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Praise the Emperor Edition.


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Previous: >>493409528
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Completely off topic but I was just at a vintage computer convention and saw this in an old magazine always wanted to make a 40k general here but barely any games weee big or good recently
So how does the Bulwark's shield work in PvP exactly?

Sometimes I can just stand there blocking forever, then sometimes it takes away my shields. Nades obviously go through and charged melee attacks stun, but is there a limit to just blocking projectiles?
As someone who wants to kill Bulwarks more effectively, I want to know too.
No limit for projectiles, I've tanked over 300 heavy bolter rounds without taking any damage.

I do think they can hit your toes or something, not quite sure. Vanguard grappling hook seems to hardcounter the class.
if you strafe or sprint or don't shoot the shield is raised and blocks all bullets, this means they kill heavies.
melee or vanguard them or shoot them in the back
>We will never get a proper Dawn of War 3 because RTS is dead and not profitable anymore.

It hurts brother.
>tfw strafing left and right to try and shoot around a bulwark with my heavy bolter
>melee or vanguard them or shoot them in the back
I use sniper exclusively, so I guess the back it is for me.
Shield blocks damage. Unless they have the 25% penetrative passive you get on some guns.
What's the best primary for tactical boys?
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It's so obvious how much they wanted you to like Chairon from the way he was always trying to be your black bro but I ended up liking Gladriel more. He acted like an actual spehs muhreen while Chairon just acted like a buff guardsman.
He did chimp out though.

I liked them both, unlike the first game where you LOVE Sidonus and HATE Leandros and there is no middle ground.

Gadriel tried being friendly to Titus despite being demoted in practice, but Titus was just stonewalling him. Was nice with some nuance for once.
>buff guardsman
That's still a good thing
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any tips for volkyte reactor on AoD with bots?
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Except he's an astartes so he just came off as some guy, not enough gravitas. Devs tried to hard to make him your best bud.
stop playing
Bolt Rifle is decent with the UBGL masterwork. With magazine increase tier 1 that's 6 grenades. Takes like 15 headshots to drop Elites though, you're mostly playing fire support with it.

Heavy Bolter feels like poop. Shit damage for a Rate of Fire and Reload bump.

Plasma Incinerator is really fucking good but eats ammo like crazy. Drops Elites and crows with charged shots like crazy.

I'd bet Melta is good but it's basically a shotgun so you gotta get close.
Auto Bolt and Stalker are probably good too, just haven't gotten to playing with them yet.
The balance feels pretty bad in operations to me, if me and my friends all bring a melta out clear times get halved
fuck you
nvm, just beat it,bolt rifle grenade launcher spam + using enviromental explosions + saving 2 krak grenades for the zoanthropes
I wasn’t for Titus kinda being an ass for most the game until it’s revealed why he’s an ass to them
Do you get credits faster in the PVP compared the the coop, because holy shit the grind is pretty terrible doing coop
How do you make enemies go into the red execution state. Im having a lot of trouble simply because I cant reliably regain armor, 90% of the time I attack an enemy they just take damage until they die and im left with no armor and health. I can parry and get the special pistol shot off but that only regains a tiny amount of armor
usually power attacks, 3x lights 1x heavy with chainsword, heavy spam with chainsword, power sword power mode light spam, all of these will give you chaff executions/pistol executions
for elites, parrying usually does it
thousand Suns did nothing wrong
it's all tragic to fight them
I bought this shit for $99 because my friend got it and it's pretty cool but hard online
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I know everyone hates the blue boys but is there any interesting fluff surrounding their successors?
Some of them are pretty stylish and I remember a few being present as options in the first one.
GW addressed that in. The 10th ed trailer
It's all grimdark propaganda
The only sureness of space marines is that they're efficient killers, but far from invincible
>randos fill up my Tactical class
>fuck it, let's try Vanguard
>one match later
Doom Eagles are based
The Heraldry section has little lore blurbs on each Chapter.
I like the Minotaurs because they're basically Spartans but their colors are shit.
Difficulty 3/4 coop is faster assuming you have people who know how to play. Basically you rush to the end while quickly looking for the rare item.
Strongly modeled after the UM but also recruit from a tribal world
>genesis chapter
Tank autists, descendants of the UM legion’s tankers
>sons of orar
They exist, red ultramarines i guess
All of them are military history autists and they deploy in small teams or as individuals as advisors for other imperial forces, basically green beret marines
>iron snakes
Trojan era greeks
Melta is way too good
Does a shit ton of damage and isolates specials because everything lore accurately gets melted
I don't have any friends, but sounds about right
To get armor you can hold melee (heavy attack) to knock small enemies, then instantly execute with a ranged attack, gives 1 armor. This is easily spammable, just heavy, shoot, heavy shoot, repeat.

To execute you need to bring them down to about 20% HP.

