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Previous >>493466443

>Falcom Games
>Pastebin (aka music)
>Extra Stuff (guides, downloads, undub patches)
>Games, mods, saves, pre-patched translations
>Translation patches for Hajimari, Oath in Felghana, Kuro 1 and Kuro 2

UPDATED: 06/09
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- Prologue gameplay
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- website updated
>A9VG article on The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria-
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 1st website
>The Legend of Heroes: Gagharv Trilogy has officially launched globally by Fow Games.
>Digital Preorder for The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- is now up on JP PSN
>Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II is coming out in Early 2025
>Ys X: Nordics Releasing in the West on 25th Oct by NISA
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Happy 2000 threads /fg/!
Onwards to another 2000!
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Grrrr, curse you!
But you will slip and I will take over OP duty next time!!
You can't keep this up forever!!!!!!
Newfags are going to come here now.
Anyone know when thread #1 was?
Like, when did /fg/ actually begin?
I don't see every other thread counting like this one, and I'm trying to predict when it'll get booted off of /vg/ for something really insidious
I love my husbando
There was no way I was letting a schizo with a cum tribute use it as the OP image.
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Alfin best butt!
do you thnk natalya will still be here once we get to 3000?
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As a proof of concept I OCRed a scene from the Chinese let's play of Kai's prologue via gemini and then translated it via Claude 3.5 Sonnet. No editing. This is the raw TL output.
An LLM translation of Kai once CLE's port comes out in Chinese is quite realistic from my experience.
There was no cum tribute to begin with because he was shitposting
Upon looking closer it does seem like they updated Van's field combat animations. He does a frontflip now when you do the dodge attack and he didn't used to. His R2 special also has like a gap closer element to it. The guy didn't play as anyone else so I can't really get a proper look at their moves but it does look like Bergards animations were a bit toched up.
>...for people with brains who are afraid to use them
what does this mean
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Just thought you should know Kuro 2 soured people on the idea of patches since it was so sloppy and the episodic updating of it made the experience really bad
So while I'm sure people will be very grateful if you can really get this done I wouldn't expect much interest beforehand
Also I think the biggest hurdle is that the files are encrypted and the person that made the tools quit so we won't have anything for Kai and I'm not sure how many people are interested in using overlays but godspeed anon
She will be a slave to oji-san cock by then
Natalya would make a great mom
Update: I looked through the archive and the earliest thread I could find was this one #543
Advice: if you don't wanna be spoiled for Kai, fuck off now like I'm gonna do
It was like 2017. Here's Thread 3
His ult range was also expanded and he has completely different moveset in grendel mode. I'm satisfied with the changes, because 90% of the time I always played as Van on the field combat in kuro 1/2 even though his animations were simple he was always the most intuitive to play as.
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Happy #2000 /fg/! *toot* *pops confetti*
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*cums inside u*
its amazing how people are actually talking about gameplay
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This but Hatsuu
Why do you say gross things
Oh wow. Never knew about that archive. Thanks very much, fren
nooo dont fart shizuna haha
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Damn even calvard anon was around for thread #3. Wonder how he's doing these fays.
I wonder if he is as disappointed in Calvard as I am.
He died back in 2018
Seeing the older threads from 2017 really illustrates how bad this place got, desu. Used to be about the series, and now it's about ecelebs and narcissistic gimmick posters.
2017-2019 was the golden age for everything and I contend that everything good died in 2020
Vagrants looks overdesigned for my tastes. I do hope we learn more about demon lords in kai.
It's also good to note that at this point, the only Kiseki games on PC were FC and SC. CS1 hadn't even gotten it's PC port yet.
The series got really bad with CS3 and 4 and anybody left now is just a shitposter. If the series was still good then the thread would be too.
Well what are you doing to help other than lament the state of things?
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We will probably reach 3000 next year if TITS blows up as expected.
The emo haircut was a bit unnecessary.
I made a Youtube series about it, bellend.
It's supposed to show how Van and Vagrants are a part of eachother.
How much would these two cost?
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Na-chan congratulates /fg/ for enduring this long!
/fg/, do you 100% your Kiseki games or do you just finish it once?
Also, at what difficulty do you play?
Being here for /fg/ #2000 is a wholesome moment for me.
I hate this.
His way of speaking was kinda edgy so it fits.
I get the platinum for all if I can.
I've 100%'d every game on Nightmare.
I only 100%ed Ys8 and Kuro 1.
100%ing kiseki games requires an obscene amount of autism and lack of respect for your own time
I did finish fc and sc twice and got all achievements on steam, I might replay 3rd and daybreak later.
I do as much as possible in a single playthrough barring mistakes like forgetting to feed Coppe in Ao, but I won't always plat.
>Also, at what difficulty do you play?
Sky-Ao on hard
CS1-Daybreak on nightmare
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Thank you Na-chan!!
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My loli wife
this anime shit is so cringe
>anime shit
you sound like a normalfag who only consumes shounen jump
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so why does kurt seem to be built around being an evasion tank when he has 1 fucking range making him awful at countering
i literally just gave his master quartz to juna in gunner mode and she does kurt's job better than kurt
peak kiseki
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she didnt mean sex
Will Estelle and Joshua marry before #3000?
Man it's always jarring looking how BAD CS1-2 look.
Post Karjja
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Last games with old sovl.
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No way you autistic faggots find this funny
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I live for this, I think only autistic faggots wouldnt care or find it funny
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happy 2000th thread to all anons, i hope we still keep loving renny and na-chan for another 2k
Show this to a normalfag and they’d rightfully think you’re a freak
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How was sped class?
This was my favorite sidequest in the whole series
>Show this to a normalfag
You're already here, pal. Only puritan faggots are bothered
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Happy 2000th /fg/ thread!
Say something nice about the two kiseki mascots!
>All the complaints about Kuro ruining cunny and making all the lolis hags
>Ignore the ripe ass and cunny of Feri and Yume
I don’t give a shit if you find it sexy, but only autists and virgins like cold steel cringe humor like this. Genuinely have to have 0 social skills to find anime girls acting like they have downs funny
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this is the first time i've seen shanshan show contempt
>humor like this.
You're playing the wrong series if you hate it. Actually, don't engage with like half if not more of Japanese media, too. You'll seethe at them too.
Yeah, nips have an awful, retarded sense of humor because their culture is built on being as autistic as possible. There’s a reason why I dropped the series. You’re a westerner, act like one.
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>You’re a westerner
>nips have autistic sense of humor
>west humor revolves on trannies,DEI,laughtrack and ETC
Quite a conundrum if you ask me anon.
Why can’t autists just be normal and find family guy funny instead of pedoslop
Juna is such a touchy whore
why can't you you just go somewhere else instead of seething like a massive faggot?
If you think this you genuinely need to talk to people irl and make friends. You will never be Japanese, Japanese people would find you disgusting and a blight on their society.
Why don’t you start earning a higher paycheck or finding a girlfriend instead of playing trails of pedosteel?
I'm not consuming your tranny and capeshit media buddy.
so you concede to enjoy tranny dei slop then, huh? I rest my case.
>You’re a westerner, act like one
Fr Fr tho, weebs be crashing out lmao when you call out all that weirdo lolishit instead of them hopping some real goated shit like OP, Kagurabachi, DBS. Those are what really be cooking that good shit on god no cap.
cold steel is old news, your newfaggotry is showing, anon
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Love Falcom
>thinking everything western is one of those two things
Why don’t you engage with your own culture more?
I don’t know what a dei is but the fact you’re seething about that proves you’re an autist who has stunted social development.
I’d rather have negroslop than games liked by convicted child molesters such as yourself.
Cs is the most pedo game
Na-chan sugoooooooooi
>I swear western comedy slop is better than eastern comedy slop
There's something we call preference anon.
Western DEI tranny media just not my cup of tea.
Then play Trails of WokeBreak. You can find anti-white sentiments that certainly suits your feminist DEI tranny worldview.
nadia's stinky pits...
das rite
we get it youre retarded
>buzzword buzzword buzzword
Autistic psychobabble. How many girlfriends have you had over the course of your life?
Renne... please don't steal Agnes' boyfriend... please she'll be so sad...
hey that I posted that to you insulting you first faggot go back to your reddit gooncave or wherever you came from no one likes you faggot
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because when development starts the people in charge of balancing work with a 6 member party in mind thus Kurt in this case would be the easier one to get high evasion with but you sacrifice counters, or you can go with Juna by sacrificing her melee capacities so she can counter with a high range
unfortunately Kondo then demands the cast be bloated to 50 playable members and the balance team naturally gives up
there is no reason to ever use Kurt when you're given Fie, but you should never be given both this is Kiseki's biggest failure in game design
>>thinking everything western is one of those two things
You retards push it all the time. Even in your comics and cartoons. Now your own people have flocked to anime and manga.
Sure fellow retard.
Might as well get out of this general, your girlfriend might get angry if you lurk in weeb shit area like /fg/
It's okay, Renne just wants to double-team Van with Agnes.
Yes I am compelled to, I am autistic.
wokefag has honestly become a mockery of himself
You don’t sound very white
>autist can only consoom comics and cartoons
I miss the days when your ilk would be institutionalized unless made useful.
You will never experience true love btw
I already conceded to that, now get out before your girlfriend hooks up with some nigger on the hood.
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Which falcom game are you playing for celebration of #2000?
>upset people won't eat his mutt slop
>admits the reason he likes weebslop is because he’s unloved
You must be proud of your 100% shitskin dna
I will play Daybreak to see Shizuna again!
this bait is so bad its embarrassing just stop replying to this dumbass guys
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Why do you post on here? Do you get turned on when men on 4chan hit on you and say they’re gonna rape you?
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Even your fellow US niggers gave up on western media. All they talk about online is DBZ, Naruto, etc. Even your console lost.....(You) lost.
I’m white. Enjoy your media made by slit eyed faggots, here’s to hoping internment camps make a comeback
Rean will PAT that! On the head!! That's basically SEX!!!
2 more weeks paco
Post NA
I’m white, only mentally stunted chinks and favela monkeys get off to prepubescent anime girls, because they’re all pedos.
White males account for the highest amount of convicted pedophiles who have committed sex crimes on minors
>Pedos this, Pedos that
Stop projecting anon, we already know you're desperately hiding your CP collection by shitposting about pedos so those glowniggers wont notice you have one.
Why did you forget you’re other friend when you died in Kuro 2 I thought you loved you’re friends?
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Post trails in the gaysexo
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She's so cute it's unfair
Towa in Kuro 2 isn’t the real tows please remember that
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Not canon.
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I was also sad when she didn’t say gayorg’s name especially when Hajimari said they would always be friends
More shitskin propaganda
More projecting, not everyone gets off to little girls
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Threadly reminder these two will be the only characters that matter in Kai
katanawank is so cringe and overdone
Hence why I told anon she isn’t the real towa Kuro 2 towa is a fake
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Do your job fat faggot.
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Huh nobody is saying nice things about you Towa chan
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Love my canon wife
How does sex with altina feel like?
Fat shaming is wrong sir
Do women only post here to get degraded?
she's too tall it's over
her tits look weird
gib old one back!
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Fie's revenge on the serial head patter
She's not wearing a bra, chud.
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Amazing and incredibly wholesome. Handhold missionary is the best position with her.
wdym they look fine
Kai Altina is perfect
I’ve never been a NISA shill but if there is one fix I would be okay with is them adding George’s name in Towa’s final moments before the rewind
Altina reads too casual, otherwise it's pretty good. Especially Kevin reads like Kevin should. Compared to the shit MTL we got with Kuro 2 before the anons did the manual TL from scratch.
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Cute sword and shield couple
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A match made in heaven. Fie and Rean will be very happy and make many babies.
Wow… everyone was friendly, making funny jokes and having fun conversations about Falcom games instead of anons genuinely wishing death on one another during every conversation, shitting on anything someone likes and ruining the general like now
you were allowed to talk about everything back then instead of only cold steel
It's good anon.
PCfags hadn't gotten their mitts on Cold Steel yet. It's proof we should ban all PCfags.
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you might be onto something here.....
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hatman day
how can altina wield a huge ass shield so effortlessly? is a pure pancake diet the secret to STRmax?
is that the actual texture or modded?
Her song craft is cute.
Her laser craft is goofy as fuck because they made her yell
Anyone have the first Falcom general? The earliest I can find is the second general.
which is funny cause her idle pose looks like she has trouble holding it due to how big and awkward it is
I love how her singing is canonically so good it heals
Altinatards are the new Alisafags.
Link the 2nd
>ban-san cumming in his pants over biscuits covered in espresso
Haha that’s our ban
Because you won't post tummy...
>the deciding factor is the espresso soaked biscuit. Make it thinner and bake it twice as much to enhance the texture.
Kek that's our Ban-san.
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Thread 2000 deserves a cum in cumdoll post
They should hvae had Van be a food critic for sweets with like, an article in the local newspaper
Can't bring myself to care for him, since falcom never revealed anything about his character. I do like his japanese VA at least.
4archive's a pain to search with.
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Kuro is one of the best jrpgs ive ever played
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Van is most relatable to me coz I'm a fat bastard that loves sweets. Don't judge me anons..
Nah, BRs didn't have good enough computers to play FC yet
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Van is shredded as fuck, you should consider Jusis to be more relatable.
They still had master systems as their main console back then
Nah, anything can play the Sky games. It was PCfags.
BRs got filtered by an AVX2 requirement for PSO2 about 5 years ago now. They run ancient forgotten tech, using things like ISA haha
um theyres TACHIS, newfag-san...
I had a good time on my master system... 30 years ago. Did they get PS2 yet?
I would kiss and lick every single tummy.
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Just realized there are two versions of Na-chan's s-craft in Kuro 2
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Uhh your narrative, sis?
Sky was low tech for the time it came out. Even ancient tech can run it.
Is Rean a leftist
He wouldn't be right wing, but he wouldn't be far left.
Nice crack on Noel
That kick at the end was a very nice addition. Overall falcom improved it pretty nicely, but I want to see his new s craft and grendel variations.
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These old threads have rare Tios and KeAs
>traditionalist history teacher
Trust Kondo
my hero
Bandalizeu Raido is so cool...
She was probably someone who imported the PSP versions.
in only 19 days we have new kiseki for the first time in 2 years
it's been so long...
2000 already. I'm getting old...
>Sky gets a remake
>/fg/ hits 2000 generals and starts reposting old content
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More Caokino soon
Tio used to be a much bigger part of /fg/.
Tiofag was the Na-chan fag before there was a Na-chan
The Tiofag was Kitsune
I don't mean literally the same guy but it was the exact same shit fundamentally
We need more Tio posting ITT
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Goodnight /fg/
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Korean Fujos are something else.
kys schizuna
The old cumdollfag was closer.
This is so beautiful
I actually remember kuro 2 threads like they were yesterday...
Post Reddit
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>Calvard when poster was around since the first thread
Man, this makes me so sad... just when we finally reached Calvard, poor dude didn't make it...
>not a single ys post
He isekaied
Can we all agree trailschizos ruined /fg/
>There was Juna x Kurt shipfagging before CS3 even came out
There's Nep Adol.
They didn't post buttpics back then. Things sure have changed.
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Spoiler was 2017.

