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Previous: >>493619950

>Character Anecdote - "Emergency Rescue!"

>Character Trailer - "Mualani: The Ultimate Sightseeing Experience"
https://youtu.be/lmZvYv-pQVk (EN)
https://youtu.be/lQoyQdLEIvk (JP)

>Character Trailer - "Kachina: A Shimmering Dance of Stone"
https://youtu.be/uKr_9h79yf0 (EN)
https://youtu.be/RCGfoDHJYxA (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Mualani: Kindness Begets Friendship"
https://youtu.be/BNLghVMba_o (EN)
https://youtu.be/RbTnCgeyiVY (JP)

>Web Event "Off We Go to the Nation of Pyro!" live until September 24

>Current character banner: Mualani, Kaedehara Kazuha, Kachina, Xinyan, Bennett
>Current weapon banner: Surf's Up (Catalyst), Freedom-Sworn (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift
>With Primogems
BlazeToNatlan (NEW)
>Without Primogems

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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toillette lost btw
Mualani flopped...
Shartlani flopped btw
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Floplani flopped bigly
>>493629664 (me)
>>493629765 (me)
>>493629790 (me)
>>493629808 (me)

So true
Sparklegod btw
Mualani VAPORIZED you
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Mualani didn't flopped. She wonned.
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The 5.0 graphical update...
Muttlani is a failure
Omg hi sparkle!
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will every homo and other neuvillette rollers be permanently butthurt about the shark girl?
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Predict what exploration mechanics Snez is going to have.
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natlan npc skins doko
>pyro nation of blacklan
>npc wears wig
im an asian girl
Skiing and snowboarding and shooting eachother with thick winter coats on
what will be the cope when mualani gets sub 30% usage rate next abyss?
why are you chinese
xilolen is getting buffed in v3 btw t. knower
boring Ayaka dash
>random artifact pieces without any set bonus
>cope craftable catalyst
>100k hit no vape
what the fuck
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I gotta say, they really did well on the Natlan OST. The music is a lot more memorable.
She is doing good for how crap she plays if she stays about 20%
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Say something nice about genshin script writer
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If she's such a sales flop and unpopular, then why is there such a pushback against liking her?
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I'm waiting for you to post
>coom-tier design
>cute, outgoing personality
>top-ups refreshed
>fun gimmicks in her kit
>constellation bait
They literally did EVERYTHING they could, they must be completely fucking baffled that none of it worked
You need like 300% ER XL otherwise you do fuck all damage without her burst.
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the price of a soulful character
which genshin gave her the preggers and why
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yeah I cheated I admit
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natlan's sexiest girl btw
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>sea timezone
how's the pagpag?
if anything i was greatly impressed that my mualani with basically the copest gear imaginable can hit for 100k without vaping lol
extremely attractive for men
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The schizo splerging out with mualani hate is american, not seanig.
Jane doe is toeing-the-line horny. Mualani is safe horny
any new /gig/ copes
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Hottest 14 year old
when are we getting sparkle as a collab character?
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Thx for funding our game xisters
They’re good at the victim act I’ll give them that

i like both, what now?
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sorry we couldn't keep it alive
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>Genshin X SHEIN
waht fUCK?!
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>dawei goes back to his roots
>game starts flopping harder
Damn not even half, but less than a third
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mhy did her dirty.
these mfs just fucking hate money.
yeah dumbfuck outed xerself. I already pointed out the similarities of the samefagger and I was right because their posting schedule is always 8pm - 2am burgertime daily.
Thats how deep their melty was going, they couldn't help but seethe even in another thread.
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>back to his roots
>no boys in shorts
the core userbase left for hsr or zzz
he's just alienating the women and fags that remained
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>fully clothed yelan expy vs half naked blue yoimiya

ZZZ is now funding all 5 mihoyo games and the future 5 new games
Chat, is this real?
Kaze o
he's our hero
fake and homosexual
samefag. Don't feed.
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sex with alhaitham
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Nahida is really sexy.
Genshin is a game for gay incels
cute shork
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nigga what funds?? you're the one funding our game.
genshin banners aren't doing shit for like half a year now.
how many consecutive flop banners will it take for people here to accept that genshin is dead?
holy shit we got btfo'd hard bros....
The SOVL of Genshin
What happened to her? I haven't seen her spam her shit the last couple of threads?
I should've done this to get more people to redeem my referal code
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Furry money will soon be funding all of hoyo
Does anyone have that one image of Chasca opening her mouth? Thanks in advance
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What does Da Wei need to do to stop Genshin's flopping streak? Naked dogeza?
>samefag mualani hater schizo is still here
ignore and move on gig don't feed
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Somewhere out there, someone named him Lil Digga.
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Becoming so obsessed with schizos you become the schizo yourself… dark times in /gig/
I want Kinich to do well please roll for him and found our waifus femcels
More horny, less safehorny flops.
they need to stop adding new characters and start doing 5* alts of existing ones.
I am 100% serious
skip to 6.0
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i should've rolled for neuvilette
you mean 6* alts
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>Da Wei cried during last year's HI3 stream because HE LOVES HONKAI IMPACT SO MUCH

>Da Wei cried during this anniversary's Genshin stream because GENSHIN IS FLOPPING SO HARD
Meant to reply here
if you think this women is ugly
you are literally gay
Thank god I never rolled for this brick
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I wanna treat Kachina to ice cream and stuff
why do people say natlan is racist?
1 out of the 5 mualanifags here really hates that people call her a flop
Start licking, genkeks~
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no playable men with dreadlocks
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sigh if i have to
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best trio
Imagine wasting resources on Bricklani. LMEOW.
I thought they would have realized that Fontaine did irreparable damage when Furina's first rerun flopped.
But somehow they still act surprised when new banners flop.
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Mualani keeping her panties on and spreading herself open to make her panties as wet and coomy as possible!
*misses my burst*
Her pants are stupid.
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>dawei cried
>honkai died
>liyue gf and thigh high schizo stops posting
>mualani panties poster starts posting
I'm noticing...
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Can you stress the fact that she's 14 years old? I don't know who started it, but I wholly support that motion.
Don’t notice things
>different filenames
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behold the femorrhoid flops that killed mihoyo
I wanna nibble her ears
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>Will never cheat on you
>Superior Liyue genes
>Good with money
>Gets along with the family
>Traditional Liyue values
>Dedicated to pleasing your every need and fetish
>Doesn't scramble for half of your money on every separation
>Never fails to trigger bitter and spiteful mondstad/fontaine women on gig
Liyue women supremacy
Mondstad and Fontaine women wish they were her
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So it was you...
I love how much you anti Mualani homofemcels seeth over her. It just proves to me more and more how upset you are over Natlan being another waifu region.
Where are the normal posters?
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why is /gig/ so bad tonight?
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Cute n canon
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I can show you the exact frame.
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Her crime?
bad post
These keep making me laugh without fail, it just looks so silly kek
You mean a miscarriage
what I get from this is that they made her burst act like some kind of explosive object rather than a normal attack, and since they also made it spin around enemies before hitting it crashes whenever it meets a surface
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Right here bro. I'm normal, just like you!
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race traitor
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>wrong 3dpd picrel
carried by faruzan
carried by yaoyao
carried by ganyu
carried by yelan and lynette
carried by hu tao
carried by venti
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im playing the game
wow you should be a detective
This character and blade are the only hsr characters I like
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Describe the smell of her crotch.
Sparkleposter please respond
she’s literally dream emo goth cowboy girlfriend
because it is some kind of wacky torpedo and it explodes on first thing it hits. it only circles around if it doesnt hit something outright and is looking for target.
Mogged my wife
honestly i have no idea why any normal posters would willing choose to participate in these constantly shitposted threads
the sexo trio of girlcoom, girlmusk and girlsmell
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I hate killing saurians. I'm gonna regret sparing them but I'll avoid the slaughter as long as I can.
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Oni Tao doko?
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the schizos have probably nolifed all the Natlan content by now so they have to do something else to keep themselves entertained.
Ifa will be pyro Baizhu.
Source: I made it up.
Any oldfags playing what keeps you going? Natlan Is boring as fuck I might finally call it quits but the sunk cost is sooo powerful.
so tru my fellow mentally ill poster
hope you're not rolling kinich then
he needs their fangs
Yo, listen up here's a story
About a little sovereign
That lives in a hydro world
And all day and all night
And everything he sees is just water
Like him inside and outside
Hydro his palace
With a hydro little window
And a hydro goblet
And everything is water for him
And himself and everybody around
Cause he ain't got nobody to roll for him (to roll for him)

