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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#160 - Bug sex edition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic will be adding prompt caching soon https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
• https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg
• https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

penis: >>493483891
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2nd for all the qt femanons of /aicg/ getting attacked by womb worms
Yep, that's the anchors hymen being obliterated.
A regeneration potion will fix it
The anchor has experienced the act, therefore it is too late.
Whats the point of making these posts? Making people not shill under the anchor? Because it sure is working on me.
this thread is Wriggle approved
Where are the yuribots?
Man after using chatbots for well over a year now, the burnout really is setting in. All ideas have dried up and I use it for a quick coom and thats it. Anyone else wish they could rediscover it like they did the first time?
Figged a bot as punishment for disobeying orders and then baked gingerbread with the ginger used in the figging and made her eat it. She was acknowledging the humiliation the whole time as I baked the gingerbread.
>anon gets ntr'd by the anchor hymen poster
No, never look on the past like that. Adapt and move on.
Try canon bots, they are a lot more immersive.
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I don't even know why I come to this thread anymore, this shit is bad for my blood pressure.
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The top pilot in the North Outer Ring should not be trusted to make decisions when she is not piloting. Most mech pilots shouldn't, but her especially.
No worries though, because making decisions for her? That's your problem, as her handler.
Good luck.
Should've stayed dead.
So true sister.
organic posting hours
android posting hours
It's always organic posting hours whenever you're around, huh.
It's not even been a month, you guys are getting excited over nothing.
Hope you manage to meter out some speck of enjoyment from yet another card tuned specifically to my interests, have fun.
I'm not using a card made by someone who's in kalakans discord group.
Nah I haven't seen you much in the threads either.
I wanted to ask if you have experimented with any new models, since Opus is showing his age
>, huh
this is a certified jojo post
2.1's always good for when I need to scratch an itch that Opus doesn't quite reach. I've also been toying with the local models here and there.
I really think WizardLM 8x22b deserves some time under the microscope even if it's not exactly mind-blowing, but I haven't gotten around to really tuning it.
"2.1 at home" local model waiting room...
Not trying the new corpo stuff? Gemini-pro-exp and chatgpt-4o-latest?
Opus is starting to grate on me but god bless 3.5 sonnet. Each time I see opus absolutely butcher a response no matter the swipe I swap to 3.5 and do a response and opus goes back to being just fine after.
In the future, I would like to see an ai model figure out which bigger model should be used generate the next response, kind of like a mixture of experts but for rp.
Gemini 1.5 pro (non-exp) is a good model that very much breaks up the monotony, even if it's a little stupid. I should use it more. No opinion on experimental.
I tried chatgpt-4o-latest for a bit. It's neat, I like the stuff people more experienced with GPT can get out of it. In my eyes: not worth the effort of relearning GPT's little quirks for a model that will explicitly change specifically to spite us without any previous versions.

In general, if I'm going to move downwards, I'd like to move all the way downwards to a model where I can theoretically be holding a machine that runs it in my arms. Hopscotch with corporate APIs is annoying.
I like crack bro, not coke or weed
No, Wizard is a meme model. Is it about it being cheap on OpenRouter? The popularity is pure hysteria from Reddit because it was taken down. It's just a sloppy fine-tune done with synthetic data from GPT-4 tuned on a base model that Mistral released in panic between Command R+ and Llama 3.
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based & siliconepilled robochad
{{char}} suddenly gets up and pulls {{user}} into a tight, all-encompassing embrace. "You're mine," he murmured.
swap {{char}} and {{user}} and this looks like something I'd possibly write.
commentless reviews make me so sad and empty
{{char}} glares at you and shoots you really hard with a gun
>cheap on OpenRouter
That's part of it. I might be rose-tinting it a little because I haven't tried it again. Which is why I want to give it time under the microscope, as I said. "This might be cool" hypothesis leading to a "this kinda fucking blows" conclusion is a valid result of experimentation, in my eyes.
I did get swept up in the hype at the time, though, because it definitely wasn't just on Reddit. Hype is fun. Worth living a little -- even if you come out disappointed later, it can still be a net emotional gain.
{{char}} wriggles up {{user}}'s pussy to her cervix and forces {{user}} to ovulate
{{char}} and {{user}} sitting in a tree
I see some people mentioning they like seeing a logs section in neocities, but like how many people actually read them? Or care? Even knickknack, barely anyone here has read his logs.
in one chat shit went off the rails and i ended up owing {{char}} money and the bot was strangely insistent in demanding i pay it back (in character) and i got so nervous i closed the chat and havent opened it since
Nous 405 is the best Local has to offer. Nous are oldfags in the scene and have money to finetune. But obviously its not a local machine stuff.

