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Funny Thunder - Edition

Previous thread: >>493423709

>Official site

>Fan created content

>Wiki with info on tech trees, weapon systems and game mechanics

>Old forums archive:

>Guides to Air and Ground battles + MEC

>Guides for Jet Battles

>Guided weapons statistics

>What are the rewards for base bombing?
>TL;DR - Rewards aren't set between planes - they are dynamic to match BR and specific vehicle

>What tanks have thermals and their generations

>Someone sending you runes?

>Dank Bants

I miss old War Thunder.

Thread theme:
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I found out and learned about the system after playing a match in EC
Isreali, Chinese and Swedish Navies when?
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i just peepee poopoo my pants...
Fake Nazi flag is so cringe.
What are you going to ritual post once that gets added?
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there's been no mention of a second dev server, so update this week?
pro after the event, like always
they have released updates in the middle of events tons of times, what are you on about
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my balls when I shove them into the trash compactor
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dead game
undead general
at least we arent world of tanks
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literally m
I love battleships on [Domination] Norway. Almost as fun as battleships on [Domination] Japanese Port
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I don't understand stat cards, does this mean using the mounted guns costs 69.0 m/s in climb versus a normal climb rate of 163.1 m/s? Or is it counting unlocked modules as an additional penalty? Just seems crazy regardless to lose what, 40% climb rate?
avarage WoT player
that's not me, I just woke up
>What are you going to ritual post once that gets added?
nothing, It's been 2 years since I started, I'm tired boss
what the fuck is he playing
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not broken
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It’s really strong yeah but everything on that list gets shit on by everything 5.3 up anyway
3600 rounds of 20mm + 3 rotary cannons, that's a lot of weight
why do you downplay the most hand crushed tree of the most handheld nation?
You killed a bunch of 4.x destroyers, two coastals, and a shitty interwar cruiser. Literally every cruiser over 5.0 does that. You aren’t even using the thing right since you did that with HE. If you want to scratch at being actually overpowered load SAP
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there were a lot of planes nearby
I saw a ton today until I pulled duck hunt. Then they stopped feeding my Fuso 3-4 free kills a match of course.
easiest way to do the torpedo challenge
when are they nerfing APHE
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post generous rewards
The opposite it's getting a buff and a vote on dispersal changes will happen sometime after.
>Naval ensign German flag, but with the swastika
>Both wrong and illegal in Russia.
You're in

I'll take #5 and/or #8, onegai.
A submarine is fine, too.
don't reply to subhumans
>When grinding Nippon I skipped over air planes, and used almost exclusively some main drivers
>Meaning I have to go back and grind a bunch of planes to spaded
>When grinding Deuchland I skipped over ground vehicles, and used almost exclusively some line-ups
>Meaning I have to go back and grind a bunch of vehicles to spaded
What is wrong with me?
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Job termination notice came in today.
Time to neetmaxx until the govbux run out again.
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>activate victory wager
>every match is a landslide loss
You caught spading autism while previously having been a (relatively)normal person?
It's normal to want to play as little of the game you play regularly as possible?
It’s normal to play the parts you like and not go out of your way to play things you don’t want to when you don’t have to
>try out this game
>having fun in realistic ground battles
>try realistic air battles
>im god awful
do I just play arcade?
I just played Air RB until I was decent.
>do I just play arcade?
Yes, It's literally the superior game mode due to chronic under investment and the removal of RBEC.
Air RB is actual cancer.
idk what rbec means
dont most people play realistic mode though? or does that only refer to ground RB?

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