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Version 1.1 "Undercover R&B" Special Program
Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Current Signal Search
Jane Doe - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)
Sharpened Stinger - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Daily Life of a PubSec Officer" - 08/30 03:59 (server time) - Ends 09/09 03:59 (server time)
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - Starts 09/06 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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Okaeri, Onii-chan!~
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What the FUCK do they think they're doing? WHO IS HE?
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Is he ok???
sex with ben bigger
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Tell me to kill myself /zzz/ it'll give you good luck on your rolls
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Where the FUCK is he?
bweeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhh :(((
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>300 saved rolls
>70 batteries in the bank
>outside of discs and passive mats both Caesar and Burnice are completely prefarmed
Mwahaha let 1.2 begin, I'm ready.
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S11 just called me her love stallion.
I say this
Hanging around middle schools.
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Is Nicole worth using resources on without a Zhu?
Me when I lose 50/50
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give her all your dennies
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sex with seth smaller
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Worth rolling for the Officer Bangboo for Zhu - Qingyi teams or should I save
Idk how much better he is compared to etherboo
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Do people really autistically prefarm like this?? I just roll for every SEXO character, my Jane is level 49 but I can already clear SD 8/10 this game is EASY fking autist losers
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She's still an excellent support without Zhu, DEF Shred is no joke
I will level corin and billy to 60 because I like them
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Office Cui is worth it, and you can also use it with Jane - Seth.
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Time to see if it's four won coin flips in a row.
Place your bets
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Archie rape
Get em.
Meh, fucks like you always win, enjoy your rat bro
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Bis Sis!
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Seth is really starting to grow on me, kitty to kitty communication...
I hope not because that is unfair bwo
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Okay Razor
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I’m a gigaretard who just hit 300 on standard because I bricked my account earlier not understanding how Hoyo does things, who do I use my selector on? I own Grace’s engine, Rina is m1w1.
Koleda seems like the best choice except that I plan to get Caesar who’ll probably replace her.
Same. Honestly sharing Jane with him could be fun. Or maybe sharing him with Jane would be a more realistic description of it
You kek, but a c6 neko would obliterate all physical content
>he didn't 300 pull standard to pity best boy lycaon
Zhu Yuan is 10cm taller than me...
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Rina remains my only standard 5* character it seems.
What is so great about m2 and is Jane still complete without it?
bless me with your luck luckgod
Boy howdy, this game really starts to suck when you have no Dennies.

I just got my weekly Hollow Zero investigation points capped (5000/5000) and Bounty Comission 5/5

Yet I still can't claim the rewards, what gives? Am I missing something? Do I have to go to an NPC to claim them instead of the challenges tab?
>Jane still complete without it?
Yes, but it's like a 40-50% dps increase.
The rich get richer, we live in a society
So let say that in a 10 pulls roll on the limited banner, luck goes nuts and one gets 2 S ranks (not my case be reassured), if the 50/50 is still up and that the 1st S rank isn't the limited one, will the 2nd be guaranteed to be the banner character?
wait he actually has a decent ass I thought he was completely flat
>bricking your account with the Piperside grade
fuck bwo......... that hurts
Isn't it in the HZ laptop near Ray and then click the rewards?
Suck it up and farm them.
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Anton is such a manslut showing his boob like that
>if the 50/50 is still up and that the 1st S rank isn't the limited one, will the 2nd be guaranteed to be the banner character?
Yes. The guarantee still counts, even if it happens in the same 10-pull. Similarly, if you are on a guarantee, do a 10-pull, and get 2 S-Ranks, the first one will be guaranteed, and the second will be a 50/50.
Do I get Jane's mindscapes?
You should kiss your sister NOW.
I'd probably choose grace but maybe you should wait after rolling on caesar's banner
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I learned the skill in a former life of mine.
Does Jane have good porn?
Lycaon if you have any interest in an Ice team down the road.
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Why has she locked her door? Why am I hearing moaning?? WHO THE FUCK IS WITH HER?
Kot niggers SEETHING
but mbiby will be anomaly and not need a stunner
get k0tted
Yeah, Caesar is a confirmed brick after her nerfs and Burnice is a glorified support. Meanwhile Jane is the #1 DPS in the game for a long time. Best investment atm, I went C2W1 and don't regret it, she destroys everything
she just wants to tease you bwo
It would be wiser to provide a screenshot of the rewards tab instead of a coombait
fuck you
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Not only is she a Pipersidegrade, even Billy clears faster
I can only drink so many avacado coffees, Antoine
>Caesar is a confirmed brick after her nerfs
Doesn't she give you a shield, impact, and +1k attack?
Any cn / jp tier lists with Jane?
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La Rata
Caesar is still winning as much as before, he doesn't have a Jane to begin with, he's just the usual retarded brickypedo trying to falseflag.
Anon. You should never take any post using the term "brick" seriously.
1500 attack and mob def shred too
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>tfw standard just throws a S rank W-Engine every 90 pulls
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I think I'll get Burnice. She seems cool and I want a burning unit. How about a Piper/Lucy/Burnice team for maximum blonde sex bomb?
20 minutes until reset, can't wait to fuck off this shithole
post THE solo billy clear
She's unironically a shittier Soukaku.

Both Soukaku and Nicole can group enemies too, Caesar is complete retardbait after she lost her impact. A glorified supportwhore with a non-scaling buff. Will be replaced as soon as the first S support arrives. Mark my words.
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what would she order?
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I love him...
What's the strategy for playing Jane? Do you just keep her on field and spam assault, or do you run a stunner and only bring Jane out once the enemy is stunned?
Ether anomaly unit when? Ether is the best element with best DoT.
After caesar its maximum savings time for trigger and raiden banners
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>no Lucy
That's just sad
You wont be missed, ngyuyen.
have him at C2 already
game keeps throwing him at me
4 more copies until C6 and he unleashes beast mode
Depends on your team but you mostly want to run her on-field and triggers assaults, yes.
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How many rolls do you guys have saved for 1.3?
She groups with shield throw. What are you talking about?
The former.
Sure is since she's really cute.
Caesar gives a shield
>skipped Qingyi
holy brick
I think it's a chatgpt script. Soukaku doesn't have a succ ability like nicole whatsoever.
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>156 rolls into Jane
>still haven't gotten her
is this normal or is my luck abnormally awful?
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I will be the gigachad big dick PVMPER Jane DPS in co-op

YOU will be the Seth Supportsissy shielding me. If you don't shield/buff me properly I'm taking away your DPS-button. Stay in your lane sissy.
when you lose the 50/50 its pretty normal
I love Anby so Qiqi is irrelevant to me.
It happens. Pretty normal if you lose the first 50/50. It'll even out over time. Feels bad right now though, I commiserate.
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>he doesn't use both
your loss
So does Ben. So does Seth lol.

Proof? Got any source to back that up??
did the brickybro really just post a 4m56s clear?
No one cares about your Billy stupid faggot
Assault is going to remain king until they release an agent that can trigger an anomaly's full damage without disorder or a super broken ice anomaly who boosts its damage further. Assault has the best disc set and both Jane and Piper are geared towards multiple fast procs which only works because Assault instantly resets its bar unlike every other anomaly that isnt freeze.
People are hyping up Burnice but she's currently only looking juicy because of her off field effect.
You are my favorite person anon
It will be okay
Just don't give up
middling clear time but based for mindbreaking the resident shitflinger
Anon, i got 2 Koledas and her sig from standard...I really don't need Qiqi.
Also, why would you even need two stunners of the same element in the first place? Talk about redundant.
Look at how cool my hubby is.
Please just fucking roll on her rerun, you piece of shit. I told everyone she would beat the rat.
You pair Burnice with another element so you can go back and forth with disorders.
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Not him but you just rendered your Zhu and Jane useless
Burnice will finally enable a Disorder term with two big disorder procs via Burn/Shock. I don't know how exactly that will compare to the assault based teams damage wise, but it's at least a different dynamic I'm interested in.
But she's not even half as sexy as the rat, why would you make that bet?