Haha... it was 2019 but it sure wasn't mid 2019.
Because /fg/ was founded by and for Kisekibros and it was only called Falcom general to give the various other Falcomfags who couldn't sustain a general of their own a place to go. And as a thank you they take it for granted and constantly get uppity. /fg/ unironically should have been /kg/ - Kiseki General.
>Juna x Kurt shipfags were a thing before CS3 even came out
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Love Falcom, Kiseki, and Ys
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>it's real
They probably showed the titsplant in the pre-release stuff.
Interesting seeing the first thread is mostly people posting screenshots and playing the really shitty leaked translation of zero
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haha i forgot how prevalent laurafagging used to be
/fg/ was created when the zero leak had just come out irrc so everybody was playing it at the time
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>Kai 2
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Today, I will remind them.
We should've listened
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wtf this scene never even happened in cs3
/fg/ was still mindfucking itself into believing that Laura had any relevance at any point in the series in like 2020
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The first /fg/ thread took 2 days to hit limit, and we are now going through 2 to 3 a day.
I'm friends with him.
He liked Kuro 1 and disliked Kuro 2.
He doesn't post on /fg/ anymore because "too many autists" but still posts on /v/.
Post chuds
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This is still true even now. Even back then Reanfags were a fucking menace.
Calvardanon was the smartest former /fg/ poster
I wish I were smart enough to leave...
when i get sick of this place I just post porn to get a 7 day ban which is usually enough to get me addicted to doing something else
You just have to keep THINKING anon, then you too will be smarter
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> but still posts on /v/.
/v/ threads are 100x better than the average /fg/ thread whenever /fg/faggots don't find them
I wish I could find the threads for when CS3 and the rest came out. It'd be fun to re-read all the reactions to chinaman streams and all the reveals
That's only because of the remake announcement. We were at one thread every 2-3 days for a while.
on average we usually go through at least one thread a day during most of the year, sometimes takes 2 days. news or english patch stuff is only when the thread really gets going
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Guys im playing through daybreak trails through dawn rn and guess who just got name dropped? My boy REEEAAAN, idk why people are calling him a divine blade when hes obviously the ashen chevalier. Is a divine blade supposed to be better than a reality warping mecha pilot? Come on now kondo. Anyway im glad he finally got mentioned even tho it took like 50 hrs in. I guess the white haired girl is rens student idk
Isn't the calvard guy literally same person as Na-chan fag
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Here's your chud.
No I just like Na-chan
every single gimmick comes from the same 4 regulars
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I now make that the 43th different anon I have now been accused of being.
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If only they knew the truth...
Also I'm just now realizing 60 hrs in that the element locked quartz slots double the amount it provides. I know there's tips and such in loading screens but falcom failed to realize PS5S HAVE ALMOST INSTANT LOADTIMES. Its literally impossible to read the tips and find a decent guide in this hell holes impossible. Literally getting my asshanded to me all game
Hint needer bro...
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Tits remake or Yumia
did you ever even play CS? ashen chevalier was just a fake title osborne gave to rean to use him as a puppet, and once he became a divine blade he's either just rean or the divine blade of ash
Why'd he name himself after his student
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valimar bros...
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>resetera loves van
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>damn i should have tapped that when i had the chance
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sara's swimsuit is so erotic
Rufus really committed to ensuring the Albarea bloodline comes to an end huh?
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Genuinely excited for Kai kino
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insane how much better this looks than
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>insane how much better this looks
those ugly washed out kai environments look like dog piss
Those buildings look like they belong in Minecraft.
>kai looks like piss
>but everything in sky demake is yellow
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I won't be surprised if they make her fall in love with Rean.
I love Weissmann, he’s the best husband.
Lol that's so funny dude no one has ever made that joke before
Nah, she's too deep into the BAN-SAN hole to care about other men.
She might kill herself if van chooses Elaine
I'm not joking. Kondom and the rest of Falcom can't get Rean's cock out of their mouth so I wouldn't be shocked at all if they made Kuro's female lead lust after their precious golden child.
10 year old joke
That's what schizona is for anon, she got chucked into the rean blackhole just because.
Kai romance is gonna be garbage anyway, since Kondo confirmed there won't be a clear outcome.
Looking at all the Kai info it's not just a joke anymore. Rean really did ruin this series.
It's not Rean's fault that Kuro flopped so hard that Rean and Kevin have to save the day.
pretty sad that rean coming back in the finale game of calvard and stealing the arc from the calvard characters to become a protagonist again is something people would have joked about in 2018 and now it's completely real
Rean ruined the series 10 years ago, there's no saving it, I'm just here for the ride.
Now that I think about it Lloyd in Azure is the only time a protagonist got to finish their arc without another protagonist taking over. Estelle got Kevin'd, Rean get Lloyd and Rufus'd, and Van got Rean, Kevin, and Rufus'd
Sky's arc was finished with SC though. Rean's arc was finished with CS4. Van's arc is not finished.
And to make matters worse Kondom implied that the remainder of the series is going to keep shoving Rean at the forefront at the expense of any new characters they make. So much for the legend of HEROES, might as well rename it to the legend of Rean.
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I hope one day a dev who isn't incompetent takes the ensemble cast arc idea of Kiseki but actually makes it good and follows through on it instead of making half of it revolved around 1 guy.
>Rean's arc was finished with CS4
It was still going all the way to the very end of Reverie
Zero had enough time dedicated to the Renne sub-plot that Estelle cucked Lloyd.
But really, it's natural for previous protagonists to return. It's only more of a problem this time because the Calvard arc has been a complete and utter mess, but at the same time we can't endlessly get Calvard games pumped out until they're considered to finally pass the threshold that the other arcs did. It needed put out of it's misery.
95% of Zero is about Lloyd and the SSS. Not 50%.
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UnClouded eye can read minds?? So, not only can he perfectly sense his surroundings and move faster than the speed of thought or at least sound(remember when he speed blitzed a group of kamikaze yeagers) now ontop of that he can read minds? How can kasim compete vros...
The finale gets hijacked by Estelle, Joshua and Renne.
Something like that is far too much effort for too little gain for the average game dev, so the odds of something like this ever coming along again are astronomical, and this doesn't even factor in competence and passion which makes the odds even worse.
What makes Rean so funny is how on paper he's one of the most stupidly overpowered characters of all time yet the guy constantly loses for 5 games in a row kek. Falcom clearly wanted to make him this ultra badass guy but he can't be because they had to pad the plot out for 5 games. Legitimately don't understand the love for this guy.
If you hold back unclouded eye fails so no
>Legitimately don't understand the love for this guy.
He's the archetypal LN self insert protagonist for third worlder losers and miserable suicidal Japs. Japs love him because he's fucking obsessed with high school while also using a katana and having a harem, third worlders love him because of power level wank and especially the harem.
Can't believe Rufus was still making a mockery out of him 5 games in
dunno why does reasetera hate rean
Honestly, tryharding is one of the least badass things a character can do imo
There's still Jusis haha....
He's white, patriotic, and looking to master the Eight Leaves, making him a cultural appropriator and coloniser
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What do you guys think of Michey?
And Shizuna effortlessly snapping his weapon at the very end.
Every female character has dogshit writing besides a few of the sky ones
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Rare KeA
What loser goes all out against a girl yougner than him
Me. because the weak should fear the strong
Shizuna is actually 1 year older than Rean anon.
True, Falcom has never been able to write female characters and the further along you get the worse they become with Altina and Agnes being the pinnacle of their shitty female characters since they have literally no traits, interests, or dreams other than getting cock.
No wonder /fg/ likes them so much
Sky has the worst female characters.
What about Tio, Fie, Juna, Lapis, Nadia, and Elaine?
Cumdolls can't have kids
Millium and Altina are baren
Because not every character is a walking cum receptacle?
Tio, fie, juna and nadia are all waifuslop with nothing beyond that. Lapis and elaine are okay
Well in experience and maturity he clearly has the edge. I mean she goes all out in random situations for fun, rean would never. If he had to go all out, lives are at stake or the world is
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so hyped for this game on PC
It has the likes of Alicia, Kloe, and Luciola. Some of the worst Kiseki characters out there.
/fg/ only likes girls who just solely exist to suck mc cock
actually that basically applies to every falcomfag
Anyone have the falcoom image with breast on it?
Kloe is a great character and alicia is okay. I agree with you about luciola but every female from zero and onward is fucking awful
that's all women are good for though
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its nice falcom is allowing you to buy the swimsuit DLC standalone instead of bundling them with a bunch of other shit no one wants
We don't know that yet. We've only just found out they are now able to age normally. We don't have enough data that shows whether or not Millium and Altina are baren. Further testing must be done and I offer myself in the name of Science to help test that
Tio and Elaine are the only serviceable ones, and they both go to shit in their second games. The rest are joke characters or outright garbage in Juna's case.
I fucking hate Kondo so much.
Don't forget Josette LMAO
Did your mom molest you in your youth?
unfortunately he knows karate but id still like to kick his fucking ass, hes a jap so he's probably a manlet so it shouldn't be too hard
What about Estelle, Renne, and Nadia
Nadia isn't really waifushit considering how she has a canon love interest that's not the self insert protagonist. She's still poorly written and a joke character though.
Skyfags are unironic troons and "feminists" who think female characters need to be "muh deeply-written strong manly woman"
Kloe's character is just lusting after Joshua and a generic story about becoming more confident, marred by Sky's clumsy political commentary. Alicia doomed Liberl to irrelevancy.
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I want to sniff Na-chan!
>Alicia doomed Liberl to irrelevancy.
This. I can't believe she gave the Arseille engine away for nothing. Sorry Kondo, no amount of the cast proclaiming how wise and masterful she is at statecraft will convince me.
Swin has 0 personality, so he may as well be a self insert.
Vanfags hates nadia for stealing at least almost half of the game.
Not that you further develop van after the whole demon lord shit in the end of kuro 1
Liberl is so fucked once Cassius is gone. I wonder who will annex them first, even Crossbell has a chance kek
>rean worshipper makes a post about her boyfriend breaking up with her after trying to kill herself and pins it
Why is twitter like this?
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How could you slander Estelle like this?
Akai Grendel crush this mans balls
She wanted to kill herself to isekai to see Rean of course
Vanfags hate everyone that isn't their super-special demon-lord, gigachad ladies-on-both-arms MC. It's ironic seeing Vankeks and Reanbeaners constantly fight each when both of them are cut from the same cloth
Compared to the average male character in the series all post-sky women are poorly written. But I bet your fat fingers would be seething harder if I dare suggest the male characters should be sexy eyecandy and nothing else for my amusement.
>schizzing out about van again unprompted
Nadia didn't even do much in Kuro 2, 95% of the spotlight between the 2 was on Swin.
They're already fucked to begin with anon
>has shit army
>have to outsource their local security to bracers(cause they dont have police)
>dont have glowniggers(i remember richard but he's a private firm so my point still stands)
What happens, if you just like both characters for what they are, and enjoy the games?
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Kloe's lusting for Joshua pales into comparsion to every crossbell/cs/kuro character. If that's all your monkeybrain got out of her character I'm sorry for you.
Estelle also isn't a good character. She got the usual dose of undeserved protagonist worship in-game, except it's the least believable in the series.
But every MC gets that so your point falls flat.
from Left to Right.
9.2 9.4 8.9 9.9
I made the mistake of looking at her account. Women who hyper-obsess over a character or series suffer from sever mental-illness. Weissmannfujo is the same way
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imagine if rean were this honest with himself
>runny 9.9
You can tell the Falcom devs are very insecure about how unloved they are by women and their ghoulish appearances by the fact there's no equivalent of this for the guys.
Kloe's character is just lusting after Erebonian boys. It's surprising she never set her sights on Rean. Sky's main cast is pretty weak. It's carried by Agate, Olivert and Estelle and Joshua's romance.
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Don't type anymore.
elaine and shizuna are 10/10
agnes is 9/10
Renne doesn’t really look as good i’d say like 6-7/10
>But I bet your fat fingers would be seething harder if I dare suggest the male characters should be sexy eyecandy and nothing else for my amusement.
I genuinely wouldn't care troon. Damn well almost all the Cold Steel and Kuro males already look like they would pass and fit right in an otome harem game
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if only adol weren't gay
Probably using this costume for adol when I play it because I hate the normal design
In fact half the reason Rean is so dominantly popular much to skyfags' disdain is BECAUSE he literally is eye-candy to all the fujos that constantly ship him with Crow
im not gay so i dont see rean as eye candy
Every MC gets worshipped, but Estelle is the least deserving by far. The Sky cast worships her as the sun. For a game about Estelle becoming strong enough to bring Joshua back, she just stumbles into finding Joshua. Her journey is completely unearned and it's not her strength that really saves the day in the end, it's Joshua, Kevin and Cassius' scheming that does it.
his appeal to most people is that he's a shounen protag like naruto
I'm gay so I see Elaine as eye candy
I’m not gay but rean is handsome as FUCK
LMAO. The majority of cs men are ugly besides class vii+rufus+mcburn. The only attractive men in kuro are aaron, quatre, and rion. You would be having a melty if the series was full of actual young attractive sexy men.
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More like a self insert similar to Kirito and Joker from Persona 5
or, falcom just uses conveniences for the plot since they were still getting into writing 100+ RPG story's that were actually good, ever consider that?
Yeah, it's kind of hard seeing Reanfags trying to deny that Crow's obsession isn't one of his main traits as a character
That too, lmao.
I'm both excited and extremely demoralized about Kai no kiseki...
whats got you demoralized, anon?
Their games before Sky had stories.
I said good stories i.e, (stories with effort)
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Can't wait for Kai
My hype level is at mild interest. They really fucked this game up by sacrificing everything for shitty fanservice so I hope it still ends up flopping despite the Reanbaiting.
the only thing I am too annoyed about in Kai is the garten being used for important shit. I’m sure routes will at least be Okay
Some would say that White Witch has the best story.
I respectfully disagree. the PC98 games had mediocre stories at best
Shoving entire backstories in there shows they completely gave up.
always the picnic fags. Genuinely the biggest falcom cultists in the entire fandom
That'll always be the Reanbros.
The fact that kondo completely fucked over over spriggans and Calvard arc in general, i wouldn't be so demoralized if kuro 2 wasn't such a complete piece of shit. Van has to share his arc with other established and very popular characters who already had their character arc done, it's just outright a vile thing to do...
Isn't Nadia only 14 yo? you fat fuck
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I love Falcom so much
They inspired a lot of people to join Falcom. In fact, if it wasn't for White Witch, we wouldn't have Kondo, Kiseki or Gurumin.
huh shes like 17 in kai
Rean’s character arc is just getting started kek no matter what kondo says we will still be here 10 years from now getting kiseki
That's 13 years above the age of consent
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Why is that a bad thing? I love Husband and avoid the troubles of a serious relationships. The men where I am are very ugly, especially compared to Weissy.
All men are ugly to fujos
13 in reverie and 15 in k2 and kai
Gonna laugh when Rean's development resets yet again in Kai and he's back to his self loathing.
I honestly don't give a shit about Kai
I honestly don't give a shit about your post
i really wanted to like kai but honestly the more they showed off the worse it looked and i dont agree with a lot of the decisions theyve made
If that's true then kai will be my last kiseki game. It also doesn't help that fans genuinely love what Kondo is doing with him.
Everyone's only talking about rean, while here I'm, can't even comprehend his popularity...
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Enforcers VII and XVIII. Let's act like we care about them and say something nice about them.
/fg/ is truly the only place you can discuss the games without shoentards and the THEY BROUGHT BACK MY GOAT TO COOK THESE FRAUDS garbage they all spam
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Cute and canon
Ok Reantaco. Your falseflagging is a little weak here. You need to work on your English better.
>Chariot and Moon
I think some 3dpd men are attractive but it's becoming exceedingly rare these days
Watch as as favelamonkeys spam KINOOOOOOO as Rean learns he has to be happy for the 5th time
they'll be disappointments like the rest of ouroboros
We need redditmann
I'm still shocked he's just an Enforcer and not an Anguis even though he speaks the same way as the 1st and he even quoted the GM.
I just want to talk with Kondo. 1 on 1 with no filter and I just want to ask him WHY? Why are you such a fucking retard?
The fact that Hat Guy isn't an Anguis almost guarantees that Ka-Fai is.
Falcom probably forgot a good chunk of their own lore along the way.
I think he's smart
He'd unironically be at a loss for words since it seems like nobody at Falcom ever calls him out.
1st Anguis is Nielsen
>he even quoted the GM
Because he serves her. Probably met her in person and pounds her.
I'm going to laugh when this theory ends up being sunk.
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Kai no Kiseki... I am forgotten...
Seriously I was so hyped for this guy. He has such a cool design, a fun personality and an amazing voice and they just did nothing interesting with him.. Now the only reason we even know he's in the game is because he's in the OP for like half a second and they haven't even show him off a single time so it basically guarantees he's irrelevant and same with Lucrezia.
>and they just did nothing interesting with him
This is basically everyone in Kuro.
So the girl is a trio with Shirley and Cedric right?
>But BAN-SAN is interesting, Rean just overshadows him due to certain bias
And we'll get the two S rank bracers any day now.
Even worse is that the two new Enforcers will probably take up a good chunk of Ouroboros' screentime along with Campanella and the Grandmaster. Harwood is the definition of a waste of time.
Man it's crazy how badly they shat on the Kuro cast with Kuro 2. The Calvard arc has been such a misfire. Honestly the only good arc from Kiseki has been the Liberl arc. Nearing the end of the Crossbell arc was when the Kiseki story started going downhill and the Erebonia and Calvard arcs are reflections of this.
What are you yapping about? What bias? Rean had 5 games to himself and if falcom stopped reseting his character each game i couldn't care less if he was brought back as a side character.
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>and the Grandmaster
I'm not falling for it this time. She's either not going to appear at all or she'll pop up for 5 minutes at the very end.
Liberl was shit anon
True lol. They'll probably just do nothing with her again like with Hajimari.
It wasn't. It was the first, only and last time Kiseki had a decent story. Everything afterwards was painfully meh to terrible.
I stand by my words. I fucking hate Kondo so much it's unreal and if kai actually sells better than kuro 1, then it'll be actually over. Prepare for rean no kiseki until the last game.
nah this time they're really hyping up the the "solving the mysteries" shit. they've never done that for any other game. i think kondo realizes that people are just sick of kiseki by now and nothing that falcom does will really fix it because the damage has just been done. he knows he has to end it soon while the games are still making their money back.
That's the point anon, rean appeared shitloads of times due to his popularity among otakeks and fujokeks that he's almost the second coming of kira yamato(which both consistently topping character polls)
Stop hating Kondo for no reasons
It's not going to sell better, Reanbro.
Haha remember that Kuro 2 interview that came out a week before the game where Kondo said that Kuro 2 would answer the majority of the questions you had from Kuro 1. Haha...
No way that will happen. They have Shizuna for that possibility. Agnes is for m-I mean Van.
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it is kino though you stinky nigger
>nah this time they're really hyping up the the "solving the mysteries" shit. they've never done that for any other game. i
You're so new and naive.
>i think kondo realizes that people are just sick of kiseki by now
Of course he knows. Even he's sick of Kiseki at this point. That's another reason they're just rushing towards the end so they can bury this trainwreck of a series and create a new LoH while working on Ys and other stuff.
nah kondo has never promised to solve all the series mysteries like this before, he's always been evasive about shit or just said that they're wrapping up the arc, not the series.
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The fucker lies like it's his second nature. Half the shit he said about Kai will also be a lie, such as Van having 60% of the game when in reality he's probably only getting 40% at most.
I hate Kondo, but I hate kiseki fans even more. Japs have a pretty shit taste in general so they only care about their self insert, western normie troons are way worse.
People should really take everything he says with a grain of salt. Whatever they try to answer will be in the worst way possible anyways.
If Kiseki is so shit why would you even trust them to make the next LoH good? It's not like Falcom is suddenly going to change.
>Let me bury the only moneymaker this company has ever known in the past 20 years
That's retarded. Even Ys isnt selling. Dana was a flash in the pan that came out at the right time. Their company is at the point where rebooting LoH is such a dumb thing to do, especially since theyre putting out Sky Remake.
post na-chans
you sound like the biggest skyshitter cultist imaginable. you only like sky because nostalgia, not because the story was good
kys newfag
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>haha I'm a faggit

