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Kalimdor belongs to the Kaldorei edition

>The War Within
>Anniversary Event

Previously on /wowg/ >>493529665
Do something kind for someone today :D
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How do we save the Horde?
1. How do I get a lot of honour fast
2. Where is the mercenary mode now these days
3. First for xalatath feet
First for trans rights.
For everyone who bought the expansion and gives blizzard money thanks for the support!
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stop responding to the passfag
As the thread starts nobody will know that I like horde women
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WoWg community for NA.
For those that wanna play with other anons or goof off and chat, but not be in a whole-on Guild.
No I don't care if you're a degen. Go wild. Dramafags get the boot.

I never bought wow, but lurk in these threads for shitposts, lore talk and sloppa
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post more goonslop to get my penis hard and I will consider it
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>alterac valley battleground
>hearth to inn
>*hawk tuah*
what the fuck did they mean by this
Goblin propaganda posters with more tits
you can't it's fucked
it's beyond over
the current cast of horde "characters" are a fucking joke and you are hard coping if you think otherwise
>Go buy clothes from a vendor
>left ear has loud moans as a dwarf is jacking off somewhere
>double jump away with counter moans (demon hunter)
be nice to the passfren
I haven't played pvp since BFA but I always loved AV. It's not the spectacle it once was but it has it's charm.
more like wtf did you mean by this
>Just played an RBG where I killed the enemy flagbearer twice, secured a point the two times and captured the third flag myself and people on my team praised me
So that's what validation feels like, huh.
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picrel was literally me.
What the fuck were they thinking.
damn, he's only 30? Looks 40 at least
its 100x better than the other fucking epic bgs
god i miss farming honor in classic
just run to frost wolf, pop a squat in a tower and tab out
now those were the days
now evertime i que into a fucking epic bg i get ashran
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>mfw when i see a Maye post
I fucking hate this shit, is there an alternate inn with quiet npcs?
advertisement or begging.
Everyone who joins gets 2 comped vulpera onaholes - male and female
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Currently the meta is for both teams to entirely ignore each other, ignore the bunkers and just beeline for the boss. Its really cringe.
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/ruffles hair
/scritches between ears
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what race should I make my earthen given that I can't eat food/water?
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On the topic of annoying dungeon behavior...

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what now
If you are inside an inn or near some npc vendors in the new zones its just grunting and moan spam
spit on that thang
The power a single man or a small group has to turn it into a complete fiesta by capturing something "wrong" or defending something they "shouldn't" is incredibly based.
Undead paladins. Shelf Thrall, have someone replace Baine, promote known npcs to story characters that can't be hand wave as being alliance but red.
WoW is back.
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amazed i havent seen anyone running elitisthelper this expac yet

>faggots running elitisthelper in m+
>almost universally the ones taking the most avoidable damage
ran with a prot paladin that had this thing on once
couldnt fucking see the cast bars on the nameplates because his party chat speech bubble kept covering them up
kek I rarely have sound on after finishing all the quests. sounds great
im not a reprobate like the rest of you
i do not view pornography
i shitpost instead
and BGs havent been fun since i was 14
they should just give me the honor if you really think about it, would be easier for everyone
redpill me on maye lads
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why yes all my characters are either mag'har orcs, orcs or draenei.
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>i do not view pornography
>i shitpost instead
Do the dwarves cum pearls
Hey I'm trying to make a WA for frost lance.
Something like pic.
What would be the easiest way to do it?
Can progress bars be any other shape then rectangles?
Wait was pilav in prison or what?
Nerubians are... actually pretty cool...
Does elitisthelper even activate in normal or HC?
I had one dude who set that thing to /yell so I know how u feel. Worthless assholes.
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The Kaldorei belong to humans
>>491734050 (https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/491728659/#491734050)
>>484951161 (https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/484951067/#484951161)
You can do a progress texture instead of a bar
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So true bestie
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there has got to be a better way of doing this, ive been working on this for about a week now
When I say trans!
You say ACK!
not clicking that, whos this filthy memelord now?
>tfw no cloth melee
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How did Arthas go from "Demi-god" status to "extinguished fart" in Shadowlands ?
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>he doesn't know who pilav is
>video starts with the homosexual asian of cringe
instant dislike and shant be watching any further
Hmm yea. Would need to make a custom I guess.
Thought there is an easer way. Thx.
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Fav profession so far?
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bring back a garrosh type warchief and dont kill him off
i wish hpal and spriest were both fun. they are cool visually and thematically but the gameplay just is not there.
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so what's the qrd on the latest rapist from method? how many women did he rape?
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it will get better
voidweaver spriest needs to be like disc, remove the cooldown from mindblast and let people spam void blast, it feels much better on disc

>anime pic
post hidden
uninstall wizard
his ex girlfriend was being a cunt and he pushed her
that's it
that's the whole story
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Which one do I get first to maximize gold gain
My DK is a cloth melee
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Ok, the Horde is now led by Warchief Zaela who is going to attack the Alliance in order to prove she isn't an Allianceshill, but then she becomes a raid boss in 14.2 and dies.
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still dont know what to level kek
kek, this is literally what would happen as well
>anime pic
post hidden lol
>Metzan made the call to come home and pilav escape prison to play wow after getting swole

>Asmon spend the last few years sitting in his rotting carcus of a childhood watching loli vtubers bitch about wokeness

Which way western man
We're back.
eat the goyslop and claim your battle pet, goy
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still dont know what to level kek
Is there a way to track how many delve keys I got on a character this week?
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Post your main and tell us what do you imagine your main's wife or husband to be!
>land in an awkward position while skyriding
every time
Jaina and Alleria are built to have animated facial expressions while denying Xal'atath big human paladin cock.
if you're a druid go plethora into bismuth
if you're not a druid
But still have a chance get fundamentals to mine and mount then bismuth
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Unique and memorable character models for racial leaders who do cool shit on their own, rather than serving as a supporting cast.

See Baine. The brief questline in Dragonflight that saw him going on a centaur-murdering rampage made him look cooler than he did throughout the entirety of Shadowlands and BFA, as an Alliance stooge and a doing-nothing damsel in distress. More shit like that is required. Less Thrall teaching earthen how to befriend the elements, more Thrall fucking shit up with the elements. Less Gazlowe setting up some minor explosives to help other characters escape, more Gazlowe setting up a bombastic light-show that annihilates an enemy army. A unique model would help him too.

