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Whence Flowers Bear No Fruit - SSR Zuihou + theme park skin - 8/29- 9/11
Kasumi META(Cruise Mission) & Roma swimsuit skin(Cruise Pass) - 8/1 - 9/30
Nagato META - 9/5
Plymouth Blueprint Completion Plan
Mutsuki and Ark Royal theme park skin
Whence the Dust Settles - 9/5
Dunkerque, Exeter, Ibuki, Shiranui, Tashkent augments

JP 7th Anniversary
Stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQl3AtDBfFg
UR Amagi Tsu, SSR Watarase
Skins for new botes + Belfast, Kashino, Musashi, Sirius, Bremerton, Z35, Sheffield, Fubuki, Prinz Rupprecht, Ryuujou
Maryland retro
Oaths for Shoukaku, Bismarck, Fusou
Houshu META(Cruise Mission) & Suffren skin(Cruise Pass)
3D dorm
Project Indentity - Siren Oceana

Bind your account, or you might lose your account when the game updates.
/alg/ doesn't have its own discord.


Ship Tier List: https://files.catbox.moe/ah02o7.png
Equipment Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wWMIzaUKISAXMbOEnmsuuLkO9PesabpdTUWdosvHygM
Fleet Builder: https://renhex.github.io/AzurLaneFleet/
PvP Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1BewmBsf4EWKAf_UwYax05c7ksL51y6sjs96pIwD73Jc
Fleet Tech Tracker: https://retropaint.github.io/azur-lane-fleet-tech-tracker/
PR Research Data: https://azur-stats.lyoko.io/research4-blueprints
Augment Guide: https://pastebin.com/UBpjkhFg
EN Tierlist: https://slaimuda.github.io/ectl
CN Tierlist: https://wiki.biligame.com/blhx/井号碧蓝榜合集


>Story summary and Lore

>Guild Spreadsheet:

Previous: >>493552275
Need opinions on the PV!

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say hello to the first MAN bote
I already told you it was lewd because of the hand-holding.
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Canon bote breast milk pumps for pumping bote breast milk.
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I already said I loved it
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Akagi won
why is her face deformed
>Alsace, Kearsarge, Gascan and Eldridge(for some reason)
What are the Robutts combining their computational power for?
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My cute pirate wife is looking smug in almost all her presences and even stopped some torpedoes with her tentacles
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>Thought about making a new thread because I hadn't done one in ages
>Go to catalog
>Try to make one
>Please wait 300 seconds before making a new thread
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What is their endgame?
observing & studying skk's routine and habits
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>even stopped some torpedoes
Wood botes shouldn't be able to do that.
Having the entire Empery run a train on SKK for the purpose of growing China.
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Crane bros explain this
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Tell her that haha
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already squeezing mileage out of that image i see
>Wood botes
would botes*
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i want to squeeze kashinos jiggly jugs
I can’t tell what pillow that is.
That's what a traditional kimono should do. They conceal the chest. It was the same with that one Belfast skin.
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Alright, post your progress
Which 2 botes get the daki treatment this year?
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You'd best have a bucket ready.
I don't play the game. Just here for fap fuel.
I have a bathtub
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looks good
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Leave this one to me.
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Sexo con Yui.
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That'll do for the first few minutes.
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my tranny can’t be this cute…
Hahaha... Imagine pulling out your phone in the middle of lecture and having "AZURU REEEN" scream out
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So which food was the best from the anniversary?
Royal Fortunes gives off vibes of being a hidden route dating sim heroine. When are we getting a dating sim?
can’t believe they ruined the jiggle on her latest l2d
My wives are so cool.
What is paizuri from Kashino like
Looks like overpriced slop.
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I love her so much. Glad they showed her a lot in the PV
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Getting close.
Pretty awesome. Glad we didn't J-Pop but a nice electronic instrumental. Animation is fantastic, it was nice seeing Biscuit's dragons in action.
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Garibaldi cameo in the PV
Swimsuit when?
Kashino's breast milk.
kashinos stifled moans
Cleve has been in the game since launch.
I can't get enough. Now that the pumps are shown, I'm going to finally marry her.
slapping skk on the ass!
I was asleep, is there a recap of the stream somewhere?
hopefully never
just reported you to HR …
Is he still simping for Ohisashiburi? He needs to get a bote already. His style is pretty good.
What's the schedule for day 2? Is there going to be actual in-game info like yesterday or just the typical jap stream fluff?
Give Queen Annie's Revenge for Tempesta UR. Blackbeard's legends include outlasting his crew in enduring sulfuric gasses, lighting matches at the tips of his face on fire to simulate a hellspawn, and much about medical tools or even a siege for obtaining medicine.

