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Middie stocks? Never higher.

Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

Previous: >>493608245
Sex with catgirls
I like femlalas
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Good night, I hate lalafell
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this is a schizo-free thread
Too late Rori posted before you.
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Crystal CC 2:45 ET
Midlander stocks are in hell
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Yeah. It was both cool and unfair for the enemy.
I agree it's extremely broken. They could make it % damage reduction instead of full invulnerability so covered people can't pot under it anymore.
Please don't be in my team...
I wish someone would shoot my femra in the head with a gun
Fuck with me.
godspeed, anon. hope you find it
But you are the schizo
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>60 posts in a single thread by LT alone
>retard tells himself people hate him "inorganically"
my femra wife...
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>he thinks I'd put a lalafell midlander OP
retard, I would've fixed the OP too but none of these idiots.
The old thread isn't dead, backlinking here was not necessary. Hope this helps in the future.
Started playing Arcanist and I'm not sure how well this is going to go for controller play. Large skill rotation that only gets worse as you level.
Say his name.
bring me a higher love
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Rob Chidori @ Balmung
Fiddie for my Middie.
Thank goodness . . .
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Mission failed, we'll get em next time
Hey cutie.... wanna?
Could a Duskie Lalaboy really love a Plainie Femlala...
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i'm literally the most normal and well-adjusted person ITT
What the fuck is your problem dude no one likes you
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could you spam a little bit less? maybe get some attention in game of all here?
Femra Nation
plainsfolk femlalas are builded for dunesfolk lalaboys
My bad D.T i had to get up to take care of something. Good Luck on your matches
if you go summoner theres not going to be a lot of skills but scholar does have a lot of them
I’ve made it.
To M4S prog where I’m ready to clear.
And getting trapped by people who can’t do Sunrise…..
would anyone like to be pet
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this >>493616445 at least if you're gonna keep spamming, get new images.
ay fuggedaboudit
>vacation expansion and summer event
>no summer outfits or slutglams at all
Is DT going to be even more of a disappointment when it comes to glam than EW?
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Static for this feel?
could we just sit together quietly for a bit?
What did she mean by this.
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posting my cat
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Good night /xivg/
if those are our parses then that's me and my friends
love my static
good night husband
This is dumb Goku is like 45 in this picture
hmph.. that blue hedgehog again, of all places!
hes one of the worst posters here. has the personality of a house plant and constantly tries to interject himself into everything. i refuse to believe anybody would unironically swoon over this pile of shit.
is it too late/cringe to do a honey b lovely glam at this point?
fuck you scale faced monster
literally any casual or FC static
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Show me your modbeasts
I wish appal hadn't cheated on and dumped you, maybe you wouldn't be spamming the shit out of the thread every single day
Why do you hate lalafell?
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my wife
me as piccolo
appal cheated?
hi elfwife
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dressin' up tomboy cat girls
why is it so little
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I love fiddies (forma de beast)!
>only 3 hearts
shit art
This is the story behind literally every cat girl here that posts too much.
She looks like this
No sorry, they've got me on a contract and will revoke my privileges if I don't meet the quota
Uhhhh maybe you didn't read the post at the start of the chain but this is a Schizo Free Thread......
normal mode exists
I think I would like to hang out and drink with this catdude
It's art from before savage dropped
>has the personality of a house plant
that's the average ebin, that guy is utterly detestable and creepy
Why are you such a pest
omg hi
it was with me
hello cat here

It will never be cringe!

Sunrise is one of those mechanics that people will mess up until the end of time. Once people get gear I'm expecting groups to do sunrise skip or disband instead of actually doing the mechanic.
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Goading you on - knock the block from her shoulder - try her, etc.
You can come up to the loft. We're reading local authored books she found at the pharmacy (they're not great).
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I caved and made one for our latest M2S prog night and we finally cleared, glam luck [real](2024) ...though now it's been replaced by my M3S prog glam
As a Lalaboy i just wanna say one thing, femlalas are gross.
with more than one person
Would be fun I'm sure. My place even has a bar for that kind of thing. As long as you don't mind sitting on cushions.
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This isn't my cat but it's a close enough representation.
I'm usually very reserved and only pestpost at my friends and people I know
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my male midlander looks and acts like this
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Sometimes I'm mean in the thread because I feel bad irl and I think a lot of you do the same.
It has always been cringe
what do you prefer
And Piccolo is like 20 years old max
when you let my femra get you eggnant
Fuck off Bobby
This poster ain't right
This is actually pretty good, good work.
>won by .1%
ermmm what the scallop
Stop joking around Bobby
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mine's like this
this nigga was not in the smoke wars thats stolen valor
I literally just pick a random person to schizo when I'm bored or feel bad and make up shit about them.
Does anyone want a mentally ill trans eb?
no i only post dumb inane and trite things. if you feel bad about it then work on not posting mean stuff anymore
I am a thighlander working on pentamelding my gathering gear
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i am
a femlala
that cried a river
and drowned the whole world
In light of this reply I have decided to delete my question
These guys bothering you, princess?
>1 tank 3 healers vs 2 tanks 2 healers
>both sides had AST+PLD
thank you for ending it swiftly and not prison realming me
Hewwo it is me, Glue Licker.
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Thank you for the CC games everyone!
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why does it look like....that? did you do something to it?
"It's a terrible day for rain" ass post

