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Loli pussy edition

Previous Thread: >>493422226

2D Hentai games (Hentai RPG, Violated Heroine, H-Action Games) General /hgg2d/ former /vhg/




>/hgg2d/ Game Archive - IPFS Edition



>Nifty translation tool by Anon:

>RJ Gallery SCRIPT

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Please wait for page 10 before making a new thread.
rape and kill all ritualposters!
cutest cunny
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canela 2 never ever

Oh yeah, didn't think about that.
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Have a present, ya'll!
You know what, I don't care about this particular game, but fuck it. For the sake of discussion! Monica just released. Who here played it? Did you like it? Did you go for a specific route or did you protect her for Kyle? What about the other two sluts? Did you leave Kyle alone or did you have him have fun as well?
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SEX with Alcy everyday!
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I dropped the game back when it was released in jap. Her design looks dumb especially when flat.
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Translators will come through, right?
Games with consensual sex with monsters? no monster girls, but scary monsters
Noooo! You were supposed to tell me all about how you played it and what you did! There are no other games to talk about! We're all going to die if we don't discuss something!
>fairy flower
>all pvs look like she's in heat or climaxing
yeah... i don't have much confidence in this one. seems like it will be more of the same, just like milia or something
Does it have dlc?
Alien Quest Eve with KMod
because it sounds funny, and their culture is very prevalent pretty much everywhere in the internet
saying "ye cuck kun do be like dat doe" is just funny
saying "BVLL is skibidi sigma rizzler from ohio on god" is funny
saying "oh my god, loli-chan is so low-key vibe, I can't even" is not funny because it's associated with old
faggots trying to fit into youngster spaces (aka infantile millennials)
if phonk had any resemblance of words like in rap, I guarantee you most kids would start incorporating russian words into their speech sooner or later
Yeah, it's all included! Go play it, the download is on fag95!
Hey, I'm trying. And there are always older games. I'm playing RJ326532 these days but there's not much to talk about desu.
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Just finished blight, i understand everything now. It was really good, and i never expected Dire and Fake Rabi to be connected, in a way.
I gave up halfway playing Normal and switched to Casual though, grinding was an ass.
And i have a shitton of questions about the sequel games and the characters, like Kuruha appearing at the first game before Awake
Personally I'd dodge this thread until you finish the games in case you get accidentally spoiled. I'm probably going to have to replay the games myself because my memory is shit. Also I'll need to get through Asylum too because I dropped it.
infantile millennial felt called out?
>switched to Casual
You didn't beat the porn game
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It's always wall stuck.
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pretending to be retarded is human tradition
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I see Mana Tank has stepped up his poop crafting game. He makes works of art with poop now.
It's fine. It's so by the books and inoffensive that I imagine some people would actually find it offensive. Either way, I went and made all the girls fucktoys for the chad yuusha.
The problem with Acerola's NTR games is that they pretty much boil down to gallery viewers with extra steps.
Even Claire and Colette were at least proper games, even if just as basic barebones RPGs. Looking forward to Iris' game at least.
this sounds funnier than it should
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Play Bloodroot!
You know what is human tradition as well? Culling people exhibiting retard tendencies.
That underwhelming, huh? So it's just another Yukino or Kanade... I did see some combat featured. Is it more barebones than the other two you mentioned? What's the point of it?
its only you who talks like that
it's not
you're just mad for no reason over "muh kids these days"
he's really close to putting more scat in his games
dazed is dropping another bomb soon
>I give you: acorn
>You give me: shit
Is it a secret?
> I did see some combat featured. Is it more barebones than the other two you mentioned?
So barebones, it might as well be pointless.
> What's the point of it?
Lore fluff to remind people that Monica is supposed to be at least half-competent at handling herself, but it's really just a precursor to kick off the events of CHAD YUUSHA where it's driven home that weak women (tm) like her needs to be protected and be under the thumb of a BIG STRONK ALPHA MAN and that the only thing she's good for is pleasuring men like him.
only if you blob doko
>What's this then
Eureka! This is it. This is how you localize noja: scottish speechisms.
Right. So it's just a route, similar to what the other guys get but for different kinds of activities? Well, even if it isn't great, a game is still a game. Some will undoubtedly enjoy it.
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Not until I get a name first.
is it a crap?
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I'd make a Canela 2, 3, and 4 with her.
Games with unique and exotic fashion?
The Archetypal Hero-Yuusha being a bull in NTR games is funny to me because it just fits him so well. There's this good looking guy blessed with god given talent for fighting, blessed physique and he's typically charismatic too. Of fucking course girls will flock to him. And in series where (You) play as him, a harem just naturally forms around him. But a little bit of switch in perspective as another guy that is NOT the Hero, then he becomes a giga bull that just steals all the women that crosses his path.
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vanillabros we /m/ now
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There are some games where (You) are the Yuusha and you get cucked by literally everyone though.
Not him, but what version would you recommend. The download I found has like 12 versions because it can come with various other mods.
I want an excuse to replay AQE.
It's a weird opposite the way I see it, cause usually the typical hero MC would be some righteous or maybe even innocent do-gooder, typically in JRPGs in any case... I don't see him being a bull in any capacity.
