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>Official WoW News

>Threads of Destiny - New Cinematic

>September Trading Post

>20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview

NA /wowg/ guild

Previous: >>493579050
reminder to report and ignore avatarfags
I'm tired of Argent Dawn EU being so full of puritain retards. Should I roll on Moonguard NA or does it have a PCU-esque organization as well?
I just wanna have some real roleplay in peace.
too many links
trash OP
kill all avatarfags
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how the fuck do you do the overload sporefused herb minigame? and dont say its the same as the one you overloaded because sometimes it doesnt even spawn the same type
Define "Puritain retards"
Is Thrall gunna do anything or is he just to let us pretend that horde still exists in the story?
is the war within, over?
He's there to fuck Alleria and remind her that having darkness doesn't mean you're bad. You know cause the Alliance can't
Nah MG doesn't have a PCU really. There's the SLP (Stormwind Law Project) but they are much smalelr than the PCU and keep to themselves. Most people don't even know they exist or ignore them
MG as you know is pretty lax and has all sorts of special snowflake characters that don't make any sense for RP. But nobody ever does or says anything because they'll incite the furious mob of "IT'S THEIR $15 YOU NAZI CHUD!!!!!!"

That's the price you pay with MG, you're free to do whatever, so long as you NEVER EVER go against he rabid, screaming, twitter-tier cancel culture mob
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You're Khadgar and Me and Anduin are everyone else enjoying themselves
>immediately struck with a 3 day ban for reporting the porn link of mayes latest tranny elf last thread
>low quality report is "submitting false reports"
lmfao I knew the janny/mod was a simp for the futapedo, what a joke this board is
and yes I did evade, joshua, you insufferable futafag cunt
the war within my tummy is over. the war within my undies begins.
there should be a server that requires you to show your irl ID and locks you into your irl gender so i can flirt with random girls like the good old days
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are they actually removing the pulling-from-the-ground cast animation for lava burst with the update? between this and the terrible ascendence model, this patch is actually making the visually coolest class in the game look worse
Pretty sure they have that in China
is sorrowdark a virgin
where the fuck do you think we are?
isn't the game down in china
he posts in these threads so yes
think they said something about servers coming back up over there
Turn arcane thrash blue NOW
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WoWg community for NA.
For those that wanna play with other anons or goof off and chat, but not be in a whole-on Guild.
No I don't care if you're a degen. Go wild. Dramafags get the boot.

would be happy for the china bros, they were so sad
I just mean in general, to do anything on any website
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Boil avatars
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Will they make the Emperor of the Arathi Empire a chud?
what does well cooked dog meat taste like?
I wasn't the one who posted porn but go off queen
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It's owlver
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shamans are pure fucking kino this expac
>doesnt think avatarchads are the mod's chosen people
lmao get back in line anonlet
you can ask on illidan and for sure they will know
What a plappable gilf
blood dk is the best spec
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The best thing about horsemen DK is when they run around breaking all the eggs and summoning more shit just for you!
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Why is fishing so much fun in tww?
Man, the scaling in chromie time is really funny. It's clear even with this they never expected anyone to actually be doing elwynn forest STV at level 60.
solo queue arenas are fucking retarded
If I didn’t love my panda shaman so much I’d race change him to earthen
what's the date of the 20th anniversary patch
did you just now figure that out?
yeah, i never queued for them before. what a waste of time
>dalaran destroyed
>dk, dh, and rogue class halls are all scratching their heads right now
Why tho?
i like this worg
*Scratch one big dandruf off my head*

Errrm... This isn't right.
solo shuffle is only good for getting 1800 in the first week that's it.
>expecting coherency and competence