lol fuck off you piece of g*y ****er
Shizuna will just trash Rean again. She only wants strong men.
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I see you post this same image everyday
>One last element of note is how there seem to have been complaints about the new Orbment system introduced in The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki. Some players have shared frustrations with it being too difficult and complicated to learn, and if these critiques persist for Crimson Sin, the staff will end up making changes to this system.
What? Did Japs really think that the new orbments were too hard? It's literally the exact opposite, they're too braindead and offer little meaningful customization since only 3 of the skills really matter and there are very little unique quartz.
Na-chan sugoooooooooi!!!!
>West has DEI tranny woke shit
>JP just allergic to creating good story
>I would rather kill myself instead of touching chinkshit
At this point i just let my dick and my retarded brain choose what i want to enjoy.
He says shit like that all the time.
Where did I say trust them to make the next LoH good? I have no faith in them to do that. I'm expecting the next LoH game after Kiseki to be just as much of a mess as Kiseki.
>retarded fantasy
Kisekitard really needs to wake up.
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Anon after Daybreak came out a few months ago this place was filled with screenshots from retards twitter saying it had the most complicated system of all time and it was bad because it was too hard
Mr. Bear and Na-chan are kawaii~
What's wrong with this thread
thanks for the laughs
>Kisekitard really needs to wake up.
Seems you're the one with the retarded fantasy. If they're so tired of it they wouldn't be remaking Sky.
chink shit is just ungodly boring, even all the genshin (and whatever mohoyo has out) it's just eye candy.. story is SHIT. obviously its a gacha but whatever