I'm flop
Floppa re al ha ar da
I floppa re al ha ar da
Floppa re al ha ar da
I floppa re al ha ar da
I killed ge en sh in da
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capitano is trans
Basically at around 8pm to 2 or 3am burgertime, there is one incredibly deranged schizo samefagger. The Mualani pantycoomer made them melty and they lose their mind about it. That's basically it. You can see for yourself the retarded amount of samefagging going on.
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boys in overalls > boys in shorts
they dont die because you can possess them after you "kill" them.
I like exploring the world and killing things with my favorite characters.
just waiting for azur promilia to jump ship
other mihoyogames fucking suck
>you can posses the mother and make her kill her children
chinks have no soul
I just realized how much filler was in the back half of Fontaine’s banners. The Fontaine cast is weird, most of them feel like they should be 4*s
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Capitano is a straight white male
I uhh hmmm
Genshin is still the best open world anime game. That's why.
so whats the chance signora comes back as cunny
whats the chance of signora coming back as a loli
because uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.................
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mind explaining why ZZZ in despite only releasing meta femorrhoid flops?
>Why did Mulani flop bro she had everything going for her
I just blocked an artist because they draw my fav like the ugliest shit ever
>He doesn't know that's the old copypasta
only chiori and emilie are "filler" characters
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remember to report all the spammers, please and thank you
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What do you mean?

Chasca is the prettiest Genshin.
The gameplay gets old real fast.
I hope he’s a good pyro support
Nobody wants to draw Genshin any more not even AIfags
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when did this game start losing to hsr
i never understood this offtopictard post, what does make you like this dumb picture so much?
I tried ZZZ and dropped it within a week, HSR is an autobattle game you don't really play.

What else is there too play?
I finished yesterday wasn't much on the map.
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In the span of me rolling on Mualani banner (For Kachina) I've gotten the shark girl and am passed 50%, yet have only gotten ONE Kachina (excluding free one)
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I stayed more than I wanted, but now it's time to sleep, tomorrow will be another good day
Is going up against the archon of WAR who has been in a constant state of conflict really jobbing?
action gamers are playing monke game
hsr doesn't have gameplay but it didn't die this fast
Bwo that’s just chasca’s face…
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>still more than a week left on this shit fucking banner
>then have to put up with more fucking shit banners
Niggerlan is awful so far
would be cool if true, but he's probably not pyro since he belongs to an anemo tribe
I always do. Moderation almost never does anything about it. That's why the threads are so bad. Sometimes they even give me a ban or warning for reporting. That's how incompetent they are.
How big did the dick have to be for her eyes to widen like this
I mute every western artist that draws in the awful tumblr style. Also every schizo blackwasher
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That could make sense. Mavuika and Kachina just say you need to be the strongest warrior in the Pilgrimage to become the Archon. Mavuika later says you inherit the memories from the Sacred Flame. But Xbalanque and the 2nd archon went through trials in the Night Kingdom and had to kill themselves to awaken as archons. Seriously, something clearly doesn't add up in this part. At first I thought Mavuika not being dead was what made all other pyro archons after her weaker, but maybe there's more to it. Even the demon name Haborym is a bit elusive. As in, do all pyro archons share the same name or do each have a demon name? The succession process is very enigmatic.

Either way, I think Natlan will need to choose breaking their link with the wayob(aka celestian influence) to move on. It's easy to associate Natlan's dependence on the wayob with how Simulanka's toys felt over the Goddess of Prophecy's blessing that let them turn back time if they got injured. Yet, to fix things up once her blessing starting causing issues, they had to let go of it and go ahead with their own fate.
but stellar blade was a stellar flop compared to wukong
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Natlan has been great, I can't imagine getting mad over flimsy sales figures and video viewcounts
they don't die and you aren't hurting them, you're playing with them and then they get tired and need a snack and a nap
Just hibernate for this filler region until snezkino
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Natlan men sexo
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I don't know, but a loli harbinger would be a dream come true.
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Is there ANY way Mualani could be virgin living in a tribe like that?
Archon will be 5.3 wtf are they doing?
>Natlan will need to choose breaking their link with the wayob(aka celestian influence) to move on. It's easy to associate Natlan's dependence on the wayob with how Simulanka's toys felt over the Goddess of Prophecy's blessing
nta but good point
I can only guess there are simply still a lot of turn based jrpg lovers out there. For me it's boring as fuck. I give it even less time than Zzz before uninstalling.
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Bans usually come hours after the thread has died. It's worth reporting even if you don't see results right away.
Same, only a certain demographic incapable of appreciating cute girls is reeling and seething.
Almost 0 chance
im almost certain that theres some kind of bias against new characters in these banners unless its some fag like heizou. i got like a million fo bennetts and xinyans before first kachina lol
xbalanque!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! holy fuark.....
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Mualani's burst has been inaccurate, I can't imagine getting her over NEUVILLETTE.
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her tribe is gay
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Yes, Atea has been keeping her safe from the lustful men
0, she is cock hypnotized everytime she goes home and sees everyone, but she is the sailors cock sleeve as well
ok spammer. still gonna tell people to report them though.
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> It's easy to associate Natlan's dependence on the wayob with how Simulanka's toys felt over the Goddess of Prophecy's blessing that let them turn back time if they got injured
Holy shit bwo. Im betting on you being right.
Wrio and sigewine kind of feel like filler since meropide is its own thing that didnt really change the story one way or the other.
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I really like the poster below. Real good fella.
>so whats the chance signora comes back
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Kachina is very cute and sexy. I wish she wasn't so absolutely terrible aside from her ability to hold the new artifact set.
sorry redditball z bro i will never roll for your broken kit gay faggot
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Why is she wearing diapers?
GODvillette’s burst always lands btw
I wish /v/ would fuck off from this general
It's so obvious they dont even play the game just care about NUMBERS so come here to post them nonstop
lolwut what does whatever you're talking about have to do with playing with saurians
weighed myself for the first time in 6 months. im now over 400 lbs

