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Previous Thread: >>493572578
Happy birthday to Arene!

[8/30-9/13][Standard]6* Sniper Archetto, 6* Guard Mountain (Shop), 5* Defender Bassline, 5* Supporter Quercus, 5* Medic Hibiscus the Purifier (Shop)
[9/5-9/19]AK x R6S Collab: Operation Lucent Arrowhead - 5* Guard Fuze
[9/5-9/19][Storm, Reinforce, Missions Cycle]6* Specialist Ela, 5* Specialist Iana, 5* Guard Doc
[9/5-10/3][Crossover]Ela, Iana, Doc
[9/5-10/3][Raythean Striker & Crossover Re-Edition]Ash, Tachanka, Schwarz, Liskarm
[9/5-10/10][EPOQUE Re-Edition]Saileach, Tuye, Mulberry, Suzuran, Mint, Scene

[8/29-9/12][Standard]6* Defender Horn, 6* Guard Mlynar (Shop), 5* Medic Hibiscus The Purifier, 5* Caster Warmy, 5* Medic Paprika (Shop)
[9/2-9/16]AK x Dungeon Meshi Collab: Delicious On Terra - 5* Defender Senshi
[9/2-9/16][Terran Food. Ah, Terran Food]6* Caster Marcille, 5* Vanguard Chilchuck, 5* Guard Laios
[9/2-9/16][Achievement Star]Irene, Leizi, Kroos The Keen Glint
[9/2-9/30][EPOQUE Re-Edition]Mountain, Akafuyu; Wild Mane
[9/15-10/6][0011]Wind Chimes
[TBA]Vector Breakthrough - Vanilla skin
[TBA]Come Catastrophes or Wakes of Vultures Rerun - Coldshot skin

>/akg/ website:
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
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Penance love
I love Penance and Horn
Lupos really are the best
You can only choose one.
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She's so pretty...
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Lupo love
Goodnight, friends
built for gangbanging in an alley
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>stinky lupos itt already
shit thread
goodnight Hornbro
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Goodnight bro
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Doc's childbearing hips...
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Best lupo.
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>Use chinky guides if you want to be a retard relying on 2-5 meta 6*s and still struggle.
>Use EN guides if you want to be a retard with extra steps, fucked deploys and "whoops, made a mistake I will restart the stage without telling you lol".
>Use JP guides if you want afk setups or 1 6* clears.
>Use gooky shit for sweatlord E1 4* only shit that will take you an hour to clear.
>Use spic guides for schizo 5* clears relying on 1 6* at most and minimal inputs.
It's not that hard.
> Use guides if you want to be a retard
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I smooched Hornbro.
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When are they gonna let us finally buy module blocks with $$$???
I'm tired of looking at holes in my roster.
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...or just don't use guides and play the game yourself because it's fun.
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If I had to choose, it would be Rita.
My soulmate...
That's gay
doc taking backshots
Rita will kick your ass...
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Cuddling with Penance...
Penance holding you tight like she might lose you if she lets go...
i thought they added something like that on CN recently?
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holding hands with lapipi
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How do you misquote that badly
based truthsaying cowe
>Use the newest MAA version if you don't want to play the game at all
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>>>>>I came from a kiss
nyes https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1jx421C7f8?p=8
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Poz deserves love too!!!
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Bro, my wife is right there...
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did Reynall seriously just invent NFTs?
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love that cow to bits
It stops being fun when you have to retry the hard stage ten times...
Nyes now buy
relentlessly smoochpressing a hornbro in front of his wife.
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>Bored Mateos
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she loves you too
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>gives up after only 10 tries
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Holy shit, a digital asset I am the only owner of???
We're diverting the Rhodes budget into as many pieces of Exusiai art as possible, this could be our chance to get our finances to the next level!
Women can come from a back massage learn this skill yourself
I'll take uhhhh, one montis nft
This is the most fun part of the game
Calm down Exubro... don't buy everything like you always do.
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Have a transparent version.
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hmmm chicken...
where do I find spic guides?
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it will be more fun when challenge mode stages dont eat 3 practice plans anymore
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whatever happened to just using your favorites whether or not if they're good or bad?