Then you have the three kingdoms shit (BORING) and wukong (BORING), this is also coming from someone who watched the old monkey king chinese dramas growing up too, it's nostalgic but BORING
I doubt she'll win again. Unrelated by what was Shizuna gonna do if Rean didn't return. Kondo said they thought about not having him return.
And now Sky is getting a remake because Kiseki is in such a dire state that it needs to go back to when the series used to be good.
List any other series they have that makes more money than Kiseki, I'll wait. Western localizations singlehandedly put their company in the green last earnings call.
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>Did Japs really think that the new orbments were too hard
They did actually. That's why /fg/ circlejerking about how easy Kiseki is ends up being funny since the average player gets filtered hard by the simplest things. Just look at Chinaman jobbing multiple times on very easy mode.
What we know about Kai
>Van's route will take 50-60% of the story
>Grim garten memory orbs will have a lot of important information about Zemuria and characters
>Shizuna got reduced to a reanwank character, her character development will be thanks to him
>Kevin got cucked from Ries and got paired with the worst cast of characters
>romance will have no clear outcome
>Spriggans will fight masked faggots no one cares about
>kai is cold steel 6
>Most of the loose ends/mysteries of the plot from Kuro 1 will all be resolved in Kuro 2.
Lol. Kondo should be lynched for the bullshit he says.
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Na-chan is here to save the thread
"Gayorg is not a gnome" has nothing on this.
It's meant to be part of their 20th anniversaries project you fucking idiot. It serves no other value otherwise.
>Western localizations singlehandedly put their company in the green last earnings call.
That was thanks to Ys not just Kiseki. But in the same breath, Falcom won't even talk about their lifetime sales of their recent Kiseki games in their investors meetings. Why is that?
>Grim garten memory orbs will have a lot of important information about Zemuria and characters
This will feel disjointed.
ys lifetime sales haven't been updated since 2017 LOL
yeah im sure they have nothing to hide
Stop posting women
So then why is Falcom doing the same with the recent Kiseki games? Surely there's nothing to hide to their investors right?
Sky remake is probably gonna do well or fine. Which means we're getting more remakes. This means we'll alternate between main game and remake.
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Lots of love for Na-chan!!!
Why do people care so much about the romance? All you get is a 2 minute scene at the end of the game depending on the girl you pick but the way people obsess over and almost solely discuss it you'd think Kiseki was a dating VN.
lmao, oh you mean the series that cant even sell out their LEs?
>BBUT 20th anniversary!
And why did they choose Kiseki for it? Why didnt they choose Garghav? Why didnt they choose Ys? Maybe because it actually makes them money than any other series they have?
Falcom needs to just copy square enix and make a kiseki building game. the shit can write itself just make it an alternative reality where no one stops ishmelga or the twilight and the entire world ends up in ruins and then REAN SCHWARZER appears 1000 years later with knowledge of building like he instantly knew how to operate Valimar the second he signed the pact
Kiseki series lifetime sales was updated a month ago it sits at 8 million https://mynintendonews.com/2024/08/10/nihon-falcoms-trails-series-has-now-sold-8-million-copies-worldwide/
Meanwhile Ys lifetime sales last update was 2017. If they were so proud of the sales where is the update?
It's gonna sell like shit. Like the other recent Kiseki games. What you are thinking will happen is hilariously delusional.
Because Kuro didn't have pick your waifu shit and only had 2 girls lusting over mc. So I hoped for at least a proper love triangle with a canon outcome.
more like they felt the need to update their entry point game to be more appealing to the modern audience, since no real person would play it at this point and enjoy it. them bringing out rean in kai was the real panic button they pressed
They set their expectations low. And I seem to recall Kondo saying we'd get no Kuro 2 if Kuro sold badly. So it's safe to assume we're getting more remakes.
>replies again
Now I'm waiting on why Falcom hasn't talked about Kuro 1 or Kuro 2's sales to their investors. All you have are lifetime sales of a series that gets re-released on many platforms in order to try and get them to sell.
How much kai will sell on its first week?
CS3 is the new entry point tho
>D-doesn't count!
Kek. Every time with Yskeks.
We really need kiseki sex simulator...
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A lot, everyone wants Kai
>And why did they choose Kiseki for it?
Because it's Kiseki's 20th anniversary you actual braindead retard?
>le LEs!
Are you actually using this as your argument here? Really? You're probably that same retard who posted that link before without actually reading the contents of it
Sky remake will open the floodgates for this series especially if its a Switch 2 launch title. Be worried that its going to be the Persona 5 moment for this series rather it not selling because the former would actually be worse for discussion
Why don't they just create compilations?
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails - Part I
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails - Part II
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails - Part III
We already have one it's called black rabbit trainer, just look it on f95.
Rufus is rufus!
There will be no more remakes after Sky. But please keep being delusional. Kiseki cultists tend to be like that anyway.
>Kiseki's 20th anniversary you actual braindead retard?
Ok so where's the Ys 35th anniversary celebration title where they promote and plaster Ys everywhere? Oh you mean Nordics? The game that they cant even market properly? They wouldnt put a lot of attention on a series that doesnt make them money.
Kondo said we'd get more remakes if Sky remake does well.
Realistically, around 50-55k. I would be very surprised if it sells the same amount as hajimari.
>posts actual facts
>Kisekibaby spergs out over it
Every single time. Maybe don't bring up sales if you don't understand how they work.
>While Kai No Kiseki, roughly translated to “The End Of Trails,”
uh wat that's not what that means
Is it just me, or do I underestimate Reans popularity? Realistically, how does his presence impact the sales?
>especially if its a Switch 2 launch title.
I swear you guys say the dumbest shit here. Do you people live in some sort of bizarro world?
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Alisa (Sword)
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Kai no Kiseki translates to miracle of cumming in cumdoll
>Ok so where's the Ys 35th anniversary celebration title where they promote and plaster Ys everywhere?
Ys X along with the enhanced Ys III.
>The game that they cant even market properly?
Are you retarded? It got better marketing than Kai alone lmao
>They wouldnt put a lot of attention on a series that doesnt make them money
And this is why you need to get out of your bubble. You sound like a bigger dumbass the more you post.
Fujos, Shounentards and Chinks love Rean. I say this unironically, they finally made the posterboy of the series with all the positive and negatives
Switch 2 launch title, not Switch 2 Exclusive. There's a difference.
It'll probably be higher? Idk. The worst-case scenario for /fg/ is Kai's story is somehow worse than Kuro while also selling better than Kuro 1 & 2. It'll confirm that Falcom will shove Rean in when things get bad.
Alisa (Forma la Pistola)
Long trailer when?
>when things get bad.
So any game without Rean since they already drove away everyone that isn't interested in Reanshit.
Estelle in the next Super Smash Bros.
Falcom is an irrelevant company. Do you honestly think they already have dev kits for Nintendo's next console? Use your brain for once. Nintendo will send those out to their internal teams, their second party teams and then their reputable third party partners and big profile companies

