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Previous: >>493564525

>[Event] THE Great Tea Ceremony Battle: GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku, The Man Who Returned from Hell
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku Sen-no-Rikyu Pickup Summon
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku Pickup 2 Summon
2024-09-04 21:00 - 09-20 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] Back to School Campaign 2024
2024-08-25 21:00 - 09-08 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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Men are beasts
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Kama Love!
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let her cook
Mitsunari SR soon
Consider cavewomen.
Where can I refund all the quartz I wasted rolling NP5 poogod and ibooki??? I NEED GAMEPLAY RIKYU
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Let her cum!!!
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Isn't it crazy that Rider has a 20 part series of still (?) ongoing anal doujins? You ever think about how someone in this thread is probably younger than Rider's journey of getting her shithole remodelled?
Did you roll for Morgan (quick edition)?
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I like Iyo enough that I want to complete the set, but not really enough to do more than an 11 roll next time
Anyone has the cursed webm version of this?
They're up to 20 now?????
you guys have promised that this thread will be better
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>Lostbelts kept guilt tripping me on mass murder and betrayal and this is mentally scarring Guda
>Keikenchi: nigga backstabbing is everywhere in Japan. If you didn’t expect to be betrayed it’s your fault
>event is betrayal singularity with everyone backstabbing, pretending or planning to betray each other and containing themselves from laughing at their face while doing that
>Guda doesn’t even fucking care about using people to betray his opponents this time
Gudaguda is something else man.
I changed my mind.
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19 is the latest I think but there's been some .5 chapters I think
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>>493582819 I saw this
GudaGuda Guda is trying to get his game complete from the mirror segment of LB6. Keikenchi just took it to the logical end.
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>retarded teakek
>iphone poster
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t. let her cooker
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Somehow I'm annoyed by almost every aspect of Muramasa in this game
The fact that Nasu thinks he was one of the greatest sword masters in Japan, when he never once actually wielded a sword, the way Nasu feels like he has no idea what Muramasa was actually about except "lol he's famous for creating swords, and Shirou creates swords, so they're the same", if that's all he cared about he could have used Masamune instead. In fact Masamune is usually considered the better blacksmith while Muramasa is considered the one who would go to any length to craft even the most wicked blade for power. Fact that Nasu thinks he's just a cool grampa with two grandchildren, who loved his family and was a great cook and everyone loved him.

Its like...0% Muramasa
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Bishouri love!
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Here, it's 100% better now.
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I NEED to impregnate them...
You forgot Seiba's hot sister
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How will I ever recover…
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Is this from that 1v1 battle manga?
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>Dungeon Master
thanks morgan
It's not Morgan, stop forcing your unfunny meme
This is the one side we have yet to see. We saw good sister and the will of britain, but barely about the one that comes from the inner sea.
>Guda doesn’t even fucking care about using people to betray his opponents this time
Do you mean Yamanami or something else? Because I wouldn't say we're using him any more than we were 'using' Barghest in LB6.
Didn't that one have the Maou Nobu vs Okita Alter fight? Always wanted to read that but never had the chance
Erotic armpits. As expected of Yamataikoku.
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Does anyone else think its weird how this event is basically 99% about Hideyoshi, with flashbacks to his rule over Japan, and every single character in the story's motivations being fueled by Hideyoshi's actions, and yet he doesn't even have a portrait in game?
Yes, the glasses guy I rolled twice while failing to get Rikyu
So jalter was reddit, after all...
His portrait is unnecessary
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Cute Jalter Sex
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>>Guda doesn’t even fucking care about using people to betray his opponents this time
You mean the thing with Yamanami? He was a spy before Chaldea showed up in the singularity, Guda didn't "use" him for anything, rather Nobbu simply made use of what she had readily available to her. "Guda" in this event has been more of a non-entity than ever, literally just sitting there as betrayals occur without any real complaint and then, when the traitors turn back into friends, has nothing to say about their betrayal. It's obviously that Keikenchi sees the player character as an inconvenience and prefers to orient the story entirely around his OCs, which is fine in principle, they're just a little hit-or-miss.
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Guda was never the same after Shinjuku...
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I love my wife Cummer
Only the Douman vs Dioscuri chapter got translated as far as I know.
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Lip love!
ah yes, my favorite sengoku warlord and shinengumi member, Medusa!
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I was told these are the bro hours
>Is this from that 1v1 battle manga?
What a shitty concept for Fate.
toriyama was supposed to draw him and sun wukong...
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I want to summon knockoff Blaidd...
Let her cuck
I would prefer if Keikenchi is actually the one to draw Hideyoshi. I'll be kind of upset if they get anyone else to draw him.
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yiff in hell
Okita sex*2
Takao will draw Hideyoshi.
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theyre on their way
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I can see it...
Why doesn't Keikenchi write anything beside Gudaguda? He seems like he would be way better than Sakurai or Higashide.
alter has bigger titties and bigger knife to backstab (you)
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Rolling or skipping?
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>we are in the shit timeline where Sun Wukong drawn by Akira Toriyama doesn't happen
I don't know
Who should the inevitable Yabuki servant be?
Bottom right Morgan looks like she tries to lure small boys into her car at night.
It's actually kind of nice that he sticks to his small collection of characters that he understands really well and likes to write for. If they just randomly stuck him with other historical characters in different areas of the world, he might phone in it like the other writers do.
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You mean Sanada Medusa.
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Let her crook.
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>all the pseuds in /alter/ were having meltys about his art two years ago
>but now, a few months away from his release, half of those same pseuds have thousands of quartz saved for him
Kukulkan should've been Yabuki.
She's basically green Lala
Save for elf Titties
Yes? Because he is a gameplay, same case as Oberon
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Enter Grand Berserker
That's right, thousands saved up for kama...
More like grand schizo

A few random chapters were translated of the first volume
There's like three volumes of "servant vs servant" series already
It should be specified that they're all just fanfiction though, especially after the most recent volume where the Castoria vs Arthuria Avalon fight was literally just a shipping battle with Avalon loving Muramasa and Castoria being jealous, and trying to prove her own bond with Gudao
Needless to say TM's stance on giving weight to the shippers on the whole Muramasa thing have dragged Castoria's popularity down a lot over the last two years.


