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Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Here we discuss ALL things Sonic!

/sthg/ #7308 - Planned Heroes Edition

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Official Trailer

>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS confirmed release date is October 25, 2024

>Shadow's new Doom powers trailer

>Sonic x Shadow Generations: Dark Beginnings will be arriving this fall

>Sonic Rumble - Announce Trailer

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has been announced for December 20, 2024:
https://x.com/SonicMo vie/status/1729878742775001179

>A manga series themed on "Sonic x Shadow Generations" will begin in the October issue of CoroCoro Comic

>IDW Release Dates:
Sonic the Hedgehog #73 - 18 September 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2024 - 09 October 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog #74 - 23 October 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog: Knuckles' 30th Anniversary Special - 30 October 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog #75 - 13 November 2024

>General link compilation:
>Milestone pastebin:
>Sonic Game/Mod Recommendation Spreadsheet:
>Perfect System Collection:
>Sonic comic scans:

/sthg/ booru:
/sthg/ OC info:
/sthg/ cytube:
/sthg/ Pixel World:

Previous thread: >>493555151
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I want to spank Lanolin so hard that her tits set off seismographs in the next county over.
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I love you, Anon.
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Team Heart!
Freeze the Cat
Maria Robotnik the Hedgehog
Once upon a time, 50 years ago, she was Shadow's friend until the G.U.N. soldiers came. and they didn’t kill her. Before her death, Maria managed to save Shadow by sending him in a space capsule. One of the soldiers killed Maria at that moment. Shadow was sad and recalled these events with pain. When Lyra once asked Shadow who Maria was and wanted to know about her, Shadow told her about Maria and how she died. Lyra suddenly came up with the idea to bring her back to life. Shadow, Silver and Lyra went back in time 50 years ago and took a DNA cell from Maria, who was still alive, but was dying.

Returning back to the present, they took Maria's DNA and two DNAs from Shadow and Lyra. Three DNAs mixed together, and Master Emerald, Lyra, Silver, Sonic and Shadow regenerated these same three DNAs, forming a girl with yellow needles and blond hair. Sonic looked at the girl, but it turned out to be not a person, but a hedgehog. Maria and Shadow looked at each other, meeting again for the first time in 50 years, until Maria learned a terrible and bloody secret that she had died 50 years ago, but her new friends had resurrected her in the guise of a hedgehog. After this, Maria and Lyra became friends, and then Maria also met a mysterious unknown unicorn named Shade and an owl named Hans. Having met with them, Maria also became friends with them and since then the three of them became a team called “Team Magic”.
Omg I love you too Am-

Oh. Nevermind...
Die off already slopazebot
What if there was a villain beyond Eggman
This doesn't work since Sonic and Shadow don't have opposing powers, they both use the exact same moves. The Nega Shadow would have to also use fire like Blaze does.
I want to know Shade the Unicorn.
sorry amy I only love jerboas
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Whisper is just another character now isn't she?
She's nothing of the original character first introduced. She doesn't even keep her voice down anymore. Before it took her best friend dying. Now she does it with a little trolling.
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Blast the Cat then
>basically Tikal but not canon.
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What are the thoughts on lanolin
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>Shadow's hedgehog DNA donor
Most likely. He was probably a spirit incarnation like Sonic before he enlisted into the war and got discovered by Gerald.
It could also explain how he got the scar.
Loveable hog...
this is a comic i remember, do continue it.
Initially had promise, turned into an unlikeable hardass just because Evan needed to force more drama the readers explicitly didn't want to see anymore.
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Just for you anon
Was this note pinned to her hanging body?
That's me.
Basically this yeah she really seemed so normal and nice. But then went the hardass route feel only thing worse is people defending her for god knows what reason.
Be the funnier ending, wish a drawanon would sketch that kek.
Jeez louise anon
Shitty haircut
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Y-you too.

How many times has this been done before?
Why doesn't she... just kill him?
What's up with Sonic fan characters murdering their entire families
I'm reserving my energy for #64 anniversary
>Why doesn't she... just kill him?
Seems logical.
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As if Blaze would leave behind any evidence.
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>Crystal the Cat
When she was younger she was bullied by the other kids and they called her ugly, and because of this she started becoming obsessed with her looks, and trying to become as beautiful and graceful as possible, and she finally achieved this, actually making her very happy. Nowadays, she hates "ugly people" because they remind her of when she was bullied

Crystal is born with ice powers. She can do basic things with them such as create small snowstorms, ice statues, create ice shards and throw them at opponents, freeze opponents etc.
It reflects the desires of a hormone-addled tween.
Hormones are one hell of a drug.
LOL start an onlyfans
He has enough influence to ruin both's reputation beyond the grave. He is betting on their fear to infamy.
This. I really liked seeing her go from a regular farmer that lost her home, to a volunteer secretary, to a soldier during the metal virus, to wanting to make her own team to take the fight to Eggman.
You could clearly see why she wanted to help others, and could even understand why she might have a problem with how Sonic does things since after he saved her town he just ran off and left her and the ithers to fend for themselves.
That isn't to say Sonic was in the wrong, but it gives Lanolin a reason to care about the little man, see the bigger picture, and want to take things slow and do things right.
Sadly she's just been turned into a hardass that doesn't care about anything other than "da rules" and it's ruined her completely. Just like every other IDW OC at this point.
>people defending her for god knows what reason
They either like Lanolin for how she was pre-#63, or they're desperate to defend the comic itself, of which current Lanolin is is one of the reasons why the Diamond Cutter-included issues suck.
Sonic characters for this feel?
Seriously, I know it's a kids comic so she won't kill him, but is Surge aware that it's a kids comic so she can't? Also she looks like she's trying really hard not to laugh at something like Beavis and Butthead.
You're probably right, but that's a big assumption. It's not very well established is it? There's not a single line like that here in this scene.
You know exactly how stupid that is, but you defend it anyway. Why?
>Blast the Cat (Nega Shadow)
>Fleet Admiral of the Sol Empire
>Resents Blaze's position as ruler
>Thinks the empire was founded on imperialism
>Wants to restore the empire to its imperialist roots
>Probably a descendant of some famous military commander
>Can use a form of pyrokinesis which create explosions
>She's a shrewd woman who would much rather threaten her enemies with destruction than negotiate
>If you cross her or get in her way she'll have you arrested on some trumped up charges or simply killed

I cooked.
Shard, idk why
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I demand more black arms lore. Where did the black comet for those 50 years? and what did the black aliens do during the past cycles visiting the earth? And had they not attempt to invade before? It's not like Earth was strong or had powerful heroes or anything like that
Not defending it, but bringing up a reasonable explanation for the retarded writing.
>Volume used to be a very kind, friendly boy, often considered a 'goody-two-shoes'. He was often an easy target for bullying in his school, because he cried everytime someone said something hurtful to him. Volume got tired of all the bullying, and one day, while he was getting bullied, he didn't cry, and instead attacked the bully with a powerful soundwave. It hit the bully with so much force that it broke the bully's bones, and now had to use a wheelchair. Afterwards, when he went into jail, he just broke out using his powers, and ran away to an unknown place, where he now practices his powers, now wanting to destroy everyone on Mobius, and even beyond Mobius.
When are we getting more Max the Cat content
>goes to jail
>breaks out with his powers
Why the fuck did he let them put him in jail in the first place if he could just break out
>Volume used to be a very kind, friendly boy, often considered a 'goody-two-shoes'.
>now wanting to destroy everyone on Mobius, and even beyond Mobius.
Boy, that escalated quickly.
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Mephiles the dark
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This one has such a fucking essay and in depth lore
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I think this Sheep is hot and Sega should mandate a permanent topless design.
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....... kkkkkkkill him?
Lanolin in Sally's outfit when?
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Best ship coming through.
Better question, why was he jailed in the first place? He was being bullied relentlessly, and that shockwave power could have been a case of Traumatic Superpower Awakening.