Give hellfire and sulfur doctor Queen Anne's Revenge.
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More Tempesta soon
Because you're insufferable
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They approved of it
see: >>493596028
Guess I'm gay then
Nope. Merch/Out of game news stream will be the same time as the game stream was today. Everything else will be fluff.
Nah, full time BA stuff when I lasted checked.
genuinely the ugliest bote in the game
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>got nothing new
>will job this event
She lost.
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bros? the pc client announcement?
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>Perseus got so fed up with not having a vacation she joined the HR office so she could approve her own
Power move
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some things aren't meant to be
Cute Succ Sec
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I don't see why not. It's great that they teased tempesta during the stream. We've basically confirmed it's going to be a yearly thing for halloween now.
which bote is the softest
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For just tits, it's probably Kashino.
For all around it could be a bunch of botes.
>page 5
its over
too slow retard
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what the fuck
which cat is this supposed to be?
That's Fusou
how much Whydah would you woulda if a Whydah would woulda with your Whydahs?
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I would Whydah any 6 days from Wednesday and I would Whydah until her womb was white
Roon is hungry
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I just woulda'd your Whydahs.
What now, shitcan?
New Jersey made me do it
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Bote milk.
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oops I forgot the (you)s
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That is a lot of bote pussy for me to fuck
Someone made this from the bottom of their heart, someone actually waifus the obnoxious pedophile enough to want to mate with her.
>Orochi summons cute rabbits and goofy cartoon monsters
How the fuck am I supposed to take this thing seriously
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Why is she so lazy?
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>Huan Chang that high for valentines
Pre valentine event bonus strikes again
I left Hu Pen up by accident, not that I mind she's adorable
Manlet SKK..
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Ironically the Rock
It's weird that Mogador sold a large amount of skins, but failed to make it at the top of the oath list even while being the newest rainbow boat.
Did the buggy shitshow skill that killed her and the frontline keep JP from ringing her or something?
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Here's a deal, /alg/
Give me (you)s in exchange for Roon hugs
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How about I give you TWO (You)s in exchange for a hug and kiss from Roon.
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Counter offer: I give you (You)s, and I get to post Roons.
She's pure sex but she's needlessly complicated to use with the whole ramming mechanic even post-buff, so I don't think the average casual AL player who just wants to field whatever they want will use her that often, therefore her affection raises slower than other URs, which leads to less players marrying Mogador overall
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Here's a counter counter offer: Roon at the beach!
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Sounds like a great deal to me!
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Date a live collab soon
I can feel it
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>"If Shido wants me, then I'll gladly give my everything to him. To become his lover, kiss him, have sex with him, marry him, give birth to as many babies as he wants, grow old together with him. But, even if Shido chooses someone other than me, I won't mind. If Shido thinks to marry Tobiichi-san, I'll bless him with all my heart. Of course, it also applies for other person as well. Even if Shido chooses Tohka-chan, Kotori-chan, Yoshino-chan or perhaps someone that I don't know. Of course, I don't mind if he doesn't choose to be with anyone, or even if he chooses everyone I'll support his wish. I'll do anything for Shido's happiness. If Shido wishes it, I'll grant any of his wish. I don't mind becoming his childhood friend, his lover, his wife, his younger sister, his older sister, his mother, his daughter, his superior, his subordinate, his enemy, his nemesis or even someone unrelated to him. As long as Shido is happy, I'm satisfied....Oh sorry, it seems I got too worked up by myself. But it is true that I don't mind whoever Shido chooses."
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Because that's just the kind of girl Mog is. Meant for rough and wild sex but not marriage. I had also originally planned to just buy her skin and not ring her. However, I found her sincere degeneracy to be kind of charming in a weird way and I ended up ringing her too.
Botes were added and I'm upset
Top oaths every year are gameplay picks, she simply isn't THAT good.
I need a bote for (Me).
I saw skk enter a dark alleyway
i just farted and it stinks
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I do not understand Essex
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Kneading large bote breasts.
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We will win in the end, brother, trust the plan
Wait, just realized neither Napoli nor Nakhimov made it to top oaths
God I want to use and abuse her
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This is what SKK will become.
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>Brems wedding skin is getting a figure before her pajama one
look at him, just waiting there
What is this, exactly?
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Fine, then. Roon milk.
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which bote would unironically browse the shart.y and desperately beg for me to learn so.y lore?
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For some reason, I want Kenichi's artist to draw a bote.
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Get outta there, quick SKK!
How often do skins rerun? Will this one rerun anytime soon?
Unironically next year
It'll rerun for the black friday sale next year.
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>the two girls kiss each other too and are so accustomed to double blowjobs that they instinctively give room for the other to join whenever they blow MC alone
Is it ethical for two girls to kiss and lick each other’s tongues as they perform oral on the same man? Is it normal they feel nothing abnormal when the MC presses their faces together and makes them kiss each other? If Japan considers sharing a cup an indirect kiss, are two girls performing oral on the same man considered indirectly kissing the entire time? Especially if their show no hesitation whenever their tongues meet licking the same surface area.