/pet anyway
It's kind of spooky when you realize a lot of the players playing this game might be underage and people you talk to might be as young as 13 years old.
I wonder how older people felt that played WoW when it first came out and most of the playerbase were kids and young teeangers.
GGs grape cat
why sis...
Bobby, are you playing that game where you pretend to be a girl?
she looks like she fucks hroths and gets her back blown out by them
>both sides had AST+PLD
damn already to the point of the night where i stop queuing up
pretty much the only two jobs in CC where having them on one team and not the other makes the match hopeless
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>random compliment to tank glam
Got mine for the semester, see you guys in 2025.
SGEs never die unless focused down, man.
Just focus the AST. Retard.
Reminder to report all schizoposters.
They are not welcome here.
All lalaboys want one thing and one thing only
big titty Miqo'te girls
who's THE hypnolala in this thread?
Hmmm, too tummy smooch or motor boat...
this looks like photorealistic yaoi
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Listen to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiVhgtnLIuE
my male midlander is a washed up grade 9 fixer
he has to accept this
look man i'm just a humble ninja shitter i was not getting ANYTHING done that game
Nobody dies in this shit PvP unless focused down, that's the entire balance of PvP with everyone having instant self-heals and a guard.
Shinunu Shinu
that game didn't have focus potential
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I liked it too, Nila.
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>Honey B. glams are cringe
Loser! You're a loser! Are you feeling sorry for yourself? Well you should be, cause you are dirt!
>this guy again
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the meower
rob liefield was ahead of his time
You just don't know how to burst, faggot.
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my sunnie kinda looks exactly like this
i made an armorbro alt because it felt wrong giving armorbros compliments while not being an armorbro
You'll always be a grade 1 to me...
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Loool nah man it's mostly 25+ year olds and has-been fgc/other mp game players that play this game
No milord, you must have mercy on them. Please hide the size of your gargantuan chest, the other malera might think you're poppin titty skittles instead of trenmaxxing... you don't wanna end up in the HRT extraction chamber, do you?...
Flip a coin. It never fails
I don't.
sex with outis
Wonder if Honey B. Lovely squirts and discharges honey.
Post the 60 posts
thanks bro...
>You don't know how to burst
>in a mario party mode with 4 buttons
LMAOing @ your life rn
bobby had a bad reaction to a fruit pie
Biggest loser at the LB14?
I am... making a collage of female orgasms... while queueing for CC...
>Focus the AST
>PLD covers them and you lose
>Focus the PLD
>AST dumps 100k potency worth of heals into them and you lose
>Focus anyone else
patch when
thank you one letter removed name sharer.
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give conse a hug for me please
the solution is to have a warrior and have them yoink priority targets into the team to die
based bobby
Yeah, just smear shit on the walls.
dyl piano playing femlalas
for a second that tail looked so disgusting and limp I thought this was scat
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>femlala poster: Oh I'm so sad and depressed... it's difficult to be me...
>gets guaranteed 50+ replies
>meanwhile I get none
it's hard being a male poster...
PvP used to be better before everyone had an instant self heal that nearly heals you for full and a dumb invul bubble
then you shall weep and gnash your teeth
*rushes over to /dote you before your corpse disappears*
It's okay bro. You got this!
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You've failed the test.
You pass.

