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Previous: >>493397353

>What is Sword of Convallaria?
Sword of Convallaria is part gacha, part full-length SRPG in the vein of FFT and Tactics Ogre, with very light rogue elements. Originally released in the country of Taiwan, also has a separate CN version, a JP version and a Global version.


>Helpful links and resources

>Current Events
Brawl! Elysium Feast (2024/08/16 – 2024/09/10)
Voyager's Conundrum (2024/08/23 - 2024/09/05)
Upon the Scorched Earth (2024/08/30 - 2024/09/24)
Seven-Day Promise (2024/09/06 - 2024/09/15)

>Current Banners
[Debut] Simona (2024/08/30 – 2024/09/12)
[Destined] NonoWill & Momo (2024/09/06 - 2024/09/19)

Touch Vlder Tail
Sorceress Hat
Vlder Sanctuary
Apply to a guild then reply to the OP or recruiter ITT with the last 4 digits of your UID and mention the guild you are applying to along with your current profile picture.

Codes (may or may not work)
Simona getting knotted by Alexei
Alexei getting groomed by Simona
sex with hags
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Post it
>(You) appeared at the last minute and obliterate the whole Order
They made MC based as fuck
thank you for complimenting me :)
>Alexei getting groomed by Agata
MC is going to turn out to be the reincarnation of Wogthemoot or whomever that ancient unifier of Iria was.
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Stop killing LilyWill you damn fucks.
Why won't Lightning come home bwos...
witagemoot? pretty sure that's some word for assembly...
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No matter how many versions of the timeline you try. LW will die.
Having sex with LilyWill still warm body
we just popsicled her in the event story
also this suspicious guy
>Wogthemoot or whomever
A Witanagemot is a political council anon. They do stuff like advise the king and elect/confirm the next successor.
Happy end when.......my heart cant take any more deaths.....I'm not crying....
Holy shit I thought that was a made up word.
Shares internal name with Lightning except this one is 01 and Lightning is 02
Oh my god... Lightning's GF?! Yuri REAL!
Gee Union how come you get TWO Lightnings?
>witenagemot (n.)
>"Anglo-Saxon parliament," Old English witena gemot, from witena, genitive plural of wita "man of knowledge" (related to wit (n.)) + gemot "assembly, council" (see moot (n.)).
learn something new every day
I'll kill her with kindness after we marry
LilyWill warm tummy
its warm because its filled with my seed
playable furry faction when
dats gay stop being gay
Imagine MC furryfication
vlder pits
vlder tummies
vlder thighs
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>only 200 pulls saved
>cocoa+acambe+saffiyah coming out one after the other
so vlder are wolf people and luccian or however its spelled are humans who can transform into wolves? shouldnt they have been friends from the start
Luccians are from the far North so it's entirely possible that they have no real relations to each other.
This is an Irian only general
pretty sure the luccian defender is a bear
Agatha and the archer are wolves, Alexei and the fat fuck are bears
Luccian supremacys time has come!
Stop being racist, Lutfi.
Sorry Irian cucks, this is a Union sponsored general.
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>barely beat XI with my last two units almost dead
>extra condition: nobody fucking dies
kek, I'm such a shitter.
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Yeah I just barely got it after realizing you're supposed to huddle around the fires
Um Papal Chads ww@?
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no, THIS is a union sponsored general
I'm playing the Union route and she's baking animal shaped cakes, Didn't know she was such a cutie.
oh yeah forgot they have a bear
Tomboys having their womanhood awakened is the height of culture.
>being a papal cuck
lol. lmao
Go back to mexico, Garcia.
extremely good post
You are not immune to lady knights.
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¡ay caramba!
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>archer counting kills
devs really like lotr huh
>MC charges to rescue of desperate siege
cheaper than getting a special soundtrack for the scene
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what are you guys spending your excess stamina into?
I've been doing forging but you barely get SSR ore
Star Trial always.
I usually just dump whatever I've got left on star trial. The amount you get is trash but not like the others are any better. At least with that one I can chip away at talents.
>1/9 gold blue stars
>3/6 gold purple stars
star trial, since dust isn't the bottleneck any more leveling up talents is a better investment
tarot until I get any physical critcard and magician
Mostly forging and the occasional star trial
I've been doing forging for the radiant ores and engravings but a lot of folks are saying star trail so may switch over
how many rainbow ores are you getting from doing forging, really? Keep in mind you need 65 for one item.
Yeah that's why people are moving onto star trial
>Have Lily
>Now have Nono
The fluffy sex marathon begins.
Totally not worth it when you want to push golds and farm rainbows, >>493560342 this is me crying over how I'm a level away from the Destroyer node that increases Destroyer damage by 20% if the enemy is debuffed.
it's impressive how they made every farm feel terrible and inefficient
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Cube status?
You know it's bad when even a whale said that.
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this one?
Yeah, I only reached Platinum recently for Destroyer.
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Because >>493563231 and gold can't be farmed.
This guy gets it
What the fuck thats really good. What are the other classes comparative skills?
Watchers have one that reduces damage taken by 20% when they're healthy, I think?
I wish I could use it on powder and ore but the non-bonus value is fucking shit. Way better spent on star trials.
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0-1 at level 53 but that adds up into more 60 weapons sooner. The question is just which is more beneficial to push first, more nodes or 60 weapons?