What botes for this feel?
Trannyzen my beloved.
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>What botes for this feel?
Many sister botes welcome other sisters or even other botes. Repulse tries getting SKK to be with Renown in her secretary quest, Akagi molests Kaga in the anime and gladly shares SKK with her, etc. Many of these botes would happily make out with the other bote, trading SKK's semen between each other's mouths.
Best bote this year
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Post cute slavs
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I'm more curious how many botes will intentionally keep competition because they'll never be happy unless they're competing.
Unironically improved
of course I love my ddcon wife
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Why does Milwaukee have such child-bearing hips?
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Burger spy, not a slav.
She is the reason why the EU has so much sensitive information on the NP.
my ads
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Tasty burger and vodka diet, and a need to bear many children.
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Vodka Helena is so pretty
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Ulrich will get more sisters. We will get more
>lesbian except they want MC's cock too
like Miku from DaL.
Tell me about all-ages.
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The Japanese sure love their soft rock
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all the bote
Tonight, Essex joins the hunt
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That's just normal in a harem. Haremettes fuck each other all the time. Some are open about like Date a Live's Miki or many from 100Kanojo gladly groping or lesboing with the rest but others only lesbo with select harem members.
Which is the strongest bote we can obtain lorewise
She has a cock, that would enrage plenty of players for getting it near their girls even if Kaine herself only likes men.
If the new UR pool will be special, will it have Joffre and Princeton in it?
big E
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The hell you will.

is now the time to save up resources for the event next week? I just want to play more with the Dew.
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Joffre is not permanent
>Date a live collab soon
How soon, exactly?
Because we won't be getting a new collab event after TLR till at least July, 2025.
Crazy that they never capitalized on her modest popularity from that event by giving her even just one skin. Same goes for Belorussiya.

Instead they quadrupled down on Kirov who not only was the most boring SSR that event but also was downgraded from her original art.
>is now the time to save up resources for the event next week?
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SKK the architect
we're getting a To LOVE Ru collab apparently
>Manzen just uglycreep Musashi
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Did anyone even watch yesterday stream?
That's polyamory, not a harem.
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Why is this bitch on your windshield like you just hit her with the car?
on the contrary, botes do the architecture on skk
Per the scene that came with it, she flies down and drops on your windshield to beg you for sex.
With his large harem of Italian and French women, SKK is being stuffed with food and sweets 24/7. The only thing saving SKK from full hamplanet status is the lack of Latino ships, as they are also obsessed with fattening up their men.
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The earth has been around for like 4.7b years, 1 year or 2 is relatively soon
I greatly enjoy that pic related and that orgy. And I haven't even oathed any of them.
>The only thing saving SKK from full hamplanet status is the lack of Latino ships
Pan-America botes in 2026
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Soviet botewives.
Is there anything worth watching on the day 2 stream?
Why is she in the special pool then along with l'indomptable and enterprise bong?
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>ffm threesome
>the two girls start kissing and fucking each other
Every time.
Isn't that faction in WoWs full of fake boats and boats that'd be under the US in this game (eg. given to thirdies post-war)?
Who knows
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>WoW botes