You're funny.
because its relaxing and you get money
Only one of those were in Dalaran
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damn the darkmoon decks are trash this expansion
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Hug and cuddle avatarfrens
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Huh, didn't know they gave this a new model.
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I love Zach Hadel!!
they are slowly updating all the old secondary/tertiary models in the game
Nice, would be nice to see them give some of the older cities an HD update.
holy fuck that looks awful
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Also this thing is big enough it's probably affected the weather nearby.
agreed, it looks too good, therefor bad
disney boat
Disney BLoat
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Seriously, look at this fucker, it's probably the tallest thing in Kalimdor not named Hyjal
I think it could have looked better if some of the windows were broken and more of the paint was missing. Maybe make chunks of the planks missing or parts of the mast start to split.
>Disney Bloat
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Also no collision lmao
>queue for heroic
>do more dps than someone 20 ilvls higher

why does this happen so often do they just not try?
Yes. Heroics are shit and everything dies instantly, certainly too quickly for classes which have a complicated rotation. No point in effortmaxing especially if you are a more complicated class in certain situations.
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>group of randoms cant grasp the mechanics of The Darkness
It's cute that you're coping on behalf of them by pretending they're simply choosing to not put in effort, instead of the reality that they're incapable.
>Biggest thing in Kalimdor.
>Doesn't have 500000 birds perching on it, or Goblins renovating it into a tourist trap.
most loreful class for earthen besides shammy?
>on behalf
i think hes playing uhdk
i did like one run of thag dungeon. isnt the point just to keep the candle away from the mechanics, and light it up with shit from a pile?
What are the chances of WoW getting another graphics update before WoW 2 comes out? All our other competitors already have much higher fidelity than we do. Blizzard needs to catch up before we're left behind.
It was like that in Dragonflight too with mettle xir
I'm gonna be honest I'd pay to stay in a hotel room ontop of the sword.
Mage, Warrior or Priest.
Why Priest? Cause of the weird lore around the Seeker mounts.
is it just me or are verdant seeds not worth it at all everyones hogging all the dirt and i constantly get "you cant loot this" this just seems pointless
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>shitty rank 1 gems are selling for 2k gold
>max rank is 5.5k
i know im a cheap ass but wtf is this shit
rank 1 blasphemites are like 500-600
I'm guessing that the expansion after TLT will be what essentially is WoW2
Updated zones, better models, better character creator, player housing and the likes
basically. no one would kill the adds, no one would run candles, everyone just sat on the big candle in the center of every AoE and surprised_pikachu.jpg
turn on warmode
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*starts powering up*
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heh.... this isn't even my final form....

*heals you*
*blows into your ear*
Oh ty
>literally none of these far leftist libshits that like to clown on Blizz at every opportunity have put Blizz on full blast for having their most prominent black character to date voiced by a white woman
Go figure these faggots don't actually care despite claiming to oh so inclusive.
I'm plapping this fox so she can work off her extra energy before she implodes and takes out one of the Dalarans.
im going to give you a timeline of events to come since youre new
>healers unkillable
>some faggot devs pet project
>healers have way to much impact
>can carry multiple maps alone
>dead after two weeks because unfun and extremely damp
>que bitching on forums, youtube, and twatter
>11.0.5 patch notes update
>dampening introduced into bgblitz
hope you enjoy, sissy!
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This post made me blind
cuckposting aside, does thrall even have any darkness?
I thought he was basically 100% a good guy which was why he is the only horde character allowed out of the cuckshed
>Old world revamp.
>You can go to chromie/caverns of time to choose of you want to level through scaled vanilla, scaled cata, or a brand never azeroth.
>To make up for the new render distance all the zones are 2-3 times bigger with quests that send you to multiple zones and back.
>A lot of the quests aren't related to the big bad of the expansion or some huge thing like the cataclysm, instead it's relatively contained stories like "OH SHIT ANOTHER GNOLL WAR" or a new defias brotherhood.
>Each zone has a few spots for player housing that are instanced. Guilds can pool gold to build huge guild halls like the dojo system from warframe but not shit.
>Gold sink of the expansion is a manor in any of the major cities.
>PvP content where guilds can fight over plots of land.
Good or bad.
god i wish that was me (the one receiving the healings)
do "people" really care about the skin colour of fucking voice actors?
Is druid the only class that has to path through nodes that effect spells you will never use and probably don't even have
expensive and won't happen
Lor'themar status?
Enh or ele
why do all screenshots look like shit? new change to graphics or are all of you using some very retarded sharpening/shader on top?
currently updating his will in preperation for midnight
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Where the FUCK is my tank goody bag
It would be hilarious if they killed off another Belf as if their numbers can afford it
All the healer crap can be prevented by giving classes talent choices or abilities to remove the healing the target receives, could even be a permanent effect of the PvP sets.