You can parry at any time, works best if you hold it. Not all enemy attacks appear as QTEs, in fact most dont. Thats true for small and large enemies. If you parry the medium enemies attacks you can then do the QTE shot which also gives back armor.
Ah I must be having trouble because im using the power sword. The heavy attack just changes modes and when I attack it just kills them instead of getting into execution mode. ill switch back to the chain sword. The small enemies just die too fast.
Vanguard is fun but I don’t want to be a fucking African, the set faces and voices was an increasingly stupid decision
Who cares, its a coop game. Just do whatever and have fun. If you enjoy melta spam do it, if not dont.

This fucking balance obsession has ruined Darktide and Helldivers I dont want to see this endless shitshow of updates to happen to SM2 when its balanced enough.
they won't add face customization specifically because they know nobody willingly wants to play a darkie
Hopefully they let you customize them in future updates. I'm hopeful for this game. As long as sabre doesn't fuck up like the helldiver devs this game will amazing.
Power sword is good but different tactic. Go into heavy mode (even against single targets) and simply spam melee. Its AoE should stagger most enemies.

The easiest melee is the fist, that thing absolutely slaps.
Anyone think this is like gears of war
well fuck I just tried the heavy attack and its not working either. No small enemies ever turn red for executions they simply die. Maybe my shit is bugged.
Mortifactors are a bunch of tribal cannibals obsessed with skulls and eating people/xenos but 100% follow the codex to a T
With the power sword you need to fo a heavy attack mid combo, that triggers the stun attack.
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You're wasting your time trying to fish executions out of anything smaller than a Warrior or Thousand Son. I've only ever seen Termagaunts be executable, and even then 8/10 times they're usually dead before that happens
The balance isn’t too bad, there’s just a few really shit weapons like thunder hammer and a few way too strong weapons like the mkV auto gun. I didn’t play slopdivers.
But my issue with the balance here is the melta is silly strong and feels good, then i’ll try something like the bolt carbine and it’s so shit it actually feels like a waste of time to fire it. Pretty much all the bolt weapons just feel pathetic once you get to max difficulty and start shooting majoris enemies and up
multiplayer is impossible for me to play right now
>solo queue
>infinite load on matchmaking
>you are not the party leader
Probably on a lower difficulty and they’re just getting one shot? Light then heavy on cleave mode should always leave an enemy gunstrikable.
Is the firepower stat actually accurate to the damage per shot? Because the las fusil feels like it does way fucking more than double the stalkers damage despite the numbers suggesting otherwise
Veteran. I dont know that just doesnt work for me. On small enemies it kills them on big enemies it doenst stun them, they only stun on parry or turn red when they are almost dead
But when im getting attacked by like 4 chaos space marines at once my health goes down so fast its hard to kill even one before I go down. Im probably just a shitter but I remember in the first game I could easily execute normal orcs and tiny enemies to regain health.

Anyway ill try testing with a few more weapons
many of them are Primaris chapters with pseudo lore.
Strange. Elites and up need to brought to low hp for a finisher, same for trash mobs but they have so little hp that not many weapons can bring them into range. Body shots with a bolt pistol and carbine are the only weapons i’ve found that can do it reliably but it’s not worth the effort because a heavy attack with a melee weapon will make trash mobs gunstrikeable. But with the powersword you can’t heavy attack until you’re in a combo so that’s probably the issue you’re facing. Try it with a chain sword or something, heavy attack then you should get a gunstrike opening.
Enemies stagger when they get to low enough HP. It doesn't matter what kind of damage.
If they're dying before they get staggered it's because someone did a burst of damage to them right before the threshold.

On Hormagaunts this happens all the time because a Headshot is usually an insta-kill.
On pretty much everything else you should be seeing Red flashing constantly unless someone on your team is specifically targeting them right as they stagger.
Charged plasma rifle (specifically) headshots usually push them really close to execution and Melta/Multi Melta usually stagger long enough to get them to execution or near execution followed up by pistol headshots putting them over the edge. I think the issue stems from the fact that you're sprinting at them trying to melee them into execution instead of nuking their HP by slapping headshots from range
>turning traitor guard into pâté with the thunder hammer

game of the year every year forever
>be Rubric fuckhead
>Spawn three incinerators behind you
>Do this 500 times in a row
you can do the same by just touching them by running into them
>playing heavy
>traitor guard runs towards me
>literally roll over him in to a bloody paste
yes but sending them into the fucking sun like team rocket with the execute is better
Just put a helmet on you stupid whiny faggot.
sniper is the only one who doesn't have a helmet unlocked from the offset I think
I love the chainsword but the combat knife is surprisingly good for what is just a butter knife
>put helmet on
>still have to listen to him
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successor chapters are cool
carcharodons, minotaurs and storm giants are cool
PvP has a reap gears vibe to it, just without the cover shooting and gnasher spam. Honestly feels great.
>that second planet boss in the campaign mode
Holy fuck that was kino. The use of colors and the chaos monolog. It has a bit of everything.
Funny that I tried all the other classes thinking they looked more fun but Tactical ended up being the only one I could maintain a positive KDR with.
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>the only codex compliant deathwatch marine you can currently make is a carcharodon
this trigger my autism greatly
it's tied. is knife really better for dueling? the damage on paper is actually worse than the chainsword while also being less useful for cleaving chaff
If you see a teammate with a Chapter/Color scheme you have on a class, you must equip that class
As is written in the Codex.
which diff has the best times for quick match right now?
Black Templars too, unless I'm mistaken.
>Be Imperial fist in PvE
>Every operation I do with another Fist or Templar random as my teammate goes well
Based sons of Dorn
Man oh man I hope they add all the original legion appearances
Have you tried the bolt carbine? The iteration with all those optics that make it a semi auto marksman rifle