Your prefilled reactions:
"Based. FPBP. Based. Holy based. Based Billybro. Whoah sweet solo again based Billy-anon! We love you Billy anon!!!"
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You're so lucky... I wish he spooked me more...
Weird, i can clear anything with no effort, huh.
>It'll even out over time
biggest lie, I'm day 1 player in genshin and its 61:39 lose:win after 42 5* drops
yeah it will even out after billion pulls tho
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I like how there is a new event and no one is talking about it.
Zzz truly is dead.
>Ben is an Oikurafag
artists don't actually play the game, sad
It's just "Use this team and play them like you normally would." What's there to discuss?
Probably because the new event is like 30 seconds of combat a day.
im going to do zzz dailes irl
getting coffee, eating ramen, and then the arcade
Not useless, just weaker because of how strong stun damage multiplier boosts are for Zhu.
Absolutely not.
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What if I want the Kot? Still don't have her.
Hey animefag, mind sharing a screenshot of your Shiyu Defense screen with the class?

You won't. Because you're a stupid bitch.
I am >>493563105 and I didn't post >>493563551 just in case you're a drooling retard who didn't already realise, but see >>493563637
Because it's just a filler event, some shitty combat once per day, it's nothing special.
is it worth buying nicole in the shop if it will give me c6
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It's basically a tutorial on how anomalies works, which makes some sense, they do a very bad job explaining this stuff in game.
Save it, she will return with Burnice banner
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What does Belle smell like?
She hasn't stooped that low just yet bro
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So, is there like no fucking reason at all to lvl up steam oven?
All it does is increase attk and energy regen but who gives a fuck.

The main component the fucking stun is a passive which doesn't increase via lvls, so you may as well keep it to lvl 1.

I've already posted it you dumb stupid bitch.
Maybe pay attention to the fucking threads and stop asking me for shit I"ve already fucking shown.
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I was born in a gang environment so I can't with good conscience roll on cops, let alone a fucking rat.

It's SoC and OBOL only for me.
got nekomata instead of jane....how do i use her...i have grace and rina
What's she costs like 140 residual?
1 nicole vs 7 tapes? I'm taking the tapes desu, unless you just REALLY want her finished.
I love children so I will only roll for the idols
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You'll pull her again eventually, just save the tapes.
Post it you scared bitch. Last warning.
We love you Billy anon!!!
So Seth isn't available yet to hang out with?
>got [kino kot] instead of [useless brick]
womp womp
didnt ask + you are brown
>t. has been crying he can only Assault for 100-200k on Jane
>hasn't been able to clear Shiny up to this point
Your dick has inverted and turned into a pussy at this point. You're the type to insta lock DPS and do less dmg than an A rank support
He is, you just need to do his world trust event at lumina square general chops to unlock his contact.
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[trivia] miyabi radiates lots of heat through her ears due to their high blood vessel density and thin walls, which means she sweats slightly less than usual
Is it the case that M6 A rank units are roughly as good as M0 S Ranks and are outclassed by M1?
Only good events are tv focused or dumb minigames.
He doesn't show up in your phone right away since Phaethon hasn't technically met him in-story, you have to have his tape rental event, then find him getting noodles at Chop Junior's in Lumina at night, then wait an ingame day cycle to meet him again at Sixth Street noodles and you'll get his number
>she sweats slightly less than usual
Jane M1 is useless right? You would need to get M2 if you want dupes right?
Is it feasible for me to hit level 36 in one day and 10 hours? I'm halfway through level 33.
co-op doko?
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Thanks. I already did the tape event and skipped time to the next day, thinking that would've been enough. I didn't see his icon on any map, so I just didn't bother with anything else. Got no reason to go to Lumina anymore, or... most places anyway. Thanks again.
>Just beat the level 35 Hollow Zero mission with Koleda, Nicole, and Corin with all of them at lv l30

Am I good at this game?
M2R1 or bust
Absolutely, probably without even needing to use batteries
M1 is great, you get Anomaly build up, Anomaly Prof, an additional stack of Salchow jump.
It's just that M2 happens to be a bigger jump than every other mindscape she got combined
If you want to roll something extra on her go M0R1. If you're ever planning to roll more then get M1 and M2 eventually
M1 is good. M2 is cracked.
fuck you
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Is it even worth it to level a swing jazz set for Seth? I feel like you'd rather use the new disc set in 1.2 on him. His chain attack takes forever and the new defense discs will give damage on assist instead of chain.
So far I'd say an M6 A rank is 10-20% behind a M0 S Limited. It of course depends on many factors like wengine, comp, skills and discs.

My Anby with Hellfire Gears and an Impact Disc is a faster stunner than a Qingyi for example.
post your clears schizo

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This is the exact same thing that's happening with ben, brickybro. The current recommended set is swing jazz because it's the cope option, in 1.2 it will become proto-punk. A lot of players are retarded but they usually build male characters correctly.
Post Shiyu b*tch
I’m the leader of the /zzz/ guild.
Submit your applications.
Accurate. Keep in mind that even T3 can clear with their eyes closed because of how easy Shiyu is
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>T3 character can clear end game content in 30 seconds
NTA, but is Shiyu really a big deal? It's just so easy with Zhu and Ellen.
Lucy is a better support than suckacocku, by far.
She's useable in every team, doesn't waste field time with stupid long animations.
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Guild Accountant!!
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>that high

>that high

>that high

Call yourself a stupid bitch.
>no secondary core passives active
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finally got S rank on all defense stages
I'd just change Rina and Piper to T1
The only time Shiyu was ever impressive was back when everyone was still level 30-50. The moment we got 60 it became another source of free polys with 0 challenge
Rina if she had an actual duration for her support effects
I don't know how to take screenshots. I can just tell you te Hollow Zero Challenge Tab (in F2 section) shows the following

Investigation points 5000/5000 (with th reset timer next to it)

Bounty Commission 5/5

Then beneath there's the list of rewards. Have I just already gotten th rewards?
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This is probably the single lowest IQ general I've ever seen on /vg/, congrats I guess.
Wishing you a speedy recovery miss bartender, going through chemo straight into a stroke must've been tough..
Next Critical Node
>Phase III:
>Increases Agent ATK by 20%, and Attribute Anomaly DMG by 30%.

do you think there will be any curve balls in this? I was expecting something defender related since Caesar is coming out during
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At M0W0 Neko is a fairly straightforward attacker who focuses on dodge attacks and has a reasonable amount of AOE in her attacks. Unfortunately, Neko doesn't really work with Grace and Rina specifically. What I'd probably suggest that I know you have is Neko, Anby, Rina. That will give you a fairly standard attacker, stunner support comp that may not have the best synergy, but absolutely has the basics covered while you're starting out. Alternatively, if you have them, people have done well with Neko, Piper, Lucy. Leaning more into the Assault style with Neko. Down the road you could roll for Burnice and make a Grace, Seth, Burnice or Grace, Rina Burnice disorder team as a 2nd team. Or you could just try to build another 75ish rolls over the next few weeks and go for your guaranteed Jane.
Like all Mihoyo games and most gachas, even as a F2P tryhard, they're all a cakewalk as long as you keep doing your dailies and staying current.
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More like this imo
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what's the opposite of a bricked account because that's what I got
FUCK the kot hahahahaha
If you actually fully comprehend the video you would understand that the only thing enabling that is the damage bonuses applied thanks to a t1 and t0 character
the struggle was real back then
all limited ssr's m1's are just quality of life + some stats that they want
m2 is the big jump in dps
>the 3 males are the most dogshit characters in the game
It's over chudbros
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>grace that high
>ellen that high
You're still a stupid bitch.
stop insulting my brown animal daughter
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so was skipping Qingyi really a brick?
Post your S rank Shiyu clear
I think the main difference as well is that star rail and genshin's stories take up a ton of time. People slack off instead of just getting it done and unlocking the best farming spots
ZZZ while being slow to unlock shit the actual story is a third of the length. I don't think anyone here isn't caught up at this point
>billy that low
>while people are doing 30s shiyu clears with him
um, kek?
>I don't know how to take screenshots.
Just use the print screen key on your keyboard then paste onto Paint, nigga, this is basic shit.
I was gonna pass on her but I wanted some A rank dupes and pulled her first 10 pull
turns out shes just a better anby and it's not even close
>the new defense discs will give damage on assist instead of chain.
Isn't it extra daze on assist? Not extra damage. Kinda weak if you aren't using him with a stunner or Caesar(Who will probably want that set herself). And if you ARE using him with one of those that the Swing Jazz buff on chain becomes a lot more valuable.
30s clears with an m1w1 qingyi attached to him
Where's Anton's 30 second clear?
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>Mogs the ratfags
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why did Lucy fail to become as popular as Mona for this game?
Well sorry you bricked your account by skipping Qingyi then. Every real player already has her and her ball
They changed it in the beta a while back to be 15% increased damage for the entire team when ANY defensive or evasive assist is activated.
you didn't clear shit
daze was an old translation, or an old version, maybe both, but it's damage now
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I hope one day we can have a T0 S-Rank Male Agent, not because I'm gay but because I want to have sex with him.
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Post the 30 second rat clear
All supports should be T0/0.5.
Piper too low.
Billy too low, easily on par with Soldier 11.
what agents did you use?
Just like real life, men are worthless trash
Post your Shiyu clear stupid bitch
>rolling sigs and dupes
>whose only purpose is to clear seconds faster on a baby mode meant for mobile players
Not gonna play your little game. You still didn't clear shit.
BillyGODS won...
She's more the star of the show than anything there, took no time whatsoever to get the daze off and pumped the entire team with insane buffs from her kit, mindscape and engine
Move Nicole up to T0.5
Move Lucy up to T0.5
Move Rina down to T1
seething ratfag?
seething ratfag.
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Why do people suck at making tier lists, I'm going to presume everyone rating Grace high are people who just don't fucking have Grace.

