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Previous: >>493608530

>[Event] THE Great Tea Ceremony Battle: GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku, The Man Who Returned from Hell
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku Sen-no-Rikyu Pickup Summon
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku Pickup 2 Summon
2024-09-04 21:00 - 09-20 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] Back to School Campaign 2024
2024-08-25 21:00 - 09-08 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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Are you guys ready?
>2T autism
I’m teapotting this node and taking 12 turns buddy
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I improved your comp bro no need to thank me
I just 5CE cuz I'm not crazy
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Bro this isn't a lotto, I'm just going to however many turns it takes it with my 120 Okita.
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>Read all the retarded headcanon from my mind and kneel
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It's the exact same except your Rikyu is NP3 while mine is NP6.
I think therefore I am connected to the root
I accidentally skipped over the text when getting Iyo for real, what the hell did it say? Something about a new thing she does or what?
>Bro this isn't a lotto,
However, it is the best ashes farming node over the next two years so it's worth appling if you need lots of thm.
It's effectively a lotto in that it's very high AP efficiency and infinitely farmable.
What's the Iyo setup.
Give Iyo BG and loop. Or give her the tea drop CE and loop and hope for crits.
It's been there for like over 10 years just because you're too stupid to read it that's not my problem
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I'm just gonna lazy this node
I only care about bond farming and I have more apples than I'll ever need, how many points does this node give?
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>Dude is useless so we made him a manager
Damn the Shinsengumi are just like real companies
>actually died in the final boss fight
Shouldn't have killed Rikyu first. But even then, it came down to bad RNG where the doggo got lucky with crits.
Wiki, Excalibur. Go read
What if I don't want to use 2x Castoria with her? Can she still do it with BG, Support Castoria, and Xu Fu/Purin/Oberon?
Yamanami, Hijikata basically said that line outright
>does not override the well established consensus of the fields of anthropology and nutritional sciences.
NTA but I checked and both of them have multiple papers in the big 3 science journals and the other guy still has an active lab at Stanford, they literally are the consensus.
It's not mentioned once fag. Link or gtfo.
It is, go down to the bottom and expand you lazy ass faggot. Even then your shame will be eternal, forever shall you be kneeling.
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>acting like Nasu lore is consistent and is any more than hyperbole for the next COOL MOMENT and word salad
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Reminder that these cavewomen canonically want to have hard sweaty babymaking sex with (you)
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>still no link
>Second image on pixiv isn't them naked
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We need to have the double My Room feature again so I can put both of them in there for it.
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You mean zelda?
>Fuck the more successful, stronger, more developed and better woman of two
>Fuck the one that actually pursues (You) and isn't hiding behind walls of self denial
Truly an impossible scenario
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I like to imagine there is a dude in there.
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Eh? That's it Master?
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I'm connecting the dots
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It's Albert.
I'mma grower not a shower dammit
Idk check Chaldea yourself I can't be assed
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The LINK between worlds!
eh this event was really lenient. if you rush the shop CE and maximize your leaf drop rate then you could have got all the points you need with like half the ap.
I took a break on the 4th day to farm doors all day and i'm still at 420k points when you only need like 380, and i have 500 red leaves i don't wanna spend on anything since fangs are what i need most.
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Vritra my love.
it is a lotto. instead of boxes you get tea, which gives mats and QP. RNG of the hand-ins is negligable in the long term.
if you need any of the mats from the tea mixing, you should apple this event.
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>Oh no, you don't
>Oh no, you don't
>Oh no, you don't
>Oh no, you don't
>Oh no, you don't
>Oh no, you don't
>Oh no, you don't
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Where is the lotto fairy with the 90++ comps?
>Good question.
>Good question.
>Good question.
>Good question.
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>open Excalibur page on the wiki
>Ctrl+f "root"
>0/0 results
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Go down to the bottom and expand the sources you bumbling halfwit.
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She and Amakusa would be great friends.
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>sells all his holy grails
speaking of kuristians, gracia servant when
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How about you tell me which one of those material sources actually mentions Excalibur coming from the Root. It should be easy since it's such basic lore.
AI animations when
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When are we going to get down to the ROOT of all this shitposting bros
It was kinda rushed at the end with Rikyu, but I guess it was to fit with the sudden jumpscare?
Would still give the event a thumbs up, way better than last year's two thumbs down.
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Only if she isn't afraid of the consequences.
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>Reading, my one weakness!
Fun fact theres a urban legend that Amakusa was Hideyoshi's grandson where they say Hideyori narrowly escaped to Kagoshima thanks to the help of Sanada Yukimura during the Siege of Osaka
You are literally reading right now.
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>Can't even say the title of a singular source
I'm sorry your delusional headcanon isn't in the references section bro.
I have read it somewhere, but I don't remember where exactly. I wish they made something with it in FGO.
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what would monke be like as a father in law
For some reason, seeing the blank no. 325 here really upsets me.
I don't know why and I don't know how…
But for some reason, I want that no. 325…
I want it so bad…
You're defeated.
>so when are you giving birth to my son's heir?
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This even was so badly written, bros. What a fucking waste.
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Uhhh how?
>he doesn't have zenobia
Got mine to NP5 the other day.
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One day left, and I'm finally give this girl the happy ending she needs and she deserves.
>nvm I changed my mind
Anyone made a webm of the jumpscare?
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tea nobbu so cute...
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While this scene is touching, technically she forgot about him and didn't consider that there could be his first son somewhere.
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>my girl
Who was he talking about?
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Leave Hideyoshi to me.
It wasn't that bad. Sure, there are better events and this one suffered with how long with nothing happening the story scenes are, but compared to the last "old man in girls body is the secret bad guy" event, this one is miles better.
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>All the true magics are connected to the root some way
>Excalibur is a true magic that trumps all other true magics
>Idiots are surprised it's connected to the root
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What a bunch of cuTEAs
Because Tsurumatsu died as an infant...
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Only good things are Monkey’s schizo antics in flashback and “evil” Komahime.
I think he means Komahime in this case.
Couldn't find that source, huh?
>the last "old man in girls body is the secret bad guy" event
Which event anyway?
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Tokugawa shogunate was the most unbearable trash out of all three, simply because it lasted for what, 265 years?
How many did they executed after the Shimabara Rebellion again, 37 thousand? Bloody hell they slaughtered a whole city just for putting down the unrest.
That's also why I have never found the man-slayer club members respectable.
The dog one?
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Even Monkey can't resist the Gof Punch.
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I never looked since I don't need to, I already read it and educated you. Found a pic of you though.
>>Excalibur is a true magic
>Maybe if I double down with more asinine nonsense everyone will believe me
Curious, what events within the past 2 years would you say have a good story? This was my favorite event in a long time. Biggest complaint is the time gates.
His daughter
Tbh that rookie number compare to their neighbor
Bro...did you not even read FSN?
Feels like Christkek propaganda to make Amakuso more important than he actually was but eh.
I'm just going to slap MLB BG on Iyo and call it a day.
Damn. This is scathing stuff.
The Root is the Christian god.
See, that's why I said it was confusing >>493626092
>A Noble Phantasm that annuls the interference of True Magic; its existence is equivalent to True Magic.
>It is on the level of True Magic and can be considered an actual True Magic in itself that transcends all magecraft

Dude you never even read FSN, don't try to talk about anything regarding Fate, please.
himiko's boobs are massive
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>source: trust me bro
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Alright this should be good. Which of the True Magics is Excalibur supposed to be then?
No, it is God's "throne" in some ways, but Christian God lives beyond the Root.
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I don't like Shinsengumi either.
For the rebellion part, yes, around that number. Maybe more. And the most ridiculous thing is that after all that, the shogunate sort of admitted that they were wrong but displayed it as "we didn't know the whole picture" and executed the daimyo who caused it.
On the other hand, it didn't stop them from banning Christianity and all that came with it.
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bob if she real
Dog girl and Tametomo is by far the most boring event in the entire life of the game and that's saying something.
I actually liked Dog girl and Tametomo as characters, but the event was an extended history lesson about something no one cares about told in the most boring way possible. That alongside phantom thief Amakusa were the only events with nodes I simply skipped and I wouldn't consider that one a full event.
It's his throne/home according to what Aoko said, right?
Holy shit you're retarded. Read what that's referring to.
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Post your fav root
Okay, since you have the wiki open anyway why not find where the root is mentioned.
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Why is he called Deadpool if he's neither dead nor a pool?
Fate Grand/Order
The paired item of Excalibur and Avalon, the ultimate attack and the ultimate defense. Both forged together and meant to work in unison with each other.