Falcom is on the bottom of the list.
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falcomtards really think that sky the 1st remake is the first game to have switch 2 footage lmfao
the hell is this?
>Adol laughingly slashes her away
>Ys X along with the enhanced Ys III.
What are the sales on Ys X? How about lfietime sales for the entire series?
>Are you retarded? It got better marketing than Kai alone lmao
Ok but were talking about Sky remake here
>And this is why you need to get out of your bubble. You sound like a bigger dumbass the more you post.
Were talking about sales here, you cant even acknowledge this >>493599287 then you bring up BBBUT KURO when confronted.
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kondo said so himself, so it must be true haha
that would be too smart for kondo
I genuinely want to know why you decided to come to this thread, I'm interested to know the reason. Since you hold contempt for said company
>Not [Adol bumps her out of the way]
Disappointed in you
I honestly think these retards let a little publicity get to their heads. Kiseki and the rest of Falcom's offerings like Ys are still very much low-level and obscure worldwide. It's honestly fucking hilarious that some people think Nintendo with global audience they'll be having to get interested in their next console will actually have a Falcom game be one of those launch title software to sell the console.
I enjoy their games but i'm not a Falcomtard. A Falcomtard are fanboy retards who think that Falcom are anything but completely irrelevant, that their games are all 10/10 with 0 flaws, that Nintendo would show off the Switch 2 with a fucking Sky remake etc. Just pure delusional people. There's a difference.
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I thought you were kidding anon... https://jellyfluffgames.itch.io/black-rabbit-trainer
Love my canon wife. Rean (me) will cum in her lots in Kai
Thank you for educating me on the difference
>What are the sales on Ys X?
What are the sales of Kuro 1 and 2?
>Ok but were talking about Sky remake here
Lmao why deflect away from Kai?
Kai no Kiseki MUST be called Trails beyond the World.
Sky remake trailer has the 2nd most views out of that Direct. To say that it is low level and obscure is somewhat true but is underselling the series' influence over the years.
Call it Reverie 2 or Trails with Rean.
The moment they brought up Switch 2 launch title, I lost my remaining shred of hope in their intelligence.
Trails beyond the Woke
Swin is so lucky...
>What are the sales of Kuro 1 and 2?
It doesnt work that way dumbass, you implied Ys selling better here >>493598920 so you have to prove me wrong
>Lmao why deflect away from Kai?
Because were talking about Kondo allegedly being tired of Kiseki AS A WHOLE. You started it faggot.
are you the guy that said he posts porn to get banned when he wants to leave
>Sky remake trailer has the 2nd most views out of that Direct
Of a fucking Indie Direct/small partners direct?
>but is underselling the series' influence over the years.
What influence? Most people still do not know or give a shit about Falcom's games even now.
No but thats sorta the plan, I'm about to go to bed anyways
oh damn, would've been funny DESU
A Nintendo Direct is a Nintendo Direct. Or are you saying Mario and Luigi Brothership is a nothingburger title because its also in it?
>It doesnt work that way dumbass
What are the sales of Kuro 1 and Kuro 2?
>Because were talking about Kondo allegedly being tired of Kiseki
Which he is which explains the lack of marketing and care for Kai.
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shut up you janny loving snitch bitch
are we never getting a super ultimate or super arrange album again for a game after singa completely shit the bed with the last one
>A Nintendo Direct is a Nintendo Direct
There are variations of those directs but you knew this and still wanted to actually use it to prove a point. An incredibly dumb one at that.
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It should be called this.
Kuro I: 50.707
Kuro II: 50,144