It's how they do it in mobas, if your team buys those items then the healers are irrelevant really, it's just skill vs skill in the same amount of time.
>Old World Revamp.
>Horde going to have to play second fiddle in Night Elf focused expansion arc, despite all the Nelves moving to the Dragon Isles.
>full furry scalie premade in bg from moonguard
the absolute state of this game
they removed its soul...
I wish that was true but I was having much more fun with my shaman in season 3 and 4 dragonflight. lightning build is hella boring, it's like frost mage but even worse.
There was a quest in cata where you had to help him purge his biggest doubts and most negative emotions that I don't remember too well. Main thing was him holding this huge grudge against Gul'dan for damning the orcs and wishing he could bring Gul'dan back just so he could punish him all over again.

He suffered from hero worship and had a blindness for certain orc heroes, which lead to him trusting Grom way too much and lead to the entire Garrosh incident.
Speaking of which, he also cheated in Mak'gora with Garrosh which lead to the elements abandoning him for years.
half the roster has shitty 25% mortal strike
arms has 50% for four seconds on a 30 second cd
for some dumbass god damned fuck shit reason fucking fury has a full 40% if they get uptime, they need to get rid of this shit btw
Its still not enough
you have to turn that shit up to 75-100% or some shit like that but then the healers have strong drs or abilities that stop dam for a time, so it would have to be long too, the devs arent talented enough to come up with a real solution so i cant see us making it past the .1 patch without dampening
Why the fuck would elements on Azeroth care that elements on Draenor helped a green guy out?
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Can you still collect these things even when you're not 80?
>dampening in bg
that's alotta cope
the graphics are a great filter for second life retards
why do his screenshots look so shit? They're an eye sore
Do we know if low level alts can do the 20th anni stuff? I might just wait to level my alts until then.
you're delusional if you think they're just going to let it ride the way it is
ive been saying its botched since they released blitz
you're getting dampening or they're going to drop a healer and add a dps
That's what I don't get. Healing in PvP only gets more crazy as time goes on, yet as time goes on blizzard only nerfs MS effects. Huh?
These things need to be cranked up not brought down. Like you said 75-100% MS effects. It's the only way they're effective. Not even a 50% MS is effective in the modern day so why the fuck are all normal MS effects like 20%?
how come certain world quests will offer gold but then when I log on an alt that exact same quest offers something completely different
because the green guy's voice actor needed to take a sabbatical
wanna bet on it that nothing changes
>team gets destroyed in mid
>save this mage
>he then runs away from you and dies
not my problem
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Oracle holy priest is fun and good!
Can someone explain or link me to why higher tier crafting materials sometimes REALLY makes a difference and why sometimes it barely moves the needle as far as concentration needed for next tier?
what's fun about it?
I've only played voidweaver disc and archon shadow atm and liked both of them
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im willing to put $1,000,000 on it
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>what's fun about it?
It gives you glowy eyes
you can do TW strath, 2 wings, dire maul, 2 wings old deadmines and zul farrak from level 10
post ilvls
dont be a bitch
just do it
i dont want to see any text
i want to see fucking pictures
if you dont post picture
you're fake and gay and should fuck off
Panda and Drag'thyr heritage when?
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I think I found the reason Gnomes can't be Demon Hunters.
people realized tanking isnt hard
>t.1600 rated fotm frost mage
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R8 no H8 plz.
Oh good lord. This reminds me of Poppy's animations from League of Legends lol. She gets all stretchy swinging the hammer too
No but you would think at least one of these extremely mentally ill fucks would use it as a reason to shit on Blizz daily.
Surprisingly none. At all.
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I make my own shitty crafts. ilvl is pure brown.
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>When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back...
IT'S OFFICIAL the new name for the transmog, mounts and cheevos "players" is mole people, sorry but this is max decision
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>Drac'thyr are Indians.
Good morning sir, I'll be your hunter.
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i haven't done a single heroic
How long has the character restore "feature" been disabled for now?
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If i craft a thing using these does it count as spending 30 upgrading a non crafted item, for future upgrading in that slot
You're irreversibly behind now. It's over.
Based self sufficient craft gamer. That's what I did for all my gear too, besides the reputation reward ones

