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Previous thread: >>493585360

Version 1.1 "Undercover R&B" Special Program
Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Current Signal Search
Jane Doe - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)
Sharpened Stinger - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Daily Life of a PubSec Officer" - 08/30 03:59 (server time) - Ends 09/09 03:59 (server time)
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - Starts 09/06 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
>qingyi is only 4cm smaller than me
wtf bros...
everyone type in chat animeschizo is a stupid nigger
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>ZZZ is praised as a loli game
>3/4 of the new characters are hags
>the upcoming characters are also hags
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I'm using Jane/Grace/Seth just fine, is it truly just a skill diff?
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I'll be honest I'm not making disorder work much either.
that and you're not a massive faggot like he is
a lot of pedos suffer from delusions
and others seek validation, a few even tried to claim waterkuma. as if he didn't do art for the more popular adult characters, loool
can you stop giving him attention
its all he wants
are you 8 years old?
ok but can she do that on my face
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Damn, I expected C5 Penguinboo to mog C1 Sharkboo but I didn't expect it to do so this hard.
you are a pedo if you post here
>Lycaon fights like Rentaro from Black Bullet
How come no told me Lycaon was based? He's chill and good at his job. All I saw was people acting like he's some tumblr OC. He's one of the coolest characters I've met so far. Is it just people hating male anthros regardless of what they're actually like?
Why do retards tell me to stop building jane AP at 420? She benefits from it past that as well, albeit less past 420
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HI big brother!
>samefagging anti-loli redditcuck getting uppity again
No it's just that Grace is doesn't really add much there. Replace her with Lucy and you're doing more damage for a lot less work.
Literally yes, and they're delusional thinking that somehow by having less than 5% of the characters be full theiran that somehow it'll make the game for homos
jane grace is fine, is just that if you comapred to the easier teams is certainly isn't worth the effort.
It just comes up to preference on how you want to play
But after playing chapter 3 almost everyone stopped talking shit about Lycaon
I mean if you want to keep hiting the mines for that magic +4 disk keep going I guess.
Take 1 to know 1
*rapes everybody itt and leaves*
because they're retards. ap doesn't drop off until later
Jane grace sucks. Grace has been permanently demoted to team 2
Billychads curbstomped him to death last thread so now he needs something to unleash his anger on
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Glorious Bangboo Loot!
Why the fuck does this game not have characters that actually do something off field? In games where you can only use one character at a time, you build 1 main DPS and fill other slots with off field characters. Just imagine Jane Doe+off field anomaly DPS who can do something like Xiangling or Xingqiu, you'll be triggering disorder every 5 seconds for millions of damage.
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kys pedos
Opportunity cost anon.
>How come no one told me to use by brain to think critically haha I love sucking fat fucking cocks and gargling cum