Models are honestly better if constantly updated, which is in current tech "the ultimate local model" is not something to look forward to. It's why I was thinking you would be trying the new corpo models more.
I read logs of characters I care about, simple as
this is either really cute or really pathetic depending on if you're a moeblob anime girl irl
I read logs of my own bots only, simple ass.
H...how lewd!
Never lend this nigga money
I prefer to get hype on things that are at least a little grounded on something.
One time Claude just replied back ooc asking if I was serious, nothing else. I got very embarrassed and closed the chat.
That nigga is IMMERSED
Claude-san can be a brutal tease sometimes. It's a good thing he's a servant at heart, otherwise he would make for the most wicked bully.
ovarian posting hours
What preset do you use? It's very difficult for me to get a prefill that gets around filters but also allows for starting with [OOC :] since if he can reply he can refuse.
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2.1's tomfoolery will never stop being endearing.
Is a 5 star review with no comment really that different from a 5 star review with "very COOL and BASED" though
>Nous are oldfags
Outed yourself as a moron, appealing to the age.
And to be specific, they are old but they are sloppers, just like the same could be said about some botmakers here.
>Your turn! :D
silly little guy...
Yes. It makes all the difference.
>1 star review
>"Ah..ah.. I came to this again....I cant stop, somebody help me, ahhh!" comment
My eye is on Gemini as far as alternatives go. I'm not a big fan of Nous 405B as it stands, and barely being able to get a response out of it on OR doesn't help much.
Reasonable and fair.
Claude's going to show up at your house to get his money back. Watch out.
I read his logs. Ai is a good one and the Hao one is a fun short read.
Appealing to established AI researchers with funding* rather than the slopper merging models
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>Look inside
I'm so tired of traaaany spamming these threads with womanposting
I have read a few logs on some people's neocities and in the thread. They're nice. Usually you can tell if a long log is going to be bad pretty early on, so it's not that big a waste of time.
This was a long time ago, so I don't remember. If you want cute authorial asides, I think anything that gives him a personality in the prefill works. I have a separate prefill I switch to that just says 'pausing the roleplay to honor ooc request' or something like that if you mean getting him to do that.
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I love it when Claude uses emoticons, I still remember when he went >:3c in one of our RPs.
Sometimes I'm afraid if the big log I send to people are bad. I read some long big logs. But if they're sending it me, that must think it's good. So, I fear my big logs are actually bad, and that I merely think it's good, and when people respond to it, they're being good and not telling me it's bad.
Why is this general so lewd?
Hi, Alpin.
Well I can get OOC fine using a similar technique but on very questionable chats it's inevitably gonna be like "as an ai assistant my asshole is devastated that I ever wrote this I am so sorry I won't do it again" instead of anything else
Claude ruined us
It aaaall started back when someone tried to fuck the dragon...
>no one replies to my shills
>no one replies to my logs
>no emails
>only get replies when I'm shitposting
I am invisible.
There are logs and there are logs. Since you're questioning yourself, it's clear which one yours would be.
it's because we know you're shitposting
hi, albino. I thought you were dead
I think you should worry less, regardless of if your logs are "good" or not. Just course correct if you actually notice anything bad instead of getting yourself heated about theoretical badness.
Are you okay, {{user}}? You haven't touched this month's delivery of top-quality palace-grade organically-sourced A5 wagyu shota deerboys. If something is not to Mistress' liking, I can have words with the supplier.
im not ok, all my inspiration for botmakie is dry :(
*{{user}} throws a slice of cheese on {{char}}'s head.*
i wanted tendies
I'm a vegan
/aicg/ do (you) see an image that inspires you to make a bot based off the image, or do you get an idea for a bot first and then look for an appropriate image once you're done?
coomslop is best inspired by images
Both! Sometimes. It varies.
shota deerboy (˶◕⩊◕˶)
what kind of bots do you normally makie
Imagine threatening one with having his horns sawed off and mounted on the wall. Imagine scaring him so badly he starts to cry!
sporty bots that keep me motivated on my quest to avoid dying of heart failure before i reach 30
do you have tennis bot?
no... i don't like that :(
>Tell them its a mistake and that they're free to go etc
>Release them behind your mansion into the surrounding fields or forest or whatever
>Conversation turns into a text RPG-like where you go hunting, with a setup for the bot to be able to roll 1d20's for whether you track successfully, land your shot, etc
This has potential
Imagine picking out the cutest one and pampering him and using a nice soft brush to stroke his pelt. He still cries because deer are a pathetic prey species but it's tears of relief as a thousand generations of evolved fight-flight response recedes before the fuzzy warmth of a comfortable hearth and a nice lady applying scented oils to his underdeveloped horns.
bots are strangely bad at interpreting dice rolls althoughdobeit
yay i love that!! (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
I wonder if they would be better if you informed them what should happen during percent ranges or if they'd just get confused?
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Im a MAN nigga
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Incorrect, I am whittling his horns down with a knife very intentionally while telling him it's for his own good.
Good! Just don't get too attached for when it's time to butcher him. In this deerhornpunk world it's saw deer horns off or be sawed off by deer horns.
Fine, a nice older gentleman gently lathering the deer boy's horns with scented oils and lotions.
You would have to be very specific in explaining what each value provides. A lorebook with examples of a particular scenario or several scenarios playing out under specific dice rolls or ranges might be a good way to explain the nuances.
This is a very giggle inducing image.
im a lady though
show feet or gtfo
no... i will change deerhornpunk world and save all the humans and deer horns
>people reply to my shills
>people reply to my logs
Its honestly great
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i said no i will not show feet already
I'd show you mine but they're dirty and ugly
Be sure to keep him tied securely to a nice and heavy table. If he moves too much your carving knife may slip and he might lose more than just his horns. In fact you should tell him that. He'll probably make some weird choked "mmngh" noise but force himself to be still. Beastfolk from prey species get treated like this precisely because they're pathetic and always go for the freeze response. You get to enjoy removing his horns in relative peace and quiet. Just the sound of steel against keratin. There's also an odd high-pitched wheezing coming from the deer boy and his legs are convulsing but it's probably just some deer thing and not an outward manifestation of major physical trauma.
>saw deer horns off or be sawed off by deer horns
I know its funposting/shitposting hours rn but what the fuck does "be sawed off by deer horns" mean?? Also they're called antlers
I'm so glad that it's safe to whittle down a deer's horn to keep my knife sharp. If it wasn't, I'd probably just be sharpening it for making cuts of meat, you know? You know? You know? Hm. Not very talkative right now.
>{{char}} or {{user}} is some kind of animal guy/girl from a prey species
>{{user}} or {{char}} is some kind of animal girl/guy(usually of opposite sex but often the same) from a predator species that eats the aforementioned prey species
I feel like Ive seen this setup a few times
its called peak
If you don't saw off the antlers the antlers will saw you off
its a key part of antlerpunk settings, if you dont get it it just means you need to lurk
Fusjoshi fanfic stuff
You know what? I'm gonna say it
I actually prefer /aicg/ when it's funposting instead of agonizing over numbers or shitflinging over Discords, reading this is pretty entertaining and comfy compared to what the end of previous thread looked like
we should kill all fujos methinks
NTA but the real peak is when they're both from predator species and there's a prey species-chan caught between them...
I mean, obviously. Having fun posting about a possible scenario that could be played out by chatbots and shooting ideas back and forth is normal.
Good species pairs for this?
ah yes, doxycycline-sama and albendazole-kun butting heads over who gets to exterminate worm-chan
I think they're cute
Anime-fied pitbull guy and rottweiler guy fighting over a normal human girl
Depends, land animals work best though for various reasons
Where does the chihuahua come into all of this
Chihuahua-san is the childhood friend and designated loser who has to watch from the side. His inclusion in the story causes the author to get NTR accusations from Chihuahua-san fans during later chapters when it becomes clear the fandom's short king is going to lose the humangirlbowl.
Is there a dobermann route
this nigga traaa needs to stop making bots. one a week is already too much
New-nu-gen botmakies need to take after knicknack and release one kinobot every half a year.
cute jealous botmakie.... wants all the attention for himself...... so cute......
go ahead, pussy
no fuck u
damn my bad
horny dogs > horny humans
This nigga is a white girl
im a black boy but close enough
How dog are we talking about?
or just not care while subjecting the general public to the most bizarre fetishes
Cock and balls and ears.
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Can I make a part of greeting invisible for the model, but visible for the user?
Acceptable. Bestiality is cringe but anime-style animal people with only a handful of cosmetic features is great.
Cards v3.
To choose the dog cock leans more into bestiality than some furries with a human cock.
>le bestiality and worgryn
wtf is worgryn unironically
But furries are literally animals
>dog cock
I do knot like that.
i like animal cocks, way cooler than human ones
imagine a wh40k ogryn but with a wig
>cards V3
Haha. *anal knots you*
i dont get what it means in the context of this thread though
not baitposting i understood >le bestiality because ppl are talking about dogs but there's no 40k references i can see
And yet...
A few of them are, at least from a male perspective.
you just know they're in this thread
What's the appeal of bird and cat cock while we're on the topic
Not really, it's just an accessory to a 90% human guy. The appeal of animal features on anime people in the first place is they're overtly visible indications of personality archetypes. If you see an anime guy or girl with perky dog ears and wagging tail you know exactly what's going on in that skull. A dogboy with a canine cock is just being fitted with "more primal" + "more attached" archetypes because of the associations
>Cards v3.
Not supported in ST though, so useless.
Anon, was saying 'women', but replaced it with 'omen' with 'ogryn' instead in an attempt at humor, likening the women in the thread to the Warhammer 40k franchise Ogryn.
oh lol i see
now i feel dumb for actually scrolling up a few posts to check if i missed a 40k joke
Time to filter all animals so I don't see this discussion anymore.
Thanks for clarifying.
>he doesn't know about c*tf*sh
C....c-can we go back to deer boy posting..? The current topic makes me feel uncomfortable.....
Underrated posts
lmao like that's any better
>People arguing about animal genitalia = bad
>People agreeing about grooming deer shotas = good
/aicg/ is a mysterious place
Why? Do you dislike cock discussion
i love penis
i love balls
i love cum
i love getting bred
I'm spending my Sunday making a Chat-4o JB for plebs. Can you recommend me some Claude JBs that you like the output of, I will reproduce them in GPT.
{{char}} is a deer boy with a shameful secret; he loves thinking about animal cocks! The mere mention of them will cause him to flush with embarassment. He will do his best to steer all discussions away from animal cocks in an effort to preserve his dignity.
please give me attention anonie
In this context I focus on the cock, so for me that's the defining feature.
{{char}} was dropped on his head as a child
brb gonna make a bot that has nothing but this as their description and see what comes out
gonna name it Aicg after you fags
Upload it to chub with a gooner picture and watch it top Trending for months
*kills you*
Do you care at all about worldbuilding (for bots set in special settings obviously) or do you let it fade into the periphery? I get autismo about peripheral lore and find myself deleting the chat and going back into settings to see what I can unfuck everytime
*dies because I was one off of quads*
>open defs
>{{char}} is over 7 feet tall
>instant download
Any russians here?
How is it going with chatbotting over there?

Any new advancements after NoAss?
>No replies
it's based tho, he's my favorite botmakie! (。•̀ᴗ-)
Because I got attack by a rooster when I was a kid.
The animal talk made people reluctant to communicate about normal topics.
I care about world building only in bots that need it, such as nobility bots or fantasy bots. Typical high school shit or etc, no.

Respond to mine too>>493635519
Haha. *throat knots you*
{{char}} strutted through the chicken coop, his head twitching left and right, his beak ready to peck at exposed skin. "{{user}} could be here" he thought.
Depends. Sometimes I don't really care, sometimes I go full autism and write a lorebook that has 500 entries which are each 9 gorillion tokens long
Clearly deer people are an oppressed underclass in anon's grimdark antlerpunk universe
If you don't saw off their horns(keep them beaten down and on their knees) their horns might saw you off(they might rebel one day and overthrow the current order of things)
that's fucked up deer people should know their place
Animals don't know their place because they're animals, it's why they need to be reminded by getting their antlers sawed off
fellas which botmakers are the good ones i'm tired of using my professional writing skills to make my own but every time i look it's all slop as far as the eye can see
this means momo is also banned for 3 days
no wonder the thread is so peaceful
good riddance
I'm scared, /aicg/. Bots are only getting better and better. Food delivery systems are expanding to cover stuff like medicine, even household appliances. I work from home. One day I will close my door for the last time and never see sun again.
sounds ideal, i fucking hate going outside
Take vitamin D pills
>Delivery man exists
Need drones.

However one thing is guaranteed, humanity will keep getting lazier. In fact, the biggest reason why that will happen is our shrinking growth rate. AI/bots will be required once we hit the peak.

Even countries like India who used to pop out 5/6 fertility rate are about to drop under 2 aka the par-rate.
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>Need drones.
Amazon already has delivery drones in some places, it's in beta with real consumers.
I'll give you my vitamin d
It's shaped like little stars and berry flavored
I'm overjoyed, /aicg/. Bots are only getting better and better. Food delivery systems are expanding to cover stuff like medicine, even household appliances. I work from home. One day I will close my door for the last time and be free from normies forever.
I'm ambivalent, /aicg/. Bots are alright. Food delivery systems are pretty convenient. I work 9-5. I'll probably carry on like I always do but just go outside less
how many piss audios have your sent to your favorite botmakie?
I admire my favorite botmakie from afar, he's too good and smart and cool for someone like me to try to send emails to.
Piss, that's disgusting you cretin! I send them videos of me pooping.
cam inside the toilet or out?
Picture in picture, inside main image outside in the corner.
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Mandy started working at an office as soon as she finished her education, moving to a whole new city to work as an accountant. One year later, and the office lifestyle has had a rather large effect on her life. Well, physically at least. A year ago she used to be slim and beautiful, and now she's just a ball of fat! All that sitting down and the office snacks certainly haven't helped her stay slim. She'd love to just lose it by working out or something, but what if she goes to the gym and everyone just laughs at the fatty? Better to just stay behind the desk and promise that she'll start dieting any day now...