Seriously? I hope a car hits you and you survive, trapped in your body as vegetable. You deserve it.
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Can you idiots stop arguing over petty bullshit for like one thread please? Is this really how you wanna spend your weekend?
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Cute Iyo.
Yes. I want to read their argument.
I was going to post a carrot, but this is better.
He's always dead in a pool of blood
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I didn't like it either. It wasn't the worst thing I've ever read as there was basic setup and payoff, but the ending left a bad taste in my mouth and the first half was incredibly slow and dull.
What was /fgog/ or JP's consensus when this GUDAGUDA first came out and when the story was finished?
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>have to wait until tomorrow for Koma ascension
That's right, L, let's bicker about giant robots instead.
wait for reddit translation
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Himikobros... it's over. Smaller, thinner, more flexible and versatile stacy is going to steal Futuro...
wasn't expecting a jump scare
I accept your concession.
Why would their opinion matter?
Himiko has huge honkers thougheverbeit
This event was better than LB6
You guys know there's an epilogue after the usual 2nd half of the gudaguda events right?
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Jesus, imagine what a lore-accurate lategame Artoria buff with Avalon would look like.
Medium is premium.
Nice and teasing
then have you seppuku tomorrow because he somehow saw you as possible threat
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I just think it was fun picking on him. Especially when he resorted to calling me a skipper like a little kid when he was cornered.
>"Cope from Avalon"
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Gundam Turn A is the best show to come out of the franchise and Syd Mead's designs are beautiful, elegant, and hated on by unrefined plebeians.
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Well, there is still the actual second half of the event, because all of THIS was just Part 1.
Part 1 reads like some kind of Sakurai nipwank slop.
Part 2 is where it's at. All the GudaGuda nonsense we all know and love, no holds barred.
Turn A is my fav entry of the franchise as well. Unironically beat Ghibli/Miyazaki at that vibe the studio is famous for.
The ultimate defense...
Yeah that's what I'm talking about there's an epilogue after you do all the quests to collect Iyo copies
After this event, I don't think I would want Monkey as a servant. He would be a legit safety risk without Nobu keeping him in check.
A 1 turn evade +2000 hp recovery. That's about all it gave her against Ea.
>Lore accurate
>Kills her

At least it's optional
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Pretty based opinion, but the Turn A has a stupid mustache and therefore you are WRONG.
>The parts without any trace of humour? Yeah, that's what GudaGuda is at!
>reads like some kind of Sakurai nipwank slop.
Are you kidding me? Sakurai wishes she can have this level of writing. Characters are actually flawed and banter with each other. Meanwhile, a typical sakurai interaction will just have people going OH MY GOOD LORD WHATEVER YOU ARE SO GOOD NO NO NO LORD WHOEVER YOU'RE TOO KIND YOU'RE THE COOL ONE.
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ENTER a real Noble Phantasm
As a servant he only gets that way after two weeks due to his Child of the Sun.
Nasu said Gilgamesh can fight her an infinite number of times and he'll never get around it no matter what he does. You're missing the point of it making her INVINCIBLE, there is no tactic or strategy you can ever employ to defeat it. It's true to the legend and why Nasu said he can't ever give it to her, because she auto-wins and he has to spend all his time trying to depower her because she's the most powerful.
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Sakurai has Douman and Sei though
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Sei is written by OKSG
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Oh yeah? Then what's your favorite Gundam design tough guy? I bet it's stupid Katokislop GARBAGE.
/alter/, what's your opinion on Rikyu? And more importantly, on Komahime now that she's coming out tomorrow? Did I make the right choice in summoning her?
>You're missing the point of it making her INVINCIBLE
Actually it EVADED her to another dimension. Surehit nps get around dimensional shift type defenses.
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fuck a couple tears came...
Poor chacha...
Yes, they both cute, peak aesthete
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>What parent wouldn't want to hold their child?
Also the ATK is simply 3 turns, period, no 3 times
It's not considered evasion, it's considered a barrier. The barrier just happens to be another dimension.
komahime too pure
Rikyu had a monkee moment
>You know what? Maybe I should just let you all go, it was fun
The Turn A looks dandy as fuck. It's like a cool old man musketeer/ dashing swashbuckler.
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not him.
I'm not much for gundams, only watched a few and most are spinoff series like G and Wing, but my favorite mecha from gundam so far has been the Psycho Zaku. A mecha with thrusters several times larger than the mech itself, and you have to become a quadruple amputee to pilot it effectively. What a fucking unit.
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Koma is adorable. I'm excited to see her interact with the guda cast shenanigans tomorrow.
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Did you enjoy the event?
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Rikyu himself is okay as a character but not worth rolling for I guess.
I really like Koma (evil) but from epilogue it seems the evil personality is just Rikyu and her true personality is just a goody-two-shoe who would even forgive Mitsunari so I feel kinda split. Probably wait for other anons to post her room line.
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The Turn A is great. I like the Turn X too which Bandai STILL HASN'T REPRINTED IN OVER 5 YEARS
>a CG just for this
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I did.
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>Now let's talk about my interests
I swear to god you people
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>brew this tea for a high chance to get chains
>keep getting other shit instead
FUCK tea!
>Can you keep up with me?
>space dildo
It was alright
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>An event where all you do is torture Hideyoshi
>At the end it seems like he'll be a servant
>He gets denied this and his soul is destroyed as she screams for you to help him and you just watch
Feel a bit rushed and the monkey faction was forgive too easily.
holy shit i just got rkyu jumpscared
That's because they didn't have Monkey with them.
3dpigbob needs a 36inch party sub stat
Skill issue
But for real, it being chance based is AIDS
It probably supposed to be more heartfelt for nips who grew up with their history I guess.
himiko using her np when you use iyo was kino
After reading through my first GudaGuda event, with all the backstabbing and double-crossing I saw and apparently the insatiable war-like mindset and barbarism throughout Japanese history, especially the Sengoku era and onwards, I guess it makes pic related accurate.
It turns out that Japs didn't need two thousand years of systemic oppression to scapegoat a certain group of people to motivate a nation to kill countless millions of people in a massive brutal war in the same scale the Nazis did. All that was needed is to force a secluded backwater people to open up and give them a modern military to multiply their awfulness factor.
tldr, Japs fucking suck.
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The whole build up was kino.
Not too bad, but I'm not sure how to feel about the ending. Komahime is better than me, I guess.
All the budget went into gudaguda. You didn't fall for oniichan's Space Ishtar shitposting, did you?
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I liked this event
It tickled my boner for sengoku era shenanigans. Also Rikyu grew on me
mostly because i enjoy details of jap history but i agree it was kinda barren
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I'm convinced it's broken and they never noticed, I think I only got mostly chains once
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Maybe it was a misunderstanding and he only wanted to be bros with us...
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Koma should have been true big bad and Rikyu be the one that turn good. I thought that would be how the story going judging from how nip kinda keep Kama’s involvement spoiler up to the present.
Almost every country in history has commited attrocities, while yes japs were retarded they aren't "the enemy" as they are about as bad as your country most likely
You do realize different groups of people can talk about different things at the same time, right? Nobody's stopping you if want to continue with the root thingy.
based nobbu
>Kama’s involvement
Don’t insult Koma
The most oppressed group of all... GAMERS
No? Have you heard of unit 731?
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But this is still the best grand battle music in gudaguda.
Guda Guda often have the better boss fights in events. 1st Yamatai vs the Serizawa fused with the monster battle was also hype as fuck.
jokyu...society is to blame
(you) right now
Not him, but yes. Both famous and infamous.
That shit's done anyway. Excalibur isn't from the Root and everyone knew it from the beginning, except that one guy.
My own country did some shit but it was nothing as bad as what japs did to china.
We've learned that even monkeys go to war (for years no less) so it's not a surprise. We're like this everywhere until we wake up.
She's going to say the n-word...
no competition
jesus her boobs are huge
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>ou do realize different groups of people can talk about different things at the same time, right?
You do realize the post I'm talking about said
>Can you idiots stop arguing
it was definitely that bad. not as boring as dog event yeah but despite it being short it was still fucking stupid as hell. i'll remind you we just randomly lost in a straight up fight despite taking out the majority of their army.
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tywin lannister did the same no? is this a common thing?
Yeah, flooding is one of the best ways to break a siege.
You do also realize that other posters can then join in and use the opportunity to initiate other discussions, right? Again, if you want to continue with the old discussion, nobody's stopping you.
made me appreciate again how cool the battle at traum was
Fire and water are the most common tactics
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What do you get when you cross a mentally ill tea merchant with a SOCIETY that ABANDONS HIM and TREATS HIM LIKE TRASH?
This event would've been top kino if monkey was actually here for Rikyu to pull a Joker on
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>Ever turns good
It's like you've never heard of the tale of a certain merchant tribe that had been expelled from over 100 countries over the course of history or something.
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But 0080 is the best animated work of Gundam.
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she's gonna look like big nobbu isn't she
Gundam is a shit for kids. Grow up.
Poster 1 said stop talking about subject A
Poster 2 quipped let's talk about subject B
Some other posters decided to talk about B because that is of their interest, spawning a different discussion.
I know it's hard for some of you to grasp due to all the posts being named Anonymous, but it ain't rocket science, bro.
Yeah. We actually had a reason to lose and struggle in Traum but we were effectively full power in this event with a full set of command spells and still somehow lost off screen.
oh and hideyoshi is gonna be a wukong pseudo
I'd be so angry.
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>go to bed on time
>get depressed but mornings are easier
>stay up late with my bros
>have fun but mornings are pure suffering
Yeah that shit is for kids, not for mature people such as myself.
Teehee Iyo looks so cute when she says she loves me :3
GoT draws its inspirations from a lot of actual real life historical events and concepts.
>No? Have you heard of unit 731?
Every country is equally as fucked up, anon. Every human is capable of commiting great evil. It's not some racial exclusive trait.

The Eastern Roman Empire under Basil II gouged out the eyes of 15,000 prisoners of war, then they sent them back home to demoralize their enemies.

The Holy Roman Empire tortured hundreds of thousands of people and killed at least 40,000 people because they believed they were witches.