Do we get skinsuit?
tl when?
Those games usually either have a hero and his harem and that's it.
Or the hero is a cuck from the start and gets ntr'd by a party member with all the girls.
There's no games where the hero cucks someone else, especially not before getting cucked later himself.
Yes, but Hero MC there gets the NTR protagonist retardation brainrot debuff. Where he becomes denser than a black hole and despite allegedly being granted Yuusha buffs and blessings, he still somehow gets a tiny dick.
If he is a proper Hero, he would be the epitome specimen of humankind as he is granted all those divine boons. And all that adventuring and monster slaying would make him ripped as hell.
You don't get to choose when girls are throwing themselves at you
But he's sochin, autistic, and more focused on questing and boyish do-gooding than macking, and so random fat old men poach his girls.
>and gets ntr'd by a party member
These always seem so stupid to me because there's this one guy that goes: "Ah yes, there's this guy that can cleave a mountain in half and snap demigod necks for breakfast. I know, I'll steal his girl from him. What can possibly go wrong?
there's probably more games where the hero gets cucked than games where the hero has a harem party
But you do get to choose to cockblock yourself because you aren't of age yet or have a maiden's heart or whatever the rationale...
>What can possibly go wrong?
Hero beats the dark lord.
Fucks her into submission.
Ascend throne as new dark lord, this time with no hero to oppose him.
I am a hero.
Anon said making things: "go wrong".
That just seems to me that things went very very right.
I am a member of the heroes harem.
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Be a good blob.
After my NTR enlightenment I started noticing that there are a lot of romcom/vanilla romance things where the heroines will have some guy(s) their age crushing on them that they're not interested in (e.g. the girl that gets a new confession every week). NTR was hiding in plain sight all along.
My sister game is looking good
It's just drama anon, always been around.
というわけで are there any NTR games where you're just some uninteresting guy getting cucked by an anime protagonist oblivious to your existence?

This includes the corruption mechanic and dialogue form KMod without the fertilization gameover even on harder mode (which I recommend as easy mode makes animation always loop for some reason and the debuff isn't that bad anyway), and includes the modified HornyEVE mod that lets you grab enemies and always heal on finish on hard mode
>tags: [Pure Love] [Netorare]
Not sure this exists as a game, maybe look at some BSS ones?
Typically happens in games where the canon route or the true end is a deep vanilla romance while one of the sideroutes or bad ends is her breaking up with you and fucking your friend.
uohhh light blue haired cunny, my favorite
Sauce? Why is she crying?
the blob ate her family
Does the pregnancy game over have any visuals? I gabbed the version you just listed, but with pregnancy instead of normal.
Also, no idea where to switch the difficulties.
No visuals afaik but I haven't played it myself, from what I've read up it just gives you a text that she's fertilized now and gameovers you unless you go back to the ship to cancel it in time
Supposedly the "easy mode" version lets you cancel it at any save pad. But again, I have no idea how to switch modes, or if I'm already on Easy.
What's the play order to LG's games?
Blight -> Awake -> Colony -> Kludge?
Where does Asylum fit, if at all? Also does L.depth fit anywhere or is it a completely different series?
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Her game
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Pressing space or enter (forgot which) at the ship's space pad switches the mod's difficulty, light blue thrusters - easy, dark blue thrusters - hard
I like that the protagonist in Show First being the hero of legend gives him such a massive advantage in that post-apocalyptic breeder society, and every single woman he meets forgets all about the NTRmen fucking them to make passes at him within moments of meeting because he's obviously superior in every way, but then his NTR addiction comes in and sabotages all of that.
I need more consentacles.
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Wish there was a ge where you're a nice oji-san
Mine were purple.
Olivia's ge
>During acts of ojisan gokko, young Japanese women playfully harass each other through sexually charged texts/SMS in a way that attempts to parodically evoke how ojisan (are imaged to) write. Often times, both women take the ojisan role, creating the odd impression that two older men are attempting to seduce one another
Any ge for this feel?
The dlc for sister monochrome seems to add sex with friends?
I don’t like the eastern aesthetic of the new Naedoko game.
Also the new heroine isn’t as cute as Eliza.
Imaginary sex.
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no soul
>me like vs me dislike
>Blight -> Awake -> Colony -> Kludge?
>Where does Asylum fit
spinoff in the same world, so you could play it any time after Blight and maybe Awake.
>does L.depth fit anywhere or is it a completely different series?
spinoff in the same world that you could play after Awake and Asylum. There's also innocent rules that should be played after Asylum.
>bar censorship
Why don't other devs do this instead of nasty mosaics?
she looks better as a human
summary execution
The play order is just release order. Asylum came out after colony and before kludge. It happens either during or right after colony. So you play it after colony. Same thing with L.Depth, it’s a spinoff that happens after kludge. So you just play it after kludge.
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For Innocent Rules I’d say play it after L.Depth too, just like release order. Keeps it simple and there’s an L.Depth reference in it too.
okay thanks, i'm an EOP so i'll just wait for Innocent Rules to be translated by better men than I.
So Blight -> Awake -> Colony -> Asylum -> Kludge -> L.Depth -> Innocent Rules.

