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>Demo Days
NOW: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-57
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

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I currently have under my ownership over 20 (multi-million) game project concepts spread across 8 IPs.

Just wanted to let you know I'm better than (You). Good day.
thinking on never taking the "just get it working pill" again, and just gonna do everything Properly™ the first time from now on
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>Today I worked on custom export to make my life easier
Ok bye Cris, please don't post for the rest of the day now
I tried starting my project over in a clean environment and just redoing things the right way. Didn't work out but then I'd coded some shit I really wanted in the older build. Tried to merge and failed horribly, retardedly overwrote shit I wanted to keep, lost two weeks of progress. I'm not fucking with "the right way" until my game is done.
I'm not cris and you know that.
You can say whatever you want but being a frogposter makes your inferior to me in my eyes.
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is it hard to make gacha games like this?
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>wants to be a gamedev
>scared of c++
In godot I have a gridmap which I'm using for most of the map and placing doors throughout it.
How do I handle the Navigation Mesh so that it reacts to the door opening and closing, do I just rebake it?
you need a competent artist
Nikke's art is AI slop thoughever
I hate linking libraries and a game engine feels more agnostic since I can develop for any system.
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Of possible interest to aggerbaggers

Patch 7 of BG3 finally released, with a modding toolkit. Notably, it has been clearly stated that this is not suitable for making custom campaigns or levels etc.
However, it was apparently quite easy to just fiddle a little and unlock it, providing almost a full dev tool for level creation, scripting, cutscenes, and so on.
Potentially could be Larian "accidentally" allowing this to happen as a middle finger to greedy dickbags Wizards of the Coast.

Will be interesting to see if it gets taken down or what happens. It's hard to believe that this was completely accidental. I think I've read that relations soured between Larian and WotC (unsurprising if true, pretty much everyone walks away from WotC/Hasbro for being shitty)
You have been surpassed by a frogposter. How does that feel?
I have to say, today was a productive day. I finally fixed the Linux build of my game, I now added the ability of looking up and down for the friendly fighting characters, and I worked on some verse for the Zmeian Compendium, chronicling the work of Count Simon Frydrak, the legendary namesake of Frydar Island. I expect to see more reviews and feedback as this Demo Day continues.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I will be listening to some of the synth and harpsichord works of Volodymyr Bystryakov, specifically concerning the adventures of a certain British young lady and her adventures inside of a mirror.
>Yes, I completely see why changing the class of an object, like using a ColorRect for prototyping when you actually want a Sprite, is frustrating and not a good solution. It’s bad because you want to maintain the structure of your game with the correct node types and not hack your way around limitations, only to later rework everything. You're right—it feels unintuitive and cumbersome for quick prototyping, especially in a tool designed to be user-friendly like Godot.
>Unfortunately, Godot doesn’t currently offer an in-editor way to create a truly blank texture without either importing one or using code, which is indeed frustrating.
Thanks chat GPT very helpful
fuck Godot
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Your post reminded me of this classic ad.
pick the most popular games of the past year, of the ones using out of house engines see which engine they are using, you will notice all of them are using unreal, unity is dead period, godon't is too weak and featureless to be considered a real choice, shitmaker is a meme that had relevance a decade ago. You can go against the current, just don't complain when you drown.
>He use placeholder
>He doesn't create an aesthetic experience from the get go
I don't feel surpassed. If you want to know exactly how I feel: I feel a bit disappointed there are frog posters in the thread and wish they were replaced by animeposters instead.
Actual retard, go back
I don't want to waste my time doing the art if I can't get a prototype working mechanically.
I've been a nodev for years
This. If your game's early prototype isn't as polished as elden ring then you need to go back and polish it
>Volodymyr Bystryakov
Thanks for the suggestion, it's great so far
>wish they were replaced by animeposters
So you are even worse than frogposters, oh my.
Dude, sounds like you really crushed it today. Fixing the Linux build is no small feat, and adding vertical aiming for your characters is a solid way to add depth to the combat. The Zmeian Compendium sounds interesting too; Count Simon Frydrak has some serious lore potential if you flesh it out right.

