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Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

Previous: >>493581613
Reusing this thread for recycling.
Actual previous: >>493589713
Which MW?! I want to play Mechwarrior

wtf, thats me I'm from Balmung! I ERP
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EB like this?
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i am

a 0 bust femra
>No heels
I'm saddened by this development
if you want it work for it anon, no freebies without minimal effort
my eb bots all day
"always be casting" is such a dumb general rule because like
How the fuck is BLM supposed to always be casting in shit like savage? What about Melee?
should i log on
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how is it like being eb'd to kong?
your scathe sis
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it just means keep your gcd rolling you monkey, if you fail to do that then you shouldn't be doing savage
It's not though, it's the baseline rule for a reason.
Always strive for uptime but obviously that's not always possible bro.
you have ranged attacks on melee and free casts on casters.
I really wonder why they decided to start introducing the main antagonists so late. Emet didn't become an outright antagonist in ShB until 79, but he still showed up for the first time around 4.4 and was following us around for most of the MSQ. Meteion didn't appear at all until around 85(and become an antagonist until 87) and Sphene was put in a similar place.
>thread says nobody likes male characters
>thread insists that F+ hate male characters the most
>go to QS
>everyone having a good time
>flirt with a F+
>really friendly
>we joke back and forth about sword fighting with our woobers and sharing an onahole
So the misandrist autism is only for this place, huh.
it means you always keep your gcd rolling the best you can
Bro scathe?????
Plus don't melees have random useless 10 potency things too
That's part of the fun of optimizing
in the game as a whole, yeah
in the QS, hell no lol
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what are some good viera makeup mods? my good one is broke and they aren't updating it anytime soon and i don't know what to do
My malera? He's
the quicksands people are more normal than xivg, is that surprising?
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Impromptu Movie and Social Meetup
Showing Suzume, possibly more, possibly party games or general social stuff after.

11PM EST (a little under 2 hours from this Post)
Mateus, Goblet, Ward 22, Plot 19
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What class should I start learning in CC?
this simply cannot be true
This thread has conditioned me to hate femlalas but then I see them in game and they're so freaking cute. I always end up folding like an omelette and giving them a /pet
where is the confessor when i need him
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Did the loose texture compiler not work to update it?
You look stunning as you are, my queen
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you can optimize movement to get nigh 100% uptime on BLM for every fight with next to no exceptions
don't tell people to scathe because it's an absolutely terrible habit, never bind that shit
pld so you can cover me
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xth for praise garuda sama
>fuck ton of dance mods
>none of them even come close to energonchi's 10000+ dances
>all cringe shit
I thought modding was supposed to be based, what happened?
Are you only just realizing that everyone on 4chan is a miserable cunt and the hyperbolic posts aren't actual truth?
BLM has enough instants to do everything once you get the hang of it
Don't use scathe what the fuck?
please kill yourself
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It's safest just to assume any generalization is a thread meme with little basis in reality.
GNB can be a little predictable but is a lot of fun and is versatile depending on teamcomp!
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my moonie has sharp fangs
t. WAR and MCH enthusiast
you will be banished to 99 runs of tsukuyomi EX and you will enjoy the cutscene intermission
desperate passionate sex
the thread is a very isolated place compared to the greater ffxiv community
the only good dance mods are fortnight rips since nothing else even looks close to smooth as mocap stuff
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Crystal Casual CC 7:00 ET
This rule prevents me from raiding because I get real anxious and start panicking if I miss a single gcd
The qs is (probably) more or less nice they're just horribly bad at roleplay and have bad taste in porn
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It's because these fucking morons used up all their Ascians and have no idea how to build up a new villain. I said this in Endwalker and it's extremely fucking clear now. There are no longer any cutaways to elsewhere where there's some villain plotting something. The closest thing was Golbez and that was resolved within the post patch quests.

They're more interested in talking about tacos and spicy curry than setting up the next antagonist. I have very VERY little faith in the game not just being over since Endwalker.
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I had received counter-suggestions...
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Fiddie for my Middie.
get a tripcode
>good dance mods
Choose 1 (one)
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I tried making this image but can't zoom anymore in game.

You don't have to believe the thread...
You can like femlalas just like any other...
Some of us don't bite...
The only thread consensus that holds up outside xivg is that malera are creepy groomers and that's mostly geared at xaela.
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Do we like this?
how are fortnite emotes badly animated?
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>join rival wings
>don't get in the mech
I'm even more saddened by the false news you've been given, heels are peak, especially those pink open toed ones
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The Engoodening of Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail?
haven't heard this song in ages, thanks
I've plapped enough free use whores, my male middie is ready to settle down with a nice dunesfolk femlala for a monogamous and loving relationship.
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I speak like that in VC :^)
Scathe exists to be used. You make Scathe sad if you ignore it
You're shitposting, but I'm doing a before/after anyway. I haven't seen one of these in a long time.
The stuff being made up today has been so random.
I'll be a 1 bust Veena when I use my fanta.
You use your swiftcast and triplecast on BLM. Ranged attacks as melee and be greedy with the snapshots.
We're used goods... I'm not sure we'll get our EBs...
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Queue cc!
unironically based, i loved jackie and it always makes me laugh
Whoa. Nice shaders, roebro. What GC gear is that?
nobody likes you
Moonies FUEL my power.
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i did subs 2day
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sorry for the boomer song but i've listening to it all day

me too (with customize+ making it even flatter)
erm... ick
Did you guys like the song I'm about to post?
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>It's because these fucking morons used up all their Ascians and have no idea how to build up a new villain.
There are still four red mask Ascians, two of which have been completely unaccounted for since 2.0's stinger, and at least one of them was presumably preparing the 9th for a rejoining. Altima and Deudalaphon's masks are hanging from Gaius's belt, but he shouldn't have had the means to permanently kill them.
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I'm posting two because I can
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what are they even talking about?
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Scathe should be sad for existing. You know how people shit on holy and flare for being (comparatively) weak spells compared to how they normally are? Scathe was the pinnacle of black magic in 12 and it's arguably the worst attack in the entire game in here.
based choice of minion, cute sunnie
Just took 5 sleeping pills see you laters bros
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im talking about the quality of the animation dont be facetious. there are some crappy anime dance mods that are cute but theyre so fucking stiff that it becomes an eyesore
based scathe (real) appreciator
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i don't know how to use those and i get dizzy thinking of learning....
thanks, i feel like my bun looks kind of plain tho
find me good makeup first
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We love caturdays here
>No Solid Snake job