Thanks anons.
why does this keep happening, bros...
>why must people get better at their craft
The MGD approach of mutual rape into mutual love is the best.
Is Nao game better than Lost Chapter?
Does anyone else just spam the auto turn thing in Sequel games?
good point
as long as it's not one-sided, then it's okay
Anon I need you to redeem the source
Did you see all the endings?
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I think everyone does. You’re meant to use the autobattle for regular encounters. Regular enemies in the series are like pinatas you bust open.
For bosses, you can’t use auto though. If you try to auto, you just get your ass beat, so you have to pay attention then.
Is there a list of netori or blackmail games like https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13AHUSfSpNVeyl3i8caEm9qFb26aZ5yEaZrdcy0Msr14?
NTR tierlist doko
Retarded and lazy.
I would say so.
Nao's game has no replayability compared to Lost Chapter. Other than that it is squarely superior in every way.
>most popular tag nowadays
>literally not a single good game with it
Why is ntr so shit? Is it actually impossible to make a good game around that fetish?
can some kind anon shared the last 1MiB of the latest RJ01233580's zip from dlsite, for some fucking reason my download always gets canceled at that point
I wouldn't say that it's worse, only different. But I really don't get the appeal of remakes. I understand that he'll be making a lot of cash with it, but otherwise... eh... I wish people had more self respect and didn't buy these things. Too bad.
This post doesn't make any sense whatsoever. How exactly would someone share the last bit of data of an archive? Are you mentally ill? Go find the damn thing on nyaa and download the full version via torrent. The fuck are you even doing???
It's possible to make a good story, but not a good game, that's why all the highly rated ntrsloppas are VNs.
Shitty drawing of the week!
Don't put yourself down anon, it's cute! Cute!
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kill yourself
>>literally not a single good game with it
There are a lot, but bitches start crying "wahh FemMC isn't real NTR"
Scars of Summer is a great game. There, at least a single good game with NTR.
As far as I know, Russians still have a masculine culture with feminine women so they still get pussy.
On the other hand, the Chinese have fucked up sex ratios and the Japanese are shy/timid due to their culture, so both have tons of incels or just a bunch of men who would rather spend time playing hentai games.
If an enterprise makes much more money than anyone would expect, chances are it's a money laundering operation.
Case in point: luxury brand bullshit.
You've got brands like Gucci or Louis Buitton selling you PLASTIC bags and PLASTIC shirts/jackets for literally THOUSANDS of dollars.
Who buys this shit? That's right money-launderers (and retards).
I wager it's a simple matter of experience, or in this case the collective lack thereof. All of these devs are presumably single. Considering what they're doing for a hobby or a living, I'd find it hard to believe that they're in relationships, or had past ones in any case. This means that they're making shit up or copying what others who are equally as inexperienced, have made.

That's why they're bad.

Of course it's possible to make a good game with NTR. Just copy something like Sharkslop in terms of progression and RPG combat, while focusing entirely on NTR instead of ordinary corruption.
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My name is Anon and I approve this message.
Oru kaa?
Oru yo!!
>and retards
I always assumed the luxury brand shit was shit for retards to flex their money especially if an item is intentionally produced with limited quantiity like supreme. Unfortunately I think those businesses aren't even money laundering it's just fueled on pure retardation. As for the NSFW gachas I just assumed it was normalfags or pajeets playing those games instead of regular h-games or hentai but even then why spend so much?
Because Russians are more pragmatic and down to earth than the Japanese, who like living in fantasy life and glory days of the past. Russians won WW2. They focus on real shit. Literally. Interpret that how you will.
>can somebody send me a mib of garbage data, i'll make sure the rest of my files get it
Anon, please.. I just need the last kilobyte.... I can almost taste it!
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Any games with an invisible or hypnotist protagonist that uses it's power to molest girls?
bonus if yuri
Russian men under 30 are some of the biggest autists you'll ever find
Does hgg2d prefer pubes or no pubes?
pubes, even better if she has armpit hair as well.
Pubes if neatly maintained. Miss me with bushes that cover the whole groin and ass area for girls
No pubes
The actual problem is that the people complaining about NTR games don't really like NTR.
NTR is anti-fantasy rooted in dysmorphia and feelings of inadequacy
If >16, Cute contained pubes
She a whore otherwise
Why do we love girls so much?
lmao, I knew my request was going to trigger some techlets
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Because real life women are insufferable bitches and whores
Simple as that
I wouldn't have played dozens of them if I didn't enjoy the fetish itself thoughever
you're anonymous, you cannot save or lose face, idiot. no need to pretend. just shut up and take the L like a man
I need more lists like that
Styled gyaru pubes > rare naturally smooth post-puberty trait > introvert bush > shaved and so puffy it doesn't need a mosaic > peach fuzz mesugaki >>>>> hag bush
Depends. Lolis typically without, but there can be exceptions if they're the type to develop before their peers, teenagers and adults always with some kind of pubes or sign that she had them but trimmed them, unless explicitly removed in game with waxing. Bald pussies without even the hint of a stubble are unnatural, especially in hag games.