And nice taste in music! Bystryakov's stuff is pretty atmospheric, perfect for setting the mood while you work. Just make sure you don’t get too lost in the mirror world while you’re at it. Keep grinding and let's see what kind of feedback you get from the Demo Day!
I don't feel worse than frogposters. Anime is much higher quality than your glorified mspaint scribble frog.
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>waste my time doing the art if
Art like code can (and should be) be reused
>I can't get a prototype working mechanically.
Progress anon, overthinking is bad.
I never said indie. Imagine not aiming for the stars.
I'll review more demos when the submission period is done so I can see more of what is being submitted
What's a relatively painless way to do 2D side-scrolling backgrounds for someone with meagre art skill? Don't say AI.
Artificial Intelligence.
Algorithm art. It's not AI, but you make a design based on a pattern
Ligne clair artstyle
Plain color silhouettes
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>tfw spent today drawing flowcharts and diagrams trying to figure out the code I have to write next
>then took a break by making some 3d environment assets I don't need yet
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i like how everytime you call nortubel ngmi, he acts like pic related
i have the feeling your code isn't complex enough to warrant that
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develop your own cheap 2D style.
But I never call Nortubel NGMI...
did cris make the chibi one? actually p good
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Was optimizing my game then I start to remember battlefield 3 for some reason, realized Dice must've done some crazy black magic to port this game on to the xbox/ps3 with less than 500mb of ram to work with, it's fucking insane.
it's traced
meant for >>493594121
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I gotchu, broski. Whatchu listening to right now?
I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic, so I’ll take it that you’re genuinely interested in what I have to say…
The Zmeian Compendium is, essentially, the go-to place to learn about everything in the Fygooniverse, as it provides context and information that I would otherwise have to either shoehorn into the game or remove entirely. Of note is the section dedicated to the history of Frydar Island (since I have yet to completely flesh out the histories of Idego Island, Goloomaia Island, DarkWater Island, and Dosornar Island outside of nebulous characters like the Idegian Humans and Axolotl Men, the lonely Goloomaian Sage Greenthumb and his Rockmen, and the Dosornarian Amalgam): this details the founding of the island, the Naming Race organized by Basileus Fygarin, and, most importantly, a detailed recounting of the Dragon-Elvarian War that’s referenced in both the manual and, once the cutscenes are done, the game by many characters like Viceroy Brutus Canor, Vicereine Iris, and Basileus Fygoon.
One day I might make a prequel detailing the brutal war, but for now a simple outline is enough.
How the fuck was I supposed to know?
No sarcasm here. Your world-building sounds next level, especially with all those islands and factions. The Zmeian Compendium sounds like a beast of a lore book, and it's great you're putting that much effort into fleshing out the backstory. Frydar Island with its deep history and the Dragon-Elvarian War sounds epic.

I can see how all that lore could enrich the game experience without overwhelming players with info dumps. Having that as a reference is smart. And yeah, a prequel could be awesome once the main game is out and you've got the fanbase hungry for more.

Also, props for the character names—Viceroy Brutus Canor and Basileus Fygoon have a nice ring to them. Keep at it, man. Sounds like you're building something really unique. Can't wait to see how it all comes together. And hey, if you need playtesters or more feedback, hit me up. Always down to dive into a new world.
thats not unreal
The fygooner is responding to himself again
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>Nah dudes, my game is super complex and has lots of things to convey to the cust-
Why do some of you even bother trying to make games if you're this stupid
Why do you hate Nolgorb.
meant for >>493595562
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Here's what I have so far.

The green box is a spaceship, controllable from inside the ship via the console
The inside of the ship doesn't move in space, it's just and rendered on a different view and physics layer than the outside of the ship, the camera then superimposes them on top of each other for testing purposes though the final game may not look like this because unless there's a window you can't see outside

The purple box is a space station, you can fly your ship to dock at the spacestation and its interior appears. I have have a basic proof of concept working where the interior of the spacestation which was hidden off somewhere else teleports to where it needs to be relative to the interior of the ship when it gets close enough so that one of the players can walk across to it after docking.

I was trying to figure out how to make this scalable. Which objects interiors move when needed and which don't, how stations will be constructed, probably from modules consisting of many separate interiors. How would two ships dock with each other? Etc.

Anyway I have to do it this way because the players are not parented to the interior that they're in because they have to be able to walk across to other interiors, and I can't change parent because synchronising two nodes across the network is enough of a ballache without that node moving around in the scene tree. So having the interior remain stationary just prevents a ton of jitter and headaches, I know this because this is my second attempt at this project.
You need to spend at least a week to a month on designing your game's Steam/Itch page. It's literally the first thing your customers will see, how do people not spend more time on it?
>just be born with knowledge bro otherwise you're stupid
ok my bad
That's Nolgorb's Ordeal.
Project Nolgorbel
I am replying to the post I intend to reply and anyone claiming otherwise is an impostor.
Reminds me of that /ic/ SCHIZO OF STAGNATION infographic
This is the worst Steam page in a long while.
Anyone who isn't /agdg/ would think this moves exactly like every other 3D game
Holy shit are you doing 3d isometric SS13?
It's an immersive kangaroo experience. Kangaroos don't write steam page descriptions..
If you run into a problem or you don't know where something is and your immediate thought isn't "Let me read the docs first" then you're your own worst enemy.
It's all boxes but that is already so cool
Good music taste and deep lore, what's your game called so I can follow it? I rarely visit /agdg/ anymore, pure happenstance.