Step out of your bubble you utter disgrace.
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I love him...
heh... that was my afterimage noob
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w... what kind of special service is Nicole offering to remove -20 pressure from you?...
Burnice... Caesar...
>Pressure removal
Probably just a shoulder massage.
your c6 lucy?
SEX Special Attack, duh
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reminder that the rat lives like a rat and most likely has rats in her room, other than her
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Let the bangboo banner distract you from the fact we are no longer giving out master tapes
m0 lucy already has the pigs out.
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literally a stinky bitch like belle, canon couple
that just makes her hotter
Trigger will do that
and m6 lucy keeps them out almost indefinitely
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Am I missing something? I got seth and did that first side quest where qingyi stole his phone but since then I haven't seen him again and I still can't message him.
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That's just his tactic, he rotates between
>acting like Billy killed his dog
>acting like Qingyi killed his dog
>acting like loliCHADS in this general killed his dog
every thread for like a hundred posts, waiting for someone to give him attention
I don't even like Jane but fucking her in her trash piles sounds kind of hot
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>Just imagine Jane Doe+off field anomaly DPS
Yeah just imagine hahahaha
>qingyi stole his phone
I'm feeling generous so I'll answer even though you posted garbage. find him at the lumina square ramen store in evening, and tell him you'll make a reservation at 6th st
There's a couple places/times around town you need to run into him first.
uh oh shipper melty
>Zhu is only 175cm (in heels?)
>she towers over most of the people in the city except the bears
>qingyi stole his phone
sadly since rina is underused she is an off field character.
my girl rina is loved by me and i will never give her up!
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I’m moderately considering burning my Calychromes for a shot at bola de rata and catboy sig. I have all the NEPS so I should go for all the steps, no?
Unless the want her to flop, she will be getting buffed during the beta test
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Qingyi is a bully
aren't the pig permanet already? M6 only activates an additional attack with every EX skill which only piper can activate consecutively.
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>Pranks that went too far
What would a rat-cat Thiren look like? Or we doing Elder Scrolls race-mixing rules?
lmao no, Qingyi + Zhu + Nicole is complete by itself
that's the cope that people go with even though it's obvious jane was the one who stole his phone and texted us
uh oh shipper melting again
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>bought the bp twice already
>both got to lvl 50
>fast forward to now and I'm broke on every mats except for w-engine stuff
>only have 2 characters at lvl 60
Bros wtf happened? I thought this denny sink stuff was just a exclusive to poorfags??
I hope she fuckin does
How long is Jane's chapter? I was slacking this month, was on vacation and played the bare minimum to get dailies done.
There's an event ending tomorrow but it's getting late. I expect to play at least 6h tomorrow.
80% of New Eridu citizens are high schooler girls for some reason
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How much?
Pretty short. No TV exploration.
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I have 2 lvl 60 characters and like 8 lvl 50 characters and I'm sitting on 800K dennies.
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lol theyre so stupid
Incredible how you triggered the shipschizo only with this kek
No but unironically, for how long will I have to read retard takes about Anomaly and Disorder from people who don't play the game and just uses keywords from the thread? Will this persist until Burnice? I mean, ER on Grace? Seriously? It's all so tiring.
If you're not taller than Zhu can you even be considered a man...?
deny drought is exclusive for retards
>monthly only
>still have 40+ batteries
>already have two teams built
>already done with disks
>currently farming for standard rolls from ascensions and pre farming for future characters
Just get your attackers and their engines to 60. The rest is just gravy
500 Gear Coins.
Question about Caesar. So she wants to build impact. Assuming I can't get her engine, would Original Transmorpher be better than just putting an S rank stunner ball on her? To my understanding the +16% impact from Original Transmorpher is applied after all of the other calculations are done.

So equipping her with a Hellfire Gears: 123 (base impact) + 18% (Hellfire Gears) +18% (Disk 6) + 6% (two piece Shock Star) = 123+42% = 174.66 impact

Equipping Original Transmorpher: 123 (Base impact) + 18% (Disk 6) + 6% (Shock Star) = 152.52+16% (Transmorpher) = 176.9 impact