Not gonna lie. It was pretty cringe they didn't include any klingon academy ships in the ST collab. I cope by naming my NJ "Ulysses".
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>he can't appreciate cool beauty prince (female) botes
>American ships
Famous for their hybrid cuisine, large portions, and meat dishes (like burgers,) these boats eat a lot, but in this game they're a strongly tomboy-leaning faction so they work it off. I can't recall any chef boats in the EU, but someone can correct me if I'm wrong.
>British ships
Infamous for their terrible food, though their sweets and pastries have a decent reputation. While the faction has plenty of boats that'd like to feed SKK (eg Belfast,) the low quality of their food will save him from eating much.
>German ships
Famous for sausages and beer. Has a middling food reputation, not exactly highly popular but not considered garbage either. Not a lot of these boats want to feed SKK, but on the other hand, they ALL want to get him drunk. SKK's weight is at greatest risk from a beer gut, rather than overeating.
>Japanese boats
Famous for their fish and tofu dishes. Considered some of the best cuisine in the world (yes really, look up popularity charts,) but it's also well known for low calories and small portions. SKK won't risk gaining weight from boats here thanks to this, no matter how much they feed him.
>Russian ships
Infamous for simplistic food, famous for chugging vodka. Their good isn't considered bad-tasting, only incredibly boring and starvation-tier. SKK won't get fat from borscht, and the fact that they prefer distilled spirits will likely save him from a beer gut too.
>French ships
Famous for the quality of both their main dishes, and their deserts. Some of the most popular food in the world. Lots of meat, cheese, fruit, and sugar, and filled with girls who love feeding SKK . SKK's weight is at a HIGH risk around these girls, and he must beware.
>Italian ships
Famous for their main dishes, not as much for their deserts (though they don't have a bad reputation either.) Again, some of the most popular food in the entire world. Focus here is on pasta, meat, cheese, and of course olive oil. Food here is relatively healthy for what it is, but these girls will be constantly cooking and feeding SKK. All of them are obsessed with it, and are the fattest faction. SKK, beware.
>Chinese ships
Food is both famous and infamous, popular for their pork, chicken, and rice dishes, but also faced with accusation of using garbage and dead pets. Mixed bag overall. However, this faction also has a large number of chefs who are cooking meals for SKK at all times, and it has an insidious property of leaving you empty and hungry feeling in half an hour. They might take advantage of this to fatten up the SKK, so be careful.
I hate all minor factions (slavshitters, pastashitters, chinkshitters, frogshitters, metashitters, collabs)
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>making a small yet semi detailed reflection of kashino's ass
Zelda, I don't understand your goals
These are the only ships that're not paper or transferred to them post-war, so these are the only possible boats for this faction.
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eat da poopoo
This (the link) is one of my favorite pics
i hate krauts
I like all cute boats.
I can't even fight nagato wtf
I am going to rape Kashino
i haven't fought a meta for 5 months now
When are we getting river gunboats (this is Civil War Essex)
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Pirate Maid!
>a whole year
well fuck
>have a literal maid subfaction
>we're still getting maid skins in the year 2000+24
maidification is inevitable
After USS Constitution
Golden Hind seems to be surprisingly a very good maid
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Every bote will be a maid, you will not stop it any time soon
Belfast will be most pleased.
what the fuck is her problem?
I want to get graped by all the pirate maids
>what the fuck is her problem?
Total global maidification has not yet been completed. Simple as.
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Give him some Ozempic
Their motive is… complex.
I want Unicorn to squirt on my face.
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she has a need to enact maidification
Some botes just want to be maid sometimes
There are several botes that decided on a whim
Idk what they see in Belfast and say "damn, I wanna be like that"
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Big Kiev
It all started with my wife...
Stuff her like Chicken Kiev.
>Idk what they see in Belfast and say "damn, I wanna be like that"
She's one of the first women to have sex with SKK
Sorry anon, this game takes place during the USSR, they're all speaking Russian.
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and it shall spread to many more
>mostly likely banged SKK first
>first to get a -chan version
>maids are more likely to be in the office compared to most botes
Idk, you tell me
Fertilizing Russian eggs
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Please use the spelling officially used in the Azur Lane mobile game.
i didn't bang belfast
Manjuu and their trannyslators are retarded it's KYIV.
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>AL stream is running currently
>no discussions whatsoever
Yep game is dead.
Too bad. In the game, it's spelled Kiev. You should use that spelling, otherwise people may not know what you're talking about.
stop calling it Amagi Tsu, isn't it Amagi (CV) ?
>stream that is pretty much merch only with usual jp time wasting isn't getting discussed
if something relevant pops up we will talk about it but so far that is not the case
Dingleberry has a melty again...
why the fuck is there a love hotel in the amusement park
I don't know what that is. Perhaps I should report you for making off-topic posts.
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for your amusement
all big theme parks have hotel resorts IRL too
Sir, this is the naval base's amusement park, that doesn't make sense here
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Expect more figures today!
>Broadcast date and time
>Sunday, September 8, 2023 12:30-20:00 (scheduled)
>Stage program
>12:00-12:15 "Opening Stage DAY 2"
>12:30-13:45 "Traditional Crafts Collaboration Stage 'Azfessional - The Romantic Way of Naval Battles'"
>14:15-15:30 "Azur Lane Racing Project Stage"
>16:00-17:00 "Azur Lane All-Men Reflection Meeting"
>17:15-17:45 "Pamyat Merkuriya's Chat LIVE in Hakkeijima DAY 2" (cringe)
>18:00-19:00 "Azur Lane Official Live Broadcast DAY 2 - Latest Information Outside the Game SP"
>19:05-19:50 "Azur Lane 7th Anniversary Fes. Grand Finale"
So, what's the plan /alg/
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Imagine having a melty for 7 years because a mobile video that you don't like exists. Imagine despite your best efforts to shitpost and cry about it, you've been utterly ineffectual for that entire span of time and will continue to do this for 10 years more, and even further beyond that because of how successful said mobile game is because at this point it's a sunk cost fallacy for the sad git.
You're here forever and ever, btw.
i'll watch the whole thing like yesterday
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Still no french food.
If you find one - post it
I'm just going to watch the figure announcements, that is about all I care about for this day.