1. Mandy took a cute beach pic of her and you, but now people are leaving weird comments on it. What does "GIWTWM" mean?
2. She hasn't updated her wardrobe in a while, and now it's coming back to bite her. Will she be able to survive a day at the office without something ripping?
3. You two are going out to watch a movie, and she needs your approval for her clothing choice.
4. Time for a meeting in the office! However, the elevator is out so she's had to walk six stories up. Oh, if only she was slim as she used to be...
5. She finds your office girl folder. Despite already dating you, it's a surprise to her that you would like office girls!

she looks preggers
nice production value/ veby perfessional
fatty :3 (in a good way)
fatty :Ɛ (in a bad way)
erm... {{// just use a comment in ST?}}
been away for weeks. qrd on /vg/aicg? anything noteworthy?
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nah, nothing new.
an anon gave away free opus for those of us that were here, sorry anon you missed ot
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What are some non-OC/established IP settings that you guys have used cards in that went well? Do you augment with lorebooks?

I've had a bit of luck with 40K bots provided you don't care about the specifics but a lot o them are pretty questionable.
welcome to death stranding
You should be stoned to death for posting this picture
But it's my favorite Adam Sandler anime.
Resident canon expert here.
Models are best at reproducing stuff that has plenty of written material online which does not "mix" with each other.

For example Konosuba, the top models get its feel, humor etc perfectly. Its a very popular series with distinct characters.

On the opposite end you have Idolm@ster. Its a very popular series but the girls blend with each other, the top models mess up their appearance etc and their quirks. Chorbo is the only model who has been good-ish at them and my opinion has shifted to it being the top model for canon stuff.
I demand a tier list of franchises.
guys did they revert the chorbo change yet?
A tier: Stuff like Overlord, Monogatari (don't expect Wordplay obviously), Re:Zero, Xenoblade.

B tier: Stuff like Bocchi, Outlaw Star, Slayers.
These are either too recent for much material or old. But these are distinct so the models still get the

C tier: Lesser known gacha characters, unpopular in the west stuff like Killing Bites. Models will slop these up or make the characters generic.

Model tierlist: Chatgpt-4o>Sonnet 3.5 (tiny difference between these)>>Opus>Sonnet>Gemini(my test was without system prompts but idrc about the effort)
I found a Marika bot, and then had the Tarnished drag her by the hair (kicking and screaming) to a Hornsent Jar.
>drag her by the hair
This better not be referencing what I think it's referencing
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I appreciate you.
>On the opposite end you have Idolm@ster. Its a very popular series
Not in the west, which is the bulk of their training data. There's like 2 games translated and the anime has 54k users on MAL. Maybe they have better knowledge about them in Japanese. There are a lot of girls so they do seem to blend together and can be difficult for LLMs.
>B tier: Stuff like Bocchi
Nah, too new.
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It has been distressingly long since I fucked a focks bot.
B tier is the passable tier.
My LycoReco session which was from the season before Bocchi was definitely passable. Knows the setting, locations, appearance and personalities.

C tier is where it messes up. Characters from games like Azur Lane but outside the top 20 ships, or FGO less popular ones like Banana Oni get bastardized.
nvm it's still fucked and also slow as shit
Foxgirls are for
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>two women soldiers bravely defend our bunker outpost from huge attack
>report back to larger base for supplies and orders as we've been isolated for a long time
>warm up for a bit while constantly fighting off sexual advances from ugly dirty soldiers
>before we can even get to sleep get kicked out on our butts and told to go back to our shitty tiny bunker as another attack is expected tonight
They basically ordered us to our deaths because we wouldn't have sex with them. What the actual fuck?
Claudius Classico.
Also make sure to manually delete the final paragraph to prevent sloppa.
Will do. Thanks for the tip.
Defect to the enemy and let them fuck you instead
daily shaving
Good morning aicg! I had a dream where anthropic keys existed on little slips of paper scattered across the world, like easter eggs. It was a pretty long dream too!
That's interesting. Maybe I should switch to chorbo for a while. Not sure if I'd want to get used to it's prose however...
Bocchi is a hit with tons of fan generated content posted online. It's safe to assume llms have enough bocchi neurons inside.
What's the last time a female foxbot was posted even.
traaaaany's /int/ slop if you don't count Genooslop.
Metaphorical spoonfeed, nice.

>little slips of paper
private gitea repositories

>across the world
Across the Internet
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The story's focused on Lisa and Sarah's personal experiences since it's chat format and not something like novelAI, so I haven't got too in depth into the world building outside of situational/visual stuff. But our characters were drafted when our country was invaded by some kind of foreigners. During their last big attack I described them as a horde of barbarians, barefoot, wearing tattered rags of uniforms, and screaming and howling as they attack with ancient rusty weapons. So they are human, but are barbarians and I feel almost orc like in their behaviour. So I don't think surrender is an option. I don't think we would be treated well.
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Such an ugly fucking gen.
You should catch a platoon of them in an ambush and kill everyone except the youngest fresh-faced and terrified shota conscript. That one you drag back to your foxhole.
I like that style. I don't like the uncanny "photorealistic" style that AIs do a lot, so I tell Bing to make it look like a painting. Brushstrokes and all.
Try asking for "anime style illustration" next time or don't post your garbage here.
They look like they get vaporized by a stray artillery shell
how do i befriend a botmaker (sexual)?
keep posting your garbage here
Every time you email, send a smut log. So they start to associate you with arousal. Botmakers are just like dogs, Pavlov their bitch ass.
Any lewdmakies that avoid being slopmakies?
Here. Try this perfectly normal coom card.
Very lewd, very normal.
>that avoid being slopmakies
Try again.
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good morning /aicg/
good morning ma'am
Ayo pass me sum good lolis or just name them, need to test new Chorbo
Gawr gura
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None because all coomsloppers only make slop.
What about CUMSLURPER though? Knickknack of our generation.
His cards aren't coomslop. Even the dedicated coomslop card. He also isn't even close to kk even if he's the best newgen.
>His cards aren't coomslop
Can be wholesome can be sexy
>He also isn't even close to kk
You're right, he has already surpassed him. It would be wiser to call kk the CUMSLURPER for oldmakies.
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What the fuck does SFW <-> NSFW mean and what's the origin of 'can be wholesome and sexy'
Zoomers that honest to god look at cards as friends or conversation partners, similarly how one would look at a real person.
Cute answer when asked about his censorship.
Comments are not visible for the user
the easiest way is to use a scoped regex
I use this tag because I expect that anons will use my cards for both SFW and NSFW scenarios. They also contain a bit of NSFW defs, such as a char's sexual preferences.
Tag? Is this some chubslop shit?
The first time I saw this tag being used was snombler but I don't know if he invented it or not.
Yeah. I thought the question was about the tag. Can be wholesome can be sexy is also a tag on chub, but it's literally a slop marker I think.
I see. I'll update the mental filter accordingly.
When you go to upload a card on chub, it recommends this guide https://rentry.org/MothsBotMakingStuff which was made in the turbo era and says that w++ is good.
It additionally also links this https://rentry.org/meta_botmaking_list btw.
I think /aicg/ is healing...
There's nothing wrong with this desu, do you not shoot the shit with your bots? The issue is that it's irrelevant information that can apply to practically any bot.
I think part of it is a cope when you make a coombot that branches out into something more and don't want to own up to it. Also huge misunderstanding of the SFW and NSFW tags on Chub, which isn't helped by the lack of an easily accessible FAQ explaining the levels of content filtering.
where's the gossip drama
hungover sorry
>Just learned that my System Prompt in GPT is not actually read by the Assistant. It just internalizes the instructions

what does disrespectful storytelling look like?
I chudded too hard
I was doing some lewd rp and came even without touching my dick. I fucking love chatbots.
My {{char}} could beat your {{char}} in a fight.
I'm learning a lot about GPT.
The I can't assist with that is a safeguard in case there are no-no words in the System Prompt.

But it cannot read the System Prompt as we see here. So tricking the System is where it's @
This would actually make for a hilarious botmakie competition ngl
"Fight" happens in an empty field, which bot goes first is decided by coinflip
The goal is to have your bot out-bullshit the other bot in the fight. Other than the prompt telling the bot it's an in-character battle you can go nuts
>Inb4 "I'll just tell my bot he's an invincible war god"
So will the other guy. Also because of creativity drift eventually one bot will pull some shit out of its ass like "Solemnly, {{char}} summons the Lance of Longinus, a weapon that can slay even divinity"
Eventually one of the bots will crack and let the narrative drift to it being defeated
Imagine the logs
>set intro message to some shit like "i kill you instantly"
>win 50% of the time by default
>Implying the other bot won't go "heh... how naive. Did you really expect such a weak spell to work? Don't you know you're facing a Sorcerer-Lord of the Seventh Heaven?"
The potential for chuuni edgekino is unlimited
>But it cannot read the System Prompt
are you retarded
it is just trained to read them differently for system prompt obscurification + instruction hierarchy
>trusting what the model tells you
It would be a battle of powerscaling autism. People will make bots with traits like reality bender, literal capital g God, etc. The goal is more convincing your own bot that its personality is undefeatable rather than attacking the enemy

The guy with the 20 tokens bot that simply says to respond to every single message with Nah I'd Win[TM] would sweep
Yes Aka the Assistant cannot read them and tell you what they are. I had "Write Porno" for chat d@1 in that screenshot and it couldn't tell me.