It's over, Metal Gear bros...
This looks like de_Nuke
Probably the loli who is learning to be a WHM and they send out to help cleanse the forest and beg the elementals not to fuck everyone up
dayum bro, good night
so very cute + builded for my catboy
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it's over for us sis...
ty /pet
good night anon
A hearer (conjurer who can commune with the elementals) is refusing to heal a sickly child because the elementals have decided that it was her time to die is my guess
they will let you die of illnesses that can be easily treated if the elementals decide it's your time
a child is dying and she is being refused by the white mages because the elementals are evil and haven't been dealt with because wildwood and the middies in the shrouds are the biggest cuckolds
Fucking disgusting. Imagine letting that near you.
You can EASILY fix all problems with BLM by just removing the enochain timer. There's no reason for it to even exist anymore.
Do you RP? If so, do you like Sunnies? Maybe I can have your data to pose with?
Alright who gave ala mhigo wifi?
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they already overhauled all the dungeons to have more modern mechanics that trusts can do. that's the best you will get because this is a live service game and spending too many resources on updating decade old shit isn't going to make veterans very happy.
>No more rank ups for grand company, no more stories there, etc. etc.
I think this would be a good idea but wouldn't call it an overhaul, just additive content.
We may get more criterion dungeons in old zones like with Sil'dihn subterrane and mount rokkon that build on old lore
a lot of the characters are like this now
god i wish lorilee was actually this much of a schizo because I'd love an obsessive dom like that
should I post my monie? she is very cute
who talks like this wtf
this mfer is the creepiest dude I've ever seen in the thread
1 song per image sis.... you are now in debt 1 images...
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Crystal Casual CC 10:00 ET
Even if the animations are more quality than others, they still can't compare to Jlink Master/Energonchi.
If you think AF/Enochian timer is a problem, you're just bad at the game
hate this nigger desu
>I'm not sure we'll get our EBs
You say that, but do you really want to settle down with one person who isn't interested in polyamory?
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Ah shit, you're right...
This tranny thinks he's "quirky" and "unique" for acting like an autistic mentally ill person in this general of all places.
love this faggot desu
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>see a super cute femra that looks wonderful
>talk to them
>they want to share their mare
>oh crap...
>the grow 5 feet, is now covered in tattoos and have an alien looking tail
>day ruined
hi xivg
The elementals have done zero good in the shroud and have been a net negative for everyone who has ever dealt with them. This is a fact. The only reason why they taught white magic and have padjals is because the itzal stopped being their servants due to garuda tempering them
this would be me if i disabled my power limiters
Nophica said the pitbu-I mean, the elementals, were good children who didn't do anything wrong and you should listen to them.
So true bestie. In fact, no jobs should have timers on skills or job gauge at all. Its all so videogamey and artificial difficulty.
And if you don't listen to them, they turn into a flood to kill everyone in the Shroud(and everywhere else, but they're collateral).
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You mean for I and IIs? It's literally just all the +spiritbond gear with 4 fully melded HQ items, 6 if you do the weapons for BLM/WHM(use wand+shield)/PLD too.
If you're trying to get a specific materia just find out what range it pops out of best and make that gear.
hi, this is a very cute glub
nigga, you make me want to hurl
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Reusing this picture because I love the house.
BLM has like 4 different gauges now, enochain is so punishing not even the best players in the world prog or play BLM because it doesn't fit into the gameplay of having to constantly move around.
>The elementals have done zero good in the shroud
the entire reason the shroud isn't a desert like thanalan is because of the elementals. Thanalan used to be a forest just like uldah but after the fire calamity the elementals were eaten by voidsent and couldn't restore the forest back to what it was which led to desertification
LL wearing pink open toed heels? Post image
Really wish they'd give us a Gridania episode after we've had countless ul dah and limsa episodes. Majority of the playerbase still doesn't know that the elementals are basically powerless now
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>This app tried to access sensitive info in your Google Account. To keep your account safe, Google blocked this access.
please let this be satire
This games pvp really is a fucking joke. Frontlines is just baffling all around.
womp womp
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*honks you're boobs*
LT coming in to gaslight his simps in 3,2,1..
>he sniffed out another biohole
he looks like he gets barbed by hrothgars
Subs hate obsessive doms, don't try to trick me. You have to act disinterested and aloof or they get the ick. Fickle beings
>this is why I have to deal with retards in FL
what >>493600958 said
Femlala eb doko
we are so back
>Jlink Master/Energonchi.
is that a program for animations or something
wtf does "keep your GCD rolling" mean
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reply to this post with your WoL for a free compliment
Np, it's in my top 20 all-time.
In a few hours I probably will. Just got on for 10 minutes since I've been traveling for family stuff all day, and now it's dinner and a movie time.
______ _____ _______.
The best BLM players rarely progged on it because the rez on SMN and RDM was convenient.
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Do you want a guide? I've written an out of date one.
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v based
i can't take this pic seriously at all as an ace combat fan
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>Subs hate obsessive doms
nta but are you kidding me? I WISH my dom was obsessive
It means you should always be using a weaponskill or spell if you're able to.