FL would be unplayable without those.
Why does this cat look so familiar?
after seeing what KR fanta'd to I think they have shitposted me in the past with a character that looks exactly the same
bad game
you're going to trigger his ptsd, you should be my wife instead
So it's just general ebin hate that started the melties in the past few threads?
Boring. I was hoping for some juice.
face 4 noses are vestigial
its a grey face 4 moonie, they're a dime a dozen
macro really is an insane button
I have nothing but my sorrow and I want nothing more.
I recognize music lyrics naturally, I love this song it's on my driving playlist
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bro what
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Gobbie want slimy sticky fucky fuck from throbbing dirty uplander cheesesmell pastrami folds
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I like male characters
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my cat
now gangnam all over the place
Just let healers heal like before.
I've said it before but every change in PvP has been awful except for the LB changes. If they kept things prety much the same with some tweaks instead and just changed the LBs PvP would have been so much better.

PvP and jobs are even more homogenized in PvP now.
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do you play CC
No one unironically likes male characters
being able to manually pop it at anytime as an ogcd makes it absurdly strong to just not let people die
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I'm going to string Molly up to a pole and use her fat tits as punching bags.
No one unironically likes male characters
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you must stanky leg... like I have...
suffering builds character...
suffering builds character...
suffering builds character...
All of you Effy orbiters are honestly pathetic.
C@ post
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Outis my warcrime wife
PSSH uplander making lustyeyes at gobby funnyjunk? uplander bendypole pushslam gobbie stinkyfolds?
Nope. Have you ever worn an eyepatch for an extended period of time?
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Excellent "Ironic" shitpost!
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All the replies just want to textfuck her character
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>he didn't have the courage to come up and sit next to me today
Nah, fuck that. You just can't cope without a healer pocket.
holy moly feet
*rips shirt off to show a "I LOVE MALE CHARACTERS" shirt underneath*

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the tail has no life or emotion to it. It's like she stapled a fuzzy rope to her tailbone. Genuinely looks more like she's grinning smugly while she slides out a massive log in your yard more than a tail. If my cat's tail ever hung like that I would take it to the animal hospital.
These posts sustain me. They strike the silly little bone that makes me go "hehe"
Look at the bright side, you will never be called a pedo on the thread
I wish healers could still heal, I used to love PVP healing. The only reactive, unscripted healing content in the game. Gone forever. I could cry.
Merely a coincidence then, sorry!
>sees chiten
>hold dps
>chiten falls off
Now what? I can guard your SHITtetsuken now.
You must suffer, as I have...
No, you must suffer even more...
please stop getting art of your ugly ass character and ruining my opinions off limbus artists
Spoken like a man who hasn't given some premium Effy titrape before.
>see someone sitting on ledges using the cheat
>reports them
Just doing my duty
may i rape
you might be a bit autistic
>could stand at lb14 all day and not get a single whisper or even /s directed towards me
>at most 3 passing glances thanks to ptom noticing
The double sided motorboating coin it is then
You'd look better getting plowed by Kong
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Male middies, assemble
that's fine, but that cat also looks like she is taking a mean shit
Who was the EU melter that used to post this all the time?
what do you play
How about you send a tell? Only friend collectors with hyper-specific tastes in race will approach you.
I bait at low health and stall until you're knee-deep in your kill rotation, then press the button right before you fatfinger a combo, take the hit, purify, and THEN counter. I have never whiffed a zantetsuken.
I'm still requesting a picture of Molly and Cherry in bikinis and slathered in oil for my bun goon collection.
should i make my moonies boobs bigger
I literally bait and if it doesn't work I stun/bind and scurry off
we're at the la casa if you want to come make a surprise guest appearance hermano
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true, but not quite as pathetic as the MM and Akemi ones
whats the move today brother
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Is Molly the bun or the koala?
cc doko
trim your eyebrows
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Crystal queue casual CC @ 1:00 ET.
sometimes i just pop it on the point and i gain free % and wins because the enemy team's full of pussies
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>Is Molly the bun or the koala?
I just clicked on everyone I saw, so it should be 4 now.
not only do i like male characters
i am also a male character
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What can I say, I like crazy autistic boys
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shave your fuckin face.
oh hell nah what'd they do to skadoo
Blacked is back Alright!
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Just because you asked nicely, sure dork.
>my small dicked soon to be EB have agreed to meet me irl
life is good bros
contrary to popular belief, the koala got chlamydia from Molly
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I saw a cute moonie in Aglaia
the maliddie council reporting in
Some people doesn't realize Zantetsuken has a glaring weakness besides Chiten. You can survive the 100% execute if you are shielded.
*tips hat* M-Ma'am...
you do know you will never look like that in real life, don't you?
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what the hell is happening in the old thread?
Was it me?
I'm glad you and Jean are happy together
What's the current status of them? Why are they in hell?
People like male characters, your characters just aren't MEN.
two grown ass men erping
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I'm a boy...
the death of the trash thread and its consequences have been terrible for the quality of the thread
What would I even say? "Hello fellow 4chan user, I want to make a friend!"
queue before the map changes!!!!!
anyone know what mod this is?
also god i love final fantasy 14!
>makes male character
>dresses as a fag
>acts like a fag
"Why don't people like male characters"
Female Hrothgars are not attractive if you're a mentally stable cisgender straight man or cisgender lesbian woman and I'm tired of people pretending they are.
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I thought the sphene feet zoom in scene was unnecessary but what do i know
Evens I pull up to crystal and finish off my level in cc
Odds I don't and queue trial roulette
lalaboy post
Cant believe not a single person wants a mentally damaged trans eb…
Reminder that Lamitt died a virgin and never had her feelings reciprocated
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my character is a grown ass man just like me
my penis is not that small
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Thanks again anon! <3
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The dance?
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In hell
Consistently awful posts and shit OPs
>anyone know what mod this is?
Who cares