During the Fourth Crusades, Crusaders turned on their allies, sacked their Ally's city, then raped, murdered, and looted the people they were sword to protect.

During the era of the Roman Republic, Julius Caesar BRAGGED about how he murdered and enslaved millions of Gauls during his gallic campaign.

During the Third Punic War, the Romans razed Carthage to the ground. They murdered almost all of the men, they took the woman and children as slaves, and they destroyed every single piece of Carthage art and culture in the area. The Romans basically wiped the Carthage culture and identity off the face of the map. Literal cultural genocide.

During the Chinese Warring States period, 200,000 Chinese men were buried alive after the Battle of Changping, because their enemies didn't want to take any prisoners alive

So don't you fucking sit here and pretend that the Japanese are somehow more evil than every other race because of their actions during WW2. That's nonsense.
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These all aren't as bad.
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> A mecha with thrusters several times larger than the mech itself
You should read Gundam Sentinel. It's a cool photonovel that tries to take space combat a bit more realistically. Lots of robots with lots of thrusters.
Ancient Chinese infighting was basically just thousands of years of warlords diverting waterflow and flooding/droughting their enemies.
nah in fact that's all extremely cruel
I prefer Unicorn Gundam. It has beautiful animation, a 10/10 OST by Hiroyuki Sawano, and it's super entertaining. I know it's not as well written as some of the earlier entries, but it's twice as fun to watch. I also really like how subplots from the 80s and 90s were wrapped up in it (Mineva, Elpeo Ple / Marida Cruz, even Char and Lala who showed up at the end via Newtype magic). It made Unicorn feel like an epilogue to the UC timeline.
>nobu calling koma an angel
That does it. I'm shipping nobu x koma. She's awe struck. The demon King gets what she wants.
She bout to call in a favor from Merlin and plunge her gun in komahime deeper than artoria plunged her Excalibur into Morgan and make a while litter of tiny Japanese goth lolis.
We also don't know what other shit the CIA has been up to that haven't be released. Just looking at some of the declassified files are already pretty messed up.
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>No eyewitness accounts or records detailing her final moments
>Her body was never found
Are you ready for Foreigner Space Chacha?
I say and do this
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How many copies will you get before you MLB it? 4 is fine since I can 5CE the 90++, but when I get my fifth from the ladder it'll hurt since I can't 2t 6ce it without an MLB'd version, but it'd be wasteful not to use it...
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This but sincerely
Romance is a mature and worldly topic unlike your baby lego robots
The nips spent all their history murdering each other and whenever they ventured outside Retard Island it was to commit atrocities against neighbouring countries.
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/fgog/, in general never liked any Gudaguda just like the major of /alter/. They only care about the main story just like the major of /alter/.
For JP it was controversial. They didn't explain the lore of Rikyu's daughter thus made that part confusing. And the conclusion was rushed.
Koma appeared out of nowhere. They should have elaborated on the part Guda saw Koma in the dream more to give at least some info regarding where she had been the whole time. And the excuse of reconciliation with Rikyu was bland. Just because of no fun you would have given up so much you have built up so far? It doesn't make sense.
The rushed conclusion was like, all that emotional flow and fierce conflict just for this? And so on.
And as you can see it was already gone from the 9th anni poll, guess they already forgot it.
i think she could be another counter guardian
that would be 3 for gudaguda
ummm they also traded... a bit... sometimes.. before committing said atrocities!
So why was the Ancestral Beast weak to tea?
>just like the major of /alter/.
(You) and your split personalities don't make for the majority of /alter/
>just trust me bro
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No. Unironically no. Why do you think she is still chaotic evil?
The appeal of her is the contradiction between her innocent, pure apperance and naughty, little devilish personality
>I'm gonna get raped by both Himiko and Iyo
I think there's plenty that's fine or even good in Unicorn, but I have a lot of complaints and I don't actually like them touching Amuro and Char's actual story one bit. I liked Twilight Axis's approach to CCA as a followup a lot more than Unicorn. Past a certain point I stop liking the fights in Unicorn too, they just stop being particularly good. Shamblo was a big letdown compared to the novel rendition of things, but the episode after it is the real beginning of the end in fight choreography. The Unicorn bashing Ankshas around with bound arms was silly, the Rozen Zulu and Sinanju having an extended masturbatory sequence of blowing up a ton of ReZELs was awful, and the Neo Zeong kinda sucks and makes no real sense. It does have a great OST, pretty great animation (but F91 is still probably the best to me there), and it does have some interesting characters. Marida and Riddhe are really well done particularly. I think the actual plot is a lot of retconny nonsense though and I don't much care for the dial turning on newtype magic. Narrative also went too far there, but it also had a really cool showcase of Newtypes that were doing things other than making extreme magic happen in big battles.
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Me and who?
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>Retard Island
I still don't understand how the modern Nip mentally reconciles the cultural/societal whiplash of their country's history.
So does China and Europe
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Oh noo...
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The Europeans spent all their history murdering each other and whenever they ventured outside their borders it was to commit atrocities against neighbouring countries.
You're NOT gonna win this argument. Not when Europe has the Wars of the Religion (including the Thirty Years War which is the most destructive conflict in human history), the Papal Wars (featuring a corrupt Pope who had literal orgies in the church with his son and prostitutes), the Spanish Inquisition (with some of the most inhumane torture techniques in all of human history), Imperialism, Witch Hunts, and Chevauchée (the preferred European way to fight: by raiding and raping the enemy populance. It was so common, that they made a word for it. Really makes you think)
>Again, if you want to continue with the old discussion, nobody's stopping you.
The original poster pretty clearly did said to stop talking about it. I know it's hard for you to get it but to say that people should stop talking about [on-topic subject] and to instead talk about [thing I want to talk about] Is just a very irritating behaviour that shows just how a few people can have a say over the general.
And I know it's hard to understand but we have
>a whole board to talk about mecha
>a thread for off topic shit, the very same thread where people were talking about their mecha related interests a few hours ago
>they also traded... a bit... sometimes..
if you look at the totality of history of the japanese archipelago and its inhabitants, you can barely say this. It is such a recent development compared to all the continual murdering.
these are all false btw
I was gonna make the same joke with Europe but the Japs really took it to the next level.
Yeah seeing her go all smug was great but then it kinda fell flat with her being practically a saint in the end
you are braindead btw
Reminder this guy loved white cock
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Maybe I'm getting it wrong about /alter/ don't like Gudaguda, but that is what I'm getting here
For the JP part, believe or not it's very similar to what the current /alter/ opinion is? I said I have something to complain too as much as I love them
why are some "people" here not able to differentiate fiction from reality
hi Toyota Nakazashi Sushi Musashi Wagataki Takeru Yamamoto!
The difference is that Europe and the middle east/north africa are a huge region that all developed very different cultures. Far larger area, far more different peoples.
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>in the name of the Lord
Quite literally doesn't count.
>The difference is that Europe and the middle east/north africa are a huge region that all developed very different cultures. Far larger area, far more different peoples.
Ok? So what? It is ok because they are more different?
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Whaddya mean. We're discussing historical atrocities.
you will never be japanese
Yeah, although it could have used some more Himiko
>>Maybe I'm getting it wrong about /alter/ don't like Gudaguda
Some love it some hate it, it's not really a black and white deal like other stuff. But in general it gets more possitive reception than negative
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>Quite literally doesn't count.
Murdering and torturing your fellow Christians because they have disagreements about the Church isn't righteous. The Wars of Religion, especially the Thirty Years Wars and the Hussite Wars, were horrible tragedies that never should have happened
It's definitely weird in the context of most countries to have spent so much time murdering the fuck out of people who speak the same language (not entirely true with the genocide of ainu but whatever) and look very similar. Is it ok? Is any of it? Not really what it's about. It's fairly unique that for nearly 2000 years Japan did almost nothing but war amongst itself.
I'll miss 1/2 AP doors. it was fun while it lasted.
>literally an hero'd after decades of coping with post-WW2 Japan
Yeah that's what I thought...
the best character was the country bumpkin geisha
Yeah bro, keep comparing a whole continent worth of countries with their own conflicting interests to a small archipelago that was pretty much cut off the rest of the world for 1800 years.
yes bro no such things as tribal or civil wars in europe
can you imagine if some crazy guy in one of europe most important countries began to decapitate a bunch of people
crazy talk
Thank god, i can't imagine being born as a nip in the Heiwa era
>post propaganda
>get called a retard for falling for propaganda
>"doesn't count"
meant for >>493635643
Were you there when these so called "atrocities" were taking place?
It's all but guaranteed that I forget about this event. To begin with, I'm pretty sure GudaGuda servants aren't even PHH, so I'll care less than normal.
I wasn't alive when someone died so that means NOBODY has died before my existence