We need more stories that focus on important and memorable Horde characters doing cool shit. We need less literally-who Horde characters who just stand back and support the Alliance or the latest neutral faction.
No you see Asmongold is avoiding the emotional indulgence of neglecting his duties as a one true king, so that he can focus his stoic virtues of heroism on the strength and might of the way of the warrior.
>genuine retard friend has been farming gathering professions since launch
>keeps raging about the ez mine nodes
>he just now found out you mine father the closer you are to the node
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his wife died when "heroes" went to "free" moira and kill our beloved emperor
i like lorthemar he looks badass
Look at your currency tab?
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I'm officially done with Pandaria. It's all thanks to Remix. I can't wait for the next one. I hope it's either BFA or WoD.
Anon it happens to the best of us.
Shut the fuck up Hordefags.
You had Cataclysm. You don't need anything more than that, ever again.
my main (human male priest) is an acechad with a vow of celibacy
What do the voidlords even do while all their plans get screwed over? Do they just play pool with each other while hoping Xal-atath does anything?
Lor'themar would be cool if he did literally everything. He's a key example of 'Horde leaders who provide support but don't actually do anything meaningful.'
and do priests of the light actually practice celibacy in Warcraft lore?
what the fuck
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tailoring because its the only one that doesnt cost 20 quintillion gold to level up and do weeklies for
professions are truly awful now
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This cute Arathi Knight in Mereldar. She likes my bee.
It doesn't say how many more I can get from weekly caches. For an "alt-friendly" expansion there should be a marker for how many more you can get from the weekly event caches especially since there are so many ways to get them. I don't remember how many events I've done on each of my characters. Some characters were leveled after the first week too so there are some that have gotten keys from the fragments, an extra week, etc
Not quite. Calia does a heel face turn after killing some middling alliance character, like Shaw, that started the mess in 12.0. It'll also be on top of some trite attempt to say the Light's not completely good which'll make alliancebabs seethe and go in denial while horde players roll their eyes. This'll be on a wave of Void/shadow empowerment where a faction of helves join the horde because Alleria went too far drumming up Windrunner drama for the seventh time.
My human male paladin's wife is my female void elf hunter. He was considering marrying my female human mage at one point, but she didn't agree to kill a few thousand innocent orcs to save the kingdom so she lost the humanmalepaladinbowl and now has to grow old and alone like a wine aunt.
my main belf pala is my wife and we're going to pump out some half breeds when the dimensional merge happens
Answers neeeded
Dark Ranger bros we are literally sylvanas the warchief banshee queen best character in wow of warcraft now
>Calia does a heel turn
That would be a bit out of nowhere, even for Blizzard writers.
Now that pilav is back
is tww saved?
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>rogue talents still dont work and/have no visual or gameplay impact on our class
blizzard please....
He didn't even pay attention to the story, which is the whole selling point of this expansio. so no.
We'll find out by 15.0 that she was being controlled by some story important Na'aru that felt she was an acceptable sacrifice to set the board.
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>This'll be on a wave of Void/shadow empowerment where a faction of helves join the horde because Alleria went too far drumming up Windrunner drama for the seventh time.
Blizzard's offices would be firebombed if this happened.
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Pretty much this. It's not actually hard to fix these characters. You just have to have them stop being so goddamn soft. Hell, even Calia could be salvaged if you had an arc that revealed Sylvanas was totally right about her and that she's been angling to take the throne of Lordaeron all along. None of this is complicated. Just have their actions prioritize their people and ambitions before you consider them being friendly and diplomatic. This obviously applies to Alliance characters too (who aren't actually in much better shape than their Horde counterparts).
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i also mostly like the xpac and skipped al the story
Danuser is gone though.
My death knight blood elf's wife is a blood knight paladin and they're going to make Silvermoon great again
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Professions are just too fucking complicated now.
>story is the selling point
we didn't know how good we had it
that was a patron order....right?
na it's just timegated
Where do you guys position your action bars or are you a lame faggot that uses weakauras
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anyone else already starting to get bored? there is absolutely NOTHING to do at 80
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what were
in the centre
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vanilla jank was sovl
cataclysm meme quests were soulless
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I cannot imagine him being married.
DESU I cannot imagine him having sex.
He lives his life one bladestorm to the next and has done since vanilla WoW.
Like other orcs ive got are different but this dude lives to fight stuff and make weapons. Thots of any position, relation or race do not enter his mind.
Won't happen.
Whenever an important character acts in their own interest they will just get called
>a dreadlord
>a hitler
>a pussy-ass bitch
>a race traitor
I use stock action bars 1-5.
professions and alts assuming you're already gear capped.
The alliance need to do something stupid. The horde is at its best when they feel like they are being forced to work together or else they will all be wiped out.
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No shit. True expansion launch isn't until next reset.
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Have the EU guilds imploded yet or can you still join?
>This obviously applies to Alliance characters too (who aren't actually in much better shape than their Horde counterparts).
If any Horde characters got to kick as much ass as Alleria and Anduin get to throughout TWW, I wouldn't have as much of a problem.
if one of our trees was based on a elf hero it might be more functional or have more impact than "flip a coin when you use a spender"
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my main (female blood elf rogue) is my wife
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my tauren druid/panda monk and human pally/draenei priest
Based hunched orc.
All these faggot straight-backed orcs are frauds.
Orc death knight who's got a Shal'dorei spriest wife
>All these faggot straight-backed orcs are frauds.
are you one of those faggots who calls people she/her just because they play a female toon
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Opposite, there is way too much to do. I'll need another like 4 weeks to complete this shit.
Vulpera subraces!
When is Anduin finally going to get a wife who'll die in his arms so he can go full varian?
Does gear still matter in pvp? Or is everyone on equal footing?
>The alliance need to do something stupid
You mean like letting the Horde leaders walk away with a slap on the wrist and a half-assed
>if you fail to uphold h-honor, w-w-we will totally e-end you!
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When is one of the main female characters going to get pregnant and have a child?
no they don't dumbass, like >>493561664 said horde heroes need to be shown as actual fucking heroes who people think are cool and strong and not walking jokes
Anduin is canonically gay, however.
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My main's wife is a void elf chick.
no i just hate all female nelf players and will point and laugh at ANYTHING they do regardless of my personal views
all i want is for mage's dragon breath to have a custom animation for dracthyr
Corporate mandated stupidity. Not something the alliance still seethes about cause they stepped on a rake.
it matters but there is special pvp gear that takes 5 hrs to farm honor for and then you're set for the season
its honestly pretty nice since i dont have to drag my alts through M+ just to pvp on them now
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You should either buy off the AH or craft yourself the Algari Competitor's gear. It scales to 613 PVP item level.
just farm the honor gear, it scales to 626
Ew, farming
Why would any women give birth if their kids are just received negatively like Dagran and Anduin for not being big hairy sweaty muscled men? Childbirth is just a humiliation ritual.
>didn't get full pvp set for free during compstomp

>need pvp gear for pvp
>wont do pvp to get the gear
>turalyon stronger than tirion or uther
that's gay and retarded
Thats the problem, I'd say it makes sense that the Alliance would want to push for peace. They would need to do something completely out of character in order to de-pussify the horde.

Unironically, a timeline expansion where some dude goes back and starts terminating key peace-loving characters like Jaina/thrall ect might work. I know WoD did something like this but at this point the story is so spaghetti, they need a reset button.
this tuesday should be fun :3
He was always way, way more powerful than Uther.
Tirion was carried by Ashbringer.
they need to get rid of all combat related racials and just make cool/useful out of combat ones like the vulpera camp or the mechagnome portable crafting bench
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All over the place, mostly around healbot so I can reach em easily to click. The top bar is only to track CDs tho.
I do not. guess youre eceleb sucks
sylvanas gooners, we won
I just bricked my character
Spent all my gold and a spark on a dagger for my rogue
>an intellect dagger
I think I might scream
Even when she goes bananas she's ultra hot.
It's hard not being a gooner...
gay and retarded
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I was so satisfied to be done at 580 PVE ilevel that I just spent the week doing professions, world activities, collectables and ERPing on Epsilon...
>Craft myself some greens call it a day
Shadowlands was such a fuck up they should have leaned into it and said "Oh no all the dead guys are back...!" And redo the story from Wrath or so. Keep what works, get rid of what doesn't, and start anew.
Did you forget that Tirion literally died to a random demon?
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You know the Priest and Sorceress Human units from WC3?
They are who I based my characters on.
shut up and flip the coin already
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No refunds
>too stupid to do normal dungeons without wiping
>30 mods
>tracking healing done
The absolute state of trannies lmao.
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POINT and LAUGH at this guy
Love you, passfren.
You're gay for wanting dumb visuals go play anything else I want rogue to stay the same
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Best non-class specific mount per class? Bonus flying Vs non flying
What we need is just a new setting with a new playerbase that is 100% on board with blood, carnage, warfare, the death of their enemies, and endless slaughter for the glory of victory.
WoW has way too many "players" invested in the survival of their own faction and take everything bad that happens to their race way too personally. In any decent video game about war and conflict, when your side gets killed a few times you just kill their side a few times instead of whining constantly and acting like life has any purpose other than killing the enemy.
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based retard
>>30 mods
Isn't that mostly just the vanilla UI? I've used the same UI since TBC so I'm not sure.
>m0 is 3 days away
>he still isnt 590+
oh im laffin
it's over

erase character
uninstall wow
delete system32
12gauge aspirin
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bro ...
nah you fuck off
I want them to get rid of echoing reprimand but they wont
deathstalker capstone should use the old DFA animation
two words
more nightborne
four words
more nightborne sunstrider interbreeding
Thrator is that you...
Go to og if you want dumb particles
I use bone stock UI so I can't tell you how much of that is modded vs modified.
I can look at his minimap though and see that he's got a shitton of mods installed.
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My condolences.
only because they needed to make jaina seem important again
we should kiss! lets watch anime and read yaoi comics ;3 im a femcelpanda btw
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I just hit 570 i don't know what else I can do
Maybe they'll destroy the dagger and give me the spark back if I ask nicely in a ticket..
Right bros..?
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why you acting gay nigga
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Have sex, orc!
Have sex! Have sex! Have sex!!
Now that you have more intelligence maybe you won't make such stupid mistakes.
i can queue into any group content in this game and be blinded by mage/warlock/dh/shamans covering the screen lol
cause I'm gay
wtf is a Thrator?
No, nvm I armoried him he is a fake >>493561828
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actual state of roughes.
bfa and shadowlands were terrible but they gave us vulpera, which are great.
Yeah so why would you want to make rogue like that
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no refunds sis
At this point might as well use it..
chill out nigga m0 is in few days
you stink of stale noodles
It has less dps than my 570 green
I'm going to scream dude
I almost did the same but with a sword
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Man I love to laugh at stupid shit, but i've used a blue int dagger for like 20 heroics before I noticed.
you will never be a cute anime girl
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warlockbros... not like this...