My moonie wants to smooch u
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sphene stuff was tame compared to what happened with honey b....
Gods I wish women's feet were real.
holy fucking sex with those moonies
Fucking hell my balls stink
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How are the middie stocks even alive rn
of course, wine aunt
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My fiddie acts exactly like that and kind of looks like her...
Is that what I get for liking male characters
If I commit suicide its your fault
holy thicc.....
thanks anon!
>B stands for
>Beeneath my heels
Come on it was right there
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How realistically difficult it is to get a necromancer title?
I want to drink and watch movies with this charming cat
*presses sunnie nose against them*
*inhales deeply*
MF gomen I'm way too drunk
do you like musky moonies
Are you a poopynose?
How the fuck do you level alt dps jobs 61-71
Ques take hours, HoH is dogshit xp, nobody does fates
already have all my tanks and healers at 100, but holy fuck this level bracket is dogshit
Can we bot/plugin the necromancer title?
tranny mod
I do what I want
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Thank you for the invitation knuckles, right now i'm playing FL with the OG squad
Uh idk lol
Pfft, i'm still safe
what jacket mod is that?
Yes, you have to buy miqobot for it tho
Plugin yes
Bot no
If Eldus is such a bad schizo, then why is the lala bench accepting him?
Those grape saggers are literally built to be fluffed by my bunny boys incredibly middling cock
my sunnie is now ready to play cc
Best rare titles? Necromancer is not a rare title anymore so don't mention it.
The Accursed
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What race was this
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there are plugins that show you where mobs and traps are through walls, what they do, and which chests are mimics. Any solo deep dungeon achievement isn't impressive at all anymore
Can I itemswap mods with penumbra or do I still have to do it the textools way?
Hand of Mercy
From what I could gather, Eldus was being false flagged. No evidence was posted, and my friends don't know anything.
That's the "I'm using a bot" title
bottable, and most people who have it probably did bot it
suncat girl
Octopus Traveler
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what's my reward... for having such a rare appellation?
feeling a bit objectified tonight middie bros
The malera instinct to forge ahead
deserved tbqh senpai
Final fish
>just four more of these filler MSQ quests until all the level 89 goodies
I can do it...
my bad gang
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Crystal queue casual CC @ 5:30 ET.
any of the 200 GC leves ones
thank you
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The Fabulously Feral
The malera instinct to shoot ropes of khagan bastard seed to tranny porn
i thought you said best titties and was about to catbox my moonie's
Good night bwos!
Maybe tomorrow will be the day, I'll talk to them again~
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We won, to the surprise of no one.
A femra can objectify my middie anytime she wants
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>i will never have a slutty EB
its so fucking over middie bros.....
im a chad irl so i use the alpha legend title
uhm dont tell me you dont have it.....
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hello haters of abe
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Any cuties at LB14?
they should add 2 more DPS next expansion and just remove 2 tanks and 2 healers to make the game even worse and make the DPS ques at least 4 hours long
A fiddie can objectify my middie anytime she wants
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bad timing
Kindred Blade or The Knight of Glory
a moonie can objectify my middie anytime she wants
Korkana is the only legit one I have seen.
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I personally like the Hunt titles like Of The Endless Hunt and Ultimate Thrillseeker personally.
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There's no impressive title currently desu. DD are free, hunts are autism grind, and so are the super rare pvp ones for 1000 wins per class.
Final Fish isn't rare. More people have it than Necromancer.
The malera instinct to charge in the face of fear
I get why men beat their wives now
my middie can ride his bike with no handlebars
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I'm posting two songs cause my mood is swinging harder than Shohei Ohtani tonight
Shut up nerd *pushes your hat off your head*
im going to commit a crime
I shall. Now shake your moneymaker I got your rent money right here baby
The one that I use, obviously
The Unleashed
what twitter is this from? plz
ebic hero
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Wings of Fire