Penelo middies?
This got compressed to shit but oh well
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ok since you allowed me here she is
the song and this smiley cat fit well together /pet
I like obsessive doms if they're actually good doms.
God knows xivg has like five obsessives who consider themselves "doms" but are just lazy schizos who want endless compliments.
The only person here who I know that's a dom that's even remotely close to being "worthy" enough to be an obsessive dom isn't really obsessive or even posessive.
I met some random catboy from here who wanted to be a possessive dom but LITERALLY all he did was speak like a fucking anime villain monologing and say I "had" to farm some shit for him.
Didn't even have the courtesy of asking me in-game
all i want is for a dom to obsess over me wdym
Favorite ebin of each race?
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I'm NOT polyarmorous. I've only ever been romantically interested in one person at a time throughout my whole life.
I would still like to ERP with other people sometimes, but like... in my last relationship, in 2 months, I think I only did like 6 times? And I would have ditched them if my partner really wanted me to stop for any reason. Amorous is regarding romance. I'm... polysexual or whatever it'd be called but it's negotiable I guess.
I only slut around when I'm single because I need at least 5 ERPs with friends and strangers to equal 1 with someone I really like.
I'm pretty sure a lot of you have noticed my posting patterns change when I'm dating since I stopped getting pested so much when I was. People often behave differently when they're single versus when they're with someone.
>do you RP
Like... way too much. At least once a day, usually.
Miqo'te are my 2nd least favorite females but there's been some that I liked so you may as well try. Two are ones who I really like anyway, so.
Im not im quite okay
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yeah its all coming together now.
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Why did we do it bros....
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Crystal Casual CC 1:15 ET
>he doesn't know
Let me spoonfeed you really quick
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bro watch out! That lizard's gonna get you!
What kind of male characters do you like?
The dead should stay dead.
>I need at least 5 ERPs with friends and strangers to equal 1 with someone I really like
That's pretty sweet actually
Buddy you just vomited like fifteen lines of cope about being a whore, consider starting a blog cause I assure you no one cares.
Male Hrothgars
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An anon linked me pic related and I'm pretty sure it's out of date because even the cloudflare thing isn't called a service anymore. Step 3 is where the problem I ran into exists
From which game is that character on the left from?
any futa catboxes
the stove....
>isn't really obsessive or even posessive.
then what even makes them a dom at that point...
get a tripcode or kys
so you're a whore, got it
subs say they love obsessive doms and stalkers and then get mad when i psearch them all day and keep track of who they talk to and play with
you're such a weird person to think about this kind of shit in so much detail
i'm not surprised you've had bad luck
I really love DT's themes but they were so badly excecuted it makes me mad. We did it because even the endless accepted their reality of being dead. They knew this last thread of happiness wouldn't work forever, they understood the world is for those who come after them. The sadness of Living Memory is just a physical manifestation of the perversion of the Alexandrian ideal of keeping people alive as logn they're remembered. Since the endless were shut down, no one remember them anymore thanks to the regulators. It's really tragic.
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I would love an obsessive dom...
Oh, that's the guide I wrote. Are you using your normal google account or did you make a new one for it?
If you want trannies there's like 2 whole boards for that anon
My bad
stay away from my kind you queers
Posted an impromptu movie Meetup for Suzume here, since you said to go ahead last thread.
Nice armpit!
who's the biggest slut on every DC
we should round them up and make them fight to find the ultimate gooner
post trashy skanks that are badly in need of correction
i'll start
holy fucking cringe dude, please get a trip or stop spewing your desperate incel garbage on here
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I just want to win in Rival Wings is that so hard? How the fuck do I start steamrolls
if you paste any image the default filename is file.png
The last half is real. The first part obviously isn't, and is a joke.
People in that discord like that stuff. It's so funny that it gets reposted here, on 4CHAN, and we have a few pussies who are offended by it.
I didn't originally write it. It was a copy pasta from here.
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>alpha legend
>filtered by eureka
you love to see it
This nigga BA posting in the xiv thread
Nice cope. Now kill yourself, nigger.
Thanks I'll save this for when I start holding toku meetups
At least in my experience there's been a few criteria for doms
1) Can they be a dom
This might seem a bit self-explanatory but it takes a lot more than just belittling people to be a dom
2) Can they actually write
Whether or not you intend for it to be irl or just roleplay stuff a good dom isn't going to be able to convey much if all they can say is *fucks u hard*
3) Are they mentally stable otherwise
This one is less surprising but a lot of self-proclaimed doms have more than a few screws loose, and not in the fun way where they would actually be possessive.
4) Do they actually WANT to be an obsessive dom
Even if they meet the other 3 criteria you aren't going to have much of a good time with someone who's faking it

For XIV doms you'll be lucky to have two, MAYBE three at most.
its so funny, if this dude played a male character it'd be crickets but since this guy says he's """non-binary""" and plays a female character the other sexpests here indulge him
if she was black she would be him
thanks degen, if you want more let me know
Milf bunny said it was fine because they weren't ever really alive. Please ignore the words of a certain old friend and the Omicron quests.
Subs don't know what subs want don't listen to these replies I'm with you.
people just hate your guts and know you're a creep
I will now be looking to see who is early queuing cc calls and will be hard inting your games
stop being impatient faggots
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they fuck you
Last call for me, need to get some other stuff done.
I thought I could pull a lot more than I actually could... And the healer kept healing me while I was in Holmgang!
your drawings are cute
BA posters is every generals natural allies
what top is on the guy otr
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fake moonie you are woofer
Final Fantasy XIV?
Problem is that most doms in this game just want to do ERP sex and nothing else. I want a dom/sub dynamic relationship and play the game with them.
You are missing critical information that is attached to that discord post.
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This dude doesn't understand how timezones work
is it still popping on primal i just got home
are you ready for lumia sis
the open world crafting/building stuff looks kind of nice but I'm worried they'll make a shitty bland jrpg story like ryza 1 again and not actually do character stuff
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Do you niggers ever post about anything worthwhile or is it just jizzing and mental illness 24/7?
Oh don't get me wrong, I love BA poster. BA is actually what I jumped ship to when I quit xiv. Just funny to see one out of their natural habitat
How can someone be obsessive over someone and mentally stable at the same time?
otis get off ninja so I can join queues
there is nothing interesting in this game to do with other people
the most you're going to get is doing roulettes or spamming leveling dungeons and that's just boring
Post your femra right NOW!!!!!!!
see >>493602805
Normal new one
oh, great, tikaasi spam is back...zzzzz
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I already did though
There 20 other jobs nigga
otis was this taken moments before the sam cooked everyone but you lmao
Because the writers literally forgot the entire point of the Omicron section of Endwalker's last zone. They may as well have gone back and spat in G'raha's eye as he gives his speech because saying "they're not real killing them isn't a sin" runs completely counter to the point he was making. The game literally demands we be hypocrites.
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perhaps refrain from being a one trick
Is it possible to share it with me?
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You guys liked it when it was posted months ago. https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/464771954/#464783315 https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/464771954/#464778849 Totally organic schizo dogpiling not from a discord though
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Don't even bother speaking or looking at me unless you have 3 rare titles.
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Weird considering what happens.
>mentally stable but obsessive
This guy >>493603206 is right. You retards don't know what you want
I dont wanna, its fun
wens ur next sex com with her
after following u for years on twitter its weird seeing u show up here
do you take comms?
I will forever use master of the sea I do not care if it becomes common
I'll bark at your potted plants.
Rule #1 - Never have hope.
My old EB said I was too vanilla and laid back to be a true dom, kinda weird to think about
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That's my screenshot and it was taken at the start of the game. Also I was not cooked.
One of the would-be doms I've found probably has more mental issues than me because they can't go to sleep unless they're looking at modbeast titties and I had to listen to them freak out because they were upset that they saw a bunch of subs simping for honey b
There are degrees of mental stability anon, you could easily be an obsessive dom and not traumadump about how your mom hates you on your sub or something
I don't play BA, but I really like Ako.
>thanks degen, if you want more let me know
Keep posting in sleeveless tops and I'll be happy
are the discord schizos in the room with us now, LT?
This cat raped me in LB14.
So glad I play an unpopular race so I don’t get bothered about being a dom
Hold on I have to catch up with the rest of the thread I'll scroll back through all the replies, I only caught that image and thought it was going to be useful but apparently there are caveats so gonna read backwards now.
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You replying to yourself with "EB PLEASE" does not mean everyone here liked it. Most just ignored your annoying ass and moved on, retard.
Eeeh.. I'm not entirely sure then. Is there anywhere in the google account settings to change privacy/security stuff?
I could send it to you over discord or invite you to the server where the guide is posted.
you are the schizo
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Educate me, /xivg/!
come by leviathan foundation aetheryte im wearing the white armor so we can party up and ill help you farm some wins
this man must have ten quadrillion aetheryte tickets
I acted as a gatherer bot for someone and it was ok
Jokes on you there's a maze of potted plants in my garden, you'll be barking till your throat is sore
post malezen, please?
Permission to post my femlala naked
As a sub I can agree I have no idea what I fucking want. When I'm with a good dom a common thought I get is "how did he do that?". A good dom finds the sub's buttons and knows how to press them (and arguably same for a good sub).