Same with Ellen, its fucking crazy how awful Ellen is without wolfy.
isnt this just THE support set now?
its functionally a permanent 15% damage buff
Wow that's so cool that the devs made slopcop get so many high numbers.
Still an unpopular flop though.
Fair enough. Then yeah I'd agree Seth wants the Shield 4 piece.
The only thing you "won" is worms
Qingyi's clear. LMAO
but what if I do have wolf
>i-it d-doesn't c-count
Just admit your rat is mid
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bosses don't attack you while stunned and waiting for them to do so slightly before stunning is also a dps loss. if you're doing something like zhu+anby+nicole then swing jazz still does its purpose best by being active during your magdump.
but yes the new one is generally very strong and definitely earned a place on comps like jane+burnice+caesar
The only way to unbrick Qingyi skippers is to roll Caesar and her sig
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both are fine for me
you also just got the wolf so you should use him
>j-just a-admit-
No, die of aids homoworm
I do genuinely wonder what the time would be if you swapped billy and jane here
>every stunner besides qingyi and lycaon sucks
>entire kit geared towards stun burst dps
no shit
I admit that Qingyi is a great character though? LOL
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lucy + piper + koleda
grace + anton + anbi

i've skipped every banner
Ratbros...our answer??
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Between Qingyi and Rina who is the best pick for a jane team? I suppose Seth is pretty much Mandatory on at C6 + W-Engine right?
holy based
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Aren't you ashamed /zzz/?
Contributing to the objectification of women through gross and icky fanservice?
Why aren't you touching grass and having sex instead of rolling for Jane Doe like a basic incel?
builds/levels for 1st team?
Have you considered that You're CURSED with sleep apnea, manually breathing and HEXED pulls
What makes M6 Billy so good? Also, what should I prioritize leveling up first on a character besides levels?
>no fucking Rina

sir do you know you are an Homosexual faggot?
Seth doesn't get much past C1 and isn't as mandatory as people think.
Between Qingyi and Rina it just depends on which play style you prefer, standard daze>nuke with Qingyi or quick swap with Rina. I personally run Seth+Lucy so I barely ever have to get off Jane
>Same with Ellen, its fucking crazy how awful Ellen is without wolfy.
I barely know what I'm doing but 7/7'd with Ellen without furry faggot
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This one is harder than the weekly defense task
what the fuck
No used goods allowed, sorry.
Nothing, he's a worthless faggot at all Eidolons.
the youtube link is a video for the clear
the builds are included starting at 1:13
jane really doesn't need a stunner
she does better when you're constantly dodging to refill her meter and you can't do that if they're stunned
honestly doesn't matter either way though you can S rank shiyu 7 either way
>check jane doe in danbooru
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whats the best team for c6 corin? dont care if she sucks.... also lycaon is stuck on mono ice for now
She's not doing anything in your fucking teamcomp, you may as well be using Koleda for bigger daze output and she'd probably be doing more dmg than those shitty disorder procs.

Then congrats, you need two 5^ units to finally compete against the likes or Rat or Zhu who can output immense dmg with just 4* units.

That isn't T0 behavior.
Probably only in comps without a stunner.
The first half is just to waste your time, the second half is just shitty overtuned enemy design. Blame the soulslops who whined about how easy 1.0 was (as if they won't uninstall and go back to playing FromShit rollslop either way)
Qingyi and Rina. Rina feels bad to play without m1 though.
shes shitting out 300k+ white numbers every 5 seconds
shes also disordering the assault which is another 150k ontop
theyre also both daze nuking already
Corin needs a good stunner more than Ellen. If you don't have koleda or qingyi move lycaon over and give ellen anby
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sex with npcs
real women have lower DPS
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whatever skill his rotation relies on the most
For billy it would be the dodge and the basic attack, or alternatively the Dodge and the EX, and maybe the ULT if you're going with the ult 4pc disc set
As for what makes THE STARLIGHT KNIGHT so good at C6, his damage bonus at C6 makes him incredibly powerful with consistent play, not getting hit and getting your dodges in without dropping the debuff adds up
Rolled Jane
Rolling Burnice
Rolling Yanagi
Rolling every Anomaly until EoS
does changing an agent's model for a modded one makes all her special events's model also change?
do modded models have good jiggle(not too overdone)?
Not rolling any characters.
Stuck with Cunny Hares (and eventually Lucy) until EoS.
Someone several threads back was wondering about clearing Trust: Threat in Hollow Zero with a fire team.


You do need decent investment but it's quite doable, this has suboptimal play in several areas (notably the second wave at the start and some chain attack/buff optimization on the boss) and still has over 20s of leeway. My original clear was with Ben instead of Koleda but I rolled her while getting Qingyi.
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Leave Electro Nigger to HIM!
I think about rolling for Jane's weapon... cause I guess I will be using her for a loooong time considering how good she is
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This is my plan too
I need blonde bitches
And you'd do more dmg when the enemy is fucking stunned and actually able to do a full spin without being repeatedly interrupted.

You're a stupid bitch.
>tfw won the 50/50 for jane 3 times in a row
this is where the game breaks dolphins and convinces them to go all the way.
watch closely now, its important research.
Either stick to M0R0 or push for M2R0
dont have either....

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>Dun dun du-dun dun
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>file deleted
I'm not dropping any more dosh until the serval girl and the robololi
the next several months of characters look utterly boring to me so I decided to pony up a bit for rat
QY/Lycaon and a random support.
imagine the smell
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I wasnt too far off
You don't know how to play disorder, build characters or shit out more than 200k Assaults though? You also thought 300+ anomaly was whale territory
Stupid bitch says the dumbest things in /zzz/ history and then tries to give advise
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How many rolls is M0 to M2?
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Naisu job, kyoudai
140 with good luck 280 with bad luck
>he doesnt know
I only swap piper in to refresh power stacks and pop disorders
theres actually no situation where you want to full spin, since she applies enough assault to get 2 in one spin but the cooldown on anomaly procs makes it so that doesnt happen
aka you just waste energy for no reason
I swear Billy, Piper and Lucy are kino S-ranks labeled as A-ranks
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The game's name is quite confusing for newcomers. When I first heard of the game I thought it was zenless ZEN zero and it took some time until I got it right. and it seems this is a common problem
>the worm is replying to itself again
I won all 3 coinflips in a row, took me 140-150 rolls
10 rolls for hyperluck
And that is how much in USD?
what is R, are you talking about her signature weapon or Rainforest?
It's 2 new limited characters you could've gotten instead of making one a bit better. Stop being retarded and forget about mindscapes if you need to count rolls.
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>get a non-pity spook but it's only 6 rolls away from soft pity
erm thanks i guess
tree fiddy
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I don't take serious shitters who show off Shiyu fucking defense and think they are fucking good.