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I've always done that and still do. Game is never THAT challenging to where you can't get away with it.
thanks, no one else save this please
But I can see Horn right there
You tell me. Post your regular use squad.
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Would GG sit on me if I asked her nicely?
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>"I use operators I like"
You understand how you sound, right?
Privilege of not getting hollowed out into waifubait
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You're going to get the no man's land experience with all the artillery you'll have to dodge.
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Get him moose, get him!
If you're going after lupos, you might as well go after the young ones
NTA but sure, here you go
If you changed your profile to white, you are based.
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Leave me alone Agnese...
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see this lupo, what do?
Quaso eating a Quaso!
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Getting *smack*ed by a useless moose, how humiliating...
I carry her to her room
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I ask her how much she had to drink tonight and then contact her husband so he can take her home safely. Never drink and drive.
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big hug
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Iana you're not a sankta, why do you have a halo?
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only irons
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Can you?
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>see this
what do?
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why are you faggots talking like spics are relevant in the meta
That's your gf!! !
Mind my business so I don't get accused of being up to no good.
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can anything stop the pepe?
can anything STOP the pepe?
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>he's unaware
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>Cluster Charge
how does Fuze use these without killing the hostage?
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pure skill
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*eyes bulge out of mask*
*tongue droops to floor*
*drops extremely important forms kal''tsit was waiting on in puddle of droll*
>Tecno tries to act all cute to try and get her adoptive father Diaz to agree with her
>they actually animate her sprite blinking for emphasis
I wasn't expecting that
pretty sure mudrock has been obsolete for over a year
hello shitpah
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>pretty sure mudrock has been obsolete for over a year
hes responding to a post about using your favorites THOUGH
That's the thing...
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Nyo. This kot is going to the moon.
What is the theme here?
Dogshit operator convention?
Cute Snowsant.
Cute Reed and La Banana.
Cute Saria.
Cute Amy.
Cute nose Spuria.
welfare 5* soon
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damn, thats the best ENTER I've ever seen
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Obsolete for what
Well I don't have many defenders built and Mudrock is fun. Gummy has been really good too but she'll get benched once Senshi arrives.
Who's shitpah?
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*polish profanity*
And a better version because Paint.net's magic wand fucking sucks.
im out of blue gel...
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Then you just gotta wait forever because they don't give gel in events.
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>they actually made this joke
I mean, there's a quaso joke in it so nothing should surprise you. Also why's Blitz so handsome?
>this is how zhang leakerman got his info for the leaks
Do other earthlings give off the same negative aura like doctor?
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>few extra pieces of clothes plus a hood
is he calling me fat?
That's a nice Eblana...
He smiles a lot
No, he's calling your a mystery nigga. Or brown.
doc wears like three layers of clothes.
Doc wears like 4 layers of clothing, such a fucking weirdo
Cute bear gets smooch on top of head.
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Sexually correcting this angel to behave during prayers!
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2 slots free, add me if you like
>inb4 "returnfag"
i never left; just couldn't play much for a long period of time
Just wait for Babel event in a month
The doctor should walk around naked, please
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why do autos still sometimes fail?
Dude, Doc wears 5 layers of clothes.
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You can't fix this
Don't change your name before the 100 friend update, you're going into the waiting list.
Are you a nice poster?
My wife milked me dry
...whom is your wife?
Are you a niceposter? A funnyposter?
What is your favorite mode in the game?
...thoughts on tummies?
Noir+Arturia+Kal is an interesting choice for supports... I can't get a read on what type of Doc you are from it.
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was it love?
my cr-8 auto got fucked today because mousse rng talent... original run it activated like 5 times in a row on the boss but i guess autos dont save stuff like that
We are already friends bro, thanks for adding me btw, your supports were really helpful
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comfy end to a comfy story, did you like the RS6 event part 2? did you read it yet?
You are overweight. Hit the treadmill.
Haven't read it yet but I'll read it over the week
What do you mean what?
It was good. 7/10, 8/10 if it were a little bit shorter
>did you read it yet?
Latency issues I guess
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Hiding a faceless character's face behind something is such a cheap trick.
unexpected good feel from /vg/, no problem doc
if you're the anon about the friend list, what do you mean waiting list?
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I'll walk it off...

Ace Combat collab when?
