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Male midlanders, ignore the haters.

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

Previous: >>493630534
the only middie people hate is you and that's partially because of your avatarfagging
Sex with catgirls
I think there should be an off tank stance where you have to do positionals and you do more damage
>Hypno gets shat on
>Giantess is completely fine tho
make the threads if you hate it so much
which ones specifically?
play dragoon
tell me about the rabbits /xivg/
They're both dogshit and the people who post them deserve death.
>adding any complexity to blue jobs
Come on man these people can barely push 123. They've been dumbed down every expac for a reason.
Giantess gets me hard, hypno does not, therefore it’s based.
https://x.com/Kit7882/status/1832662209261957542 holy
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Here's a weird idea, maybe don't spend every waking hour talking about your fetishes and gooning.
An impossible task for you lamebrained niggers, I know.
they're both based and it's just random people pretty much
whenever beef or someone gets posted you have a handful of people shitting on them too, especially if you just have one person posting retarded shit on the level of CUM HYPNO SEX YES
God I wish I wasnt an obese ugly troon with gross manhands and feet anyway anyone wanna eb me? Mentally ill btw
In the first age, long before even the oldest of elezen wandered the lands, the viera watched over the lands. From their forests and jungles, they glared out at the world and thought (in a shockingly snow-biome-themed accent), "Man, fuck these outsiders." Their xenophobia would last for many, MANY eons; in every age, there would be at least one group of outsiders who wanted their extremely sexy bodies.

I've been advised by my cultural and legal teams to not mention my theories on male viera.
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I thought today was Monday... I'm losing track of time
boylalas are the best lalas, femlalas smell like old shoes and expired milk
I don't think they should be allowed to clear hard content if they can't manage to hit a few positionals
I hate the desire sensor
I hate the desire sensor
I hate the desire sensor
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painting this vantablack white
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Handcrafted for my hyur
I don't remember posting this
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Please queue on light
That's what I said when the VPR changes were announced but Yoship doesn't agree.
silly anon this isn't monster hunter
Post you're moonies
is there a retard proof site to tell me which colors match?
i cant get hair strains to look good with 2 different colors
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I am a catboy who trimmed his beard for work and regrets it
All of them but especially the nonfuta ones
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I am
a moonies
that actually exists now
Is kind of cool, and a huge nerd.
Make a PF and I'll join to heal
Anyone want to play the game?
i will femra glub
Rabbits taste pretty good
thanks sisters
You missed her lips.

It's handcrafted for herself, as she is a lazy woman who doesn't go out to meet people and is instead busy fucking herself at home.
I love my maleroe
And only my maleroe
No, it's definitely handcrafted for my hyur who will have you xfer to his world so he can be your bun's hubby
its easy to miss lips that are too small>:3
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queue CC 4:15

yeah, just be willing to learn and willing to bind all your buttons
recuperate, purify, and your LB are your best friends aside from me
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Happy sunnie sunday and goooood night!
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No pass
Plapping this pussy's pussy
You forgot to tell them to bind sprint

I didnt know you could pvp sprint for a while…
It may as well be. I've ran this dungeon like 70 times and I still don't have the full set of what I want. I have literally everything else but what I want.
this shit doesnt work at all.
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Post your hand in front of your monitor.

I don’t expect to get any real responses. Too many obeasts and “f+” with Hulk hands.
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>no pass
How do you post fullscreen images that are less than 3mb anon?
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I levelled up
But then you'd scan my fingerprints from the image and use them to open the vault and loot all my drinks.
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Love catch 22 situations like these. Can people be a bit patient?
BRD feels kinda like a nightmare
this is going to take some getting used to

I just don't like beembo leeps.

Hey, if you're willing to pay ten dollars...
Please don't. Please don't hurt your wallet just for some pixels.
how do i get the scientist set
how many punutiys do u guys think uc stuffs in her shirt
so stop buying job boosts you inbred retard
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>no pass
Given one monitor literally melted tonight and the other is in a dubious state, your will have to wait for another night.
thigh high sock mods are too powerful
maybe if you're retarded
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I should have known you were behind this one...
I have reshade export my pictures as jpgs at 94%.
My hands are small, or at least I feel they're small. A few people think I'm crazy for having binds to 6, ctrl+6, and shift+6 but those aren't hard to reach even if you have small hands right?
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You'll get to take care of them on the farm, I promise.
What about him?
Is unsyncing death timers a strat in CC? it should be.
I've nyever bought a single job boost. I have, however, leveled BRD through frontlines since SB. This is the first expansion since then I've tried playing for real while I level.
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what mod is this that effy keeps posting in, it looks like it goes over theophany but the archive's got no dice
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full viera team with himcess bride holy moly
Do you like moonie+?
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>post hand
shut up tb
He's my favorite person from /xivg/.
Yeah, I’m sure.
pvp sprint is technically a pvp button
>pvp sprint
all of them pvp buttos. hell even PVP RETURN is a thing (only in frontlines tho)
>content of their character
You mean the statics that they do 51% of crime?
Uh oh, melanin detected.
Why do you wanna see my stubby manhands mr fed? Im a cute fiddie btw


can you stop schioposting everyone tikaasi
It is, it's called kill staggering.
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>have a gf 6 years ago
>tell her that I liked striped thigh highs
>she puts some on
>goes to take them off when we have sex
>tell her to keep them on
I think I came inside her twice that night. I had a dream about that cunt last night.
and you're a beembo in every way but lips
gay sex with midlanders!!!!!
>tfw don't want to post hands because I bite my nails
im literally asking what mod this other person is using, the picture has the mod im asking about, your ebin obsession has rotted your brain until all you can think about is drama and gossip
trick question, UC is actually also a punutiy
Yoshida: yeah we just moved the plot on the seat of our pants until SHB when we started to tie things together based on feedback. We plan to do the exact same for the next 10 years of XIV MSQ

XIV has been doomed for a while, hasn't it?
Please post your maleroe...
crawling in my skin
these wounds they will not heal
Yeah, I take pics with that bun.