Any recent NTR where a sweet girl gets taken from you by schemes?
Last one to really make me sigh was RJ372618
Trimmed pubes.
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>new acerol-
>male protagonist
this genre is a disease
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t. the biggest techlet loser in the thread
stay mad
>Is there a list of netori or blackmail games like https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13AHUSfSpNVeyl3i8caEm9qFb26aZ5yEaZrdcy0Msr14?
>I need more lists like that
yes please, maybe some bored anon would be autistic enough to make another one like this...
Okay anon I'll send it over to you. How do you want it?
y u mad tho?
SPH masterlist
JK and below: no pubes
Everything above JK: pubes
not really
encrypt it with XOR and packed it into an ACE file after that remove the header and upload it to rapidgator
Does the torrent have cooties? Do the links on hentai-sharing have aids? What of the ones on anime-sharing? Those no good too?
JC is the borderline for me. Obviously JKs would usually have pubes.
Probably wouldn't fly in color. Doujin artists who use mosaics for grayscale manga are the real niggers.
>fuzzy mesugaki coochie
Name ONE
RJ01150994 is shit
Mid art, shit "combat," shit plot.
4.44 is too much for this piece of shit, 4.0 would be too much for this piece of shit.
Every day, I get disappointed in Japs more and more.
>Probably wouldn't fly in color
??? It's obviously a dick in black and white too
Summarize the plot
lolis with pubes starting to grow in are the best too bad there isn't a single one
China is the future. Just gotta wait for them to ramp up or maybe loosen their laws a bit if those are a factor. Otherwise there's always China Lite in the form of Taiwan. I think the dev from there is responsible for Potato and Dog Princess.
Is the corruption good?
>Purchased: 33,902
>Purchased: 26,058
>Purchased: 39,165
>Purchased: 38,018
I know some of the games here are dirt cheap, but is there a dev that is better than RG33385 at consistently having a fuckton of sales?
That's why I ignore titles that prominently feature sex scenes in the preview pics when it comes to looking for games with plot or gameplay. I definitely won't be finding any in those.
The last good game from west Taiwan was overdevil anyway.
Of course. Those are rookie numbers. Look up the usual suspects, like 111, Acerola, and Shimobashira.
Isekai retard goes around being OP and one-shotting everyone, but is a weak-willed retard who loves NTR and manages to get cucked despite being the 1000/10.
That's what I was thinking, /chegs/ might actually win this decade.
First girl is already fucking the "bull" in the first minute of playing, dunno about the second girl because I dropped it before she did anything.
Sounds really underwhelming. Judging by the sales he was rewarded regardless.
>INT check failed
Okay just making sure anon
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when is amane's daughter getting her own game?
>int check
XD ?
Don't listen to this dipshit, NTR enjoyers were rewarded with the best release of the decade.
I doubt he'd tell you if you asked him. Maybe we'll see her in his next game if he didn't forget?
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>violated princess is reuploaded
What happened? Was there more scenes added? More translations (like for the books and stuff)
Dazed finally updated his MTL to the latest version
>Did you see all the endings?
yeah, having to go back to pick some other dialogue option was annoying. i think i liked humanity going extinct the most, as it has aina thanking the MC. she was honestly the only decent person there, lotia was a spineless piece of shit and tried to manipulate MC at the end.
i wonder which is the most happy ending? MC going back to the village and marrying some girl or living with the demon dragon girl
just say the N word
say it
If they were smart, the genre would be Netori, or at the very least Netorase
Many classic NTR tropes fall apart without making the characters braindead.
No, miss victim, your husband won't lidderally kill himself if you get raped and filmed.
No, miss victim, sexual extortion can be punished.
No, mister cuck, she isn't ill, you would have zero doubts about what happened in this room if you were irl
tag your spoilers faggot jesus christ
>but is a weak-willed retard who loves NTR
he's literally me
picked up
Try to not have too much fun skipping "pyuuuuuu <3 <3 <3" that takes up ~60% of all the lines in the game.
If you haven't played THP yet you're probably a tourist and should fuck off.
Discuss futa cocks now.
that's ok i never read h-dialogue anyway, unless it's voiced. i just skip until there's another variation of the CG
You're in luck, because CG variations don't exist here, except I guess their breasts and crotches moving up and down a bit, and eyes looking at different directions :D
>if you havent played if you havent played if you havent played
There's thousands of h-games out there you scumfuck nigger, I'm not in a rush to binge them all so I can sit around with a ruined dick complaining about how there's no games.
It doesn't have to go that far. Cheating is a regular occurrence IRL. Writing a believable plot is a simple matter, but implementing it in an exciting way from the MC's perspective is a different story. Depends on the context too, of course. MC can be proactive and reasonably intelligent to notice various cues and suspicious activity if it were to happen, so the sex would need to be done away from him. I think many devs like the idea of it happening right under his nose for whatever reason, even though they cannot write a good scene that would suspend one's sense of disbelief. They're always exaggerated, in your face, and he still doesn't notice or get it. That's the retarded part.

Utilizing simple PoVs or splitting the screen in half, left side you control MC, right side is his woman getting fucked somewhere, solves this issue.