I won't EB someone unless they have that title.
my moonie is like this
my male middies wonders how can one little street swallow so many lives?
It's difficulty lies in it's tediousness and time investment. If you fuck up even just once you have to start all over again, but by this point there are extensive guides.
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The Alpha Wolf...
I would guess it started as viera or miqo'te

Ultimate thrillseeker is pretty cool.
I like Force of Nature a lot. Epic Hero is cheesy and would be lame if it were common but it's pretty rare.
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Yes, me!
Didn't feel like I did that much this game, playing with you guys has helped me a lot
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My other sunnie looks like this.
I've seen that cat get railed by cruise chaser
The malera instinct to endure
what size condoms do the male races buy?
The Flamesworn or The Stormsworn
The malera instinct to persist, no matter how much it hurts
you are lucky i remembered anon
My middie would buy XL but he prefers to go in raw
only one i seeing interact with is another lalaboy though
my male miqo'te is 31 years old
he just has a babyface like me
My sound effects are not working but my music is, wtf wtf wtf
male middies cannot shake they ass like this
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A lazy evening in sounds wonderful...
Post moonie or come say hi dear~
I'm glad you enjoy them, but it's not great to be putting yourself down like that hun
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did you turn them off by mistake?
I have video proof but I shant be sharing it
My brethren can vouch for me
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Count of Monte Cowrie
Post your femra right NOW!!!!
my moonie uses provoke on hunts while waiting for them to be pulled
you hear this >>493620502 boy? Show em what you can do
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Not rare. 2% of players own it. Rare is less than 1%
Saint of the Firmament
I can confirm, bro can make it jiggle
I shant be sharing proof however
They're cute because they're animals
If you find them sexually appealing you're a zoophile and, yes, probably trans.
hi miau miau can you find and tell the girl next to you that she has a nice armpit
My catboy uses moonies while waiting for hunts to be pulled.
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she just died a few hours ago.
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>>493620568 knows
Imagine the forest down there.
How would that be possible without going into the menu?
*high fives*
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wannya do some hunts
Nobody likes malera
Nothing in this game is a flex everything can and will be botted. And we like it like that.
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Crystal queue casual CC @ 9:15 ET.
The clashing highlights and glasses are too much.
also a slit dress looks better with heels and long gloves, you managed to do the exact opposite.
cosmic rays causing a bit flip
/se 0
Idk how you do 200k per minute on ninja I wish I could do that. Good job. I'm a 100k-150k gamer.
Does he catch?
whoever made effy shut the fuck up: thanks
dawntrail sucks and this game suck.
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come here, my little lala kittens...
yes, let's sex.
I don't play this game to flex
I lift weights for that
no problem
knight of glory
Eurekan Explorer because it means they have good taste
ur so hot brudda
how is the 4s prog going
my femezen lures moonies by pretending to be a catboy
Are you really that blue? I'm starting to wonder if my blue moonie was ever that blue. I mean she even had blue hair but I don't know. Not that I don't like it, just..
You have 10 minutes to post arms with timestamp.
i will begin shitposting male middies until video proof of rhythmic ass gyrations are provided
That game was so freaking scoff wish people would listen to call outs when you are losing.
that would be pretty deliberate, right now I'm running around LB14 and I can only hear my emotes in certain places, and I didn't hear any sound effect in CC a minute ago, except for when people get a health pickup.
Its intermittent, though music plays just fine. Idk wtf this is
what about highlanders
>Day 2 of playing as a loli
>Already have 10 friends
my catboy acts like this
No, they're small
Still the best MMO right now.
just had a dnc that didn't press technical step once in the entire dungeon (they made it take 30 minutes)
Fuck >>493620990 post your cumgutters.
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>RW match stalemates for 10 minutes, comes down to teams of retards deploying into the enemy's base spec-ops style and smacking their core
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We're male midlanders. Lalagirls are fucking sexy, but a baby dragon is awwwwright.
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>S-rank hunts are spawning now
>it's 7am and I've not slept
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yus i was finally able to figure out how to remove that gross hyper detailed mouth from the only sharp lala teeth mod