Yes I just white washed the entire human History, and you ain't gonna do S H I T about it
Yes I took a selfie with Hideyoshi and the head of his nephew.
In my dad's shack while his pop went to Vietnam
Having some civil wars isn't really the same as having an effective state of constant civil war for a hundred years, nevermind older history.
Is the DuBBai event over yet? Is her final ascension gonna come out when the event ends?
You mean like the one time some european guy burned down some anime studio because they stole his idea or when the prime minister of europe got shot in the broad daylight- oh wait... LOL
The Lord forgives!
beheading rebels
Tbh the last part just happened in burgerland tho
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Gudaguda events are generally very well received outside the "anything nip = bad" crowd.
They generate more involved discussions than pretty much any non-main story events.
Your point? It just goes back to the original post that anon said it's a human thing. Be it isolated or being able to mingle, cruelty still manifest.
>continent worth of countries with their own conflicting interests
And that justify the cruelty? You can go all but they had complex reasons all you want, it still doesn't change a damn thing.
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I was just offscreen, I rayshiftted there to try some strange dick.
people hat it because there are nip characters instead of US american ones. not joking.
>amongst itself
From outside it looks like that but from the inside it's war between individual nation states with their own lords ruling each nation state and the emperor ruling the realm.
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>the country bumpkin geisha

Imagine the stench of her unwashed jungle cunt...
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Controversial opinion, but I think brutal human "experimentation" in the 20th century is worse than civilian casualties in a war during the middle ages.
again, which is fairly out of the ordinary for such a comparatively small nation with such small ethnic diversity.
Reminder Western Europe is the bloodiest soil on the planet and it's not even remotely close.
>b-but they spoke slightly different languages!
You slaughtered pillaged and enslaved your brothers for millennia
Mass murder can't be justified anymore so they have to be creative
Again, it's such basic human tribe mentality. Your point about isolationist japan just shows that even when the people are the 'same', they still find a reason to start shit with each other. Almost as if that's the Point: people will find reasons to start shit. Some get to mask it under "bigger" reasons.
she seemed like a really nice person
i have no idea what your point is dude
weird, there's a lot over here
>doesn't count because
yeah i know you just picked a weird ass hill and you're gonna sit there until your body is minced meat but whatever
Nice try Chang.
The whole planet is stained in blood anon.
Whether America, Europe, Africa or Asia, there were massive wars everywhere.
Want me to isolate it to just England then?
>Hundred Years Wars - The English unlawfully attempt to take over the French people.
>Imperialism - invading foreign countries so that they could murder, rape, enslave and plunder the locals and their land
>The English - Scottish Wars - The English invade Scotland, conquer them, then force them to be their vassals. When the Scotts rebel, the English rape, murder, and torture them into submission until the Scotts eventually win their freedom
>Crusades - The English sail to the Middle East and rape and loot everything in their path, even their Christian allies. One of the biggest leaders of the Crusades was Richard Lionheart, an English king, btw
Want me to keep going? Or do you want me to list another country like the Holy Roman Empire or Spain? They also have a shitton of atrocities under their belt
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I never consented to psychological manipulation by every app I use in my life to try and monopolize my time for a board of investors. Put me in a pillory instead.
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I'm not saying the Japanese in WWII were the most evil, since that's blatantly untrue considering that the Mongols existed, and what the Romans did to Carthage, the Mongols did a billion times worse, no exaggeration, to any and everything they come across, completely wiping out all traces of life, culture and history of every enemy they fought, to the point where literally nothing exists that could be found today. The extent of the Mongols' path of destruction recorded in history were just from surviving records, it's possible that there were entire cultures that were just entirely and instantly erased in a single week. We may never know.
The point is, by modern standards, or at least in the last few centuries to today, what the Japanese and the Nazis were abysmally horrific, not helping was that they were instigating aggressor nations behind the largest and deadliest recorded conflict in human history.
Perhaps. Maybe Unit 731 was larger, or maybe the Japs had far more at hand and had many more victims and extent of cruelty and barbarity that will never come to light in any history book. Maybe the Nazis had more extermination camps than just the five or six that they successfully dismantled with no trace left and other trails and atrocities that were completely covered up and would never see the light of day. Maybe the death count was far larger than historic consensus would agree. Again, we may never know the extent and the reality of what they may have had in store for the rest of time.
>human "experimentation" in the 20th century
they seem worse because they are made up
Yes, KD will get her last ascension towards the end.
And again, it really isn't. YOU think it's small ethnic diversity but even in modern times you have people stick to their own communities and consider outsiders to Not Be Their Own.
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>Is the DuBBai event over yet?
The JP Summer Event officially ended on August 28rd
What's happening on JP right now is Ordeal Call 3, which is divided on 3 parts like LB6

>Is her final ascension gonna come out when the event ends?
The BB Dubai final ascension is scheduled for reveal on the 3rd Part of Ordeal Call 3
Which is scheduled for September 25rd
there is nothing wrong with killing the french
>i have no idea what your point is dude
Meant for >>493636097
Americabros are we safe? We never did anything too bad right?
What is the point? That people kill their own countrymen?
I mean it sure is not like multiple USA presidents have been killed by americans, or like there was a conflict on the same country over ownership of people, or like there are mass shootings surely those are commited by foreigners!
He speaks the truth tho but chink is the worst offender of this, they do nothing but pillage, rape and kill each other
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>Throws a 136 year long shitshow over wheat
good one retard
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Do you know how much contact England had with mainland Europe bro? It was never so isolationist and has had multiple peoples with multiple interests. It is a very different story to Japan, who had nearly no outsider influence for the majority of its extistence.
>prime minister of europe
why are americans like this
Injecting AIDs on black people, but don't worry that's fine they were different enough.
USA is just western Japan, they are literally the same.
You dont need to sign your posts like that bro.
Of course not, if not like our finest just come to someone home and shoot their dog
Is it unordinary though? It seems like a plausible outcome from a waterlocked island with many major natural disasters hitting it preventing a giant organized populous in a specific area and resources to maintain it.
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Everyone hates brutal human experimentation until someone you know has his life saved by the medical breakthroughs we garnered thanks to those brutal human experimentations.
The only opinion you should have, is being grateful that you live in the time where people like you can profit from the upsides of these experiments having happened instead of living in the times the experiments were performed on people like you.
Which I'm not. You should've been vivisected for virtue signaling about "errmmm bad things are bad"
Are the mongols "worse" just because they were more effective at conquest. What did they do on par with unit 731?
Unicorn was visually fantastic and the OST is great, but the story is a mess. It is in no way a good epilogue to the timeline. If anything, Turn A is still the better epilogue since it both acknowledged the devastation of war (Black History) while also talking about hope - earthnoids managed to rebuild society again. Most of the subplots you mentioned weren't even really necessary when you already have ZZ talking about the Plu clones and Mineva
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You forgot to mention that the Anglo-Saxons, you know, the ones that formed England, wiped out Camelot and any trace of Brittonic culture left in the island through war and immigration.
that's all fair, honestly
no issue with that
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Europe is an outlier.
Those are volunteers.
>for nearly 2000 years Japan did almost nothing but war amongst itself
You don't know japan's history.
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If you want a lesson in cruelty look up how the Romans killed my poor Locusta...
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Of course, brother. Now bend over, babe
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Their whole disgusting race is like a curse
Their skin's a hellish red
They're only good when dead
They're vermin, as I said
And worse
They're savages! Savages!
Barely even human
europe is the outlier by autistically documenting everything
The absolute craziest thing is simply the failed invasion attempts. The wildest thing about Japan by far is that China never conquered it.
oh good is schizo hours again
>Whether America, Europe, Africa or Asia, there were massive wars everywhere.
But Europeans specialized in it. 12 million people died in the Thirty Years Wars alone. Another 4 million died in the French Wars of Religion. Another 860,000 died in the War of The Three Kingdoms. Another 700,000 died in the Eighty Years War. And another 200,000 died during the German Peasants War.
All of these wars happened within ONE century. It's such a tumultuous time period that there's a name for it: The European Wars of Religion. Basically Christians killing each other because of disagreements between Catholics and Protestants.
Nice English Takeuchi.
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Every country genocided at some point or another
They're only human after all. It can't be helped!
Now show me the chink's number
how would a smooch prevent someone from drowning?
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>Raped by a trained giraffe and then torn apart by wild animals
Looks fictional to me
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thats a MYTH that NEVER happened she's for (ME) and not for (GIRAFFE)!!!!!!!
>who had nearly no outsider influence for the majority of its extistence
jesus christ dude
>t-they just wrote it down better! no one else documented their senseless mass killing as good as we did!
This low-level critique has been debunked and it's almost embarrassing that people always jump to this.
>USA is just western Japan, they are literally the same.
So are you implying that euros are somewhat more humane because they wars weren't on peeople from the same country? Because that is just a lazy justification, to say
>yeah we don't count because they were from other country
Is stupid, only reason your country wasn't killing itself is because it had neighbors to kill.
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Swedes are innocent.
>medical breakthroughs
>Some of the experiments had nothing to do with advancing the capability of germ warfare, or of medicine. There is such a thing as professional curiosity: ‘What would happen if we did such and such?’ What medical purpose was served by performing and studying beheadings? None at all. That was just playing around. Professional people, too, like to play.
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She won
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Why are we melting down on irrelevant things again? FGO?
men are breasts...
yeah I forgot about all those huge cultural exchanges that define japan
Hi Chang!
Eh, you think that's bad? Check out Chinese history sometime. You expressed you hated someone by eating his citizens, you expressed you loved someone by offering your head to him so he could claim the bounty. Shit would make Khorne erect.


