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Snowbreaking Edition

Operation Midnight Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mxr9tL73SNQ&t

Agave teaser: https://x.com/i/status/1823570240636379486

>Snowbreak 2.1 Overview & News

PC (Recommended): Standalone launcher, Steam, EGS
Download from main site: https://snowbreak.amazingseasun.com/

>Current & Upcoming Events
Special Chapter 3 "Operation Midnight" is now open. Reach Adjutant level 20 for expedited access
[Aug 23 - Sep 07] Lifting of Fog - boss gauntlet challenge
[Aug 26 - Sep 09] Defense Line Zero - co-op wave defense
[Sep 02 - Sep 16] Aperture Eclipse - wave defense
[Sep 09 - Sep 23] Hero Games - co-op wave rush

>Current & Upcoming Banners
[Aug 22 - Sep 19] Vidya - Agave | Weapon: Bespoke Theater
[Aug 22 - Sep 19] Chenxing - Ethereal Cloud | Weapon: Cinnabar Justice
[Sep 05 - Sep 26] Cherno - Enigma | Weapon: Nocturne Fissure
[Sep 05 - Sep 26] Enya - Exuvia | Weapon: Glow of Mystique

>Codes (Redeem in [Settings > Other])
h4yi7b2c (new)

>/snowg/ Resource Pastebin

>100 Pity Banner Type Details

>/snowg/ Friends Form:

Previous: >>493486926
Be a good person.
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Meursault love!
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Fenny game
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Good evening, frens.
Fucking based drawfag
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Why this bitch got donuts and beer at her bedside?
Is this a fucking Angel of Ruina reference?
It’s a lure. A lot of you (including me) would fold in this situation.
I wouldn't. Yao is keeping me on a strict high protein, high zinc diet.
Standard Paradox really needs more environments.
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Holy based
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Evening bwo
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holy fuck it's the snowbreaker from the Snwobreak
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Are you ready for our hag operative, bwos? (I'm going insane)
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I mean, waiting a whole year for Tau stinks, but I'm sure it'll be worth it.
>never played co-op before
>need defense line zero for the event
can I solo the easy one with blue bolt? she's the only operator I have with full gear and max neuronics. otherwise I have to go learn how multiplayer works on YT.
I missed Eatchel's rerun and she will never come back. I'm sad
Yeah, just break some crystals and get the 2 helpers
Yes. Also pick shooter so you can shred the boss on wave 5, and don't forget to actually upgrade your abilities i forgot to do that for my first play as a gatherer lol
Play Normal and learn playing the game with others, all you need to know is that you buy upgrades in the pause menu
yes she will when we get another 5 star selector if not a rerun
Who is this supposed to be?
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Any snobble hags that can do this?
Probably just an OC, that artist mainly does random art of their various OCs
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Just shoot the crystals and then buy stuff from the menu by pressing escape. Katya's aoe can shoot pretty much all the crystals without needing to be gatherer. "Shooter" is best for her imo, and you should buy the upgrade that gives 100% more ammo each round, then the one that gives ammo every 2 kills, then the one that gives 30% more ammo, then the one that slows enemies by 50% if you hit them, then all the rest
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we all know what she's thinking
>finally start doing the story
>Agave's victory screen is crushing my little box bro
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of course, she keeps projecting that stuff everywhere
the other operatives are getting annoyed, even though they all think similar things
Eatchel saw a delusion and asked "what is that pose?"
This makes my heart ache. Our wife is perfect.
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>platforming section with the shitty jump physics
>a later section utilizing the shitty jump physics with two rows of identical platforms where choosing the wrong dumps you back at the start with no way to discern the difference between which one is real and which one is a hologram
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Preparing us for when we're gonna be doing some Last Crusade shit.
Better brush up on your ancient Yggdrasil lore.
I failed that shit on purpose because it just teleports you after you fail enough. The jumping in this game is such a shitty afterthought that it's honestly a bad idea to ever use it for anything besides jumping over stage obstacles. That "puzzle" section was especially retarded. They need to fundamentally rewrite the "jump" mechanic in Snowbreak if they plan on making that a regular feature.

Later, you have to "jump" or fall to a platform that acts as an elevator. This is a lot more tolerable.
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I'll be so disappointed if Seaslug doesn't allow us to do some rough things to Marian in the interactive scenes
I want them to give Marian a leash.
Adjutant doesn't want that. He is a saviourfag
No, you can't have this. It's an female exclusive privilege for yumestacies.
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I would be too much of a pussy to treat her badly
You guys are my friends :)
This game will unironicaly go EoS if we can't spank Marian's ass.
I'd rather spank Chen's. Marian is for choking.
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Will I regret rolling for chen?
Yeah I already did that part.
>I failed that shit on purpose because it just teleports you after you fail enough.
I didn't know it would so I actually tried. I kept looking to see if maybe the rain phased through the hologram and splashed on the physical one, but there really was no difference.
>The jumping in this game is such a shitty afterthought
These jumping segments really made me realize that the exact problem is that you lose way too much momentum after a jump even when running and there's a delay before you can start moving again fast enough for the momentum to get you across tiny gaps they insist on having your do quick consecutive jumps for. It's easy to make the gaps once recognize you're forced to stop and wait, awkwardly walk back as far as possible, then move forward at a walk and jump, but it feels like absolute shit to do.

Why is the jumping like this? I feel like this is a basic mechanical change that should've already happened because the jump has been terrible since its introduction. And even if they weren't going to change it why would they keep putting it into chapter segments for anything more than a single gap here or there?
Do you like her? Then no. Otherwise, yes. This applies to every banner, by the way.
Although you might consider waiting for her alt if you're patient. She might end up being a support though.
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Don't be mean...
lyfe ntr interactive scenes soon
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Big if true
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Is coffee good for you?
>Why is the jumping like this? I feel like this is a basic mechanical change that should've already happened because the jump has been terrible since its introduction. And even if they weren't going to change it why would they keep putting it into chapter segments for anything more than a single gap here or there?
These are the real head scratchers.
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in terms of strength, yes
The interrogation scene with Tau made me very sad and pity her once she broke down and begged to give more information out of desperation. I unironically want to save her, but also know that there is no saving her after what she did and that she has to face the music.
Game is too vanilla for shit like this, most coom you'll get is from teasers and PVs
If you cannot "afford" to roll for Chen, then yes you will regret rolling for her. She's outdated. She was the first limited DPS and she plays accordingly. Her skill feels like it takes forever to activate, and I often find myself dash-canceling out of it before it goes off, which still puts the skill on cooldown for some reason. She needs a minor rework just for easy of playability, and that's not to mention needing a minor strength buff to keep up with modern DPS units, though wiFenny kinda helps out with that.

However, if you just like Chen, and you can "afford" to roll for her, then you will not regret it.

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