Now I have to change how I present my bun. Thanks a lot, anon...
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yeah, i'm a modbeast
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/tg/ cross-posters ww@
boylalas who look like femlalas are superior to femlalas
wee woo milk truck arrive
Explain the science why it does look good.
I know this is the reason so many redheads wear green. It matches. But why does it match?
Femra Nation
what game
Give me pictures of your WOLs so I can show them to my non-xivg friends.
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why though
do you want the goonslop versions or
CC doko?
About what I expected. Eat less, move more. Fat fuck.
Cute cat. What sword?
their face when we were judging them by the content of their character all along and it just so happens genetics plays a pretty strong role in the typical character of a typical member of a race
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queue CC 9:15

I shan't be doing this
what the fuck is the lesbian can opener strat (m4s)
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Jesus christ what a hectic boss
To be fair, the writing team has been really good at tying ARR plot points and themes into later expansions. That's how they create the illusion that everything was planned out from the beginning (which is bullshit when you stop and think about it for a second).
crystarium greatsword
Average reaction to lala"bulls".
i might look at it, neat
Cuz most people agree it looks good
>but why
Because human biology has evolved in such a way as to find those colors generally pleasing together
How am I supposed to move more when I have crippling depression, no bf and ffxiv to play?
You don't like the name, but you like the form, don't let the labels get to you!!!!! Beembos don't have to have big lips, and the connotation of the name is negative, but the reality is (beyond porno bimbos) the style is very charming with the right personality pairing.
my moonie is so cute man
>Explain the science why it does look good.
pattern recognition based on the spectrum of light over evolution
I will continue to hypnotize Rava's into drinking growth potions and you cant stop me.
post her
can i see ur moonie
how is it a nightmare? it's easy.
I don't know, they are pretty hit or miss about that. endwalkers resolutions on a lot of plot threads were disappointing.
post him or her
beembo or bimbo
because one is based and the other is also based but less so
I get paid $35 dollars an hour, I would unironically do it for your bunny (vantablack version)
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i died last time i got this one in roulette
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Meet Lightcord People. They are sorta a joke outside the mediocre discord servers, mainly because their knowledge is terribly innacurate and lacks nuance, yet they cant help but spout their garbage opinions no matter where they go. They are delusional nitwits who seems to beleive their voodoo-shamenism thoerycrafting is a leading authority on optimality despite not actually playing the game and testing things out themselves.

Unfortunately, these neanderthals that infest the discord think themselves to be some MLG hotshots but are actually dogshit at the game ( who cares its a casual game). And yet they somehow have come to the conclusion that attempting to reinvent the wheel is some monumental accomplishment, and will burn you at the stake if you differ from them.

They happen to have a bad case of holier than thou attitude after exiling americans from their clique for "degeneracy". Yet they engage in venue talk and ERP with horse cocks at 4 am in Nanky's house.

Ultimately, i would ignore the opinions of these self proclaimed genious, most of their input is not relevent to begin with, and just stay out of the sections they tend to congregate around. If you want my reccomendation, avoid their discord.
my wife moonie
My character got called ugly by AT I should just kms now
I did die at the last phase with all the portals and birds flying around
Got confused
i wish more casual content was like that
Yeah, I'd bet
too much freedumb
it does nyot fit comfily on my controller set-up
I made some adjustments and empyreal arrow is still annoying
so is mine
i genuinely don't care all of you are swarthy
Goodness no
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ffxiv endwalker dawntrail
My male midlander will now slumber
Good night, /xivg/
Eeewwwwww man stop being gay
Post lewds
i have to stop using this thread too many of you behave like middle schoolers
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It doesn't matter what game I play why does EU hate Americans so much? Americans never care about EU folk lol
night king
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>someone asks for modless screenshots
>some guy posts this
I don't recognize this what is it
I know this one... plus ive seen this hand before :^)
No. I won’t stop injecting estrogen either
[4:02]Cidian WoodcrestSiren: No, its thick to the point where I can slurp it back up. Kinda like how people will spit a lugie and slurp it back up
[4:02]Death Core: whhat the frickNOOO
[4:02]Braeza YuhSargatanas: Like that
[4:02]Daddy G'raha: hello please stop
[4:02]Braeza YuhSargatanas: for example
[4:02]Kumokiri ShikibuSargatanas: PARTY TRICKS
[4:02]You used an aetheryte ticket. (Remaining: 227)
[4:02]You have left the sanctuary.
why do these faggots even play on na then. especially towa.
>thick straight tranny
Eden's Verse: Iconoclasm
post tits
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I'm afraid I've never known the difference, I'm just saying beembo because Ndja said it first, but assumed it was just a playful way of pronouncing it
You will get the hang of it soon enough.
>it's easy
disable xivcombo and try again
Keeping EmpArrow's cooldown rolling is the most important aspect of your kit. You will get used to it.
Because ARR, Coerthas, Ala Mhigo, and maybe even the east were all from 1.0. You can tell exactly when they ran out of old plot threads because worldbuilding immediately evaporates and about 20 things happen during patches that are also handwaved as not important or off-screen fodder like black rose, zenos's ancient dreams, and lunar primals.
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you're an annoying cunt for adding in the cringe avatarfaggot signatures to random fanart
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can you solo omega trial?
im still cooking up the glam
post her
see >>493636616
I don’t want to gross out the thread that much
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Sounds reasonable.
I understand this might be a blow to your ego if you main bard but it's an easy job like the other phys ranged.
Beembo, because I like telling my dad about Bimbo bread and being pedantic about how it's technically 'Beembo'.

As I've told other friends, it's not about how much money you spend. IT's the fact that you're spending money at all.