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I want to plant my flag in Medusa
you still haven't summoned Kama?
Not looking good, Kamabro
I prefer Higashide but Keikenchi isn’t far behind. He is certainly the best writer FGO has for japanese figures with his lore of the Age of Gods ones and the Warring States period etc.
It’s actually impressive cause Sakurai had multiple chapters and just made a boring mess out of them. Yet in his small events he can make a way more entertaining story be it either comedic or serious.
Nasu gave him a personal timeline for his japanese gods to do whatever he wants, he had one of the 4 Demon God Pillars from EoR to use and Gudaguda events always have a fancy song for their trailers that he sometimes use for bossfights. He has more budget than some main story writers get. He probably keeps doing events because he wants cause he surely could write a main story chapter if he asked for it
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His FA is the only redeeming thing about his art. And sprite-kun of course.
He gets to write the only event guaranteed to get a sequel every single year, where he can keep adding onto the series over time, expand it, grow it, as it keeps growing. he gets to do what he wants with very little restraints, let him cook.
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Summer Alter had to sacrifice breast size to materialize Rengoku.
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Lucky boys
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He is?
pov: you posted "kukugly" in /fgoalter/
Why is Asterius a big retard instead of a minotaur?
Where's the cow head?
Rolling for the Ear Licking+Handjob experience
Damn, nice ass!!
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The difference between that and pic related is beautiful and cute desu.
>take her crown out
>start healing
She's tempting but I have other targets.
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They will do this.
Sakurai writing Japan
>And Raikou had ten billion forms, and she was the strongest and the best, and Shuten also had ten billion forms and she was also the strongest best to ever exist and they had a giant robot and a tragic love with Kintoki, oh very tragic and sad. Mwah Mwah now kiss, look I'm making my dolls kiss each other. I'm using ancient history as a backdrop to make an otome romance novel once again, with the history aspect being a long distant secondary aspect, and the tragic love between inhumans being the primary focus

Kennichi writing japan
>Hey here's japanese history written in a fun way, I focus more on conveying the feeling of the historical character than accuracy, but even then I'm still somehow 1000x better at historical accuracy than everyone else who works at this company and constantly have characters reference historical events as though they went through them in a non stilted way, it feels like history come to life
I love this artist.
He's minotaur lily.
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Anyone that's making their choice now before getting to know her personality is just trying to make a mistake
Looks extremely unappealing
>>have characters reference historical events as though they went through them in a non stilted way, it feels like history come to life
>>>>non stilted way
Heckin Honnoji, Okitaman! Did I mention Honnoji?
BTW, Honnoji. IDK if I ever told you Honnoji. HonnojiHonnojiHonnojiHonnojiHonnojiHonnojiHonnojiHonnojiHonnoji
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Ohhhhhhhhhh fuck me, I get it now.
But NA completely fucked it up with tilde.
You didn't make Raikou job. This isn't accurate to a Sakurai story chapter.
I can see her big pair of personalities right there.
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I did it bros
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Name one time Raikou jobbed
Now cum on it.
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Did what?
Now post Gogh next to the museum
Sex with Medusa. Bedbreaking toecurling breeding sex with Medusa.
I'm all for horse pussy, but I need elf pussy
Anon robbed a museum…
Grats on... hanging a painting on a wall I guess?
she's a donkey
You can't just post that and not share the full pic.
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Have a comfy Caturday bros.
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Now pour tomato sauce on it.
Technically I can
i dont get it, like a- as in shit team lol or does adash mean something in nihongo
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Donkey pussy horse pussy put em together you have mule pussy. It's all good with me.
Stuff a potato inside Gogh’s butt.
>he doesn't know

jerk off before posting
Check out Guda's shirt, the A is doing a dash.
Moriarty is not a role model. Give it back.
gtfo kizu
shaku or elf bimbo
You too catbro.
Are you the one who tried getting in a couple months ago?
Are all the samurai remnant dlc releases done?
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Me and Ericebro.
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me hanging out with my bros on caturday
>he thinks I'm joking when I literally linked the raw chapter


Its bad
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He focuses on what he likes and does a good job with it, that's part of why his stories are some of the best in the game.
I would not want him to be forced onto stories he might not enjoy honestly.
gtfo Kizu
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I've been putting off my homework due tomorrow night, but I'll try.
both are bimbos
Why can’t you just enjoy things without going schizo mode
I don't really care who draws him as long as his third ascension is the useless old man and they give him shitty skills to match.
Sir, this is a 4chan thread.
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>Grail war starting soon
>Anon fucks it up by adding a foreigner to the mix
There really can't be a single normal grail war can there?
Anal with Brad while Brito is straddling Brad's back and making out with me and forcing her giant tirties into my chest.
Do you whine when you watch a Robin Hood movie too?
FSNfags are mentally ill, consequences of coming from a third world country.
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Same bro
>pls stop criticizing sakurai, she is perfect, if you say any writer is better than her at writing historical figures I will be forced to white knight once again
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>it's real in my mind
Seething tertiary, begone.
This is a primary general.
I'm pretty sure you need a Foreigner class container in advance, so you can't just "accidentally" get one.
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i boughts sucking tenga
im so lonely...
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>sucking tenga
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>Needless to say TM's stance on giving weight to the shippers on the whole Muramasa thing
What is your source for this claim?
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The extra classes have never shown up to a grail war by accident.
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Is tonight's node the last one?
I honestly kinda want to get the nero one
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all well and good except the anal part, will never understand this
Chill out Pedro, eat some tacos.
There's no big thing.
Brad is just for anal, that's all.
Don't reply to me ever again, gachanigger.
Does the ash node open up tonight or tomorrow night?
I'm just saying that it's stupid to treat "historical accuracy" as a benchmark for quality
Specially in this franchise
29 hours.
The potential to summon an extra class always exists in traditional grail wars, but the chance of doing it is very rare and much harder than summoning a normal class, also I think the rule is only one extra class is allowed per war.

Even in GudaGuda2 grail war, an alter ego was summoned, even if the world itself helped the summoning take place by sheer chance. Okita Alter was meant to be summoned.
In a sense you could say an extra class is easier to summon if some external force(either the world, the grail, or the servant themselves) helps push it to happen. Like how Watcher was summoned in FSF.
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what's a sucking tenga compared to a regular tenga?
Bro, that's kinda gay.
Tomorrow night I think. There's still a node with gold mats to clear beforehand.
God damn it.
Cuckshit? In MY thread? No thank you!
>Avicebron is a jew
>kills a child for power
How did Higashide get away with writing that? Wouldn’t they bemoan that it’s blood libel or something?
bro did you just spoil me?
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Cute and Canon
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Not him, but eat the tacos Jose
All the drama over CES and quick, I decided to give this a run.
For a long time I've kept seeing people posting that Jets can CEless with two ruler Skadis and an oberon, but it's always kind of felt like bullshit to me.
Today's node is riders, so he's got a 10% extra NP gain advantage going for him, and the results are not impressive.
Well he was able to succeed, but it was by inches, so if you take away the riders/casters then he's not pulling it off.
First wave (skill 3) he refunded 102%, second wave only 48%. The second wave was clearly fine since Oberon provides 70%, but the first wave he only cleared by 3%, so if it was on an NP neutral enemy he would have failed.

