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>Is the DLC worth it?
It depends on your tastes some like it and some don't. You should probably pirate it first to try it out
>Is the Book worth it?
No. Its a meme.
>Is Dwarf Fortress welcome here?
>what mods for performance?
Performance Fish, Rocketman - Download them and never look back.

► Links:
>Where does buy Tynan's amazing book?
>New patch notes
>(I'm new, what mods should I get?)
>How do I know which mods eat the Game's performance?

>Use Rimpy for managing your mods

>Make sure to follow this guide to minimize problems with your mod load orders

(new /rwg/ mods)
(old /rwg/ OP)

CDDA modlist:

Yayo modlist:
►Other /rwg/++ games:

Previous: >>493255558
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What names do you like to give your colonies?
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Slug sex!
slug girls? in rimworld?
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6th for anime
Anyone else tried building a wall around the entire map? I feel like it's pretty broken. Haven't finished building the wall yet, but I think once I do, sieges won't be able to set up until they go through my chokepoint. Basically won't have to worry about them anymore.
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>shitty old woman refugee comes with shitty child
>suddenly see my priest giving a leson to the shitty child
>was gonna cancel it because I don't care if the shit child who's gonna leave in 3 days learns or not
>suddenly my midge goes right between them for no aparent reason
>find that funny and leave them be
Damn... those midgets are funny
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Game literally sends me only women, even as raiders
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Food has arrived
you know what to do
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Well, it probably awkward for them
probably pawn generation issues
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Baseliner sex!
there's a borderzone where you can't build, I'm not sure if that mortar thing can pass there, because I haven't had any mortar invasions yet.
Pretty sure its not enough space for sieges, also I think enemies can't build there either.
they can
Faction name: Real Human Beans
Settlement name: The Good Village
I too have this problem, and it's not even the game's fault. I just coincidentally recruit 4-5 females for every male. It's happened in almost all my playthroughs, and every time my colony becomes a soft amazonian matriarchy.
soft amazons...
t-thanks moyos
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post family
Why would the slugs gift me this?
so i have a mountain base and im only just now learning about infestations, am i fucked? i only have 2 colonists, but im trying to get 1-2 more, there is an insect nest in a cave nearby and ive been storing my dead in the caves
the game scales difficulty based on many factors but primarily on the number of pawns you have, rushing to get more pawns for the sake of having more especially if they aren't good only makes things more difficult for you. look at the difficulty you picked, their names pretty accurate to what you can expect
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Fucking goblins
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>feeding the insects
They are trying to tell you not to use the vanilla body texture.
im on the second hardest diffuculty with the default AI storyteller, basically ive been struggling to find food but ive only gotten 2 people raiding me at once, im setting up my hydroponic farm deep in the mountain and im concerned
should i move the corpses?? does it increase the chances? its actually right next to my farm im setting up deep in the mountain
those midgets make me proud
Any neat faction (non-Vanilla Expanded) mods you guys like?
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forgot pic
Graves for RP? Or is there some other reason you don't use a crematorium.
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I haven't been here in years. I still remember 2021 and how we were stupid enough to believe that this game was going somewhere. What a waste
I just recently got reliable source of electricity
I miss days when graves kept the state of pawns and animals and you just used them as fridge
They're pretty much useless now
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isn't the proximity detector screaming right now
is kyaru going to get her sight stolen
Define "somewhere"
>his game was going somewhere
You're such fucking retard
Rimworld has come a long way and definitely accomplished a lot
I expected it wouldn't turn into a messy fully random directionless pile of slop that you have to mod to hell and back to get anything satisfying out of
Invisible monsters can't get through a paper door and a thin blanket, it'll be fine.
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>What a waste
of my time
this but reverse the low and high IQ
you're retarded literally the only thing the game is missing is real interaction with and between the world outside your colony the game is pretty great otherwise. speaking of slop, most mods are trash on top of having no form of balance and just make you super OP
why does vg fall for bait so much. i thought gamers were supposed to be free thinkers.
>i thought gamers were supposed to be free thinkers.
lol, lmao
fuck im so concerned about infestations now, if i only have two colonists the chances are really low right??
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>sudden a waster assault
>one of them is a genie
>"oh nice, I'll capture it and get some crafter or investgator"
>see this
very funny, Randy...
Assuming that you are at rock bottom wealth, it would spawn 3-4 bugs at most. Less difficult to deal with than a manhunter pack of guineas pigs.
is there a way to make the mod 'a moyo in water' apply to more races?

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