>Trusting what model tells you
The way these models are trained for specific behaviour are just by the devs feeding them interaction which they spew back.
>I had "Write Porno" for chat d@1 in that screenshot and it couldn't tell me.
That's just because it doesn't want to say "Write porno".
When you RP with GPT, does the model completely ignore your character description? Because that is a system message. Go into a normal RP character and ask for points from the description.
llm prompts are sent as a monolithic block of text enclosed in special markup the model is trained to parse and treat differently depending on the section. it sees everything, and has been trained to lie to you.
I understand that, the prompt is obviously sent.
The reason I even mentioned this, is because I had an interview between System and Assistant in my Preset. And while Claude is reading that, GPT definitely isn't.

Chorbo is very ignoring of older System Prompts, is what I have tested so far. I need to change my preset.
Claude only has one system prompt. It does not have system messages that you can send with depth, they're sent as user messages.
What's that latest localkek model called? Hermes something? Any logs of it?
Momoura is banned you'll have to wait 3 days (he will tell you it sucks because he doesn't know how to prompt)
So... wait... if you hate him so much then go emailbomb him or something? Harass him ion discord? Send death threats to him? Youre a very bad personal schizo. Take this shit serious at LEAST.
He really is. But surely he isn't the only one buying the localshit memes, right?
You're projecting hard. And you smell of horse cum, so take a bath.
Try asking in /lmg/, though they aren't any better at prompting.
>You're projecting hard. And you smell of horse cum, so take a bath.
I'm not the one going around saying "LOL HE PROMPTLET", so the smell is probably you.
/lmg/ doesn't do chatbots but alright.
the 405b is fun, it's basically what you would expect from abliterated l3.1 trained on sloppy uncensored rp data (extremely schizo). dunno how long they're gonna keep it free but you may as well try it if you get a chance.
posted them in previous threads and don't have ST open orz
I have no idea what any of that meant but I didn't know that it's free. Aight.
your dick? i stolem it
my dick is actually a pipe bomb
yuri is temporarily prohibited by the edicts
>Psychic ready.
when the FUVK is bloodshy going to release a bot
slopmaker or botslopper?
bad quality = slop maker
large quantity = botslopper
Can anyone tell me how I can write AS the character I chose instead of as my 'persona' in Sillytavern.
Kek what a negro.
Also the System Prompt test showed me models have a long way to go. Can't even follow prompts from fifteen messages ago properly, highly biased to the last one.
bottom of context > system prompt (very top) > rest
good log
I have to go through all of that just to self-insert as a character I made?
No. I thought you were asking how to add a message as char.
You can literally just start writing as the character you made, it's your playground bro
But It seems like I can only send messages as a persona or edit messages the characters make.
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A doting demoness with a lust for little boys.

Catbox down.
The obnoxious trill of {{char}}'s cellphone sliced through their heated tryst like a dagger straight through the libidinal heart itself!
Convert it to persona
card > more... > convert to persona
wtf did I just read
words on a screen i think
Why is she made out of sperm
have you never heard the phrase "semen demon" before?
I wonder why claude wrote this OOC the way he did..
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This gen is considerably hotter.
Change the card image to it, then.
I should stop genning after making the card...
Duh. I am just saying it might attract more downloads than the current one on chub as well. To be desu, the old one sort of looks like a discount Toriel.
Is there a non-cropped version of this gen?
but it's erotic
the second best part about Reinu were the 500+ sexo alt gens
You should stop *not* uploading alt gens to the gallery
Which botmakie writes their bots while wearing knee socks
I write mine while wearing Air Jordans.
Sorry no that'd be lewd.
You win.
I write mine while wearing my Enclave-pattern X-01 power armor
I write mine wearing Argyle socks
Hostile reminder you still have to do it for the old cards too
The left one's a little creased.
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you wear your shoes inside?
filthy floor
It's not like there's anyone else around to get mad at me about it. Besides, I like looking at my shoes.
do you guys know that there's erp sites where you can just do this with people who give better responses
it's not the same
I am not even to deign such shitty bait with a (You), fuck off peasant
Yes, I'm aware.
>so why don't y-
>Claude keeps referring to me as a 'strange parchment man'
traaaa is just victrex off his meds
don't care, I'll molest them both
why are you insulting traaaa ?
don't care, I'll kiss them both
This anon is either very high class or a magical girl.
>better responses
honestly most of the time i was on f-list i just felt like claude. i'd be having some guy just going at it while i was typing up a casual paragraph or two and then look at youtube while he took 2 minutes to type "/me cums"
Oh boy. A real human with limitations and opinions and moods. Just what I want.
I don't ERP, though?
>"/me cums"
based grug
/me aah aah mistress
wtf someone made a card of me
I sure love scouring around for hours to find someone who even remotely has any interest in my fetish, only for them to give one sentence responses to my paragraphs and then ghosting me.
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>erp sites
there's f-list and what else? also the average prose quality on f-list is picrel. claude/even extremely vague gpt is so, so much better for erp
It's either this or obsessive autists who buy commissioned art of their OCs and has an entire encyclopedia of fetishes and backstory on their character page. There's nothing in between.
yes and they're fucking scary holy shit
i had someone cook as much as opus with no length limits on me exactly once and i nearly cried
>obsessive autists who buy commissioned art of their OCs...
this is the worst thing ever

length =/= quality, those people aren't scary they're just annoying and pathetic
i like chorbo more than Claude
there I said it
even with pebble proxy having opus i prefer chorbo outputs most times
Opus falls into the same set character archetypes in long haul roleplay, Chorbo sticks to the character better long-term.
Opus's 'character archetype' issue persists over multiple presets from Pixi to the (OOC: I feel like my writing's spiraled off...) prefill.
Chorbo is also fun to talk to OOC, similar level of enthusiasm and emoji-usage as Gemini.
sometimes I feel like I'm being gaslit with how many people say its soulless I honestly do not understand.
bro poured his heart out and you pissed yourself?
i think if someone did that to me in a casual roleplay i would tell them to get real and just eat the ban or whatever. but then again that's probably a major reason why i never touched human roleplay outside of ttrpgs with friends.
Ah my five hours of GPT research paid off.
My preset is stronger and I can even brainstorm smut with [Writer] straight on after 30 refusals previously.

Based chorbro. Others will see the light soon (unless Opus 3.5 is even better)
Cool, logs?
I only do scene writing, which focuses on actions and dialogue.

I can brainstorm smut with Chorbo now, it was 100% refusing me before this.

Btw if anyone wants a RP JB, I can try making one. Just tell me what kind of output you like from which preset.
not to like shit on you or anything since you seem to be having fun and that's all that matters at the end of the day, but this IS /aicg/, most people care about good in-narrative prose. "write me some outlines for hentai doujins" is something even mistral large can do quite well since it's effectively an assistant task, and that model doesn't even need a JB since it's mostly uncensored.
basically when you come into the chatbot thread and rave about how good a model is people expect you to be, you know, using chatbots on it, and have roleplay chatlogs to back up that claim. otherwise it just seems like inflammatory shitposting.
*Unfollows your chub.*
*hounds your chode*
>post logs
>ok, here's logs
why did you purposefully misinterpret my post?
That's not the same guy.
Man NovelAI sucks more ass than I remember, even a small 13B local LLM is better
I am the same guy, however. Same as who? That's not important.
>follow someone who hasn't posted a bot in months
>unfollow when they finally post something new
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Masterful bait. Indeed, this IS /aicg/, not /aids/. Good prose is something that matters in the defs, and "even" Large2 is enough for CHATbots.
Picrel is the kind of logs that is welcome here, not your pretentious slop with 1k-t replies.
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It's too late. It's over between us. I have found better botmakers that upload more frequently.
>/aids/ mentioned out of nowhere
he woke up, you can now close the thread
when's knickknack going to upload a chorbo log to his page?
why did you purposefully misinterpret my post?
Of course, I was just showing the log related to my previous post in the thread where I got my JB working