Any sweaty crafters here? How many 600AA bags did it take for you to get any raid recipe? Also how many times did yoh faction swap for work orders reset, or did you just shuffle?
mage: flying carpet
shaman: dinosaur
hunter: bear
warrior: motorcycle
DH: something burning crusade
priest: levitate everywhere
pally: a gay dragon
rogue: rat
lock: spooky horse
druid: grove ancient
DK: undead animal
monk: cloud disc
evoker: side-saddle with your sugar daddy
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The white mans race keeps moving forward.
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The genius pulled all of the first room till the boss and the entire team spent 5minutes in perpetual fear, dying over and over again.
Then pulls the entire room before the last boss so the entire team spent 5 minutes in stuns and keept dying over and over again.
I love lvl 70 tanks. Always the same nonsense
>Fun detected
>immediately ruined
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>waah waah me craft bad dagger >:(
I probably could port my level 60 from SoD with vanilla items and i could clear a m0, chill out, you're gonna replace that stinky shit in less than a week
holy based
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I can't wait to make a void elf Dh that just looks like a normal elf
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redpill me on surv hunter
never played hunter
play a paladin instead
>night elf telling an orc to have sex
yeah not gonna end well for you
smelly panda
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Oh god..
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You missed the time window where it was kino and fun (most recently SL to season 3 of DF)
Now it's braindead like the other two specs
nothing says in-tune-with-nature like a hand grenade and a bazooka. You also get to sic your pitbull on minorities.
wonder how it looks if you try to larp as a troll shadow hunter. a few of the graphics are too definitively dark ranger, like the barrage of shadow arrows. we shall see.
Any good undead mounts to recommend? All i have is the 15 year old frostwyrm from the icc achieve
Survival hunter is a FOTM spec that will get nerfed back to irrelevancy soon. Don't invest in it.
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its really really funny to see all the scarlet RPers suddenly trade in their armor and tabards for arathi shit, anyone else notice that? ill find some examples later
Imagine the smell...
Rogue but somehow even less fun and half your talents don't even affect you at all but you still have high dps for no reason and it's not satisfying
Necrolord mounts in SL are nice
It's really boring
now do a flying mount version because ground mounts are useless
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Rogue, but rotation isnt piano*
Do any of you faggots own a monitor arm? I need a recommendation. Everything I can see looks like chinkshit so I dont know what to buy

World of Warcraft.
>playing killing spree
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Did I fuck up
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We need Borrowed Powers back. Expansions are boring without it.
kill yourself
reminder that if you do soloshitter content like delves or follower dungeons you will NEVER be good at the game, you will ALWAYS be shit, you will NEVER be validated by NPCs, you avoided the judgement of real players and FOREVER will be a total LOSER
No fuck off
What do you think hero talents are retard
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why is this allowed
World buffs in vanilla are borrowed power, go there if you want
it's over.
not sure if I agree but based
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>Saw a dwarf in orgrimmar yesterday
God this shit's so lame. really, ruins the fucking lore and immersion, garbage ass game is beyond saving. first draenei and brown orc warlocks, now this shit. why cant these fuckers write good shit?
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>Pilav is back
>Sneedocado is skinny again
>TWW is bussin
>Anduin has a good character arc
>A DEI character is actually enjoyable
The great blooming era is upon us SAAAARS
Hero talents aren't going anywhere.
:( I thought it would be good to be able to make all the mail armor
Was I really supposed to just randomly guess which slot of armor to max out
>play ass rogue
>just press 5 buttons on cooldown for solid dps
>people think you are a god gamer because rogue is “hard”
>same 5 buttons delete people in pvp
>hero talents mostly passive so I don’t have to think
Truly a patrician class
>smoke break
>wife aggro
>baby's crying
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All thanks to Metzen-sama...
Dwarves are alliance though
I've had an ergotron LX for almost 3 years now and had no issues, but they're like $190
amazon basics used to sell their own rebranded version of it for half the price but I don't see it on amazon anymore
I say this when I want to leave a shitty group
whats wrong with my smell...
So are we not gonna talk about the Hammer of Light bug where you can spam it for 12 seconds as long as you have 5 HoPo?
boring passives?
How do you mean
mage bias
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very organic post
BfA surv was boss but the grenade rework really fucked it over
>Was I really supposed to just randomly guess which slot of armor to max out
that was one of your options. another option was to make an educated guess what would be more valuable based on stuff like mythic dungeon availability, what's in m+ this season, what's in the raid, etc. in terms of how easy it is to replace X slot.
You can still make it work you'll just need lots of concentration
Eventually you can max out everything, but I would pick a slot and get it to guaranteed r5 asap
>Pilav is back
tldr on what happened?
>A DEI character is actually enjoyable
Hello sirs
Why call it warbands instead of just account?
Im unironically positive right now about a lot of things. TWW not being total dog shit is helping in that regards. I'm really hopeful for Midnight
To pass it as a big feature
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Ofc nobody is up here.
just drop echoing and it's ez, that talent is pure garbage to play with.
He just kinda disappeared during SL I think and came back today
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i'm leveling dk then..again..
its the same shit. the earthen is what i meant. i mean its just lame. back then players hated the opposite faction. now we have this. + the expac is just alliance characters and anduin bitching.
God I wish I had a loving and committed dracthyr boyfriend
post tier 3 delve clear retarded noob
It's called kayfabe, faggot.
I'm shifting my focus to maxing out Armor Kits since people will always need these and just save Concentration for armors when someone wants to pay me to concentrate
where can i service this cutie? usuall EU so made a US char on MG and only just got out the tutorial area
because they have to rebrand anything to make it sound new and exciting
this is what I say about sub rogue
this is why I admire modern rogue players. you have to be the stinkiest dweeb to commit to this shit.
Nobody uses autism rotations outside of no life losers sorry
That seems a little much.
dracthyr spriest looks kinda bussin ngl
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nothing like a nice day of crafting at the forge
No one cares about faction war shit anymore. BFA is proof of that.
Thunder bluff
Titan shit was always dumb. No surprise there
BfW was proof people wanted faction wars, zoom zoom.
said like a shitter stuck in 1200 rating desu
I only play BGs(they are more fun than arena) so I don’t care.
Because "warbands" is sovlful. You wouldn't get it.
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It's better to know beforehand. I got thoroughly sodomized over it.
I spent a lot of time leveled one at the end of season 3 with the intent of maining it for season 4 and ahead but the spec was killed by the vote meme (they picked the worst T4 and made survival unusable for a whole season) then in 11.0 Blizzard dumbed it down by A LOT because that's what the retarded community wanted.
>metzen comes back
>writes yet another human / elf love subplot
>back then players hated the opposite faction
Catababby detected, cringe opinion disregarded.
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I am about to get some lunch but I can come to wherever you are
I need the stress relief after grinding professions and reputation
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Ofc nobody is down here.
I hate yawnbreaker
i agree but then why not remove factions. also the core of the game (at least for me) are the factions. dont mean both have to be at war 99% of the time but why cant they be like in WOTLK not friends but working togheter. what we have now is 100% lame. same shit as the guilnean quest. why would a forsaken character help those furries?
thats why youre stuck in 1200 lmao
I want to use one handed weapons
Dawnbreaker is kino
The player are the one that suck ass
Splitting the players into factions might have been fun 20 years ago but it's outdated and stupid today not to mention the problematic nature of it
came out as gay and had to hide from his brother trying to honor kill him
I don’t have a rating even sir why are you bullying me on the internet
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No, Go away, Me Busy.
>why would a forsaken character help those furries?
It's the right thing to do.
even if you drop ER the only other talent worth getting is the extra vanish charge but every node on the way to that is zzz
soothing darkness healing got nerfed to 15% and subterfuge does nothing for assassin
Did you try telling them in chat where to go, or did you sit in silence malding?
So, according to the new lore, there is a WHOLE ASS OTHER CONTINENT that apparently the Alliance and Horde never knew about, and on said continent is the Arathi Empire (which had previously been long thought dead)? And not a SINGLE PERSON from this Empire has ever attempted to contact the Eastern Kingdoms? And the Arathi Emperor apparently has godlike powers, but despite this, never did anything to help with the MULTIPLE WORLD ENDING CRISES?

I feel like Hallowfall's lore would've been so much better if the Arathi had just been trapped there for thousands of years so they never learned about their Empire's fall.
>cinderbrew meadery
>tank pulls entire first room and dies instantly
dungeons are so fucking bad right now someone fix this shit, players cannot be trusted. dungeons should be one pull at a time with doors preventing chain pulling.
but then again. the game today is played by dopamine addicted zoomers and casino freaks. so yeah. nothing of value was lost. people couldnt care less about the setting or lore. all these "people" care about are numbers popping on screen and the next dopamine hit.
I sat in silence malding, drinking beer and jamming to Hatsune Miku
bro turalyon is literally centuries old and spent the majority of his life constantly battling otherwordly demons
players are gonna die with these habits once mythics come out.
Yes, you're right, but I still rather playing without it.
>Maye shits up yet another thread with her samefagging
Wait and see. Trust the plan. Two more weeks. The king is back. Metzen will deliver.
Insecure horde-faggots are so pressed by Anduin it's insane. They see a male character displaying emotions and have a schizo melty.
xiv sounds more your speed buddy
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NA /wowg/ guild
has been baked and is
Remember to tick all filters if you don't find it (if you still don't find it then you're horde, keep reading for that)
We'll prolly do the usual, m+, raids and maybe some RBG if people are interested.