It feels really rewarding to make my own gear desu. Even if it isn't 590 ilevel it feels good
No. The only way it counts is if you literally go to the dracthyr in that little house and click upgrade
I want to stare into her abyss
take off your pants
Using crafted gear is cheating btw, if you are then you didn't beat World of Warcraft: The War Within
more than 6 weeks
please make a ticket about it
Did about two weeks ago, there's no ETA on it.
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You know the deal, anon.
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I gathered all the mats myself by skinning, and then the crests and valorstones by running heroics and world quests
Then I made all the armor myself after an enchanter created the crest for me

I play the game :3
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If you are on NA I can make you better braces/gloves/boots/belt/helmet
Free with your mats :)
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I miss my sugar mama /wowg/
Very kind of you man, but I'm on EU, it's ok though I spent a good hour gathering mats this morning so I can craft it
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I've been lazy.
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>everyone told me skinning is dogshit
>my skinning level is 25 am i am getting 600-700 gold per rare i kill
>plus guaranteed 5k gold a day from Superb Beast Fang
bother them to restore your character
say you won't close your ticket until your character is restored
Any WeakAura to show the Nerubian Pheromone trinket popping?
Ah word best of luck bro
you added those question marks?
Which warlock spec has the least amount of buttons?
I just don't really see the need when I'll catch up when m+ comes out and guild hits nerub ar.
All 3 of them are braindead easy. Demo is probably the easiest though. Warlockfags have it easy.
they'll kick u for no gear
Not if I have anything to say about it
You on EU brother?
Lol lmao even.
i just can't wait to make my own m0 world tour groups with my undergeared tanks, filtering every dpscuck below 584 and gearing in a single day
why is the thread so dead?
we just launched
the maintenance within
The item level cap is 600. I will not be inviting anyone below that. Be prepared or be left behind.

>World of Warcraft: The War Within - 93% Critics Recommend on OpenCritic

Game of the Year for the 20th anniversary? Is it possible?
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There. Is. No. Content.
MMO expansion of the year? Sure. Game of the year? No.
post more Sorrowdark titties
>hiding your name
how do i get 590 pls respond
I want the AI poster to leave.
I am going to bed. Content will resume 2mrw.
NTA but wouldn't that mean this thread should be active? Ain't shit else to do but post here.
>we just launched
then why can't I raid, or do mythics? We're in the paid open beta right now
if i dont y'all see i haven't raided since legion and ill get bullied and will cry
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>bought the expansion today
>hit level 80
>don't feel like playing anymore
it's more active during EU hours cause yuropoors are all on bennies and can play 24/7
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>he fell for it
Enjoy Shadowlands 2.0. No refunds.
sounds personal, have you talked to a doctor?
>World of Warcraft
>One of the legendary game in the history
>Hundreds of millions of players
>A movie
>Half of video game culture comes from WoW
>The whole world knows about the Alliance and the Horde
>Film and music artists have mentioned it either in their works or in interviews.

>Not once GotY

Weird (unless the journalists knew about the rape culture)
At the main 5 GOTY award shows, MMOs aren't ever really considered for GOTY.
The Genre's typically just looked over
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im poggin up and im poggin down, im poggin all 'round the town
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>queen's pheromone
the movie is based on Warcraft 1 and not WoW THOUGH
Dracthyr priests can run faster than feather spamming by just pressing spacebar
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Here's the real GOTY
*one shots u*
The best art always gets snubbed for mainstream slop
super mario 64 did it better
Female humans fart in the tub
>game for children