Imagine showing gameplay of a fucking area that is directly benefitting you multiple times over and thinking your units are good.
Either play Notorious hunts or fuck off.
Use the VPN trick to cut down 40-50% of the cost
Rainforest, R0 is usually the f2p option and R1 and up is the Sig engine
6 gorillions usd
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thanks BillyGOD bwo. shamelessly posting my crit node win too. my Lucy cant really vertically ascend anymore sadly but im going to keep pushing
Does Burnice and Cesar want M2 like Jane?
>t. cried that it took 4+ minutes to clear pre Jane
Stop digging, you've embarrassed yourself enough
>he can't clear it because he skipped Qingyi
oh no no no no AHAHAHAHAHA
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Solobwos.. we're all gonna make it....
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NOOOOOOOOO oh she's alive :)
>every 10 Pull you get A Rank Unit
>S Rank kills the A Rank Unit

Isnt that already fraud?
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None of them need it. If you like them enough and want to invest vertically then sure, but know that shiyu is a massive joke that doesn't need that level of investment, do it out of love not meta
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holy shit
Why Wise is like this?
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We're doomed...
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m2w1 jane
m2w1 caesar
yep, it's all falling into place
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Its ALWAYS ALWAYS Shiyu clears that you see.
Never ever do you see faggots posting Hunts clears even though its objectively the best place to see the ACTUAL strength of your units.

Must suck having to do those weekly bosses and seeing your "MUH 1 MILLION DMG" actually doing like 100k when it isn't buffed to high heaven with those shitty shiyu buffs.
Why? It'll just dissolve to reposting fanarts and pure headcanon fanfics sharing
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genuinely curious, where's the rat ~30 sec clear? (m0 without sig)
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see the ACTUAL strength of THIS
*cums inside you*
Mid Jane bros wtf is this....
so why does billy get 5 star cinemas and sigs but rat doesnt?
Shut the fuck up
I was talking about you crying about notorious hunts taking 4+ minutes all the way up to mid 1.1
>shiyu buffs your damage from 100k to 1 million
Just like how 300 anomaly is whale territory? Call yourself a fat stupid bitch
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Limitedunitfags are kneeling and coping rn
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They won
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is it really this easy to farm yous
And people say I'm stupid for skipping Jane because I already have C6 Billy and C6 Piper
because he's a tier3 a-rank and rat is a tier0 s-rank, so he gets to have that privilege
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Is the billyschizo a /gig/ raider? The posts feel very inorganic and forced.
the AUDACITY of cosplay e-whores posing with a male
I know youre trolling but there is nothing to post, clear results arent saved anywhere in the UI
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>finally get jane after 173 rolls
>fun as fuck
>check out her cinema bonuses
>theyre omega busted
bros...i don't have it in me to do any more rolls but jesus that's a lot of buffs...
It's over zenlessbros our forced animation has been exposed
Not in the same way. Jane's M2 is unusually powerful. Caesar for example is in the unusual situation that she REALLY badly wants her own W-Engine since her other options are all terrible. An S-Rank stun ball with an inactive ability likely being her best alternative.
So it's confirmed that the ugly rat's long ass banner is killing the game?
>a rank free unit gets to have cinemas
>limited S rank unit that costs 150 pulls doesnt
its pretty obvious if you have any braincells remaining in your shriveled metafaggot skull of yours
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>all this meta blabbing
>people still don't know to strictly dick roll
Yet if asked nobody cares about meta??? Clown general lmao
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the truth about jane is that she mogs the fuck out of piper. pipecopers really thought their lolibeyblade could compete... lol no. and seth is solid despite being a twink. im starting to believe the electric 5 star dps guy will obliterate anton
does leveling up skills increase decibel generation?
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this is better
I got fucked in the first half and it got me wondering
Can you restart the second half on its own or do you have to do the whole thing again if you fuck it up?
No clue, it's more forced than the Qingyi Vs Jane shit flinging posts, and I've got both
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anons who get uppity about skipping banners are clear shills
shiyu is a total joke to anyone who's played longer than two weeks
skipping early game banners is only logical
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Same as how dmg numbers aren't fucking saved in the UI either dumb bitch, but you all only ever post them when its in shiyu and nowhere else.

Imagine calling others a troll when you're this much of a stupid bitch.
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>sudden sexrat hate
>billy posting nonstop
>zero Piper or Corin or Nekomata posts, only the homo
Yep, smells like a /gig/ raid
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if you actually watched the video youd see he has TWO of qingyis weapon, 1 of qingyis cinema, and zhu yuan sig on his billy
so why is billy allowed to whale but not rat??
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Call yourself a stupid bitch
>wuwajeet seething at Billy and Piper
lol, lmao, lmfao, rofl, et cetera
are they planning on implementing the ability to walk around the overworld as your characters permanently?
i look like this irl
>acknowledges that should is a joke
>skipping early game banners is only logical
Zhu sig doesnt even have an actual effect on billy rofl
complaining about it being equipped is pretty pathetic
3 team content when? the burnice, lucy, piper team is calling
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Also I just realized, you rarely ever want to parry into Seth.
Actually, you should never do it.
He applies your buff, but he doesn't give the enemy the 20% build up resis shred.

Parrying with him is actually playing him wrong.
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so how exactly would you like the Notorious Hunt clears delivered to you?
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my condolences
its a 5 star weapon you have to spend 70 rolls for
so why does rat have to clear m0 with no sig and no other 5 star while billy is allowed to have FIVE seperate ones
That shiyu is a joke**
50 rolls is 100 bucks
if you were a metafaggot purely speaking from efficiency, there's no reason to pull for any early banner because you can clear red shiyu with all A-ranks
When they finally start powercreeping A-ranks out, then you can start pulling becuase those units will also mog the fuck out of any 1.0-1.4 units
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this was actually awesome wtf
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>get Jane 1 pull before A rank pity
>it resets to 10
Ah so that wasn't a lie. That's really annoying.
Billynigger is from /wuwa/ then I see. Explains the massive seething about the rat ahahaha.
Jane mindbroke (you) for months now!
im actually running Zhu's sig on my Lucy. that idea is what sparked running my Lucy solo. you really just want that crit dmg
im also running Jane's sig on Piper: getting higher assaults with it
I will fuck this thing
oh no, its so over
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>another annoying shitposter exposed as a shitter
Why is it the same for every gacha general lmao
I knew there was something off about that run
>+48% crit damage is "no actual effect"
i-i need to put my penor in there
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No roll corinbro update.
Continuing to look for a better disk 4. Nothing useful dropped in last two days.
Denny event coffee means I can prepare to skill up Anby to 11 or 12 to build stun faster and get her last core skill. I'm at 3.4 million dennys from the events from a low of 59,000 denny. After the denny event ends I'll use the free 5 batteries from jane to work on anby.
why sometimes a different character assists instead of the one i switched to?
I'm not the anon you replied to with that post. You're contradicting yourself, there is literally 0 logic involved.
Shiyu is and will always be a joke that will get cleared with or without rolling those "powercreep" units. Anyone keeping up with the game and organically rolling here and there will always be overly equipped to S rank shiyu with plenty of time left over.
What the actual fuck? I pulled her on day 1 when anons were kept talking about how she's the best dps and clears fast
Did I just waste my rolls?
Reminder those aren't even his videos. "Billybwo" doesn't even play the game. It's a falseflagging shitposter.
What happens if I put face there
Some characters have different orders to who their quick assist brings in. For Seth, he summons the character to his left (or the third slot if he was first slot)
even if C2W1 Jane is 180-200% higer dps than C0W0 Jane she only clears 20% faster (20-15 seconds)
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Can someone explain the "shipping" phenomenon to me? I wasn't into anime as a teenager, and I assume that the whole trend stems from that, for some reason. My basic understanding of the whole thing is basically that a bunch of teenage girls obsessed with romance got unrestricted access to the internet and started creating some kind of fanclubs/circles for other girls to discuss some borderline fanfic made up bullshit for the sake of it, then some dudes or just straight up faggots caught the wind of it and joined them in the activity because they either wanted to get some pussy or they genuinely enjoyed it because of their fagish nature. Then the whole ordeal kept getting bigger and bigger and is now commonly practiced among smaller circles in every media related community. How accurate is that?
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your turn
full. now.
ive also only been slurping denny coffee and im back to square one. when Jane released, her sig inspired me to build Piper which destroyed all the resources on my account. farmed a fresh set of disks and everything(all shit).
I looked at your Corin in the last 24 hours and nothing seemed to change, I assumed you were building someone else now
Its being a selfinsertfag but with extra steps
Because they're red moves. Those can only be avoided by evasive assists like Zhu so it'll always switch to them instead of the defensive assist.
>jesus that's a lot of buffs...
Grace breast sweat....
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>have that caesar
>block 1 attack
>get 5 buffs
it's that shrimple
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Will caesar buff my M6 Billy?
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>his entire personality is shitflinging and hating on Billy, Piper, and Qingyi several times every thread until someone replies
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>2 atk buffs
thats it she spends more time on field than Soukaku and is doing less damage and no grouping
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Is Jane's personal symbol supposed to be in the shape of her hair or a sperm... or is her hair supposed to be shaped like sperm?
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I have never actually read any character's kit in any gacha I've played before pulling for them. I just go for hot, cute or cool.
She has no ass to do that
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Nicole and M1W2 Qingyi amp the damage to the point that Billy's 150% damage boosted ultimate can finish the boss off instantly in the stun phase. Jane isn't ultimate based and can't really replicate that type of burst.