People really need to stop listing double skadi Oberon for lancelots damage outputs because it's really just not accurate. He can only do it on a very specific subset of nodes.
It's fine for Rikyu because she gets herself to 50% and only needs skadi to get her to full on turn one, So you'll have 50 and 70% for waves two and three. But my man jets, It's really just a bold-faced lie to say that he can use Oberon.
Reminder I have basically the strongest jet, so everyone else is going to get even less refund from less overkill hits. If my best case scenario has him performing this tightly, everyone else is going to have it even worse.
you dont have to stroke
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I have your pizza order. Two extra large Hawaiian pizzas for bros.
I need an Illya version of that ASAP!
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Kinoko Nasu....
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Technology sure has come a long way in the last ten years.
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Eat the delicious tacos, Diego
No one inquired, seanigger.
Choke on your gutter oil or something else that you subhumans consume.
I think you need triple skadoo to get enough refund.
Other people are going to use Rikyu because they're not mentally retarded
Who cares, I bought the handy.
Not like girls don't buy vibrators themselves.
What's gay about your bro milking your dick with his fat tits?
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moot point
Gudaguda is a good story because history is weaved together with the story, which is what Fate always was meant to be, this is the truest essence of Fate. Creating a story using historical figures and their mythos and history, to both learn history and appreciate them as a character. Gudaguda writer is one of the best at their job when it comes this this. The feeling that they are the historical character and making you want to learn more about them is the essence of Fate.

While Sakurai just writes OC's with famous people's names; I don't see them as the historical character, I don't see their history, I don't feel their history, they just feel like the historical character at all, they just feel like OC's. When I see Boudica saying she loves Nero, Nero being the highly loved and celebrated Roman emperor, Romulus going "HAHA ROMA ROMA", and Ceasar being a fat ass rolly-polly, I don't want to learn about history at all, I couldn't give a shit. Kennichi I actually learn about japanese history, Sakurai I learn to hate japanese history, you find this to be a meaningless thing that shouldn't be taken into context at all and has no bearing on the quality, I find it meaningful.
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What's wrong with being a spic?
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does anyone know what happened to liver failure Shishoubro?
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You guys have severe mental problems.
Ackshually it's KUNIhiro Nasu.
On the plus side, this run did drop me a CE :^)
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Actually, I have several mental solvers.
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>this thread
Enjoy this hell you've created for yourself /alter/, for you shall endure it alone.
Can we not ruin the thread in the last few hours before Cucksucker awakes?
But the point is to avoid misinformation. Which is a good thing to do.
>While Sakurai just writes OC's with famous people's names; I don't see them as the historical character, I don't see their history, I don't feel their history, they just feel like the historical character at all, they just feel like OC's.
To be fair, Keikenchi is the only writer in FGO that doesn't do this. Even Nasu writes most of his characters like OC's with famous people's names.
>you guys
But I made every single post
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polish women look like this?!
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*slurp slurp slurp*
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Post Brad ass
I don't get it
Bro, it's been awake already.
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Redline Collab with Lanlan Pseudo when?
The point is to run 6 CE which JETS doesn't do so cope
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>with his
That right there is the issue.
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*schlip schlip schlip schlip schlip schlip schlip schlip*
There is no reason to care about FSN when you have FGO and hundreds of gacha girls who love you.
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Sure Pedro, and I am Elon Musk.
People have been writing OCs with historical figures names since a long time ago
See pic
I got this as a friend request.

Is this soulful?
I only accept soulful friends
Spaniards mixed with some of the natives in Mexico when they were organizing to kill off the Aztecs. Since they were routinely eating and sacrificing their own and kidnapping from other tribes.
Some spics are cannibals. Cursed bloodlines.
>The point is to run 6 CE which JETS doesn't do
Aand there's proof of him not performing well now, so people can't lie and say he will be a good option to do so. I fail to see the problem with the post.
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Dragon idol
Who is saying otherwise?
She looks like she's cradling a ballsack
Do female Masters really
What if I care about something other than .jpg saying she loves me?
He's not in FSN or FGO so he's not really a Servant.
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*munch munch munch*
There's a difference between OC's and "OC's"
>120’s Bunyan
> 10/9/10
Big packs won't buy themselves.
I need that strange fake anime
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Skippin or Rollin?
soulless gameplaykek support
>potential to summon an extra class always exists in traditional grail wars
Uhh source? I don't think that's ever happened.
>Even in GudaGuda2 an Alter Ego was summoned
Yeah, but not by accident and not by (You).
Maybe, but quicks been around a while.
It's like people who already had a np5 grailed smusashi not rolling for sibuki because they'd have to roll np5 and grail her to outperform what they already have.
There's people who already have np5 100 gameplay jets from year 3 that wouldn't bother rolling for Rikyu because they'd have to get np5 grailed Rikyu to outperform what they already have. And yes, outside of her man's special attack niche, they do the same damage at the same level in an Oberonless setup
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ok so mitsunari feels betrayed by chacha and the other toyotomi allies so he betrays humanity and brings kukochihiko, yamanami and rikyu but yamanami is actually betraying him for iyo but he then betrays us to save his prostitute gf but he's actually betraying mitsunari with the help of okita but then kukochihiko and rikyu betray mitsunari and then kukochihiko betrays rikyu
did i get that right?
Then maybe you should start hitting yourself in the head with a hammer until that's the only thing you care about.
>all gameplay except Romulus
It's soulless.
You're a shitposting seanigger that has no clue about this thread's history or culture.
I had NP1 S. Musashi and she worked decently fine for most Arts looping (except for the occasional 98%) and I rolled for S. Ibuki and got NP2. It all worked out bros.
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You forgot Rikyu and Koma getting betrayed by Hideyoshi
That's mega super cringe bro
Rolling so hard.
hu tao sparkle my love
>ok so mitsunari feels betrayed by chacha and the other toyotomi allies
No, Mitsunari feels like he failed to protect the Toyotomi clan in real life so he's trying to resurrect them in the afterlife by ritualistically summoning Hideyori and making him Kanpaku. Betraying Chacha is probably the last thing he'd want to do.
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Sell me on her.
Lots of my servants have big tits btw, so she's not special there.
Dumas was a faggot. Richelieu is the most based man ever born in the kingdom of France or in any of its laundry list of failed successor states
Bro they're made up and fake to begin with, it's not even real, it's like asking why can't the guy selling me a bridge down at the bar be legit? Because it ain't possible.
she wants to bathe with (you)
She extremely obscure as figures to base servants off go. Even more than Mandricardo.
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>Betraying Chacha is probably the last thing he'd want to do
pretty sure he was talking shit to her face dude
Skip, she's sloppa.
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oh right my bad
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Saver D'Artagnan when?
They are massive VNtards, but that's because they can't afford real games and VNs are easy to pirate.
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I still remember the times when guides told you to pick jets from the 4 star ticket to have one of the best possible loopers
On another note, with the event CE he should do this node without problems, can't he?
Isn't this actually why gacha games are popular with third worlders?
Because they're free?
yamanami is literally me
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porn too
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>work in 4 hours
It is.
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Bro introduce your friends to your Geisha girlfriend
yuuschizo is polish and he is literally the most mentally sick person you could see multiple accounts with dick picks to divorced woman so meduseful is treated as pollack
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i'm a W
you a L
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So at the end of the day we're all just third worlders insulting each other for being third worlders...
How sad...
do you have a prostitute gf too?
Bros... I lost to Erice's boobs
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Thinking about the Gudabros
nah i'm just autistic
there are a lot of poor people here though
>superBETRAYALguda event
They are making the whitest Fate fanbase browner.
yes I'm a bobbro
Post old men
Mitsunari is doing whatever he believes will ultimately serve Hideyoshi, he is eternally loyal, he didn't know the random kid was Hideyoshi's. He'll fight even Chacha if he believes it will ultimately benefit Hideyoshi.