but a massive marketing campaign on reddit and 4chan
can confirm
widow arak'nai owes me sex
anime loli
This is true (my face is the tub)
I consider myself BiSsed out, and I refuse to grind valorstones or hail mary rare drops.
they should have put azjol nerub and ahn kahet in the M+ pool
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i thought ear customization was being added to humans and shit? where's my elf ears god damn it
>not even 580 which is just adventurer gear
>"i refuse to grind for valorstones" when you are constantly capped just playing the game
Literally NGMI
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These are the people feeding you your opinion. Stupid sheep.
she will save us when we least expect
>Bunch of white dudes who play video games
>And a fat girl who plays video games
Good opinions genuinely, better than fags
should i main on moonguard
I urge you to check their X bios.
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Noooooo why isn't chad reviewing mmorpgs? I need his opinion to validate me!
Ah it's you
Nobody cares negroid
I think everyone sort of agrees that MMOs are sloppy. They don't do much outside of the formula and simply move from one expansion to the other without adding anything of note. Dragonriding was the most novel of features added to any MMO in the past decade. It was super cool, new, and different - but it also didn't shake up the format enough to be more than a curiosity. And some people just didn't like it for whatever reason. Were at a point where MMOs are just "expected", if that makes sense.
>literal normal dudes
Yeah, that's cool
That's not at all what I said. You should make up your own opinion about things rather than lean on paid retards to tell you what to think.
>Ah it's you
First post on here in literally months.
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>Let other classes be dragon with absurdly op racial
>People race change
>Nerf racial
Trust me i coldn't care less about the opinion of reviewers or i would have quit during shadowlands
I can't really think of a single year of its life where there wasn't at least one game that was more deserving.
The devs literally don't care about the racials now
Is that Jerry Cantrell in green
>First post here is instantly talking about some literal who game reviewer's twitter account
Yeah okay back the way you came freak
Bye bye now
And they sttill won't nerf Shadowmeld or Dwarf racials.
>le dreamworks face
Get your tongue out from the reviewer's ass, kid.
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how do people have fun playing battlegrounds? this shit is so fucking awful lmao
>run in
>do my burst
>get CCd 15 times
>this intended gameplay
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the half patch changes can suck my ass
"Splinterstorm applies Winter's Chill to its target"(this is the fun part) has now been replaced with "Splinterstorm has a 5% chance to grant Brain Freeze." WHY? THE CLASS NEEDS LESS RNG
>frost mage the funnest it has been in years
>don't even use ray of frost single target or multi
>just do full aoe ORB
>barely use glacial spike
>spam ice lance and do big damage
i WILL NOT play sun kings blessing you cannot make me
They technically did for Shadowmeld if you aren't the last one alive when you pop it threat just goes back to you and you die. At least for dungeons and raids. Its still useful given this game still the stuck in combat bug.
I'm impressed you got this with Bing
Just have your healer boyfriend(gay) heal and dispel you
your main problem
Hey retard I don't know who the reviewers are nor do I give a fuck
I'm saying it's beyond cringe of you to have your "first post here in months" be some random callout for some literal who gave reviewers like anyone is supposed to give a shit
Why would ANYONE here care about "their twitter accounts"
Drop dead
That's why I only like Epic BG's that have PvE stuff tied in with them, AV being the king of it.
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Triggered much? :D
heal, BGs instantly become fun
tbcfresh or real fresh when
holy fucking shit
i want ot get dragonslayer
i want to get zg
i want to get songflowers
i want to get dm buffs
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Why are Draenei so horny?
Like what evolutionary benefit did it give them?
handlebars so the ones with the smaller cocks and get face fucked by the bigger Draenei
jerry is like 50 maybe older at this pooint idk
hasnt been fun since i was 14
arena opens in 2 days time
it will be glorious
if you're going to put the NA guild in the OP put the EU ones in there too
Wait there are actual EU guilds?
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I really want to go find and look after Wenren's cat...
i think its cool when the crystal in hallowfall changes to purple
Nerub Silkweaving Forum!!
Assume I'm a braindead monkey who can't hit buttons.