He 100% has a second smaller helmet under his helmet
after the armored core collab
lots of funny moments, but I feel like they could have spent more time on the reunion with ash's team.
Though I've never played rainbow six so maybe the different squads don't actually give a shit about each other idk
I dunno why people don't like Iana, she's pretty fun.
It means I'm saving your profile and adding you when I have space, most likely when the 100 friend update drops. I ask you not to change your name because I added another anon to the waiting list and he was nowhere to be seen once I had a slot open for him.
>Ace Combat collab when?
If only there were actual planes on Terra.
It's your device stuttering and the game being unable to preform the action on its timer.
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>that typesetting
It's kind of fucked up how the R6 crew are just stuck on Terra
l-.... lewd image...
It's just Google image TL
I wish I was stuck on Terra bros...
That's how Google MTL does it.
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>yfw people get to try the frame rates on R6 1 boss in a few weeks
I pet Ceobe.
unironically a better fate than going back to tranny wheelchair esports in their homeland
She's not just Horn, she's THE Horn. Gotta address her properly.
Are isekai'd humans immune to oripathy or is the Doctor a one-off? Because getting infected sounds aboslutely terrifying.
Why does Ela have big boobs? Does she look like that in Rainbow six siege?
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Why wont they hire watersnake to draw ops still..
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Just ignore the haircut.
How's everyone's base performance?
I'm too lazy to do better.
Did they not end the esports arena bullshit after everyone got pissed off about it? Surely they learned their lesson.
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~802 hours away
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>Longer stun coverage for S2, ammo that can benefit from the ATK increase up from 17 to 27
>A significant damage/DPS increase of 43.17%
dId you get Ash's 2nd module? seems pretty great
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I check base twice a day.
>Are isekai'd humans immune to oripathy
definitely not, the scientist guy gave himself oripathy so he could control the originium mutants
Yes if u use her that's the better module
Yeah, the ATF killed espotfagging
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here she is!
my wife won't give me sex
have you tried asking?
My wife gives me too much sex
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She was decently buffed
i wont give my wife sex
whats 4k look like?
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I didn't expected a comfy story, a very different tone than first R6 story but overall, I liked it.
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wives that would peg you?
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yeah they replaced the whole oripathy and racism thing we've heard a million times with a more fun story about the struggles of starving artists and also cute durin lead
1080p shark is cute!
Mumu unironically
If you kept bugging her to do it she would
i smack my wife
Durin impregnation sex
...my wife makes me hold her hands and look her in the eyes while we have special time. Also we... kiss at the... big part.
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>plsaying is
suddenly see something white moving across the screen
>get spooked at a new enemy
>its my cursor
bros help im gonna
You fucking freak
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I want to rape Reed
I want to violate her with my filthy cock
I want to defile her body with my seed
I will make sure her bloodline dies out by not cumming inside while I rape her
My wife goes on expeditions for months at a time but she swears she's alone the whole time
Don't be rude to Kal'tsit
Don't be rude to Jessica
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Hope they do eventually, dude would be ecstatic
Not enough original works, probably not buddying up to anyone in industry, and had a bit of a tantrum.
Cliffybro... !
Apparently Logos is 5ft10 (178cm). That seems short for a male Sarkaz. Pretty little Banshee dude.
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Is your wife "tacticool"?
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They've got a couple, some of which I could see working for AK even
but yeah they're mainly amazing at drawing E2 like arts of existing chars.
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Can it be an AC6 collab so Shamrock can say LOOKS LIKE IT'S TIME FOR ME TO DANCE WITH THE ANGELS
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Of course.
My wife is esports
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I will never not want to cuddle with that woman
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>4 years
I completely forgot about that desu. All these years I just assumed the R6S Ops wouldn't need to worry about contracting Oripathy while stuck in Terra.
>he doesn't know
My wife beat me the fuck up yesterday
My wife just killed me.
My wife keeps trying to get me to rape her.
>Finally Exutent
>It's a collab therefore non canon
The monkey's paw...

Uh... maybe Warfarinbro when she took out too much blood but then you came back.
collabs are canon no matter how much you cope anon
I'm watching a movie with my wife
I'm divorcing my wife.
My wife likes it when I grab her throat

100% coonbro
I fuck, kiss and grope my wife whenever possible.