Community group for horde people to join and get invited: same name (Globo Fomo)
You can find both by looking for the community name, duh.

>Alliance but Cross faction and Cross realm
Base realm: NA Moonguard

Allowed but nothing in guild chat.
>Standard Roleplay

Answer the call, /wowg/ anons.
>They see a male character displaying emotions and have a schizo melty.
we've had to deal with thrall, saurfang and baine doing this for a while now
we're just a bit sick of it
its unironically over if this is your main
World of Alliance (and sometimes Horde, when we feel like it)
like i said, new to the realm and only level 10 so meet me in the flower shop on the canals, by the flight master
>Allowed but nothing in guild chat.
What made you add this
I wouldn't be mad if people didn't die
>dropping 3 frozen orbs at a time in battlegrounds
Nobody gets to have fun but me
right thing to do would to mana bomb all alliance capitals. kill both dracthyr and vulpera and send pandas back to pandaria.

>They see a male character displaying emotion
Anduin has been a bitch since mop
>b-but my daddy died im soooo sad :(((
>multiple supportive male figures supporting him
>i'm sooooo insecure....
>idk what to doooooo
really. its not even about being gay or not. but ffs who even wants to hear that dude whine endlessly for multiple expacs?
Take the Mayé-pill and start gooning to 'tas
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Okay, I'll go get my lunch now and meet you there in, say, 20 or so minutes give or take
>no borrowed worgen wife
>no worgen wife who does chores
>no systematic selection of worgen wife
>no worgen wife who grinds on you
>no gimmicky worgen wife
>no fiscally irresponsible worgen wife who buys a treadmill with your credit card
>no braindead worgen wife
>no environmentally conscious worgen wife who recycles
>no worgen wife who helps you put your shoes on before work with a shoehorn
>no tacked-on features for worgen wife
>no low-effort lazy worgen wife
>no worgen wife who wants you to filler her worgpussy
>no worgen tinker wife (love her regardless of mechanical expertise!!!)
>no worgen tinker wife it would be the WORST wife I would AN HERO if we married
>no worgen wife whose skin becomes pruned after spending too long swimming
>no caterer worgen wife who focuses her business on catering to the top 1% richest customers
>no worgen wife who panders to you
>no gatekeeping you from your worgen wife
>no RNG-based worgen wife acquisition
>no timegating you from your worgen wife
>no worgen wife who wants to do choreghast
>no worgen wife who wants to do snoreghast
>no worgen wife who wants to do boreghast
>no worgen wife who wants to do [something] 2.0
>no welfare legendaries for your worgen wife
>more fun and rewarding relationship with your worgen wife
>more evergreen trees for your worgen wife to sniff and pee on
>more bite-size dog treats for your worgen wife
i love dark iron dwarfussy...
I need so many valorstones and I'm tired of heroics
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Jesus fucking Crist alright the first porotype is eeeh "working".
Fucking hell, it is not the most unwieldy program I worked it, but it's close.
Now I need to make the surrounding triangles interlocking trapezoids and cover them with the big lance icon when you achieve 5 stacks or something like that. And make them on fire.
Ignore my interface it "In development".

What is the best program to redact .tga files? No adobe pls.
How autistic you think I am?
>more casual sex with your worgen wife
>more meaningful sex with your worgen wife
>more streamlined bathing suits for your worgen wife
>more world content for you to do with your worgen wife
>more focus on server community full of IRL worgen-IRL human couples
>more focus on guilds for matching IRL worgen-IRL human couples
>more customisation for worgen female
>more player dating agencies for IRL worgen women
>more meaningful relationship with your worgen wife
>more deterministic methods of acquiring worgen wife
>more unique worgen wives
>better balance between different worgen wives
>better parity between worgen wives
>better classes on using kitchen utilities to prepare a healthy meal for your worgen wife
>better character progression for your worgen wife's story arc
>nerf Flavor of the Month ice creams due to your Worgen Wife's oversensitive tastebuds
>make levelling with your worgen wife on important issues meaningful
>more hardcore worgen wife sex
>make epic worgen wife sex feel like epic worgen wife sex
>bring back real treasured moments with your worgen wife
>bring back real rare steaks for your worgen wife to chew on
>bring back flavor abilities to entice your classicfag worgen wife into playing with you
>bring back old school RPG aspects to entice your classicfag worgen wife into playing with you
>bring back daily sex with worgen wife
>bring back world PvP where the loser has to have sex with a female worgen
>bring back flying worgen wives
>bring back outdoor sex with worgen wife
>playable worgen
>playable wives
>playable half worgen half wives
>playable high society worgen wives (real ones)
>worgen wife class
>more worgen wife lore
>gilneas revamp
>give lorna crowley more time in the spotlight
>remove factions so I can play alliance worgen wives or horde worgen wives
If you dont have 2k valor by season start youre bricked right?
don't forget tanks just blasting past the entire hallway after that room and the brew totems everyone ignores going off behind them and hitting them with the stacking DoT that ignores LoS
Brick this
*unzips dick*
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>Andy arc
>mced into killing a bunch of people whoa re already dead
>hide for an expansion to have a cry
>come back to have a magical negro to say "it's not your fault"
>gets over it immediately
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>join dungeon
>kill one boss
>entire gorup leaves
>repeat every time
Blizzard needs to start banning these niggers from doing random dungeons for days/weeks.
Sorry is Anduin having his 15th crisis of faith? I can never tell since that's all he seems to be doing for most of his life. Genuinely why isn't he a monk at this point, could finally drown his sorrows
why tf does that happen
unironically just ask chatgpt to make it
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Why do they think like this?
jus want that sac trink lil bro
I've decided on a solution
I will make this rogue a pvper
thankfully it wasn't my main
the gold sucks but fuck it
Sacbrood trinket is bis for most specs so people are popping in to kill that one boss and then leaving
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Faggots are target farming specific items and when the item doesn't drop they leave and if you kill atleast one boss you don't even get the deserter debuff.
What compels someone to do this.
What's the best way to farm it at this point?
>farming for a specific trinket that will be outperformed by any m0 trinket that drops next week
do people really
Mods cleaned it up faster than i thought lmao>>493567869
poland url
to make you mad
There's nothing else to do this week unless you want to farm gold and work on professions
What the fuck else is there to do
I'm literally just curious though
Taking a break for four years has really opened my eyes just how utterly embarassing it is to get bent out of shape about Other Faction.
The heroic masculinity of well-written characters and the ceaseless screeching of tribalistic spergs because someone killed the Flight Master have absolutely nothing to do with each other.
its prob the same guy that showed off his tinder and it was all ukrainian milfs
theyre watching
who is barry
WoW won

nikocado avocado won

wowchads won

they fucking won
>Shadowpriest Dractyr
Are the Dracthrys the druids of the WorldSoul Saga? With tons of super comfy, based and kino special transmog or forms or spells?
I think you are lying. Not only do they get an account wide 30min queue ban, I've never once seen that happen.
gather herbs :3
damn blizzard really took the level 80 popularity chart hard. you will play a dracthyr and you will like it
what do we think about people with avatars in this thread
>Walk into Mereldar
>Carrying Strom'kar
>No one says a thing.
Niggers because thats what they are, shitting up the thread since WOD
Are these people in the room with us right now?
You had Cataclysm. You've had enough WoW being yours for the next fifty years.
sex with their avatars
>since wod

they've been a cancer since early mop
true dat
Why would anyone give a shit about some relic from several thousand years ago from a continent that they left behind and have had no contact with for millennia?
Do you jizz yourself when someone shows you a dusty African relic?
So monks have an ability that teleports them to an island full of pandaren, alcohol and monks of other races?
I don't think people want to play a gay sparkledragon even if racial glide and 2 stops is useful
Same with the Arathor Battle Tabard
so rogues have an ability to like go under dalaran more? wow
our class hall was DESTROYED
Is this what it's like to be an American? No cultural roots and a fixation on Africans? White people aren't from Africa by the way.
yes and thats bad because only pandaren should have been monks. I rerolled when I saw the order hall and whats in it. given the class campaign it was a good decision. even priests had it better
>He doesn't want to play a Dragon mage
>you faggots have been crying nonstop about avatars since mop
>nothing has changed
>avatars still post here frequently
Priests had Xal'amommy
That was basically the whole point
get it