What specs have the most downtime where they aren't doing shit and I can justify sitting there like a lazy fuck waiting for my cooldowns/resources to become available?
Nerub Silkweaving Forum

there might be some drama between them, nobody knows for sure
SM main use is as a free interupt in pvp the stealth is usually immediately removed by dots. Oh and it's still amazing whenever you need to afk while leveling or break that stuck in combat bug. The other nelf passive racials are pretty good too.
I just want to play with wowg anons dont care beyond that. t. nerub gm
playing fury war is like vomiting on the keyboard. you just randomly press buttons because everyone is off cd
retardo esl
classic wow is more your speed. all specs and classes are always slamming buttons in retail
first phase of TBC is fun. after SST/TK it's all downhill
Will WoW ever add racials that make sense?
Are you scrubbing the floor? How the fuck?
learn 2 narcissus newfaggot
>hasnt been fun since i was 14
for you
what should i name my toon
this but ironically
aside from the mara boosting part fuck that place only good for trash blade
Which ones would indulge my retarded fantasy of playing a High Elf Death Knight?
>+10 to deception and trickery
Really? You can keep UI stuff on screen as well?
The matched lighting threw me off. Also the brush and bucket.
>race change
They are already nerfing the racial lol
Nerub Silkweaving Forum on AD Alliance of course. Everyone here is retarded
ask me how i know your damage sucks
its ok pablo, i know the lessers enjoy retarded shit
TBC was the best version of wow
it mystifies me how blizzard continue to fuck up. time and time again. look at what they did with SoD? the classes were more or less perfect in TBC. like yeah who gives a shit that heckin ret paladins aren't top dps they will piss and moan regardless of what happens, but they really thought that slapping some shitty retail abilities into vanilla would get people interested. its a MESS. the forums and reddit are constantly on fire with every single class demanding this and that.
look at what they did with diablo 4. they had arguably the best arpg of all time with diablo 2, made another banger with resurrected yet any new project they work on is a dumpster fire
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NTA but you vastly underestimate how much effort Trollanon puts into his images
The lighting is verrryyyy slightly off on Trollanon.
He took the image with UI elements on, outside of Narcissus. Then posed his troll in Narcissus with the bucket and brush doodads on the scrubbing animation (which is actually easily done in the addon)
Then cropped his troll into frame, making it look seamless

He takes it very seriously
more datamined items
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Why aren't you made of wax?
whats your rotation
>other people doing stuff i don't like make them "pablos" and "lessers"
low iq take
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Holy shit, that's my favorite shield!
These look really good
so now that we're on the cusp of season 1, what do you guys think of the expansion so far?
Sounds good to me, where do I sign up?
dei disney tier floppa sloppa
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Cata levelling with chromie time is kinda comfy. Though the game freaks the fuck out with the scaling at higher levels.
Still waiting for the expansion to start.
Leveling dungeons have gone to complete shit now and every dps and healer I level gets stuck with a tank that's afraid of his own shadow and pulls one pack at a time, sometimes less if he can get a CC off before someone gets fed up and pulls for him.
Dungeons aren't fun right now. Tons of people leaving, long DPS queues, absolute spazzoid pulls... I'm at 580 and I can't bring myself to run another heroic with the community in such a shit state. I'm gonna just start leveling tanks because this shit fucking sucks.
30-41 is where the scaling got kinda funky in df so i think it'll be 41-50 that's the new struggle zone
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cool we get the argent crusade shield but when are we getting the knights of the ebon blade ebon blade?
no one actually likes evoker they just play it because it's over tuned. Actually playing it is unitesting and has zero class fantasy.
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Yeah, what the others said. Adjust lighting, every race has a scrubbing animation (so everyone can get on all fours, have fun posing pervs), and scrub brush and bucket visual extras.
And yeah, Alt+Z to get the UI back on screen. Handy to keep an eye on chats and such for shots taking a bit.
>He takes it very seriously
I gotta try! And it drives me insane the lighting effect in it is limited to not match darker areas perfectly.
Might just be because I've been lazy about equipping new gear but I feel like the 50s and 60s are the real pain.
Doesn't feel like Warcraft and hasn't for a long time. The new "biggest story we've ever told" shit is missing. It's nothing like older expansions so I dunno what the fuck Ion was talking about when he said that.
The quests are just laughable. I can't even be fucked writing this anymore the game is just so radically different and as a grown man I don't think it's for me anymore. It's for children or women.
If Horde sign up to the community first, otherwise ask anyone from the guild for an invite or apply through the guild finder
you're really good at this
Which classes thematically fit for earthen?
Gottcha I forgot guild finder was a thing
Paladin and Shaman
Paladin (idgaf about Earthen specifically, but dwarfs in general), see Muradin.
Priests too.
Rogue maybe if we're talking Blackrock Depths.
can I get by on just using the default UI and dbm
I'm ilvl 587 and will probably hit 589 tomorrow. I might not even bother running a single M0
u dont need dbm
u dont need your liver