I'm indifferent to beembo energy. It's hot in one way, but bimbos tend to be cheaters. I haven't lost that much self respect for myself.
She's one of my favorite xig posters I love her but I know she's shy so I don't try to pester her much...
Appalcord is so depressing these days
BRD is dead give me archer
post her before i go to sleep i need to see something cute before sleeping Please
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Do you like Lalaboys?
For great justice.
Romani Archa Odin
Forgh Shial Cerberus
T'owa T' Louisoix
Yuri Shiba Odin
Kling Klang Odin
Nanky Meek Odin
Neito Bechareth Odin
Alevas Diox Odin
Kou Kazuma Odin
Lyria Eindelo Odin
She can be a mithra with feet too...
this is the ffxi general. take your louisoix gifs and get out of here, retard.
oh god that game, it's kinda awful but do yourself a favor and get it from the hggd2 thread
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He seemed like a cool guy to me, I love the smug, buttery smooth brain energy in this picture. What were you playing that he called ugly? Lemmesee. Maybe the thread can give you some constructive criticism?
Ni Bao Odin
What abilities would replace the BRD abilities? Because if SE even did something WAY off the cuff like that, they would obviously keep all the Archer related abilities, and only replace the BRD ones.
EU /xivg/ really wants to have the funny ebinism like NA does
It's cute
And ideas on how I get a hat/helmet to hide modded hair entirely?
moonies wuz mithras n shit
we literally have mithra names
meracydia will be the mithra continent
we will reclaim our heritage
Do you fellas have any more jump puzzle house addresses?
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Wait, you're a tranny? i take it back babygirl, dc and eb status?!
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eRRRRMMMMM............. meant to reply to >>493638886
it has to be made to be wearable with hats which is funny that some modmakers just dont add it with how easy it is
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queue CC 2:30
yeah I have a list of them here
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10 bucks is like half the price of a popeyes nowadays, I would do more for your bunny hehe
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femra btw
I don't care I want to see it post it
I already did all those man
It's embarrassing enough getting called I don't wanna put myself on blast.....femlala though...it's okay they were just being honest anyway..
youre either 14 or 54
I don't date homophobes. The woke mafia won’t let me.
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There was a Lightcord meet. Though we were busy getting HORSED to add it to the thread and the filthy americans are not allowed in because they will ruin our meetups and cliques. Death to Americans. Long live the HORSE cock. You will never understand the beauty that is the HORSE cock and instead enjoy the inferior, smelly, disgusting, smegma-coated black cocks. We simply are far too superior to you NA chuds.
>I'm afraid I've never known the difference, I'm just saying beembo because Ndja said it first, but assumed it was just a playful way of pronouncing it
I was just assuming bimbo meant a bimbo and beembo meant a bee bimbo
ho there, little gnomish boy, hath you crafted any trinkets for me today?
why are europeans like this
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my male midlander shall also slumber
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Incorrect on both counts I'm a few weeks shy of 31
that's the first time I've heard my hands called small, normally they're called giant
gn c.a.
Stop making 2 chest m4s parties you arent getting the clear in time and you will roll bad anyway
Fierda rabbit tails, y/n?
>bestiality tab minimized
This is a Fiddie sting op
Get a room faggots.
You know what you doing
Viera don't have tails!
gn lil nigga *smooches ur forehead* :)
shut up. I am busy and can't raid until the weekend. if you want to join my reclear party then make an alt.
yeah so i can grab it
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the stalker setting
Even accept her as a veena? I've been on the fence about popping a fanta due to some art I've got coming in.

It's literally just 'bimbo', but said the way you say the name of the bread due to how the American branch of the Beembo brand were likely told to not have kids go around saying "MOM I WANT BIMBO AND I WANT IT NOW".

No, but bring back the fucked up viera claws and the weird heel-feet.
Femra Nation
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I wouldnt post something like that publicly also ffxiv general
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just helped some dude get a 0 chest m3s clear (i just wanted to parse)
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Happy Sunday, I love sunnies!
I don't see their flag on the moon.
Sorry i wasn't talking about you i was talking about the guys who havent cleared it yet
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>It's literally just 'bimbo', but said the way you say the name of the bread due to how the American branch of the Beembo brand were likely told to not have kids go around saying "MOM I WANT BIMBO AND I WANT IT NOW".
wait what
how is the bread pronounced?
someone post a catbox i need to shoot my aether
> You technically can't call your retainers in Norvrandt, you get Feol Ul to give them commands
> can easily summon your retainers with no explanation in Solution 9
This bothers me.
I saw it on a truck, once. It's pronounced "Beembo". My dad and I had a laugh about it.
>some art I've got coming in
Post it for the class
and I'll buy you a fanta if you are unsure, I think it's WAYYYY better
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They gave up after 6.0
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Lightcord ASSEMBLE!

Who we are:
We are Lightcord. European Light DC bullies that will assemble on /xivg/ to defeat the evil Americans that no single Euro can defeat by himself. Join fellow Light gods such as:

Special guests include:

What is expected from you:
Do not be an American.
Negative Threadcred.
At least three bought Ultimate Clears.
Have or be into Horse cocks.
Be a cuck.

What do you get:
A minimum of three namedrops every thread.
A discord full of horsecock autists and special guests from Chaos and Balmung.
Inability to clear P4S.
Unlimited supply of horse semen. Meltdowns on NA having all the good Europeans and the meetups.
Having your ERP leaked by T.T. for exposure and free advertisement.
Exposure induced Schizophrenia.

In order to join please provide the following:
Two pictures of your WoL and a horse cock.
Your WoL cannot be on an American DC.
No associations with the evil American Clique discords.
A minimum of fifteen excerpts from your ERP with any horse gock futranny catgirl or a fem Au Ra.
Holographic orders and electrope mail delivery idk death to japan
based i also play a femra
t. first hand
...then why not call bimbo bimbo and the bread that's called beembo beembo?
It shouldn't. People can come and go through Vanguard after (You) broke through it.
…Solution 9 has merged with the source. Norvandt is on the First.