No game news today.

Surprised we only got 1 UR for the JP anniversary.
Painleve offered me a "botejob" if I ate the parfait.
>>17:15-17:45 "Pamyat Merkuriya's Chat LIVE in Hakkeijima DAY 2
hopefully in swimsuit this time
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Cool and badass as hell, the scene with Guam and Council Airships was KINO
>Idk what they see in Belfast
They see me in her and think "Dam I wanna be Belfast right now."
They did announce there'd be a bit of game news today, so probably during
>Traditional Crafts Collaboration Stage 'Azfessional - The Romantic Way of Naval Battles'"
>"Azur Lane 7th Anniversary Fes. Grand Finale"
>all of them in lewd outfits

What level of desperation is this?
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Success, of any capacity, breeds envy.
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Lovely fox
worst fox
God, you are retarded.
and I should add
>not a single literally who oath this time
But why
So no more game updates? Neat, I won't be able to watch it because of some RL stuff.
>botes wish to enact Belification
>posts niggerwasher shit image while spraying xis diarrhea all over this thread
Sorry but all his porn is white dudes now
>literally nothing
There isn't anything called "Kyiv" in Azur Lane.
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>bremerton is finally getting a skimpy gyaru skin after all this time
>the art is shit
this can't be fucking happening...
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You probably shouldn't try to pursue logic for an explanation.
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What if the real reason why manjuu killed Kaga is because of the Kayano drama?
>700+ botes in the game
>drip fed oath skins
how many years do they intend on keeping this going?
I feel like the outfit's kinda weird
I swear there has to be art of her with a very similar outfit
More likely than not yeah even if they got her a new VA
Same with Azuma permanently replacing Atago with the Kishiyo quota
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Evil woman
I can't wait for Shoukaku oath skin bros
Either I'm drunk, or the bote talking to me is naked. Possibly both.
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Pretty crazy that that's still a thing, if it were the case. Wasn't that 3 or 4 years ago?
we still need cunnys like tashkent, le malin, Bache, Archerfish or Bristol
Kaga only exists as a CV because Amagi got quaked. Without the quake, Amagi becomes a CV, and the BB hull of Kaga is scrapped.