*stabs you and harvests ur liver*
Seeing people look for the sureki war chest near the sacrificial pit and telling them they have to jump in the pit to get it is the funniest shit ever holy fuck
Earthen Paladin feels really fucked to me. It's like committing to being a zogbot. You are free of your edicts but you take on new ones to be the vessel of another entity.
depends on your class and if you need WA or not
It's what I use
Details and DBM, and I don't even pay attention to DBM
Feels a bit too small. They made a huge mistake with how condensed the main story is. When you go out of your way to do some of the side hubs you get pretty okay story bits like fucking around more with the Kobolds or the Earthen councilman playing both sides but these are specifically relegated to side content. Even going out of your way to do all that it stills feels pretty small. All the zones just geographically feel smushed together and in terms of like both mass and content within them they could all do with another 30% tacked on. Ringing Deeps specifically genuinely feels like 1/3rd of a larger zone that is just missing.
u need dbm
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I can't wait to do M0 with the new daily lockout. We're going to be chillin'.
some of these are really nice.
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This is the fucker I leveled for the heritage armor. Paladin.
>see Muradin
he's like the most warrior dwarf ever
>quests in Vanilla
>hey dickhead, go here and kill this guy. cut off his fucking head and bring it back here. if you're lucky i might give you a shitty belt for your troubles. can't spare much else since all of the good gear has been given to people far more worthy than you now piss off
>quests in retail
>zoinkers! the old gods or something are mad and coming to get us! quick, put some honey on the ground and then fly up into the sky and bomb them with unlimited ammo. don't mind the king of stormwind, he's just on his period
You should get WA and you really do need plater but otherwise yes.
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maybe lmao
you're alright juan, idc what they say about you
damn son that's a fine looking w-
oh. nevermind
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Thank you.
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>lil wyte boi can't even channel the light
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Yes and no.
i wish that nigress would channel some better looking hair tbqh
Not sure if they have high fantasy weaves for niggers.
...that's not calling him a paladin, it's saying he's being supported by one
he literally never fights with the light lol
>hey i need you to go spend 20-25 mins travelling from ek to kalimdor/kalimdor to ek and kill 7 specific mobs, 8 other specific mobs and them come back
>ok now go back and get some quest items and kill some more specific mobs

>i use AAP so i dont even see the quest text
>MoP remix
>20th Anniversary event
Has Blizz finally done it? They figured out a way to stop people from unsubbing 1 month after a major patch?
blizzard insider here. the sales number for war within is so low we had to revisit our revenue predict and drastically lower it. The worst fact is that we don't even know what we did wrong.
Ah, that makes more sense. Carry on.
So did Anduin rez Khadgar or just give him heals?
Holy fuck learn to read
>Benefit greatly from Paladin and Archmage support
Does anyone know how to get through the torches? Literally no one anywhere has ever mentioned this.
I already unsubbed.
>people permanently quit during shadowland
>some cucks resub for the new expansion while the majority got burned
>expect them to come back before of 2 decent expansion
lol. getting a customer back after giving them bad service is almost fucking impossible.
In the past it would have been a heal while he was really fucked up or even brink of death because the old writers have some respect for the sanctity of lore and how incredibly difficult resurrection is supposed to be. Even for extremely powerful beings like Aegwynn who had to use the combination of Guardian powers and a mother's love to bring back Medivh and it still nearly killed him.