I have M1W1 Qingyi as well but there's no point in using her side 1 because while it's an improvement for Jane, my side 2 becomes dogshit.
The Seth is level 25 because I will be replacing him with Caesar and Burnice and don't want to waste more resources on him.
but the flash is yellow tho
the messed up weight painting on the ass cylinder is pissing me off
What you're saying sounds nice but in terms of purely numerical efficiency later units will be stronger than early units
that's just true
saving currency when shiyu is easier for later on when it is harder is 100% logical
My neck has a bad misalignment so after I get it repositioned I can't move well for a day so I just do dailies.
I plan on continuing to roll almost all Corin disks until I find two good sets. Luck pending. I finally did the new event today.
>hiding behind Piper and Qingyi
Why so scared Billybwo?
that's actually based
Trust the plan. She is going to get a last minute boost to buff anomaly units.
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>low lvl notorious hunt
Doesn't count and you WILL call yourself a stupid fat dumb bitch.
It turns yellow it you have an evasive assist on the team. It still can't be blocked though.
This is the way. Reading a kit is fine but if their looks or gameplay doesn't interest me I don't bother.
Apparently the non "metafags" here can't help themselves from shitflinging shiyu clears, bricks, side grades, etc
But they're totally not a metafag btw. This will totally not keep happening until eos on every limited btw
I literally don't read what characters do, what buffs they give to allies and what debuffs they give to the enemies
I am completely immune to your metafaggotry and numbercrunching
I WILL be rolling with my dick
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I pulled for Dehya on her release banner in Genshin.
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The current banner attracted a lot of undesirables to the thread, just ignore them
shut up krystal
What's it feel like to be a king?
was it so fast that you couldnt believe it?
I can record for you if youd like, but it probably wouldnt count either
that's kind of stupid
just keep it red then
it just makes me think i can block it
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isn't it always a rule that the long lasting most valuable units are supports in hoyo games?
ala qingyi, caesar, seth
dpses are at their best in way later versions from my observations of the other games
>giant C0 no weapon roster in genshin
>never use them anyway other than the new meme mode that forces you to put 30 characters
>this game I will focus in on team per element going deep in investment
Anyone else doing this or are you still dick rolling?
my condolences regarding the neck
two sets for Corin... one is phys DPS and the other is... ? I can only see her as burst DPS
this new event is extremely painful to participate in
Go ahead and do the same thing with that same C1R2 Qingyi then
If you're such a genius
Rat at C0R0 should STILL mog any kind of C6 A-rank in his place, especially if his weapon doesnt even have an actual effect.
>core passive atk
>core passive damage
>c1 damage
>wengine damage
>disk set damage
useless retard.
I consneed...
You're not reading what I said then.
Any player with more than 2 braincells can completely forget about meta and still clear shiyu easily by just organically rolling for who they like here and there.
You're retarded if you think there's more thought that needs to go into it, being a metafag is completely fine, especially if that's where you get your joy from in this game. Don't try and present it as facts and shove it down people's throats as if there's a right and wrong choice with "logic"
It's not anime, it's everywhere. Shipping nickelodeon and cartoon network children, non-humans, animals, etc. together. People making harry potter ships, reality TV, scripted shows like supernatural, buff the vampire slayer, etc.

There's a large amount of people with boring lives projecting their loneliness, horniness, deranged fetishes on fictional and real life people and they don't care about age or gender. It's peak escapism, delusion, and mental illness.
2nd set is for billy, I don't have any extra agents so he would be the trigger for corins Faction passive
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really the most kino mission in the game
I literally didn't do that
I'm saying the logic is sound.
Where did I say it was right or wrong or that you should follow it? Go ahead, quote where I said so
nice cope
dupes and sigs make the game more braindead than it already is
I will never roll for them because I can clear in a minute on that same side without a single s rank other than grace >>493568734
>the Sakurafags who are still losing their minds over no NaruSaku a decade after Naruto ended
How is Grace single
Oh yeah, I was going to also do some stationary testing with Corin using her m0 engin vs the event engine <m5>
I wanted to see if there's a big difference because I can't get more of corins engine.
I look forward to the results
>ctrl f
>43 results
Holy fucking spam.
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Zamn, Wise knew Jane as kids???
beautiful pivot anon
so all your blabber about what rat was allowed to have was total nonsense, sounds about right
I fucking love children
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>counts cons, weapons and discs
>skipping early game banners is only logical
implying there's a right and wrong answer to it.
4 years later there's still autists clearing genshins abyss with 4 stars only by limiting themselves.
Shiyu will never be hard enough to warrant more thought on rolls than
>this makes my dick hard so I'm rolling
>that gameplay looks fun so I'm rolling
Not now, not 3 years in, not until eos
She's an autistic workaholic (in a bad way)
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But still, the general purpose of this whole activity is to fantasize about a specific character being into another character and doing some romantic/deranged shit together, correct? So these communities or groups or whatever just share a chatroom and they're actively discussing their ideas of different combinations and what the people/characters of their choice would be up to? Is that it?
Billy Billy Billy Billy Billy Billy Billy Billy Billy Billy Billy Billy Starlight Knight Billy Billy Billy Billy
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I've always thought naruto was the worst thing about the naruto manga, but pinkshit isn't that far behind based on her fanbase alone
>if you were a metafaggot purely speaking from efficiency
nice removal of context
learn to read esl
She's married to me
duh, I read the sentence backwards.
what is it now, 17 days until that Lucy drops!? until phase 1 of 1.2 drops?! im hoping I cant get... two disk 5s by then but that is extremely stretching it. ive only gotten 1 cope-ish disk 5 since game launch. my disk 4 on Lucy is disastrous. its hard targeting single disks. its kinda fun when you're building from scratch
the exact scenario was "parry 1 attack with that caesar". keep moving goalposts, you literal worthless retard. it's not sore loser behavior in the slightest, and you aren't fucking pathetic in the slightest.
From other anons, they think jane is picking up belles text line from early game as a bug. As jane hasn't referred to wise anywhere else and it's word for word what belle said in old dialog
Brown anime girls are always asking for it
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billygods, im studying the 29 sec video and need someone to explain to me how this is visible
this fucker activates billy's EX and swaps out so that it keeps shooting in the background but the damage numbers are fucking insane
multiple 130k hits from EX alone??? when the enemy is not even stunned? what the actual fuck
still havent seen a sub 1 minute m0r0 rat clear
She spends all her waking hours making ether infused AI, she went to university and didn't even know her room mates name and they worked on multiple projects together.