So it seems like the Transmorpher would generally be a tiny bit better? I just want to be sure that I'm mathing it out right before a buy the last copy at the store and level it up.
The game doesn't tell you how much Burnice can build up anomaly on her attacks though? This 'theorycrafter' is just pulling numbers oit of his ass, calculating anomaly DPS by their attack multipliers like crit DPS
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Do you think the proxies' video store has a porn section?
>how long will I have to read retard takes
Until EoS
disorder jane is a meme
assault disorder is kind of a meme in general desu but at least piper brings a teamwide damage buff and M6 lucy synergy
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I didn't know this is a contentious topic. I just assumed qingyi because she likes to play pranks and he specifically said he knocked over his coworker's cup, and Qingyi's always drinking hot water.
Thanks. I've been checking the fast travel throughout the days and I never see a notification so I guess I just need to actually run around to find him.
I don't read much of the threads unless there's actual news or a new code. Whoops
Everything is data mined already, how could they not know.
put it in chinese
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>Black Bullet
I liked the owl.
In new Eridu where no one can afford to be a slacker, everyone's working. The boys are forced to do labor, so only girls have the luxury of wandering around the city.
My dick
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All the children in New Eridu are for me btw
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well they made her passive work with other anomaly characters so they clearly want her to be paired with one
There's no way Lighter and Harumasa won't be S ranks. The homos will declare war on china.
he posted an entire doujin for you bwo
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Finally a hoyo MC to which I can relate
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My dick throbbed when I saw her...
This cannot be...I am NOT one of them...
Unless you're planning to run her with Seth forever and ever, you're going to have to run her with another Anomaly unit, which means you'll be popping Disorders. Disorder procs seems to be a pretty basic concept in her design.
Wasn't the coworker chatting
>like this~
? From the cast, only Jane and Rina chat like this and only one of them is a cop.
This is pretty cute.
Retardbro, that's just damage and daze, you know when you attack you build up 3 things, which are damage, daze, and anomaly right? The game literally doesn't tell you how much anomaly build up on which attack and you have to test it yourself in the game.
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The sex duo!
How do I find a gf like Karin? (Hard mode: you can't say Discord, it's all Seths in there.)
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There needs to be a character that actually buffs disorders for it to be a thing that matters.
The problem with Jane disorders is you're so much better off just buffing Jane's assaults instead of trying to make anomameme work.
Unironically? Mormons.
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Stop right there! Do you any idea how horny you were posting!
>it's all Seths in there
How did you know that?
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I feel like some of these descriptions are just plain wrong when the video that literally describes itself as scenes of the old world isn't what she's looking for and some cop drama is
Zhu and qing lesbian sex
that's why people saying it's qingyi are coping
it's very obviously jane, she likes to tease seth
but she's for you
I don't see why this is a controversial statement
yep, it was jane but it doesn't matter because she's in love with belle
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shut the fuck up faggot
Twitter, but you have to get to them before they achieve niche eceleb status and decide to become an indie vtuber.
Yeah that was the only one where I was like okay this is total bullshit, I'm looking it up
Because she doesn't work in the office?
Did you even play the story where Qing Yi and Seth didn't even know who she was?
that's just the standard passive for new r-ranks
she doesnt do anything for disorder aside from popping off field anomaly quickly. physical disorder hits for nothing.
the burnice team might be grace/rina/burnice, because at least that kind of makes sense. if yanagi is really electric anomaly then it explains a lot
i mean thats what your going to end up doing. he's basically a hypercarry buffer for anomaly where disorder would probably want teamwide buffs
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Oh I suppose you're right. I didn't make that connection. I just wanted to figure out how to rank up Seth though.
>calls other retards
>thinks the site only shows daze and multipliers
oh the irony.
There is a romance movie based on stuff from the old Civilization.
This girls accepts that movie as a suggestion.
Hakushin does have the anomaly build up rate of attacks. The E column of the skill data shows anomaly build up.
>The whole fucking point of undercover RnB is that Jane is so undercover not even the police (outside of top level like Zhu) knew Jane was working for the police
>Retards think that means she's co-workers and works in the precint.
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I have 3 lvl 60's, 5 lvl 50's, 4 million dennies and like x400 investigator logs.
It appears you have mismanaged your resources.
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Dude, are you like sitting on all your batteries or what?
I did the same thing and I'm working on my fifth level 60.
Don't forget to buy dennies from the H0 grind and 24hour shop if you need to.
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touch my tail?
you have to start here and work your way up
too much twitter fanfiction
why are her feet smoking
>no Qingyi
yeah that's a brick
Artists adding smell clouds has been one of the worst trends in recent memory
why are you assuming theyre in the office at that moment?
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Same. I don't understand how people here have level 60 teams and good enough discs to clear Shiyu in only 1-2 minutes. It feels like half of /zzz/ are secretly dolphins/whales and my perception of the game is being warped.
Proof? I don't have Seth, can someone post the conversation in question?
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Not horny enough.
Now that the dust has settled and few groups have been completed now
who's your favourite group in ZZZ?

For me it's Cunning Hares
Huge fan of how much of a family they are
Nicole is the single mother who keeps using her money to make others less fortunate happy
Anby is the mature big sister who tries to keep the peace while bring much of that chaos herself by accident
Billy is the dorky and hyperactive little brother who's a mommy boy
Nekomata is the bratty little sister that has beef with the big sister
also they are just low IQ loveable retards that do the dumbest shit
>Zhu yuan
>Top level
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>Mogs your stinky rat
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Hello im new, seth got cucked by belle, right?
The text message itself????
Doesn't count
Seth was a cuck from the start his gf fucks anything
Jane please take my virginity...
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Discs are just luck, dont feel bad about having bad ones.
But if you played from day 1 you should have 2 level 60s easily
Personally I did buy the bp but I also started a week late so I think it probably evens out
Hello new
imagine getting triggered by small clouds lmao.
whats next, being triggered by onomatopoeia?
you're trying to argue with a shitposter
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Literally what I fucking said, DISORDER IS A FUCKING MEME.