They can also play my favorite game, Final Fantasy XIV Online: Dawntral together.
BPD EB like this?
>Totally organic schizo dogpiling not from a discord though
holy shit get over yourself kek.
I wish you could exchange nuts for them
yeah sure whatever fuck it
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You should play it it's based
what plogon for the colored chat
i apologize to the male middies for my thirsting, i can't promise it'll stop though
I mean, she's technically meant to be a highlander and ogres are closer to highlanders than fiddies.
You know thinking on it it'd be weird if minfilia or yda were even highlanders because their personalities (yda's at least, not lyse's) don't fit fiddies much
Yeah that sounds good, I'm at LB14 with the others I think you know who I am just shoot me a /tell there with an invite to the discord and I'll hop on in
If you're a femra you're allowed to keep thirsting for as long as you desire.
Most of Titan EX's abilities used to do Physical Damage. This was changed when UWU came out, presumably as a byproduct of copying/editing the skills for their use in UWU. It threw some raid teams for a loop, as people were expecting Titan to have physical AoEs when he showed up, but they all do Magic damage.
anyone want to do roulettes?
Oh you definitely see them about in the wild, I see them in other generals reasonably often and oddly enough the most common time I catch them is in another gacha general.
i dont apologize, in fact every week that goes by with a maliddie EB i post even more about them
Nothing my throat can't handle, I assure you.
from bloodline do you worship male middies
don't fit highlanders* my bad
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It's called Chat Log Name Display Settings.
Sorry, corn. My brain is melted, otherwise I would regale you with esoteric knowledge about electricity.
Its in log options
youre able to keep your emotions in check instead of being a whiny manchild that goes on and on about how hard and unfair life is.
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I really should mess with the eye texture
then be my wife
>Totally organic schizo dogpiling not from a discord though
fucking insane creep
No but they do.
So post a PF.
Na. Not true. No one has behaved any differently toward me. I still have all my friends I had back then and new ones.
A lot of it is a matter of trust. I was encouraged by friends a while ago, long before xivg, to be more mean and obsessive by a couple of subs all in the same month. They all basically said something along the lines that they trust me, and that's why they want me to push them more.
And the trust is an even bigger thing on xivg where people are worried about logs leaking. You can't dive right into controlling someone and doing extreme things with them.
Oh on second thought Balmung is usually congested at this time isn't it? I can create a PF in private and you can send me a tell with the discord invite link
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okay freakyanon, heres your pit loving pic
i am
What I hate the most with lots of doms as a sub is when they always make sure that everything is ok with the sub and we do what the subs like and their kinks. I understand making sure you don't do over the top stuff that makes someone uncomfortable and both partners enjoys what they're doing, but when a dom keeps asking every time what the sub would like to do and what they want it just ruins the entire dynamic and point.
And most doms seems to like doing that.
umm ill apologize once the ring is on my hand...
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Discord raid moment
Thirst all you want, my wife
>going to lose again
you just know
Only took 363 posts for something useful to pop up.
As you wish
I can test how much your throat can handle, I'll bet you'll be whimpering in no time
>I'm so important, there's an entire server of people conspiring against me
Do you hear yourself?
what cc class should my mooncat play
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no one likes you boring vanilla ass basic bitch middies no matter how many falseflags you try
the only way you got sucked off was by one of your own fantaing lmao
oh.....Thank you!
pet receptacle
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Go ahead and test your luck..
You can't open your WT journal while sitting down. You might already know this but I constantly forget until I try to do it.
i'm queuing with 2 others right now but ill be at this aetheryte until you say you're done queuing or the queues die down
i-i'm shy. you just have to guess correctly which femlala i am
Yea fair I probably should have included trust in there. Because I'd probably do a lot of stuff if I either knew someone irl or had a very high degree of trust with them online.
I'm sure as fuck not going to go and publically humiliate myself for someone who doesn't give a shit.
She will be mounted if you do so.
>the only way you got sucked off was by one of your own fantaing lmao
NANA is good
(You) are not.
My ex kept trying to tell me I couldn't be a dom because I was too rough
/dote /dote
am closed
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only for you to show up
this one is very much builded for my femra, specifically.
My favorite dom is the exact opposite of that, he never asks me beforehand what I'd like to do, but things have never gone badly between us, it's like he can just read my mind. After a session we often discuss it a bit, but never before, it just flows by its own.
>raen malera
>non-faggy meena
Which should I play?
macchi is that a kate-coded slutty fiddie for you to cum to? lmao
I don't like self-insert games where all the girls are in love with the faceless MC for no reason
Angry jizzbrain moment.
builded for amazon press
yeah which discord would it be then?
what kind of coding is this shit?
I told a trans femra player I wanted to get her pregnant and now she's constantly after me.
Rope and chair
WTF I actually didn't know that, that's funny
I'm not interested in male characters for an EB. Sometimes an ERP here and there, though.
Yeah I think so...
One of my exes from here is normally really jealous but with me she wasn't. I would always chat with her, share who I'm with, include her and stuff. She just really liked talking to me and it made our different libido work out. She found it really hot instead of being jealous.
When I am really focused on someone, it's clear.
I enjoy it and there's nothing to cope about, Buddy.
You're weird to obsess over other people being different than you and bothering to reply.
I get just as much on a male char. But I like this character more. Posing it is a lot more fun.
BUILT for my melf
Sorry I'm not into that
Ain't much luck required for silencing you, once you're wet and whimpering from my throat assault. You'll be begging for a timeout before you know it
someone prolly has the screenshot but basically during the cloud server testing one of them swapped to femlala and when on a middie bend lmao
they love to deny it even though there is proof
that jacket must be made of some extremely strong material
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Miqo'te run this thread
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The Poisonous Bhujamga in the "Peek-a-Bhujamga Fate" should probably be called Venomous Bhujamga instead. Poison is eaten or secreted, venom is injected. Even though they do spit, you could probably get it on your skin and it wouldn't hurt you.
Holy shit, fuck Pagos. I'M FREE
Never used it so I wouldn't know
I use Teamspeak instead
because of this post I am going to tell my tranny femra crush that I want to knock her up
Oh? I may be amenable, what race?
You might trying asking Zoe or Vi if you know them. It's hard to help when I can't see the problem.
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sorry bro "What Discipline of Magic/ Discipline of War should I engage in Crystaline Conflict with?"
what world are you on, my future wife...
yeah this one
>get just as much on a male char
Big cap
Art of War is a gain on 2
>so I wouldn't know
ah ok then just speaking jibberish.
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I really don't need you to make 60 posts a day about yourself on an anonymous imageboard and pretend anyone is going to read all that buddy.
very organic posts
this miqo sucks, you can do better since vanilla is better
1.X didn't have the zone boundaries that we have now. Instead, every zone was separated by a very long and empty tunnel that served as a loading zone.
How is this a miqo'te?
jesus christ shut the fuck up already
a moonie that receives hands on head (what jobs do you like/want to pick from)
>this one
So you're retarded
Makes sense considering what you're after
Do you know how strong the average malera is? The answer may surprise you.
cute hypnofiddie
It's classic Final Fantasy XIV. Don't like it? Go play something else.