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My wife is a terrorist
Hmmm... Gavialbro?
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That's a cat! on caturday! Get a pet.
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What did m9nokuro mean by this?
My wife wakes me up at odd hours in the night.
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>100% coonbro
i want to rape my wife
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wut movie. 5 seconds.
>It's not an edit
Wtf how did that get past QA?
My wife wants to breed 10 times a day and she bites my balls if I'm not cumming in her.
My wife
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I suppose this list is for general players?
But Pozy is not divorce material...
the fuck does pocho mean
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Literal translation from Spanish is "spoiled fruit" iirc.
Let's just assume it means something bad
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>Elite 2 max
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>that very small text looks like an O that's probably fine
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SP Arknights community has some... interesting priorities for which Ops to use and invest in, apparently.
i still think its supposed to be an O but they gave it bunny ears
The spic gods have spoken.
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My Asky wasky...
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Post the 6* and 5* versions.
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All the named Sarkaz are really good looking desu.
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That's a banana
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Now attach a "My wife [thing]" post to these wives
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why did you marry a zoomer?
I love bananas
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It's an O that's scraped into metal so it uses sharp lines, but because of that it looks like a short A
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I'm something of a zoomer myself
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Only because you asked.
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weird to think spics recommend gitano of all 4*s to newshits
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I didn't notice that all 3 lists were made almost a year ago
But at least the 4* one is still relevant becuz of new 4* drought
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>fia e2 max
>but not reed2 or ines
There still aren't a lot of low star options for Splash Casters, I suppose.
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Retarded list, no logic whatsoever
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Why do I never see Closure show up when people talk about NPCs being playable anymore?
Has hope just been completely lost because it's been so long?
what are you smoking
she gets brought up all the time
You're just too low IQ to appreciate spic strats.
Kinda desu. I fell behind 2 chapters on the MSQ. I was catching up recently and remembered, "Oh yeah... Closure is with us. Would be nice if she got a unit..."
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>E1 only
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I've seen this movie hundreds of times so...
Leizibros what the fuck
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Clo is def going to be an op soon. I can feel it... probably in one of the next few annis.
She appeared in ch14 CG so that was enough to quiet them
I grope my wife's tits
Grope her
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Holy shit this one is bad
with breasts like that? i dunno mane
>They actually raise amiya.
>Lisk is somehow meta there.
>Same with motherfucking concrete.
>But they think almond, shalem, beeswax, BK, enforcer, grey2, and nothing are shit.
Any why the fuck E1 only is even a category?
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she's tactical but not cool. tacticlown more like
>Any why the fuck E1 only is even a category?
spics think 4*s are so shit they would rather use e1 5*s for guides whenever possible
>glove on glove action
bro this is a blueboard
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Someone asked last thread for NPCs people wanted and not a single soul listed Closure
When Santalla was made playable people said she was the longest we'd had someone stuck as an NPC ignoring Closure being an obvious op since launch.
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She's the tacticoolest...
Nothing can be done.
Very weird placement for Leizi. She really needs her module to be able to shine.
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This is literally the best time, faggot
... it's ok to take on a devil as a concubine right /akg/?
that post didnt really seem to garner much attention in general last thread
ratatosfag and CSfag didnt even respond to it
Especially pink ones
no by law you must have a feline
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I just want to watch the movie with my wife bro...
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E1 lists are for "I'm 2 poor to play this game daily"
Ascalon's tits are extremely perky
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>Greyy in bottom tier
these fucking retards
Now how do I tell my wife I have a concubine now?
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We should have cleansed Bolivar when we had the chance.
"I bought a sex pet and I know you want to have someone to scissor with"
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that's gotta be Gravel
Pregnant sex
>singular toe
i just know you like her feet
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Gods i want to make amiya a mother
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Gee doc, why do you get 2 demon king daughters
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Bullshit, you're already ogling her instead of watching anyway
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Unsanctioned, indecent relations with Rhodes Island operators of lupine descent...
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Before it was heavily implied then outright confirmed that Doctor is a human, I liked the idea of him being a Perro or Lupo. Mostly for the contrast with Kal'tsit.