I dislike when they're comically large. They should be proportionate to the womans body.
loser get cucked out of the story LMAO
Small dick, small balls, no pussy. Small penis humiliation by chad MC. Bonus points for erectile dysfunction.
>b-bubububbhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shemaleeeeeeee
Tagged as futanari everywhere, I don't care.
He says as there's an anon playing and spoiling it in the same thread. NTRbrains never fail to amuse.
futa without anything down below
nebel perfected ntr
futa is just strap-on for closet faggots who care about dicks a lot more than dicks' destination
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There's this yelping sound with a lot of squeaky noises... Must be a new pet shop nearby?
>futa is for fags
You don't say?
I disagree with that because although MC isn't entirely retarded, and it's arguably pseudo-netorase at some point with the whole recording thing, she's the moron for giving in so easily. That little threat was all it took? Seriously? That's it? Fucking pathetic, man. Needed more buildup, maybe things not going well for the bull and him looking for a better way to entrap her, maybe finding more dirt or getting a favor and extorting her with a video of said favor for a bigger favor, and so on... you know, progressively escalating the demands and blackmail.
skin colored strap-on
even skincolorfags have more going on for them
truly the most retarded fetish
White band aids on black skin.
Yeah, we know NTR is for fags.
Anon what's retarded is your inability to grasp that this is fiction and meant to be taken lightly if not downright comedically. Realistic cheating is not only separate from what the NTR fetish is about, but it oftentimes ends in lawsuits if you're in Japan or the woman getting the shit beaten out of her and the "bull" dead if you're in Gunland.
Games with small penis humiliation focus or at least more than two scenes?
Which setting do you guys prefer for a basic female mc rapefest.
Sci-fi or medieval fantasy?
Medieval makes more sense since you'd expect women's rights not to be a thing at that point. Alien rape is nice though.
if the game is not medieval fantasy I'm not plying it
simple as
i don't know man blackmail based on a fact that she's basically responsible for MC's childhood friend getting sacrificed for the town going to shit is pretty solid. i think it beats any "haha i took a pic of you taking a shit you're mine now"
if anything i like that it's not explained until you get the ending
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It's been so long...
Made for nooting
I'm glad no one posts that ugly noot miko anymore.
That's nightmare fuel.
are they hags? they got some hag faces
Is he dead or blacktrain is actually working on the game?
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Love me some frog-women.
>20 year old milf
Yes please
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Femboy kino's on the horizon, bros
Left is the shop ojisan's 20 year old daughter that gets mistaken for his wife
VP was outdated and the old github page for the TL got deleted
So it has the latest JP and a fixed link for the TL
>decide to finally give acerolaslop a chance
>forced virginity loss
To the trash it goes.
Sure, but did he need to use it right off the bat? Wouldn't it have been cooler if he was digging up dirt and finding this out was the culmination that made her give up? All the prior things could've been just small favors for helping out here and there, and a tug here, a tug there, nothing serious, but getting a bit touchy with her... just for the sake of buildup...
I feel like in treasure hunter claire you could do a virgin run but it had to be new game plus or something retarded like that
style makes them look like uber hags in their late 30s or 40s
Nothing wrong with that, but those parts can be summarized in the end. So she got outed and he killed her. Okay, and? Happy end!
virgin runs are for faggot cucks
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we just got one too
fridayfags eating good
>decide to finally give acerolakino a chance
>forced virginity loss
To the pedestal it goes.
Which one?
balls or no balls
>uber hags
>silky smooth shiny skin
>plump lips
>hair highlights
Sign me up for some uber hags where you're from anon
>play futa kino
>rape everyone
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>femboy kino
>He just fucks women like a normal guy would instead of getting fucked in the ass
bit of a waste innit?
no that trope is retarded, women go into red alert if you so much as touch their shoulder
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He got fucked in the ass in the first game a bit, I'll assume the same will happen in this one too.
This was the standard for NTR VNs in the 2000's and it was fine but the genre has since expanded.
Reminds me of when I searched for trap protagonist vns and like half of them are this subgenre where the crossdressing protagonist goes to an all girls school for some reason and has straight sex with lots of different girls with maybe one token pegging scene if at all. Who the fuck does this even appeal to?
Expanded into slop? I can attest to that!
Me. It's a similar appeal as futa x female where you're making porn less gay by making the dick more feminine, but less degenerate.
No, not really. It depends on the woman in question. And because this is a fantasy NTR scenario, she won't be the type that goes insane. I could make the exact same argument how she could've gutted him then and there, and blamed some ghost or whatever. As if he'd stand a chance against her. So much for his blackmail.
>gutted him then and there
Need me some NTR deconstruction kino like this.
I for one like that NTR has its own culture of subgenres and tropes now.
It's just a waste of femboys also I'd say it's more gay wanting to see a femboy fuck a girl over a regular dude fucking a girl because it implies you're registering the dude at all when the average straight dude is self inserting or completely ignoring the dude entirely. Plus you're basically admitting to liking feminine dudes.
trapniggas when the trap is naked
femboyniggas when the femboy is naked
What tropes would that be? Aren't we having this conversation because it's the most popular fetish, yet it's also horribly imagined, told, or implemented across the board? It's always the case of some downright retarded MC for whatever reason. What else is there?