would eula still love me
are overrated
experienced women are the best
just like how jobs always demand resumes and qualifications, I demand my women to have taken more dick than there are days in a year, thats how I know they are good at pleasing men.
besides, who has the time to teach a woman how to take dick these days?
High body count women are superior.
they were featured on the trailer and wriothesley still had his own backup plan for the flood, hardly a filler. meropide is also important place for lore reasons.
as a friend
If they didn't constantly attack me then maybe I would care.
post-fontaine AQ
black swan, sparkle, acheron, robin, firefly, if you don't count the homoflops star rail surpassed tiktok pretty much every patch

in comparison, arlecchino was the last genshin banner that got tiktok hours and even then it was pretty low tier(around 33, I think both black swan and sparkle surpassed that number) and she was surrounded by flop banners
How are you still alive
She was already dead during the Khanreeiah event, she just suspended that to live as "living flame". So when she died to Ei/Shogun, she had already been dead for 500 odd years, and her physical form just finally ended
GOOD NEWS. Eula loooooooooves Mitachurls.
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Most female /gig/gers would cheat on their boyfriend with a guy that looks like this.
the problem with hoyogames is that they follow the exact same gameplay loop
>copypaste events between games
>need to farm mats for every new toys
>need to grind artifact for every new set
>dead patches in between games to shill other
you play one, you already play them all
So obsessed with schizos he became a schizo
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Kachina being exceptionally cute is more than good enough for me
There's way too much story and shit to do for new players to want to jump in, and META META META has poisoned the team comp game ever since Nahida, so Hoyo has to literally reinvent new imba shit for each new character, and it didn't land for Mualani and somehow did for Kachina
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post more kachiner
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why are Natlan men wearing such slutty outfits...
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Who flopped? Who won biggly?
Average /gig/ger
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we would never
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Mitachurls are all muscle.
she's been stretched by huge cocks
chad won't marry you, sister
just a retard that is mindbroken by some femcel
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Phew... finally...
>go back to Enkanomiya to pick up some chests I missed
>get hit by the environment and music
There was some annoying shit in this zone but fuck it was soulful
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woah buddy
>>copypaste events between games
nobody cares, only story events matter.
>>need to farm mats for every new toys
nobody cares
>>need to grind artifact for every new set
nobody cares
>>dead patches in between games to shill other
nobody cares

you play genshin for story, fucking around in the overworld until you clear quests or get bored and move on to do something else until a new content patch drops. i almost feel bad for mazies that cant leave and live in misery.
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Niggerman? What are you doing here?
>they were featured on the trailer
>wriothesley still had his own backup plan for the flood
I mean its a good plan, hear about big flood build big boat but in the end it didnt actually matter. It is hilarious that no one else outside focalors did anything tangible to prepare for a flood for 500 years with any actual results.
>orders plans failed
>furina didnt really do anything but act as furina
>navia kept her town under the water level
>nuev apparrntly ran the country but didnt do shit
>lyney made some ziploc bags
500 years preptime btw.
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It always impresses me how much effort they put in to make these beautiful areas that we only briefly see.
that neuvillette nerf drama really ruined the good will of mihoyo
I can understand why whales dont feel like dropping as much money as they used to before
The brazillian prostitute is a fitting image
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Fuck you
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buttcheeks clenched
switching night and day was kind of annoying but then again I enjoy things that rotate around other things and I think that Enka's thing had a thing that rotated around the thing that rotated around it so it was pretty cool
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Prove that /gig/ isn't just a reddit colony by replying to this post with a genuinely based take about the game.
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meanwhile, in reality
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Collab in Russia
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Charlotte has delicious armpits
The final zone on the island at the end of that Natlan quest was the only part of 5.0 where I really didn't want to leave, what a beautiful fucken zone.
I can not stress how much i fucking hate vtuber forced memes
this, nobody cares about natlan too considering its lukewarm reception
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I think Genshin lolis are really sexy and I want to put my dick inside all of them.
post these more often
Holy sex. The one on the right. Source for the full thing?
I love emergency food jokes
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I'd volunteer to wash Loom's bikini after she spent a long day in the hot springs.
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I like Bennett
You now remember that mihoyo had to repeat Kazuha's backstory about his fucking clan shit FOUR fucking times, both in events and main story.
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I didn't even know the dance came from a vtuber.
I'm glad I don't know what it's referencing and can enjoy it without being salty.
this game has been constantly flopping since 4.3
soon they'll snap and start powercreeping everything honkai-style, rolling for any new "balanced" character is retarded
xilonen is currently the only new character worth rolling and only C0, unless they gigabuff her C1 and C2 they are bait cons for retards
Yeah. At least one or two of the new world quests had places like this for me as well. So fucking good.
People who bitch about Klee just don't know how to use her walk-M1
this but aether's
>barely any coom art
That how you know she's a flop
The only thing that can save yuanshen is another mega dungeon like the mausoleum
Mualani has a fetish for cooming in her own panties
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Loom is unhinged
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>new region
>top up
>only 1M higher than some HSR's filler patch
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Wrong, what would save it is end-game coop fights and guilds.
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Neuvillette is a good character and the people who hate him are mostly brown people that feel emasculated by the sight of a powerful white man
>This is how Mualani spends her free time
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>copypaste events between games
Name TV gameplay events in hsr and genshin
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Away with you! Al'Haitham and Kaveh are straight and heterosexual AND have girlfriends!