Kaga had to die so that Amagi could live.

It's like the story of Steins;Gate. Shitcan must find a way for both to live.
Is the new Amagi tsu the Unryuu class cv or a what-if Amagi class cv like Kaga bb?
Normal JP Anni lineup. Always get some big name botes getting skins.
Apparently till the end.

Probably among the top dumbest decisions manjuu has done managing this franchise
So I fucking wasted two rings on kaga then? Wtf why can't I get compensated for being made a widower
Kaga doesn't have voice lines in the story. Killing her off there does nothing for her existence in the dock timeline.
>What level of desperation is this?
Game is declining hard, so they have to do something. Just throw some tasteless coom skins at their low iq playerbase.
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>it's 2024
>belfast still got the biggest reaction out of everyone that's not kashino's milkjugs from the stream
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The doomposter is going all out tonight
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>8 hours of this merch shilling garbage
yeah im out smell ya later fags
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>literally who's getting skins
>"Manjuu is so out of touch they're declining'
>Big hitters getting coom skins
>"Oh my god they're so desperate they're declining"
I hope he's still around for the 10 years celebration
The skin reveals are only good if it's for botes I like
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She is simply too strong
God forbid they give players skins of the fan favorites during a major landmark celebrating 7 years of this game.
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Cute little BB.

Emphasis on little.
Simple but good design
Xhe will -ACK by then.
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I love gaming w my goth gf!
>Cardboard cutouts for relatively popular/recent botes
>...And Cavour
What did Manjuu mean by this
How is attilio for gameplay?
She's an SSR in 2024
Do you guys ditch all commies except gems for the cubes ones? What do you pick between 7h cube or 8h 250-500 oil?
cute wallpaper
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Solid. Not top-tier, but pretty good for an SR. Tanky, MGM+1, decent barrages.
You WILL take your shitty l2d skin for your shitty who tn bote no one likes and you WILL be happy
...Wait, I just realized, what happens to the Unryuu-class Amagi now
Long-duration cube commissions suck, imo (not including the 10-hour one, which gives a minimum of 5 and occasionally 6-8). I get as many cubes from the short cubes commissions as the long ones.
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We love our sex-doll
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UR retro soon.
Is Amagi forma de cv not the Unryuu class one?
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She'd be a Type II version of Amagi (CV)... if they ever feel the need to go there. Weird, I know.
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>Enterprise's Adventures Abroad - Sakura Empire

>Commander, I think it would be a good idea for us to learn more about the Sakura Empire...
Nope, she's the supposedly complete version of Amagi
Have we gotten any meaningful reveals from day 2 JP Ani merch streams?

I can only remember like some Collab skins like Nelson's kimono
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>Enterprise's Adventures Abroad - Sakura Empire

>At night, after watching the video sent by Kashino...
<Will Enterprise successfully learn to play the Sakura Empire instrument?
Did they mention it on stream or where do you confirm this? It’s hella weird considering the implication for the actual Unryuu class.
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So is something happening or can i go to sleep?
Why are you pretending that it's always been this many in one event?
CN anni literally only had Cheshire and Musashi's oath as a big name
Last year JP anni had Kashino, Shinano, Shimakaze and Brem's oath

Wasn't even sure if the oaths should be included since manjuu clearly has a different criteria for those
Nope. They're calling her Amagi-class, because the Akagi class would've been called that if Amagi had been converted too. Kaga would've been the one to get scrapped if that had happened.
Mentioned on stream yeah
Go to bed
Any news about old ruse passes?
I don’t like this direction, should’ve made her a tsu like Yorktown imo.
The rewards (skins and META) will be made permanent
to raise the stakes, they will revive her in due time
sexy woman
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ku-chan swimsuit stream soon...I hope
hideous cunt
has enough to let you know she is a sex bomb, bug also enough restraint where its not over the top and functional, plus the gauntlets give you a hint she also packs a bunch, in other words I love the head maid
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>Make pure sex
>Refuse to release it
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embarrassing how hard Amagi got eclipsed
Why is this granny such a massive slut?
not even E can withstand the milk
Amagi is still the tightest
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3D dorm Hakuryu is cute
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I bought Furutaka merch.
i like Amagi, i just don't really like her skin

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