This has convinced me at least for now to push stars though since I'm also one level from that node and didn't see how strong it was.
I would at least go for Watcher and Destroyer nodes.
Tower is so fucking annoying. I sure do love spending a ridiculous amount of time finding the way to beat a level where everything kills my units in 1-2 attacks. So glad people post youtube videos to "help" with their level 50 units that have twice my stats. I'm sure lots of people need that.
At least you're likely to have the right characters for it, Tower of Adversity is even worse if you want to earn much from it.
>Used up all my canned octopus
>1 key going to expire
>Don't really give a damn when the new story is coming
Ahh, freedom.
so you're spending a bunch of stamina for 0 rocks a lot of the time? You think that's worth it compared to getting 1% more patk every 5 or so runs?
on which branch is that destroyer node?
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its over for me
it's after the mixed P+M attack modes in the bottom left
I've been convinced, even if I don't get any legend stars yet.
I swear nungal is stuffing her face looking at me ignore the P destroyer branch
Part of the reason I ended up back at level 2. Yes I lose like 0.75 pull a week but I can just auto it which takes less than 5 minutes.
It's unharmed but still pretty good. I even had that one unlocked already I'm such a shitter for not noticing it
Yeah I pushed up into floor 8 last week when I was in the 30s, and I really regret it. I wanna go hang out in floor 6. Do you drop down if you don't complete the boss stage of a floor or if you don't go into the first stage of the next floor?
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being at 2% is the dream because you'll get at least one SSR every 50 pulls because of the hidden "can't drop below 2% pity"
>throw in a "skip all dialogue/custscenes option"
>include a screen that can do all management shit in one UI panel
>include some of the facility upgrades as a baseline so that they don't feel so fucking slow and shitty 90% of your run
Spiral is now fun to play.
penis destroyer nungal...
If she doesn't keep eating her udders will shrink
You too can become arjuna alter.

Cocoa breakdown from a vet.
I have a 5* one and another one. dunno if I should level the other one or just smash it since any 2nd healer is probably fine with my SR healstick
I fucking hate these Tarot levels. So glad to be done with them and the stupid debuff rng.
that shit looks busted
Brainlet here.

Why did Simona spare Alexei? And did she died at the end of the story event?
I immediately leveled it as much as I could and may give Dantalion a disaster bottle now.
she thinks he's a kid and she won't get enough credit for dragging him in? I dunno
you fight her on the same map in Spiral iria route so maybe she shows up again, the interval maps might answer your questions in a few days
you should be already doing that for his aura
destructive storm + magnus makes that comp super easy to play
>impulse pull on Simona one time
Is his trait description saying instant skills don't reset his tiles traversed the way it works for everything else?
>if i don't put in the work for 10-1 now, i'll have to slog through floor 8 again
>Afterward, the skill switches to [Assault Discharge]
>no description in game
>no description online, the only thing the internet has heard of is sexual assault discharge
>3 "guides" on youtube by people who don't have the character and don't know what this skill does
>"guide" even claims that move again means another attack turn
good luck to me figuring out what to build here, abilities revolve around sustaining damage or ignoring effects of injured but all his charges are already getting doubly fucked when injured because their damage formula is literally 30% of his HP, am I supposed to dedicate an ability slot to only getting normally fucked by injured? he looks like a cheeky niche tower cheeser... what's that ignore dodge now that might be- at 5 stars nevermind
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you can't drop from 9 after you've cleared 10-5
CN wiki:

This event gave a lot of powder so star trials
>just an instant that cancel the stance
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How was this planned in advance when Inanna going to Waverun City on the day of the riot was only suddenly decided by Inanna shortly beforehand?
I hate papal states so much it's unreal
Like half the guides are how to cheese with low level low rarity units.
>princess speech planned
>riots break out, dumbass princess obviously supposed not to go
>she decides to go anyway shortly beforehand
imagine groping Nungal's fat belly as she stuffs herself with sweets
maitha, please
I rather grope her big fat tits
The royal family are duty-bound. They will have to give a public speech eventually.
>can't interact with cats
shit mode
Was thinking about using a castalia for destructive storm over daybreak but figure I'll want endless dawn for the 3rd slot and I'm a weekish away from 55
>haha nungal fat
>nungal eating a lot! lol
Your slander has been noted.
Heavens forbid that a girl with a strenuous training schedule enjoys an extra snack or dessert here or there.
shut up nungal
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She's so autistic and wants my cock so fucking hard
Why are you putting her next to bed? Are you me?
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How do I make them talk? my characters are playing statues.
This is not the character placing system
The characters you have randomly appear in Elysium so you can talk to them
I wonder if Momo can get pregnant in Elysium
There is a way to find out
how would you find something like that out?
Having sex with Momo
If she gets pregnant, then she can get pregnant, if not, then I'll have sex with Beryl who can get pregnant since she isn't dead
>forcing beryl to be a surrogate for everyone in elysium
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Protecting the civilians may be more important, but ignoring Gloria feels wrong, which path will let Saber survive?
Her fault for coming to Elysium, the cat bait worked pretty well
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You're also dead, so, your peepee doesn't work anymore.
If you are not using her beacon, the option doesn't matter, Lutfi will fellate your dick to convince you to go through his route
Don't worry, I injected luxite in my balls
She'll get quintuplets
>Leonide's trait effects aren't even calculated in the number before you attack
what am I supposed to do, play with a calc sheet of damage multipliers and reverse engineer from the number I'm given?
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Between Angel, Lash, Nightingale, Butterfly, and Candlelight, which one is the better dps and off healer?
If you are putting Lash as healer, you may as well put Beryl
Simply wait until you can go toe to toe and don't try and cheese. Easy
>17/18 quests done for Dawn
Please god let the end be near. I'm in like week 33 and half prepared for the final battle this MUST be the end.
2 more weeks
>week 33
oh no no no
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>week 33
Only 17 left to go, bro.
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just healer
would need castalia invested to be healer too?
her too, if you cheese high level tower, her utility and damage choices are too useful to take the instant heals
Skip quests
If you increased the difficulty, it's over
Did you retards even do the mission? You are done by week 36
how much spiral exp at the end of the chapter do you get for skipping everything besides important fights? I'm getting 2 levels a cycle the guys at the top of the leaderboard gotta be grinding this somehow.
>Did you retards even do the mission?
A month ago
I remember completing dawn 18/18 a while before finishing my spiral game but it was not completed when I got the memory with one of the names in the quest, it was completed a few weeks after that
My brain already filtered it. Imagine remembering the bread you ate from weeks ago.
Is the spiral tears amount you get fixed or can it be increased depending on what you do in the spiral run?
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imagine not eating bread good enough to remember
How much did you get and what was your merc group ranking?
imagine eating good bread so rarely it becomes a memorable event
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imagine eating bread of such little variety that a loaf could only stand out if the others were bad
Hold on for [x] rounds stages are the worst
>I just want to mindlessly kill
what's wrong with defending from a siege?
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heres my 1 recruitment post per thread sorry
Socks has 2 spots open, probably 3 soon, if you wanna join, apply and let me know the last 4 of your UID
>not waffles or french toast
That's it. I'm leaving this fucking guild. Can't believe the GL has taste this shit.
Am I fucking stupid or do I just need to kill the enemies 5 times each on 6-16 hard
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dont think i have a spinning version of those i am sorry
but i will give you this as an apology
I've never even seen one of those. What is it?
>reverse searching gives me a fucking geode
its a cannoli
very tasty especially if you're of the ginzo persuasion
Oh that's what cannoli looks like. Yeah that looks good, especially after having looked it up to see what the filling's made of.
Sweet custard filling and the pastry itself is flaky, worth trying.
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alright who let nungal into the thread
Those stages practically play by themselves. just need to press wait.
sounds exhilarating and not shit at all
Just play it when you have to go to the bathroom real bad but force yourself to finsh the stage first
Both choice just lead to a mission you don't even have to do, it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things
when is the patch
I need to rooooooooooooooooooll
september 13, always 12 hours after the previous banner ends
Endless dawn is great but storm is the only skill that puts 2 debuffs in a massive aoe. You can learn it and use it as needed, Dante can do everything after all.
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I moved pcs and tried reinstalling the game and I'm getting this,stuck on what would normally be the intro screen. Anyone got any clues?
>act XI has a condition to keep everyone alive
>one nigga dies before you can do anything
Great design.
>one nigga dies before you can do anything
is this the standalone PC client or the Steam version?
maybe you're missing some libraries/dependencies
One of the niggas on the left dies before I gain control of anyone over there. I assume they want me to come back with a leveled up tactical tree because there is nothing else I can do. Can't even more a nigga from the right over in time to draw fire.
worked for me, think it's a skill issue on your part sorry
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the day will be over soon
did you send your daily guild chat sticker?
Vlder Sanctuary is at 26/30 after removing some 3D'ers.
I've never done that even once
I only did it for the event, can't believe so many retards joined the game for GvG when the devs did nothing.
>got booted just from slacking for three days
I thought you're casuals...
>Sweeping literally takes a few minutes
i was waiting 7d for Socks but at this point i think we've extinguished all the available members in /socg/ guess we'll just ride it out as is.
dead game doom poster was right all along ahhhhhhhh
Told you retards so, that was inevitable when the devs decided to rush everything so Global went to shit in only a month.
EoS soon.
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>Death of Rawiyah achieved!
>Be doomposter
>Think the game might have a year left at most for Global, JP and KR
>Devs even decided to screw people out of having Saffiyah and Auguste so they'd have to swipe
>Devs actually think this won't piss off some of their spenders
>Some people who swiped $2k already stopped swiping and started cursing them for being the usual chink company
>More and more arguments about pulls are coming up
If at anything I was too optimistic, the whole game might go under in six months at this rate.
Can we get more gifs of spinning food