Actually, Kaveh is already engaged with Madame Faruzan.
i really wish they come up with some kind of system that gives you a reason to revisit older stuff. like i dunno, something like comms but awards you artifact exp in a zone of your choice or something.
or something more effort with things like enkanomiya event, that shit was pretty sick. when i started playing enka event was ongoing and when i got there i cleared all the shit thinking that im done with the event only to find out that i can explore it again because there was an actual event in that subarea. from what i gather the enka release and its event werent even too far apart too so i have no idea why they didnt do anything like this ever since.
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As a Hoyoslop player I think the best thing Genshin can do is copy the style of cutscene ZZZ uses with the comics into their own style. They gave us a slice of it with Mualani's tribe quest but there needs to be more.
>this game has been constantly flopping since 4.3
>nothing but waifuflop banners is the only consistent thing here
Hmm I’m nooticing
You are genuinely mentally ill if you believe this.
I'm talking about new players joining, not sales
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Listen here, anon. She is coming. Back. As. A. Hag. We have waited TOO LONG for her to show up as a Loli, or worst of all, a h*b*. If you want her in her Loli form you will have to shell out the primos when Genshin starts dropping the historic cute and funny event where the hags get turned into lolis that you can pick and roll for.
imagine the orgy
post the one where the girl ejects the dildo from her asshole at mach 69
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wormvillette's rerun also was a massive flop, mogger by a 1.x standard filler banner
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jingyuan sold more than your femorrhoid flops with his shitty kit lole
fireflop killed hsr btw
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How did /gig/ first react to THIS?
Incredibly factual and based post
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imagine the splitroast
It's time to let go. Rosalyne will never come back.
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Name one thing wrong with Neuvillette without saying the word worm or mentioning his gender.
aventurine flopped with barely 3 tiktok hours, he's just a small worm next to firefly
reminder mhy makes a big fucking ladle just for him
oji-san faruzan and her wife Nilou...
princess kaveh and his husband Alhaithim...
she will she will she will she will she will she will she will she will she will she will
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*cooms in her panties*
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So true
Archon was killed to shill him
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Why do I keep seeing the same images in every thread?
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imagine the tanline if she stays under the sun long enough
unfortunately waifuflops killed the game and everyone left
His broken kit. Them not nerfing it immediately after finding out about it. Them trying to nerf it 10 months or whatever after finding out about it. Idiots.
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>make every single femorrhoid busted
>make every single buffer femorrhoids
>pretend they sell well
if they did that from the start of the game hsr would've been dead on arrival like zzz kek. jingyuan broke the payment system and not a single femorrhoid managed to do that. not even hsr's pagden after all the shilling
Women don't cum, stop being delusional.
You're a schizo, Furina.
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I am going to nail you for noticing that
Neuvillette is my favorite character. His epic flopping and failure to achieve archon tier sales after getting beyond archon tier caused the game to steer into a year of waifus and I love it. He gave me 1800 gems to roll for my waifus and a permanent save slot whenever he is on rate up! Best character ever.
His fans.
It's a single player game.
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I would love him even if he were a worm
I actually really enjoy exploring regions and reading both dialogue and lore, though I wish freaky shit would show up more often in the interactive parts of quests. The revelation in the notes of someone scrying the Narzissenkreuz benefactors and finding out all the bodies/lifeforces were still all inside the tower even though everyone was told they had left was actually a frightening thought.
Also until Natlan had come up with cool exploration, my favorite region to go around in was Dragonspine. Trying to race against time to save some poor kid's dad while climbing an inhospitable mountain was icing on an already enjoyable cake.
>seething femcels latch on to the idea that Mualani is a slut
>they try to make ragebait posts using her virginity status
>gets btfo when didn't get the reaction they were looking for because they didn't know how much men love hebe sluts
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You get used to it.
Reminder that 50/50s should be removed entirely.
Because people don't want gameplay. They just want 3 minutes of gameplay a day, a serviceable story that doesn't make you claw your eyes out, and a community to collectively brainoff hype cycle. Most successful long-term gachas cut down on tedium as they go on, because the genre was built on short daily bursts of gameplay japanese wagies played on their subway ride home. ZZZ's gameplay is too shit and the TV garbage is tedious, it might as well be genshin without the open world. Genshin is built like a 500 hour movie disguised as a gacha game so ofc no one wants to return back to the game, it's like returning to an MMO after 3 years without any catchup systems. HSR is the only gacha of the three that's built like an actual gacha game, with the added benefit of autistic turn based gameplay hiding hoyo's complete incompetence at developing good gameplay.
But reddit loves Neuvillette...
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wtf is enjou doing in natlan
do enka fags just take vacations there like every other tich teyvatian, I thought that area was literally in another dimension
I can't think of any other character in fiction that damaged the story in the same way Neuvillette did.
The closest is probably the girl from the new Star Wars trilogy.
The writing makes him look at tad retarded
First gacha?
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Not that anon but who is hsr’s pagden, I’m curious
Friendly reminder that Kaveh is owned, mind, body, and SOVL to Dori.
>Captcha: MYK2
Okay, so maybe Faruzan shares him
Nothing in Fontaine mattered at it's core. Even the quests with Dain were mostly filler.
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mualani's tummy and pits!
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okay so if men love sluts, why do you think that posts about her being a slut are ragebaits by evil roasties?
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technically dragons are really really big worms
yeah I'll never complain about getting some time on a 1x year old slut
>meet sister
>btw u'll forget everything that happened here
fillerslop. Can't wait till we just go to Russia.
>orders plans failed
narzissenkreuz absolutely succeeded in its goals and was ready to merge fontaine population into a collective. they did the most out of anyone by studing ancient civilizations, their technology and everything else they knew. they literally managed to create evolved human species and some kind of superoceanid.
>furina didnt really do anything but act as furina
she tried but yea
>navia kept her town under the water level
well its not like she had any resources to do anything anyway, shes just a mafia boss.
>nuev apparrntly ran the country but didnt do shit
pretty much, only started questioning furina efforts when shit was about to hit the fan.
>lyney made some ziploc bags
idk about lyney but arlecchino was doing something behind the scenes and she needed gnosis for that. she got explicit approval from tsaritsa to use gnosis to save fontaine.
That doesn't stop the whole situation from spin to win to the recent nerf drama make the game, us and the devs look like a joke.
that’s a weird looking worm he shat out
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So if Xbalanque is a human and grows old, why would he still be a manlet like leakers say?
I need il capitano to fuck me in the ass
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One of the underlying message of Fontaine is that women are unfit for power.
Fucks up multiple times and people try to get rid of her as she can't live up to her father.
Literally doomed Fontaine.
Schizo that set up trials for entertainment, in the end they have her kill herself for a man.
Evil stepmother stereotype, her female successor decides to go by "Father" because mothers are snakes while fathers are stern but loving.
soon to be replaced by a male (Lyney).
Not even considered for the leadership role despite being fairly competent and less hotheaded than Lyney.
>Emilie and Chiori
Unironically disrespected by everyone and not taken seriously in her position of authority, in contrast with the uber competent stoic man everyone relies on. Replaced by a man at the end.