Alright, I did my part, now post Ys X sales.
youre that guy on youtube that did the videos about the kiseki titles arent you
S-Surely Nintendo reached out to Falcom and gave them dev kits already....surely Falcom isn't still waiting on a response to the request to get dev kits from Nintendo....
It's first week sales, what about overall sales including switch?
>Sky remake trailer has the 2nd most views out of that Direct
To be fair, there is only one official Sky remake trailer, so everyone accessed the same video
while other trailers are split between each region
No. Who is that
>But there are variations-
Anon, that Nintendo Direct has 2.1M views, and out of all the games featured there, Sky Remake has 200k views on its JAPANESE trailer, and you're telling me that's nothing? I know you love downplaying, but you're being disengenious
na-chan's my favorite
>Kuro I: 50.707
>Kuro II: 50,144
Where are their lifetime sales? That's what I asked for. I don't care about their first week sales.
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NISA will drop the subtitle.
Hat dude is the First Anguis representative. That why Nielsen can walk around in public and why people like Wazy or Thomas are clueless about his identity
why do they drop the subtitles they're kino
Girl is gonna get a redemption but it more like Luciola and Bleublanc. Not enough to get her to quit
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Is Ein still a thing
So then basically the gotcha from the anon using those views as a gold medal is completely and utterly meaningless.
Anon you already got proven a clown. Stop further embarrassing yourself. The only reason it got those views is because that's the only trailer uploaded while other games got many other trailers posted on different channels.

And all of this from a indie/small partners direct too
Maybe he’s one of the Grandmaster favorite Enforcers. She seem like the leader who play favorites.

One example being Loewe. But I’m certain McBurn her favorite of all.
>If many people walk, that place would become a "road"
Kino. Why did they abandon this? Now it's just Rean who walks.
Just let it go anon
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Ever since what he did in Kuro 2, the Grandmaster put him on probation
As seen from the opening, he broke it

Too bad it mean Campy not gonna bother saving him when he get kill:
It's probably something more deeper than that. Like hatman has some intimate relationship with GM.
Anon, even if you add all the other games' outside of Brothership multiple trailers, they still dont add up to Sky Remakes, and if were going to play that game, then we should include Sky Remake's other uploaded trailers too.
Eh their suppose to be lot of Ouroboros lireS

She’ll appear in flashbacks and those memory orbs but won’t appear in person except for the last 4 min of the game
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>do nothing in kuro 1
>mess around just for fun in kuro 2
>gets salted in kai while campanella laughs at him
Easily one of the most wasted characters in the entire series if he doesn't do anything in Kai (he won't).
>The strongest Dominion ever
>Only action we "see" her in is in a book that may or not have exaggerated details
they got motherfucking kiryu to voice this guy and then did nothing with him
falcoms incompetence truly knows no bounds
Because the other games are mostly indie games lmao. Man you are so fucking delusional it hurts. If the same Sky remake trailer got announced in a main Direct with much bigger and more popular titles, it would get utterly buried. Like the P5 Royal Switch trailer? Would absolutely mog the Sky remake trailer if they got shown in the same Direct.
No... Only official Nintendo trailers. Or let's compare all the trailers on Youtube (Sky remake doesn't even make it into the top 20 of that direct)
People from all regions are commenting on this video because it is the first official Direct video and the only official video
Expect anything good from Kiseki and you're just asking to be disappointed. Falcom will stay laughing.
>If the same Sky remake trailer got announced in a main Direct with much bigger and more popular titles
So you're saying Sky remake is actually not at all niche as youre claiming it to be since it mogs smaller titles. Doesnt sound like a nothing series to me then.
K-kai will show up at the next PlayStation Showcase o-or State of Play.....right?
you don't know how this works at all
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Im on drugs but i don't care i love Weissy soooo much
Yes you will have Van and Rean Astros as Sony moves their HQ back to Japan and reestablishes Japan Studio as a job well done for Astro Bot.
Kai will be showcased on TGS with demos available.
Fuck I wish.
>So you're saying Sky remake is actually not at all niche as youre claiming it to be since it mogs smaller titles.
That's....quite a way to interpret what I said. I guess the delusion has just completely destroyed your brain and you're just in full cope mode now.
No because with how messed up Sony is now, the Japanese games they want to promote to grab their audience's attention are games people actually know about. Kai wouldn't do shit for those viewers. Doesn't help that Falcom themselves barely market the game on their own.
Post kondom
why is falcom so irrelevant anyways? haven't they been around for like 40 years?
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I feel like we've been eating pretty good for the past 13 games
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The more I see of hag Altina the more I become aware that she is not a loli anymore. She may only have grown a little in height, but her facial feautures and head to torso proportions are that of a slightly petite JK girl. She lacks the loli charms us lolicon feel attracted to. It's a tragedy.

