Texas t0
Fuck off Dr. D
Is it not good to still have at least half of the fomo ops rather than 0?
Ash is garbage
Because I saved it from /akg/ months ago.
is it normal that default is4 boss map layout changes on difficulty 13? I had to deal with bunch of fags blowing pipes and actually lost to mountain
Peak reddit, meanwhile people sleep on the chat control proposal.
Have spics even managed to make 1 max risk?
You really should have been doing it monthlies. Helped a ton
The best skin they're released in 5 years. Bravo, HG.
has akg outside piss easy ones like pine soot?
Well that's a difficult question. Best I can come up with:
>Recon Vanguard: Weak ranged attack, generates DP for every new enemy spotted a la Chapter 12 mechanic but a bit faster (Would probably break Annihilation economy though)
>Necromancer Caster: Single target ranged attack, buffs and summons depending on the amount of enemies killed
>Surgeon Medic: Single target healing and buffing that focus on a single unit, basically what Kal does to Mon3tr but for operators
>Spotter Sniper Team: Deploys a spotter unit. Can hit anywhere the spotter can see but damage decays with distance, basically a Ray with global range
>Riot Defender: Fast Redploy defender. Can plant barricades on ground tiles and may only deploy self behind said barricades, from where they may do ranged attacks
>Saboteur Specialist: Sends out ground drones that pathfind from self to the nearest red box. Drones explode upon contact, applying some sort of effect (Reveal invis, elemental damage and so on)
Can't think of anything for Supporter and Guard. Man I'd suck at this job, good thing I don't work for HG.
Bolivarian detected
nice typo, dork
lurk more bro
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>Saque a este furro ¿que hago?
I'm not seeing how that is relevant since we're talking about CN, who has.
best post itt
imagine marrying this thing
When did we get this new profile theme? Looks pretty good.
Are we going to get new ones in the future?
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get him blaze.
>saving your investment is peak reddit
ok ubisoft
ambusher but makes DP
caster but frd and e1 bard range
medic but ground tile and only 1 range, reaper range at most
aoe sniper but phalanx range
defender but literally like 50 hp at most and only takes 1 damage from any source, cant be healed by allies either
specialist but its actually another guard class again
Mating press
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even the mafia doesn't fuck with the shadow wizard money gang
now say it in westoid
>defender but literally like 50 hp at most and only takes 1 damage from any source, cant be healed by allies either
>specialist but its actually another guard class again
Tanking 50 hits is actually a lot, this thing would basically be a wall.
gods i love my best friend
We will check everyone on the 23rd, those who wont switch to this theme will be kicked out of /akg/.
>ambusher but makes DP
What does that mean
Accidentally knocking up my best friend!
Blaze's children will definitely hear their parents fucking several times a week...
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I believe its pronounced Quaso
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>don't have reed
owari da...
And a bing bing wahoo to you too!
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>Get this furry out, what do I do?
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DAS CONKREET BAYBEE for 20 physical hits
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did i stutter
Pretty sure we just got it with the r6s event.
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I don't have her, what's her gimmick?
Blaze would have at least 8 children
Just imagine paying for a game made by one of these companies in the year 2024, at this point you deserve everything.
Blaze oyakodon
>Mum, why were you such a horny slut for Dad?
I pay for arknights
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Why? Everyone gets it automatically when they reach lvl 80.
Also the default one looks better
It sounds very broken
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Maybe more
Got spooked by mountain
So what did we learn today?
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Speaking of oyakodon i wonder if we will ever see Luna hanging around the landship in the future
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basically unbreakable physical wall with a degrading defense buff over 20 hits, its not actually that useful but its pretty funny to see someone with casual 4000 defense and 36% physical damage reduction
vanguard that has a kill self nuke skill but it gives a lot of dp
aoe arts guard obviously
defender that doesnt attack but has taunt and stores energy when attacked then blows self up (might or might not die)
sniper that only hits aerial targets and cant be targeted by aerial targets
caster with fortress range but more status focused
some sort of frd ground healer, after using swire2 s1 a lot recently i think it would be good
no clue for supporters
specialist that walks around the map giving random buffs to operators they walk by
Lupos make the best wives
A single video from a rando spic has better gameplay discussion than the entirety of the english AK channels.
And they love mushas for some fucking reason.
I'm taking care of her don't worry
>assassin guard, 0 block, range is only the tile they're placed on, very high damage but very fragile
>Elemental sniper, intended mostly to act as the ritualist for corrosive (the effect is physical rather than arts focused)
>reflector defenders, reflecting damage is part of their base kit, effectively protectors 2.0 like sentinels (reflect has always been a defender gimmick, play into it harder)
>construction specialist, place permanant traps (can deal damage or debuff, think the pylons from Maria Nearl that you placed two and then they dealt damage and slowed)
>preymaster specialist, summons 'allies' similar to the icetruck enemies that move towards enemies and then explode, ground only
>commander vanguard, DP on kill, skills only charge on kills (or SP forcefeeding) but have powerful team buffs
>overheal medic, effectively your standard medic but their trait allows them to 'overheal' a barrier (which slowly decays)
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>>overheal medic, effectively your standard medic but their trait allows them to 'overheal' a barrier (which slowly decays)
from the looks of it after papyrus saved chain healers this is what chain healers are gonna be
This specific lupo would not make a good wife.
Pon doesn't know how to use internet
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The construction class was supposed to be supporter
I only follow bilibili guides, they are much better than japanese, spics, english and everyone else
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Veterans need love too.
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toppling horn....
if only they went all the way with papyrus overhealing. she only heals a certain amount of shield after they're full and will never exceed that.
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>assassin guard
I'd love something like that for Allerdale
>being elitist about guidefagging
Not this one
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How did she edgemog Ascalon so hard?
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taking care of luna?
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Why not?
Horn would be like the perfect gf material
Correct, this lupo would make the best wife
By cutting out the goth clown part
chink guides already degraded to shit anon
they were already bad by texas 2 but by arturia they really hit the shitter
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Wait a second...
>construction specialist: can modify terrain such as low and high ground and allows you to bring roadblocks to any stage
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being able to place high tiles would be the limit of that imo
and even then it would need to be destructable of course
you cant even deploy roadblocks in 90% of the stages not explicitly designed for them because any given tile would block pathing to a blue box
this is a problem since launch mind you
Prone to violent outbursts and physical violence
Maybe you are right, I used to follow their guides for hard stages in new chapters, but now it all seems to be like "just deploy walter lmao"
Isn't she rich?
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Thats fine then
As i was
She comes from a line of nobility or war heros iirc
But she herself i dont think its ever stated her wealth
Oh shit nice
Sign me the fuck in
This will be the case in global as well
Comes from nobility, but doesn't really care for that life.
The lighter one will look better with certain assistants and medal sets.
>I only suck black cocks, white and asian ones aren't that attractive
Okay, but you're still a faggot in the end
They were "just use mweenar and texas and surtr" by dolly anon.
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Based menhera enjoyer

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