Better idea, the comic itself needs a "no drama and/or angst whatsoever" mandate.
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>Bleak (ブリーク Burīku)
He is an anthropomorphic figure with insanely developed speed and strength, easily rivalling the likes of Super Sonic. He can also utilize a unique set of abilities including a variety energy blasts, portal manipulation and high-speed regeneration.

Ever since he first appeared to confront Sonic, he has posed a major threat to him and the restoration, seeing as he was able to almost one-shot Sonic, Silver, Tangle and Whisper on their first encounter. He was discovered by Dr. Eggman who recruited him into the Eggman army and offered to give him an important purpose to serve, that being to destroy his arch-nemesis. Even though he works Dr. Eggamn, Bleak is not evil in nature and doesn't seek to harm or destroy anyone unless he is given orders to do so, he is a calm, stoic and cold character with a constant expression of emptiness on his face, making him even more intimidating to face in battle or to even work alongside.
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>Sonic is cocky and easy going
>Shadow is calm and not easy going
>Blaze is calm and easy going.
>Blast is cocky and not easy going
Her persona will be Jocker-like
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Black Doom was just one of many nodes of a greater hivemind. There are countless Black Comets that are currently floating through space, each with their own version of Black Doom. All of these monstrous commanders are linked to an ultimate alien at the true center of the universe, one that has existed from the very dawn of creation. Darkest Doom, The Inevitable End.
>Lanolin with Sally's preboot 'outfit'
Someone should draw this!
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Why are they backing off from one badnik?
What happened to Amy, she was strong enough to destroy an army with a queef, now she's back to normal?
Someone draw Aster and Max fucking
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It's so cute!!!
Just one badnik?
That wouldn't be much trouble.
So it's a shame they're fighting...
Based. Keep her away from Knuckles.
for once can an OC not be a power fantasy
Oh I see, these two jobbers.
And they're fleeing.
Sorry, Amy was fighting Metal last arc, I really don't get this.
I mean good, she's back to normal, but seriously.
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I remember him because in one comic he did sth like that to Whipser
>he one shotted Sonic, Silver, Tangle and Whisper
He's got a decent design actually
Retarded writing. I'm a huge comicfag but this issue made me upset because of
>nerfed amy
>buffed fucking Rough and Tumble
>Jewel unaware of the fight because... HEADPHONES!, despite being ooc for her since she never does that.
>Gay owl and Rooster consuming most of the pages
>gay Owl explaining that they're investigating Clutch despite that being too late at this point.
Would you prefer the Shield Hero experience of an OC having to work for the power and prestige a character like one of the Hedgehog Trio has?
Yeah those gay birds really felt shoehorned entirely, not even close to a natural inclusion.
I wanna see YOU take on Rough & Tumble, motherfucker.
>edgy as fuck
>overcomplicated backstory and lore
All he needed was either a gun or a sword and he would have been perfect
All of my OCs are either jobbers, or world ending threats that kill the main characters unless they team up with evryone they can including the other villains.
Yeah, it's just Evan shoving her ocs down our throats. Also I forgot
>Surge becoming Uwurge
That's the nail in the coffin
>>Jewel unaware of the fight because... HEADPHONES!, despite being ooc for her since she never does that.
Oh...I havent noticed that...
That's super convinient and retarded writing
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here's my (completely conjectural) guess as to how movie 3 is gonna do its twist:
>gerald was fully maniacal from the beginning, creating shadow as a genetic prototype with the goal of creating living weapons that can control the same chaos energy that these "aliens" can, using the posssibility of curing maria's illness as a front
>maria finds out and sought to both expose her grandfather and give shadow a platform to be earth's hero
>gerald manipulates the circumstances so that when GUN or their stand-in boarded the ark, maria would get killed while shadow survives, both eliminating a witness and setting shadow on the warpath in one move
>gerald uses shadow's wrath to escape, and prepares to watch the destruction unfold and further manipulate shadow, but goes into cryogenic suspension after seeing shadow get incapacitated and captured, and somehow planned eggy as a contingency plan to release them both
>shadow will turn against gerald full-force upon hearing the news
>eggman will also turn against him solely for being upstaged
I'll take on rogue any day.

...Wait, we're talking about fighting?
>Where did the black comet for those 50 years
Observing, I like to imagine some meddling. Any time some curious expedition is sent out to one of the Black Arms' ancient ruins, he wakes up some long-dormant black assassin to kill them all so they stop sending researchers
I could, I would unsheathe my japanese katana and slice them in twain with the smooth glide of my hanzo steel.
>Anon misreads an invitation and gets butt fucked by Rough & Tumble.
>Amy and Tails running from Rough and Tumble