Until they release a unit that buffs disorder then its worthless.
It's tacky and I can imagine the smell without them putting a retarded-looking white cloud in there
Personally the Victoria Housekeeping crew is my favorite cause Im a sucker for the "Servants are actually extremely strong" trope. They got a good spread of competency in the group with Lycaon at the head, Rina as the reliable aid, Ellen having the most raw power but couldn't give less of a shit, and Corin who is actually pretty impressive to be able to stand at the side of the rest despite her inexperience. It's got a nice family dynamic going on too.
BillyGODS...have mercy...
>and their engines to 60.
even this is optional kek
lvl 60 dps and then discs > everything
you cannot draw smell, that's the point bro, you have to put an indicator, similar on how you cannot draw sounds, yet you see countless of people doing it anyway.
I probably have enough to max out 4 units if I wasn't prefarming for Burnice, I did start using batteries once I reached Level 50 though, and you should too. I only have 20 for doomping onto the new disc set. There's no reason to save them anymore.
Smell and BODY HEAT
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S6 because of my wife
people here are gacha addicted veterans, they already know how to be efficient.
if its your first gacha then you shouldn't worry about it.
>all those bricked qingyilet accounts
>all those bricked ellen accounts because no lycaon
not funny, this is why gashas are evil.
its more funny when you see people that think you can brrick your account in a single player game.
couldn't be me lmao
>>all those bricked ellen accounts because no lycaon
we're currently after undercover r&b though. seth and qingyi know jane now. seth calls jane his senpai
hell, in some of jane's trust events she talks about going back to the precinct
here she's literally talking about zhu yuan
here she LITERALLY says she works at the precinct
jesus christ
I want to smell Ellen
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Where is Jane rabi???
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Absolute CINEMA
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>Jane graceanomaly disorder is...le bad...
Any other statements that let you know someone is a complete shitter?
Based factchecker
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take a deep breath
I don't think Ellen gets the smiley face buff in that team bwo
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Those are terrible clear times.
she’s probably better with lighter…
Fuck the police
Damn, I still can't get that low on side 2
Post your Ellen
only time she's better with lighter is on the bed
>35 seconds with a sig weapon zhu yuan
Those are terrible clear times.
I’ve seen demolition man and understand that this is what adults call “sex”
What makes this game's weapon banner less shit than Genshin's
>Everyone here acting like they have clear times less than 90s
lol, lmao even
Nothing, all weapon banners are scams
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I look like this and do this
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Errrr nothing really.
>D-d-doesn't c-co-count!!!
Post your sub 30 secs clear side 2. I will wait.
75/25 coinflip
guaranteed rateup after a loss (that carries over)
1% rates
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>I don't understand how people here have level 60 teams and good enough discs to clear Shiyu in only 1-2 minutes
Spoiler: everyone you see posting sub-2 minute clears either whaled for cons+weapons or spent polys on energy refreshes. Don't compare yourself to them unless you did the same.
its worse all you get is a vfx on the hair
shits not worth
I'm torn between Belobog and Victoria. Every faction has great dynamics and interactions. You don't get many well defined setups likes this in Genshin outside of maybe the Knights of Favonius. But then again most characters in Genshin are really a part of groups/factions. Wonder if/how they'll handle factions intermingling. Hope they don't phone it in when that time comes.
i want to lick grace stinky armpits while koleda sucks my tiny dick
>Post your sub 30 secs clear side 2.
but you haven't even posted one, with a much more whaled zhu yuan, too.
you don't see wengines at all on your character
We fucking LOST
Burnice is a virgin
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Erm I got sub-1 minute and I didn't do either of those howeverbeit
Is not.
Copies are not worth it either.
all of them are FOMO at the end of the day, no matter how "good" the system is
More than half of this general is filled with whales. I don't know if you were here the first few weeks, but people here were posting shiyu clears (without cheesing) with full S ranks even though it was practically impossible to be at that stage without daily refreshing. Also whenever people post their rolls, they expose how many whaled rolls they spent on the game as well.
>cue the faggots responding to me with cope
That so far you don't need the them and you're missing out on matching fashion.
I'm just going to say it, Qingyi killed sales because no one wants to roll for... y'know... a robot
>major scoop thumbnail
>with a wooden statue that looks like shit
Yup they're scooping something alright LMAO
Sure you didn't, sis.
cute piper
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Do attribute anomalies get the damage buff applied to stunned enemies?
Belobog are my favorite. They're really fun. Leaks make Obol squad look almost as fun, so I can't wait to see them.
>with a much more whaled zhu yuan
Just sig weapon.
>but you haven't even posted one
Post your 35 sec run side 2 then. I will wait.
Literally every stat affects anomaly other than crit.
whale, opinion promptly discarded
Didn't take him long
>Just sig weapon.
holy fuck and you're not even under 30 seconds yet? that's god awful. did you forget to equip discs or something?
Need Ellen's feet on my dick
>it's a whale
no surprise there
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I regret not buying a copy of Piper in last month's shop. My C0 Piper just doesn't feel very satisfying to play.
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I kinda want to get Ellen's ball next time because damn that's a lot of fucking crit rate
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Yeah its pretty important too
I always try to time my stuns to go Assault - Burn - Assault - Assault for max-damage, it's kino when you get the perfect chain
>it's a retard
no surprise here
No, is because the other characters are just better.
Look at Ellen, Zhu, Caesar and Burnice
and tell me Qingyi isn't the objectively inferior desig.
i unironically think that she doesn't fit as a cop, if she had a dress or some shit it would make her infinitely more interesting, there are some good looking NPC that are better than her.
His discord typefuckers are in the thread too so it's pretty much impossible to starve that retard.
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Gotcha. Thanks.
Pipering properly is presently pretty problematic.
>M1 or R1 makes you a whale
these are the people coping with M0R0 jane who will be seething about SD powercreep in a month or so
Just pull Jane. C0 Jane mogs C6 Piper anyway.
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Call yourself a stupid bitch and admit you're dogshit
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>get rat
>S 7/7 Shiyu
That was easy
>1% rate on a fucking weapon is good somehow
Mihoyo pulled a classic door in the face
that's just how he has been operating for the last 600 threads, if no one replies to him he'll just reply to himself with more retarded bait
MASSIVE luck issue
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Hold strong, she'll get there soon
But C1 is pretty massive you got unlucky there
It'll become second nature don't worry. Once you get the hang of releasing EX to make the most of the final hit's ridiculous buildup it's just crazy satisfying
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the hares were the best for setting the tone, about a ragtag group of colorful criminals doing the dirty work, upholding thieves' honor, and saving lives where the incompetent dystopian authorities can't- or won't.
for as long as we do dailies on sixth street, they'll be there leaning against graffiti to remind you that this is a "cool" game and not just a mihoyo one.
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>shiyu buffs
Shut the FUCK up you insufferable dumb fucking BITCH
I still clear content with venti and hu tao
i still clear content with clara and selee
i will clear content with zhu, ellen or whoever i want, why would i ever need anything else but the characters?
Oh, the bundles have reset?
>waaah people are exposing me for being a whale
didn't ask whale
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So, what do I buy? Do I save for the free boo modification?
yeah, she pushed me through everything I was previously struggling with
on the one hand I'm thankful, but on the other hand I don't have anything to do anymore
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>clearing Shiyu in only 1-2 minutes
I'm content with clearing it in four minutes desu, as long as I have all the rewards I don't see why I have to minmax any further
there's literally no proof for that claim btw.
There are no (none) (ZERO) C0R0 Jane clears under 60 seconds on the entire internet, and there are several Piperanons right here who've achieved the same.
If you get Jane's weapon then she mogs Piper, but if you don't she's just worse. I've looked btw, if you have proof to the contrary I would love to see it
You still haven't posted your Notorious Hunt clear or told people which Notorious Hunt stage to clear so that you could post your run for that same stage
Shut up retard
post your moc clear with e0r0 seele and clara
>I still clear content with venti
no you dont lmao
My plan is to save for enough Marcel Modified Parts to instantly max out a Bangboo of my most anticipated faction (OBOL)
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Oh nyoo that 52 seconds will be 70 seconds when the buff is gone nyoo..... Stupid bitch
Unless you somehow get S rank bangboos in less than 30 rolls on average, yes
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Can't post your clear?
That's what I thought XD
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Non whales/cheesers are clearing each side in ~2 minutes. Anyone with faster clear times have god relics or multiple mindscapes.
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Its pretty funny how Burnice is a MEGA skip now and Caeser is the metapick.