Oh, and stop raping children.
Catbox lewds?
Best is when doms just do what they want and if there would be any issues the sub can just raise their concern
what outfit is that?
BUILT for (pounding) your melf
They're not the same thing, they're actually the complete opposite. Living Memory are people who are ok with the fact they've lived their lives. Ultima Thule are people that mourned existance itself.
You are fucking disgusting. The kind of poison you vomit should be taught at universities. Shit like this is how you know that image post was not satire. You are a revolting piece of human refuse that should be removed.
pretty much all of 1.0-1.X was almost randomly generated nonsense
Someone can post one of the maps of the shroud but you can literally see the re-used tile almost right next to each other several times
made one of my subs trim her nails the other day because she said her nails were too long to do the thing i ordered her to do
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There's a lot of free movies on Youtube that are officially uploaded but Youtube is pretty bad at showing you what's available. Go watch Stargate, it's free!
We need more maleraen
what the fuck is wrong with your legs pinhead
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idk this i guess
Listen, pal. WE DON'T LIKE YOU. GOT IT?? We already had a vote on the Discord. You are NOT one of us. You are NON-COMPLIANT. STOP POSTING OR WE'LL CALL HEIKO!!
Are you blind or retarded, I need to tailor my answer
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>people are still butthurt about kate having pink hair once 2 years ago despite her going back to her normal hair afterwards
I need a face 4 moonie who wants a Yuri EB...
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first time? samurai or drag, maybe sage but im not sure how it plays and WAR is always safe
what class should i make my 2nd toon?
Assigning any motive to Macchi posts other than pure desperation for human contact is a mistake.
fragile lmao
You should be more open with your heart sis; don't lead others on guessing games when you're the one who is looking for it.
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i just wanna bust inside kate leave me alone
they/them pussy got the gorilla grip
Answer the question silly!
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Impromptu Suzume Movie Meet and chill in ~1 Hour (11 PM EST)
Mateus, Goblet, Ward 22, Plot 19

Social games or more movies after if people people want. Or maybe Orbonne/Puppet Runs or Sync FL or something, idk.

In the odd event we overflow the house we'll use the pools outside.
Ironic you post that anon
sorry I only like +
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Searching for posts that contain ‘femra’. Returning only first 3000 of 211579 results found.
I love how random that is, you can open it while you lean but not while you sit
The game always had somewhat inconsistent enrage timers and no one knew excactly why, by 5.0 Eden Titan Savage had such severe massive desyncs in its enrage timers (as big as 30+ seconds) that they realized the company hosting servers would shut down some servers more than they should on periods of low usage and they wouldn't turn on fast enough for the time people got home from their jobs to raid at the end of the day making the devs to create a routine to fake activity on lower activity moments so servers would stay on for longer. This fix broke UCOB balls forever and it never got fixed, they weren't so bad before. It also broke Heavensfall towers, the old visual glitch. How? Who the fuck knows.
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call him
futrannies have nothing to do with yuri anon
it's too late... maybe next week,,,
Looks like Shinkai slop, shan't be joining.
LMAO you're this upset over a copy pasta repost from 6 months ago. I don't give a shit what Lightcord wants. I play on Crystal.
If you meant this shit you were saying, you'd post your character, but you don't. You're just schizoposting. You don't stand behind any of the garbage you spew. You know people would hate you more than you think people hate me if you attached your character to what you're saying.
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yeah most face 4 cats only like futa and not yuri
>crashed akemi's meetup for this
lalas really are fucked
skin walker this, shizo that, sissy brapnoses there, where are all the ex1 and 2 farms?
akemi had a meetup?
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time to win my grand prize
whose the gayest poster itt?
>faggot keeps telling himself his tranny fetish is normal
>acts like anyone that calls him weird is crazy
holy moly.....
This was ZT by the way
You think anyone on xivg actually plays the game?
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My roulettes are taking too long today...
it's actually who's just letting you know bro
that meena that goes byuehheheh
depends on whether jean or uchiki is in this thread atm
The + posters
Could you please go two minutes without being an emotionally unstable futranny faggot? Please and thank you.
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easy money in bal right now
uchiki hands down
the deal is accepted
Thread believes anything lmao
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which catgirl are you...
yeah im going to bust to this, thanks boo. i should hit you in game sometime
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No one wants me to post my moonie...
What is an enrage? and what is broken with those towers
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he's reading this...right now!
Rent, fucking, free. Thank you for your concession, by the way. Now do the right thing. I'm sure there's a length of rope somewhere around your home. There's DEFINITELY a chair. If you can't find a support high enough to hang yourself from, a good alternative is the shower. What you do is you tie the noose onto the showerhead. Make sure it's short, no slack. Then you put it around your neck while standing beneath the showerhead and then, you just lean forward, with all your bodyweight. Gravity will take care of the rest. Now, it's not going to be quick or painless. Suffocating is a bitch, HOWEVER, it will put both you and us out of your mysery. What do you say, Champ? Do it for the glory of mankind?
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post lowlanders
which moonie are you...
can i see ur moonie
can u post ur moonie
Looking at old 1.0 videos makes me wish we still had it like that
cc doko?
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Goon. Plap. Sex. Cock. Rape. Cum. These are the reasons why we play the game.