i am happy
I don't know
Thanks but you're not supposed to say that
I should be legally allowed to creampie every hrothgal.
Post her
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can someone invite me to balmung so I can world visit
unironically live for this
nobody likes catboys
Just this morning I finished my final M3S reclears of the week. M4S prog has not even begun, only study so far. And I also need to cap tomestones on 11 more hunt trains before I start.
My cock smells
well, you are technically
You know what i mean, not actually friends. Just people in my fl
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>We're male midlanders
>Lalagirls are fucking sexy
>but a baby dragon is awwwwright
Falseflag, this post was not made by one of us
Brown cheeks for my BWC catboy doko
How do people's sense of aesthetics get so twisted?
It's almost the same phenomenon as the sims where they start pretty normal and in check then make hideous beasts.
all moonies are into ntr
why would a lala need teeth like this?
macchi anchor
post reasons why you hate macchi
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Done with all my melees bros, what's next?
My asshole is leaking pus
I'm a male midlander
dying happily with my head face first in this lalas thighs
how else can i effectively bite ankles
should get that looked at bro, infections are dangerous down there
no no it's true
PLD, it's first on the list.
Mine is the 1 in the mid https://litter.catbox.moe/xedd5o.png
thoughts on drg+rpr 91-100?
Want some more?
Genuinely appreciated feedback, thank you. The thigh-highs are personal preference of mine but the gloves are there more for the tats and nails. I've been playing around with longer gloves and sleeves but nothing has properly clicked for me.
Holy based.
unlisted, we always get overshadowed and forgotten by our midland cousins, considered a different race altogether by the community with how different we are.
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We're male midlanders... yeah we let mi'kittens nurse on our succulent pectorals as we imagine we're lactating mommies.
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My asshole is leaking cum
I'm a lalaboy
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okay this one got me fucking LOL
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Sisters…my moonie does this…
raping this moonie without remorse
Always, if you meet me in the wild do not hesitate to approach im always free.
ty ty i had tons of fun (that happened literally 2 hours ago)
you post this like I don't enjoy fat middie tits (male)

My investment in Midcoin remains
>get marked in FL just because I'm DRK
Fuck that I'm just doing roulettes
>we were down 400 from red, but then all three DRKs locked in, and we were 20 points close to winning until we started feeding to the other teams
Fuck that it was a simple win
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my meena?.......
yeah...... eepy
i respect malera but not sexually
whenever im in a full group of malera the dungeon goes off without a single mistake even with 4 sprouts and a malera mentor is one that is an actual god of the game not a genetic mistake using it as a burger king crown
you know youre in for a good time with malera
i wish this cat was more available but they never go to lb14
Low key kindaaaa...
That match made me sweat for a second but we got it bros.
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that's a given
you get a couple big buttons in exchange for core gameplay mechanics being gutted
i early gged accidentally and felt bad
lemme guess, he’s gay
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real shit fellow middie bro, huge W
hey qtpie i'm the drummer for SOAD irl.... wanna latch and suckle??
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Crystal queue casual CC @ 1:00 ET.
hop on fortnite bro
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Anyone need roulettes?
Sorry my bad I'm back
PLD it is.
RPR was pretty fun to level and I overall enjoyed it more than EW reaper, they added pretty cool skills and it felt like an improvement