Kukochiko was pretending to help whoever he needed to all this time so he could revive the beast god, so he could kill it, since it was bound to escape from its seal eventually and he would rather kill it than let it eventually escape one day. In order to kill it he first has to trick someone into unsealing it for him

Yamazaki feel in love with a prostitute and is betraying his partners to keep her safe, while secretly trying to pass codes to his allies so they go save her so he can really help them

Rikyuu is everyone who ever hated and was killed by Hideyoshi congealed together into a lump of curses and evil, with Komahime and Rikyuu being the main personalities. Literally an unending grudge from beyond the grave that still wishes for vengeance against him.

Hideyoshi was kind of a schizo; he had people killed on a whim a lot, and not just them but everyone they knew, their family, literally everyone connected to them, just whenever he starts to get paranoid he starts having people killed. He'll even kill his most loyal subject who never did anything wrong and who swore super loyalty to him, just because they were in his way slightly. He's the type who will just have people killed for any reason really. There's a temple where Hideyoshi has like 10,00 Korean ears enshrined because Hideyoshi liked to take souvenirs from bodies. He's a guy beloved by people and hated by people, he's not purely good or purely evil, its more like he has very extreme stories in either direction.
I'm european, though?
Nobunaga in Okita's outfit is quite cute.
Chocokita looks really retarded
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cute chichi
Yes I'm a medbchad.
Girl gonna girl
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i'm european, though?
My understanding:
>Yummy never wanted to help Mitsubishi, but his gf was being held hostage so he did what he had to to avoid her being killed. Okita figured this out and saved her so he could act freely.
>Kukochilidogs actually wanted to defeat the spirit because Himiko made him a good dude, so he pretended to still be bad and allied with Rikyu so he could trick Mitsubishi into summoning it for him.
>Rikyu wants revenge on Mitsubishi and Hideyoshi using the spirit for himself so he led Mitsubishi and Kukochilidogs along so he could snag it for himself once Mitsubishi did all the hard work, while simultaneously giving him a taste of his own medicine.
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I have no patience for any of these retards who would undermine Chaldea's interests when the entirety of PHH is at stake... As the last Master of Humanity it's time to dole out some harsh justice.
>Mitsunari: tried to establish a permanent singularity and kill (you)r beloved Servants
Instant death.
>Kukochihiko: tried to kill Okitan
Instant death.
>Rikyu: betrayed (you) and hurt Nobbu
Instant death.
>Yamanami: betrayed (you) to protect a random prostitute
Instant death.
>Okita: betrayed (you) by abandoning the battlefield to save her pal's favorite prostitute without any warning that we're being deceived
Punishment: having to give bjs to all /alter/ bros who ask for one for an entire month.
Vritrabros, your response?
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I like to think that he just wasn't thinking straight.
I hope he apologizes to Chacha for his rude comments in the next story section...
Yuu has done nothing to deserve this...
vritra would never bathe
You have no heart. We need to save everyone.
Lies all tamamobros are from South America
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But I'm from Europe and no, I'm not a Muslim invader
she responded with smiley faces to his pics
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I refuse to accept Spain as part of Europe. It's too different.
Odd part is their stories do seem popular with women, I have seen people who really love Olympus even though its really badly written. So it does have some sort of niche, but I don't think it fits a male otaku story since its genuinely painful to read through 90% of the time. There are stories women like and stories men like, and I don't mean the difference between shounen and shoujo; after all the primary audience for moe slice of life stories is typically older men, whether its intentional or not. I'm saying the writing style for stories with how something is written, there are some things that only resonate with women and some things that only resonate with men. Fate started off as an extremely male otaku series, so I can see why Sakurai is often seen as extremely grating with bad prose with the fanbase, it doesn't resonate with them as primarily men.
ok argentinian
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No. I'm thinking maybe that Hideyoshi had some good ideas possibly, to an extent.
Dogman was originally a good guy and raised Iyo, sorta
Things went badly for him in life when Himiko destroyed his entire kingdom, and then he summoned the evil god into his own body, which turned him into some weird skeleton creature.
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Tamamoschizo is italian
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right. about hideyoshi what is the deal with this portrayal of him?
like in that scene where he decides to kill rikyu 2 minutes after saying he means a lot to him
does that get explained later? cause is actually insane
like nobbu is very clearly cruel while also capable of great (even heroic) things and he gets portrayed as such in fgo. but hideyoshi just looks insane and it makes no sense anyone would follow someone like that.
fuck me a couple days ago a guy was talking about how much of an asshole nobbu was for killing monks stealing his shit
>Fate started off as an extremely male otaku series
It really didn't. Maybe it was marketed solely towards otaku males but women were a big part of the fanbase. F/SN had a really big fujo fanbase back in the day.
Plus, blaming women for liking Sakurai in this context is kind of funny considering how Keikenchi's writing is like 100x more popular with women than Sakurai's stuff.
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3 out of 4 grandparents and one great-grandparent came straight from europe, two spanish one french one italian, i got the french surname and can trace my ancestors up to ~1700
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Pretty sure most of my big tits servants would do that.
Is there a reason that would make me want to summon her?
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>cause is actually insane
Its just what he's like
If you haven't noticed by now, all Guda Guda servants are some variation of insane

And if you haven't noticed, then you really need to read the side materials and manga for guda guda already


Every guda character is some flavor of insane, and not in a goofy joke way.
>>Okita: betrayed (you) by abandoning the battlefield to save her pal's favorite prostitute without any warning that we're being deceived
She litterally brought (you) a trained prostitute. Anon, this was clearly for your benefit
Ya te vi dun
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anon no one is gonna disagree with this
right but the point is that he definitely feels betrayed
I already have Bob NP5, this random nip lady is useless to me.
Kukochihiko should actually be spared honestly. He might have gone about it in the dumbest way possible but really he's been on the side of PHH the entire time. This entire time he's been attemping to destroy the singularity by summoning the ancestral beast and then killing it. If not for Rikyu being a little bitch he would've done a perfect job of it too.
Wasn't the whole backstory scene with Iyo to show that she was being raised like a slave for the purposes of sacrifice until Himiko saved her and crushed Dogman's kingdom?
>Nobu set ablaze a entire mountain to fuck up some asshole monks
Sounds based
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Retards. Here's him 6ce looping assassins.
Wise Pimp once say, one can never have enough hookers.
Power levels
male self insert
D&D stats for each servant
Table top game references
Fanservice and sex
Slutty outfit women
History and mythology(things only men care about)