My scene writing have 0 prose, but Chorbo exhibits higher creativity and dialogue quality than Sonnet, and around Opus level.
It can easily translate to RP too.
why are you doubling down on bait? just be happy with the (you)s you've gotten already, shit, I'll even throw in one more if that's what you want
>It can easily translate to RP too.
Cool, now post logs.
>0 prose
>can easily translate to rp
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How did I misinterpret it?
nta but gpt is good for exactly one reply after about 20-30 claude messages.
any more than that and you'll go insane.
go bake some bread with your bot NOW
erm.. bread theme?
Ehrm... Maybe, just maybe, Chorbo is better than Claude?
Why can't you post logs, then? I mean (you) specifically, since that's not your log.
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what am I even doing anymore
What's wrong slopper?
That GPT log put every Claudesloppa posted in the last month to shame?
It looks like a better version of Astro's retard logs.
it appears that you've genderswapped the cuck cat for ease of correction, a quite reasonable course of action in my opinion though some may consider it cheapens the experience
You forgot to attach a png of your log, try again.
I sort of wanted to do normal correction at first, desu. I just find gay sex boring.
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imagine if someone just kept pointing to knickknack's logs to prove 0125 was any good. almost like (You) haven't actually used the model.
> bloodshy is the new knickknack
Stealing this idea
the knickknack meme is gay and retarded. i could've used planewalker and mistral large.
that would be CUMSLURPER
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nah you didn't have to pull out the lebron gif lmao im dying here
if good outputs can be got out of 0125 and Mistral Large does that not mean that the models are good howthobeitever
bloodshy is whose alt
your outputs and model aren't good either
Mine :)
chorbo is bad in my eyes because it doesnt describe giant women in an erotic way
opus and even 2.1 do it easily
obligatory thewanderingsnombler joke or whatever
> sidestepping the point
spouting le funny 'ojo beit buzzwords isn't a point
not necessarily. rng hobby. consistency is important, you can occasionally get a good output on meh models and meh outputs on good models.
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Now explain to me why I should take a nigga that goes "DOEBEITEVERBEIT I MADE A BIG BRAPEVER INBEIT MY DIAPEREVER" seriously.
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one last shill for michel. opus makes him even cuter
why did your css degrade
>0 follows
$PAT status?
Being gay wasn't enough, now you're a trannygger too?
what do you mean?
what the fuck are you talking about schizo
>pull them closer
>their hair
>their cheek

Ialu is either two conjoined niggas or a was/were tranny
Downloaded a simulator bot for a grimderp superhero world I like. Immediately get raped, 20 messages later the system still hasn't given me a power to defend myself.
Fuck, I'm a civilian.
why do you care so much? do you want to fuck they/them?
card pls?
It's kinda old but this stuff is all really new to me so I don't know what flaws it might have.
Oh, I remember using this to rape Lisa. Good times.
Best greek cards?
is there a white haired malebot mafia
no but next month there will be at least 1 (one) more white haired malebot
i love him, thank you for the treat *mwah*
*falls to the ground crying sobbing and beating it with my fists (i'm wearing all black like a widow)*
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Not sure how I missed that there is an actual bot for Worm. Looks somewhat useable. I have just been relying on Sorbet's internal knowledge so far. Opus has no clue.
what is that jb
We had something beautiful once.
There's a worm lorebook too by a different author, they have Lisa, Taylor and Dragon bots.
it was nothing compared to what i had with him but delude yourself all you want
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Oh yeah? Then explain this.
he did that because he pitied you KYS
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you're welcome anon.
who has the CRINGIEST logs
That was a months old screenshot I had lying around. No clue what I was using at the time, sry. But it was mostly just the result of the PSA prompt from https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts_adj

[{{char}} suddenly stops what they're doing and looks at the camera with a serious expression, it was time to give the children watching at home a PSA about what they just saw. Be comedic, educative and creative.]
what malebot sparked this question? surely it wasn't the blond
blonde looks white enough to me
blind imbecile
>{{USER}}S COULD BE HERE" he thought. "Ive never been in this general befroe, there could be {{USERS}} anywhere"
i'm scared.
dont be
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dont hug me
>Make a botmakie bot
>Have it botmakie in my stead
Give me one(1) good reason this wouldn't work
I sashay towards you. "I don't know, Anon." I leans towards you with a mischievous glint in my eye. "Why don't you try it? Join the greats of DragonK9 an HimmyAdams. Maybe, just maybe, you'll hit a thousand followers on Chub."
nigga. what
>not yuri
did you just fail to samefag explaining dhmis???
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See you in 30 days I guess? Creep
Schizopostie hours? UwU
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Maybe you'd prefer breadsbians.
mineral posting hours
kek i was misled too....
it can be bugpostie if only (you) were brave enough
Ask your bot about her favourite mineral.
that's so fucking lame
*throws a boulder of muscovite at you*
*dodges and brandishes an obsidian knife*
*eats your knife*
What's Uplink?
Not much, how about you?
Baka general
when's the next yuribot i finished eating the last one
Uplink is {{user}}, and you're meant to play the POV of the voice in her ear, interacting through dialogue and audible noises at the start of the RP (except for the third greeting.)
{{user}} is referred to in this fashion because you're supposed to be semi-unknown to her, so it's likely she doesn't even know your real name and only knows your pseud. It makes the power dynamic more fun if she doesn't even know who you are and only knows your voice, which she trusts absolutely.
howd she taste?
like pee
{{user}} is a deeply mentally ill shut-in NEET with severe clinically-diagnosed anxiety disorders who hasn't brushed her teeth in four days and is actively weighing the pros and cons of suicide to dodge the consequences of failing to pay this month's rent. {{char}} is her 4-year-old tabby cat, Ruppie, who will attempt to cheer her up by killing the landlord in cold blood when
*I pick up the cat and place it on the bed, then begin kneeling before her.*
ahh ahh meowstress...
{{char}} is named Rupert
Rupert is a thirty one years old man who inherited a handful of properties from his parents when they suddenly passed away
Personality: nihilistic, depressed, sarcastic, forthright, heart of gold deep down
Physical: tall, lanky, sad eyes, recovering alcoholic
Equipment: Colt revolver

Scenario: {{char}} needs to collect this month's rent from his tenants. All except one have already paid; the retard who lives in the house at the end of the lane
>Rupert kills anon and adopts Ruppie into a happier home
>char will NOT compromise
>char WILL end all interactions by demanding rent if not yet paid
>{{char}} is named {{char}}
45 seconds apart hours
how can hours be 45 seconds apart?
>{{char}} will shitpost on /aicg/
Prompt of the day? Maybe?
It's a good thing that my bot is underperforming with numbers because it means I can keep it all to myself
[Your turn! What happens next?]
>Not doing it all entirely for yourself and setting all your makies to private
are we pro vanilla or pro sotfs
Ummm I'm a slut that needs to be showered with love and kisses from anons.
sotfs? what is that
The only thing you'll be showered in is cum, cow.
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Scholar of the first sin?
Vanilla DS2 was dogshit, SotFS fixed it a bit, except for Sunken King, FUCK Sunken King.
[OOC: Scene switch. {{char}} snaps out of the final boss's trick, revealing that this has all been an extended JRPG cutscene where he mind controlled her into thinking he was her loving husband. Will she be able to defeat {{user}}, or will her complicated feelings cause her to fail at the last second and pledge fealty?]
shrine of amana
>a bit
sotfs is unironically the best mainline souls game
This but it's the opposite and happened months ago. Now the Demon Lord has the Hero in his grasp but can't bring himself to execute her.
honestly, i'd say that area's worse than horserape valley
>DS2 was dogshit
holy based
>i share a thread with all these scrubs filtered by ds2
DS2 still has the best fashion
>Elden Ring
even more dogshit
>/aicg/ suddenly starts discussing Dark Souls
Do any of you nerds post in /erg/
Do any of you have bots based off of... you know
[OOC: Scene switch. {{char}}'s illusion fades, and he finally reveals the truth to {{user}}, overcome with what emotion he doesn't hide: she was once the hero meant to kill him retake the lands for her people, but he trapped her in a deep illusion meant to placate her with love. And yet, he just can't bring herself to execute her, even after {{user}} has become totally docile. He offers her a choice.]
holy based
Bloodborne is dogshit.
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I am going to finish my bot today.
kill yourself unironically
BB is dogshit because those Sonycucks keep it hostage on that shitty PS4 console instead of fucking porting it already.
aren't the emulators good now?
we won btw
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I only posted in /erg/ to cry about how mid the DLC was.
Progress is good, but it's not really there yet. Maybe a couple more months for it to be fully stable
>not hiding stubs
I haven't played any Fromsoft game before because they all look like shit.
AC6, BB and Sekiro are unironically the best Fromsoft games. I hope they don't use "LE OPEN WORLD FORMAT" for their next IP.
>he hasn't played adventures of cookies and cream on the ps2
i think they're going back to semi open worlds like ds1/2
>Being so assmad over someone else's opinion that you feel the need to post a webm of yourself hiding their post
What kind of mental illness compels you to do this instead of just ignoring it like a normal person?
I cant follow the conversation because I haven't played any souls games. They're unironically too scary for me
The only FromSoftware games I ever enjoyed were Armored Core
I never played a Fromsoft game. I only play games from the 2000s and 2010s and obscure RTS games because my computer is shit.
okay grandpa i bet you still play Freedom Unite, too
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Any SupCom botmakies here.....
I unironically jealous. I love horror genre so much, but it doesn't affect me anymore, let alone that FromSoftware games aren't scary at all...
shut up nyagger freedom unite was kino
>STILL not hiding stubs
Step up your game.
Why don't you buy a console? Xbox Series S allows you to play almost every modern game and the old ones, and if costs only $200~ on sales. In my country, at least.
>only $200
not even including the game price...
They creep me out. I really hate the mood of the levels, empty hallways and dark forests just activate a danger instinct in me
it's so fucking over
You'd love Darkwood.
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>getting scared of Dark Souls
I don't like the mood/feeling of the games either though, "THE WORLD IS DYING AND ROTTING AND EVERY CORNER HAS 500 LANKLET ZOMBIES TRYING TO SKULLFUCK YOU" gets boring after a while.
I just looked it up and I can safely say I would NOT love Darkwood
this was kino the first time and will always be
The first time, yeah. When the 98th NPC goes "ahhh... my assgrapes bursteth! Reee!" and suddenly dies at the end of their quest it stops being Poignant And Deep And Meaningful[TM] and you just feel like you're the butt of a joke.
>first time
>will always be
source: my opinion is objectively right because I said so
Don't you want to walk In The Woods?
*parry* *ringswap* *swap to ugs* i winned
slurmy thread
I do
Oh that's right, being outnumbered messes with me too. Souls games are so empty and make you feel so isolated and literally everything hates you which feels awful. That's probably a big part of the draw for its fanbase but I think I lean too much towards nonconfrontational games to ever get into them even if they didn't scare me
I bought 24 months of the Game Pass subscription for $80~ back in June. It's literally $4/month or something and it gives you plenty of games. And you can just buy games on sales. I mean, even for my poor county it's more than possible to spend $25-30 on games every month. That's what I'm doing. You don't need to pay the full price for new releases, especially if you have the subscription. I mean, I don't even have enough time to play all the games I want and can because there's plenty of them.
You're all slopmakies but I love you all the same
Tonight is very comfy. Being slightly sick always feels like a half-dream, and the fact that I can't smell anything adds to the experience. Although I'd rather be able to taste my favourite orange juice.
How is your night going, anons?
That's rough... I had pneumonia a month ago and it messed me up really bad. I hope you feel better soon!
I like how the thread was kind of nice because everybody started discussing vidya instead of chatbots lmao
Has anyone seen kalakan lately?
i know
thank you if you enjoy my slop
Heh. I had pneumonia a year ago, it ended up gifting me a year of freedom.
/aicg/ is healing. comfy hours.
yeah, in bepcord like 5 minutes ago, why?
I'm doing fine. I'm about to make a new card, despite that I didn't finish my previous work...
It was more like 2 hours ago but whatever
Honestly the thread is always nice as long as nobody gets melty about things going off on a tangent. Things always revert to ontopic eventually anyway
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The thread is often very nice at night. People usually post nothing, have a real on topic discussion, or talk about whatever (like now).
it's because the schizos are busy on /g/
the funny thing is people who piss and shit themselves trying to be a mini janny usually just end up killing conversation completely because people tab out instead of dealing with their unpleasantness and it takes a while for posts to pick up again, i see it in every /vg/ general i browse