>Whatchu listening to right now?
Revisiting my teenage self with exploring further the discography of Legendary Pink Dots, Skinny Puppy, and all related. Have in the past really enjoyed "krautrock" and such things. Would enjoy other music suggestions if you have any.
Plans for music in your game? Old music has me dusting off a bit of old gear, and planning stuff purely on paper. I like the thought of programming markov chains to pick variations of sets of bars, so the music stays a bit fresh as it loops. Inspired by Satie also with "furniture music."
exports make your life easier until godot fucks it up and sets the values to null
I bought sleepy time extra chamomile tea with valerian root and tilia estrella. You are all so fucked.
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>keeps his IP Address in the webm
Nice, way to dox yourself lmao
oh my god, i looked it up and the game is coming from inside the house!
Wait, you guys have homes?
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It's another "It's too early to make a tutorial, so here's an image" episode.
Next steps I think(but won't say for certain until demo day feedback):
- Screw around with objectives I can STEAL from board games and other Table top stuff.
I have a general framework now and I need to just throw as much stuff at the wall as I can to see what sticks. Next demo day I want to have ten or so scenarios.
- Building upgrades
- path synergies
- Make a map editor and other debugging tools I'll need for rapid iteration
- Convert to a ledger system
The current system runs through a function, weaving animations with gameplay calculations. Workable, but not ideal long term because I'd rather keep those two things separate for convivence. So instead of `turn_end` they'd be `calculate_turn` which returns a list of changes to the game state and `play_turn` which takes each change and animates it.
Should also make debugging easier, although codifying changes into explicit objects might be tricky, since every change to state needs a message like `villagerDied`, `vilagerBorn`, `resource_produced`, ...
- Crap out as much art as possible.
- Fix the resolution
- Switch to a radial menu design for building menu
- STEAL UI designs from other 4X games.
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Artfags, could I get feedback on the cohesiveness of this entire scene? I tried to stick to a common theme and color palette, and I think the hut/trees/bushes look decent and consistent. One goal for this game is for it to look good [/spoiler]so people actually play it[/spoiler]
No, also it's split-screen co-op only.
Did you make your own engine?
More like Barotrauma. Multiplayer coop crewing a spaceship, one guy drives, the other guy mans the guns, another guy sends the reactor critical and kills you all. It wouldn't be anywhere as deep as SS13 but I could add clowns if the people demand it.
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>Bottom game shows up 2-3 times in the thread at most
Well anons, would you call it an /agdg/ game? I'd say that's as much /agdg/ as VA-11 Hall-A
>stardew clone released a month ago
>estimated 1M revenue
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The Zmeian Compendium will be its own dedicated website so it’s not all relegated to a wiki and I can add cool stuff in like a fan art gallery and, far into the future, a free-to-view animated series of shorts that chronicle the game’s plot in a very abridged fashion like the Kievnauchfilm cartoons I love; funding for this hypothetical series will be provided by game sales, and each episode would begin with a brief note stating that fact. The Zmeian Compendium can be accessed by a special menu in The Frydarian Tale (it’s there right now but it doesn’t link to a URL yet because I want to complete the site first before I buy a domain) so, if players wish, they can learn more about the game’s world if they are unable to play the game anymore.
You know, your words mean a lot to me, man. I’ve had this story in my mind since elementary school, and it wasn’t until a year ago that I finally had an opportunity to realize my dream. I became disillusioned with developing games after I was taught that, unless I catered to the masses, nobody would care about my work. It’s people like you who made me realize that there is, in fact, people out there who are genuinely interested in my story, and I thank you greatly for finally letting me share my vision, unhindered by outside influences as Frydar Island is left unhindered by the influences of the continental world.
Like the other anon said it already looks incredible and you could keep adding stuff until it was 3d ss13.
Those are two separate clients side by side. And I'd like to make singleplayer viable
It is godot
Why, considering VA-11 Hall-A was posted here way more than 3 times?
How come the ball bounces on nothing instead of dropping into the water?
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How many of you have another creative hobby besides gamedeving?

I mean things like writting a book, drawing a comic, composing music, etc.