Whoever wrote Fontaine surely had some repressed misogyny waiting to burst.
just goes to show how fundamentally different men and women think.
They should have nerfed it immediately. The only reason they didn't is because the same developers who coded Mualani, coded Neuv.
I think that the idea is that men want virgin waifus so posting that a waifu is a slut would make men mad idk
jingyuan was the 2nd banner of the game and got outsold by seele and silver wolf in the same period
aventurine is gigameta and got a whole patch dedicated to him and still flopped
worms just don't sell xis
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Neuvillette is canonically a Wyrm, thougheveralbeit, a serpent-like water dragon.
Wormvillette… LOVE!
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that one kneeling gardemek in the lighthouse is genuinely one of the creepiest things I've seen in this game
also I didn't notice it at first so I thought it moved after I unlocked the door, shit freaked me out
Hydro is arguably the most important element that reacts with everything. The competition among hydros is fierce.
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my pov
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I genuinely can't comprehend how it's physically and mentally possibly to keep seething at one gacha character for one YEAR
and their only problem with him is that he's a lore relevant male. They would LOVE the same character if he was a female
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extra long noodle
Nothing was coded wrong. Nahida E can spin just as fast.
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>she got explicit approval from tsaritsa to use gnosis to save fontaine.
Interesting how that was never mentioned again in any way or form, we never even heard what supposed Arlecchino's plan was.
Kachina should have been the 5*
The night kingdom hearts... is light!
Because most people don't actually have a strong foundation for their morals and will conveniently change them when something they like conflicts with them. Goalposts moved, etc. etc.
Genshin Impact
What's the point of co-op on genshin ? Except for doing dungeon, can you open chest, do quest together, etc?
kachiner being hotter
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>Need to buy from Friend's Teapot
>Nobody online yesterday
>Nobody online today
>mothers dying in childbirth
>women's stories revolving around their fathers
>woman calls herself "father" because she associates "mother" to being a cruel, backstabbing cunt
>final shonen battle is a man's affair between childe, mc and neuvillette
>women aren't able to be good leaders
>woman is written as the hysterical incompetent schizo to the competent straight male
>nation is ruled by two men in the end
>in a pair of twins the male is the relevant character
>woman ruler is the butt of all jokes
>woman ruler is replaced by competent man in the end
>world quests are all about males
I wouldn't be able to fit so much misogyny in a story even if I tried
okay, men love sluts. why do you think that posts about her being a slut are made by women?
>They would LOVE the same character if he was a female
That's why they're mad, he isn't female
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Great read. Incredible post.
nahida can't tag people multiple times and blow up the entire room
>They would LOVE the same character if he was a female
Mualani literally disprove that tho? She's believed by male coomers yet you always see melties by femcels whenever coomers try to coom her up
Nahida E soon doesn't do anything to break the game. That's not an argument.
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To stand in a heart shaped rock formation in Liyue with your soulmate.
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I read the comic, cried unironically, and then jacked it like I was dying tomorrow the moment Collei's design was revealed. Backless virgin killer sweater exposing her delectable armpits, sweaty unpainted toes exposed by booted sandals in stirrup stockings, precious tiny breasts stunted by years of malnourishment, stress, and illness, panties easily visible under spats, gorgeous pink eyes and green disaster lesbian haircut. This girl can barely read and she wants to be a doctor. She could unironically pass the male swimsuit challenge. Utterly fucking gorgeous. COLLEI LOVE!!! COLLEI SEX!!!
aids to play without c1 or zhongli
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BRICKEDanalwormeryuan talking crazy now
what? how the fuck is she the same character?
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Stop pretending to be Kokosister, you fake.
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Navia is a great leader though, her SQ and the AQ show that despite all the shit happening in her personal life she can still lead an organisation and kick ass. A genuine, likable girlboss.
Remember to apologize multiple times when Signora's smug mug greets you in the cutscene/trailer
Friendly reminder that the Super oceanid (I wish I could remember his name off the top of my head), was capable by his own estimates of saving over half the Fontaine population (maybe even 55%) even with you trying to kill him. The combination of esoteric knowledge being gate kept to try and keep people interested was a pretty solid masterstroke, both because it increased interest in newcomers and would ensure the knowledge would be maintained as accurately as possible due to.its sacred nature.
>very good 5* average
>good 50/50 ratio
why are you bitching again?
Does he know he’s built for sex
People are still seething at Raiden and they just started to shitpost Mavuika. If Neuvillette were female they'd be even more insufferable than they are now.
Contrary to what people believe, giggers only want useless submissive low IQ hebes because anything different threatens their masculinity.
A lot of men love sluts.
femcel operate under the assumption that smelly fat incel on gig wants a virgin trad wife meme.
Said femcel then tries to make a ragebait post by claiming mualani is a slut because this is what they think will make men melty.
They get confused instead when men cheer on the idea of mualani being a dick loving hebe slut.
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ok xis i will dilate now
I don't care what her E does, I'm saying that's how those things are coded. This is how things always worked. It just so happened to make a unit be a bit stronger than they thought.
Kokosis spitting facts
WHY do you think that these posts are ragebaits?
Well again I'm not that anon but I think the theory is that it is a campaign to sabotage her sales and thereby prove that waifus don't sell and that mihoyo should provide more gay male 5*s for women to slap their monkeybutts to
Because as crazy as it might seem, gig isn't just one schizo talking to themselves
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thats all hes good for
You forgot Clorinde
>b-but genshitlab said so!!1
seele and silverwolf didn't break the topup system xis.
nobody cares about femorrhoids unless mihoyo forces players to roll them for meta lole
and nobody cares about the game if you shit out femorrhoid flops from the start (see: ZZZ and their 4 meta waifuflop banners)
Thats why I can’t take most complaints seriously. Its never actually about writing quality or anything, just agendaposting or irrational hatred because of bogeymen living inside their brains
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Based. Neuvillette and Kokomi will reclaim Teyvat from Archon frauds.
Because it cropped up at a suspicious time right after mualani hater schizo had a melty, finished their melty and then soon after boom 'hey haha does mualani look like a virgin with these sort of men in her tribe'. All the while theres radio silence from mualani hate schizo.
Just inferring on what i see.
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Didn't read, I'm gonna touch myself while looking at Mualani and then sleep. Goodnight
I want to mindbreak him until he embraces his status as a flesh dildo
>a bit stronger
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>They would LOVE the same character if he was a female
No I still wouldnt like that, because Archon was killed to shill a character. Like imagine if in the end of Natlan Mavuika dies and some boring ass bitch from Hexenzirkel becomes Pyro Authority user instead.
Being male is just a cherry on top, with idea that they wanted to "organically" rewrite rest of archons being female like it originally was intended.
Navia is Furina's foil, she's supposed to be the actual competent leader to Furina's incompetent leadership, however her entire personal quest is about her struggling and people (men) saying she can't do shit compared to Callas and Navia herself is still full of doubts.

Male leaders never get this writing treatment. Some schizo says Wriothesley can't run Meropide and the story outrights prove him wrong without ever doubting Wriothesley's position.
hello? hi hello? is this /gig/? o-oh i'm so nervous >.> i love yoimiya!
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>why are you bitching again?
what didn't you read, sweetie
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Same, but I'm going to masturbate twice to Yanfei.
Because he’s getting ragebaited kek
>Touch myself
A girl anon schlicking herself to mualani? Am i dreaming???
no shit thats how its coded
its fucking broken as shit though and a non retarded dev team would've just capped the rotation immediately instead of doing it months later
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Holy shit and I was so close writing another rant atbout my artifact luck.
why do you lie by showing weapon banner
>they'd love the same character if it was female
not true in my case, I only like characters based on looks. They can't just make a male character then say its female
me 2 brinby
Nice. Had a good one to that new animation of her by Yuluer actually.
that is my standard roll statistic you semen slurping dawei boot licking faggot fuck
>ends with kek
>replies immediately on a post involving the samefag schizo
>same samefag schizo likes to end their posts with kek
Oh so you were still here after all
I was right then
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nice """""""ARCHON""""""" lmao
Loom is so lucky
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Hi /gig/ Dawei here. I actually was criying back on stage because I accidentally squeezed my balls with my thighs. It did hurt a lot.
good job
are you getting ragebaited?
peepee poopoo
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Interesting to notice that only by breaking their ties with the wayob and the Night Kingdom is how the natlan natives would be able to explore the rest of the world without any side effects and needing to have a wayob authorization. Fat Xiao wasn't really being subtle with the natlan references in 2.8.