This doesn't seem right for characterization or power scaling.
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I like low to mid-level powerlevels. Enough room for creativity and keeping the stakes high, think Classic era or early modern before Sonic got his boost.
It says he doesn't understand but that he also understands the fuck
The busted transformation glove also felt forced because Mimic never broke it, it was just an excuse to include Nite and Don. Once again, we could have had something more interesting like a chase sequence between Sonic and the Babylon Rogues not happening because of Evan's lazy writing.
Why does Sonic need the transformation glove? I kind of had my eyes glaze over and decided to skip most of the owl shit. Everyone knows it's Sonic now right?
>Destined to lose, but fun to fight.
>Still able to pose a threat if they team up, or get some sort of power boost.
>Everyone knows it's Sonic now right?
Its just the Diamond Cutters (save Lanolin, unsurprisingly), the Babylon Rogues, Surge and Kit, and Clutch that knows.
Not the general public. There's also the doppelganger pretending to be the Phantom Rider.
So, why does it matter if they know it's Sonic.
I'm sorry, I know it's annoying to ask, but please spoonfeed me. It all left my brain as soon as I read it.
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I'm going on a date, a date with (you) anon!
He actually one shotted Super Sonic and all of them, so edgy as fuck
>Surge and Kit
That's another fucked up thing, do they? You'd think that Surge seeing Sonic playing the fucking villain and attacking people would be enough for Surge to fucking lose it, but she just doesn't seem to care at all for some reason.
Fuck off, Amy, can't you see I'm literally sucking on Vanilla's tiddies right now?
Wings and spaghetti it is.
I really need to start looking at the oc wiki again. These shits are comedy gold
So everyone that matters know already. I'm surprised Surge didn't give an opinion on Sonic being the phantom rider. I was expecting something like
>Whoaa sick, I didn't know Sonic would dare to MISBEHAVE
Hire me idw, because instead, you'll get more of >>493594293
If only...
Did the IDW #73 leak?
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Also it's easier to justify having a large cast around. I notice a trend that the stronger the protags get, the lonelier they become...
>not even in his super form yet
He's actively attacking innocent people in a public charity event, as well as technically working for Eggman.
Because Tangle, Whisper, and the Babylon Rogues are determined to find out what's actually happening since they know that Sonic isn't the bad guy (ignoring the latter in #72), and Surge and Kit want to be heroes now for some reason.
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What would it be like to date Amy?
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Hey, you! Quit humpin' the sun!
I would pound her ass
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Well, with that I'm all caught up I guess.
It's more of the same except Amy seems to be fixed a little now and the art is very nice. There's two positives. Everything I could complain about has already been a problem and is getting worse. But that's already known.
You can fix Belle by making her talk less, not even a joke, and give her a new outfit for fucks sake. No one is cheering for her current design, it's not cool or suited for an adventure battle comic. Maybe something magical cause she's a puppet, something theatrical.
Also give her Geno Beam and Geno Whirl, and Whirl is bugged and can instant kill Solaris for 9999 damage.
>for some reason
I keep repeating myself everytime, THEY ARE NOT INHERENTLY EVIL, they have no good reason to be evil. They are just teenager punks angry at society.
Exciting! Every day would be a new adventure! Also lots of kissing and cuddling!
>Hey, look at this picture of Sonic
>Sonic is super cool
>Did you know Sonic once jumped straight into space with his speed alone?
>Sonic is pretty cool huh?
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It would always end with sweaty sex.
I think Icy or FWA should work on IDW
That's not a date anon.
>The belly pattern isn't canon
Well... canon can't always be right.
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I'd pound her face into the pavement until the ground is coated in her blood and her crimson waters flows all over me for bother my GOAT GODnic!
I never said this, and those teenage punks have no reason to be good either (aside from selfish gain).
Their motivation is to kill Sonic and Eggman, or am I wrong?
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>What would it be like to date Amy?
The best.
I mean more than she already has? What could he do that won't be negated by revealing his own plans? He has way farther to fall
And we keep ignoring you because your opinions just as retarded as Evan's. Go find some other characters to ruin.
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To be fair, it certainly seems like her want to be good is solely for selfish gain and fame.
>no reason to be good either
Aside from receiving positive attention and approval from thousands? That can change anyone that isn't a psychopath. I'm sorry but anti-redemeers have no good understanding of simple psychology.
It was all over for Pixelrush when he saw this strip
why not both?
>give her a new outfit for fucks sake
I'm thinking mechanics overalls actually. A nice dark red, dark blue, or dark green to fit with her becoming more of a tinker than a toy.
Pixelrush: I will now ruin Sally Acorn
If you don't have any arguments don't reply me
amy vs sally
eating contest
who wins
Imagine Amy going on a date with someone that idolizes her as much as she does sonic.
The fat fetishists
Wanting to do good just so people praise you is, selfish and evil. A fake hero is just a Lawful Evil villain, and you're a moron who thinks way to highly of yourself.
Anything really.
But no, magical robes.
This is purely my desire, more magic robed women in everything.
>This is purely my desire
Kek, fair enough I guess.
Yes but out of petty frustration, only the doctors are at fault. And we still don't know her origins, she might as well could've volunteered for the experiment
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It's selfish, but not evil, more neutral if anything. It's evil if you use it to justify evil. But saving people just so you can be cheered isn't really anything but selfish and net gain for good.
I'm not an anti-redeemer, i'm just someone who at least wished that Evan did a better job at making Surge's redemption seem more believable instead of sudden and forced. Seeing her just collapse mentally broken so quickly and needing Kit to do everything afterward didn't help.
People do good deeds for different reasons, it's not black and white fucking retard. As distorted the concept of hero might be for Surge and Kit, it is still valid for their character development.
I get so mad when some sonamy shippers call sonaze or any other sonic shippers toxic. Im fine with the ship otherwise but it makes me viscerally mad that I accept them but they don't accept me back.
Yes I agree, Evan's writing for a Surge has been shit, it was still fairly ok up to 70 when Kit and Surge were hailed as heroes, but felt apart after that.
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I liked this graphic so I stole it
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>Chase amy and try to date her
>She gets pissed off and thinks I'm creepy
>Ask what makes my behavior different from hers towards Sonic
>Amy cries
Sonic went out of his way to side with and protect Eggman, and Sonic's friends and followers cheer him on as he does so.
Surge is right to want that fucker beat until he changes his fucking mind. Not to mention she should HATE being praised by Sonic's shitty fans, seeing them as part of the reason any of this shit happened in the first place. Who would want to be seen as a hero among the very people you hate?
You argue semantics just to try and excuse some of the worst fucking writing and character assassination in this whole damn series and I can't wrap my head around why.
I just lol when Sonallyfags get accused by Sonamyfags when they are not even shilling the ship or posting at all.
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Has anyone noticed this general has actually been good?
Can we fix that?
Where's the usual movie posters to shit up everything?
Did Sonic ever actually tell Amy to stop?
When are we going to admit that Evan is not a fine replacement for Ian, and you should root for Ian's comeback or Barnes's turn?
>Barnes's turn
Is Barnes good?
You're absolutely right. Let's bring back Penders instead of Evan.
No he didn't, that's why everyone saying Amy is creepy or awful is an idiot that doesn't even actually play the games.
She teases him and usually drops it.
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Im not going to beg for Penders back just because Evan sucks.
>Runs away from her
>Never accepts her affection
>Is always visibly annoyed or displeased by her
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He said Barnes. You guys suck at reading.
Sonalyshippeda haven't attacked sonurge chads yet
I think, it's my turn.
If he seriously told her to stop she would. And yet... he likes it.
I have pizza and pepsi, time to get naked and draw Tikal
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Friendly reminder that Metal Sonic never got a formal modern until Sonic Rivals 2. That's right. Our poor boy didn't even have a pelvis until 2007.
That's still petty frustration, remember that just after imposter's syndrome, their hatred against Sonic, the doctors (and basically everyone) was at the all time highest. Her anger has cooled down ever since (except Kit). The didn't even have any motivation to leave Starline's hq and they did left out of need for supplies. They're just retarded teenagers that need some love and guidance.
>draw Tikal
Also naked?
Watch any pets play of an early 2000s Sonic game and you will see people calling her a creep or a simp. People got that FROM Playing the games.
At some point you have to accept that people don't care for in-character Amy.
>Chase Amy
>She tells me to stop and thinks I'm creepy
>Rape her
>Sonic tries redeem my rapist ways
>Rape Amy while Sonic is preaching about freedom
>Break Amy into my personal sex toy
>One day find Amy hung herself
>Rape her dead body before throwing her in the trash
>Say I'll never rape again
>Sonic gives me a thumbs up
round metal is superior
he shouldnt have a pelvis at all
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When are you gonna realize you are reading a licensed tie-in book? Subpar writers and rotating artists is the norm.

Evan, Ian, Barnes, they're all mediocre.
Only one person is allowed to be naked at a time and thats me
This people played the games and just didn't like her.
And they still don't like her.
Amy is just unlikable, doesn't help that her personality is the most formulaic and one note out of every character.
Did you mean, time to draw Tikal naked?
Send pics of pizza.
Anon just cited fucking let's players.
Anon just cited fucking youtube let's players, who will grasp for any joke they possibly could to fill a commentary. Are you baiting? Are you shit posting? Is this real?
See >>493599543
Dude, put your fucking clothes on so I can take a shower.
>Nigga in the background...
Is that...?
He should so he can dryhump people.
Well if there's anything you could do to convince people in this thread of something, e-celebs are the one thing everyone here respects and are on good terms with. You're right, absolutely let me rescind all my arguments I've made to this point.
>Vi, The infinite One
A devilish being from beyond time and space, their origins unknown, with only rumors and crackpot theories coming from their followers and Vi's own lies. Were they just always there since the beginning? Did they create everything? Are they an embodiment of chaos itself given form? Are they Vul's Sibling? If so are there others? Etc etc.

Some even pose that they're Vul but from the future! How ridiculous.