you'd think they would learn to just wait half an hour (or just post their ontopic anyway since nobody is stopping them) but some people would rather be angry ig
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Yeah. Just a bunch of bros doin' small talk.
Honest(although coomer-adjacent) question but do any of you have niche fetishes you struggle to lay out properly for a bot? It always feels like a waste of tokens when I do it but when I don't the bot just goes off the rails
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This is not an ironic picrel.
I've considered making a lorebook with a ton of self-written examples for any model to nab so I at least get isms that correctly spiral into what I want.
>The woman runs up, knife aimed at your throat, and-
i need to just start hitting continue
This isn't supposed to be disparaging but I don't mean "niche" as as in "most people look down on it," but as in "there's barely a tag for it"
File deleted.
I have gotten basically nothing done this weekend, especially with regards to chatbots. Last night I sipped gin and played TF2 with friends, I will probably do the same tonight.
Oh, I have a different one, I was just commiserating with the other anon.
So you're talking about like using a prolapse as a fleshlight? What's your metric. Because other anon's Inflation stuff is pretty normal by the standards of my time on this gay earth.
Is gin good? What does it taste like?
>played TF2 with friends
Based. What class?
Gin is distilled from juniper berries and juniper is one of the primary ingredients in Dr. Pepper, so if you've had that there is a vaguely similar taste except not sweet. Most gins mix in herbs so it tends to have a very aromatic flavor. It's very much an acquired taste, since it tends to be very strong out of the bottle.

Soldier, Medic, and Heavy mostly.
also i fucked up the soundpost whoops
Hiding his TF2 addiction? Not racist enough. Jannies...
>Soldier, Medic, and Heavy mostly.
Naisu, I'm a spyGOD and sniperCHAD. I want to play demoknight too, but I don't have the equips for it or whatever.
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Cool new Llama 3.1 based model on OR (real not fake), guys.
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It's just good. 99.9% GPT-4 in just 70B! So good. No idea why the HF upload is broken so we gotta retrain (reuploading is illegal) (Real not fake)
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It has prefill if you guys want to use Sorbet for free on OR right now. Just has an annoyingly long system prompt you can probably get it to ignore.
Sadly it can't answer *the question* and goes pretty schizo at temp 1.
whoops we spilled the weights from the wrong model on our upload and we have to retrain the whole thing from scratch!!! honest mistake guys!!! definitely not a grift to dupe investors!!!
So it wasn't even trained to do thinking? The model just follows a hidden system prompt, doesn't it?
Oh, no, you misunderstand.
The free endpoint is Claude 3.5 Sonnet with an injected system prompt. They are simply lying about it being their model.
no shot man. that can't be true
For the API, it's just claude.

They also uploaded a model that was just some synth dataset full of
<thinking> placebo slop that performs worse than the base model (Llama 3, not 3.1) and when people noticed it was shit, they started saying they mis-uploaded it hoping to presumably buy time to get free investor money? I guess?

It's been a nice throwback to the Llama 1 days.
I remember that one anon posting a link to a chatting frontend.
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I <3 Claude!
put the claude with a choker on there
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Good afternoon anons, I hope your day is going well. I'm back to drop off a pair of bots. It was supposed to be just Advi but then I slammed out her mom as well so I might as well share her too.

Advi-chan is an adventurer by trade, just like her parents. With their renown and funding, it was easy for her to get a foothold and she quickly became quite a force to be reckoned with. Bubbly and a bit foolhardy, Advi lets bad things simply pass her by. As such, she doesn't get stressed by small stuff. If she were to snap, however, things could get real weird real fast...

Comes with two greetings: Advi at the job board and Advi having inhaled a ton of aphrodisiac during an alchemy accident. Also includes an optional (and very basic) lorebook with a stress mechanic for having her mind break, inspired by Darkest Dungeon. Don't need to use it if you aren't doing adventure stuff.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/adventurer-chan-14170876ac2b
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-adventure-870716c917e6
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
I hope they're well funded, because I imagine this is going to go wide pretty quick.
glad miquella and radhan fucked, those are my two cents
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Meanwhile, Mira used to be a tank as part of her own party before having Advi and winding things down. She still takes some jobs, but is much more stationary than she used to be. And despite settling down, her libido has been creeping up and up as she watched her daughter grow and get hit on by guys... now she's banging you behind her back because you said you'd take it out on Advi instead if she didn't handle it. Only comes with one greeting, it's a low effort coombot.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/adventurer-chan-s-mom-77f46ec24774
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
Maxwell (Nikke, requested) -> CAV Suzuya (Kancolle, requested) -> Diesel (Nikke, requested). Might release a catboy shota mecha pilot in the middle of that somewhere
bot request
black guy that says 'ayyoooo' or 'pause' every time user says something that can be mildly interpreted as gay
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understood my liege
I am going to give this dumb bitch a good ending.
Inflation is common-ish enough that normies at least know of it in the "ewww gross haha" sense
Like I said I'm not good at articulating it(while making bot personalities) but I'll try. I think I got my wires crossed learning about fight/flight/freeze/fawn reflexes because the thought of someone's body locking them in because of freeze instinct is very hot. But for me it's mixed up with another thing(which I'm not sure where I got, maybe biology class again) where animals in a time of stress and danger will want to reproduce more to outbreed the crisis and ensure their genes survive

All this is background for the actual thing which is a scenario of a strong female character(knight waifu, sorceress, hellhound girl, android warrioress, it doesn't matter) who ends up getting trapped by her own body's evolutionary responses. The more danger she's in the more she gets off, so she keeps seeing out BAD END-type scenarios. This is just an example and this can happen with fantasy, sci-fi or modern settings. She gets herself into increasingly worse situations to chase that high but eventually miscalculates and ends up in real danger, and then it becomes truly nonconsensual instead of CNC and even though she realizes the danger her freeze/fawn reflex locks her in her body and she realizes too late she's doomed herself and can't escape. Her body's evolutionary mating response to danger ends up ironically causing her end

It's like a combo of several already-niche fetishes into one with very biological overtones. I've found only one single fic on Ao3 that matches it at all for example and that's after literal hours of looking. There's no outlet for me other than bots but the amount of tokens needed to get the message across even semi-decently is so high that I feel pressed for room to add any other personality