Current writers only care about le epic Marvel moments though so it was probably a full on rez.
>the paladin can continually cast holy light on him
>palacuck in a dress spamming heals on the chad warrior
fucking kek. we need to go back to this style of gameplay. Vanilla really did things right
My main's got blacksmithing and mining for profs so how good would herbing and alch be?
Maybe Anduin was just edging himself with the light for so long he got a giga burst that put Aegwynn to shame
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Are Shadowlands raids soloable?
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Hold W
I'm going to assume this is a nothing trollpost but I gotta imagine at least one possible reason for low revenue is that The War Within just... has no theme? No one gives a fuck about Nerubians and I guess it kinda focuses on dwarves but "The War Within" is such a nothing expansion name.
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TWW is just the Midnight waiting room, anyway. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying TWW is bad, but let's be honest -- Midnight is going to be pure kino. The very first expansion that wasn't tainted by Danuser or any other of the Shadowlands losers as I call them.
>winning bg
>killing em all
>over extend
>no one coming to help
>about to die
There's a 90% chance of death even after walking through. I know that Blizzard hasn't been doing so well lately, but I don't think this is good game design even for them.
Free howling blast should generate runic power
Stickney, Cotner, and a bunch of other subhumans are still there though.
i really, really, really regret buying this expansion
you walk through them, they don't do damage
Then why does it kill you almost every single time?
>Beast mastery
Which is more fun? I've been liking Surv while leveling but figured I might try BM.
yeah, for cn:

you either need to be playing monk, paladin, shaman, druid, anything that can directly heal for kaelthas

for sod you need kevin the slime to hold aggro on ktz when you go into his urn otherwise the fight wipes and resets, also for fatescribe you need lots of healing to get through the wheel turning mechanic

havent tried mythic sepulcher yet
I wonder what the scaling is going to be like on those. Will it fall over on an 8 or will booty's be blasted?
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how do i do this fast
thread theme
tina come back...
i love you
idk why you wont talk to me anymore...
You fucking go in that Cave or you do it at the Seige. Don't focus on the number and just grind.
BM does less than tank dps in aoe but has good single target. survival is the better all around pick if you don't mind melee. But the 11.0.5 rework of talents could change all of that.
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mmm balls
Anyone else play eurobeat when theyre doing the races?
cunt unironically looks better than the nigress we got
Nu-Silvermoon and Quel Thalas is going to be GOAT if this is how good Blizzard is a making random leveling zones these days
speedy speed boy
Thanks bro, do you think it matters what prof I pick? I was thinking herbing and alchemy but I was also considering engineering if I go guns.
I use Speed Car
Never done this but I'm gonna use The Top now.
>fight for crate so long it actually despawns
why is this shit ffa
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Nah, I play the Spyro the Dragon credits music (of the first three games).
Or one of the speedway levels, like Harbor Speedway for example.

Cause they were Dragon Races first, I'm still in that mentality.
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bruh...this M+ season be straight BUSSIN'
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>azj kahet theme starts playing
Is it possible for a boosted character to get their legion artifacts?
Without question
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You can drift a dragon
When are we getting worgen paladins?

And if you think were never getting them I wanna know WHY?
reminder to report avatarfaggots
I went engi/JC on my hunter since my main does mining. Alot of people in my guild complained that alch was a pain to skill up since it blow up alot and locks you out for while.
>Is it possible for a boosted character to get their legion artifacts?
just go start the legion intro quest
Well... How bad is it?
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Neat, thanks anon
>why not
Cause they're a result of nature/druidy fuckery. They'd sooner get shaman.
Very cute / 10
Would do dungeons with
I'd say there's a higher chance of worg paladins than worgen getting tails.
I see thanks bro.
>the war within, whatever happened there
how big is it if you had to compare it to an object
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>lore reason
anon you're playing a game with lightforged warlocks
reminder to report avatar trannies haha
Where do the weapons come from bro?
They are apparently called "Terrok's Quill" from a TBC quest.
does spreading the light ever get solved and taken off the map
Thanks bro, they look really good for a tbc item.
I play gachimuchi versions of eurobeat
no, the light has to spread forever
>Walks into the wrong mist wall in tiramisu
haha whoopsies =D
tww zone music all suck desu
Who needs a custom track when the default race music in TWW is the spiderman movie theme so you already feel like you're swinging through new york.
I'm suddenly remembering why mists of tirna scithe was one of my least favorite dungeons in the last several expacs
why'd they have to pick that one
Yeah, I was surprised it was from TBC when I googled it.
Thank you anon
Yes cause they're foolish enough to tamper with it or get corrupted by it.
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tfw no bf

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