Koleda hangs a banner in her room and she doesn't notice for a week.
Is Burnice Attacker or anomaly?
>only starts walking it back in a later post
Again, it's fine if you're a metafag, keep it to yourself next time
still havent explained to me why jane cant be m2 minimum
thats only 3 S ranks compared to 5
you asked me to demonstrate but I will personally never destroy the miniscule amount of challenge left for a shitty screenshot
no jane but got Seth
would Grace/Seth/Rina work?
please keep going this is hilarious cope, no S-rank has been bad so far but needing C1W1 to be useful is kot tier
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>d-d-d-doesn't count!!
Why even bother posting here if you're this fragile?
im actually using the Gilden Blossom on my backup DPS char. I can see the GB being better in cases where Corin is on field more, but sadly since VR doesnt total your damage done that run you still have guess work. total damage done in a specific time has been my issue in VR(DPS lol), not so much your hardest single hit
Also if u haven't noticed they started throwing tons of free chips at us.
For normal accounts it's not a big deal but for restricted account play it's great. I don't have to farm chips past 8 because events will get me to 11. It let's me further invest in disk farming.
It is quite literally not a walkback, in fact it's a double down.
I wrote that in the very first post
not my fault you can't comprehend the english language, jesus christ
is there a meaningful difference between this and being a waifufag
Nicole DEF shred goes a long way bwo, nothing to scoff at
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I prefer Burnice.
But that was the setup for getting 5 buffs, all it takes to beat down soukaku/lucy etc is the c0m0.
Are you severely mentally retarded or something? You haven't contributed any useful thoughts during your entire sad little tantrum. You've been useless the entire time and I must wonder why.
Does Ceasar or Burnice have bigger tits?
What's the vpn trick
The question is if a character does better in a different character's place you sperg lmao
If a M0R0 LIMITED FIVE-star can't outperform C6 with a cope weapon on the exact same team it's hilarious.
an actual useful support has 3 buffs in their core skill as well as weapon, disc set and mindscape buffs
This is the first post retard >>493572831
Only after I replied to that you walked it back
bwo he hasn't applied nicole def shred to this enemy in that screenshot...
ehhhhhh I love disk farming. I sat at the coffee shop knowing I need chips but those GODLY disks are calling me. I can get chips whenever however at the same consistent rate. I cant however generate a GOD disk on demand. those thousands of attempts are calling me
bwo, you can see the suitcase icon from nicole's Def shred under his health bar......
I'm retarded I didn't even consider Corin using the event Wengine over her R0 sig, it must be better right?
that was never the question because its almost like theyre not the same character aside from element
billys best team is not gonna be rats best team, and your "argument" makes you look like a retard
And you replied this to a post describing 5 amongst those things, or that has 3 buffs at low investment.
Your life is actually pathetic, kill yourself immediately. There's no way you can say anything of value.
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The lesson here is that anybody who struggles to separate reality and fiction is bound to be an annoying cunt.
Boy do I wanna fuck fiction though.
Link to vid?
C0W0 Caesar
>25% dmg bonus, 1k atk
>C0W0 Soukaku
>20% ice dmg bonus, 20% atk bonus, 1k atk
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He comes....
which character is straight
He's mentally ill and will just repeat false information no matter how many times you stomp his neck. Time to just ignore and move on.
Also the change from attack disk 5 to phys disk 5 was pretty crazy in hollow zero. I went from 13 million to 34 million. I'm guessing because it's favorable with how resona buffs work.
im almost 100% sure that hit landed microsecond before nicole's bullet landed to apply the def shred

Take your meds anon, that's not me
You got all uppity becuase you can't read
You're the one who tried to edit my post to act like I was being prescriptive and made yourself look like a fool because anyone with two braincells can tell it wasn't
Caesar is literally a shittier Soukaku
I'll let everyone know in a few days. Since I have a maxed out m0 corin I should have the most consistent test results
Jane mentiosn ethereals have a distinct smell? But what do they smell like? Ozone?
you can see it in the quick-swap on 17 seconds into the video where he rushes from Billy, Nicole swap, Qingyi swap. It was damn near instant
literally every metafag agrees qingyi is janes current best team
are you some kind of mongoloid? what are you talking about
I did the same in the last few days and seen a 20% increase in fire damage. my elem disk 5 is so much shittier than my atk% disk 5 that it only gave me that. rolling a good elem disk 5 should give me something close to your results.
you know the calculation right? I dont have it on me by hand
There is no edits schizo. I replied to that specific post regarding that specific stance. If that's not you the fuck right off.
>I'm doubling down on a post that's not even mine
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Jesus fucking christ, guess im building Billy on the side now
and who's the third member?
nice omission to fit your narrative, retard
play the game, the chapter with the belobog story + her agent story will show how insufferable her mech autism is, that girl does not give a fuck about the organic dick
All of them
Not offhand, except that having more than 1 attack disk seems to be a detrimental thing
I mean if you like him
dont expect to get anywhere near that performance though, that guys investment is money based
OK go ahead and do it with only the C1R2 QIngyi and whoever you want you dumbass
Why would I give a shit about using Nicole or not
The point is obviously about the S-rank stunner lmao
Take your meds
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Useless retard

BrickSAR, the fake Defender, wannabe supportslut.
maybe you can trick her into sucking your dick
Still rolling for her
>M1R2 Qingyi
>M6R5 Nicole
Why do I feel like I can replace Billy with my Corin and get almost identical results
I couldnt find it but more atk% just adds to your damage while the elem multiplies your damage. I should stop hoping but I cant wait for a better disk 5: it could only be the same or better, cant possibly get worse
>If a M0R0 LIMITED FIVE-star can't outperform C6 with a cope weapon on the exact same team it's hilarious.
lol youve embarrassed yourself
im just gonna stop for your sake
17 More days until sons of kinodon patch
Idol faction when?
>it revealed it's just coping over soukaku being powercrept
now it all makes sense why it had an autistic meltdown over indisputable facts like how many buffs c1w1 caesar gives. just mental illness
Landing an elemental disk with crit on it will be the first step. We will break the luck eventually the more energy we pour into rng disks. At least the devs are giving us selectors on mini events like the current one.
Other than the fact Caesar requires minimal field time and can apply massive daze with assists and parries.