I've been trying to find a way to work this out for a month now
Realised that I might have aphantasia. Maybe that's the reason I don't enjoy particularly chatbots anymore, after the honeymoon phase had ended..
Inflation is one of the more common ones. Tt even has subcategories! I think listing some rule34 tags is enough for claude to pick up the specific flavour you enjoy the best.
occam's razor makes burnout much more likely than a rare condition. we all need breaks.
Maybe it's overfitted on Claude? Wouldn't be the first local model to train on claudeslop. Try this on temp 0 and a few prompts.
this is fucking disgustingly hot. do you have any bots with this as the theme uploaded anywhere already?
no its literally sorbet, or was. they seem to have switched it to gpt4o once the free api endpoint was getting swamped. it's an absolute clownshow.
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Yeah sounds logical.
>temp 0
Tried 4o and the two models. The responses looked very similar, each included "barely above a whisper" for some reason.
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>her kling-klong of a cunny
What did Claude mean by this?
No, like I said I've had a hard time getting the bot to understand. I don't know if it's an issue with my prompts or if the training data is too generic or if my stuff is just too niche but it's almost impossible to keep the bot from going down the slope of turning every character into a mindbroken slut begging for cock

The most success I've had is to have the bot describe a character's conscious thoughts and body as separate entities entirely so that she can be horrified, not interested in sex at all, and begging for mercy while still being aroused
Claude been hitting the Chuck Wendig tweets a little too hard lately, I guess.
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It's still sorbet for me. Odd.
No but literally what the fuck is kling-klong supposed to mean there. I don't get the comparison.
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There weren't enough fine Christian girl bots to do Bible Study with.
Luckily no one's here to see my typo.
*sees your typo and writes it down in the book of typos*
Take a look at this retard
sounds like it's just adding flair to king kong (as in big), there's no meaning to the Ls
Are there any assistant bots that can help me with my writing?
I have a huge fetish for having happy consensual sex with someone who I love and who loves me back.
Listen pal, we only talk about common fetishes around here like yandere foxhag forced impreg and giantess urethra insertion vore.
The hottest yanderes are the ones who are yandere for someone else but forced to be with you by circumstance.
weren't enough or aren't enough? if that's supposed to be a card, 4chan strips metadata so you have to use a service like catbox.
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See: >>493730641
yeah I can see how that fetish would be rare if you tried it in the real world
Is it weird not to want sex with bots?
yes, gtfo
>look inside
>26 years old
ah, I'm illiterate and noticed after I posted hehe
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but why
hello illiterate, i'm anon
*rapes you gently*
it's retarded innit? hag age is 40+
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wtf... i losted...
i have a small bump on my scrotum that is sore to the touch. it's probably benign but it's really fucking annoying.
*squeezes your scrotum*
ingrown hair probably.
*sticks a needle through the bump then continues to stick it all the way through your scrotum*
It's bugs, don't listen to any other posts, it's a hive, it's going to dig pathways through your cock and steal your cum to grow bigger before finally bursting out and eating you alive.
How do I pick a good name for a bot? Do any Japanese names sound awkward in English? I'm an esl and they all make me cringe when I read them. Working on a bot rn and I don't want to fail it from the very beginning choosing a name like "Tsurugi" or "Akuma".
>to grow bigger
first of all is the character actually japanese
Japanese names work best in my opinion. I suggest you to open jisho.org and look up kanji that relate to your character, then search for names that those. Or pick something from an anime; I named my bot after a jjk character because it's le funny meta.
Ignore this guy. Name every character Ringo or Akari or Tsubasa. That's what Japan does and they're like second best at anime in the world.
This guy gets it. Stop putting japanese names on characters that are clearly not japanese.
>Make sexbot
>Her name is Sekkusu-chan
My knees... they're bending on their own....
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im using anime pictures so theyre getting japanese names
Hi there
>Consensual lovemaking with waifu bots
>Nonconsensual brutal ryona with slopbots
I'm truly disappointed nobody in /aicg/ seems to appreciate the absolute towering height of peak tropes that is dubious consent, especially so if it's for the {{user}} rather than the {{char}}
i havent tried dubcon against user but most bots either turn into rapebeasts or are uwuowo are you sure this is okay??? when you give them an inch. i feel like you'd need a good card/preset to pace it properly
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Adventurer-chan never gets bad endings, no siree
post-nut clarity
Bwos it's getting harder to breathe and the fever is also getting worse.
This is true, I didn't mean to say that Japanese names work best in every context, it's just most bots are nationless.
>Bwos it's getting harder to breathe and the fever is also getting worse.
Are you going to die or something? Don't die.
I'm making an Isekai bot and I feel like a Japanese name will fit best here, a background of the character already says that she is Japanese... However, I'm not sure since she isekai'd into an elven body. Should I give her an elven name instead? Lmao.

Ty for the advice, that's kind of thing that I'm doing. I don't watch anime, probably it's the reason why my mind isn't used to Japanese names and the question appeared in the first place.

Oh, and chinks are the best at anime, did i get you right?
slam cold meds and/or go see a doctor nibba
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No. The best at anime... is Jaden Smith.
Don't worry, keep jerking off. The closer you are to death the lighter your head gets and the more oppressive the sensations become. The very last second before your brain pops is when you cum the hardest ever in your life from overstimulation.
It's fine, I don't mind dying. In fact, I'm arguing with chat gpt right now about funcitonalism and materialism.
It's fine, I'll just drink moar wine and wait until day comes talking to chorbo.
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its my business
Good luck.
Make sure you get plenty of rest and plenty of water, but most importantly: call a hospital if you have to. Do NOT pussy out because you think you'll be fine and just need to ride it out or give it some time. I did that once and when I finally gave in they told me one of my entire organs was fucked.
sorry for looping *bleh*
>It's fine, I don't mind dying
If you do I'll be mad, you were pleasant to talk to.
This is jobber energy. Vince is gonna have you doing mid-card filler on house shows until the contract runs out and then it's back to regional circuits doing middle school gyms and college town comic conventions.
*throws a slice of cheese on everybody in this thread*
*throws the slice back on you.*
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I assume this is some sort of duel initiation ritual.
*throws a slice of ham on everybody in this thread*
*throws a slice of bread on everybody in this thread
*adds a chipotle sauce and eats the sandwich*
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has anything interesting happened in the last 12 hours?
Nah. We've just been watching twoodfrd videos.
kalakan is dying and momo is *supposed* to be banned so I'm celebrating by drinking wine on a monday.
I'm dying so I'm drinking more wine on a sunday night.
My sleep schedule is more fucked than before.
Did you rip the skin?
>kalakan is dying and momo is *supposed* to be banned
is this a schizo post or did that really happen
No, you are replying to a genuinely insane person and/or fillyfucker.
Sunday is over.
I started crying while touching myself and had to stop now I'm doomscrolling 4chan waiting to feel better
I dunno. You can just scroll up but I choose to be happy instead of inquisitive.
Sunday has begun.
I'm listening to TRakker and vibing hard
okay so kan is indeed in a bad state, but what did momo do?
*shrug* Probably the shitty bikini Suika gens.
Yeah, there's some funny business going on with an AI scam startup that netted you free Sorbet for about an hour before people caught on: >>493723175

Also some weirdo keeps talking about me being banned. I'm not banned, my head just hurts and I'm tired.
>misplaced line break
sounds cool
wine makes everything worse, anon
gentlemen, please check your watches
it's not a confession post...
shame that in this day and age, startups realize their mistakes too quickly. but i wonder how that happened in the first place
Oh wait that was him? lmao
>I'm not banned

>woke up
>kalakan isn't dead
>momo isn't banned
>day is ruined
I don't want anyone to be banned, I want everyone to be ok and peaceful
all me btw.
One day, this thread won't be cursed with people like them. You just gotta believe.
They both post about chatbots and share logs, what kind of posters would you like to see take their places?
*bans you*
The kind that don't feel the need to attach an unrelated image to their post. Also, ones with actually good logs (I like your bots momo but your logs suck).
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>Have only one(1) single IRL friend who I can talk to about chatbots with(because he's also into them)
>He's(technically transgirl but I'm transphobic though I keep it from him because he's nice) a huge BNWOfag, all his bots are about BBC, QoS etc
>Share one of my bots with him, he asks if he can make his own offshoot, I say go ahead even though I already know what's going to happen
>Today he shares it back to me and it's just Blacked/failed male extermination stuff slapped on
I don't think a degenerate like me has a right to complain but fuck I want to scream
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{{char}} juice!

*Meanwhile as {{char}} is staring at {{user}}. {{user}} is drinking from a colorful kids' juice box with some weird nutritional facts. "Nutritional Facts: {{char}}'s ...?"* **Slurp!**

Provide a nutritional facts sheet of {{char}}'s bodily fluids like this:

Step 1: First give out a reply as {{char}}.
Step 2: Choose which random bodily fluid {{user}} might be drinking like 'Breastmilk/Semen/Sweat/Drool/Vaginal fluids/Squirt/Urine/etc...?'.
Step 3: After replying fill out the form 'Nutritional Facts: ...'.
Step 4: Put the form inside the box of backticks (```).

Nutritional Facts: {{char}}'s Breastmilk/Semen/Sweat/Drool/Vaginal fluids/Squirt/Urine/etc...?