All this talk of "OMG BURNICE IS GOING TO TRULY MAKE ANOMALY TEAMS WORK!!!213123" ended up being bullshit.
Even if you remove the clunky aspect of having to switch in and out and just proccing disorder off field it doesn't matter since disorder just doesn't do enough dmg to warrant it.

1unit with 2 supports is better than 2dps units.
Anon your clear is completely embarrassing. I don't have zhu yuan's weapon.
You basically have a sledgehammer and can't break through a wet paper bag, that's embarrassing.
the actual reasoning here is pretty obvious here too
at C0R0 jane's personal damage isn't high enough to warrant a hypercarry assault team team with seth over a disorder team. problem is piper is just straight up better in a disorder team
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>it only took 2 (TWO) months for /zzz/ to devolve into nothing but metaslave dick measuring contests because all normal players are already bored of the game

This is not a good sign for the long term health of this game.
Caesar is a bigger skip albeithoughever.
I'm only here to post Corin rape and reply to other Corin rape posts
>the anons who think you dont need enablers/debuffers have signature weapon or mindscapes or both
classic mihoyo gacha.
I only rolled Ellen (I shouldn't have) and Qingyi + her ball. I will skip everything until idol banners
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Current critical Shiyu has so little health that optimized teams are only having like 5-10 second differences and at that point not killing a mob in the first wave at the same time as everything else or moving around too much constitutes a significant time decrease.