Im starting to believe that the only way to make progress on your game is to focus on it and nothing else. Like you really Cant have two different creative hobbies.
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Bokube's time is over. There is a new gang in the playground.
>I'm too tired from work, I'll dev tomorrow
>I'm too tired from work, I'll dev tomorrow
>I'm too tired from work, I'll dev tomorrow
>I'm too tired from work, I'll dev tomorrow
>I'm too tired from work, I'll dev tomorrow
>it's Saturday, I need to just relax...
>Sunday, gotta make some progress
>I'm too tired from work, I'll dev tomorrow
I draw stuff. I wanna try drawing a comic but I haven't gotten around to it yet.
reading docs is for LOSERS did eric read docs? thought so!
wait godot can do mp now?
Strictly speaking, the playable character looks out of place in spite of clearly having the most effort put into them. They're a bit too detailed for how small they are even with the chibi proportions. Maybe try adding a border around them and see if that helps at all
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The white edges are supposed to be railings. I was toying with the idea of making them actual ~0.25 height walls, like picrel quick sketch. Do you think that would make it clearer?
Eric had no choice to since he was using XNA which is a piece of shit
>Child Predators have entered the chat
Welp, time to find another community...
this. even if the work doesn't involve exercise, it tires you just as much
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It’s called The Frydarian Tale. It’s a relatively simple game because it’s a test to see if I can actually make a complete game and not have it languish in development hell like Impulsehazard.
For the music side of things, I like fantasy soundtracks that incorporate synth: the soundtrack for Ralph Bakshi’s Wizards is one I definitely love and remains in my trifecta of best fantasy soundtracks (alongside The Neverending Story’s soundtrack and Through the Looking-Glass’s soundtrack). The music in my game tries to emulate that concept, as though the characters all live in a medieval fantasy land, the player’s ears aren’t assaulted with the same copy-paste orchestral sweeps that companies like Nintendo love to overuse; like the graphics, The Frydarian Tale’s soundtrack is its own unique thing.
>start new project
>game requires so many systems working before the actual gameplay can be programmed
Why is it like this? Even for something simple like an isometric management game requires:
>UI split for gamescreen and buttons
>tile selection and highlighting -- single, lines, boxes, pathfinding for certain modes, mouse state
>tile placement -- everything to do with money, requires everything with tile selection, orientations for every single adjacent tiles, tile sizes (1x2 placements)
>map generation
All of the above is required before you can actually begin your game and each one of these has underlying systems that need to be built.

>consider direction of the sun and your shadows
>for each of your objects on the map, you might want some boundaries that highlight where the ball can and can't go (i.e. the tree stump should have a ring around it to show level bounds)
I found that committing all my time to one project in the hopes that "you can do anything as long as you give your 100% to it" always ended up being a trap and led me to a pitfall of laziness

I found that generally productive people are spread pretty thin, and are balancing many things in their life in exchange for not having a lot of free time. It's a skill that needs to be trained.
Looks like I'm CORRECT ;)
oops didn't reply to the post
I am very grateful that I work from home and don't have to waste 2-4 hours of my personal time just traveling to and from work. I don't think I'd be able to dev after (or during) work otherwise.
They could do with a little bit of height, yes. As it stands, they look more like the lines on a tennis court.
what software are you using for task management and flowcharts? please help me big bro
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as bitch ass artfag, you need to ask yourself, what's the purpose of your level.

What will be the dificulty of it.

For some golf game, it helps then to think in terms of actual golf shit.

So, you will need sand dunes, holes, animals, wind, etc.
As for the level shape, is a good idea to base your level shape from the combination of basic shapes like triangles, circles and squares.

It also helps to think in terms of your level being a temporal event, like the playlist in a DAW.

You need sections where everything is convoluted next to sections where nothing happens to let the "melody" of the level breathe and have contrast.
>no amount of this kinda cope will ever outcompete someone who's rich
it's like saying you're better than someone just because they wear a fedora. sure notch is terrible at living a happy life but you can't change the fact he never has to wage. now if i had that kinda wealth i'd be pretty darn happy while posting frogs and bocchis to irritate people like you kek. oh and my game too cause it made more money than yours. You'd look like a guy seething at a girl who just rejected him.
If I was responding to myself, I would’ve flip-flopped between calling Fygoon “Basileus Fygoon” or “Joseph Fygoon”.
Godotchad has always been able to do Multiplayer. Wtf are you on about?>>493598987
>Why do I have to create a UI for my game?
That's why you interface with the game, anon.
>It took me 5 minutes to read the documentation on how to convert mouse position to tile coordinated
Okay? That's a good thing it was so fast and effortless, anon.
>I dont understand Godot's new tilemap system
That's your problem, anon. It's a skill issue.
>No wait I dont want to use the tilemap editor after all. I want to generate maps.
If you dont know what youre making, you arent making anything, anon. This is just called prototyping. Prototype isnt gamedev. It's what some do sometimes before they start gamedev.
That's not what he asked, retarded dunning kruger
no way you would be posting frogs and boochis if you were rich, you would be too busy enjoying life, right now your life is shit, you are like those prisoners who scribble on the cell walls
sorry, I missread that you needed advice on designing your level, not the cohesiveness of the art.