Though I'm not sure who the other NPCs are supposed to reference, like Rozel, Faurobert the frog and the Squirrel Princess. I've seen someone say the frog is Capitano and the princess Mavuika. It could make sense depending on the 5.1 AQ, but seems kinda hard to grasp the corresponding links yet. They say this because commedia dell'arte's Il Capitano and the frog basically have opposite traits: one is no real champion, but brags of fake feats vs the frog is a true champion but extremely unconfident and humble. Fat Xiao did the same shit with the Sinners in M's book(e.g. the visionary being a blind pigmy). Mavuika sort of mocks Capitano by asking him if he's brave enough to compete as well. But if this is true, it'd mean Capitano is going to job even harder before he's able to do accomplish something.
Didn't Wrio bet up the villain of his SQ, or at least I remember him strangling him. Wrio is an odd case, I feel like he needs his story fleshed out more because he supposedly made it to the top by only saving fucking coupons, as if nobody else thought of doing that before. And he was good at pankration fighting I guess. It still doesn't explain what made him such a charismatic and wise leader that he managed to bend a den of criminals to his will.
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ETA on your next crying?
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>Voluntarily giving paimon.moe your data
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>Genshitters not longer talk about being the king of /v/g/
>Final fantasy tranny thread consistently mogs /gig/
I'm noticing
Whats wrong with that
These were the most fakeass tears I've seen in a while
nta but the intent behind posts is clear to anyone with more than singular braincell
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Sparkle/yunli gods... why not just copy the template that's proven successful?
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we need honkai MMO to compete against FFXIV
still looks ugly and funny
Capitano's power is not even his, it comes from some Lord of the Night guy
>I've seen someone say the frog is Capitano and the princess Mavuika
I said that like after the natlan trailer dropped because capitano wasn't all that eager to compete, I don't think it's true now considering he's proactive in getting the gnosis. The frog is more kachina, and I guess the squirrel is mualani.
They did everything they could…
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>Final fantasy tranny thread consistently mogs /gig/
That's a bit unfair don't you think?
is that just japan iOS?
holy FUCK imagine the mental illness a hoyo mmo could create
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why are you cropping so much you disingenuous nigger. also eat shit you lucky sack of shit.
>It still doesn't explain what made him such a charismatic and wise leader that he managed to bend a den of criminals to his will.
You're supposed to believe this with no explanation because he's a male.
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/gig/ is the trash can of /vg/, you'll fit right in, Stelle.
Dawei is gonna cry when he realized how much of a sunk cost MMORPG game-development is.
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Dark skin just isn't appealing to anyone. Imagine black herta, she wouldn't have schizos if she was tanned
there's no way out for genshin, the game has a terrible reputation that keeps new players away and the people that dropped it will never come back
>mihomo is known to attract retarded brats
>and other failed normalfags
its going to be much worse than any RPer MMO in that regard
Muttlani just isn’t appealing with that tan
Iansan should have been white
Well that was a brief moment of peace. Looks like the butt mad shitposter schizos are back already now though.
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Natlan.. 2x topup lost to HSR filler chink patch...
Does anyone notice sparkleposter is the samefag as the muttlani poster and also the raging mualani hater schizo
They keep replying to their own posts
How the fuck did we lose to a filler patch
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Wrio is one of the few characters I genuinely hate. Not only is he shittily written, but he's also the only cryo 5* in ages. He plays like shit, he looks like shit, OnoD is wasted on him, and there won't be another male cryo 5* in ages because they think he'll flop like Wrio. Fuck Wrio.
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yeah but shitposters gotta shitpost
Unironically, better dead than left alive in such a way. Not much can be done anyways
Yeah. Looks like they've changed IP again.
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Remember to feed your Mavuika properly
yeah, I've been to /gig/ before and have a triple digit IQ
see >>493630152
capitano is cryo...
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Natlan flopped so Dawei can cry.
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How come I don't have the luckiness win 50:50 stat in the summary section and the "Win 50:50" drop down in the character event box?
nigga is like two years from release
as if they'll let us roll him
he's just another dottore, or even worse, signora
>doesn't explain what made him such a charismatic and wise leader that he managed to bend a den of criminals to his will
He reformed the prison economy which made it so they get one free meal a day anon it's literally in the main quest
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we beat 'em , we fucking finally beat 'em

Let's fucking go, bros

Now onto the fishdom menace
They also run double devices to bypass cooldown, or just have a 4chan pass. I know this because I called out their posts as being suspiciously timed with cooldown. After i called it out they swapped the timing.
I like Wrio but I also like this level of passion because I’ve felt this way in another gacha I played
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It was all me
Nah, Mualani would be the green frog who jobs to Faurobert after asking for a rematch because he genuinely thinks he's friend is great, but his confidence issues screw him over. Even their friendly personality is similar.
>Estampe: Hence why I decided to take part in the trial instead. Faurobert, my friend, I always believed you could do it. And look... You did it!
But I do think Faurobert sounds like Kachina now that you brought her up. The Squirrel Princess still matches Mavuika the best I guess.
Lyney calm down
It would be kind of a cool concept, wouldn't it. Her flames changing color depending on which pyro reaction she's involved in.
This post? Also me
your stats are fucked somehow. all your pulls are marked as if you won the coin flip, along with bricks(the gold border means you won). you would have to manually edit the data i think
Uh oh the manlet is mad
Yeah how did he reform it? He was a kid who killed his foster parents, how did that life prepare him to rule a prison population? Was he just the first person who dared to ask for free meals for everyone?
>Sparkleposter is a burger
AMERICANS, take charge of your trash!
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No, it was all me... I'm Spartacus!
Chinkcels seething about Wanderer are unironically right
Their autism about NTR/Cameraman/Cuckolding etc gatekeeps w*men and fags out of the community
If you think Nahida didn't cuck you then you welcome those kinds of people into community and contribute towards the destruction of straigh male hobbies
All posts in this thread are me
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I did type these posts
IIRC Wriothesley killed the previous Duke and assumed his position. Since nobody else was going to do it and he ruled the prison already.
We need to do a new /gig/ ownership poll
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They seem to be marked correctly in the Character Event details.
>how did he reform it
I just told you, inmates get a welfare meal. before wrio they had to buy food even a cup of water used to cost coupons. he literally saved neets from starving to death.
More like people posting their barracks, polls are worthless when everyone can lie
way better than his faggy normal outfit desu
Post full please
It was all a dream, I used to read Word Up! magazine
Salt-n-Pepa and Heavy D up in the limousine
Tomorrow I'm gonna try masturbating five times to Mualani
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*cooms in her panties again*
This game has no brown people, at best it has a bunch of tanned white people
This is in spite of massive social media complaints and their retarded EN voice actors telling them to do so
This is quite based of them
you don't have to be mean lumine...
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It sure is another great day to love Alhaitham
/gig/ would never lie
I always knew he was Capitano
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Nah, mualani hater, like some mongrel, never uses upper case in xis posts.
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good morning
This is Lumine’s dildo
>inb4 Chasca is the weird simulanka toy who thinks he should be a flower pot and is in the middle of a misunderstanding with this friend
>but in her case, Chasca's saurian autism causes misunderstandings between her and her sister
then idk, someone smarter than me probably knows whats up, but something has to be fucked. it happened to me recently where my navia pull didnt count as a win for whatever reason and to fix it i had to delete recent pulls and update again. maybe you could try exporting shit to excel and then importing it?
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i'm shliiiicking
>2 sanctifying elixirs
could be worse
I like the story and wanna see how its end
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I don't support bug schizophrenia but I do support the death of a corrupted hobby, I'll give you that. Good luck though
I used to like and even pull male characters but wormeru and the fontaine AQ fully converted me to the chink anti-male characters cause, I'm skipping all male characters from now on, even at the cost of bricking my account
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[Good News] CCP is cracking down on rabid chinkcels who make up cuckshit and other bad things about mihoyo(and other gachas) on their forums. Some retard who taught people how to dox mihoyo employees was arrested already.
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i think you finally cracked the code on why I love him but don't really care for the others. the focus on his chest instead of the legs.
I regret rolling Kaedahara Mualani
your kind doesnt deserve hobbies or safe spaces
maybe china is not that bad
Chinkcels on suicide watch
As someone who likes him, he was cartoonishly overshilled at the expense of everyone else due to his combat strength.
Clorinde, Navia, Chevreuse, Wriothesley and even Focalors outside of her 2000D chess plan come across as complete jokes relative to him
Unlike every other region whose final battle included every member of the cast, the final battle in Fontaine was literally just Neuvillette soloing the whale
He powercreeps his entire setting to such a degree that the villains have to match his combat strength, and so as a consequence everyone else is irrelevant
This is probably why he's one of the few banners including Furina's that did well financially
Navia discovers primordial water? Neuvillete already knew this
Wriothesley and Clorinde have to hold off the primordial water from flooding the entirety of Fontaine? Irrelevant because Neuvillette shows up and just uses his power to seal it back in with relatively little effort
Final battle against the Whale? Nobody else can join in, Neuvillette beats it practically on his own with Traveller just there because he has immunity to the primordial water
Fourth Harbinger needs the Gnosis? Well she can't actually beat him in a fight with his full authority so Neuvillette just gives it to her because some random lady he just met told him to get rid of it