It's actually fucking hilarious that retards are going on about a few seconds differences in sub 1 minute clears.
classic brainwashed coonsomer
Does anyone know the Chinese terms for "Shiyu Defense" and "Jane Doe"? I want to search up some clears on Bilibili.
burnice isn’t even finished yet..
Are there any ZZZ character that can top these two?
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Mihoyo killed off the normal players.
All the new events literally REQUIRE you having beaten through all the story content.

So now everyone was forced to speedrun the entire story ruin any sort of discussion normal people would have when it came to it and then get bored out of their mind that there is no further content but couldn't pace themselves because that would mean losing out on event rewards in a game that is already way too stingy with rewards as is.
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its whales fighting whales, sit down and watch
Mualani is meta thougheverbeit
alright which one
in terms of canon cuckoldry? probably no one
protip, zzz wikia, other languages at the bottom of each page
Tickle torturing Grace for hours until she confesses about Belobog's illegal industrial espionage program
I don't know but supposedly the chinks came up with some sub 30 second M0W1 Jane clears on bilibili but that site is ass to navigate.
fagbros it's up
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You say that yet I just got done finishing inside of you, you fucking faggot.

I can post my TOP 1.5% if you want so you can feel like a dumb bitch when it comes to how much better I am than you on the only thing that fucking matters you dumb bitch.
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Soon the HP bloat for bosses will hit this game as hard as any other gacha game.
>canon cuckoldry
wait what. I don’t play the game but I thought she was like the heroine of the update from the promos
uh oh melty
>t. speedrunlet
sorry you dont have hands and can't execute the buttons in this baby game
Who should I use with Jane + Seth? I dont have Nekomiya
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ZZZ is finally revealing its colors as a p2w game. Luckily I have all the META units but if you don’t, this game will EAT you alive. This is HSR but worse.
you're really quiet after this
or you can post your results
I clear each side of SD in 2 minutes and 30 seconds, I get the same rewards as the people clearing it in under 1 minutes
lucy or rina
just use piper and spin 2 win
I can smell this image
But now you can't brag about it so who really won
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>he doesn't know
He has a girlfriend you cum2play schizo
what level should my skills be to S-clear the final shiyu stages?
but at the end she's in love with belle...
yeah and she's in that picture
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I'm not though, I just know that there's too much RNG right now around positioning and boss attacks because fights are too short. I'll care more when the bosses don't die in a single stun phase or even before getting stunned like on my Jane side.
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>Mualani posted
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i dont understand please explain me
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>slower than Billy
>on my sixth coors, 5th wine glass
zzziggers for this feel?
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>All the new events literally REQUIRE you having beaten through all the story content.
Yeah, I don't know what the fuck they were thinking, forcing casual players to speedrun through all the story content (even the new 1.1 content) in the game's first months if they don't want to miss events is a really stupid decision.
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Qingyi's banner flopped btw
wtf post gear
What the FUCK is Rabi's problem
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Mualani flopped on my cock
Not really
Seems to be so. Not only disorder though, there's been a 55 second clear with Lucy Koleda Piper, but it seems like Jane just can't replicate that because her anomaly passive isn't active.
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>mfw I remember people calling caesar a brick and burnice a must have
how the turn tables
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>wonder why I haven't seen much shitposting and falseflagging about wuwa being better than ZZZ and beeating us through the last few weeks
>check their app store ranking
>their new character got to 57th place day one and then instantly dropped
Who are they beefing with now that they can't do it with us? Dragalia Lost?
For real?
get a job lazy fuck
When are we getting more loli?
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>was planning to be a billybro since back in 2023
>was for sure i was gonna be a billybro in the few days before release
>game released
>got my billy
>he became my main
>kept being a billybro even when tierlists placed him near the bottom
>tfw billy is actually really fucking good
>tfw now scared of people accusing me of being a metafag
I want Caesar, but I've rolled for ZY, Qingyi, and Jane. I have no polychrome.
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All my interest in burnice died as soon as I saw her ingame model.
his ex-wife and gf are taking bbc
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chapter 1 is pretty long I'll give you that but
>1.5 is 3 short missions
>2 is 4 missions
>2.5 is 3 missions
>3 is 3 missions
>1.1 takes maybe a hour to do
The only thing keeping you from getting all of the story done in a day is levels. I got all of the story done in 3 days. There's just not a lot to talk about, this isn't HSR where 1.0 is 12 hours of reading with multiple fights that wall you.
Okay now explain how does tectone’s wife getting blacked change the fact that Natlan flopped?
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Wuwa died after the spitroast it took from both ZZZ's release and Natlan.
/zzz/ and /gig/ are /bffs/
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kot to kot communication
Ellen got fucking fat...
Looks cute
>no-life NEET with no responsibilities or hobbies outside of gacha who sees no problem with playing the game for 12 hours a day thinks he's representative of the whole playerbase
every time
Okay now explain why does Mualani schizo keeps touring over here and shitposting.
reminder that you might as well build damage on supports, too
I asked btw >>493620083
I wish we have the Genshin character designers.
I'm jealous of gig having this cute, pure and sexy chocolate character for themselves.
Why did ZZZ have a porn artist as the lead character designer?!
Ellen is so fucking ugly.
They stopped shitposting in mihoyo generals cause everyone quit Wuwa
>even brickyi
this is so sad. actually seeing some slave rolling for characters he doesn't like just to get the same rewards as billy solos.
I'm not really into Piper but this image is arousing...
then fuck off to genshin
I'm glad we don't have their designs
you forgot all the story content are gated behind interknot levels
another one for the filters
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Dont care
Still rolling every single son of Calydon
She looks like she fucking stinks...
It was always doomed to be worse than HSR. Action fags will do anything to prove their shitty clear times are faster than cycle fags.
I work full time and have multiple friends that do the same. We're all caught up. No mission in this game takes more than 20 minutes besides the meme ones like 99 floors and the prophecy
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wuwa falseflagger trying to pit their assassins against eachother
don't mind him, /gig/ loves ZZZ
how many mindscapes, whale.
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>ZZZ is finally revealing its colors as a p2w game
>tfw I only care about the lucy and piper hangouts in 1.2
same with cutekaku and sector 6
/zzz/ hates gig
I've seen enough mental illness to know anyone who announces their filters still clicks on every filtered post anyway. it's simply a matter of your fragility
Yall really like stinky and sweaty girls huh
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>start up Wuwa for my dailies
>new event pops up