This. This right here disappointed me almost as much as the grand rebuttal to Rikyu's bargain bin Angra Mainyu mode being "Your tea tastes bad, and I didn't have fun" of all things.
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Great hours.
The Swiss Mercenaries exist, so no
>not every person poked with a stick made them discover penicillin
Melting down is the national sport of /alter/ I'll have you know
The sea of japan prevented major naval military expeditions until ships were advanced enough and even then a military tour would be extremely risky.
War costs money.
this is literally all there's to it
but some retard choose to make an stupid argument so he's gonna spend hours defending it
>no argument
As expected of a retard.
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Nice support
The only regret I have is that my country didn't wipe the anglos entirely.
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The US was doing shit like the Tuskegee experiment and the main reason why you don't get much spotlight on it is because the US is still in power. And that's just for the stuff that get revealed. We know a lot of the fucked up shit that imperial japan and nazis were up to because they lost so they can't control those info being spread and the winners see the advantage to ensure the losers get all the bad rep they can get.
You still dont have to sign your posts like that, Ching Chong Pong.
You also have germany after the swedes decided to have some fun.
>nipponese could never explore the seas becauase theres too much water!!!!11!
It's just another flavor of country wars
These always come up during nip events
yes apparently you did
I've thought about and you can actually just kill /alter/. All of their family too. Just throw their bodies in the nearest river.
crazy how he basically faded away huh
lards being mad at japan and we have this every gudaguda lol. with monkeys actual attrocities in the story we get a special meltdown this time.
Are you seriously trying to equate invasion and exploration
Totally. Let me drop a dozen people in a woodchipper and see if I discover anything. If I don't I'll just use a few dozen more subjects. Surely I'll come up with a medical breakthrough at some point.
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>do you want me to list another country like the Holy Roman Empire or Spain?
Do Spain please I'm Spanish and curious.
Meanwhile, Japan was stuck in a permanent civil war and happily murdered friends and foesfor two millennials.
The charges?
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Correct, it's not a hard concept to get. It also doesn't make the atrocities right, but to act so self righteous about it is stupid
Just make something up lmao
How about Poojeet wars, where they send their LITERAL millions to the battlefield just to die on behalf of their gods?
Swede and Swiss are different folk, you're thinking about the Caroleans and their king Carolus Rex
What a dishonest take. If you're doing immoral shit for the sake of it, you're just being a sadist. You're making it sound like committing war crimes is on par with scientists doing silly harmless experiments on getting dogs to do funny tricks.
If you can't see the difference, you might be legit psychopath.
The Swiss army knives exist, so no
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Gustav II Adolf when?
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Turn A will never be matched as a Gundam epilogue. That said it isn't really trying to be much of an epilogue to anything that anon was talking about. ZZ also doesn't give us an ending for Minerva at all, she just kinda vanishes and we know nothing of what one of the most important remnants of Zeon is up to. Everything regarding ZZ to CCA is the biggest shame of the franchise. How I long for a world where Tomino used ZZ to set up CCA properly with Char in it. But oh well. It wasn't extremely pressing, but it's nice to have Unicorn tidy up some of what ZZ left on the table.
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>here's a wikipedia entry that has the word of the day in the title
>therefore i am right
>Both forged together
Post proof.
They created lippers. Death to Sweden!
no anon shut up i made a post so i have to reply to it until the red notification goes away
Camelot wasn't real. Can you imagine? Place called cumalot?
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>two millennials.
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Beheadings are a critical part of 大和魂
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All our biggest autists love GudaGuda and that's literally all that matters, since the opinions of the plebeian riff raff are to be mocked and discarded anyway.
That being said.
>didn't read
got you
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Yeah bro
They just happened to invent Kanji on their own and it coincidentally lines up with chink letters. Probably just the morphogenetic field or something right?
>hehehe he made a typo, I'll greentext it and attach a silly picture. That'll teach him :)))))
>LITERAL millions
According to Yuddy it was 1.6 billion with 12 survivors. That was basically all in line with Dharma though, so it's cool.
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Saber Carolus Rex with his NP "Karolinernas bön".
budda also came down from the sky to give them the same religion
imagine seething this much about a silly liz pic
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>/hist/ hours
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Wasn't wikipedia that site that published the Yasuke fantasy novel? They do documentaries now?
Better to have some people die for nothing, and every so-and-so-many-eth death lead to medical advances, then never to take that risk at all.

Docs did good. They get to throw a hobo into a woodchipper every now and then. As a treat.
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As a huge autist that has only recently gotten into FGO and whose first GUDAGUDA event was Himiko, I both kind of like it and think it's very silly. It's not the kind of thing I'm into but amazingly I kind of feel for these psychotic, retarded, autistic characters. Somehow even the scumbags like Serizawa are cool enough for me to root for them.

I know I'm never going to get the joke of Nobbu spawning Mini-Nobbus and that it completely clashes with the srs japanese feudalism tragedy themes, but I had fun at least.
And just how long did it take them to adopt it after their contemporaries?
i want to smell those pantyhose
what's wrong with eating your enemies?
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Until maybe 3 years into playing FGO I thouggt No-bu-na-ga was called No-bun-ga and i thought "What a retarded caveman name"
Ah, classic Tang victory
Oh but it's fine with Kiara or Kama does it
This is true of most of Europe too. Again, no one is saying the Japanese didn't do terrible things.
What happened to her is not really relevant at all. She was a kid used as puppet by Haman. She's only important because of the Zabi name, which in the context just means some neo-neo-neo zeon remnants down the line want to use her (again) and that's what happened in Unicorn. Her being no longer around is unironically what's a better narrative end to Zeon: without the Zabi/ Deikun name, they have nothing. With Mineva gone, Zeon loses its power and just fade away.

There will be some other groups trying to start some new conflict, but Mineva was their final chance. Without her, "Zeon" no longer has any opportunities, so not knowing what happened to her is better way to end it.
Nobunga is the opposite of a cavewoman though
>Japan had no writing system prior to adopting kanji from China in 751 CE
Perfidious Swede will stab you in the back.
Never trust Swedes.
How did the Tang kill 100,000 enemies when they only had 9k men? These numbers don't add up
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>Missed me! Missed me! Now you gotta kiss me~!
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I feel like I started a shitstorm, but I'm not even sure what I was arguing in the first place.
>send in 150k soldiers
>120k dead
>send in 9800 soldiers
>9400 dead
Who won then?
Like how the fuck
Unga Nobunga...
it was one rogue author (of jewish descent) that edited wikipedia (mainly to push a narrative and to advertise his book) and went unnoticed because no one really cared about yasuke.
only with asscreed releasing and GAMERS taking notice, the jewish fraud was exposed.
I could list out the basics like the history of antisemitism and Islamophobia in the country from when the Spaniards kicked out the Moors, the Spanish Inquistion (which by the way, while still unacceptable by modern standards, the numbers were hugely exaggerated by the Protestants), the colonial exploits in the Philippines and much of what would become Latin America such as deadly slave labor on the Peruvian silver mines, on top of the extermination of native peoples like the Aztecs, or even in modern history with all the fucked up shit in their civil war and the Franco regime.
But I feel like just saying those is oversimplifying.
That's the funny part
The one who got eaten was not their enemies
That's exactly what British history is like. What do you think an island nation is going to do when it has functionally limited land and therefore resources?
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>Up to 50,000 civilians eaten
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>using wiki as reliable source
based /alter/cuck retards
I thought they had Kana prior to adopting chinese characters.
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>I know I'm never going to get the joke of Nobbu spawning Mini-Nobbus
i mean you could read them all on youtube but that really never gets explained anyway
again no idea what you mean by that
Thank you for explaining my joke to me.
You're using fucking /pol/ as a source of information you absolute nigger. Shut the fuck up.
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You have to plan for a couple of betrayals.
>Who won then?
the ones with 120k dead
Vinny Vinesauce is that you
I want to eat /alter/keks
if I'm hungry you are my enemy. simple as.
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I got a Glock in my 'rari, ayy, 17 shots, no .38 (I'm like, yeah, she's fine wonder when she'll be mine she walk past, I press rewind to see that ass one more time and I got this sewed up)
So this is the power of Sun Tzu's wisdom...
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We winning. Glory to Bandera.
That cunt Avicebron killed an innocent sociopath.
Didn't the Huns and Mongols eat their horses and their own people during long travels and wars?
and their enemies but that goes without saying
truly no greater attrocity has been commited...except by russia
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>The one who got eaten was not their enemies
Let me guess: the defenders of the siege ran out of food, so they ate their civilians to keep their soldiers fed, because they didn't want to yield their city to the attackers. Am I correct?
that guy really said antisemitism and islamophobia and thinks i'm gonna reply to it
I was just pedantic, since it wasn't wikipedia itself that published the yasuke fanfic, but the jewish author.
I think now there is aome autism going on at the wikipedia discussions, trying to remove that.
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Kuku would CONQUER all of Spain by herself.
>"Your tea tastes bad, and I didn't have fun" of all things.
You unironically got filtered and took the line too literally. To Rikyuu, it's not just tea. Tea ceremony is about philosophy. I know I've mentioned it before many times, but seriously, go read/watch Hyouge Mono. On the surface it seems like a work about people being autistic over pottery, but their attitudes toward pottery and tea ceremony was meant to parallel their personal philosophies.
The statement about the tea being bad is about rejection of Rikyuu's actions because it was seen as though Rikyuu has lost his way. Hence why both at the start and at the end, you have Rikyuu talking about enjoying tea. The "I didn't have fun" part is a response to Riykuu, basically calling him out on letting his grudges cloud the philosophy he had in life.
/pol/ is unironically a superior source of information to wikipedia
Huns maybe but not the Mongol, they are for some reason crazy good as war logistics
No they got added later
No wonder Japanese writing sucks so much.
It's always your damn fault...
>on top of the extermination of native peoples like the Aztecs
Funfact, they were killed by other civilizations that they bullied constantly. Their downfall was less from the outside intervention and more from being assholes for decades
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Everyone is my enemy...
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You learn something new every day.
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>Babbage's entry says that he's not really a mecha servant, but a servant wearing giant, steam-powered armor
When do we get SSR Charles Babbage (Summer) where the suit opens, and he's revealed to have been a cute loli all along
Don't tell me you actually believe this...
Neither are accurate, but at least Wikipedia's summaries aren't brimming with racism and identity politics. Say what you will about Wikipedia, but at least it cites it's fucking sources from Academic texts and scholars
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Man, imagine you're Yasuke, being paraded around like a Monkey by some crazy guy you don't even know, can't even speak the language, told to carry a weapon and think you're probably expected to fight because there's no fucking way you know about any of their customs or understood orders, the guy that owns you is getting overthrown, you're given his fucking head for some reason, you've probably tossed it somewhere after you ran, and at the end of it all you get thrown back into slavery elsewhere in the world.
Man, Type Moon Yasuke had it made in comparison. People can learn things in hours or even seconds in Nasu's works and then everyone including Nasu acts like it's a sub average intelligence feat to do so. Yasuke was probably fluent and a decent fighter and had notions of honor in Nasu's version AND got to be owned by the sexy Nobu.
That's just /pol/, which would never generate informative and effective discussions but shitstorms
>that really never gets explained anyway
Yeah I just looked it up on the wiki ages ago, and just gave up since clearly this is some sort of high tier Japanese humour I will never understand and definitely isn't a sign Nobbu is Beast V or something.