Buihihi... You understand the position you're in... Right?
whats the best acerola ge?
I will let have you have sex with my childhood friend Bob.
For 5000g.
You don't like NTR and that's fine.
Acerola is easily the worst mainstream dev
>he fell for the acerola meme
Right... good reply. I spent all that time discussing how it could be improved because I don't like it. Of course. Upvoted.
Looks like he is working but probably something happened to him that made shit slow down this much. All new info is pretty much from this one
He is basically in charge of building an overworld, suddenly out of nowhere started posting articles on the game but last one was in the beginning of June. I hope it get released at least by the start of next year, looks promising and I like blacctrain's art, if this game will have an actual gameplay to it it would be berry good.
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They all pretty much play similar to each other. Key difference is some games are NTR and some are not. My personal favorites are Collette, Monica, and Claire.
Based. Just says it how it is, unfiltered and unashamed!
Play comedy NTR, the blind MC is more of a gag
fat ugly bastard + big titty thicc jk is peak combo
Plastic looking art, no passion, cucks to handsome
>what are the NTR tropes
>jk that was a rhetorical question lolol lemme loop back to my all mcs are retarded point as I conflate NTR with cheating
Anon the mental investment for engaging with this is simply way too high. Or if you were asking that question seriously, you just aren't plugged into the genre. Which is fine btw.
>being an NTRfag
>trying to be arrogant and mighty while being an NTRfag
If you can hold out and make me cum in 5 minutes, I'll call things off and delete the video.
If you cum first, however...
NTRfags span the entire IQ spectrum.
Don't insult the second coming of NTRPG next time
>arrogant and mighty
The phrase is "high and mighty", ESL-kun :)
>uhh actually the cheating fetish referred to by its japanese name isn't a cheating fetish
浮気 and 寝取られ are two different things eop scum
>what are synonyms
so you dont know?
What's your favorite H game so far this year?
synonyms aren't real. Words always have different connotations.
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Anon, the whole exchange was predicated behind the fact that there are no good NTR games, that all the writing is sloppy and retarded, ergo what tropes are there? That's all there is to it. If you disagree with this, that's also fine by me. I don't care to prolong this for more than necessary. I already clarified my position sufficiently and why I deem them to be bad, and I didn't even start this exchange in the first place. I'm not the only one that thinks they're shit. You know how there's no smoke without fire, yeah? All the memes about NTR = MTL or generally getting derided for being dogshit didn't arise overnight. It took time to establish itself as a meme due to the collective observations of other anons, which are correct.

It's a very popular genre that's poorly told yet people's standards have dropped so abysmally low that devs can get away with shit design and still sell lots of copies, and they do it because they have no integrity or fucks to give. That's all.
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>Hey, protagonist-kun, your girlfriend sure is a hottie. You two must have quite the steamy nights, eh?
>Hahaha, I am just kidding, I know you two are old-fashioned and wait for marriage.
I will beat every acerolafag and oneone1fag to death.
Thats still sharkdev, also the most overrated by newfags
Remember: Every time you walk into an Adventurer's Guild in an h-game and see some female adventurers, at least one spent a weekend birthing tentacles by the dozen after she got caught.
Start with talking to people over the phone without panicking. Baby steps.
>wakuwaku makes the same game again
>oneoneone makes the same game again
>sharkdev makes the same game again
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RJ01195085. The only h puzzle game I've seen that actually had good puzzles. I am pretending all of those math autism puzzle games like lulu faria don't exist.
If you count translations releasing then maomao
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Will you press the button?
>You have to replay your favorite h game
>Have to fap to every single scene it has
I genuinely don't remember most of the ones I've played
Same here. What a shitty year.
Why would I press the button? It has literally no upsides. I could go replay my favourite h-game without this dumb restriction by never pressing this button.
Does the new acerolage have any yuri futa?
You didn't say that I have to cum to every single scene, so I'll just do 1 upward and 1 downward motion for each one! Hah! I won! Give me 10 internets!
Because the core game of sharkdev is decent enough that it's always enjoyable.
111's games are genuinely bad, in every aspect. Stock rpgmaker combat which needs losing to see h-scenes that go on for too long with bland art and retarded corruption in a plot ripped off from an anime three years prior.
If your favorite h game doesn't have guro or scat scenes you pretty much win.
>W-Who is that vulgar lady? I can't tell because of that censor bar over her eyes... She kind of looks like childhoodfriend-chan... N-No, she would never do that!
Behind the strawpoll sex.
Ok but I could just replay my favourite h-game and jerk off to the scenes I want to without pressing the button. The button has a downside and no upsides so there is literally no reason to press it.
I think he strikes a good balance between the progression (or lack of) lewds, story, and gameplay. Also, his games are quite lengthy too, some lasting for over 30 hours. I don't see why you'd call that overrated. Considering what the average HRPG is like, I'd say that he's easily at the top, even though I'll admit that ultimately his games, nor the majority of HRPGs that are at the top, are all that great or special. The bar is just so incredibly low in general that it isn't difficult making a game that would stand out above the rest. There are devs that use stock RPGM combat in 2024, for fuck's sake!