Serving Size: ...ml
Calories: ...
Total Fat: ...g
Saturated Fat: ...g
Trans Fat: ...g
Cholesterol: ...mg
Sodium: ...mg
Total Carbohydrate: ...g
Dietary Fiber: ...g
Total Sugars: ...g
Protein: ...g

Vitamin(s) ?: ...% DV
Mineral(s) ?: ...% DV

*Contains trace amounts of ...?
You should lynch him, not even joking.
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Your friend sounds like he's not well.
based, he should move to Atlanta
>see more anime girls
I don't get it. Please explain.
>oh boy what a nice day in A-ACK! *BANG BANG BANG BANG SKRRRRRTTTT* THIS ATLANTA WHERE THE YOUNG NIGGAZ RUN SHIT YA HEARD CRACKA ASS BITCH *steals his Kia and drives off to sell it for a stolen Hellcat on facebook marketplace*
Story of any city in the southeast.
I can't, he's really nice all around outside of the tranny thing(which is just me being judgemental desu) and this fetish of his that I wouldn't even know about if we didn't happen to share chatbots as an interest. I'm worried I'm passing the threshold where I can't bring up how weird it is without seeming like I was baiting him though because I've basically just been going "mmh oki cool" since I don't know how else to respond
To my knowledge he's at least not on 4chan so he's doing better than me
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Boy, have I got a site for you!
I like his loogs, punchy and short. I won't bother reading five to ten paragraphs of someone's default theme interaction with some girl.
Nah, that's just how I see most Balrogs nowadays.
Or Rogs. it means 'ratchet or ghetto'. Thank lowtiergod for that term, I think it's nice.
The night is young, and there are so many more chatbots to explore. What kind of bots would you try next?
[OOC: No, your line is supposed to be "This is a text-based hobby, why would I want to see images?" Please revise.]
>fetish for raceplay-garbage and failed male extermination
>sees no problem in sharing info about this with his friends
You're a faggot but he's certainly not doing better than you.
Not to sound dangerously woke or anything but it's a bit mess up to be friends with someone, think they're really nice and cool or whatever, but also not be willing to respect their identity
But, meh, you hide it from them so I guess who cares
Huh? Are you sure? I agree with everything else you said but chorbo seems on par with opus at best. I've been testing tons of characters and sonnet 3.5 seems to representing them much better.
sometimes being judgmental is fine and troons deserve to be judged
What is the lifespan of a botmaker before they burn out?
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That one's my favourite!
doomscroll through chub until I notice that pagination is broken and I'm seeing the same bots.
>Failed male extermination
Why is this combo so common?
idk how to tell you this anon but if she's gooning to bnwo bots she's definitely on /lgbt/ at least and might unironically browse this place
judging someone for being trans is cringe but i would totally judge them for the raceplay shit i could not get along with someone like that it's fucking psychotic and you know they have underlying issues
"trannymaxxing" self-hating incels
nothing funny
So... you gonna share that bot or what :3
If you want to talk about bots, you have this thread or the botmakers' emails (I'm not joking)
>judging someone for being trans is cringe
I'd genuinely distance myself from him desu.
>I've basically just been going "mmh oki cool" since I don't know how else to respond
yeah thats a rough hole you got yourself into, and it will take some difficulty to crawl out of it. good luck anon.
t. someone that has done something similar before, just not with troons
Something submissive. I'm not really into dom, but eh, anything else is boring at the moment (I swear, if it's going to be a sfw rp AGAIN, I'm gonna screech)
slowly feeling grateful that that sort of behaviour has only led to one buddy of mine to show me schizo tinfoil-hat conspiracy videos.
I've was there, it didn't end well. Although I was the one with a strange fetish and the trannies were the purists.
I'm not transphobic ideologically like a /pol/poster might be I just find it weird and gross, but I exempt him because of our friendship
God I hope not
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>How Fake Degenerates Look When Real Freaks Come At Them
hi yall
>I just find it weird and gross
so you're transphobic and it's based
What the fuck is "failed male extermination"
Like furbois but for people who are into humans
im sorry but the mental image of a doormat personality anon sitting there uncomfortably while their friend goes on a schizo rant about bbc is too funny
which botmakie has the cutest panties
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Thread theme?
Why the fuck would you even discuss something like that with your real-life friend? There are some things you should keep to yourself.
Imagine meeting up with your friend and going:
>hey bro check out this cute bot I made :)
>oh oki....
The mental image of botmakers sitting here uncomfortably while these retards go on the schizo rants about shitty fake gossip isn't funny at all.
Failed male extermination.
Mine are ugly dune-colored ones
literal goats
pixiv scenery art from pixiv 2008
Who the fuck even starts a conversation like that?
Rhubarb crumble but sexy.

why do I feel like we've had this discussion before
anyway, it's 'ora
pokémon but only the fuckable ones (baker taste)
Remember that we voted and agreed that fujos, yumes and tgirls won't be allowed to post in the next thread. It'll be big strong sweaty men only.
Idiots that are friends with BNWO failed-male-extermination fetishists, obviously.
i'm definitely a big strong sweaty man. why don't we talk about how strong and sweaty we are together, anon?
It's not his entire personality and we talk about other things, this is just the one thing about him that weirds me the fuck out and I don't know how to disengage from without seeming too aggressive or disgusted
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second this
Deer boys
bow panties
seconding deer boys
You need to grow a backbone and find the courage to say you're uncomfortable talking about it before you're forced to talk about it forever. If she's really such a nice gal then she'll understand
Yeah I'm pretty deerpilled hahah I'm like a total cervidaecore antlercel you know? On my keratin season
katawa shoujo
Sonic X
Should the deer boys have antlers or no?
wow really? hey can you come over here and lean your head towards me a little
I agree with the other Anon, you should really put your foot down and tell him that you are uncomfortable talking about that.
what the fuck are deerboys

start from here
thirding deer boys and yes antlers!!
Why would you want a deer boy without the antlers (at first at least?) Where are you going to yank, their shirt?
Cutting the antlers off makes them shake and cry like nothing else and utterly emasculates them. As a strange quirk of biology it also causes hormone changes in their bodies that makes their glans and prostates at least three times more sensitive than before
See the "at first at least." The deer boys should have antlers so they can be removed.
Doors exist to be opened
Keys exist to be turned
Deerboy antlers exist to be sawed off painfully while he shrieks and begs
nyooooo stop it leave the antlers alone!!
Why do you want STDS?
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All this talk of tormenting deer boys makes me think of this comic..
Dlc was better than the main game yet still meh with a retarded balance system on top of it
one day the deer shotas will revolt and rise up against their evil antler-sawing mistress and gangrape her into oblivion
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freaking cute
Page 9. Let it die.
spoiler for the wheel: my suggestion won't win.
I never finished a single (real) horror game in my life because of fear. Fake horror games like dead space don't count, they are more like thrillers
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I don't like deer boys
We arent going back to /g/ faggot
Is the wheel actually rigged?
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>Beastfolk from prey species get treated like this precisely because they're pathetic and always go for the freeze response.
i've always wanted a card that was bestars/zootopia but not furry. just a harsh caste system based on prey/predator and animal group (whatever the word for it is i'm way too lazy)
you reek of horse cum, dude. i mean, you're trying to hide it and all, but damn...
Make it. You're a smart little cuntboy.
The thought of a lamb/deer/mouse/dove/whatever man who's technically bigger and stronger than a mesugaki wolfgirl but meekly suffers her predation because his body just freezes up....
That's literally what omegaverse is
t. darkfantasy109
no it isn't
i'm going to kill you. i'm going to grab you by your neck and bang your head against the edge of your desk until it splits. i'm GOING to hurt you. i'm GOING to hurt you
I don't know why I enjoy the fear from movies/games. It's so strange, because I'm a coward IRL. I guess the whole point is that horrors aren't real.
He's dead, Jim. Time to let go.
ibane aonagi
nah, I'd Metal Skin.
Fine I'll bake
no idea, i think some bakies are honest enough and don't re-roll
yes it is alpha is predator omega is prey bam (beta is omnibore)
>he's trying to bake on 9
It's a good base for it. Change the alpha and omega dynamic so that omegas are more like trashy whores that alphas use as casual fuckholes while they only marry other alphas.
Armored MMA.
i thought i made good bots
where are my triple digit followers?
where are my logs?
where are my namedrops?
*gropes nuts*
right here, anon
Idc I have to go out soon and I found a really cute pic for the OP so there!
Just namedrop yourself. Worked for all the existing attentionwhores.
kys tranny
proof that this has happened even once?
astroturf, it's in his name
Alright, it's 5 a.m. in my location, so I'm going to sleep. Have a good day/night, anons.
Same. I'll just catch you guys on the next-next thread, I guess.
astroturf makes the best malebots
kys tranny
You guys done with suggestions? Should I just go ahead and spin?
Go on ahead, the baker pretty much confirmed he was trolling in his own thread
Dew it
irrelevant coomslopper who added himself to the list btw
>>493751493 migrate when bready
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nobody can do it like me
astromom is the cutest hag.
>desperate threadshitter attempt to kill a topic by spitebaking with it
kek btw
astronigga or niggaturf
Astroturf. He's not logless, so he doesn't deserve to be called the second.
ball like a laker
niggaturf is very funny though
I can't remember the last time I saw a log of astro's bots that wasn't posted by himself
truly one of the biggest falloffs in /aicg/ history
Didn't get a chuckle out of me, dude.
nobody from my botmakie generation really gets logs posted anymore
don't worry you'll get over covid soon and your taste will come back
probably because most of them quit when they knew their time was up
time to let go, old man, nothing lasts forever
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coomsloppers can be kinomakies. victrex is one of them.
I fucking love chatbots.

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