Does anyone actually play the game?
Because Europeans have this whole carefully constructed mental image of Americans as dumb hillbillies with no monarchs and yet America mogs them in every single way every single day.
thank you cute moonie
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You don't leave your character logged in cuddling your EB while you sleep?
didnt you require a special pass to go to everkeep?
>Nanky getting horsecocked by Roxy
I care about EU. I love Europeans and unironically want to suck a Europlayer’s cock. I wish we never had the revolution and remained a part of the British Empire
Creepy as shit dude.
yea im jerking off right now
need bwc in my pussy
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I was worried about the color profile changing when I uploaded it so heres a screenshot of a photo, I haven't kept my hands in the best shape for a little while, all dried and crinkly
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Dunno which ones you were given but:

Aether - Sarg - Empyreum - W17 P2

is the best one in the game. extremely high-effort fc house with a ton of themed rooms of varying difficulty.

that aside, go here:


and click on Puzzle Addresses for a huge list of jump puzzles

roxy is a yurofag? that explains why his character is so hideous. straight out of a horror movie.
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I sleep alone in this house.
>implying speen didn't do the paperwork for your retainers as well
>implying it matters at all with zoral jaa's son now in power
here's what we do. all the legacy jobs get second job stones.
ARC gets BRD and RNG - ranger
PGL gets MNK and BLZ - blitzballer
ROG gets NIN and SIN - assassin
LNC gets DRG and BRB - barbarian
ACN gets SMN and SCH - faggots
CNJ gets WHM and GEO. - geomancer
MRD gets WAR and FGT. - fighter
GLD gets PLD and JUD. - judge

monkeys paw : they're in some stupid game mode like free company nu squadrons
I wanna get horsecocked by Roxy, wtf why is this a bad thing, clearly you've seen how big it is
Thank you bro, I'll bookmark that website
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FINAL CALL FROM ME!!!!!!!!!!!! PALAISTRA BTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is the pussy blackcoded?
meow? :3
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It's COMING IN. As in, it's not ready yet and I don't want to do the artist dirty like that by posting the preview.

Because it's funny, and I remember the face of my father.
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Be silent, hole.
meena hands typed this
LMAO it would have to be FGR, bro LMAO
she knows a light skinned miera, look like michael jackson
got a dark skinned miera friend, look like michael jackson
i sent my favorite bunnyboy artist a commission request i hope he says yes
blacks can't code
who is this? effy?
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Ty for the call boobara
listen to meeee
Its Macchi Ato
>This scene cannot be skipped.
>This scene cannot be skipped.
>This scene cannot be skipped.
>This scene cannot be skipped.
>This scene cannot be skipped.
>This scene cannot be skipped.
atomic hellion
update: i only got a purple but i disengaged like 3 times because the boss positioning was ass
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fuck you
>Eden was 2 expacs ago
White bread is so gross. Growing up, I never ate it, I never wanted it, and as an adult it's even more gross. I want bread that is clearly made from wheat and grains. Preferably rye.
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I'm not ra anymore
or technically I'm the other type of ra I guess
Why isn't the hangout spot on oce so we can all kiss and be horsed by eu ebins
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Cute, playing rinoas theme
>sprouts new to this fight
>tell them not to look at a lady while she's changing
>they get stunned
>tell them "i told u"
>they get stunned everytime
i'm the whitemage so i have to pick them up
We tried to meet on OCE and it was all 'mungers sitting in Limsa so we went back.
I fucking love big tits
this thread's got me thinking about bread now thanks

not a single world other than balmung has ever mattered
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>start FIENDING for venture cofffers, don't see them in months
>stop caring
>get like 5 in the last 4 days and 3 of them had pure white/black dyes
>give no fucks anymore so i haven't even sold them
it's LITERALLY that easy
This fight was significantly easier than the previous one with the birds and portals all mowing you down
>intermingling with yuros
what content is actually going to be in 7.1
>wants to have some man in a gay hat tell him what to do
>sucks cock
Checks out. Kings are for homosexuals.
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>i'm voidlisted
*to closeted gays, trannies, and failed theatre kids
Macchi has the window behind his pc
Ceasing acting like EU is a single country would greatly help alleviate this apparently wrongfully constructed image.
Big fish and a bunch of shit I don't care about.
>nearly double the number of classes in the game when the existing ones play nearly the same as it is
wow great idea bro
Someone post those old pictures kong used to post with the north korean flag
the initial world server travel will always make me laugh because 90% of the thread took the opportunity to just afk somewhere else instead of doing something fun with people on other dcs, it was a blast
>mental image of Americans as dumb hillbillies with no monarchs
we're not wrong
made for knot
If it's all about size why not fuck a literal traffic cone? Shouldn't you be worried that you can only feel pleasure from horse dong? You'll never get married at this rate.
can you fucking imagine having a job named SIN holy shit that's metal
Do you like super mario sunshine? My FC has one.
Alliance Raid
Interphos Extreme
Eden Ultimate
that's pretty much it I think, ultimat5 might be 7.15
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what is this
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this oreo tastes funny.
my name?

Further Ado

I am a maliddie
allied society (combat)
custom delivery
alliance raid
savage alliance raid
ultimate raid
side quests like hildibrand, maybe some others
EUfag thinks his country has autonomy. Cute.
If I ask you personally on game, will you show it?
real bread is great
chestlet fuck off
why are mario games so jazzy
>not a single world other than balmung has ever mattered
Hyperion has always and will always be the best.
Alliance raid
Sphene EX
PVP new stuff
Moon Restoration? Maybe, not really sure but most likely it starts here
Criterion also a maybe if they put them in odd patches rather than X.25, X.45, and X.5
ink. diamine asa blue and red dragon
that all sounds fucking kino
Sup Mei
>Sphene EX
>savage alliance raid
what the fuck
I got a 90 week 2 and I haven't been able to get ot again since then, unlucky with rolls and no savage weapon
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if the dress doesn't reach down on the backside all the way to her butthole then whats the point
listen to me
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>queue into normal raid roulette
>get a9
>forget to summon eos
>proceed to completely fuck up the first mechanic for zero reason
>get myself killed first and then respawn outside of the fight so I can't be rezzed
>kill everyone
>everyone starts leaving
>I'm an Alpha Legend
Can you reply to my post again so I have the address and will see it when I wake up
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>nobody wants a mentally ill trans eb
Fine going to sleep
I forgot the unreal trial and extreme trial
plus MSQ
and potentially cosmic exploration but that might be in 7.2 instead
since criterion dungeons now reward a weapon upgrade from the previous savage tier they will probably release one in 7.15 or something, so that there is one criterion dungeon per savage tier
also an aether shitter.
idk ive seen like 5 people here get told they fuck kong today and its kinda funny