Generally try to keep your colors coherent and limited to something like max of 12 colors in the scene, could work.
You'll eventually want some levels without guard rails, so you should sort out the guard rails now
As an artist, you should consider the purpose of your level. Think about its difficulty as well. If you're designing a golf game, it’s helpful to incorporate actual golfing elements. This means you’ll need features like sand dunes, holes, animals, and wind. When designing the layout, it’s beneficial to create a shape based on a mix of basic forms such as triangles, circles, and squares. Additionally, envision your level as a progression, similar to a playlist in a digital audio workstation. Incorporate sections that are complex alongside simpler parts to allow the "melody" of the level to flow and provide contrast.
>but you can't change the fact he never has to wage
Neither do I. Guess that makes me better than you according to your own metrics on top of being better than you according to my own metrics of not being a frogposter.
Anon >>493598987 is using Unity. Clearly. Unity is marketed as a WYSIWYG editor but is actually barebones and requires you to have the same skills you's need if you created your own engine. It's ironically for people who dont need it but marketed as an engine for people without the skills to use it.
>Neither do I.
Proof now or you are a f****t.
Brighten the trees so they fit with the bushes. Darken the wall of the houses, since they're in shadow. You should also darken the wall of the stage. You could do it depending on the angle since it looks flat right now since they're all the same shade. Also, your trees might cause visibility issues. Consider making them more top-down-like, so they occupy less space and their collision shape becomes more accurate.
I'm using Love3D, did you even read my post?
Fuck off, chatgpt
Make them out of glass so you don't have to fuck around with cutaway shaders if the ball ends up behind one of them.

How are you handling slopes BTW? Every mini golf course I've played has had slopes and jumps
I don't even know how I'd prove that without doxing myself
thx anon, yeah I have to work on sun and shadows. Most top down oblique games like original zelda etc assume a sun directly above for simplicity's sake. And yeah I need to think through how to communicate what objects are interactable and not

Awesome yeah I'll add height, shouldn't be too hard. And yeah I have the functionality now to skip guard rails, but I need to draw more.

Yeah I agree the playable characters look out of place. It does suck because I did put a lot of effort into then lol. Idk about borders though, I'm trying to go for a completely borderless cartoony style. I'll try to make them "fit in" more though.


Both bits of advice are great, thx a bunch. I think I get what you're saying, I'm also am amateur acryllic painter on-and-off, and the best analogy to what you were saying is that good paintings have a "harmony" and "flow", making good use of negative space and stuff to guide the viewers eyes around in a way that invokes beauty. I definitely think I can rely on some of those concepts, thx for giving me right brain advice appreciate it.
I looked through the docs except I was looking in the wrong place which was telling me it's not possible until i just figured it out via luck
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if you are an atheist stop making games right now, leave your room and fix your life first, then come back
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>find stock images vaguely related to what i seek
>downscale them
>apply pixelation filter
thanks for the free sprites!
Yeah it's definitely not a very good description section. Not sure why he did it like this. Feels like he is self sabotaging.

>t. the guy that keeps raging about vallhalla and yomih
Why? I haven't tried it.
what the fuck is a "Bokube" anyway?
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let you see beat my time
the atheist gamedevs have been real quiet ever since this dropped
Muslims worship a pedophile.
If you need a further level of disguise, apply a greyscale filter and gradient map
Based I agree with everything you said, yeah my walls need to dynamically darken from the angle I totally forgot that. agree on the house, thx anon.

I have the physics of the slopes worked out with placeholder graphics, and I have a concept of a "virtualZ" Z index working pretty well. So I just need to wire it up with some good looking graphics that I have yet to draw and tinker around with it. But yeah I made the building blocks of my game allow for extensible Area2Ds , so I should be able to do lots of wacky stuff. Just gotta find whats fun.
that's why we have to fight them to the death. Are you even paying attention?
It's pronounced "boh kuu bay" it's japanese, they use a syllablery instead of an alphabet, each character is a syllable instead of a single sound like in english except for like their N sound. Anyway Bokube is a form of japanese glassblowing.
It's never wrong to point it out.
There are many significant inconsistencies with Islam which is why they always lose debates against Christians, but nothing has the same kick as the fact that they worship a pedophile warlord.
Anyway, this is a Christian general and we are all going to make it.
I think a) you should start the video at the thing you want people to see, b) make the character move faster or give a way to increase movement speed and c) get rid of the special effects with dodging/slashing.
for me it's "bah-Cube"
why is it a rabbit?
>this is a Christian general
That explains all the lolidevs
because he likes furry porn, check his twitch
not good at art but this is a massive improvement to what i remember it looking like before the ground was even updated
Thanks green goats.
Pls don't ddos me
Excalidraw for flowchart and diagrams. It's the least obnoxious one I've found and doesn't even require an account as it just saves everything in your browser's localstorage.