I have mixed feelings for DRG, it's alright but it just doesn't feel as good as in EW, feels incomplete somehow and it doesn't flow as nicely as it used to so I still prefer the older DRG
My fiddie is going to bed and curling up with a wrap around body pillow so it feels like someone could be spooning her. Goodnight.
>Friends with Menhera Chan who was schizoing you not even 3 months ago
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Keep feeding my malmstones.
do you look like this
>join a vtuber's pf that says he is streaming roulettes
>he asks if its okay for me to be shown on stream when i join
ummm thats why i joined...??
Artist? I would so commission my femra in this style
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Male midlander stocks to the FUCKING ROOF!!! Onegaiiii~ rape my miqote kitten she's super wet right meow kyaa~
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if you were the drummer for judas priest
maybe... probably still not idk
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thoughts on hags?
My fiddie is going to bed but she's just banging her head against a wall until it knocks her out cold.
me as the body pillow
In every game where I can name the female companion to my male human I name her Effy...
the PvP miera has a band?
Love this lala and her cat
thanks I almost forgot to take my meds again
This is hot unironically
my femlala does this daily haha...
this is just a milf
i gooned
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i mean i guess it is kind of hag
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Join me in following handsome malera and then staring at them blankly until they get afraid and start running away.
I don't remember posting this
tsk.. i'll (a male midlander) get you next time, kitten... mrreoww
it changed my life when i found this twitter
Need mentally ill EB who will stalk me the moment I log in...
I only see like max 13ish people in balmung uldah with sync
me as the wall
Stop sneaking around my back yard. I always see you on the wall
I also need an EB like this
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because I posted it, ME, so BACK UP
Is it a male wall?
me as the back yard
She's sweet as a peach
What's the last game you did this in...
ok i didnt join to be a conversation partner... i just wanted to do my roulettes man i dont even know japanese
middies copying malera gimmicks word for word and bar for bar
is balmung open? i need to make my ul'dahn lowlander hypnotist
LOL I can't wait til he turns on you again
>>Idk how you do 200k per minute on ninja I wish I could do that. Good job. I'm a 100k-150k gamer.
Why are you tracking damage per minute, seems like a weird metric. To be honest though I just got lucky with some 3+ man fireballs
makes you wonder...
Who is your least favorite character at the bench and why?
Ehrm.. stop looking into this right meow.
Came on my EBs cock (in ERP) and she thought it was the hottest thing ever.
you're not supposed to point that out
what are you cooking
what in the world is that song name
if you like thigh highs do a short skirt. slit dresses are more for bare leg fags. that's why they cover their arms n shit to bring your eyes down to their legs.
you can make the highlights work with a tipped tail.
all Meena.
3 arbys roast beef and cheddar sandwiches mozarella sticks and 2 milkshakes for sun cats
Can't very well turn on me again if they never turned on me a first time . . .
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We're male midlanders. I'm not a part of some secret malera cabal, I just have one inside of me right now.
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hopefully not a +
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femra sexo with my femezen
3 arbys roast beef and cheddar sandwiches mozarella sticks and 2 milkshakes for sun rosa
Please be a +
my male midlander also loves taking malera cock
she refuses to put out for my lalaboy
This hrothgar has decided on his second job for cc
Fireball. People underestimate it, but it's a actually degenerately over-statted skill.
okay now this is obviously a false flag, malera only fuck trannies
*gently holds wall* goodnight wall
i was told to spit on my partner’s cock and that was pretty hot imo
I know telling you to try harder with your bait still gives you the (You) you're looking for but come on man.
boomer post
my femraen just demolished some hot wings
hawk tuah on that shit lolllllllllll
What exactly are you trying to imply here?
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Crystal queue casual CC @ 4:30 ET.
my rava got charmed by a fiddie in cc but we won anyway
erm, i already ate though ty...
my femlala is jealous
holy shit that mfer can eat zamn
What's up with the current male midlander schizoposting?
Who did the midlanders upset now
I shant be caring, I think the schizo posts are funny
oh yeah that meme that went nowhere, true
good night cute fiddie *smooches ur forehead* :)
clsoe one but we got them sis
*my forehead gets a giant dent on it because a wall fell on it* ouch...! *knocks out cold*
ursula said you guys didn't deserve it
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>he said he didn't want to do cc but turned out to be on the other team
fuck i ate all my bananas
job well done...
push the crystal next time?
there's an internal power struggle going on in the council
want to sit on my cock?
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My fiddie acts like this
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have you worshiped mommy today?
what job was he
these are my new favorite posts
wtf that's literally my femlala
What determines if someone is a hag?
Christ alive these level 88 MSQs are just meandering.
I want the record to show I didn't make this post.
My nemesis has appeared huh
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We're male midlanders... and we've been found out!
bongo dongos :drool:
I'm a moonie who broke her arm and so cannot do armpit pics... (hurts to raise my arm.)
is it gonna hurt? my femlala has never done anything like that...
my femra is terrorizing duty finder rn
um where gock?
Okay do they have a drawing about how to cope with it because that's literally me
their king is back and it made them act up
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>what in the world is that song name
just your typical edgelord death metal stuff. pls no bully
Don't worry, it gets better in Dawnt- PFFTAHAHAHA sorry I can't lie to you like that man. It's downhill from here on out.
male midlanders... so builded for fulala!