nuh uh, I'm a never seen before mystery! (read: I rarely attach my character to my posts but handposting is a rare cause to claim my glory)

extra nuh uh
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if golbex ex was GEX, and zeromus EX was ZEX, sphene ex will be...
make sure it's one where you don't wake up.
I'm going to the store. Does anyone need anything?
Skill issue.
I'm on primal
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I just like immersive explanations to in-game things.
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TY for the games anon! Always fun <3
yeah bring me back some sour skittles and takis
yeah can you get me a 20lbs bag of rice
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oyasumi xivg
thanks for the games

thanks for coming bud
QEEX because it's queen eternal
what in the world software is this
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arnold palmer
queen sphenes final meme (extreme)...
oh wait i know who you are now
Vaginal from Ryne
Deepthroat from Gaia
You may only pick ONE
c41 anychest m4s pweeeeease?
Shiva EX was already SEX all the way back in 2.4.
Hey bro do the blue Takis also taste like battery acid or is it just the lime on the red ones?
the clap of this harlot's wobblehams will cause a category 4 hurricane

dozens are dead
I think the JP audience begged for it for a while.
It's gonna be a dead mode within a month over here.
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you are based
why are we not getting ryne face
the second coming of paul blart
giving you a big nasty sloppy kiss and leaving a lipstick mark on your face
>Vaginal from Ryne
shes gonna be so tight hngng
Deepthroat from Gaia seems to make the most sense.
AMD bloatware
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A superior server your kind will never know, you are the mcdonalds of servers while we are fine dining.
Don't forget to learn your knots, they'll come in handy in your future
Holy moly KEK
I was a little embarrassed after seeing how everyone else was doing it, I would have grabbed a fistful of my monitor if I checked the other posts first
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Woops I meant to post the sunshine song and posted the jazz one heh. I like the older Mario music it sounds comfy.

Be nice..

Meowdy stranger

Yeah sure my fc address is Empyreum 8th Ward, Plot 4!
i haven't tried the blue ones, but "battery acid" is a weird way to spell "god's gift to mankind". dw i got the message though
I've been sober for 2 weeks
Pleae don't speak like this about my daughterwives, unless you subbed to their OFs.
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giving you a better hat.
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Me with the tree sunnies.
Gm to normal people in chaos
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shut the fuck up you american refugee britoid holy shit
Can I get a big titty chocolate thighlander gf?
Sorry man I just can't stand the artificial lime flavor. I'd rather eat hot Ch**tos with a squeeze of lime (I would never actually do this but it would still taste better).
>Queue into CC
>When you've already lost the portrait battle
get out of this thread
Please, do keep confirming what we thought about you then. I'm not stopping you. Trying to offend at this point would be redundant anyway.
Yeah I know anon. I can tie a real nice noose, I also know some good chemicals that help out on that front. Be
>restoration is 7.25
>meaning foray is 7.35...again
>meaning it's probably gonna only be two zones again
Bruh...*points at Yoshida* look at this dood...
I'm dumb and forgot to mention it's on Balmung!
I finally bought an apartment because I wanted access to a chocobo stable
What should I put in it? It's literally just an extra teleport point for me now while I wait for my chocobo to turn white so I can LARP that my EB marriage mount is the same chocobo as my original chocobro
When it's ready, yeah.
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Who wins here?
imagine being at LB14 so fat you look and see food
with gear you should definitely get it, admittedly there's some stuff i could do to make my mnk gameplay better but since mine is 725 it's pretty hard for me to get below an 80 if i don't de
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I kneel
How are you still so one dimensional
Umbra low diff.
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Why does Wuk even know what a rift in space and time is when she is so sheltered she doesn't even know the culture of her own people?

Top by a county mile and I didn't even look at their classes
Do you think Uchiki is self-lubricating
I miss theme'd CC meet ups those are the best
>Falke and Crocodile

jesus christ i'm surprised the world didn't explode from sex pest overload
Some nigger doing a dance or running gypsy scams can be anything.
A hole in thin air with a different plane on the other side of it can only be one thing.
it's not hard to figure out that the giant freaky space time distortion that looks like a hole is a "rift in reality"
He doesn't need to be, the guy is 70% other men's cum.
>9 faggots and a femra who played during the feast
Astra wins, easy.
She's just repeating what the Scions told her without fully understanding what's going on.
fire kate demote hiroi. its an awful msq.
I only remember that one and the halloween costume one
well yoshi p already said that the foray is 7.2x
but who knows, we might get both in the same patch. there is a lot of shit this expansion.
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I'm not fat, I'm a gourmand.
yeah don't get me wrong it's not good, just something i crave every once in a while since said artificial lime and pepper seasoning is so strong. hot cheetos are pretty much 90% red 40 so let's not get TOO crazy now, the regular cheeto puffs are pretty good though
Well yeah, you are what you eat.
Any other mieras wanna frot :3
Alright, Eden done.
Is it time to go to Endwalker now?
I genuinely GENUINELY have no fucking clue what Hiroi was thinking with this.
WHY was Wuk Lamatt of all people able to break out of the shadow realm Sphene sent the WoL's hangerons to
WHAT was the purpose of even wanting her in this scene, all she does is try to act like she totally gets Sphene because she ran around playing in Living Memory for a few hours
HOW tone deaf do you even have to be to think this looks good or that anyone would want it
It's just so baffling on so many levels
i am requesting once again, for pvp commentary
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why isnt this feature in the party finder
maybe if we do an actual xivg tourney
I had assumed that Sphene's thrashing about was what cracked open the hole and Wuk was just sitting around waiting over there and happened to notice it open and jumped through.
no, you have to do the nier raids and also complete the weekly quest which takes like 2 months.
Being a Feastie is a debuff.
You think CC wintrading is bad...
Could you get us a 4 pack of San Miguel please mate, pint cans
wasn't there one last year? it resulted in shitposting so bad the thread was unusable for a week
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can confirm
I played feast for 2 expansions and I ruin every game I take part in
You act like all of the USA, which is bigger and richer than the EU, is one homogenous whole. Nobody cares that your local cheese is made with maggots and your neighbor's uses exclusively cat milk for its sardinesque flavor.
It annoyed Sphene so much that she came out of her eva for a vulnerable spot for us to hit.
How are you still so sexy
The...weekly 2 months???
new ast sucks because you can drift draw now
Unironically better when Gaia did it
>If it's all about size why not fuck a literal traffic cone?
It was all about size once upon a time, but now thay training is complete, its about doing those things with other people
Unless your country has over 10 aircraft carriers, lower your tone.
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Did you forget about the Tonberry one?
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When is the next series?
fuck off poltard
well, 6 weeks to be exact.
I wasn't present for that one sadly
would your WoL like living on Arrakis
mine probably wouldn't
Alex Jones was sued for the entire GDP of France itself. He wouldn't have been sued for that much if he didn't have that money. Imagine how much all of America has if even a guy like Alex Jones mogs the whole of France.