it was decent in the campaign, wonder if it's worth grinding out in operations
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I already run this, when world eaters got updated there is a warband called gladiator cadre 331
Anybody vibing for a spin-off with Kharn as the protagonist?
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Updates miniature design example I like too
I'd rather be fighting the Iron Warriors in the totally not Eastern Ukraine planet.
Easily the coolest WE warband. Hope to see more content with them.
Lowest two, levelling is pretty slow if you aren’t speed running it with a group so very few people are properly geared for the higher difficulties and quickly drag the run down
Will we get chapter specific armor sets?
>deathwatch cosmetics buried in various successor chapters
>chapter pauldron doesn't flip when you have the deathwatch shoulder

I got my pauldron at least but I hope they implement it correctly
Yes, next one is dork angels and after 2 unknown chapters
your best bet is getting them stunned, it's easy in campaign with Gadriel's special ability, grenades and thunder hammer will also do it, but it's very tight margin.

on the other hand, the window for gunstrikes is very short when theres no animation cancel.
Blood Angels 3rd i hope
>Take Sniper
>Run into contested objective stealthed and shank fools
Iron Snakes are dope. They don't fuck with their progenitor too much and are weird greek marines who apparently fight in a phalanx still
is tactical any good?
It's not that bad. He has decent lines actually the VA is competent
the chainsword is superior to the knife on paper but what about in practice? anybody know?
auspex scan is one of the best abilities. the damage increase is insane.
The book about them was pretty cool.
Based fellow son of Dorn. I've only ran into Black Templars so far hoping to see some IF or other successors
>played 20 matches
>been traitor marine every game
Am I missing something? Did I choose chaos? Did the sorting hat decide for me?
I'm sorry anon the Inquisitor needs to speak with you privately
Its lobby based, once you enter a lobby your side is pre chosen and until you leave and enter a new lobby you will only get that team
>spend all this time unlocking loyalist heraldy
>be chaos chosen every turn with no chapters invested
>be default meanie marine
>well rounded balance between cc and single target
>excellent animation moveset and certain animations dodge attacks by moving you out of the way
>better than all of assault’s weapons yet available to the humble tactical marine
I’m sure vanguard can get up to shenanigans with the combat knife but for being a jack of all trades it does the job well
Anyone else having issues launching multiplayer? I've got a lobby of three but we struggle to get pve or pvp games launching, and sometimes one or all of us bug out.
Gay as fuck we didn't get them in game, and likely never will
is it available to tactical? i dont see it
Once Gladriel hit the bro threshold, he became the bro.
If you've played you know the point where the switch flips and he becomes 200x more likable than Chairon.
Do like Chairon's origin, but it shows a weakness in the Psychoindoctrination protocols the Space Marines go through that he remains a just a dude. Likely due to DEI scriping. Which is a shame, because with a once over I reckon both of them would've been bro tier.
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Tactical is fun, but you can only have one of each class in operations, which sucks. I'd like a full squad of tacticals.
do the fencing versions hold up? i imagine they should, but the damage goes down on the first couple tiers.
why did he make this shit a bat instead of typing out the instructions
In pve at least its his only melee weapon. For pvp who knows just shoot them with a melta gun. The real question is why the auto and heavy boltguns fill the same full auto less damage more bullet niche and why the bolt carbine fucking sucks
You like the crimson fists?
I do.
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Crimson Fists are the best boys.
I'd kill to have everyone be able to take whatever class they want in coop and pvp
Cool, I like the iron hands.
PC bros I think this game is deep frying my CPU
Fuck yeah! I'm substituting the Alpha Legion crest for them for mine.
I wish the game would use my CPU
>Never goes above 30% for some reason
>Game runs like fucking ass too
Will this game work on a GTX 970?
this game looks cool as fuck but im worried im too depressed to enjoy it rn but i downloaded the first one to check out so i hope it's fun and maybe it will lead me to getting 2
hey, what does the defense stat for melee weapons mean when its fencing, balance or block?

this will determine what higher weapon I get.
p parry duration 150%/100%/0%
i know GW execs will never ever sign off on it unless the next tabletop edition features some huge chaoswank event but i'd like for any video game with a Chaos-aligned protagonist(s). i was hoping the Hereticus path in Rogue Trader would be close but that shit was beyond half-baked
I want an eldar game so you aren't alone in your feelings.
I don't think guard would be that fun to play against. There'd be a punch of squishy dudes and then a tank blows you up. Loyalists don't weave guardsmen into their forces like traitors use cultists.

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