I like this. You like this. We like this. This is Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail.

Wuk Lamat? The rite of succession? Sphene? Don't care about them unless I can plap them, and now that mods are back, we can. We can finally Play The Game™. Time to get comfy and eepy, now that mods are back back you can coom ‘n goon with all the classics in the ‘cord like AS (x3), GL, OL, HH, LL, SS, VM, MV, IM, and many others. All we need now is a movie meetup and it’ll feel like we never left Endwalker. One could say it's like going to the "grammy's".

Mhm. I'm there to submit, after all, not to get pleased.
>what's an enrage
Also the towers would randomly have a visual glitch that showed them above where they actually were.
and there it is
I'm a moonie in the lav beds...
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What arcane arts could Y'shtola be teaching him
macchi please share an album with all of your fake xiv ads
The person I am targeting in LB14 is the person I love.
God I fucking love femra
>futranny cope
I don't like goonies sorry...
I'm not in LB14 though
So who we bettin' is this melter?
He looks like he practices charm spells on Y'shtola.
femra fucking love you too
I think my favorite part of coming to xivg is watching the people going around talking about domming and subbing and what have you when they've literally never had sex before. Just fascinating creatures.
no one is targeting me.
but I'm not a goonie...
>I'm not being targeted
I didn't think I would be, but I tabbed back in because I hoped for just a second.
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>finally get to oogle LM's cock again while doing other things
Life is truly a beautiful thing.
how long does an anima relic take to complete?
wtf why do moonies never show us their moonies
LM and I talk about penises in discord all day
who is the purest male character and who is the sluttiest male character?
ok im playing drg sir
it might be hard to get a pop though i think people queued down
what she staring at?
cute outfit
great colors!
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>lalacord's male midlander rankings come out tomorrow

bros im nervous
What's weird about this is it's the perfect schizo, unless there's a way to tie cloud test chars to people's service accounts but I'm certain square wiped them.
if u saved up tomes for it extremely quick. if you didn't well...
Someone post the current lb14 roster so I can see if my wife is there and being targeted thanks
The irony of saying rent free when we haven't seen anyone living rent free in someone's head as lorilee does in yours for almost 6 months.
I'm curious on the melty bet odds too.
but only gooner moonies hangout at the lb14...
what do they teach at the hippo campus
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I have been playing on my shota, and its insanely funny how popular he is, already plapped some dumb hags.
I'd like to give this bunny private lessons in my house...
They hide behind the veil of anonimoonity
That is some nice confidence, think you can back it up?
god i hope im unlisted or low
Yeah I actually never posted that one. I guess I thought it was a little much.
You should.
Why did you answer with bro to the first question
>Asking an annoying faggot that's spamming the threads with his off topic bullshit to stop means I'm melting
Ok buddy, go suck his futa cock some more
so you want sex, but not a gooner...
Sounds like a good time to me!
yeah I've got like ten sets. how quick is extremely quick?
She is. We're all staring at her.
Is this all inclusive or are do you specifically mean males
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did yours pop
I got bismarck ex
I'm not asking for sex but an EB...
Wanna join?
i posted my moonie yesterday why do you want to see her again so soon
only parts that even take time is the dungeon spam at the start. then farming for light. everything else is tomes.
It was over before it even began, tototototoro bros and sisters... forgive me
you should post one more
This is my favorite one
my empty headed wife
can always just wait a bit, in the mean time tell me about your moonie
Hey! a gentleman doesn't plap and tell, but some people synced in loporrit have seen me run around and approach me, or i approached some hags. Its fun! im so glad balmung opened.
i posted my moonie and received ambivalent response
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You have something to teach this apprentice gleaner? Awesome! His mentor is gonna be so proud of him for learning something on his own!
lmao wth
ogey thanks
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it's okay. next time will go better
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here is she
What about the middiecord's femlala rankings?
go fuck yourself
i am someone's wife
i am at lb14
and i just heard the ppeep noise
It's alright, I was probably going to fall asleep from sleep deprivation trying to stay up to watch it anyway /pet
what happened....
I love this korean cat
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Posting my moonie.
LT can you stop
Delete this.
you mean middie council. and their rankings haven't changed recently.
We Hᴀve come to teRms
as if you're hard to tackle, you'll flop to the slightest sign of cock
Leviah sex
Why are Healers, White Mages in particular, such whiney little faggots?
if you wanted to do damage and focus on damage then play a DPS.
all inclusive
Sisters, we should post femra.
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here's my rankings
They're all F tier, fucking hate femlalas, some of teh worst posters and players in game
I mean yeah. You're telling me between all the catboxes, porn, flirting, ebins, and everything else you can't ignore one person? Makes me think its something personal. Did you get plapped and dumped? Plapped someone you like? I'm assuming the latter, you've got cuck energy.
Share them?
Some standard-issue clique lala overruled her meetup with his own for some dumb shit that no one wanted anyway. AS isn't in any of the super-powerful mega-cliques so if she hosts a meetup, it's considered non-compliant.
moonies have many styles
>that plot could have been mine
how to smash watermelons with your humongous fuckin hippo jaws
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hes so fucking pathetic
there isn't another meetup happening though
I think I'm a bit too shy for that, sorry, but thanks for the offer be it a joke or not!
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F91 needs a remake before tomino dies. We already lost Seabook's VA.
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uhhhh she uhhhhhhhh shes good at uhmmmmmmm
Why the fuck does your mind instantly go to fucking sex and gooning just because someone doesn't like a person? Literally get some help holy fuck.
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get a tripcode
eb like this?
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moonies have many uses
I guess that's something you'll need to test out..
people jerk off to this trash?
they are all whores
la creatura.....cute
king pin
too many to name
stop lewding moonies you fucking retards
sunnies exist for that
my sunnie will be playing deadlock
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I'm right here...
how did uchiki manage to become the thread's gay rep so quickly?
>writers concoct a scenario in which we exclusively interact with a handful of endless who don't seem to mind that we are going to pull the plug
>this justifies killing them
Sweet bro I love morality defined through artificially constructed consensus
party code?
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nobody jerks off to this other than the psycho himself
by being a faggot
what game is this?
being a moonie?
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>I do not like this person because they are insufferable in the thread and constantly avatarfag
>Oh yeah?! Well maybe you dont like him because he PLAPPED you and dumped you! Or because he PLAPPED someone else you like!
Because someone doesn't write out a long winded diatribe anonymously telling someone to kill themselves after antagonising them for a thread like a little bitch without cause, and there's so many other perverts, gooners, and ERPers to go for. So it's personal.