EUfags btfo.
my femra is the lisan al gaib (inshallah)
Ah that was good too we also have had others but I forget.
i kind of wish queen eternal sounded like a generic tts
I don't give a fuck post nudes
patch 7.1
approximately 2 months from now
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>get a cool zenos and aymeric roleplaying duo in my roulette
>i embarrass myself in front of them on the first pull
its over bros
only if it's that really old apple one they used for lain
>last year
Surely not, I've been here for at least 2 years, and I've never seen this happen, and I always come to CC meetups
It's because you're a moonie
2 schizos in one image!
I love squishy stupid sungirls and mouthbreathing moontards
it was the one where claire and that schizo femra melter got to 2nd place or something and gloated about it for weeks
I'm sure it wasn't that embarrassing, they probably didn't even notice!
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I'm rava+ now, apologies ser. you can take a look if you aren't dissuaded by that fact however
As you long you didn't start wetting yourself in shame.
i feel lost
I always feel lost.
i killed the tank because i forgot AST doesn't have an aoe at level 34 and then i messed up a skip later
im not a baby i dont do that
been making some good posts lately. feels like everything is gonna be alright.
How about I find you?
poncho lala clears
I'm 725 and I get 74s but I do respect mechs and never greed.
What Story content should I do before Endwalker?
Yeah I think you got the wrong door.
The leather club's two blocks down.
not the first time that's happened https://litter.catbox.moe/xcphsz.png

wtf I like my hat
be nice..
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>XIVG is full of browns
>Nothing but white hands posted
Some of you are lying
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so when will textools be non-malware?
Dark rye is the best and Americans are better at making bread than Europeans as a general rule. Both when it comes to the typical sliced loaf in a plastic bag with a twist-tie and traditional loaves.
That's just extra FUN added to the run! If nobody dies in the dungeon, it's boring anyway!
Their plan was to recreate the despair the NPCs felt in Endwalker, and apply it to us instead.
middle of the night in niggerland
astra wins pretty handily here
can you solo omega now?
Crystal Chocobo Races PF is up! PW 1235
holy moly… dylf+…
I need

tasteful giantess pictures
cc ast just doesnt gel with me somehow, it feels like i'm running around doing fuck all until i win/lose
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do we still like grey moonies around these parts? ive been feeling very unwelcomed recently
Ast is really insanely good
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Um sir, where is your gay sex with hats on?
also good to know
never because it changes files on your computer
you just want it to do that
As much as you can, preferably. Most of it is somehow relevant.
France can afford one Aircraft Carrier. The US has between 14 and 20, and the reason I say "between" is because we don't count Aircraft Carriers the size of the French one as real Aircraft Carriers. Our typical Aircraft Carrier is classed as a "supercarrier" by the rest of the world.
I like grey moonies!
yeah i know but i want it to be good in my handss
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gunna be real Meteion edition End of Evangelion ending would have been choice after enduring the hell that was DT
post you are grey moonie
How do i know which influence the msq?
Play back
use double benefic on low hp teammates
lb to start a fight
use macro on cd
Cry about it before putting on a brave face for the American tourists who keep your entire economy going. Don't forget the silly accent, now!
If my multiple times with her are anything to go by, yes she does.
you are beyond retarded
>Aether - Sarg - Empyreum - W17 P2
>is the best one in the game. extremely high-effort fc house with a ton of themed rooms of varying difficulty.
Solved the tutorial room and figured out a trick for the next one just when a hunt train alert goes out. I'll have to try this again in 45 minutes.
I was just sifting through this thread for Tikaasi pics. Thread saved <3
My male character secretly blows his bros using glamourer to turn into their favorite female race
Because Ryne and Gaia were actual characters with chemistry together and had a proper friendship, while Wuk and Sphene just went "wow I love my people, you too?"
If you want content that's get referenced:

Coils of Bahamut raids from ARR
Alexander Raids from HW
Sky pirates Raids from HW
Return to Ivalice Raids from SB
Four Lords Trial series from SB
Omega raid seires from SB.
Sorrows of Werlyt from ShB.
Eden from ShB.