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Nobody cares about the shitter bro.
We are going home!
White people are yakubians you fucking retard
My negro its the Sword of Thoradin
Its the Weapon that FOUNDED the Arathi Empire.
Lost for thousands of Years after Thoradins disappearance and death.
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I enjoyed torghast and i'm not sorry.
>she didnt take the waxpill
oof sister
dragon race from a game that makes dragons dangerous and foreboding maybe

dragon race that looks like a demented autistic ERP addicted cumbrain's self insert? no.
it was a STORM DRAIN not a SEWER
Cute townhall, are the peasants going to come out to mine some gold and cut some lumber?
explain how Horde could get worgen wives considering the entire race is just a front for Genn getting knotted
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You just digging up earth and turning in the wax?
considering that Thoradin buckbroke the Amani so hard it somehow imbued his sword with a magic aura that scares ALL TROLLS EVERYWHERE, yeah they should remember it
It founded the Empire of Arathor.
Then hundreds of years later, elves and men from the Empire of Arathor went on an expedition to a distant land where they were stranded and founded their own Arathi Empire with blackjack and hookers.
After millennia of culture separation, they have no reason to give a fuck about anything from the Eastern Kingdoms. If anything, they'll just think Strom'kar is cute and quaint, the same way that Americans think of the British.
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We had this for years and they decided we'd want Twink scalies instead
yes dalaran has sewers
the rogue class hall was in a storm drain
anybody got an herb/ore spot to farm where you can just sit there and wait for the node to respawn like the one area in revendreth or what
storm drain these nuts
Sorry Kang but Min Min has been hanging out with Knotley the worgen monk. You have to accept that nobody would play monks if they were pandaren only.
smelly rogue cope
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Which in? I want to experience this
still coming?
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>2024... I am forgotten...
sentinel is so fucking stupid i hate this piece of shit owl lunar storm ability fucking randomly activating volley
what the fuck were they thinking making BOTH marksmanship hero trees about elflarp did they forget this class can equip crossbows and guns too
this is supposed to be the mm/surv crossclass tree and it has fucking nothing to do with either one they added like five explosive shot talents to surv in this expansion and mm already had salvo and instead of like a gearbox dwarf/goblin engineer bomber subspec its just fucking blue starry night elf shit that nobody asked for
fuck blizzard, fuck women, fuck elves
But I play a panda monk, that's at least one.
Thats cool post your hips
>that size difference
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I need to get him to max level and find a convincing transmog..
those look pretty retarded too desu but I agree the dracthyr are legitimately the ugliest most hideous and failed dragon race I have ever seen in a videogame in my entire life it's honestly impressive how bad they are

which is sad because the whole angle of their story as a race and how they came to be/the whole identity crisis aspect of realizing an insane old god controlled maniac created you to be essentially a race of murderous infantry to serve the interests of unspeakable evils is honestly a cool idea. it even plays well into them having all of the dragon aspects magics because the dragon race is more or less a group of spiritual homunculi that would be seen as grotesque freaks by "real" dragons. the fact that the troon dragoons arent hated and reviled by just about all the dragon races is super odd to me given the context of their existence.
your cat is actually a night elf anon... im sorry...
If you took an American and showed them actually Excalibur, it would make an impression.
What's a good way to get geared at level 80? I feel like I'm struggling a bit in the damage department.
>thalassian elf that could knock up a tauren
>wastes time with alex
absolutely retarded take
it would be more like a brit arriving in the US carrying fucking Excalibur, except in this setting the sword isn't just a myth
Hi dracthyr look fucking retarded, that will be all.
Thank you
loreletbro... Krasus is a red dragon whose visage form is a high elf...
>Aw, how cute! It's one of them dinky little swords that them knights used to fight with back in ye olde days! That should really be in a museum, you know.
New meta inc non dragon chud
They also talk like some kind of parody of a furry, I hated ruby life pools so much because of the fucking guide talking like a retarded faggot.
Don't you love magical owl dropping magical shits?
I play surv and I absolutely loathe how it clashes visually with literally everything else surv has in non-hero talents.
And the Pack Leader might not have any visuals at all, because if it has, then they've done a really shit job.
avatarfrens are frens
>And the Pack Leader might not have any visuals at all, because if it has, then they've done a really shit job.
It doesn't. Literally none.
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still better than the visage
inability to understand anachronism and analogy is the sign of a nigger-tier "intellect" btw
Your concession is noted
has anyone tried solo'ing dragonflight raids yet?
literally all of that is headcanon you sperg
He is a fucking tranny faggot. With a fucking lisp.
I absolutely loathe how disneyfied the whole thing was.
>yaaaaay a dragon Hogwarts-like school of magic for dragons!
Cats are vicious little killers anon and your subconcious knows it. Like a house cat is basically a demon, they kill shit for fun and they torment their live victims to amuse themselves.

A house cat is small so its not a threat to us but you scale it up and cats are the single most dangerous predator a human can encounter. Your low level programming knows that you cat is a dangerous thing. Your high level overrides and says no its fine I feed him were friends and he's too small to be a threat. But you inner pre-human monkey brain still sees the felid and is uncomfortable.

Cats are terrifying Predators, and its only because we are smarter than them they we have been able to breed them into cute useful pets, but that was done precisely because of how skillfully and willing they kill stuff.
Still wasting time with alex. He should meet a real brood mother
mark twain was right
joke's on me I guess
>they could have been cool like drakkonid
>instead they are some artist's scalie fetish insert
So what class will be the fotm after the 11.0.5 patch based on the current ptr patch notes?
>trying to have a discussion on site where everyone is a contrarian

just call people hard R
>>Aw, how cute! It's one of them dinky little swords that them knights used to fight with back in ye olde days! That should really be in a museum, you know.
Only a genuine retard would see the real life mythical excalibur (or any mythologically/culturally relevant magical artifact) and say this.
Past 8 years old every cat, even one that hasn't been snipped, gives increasingly less of a shit about killing or fighting anything.
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>High elves please
Here, have void elves
>Vrykul please!
Here, have kul tiran fatties
>Cool ass dragonkin
Here, have some faggy twink scalies that can't even wear armor

They are just trolling at this point. There is no other explanation.
palaGODS because both ret and prot are getting buffed and the updated T2 is coming along
every CHUDadin-in-waiting in the game is in the process of raising an erection just thinking about this
Marksman hunter if the dark ranger changes give it top tier dmg
? :(
Enhancement is so fucking ruined. Paladins will be good i guess. Mistweaver looks to be a bit better, if you're into that sort of thing.
I want to know who thought diapergnomes was a good idea
they can't have actually thought anyone would play that humiliation ritual of an allied race
Except Strom'kar isn't relevant to the new Arathi Empire at all, they're something new and separate with their own culture. Besides, they have their own magical mythological shit that's way more relevant to them. Strom'kar and anything else from the Eastern Kingdoms is a cute little curiosity, nothing more.
Evidently not. Probably because you can't shoot up a school or fail to depose tyrants with it.
wow won

ozempic won

wowchads won

nikocado avocado won

they fucking won
>Add mag'har
>they don't have half of the fucking options that WoD npcs had
>normal orcs now have triple the options in all categories
every day we are reminded that the average american is a retarded nigger that can't conceive of a world outside of the very short existence of their own country and the vapidity of their culture
Hero talents aren't going anywhere in the next exp. Blizz will treat them like another talent tree.
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You win.
If the Arathi are anything like you, they definitely wouldn't give a shit about anything.
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I'm going MM if they keep it like this.
Thought I could go Surv for once, actually main it and not just dick around in random BGs, but they are sucking all the fun out of it, just slap a giant CD on shit and make everyone use the eagle stabby shit AND remove the CD reduce from it.
But then I hate the dark ranger shit both visually and the fact that it's based on the screaming bitch, making a gun look totally retarded with the spec.
Might as well get back to my paladin or monk.
This looks like a failed ya novel protagonist
That dungeon voice lines were unbearable to listen.
Is there some kind of anglocuck seething that they're washed up?
>Except Strom'kar isn't relevant to the new Arathi Empire at all, they're something new and separate with their own culture. Besides, they have their own magical mythological shit that's way more relevant to them.
this isnt how cultures develop nor is it how the human attitude towards ancient history is treated by any group of people in the history of mankind btw
>is a cute little curiosity, nothing more.
there are people right now who trace their ancestry with intense pride and emotional weight back to people who lived several thousands of years ago. "cute little curiosity" is not the attitude these people would have about the forefathers of their entire cultural and civilizational birthplace. seriously just think about the things you are writing they make absolutely no fucking sense when you try to imagine someone actually doing them.
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I do I cope with the fact blizzard will probably never get rid of the horde / alliance split because they're clinically retarded?
fucking hell why do I click things??
why did they have to make them the au draenor orcs? couldn't they have just been unlockable skin colors for regular orcs?