I'm going to take a nap now.
Only the Iggyknot and Alexei BBC can save us now...
is there a list of which legendary weapons are Breakdown fodder?
Congrats anon, now bathe.
Sorry, I meant to say that I'm merely a concerned player, not a doomposter.
I want to kiss you. no homo
Honestly, the time for concern was back when TW opened and the devs are either trying to be the next flop after the last two SRPG gacha flops or there was nothing they could do since they bled too much money and were forced to become a gacha.
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game deserves EOS if i'm being perfectly honest and if you think about it for a bit you know what i mean?
>TFW a whale got burned so badly on Simona's banner that he immediately went F2P afterwards
It's inevitable, not even whales can keep up with this fucking torture.
How the FUCK??
Wow he did it, nice
do we get a free 10 pull per patch like the hoyo games?
d-don't forget to claim all the rewards anon.... anon?
Lol, lmao even.
I want to roll...
Give me Cocoa...
You wish we were as generous as Hoyoslop.
>TFW the game managed to outdo Hoyoslop in the worst ways
It was a lot of work for 1.3 pulls and a second Mysterious Deflection Device.
Oh no no no!
Friendly reminder that Hoyoslop is Hoyoslop but they at least don't fucking put two characters together in a single banner for re-runs, effectively doubling pity.
Something you guys are forgetting is that Hoyo is only more "generous" because in Hoyo games you need dupes of the character plus signature weapons.
In SOC, once you get a single copy of a character, you are done.

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