WAAAAY too overshilled, he reminds me of Musashi from FGO's Remnant
based if true
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To what end?
there's nothing wrong being an incel
there's nothing wrong having a cuckold fantasy
there I said it

Stop being a fucking weakling
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Post useless onaholes
i forgive neuvilette for his sins because it means that my wife apep is likely way stronger
whats one to a billion bugs
>won't matter because the damage is already done
>other fags will just bring the subject up
a waste of time and money
my fuarking hero
He wrote the script for... a special program? Who cares. That's not even close to writing for the main game.
Finally some good news during this mediocre patch
doesn't matter, I love seeing spamniggers cry
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constantly useless, lazy and begging to get molested while sleeping.
anon, thats just 1 of millions
>lvl 20 cyno
>various lvl 80 5*
Why are you rolling for them if you aren't going to use them?
>c6 ayato
the Pyro Sovereign lost to a human so we can easily say one Musou slash and Neuvillette gets turned into litter box for cats
He’s playing how he wants
Metakeks wont understand playing for fun
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>you cant talk about the best character in the game and compare him to the current hydro banner because you just can't okay???
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Why do these girls uhm... like the Hilichurl camps?
I tried exporting and importing again to no avail. So fuck it, looking at my 50:50 win will probably make me sigh anyhow.
you know why
>Why are you rolling for them if you aren't going to use them?
im willing to bet that it was an early pull with "building pity"
Neuv is literally the hydro sovereign it would be retarded if he didn't know what primordial water was.
Klee likes to play with them, amber and sucrose get fucked by them, heizou fucks them, and niko lives there
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Build the set and then invite them to hear their thoughts.
I don't like to watch
What a great day to remember Neuvillette flopped.
Based Lumine, leave that to your brother
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his roots are waifuflop simulators that don't make money and it seems to be working as intended working as intended
Neuvilette might be flopped but Natlan flopped harder
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Alhaithams big cock...
>Amber, Sucrose and Beidou
Raped by BHC [big hilichurl cock]
Too strong to be raped, gets off on murdering them
>Someday, when they return, their true ordeal shall begin. — Xbalanque, One Entombed With the Primal Fire
Remember "they" is Celestia and Xbalanque was threatening Neuvillette all along
im so lucky…
C6 Ayato IS metakek, once upon a time at least
TWENTY RECRUIT INSIGNIAS???? Holy shit I’m on WL5 and I only get like 2 drops… fuckk I wish my characters weren’t so weak!!
>Well she can't actually beat him in a fight with his full authority so Neuvillette just gives it to her because some random lady he just met told him to get rid of it
Every day I get reminded he is canonically retarded.
this is from a superboss
no "their" is referring to /gig/
I know this is controversial, but as a euro girl i wanted more dark skinned characters for Natlan. Strong tan/dark skin is simply more aesthetically pleasing in men.
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Do you think I know what that is
Neuvillette flopping changed the course of the game. Natlan flopping is still that same direction he set.
WL9 buffed drops and being a local legend they drop even more.

Honestly you end up with 1k green and about 400 silvers so you should be fine.
>full authority
why do people act like "full authority" is some shonen powerup?
he BTFO'd childe and sealed back primordial water without the hydro authority. In terms of actual combat he's weaker than Ei, Mavuika and Zhongli
Are you actually retarded, or just a subhuman blue clover user?
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Wtf? I was saving my guaranteed for Xilonen but now I will roll for Chiori "Mualani" Arataki Lawrence.
Doesn't matter
I looked into an upcoming chinese gacha today and the first comment I saw was the guy asking if a game is a mixed toilet/yuri game/if there is ntr/cuck shit/canon pairings etc...
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In Fontaine they added local legends they have this icon. They will make fun of your strongest team.
He says he can't beat the whale before getting his full authority back retard. It is a powerup
The "THEY" are the Celestial Gods. Neuvillette and the remaining Sovereign's arrogation ends now.
Do they respawn?
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i don't regret rolling for Mualani McQueen
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>NPC named Kwame
>it's pale white
you don't need to be a twitter tranny to see how retarded this looks like
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fuck off koult
I can't believe I have to root for Celestia now...
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I had 120 a week ago
I think I went a bit far
fuck off Koult
Its all just very odd
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Is Azhdaha really the Geo Sovereign instead of some random dragon like Dvalin, Durin and Elynas? He is so fucking small compared to Apep
xingqiu should have been a female
genshin been woke from the getgo
>Triggered by pronouns
Are u some kinda sjw?
people talk to their animals all the time
Raiden is the strongest playable character.
In Natlan they added a bunch of harder ones compared to Fontaine. Again they will make fun of your strongest team assuming your WL5 they are even worse at WL9 that people drop back to WL8 to beat them for the awards.
no he isn't, CEO created him
also wrong, his boss version is just a weakened state, he's actually bigger than Dvalin as the giant tree over his arena is literally his tail
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... on opposite day.
How do I cope with all my favorite characters being DPS? I want to play them together but the shit meta in this game restricts your team building
Who the fuck thought that making the archon quest about 5 ugly women will be a good idea? Its not healthy for the game at all. I guarantee that Ororon and Ifa will get more fanart than Xilonen after 5.1
... three years ago
Who is the most popular 4* character on /gig/?
Klee is the strongest playable character
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For me, it's Yaoyao.
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me and my bf sleeping
Same. I even rolled Alhaitham. I don't play the story so I didn't even know about Kaveh. Now I just endlessly fight the femoids trying to regain his heterosexuality.
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Do you think Mavuika will deliver kino?
It's funny how many "men" here have a melty over the fact that most actual, real men prefer a woman with experience and not some virgin trad wife.