Straight up very heavily Monochrome inspired.
Not that it's a bad thing, I just hope he can match its quality. I kinda already dig the sister being a tomboy.
Also just realized he directly mentions Living with Sister here.
Someone make a fucking jiggy dammit.
It's been so long...
Would you press the button?
>The game that hits all your buttons, the perfect game for you finally gets announced
>The dev is inspired by wegs and makes a Patreon
Someone make a fucking drawpile dammit.
It's been so long...
>I like NTR
>NTR is shit
>NTR is shit therefore it doesn't have tropes
Whew glad I dodged a bullet and went straight to ridicule. You are mentally ill.
what game is this?
>There are devs that use stock RPGM combat in 2024, for fuck's sake!
...Like sharkdev.
Dunno about his latest title, but all of his games are nightcrawling and very short. I wouldn't expect a Monochrome parody being any lengthier or more complex. His niche is churning out a handful of games per year and he's established himself as successful doing it. 10k sales for $2 a pop is still $20k. Multiply that by... 7 at the very least for this year, deduce ~$5k DLsite cut, and he's earned around $105k for making 5 minute short minigames. Good fucking business!
See >>493587738
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Now I'm worried that the devs of this game might be spending way too much time over the """roguelike""" part of it. Hopefully they have two different teams for the slice of life part and the roguelike part.
Okay, I get it. You're just that guy who does this every single time. Pass. I don't care for you because you reply in the same fashion every single time, not taking anything seriously but pretending that you do. Very low IQ.
>sharkdev out of nowhere
>scheduled release for late december
i don't believe it
Don't really care about WEGs as long as the game looks good and I'm gonna pirate that game anyways so no downsides really
The downside is that the development is now slowed down considerably because of dev milking Patreon money
I don't see how that's your definition of stock when he added so many different unique items, abilities, skill trees, alchemy, and ways to beat an encounter... stock is literally no changes made RPGM combat for the sake of filler. There's grapples, clothes ripping and maybe even molestation or rape during combat itself in some of his games. But okay, sure, it's stock.
Hopefully the imouto won't have gigantic tits for no fucking reason this time around
nta but you type like a textbook midwit lol, and the other anon is right that you're contradicting yourself
Good thing Japanese developers never do that with ci-en!
Wasn't trying to use a common phrase, Burger-anon :^)
Arrogant: true
Mighty: true
Could use synonyms? Also true. Ironic you post such garbage in response to arrogance.
Not to the degree that wegs do
Summertime Saga would be done and gone by now if it was being made by japs
>cannot follow a simple conversation
american hours?
>weg out of nowhere
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A true gentleman doesn't needlessly seek out or wait for the perfect girl, anon. He just appreciates the unique beauty of each and every one in front of him. The same thing goes for hgames.
>posting a jobber
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Need more horror-ge.
Send help.
Sequel when?
its not fair that RJ310786 got such little sale numbers.....
>shit game
>gets shilled like crazy
peculiar phenomena
Does anyone remember now a never ever game about Trap MC and his maid?
MC was a meme for a while with quote "I love having a dick" or something
Atleast he has a good taste.
It's called Cult Classic
>sequel broken
Probably in a year or two. The dev announced that they made enough money to start working on part two. Also I'm pretty sure that teaser at the end was Shouichi's soul getting put inside his sword for some native of that world that'll inherit the title of Hero and presumably his cosmic NTR curse/blessing thing too. I can't wait though.
I don't care how "good" your game is. I don't care if Tina is actually good, I don't care if your favorite NTR RPG GOTY GOTD is actually good.
No H-status screen? Dropped. No buts, no compromises, no 2nd chances.
That's because I pirated all the copies gehehe
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo THIEEEEF
super cute, mom deserves a better life
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Tried this on a whim since I was bored. Did anyone else play it? The cave with pirates was pretty hot, but I got bored after that.
bazed about to drop another nuke on /eopg2d/, i can feel it in my balls
until it comes out and proves otherwise, the new one
then RJ364256 or RJ380636 until they get translated
then whichever one has your favorite cow because they're about the same which is a big part of what annoys people
See it all of the time. Especially if/when you dare go to /v/. This place is no exception whatsoever, especially considering the tags/genres primarily spammed here.
>tunnel mid
>mid exit
It do be like that
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Hour and a half well spent.
The fan dialogue sucked, though.
i've had more fun closing my eyes and scrolling around in the bin than playing most of the shilled garbage from this thread
/hgg2d/ hates ero part of ges
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Why is this always the case? Women can't rape men. I just want to play a trap game where he is raped by big muscular men.
What's this?
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I did, maybe there's some seedbed stuff under the sea I liked
Yeah, the guy that kinda looked like Lelouch or something. No idea what it's called. Were you wondering if it has seen any progress? Last I heard it got axed, but I may be misremembering. Here's hoping someone corrects me.
Alien Quest Eve, a metroid clone that focuses on melee combat. Even has a timer in the bottom left at all times
Sadly, I don't think there are different endings based on completion times and percentages.
>demid roots
Games with this feel?
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>Last I heard it got axed
Rip I was looking forward to it.
Demon roots mind broke me.