Whatever the case is it's best to focus on the now. Vi'yuuel is seeking to access all dimensions without unraveling their spatial fabric, since they cannot enter physically

Being made of pure energy Vi'yuuel has a couple passive abilities such as: Self-Sustenance, meaning they do not need to eat or breath. Levitation and Flight. Shapeshifting, contorting their body into any shape. Being immune to diseases and aging making them immortal to natural causes. And being able to survive with 99.9 percent of their "body" being destroyed

Vi'yueel's main ability is a simple one, warping reality. Anything is possible, turning glass into liquid without superheating it, making the moon suddenly drop out of it's orbit, disabling certain powers, messing with time. That sort of stuff, nothing much else to explain!
You could also make the arguement that everything Eggman does is out childish and petty frustration, and that he's just a retarded manchild. That doesn't make him or his actions not evil.
marine sex
Kissing Fang!
How could you with those gigantic mammaries in the way?
So wait, Marine has water based powers?
from the back, duh
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At this point this is pure cope, Amy has been vastly disliked period.
If you actually are a fan you'd know it wasn't eclebs that brainwashed people into disliking Amy that just was the common opinion. Like it or not.
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So who are the offical gay sonic characters?
No that's plain stupid, Eggman has shown multiple times that he is inherently evil, he doesn't love anyone but himself. I'm not even going to list the dozens of times he has shown a complete lack of sympathy against life.
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Fuck you I like her
and no unemployed college dropout youtube hack with a fried attention span will change how I feel
Ian Flynn was never perfect. But he could tell a fun action packed story, sometimes moody ones as well. His encyclopedic knowledge of the comic certainly helped. That was more enough to be revitalize the comic and entertain people. People have criticized him and said since the Archie days he's always had flaws in his writing, but you could tell his comics had love and passion poured into them. Ians newer stuff just can't match his older stuff. Even then, I still prefer his style more than Evans, not to say one is better than the other. But theres a clear reason why Ian's initial preboot run is iconic and legendary.
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That's it.
Not even that. None of that "Ian/Evan says" stuff is confirmed by Sega.
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Barnes tricked Sega into letting Sonic cry.
He's based in my book.
Anon do you think the Amy rapist memes just created themselves? That happens to ANY character who's gimmick is "unwanted advances"

"umm but sonic wants the advances if you look at this japanese pamphlet from 1995" SHUT UP
This isn't even a point.
What is your argument? That hating Amy is the popular opinion?
Okay, that doesn't mean anything. I don't even know how you prove that, and even if you could, uh, enjoy your most popular opinion award.
>Amy is unpopular
>Sega changes Amy's character because they want her to be popular
>Sonic fans are shocked that majority opinion has a tangible impact on the Sonic franchise
Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby
Btw, I would like to see Kit vs Marine where Marine has her prime moment i which she harness her powers to kill Kit
I don't see it.
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>Trues to turn every new character gay
and then they wonder why sega won't give them full story control like before
Okay, and it sucks.
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Honey the Cat!
I first heard about the lesbian couple shit from some news site amd that was before it came out
>sega won't give them full story control
I think the writers deserve even less story control given that we've gotten too much forced drama.
I'm laughing at the escalation of this proposed arc.
he just turns his ocs into lesbians. The gay characters he has are fucking ugly. Ian flynn is a pozzed coward. Fujo stacies would have covert faggotry left and right and would never admit to any character being anything but straight even when they have the boys kissing and flirting 24/7
No your just being completely autistic and dodging what was said, you called it out as specifically eclabs
I said no wasn't just eclebs and you instantly tuck tail and hide because it conflicts with your delusional world.
You can like Amy but don't be such a bitch about Jesus.
Marine isnt a pussy like Sonic, she isnt afraid to kill
Based blind anon.
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About to put my feet inside him
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I'm getting started on coloring the drawing from the last thread.
>Blaze orders Marine to kill Kit
>Marine happily complied "Aye aye princess"
>Marine easily chokes Kit to death with his own water
why are they so dirty
you've gotta be unintelligent if you think non-fans came up with "Amy roofies Sonic loool" shit
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You don't know what real crying is.
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Goobver and frens
I miss that kraut bastard Schlemmer
I like Silver being soft and emotional. Y'all just want him to be another Shadow. Sorry but I like Silver this way. He's unique.
All you've done is recite what has happened. What are you arguing?
>Uh, hey stupid, they changed Amy to align with what people who don't like her want her to be
Yes, that's what we fucking hate. You've established the conflict.
You fucking cited your retarded e-celebs, you specifically pointed out all those Youtube videos you got your opinion from. Get the fuck out of the thread and go watch game grumps you retarded baby.
Pretty sure he's crying in both versions here.
I would put my cock in those
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Left is sonic after Im done raping him id want him to cry on my shoulder after too nnnghhh
Who was the other character with Carol?
Nobody cares
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>Hits the main villain with a novice-tier power and almost make him lose his balance even tho he is on his final form
>Marine: :)
Marine is overpowered as fuck no wonder why we haven't seen her since
What is there to rape?
>Y'all just want him to be another Shadow.
He doesn't HAVE to be like Shadow. He just needs to have a spine like him and Sonic on top of being more proactive instead of being treated like a naive kid in and out of universe.
>All you've done is recite what has happened. What are you arguing?
changing things to please customers is just smart business. it's the same process that got rid of movie sonic. you need to stop thinking like a fan and start thinking like a professional.
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Uh, his mouth, tits and asshole
Everybody cares
He needs to be treated like the morally-obsessed autist he is.
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Amy is dirt and always will be dirt no matter how hard Amyschizos scream.
Her values is being stabled onto the main character for a ship that can never progress or else they'll ruin the "will they won't they" tension. She's a failed character and I'm glad she's getting fucked up with the writing to see you fags cry.
Case and point real Amyfag >>493601028 And you wonder why nobody likes your kind.
Maris you're back!
Aren't Sonic and Blaze unable to even affect him without going super?
wtf marine
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Literally all the stupid bitch needs to do is some episodic misadventures. You know pic related about Sonic & Blaze running around Spagonia? That's what they need to lean into. Evan can't write dramatic plots to save her life, so just do something simple.

Where's her adventurous spirit?
>Where's her adventurous spirit?
It goes out the window regarding the IDW OCs.
>majority opinion
Loud minority
Shadow is cold and formal while Silver is blunt, brash and passionate. You don't know anything about either character.
Imagine how tight the ultimate hole must be
So does Sonic feel pain in while in Super?
Wait what
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The golden age of Adventure Comics were written by people with military experience. WWII stories turned into hero tales.
Amy Rose is pretty decent but she's never been my favorite. She's kind of cool I guess but I've always liked other characters more.
Why do I need to start thinking like a professional? What?
I'm a fan, I'm thinking like a fan because I am one! What the fuck are you talking about?
I hate them changing Amy, you've said nothing to dissuade this other than how they're trying to appeal to people who never liked her to begin with. I'm aware!
I haven't watched Game Grumps in about 10 years, are they still around?
Well yeah, but I doubt you'll convince them of that because it's in the Youtubes.
Why are you trying to talk like the becky who rejected you in middle school?
So what you're saying is we need to start WW3 to make Sonic great again.
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These characters should appear more in the comics
He always looked pretty pissed until unleashed depicted it as just regular sonic
Nobody cares about your scribbles bro
Licensed comic, won't make a difference. Only exception is GI Joe.
MY WIFE, it's time to put the Marine suit on tonight!
>Please husband no, I haven't healed my bruising from last time.
Well you're cruising for more if you don't the suit on woman!
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Base form Marine stronger that Super forms CANON

>Sonic franchise changes whenever it is bullied like a poser teen trying to stay cool
People are crazy
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UGH fuck shadows grippy bussy milking me fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckf
>t. Maria
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This bitch on the left needs to be included too. At the very least, we get a sheep milf to make up for the antics of the bitch on the right.
I care!
They're obsessed with me or something
I'm not him, but I do think you're pathetic and retarded. Which is exactly what becky said to her friends after she told you off for being a total creep.
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Cry ecleb all you want if it keeps you from blowing your brains out over your shit stain character not being received well.
Maybe if you dedicated less mental facilities towards pink hedgehog, you'd feel the touch of woman.
You're speaking about a woman who introduced a pair of gay birds solely to crow about introducing faggots to the series (knowing they were minor enough Sega wouldn't stop her compared to Tangle/Whisper who she and Ian can only subtext) and was very open about headcanoning Sonic himself as Asexual.