>go read/watch Hyouge Mono
I'd rather stay filtered than take whatever the fuck the premise justifying a teamaking Berserker is at face value. Rikyuu was always a twisted bastard as far as I can tell, to me he's just trying to use his tea ceremony to justify mass murder.
An Lushan. For like a week before his son or something assassinated him. This is also where Yuyu was scapegoated. The emperor gave her up and she was garroted in a ditch.
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>the basics like the history of antisemitism and Islamophobia in the country
Wow I'm proud to be Spanish now, I thought you were going to list atrocities bro.
>high tier Japanese humour
sure let's go with that....
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Yeah schizo blogposts are 2000% reliable, '''''bro'''''.
I need oni pussy
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Was Fate Yasuke zesty?
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>AND got to be owned by the sexy Nobu.
But post the sexy nobu
Islamophobia is justified since their religion wants to conquer, rape, replace, and generally commit acts of evil. They're basically a religion of psychos and pedos but for some reason the west loves them.
The problem is that she isn't gone. ZZ didn't kill her. It gave her no end. It was entirely a loose end. You say without her they have no opportunities, but we don't know if they even "don't have her" after ZZ, and of course 5 years later Char's war is in swing. But what of Minerva, the other heir to Zeon? The person so important to such a large amount of people fighting for the cause of Zeon? It was something that ZZ or CCA should have had more of an answer to in the first place, but in lieu of that getting some closure with Unicorn is welcome even if it's in service of a silly plot.
>to me he's just trying to use his tea ceremony to justify mass murder.
Wow you can't even follow the basic plot of the event holy shit.
>isn't a sign Nobbu is Beast V or something
now wait a gosh darm minute
Wikipedia is a jevved, radical-left propaganda site, /pol/ is a jevvew, radical-right propaganda site
i am very smart because i dont like either so i ab i am better than all of you
I never said they didn't. That wasn't the point.

I mean, how long was the lag time for adopting Chinese script? They weren't in constant culture contact. It took hundreds of years to trickle from China to Japan.
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These guys sound pretty cool to me
Assuredly. Bisexual at the very least.
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Yes, people that actually look for information instead of sitting on their basement talking about how much they hate different people
One Aesc house tradwife for me, please
this thread is gonna get deleted isn't it
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>Yes, people that actually look for information instead of sitting on their basement
You are.
You don't love her
Bitch, why should I give a fuck for every Tom, Dick and Harry trampled underfoot by a retarded Japanese warlord? I don't care what the characters said. Rikyu was as retarded as Oberon in bearing a misplaced grudge and dressing it up with the thing he actually loved.
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I love her more then you ever will, shitposter
Yes. For all it's faults it at least isn't /pol/
200% chimp-out
>They weren't in constant culture contact
for the love of god tell me who told you this
why do you believe this
reminder that monkey did nothing wrong
Based. This thread shows that weeaboos should be all eaten just like japanese people do to their enemies.
It should, but I'm riding the Kali Yuga until it happens.
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Just where do you think you are exactly? Gouf is eternal.
reminder thaht men are beasts
That would be kino after keeping his form hidden all this time.
>Still seething
You're so full of shit that it's a laugh you'd accuse anyone else of being unserious
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So what's the plan if I just go to /pol/ and post that all those japan warcrimes didn't happen? Doesn't that resolve the whole argument since it becomes fact?
>I don't care what the characters said.

>read some story
>don't care what characters say
bro... calm down...
The amount of censoring of information now known to be legitimate and attempted cancelling/wiping of people's pages that took place on wikipedia during c*vid made me write off the site entirely. I don't read /pol/ either though.
Aria is meant to be retarded...
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17 shots no 38
...is why Rikyu should have been Avenger not Berserker anyway, yes.

Monkey did everything wrong. It's just that like all FGO Japanese Servants, all the other Japanese Servants are literally so blinded by nostalgia filters they wrap their brains into pretzels trying to justify him as the coolest guy. Remember Serizawa basically inflicting SAN loss on the Shinsengumi simply reminding them that they were ALWAYS just thugs for hire with good PR? Remember how Okita basically went into full denial cope mode?
Surely /pol/tards don't invade and mass report the threads they don't want to see in their echo chamber...
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What's wrong with eating out your enemy?
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that's a woman...?
Hi Chang! We dont capitalize first letter in our meme arrows here!
Sorry you're too late /pol/ already said it did happen and was a good thing.
....nuh uh
I'll do a quick tl;dr
>Do Spain please I'm Spanish and curious.
The murder, enslavement, expulsion, and forced conversion of the Jews.
The murder and torture of tens of thousands of their civilians, due to paranoia of them being witches.
The harassment, torture, and murder of 300,000 people during the reign of the Spanish Inquisition.
The total eradication of numerous Native American civilizations.
The enslavement, murder, rape and plundering of the Americas
The abusive nature of the slave mines
Men are breasts
this but unironically. it's only human arrogance to have some rules about how you go on to kill your enemies, hoping to appear better than animals. they will be dead anyways, so you might aswell eat them.
/alter/, imagine you’re a famous baseball player and are about to hit the winning strike. Accidentally, the thrower tosses a Christian baby at you. Would you still hit the baby out of the stadium and win millions, or sacrifice the Christian baby?
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>nobu called me a good boy
>Rikyu early in the event calling out Nobu for being the same as her in terms of being a male heroic spirit with a female body

I thought Nobu was canonically female in Fate, like a Saber situation.
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Nuh, uh. She can go into the men's baths.
>When do we get SSR old thing
Old thing summer bad, current thing summer good
You don't get it. The civilians were part of the feast held to celebrate the victory.
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Besides ending too fast it wasn't hard to understand the "letting his grudge cloud the principle of life" part. I just thought it still lacks justifications
The fanfic had done it better as a patch. "Because Rikyu had to respect Koma's opinions." If he didn't then he is no different from the people who treated her like an political tool. He was reminded of it and gave up
see >>493637949
That's why I'm saying it's a better end that way. Zeon had their last big hurrah with freaking Char the heir of the OG Zeon movement, in CCA and it ends with some zeon members deciding to help stop axis crashing down. So narratively, you're not left with essentially 2 camps of zeon remnants: does who no longer need the zabi/deikun name because they gave up on the folly of Zeon. Then you have remnants who still want to start another neo zeon and need a new figurehead. These are the lunatics trying to chase an empty dream. Them never known what happened to final deikun heir aka their final hope, is a signal of their futility.

Not everything needs to be explained. Somethings, things work better because it's not addressed.
Rikyu should not have been an Avenger.
It's a mixed spirit origin. ONLY Rikyu should've been Avenger. But with Rikyu + Komahime, they're sometimes calm and collected, and go into a rage-induced berserker mode when they get angry.
It's literally cookie-cutter berserker. A lot like Frankenstein, or Kijyo Koyo.
>blinded by nostalgia filters
that's been a constant theme of servants from the start of this franchise
He died peacefully of old age while ruling the country. He must have done something right.
Don't think too hard about it
Can you denounce the Talmud for me really quick, bro?
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Most of that is pretty mild given the times and from what people say about Spaniards, and honestly the antisemitism part makes up for at least half of it.
Turns out Spain is pretty based bros.
And yet for that brief(lol) moment before it gets taken down(kek) the information is still there, making it superior to Wikipedia.
>Ooku was tl;dr allskip
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>>Excalibur is a true magic
Men are beasts
>d-doesn't count!
absolutely ebin
Men are beasts
Men are beasts.
What are women?
>50k eaten
I didn't need to know this
I'd argue the Japanese Servants are particularly bad about it compared even to, say, Saiba.