However if you are short in time, the Omega raid series will be the most important imo.
sorry to inform you sis but that's just a one off image from a long time ago, I don't do any of that.. I'm always open for a chat though!

bro what, nice meme
I want to approach her now… but only time will tell if I do
Don't forget cheese. American cheese mogs UK cheese which has a massive power gap before mogging European cheese. I'm talking about actual cheese, not the orange plastic-looking "American cheese" that was invented by a Canadian and is specifically meant to go on cheap sandwiches.
I am a miera
who worked in a venue last night
I see… Still tempted to approach regardless, you’re cute and I want to give you a smooch mark
can i post anything im listening to to a garuda anchor or does it specifically have to be music
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You have no argument, no rebuttal, but are compelled to keep responding because you know I'm right and your entire unwarranted sense of self-importance is built on a complete fiction. America absolutely shits on whatever country you come from in terms of medical achievements, technology, warfare, philosophy, and anything else that matters. You're a tourist destination, embrace it and go earn those tips.
>A small percentage of literal who antivirus (actual malware) scammers automatically flag an exe as bad to protect retarded grandparents

depraved things happened, fight me
Also don't worry about finding a group for Coils of Bahamut, you can unsync and solo the fights nowadays at around lvl 80+, and if there's any fight you struggle on you can just ask someone at lvl 100 to smash it for you. Everything else is casual content that can by duty finder'd.
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why did legacy-san tatt his chocobo too
What do you think Viera sisters? I'm torn.
We love grey moonies now and forever. All us male characters talk about how cute you are behind your back.

American cheddar and colby might be the two greatest cheeses eve created.
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why the fuck do you post this in like every thread
i am
a catboy too scared to go to venues, i just wanna look at houses but don't feel like socializing with people nor want to be perceived...
ah they bri'ish naow?
Hmm i watched a coils of bahamut summary because at the time i couldn't find a group, i am 80 but only at 530 you think that's enough to solo it?
Crystal Chocobo Racing PF is back up! PW 1235
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luv me daughterwives
I'll have you know my fiera takes excellent care of her teeth.
I'm always open for people to approach me, so don't be shy!
Weird self-glaze.
should i stop
Do what i did, just use the buckteeth they are kinda cute on Viera
why are you doing this now when it's too early in the morning damn it
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That's the neat part, you don't.
GRAAAA FEM- actually im kind of tired, i think i'll go to bed
I mean, you can just show up and not talk to people, most staff will leave you alone if you don't actually engage or talk back. Venues are designated as basically RP areas, but most organizers just want you to feel comfy
this little femlala
is gonna make some selfmade pizza now
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bards not hard you just need to be flexible and willing to change depending what happens
the / here are level up obseletions
your 2 poisons arent terrible damage and proc hawk eye, at minimum one guy needs to have both poisons at all times and as your first 2 actions on a boss. If you see it running out, Iron jaws refreshes them. This is a priority action over other things, you dont want to have to use 2 actions instead.
if you have nothing else to do, heavy/burst shot(or if aoe quick knock/landonsbite) is always available and also procs hawk eye
if hawk eye is up use straight shot/refulgent (aoe wide volley/shadowbite)
bloodletter (aoe rain of death/heartbreak shot) is an instant to be weaved in when you can, mages balled resets this alot so use it
empyreal arrow and sidewinder are free instants to just weave in whenever
Apex arrow is another gcd one that you get from using songs, use it when its ready it is a line aoe so its fine to use on trash too.
At lower levels Barrage is a free hawk eye proc that hits three times, at 96 it creates its own ability called resonant arrow
Thats it, while weaving in instants and songs the whole time, 2 poisons, barrage > refulgent or resonant , refulgent and soul arrow when its available
Aoe 2 poisons > quick knock > shadowbite, refulgent and soul arrow when available
>even this hermana is GREASED
There are no heroes left in man.
Wensleydale clears any American cheese nigger.
Cause it's fun?
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Seeing Europeans talk about military vehicles the US invented in the 1980s as if they were space age wonder weapons never gets old.
It hurts
I’ll say hi next time I see you (and possibly mare if you use that) although I’m usually way off to the side in LB by the small tree instead of near the middle
Yeah it should be enough, there's one boss you either want to play tank or stagger the kill slightly or else it will instakill you. Not sure if you have enough burst to completely ignore it, it's one of the earlier ones on Final Coil.
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It was a 1 time thing...
I was making a pose with my EB and we insta queue A.raid and i forgot to take it off :^)
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I'll take your word for it.
Mogged by Tillamook. Can't beat the Wisconsinians, redcoat.
And as long as i don't start EW it'll contribute to the story?
it's cute but I don't play viera
My femra is in lav beds but wishes that they could DC travel on their main to Crystal so they could use their actual glams
i sort of know that but i just feel a bit guilty showing up, walking around just to look at houses, and then disappear without a word after i seen everything there was, maybe i should just go walk around randomly around wards and look inside random houses instead of venues during their open hours...
yeah i like all moonies
>my cunt > your cunt
How about you compare personal achievements.
I do use mare (mainly to see what other people look like), and I'll keep an eye out!
who cares just mod with glamourer and mare
meant for >>493637367
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Imagine not knowing the love of someone
Could not be me.
know what? that krile cosplay is based?
Your country exists because of Europeans. Your entire space race was built on the technological supremacy of insanely gifted nazi scientists, shut the fuck up nigger.
I haven't played XIV in a long time but I keep seeing these sexy WoL OPs in the catalogue and now I want to come back.
I'm making mods for my outfit :D
Made to get on a stool and pound my mava.
hug rape rape rape ugh
Shrink the size of everything there by like 30 to 50% and I'd like it
Why would you need to feel guilty? it's not like staff or organizers are going to be annoyed with you, the idea is to come in and enjoy yourself. Sure other services are offered, but they don't need you to get them
Could you do me a favor
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I don't love you, but I do like you.
Same but actually.
god i fucking hate teeth mods
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As long as you don't reach the lvl 88-89 quests. There's one particular cutscene that is a culmination of all your efforts.
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>wrong state
>wrong term (wisconsinites)
maybe you're the one who needs an american history lesson
Hows reaper dps wise now?
Thinking of leveling and gearing it since viper is usually taken, even though I hate what they did to gallows and gibbet
America has better farmland, which means better fodder, which means better cheese. It's just science you guys.
They don't get it, any time I praise you or talk about wanting to sniff your gaming chair, I always get those responses
>talking about yourself in 3rd person is weird
I’ll try not to be a stranger. *smoooch*
>Wryx with 2 goonras
it's over
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I was bantering Wryx but I kind of feel bad about it because we did beat them.
Like is analogous.
Based I'm happy for you bro I hope your liked ones are happy too.
Don't be weird bro.
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My lalaboy is getting loose...
That guy looks like the average pro-Europe poster but with slightly less Turk semen on his chin.
Says the barbarian who doesn't even know on which side of his mud pie to serve the maggots. Disgusting.
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I hope your friends like her
>Don't be weird bro.
Okay sorry.
Gotcha, thanks!
>we did beat them
So he still won.
Looking good Auntyzen
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this post just reminded me of a dungeon i did on ast, i got a really cute f3mra drk tank but they were a M*NTOR that didn't mit trash packs with ANYTHING but TBN and oblation. i got 3 comms but i still feel decieved, insulted
All melee DPS (except NIN) are basically fine with barely any difference in performance between each other. Play what you find fun
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Sorry, it was a golem
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she >>493643535
is completely correct.
Fat Cat Fact #282