>bleeding hollow orcs still exist in outland
>plenty of regular maghar orcs in garadar
>blackrock orcs could have been brought back into the fold on azeroth
>dont know if the frostwolves all got pozzed with the fel sickness
I would be upset as well if the capital of my country was filled with rogues stabbing people
Yes. We're all anglocucks here. You're right about everything.
holy kekino
why does wod exist

who though this will ever make sense
what the actual demonic shit is this
Cause they were a vehicle for lightforged instead of an actual option
>ok but what if american DIDN'T have guns since the inception of their country and still fought with swords, would excalibur be a big deal?
>watchu talkin' bout? but we did always have gunz 'n shiieet
Someone post steve the loser showing off hos coustom made hogwarts want
They likely want to add the shattered hand albino orcs and lightforged Garrosh Heavenwhisper appearances eventually because the gray ones with implants are meant to be burning blade due ro the same look being used for them in WoD
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Ahhh sorry anon I'm back, I got IRL aggro'd. I apologize for making you wait. Are you still here? D:
Why can't I delete my last pet as hunter? Thats so annoying
What really irks me about void elves in particular is that I accepted the "there aren't enough high elves left" excuse years ago and then we just got funky elves with an even lower population
Brits are so thin skinned. Holy hell
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jaguars used to prey on proto-humans. for 1-2 million years. jaguars are the ripped muscle cats that hunt those small crocodiles. picture it, they'd sneak up on people sitting at campfires, or foraging, and clamp down on the top of the skull, biting it off to eat the brain. front fangs usually in the eyes. they're more wary now, it's rare for any big cats to try move in on humans as a primary food source. and no wonder, ancestors probably hunted them shitless once they had better tools and knowledge.
Void Elves are based because they're repellant to belffags who want to infiltrate the Alliance and shit up our faction even more than the nelfags are doing.
Mountain lions hunt people like that to this day.
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the kicker is that blizzard then caved in and added high elf customization options to them a while later
if they were going to do that, why not just add high elves in the first place and have alleria's plot be her own unique thing?
>They're based cause they're the worst of all three
Do alliancefags reall?
Hey faggots, made a huntard back in slopmix to collect bows, crossbows and guns appearances since they will not drop on a warrior because huntard is agi class and war is str class, any pets that can interrupt casts?
is no fun allowed still around?
Do you see any sign of the Hallowfall Expedition giving a fuck about being in contact with people from their ancient homeland? No. They've grown beyond that. The Eastern Kingdoms aren't something to viewed with "intense pride" or "emotional weight," they're something that they left behind millennia ago and grew beyond. Just because some people are retarded enough to obsess over their heritage, that doesn't mean that everyone else has to.
>mountain lions
>a threat to anybody
Lol they're tiny little critters, just punch it...
>actually mountain lions are cougars, and I'm thinking of lynxes
Wait, no, don't do that lol
glad we don't have them here kek
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At this point you probably can't. All of our relevant characters are long since dead. Every single Horde leader dating back to the Warcraft 3 days, besides Thrall, is dead/gone. The RP scene is completely dead ever since Void Elves were given to Alliance, Forsaken lost their leader, and we've been neutered beyond belief. Shit is bad and if this expansion is any indication it's not going to get any better from here.
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While waiting to see if anon were still around, I found this charismatic fellow

Anon if you are still around I'm sorry D: I feel like such a jerk but got life aggro'd :c
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>go to cinderwold
>turn on humanoid tracking
>find a tank player farming for the mount and just follow him around letting him tank the bees for me
>skin everything he leaves behind
it's free

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kinda funny
>The Eastern Kingdoms aren't something to viewed with "intense pride" or "emotional weight," they're something that they left behind millennia ago and grew beyond. Just because some people are retarded enough to obsess over their heritage, that doesn't mean that everyone else has to.
incredibly jewish take
this is why the americas are such a shit heap
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damn this buck got broken hard
That was a mistake, fortunately even something as small as having a void elf voice and lore associated with the void is enough to be too impure for the belfag to consider
World of Warcraft is not about getting what you want, it's about denying people you don't like from getting what they want. Always has been.
Their first mistake was listening to forum nerds sending insuling needle bombs to dev mailboxes because of Ion denying high elves as a realistic option. If they wanted to keep the void thing they could have handwaved the racials as them being High elves that were too long in Outland or some shit. Instead they rushed and we got cringe to the point that they sucked the forum cocks and instead of expanding appearance options and lore they just threw the blood elf skintones there and called it a day. Now we are in a shit situation where Alleria will fuck over all the Thalassian elven lore in 2 expansions and likely ruin anything interesting blood elves had going on by becoming queen of Silvermoon. All of this over a sidestory in Legion

Dracthyr won.
based chud
>Every single Horde leader dating back to the Warcraft 3 days, besides Thrall, is dead/gone.
this is what the problem is and why the horde is done
all the actual heroes of the horde are long dead, it's literally just thrall and a bunch of literal whos that no-one cares about now
>incredibly jewish take
>this is why the americas are such a shit heap
you say this but every time an american tries to take pride in their heritage they're laughed at with some great intensity by the people actually from that country
Even as furry I hate them but every single of them is annoying faggot special snowflake that thinks he is unique and interesting. They are all fucking cunts but cry bitch tear if you don't like them. Don't get me started where they never tell you what gender they are so they have a reason to be upset at you. They stand out so badly compared to other furry races.
You were having a lot of fun roleplaying in Cataclysm, beating up and pissing on alliance players during Blizzcon. Why don't you just cherish those memories forever?
don't care
waiting for high elves and ogres
WoWchads won...

They fucking won...
How bannable and detectable are model edits?
Is it an instant perma or just a warning/3 day?
i just want big titty elfs.
yuropoors can't accept they're ubiquitous. They've been seething about it all during the 20th century
this, but also amani trolls
We will literally be playing World of Dracthyrcraft in the next few weeks. Any last words?
Because americans just sell it to the jews in hollywood as a humiliation ritual. If they actually took pride in their heritage they wouldn't humiliate it, would they?
I wonder how much work it would take internally to just merge down the customization options for all the copied ally races into their base race
My brother in Naaru, the Horde racial populations on rp servers stabilized because half of the blood elves were alliance mains that hated the faction. The last few that remain will be taken behind the shed by the writing team for liking orc pussy during Midnight.
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Titty model edits do not receive punishment at all. The last banwave was back in BFA and was immediately reversed
The only mods they ban like that are the ones that make BG flags huge or mining nodes big, etc. But tits are fine
horde already have forest trolls skins
>every time
I don't believe it
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velfs won
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doo dee doo dee doo dee doo dee :)
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I don't like this current aura of defeatism that is pervasive if you play Horde. Sure, we aren't really in the best spot lorewise, but it's not over. I think Metzen and co. can bring about a Kino redemption for the Horde. Let Blizzard cook.
Hug wowg anons
Hold hands with wowg anons
Cuddle with wowg anons
Love wowg anons
There were horde populations on roleplay servers?
looks cool
not good enough
zul'jiin needs to come back as well
Neat, now to get perma'd within 30 minutes of using the edit.
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I hope some day we truly get more body types within reason and new underwear options.
I don't think Amani would like to join a faction with blood elves...
>I wonder how much work it would take internally to just merge down the customization options for all the copied ally races into their base race
will unironically probably happen in midnight, screenshot this post btw
>Horde racial populations on rp servers stabilized because half of the blood elves were alliance mains that hated the faction
Not my problem.
A belffag is not an alliance main, a belffag is a belffag is a belffag. Just a vain little barbie who wants to be the most perfect elf ever and the Alliance is just another gold star to put on their RP profile.
Void elves are how we true Alliance chads can make a thalassian elf alt to support our human male paladins, and have no pretense to being the supreme elf species towering over humans like the belfag or the nelfag cunts.
It is a shitton of fuck but still a fuckton of shit. EU is healing slowly but NA might be too cooked because they were the main HELF pushers anyways
yes anon the average person from any country "sells themselves to the jews in hollywood as a humiliation ritual" do you even read the buzzword salad you spew or is it just an unconscious response to stimuli
soz :( ill be there in 10
I used model edits for a year straight and nothing happens
Flagrantly posted several pics of me using them too, nothing happens
Blizz doesn't care about cosmetic client-side changes like that, cope
Metzen has already declared Midnight, the expansion set in Quel'thalas, the land of the blood elves, to be all about elven reunification. It's going to be a humiliation ritual of Lor'themar kneeling before and apologising to everyone who isn't a blood elf.
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The last few are just too based. I hope they can beat down the shooters behind the shed
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Uhh... Hordebros...?
who said anything about joining the horde?
zul'jin will be reborn as an alliance troll
yeah that would be cool
>Kills Lor'themar and has Windrunner take the reins so a neutral silvermoon can be built (it is a void elf capital)
Blood elves aren't Horde. If you want blood elves and nightborne to be in the Horde just to pad your numbers, you're not a real Horde either.
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>get a few compliments about a transmog
>become another avatarfag
holy based metzen
total bl*od elf death
the existence of a the gay horde implies the original horde is the straight horde
we're winning hordebros
You just know Turalyon will suck Lor'themar off to try and get Alleria back there
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>tfw got compliments on transmog and never posted that character again
What barriers are even left for faction merging anyways
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Didn't Arthas eradicate all high elves?
even when he is chud
he is chad
>You're not a real Horde
Anon this isn't warham or tes. Alliance will always suck elf dick
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Tauren are an Alliance race.
>Log on to my alt I haven't touched in years
>Get two compliments at the bat