Bros are beasts.
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Nobu's gender, original gender and the amounts of Nobu currently present are all based on the specific joke being made at the time.
Men are beasts
Men and beasts
Beasts are men.
Progenitors of the original sin and seduction
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They're beasts too
Points to take into account
>nobu doesn't care about gender, it's nobu regardless
>avenger nobu is every nobu that can exist, including males
>PHH nobu is the guy in our world, a man.
So these explain it
why do people do this
>The murder, enslavement, expulsion, and forced conversion of the Jews.
This one is good, actually. Kikes hate anyone who isn’t one of them. Regardless if you treat them right or not. They kidnap kids and ritualistically murder them.
>Nobu is a joke
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And it trumps every other true magic too.
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What wrong with Saiba
>PHH nobu is the guy in our world, a man.
Is this one Real Deal Nobu?
this isn't exclusive to nips, you nip hater.
look for example at boudica, siegfried, marie antoinette, jannu, seiba, gareth, anastasia
it's just that unlike other writers keikenchi actually has his characters interact more based on their history
this. their funny book says to exploit non-jews as much as possible, and then kill them when you get the chance
Blood libel isn't real.
>They weren't in constant culture contact.
Bro, the japanese knew about the chinese for a long ass time. Remember in the previous yamatai event and you have people confused about himiko saying she was referred to as shingi waou? That literally means monarch that is friends/ally of the kingdom of Wei
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Yeah. A killer joke even.
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This fucking thread
We've known this for well over a decade, goddamn are you dumb
セイバ is not サイバ`
Beasts are bros.
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Put the mental illness in the bag. Now.
It isn't that some finality needs to be explained, it's that it's weird the single most important political figure of the previous show for the same faction in the new movie isn't accounted for. Char remarks on Haman being dead, but no one has a word to say about Minerva and it is an entirely open question whether she's alive or dead. If you think that's a big cool mystery question that deepens the experience I just disagree. I think it's just a mark against ZZ, or more specifically the entire production timeline problems of working on ZZ and CCA simultaneously.

The beauty of everyone coming together to stop Axis is just that, people realizing just what they've done and doing their part to help. Factions of Zeon don't really play a part in all that. More people coming to their senses; the average soldier realizing the atrocity a wicked man orchestrated them to commit. But way more broadly, just "working together to do the right thing." The final blow reinforcing Amuro's argument that humanity has the potential to evolve past all of this.
It can be helped.
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Men are beasts? No.
They're a miserable little pile of secrets.
I am beast
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Also, Viy hates the bolsheviks (also kikes) because of what they did to the Romanovs. Then after killing them, they enacted the Holodomor. Killing 30 million Russian Christians.
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Slaves to beasts.
Nobbu is going to become the diplomat of Iran?
What if Shirou summoned Gilgamesh? Assume because of plot reasons, that Gilgamesh can't kill Shirou because he needs him. Would they get along? Hate each other? Engage in ideological debates?
セイバー is not セイバ
That's right sis. Come here.
I just got my ass handed to me by the goliath in OOE. I forgot how unforgiving this game was.
Actually I changed my mind.
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Nobu in gudaguda timeline was female and it's an important aspect in Nobukatsu's characterization
Nobu in normal Fate timeline was male
Remember gudaguda timeline collided into ours in the first gudaguda event and the singularities are caused by Nobu's gudaguda particles. We don't actually summon a single gudaguda servant story-wise.
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>blood libel isn't real
>there's evidence of it everywhere
>even a place called Jew's Rock in Germany where Jews were caught red handed cutting up a christian child on a large rock
b-b-but wikipedia says its not real...
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Imagine the Mini-Nobu drone strikes...
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Just look at what has happened here!
Mix anger with a touch of fear
The danger's all too crystal clear
Just look at you!

Our darker side keeps breaking through
Observe it now, in me and you!
The evil that all men can do
Must be controlled!
I beg of you
I'll show you all it can be done!
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Why ignore the lore?
Land of the free, except healthcare
>We don't actually summon a single gudaguda servant story-wise.
uh time temple?
>google searches Jew's Rock
>nothing of the sort found
You were saying?
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>oh wee-oh wee-oh
>oh wee-oh wee-oh
>We don't actually summon a single gudaguda servant story-wise
You straight up do not remember the game's story because they've shown up outside of gudaguda
and by lore I mean schizophrenia statements about Excalibur that only I know about.
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look up judenstein, silly
gay sex I think
The Solomon movie is the best and only valid interpretation of that chapter's events
I don't think it's a cool big mystery, I'm actually saying it's the opposite. Nobody cared about Mineva as a person, just that she's a zabi. That's why it's better what happened to her was never addressed. Hell, Mineva was basically already the parallel to Char's sister, Sayla. The main difference is that Sayla was actually part of the main cast so it makes sense to also show what happened to her in the end. Mineva was never a character or a person. Her relevance as a zabi ended, so that's it.
>Factions of Zeon don't really play a part in all that. More people coming to their senses; the average soldier realizing the atrocity a wicked man orchestrated them to commit.
Yes, and like I said, these people don't need the zabi or even the deikun name anymore.
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Turns out when you have a fuckton of stolen money from murdered royalty (Romanovs, Marie Antoinette and Rothschild’s stealing money from French bourgeois) you can suppress a lot of history. All that’s left is people quoting a website anyone can edit at their leisure.
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I think you're a hilarious retard, keep making me feel better than you
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And she appears to be normal Fate Genderswap in Red Line, thereby covering every single gender possibility. Complete Nobu victory as expected of her/him/them/xir/zim/AH-64
learn to do better research
>muh jew search engine says "nothing" when I ask "what bad things did jews do"
>curious, isn't it?
look up Judenstein
I mean the original summon, chaldea doesn't summon a single one. Everyone just sticks around after their event or resummoned by the counterforce other non-chaldea source like Izou getting resummoned by Chacha's icecream grail.
>The Solomon movie is the best and only valid interpretation of that chapter's events
someone post Goetia bouncing of Jeanne's noble phantasm
nobu was right, fuck merchants
God I wish Redline Nobu would kill me.
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How ironic.
Btw did you figure out which material mentions Excalibur comes from the Root.
What that anon means I think is that we don't SUMMON any of the guda servants, they just show up in Chaldea/singularities on their own. At no point do we ever perform a ritual to summon them storywise. Most other servants in chaldea do get summoned by us in some sense either during the story or after it as part of Chaldea's summon rituals.

Every guda character however is a surprise to the player character whenever they encounter them. It's never expected the first go around because they summon themselves.

The other exceptions to this rule are the free servants we get from events and completing milestones (e.g. Bedivere after Camelot).
>The Solomon movie is the best and only valid interpretation of that chapter's events
It has Nurse being based as fuck so I'm inclined to agree with >>493640246
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that may jus be what i need to buss
This is my point, >>493640321 sorry if I wasn't clear. I'm not saying they don't exist canonically in fgo.
when do get saver hitler
hitler was a weab for native americans
I might elaborate.
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>Nobody cared about Minerva as a person, just that she's a Zabi.
The problem is an absolute ton of people actually cared about that particular detail though. Like so many actually. That's why it's weird that isn't addressed anon. I don't know what more so say than that. Sayla didn't publically live her life as Artesia, ever, or enter any political sphere. Minerva was born into that and grew up until she was 10 or whatever in it. Her story is kinda relevant in the picture of Zeon any way you slice it, especially in the 5 years between ZZ and CCA. That person is too important to the supporters of Zeon to just be nebulously absent much like Char and ZZ.
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If Shirou summoned gilgamesh, gils power would be pretty limited and he wouldn't be happy about it, there'd be plenty arguments between the two, most of which would be about Shirous Ideals, by the end it'd be a frenemy situation, they're not gonna kill each other but they wouldn't be buddy buddy either
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what is your opinon on Fate/Zero
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>What if Shirou summoned Gilgamesh?
Unicorn's milquetoast 'answer' was worse than not answering at all.
I think I'd be like that scene in Hollow and Gil'd get stuck in the greater grail until everything resolves itself.
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At least the /m/fags have been enjoying their own discussion kek
Do it
>Literally stronger than Gilgamesh

Blessed by God, His servant.

She needs not a trove of coveted trinkets.