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3rd game should take place after 100~ years have passed since Mikami journey.
Now that world is populated with shit-ton of ELVES, Humans decided they need to get rid of them.
MC will be Mikami daughter and her objective will be trying to save her mother and restore peace between Humans and Elves.
Ugh sovl
Probably something like VIPER-RSR or Brave Soul or something.
Who's the BVLL
Alice blob.
thanks for the idea on my next weg
Man I miss when everyone had big ass shoulderpads
Wasnt langrisser made up from some japs role play dnd session?
So any fantasy weg really, or just play d&d with some anon who's willing to be your erofu.
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Would you like to have ratings/reviews in the bin?
Sauce on the vocaroo? I know I've heard it before.
Can male protag(me) fuck Mikami and her daughteru in VQ2?
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Any idea on how to fix this? I'm trying to run this using bottles. I tried setting the language to japanese and running the exe with LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8
I don't necessarily hate the idea, but as someone that translates things, full character localizations like this are pants-shittingly terrifying for most translators and incredibly difficult to get right.
use nwjs
Guess I fat fingered the backspace when trying to reply to >>493558076
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I much prefer noja spamming than turn her scottish. She doesn't even look like a scot.
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When I open the files in the file explorer I get this. Is this related to the problem? How can I fix this?
You are thinking of record of lodoss war.
oh no no no no no
Unzip in JPN locale
I thought I didn't need to set the locale to japanese in my pc and only in the bottles container
The archive extractor you used wasn't running in the right locale and mangled all the filenames.
>female protagonist
>elder girl x younger boy
>interspecies sex
yep, it's gaming time
yep gaming time
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TENTACLEGODS any upcoming tentacle games?
But what if British anime girls are my fetish anon?
Man, I wish this game wasn't such a cryptic chore to play.
>using linux for no reason
Always cracks me up.
you wouldn't do this to your girlfriend would you?
Is this netorase or is she dead?
He just took his daughter to a Nickelodeon event.
Can Dan "Coke Can" Schneider bid on your girls in the rararage?
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I finally got this working
I was using 7z and it just didn't work. I used unzip and it worked first try
Literally just my first time trying to run a hentai games but ok
netorase, she's gone forever
This always make me think of Pitfall
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>Girl secretly whoring herself to financially support her artist boyfriend
>Artist boyfriend secretly spent all those money to buy sex from his girlfriend's mom
who's in the wrong
I liked it better than the only other game I've played from the same circle RJ402479, but I never finished it.
What made you like it so much? I personally can't stomach games that force me to play as the cuck.
Obviously the boyfriend is the most retarded person here because he's paying $700 for an hour with her mom
Why is the sumika XD meme not included in the faq you NTR KEK RETARDS?
I'm a sucker for big titty FeMCs with twintails (she reminds me of Ren from RJ148565), but I really didn't like the lack of focus on defloration (source code says FeMC is a virgin, but not sure if it's even mentioned in-game).
(You) are the fumika
The boyfriend, because he isn't whoring out the mother too and fucking a JS instead.
I haven’t been keeping up with anything recently. Was there anything good in the last couple months?
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She would never
That game is over a year old.
Surprisingly, Tunnel Escape gameplay is quite enjoyable
Just do what everyone else does and check the bin. It's slow, but it's reliable.
Still misses a lot of games and has tag biases (which mostly mirrors this general, e.g. ntr, femc). Is very slow, and is now including off-topic shit like asmr and movies.
So is your mother
Is that supposed to be an insult?
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No. Have a good day.
Blue Archivefag humor.
Yuuka bestiality ge when?
The tags are ripped from dlsite iirc. And yeah it's curated, so it does miss games.
Yuuka is for fat ojisan ntrman
Good mommyges?
That's exactly why I like it. It touches on a fear every NTR enjoyer who hasn't fully lost hope and abandoned introspection has which is, am I just memeing or would I actually like getting cucked? Really it's a commentary on NTR as a whole, from how being a cuck affects your worth and self-esteem as a man, to its consequences on your ability to find fulfillment in life, to the unexpected comradery you can find in fellow NTR enjoyers, stuff like that. It's also got a surprising amount of worldbuilding and lore, and an actual story that connects the plot to the porn excellently, something every h-game ought to do. The porn is also great, the CGs have this pseudo colored pencil style that's pretty unique, the commissioned moan/blowjob loops and custom plap noises are top-notch, the dialogue is brutal. It does a great job of selling this vibe of "this is not okay but I can't get enough of it", and every time you enter a new inn or your group decides to set up camp for the night you get this sense of dread mixed with anticipation because you know it'll only get worse and there's nothing you can do but watch. It's implied that the world either exists as a reflection of the protagonist the same way it does in Haruhi, except the protagonist has NTR brainrot, or there's some cosmic NTR force driving the universe, which is why everything feels so artificially geared toward enabling NTR. And that shit is fucking cool, and I look forward to seeing if the sequel confirms it. I never think to rate h-games, but with how much of an unusually lingering impression it's left on me since I played it a few weeks ago, I feel compelled to make it my first 10. I hope everyone can find a game that speaks to them like this.
Picked the fuck up

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