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Previous: >>493619950

>Character Anecdote - "Emergency Rescue!"

>Character Trailer - "Mualani: The Ultimate Sightseeing Experience"
https://youtu.be/lmZvYv-pQVk (EN)
https://youtu.be/lQoyQdLEIvk (JP)

>Character Trailer - "Kachina: A Shimmering Dance of Stone"
https://youtu.be/uKr_9h79yf0 (EN)
https://youtu.be/RCGfoDHJYxA (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Mualani: Kindness Begets Friendship"
https://youtu.be/BNLghVMba_o (EN)
https://youtu.be/RbTnCgeyiVY (JP)

>Web Event "Off We Go to the Nation of Pyro!" live until September 24

>Current character banner: Mualani, Kaedehara Kazuha, Kachina, Xinyan, Bennett
>Current weapon banner: Surf's Up (Catalyst), Freedom-Sworn (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift
>With Primogems
BlazeToNatlan (NEW)
>Without Primogems

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
surely everyone is comin' here
I don't think so, ritual posters are cringe like that
This one
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
probably not yeah
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Why did she lose to an uggo NPC fox

And BIGLY to a shipbait yelan expy
this thread was 1 post early from 751 anyways
Characters that popular among women Vs Mualani lmao
Watch, Mavuika will be the first flop archon because she's super unpopular without Capitano
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>da wei goes back to his roots by making a region that can provide him with 60 nigger cocks
>flops harder than ever before
Muttlani gigaflopped btw.
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hu tao my beloved
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Nahida is really sexy.
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Thoughts on my legal husband Alhandsome?
I wouldn't trust any claim of easy damage without a character sheet.
I heard Tupac is in natlan, so where's my nigga Biggie Smalls doe?
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Gato erotico...
My balls hurt
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sex with alhaitham
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I haven't seen anyone talk about this quest. I don't even know what the fuck I'm doing or where this quest came from, but it's talking about the pyro dragon???
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nta but my cope mualani hits 100k skill 200k+ burst without reactions lol
Show your marriage certificate first.
really ugly and cuckbait*
What's your comment on the sales performance of the character Neuvillette, Sparkle-chan?
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It's the main WQ questline of Natlan and nobody really talks about it because it is short and full of nebulous loredump that nobody can really make anything of
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Right here Lil Digga.
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>63 Douyin hours
Neuvillette is a God.
you know remember Ngoubou
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bruh it's real fucking neato though
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I liked it.
For me, it's Ifa.
can you please stop being out of topic? we don't talk about the game here
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they are /here/
What a shit take. Back to cock diet for you slut. Neuvscum pretending to be Sparkle posters.
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You have to fight him for Mualani mats
i dont even know why i keep playing this I have not pulled since sumeru i have 120k primos i just log in explore speed skip all the story get 100% and leave its like a chore more like a game
>want to level some characters
>need mualani artifacts
getting artifacts is so aids
please have some respect with people here who are no longer playing genshin impact
God, I wish that was me.
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Niggerman? Is that you?
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>implying I've been anything but consistent with my takes
Seethe about it but Inm not going to lie about my views to please a gentroon
Whose POV is this?
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How do people not have all 3 rings? They've RNG but long as you clear the map you should get all of them.
you look great together
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dehyas daily bwc stretching
i don't have a mental illness.
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those 3 dudes who tried to grape her in the desert
The lore is just a rehash of previous regions'. You need to clear two other WQs to unlock this one and one of them is about how present day stories don't always match up with actual events that transpired. Xbalanque and the Pyro Sovereign actually schemed some bs together to save Natlan instead of being enemies as told by legends, the same shit as Scylla & Remus and Apep & Deshret
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you know how genshin loves to do its lore..retelling it at least 5 slightly different ways through various quests, item descriptions and paimon directly saying the information
Oh yeah? Have you ever played Neuvillette? Have you experienced the story he ruined to be making takes like that?
Everything in that garbage heap of a region is rehashed, including the scene in the Night Kingdom which is a parody of Zhongli saving Xiao in 2.5, except they couldn't justify Mavuika being there physically so they had her astral project.
only mentally ill would say this
i like female pussy
Refer to some of my classic era-defining posts for my views on the topic
i think straight women are faggots. imagine liking men, ew
that's gay as fuck
haha this nigga saves his old posts lolol
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I’m standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff—I mean if they’re running and they don’t look where they’re going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That’s all I’d do all day. I’d just be the catcher in the rye and all.
I loved playing as a little guy.
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So what exactly is Celestia gonna do when it wakes up after jerking off and sleeping for the past few hundred years?
I love my scarayume gf
hopefully not boiling dogs
one can only hope
please let them go
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Get BTFO by the Abyss order
hopefully fucking a dog
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Great book. He rapes his sister Phoebe
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Can't rape the willing.
i really think they traded our scriptwriter for the zzz's designers
because this story ain't it folks
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I wish we could get an archon meetup GAA. Yes Furina is invited.
Is it real or a meme? I only read censored ussr version a long time ago. Maybe I should read the original.
you guys talk a lot about having sex but you never had it
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weird isn't it?
Of course it's not real lol. It's a schizo /lit/ meme.
>You were handed the best thing ever
So what was better? Fontaine or Penacony?
Chink creative bankruptcy finally hit Genshin at last
No gemstone, though. Shit drops desu senpai
The whale dropped nothing as usual this game is really stingy with drops.
sis the entire game is a chink bootleg BotW since inception
why is anime mainstream suddenly now?
fucking cringe
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Say something nice about genshin script writer
wukong is kino thoughbeit
they can write but not for gachaslop
Likely writes the ENG stream not the game isn't self.
Penacony was thematically better but it was dragged down by the long ass shartfly segments in the middle and at the end. The story was hard carried by Sunday, Acheron, Aventurine and Sparkle.
As for Fontaine, I liked all the characters but it was less interesting.
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based HebeGOD
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So when are the fatuiniggers gonna burn down the Irminsul tree?
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I have but I wish I hadn't
I want C2+ Chiori but my Chiori has 0 ER and I don't want to farm artifacts again...
Non-virgin genshins?
>traveler goes to region, solves some problems, fatui gets the gnosis
this is the entire game
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How many anal worms did you get cheldbro?
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You're waifu. Everyone else is pure
Just Kaveh and Faruzan (because they fuck each other)
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For me, it's Yaoyao.
Kinich, Kinich please marry me!
how do they get there
also even just a small section of the irminsul roots dying completely fucks up the surrounding area, how the FUCK would they handle the entire world getting destroyed? you want them to remodel everything?
hoyo should have made Mualani pale white fix her burst and bite missing and give her c2 in the base c0 kit her numbers could have been just adjusted so she is at the same power but at least she would be fun to play
what a boring thread I am gonna play league of legends
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Dori is guaranteed to have sold her virginity.
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no question. no doubt. sumeru's biggest onahole.
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I unironically need a compass.
i hate looking like alhaitham irl...
Have you unlocked every way point?
Dottore is from Sumeru, he has the tech
There's a lot of chests and some oculi behind world quests. I got the last few percentages doing the warrior trials as well since you get 3 chests for each one.
I look exactly like furina irl
my gf thinks I look like alhaitham but I always wanted to look like diluc :/

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