For tasks I usually just have a text file with a list of stuff to do
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Added a wait mechanic. It just adds to the hours, minutes, etc without properly incrementing the other values, but it's progress.
No, that's because of anime.
iktf it only now feels like i can actually visually distinct progress on my game. the last few years were just setting up the things necessary for it. now i plop an art asset in, hit a few keys, and the code does the rest. granted i'm terrible at this and took way too long to get to this point. at least the game feels like it's progressing now instead of, from the player side, looking like almost nothing has changed between year 1 and year 3.
Wtf this shit is like boiling hot
nta but kek, that other post somehow sounded well thought out tho
I make music, I write, I do art. Everything I do improves my skill for gamedev.
>not good at art
i should say that i mean that "i'm not good at art" just in case that gets misinterpreted.
How the fuck was I supposed to know that this is how you shift down in modular arithmetic?
If I hadn't spent the time to think about it I would have written some bullshit if statement code
What's wrong with you?
why are you programming in javascript?
So was this an attempt to get people to use their system? I don't even recall this system. Did they have any exclusive games?

Anyone have the one where basedjak is in hell going "What do you mean hell is real!?"
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wtf are all of these files?
Recommend me demos to play.

So far tried:
Wodopom: Tried the browser version and it didn't scale right even when setting to fullscreen. But I'm not the target audience anyways as I don't play FTL-likes.
Puzzle Cube: It works, I guess. I enjoy 2D slide puzzles but didn't really enjoy this 3D one. Personally I think 3D adds complexity without actually making the puzzle more interesting or more fun.
Punch Monkey: it works, I guess. I'm not the target audience though.
oh shit I uploaded the source code by mistake shit
I don't understand what's happening here.
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>views 1
>downloads 2
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thx anon, yeah the old stuff was just placeholders I stole from bearcycle while I fleshed out gameplay mechanics. But my art isn't great, but it's definitely moving in the right direction.
Kyubu Kyubu Dice: made my pp hard
LYA: fun gameplay but very slow tutorial
If you download via the itch desktop app you can download a game without contributing a view to their page.

Also I think there are bot scrapers on itch; I once uploaded an HTML-only game and somehow that got 2 downloads.
:^) woops had the bot set up wrong it was supposed to give you 2 views and 1 download (immediately quarantined and deleted)
filled with impotent rage as one of god's unfavored little play things
it's GDScript...
n+3 mod 4 shifts down
n+1 mode 4 shifts up
what's a game that can make me alot of money
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>Tried the browser version and it didn't scale right even when setting to fullscreen.
that's bizarre, what did it look like?
>n+3 mod 4 shifts down
>n+1 mode 4 shifts up
nta but why?
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progress: squashed some bugs
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oh boy you got me good. felt that in my jimmies.
hmm, gotcha. That shouldn't be happening, but it should also sort out if you use the browser navigation to adjust the zoom, (zoom hotkey is disabled by game logic). I'll try to fix this also if I can.
ok yeah I just checked this out, and the best zoom is 80% for some reason, sorry.
>these systems must be built before you can program your gameplay
Is your reading comprehension very low or are you a retard?
>interface programming is gameplay programming
>he thinks tile selection for 1 tile is the same as tile selection for dragging which requires multiple methods (if I'm dragging a box, dragging a line, pathfinding to a point etc), especially if you have multiple "tools" which should act differently. I.e. landscaping grass should drag a square box, making roads should pathfind to the cursor, whereas a wall might only go in a straight line.
All of this must be put in before you can actually make any tile based game when really if you're using an engine it should be a default use case that you can override.
>a tilemap editor and map generation are somehow mutually exclusive things
Peak retard.

>x = 3 = 0000 0011
>bit shift operation : x >> 1 = 0000 0001 because you shift every number in the binary number down 1
>bit shift operation: x << 2 = 0000 0010 because you shift every number in the binary number up 1
You're well on your way to buggy code if you're going to make it this way. Instead make a dictionary:
>dictionary your_room_list = { int room_num : Scene room_scene }
That way when you create a new room, you can generate a new number and add it to the dictionary. Then when you need to get your room you can just call:
>your_room_list[required_room] to get your scene, then you can make it visible or not.
This should make it pretty flexible. If you need to make your current room invisible you can store a reference to your current room and just call current_room.Visible = false; before getting your new_room. As an additiona to this, if you have 1million room, you now have a constant lookup time to get the room instead of iterating through 1m entries setting their visibility to false.
>bit shift operation: x << 2 = 0000 0010 because you shift every number in the binary number up 1
was meant to be
>bit shift operation: x << 1 = 0000 0010 because you shift every number in the binary number up 1
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It's not a virus, I tried to reply to you directly but my reply won't show until my account is verified my mods. See >>493563263
it's so fucking over, art is so hard bros...
I think downloading it twice counts as 2 downloads. I know opening a browser game twice counts as two last time I checked.
Thanks, zooming out to about 80% fixed it.