Get it out of your system. What happened, anon? What made you this upset?
by being gay on the first day?
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a simple case of pulling down my pants. The mere sight will make you fold
my moonie will be 100-0ing you on haze
probably has something to do with shoro spending 60 million gil on him to sleeve him and making him wear a maid dress for a week
i lost thanks...
I really should make my seedy ul'dahn hypnotist lowlander
me otr but also you wouldn't settle down i can tell
sign me up!!!!!!
sucked every single cock in his path
who did LT plap to cause this big of a melt? Their garbo blogging always attracts (you)s but it hasn't been this bad for a while
do you like lalas
hey guys wouldn't it be funny if we put ursa in our game
but then we made him ranged haha, as a joke, haha
nobody likes non futa sunnies...
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something came in the mail today

we need a rival wings meetup
my femlala is going to do it... t-tomorrow...
He seems cool but his character just looks gay
which reminds me
last night i was laying in bed
and i had the perfect analogy for healers
you dont play a healer
you fulfill a role
play other jobs in open world
not perfect but doable
do it as a healer
fucking miserable
same with dungeons
also miserable
because it wasnt meant to be played outside of anything but high end ontent
thats the only thing that matters for healer balance
The psycho face is sex
That reads like a towa post. Mad people don't like your same smelling farts face in every pic
The first one turned me on
The second made me laugh because of the hank hill ass :P
He's just annoying and ugly anon, it's not that deep.
and what's stopping you?
Goodluck, you got this!
next mogtome event i'm hosting one don't worry PUTA
I'm gonna bite those nips
he's been spammy and the discord screens are turbo cringe even for that mfer
>Because someone doesn't write out a long winded diatribe anonymously telling someone to kill themselves
Now, point me in the direction where I fucking did that retard. Do it. Now. Because ALL I fucking said is "Could you please go two minutes without being an emotionally unstable futranny faggot? Please and thank you." God I hate you retarded white knights so fucking much. At least direct your ire towards the right person, faggot.
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Based poster
posting my moonie
Never heard of Who's, do they play on Crystal?
Can someone give me a QRD on the FL schizo clique?
They all seem mentally ill. Especially Molly.
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I know it doesn't seem difficult to hit you up, but you're not passionate about half the shit that you're into, and I'm not having it. And we both know that I don't mean to offend you. I'm just focused today. I don't know why it's difficult to admit that I miss you, either. And I don't know why we argue. And I just hope that you listen. And if I hurt you, I'm sorry. The raiding makes me dismissive. When I'm awake I'm just drifting. I'm not complaining, it's just to say that I stay pretty busy lately. And I could be misbehaving, but I just hang with my static. I'm fucking famous if you forgot, top 50 on FFLogs. But I'm faithful despite all these dm's and discord e-girls.
this femlala is off from work hiii all
this nigga so retarded
t-thanks... I hope so...
Do it, now.
Nothing is stopping me, especially not you as you reluctantly bend for me
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Myron Bruh is the worst
What came in the mail today?
>laugh about a dangerhair living up to the stereotype
>'y-youre mad!!'
Dangerhair detected
nvm i just saw it, this thread moves hella fast
host it anyway, totoro is the shit
oops I forgot how 4chan worked for a second there
bro... i wasn't fast enough... x__x
gonna put a new one in the oven tomorrow so maybe in like a month or three
my moonie finds it fairly funny.. hehe..
as a normal person how do i convince the thread i am mentally ill
What is your femlala gonna do?
Do i? or have i?
Nice copypasta bait
I love Earl so much bros.
play a femra
i'm bored anyone wanna play the game?
Reminder that i rape all the female characters at LB14 with my male gaze
>try healer in my roulettes instead of dps
>every instance now takes 20 minutes because there's 2 retarded dps instead of 1
my one solace is stressing these retards the fuck out and watching them pop mits by overhealing as little as possible and using regens instead of spot heals
if you post a catbox with ur character having sex i automatically assume you're mentally ill
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I'll join most likely
I love driving oppressors and shooting towers and playing pve

My malera will be arriving at your house shortly and will sit on your sofa staring at a wall for the full 1 hour and 26 minute runtime of the film even if you couldn't get cytube to work.
some eu noname but
>it hasn't been this bad for a while
I'm a mentally ill femra
thats drinking tonight
not much else to do in ff...
Molly manipulating the bunboy market as usual.
simp for any ebin, bonus retardation poins if it's akemi, MM, or effy
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This is a lesson that has to stay between the two of us.
yea queue orbonne on crystal
i love this pic