She was never into this series for the adventures. Few women are.
You're not a real artist bro, don't fool yourself, Sonic isn't art
perci was robbed
I don't want the touch of a woman, I want the touch of a beautiful Pink hog with great arcs of hair protruding from her gorgeous forehead!
Just say you don't like Amy, stop trying to act like you have everybody on your side just to feel better about your opinion.
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>Digital art isn't art
>Videogames arent art
>Comics arent art
>Movies arent art
>Fanart isnt art
>Old museum paints arent art
NOTHING pleases you!!!
I know I'm not am artist. I don't draw. But I think you're annoying when you stink up the general with your whining.
Nta, but did a Becky really call you a creep? Look anon, I get that it hurts and you didn't mean to come off that way, but attacking people trying to have fun in generals isn't how to go about it.
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>You're speaking about a woman who introduced a pair of gay birds solely to crow about introducing faggots to the series (knowing they were minor enough Sega wouldn't stop her
Has anyone sent this to Sega yet?
I care.
i am obsessed with you btw
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Archie Sonic never felt like just a licensed comic during the Ian era. Some people, the fans of the games, seem to hate the idea of the comics have their own identity and being separate from the games. I think Archie Sonic could carry itself as its own thing separate to Sonic and was good enough to do that.

Maybe Archie Sonic could've been its own thing, but the problem with that is that it would be much less popular than they are. Some people to that may say, "The comics just aren't good then", to which I say, of course the comics wouldn't be as popular because they were connected to one of the most popular gaming franchise in the world.

Archie Sonic was not disposable or forgettable. They were special in a way IDW will likely never replicate. I hate it when people talk about its specialness as something Sega needed to come in and nip in the bud because its what drew me to them in the first place, and many others. Archie Sonic would never stand out as much if it were just the games the comic.
Then drawfags should stop using sthg as their personal blog, we're already on topic with Sonic discussions.
HA, he couldn't even say it in the new comic, he called him his colleague.
You're so full of shit Evan!
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Let's goooooo

Cat supremacy in /sthg/
If you'd shut the fuck up then the threads wouldn't be derailed with people telling you to shut the fuck up. You're an annoying creep who probably is jerking off to being yelled at. keep your gross degradation fetish the fuck off this general you sad obese stinker.
>t. Becky
Im glad the whiteboard was moved for tomorrow, i can now claim a whole corner to draw marine and cream cunny
Fuck off with your drama bs stupid drawfags, you're seriously fucking annoying.
marine pleases me
The Sonic series needs more h-doujins. Where's my Blaze doujin
What fentanyl-level ship should I draw tomorrow on the whiteboard?
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archie sonic was ooc
stop taking my delicious bait
>t. Becky who rejected you in front of my friends in middle school and called you fat and gay
madonna x cream
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Barry x Lanolin's mom
No one in this fandom understands what "canon" means.
>but the problem with that is that it would be much less popular than they are
Reboot archie was good and loved. and it only got cancelled recently (2016 is like... uhhhhh yesterday).
Shadow and Lanolin's mom
knuckles and zooey
I meant with the series being separate from Sonic completely, no Sonic branding on it. They were so ooc anyways that they'd practically count as their own characters anyways. OOC doesn't mean negative here.
>No one in this fandom understands what "canon" means.
Sega itself doesn't know what "canon" means. They insisted the Sonic Prime cartoon was canon to make people watch it like it was a buzzword.
Seconding this.
That was before picsreel. The truth is Sega doesn't give a shit about "no romance". They say whatever they have to in order to get the retarded Amerigaijin to shut up.
Fang x Scourge
Based and true Amypilled! everyone else is phony!
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Sensitive chuckle
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That's Sega of AMERICA'S marketing, not Sega of Japan who doesn't give a shit and only sees what glorious Nippon make as canon. That's why Sonic Prime is full of more holes than a whore's underwear.

Sonic the hedgehog canon:
Video games by Sonic Team
Most video games by 3rd parties
Most of Sonic Spinball

Sonic the Hedgehog extended canon (Can be decanonized at any time):
IDW Sonic
Sonic Channel Stories

Was never canon:
All American localizations until Sonic Adventure
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog (SatAM)
Archie Sonic
Sonic the Comic
Sonic the Hedgehog (OVA)
Sonic mangas
Sonic X
Sonic the Hedgehog movies
All of Sonic Boom
Sonic Prime

Stuff Sonic team imported into the games:
Dr. Ivo Robotnik (American canon)
Amy Rose (Sonic Manga)
Charmy Bee (Sonic Manga)
Metal Sonic using life data (Sonic OVA)
Shadow's Limiter Rings (Sonic X)
Sonic liking Chili Dogs (Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog)
Ray's blue shoes (Archie Sonic)
Team Hooligan aka Fang's Gang (Archie Sonic)
"Let's Do it to it!" (SatAM)
Badnik (American canon)
Super Badnik (Archie Sonic)
I wish sthg delivered full works of art instead of incomplete sketches or concepts with simple backgrounds
Different environment and different backgrounds = different behavior. Of course they won't act the same. But maybe as long as it's not TOO different when compared against their provided character spec.
There was definitely some OOC moments. Even for Sally when compared against her OG Satam characterization.

>Le rock star has arrived
Beggars can't be choosers
but they do
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Extended canon
Never canon
It's in motion
surge and scourge
Nice cherrypicking
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it keeps happening
No wonder why almost 98% of the shit drawn here has no reposting value. Elias eating a donut with a simple background is boring.
>Chaos control has several fascinating real-world applications across various fields. Here are a few notable examples:
>Communications: Chaos control is used in secure communication systems to encrypt and decrypt messages. The inherent unpredictability of chaotic systems makes them ideal for creating secure encryption keys.
>Biology and Medicine: In cardiology, chaos control techniques are applied to stabilize irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias). By applying small electrical pulses, doctors can restore normal heart rhythms.
>Robotics: Chaos control helps in the precise movement of robotic systems, especially in environments where unpredictable behavior can be beneficial, such as in search and rescue operations.
>Economics: Economists use chaos control to stabilize financial markets and prevent extreme fluctuations. By understanding and controlling chaotic behavior, they can implement policies to reduce market volatility.
>Ecology: In ecological systems, chaos control can help manage populations of species, preventing them from reaching chaotic states that could lead to extinction or overpopulation.
>Engineering: Chaos control is used in mechanical systems to reduce vibrations and improve stability. For example, in aerospace engineering, it helps in stabilizing the flight of aircraft and spacecraft.
>These applications demonstrate the versatility and importance of chaos control in solving complex, real-world problems.
How else do you explain all the plotholes?
(you) are now under my genjutsu, anon.
I will make you watch your OC die.
Draw for you, not for others.
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I'm surprised there's no full-on power system regarding Chaos Energy in the Sonic series.
Soft canon
instead of crying about it maybe next time someone makes a request thread you (politely) ask them to make something with a background?
Marine's soft canons
he's still mad that fwa stopped taking his requests huh
lol a few threads back there is a whole fanfic of sonic finding rebel, mistaking her for rouge, and then fucking her but there's NO SOURCE
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>The only motherfuckers who bother to make full drawings are Espiofujo the female coomer, Alota when her ocs are involved, Fwa when its about gay stuff, and colono the local pedophile
And on the top of that no real actual talented artist would draw fot sthg since they'd be automatically associated with the Marine artist that can freely draw cp in the whiteboard, this place is beyond fucked thanks to the same drawfags that supposedly keep it alive.
That's not a thing. You break the lore too much and you don't get to be canon. At best, Sega might import something but I don't anyone cares about the Paradox Prism.
Why ask for something you don't know how to do or are too lazy to draw?
>replying to a non-gay fwa pic
/sthg/'s whiteboard is literally blessed compared to other generals. The competition out here is special olympics tier
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Amy was changed because all the little boys didn't like her making Sonic uncool
Idk but IDWnic is against killing but Gamenic did kill
Primenic never saw Metal version of himself but Gamenic did
What makes one never canon but other extended canon?
You gotta pay out money for that kinda shit nigga
A competition to determine who is the biggest pedo on the board perhaps. Most drawings are crap.
i simply do not listen to requesters who disagree with me
>Alota when her ocs are involved
What are you talking about?
ok who let the drawfag schizo out of his containment chamber
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Is your post doesn't have cute sonic girls pics I won't even look at it