Granted I am not sure if they were flirting this it was like my only female character.
playable draenei orc hybrids
Lor'themar is literally the only other character aside from Thrall and Baine that is from that era of Warcraft, and while he's obviously quite the popular character, considering that there's clearly going to be some shenanigans with the Sunwell, who fucking knows if he's going to be on his way out, too. Blizzard can't stop killing off every single fucking character we have, and it's just a personal attack on us at this point. That's not even getting into all the apology tour shit. Alliance characters are allowed to rage about the Horde all day long, but the Horde isn't allowed to return the favor. It's extremely apparent that the writers have it out for us, because our faction for too long has been the faction of 'toxic masculinity', and you can't have that in modern Warcraft.

They "cooked" with BfA and that expansion was complete and total dogshit for us. None of the current writers know what it means to be Horde the same way the old writers did because they only write for the Alliance for the sole purpose of adding more POC characters to Warcraft. They forced Talanji to get over the death of her father in a throwaway line last expansion, you really think things are looking up for us? The Baine questline was a step in the right direction, but of course you just had to have the Tauren essentially be told to get over their transgressions with the Centaur despite everything that they've done to them and be forced to cooperate and more or less apologize for their racism.
Then there's basically no Horde players aside from the people just playing it for the racials.
When you hear "mechagnomes" you think of the little robot dudes hanging around outside ulduar, not these weird amputees
Even had they used the Mimiron design for them they'd still be niche.
I don't think black people would want to live in a country containing white people...
He tried. Wasn't super successful and then the alliance closed the door on 'em, which they realized a mistake by Wrath
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>posted my good transmog
>only one reply and it was somebody asking what a certain piece was
>open character creator
>they are on the h*rde side
Why did you lie to me anon
>tauren are alliance
>blood elves are alliance
>nightborne are alliance
>undead are alliance
it's over
No faggot, the traitorous ones became blood elves and joined the Hordelets while the loyal ones are still high elves

Although with Metzen saying unite the scattered elven tribes in Midwoke, they might just be back as neutral race
The future of Warcraft?
Silvermoon and Suramar where Blood Elves, Nightborne, High Elves, Void Elves and Highborne all live together in peace.
Gilneas and Lordaeron, where humans, worgen, forsaken and lightforged undead live together in peace.
The new world tree where night elves, tauren, goblins and dragons live together in peace.
Orgrimmar where orcs, dwarves, trolls and vulpera live together in peace.
Belf bros...not like this
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Sorry as well D: I feel really awful being late but irl happens. I should be good now

I am at the flower shop!

Gonna be honest this is the only time I've ever wanted to make a priest
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I am kind of surprised there isn't an option for them. You see one accepted in the heritage quest for draenei. I like them more then the weird half elfs.
Blood Elves could have been cool if Blizzard leaned into the mana dependency stuff more. They look badass in art. I blame the playerbase more so than Blizzard at this point for why they got the reputation they did.
>nightborne says mud huts is smelly
>dung beetles are seen everywhere

Remember that, orc illegals
Horde players are the gigachads who win every race to world first, every mythic + tournament and every world pvp event, as well as the masses of the Horde community who work together as a family in split-runs, gold farms and other useful activities to ensure that the Horde can achieve victory in all aspects of the Craft of War. Lok'tar Ogar!
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How do I get the Abominable Stitching plate transmog set starting from scratch? Is it hard and/or time-consuming?
I re-entered Oribos for the first time since the last day of SL to start progressing towards this and I felt ill
I miss the superiority mana addict elves, nightborne just dont cut it after they gutted belves to pander to alliance elf fags
I only rolled a belf because I liked being around orc, troll, tauren and goblin women as a pale as fuck elfbro. All my alliance characters are worgen though
Their storyline got solved by the end of TBC and neutered their personality.
Great taste
>tauren and goblin women
based af
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Why aren't there more Black Female paladins in this game? Is Blizzard racist or something?
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You mean the stone masonry, timber, and leather houses?
go back to your shit general
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what was funnier
>i will never serve
>khadgar in an arcane wheelchair
fucking love the wow story its so fucking funny
i was laughing tears after both but i think khadgar might be funnier since you dont need to know the whole backstory to appreciate the joke
90% of their race was wiped out and Lor'themar is just some high ranking ranger dude who happens to be the highest ranking dude left alive. Hes literally not a leader and hes just trying to do whats best for his people.

I feel like their lack of a presence at IOC really cemented them as a side character race. They should have played a much larger role in that campagin and in celebrating Arthas' defeat. But then again, they still to this day have not updated silvermoon...so we literally never got any in game representation of their progression as a race.
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Does death charge not have the passive you can't be slowed below 70%? Kind of shitty if that's the case.
a mudhut by any other name
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I can't tell if this is a real post
loktar! i fortified these walls with tauren shit
Vengeance for Zul'jin!
t. darkspear tribe troll
You can really tell this queer shit is someone's pet project.
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"I will never serve" just such a specific rage towards hack writers. Sylvanas is EVIL. It's not fucking grey and white with her. She is fucking despicable and beautiful all at once. And there's nothing wrong with that. BUT NO. California fags at Blizzard can't have a woman be bad -- she needs to be a grey area hero just like in my Game of Thrones books. I'm so glad the decisions makers that brought us Shadowlands are gone from the company.
my race wishlist:
- evil high elves, with cool dark old-god themed badass skins
- "reverse demon hunters", draenei with holy skin and yellow tattoos
- cyborg gnomes, normal gnomes that augmented themselves with tech
- "azerite earthen" dwarves like magni
- "thin drakonid" an elite supersoldier drakonid created by nefarians experiments. they have the power of all 5 dragon types combined. they were born in ancient history as deathwings ultimate warriors, but due to an accident where they were frozen in time, they have the mind of a 12 year old boy still with all the powers of dragons.
- lastly, I want new skins dark iron dwarf, muscly human etc. BUT THESE NEED TO BE A NEW RACE. with their own racials and hairstyles to help differentiate them personality wise.
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the reason why Blood Elves joined the Horde is because they were evil just like the rest of the chud races on there. mana crack addicts who kill for it, kidnapping a naaru to use its power and keeping slaves? the ultra gigachad race.
the male trolls' /charge emote in wow is literally "for zul'jin" or someshit
>proceeds to go team up with a FUCKING ELF and murder him in tbc
total metzen death
Desu looks cozy. Living as a kodo herder and wandering between Southern and Northern Barrens before resting in here for the night eating well cooked boar hunch and cactus fruit
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stop this gif makes me laugh everytime
It just sums SL up so well
Random weird alien shit happening -> Baine scratches his ass
And she does serve worgen cock, so it's just not true.
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you'll cowards can't never tame this belfussy
They're not evil though.
everything is fucking bugged
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You mean same fag with different avatar.
rope, greenskin
>lorelets can't tell the difference between amani trolls and darkspear trolls
it only ever loosely made sense when they were evil like everyone else on the horde (other than the cows ofc)
making them good again at the end of TBC was fucking retarded
I wonder if kodo are chill outside mating season because nothing really threatens them, or if they got hippo aggression somehow.
Warcraft 3 should never have happened. Warcraft 1 and 2 were probably not necessary either. And honestly we didn't need vanilla, TBC or WotLK. The real game started when Garrosh became warchief, and it ended when we were forced to betray him...
no it wasn't
I like their redemption
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A fucking cube
nice reading comprehension retard
the male playable DARKSPEAR TROLL's /charge emote is literally "For Zul'jin" you dumb cunt
Watch this get nerfed next patch.
Frost dk has to many buttons. Is there any dps that does the same damage bit only have a few buttons?
I want to pump her womb full of my cum
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This elf boy is aight...
This is a reference to Samwise Didier cube in Warcraft 3.
"I will never serve" is the single most explosively bad plot point in all of modern vidya
It makes no sense on literally any level, it's so fucking funny. Literal years of a dumbfuck plot where the audience was just waiting for some grand reveal and the reveal is that WoW's de facto main character is a paint drinker but it's portrayed as a memorable, heroic, triumphant heel turn. It's so BAD
It's the moment a 20 year long established franchise, once the greatest IP in the world, totally killed any attachment its fanbase had to it
The entire playerbase fucking hated the Sylvanas Show but "I WILL NEVER SERVE" turned mass sneers into mass schadenfreude
the rest of shadowlands e.g. I Met God She's Trans, Helm of Domination destroyed and replaced with a Burger King Crown, DE FRACTILZ....DE BATTERNZ..., the cosmos divided shit, it's all gravy. WoW's entire existence only served to make "I will never serve" more bombastically bad
happy for you anon
I still think it was terrible but at least someon liked it
you know xalatath isnt actually an elf, right
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>Guild tries to entertain banter with me because I'm the sole alliance player
>"Your warchiefi sucks" refering to Anduin
>Atleast I have one meanwhile you guys have the fucking mud hutt senate over there, while we have Turalyon
>Yeah but we got the best character in the game
>"Sylvanas, I can't wait for her redemption arc"
If you guys wonder how could the story be that sloppy for so long, there you have it
>Sylvie will be back in Midwoke
>horribly insufferable just like in the last Arthas cinematic where she had to make it about her
Masterclass writing
I am just glad that people are waking up to the fact Sylvanas is nothing like Kerrigan at all, in fact Alleria is much more similar to Kerrigan from Starcraft 2 plot.
Horde's always been shafted in favor of the Alliance storywise. Blood Elves had their entire storyline completely dropped in favor of Warcraft 3 nostalgia. Cataclysm was quite possibly the only expansion in which the Horde got some definitive victories, but it was extremely short lived. In the very next expansion, it was back to shitting all over the Horde once again. To the point where you had Wrathion outright admitting that the plan was to have the Alliance completely slaughter the Horde at the end of SoO. We've never been able to catch a break. The only Horde bias that exists in WoW is the fact that we get torn apart onscreen far more frequently. You can't even have a character like Thrall doing something important the way he did back in Cataclysm without people throwing an absolute shit-fit. If an Alliance character was the one to wield the Dragon Soul and act as the replacement for the Earth Warder, no one would have complained about it at all, and that's a fact.