how do i do that
my sunnie is just not having a good night
that's my wife actually
Gonna plap this femra if she terrorizes my df
Hey baby.. wanna back that up onto my malera clogocka?
ursula is so hot in a dorky way, my meena will be busting a nut on those glasses
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what a horrible night to have eyes
i will nurse u back to health moonie
Would anyone really enjoy a femra without mental issues....
If you're a + I couldn't be happier to hear that.
that's actually my wife
Sexualities are pointless, I just like thirst trapping
I think one of the things that draws me to malera is that (in my experience), they are generally helpful, kind, polite, and respectful. I don't play a female character though so I might just be interacting with the best of them, but in general it's one of the better race communities out there imo, and the malera of /xivg/ are all good examples of it.
Femra don't like malera
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The Council is on its way to punish thee for thy crimes
>Kicked from the syncshell
Guess my thread cred wasn't high enough...
Probably, you'll be a good girl and handle it for me
maliddie like this for my fiddie
I'm tired of this
I want to do content
we need to make our own hangout spot on aether
Why are femra so short compared to malera? Every other race keeps the heights similar.
Lamitt posters awfully quiet after this one king
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Male middie- for my fwala....
why is it so small
and isn't this a miera
may i rape
If you're a + I couldn't be sadder to hear that.
Let me guess, you're a fiddie who wouldn't suck Magness' shriveled pinoy cock.
i need this


thank you
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thanks I got in
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Fuck me you pornsick retards need to touch another human being
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Good morning.
Kind anon...
not enough flags on the wall
I have a + in real life so it goes without saying that my sunnie has a + in final fantasy 14
the extreme dimorphism is one of their unique traits as a race so it fills that niche for the playerbase
I'd do the tipped tail if it wasn't a cotton-ball as the only option....
>tfw won against my nemesis for onc
because you're all porn addled freaks
remus post
I hang out at Solution Nine
mutilated.... you poor thing your parents wronged you hard.
its my duty to moonie.
i do pf daily
we've been having a lot of these lately
Glue Nigger
im sorry you feel that way
I wish
are these ages or parses
can you make it on midgard (i am a traveller eternally stuck there)
Good morning fellow femra :3c
OJ you annoying fuck, let me free cast.
original meme is ages, but parses make it funny
Frottable desu, but I hate dealing with femboys.
The xivg crowd looks a lot smaller than I remember.
sorry bros, I raped you're wife
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Crystal queue casual CC @ 9:00 ET.
>he doesn't know
rapeable fiddie
the lala on the left made me cum many times
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fujo melty
we love this
ok bye
Thanks, I can finally join.
Uh, sis...? Are you not in the Discord...?
do you want a moonie to help make it better
>wants to do content
>by making an erp spot
damn I need my dick sucked
no thank you
I'm reformed!
Huh?! I'm not in your tiny little backyard!
Fake news!
Lord Heiko decreed a move back to to the 'beds
Yeah, I'll just feed into the middle of the crystal next time while Otis is on DRK and feed his 20% recover, that's a good idea. ;-;
>responding to macchi bait posts

swing and a miss
>mfw my timezone frees me from seeing most of the drama posting, but also means I miss stuff like the clique cords.
Bros since when Heiko is named Heiko Harlocke?? where did that e come from?
Not in ul'dah right now, this loli will be my main so im doing msq, i do stop by ul'dah from time to time tho, dont be shy and just pick me up if you see me.
you have nothing to lose in overtime
>doing fates on dynamis (elpis)
>s rank spawns
>this DC is so dead I won't have anyone to kill it with
okay, good luck sunnie
bet this guy think's it's spelled Febreeze too
Well, I can't say you haven't got a point.
>my second femlala wife isnt there
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Is savage and even extremes still impossible to do as BLM?
what would you like to make it better
I wish I lived in the mythical timezone that dodges NA drame and EU schizos.
Does your Fat Cat want to go out for coffee?
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goodnight i love lalafell
EU catches EU drama
NA catches NA drama
AU + Asia catches both
no, you just have to be autistic about your cooldown plans
no more monks in my cc games
I hang out alone in my house while I PF
sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex
Glad we're free from the annoying ass bench lalas and the shitfest that is Uldah shout chat
ok i wont this time
me too sis
Pretty you'd be taller than lala
Mods please? Is this Moon?
post sunnie
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You can get them at ATF and no we are using a branch of mare called "Loporrit" cute and funny stuff is bannable on mare.
oh hey mc. im looking at you right now. (not targeting)
Are you live.,..
nope. tb
im with my wife right now..

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