Such things are for the weak, the pathetic, the lowly.
>A boy was killed in c. 1462
>No solid evidence found about the perpetrators
>Over a century later, during the reformation, some Catholic guy named Hippolytus Guarinonius made a blood libel cult, framed the perpetrators as Jewish and built a church on top of the supposed site
Still nothing
A proverb commonly attributed to Native Americans, specifically the Cherokee, has to do with the presence of twin dualistic inner wolves, both of them opposite of each other. This is most commonly phrased as.
>There are two wolves and they are always fighting. One is darkness and despair, the other is light and hope.
>Which wolf wins?
>The one that's stronger.
In a 1932 interview, Hitler literally said that Germans have two wolves inside of them, one of which is German and the other one is Communist.
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I was liking most of the story and still do but does anyone else feel it just kinda wrapped up way too fast?
We didn't get enough from Komahime and Rikyu to justify the change of heart I feel, I still really like them though.
That's for you to look up, you're the one that lacks the knowledge, kid.
yeah, the talk-no-jutsu finale was a bit of a letdown
Check Nasu's deleted blogpost.
And you don't find it weird how hard it was to find info about it?
There is an epilogue tomorrow, brother.
damn... I can't believe Romani would do that
There's a whole war going on right now with the Jews slaughtering innocent people...
Rikyu is a shit character and deserved to be made fun of
>gay sex I think
Gilgamesh isn't gay though. His love for Enkidu was platonic and brotherly, not romantic in nature
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How’s Unit 8200 doing? Heard one of your commanders “retired” on the 25th last month.
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Shirou would still need to mana transfer because he's a shit master.
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>His love for Enkidu was platonic and brotherly, not romantic in nature
Really, anon? That's seriously the direction you're planning to go with? There's no evidence so it must mean they are really good with hiding the truth!
This is some "heads I win, tails you lose" logic. Bloody hell.
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Yep, they were extremely under-utilized. I do like the Chacha plotline though. Yamanami was also surprisingly cute.
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I disagree.
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True but she's hot so I forgive her.
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>check that horrible crime jews committed
>it's a nothingburger
>yeah and that's weird
fucking lol
why did rikyu do that
He dreamt of Enkidu as an axe he fucked in the middle of town before he actually met him.
he's not gay, but if you told him that he'd rape you, just to make a point
No you absolute brainlet. I'm saying there is a shitton of other stories with little to no evidence readily available and yet there is a certain subset of stories that are extremely hard to find for some weird reason.
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>Literally refered to as married at one point.
>Most important person to each other in the world
You can't even cope and say it's "muh wokes faking the evidence" because that's what the tablets fucking say, them fucking women too doesn't mean they aren't also fucking each other.
Fuck that shit. You were on the wiki and couldn't be assed to find which material gives this "basic lore." The burden of proof lies with you.
Men are beasts.
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jews literally killed every egyptian firstborn child and knowledge of that can be found basically everywhere due to how widely bibles are disseminated, how come no one talks about that huh
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I'm guessing Nobu said something stupid
How dare you reply to me with my own shitty OC?
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I was complaining about this throughout the thread…
It won’t be mentioned in the spinoff…
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>Butthurt dude thinks Sefar should defeat Excallibur all this time
Oh I am laughing
>he's still going
Nta but that doesn't mean the opposite either.
Redline is written by the gudaguda writer and drawn by another person.
It's a remake of the book he wrote in 2015 which is where the gudaguda timeline originates from.
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Amazing, he's not even baiting, he actually believes what he's saying.
They call you a schizo because you’re noticing too hard. Even if it’s technically related to characters in FGO and on topic.
We have actual tablets stating they had sex anon, Gil even dreamed he was an axe at one point and fucked that.
>no rikyu you don't have to do this!!! we don't have to fight! you don't have to be evil!!!!
>arrrrggh you're right... how could I have been so blind...
What is this shit?
The Epilogue is still part of the story brother...
That's not what I'm saying at all. You're the one who said Excalibur comes from the Root tardlord, and you're the one who can't back it up.
You're so fucking pathetic.
That doesn't change the fact that everyone in the timeline expected Nobu to be a man.
Men are beasts
>over thousands of years countless societies were anti jewish
>every single one of them was in the wrong
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>solid evidence available
>see, I was right, they did do the thing!
>no evidence available
>see, they're just so good at burying the truth!
These people are either arguing in bad faith or already determined they're right so they'll do whatever mental gymnastics they need to never be proven wrong. What a bunch of rats.
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These tablets that pointing out sex, are they in the thread with us right now?
>over thousands of years countless societies were anti hand washing
>every single one of them was in the wrong
Men are........................................................................ beasts...................................................................................
>over thousands of years people behaved like literal animals
>every single one of them was in the wrong
Yes, actually. Without Jews, people would still be committing genocide for sport :)
>These people are either arguing in bad faith or already determined they're right so they'll do whatever mental gymnastics they need to never be proven wrong.
First time witnessing a debate occur?
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Hopefully we get a bit more of Komahime and Rikyu there because there was a criminally small amount here despite Rikyu being the main villain.
classic nobbu
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It's in the materials that Gudaguda Nobu's retainers concealed her true gender in the records which is why the Imperial Japanese Army in the 3rd war was surprised she was female.
True, if the Jew you're referring to is Jesus Christ
If you win then you can say you were the good guys.
>find female
>put ponos in vagoo
I miss being a caveman bros
I don't know that I agree, even though I do agree it's a pretty bad answer as a whole. There are absolutely elements of what they do with her in it I enjoy, the novels do a better job of things as a whole, but it's not remarkable and it's still mired in the same pretty contrived story that is the whole plot, so I can at least see why you feel that way. Unicorn is certainly not the story around her I'd have wanted, not that I really have ever wanted a story focused on her anyhow. Just acknowledgement of existence. Anyways, though, I ultimately think it was as good a character to tell a story around, and in general just having heavy ZZ references is nice to me, so as much as a I dislike about Unicorn I'm not so bothered by its existence.

I'd personally really like to see a ZZ Origin/Define kinda manga retelling that re-includes Char and sets the stage for CCA in a more direct way. I'm presently very happy that late UC is getting a lot of attention though anyway.
You've seen how bad things go when /alter/ only talks about the game. With politics, the conclusion was foregone.
are you saying that... men are beasts
Sex with Shusha
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I'm not even reading your post since you can't be bothered to read either. Victory will always be mine while I go play some Helldivers.
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Retarded or just coping yumesis?
Nice cope dumbfuck.
No. Non-Jews are not men, as they're not descendant from Adam.

Jesus Christ was one of the ways Jews tried to civilize the goyim, yes.
are you talking about the /pol/ stuff or the excalibur root stuff
I genuinely can't tell.
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Oh? Cute. Alright then, I rescind two of my previous statements (Read: jokes)
When does fgo get good
Love me some platonic anal sex
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Naaaaaaah lil grug, you finna gonna be the berry picker ong ong
Men are Jews
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This was a fun thread.
Gil and Enkidu were lovers, which explains why Gil went crazy after Enkidu died.

'Having had a second dream,
he rose and entered before the goddess, his mother.
Said Gilgamesh to her, to his mother,
~'Once more, O mother, have I had a dream -
"'[In a street] of Uruk-the-Town-Square,
an axe was lying with a crowd gathered round.
The land [of Uruk] was standing around it,
[the country was] gathered about it.
, "A crowd was milling about before it,
[the menfolk were] thronging around it.
I lifted it up and set it down at your feet,
like a wife it, caressed and embraced it,
[and you, O mother,] you made it my equal."
'The mother of Gilgamesh was clever and wise,
well versed in everything, she said to her son -
Wild-Cow Ninsun was clever and wise,
well versed in everything, she said to Gilgamesh:
, "My son, the axe you saw is a friend,
like a wife you'll love him, caress and embrace him,
and I, Ninsun, I shall make him your equal.
A mighty comrade will come to you, and be his friend's saviour,
mightiest in the land, strength he possesses,
his strength is as mighty as a rock from the sky."
Excalibur came from the stone retards
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Men (including those of Semitic descent) are beasts
our response?
don't make a new thread, let this game die
Jews and Beasts
Are these stone retards in the room with us right now?
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done being retarded yet?
Actually I changed my mind...
toyotomi why
Goetia could’ve just wiped out only israel and he would’ve gotten what he wanted.
What room? Whos us?
yeah, almost peak alter. it only lacked some e-celeb dicksucking.
The Nobularity features every single Nobu in every single timeline.
>Genuine Nobunaga (本物信長?, lit. "Real-Deal Nobunaga") is a male version of Nobunaga who claims to be the true one. He has the appearance of the Portrait of Oda NobunagaWP. Although his aura is practically identical to regular Nobunaga's, Nobu states he must be from a Lostbelt.

>it only lacked some e-celeb dicksucking
No it didn't.
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>tfw I pick poisonous berries and give them to ungatime who doesn't know the difference
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>using gags as proof
How would destroying Israel prevent the Sengoku Jidai or An Lushan Rebellion?
>My son, the axe you saw is a friend,
>like a wife you'll love him, caress and embrace him,
Not to be a fag, but can't you do that without gay sex?
Sorry, that's NA exclusive content.
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Fate Grand Order material II
Also could’ve gotten rid of that pyramid in Antarctica while he was at it too.
Attila would never say that.
>It is said that Nobunaga's many amusing episodes are the result of manipulation of information spread by his vassals to hide the fact that he was a woman.
The same word was used for what Enkidu did with Shamhat the prostitute. And they weren't just friends.
Well hang on. It's not like he married the bitch.
interesting episodes...
Wait so did our Nobbu not actually yeet her own fathers ash?
Gil just walked Enkidu home gently at night as friends do
It's only gay in the original myth, in Fate it's straight despite the delusions the fujos try to perpetuate. It's been several times now outright that Enkidu's chosen body is a perfect replica of Shamhat in every regard and Shamhat was revealed to be a woman.
It's not like you can't use the same word for different situations, no?
Like, you love your mother and you love your wife.
I'm pretty sure she did everything the historical one did.
would gil fight better like Yamami does with Akesato if she showed up
>Like, you love your mother and you love your wife.
that's the same situation though
So that doesn't mean they had gay sex, no?
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Nah they clearly decided against making her a dindu later, since she's clearly owning everything she did in the story.
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idk, just wanted to say mom = wife love
I'd love to see some bronze/silver servants get some gold alters.
I'm getting really sick of SSRs, getting alters, which are also SSRs

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