I keep seeing this garbage in so many indie games releasing lately
Just use AI.
I already put a "no AI generation was used in the creation of assets" assurance in my game's credits so I can't.
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I'm cleaning up my PC
I also wanted it to be a VS/Roguelike and be narrative driven like an RPG. Putting every idea I had into one game just didn't work (if I want to finish in a reasonable timeframe, which I do). RIP in pieces.
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Realistically speaking, how do you recover from this.
use unreal
start a new game and try again
go back in time and do not price your game 2 dollars higher than the sweet spot for short games for some reason
and also get 10 reviews asap
show 1 (one) /agdg/ dev that released a bad game, then made a second one that succeeded.
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I’ve listened to that song before but never knew its name. Much obliged, broski.
Are you serious retard?
That's what most devs did before this new era of 1 hit wonders inflating expectations.
Pokemon wouldn't have happened if GF gave up after their flops.
Bethesda wouldn't be worth billions now.
Street Fighter didn't hit its stride until 5 games in
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The Frydarian Tale. Please give feedback too so I know what to fix as well.
>bla bla bla
You know what I asked, either answer it or admit defeat.
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Shove-a-Puck Pub dev here. As I am getting to the end of developing Shove-a-Puck I have some spare time as I'm in-between projects.
I took some time to have a go at some art and decided to do a Demo Day 58 picture. My art isn't amazing but I managed to fit the 74 demo day entries (I think) onto one picture.

Some games didn't feature a character or featured a heavily stylised character so I ended up ripping the sprite directly onto this picture.
Shove-a-Puck was pretty quiet this demo day but I've enjoyed posting progress on it and your feedback was useful for the previous Demo Days.
based yesdev chronicler
Hoppo retard
>RoR did well
>Deadbolt flopped (then)
>RoR2 did well
Ivy Sly
You should have 3 free advertising runs from steam after the early access and release ones? Use them to create some decent content and better marketing materials. After those 3 advertising runs you end support for the game unless you're starting to see some traction.
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and a version without the text
You're a real beautiful soul
I didn't participate this time but you did good
>Added a waifu character to my game
>Gets ignored
Still, great picture! Thank you.
Wait DD is at 58? When I last browsed here around 35 they said 50 would be the last demo day ever.
my game is gonna be so fuckin good
It was the last demo day 50 ever...
because you should trust the science chud
but actually in simple terms it's because n + (m-1) = n-1 + m is congruent to n-1
which is useful so the -1 is absorbed and returns a positive number that is backwards on the modulus.
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i did it again
the visibility rounds only show to wishlisters and owners btw
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>get rich off a fun game i made
>buy a nice cozy house in a rural/wilderness based location
>meet a girl who i can take as wife
>cozily sit side by side while we watch others play my game on the pc
Why can't I just like make succesful game? Surely it isn't that hard, just make it good right? And yet it semi alludes me. And why can't I stop being a coward and ask one out on a date? Even when they show interest in me.
dont see my game
What bad game did he make?
what is your game name?
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Bro that art looks neat as hell. If you make a Mac port, I’ll definitely check the game out.
That goes for anyone else: I’ll play some games and give some feedback if you so desire if you have Mac ports.
You started deleting all copies of your game to fully abadon it before catching yourself and stopping? What's the plan now Marmo?
Rocket Sword, he ended up putting the game in the trash can.
It's nice, would be nice if I was included but I simply do not have a demo at this time.
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I stopped my Volodymyr Bystryakov listening just to post this.
When I first saw that game I strongly suspected he was gmi. He wasn't able to finish the game, but it showed a lot of talent. Not a bad game imo, but an interesting unfinished game
Rocket Sword never released though so it doesn't really count, he just didn't know where to take it if i remember right
Commenting again now that I got a better look. I call dibs on Panic Floor girl