Go ahead show me your 40 second Soukaku speed runs with her spending 10 seconds of it just getting her fucking buff to max.
Minor spelling mistake found congrats
>If a M0R0 LIMITED FIVE-star can't outperform C6 with a cope weapon with the exact same S-rank stunner it's hilarious
Ftfy anon, go ahead and kill yourself because you can't even try to argue now
If we were being realistic none of the characters would be single anon, we're in magical pander to incels fantasy land
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No cares about your Billy when your Billy anal wormer
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>those substats and a triple ATK% build
cant wait to roll for my king.
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>he rolled M0R0 jane and now will have to skip Caesar
uh oh femcel melty
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>>BrickSAR, the fake Defender, wannabe supportslut.
and my WIFE
I will roll both thank you very much
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that selector is the only reason im doing this event. I wouldve ignore the poly, its insulting
later no roll broski
Am I supposed to hate billyposter or like him
We already figured out his mental illness based on his use of false information bro. Just let the diseased retard repeat himself ad nauseam.
The only way his Soukaku is higher invested than mine is if he got her core to F, and even I handled her death better than him.
i have a atk% disk on jane currently, should i be using a phys dmg% instead
how many jane copies you got guys?
It's a saved image stupid nigger. Kill yourself and your family homosexual wormhole.
It's doable with Corin.
depends on how you feel today bwo
Yes. a CC told me so
The billyposter isn't even being annoying it's some mentally ill homosexual using Billposter's runs to shitpost. That's really the sad thing.
If I can be a neutral party as the corolla corinbro I'd say his postings don't bother me. It's the anime shizo and salesposters that are garbage.
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If you pull for dupes you're an actual sheep
10 seconds off your clear will never ever matter
I pulled for 0
So let me get this straight. We've got a CC posting a speed run with 5 S ranks being used on just 1 side, and that's being used to now shit post Jane at C0? Kek
And then demand to post a clear with C0 Jane with what? Sub 30 seconds when nobody here has ever posted a clear that quick yet in these threads
You guys are really special sometimes
billyposter makes the local hoyoshills trying to sell the latest whalebait banner seethe
he fights for you
Billynigger is a falseflagging wuwajeet. It's their new "strategy" for shitposting.
Jane wouldnt be able to make the same clear even if she had the same 4 other S-ranks on her team and her being the fifth over the zhu engine
That's whats so funny about it
This thread needs more Corinposters and Miyabiposters
The billyposter whaled for Qingyi you retard.
I will invest vertically. How high? It's measured directly with how hard my dick gets. Sariel C6 day 1 btw
C0 jane cant even get a sub 1 minute clear which multiple anons have managed with scuffed piper teams
Elemental disks are better. However it takes longer to get one due to rng so u can stick an attack % on until you find one.
hate thats no real billy bro but a falseflagging gigger
Sorry I shall not be gracing this thread with my images
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Did try the Hollow Zero Trust commission, might have to try it with less mistakes next time, but I'm really impressed by this Ratbwo's no hit run https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIayCXLF_rM
I should practice and do a no-hit run on a challenging comission some time
I'm not invested enough in Jane to care about whether or not she's weaker or stronger. This whole thing is just funny
My point stands though, anyone here in these threads that has cleared that side within 30 seconds?? Curious to see what the fastest runs we've got are
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I'll post more when I find better disks
Is there a way to calculate what your best (5) disc is when you have an elemental % main, an attack % main, and a PEN ratio main with varying substat quality? I know the first one is preferred, but all of mine have garbage subs.
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this shit is getting worse than /gig/ day by day
Notice how he never uses Piper or Neko as a comparison? It's clearly a homosexual /gig/ger.
It's completely inorganic too. We just have retards from /gig/ being retarded, and wuwajeets trying to damage the general constantly
Started a couple of hours ago and will probably continue for another couple of hours. What timezone is this shit?
>Soukaku gives 20% damage and 1k attack
>Caeser gives a shield, 25% damage, and 1k attack
Why would anyone roll for Caeser? Just learn to dodge.
Did the schizotroons move to wuwa? I almost feel bad for the wuwajeets
From old threads it's assuming high quality disks:
>Element > attack = pen
Pen can rise on harder challenges and overtake attack, due to enemy having more armor
because soukaku plays like shit??
Am*rican hours
>c0 ellen worse than c6 soukaku
>c0 jane worse than c6 billy
how do u refund a character?
about to start playing today- how do i not fuck up
Why roll for anyone? What's your reason for rolling anon
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I've realized energy regen is a sham
With Core skill E and C4 Piper has plenty of energy with a Lucy ult now and then
Going ATK now, how's she looking bros
Still only have one +3 anomaly prof disc on my entire account BTW
I'm not reading any of it and I'm only looking at the images
>C6 with sig vs C0W0
Piper's sig is busted this is like people saying C6W5 Corin can out dps Zhu Yuan C0W0
dont waste polys on standard banner
ask more questions once you start playing
Just have fun
Don't convert poly into rolls on standard banner
Do consider using poly on the rat, she's pretty good at assault.
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Oops forgot the image
Reroll to get a free limited S rank without wasting any more than 10 rolls.
Play through the game and by the time we get the next patch you'll have enough rolls to guarantee whichever character you're gunning for
You have to admit it's pretty embarassing that ellen+lycaon+rina is much stronger than ellen+lycaon+soukaku, when rina is supposed to be for shock teams. if soukaku can't even outperform rina she has zero hope against caesar
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I meant to post that
How's she looking bros
this is my clear >>493568734
lucy is m0w1, piper is m1w1, grace is m0w0
no S ranks aside from grace
just bee yourself
Never feel bad for those shiteaters. They've been trying to destroy this general before ZZZ even launched.
Cute catboy
do not invest in Anton, do not exchange poly chromes for the black and white master tapes only the colored ones
Ok but Corin can't do that.
Especially on an Ether weak stage, Zhu will mog the fuck out of her
Piper being competitive with her A-rank sig everyone has matters when Jane is the exact same element
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>SD7 took me about eight minutes
>wonder if it's because of my characters being underpowered
>toy around with rotations for a bit (haven't read a single article/watched a single video on how to play the game in a "pro" way, only basing my knowledge on /zzz/)
>manage to reduce the clear time by more than a minute, allowing me to have S on all stages