CSfag doesn't exist / has left
I've seen the Ratatosfag though
Swire is a sexy cat
Nah csfag is still here
Or atleast they were here like two or three days ago
factually wrong
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Kroos feet!
>CSfag doesn't exist / has left
Fake news
Will the real CSfag please stand up?
Rare ape type race.
it's me
>Doctor is a human
Doctor is an ayylmao
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What makes you say that?
>Doctor is an ayylmao
So he could be a bunny
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they were here just the other day
He isnt from the moon
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Operators for this feel?
I'm not the CSfag but she's up there in my most wanted NPCs
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So you finally embraced your wife and stopped Sonaposting?
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do you like brunettes?
not Terra's moon
Post profile + folder of you wife
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How come they are still Bolivarians when they have 3 governments who are warring with each other?
Why don't they just split and make their own country?
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Doc is from Ohio
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... I did not see Blaze posted in the wife section.
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What did she say?
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blaze is my best friend
Because all of them have direct claims of the other two territories. No way they want to give that up.
Are YOU going to put her there?
blazefag is currently working
home sweet home
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Lapipizzeria is offering a 50% discount on everything this weekend
Jesus christ allmighty that lapp looks like she REEKS
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Anon... I'm demon.
I'm a Ritafag, but I join in on Lyudmila posting. When I was looking at getting into the game back in 2020, I saw her in the Unbecoming concept trailer and thought she looked cute. Bummed when I learned she wasn't playable though. Still hoping to recruit her one day.
naughty things in Italian
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One day...
Permission to sniff
I'll have uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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Im with Joyce on this one
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I love my tradwife
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potato farming wife
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>"Doctor, give me surveillance center access. I can be trusted with access to the RI landship security camera system."
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based lad
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>Nobody claimed Skadi as their wife
Well are you gonna do it?
SEAfags are still in school
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it's been 5 years, if your npc ain't in yet they're never getting in just let it goooo.
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he's sleeping... Doctor would never forget his wife
To be fair, the resident didifag did have some personal matters that might be distracting atm.
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Love my handsome goat wife.
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ah jeez..you just had to remind me
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That's a.... scorpion.
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This but also every wife that was posted
>no tail
elf threesome
Scarf sharing season soon.
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I'm (One of) the Pinusfag but I CSpost occasionally. CS is cute, red and down in the dumps so I like her.
Is Shu a tradwife?
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Isnt the shawfag also a CSfag?
No, she fucked her brother.
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Okay fine... and what do you get out of all this?
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Red truly is the superior haircolor
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Very cool wife, Doctor.
More like her brother fucked her
And killed her
quesadilla haha
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Indeed, red is rad.
Seeing Kjera on the receiving end is weird, considering she's usually the one "causing trouble" for Enya
Makes it even hotter, to be honest.
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....There are people who want to fuck Crownjobber?
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My Kroosy Woosy
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Deggy gets things done!
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>pretty much never does full "coomer" skins, not even something as mild as kal maid
>turns manticore into a literal sex slave
what in the absolute fuck did HG mean by this
Very rude.
>No sanity shields use
>Sudden crash
>Lost a shield while farming
Please, just this once. I've never done it before but... I MUST NYOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
lmfao purrkatz
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>pretty much never does full "coomer" skins
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Lyudmila just needs some guidance
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More like headpat.
Is Ela's S1 something that's good against bosses or does it not work on them?
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she started it
Your wife gets a coomer skin. Your reaction?
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Arf arf
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Happy but also kinda surprised?
I don't think Eunectes' skin is more coomer than her e2 art desu.
I... I coom. I would fap to it every week for the rest of my life. I would pay money for it if it was money only.
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shaw school swimsuit skin
All the swimsuit skins are pretty coomy, especially Surtr's.
and one for the true ass men in the crowd
my wife's default is more coomer than her skin
Weird way to spell Warfarin but alright
It's not coomer until it's L2D with titty physics but if that somehow happens I'd be happy. Why wouldn't I be?
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It'd be weird for her to get a swimsuit considering her only skin is already sportsy.
We can go even further beyond
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Raise iana
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Is this coom enough?
If I like it be happy, if not seethe while waiting forever for a second one.
Depends on how coomer it is, honestly. If it's overly coomer, I'd actually dislike it.
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Already has one. His IS2 skin art would be indecent for a female Operator.