Which artist is this? (If it's FWA, I can play ball with your requirements for lewds just fine).
Nobody cares about money here yet they can't never deliver a full drawing. How am I supposed to share sthg's art with anyone if they're are just meant for the artist's self fulfillment. No wonder why the only stuff getting reposted SometimeS is porn.
but i AM a cute girl
I might be more lenient. I like the challenge but if a requester is being an asshole I'm not going to reward that kind of behavior with something that takes a lot of time an effort. I don't think basic respect is asking for much.
>Gamenic did kill
World Ending Eldritch abominations don't count. I'm not too sure Dark Gaia is dead anyway.
I don't think preferences are bad. I would like Sonamy if it was treated as a serious romance with more weightiness to it. As it is now its better than when it was just so cute and lighthearted and fluffy. I'm sorry, but I just don't like it for that. It's not a matter of American or Japanese, it's what vaguely pleases me that matters to me.
>drawfags silent when allowing literal pedos in magma
You're right, this place will be creatively bankrupt soon.
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SONIC girls, get away from me, human whore!
You gotta stop saying "nobody" and "everybody". It's just you.
Why would you want to share sthg's art in the first place? You want to be proud of hanging around this place or something?
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Fuck you. I asked for a pic where Johnny beats Marine at a milkshake drinking contest (like in the game) and I hold it precious.
tails cream marine and kit are not real
Ive considered starting my own whiteboard and banning anything younger than Amy from it. But I know the backlash from the pedo cabal alone would make the whole thing more effort than it's worth
If any of you fags ever get a job as professional artists, I'll tweet how much you were ok with sharing a whiteboard with a pdf. Good luck.
What even prompted her to do this? Surge wants to be a hero, right? And it can't be Mimic pretending to be her
>sthg is one person
Entitled brats
No one would care. Jenhen drew tails porn and now she works for IDW.
>Colono destroys everyone's jobs
>And it can't be Mimic pretending to be her
I think that was Mimic, stirring up drama again.
Mecha Sonic (Scrapnik) x Belle
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You do know we have IDW artists/staff here right? Not just /sthg/ but over at the trash board too.
It is still an incomplete sketch, no real reposting value there.
i cant stand the pedo its why im hesitant to keep going to the whiteboards
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Arthur wasnt a god or sth like that
destroying the entertainment sector one artist at a time
any sonic artist hired in an official capacity either has put out smut or has attempted smut in a forbidden folder
Should I add a background?
Yeah right, nobody gives a shit.

>I-i'll cancel you!!!


Our artists are still amateurs and no artist is going to stick around after they make it. Once they make it, they'll leave.
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That didn't stopped Jen-Jen and she literally made cub porn with scat involved, official sonic comic artist
Maybe it ll stop them from being videogame artists but the comic/cartoons market is full of them
>it is afraid
Will they still keep the marinepedo around or not?
If any of you fags ever get a job as professional writers or artists, I would beg you to show Marine as often as it is possible
Personally I think adding a background is highly overrated and tends to appeal to people that would rather tell a story than engage in an emergent game. Definitely the kind of people to ask for rerolls and do-overs when they should just be pursuing a different hobby.
Colono mostly annoys me because he's an edgelord. He's super talented but I don't think he's actually into loli, he's just a male karen attention whore who only feels alive when he's pissing people off. it's a real pity, I wish he wasn't such an asshole.
Counterpoint. Naoto Oshima is a pedophile too.
Are any of the storybook characters real? Isekai shit is a head scratcher.
People are okay with wholesome behavior but allow very young characters to have porn of them. If that's not hypocrisy, then I don't know what is. You've been condemned.
No, adding backgrounds adds life and context to drawings, that's just a poor excuse for being lazy.
Backgrounds are BASED
>no real reposting value
Lemme guess, you steal people's art then post it on twitter right? Too lazy to trace?
>it's ok because nothing happens.
Thanks for proving you're ok with pedo behavior, I'm taking screenshots.
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>4chan exposed for being pedos
oh no how will they recover
I did get pretty put off when I went to bed after drawing my Mina and then the next morning I woke up to Marine's pussy right next to it lol, I just ignore it
Amy is a minor. Sally is a minor. Rouge is barely legal. Knuckles is a minor. Espio is a minor. You all get corny about Cream and Marine.
I'm not an artist nor someone who steals art, stay on topic.
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ABT has a known history with this place and his career is fine.
>Rouge is barely legal.
how is this supposed to be similar
Imagine giving weight to anonymous people on the Internet who don't care what happens to you
Sure, art thief.
Best costume i have seen so far
If they drew cream and marie with fat tits it would be one thing. or at least not screeching about cunny all the time. No one draws knuckles and goes "UUUOOOOHHHH SHOTA PEENIEE UUUOOOHHH"
Ian and abt left this place just in time as soon as it became a shithole.
The anonymous people already have weight, trust me
I think it's all bad. 18 year olds are retards fresh out of highschool. If that does it for you I don't see how you're any better than Colono.
>Censoring the middle finger
Cream and Marine with big tits are stupid, might as well not draw them at all.
>Marine without her canonically gigantic tits is stupid
Holy shit
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what time will he go to bed
I don't even find Sonic porn hot. I just look at it sometimes as a joke.
Tails fags do
What have you been talking about him
Love how drawfags get uppity when facing unfiltered truth. Just keep the pedo shit out of the whiteboard. Stop defending them.
coomers hate on-model
If you want. If you're trying to improve, then yes.

>okay with pedo behavior
I'm okay with anyone on /sthg/ unequivocably.
Sounds cool but I don't know if Sega would seriously want Shadow turning on his "real family" like that
My headcanon is that Gerald died long ago and the one we saw in the trailer is actually Black Doom fucking with people's minds to look like Gerald and arrange Shadow's release so he gets the Emeralds (with avenging Maria as a catalyst/excuse) and conquer everything and shit.
Why do people who wanna fuck the pre puberty blobians talk like such retards.
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shota silver x older sister blaze
>I would like Sonamy if it was treated as a serious romance with more weightiness to it.