Felt more proud of this than I could ever think of. The only sad thing that my all-Fire team did worse than Zhu/Koleda/Nico despite the boss being weak to fire. Limited 5s are just too stronk
He floats between 3 generals and a
He's just a full time loser
>bitch about incels while clearly suffering from unwarranted self importance
Must be rough
good work bro
its nice that this game actually rewards skilled play
>5 copy paste responses to 1(one) newfag
god this general is dead
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who is the schizotroon? we have a lot of schizos here
On an enemy with no phys or ether weakness C6R5 Corin will mop the floor with C0R0 Zhu. Both burst DPS characters that come out against dazed enemies
Don't build Anton, Ben or Billy.
Don't ever use polygems on Standard banner.
Reroll if you get Nekomata off beginner banner.
La rata mindbroke me, I am now a ZZZ player and this is now one of my main games
Thanks for contributing then. We sure have valuable and well thought out posters to remind us.
theres just genuinely no other way to brick your account
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*blocks your path*
is swing jazz 4 set bugged? launching chain attack with nicole (who is wearing it) doesnt give me any damage increase
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You can do all the content in the game with Nicole, Billy and Anby, so focus on investing in them if you're very stingy with your pulls, otherwise build whoever you like, roll for who you like, and enjoy the vibes of the game bwo
Post Shiyu faggot
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She's fun as fuck when built right.
>mfw 500k assault proc thanks to stacking Qingyi's modifier, Seth's buffs, and whacking the enemy while it was stunned
There's a Piper clear with a C1 Piper and a R1 sig anyways so this comparison is retarded
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I didn't need to know the second half of this story, now I'm sad
The fact that she's so fun to play is only a bonus, I lost to her thick thighs and cute rat idle pose
because one of those requires 100+ energy and 5 seconds of waving her fan while one requires parrying a singular time?
It should be higher. I'm doing 600k without any stunners. Qingyi can probably push to 900k.
>Soukaku gives 20% damage and 1k attack
>Caeser gives a shield, 25% damage, and 1k attack
Why would anyone roll for Caeser? Just learn to dodge.
Yeah, I was getting 533k with M0S0 Jane, M6S1 Seth, and no Qingyi.
This kek, she could've been any roll, T5 or whatever the lowest is and I still would've rolled the minute she was out, best animated ass and thighs I've ever seen in these types of games
because soukaku is dogshit outside of ice teams
Caesar has big tits.
>spambot malfunction
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Teach me your magic. I have 410 AP on my Jane and she's 60.
Yet another reason not to roll for a hag. No DFC.
Jane's ass is too big I can't reach during doggy style
>don't have Seth
Time to just use Jane, Qingyi and Rina while Anby takes Qingyi's place on Nicole and Zhu Yuan's team.
why is she like that
Just roll another 10 or 20 times on Jane's banner, you should get him.
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like what
Skill Issue.
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an old lady acting like a WHOREE!!!!!
What movie does the nostalgic girl want I can't figure it out?
My Seth is invested so I'm getting 95 AP from him, bunch of dmg off her sig weapon. She has 3k atk for me too plus Lucy atk buff.
>only looks at the buff
>skill has a huge daze multiplier
>additionally puts on massive physical anomaly
>doesn't take 3s
The defense shred persits for 3.5 seconds after that last hit of her energy field. It was still up from her previous one at that point. Probably just that plus a well built Billy with level 16 skills and the stacking of his M4 and M6 bonuses on the EX. His level 16 EX has a 1286.3% damage multiplier.
If you looked like that at 40 you'd be like that, too.
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Some girls just need rape bad
Does attack boost the damage of assault proc? My Jane has all PEN and AP, no attack. Also my Seth has literally zero investment so far.
everything boosts anomaly procs besides crit
Yes, everything except crit boosts anomalies.
>38s Rat
I really need to invest in my Lucy more
Which engine are you supposed to give to Seth?
That's the fucking problem then. Back to the disk mines I guess.
Is there any way to fix the "chain attacking with a bangboo forcefully switches me back to my stunner afterwards instead of my dps and is therefore a massive dps loss" issue, other than just cancelling the chain attack without using the bangboo?
is there any way to get dupes of nicole's weapon aside from gacha?
Uh oh, delete this before billyschizo FREAKS!
I want to invest into Lucy, but I only have her at M0, and switching to her every 10 - 15 seconds to refresh her buff feels bad. I'll probably build her after getting her M2 from Caeser's banner.
>disorder vs pure assault
When testing Mr Pokke had a casual 65 second clear with just C0W0 Jane with Seth
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She's way hotter than every other hag though
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>grandma bangboo
Is this true?
Seth wants his own engine and nothing else. Curiously the attacker Camilla engine works as a cope for him.
How do I unlock the prophecy quest?
i look EXACTLY like this irl.
is this c0w0?
Either the BP one or his sig. No other engines exist for him.
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>dfcs must be cunny or cunnybaba
>dfc hags or milfs never ever in gachas
His own if you want him to contribute to disorder procs. The battle pass one otherwise.
jane's best team is pure assault
>Using male characters
I don't like how dupes change how characters play. Stats should be enough to entice whales.
How invested is his Lucy? I can't get below 1min with my shitter discs.
he's an ugly squirrel
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Post notorious hunts you stupid bitches.
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Lucy copy incoming in 17 days plus shes on the rate up. now is a good time to build her IMO
post yours first
>M0R1 Jane 38s and 34s clears
>M6R1 Billy with Zhu sig, and M1R2 Qingyi 28s clear
How much worse would Billy's run be realistically if we reduce Qingyi to M0R0 and keep the rest?
This is sad cope
Post a Notorious Hunt run then, you still won't
I wonder if they took Soukaku off Caesar's banner because Miyabi is 1.3 and they'll put her there.
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How's everyone enjoying their weekend in New Eridu?
I'm wondering if that's worth it considering Yanagi is almost certainly replacing Lucy for Jane.
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why do you never post yours bwo? Lead by example if you're so interested in Notorious Hunt runs, start making your own. That's why I started making my own solo runs, I wanted to see people do solo runs as well
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>game is so shit and dead people here would rather shitpost now
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Your SD7 clear bwo?
keep your metafaggotry to yourself
>double Anby
>C8 Anton
Anyone that knows?
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I'm in dailies mode just waiting for new content.
meta wise I have no idea, dont even know what she does. the whole game revolves around Lucy for me. im deleting once I cant do this on critical node 1 any longer >>493571131
Any C6W1 Piper can clear at 50 seconds though, C0W0 Jane should be doing the same not worse
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im waiting for my 1k usd dividend check for the month
jane is just really weapon/dupe dependent
I don't know why people cant accept this, nobody aside from schizos are denying that she's busted at M2R1 or even M0R1
I hate it and I hate jane. she made me s-rank everything I was struggling with so now I have nothing to do even though I want to play
How is 34s worse, her sig isn't magically giving her a 47%+ increase
The cat may not be meta but it sure is fun when you can just dodge attack forever.
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What's the difference between a smell of a "real idiot" from a fake one?
I can accept it easily though
But if you're f2p needing to pull for a dupe or a weapon to do better than the A-rank alternative it's a pretty big feelsbad
>billy 28s
proof? i see no videos of that in yt and too lazy to use deepL to browse bilibili
i don't see how he can outdps someone who drops 1m every few sec even with w5 qingyi
Where's the clear then
I have her m0r1 and its unreal. Hoping I can at least get a m1 before banner ends.
her sig is giving her a 30% dps increase, and maybe more importantly it gets most of that increase via faster anomaly buildup and shorter rotations so yeah being 40%+ faster wouldn't shock me
well do you see now anon?
Raiden "Miyabi" Mei when?
Rainforest is 13-14% worse than her Sig, not 47%+ to push the clear back to 50s
>where's the clear then
That's not my clear, ask that anon, no point comparing my half built Jane his
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Oh fuck, Nekomata gave Fairy digital toxoplasmosis.
delete billy from the game NOW
29s is mindbreaking the whole community
Just as lonely and sad as ever.
I want to learn Connect on guitar, but the tab is really kicking my ass.
At least my lifts are getting stronger.
>trusting spreadsheets
Also I dont want your clear, I want any clear
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I'm starving for content
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>Rainforest is 13-14% worse than her Sig
no it's not
the comparison isnt of c0w0 jane vs c0w1, which is a 20% increase
the comparison is between c0w1 jane vs c1w1 piper
that could easily be 47%
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I hired this kot to stare at (YOU)
you should be busy trying to outdo the billynigger and get 28s clear
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playing around with test runs on Shiyu and Trust commissions
>Rainforest is 13-14% worse than her Sig,
That clearly doesn't take into account the extra anomaly buildup.
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>But if you're f2p needing to pull for a dupe or a weapon to do better than the A-rank alternative it's a pretty big feelsbad
Janes at M0R0 is better than Piper though, by a pretty strong margin. The key thing though is that none of the content requires you to be that strong or fast. Fucking hell even the weapon alone is purely for if you want your favorite agent to be stronger, Sure you can clear a shiyu side in 35 seconds but who gives a fuck when the time required is 2 mins and 30 seconds?

Until content drops that even starts approaching the necessity of best in role who fucking cares. Just roll for whoever you like the look of or like playing from the demos
how do we stop the billyGODS?
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that guy said 28s so i searched shiyu 28s and see no billy
i guess i shoulda level him instead of corin because game already gave me obvious sign with his w5 sig
The implication here is that the C0R1 Jane would nearly double her clear time by going C0R0 which is absurd, it would make her sig stronger than her C2
Jane's slow ass banner killed the hype.
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>How is Grace single
Bro, she was my most wanted at the start of the game and after seeing her autism, I don't even want her anymore, she is a lost cause.
m0r0 bwos...
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everyone is mindbroke
except me, corinbro who does't mind.
Hard to say exactly, but my guess is a fair bit slower considering almost all of the run is just dropping a fully powered up Billy Ult during Qingyi's extra stun damage multiplier. M2 is extra SDM increase, M1 is extra defense shred(Stacking with Nicole), and W1 is a 20% damage boost.
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There seems to be a lot of Jane sig shills in the thread today, so lets settle this. I'm willing to whale to get it, but only if one of you can show me it clearing sd17 side 1 30s faster or more than not having the sig, with nothing else changing. No spreadsheets, no screenshots, videos of both runs.
Put up or shut up.
Just unlocked Hollow Zero, I'm pretty comfy.. might order pizza! Hopefully I can level up to level 30 after this mission
you probably arent even here anymore
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I ship Wise depending on the quality of the art, right now I'm Wise x Nicole these days
Doesn't she get a huge boost in daze time too? I know my M0W0 Qingyi doesn't faze nearly that fast
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same with my belle
Best one to ask would be the 34s Jane clear anon as there's literally no other difference
>didnt specify what the other agent had to be
Sure let me just do a run with my level 1 B engine :)
People who don't roll their wife's sig deserve to be bricked.
Yes M1 and M2 give her a bunch of extra flash connect and some more daze.
The same way every character in most gacha are single, you won't get any business with playable characters dating each other, that only works in proper standalone games.

This. I'll still use her for anomaly comp memes but I'm probably going to skip all her dialogue lines ever until EoS.
RIP in piece.
Are you W0 there anon?
The point is that sub C6 Pipers with only single copies of her engine are doing 50 second clears
And C0W0 Jane can only do 60 seconds
it came as fast as it went
>Company sends a complete moron with to the Hollow to do an important job
>The reason being "Diversity is our Strength"
Ok I guess im not baking then
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Got a sub 60 second clear finally
All it took was switching my energy regen disk for an ATK one
sorry to all the piperbros I bricked by recommending energy
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I need picture of that ape thiren. Anybody have this?
The fuck? Why did it get deleted?
Look I've got shitposts to make and cropped porn to post where's my bake??
Zero clue lmao. Someone else is going to have to bake, no idea why it got killed.
Nuke incoming?
>Jane anons clearing nearly twice as fast as Piper
>people think she's much slower with just her engine removed
>sorry to all the piperbros I bricked by recommending energy
You get enough energy without any energy pieces? Surprising.
Ellen sex
a lot of people realized that you don't see these people show up that often, you have to autistically change time or move time forward every day for several days, which isn't fun.

when we get the ability to move time without limit in a patch we will be using this chart more.

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