I did but I don't have enough gel to do her masteries...
Gel...... doko................
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I love my cat
I'm late, I'm sorry!
I wish my wife got a skin in the first place....
i want to give ifrit a sibling
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Having your memories erased and then getting pounced on by a hyena girl does things to you.
Must be the only AK itasha out there. I was looking out specifically for AK on a long itasha meet video and I'm pretty sure I saw this exact car there.
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All is forgiven.
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Doctor developed a fetish...
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>CHAD shirt
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lotus nyo
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No there's plenty
Imagine mounting your enemy like that only for them to slap your ass and call you cute.
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Somehow I was unaware that the art book clarified that she's a hyena.
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Thank you
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doctors biggest fan...
Then they were nowhere to be seen in the last Odaiba Itasha Heaven. I saw dozens of BA cars, Touhou cars, Garupan cars, Kancolle cars and a bunch of random anime but the Car'tsit was the only AK car I spotted. Or maybe they were in a very specific spot where the cameraman didn't go to.
There have been so many bot posts on /a/ and /g/ in the last day and a half.
What's happening?
i havent thought of that meme in ages
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>Mount your enemy, ready to stab them to death
>Feel "something" stabbing between your legs instead
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Unironically trying to get people off the internet
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I recently switched to 3/4/2 because I ran out of LMD.
Hello schizo
There are bots CONSTANTLY trying to post on 4chan but the captcha keeps most out. If they're flooding hard then they got around it again.
hi Dr. Y
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I'm Mostima
Your XP is pretty bad... above and beyond gold... decent LMD (about 60k there).... awful orundum. You should take some of that gold production off and up your XP. I would also do 1 roll a week with the orundum.
>Sankta are Sarkaz
>Anasa are Sarkaz
>fucking Durin are Sarkaz
Are all races based on mythological beings secretly Sarkaz? Are we gonna find out that Oni are actually some offshoot branch that stayed in Higashi? Or that the Lung and Draco are originally Sarkaz?
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>Are we gonna find out that Oni are actually some offshoot branch that stayed in Higashi?
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*loud incorrect buzzer noise*
umm.... well....
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Not quite right
>Are we gonna find out that Oni are actually some offshoot branch that stayed in Higashi?
>Oni are actually some offshoot branch that stayed in Higashi

>Are all races based on mythological beings secretly Sarkaz?
Manticore arent, neither are Nue, Gryphons, unicorns, or snakebirds
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Look, just because my best friend lives in my house, sleeps in the same bed, shares finances, and we have 5 kids doesn't mean we're married.
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Well hello there. How has your day been? Gotten many devices I hope.
>Manticore arent
This. So much this
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Just best friend things...
Those are all... things friends don't do with each other bro...
>Manticore arent, neither are Nue, Gryphons, unicorns, or snakebirds
Or are they?
Elves are not Sarkaz. A Feranmut created them to protect nature in Terra.
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i only get 30k at most with full trading posts how?
Nue are undisclosed, gryphons and snakebirds are liberi, Unicorns are kuranta(for now)
Manticore are manticore
I thought there was something that implied that the Oni are related to the Sarkaz desu. I'm starting to suspect that the races that aren't animalistic are all offshoots of the Sarkaz. (I'd assume that the mythical animal types races are NOT Sarkaz though.)
Are you running 2 TP's with good workers?
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>inb4 the Feranmut created Elves from the soul of a Sarkaz
/akg/ wife orgy
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I just slot in whoever has the highest skill value at the time.
I still don't have a wife
spin a wheel
If it's so unusual why have 4 of my best friends said it's normal?
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I have multiple wives
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I don't fear best friend marriage. I'm married to Blaze and I couldn't be happier.
... who are these best friends?
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I'm missing Roca from the list but I doubt I will get her
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1/5 chance for Poca from crowd control
50/50 Weedy/Phantom from crowd control and melee
Weedy from Shift
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I think...
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The call is too strong...
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That's me...
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Hello mentally ill loser who camps these threads 24/7.
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Im gonna kiss this mouse
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Welp...At least it's not seige
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A cute angle...
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hey atleast she is cute and still usable
>fucking Durin are Sarkaz
Where was this mentioned?

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