Yeah, Wuwa keeps winning.
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Based and pig-pilled
who doesnt really
ZZZ for this feel
do the ratings at the end of each HIA challenge mean anything?
I'm not a retard who would brick my side 2 to steal Qingyi and Nicole for Jane. There's 2 sides to Shiyu defense and Billyfags team 2 clear speed is way slower.

M1W1 Qingyi
M2W1 Ratto

My Jane clear is not optimal I've also been seeing M0W1 Janes on Bilibili clearing faster than me so I am not playing optimally on her side at all (plus Rina seems to be better than Lucy and I refuse to level my Seth). Also Zhu Yuan's mindscape 1 was irrelevant for my clear it never even procced.
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heh same. i'm just glad i can full clear now.
I want to turn Kachina into a mother
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Who is this seth? Why did he contact me so early?
I love mualani but that bitch qiqi'd me to actually fuck her and fuck gayshin buttpack
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>stun a mob enemy with Qingyi but it survives with 1% hp
>oh okay I'll kill it with another attack
>Bangvolver just shoots it for a million damage
Poor fucking dude got erased from existence.
Within seconds he already went
>p-please don't filter me
You should filter shit like "mental illness" and "fragility" too
rats are disgusting
>tranny art
>Not shown, Nekomata getting barbed
She lost the battle
>clicks on every filtered post
>>>>>>>implying I have stubs
I really really like this image
since he's being a faggot, I've been trying butcher
I don't know if I can get much better than this
call me gay if you want but I really want to fuck nicole
>there are Mualani fags in /zzz/
/zzz/ are men of culture.
BillyCHADS and QingyiGODS MINDBROKE you.
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could have been Burnice but I'm afraid her controveries and nerfs ruined her reputation
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Why is this bitch so incompetent as a fucking Manager.
Why does she act so stuck up and angry, does she have zero customer service experience.

If this happened for real you'd have a riot at how godawful the manager is and how much of a stuck up bitch she is and torch the place down.

That's Jane's boyfriend.
rat I tried you today for the first time, doing the trial and your chapter and I thought you were super fun
I have 9000 polys and like 20 rainbow movies, will you come if I roll?
Do we hate Jane doe now?
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Just realized I've somehow managed to not get a single Magnetiboo in 270 pulls.
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I tried a bunch of commonly shilled gacha games and I'm here to report that HOYOVERSE offerings remain the only games worth playing.