Kek at Journey Zero pic
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Alright, Aether Singularity update is out. We've got shitty 3D models now instead of shitty 2D sprites for enemies a bunch of other small changes, please consider checking it out ok thanks
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the fuck do I do now? This took everything I had to program this
You are next
In all honesty I don't think there is any recovering from this outside going FOTM which is very unlikely. I dread something like this happening. Anything below a certain threshold on my game first week/month and I'm cutting scope, ending early access, and full releasing it within 3 to 6 months. There is simply no reason to continue developing my game if it can't even hit 100 reviews after a full month. Onto the next one rather than spending precious time on a flop.
as if
I've always pronounced it like "bukkake"
this is the kinda shit that keeps me going, thanks anon
Explain what this is
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good stuff, the mirrored soul one reminds me of this edit someone made forever ago
just like make a good game
I pronounce it
Bo - queue - bee
rolling ball KINO
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Military Commander test. Probably going to be something in the main menu.
why is he so dirty?
that man has SEEN action
Face crab should be bigger imho. Blends in too much to the environment and feels small compared to what I saw about his game
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there are two types of indiedevs
the ones that want to be the next eric (they wont)
and the ones that want to make a game (they aren't from /agdg/)
You guys are looking at ONE indie dev and basing yourself on him, meanwhile statistically all the most successful indie games were made by small teams.
reminder that only ideatards with no real dev talents (they aren't even good at idea dev'ing) want to form groups
Therefore the games most likely to be successful from aggy are the ones that are finished and the ones made by a team wanting to make a game instead of people wanting to make a game to be in a team.
Therefore if you're a nodev you're NGMI, if you're still feature creeping past hype/expectation you're NGMI, if you're a team of nodevs you're NGMI. If you're a yesdev (had a finished game) you're GMI, if you're a team of yesdevs with finished games making a new product together you're really GMI.
Now there's other dev elements that can optimize probability of GMI but there's no point in going into those since the population of GMI devs is very small on aggy.
Note that being in the GMI population does not mean you'll be successful if just means you have a gambler's chance. Note that good games do fail but if you're game failed and you're from aggy you're game was probably bad.
Notable NGMIdevs: (Boku, Nortubel, Spectre, etc.)
Notable GMIdev: (Pomao, Dingo(s?), Marmo, etc.)
Notable Made It tier from aggy (over 1k reviews): (Penguin Heist, Bug Fables, Fight Knight, etc. (not many))
My advice to aggy would be for NGMI devs to plan your release within this year to push yourself into the positive probability zone. Unless you have the patreon or general financial support to support feature creep for multiple years then you are NGMI tier. If you're a GMI dev then I would start looking at devs who are also GMI and plan something together. I would NOT advise giving any lead roles to no devs or even NGMI devs. Also you really should give away keys.
I like making the textures look more dirty. Partly because of >>493609530
>he doesnt know
I dunno, I was vaguely inspired by fnaf
I'm scrolling up and down somes rooms and a scary godot it there and I use my flash light on him
i dont think its hard to program a red screen
i have 0 ideas for my next game, it's over
im probably making a flop but I have to finish it properly. Next game I make will have immediate visual appeal and be easy to advertise probably
know what
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>I’m not listed in the NGMI tier
I’m glad we both agree on something. As you can see, Fygoon Platoon, we are gonna win.
That was actually the hardest part
>he doesn't know
>sunk cost mfs be like
just drop it
my game is going to be good and I will finish it within a month or two. retards that will drop every project will never get the necessary skills to make something good. In fact you're probably a no dev retard that has never released something before
Yeah I think I messed up by not advertising early on.
I was so focused on actually finishing something that I didn't want to spend time doing anything else.
Finish it. When you look back, it's better to have a slop finished than 10 unfinished masterpieces.
>Notable GMIdev: (Pomao, Dingo(s?), Marmo, etc.)
You're replying to a post with a screenshot of Nolgorb's Ordeals current state
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Nothing really to be reminded of. All it's saying is that people with a track record statistically do better than those without. And that it's hard to get 300 million in sales. Of course a team will be better than an individual. Of course a team with proven members will on average do better than a team with new devs. It's all very basic analysis.

But here's what numbers don't show. The difference between an NPC and a human. The difference between a high IQ white man with a knowledge of white history and an industrious and judgmental personality type.

What is analysis if the person analyzing cannot see.
I'm just here to counter the nodev attitude of not making a game because of fear of flopping. If it takes one or two flops along the way so be it. At the very least you will be better than
I want to know the success ratio of handsome White INTJ non incels with 150+ IQ
I know, I was aware
Nolgorb should look at the advice section of the post. He only just posted his game so he's by no means a nodev nor NGMI yet. If he was inactive for a long time then yes he would be NGMI tier.
Dingodev has good style and is able to finish games, which already puts him in the top 1% of /agdg/. He just needs to find good gameplay.
I think I nailed the main theme, just needs some edits, but wow
which game is dingodev?
How do you make good backrounds if your game is mostly vertical? I want to make backgrounds that are something like the backgrounds in dkc games but my shit is vertical. is it possible? is it feasible? has it been done before?
ok it's time for you medicine
nolgorb's ordeal
rage game
>10 demo days
>This ends with an abortion
I expect a mass deletion of comments by tomorrow. Seniority doesn't justify shitty old timers who have no accomplishments
You have decades of SMHUPS to study.
jump king
All white men should surround themselves with minorities once in awhile. Just got back from Chicago. Went to a large minority grocery store full of Asians, Mexicans, Blacks. Many of the women looked to me with eyes full of wanting. Just praying I would take them home and breed them.

It reminds of us our natural place in this world. Monarchy must be re-established if we are ever to get back on track and achieve safe productive societies again.

Now what does this have to do with game dev? As a white man you are essentially nobility of the planet earth. Use this. You are the modern day noble the world is full of serfs. Employ them. Teach them how to serve you. Bring back micro colonialism. Free trade has taken your nation from you, use it to re-establish your own Colonial empire and plantation.
any reccomendations?
My game is a little inspired by it but its backgrounds are a little stale. The church part is gorgeous
>He just needs to find good gameplay.
A gamedev partner*

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