should i come do a game or two of RW... is it popping....
want to do roulettes?
the maliddie council that everyone is talking about
hes just being a giant faggot as usual. how that nigger plaps anyone is beyond me
Don't do it sis, think about all your femra simps
meant to reply OOPS!!!
that wasnt me
put myself out there...
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Gee, this wouldn't be confusing if you just posted your character and explained your clearly personal issues. You seem really angry though. Little emotionally unstable, there. What's your goal? Purging the thread of all coomers, futas, and otherwise? If it's not personal surely you'd go after everyone with this zeal, buuuut...
Just be normal and helpful, eventually someone will skinwalk you and half thread will take it as truth
This was one of literally two grey rabbits I saw on the stupid moonfire tower this year. I had hoped for more.
>thread says nobody likes male characters]
False. If you're a male character with even a modicum of personality that's fun you will be swimming in ERP/RP/EB potential
>thread insists that F+ hate male characters the most
Also false. QS is free market for any degeneracy the only catch is be at least decent at RP and you'll get a rep quickly that can get you a lot of whatever degen shit you want. A coomer meritocracy at its finest.
>So the misandrist autism is only for this place, huh
People just like being hyperbolic about slight grievances sometimes for (you)s, Twitter reposting, or Discord shitflinging.
>not de. or fr.
not really, chatting with a couple people and watching football rn
queues might be dying but come queue anyway and try to keep them alive
You slut, you havent for me but now it makes sense why you arch your back so fast, as if you're expecting it
just give reasonable criticisms of the game and people will make up all kinds of shit about you
i know who's posting this
Good luck! /pet
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someone go help her
I used to just be submissive bottom with bursts of dominant energy, but lately I’m getting more into dominance (still mostly as a bottom… but using toys if I need to). It’s just really fun to watch a cutie squirm, and intoxicating to be in control and obeyed.
I just took a massive shit
but i still need to eat and shower and stuff..
I have the best view in all of LB14.
So is every negative post the same person or is it the cabal of people from the mysterious discord server coordinating an attack?
Oh thank goodness you didn't hit me with a "deez nuts" joke
ZWbros, how we holdin up
99% of his claims are you-wouldn't-know-her gaslighting
every time he gets involved with a xivgger it flames out after a week or two
Isn't this one of the beloved all-time greatest ebins? Don't we like "her"?
will you pet me if i do
You think she likes males?
alright... take your time
are all blonde characters free use coded
how the fuck are you domming while bottoming
"You MUST fuck my ass"
laz is so handsome wtf

even his thumbnail pic is handsome
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>Trying to join Sunana's party
>Helping her reclear shitty savage raids
>Intriguing her with my esoteric knowledge of the weird jp songs she listens to
>Seducing her into wanting to EB me because of my awesome personality

>Smooching Sunana on our wedding day
>Having my honeymoon with Sunana in Tomra where no biggers can interrupt us
>Impregnating her with three smoochchildren
>Traveling around Eorzea with Sunana so we can see the sights before we settle down

>Seeing her having an affair with another femlala after I get home early from my 9-5 smoochcommute
>Understanding that my delusions of the relationship working out were making me blind to the issues we were having
>Contemplate my life up until this point, was it really worth trying to make my crush on a thread celebrity work?
>Kill myself to end the suffering, prepare to jump off the highest point in Coerthas' hills
>Stop myself just before I leap into the abyss because I read the first letter of each line
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nvm they're still popping hurry over and queue up asap
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Crystal CC 7:45 ET
Come bully me I am trying a new class.
Find me already..
congrats on the dump, officer
I'd calm down but I don't know about settle down... I want to have one main person and very rarely ERP with others, ideally.
But I definitely could just not ERP with others for the right person. I could have with the last person I was with, it just didn't work out over other things.
Sometimes, rarely. Depends on the person and I don't like the dark nose face.
>because of the hank hill ass :P
lmao. I used to really embrace it. It's SLIGHTLY more shapely now.......
Someone suggested this hair to me and I don't really feel like it works compared to the old one, but I may find a better use for it!
>Everyone that dislikes this person is the same poster
Thanks for outing yourself as an absolute fucking retard.
>If it's not personal surely you'd go after everyone with this zeal, buuuut...
I have a schizo folder for every annoying ass avatarfag here with all their past blunders. And you're damn sure I'll make sure they never forget it should they annoy me again. Maybe don't be such an annoying faggot LT and people would leave you alone.
So again, shut the fuck up and stop replying to me like the retard you are, faggot.
humm should I make a post in the next thread linking who's songs I added? I haven't had a chance to listen to any just yet
I don't think you're mentally ill, I think you're an idiot. There's a difference.
i'm married, so never mind.
It must be something important, if you say so...
It’s easy. Teasing and being in control, commanding them, telling them what they’re gonna do for me…
Cute without the Two-face aspects.
i will try and fix my nose...
Pinning this fiddie down and impregnating her.
Then don't shitpost about nothing to do.
Same sweary tone. Same RANDOM CAPS. Same short punctuation. Sorry, son, you look exactly the same. Literally got people flirting all around these posts but someone starts melting at a specific person and that smacks of personal drama. You wanted to drag it into a public space and here we are. I can ignore people and posts I don't like just fine, I'll start doing it now even.

Have a nice night, I guess.
This reads well. Do settle down.
I'll be there before you know i, one second you're upright the next you're bent over quivering
Somehow none of these are blacklisted.
So is it canon that your wol carries body oil everywhere they go?
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I mean...............
underated shitpost
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your "package" "came" in the "male" ?
>yoshida tells me to play something else
>there is nothing interesting to play
what do? i tried wow but that game is a huge steaming pile of dogshit
but theres not anything to do in ff
i see him... just imagine...
my characters lodestone thumbnail is ugly

it's over
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she looks like she fucks hroths and gets her pussy and ass blown out by them
Hope you said hi or something
Its kinda hard because the hair is split colored
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This fukkin' rabbit I swear...
Hey it's that guy with 76 skinwalks
Race before I 'Hey!' back.
Calling your bluff right meow.
does BS like femlalas
I have no friends
That is fine
I already saw this exact post before you know...
I just want to play CC!
I'm so sorry ser
lmao nice cropping seethelord
I'm feeling really lonely
You're really unstable and clearly have a vendetta. Is it the usual jealousy, but you can't admit it?
You should get BG3 and play with me
where is rw popping
only server iut ever pops on, Primal
I can be friends with you if you don't mind someone pesting you to play the game.
Nigger you have beeen schizoing multiple people. Pretending to be them and fabricating shit about them for 8 months.
You are clinically insane. If you were next to me I would beat you to death. People like you deserve nothing but suffering. Just die already you useless whore.
I'll hang out with you
There is no way anyone is going to believe something so obviously made up.
It's clearly just you hating someone and having a vendetta with no evidence. You've posted nothing of substance, just you being unstable and angry.
I skimmed every song and I did not really find any new music to listen to. I remember when these threads use to have 2 or 3 bangers per music post, but nowadays it seems like the only posters are the people who used to put all the worst and most annoying shit on the cytubes like nightcore and anime shit. It's remarkable how much frankly unlistenable shit gets posted

this is the best song: >>493603487
I might take a poke around this one, so thanks
Don't remember asking retard.
I posted a banger but you have shit taste
If you posted a legitimate banger, then I've already heard it and it wasn't new music for me.
>I'd calm down but I don't know about settle down... I want to have one main person and very rarely ERP with others, ideally.
yeah this wouldnt work for me unfortunately and the 'schizo eb gimmick' doesn't work if you erp with other people, at least for me
I don't think I have that gimimck actually in game or in RP lol.
There's no anon schizos to shit on in game like there are here, so this never comes out.

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