Neither of you actually pay any attention to the story and it shows. Thrall's Horde has never been evil. The entire purpose as to why Thrall even adopted the name Horde to begin with was to prove themselves and that they could be so much more than what was to be expected of them. You Alliance propagandists really need to quit shilling this narrative so frequently.
they should just remove haste and give everyone a baseline 30% of it
I unironically truly want Sylvanas back.
The story will be repugnant garbage either way, at least Sylvanas has a god tier voice actress
Well where are the high elves? I can't remember ever seeing one. The windrunners don't count, they are all horrid abominations.
But anon she's exactly like Kerrigan.
Exactly what the fetish called for
>The story will be repugnant garbage either way,
Shit take.
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Jaina is canonically a murdering psychopath, so this checks out actually.
They should remove Versatility already since literally nobody on this entire planet who plays the video game likes it or finds it to be an interesting stat.
what's with your schizo obssession with kerrigan/alleria/sylvanas?
can I get a QRD?
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So, most of the notable leaders tend to be priests?
I guess that kinda makes sense, since they deal with hearts and minds of people. Just never noticed that before, lol.
Northrend and Legion Dalaran?
what the fuck
tailoring gave me enough exp to gain 2 levels but enchanting gives nothing
Dont worry anon they will nuke the Sunwell but shrug it off instead of using the biggest lore opportunity to bring black tar heroin elves back
Dalaran, for the most part. Veresa's the closest thing they have to a leader.
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beautifully written
i dont get it
Yes, Alleria is exactly like Kerrigan and she even has a marine boyfriend. Metzen has a type and Sylvanas wasn't it.
Spam heroics
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I'm ready to game
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This niggas wearing a wedding garter
Alleria's not purple. She doesn't fit the type especially since her bf isn't a marine
yeah they should just get rid of it and bake the damage reduction component into mastery too
Wow nice mog I bet this elf has long slender feet
enchanting has always been the worst profession
people mock inscription as being the most useless but enchanting is actively bad. unless you're a massive AH goblin with shitloads of capital and nostradamus predictions, you will NEVER make money on enchanting AND you're pissing away TONS of gold disenchanting shit
Well I never spent much time in Dalaran. Not a big fan of that city. If I ever saw one in there, they probably were just copies of blood elves and.. well that's not very interesting.
gooning to elves
I know you are really obssessed with an evil/void/Kerrigan Alleria but you're hard reaching dude
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Yeah, Vol'jin
hes a shadow HUNTER bwo
That's kind of the point anon. Alliance players hate that
The quickest RD I can give you is that back in BfA there were already rumours that Sylvanas would be redeemed as a Kerrigan 2.0, and I denied it because the character differences between the two are so immense that nobody could possibly be so fucking stupid.
And then Danuser did it anyway.
Now Metzen is back and he's actually making a Kerrigan 2.0 character except she doesn't have the inconvenience of having 8 billion casualties to her name, making it much easier for him to write her as a wholesome dark heroine.
in shadowglen
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Only in your shitty p2w spinoff game
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I think we got bamboozled, Hotsauce.
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Why haven't you taken the bald pill yet?
It's the ultimate anti-furry.
I love you
shadowhunter dumbass
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He was a witch doctor in WC3.
Desu Vol'jin's Horde aesthetic that lasted for like 2 days was pretty cool. It felt like an integration of all the Horde cultures into a well oiled machine. Walking around Ashran or the bases in WoD is neat because of the small attention to things and them remembering that they had more than 2 interspecies dynamics
pilavs new video is fucking hiarious
why is he laughing?
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Because bald elves remind me of this asshole
there's a couple of rural countryside lodges and also veressa's lackeys in what was once dalaran
if a single researcher's outpost is enough to make the void elves an allied race then this is enough to make high elves an allied race
shamans were the same way in vanilla until they got flanderized like every other class into being MUH ELEMENTS
in fact when you did your first class quest in the valley of trials i remember the npc saying shamans are the spiritual leaders of their tribes
thats why they have spells like ancestral guidance, they come from the tribal wise man archetype
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they are quite literally all over dornogal
silver covenant members and just high elf army members of the alliance, you can see them in the alliance embasy
Eh it doesn't have the oompf his BfA videos did but it's better than when he was complaining about classic wow streamers.
>skinny chud
>somehow w*men love him
>short ears
This nigga is a tall dwarf
Say it to my face!
No they're very steamy after being in my boots all day
Still not a priest, they literally had totems.
doesn't count
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This is what human rogues look like
I love you
Shadow is a priest's spec
He's a Priest/Hunter
Trips of truth
What does elf foot steam smell like
Hm.. I always just wrote them off as dead cause of Arthas. High Elves aren't the most interesting thing anyways. We've got endless elves already.
Vol'jin was a sub rogue monk with a bow
Yeah, yeah. They're a boring off shoot that some people latch onto hardcore cause they don't wanna meet this game's lore on it's terms.
Orcs are kinda weird honestly.
For humans: religious soldier? Paladin. Offensive spellcaster? Mage. Spiritual leader? Priest.
For orcs: religious soldier? Enhancement Shaman. Offensive spellcaster? Elemental Shaman. Spiritual leader? Restoration Shaman.
I guess there's warlock but those are evil and there were human warlocks in vanilla.
At least they're not Night Elves who didn't even get anything from their non-standard icons besides druids and now hunter being basically 50% night elf.
The thing is that they are just a political minority. Blood elves can have the blue eyes too kinda makes the point null. Their culture is thalassian culture but more boring because they havent had anything going on since political schism leading to the whole blood in name thing. People just need to owe up to being buddies with orcs and cows
what about tirisfal human farmers? are they mentioned in the new forsaken quest chain? are they all dead?
They really should've explored the notion of orc mages more since locks are so Fel heavy. I know the forsaken were there to kind of be the answer but that was just humans. Could've played into blackrock and frostwolf being so heavy with fire and frost. Might've given more depth to shadowmoon through arcane as well
>10 minute video to explain something that could have been 2 sentences
god I fucking hate "youtubers"
The whole drama about sexual harassment at blizzard indirectly doomed Arthas to be buried as a character, as he is often seen as an allegory of an abuser, given his story with Sylvanas. The fact that Sylvanas was butchered didn't help either.
Why does this game even have levels
it was basically a different genre of game, once upon a time
really no idea i never finished the mogs but i think there are parts still on the mission table. if it's not an alt you're going to park for that it might not be worth the trouble.
probably won't be nerfed but people should keep it in mind if there's another remix. wasn't too bad to top off with while hitting a rare or two to get to the next raid level minimum.

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