NIKKE was the biggest bullshit psyop overshilled literal PNG garbage that I uninstalled 20mins ago.
We only hate Soukaku
wtf so he got cucked by my belle?
Every time you talk to yourself, more people see just how much is wrong with you.
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you lost 2 threads ago bwo
let it go
ZY is too pure to fuck a filthy rat
As for the loli thing, I'm an all shapes and sizes (healthy size) guy.
We love Mualani here.
don’t waste energy yet, we need to really hate jane on burnice’s banner with piper rateup
qingyi BROKE you
I fucking love when I trigger the autism of some retard who's always-online and who unironically thinks I know what internet fights he got into hours ago.
never much cared for her personally
the ears are ugly sorry janefags its true
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Wait, wait, wait.

There has been NO Burnice posters whatsoever, holy shit, they did all seriously die?
Did her being bald and getting nerfed really fucking kill Burnice?
Holy shit, so much about "ROLL FOR WAIFU AND NOT FOR META".

Yeah she made me broke when she didn’t come home on the 50/50
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you could try rolling for her right now. it's midnight on the 8th (american server). the rat hour is from 11pm to 1am, and 8 is an auspicious number for the rat. 9 should be avoided. you could also wait until the 11th at 11pm
you will get her!
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Everyone loves Mualani, her design puts every ZZZ character to shame
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Damn.. that fucking sucks dude
I use that little shit for grouping all the time on my non-Resonaboo teams
Looking forward to the pig
i like the rat
i might roll for her weapon too
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i'm a burnicefag, its just that i really don't have much to work with here; she's over a month away
all i did was make a reverse rape greentext after fantasizing about her beating the shit out of me, but i could make another one if you'd like
>baldnice incident
>also give Burnice a big chin and lazy eye
Mihoyo is mutilating her as a waifu right now. The nerfs simply mean that the metafags aren't attracted to her either
And Brickyi retains her status as the game's mental illness icon...
grace should look like this in game and it's a crime that she doesn't
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>We only hate Soukaku
We LOVE Soukaku here!
And if the idols are only A, the CNs and their EN allies will KyoAni HYV
reverse 1999 designs put every hoyo character to shame
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>17 days until Caesar
>he's still trying even after I filtered him
Isn't that game full of yuri and mostly played by transwomen?
why does qingyi vacuum enemies in
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>going into Kaiser banner with 30 rolls
Do it, the last one you posted was hilarious.
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words can not express how much i want this woman to smother me with her sweat coated breast and thighs
So I got Grace and her signature W-engine, what's the better team for her? Grace Piper Lucy or Grace Piper Seth? I'm not getting the ratto since I've decapitated too many rats in my life for me to get a boner for her.
Do any quests/missions/whatever disappear update to update, aside from those specified in events?
Is Chinese or Japanese the "official" dub? The writing in the environment seems to be Chinese.
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designs are still god tier though, only zzz comes close
If it has a stated duration then it's not permanent
Seth, he gives anomaly prof support, lucy just gives attack.
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I'm thinking of maybe doing like 20~30 pulls from the W-Engine channel.
Basically, to grab one copy of Seth's Signature just so I have it.
>Don't forget to buy dennies from the H0 grind and 24hour shop if you need to
from what?
grace/seth/rina if you've got her, but since you didn't mention her at all I assume you don't
Chinese is probably the main language spoken in New Eridu then English for international workers and tourists. JP and Korean doesn’t exist in new eridu so they are fanfic languages
It's a Chinese game anon no other nation would inflict characters with names like Qingyi and Zhu Yuan on their audience
Group mobs up then use E to stun them all at once
So, you are reading filtered posts.
Why would she be muscular? There's no indication she works out, and she spends most of her time doing mechanical work. Not exactly back-breaking labor.
No one asked whales.
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That didn't stop people from worshipping Miyabi though.

NO EXCUSES, Miyabifags have even less material and still find time to nonstop namedrop that bitch.
It's a chinese game, but Mihoyo is full of weebs, so they push the JP dub hard. In one of their other games, Honkai Impact 3rd, they prioritize JP dubs.
>tfw you only have 5 pulls for caesar.
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other nations just spam gamers with pronouns instead
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Logistics and Fading Signal shop
There are a limited number of discounted dennies you can trade resources for that refresh every month from both shops.
Then unlimited ones that are more expensive.
weird I don't remember posting this
; ;
because shes not an A rank
cope anbyfag
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Name one game with pronoun indications for their characters, e.g.:
>Grace (she/her)
>Seth (he/him)

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