Every aspect of it originally was male otaku oriented. When you break it down; history + Stats/Numbers + Sex is the perfect recipe for male otaku. It only started to take on slight fujo aspects with Fate Zero, especially with Kiritsugu and Kotomine.
you are whiter than the vast majority of fate fans
good for you anon
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>right but the point is that he definitely feels betrayed
He risked his life to go back and save Chacha after Rikyu went nuts. I think he's just a bit of a tsundere.
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He did raise and train lyo, he just kinda sucked at it
You realize like half of our servants have obstructed us at some point? By your logic, we'd have to kill of people like Kama, Jalter, Quetz, Van Gogh, Abby, Melt, Morgan, Nitocris, etc
>if you haven't noticed by now, all Guda Guda servants are some variation of insane
right but most of them seem functional
this potrayal of monkey just makes me wonder how did he survive so long
You clearly didn't read my post. The entire point of it was to say that he doesn't 6ce with Oberon, but it keeps getting posted in his damage comparisons with other servants. It realistically should not be included because he can't 6ce with Oberon against NP neutral enemies.

His ability to 6ce with three skadi's or 2 skadi bride was never in question. Please get some reading comprehension.
Zodiac killer
Wrong, they weren't on our side at that point, that's not a betrayal.
Literally all of those things, women love, especially the history and mythology aspect. Women are just as big of history nerds as men are, especially in Japan.
Even the male self insert. You'd probably kill yourself if you ever learned how many Japanese women want to fuck Shirou.
Certified peasant moment
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Power, status, and ambition are all you need to survive as a warlord, and he had it in spades.

His first meeting with Chacha was right after killing her entire family, a real romantic story.
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alright lets do it
Monkey is absolutely functional. More functional than Nobu, actually. He might be insane, but his insanity always had a purpose. It kept him in power until he died a natural death. Nobu kicked the bucket at an early age because he made so many enemies.
sir this isn't the genshin impact thread
>Pinkies up
That's more like her.
I will not buy this record, it is scratched.
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>Is there a reason that would make me want to summon her?
That could be something you'd like in a servant. Obviously it isn't though.
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just get laid man
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Is this true?
Nta but i was born without the easy difficulty
Just nasu having a princess moment.
ok but you see that's my problem
in our actual real history hideyoshi seems like a cruel but also smarter guy than nobbu
but this portrayal of him makes him look completely insane
i mean the justification is right there: nobbu made him do it
that's understandable
but going from "i love that guy as a father leave him alone" to "kill him i don't care about due process" in 2 minutes is not understandable or functional
hell i thought the twist was going to be him being manipulated by the ancient beast or some shit.
Keikenchi's portrayal of Hideyoshi is really not that different from him in real life. He might exaggerate the insanity a little bit but all those mass murders really happened.
This is true.
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>argument over guilt or innocence once again
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Extella and Extella Link are on a pretty large sale right now on steam, should I snag them?
Extraverse content hasn't let me down yet.
I'm kinda needing more Assassins for OC purposes, so I might go for her.
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So? People forgive oberon despite his countless genocides too.
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Man I really want to watch Prisma but I'm waiting until I finish reading the manga (I'm barely at chapter 10 still).
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Damn, I didn't know I was posting alongside people THIS based. Great taste.
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You're going overboard my man, but women don't like all of those equally. When given power they don't make that stuff like men do in the same number.
How did Chacha make it out, but not Sute?
I got them both on sale a while ago. I played one hour of each then uninstalled. Truly awful games.
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Bros...is it just me, or is Iyo kinda, sorta...useless?
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He can use oberon. It's misleading to say he can't. The overwhelming majority of events have starting charge CEs. Your own example gives everyone on the team except for him starting charge, why would you ever do that? It's an even stupider argument than the first argument. Forgive me for assuming you were making the less retarded argument.

The only reason to use Oberon in quick teams is when your servant needs the 70% charge to loop or when you're running BG. If you're running BG? He loops this node just fine If you're BG. If you want to run Foumes? Just run triple Skadi or bride for christssake.

Every part of your argument is misinformed, or worse, insincere.
They're alright
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Iyo is reliable
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Yet you called me posting The Cranberries - Shattered gay shit the other day despite posting LTE, Dire Straits or R.E.M.
You're way too confident for someone that knows nothing about anything.
Lower your standards and work on your charisma. There are hundreds of neet loser girls with low self-esteem, you have no excuse for not being inside one right now.
I've seen women talk plenty
Women like Gilgamesh, not Shirou. Even sabers VA likes Gilgamesh better.
Shirou is relatively unpopular among the FSN males with women, even Archer is more popular. Women don't like a work in progress, they like the final product.
Iyo is cute.
>Only barely hits the 50% threshold against the riders
This doesn't seem very reliable to me
>There are hundreds of neet loser girls with low self-esteem
Where the fuck are they
Do we unlock Rikyu's third ascension/FA interlude after tonight's node or is it tomorrow?
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do NOT slander Dire Straits
They don't leave their house.
Neither are Mitsunari and the dogman
I want her personalities to wrap around my penis
Whining about loneliness on the internet.
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Imagine actually believing this, lmao.
Not what I meant
Men and women are autistic in different ways
Men like history and numbers
Women like interpersonal relationships and drama
you can be a murderer and not be insane or at least not that insane, just like mitsunari. i had the feeling this insanity was building up to something else though
cause now i just see him as the middle kid of the uniters
nobbu was the extreme chad that started shit and tokugawa was the successful one that actually had a dynasty while hideyoshi can only talk about
>muh north
schlicking it to Oberon
they don't want (you)
Yes, but he also popped Oberon s1 early. He's got enough refund.
skill issue
I already said everything that you tried to exemplify in that run. He can do it on riders because they have a positive NP ratio. They generate 10% more NP than most enemies when you hit them, same as casters and Moon Cancers and undead enemies generate 20% more.
Most nodes are not riders casters, Moon Cancers and undeads.

He can loop with Oberon, but it's not his normal situation. It's disingenuous to advertise it as standard when it's actually a hedge case (edge case? Not sure which is the right phrase).
Ieyasu was absolutely the most competent, you're not wrong about that. Hideyoshi may have died of natural causes but his clan died out relatively quickly once he was gone.
where's your neet loser girl with low self-esteem
Fucking chad
don't talk about jordana like that bro...
right now there's one in the room next to mine (my sister)
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Pfff right. Try engaging with one of them in here before talking out your ass buddy. You have no fucking idea. No fucking wonder guys turn homosexuals honestly.... What a fucking pathetic era
Okay story okay game. Clearly had some ambitious ideas, but you end with a clunkier story.
>extealla link
Much better game. Story is weaker, and things for each individual servant are gone. However, the story is probably less clunky.