I think that goes for most ships

Etc. But romance isn't the series core focus so they're never taken seriously.
>Ban loli shit from whiteboards
on a 4chan board?
>I'm okay with anyone on /sthg/ unequivocably.
I'm a sub for /sthg/
And stop being hypocritically nice and kind to people while trying to be drama free while also platforming potential predators. People being a little edgy and mean is wrong, while drawing underage porn is okay? Double standards.
I never thought I'd see that day when 4channers would stand for censorship. Are we going to charge people who watch gore videos with murder now too?
Not any time soon, its weekend
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Because it bothers (You)
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Just in time. I'm hungry
Reminder to everyone blobians are half animal. They age differently. They are legal adults at 12. Anything under 12 is the human equivalent of under 18. So basically it's like this
I experimented with them before so may as well I guess.
Can we start being mean to each other for no reason
No faggot this is a kindness general
we should be mean to Silver instead
I'm going to kiss you on the mouth
Your OC will never be canon
my ship >>>>>>>>>> your ship
my idea of Sonic >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yours
>hmmm ai art le bad because LE ARG STEAL
>pdfs good because HMMM le AGAINST CENSORSHIP
You drawfags are only good for drama and making shitty sketches
You have Vanilla, Rouge, Conductor's wife, Vector and Shade that are of legal age
Why wont you make art of them?
anon x anon
Idk I feel a sense of comraderie. I'd probably back up any 4chan user desu
>this nigger cant even say pedophile.
Go back. Leave. Your kind isn't welcome here.
you can't just let a mayonnaise jar absolve you of your sins
why are we pretending that Marine/Cream is uniquely weird when Knuckles, Tails, Sonic, and Amy all get sexualized constantly and none of these characters are adults?
You think you're better than him? You're not even at the normie standard where Kid=BAD.
Outside of this general a youtuber got canceled for posting Surge porn. Surge.
That isn't even on your radar because you guys have pedo-hebe grades that the rest of the world thinks is gross and backwards.
Ok pedo.
What are you talking about
There is more art of Rouge and Vanilla than one person can even consume
>ironic shitposting
I mean, on this general
It's like this anon. These are cartoon characters. Wanting to fuck them is like checking out someone.
If you see a teenaged, post puberty girl in a bikini and you think she's hot but you don't interact with her in any way, shape or form, there's nothing inherently wrong.
But if you see a little kid in a swimsuit and your first thought is how you think they are hot and you wanna fuck them, you have fucking problems.
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bored yet?
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I don't care about drawfags. I'm more annoyed that Windshitters basically ruined the entire concept of discussing Sonic's character online and now people just assume you're autistic and ignore you while continuing to make him OOC.
Fandom and Sega most of the time doesn't take the character's ages literally and treats them like they're older and more fuckable. The kid characters are visibly children so you can't do that with them.
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what makes them visibly children more than the others
Hi, Son Goodman here.
>I guess

Do what you need to.
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They have right-side up pear bodies
Use your eyes, retard.
Even turbo normies will go "wait hold on Amy is TWELVE?!?!!?" but no one bats an eye when they find out cream is 6 or tails is 8
There's no problem with making characters ooc in fanart though. I'd care more about it in official media. Nobody don't get to police what people can make.
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Sonic is 21 in blobian years
Added a quick background, but I think I've got the hang of Tyson Tans style now!
i guess?
you have literally nothing
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Yeah, bullshit. Those grades exist for real people too. I feel that way IRL and I know a lot of other people do too.

Sonic is a teenager and Tails is s kid. That's just how it is.
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if this is about the law, in most states in the united states you can legally marry a child. Shadow is my 3 year old husband and he legally cannot get divorced or go to a rape shelter because he is a minor so FUCK. YOU.
>t. Maria
need to marry cute children
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Cringelord that should've been vaulted since day one. Adds nothing to the franchise and is like a stupid rat.
Nobody asked.
do it quick, they are making it illegal.
Fortunately there's no laws against the blobians
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Ian has a habit on making Cream and Tails act more incompetent than they really are, but no one really questions Tails because Sega also did that bullshit.
Same with Charmy but he's still allowed to kick ass I guess.
Wasn't Ebony shipped with Super Sonic?
What is Sonic anyway?
A trickster demon that stole the body of an innocent boy
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a faker
i mean black doom could still be integrated using the same reasons as in the games
though it would be gerald's insanity rather than his desperation
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A virulent force that continues to corrupt man and causes strife and war
>suddenly takes minutes between posts
ey sumbody got b& lmao
jeeez what she have to be upset about? That's one lucky cat~
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free her
Sonic is dumb, I hate that loser so much. What a wimp.
What is the wind devil's true endgoal
>Sony lost billions
Revenge for pushing SEGA out of the console market lmao.
Carol thinks she's too cool for dresses

Honey thinks she makes a good model for her new line
is that cream
have you ever cried at a shipping fic? i have...
Ugh I hate it when female characters are treated like this. Why can't tomboys just be treated like men
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ugly faggot
It's been more than 20 years Dreamcastbro
Overrated oc
Beautiful chad
Who the fuck are you even talking about, you absolute retard?
I haven't before.
It's cute. I also like the other version where a guy has to dress in a nice suit and hates it like knuckles here
It's the exact same joke as when a cute girl character wants to play dressup with a badass male character tho
Just in case you don't know, Terios is the original concept art for Shadow while they were working on SA2.
I quite like this image
Why are you upset? Could it be that... you support pedophilia?
i fucking love pedophiles
Still overrated like Pink Sally
I've always never liked cuteness as much as other stuff. I want everything to be edgy and cool, not that I harbor anything against cute stuff. Especially with Sonic I apply this mindset. That's just the way I fundamentally view this series, I never grouped it in as a cute series, it was always action oriented and sick to me. I don't have a problem with other people doing this, but I hold a big problem with being overwhelmed with this stuff.
It's probably the sontails poster from yesterday, he's been trying to ban evade and keeps getting caught
This has little to do with tomboys
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This may explain why all of the fanart I get is tacticool'd up
I know but I'm tired of all of the cute and cool talk and just want to stay in my lane. I'm hardheaded that way and I don't want my view of this series or the characters to change, but they already have.

Sonic is cute, Sonic is cute and cool, Sonic is cool, these are all perspectives you can take. I know which side I'm on, and it's the one against whimsy and lightheartedness. Shadow 05 is the platonic ideal of this franchise.
I want everything to be sexy and horny.
The three of us can make the trifecta of appreciators of oversaturated artistic inspirations.
No, because I literally don't know who the fuck you're talking about.
Fiona’s soggy sockies
Are you the guy who keeps pretending to be Colono and trying to start fights with other drawfags, but it doesn't work cause you're not smart enough and get immediately found out?
It's ok no need to pretend you didn't understand the whole discussion, I know you're a pedo.
No seriously, who the fuck are you talking about? Just answer the question, holy shit.
Cream, my wife!
I think that's a baitposter, Anon. Just ignore them.
Anon, are you actually seriously taking the bait this hard or are you baiting as well, because I genuinely can't tell.
kys blazefag bot
Let's fold back the layers and ask ourselves, what is bait?
Why are you defending cp? No I'm not a namefag, I'm just an anon that isn't a degenerate.
I'm referring to all the drawfags that actively do whiteboards and that are ok with underage porn. It's not bait.
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Doing Fiona's Laundry while she checks out your ass!
Rubbing Fiona's feet after a long day of killing communist insurgents!
Helping Fiona clean her vast arsenal of guns!
Running overwatch for Fiona as she conducts cross border raids into Mozambique!
Helping Fiona escape the country when the government falls!
Crying alongside Fiona at the death of a once great nation!
Maybe not a namefag, but a fag all the same.
Kill Blaze
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I know you're a pedo. Anyone who goes around screaming that everyone is a pedo wants it so that no one takes pedo accusations seriously.
When everyone is a pedo-no one is.
is she gonna be in the movie?
Nice strawman pedo. Why can't drawfags just say that they are not ok with it and move on.
That cream marine shit you draw makes you a pedo. people who tolerate pedos are also pedos
>adult into sonic
>not a degenerate
You can only pick one.
Both sonic 3 and minecraft
she'll be in minecraft as regular whisper and sonic 3 as minecraft whisper
Im only a hebebebebebe o phile for post puberty blobians. everything else disgusts me.
even better
What do you mean by
>into Sonic
She's being retroactively added to The Office as /sthg/ Whisper.
I use to think that, but no, kids just say it as another word for creepy. There's no ulterior motive, they're just so dumb they don't know what overusing a word does. Like how no one reacts to being called racist anymore.
There it is. Trying to gaslight people into thinking they are what they aren't so they become sympathizers.
>PLEASE, just say you're one! please, I need validation but have to disguise it as accusation.
we're not, sorry sicko.
Need stinky Fiona gf.
If you are posting here and are interested in Sonic the hedgehog and are over 18 you are, by definition, a fucking degenerate
Sonic is
Wanting to fuck Sonic the Hedgehog, duh.