How often did I imagine my large hands trailing over her vulnerable, petite body which was so small and fragile looking that it made me feel like it could break at any touch. each time my hand would brush her soft skin she would shudder like a small animal. But that innocent fragility was her appeal, the alure that made my manhood throb with arousal. Ready to defile her cunny. But all that is gone now. The blossoming flower is no more. Every night I weep, cry myself to sleep upon that loss. I don't know how long it will take for me to get over losing something so precious. But I need to. Eventually I will. They may have ruined her, but my precious memories remain.
They stopped trying to grow and instead choose to stagnate, which is why their games are selling less and less each year.
Because Falcom never made a game that was more than a 8/10 in their entire existence despite what the fanboys will tell you Nothing they've ever made is truly iconic in the wider gaming landscape.
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RIP loli Altina....my wife is D E A D!!!!!
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Male Kisekis should start dressing like this too
Good shit from the toilet?
Because they squandered the little talent they managed to grab from years ago and did nothing to cultivate any new talent. They also made some of the dumbest decisions imaginable like sticking to PC gaming even by the end of the 90s and into the 2000s. Utterly missing out on the console market that practically every JP companies were jumping into. Falcom chose to jump in too damn late.
Falcom knows how to play it safe with their budget so they dont feel any flop /too/ much. This is why their games look like theyre 1 gen bejind either. A good chunk of their former talents moved to other companies including a number of Squaresoft like Takahashi. They couldnt keep up with the 90s console gen and a bunch of other weird decisions
Really generous there.
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Nah food from the table
Since she XVIII, it mean she a lunatic, secretive and a liar
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No more doomposting!
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>never made a game that was more than a 8/10 in their entire existence

Private Stripper was a 10/10.
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That seems accurate.
>honorary little sister
god this shit was so gay
This is the best possible timeline. Jim Ryan really did a number on PlayStation long term,
No. She probably avoid Shirley after what she did and think Cedric is lame
It utterly boggles my mind that they chose not to atleast start the transition into the console market in the 90s. They would have been able to garner more attention to their brand. Sure it would be more competitive but competition brings about growth opportunities. I truly believe Falcom could have been able to make it back then. But they just played it too safe like pussies and didn't even bother trying to take that risk which left them as latecomers in a market that had already cemented the big dogs when it came to JRPGs.
go watch steven universe faggot kek
>Central Eastern
>Whiter skin than usual
Glad to know Falcom has been learning from the only good thing Mihomo is good for.
W-What is this game about
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Kai Altina is perfect. She's a beautiful young woman perfect for Rean (me) and ready to bear his children.
Do you think the Grandmaster punish Vita for running away.

Harwood say he got scolded by the Grandmaster after he came back.

But what does that mean?
Nah she thinks of Shirley and Cedric as her best friends because they're around the same age.
She's a HAG. She was RUINED.
Why the fuck would you play something like Tear of Vermillion when you could play FF7 on the same console lol. Falcom would just as forgotten even if they had gone all in on consoles back them because their games just don't stick out enough no matter what platform they're on.
>Do you think the Grandmaster punish Vita for running away.
No. She ate her out.
Vita needs to die a violent death.
Why does she dress like a slut?

Can’t even properly wear a jacket.

And where is she putting that tie.
the tie is to accentuate her tits
Renne mentioned Ellroy loves towing the line the Grandmaster has set so he gets chewed out often I feel.
Ouroboros went to shit after Weissmann die
Ah a thresome.

Cedric is lucky

U know if Renne was still with Ouroboros, she would be their senior
I wonder why it is trails of all things has such an irony poisoned fandom culture around it. It's like you are the weird one for actually wanting to express enjoyment and love for it. Why do "fans" of something spend so much time hating large chunks of it and going at others for
I dont understand that hand gesture, what does it mean?
so why the hell does he even bother staying with them are they even going to explain that
I mean even Falcom could release their games on both PS1 and N64. Build a relatively with both companies. But that's what I meant. Them being placed against strong competition would force them to grow and put more effort into their games. They'd be able to put themselves in positions to where they could acquire and cultivate new talent. But they didn't bother trying. They just chose to play it safe and be as risk averse as possible which led to very small to almost non-existent growth and put them further behind everyone else.
niche enough game but small enough community to have the most schizo fanbase
Rean got another anime and added EVEN MORE members to his harem?
Fucking this. My goodness we didn't know how good we had it back when Weissmann was running the show.
Lol. Lmao even.
She's talking about KeA and Sully's heights.
Trails is an interconnected series so when it went bad it had more an effect on people due to the sunk cost nature and wanting closure on the story. When FF became shit it doesn't matter, they're all self contained you can just stop playing but since Kiseki are all sequels to eachother you feel compelled to play them. Half the fandom are people being held hostage because they want closure.
It self-gatekeeps due to the tall order of having to play 13 games, but then you have the people who actually played those 13 games and absolutely hate them, but due to sunk cost fallacy, keeps on playing them instead of walking away, so now you have arc wars and doomposting

That said, thats still a somewhat good spot as a fandom. You have shit like Persona and Guilty Gear that just went to absolute garbage the moment their new games came out.
No she is perfect no matter what unless kondom ruins her with cowtits
I think she's showing how tall KeA and Sully are here
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He's too powerful
They're just being a little tsundere. Falcom are my goats
The only reason the Grandmaster keep Ellroy around (despite his rule violation) is because he amuses her.

Once the Grandmaster get bored, it by bye Ellroy
He probably just likes fucking with them since they took out the Moonlight Horse and he has a long history of destroying organizations from the inside. The GM's true identity probably has something to do with it too.

That's where the problem lies. The moment she stepped over the threshold to womanhood she lost all her loli appeal. She became worthless. If I want a JK I have better heroines to pick from, like Agnes for instance. Agnes has appeal because she was designed as a JK heroine from the start. Altina was designed as a loli from the start. Turning her into a JK was a dumb idea.
>No she is perfect
Not anymore
>Ah a thresome
Well yeah. The star, moon and sun are meant to be used together. So Shirley, Vtuber and Cedric are a threesome.
>U know if Renne was still with Ouroboros, she would be their senior
Well yeah. Which is funny because she's younger than them.
I don't hate Trails I really don't but i've become a lot more critical of it over the years. It used to feel like Falcom really tried but they were just limited by their size so it was easy to forgive the more sloppy aspects of the games but now it just feels like they barely try at all.
Harwood going out like Saltman would be ironic. It's like only the good Ouroboros members have to die.
Probably what the other Enforcers are gonna be like.