Given you posted Liz you're probably going to like Extella.
in my bed, I met her in the cereal aisle at the grocery store
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>You'd probably kill yourself if you ever learned how many Japanese women want to fuck Shirou.
I thought the story in Link was better actually.
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Then you're a retard.
Link had a story?!?
What's Rikyu like in bed?
Link is so streamlined it barely had a story.
Like I said buddy, work on your charisma. Even the most desperate of pathetic women won't have interest if you act like that.
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They're alright, but nowhere near the same standard as Extra and CCC. Some would say they're the true beginning of the Nerowank though.
It's mainly because Nero and Tamamo were so obnoxious in Extella that I couldn't get 5 minutes into the game before shutting it off.
Charlemagne is the main servant and driver of the story in Link and he doesn't have anywhere near as annoying of a personality.
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Next year collab new servant!
Guys, I hope you enjoy the battle tonight, because it is the only non-zero-AP node for the rest of the event story.
I have more charisma than you ever will in 3 lives combined fucking loser.
You have no idea about shit's going on in here.
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Gudaguda events really are the worst events. I feel bad for Nasu having his fate series reduced to do them because of the nips.
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Thanks for the heads up
Gonna grab Link so I can play as Shishou for like an hour then never touch the game again
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this nigga got charisma rank E
Hideyoshi is considered the Zhuge Liang of Japan due to a bunch of his clever schemes and silver tongue.
Just in case you think you're smarter than the "genocidal" monkey.
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Hideyoshi is actually the Monkey King with amnesia.
You can't work on your charisma really, it's the kind of thing you are born with. Best you can do is try and fake being someone you are not so people will accept you but that never really works out.
And who's Kama's parrot?
How do I get a Muslim GF, bros?
No that would be retarded also Riyo already drew him different and with male/female gender swapping
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If Keikenchi isn't going to give his Servants fun and cute moments in events that are directly related to them, then he should at least write interludes for them instead. But of course he is too lazy to do this.
How do I get an /alter/ gf or gf (male), bros?
Got to London.
I'm smarter than him. Only reason he got so far is because I wasn't alive back then.
I swear if Wukong is released and he is apart of some stupid hybrid high servant bullshit with Hideyoshi, I'm going to lose it.
>If Keikenchi isn't going to give his Servants fun and cute moments in events that are directly related to them
There's literally always a gag section at the end of his events bro.
Hideyoshi was an uneducated peasant
Anyone from /alter/ could do a better job than he did
There wasn't one last time though. I'll believe it when I see it.
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Whatever you say man. Thanks for proving my point with every reply though.
is happening anon let it go
More like the most lucky. Hideyoshi did most of the work of the three.
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Yes there was. The section of the story with the AI Takasugi was the gag part of the event. It was filled with jokes.
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I'll accept your concession flattie lover loser
Well, not Hideyoshi, but El-Melloi Adventure had Wukong as part of a guy
Have you tried going to anime conventions?
You don't have to worry about Wukong being a component of Hideyoshi, Keikenchi wouldn't do that.
You do have to worry about Wukong being a component of Ergo.
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A large part of Extella's problem is that it's literally the worst Nero and Tamamo got. Extella was written by Nasu and Sakurai. This is the same era when Sakurai wrote Septem. Sakurai, I'll just flat say it, doesn't understand what people liked about Nero and Tamamo in Extra. Nasu clearly had a story the shroom wanted to tell, setting up umbral star and ayys, but didn't want to handle it completely while also writing Camelot, Babylonia, and Solomon. This is reflected in the final product.
Extella Link is written by Higashide. He clearly just wanted a short self contained story that stays in the rails.
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Post 'Himeko is great.' and great rolls will come to you.
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>find retard who likes same servant as you
>be retarded together
wow so hard
Typical shitty leader that wanted to conquer stuff and was afraid of the Samurai rebelling because he's a shitty leader and taking his stuff. He's another Putin
Spilled much seed to the early ones
He said /alter/ not some random...
Permanent hug/leglock and squeeking I love yous in your ear.
>no thighs
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Why do they keep bringing up this "monkey" guy? Did they pay Nasu to shill his game or something?
But honestly, I just want Narita to give them a happy ending
Who's Himeko? Well she's great anyway.
>Just in case you think you're smarter than the "genocidal" monkey.
I don't think anyone thinks that.
Just use the soc thread or ask in here but let me warn you right now, you'll have better chance with males than females. Females in here are her for a reason and I learned it the hard way... So yeah I hope you love the cocksuck!!
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There will be no happy endings on that train
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Are we just forgetting that that the behind the ramen shop meme started because an anon here was going to meet an Okitabro and his BF after Comiket? Anons do go to conventions, but are too timid to post about it here.
I know this is bait, yet I am compelled to reply
Different Monkey, dumbass
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>everyone backstabs everyone in this event
Yeah, Elgo.
Shit happens bro.
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>I know this is bait, yet I am compelled to reply
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No you're absolutely right but the fact is that these people didn't meet in /alter/ and knew each other from somewhere else or beforehand.
It's all internet bullshit anyways... 0 accountability these days... 90% of people are just scared to shit for whatever reason, it's pathetic. Whatever.
I post about it often and get told to kill myself. Not like I'm looking for a relationship, just friends.
This is why people get murdered you know
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You should burn your Rikyu.
The Ox King mogs the shit out of Wukong anyway. He even has a cooler title: Great Sage Trampling Heaven.
I need more cow servants too.
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Wukong has the title Great Fighting Buddha though
I posted in the /soc/ thread for friends and it's all people aggressively waiting for crossdressers to post pictures of themselves. Pretty sad.
>Y-you failed as an assassin, you suck! Because all you did was manage to learn every single ultimate assassin technique from every generation before your own and didn't come up with your own! T-that's right, you suck!

The insecurity they had over her was hilarious
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Happy now?
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Yes "friends"... It's fucking hilarious. You get judged before anything happens. It's all gotta be friends... Well in a way, honestly, I'm starting to understand them and I actually feel for them now... Sad it is, but reality it is...
For your crimes I hereby drain your luck for future summoning.