Isn't that why we're all here?
How so?
Why did you turn into a Static Shock youtube poop?
Woah drawfags getting defensive when their hecking cp provider gets attacked. Nice morals, but at least you're nice to RealDash when he draws shitty Mina tits.
I'm just not going to take a man to task over racunny. Simple as.
Sonic is a mixed child between American and Japanese men.
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Because Sonic is made for sex. I wanted to fuck him when I was 6 and I want to fuck him now.
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Then why did you propose, retard?
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sex with amy
Fiona walks into your apartment, covered in slime from a 3 day march through a swamp. She tracks mud through your whole living room, tossing her reeking gear and clothing on various pieces of furniture before entering your bathroom and turning on the shower. Just when you sigh and begin to clean up after her, she pokes her head out.
"You coming or what?"

I just want to fuck the bootyshorts fochs, and I feel like that's not too much to ask for.
I'm too old to get upset about cartoon drawings. It happens to all of us. Sorry anon.
Imagine calling someone a baiter for calling out underage art.
She's simply making the objective observation that one cannot legally marry a computer. Judgement was not passed.
meanwhile amy has fat tits and a fat ass.
Blobians just age differently
Cream's ass is fatter, we established this.
the baitposter is a pedo.
The baitposter is colono
bait me daddy
cream is pre puberty, mohammed.
She's like 50 in Rabbit years.
they don't have ages anymore
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A friend of mine didn't believe me that 4chan was home to a community of women who want to fuck Sonic and I'd like to personally thank you for making this post to prove me right.
kek, that's not a 4chan exclusive thing my friend.
those big sexy ears almost distracted me from the fact she's a disgusting whore with a navel piercing
>Sonic railing me into the fucking dirt at mach 17
Why can't this happen.
Doesn't matter.
Sonic laid out the ultimate test.
You have 3 rabbits. Cream, Vanilla, and Bunnie. If Vanilla is "too used goods" you got Bunnie.
But you choose the actual toddler. I'm sick of post puberty fuckers like me being lumped in with baby rapists like you.
Made for shadow
>Sonic laid out the ultimate test.
He wouldn't care what choice you make because he respects your freedom (he is the wind)
Shouldn't her left aerola be visible in that top?
>why can't this happen
One word: moids.
If they hadn't spent all of human history oppressing us yumejo stacies, we would have developed the science necessary to make sonic real and make him our husband. If we kill all moids, we can focus our energy on repopulating the race with ubermench
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Imagine Amy said this about Sonic
Woah, that's not very windy of you
>Creampedo ruins everyone's opportunity to ever get professional work
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Oh 100%, but something about "The 4Chan Sonic Fuckers" just rolls right off the tongue.
I'm one of the guys lusting after a fictional mercenary fox, no judgement here.
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we already went over the fact that all of the official artists have done fetish porn
blobians don't have nips
Is Sonic a frat boy
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Don't worry Sage, the love we have for eachother transcends any law
actually he's 2 years old
Sonic is a fetus.
I'm giving birth to Sonic right now
Sonic has the largest penis out of the entire cast. He has muscles and is big and strong. He is a man who is a larger than life figure and a real fun guy. He has an eight pack. He also has a love of weightlifting, jogging, and building muscle. He's just insane, man. I love him.
Did you see his pecs and butt, real treat. The man's really handsome. I just love his blue butt so much. He's so masculine.
What a garbage list
Bur not like fans do it better
Holy fuck.
That's crazy. I don't think I noticed that when I played Sonic today.
So, am I suppose to hate him because he used his talents to impress a girl and fuck her?
Because that's just dating.
all future pussy belongs to silver
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Are you kidding me?
He gave one sonic fan the experience she could only dream of. That man is a Hero.
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make Blast is a warmongering super soldier, and we're making a banquet
There were a couple tourists in here when it first happened trying to portray it as a creepy thing that he took advantage of her.
I think it's because social media addicts are just programmed to immediately hate the idea of a straight dude getting to fuck.
Wasn't the thing that he was in another relationship or something
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>I love you, Anon.
>I love you too.
>*takes VR goggles off*
>*stares at wall*

Is it because he himself is a giant pussy?
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Fuck that noise, it was consensual sex with a funny voice. As though it's some crime that Jaleel White got laid.
That I can understand, but you give them that and then they add on, "and it was super creepy".
All the memes are about him doing the voice and it being portrayed as evil or sinister.
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So he was? That's immoral
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How are you going to react when Shadow doesn't lose his Black Arms powers and Flynn offhandedly say that that he was just using them offscreen during Forces
Adultery is no good!
Vector says: the Bible tells us that they both need to be stoned to death for toying with that most important sapient experience: love
I've said it before, we don't know what the situation is and that's their relationship to sort out. When an outrage mob gets involved into the matters of a couple, they're always missing like 90% of the details.
As a general rule, only the biggest dumbest fattest lamest normie idiots would get involved with that. You'd have to be really young to not understand how complicated these situations would have to be.
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Amy says: I'm going to have my way with Sonic, whether he likes it or not!
SA1anon post more Autodemo kino
It's the same cycle as always,
>Oh my god he did the voice, that's so weird
no it's not
>yeah but he was cheating
That's not what you were making fun of! You retreated to that when challenged about the other thing!
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Sonic says: I love being the ambitious wind passionate hedgehog. I'll disregard everyone else and leave people behind if they can't keep up with me.
Sonic was a cuck but not a cheater
>That's not what you were making fun of! You retreated to that when challenged about the other thing!
Not the same people you disingenuous faggola
I think it's awesome and hilarious that he did the voice
It's not okay to cheat on someone
It's still pretty funny that a voice actor had sex in character. It's not like it's morally wrong, just kind of goofy to think about.

Actually, if you could have sex with one voice actor/actress and they did a character, who would they be and what voice would they do?
Sonic, please, I want you to acknowledge me. But I hurt my legs in an accident and I can't run anymore!
Emi isn't a bitch for fucking drummond.
She's a bitch for being a backstabbing scam artist who has fucked countless people over.
Just read it
It's autist slop
Naw I'm good.
Yeah, but a voice actor isn't the character.
Is Adventure Amy's voice actress cute I guess?
Okay, but what if his wife is a horrible person, or they hated each other and already fuck other people and they were already getting a divorce anyways?
I've seen several times a outrage mob form over a cheat only for it to be revealed both of them were cheating.
hey guys does anyone have a caramelldansen gif of silver and blaze, i vaguely remember seeing it like 5 years ago and i can't find it now.
Search Blaze, Silver, and caramelldansen on deviantart, I'd hedge bets you'll find it there.
I like it.
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Cringe ship, have superior ship
No SIlver here.
Ink it and i will
>b-but you can google it yourse-ACK!
NO, you want me to read it, you link it
I googled and only got this

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