- arrogant wannabe leader (Emperor)

- fallen priest who sin (Hierophant)

- some bracer-police who turn evil (Justice)

- got themself hanged as in got drunk (Hanged Man)

-too calm for their own good (Temperance)

-probably never left the base (Tower)

-key to Ouroboros plan (World)

-real key to Ouroboros plan (XXII)
This. I just personally don't find myself caring at all about Kai or whatever answers it claims it's going to answer or whatever character they'll bring back for forced fanservice or any gameplay "enhancements". It's honestly kind of sad that I'm more interested in the Sora remake and even that's not a huge amount.
A natural backlash to Trails fans pretending that Falcom games are some hidden masterpiece that puts other ganes to shame
>b-but the script is longer than LotR
No one cares. Fuck off
We're never gonna see most of these people.
Why retard cultists saying that Kiseki is the best thing ever are allowed to exists but the ''Kiseki is the worst thing ever'' guys are a bad thing???
In my opinion there's good moments in trails but the overall series is mediocre. No matter what people say: Pacing and dialogues are important and the abuse of tropes (repeated several times in the same series) is not a good thing
Death is better than dinduification. It's completely impossible to redeem someone like Harwood, and Mariabell for that matter but Falcom absolutely will do it with her since poor poor Elie would be very sad if her Mariabell got what she deserved.
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Meanwhile the Star, Moon and Sun are interconnected.
That's what I believe too. We'll probably just get cliff notes about them. Something from a artbook or something.
you either die a villain or live long enough to see yourself become a good guy in kiseki
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After thinking about long and hard, I've determined that Kiseki is the best
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There is no one better than Altina, regardless if she's a loli or JK (I think she's more of a JC though). Besides, she essentially still looks like a loli. Small body, small/flat tits, pretty much every loli characteristic.
You are wrong. She is flawless
I dont think anyone likes Mariabell, not even yuritards. Its the same as Angelica but Angelica is on the hero's side so she gets to live. Mariabell I can see either dying a gruesome death or sacrificing herself for Elie. Eitherway she dies
Because the cultists want to feel like their sunk cost wasn't a sunk cost so they drown out those who criticize the series.
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They're so tsun for him. They claim they hate him then say shit like this
To be fair that's Novartis, nobody likes him either.
>Mariabell for that matter but Falcom absolutely will do it with her since poor poor Elie would be very sad if her Mariabell got what she deserved.
Yeah Mariabell needs to roast along with Campy and the other members but as you said, Elie's love for her is what's keeping her alive. It's an actual circus. I like Mariabell because she's one of the few vile villains in the series and I want her to die like Saltman so she won't be ruined but I'm not even allowed that.
I've seen hardcore femdomfags like her. You need to have some pretty extreme fetishes to simp for fucking Mariabell of all characters
Im a hardcore femdomfag and she fucking sucks and unappealing. I like Shirley and Sharon way more
Anon she will not die. I wish she would but she won't. They're not going to want to make Elie sad and relevant.
the only belle shit ive seen is her s&m raping elie
They know secretly that Weissmann carried the organization on his back. Even GM knew this. When he died, they gave a fake sigh of relief but realized Ouroboros would begin declining soon after.
would rather get dominated by sharon or vita any day. belle needs to die.
I want Vita to die too. Not because I like her but because I hate her. Sharon can also get fucked along with Renne.
I mean the ones who want their balls tortured and hot wax shoved up their ass. Unless you are one of those
I want to cum on Na-chan tummy.
Yeah but he acts like they do because he's somehow more autistic than weissman
Reminder that according to Kevin, Mariabell isn't on their absolute shit/must die list like Campanella and Harwood is. Even though Mariabell teamed up with Harwood to raid Arteria lmao.

Mariabell is protected so hard by Elie's boob power it's insane. .
where does he say this
For me it's Alfin's butt
When he's talking to Campanella in that one Kai screenshot.
if there's no redemption arc for bell where she makes up with Elie and joins the hero's side there is literally no fucking point to her character and then bringing that shit BACK in CS4
Open to the former, not so much the latter. Still I dont like Mariabell. She's just a psycho lesbian
At least she older than Ixs and Jolda.

She’ll be Jolda mentor once Jolda defect.

They probably can get along
Vita and Osborne are the same shit, but Vita never got the same hate as Osborne (even though they were both trying to save the world in the most idiotic way)
Why'd they make it so lewd?
If he was in charge, the Phantasmal Blaze Plan would never be stolen.
Osborne sucks
Vita sucks
Mariabell sucks
Sharon sucks
Nadia sucks
Dieter sucks
Your waifu sucks
Theyre forced to like him because he's their lead engineer and scientist. Weissmann is just some heretic priest that molests boys.
love dubarry
Isn’t McBurn on the list too? Probably because he’s an anomaly that shouldn’t exist in Zemuria.

I guess the list also include anomalies.
So at the end of Crossbell Belle and Shirley joined Ouroboros and at the end of Erebonia Cedric joined Ouroboros. Who will join at the end of Kai?
Fuck off. Shit like MUH REDEMPTION is why most of Ouroboros members are fucking jokes.
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Vita is a good person
It's pretty evident to anyone with basic critical thinking abilities that Ellroy will be the big bad of Kai. He's going to get as, if not more, focus as Weissman did in SC, and then he's gonna get salt'd.

It's so obvious. His appearances in Kuro 1 and 2 were merely setups.
Him molesting boys is headcanon
Maybe jolda going back to Ouroboros after all the events in kai.
ha ha
Vita is incompetent while Osborne isn't. That's why.
Yep. McBurn is also on the list. Because his existence defies the narrative the Church have about Aidios.
What interesting about Ouroboros is that they don’t have all their members yet and some arre gone forever.

Like XVII-XXII would probably never get a chance to know Loewe since he got himself killed.

It a real elite group
How does /fg/ feel about the theory that the Grandmaster is Aidios?
Osborne wasn't as retarded as Vita.
grandmaster will reveal the purpose of her plan as a necessary evil to save the world that demands great sacrifice, a bunch of the heroes then side with her
next arc is legend of heroes: civil war no kiseki where everyone fights eachother but its actually about ideology and not mind control
Who cares.
That sounds awful but it's modern Ouroboros so not impossible.
Well if the Grabdmaster turn out to be Aidios (her shadow or what not)

Than it mean they’re trying to hurt their goddess’s chosen.

>Vita is incompetent while Osborne isn't. That's why.
Both are incompetent and somehow were saved by deus ex machina in the end even with a fucking ability to see the future. both trash
Who the fuck are these jabronis
If you don't care then don't reply you fucking loser.
Don't give me that kind of hope. It's the only way Kai isn't a complete trash heap imo.
>seethes when you don't call her by her full name
>seethes when you don't call her by her first name
what's wrong with her
>Like XVII-XXII would probably never get a chance to know Loewe since he got himself killed.
I don't think any of them would care.
Apparently the church reveal something that shook them upon and that why they sent Kevin on an assasinatoon mission?

What could that be?
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my wife
>more masked guys
Sounds about right. Well guess I'll be waiting on Sora remake and TX2.
I thought Kevin didn't want to be an Assassin anymore. Falcom loves resetting character development, huh?
I love her so much
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But it Loewe. Eh true. The others (except Joshua and Renne)?probably mourn him for a dau than went on their businessz

McBurn probably spent a whole day drinking because he lost his favorite buddy. Now he didn’t have anyone to fight in his spare time.
Hatman is
Atleast Osborne never got his plan hijacked lmao.
Ok but Shirley, Vtuber, Cedric, Ixs and Jolda have no reason to care about Loewe.
Never said that. Just hr want to do something more than assasin work.

Assasin is just more of a side hobby now.

U can’t get rid of the urges. Probably why Ries isn’t with Kevin because she would stop him
Where the fuck is Cedric anyway
in the trash where he belongs
How dare you say that about GM's lover.
Except for a chance to fight him.

Who knows vtuber could had join before Loewe croak but didn’t became an Enforcer until a couple of yrs after his death
If they make kevin kill another ourojobber it's gonna be so shit. It was good the first time they did it only
The final game in the series is just gonna be one big boss rush against all Ouroboros members one after another in increasingly more insane dungeons.
the final game will be 90% filler and the last dungeon will be a boss rush
>Atleast Osborne never got his plan hijacked
Literally Argres doing everything Osborne and Vita tried for 4 games
Pounding Shirley's tuna. He's too busy to help with the plan you see.
>Except for a chance to fight him
Only Shirley would care about this. The others wouldn't.
>Who knows vtuber could had join before Loewe croak but didn’t became an Enforcer until a couple of yrs after his death
I doubt she would be an Enforcer candidate for that long...
Anon you described literally every game in the series
yeah i know which is why people who think the finale will be any different are nuts
And Lianne too
KEK a single plot device is more relevant than 3 major antagonists
Just let him kill Harwood so Harwood can finally be freed from this shit story.
So what's the fundamental difference between being Anguis Candidate and Enforcer Candidate? It's clearly not combat power, is it merely being really knowledgeable?
Cuckdric is getting pegged
Yes. That's pretty much it. Which is why I'm surprised Hatman is an Enforcer. Then again, we know nothing about him. Not even his name. I just thought him saying GM's line meant he was close to her.
Chadric is doing the pegging. Shirley is his cow.
New thread is made by a legit Twitter schizo
Non-faggot new thread
Whatever you want to believe
Whatever you want to believe

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