You did this to yourself.
[SAD NEWS] Muslim women aren't allowed to date kafir men. You would have to convert.
this is why I don't bother with the social aspects of /alter/
the fag shit is so pervasive
Great Sage Heaven's Equal is cooler than that.
Changing subjects though, I wonder if he's even ordinarily summonable. He never died after all, except for that time he erased his name from Yama's records.
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Fakers get the rope, you will not pirate the Noble Phantasm
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>I need more cow servants too.
Bro? Your Mom.
Una extraña piedra apareció
Y nació un monete con un gran poder
A los otros monos conoció,
Y tras la cascada se convierte en rey
She's a hime-cut Himiko.
Yeah, her Lancer her, and Milly are all we got. I desire more.
Kama paizuri..
Those are the same people you post with in /vg/, it's just another aspect of it.
Himeko really is great.
Erlang is cooler than Wukong
My headcanon is just they didn't promote her because she was an overly serious true believer and they just wanted to have fun and smoke pot between getting paid to kill people
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Did you miss the people posting their tags for friends? Did you add any of them?
Does he appear during the journey? I only read the prologue portion.
I need pictures
Pictures of girls in the Kaleido clothes
You mean their FCs? Or the people posting their Discords? The latter are all uninteresting losers.
You can secure one without converting, but be ready to receive death threats.
t. knower
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did they post those pics in the end?
What the fuck?
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Piracy is corrective justice.
I can see it.
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Some guy with glasses posted a picture of himself crossplaying as Rin, it wasn't very good and he's most likely a tranny since he has black nail polish for some reason despite Rin not having that
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Should female servants have cloven or uncloven hooves? Which are hotter?
Alright, here's the non-sample of the other pic
Happy now?
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The power of dick?
Tell me more.
If you actually tried talking to them, but found them uninteresting then I don't know what to tell you.
Yeah but have you think about
Female servants should have a penis.
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You've yet to redeem yourself in my eyes.
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Yeah, it's unfortunate but /alter/ is alone for a reason lol
>Fate/Strange Fanfiction
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>Fate/Strange Fun
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I like hippos. They should make a Rider that rides one.
Did he have a fallout with Nasu? Heard this is apparently just ending next volume unresolved. Or is it really just "intentionally" ending without an ending or resolution?

I guess we never did have a Grail War story simply end while it's still going on...for good reason though lol
>get killed by sigma chad who hardly is aware that you exist
>become filled with impotent rage for thousands of years
Many such cases.
There's more to that. Some are autistic sure but others are pretty open. I've made a good amount of friends from here, Mebdanon being the oldest and to this we still talk often and it's just as fun as day 1.
The girls however... wew... A whole other fucking story... Don't get me started or I'll turn homosexual otherwise....
>having to give bjs to all /alter/ bros who ask for one for an entire month.
Where's the punishment for Okita then?
It's going to be triple to quadruple length and then wrap up with the fgo collab.
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Hmm has anyone in history or mythology ever ridden a hippo?
The only girl I knew from /alter/, I knew her IRL and she was an unironic schizo and abandoned this game before the 4th anniversary and became a SJW
prolly Teddy
I said hippo, not dino.
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Sherlock sisters, please put the kiara CE on him for support when the CQ comes out thanks
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I should really use Drake more, she's the spirit of change that makes this world a better place.
Hard to say. It's an African animal, so nobody knows the relevant myths.
Maybe Rider Nrvnqsr could.
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Absolute SEX

She isn't available right away unfortunately, it takes some story chapters to unlock her iirc.
Yeah I remember you told this story a few times. I haven't stumbled upon someone like that but hell I have no word to describe some of them... It's so sad honestly... I hope you meet nice ones or already have sweaty.
I thought you guys said we weren't getting CQs anymore.
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I choose to believe this is true
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Bros how much would touko as for one of these?
Homie take away the 80% damage increase.
He's going to lose at least three Overkill hits and he ain't going to make it.
Being able to use black Grail is very close to 6CEing, but it's not quite the same thing, because you're inflating your overkill hit count.

I suppose I should add some context so you don't just accuse me of shifting the goal post, but the entire thing that made me go off on this rant in the first place was people in the previous thread criticizing that damage comparison spreadsheet >>493582684 for using black grail instead of foumes, so that's the headspace that I'm working in.
I'm normally one of the people championing the cause that 6ce is stupid and for everyday farming you're only giving up 5% Bond if you 5ce to use the servants you actually like, but today I'm playing by their rules.

I will consneed you one point though. Going off of that spreadsheet, which does use black Grail, he can functionally make use of Oberon, so under those guidelines yeah I've been crying over spilt milk, but in the foumes set up that all of the hyper efficiency fags are obsessed with, he's not someone that should be brought to the comparison table.
I apologize for not better defining what I was trying to argue earlier.
Bros... tell me Rikyu has a dorky side... She can't be a white haired evil woman if she isn't dorky...
Why did they make Mitsunari's design look so feminine if he's not a girl?
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Do NOT fuck Dolls!
She's black haired though.
Autism about tea and pottery is very dorky
Because gay sex.
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Because Pako can only draw feminine characters if they're either men or literal children
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remember when you were saving for 2023 servants? it's almost 2025
Japan has always loved bishounen, bro.
Pako is so based...
The commando queen...
Hippopotamus means river horse, and Poseidon is the god of water and horses, so make it Poseidon or one of his brats. Maybe Caeneus.
I don't understand the dialogue
What are they saying?
Are you trying to tell me I should have sex with feminine men?
First thing that pop into my mind was Pablo Escobar's cocaine hippos.
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A way to circumvent the possible lack of mythological references could be to summon the Greek writter or author who first described the animal in ancient writting. He could ride one himself for the lulz.

Turns out it might have been Herodotus actually, quoting from earlier works.

I imagine there must be an egyptian hippo god somewhere though.
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Okay, where are the cute /alter/bros?
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fyi, Alice is very weak, she would not be able to resist rape.

Commencing the forever drain of all your luck in summoning.
but I wasn't singi-oh
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>Flys around in a teahouse
>Main source of energy is money
>Can banter with Nobu while acting respectful
>Guards a dorky little teenager in his body
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That's actually a fun concept.
That's Komahime though.
It's Komahime's body, you retarded ape
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Good, I will have my way with her sexy feet then!
Play Extella Link and seethe that your favorite servants aren't in it. Then hope they're in 3
Where's my Sigurd, Marvelous?
>egyptian hippo god
There's that Behemoth palette swap in smt. Actually Behemoth is probably the palette swap.
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>Perseus Shinjiface Rider with Pegasus
>Poseidon Shinji pseudo-Servant Rider with Hippo
You must choose.
She would probably rip off your penis with a ploy before you even get close though
What about headpats?
That's her only defence? No wonder Touko managed to nab a smooch...
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>Okita: betrayed (you) by abandoning the battlefield to save her pal's favorite prostitute without any warning that we're being deceived
Sad state of affairs when a fucking sengoku era warlord (Nobu) is more loyal and reliable. Nobu > SHITkita
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I know, which he controls at present.
Why get so aggressive over literally nothing?
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What if they made Pegasus one of those winged hippos? That would be groovy.
We know.
God, I wish that were me but with the better sister
Comfy fishing
wtf why are mahoyoshitters such spoiling bastards...
Yes, a fortiori.
Alice doesn't have a sister bro
Very funny
It's a meme that Erice is an exhibitionist pervert that gets joy from showing her underage sideboobs and butt to the point she's willing to ripped apart someone's else clothes if it means being more free (naked).
It's a decade old my man
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It's easier to list the servants that haven't betrayed us at some point anon, you should make like it's the sengoku era and roll with it.
You were never gonna read it anyways.
Cursed Arm is a real homie. He's never betrayed anyone.
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He betrayed King Hassan by releasing the demon from his arm
you really expect me to believe this is a dude? come on
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>you should make like it's the sengoku era
Yes, that's what I'm doing, I'm executing everyone who has demonstrated themselves to be problematic.
>the demon
You're underselling it.
He unsealed Satan from his arm.
What a lack of (You)s does to a subhuman.
I want to have sex with this dude.
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Stop hornyposting.
Read Camelot
No it was Shaytan. I know it sounds like a speech impediment, but it's a different fella.
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>I have a curse in my arm, therefore I am Hassan of the Cursed Arm
Are all these ambitious tales of them meant to just have them continue their lives or some kind of message about how Japan's collective dreams of ambition are dead? Or that they've matured?