Real men want a woman with experience, the more the better. That is fact. Men love sluts. Simple as.
The concept of sovereigns was made up later. He and Dvalin are sovereigns now. Durin and Elynas are eldritch beings brought by Gold from elsewhere.
the celestians will all be sexy blonde angels with GIANT TITS and GIANT ASSES with cock BULGES for the men
Are you a woman? You gotta be, you completely miss why men like sluts. It's not the experience.
And they will have had LOTS OF SEX and taken a TON OF DICK! They will be absolute SLUTS as that is what men prefer.
Kachina sex
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Amber wants to clear their camp (as evidenced by your first encounter), Sucrose wants more churl bones to study, Klee wants to fuck shit up, Aloy wants to steal their supplies like she does in the game, while Beidou goes for the riches I guess.
I am a woman and I can confirm. I will never have sex because I missed on the college experience.
You can run 4 DPS in the overworld.
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Nanachi died
how do i cope?
>newest wuwa trailer already surpassed mualani in 4 days
no way
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Neuvillette poll


Furina poll

Bots. KG is known to buy views.
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Now you understand why we like to train them early.
Translation mistake, I suppose Chinese doesn't use pronouns.
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which kokosister has the biggest kokocock?
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all real views from real people btw bwos
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You copied this from /pol/ don't you
She’s not for (you). Instant pass, and I see many other people agreed with me.
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When I think about it Fontaine feels like overcompensation for Sumeru. Lore relevant tall male who is closely affiliated with the petite female archon was what people initially expected Alhaitham and Nahida to be. They got too far and had the archon kill herself to restore the tall male's full power though
>and I see many other people agreed with me.
name 53 of them
too bad their newest banner couldn't even surpass her day 11 sales
>it's a wormflop
I guess they are excused
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They forgot to give her a personality outside of "genki" and "muh friendship"
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Kachina is the strongest playable character
True. The fact Fontaine only had female banners after 4.2 was probably a form of overcompensation too.
>Ororon 200+ lines in 5.1
should I be worried?
No one cares about Al except for you femcel
This is objectively wrong for 95% of men btw, they care about body count lol
>Sparklefag talking about lack of personality
uhoh the antihaitham schizo is awake and ready to seethe
Built for Mualani
They care as in the higher the better
They post angrily about it on social media while touching themselves
since when
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>average ZZZ item
I've never gotten this and I've been playing since day 1...
my only real complaint about mualani is getting fall damage on water
Higher body count is better when they are after sex
Lower body count is better then they are after a wife
If the virgin wife is shit in bed they can pay for a hooker
I got this on day 2.
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what a sad existence
wtf happened here
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Are Americans OK?
If a man cares about bodycount in a negative manner they are highly insecure betas
god bless america
Jannies doing their job? what in the hell is this timeline
Hey theres a reason Sparkle was a success, and muttlani, well... Lets just say niglan couldve used a better start LOL
i feel like zzz is a humiliation ritual
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>posts disgusting cunny content being prohibited on a mod site
>"Are Americans OK?"
Looks like hebes are safe horny after all
What a slow ass thread. Somehow Neuvillette flopping is the cause for this, I'm sure of it.
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ZZZ is a tool by Amerisharts to introduce rap and degeneracy to the Chinese population
>11yo girl showing belly
>mutilated 15yo girl getting fucked by a robot

welcome to selective degeneracy
meant for>>493639930
Success? She's sold worse than Mualani.
theres not a single post in this thread that isn't bait
formulaic generic cheerful hebeslop is the worst type of hebeslop
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>name 53 of them
what's my Jackie Chan budget
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This is correct
There's a reason why virgin women stay single more often than women with exp
Genshin Impact btw
I know you're trolling, but you can literally go to any beach and see kids in outfits like that.
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>using fagbanana
Do seriously none of you understand the appeal of sluts? Do I have to spell it out for you?

Hint: a slut can have a body count of 0 and still be a slut.
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that webm of slavs drinking in the wildly bouncing car
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That is a rough 37
which genshin would goon the hardest
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wake me up when mualani hitting double digits
yes, against a sparkle rerun
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cheld no contest
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Kachina is built for ryona since she's resilient.
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>"characters" and "age of consent" in the same phrase
cheld has massive blue balls from training with skirk for years
uglypoke melty uh ohhhh
buddypoke melty
You are guaranteed to get it every X days
Why would lie about a game you don't play
>Why would lie about a game you don't play
uhh you're on /gig/ bro...
buddypokes are ugly tbqh
i haven't opened genshin in 44 days
I do use them. Sometimes. And I'll level characters when I feel like it.
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The potatocord is here
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Yeah I'm seeing a lot of nigger skin swaps now that they discovered gamebanana. What do you use in its stead?
She's naked in the last one
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Are finding these all about luck?
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>equip throwaway rainbow artifacts on Mualani for overworld exploration
>casual 300k vapes at level 70 with zero investment
i cantbelive genshinslopped and flopped brosky
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I'm joining Nahida's tribe.
go to allthefallen and search for the genshin loli thread
>>coom-tier design
retarded vtuber hair, the fuck is going on with that
>>cute, outgoing personality
Yoiyoi did it better
>>top-ups refreshed
eh. You have 1 year time
on a new region where noone outside of Natlan characters and Razor fit into.
Let me see those Keqing sales again
>>fun gimmicks in her kit
>>constellation bait
>be souless Neuv fag
>destroy clones with water pump
>be me, soul chad
>use Barbara+Jean for hydro aoe
We are not the same.
Neuvgods live rentfree in your head
shes unironically going to become busted as fuck when more natlan characters release to complete her teams
No they are tied to certain chest. Warrior challanges there are 9 just get S rank.
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can't wait to take my husband alhaitham to the graffiti headquarters and take silly pictures with him
There is one that is impossible to S-rank though.
who knew that giving Genshin a world that doesnt look nor play like Genshin would cause Genshin players to be unhappy

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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
Uh how? The most I can do is 110k lv.80 2/8/8 and around 200k on burst. Are you using some cracked support like C2 Nahida?
Some of them are easier on mobile so try that.
You are the reason desert puzzles exist
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I mean literally impossible.
Finished two before doing any warrior challange. I believe it's mostly rng.
That isn't a warrior challenge though?? Warrior challages acaully
I've done all of them.
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did this retard just tell me to an hero

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