Also why doesn't Hijikata want to ever wear the blue Haori again? Is it simply to honor the "death" of the Shinsengumi? I thought since he likes it so much he'd be eager to wear it.
>A thin young man with pale blonde hair. He wears black trousers with knee-high boots, a blue shirt with golden decals and a long grey coat. He carries a katana and gun on his belt.
Seems reasonable.
I know he did that, but I don't see how it's a betrayal.
The demon would have slaughtered the populace of the area if it wasn't killed by KH after
>Also why doesn't Hijikata want to ever wear the blue Haori again? Is it simply to honor the "death" of the Shinsengumi? I thought since he likes it so much he'd be eager to wear it.
It's because they're too lazy to give him a costume.
Blue is cringe, my man.
Made for Kuchochiko's knot
nuh uh!
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Narita plans to wrap up everything in the last Volume
We know that at least one thing, Alcides' death, got moved down to it cause he thought it'd be more fun if all the deaths, other than Ishtar, were in the last volume
Gouf be upon you when you least expect it, may it drive you from your home and leave you with nothing.
First, so what?
Second. That's less a betrayal and more entrusting your boss to handle the fallout of a necessary action.
It's not a meme if it's true
Hassan betrayed me when he zabinga'd my FGO account.
>so what
That's against his sworn duty to the hassans
It's canon that she thinks Caren's skirtlessness is the height of fashion
Killing people?
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shut up, L
>I'm sorry, Master, I'll have to release the demon sealed in my arm
God imagine sniffing and huffing Alice footsmell while she just looks away in embarrassment and her pussy melts...
>Not just calling it hippogriff and letting the visual pun speak for itself
I disagree with this choice.
Protecting the faith
>You can't Hassan, people will die!
>That goes against everything you stand for!
The name is an anagram of (Richard) Garfield.
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Fuck doll
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Sounds great, hoping for the best here, thanks to all of you for sharing info. May the collab blow us away
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And who are you to judge one of the Grandmaster's actions?
I want to agree you, but her summer variant show us that she isn't a complete degenerate. Like none of her ascensions come close to being as lewd as her Lancer outfit.
Bro, the transparent shirt is lewder than just wearing a bikini alone
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Spats and megane ruined her. She'll never be attractive
You're gay, just admit it.
Garfield, PhD?
At this rate you'll never summon anything again

Reversing the flow of your luck to myself. May only the most negative and black remnants of it remain inside you.
Jino saggers...
Her transparent shirt is nice, but for a so called exhibitionist it's very tamed. Maybe it could've been saved if her FA showed that ascension but without her shorts. Instead it had the very kid-friendly, but very cute, sailor fuku.
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Little does that poster know, every time he posts about draining luck I'm swallowing all his good fortune from behind him.
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Will you clear her side mission?
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Gouf is eternal, insulting blue is insulting it.

Also the fact they cancelled that mech event was lame, when are we getting an animation update for Babbage?
I really want to fuck Kuro.
Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
Uhh, these are children?
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>/alter/sis looks like THIS?
Give me 3 arguments why I should
Speaking of animation updates, does Rad Vlad get one? Even his sprite is shit.
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Vlad really deserves one, still on his release sprite with a bit of a big bobble head when they were trying to make it chibi...maybe one day.

Sadly it didn't come in time to save him from his death at the hands of Summer Castoria. RIP Vlad.
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What was her name again?
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Would you roll for her?
I'd have to see her personality. Cool design though.
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People really shouldn't be allowed to do this
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No, that's a homunculus
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Have people moved on from that fiasco yet?
Why did you bring these shit servants for this node
Pokey nip
A homunculus child bro? You can't tell me you lust for this girl.
will she rape me?
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I'm a fan of this child in a non-sexual way
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Damn, Nagayoshi is such a chad for cutting down chacha instantly kek
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Fuck if I know
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>Caring about whether or not someone lusts for something that isn't even real
What are you talking about?
vtumor shit
that's all you need to know
Oh, I don't care then.
Sex. Sex with Illya.
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This is problematic... That's literally an 11 year old girl...

And Pallet Cleanser
OUT OF 10!
When is the Rikyu Ascension get unlocked?
Man, I wish I was Illya.
Monday Night
Out of 10
How do gameplayfags cope with the fact that Teagirl is unironically better than Sibooki and Poogod?
I still don't get it. What's a gamer date? Why would anyone give a shit?
Sorry, homunculus child drawing
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This but completely unironically. I am hilarious.
Gameplayfags are already off shilling for Ciel, did you not see those faggots posting a bunch of vids going LOOK CIEL CAN FARM ALL STORM POD QUESTS AT NP1?
yes, and?
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>How do gameplayfags cope
gameplayfags only care about 6CE and Rikyu can't do those
Prisma, Stay Night, or Grand Order?
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Cute girl.
Can Arjuna and Sibooki 6CE this event's 90++?
So, basically:

Dude got friend zoned in front of around 5,000 people watching Doki's stream.

Suddenly, everyone was doing reactions to the original video.

This dude has been publicly humiliated in front of over 100,000,000 people at this point.
I know about the shit that happens in Prisma, so give me the Grand Order life.
Made for mating presses.
Was he doxxed or something? If not it seems like a nothingburger.
Last I heard he and the girl involved had come out and said they weren't upset about going viral and found the situation pretty funny.
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Hurry up Illya, we need to kill Barbatos another 5,000 times
All cups are made for matting pressing, and especially Miyu as she looks at you with a disgusted look.
It is. It's just people taking things too seriously and getting offended on the behalf of someone who doesn't actually care that much.
This. 100% this.
Oh. Well thanks.
Incorrect, I'm from the USA and love Tamamo.
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