Fat Cats are very good at Tarot Reading
Perfect imitation of the average Europoor post.
my moonie acts like this
i'm thinkinggggggggggg bnuuy
very cute, keep it up
mine too
can you read mine
alright polchuds wrap it up
They also mistake poker chips for potato chips and eat them anyways. I lost a lot of money because of fatcats.
So how much does it cost to use those medical achievements if I get sick in that gloryhole of yours?
woah now you're slapping me too?
Is this where I spam slurs before we get shut down?
yeah but we have >100 posts till the next thread so can you not
> the Alexandria part feels like 20% of DT
The pacing is such a mess in this expac.
This made me HORNY!!
Man asking me not to spam slurs really makes me want to spam slurs though.
Probably more than the assisted suicide you get for free in your hellhole where people routinely die from having a broken bone repaired or catch the plague from being in the hospital, but still a negligible amount if you have a job, because you get insurance paid through your employer. The American system only disadvantages NEETs, who deserve to die if they get sick, or people who try to abuse the system somehow and get slapped with a nuisance bill.
evens I jack off to Zepla's feet
odds I also I jack off to Zepla's feet
what did he mean by this
Look at any given picture of Hiroi and tell me that is a guy that spends more time putting in effort than he does making excuses for why he isn't putting effort into his writing.
Do Ivalice before Pandemonium.
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Traditional bong food is beautiful
I need to cum post good twitters preferably +
>Not between them
So close...
Nothing about me playing BLM at 6:30am is "winning" but I did get a femra /hug and a /dote out of it but not from Seryu..
"Probably", "anything else that matters"...
Well, if you're going to go around cherrypicking there will be no counterargument, because you're pulling yours out of your derrie, hunnybuns. Whatever helps you sleep at night though. I would hate to bruise that ego of yours.
British food is fine. The people complaining about British food aren't Americans, who see recognizable high-quality meat, potatoes, veggies, cheese, and bread, and are content with a nice meat pie or some fish n' chips. The complainers to the last are always some variety of European whose national cuisine represents an epic struggle between the twin emotions of disgust and depression.

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Since she posted this, this pic has been the only pic i've jacked off to. (Yes i'm serious)
Zep's feet are 10/10
I pray one day she wears pantyhose, I will perma goon.
>but not from Seryu..
Don't touch my PvP wife.
Decided to give this a try! Not sure if this is too spicy for jannies, so: https://files.catbox.moe/bvajku.jpg
Sharlayan is more like Silicon Valley
> bunch of nerds who think cooking is a waste of time
> consumed nutritious but bland slop just to keep going
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squeenix can thank this nigger for the next 3 years of flailing sub numbers
nothing tasteful about this
I would let her use me as a footrest.
bro imagine having your job be nothing but "sit around writing shitty stories" and you still suck at it
ok i get it
Wuk the fuck
fried fish and fries aren't "traditional" british food even if they're vaguely associated
Sharlayan is not supposed to be Silicon Valley, that's S9. Sharlayan is mostly supposed to be Oxbridge in England, and if England was comprised entirely of lecturers and students from Oxbridge with some architectural influences from other European countries. Hence why Sharlayan is also a snobbish island nation NW of the main Eorzean landmass.
Post his timeline where it says
>Opened a theater company
then a few years later
>Had a life-changing event and closed the theater company
Kaiju meji
>life-changing event
>realized i was shitty at my job
I know, just making a dumb reference to so.ylent.
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hey thats me
>euroids wake up
>blackedposting starts
Oh ok yeah makes sense.
It’s ok because they’re rava+ and it’s some other shit
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Please queue (crystal) i honestly did not expect this one to have such a long queue
>it's some other shit
no, it's all black dicks.
>It's ok
no, it's not.
/point /laugh
fuck you
Just ask someone to do it unsynced.
I was okay with Pandamonium, Tataru and PoTD but this is troubling.
Are you doing it for the first time?
i didnt break my monitor so you could point and laugh
it’s ok.
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I gotcha anon.
>know the enemy has reality warping tech
>see a rift opening to another location
>wonder if it's a rift in reality
clearly kate and the jews must be behind such a revelation in wuk's little mind
Unironically looks delicious. If I go on vacation to France or Spain or any of the lesser European countries I'm going to get served a pair of shriveled horse testicles, served in a birds nest with a side of newts tortured to death by being boiled in lye. Good, honest English or American cooking though, looks like this. Easily identifiable bread, meat, plenty of meat at that, and personality without pretension.
Q up cc in chaos
no this is an alt
i'd be ok with that I just have to get it done
are you awake
sorry bro i forgot
I hope it never pops for you.
There isn't a single financially solvent "free healthcare" system in Europe and you're paying out the ass in taxes so that you can sit on a waiting list for life-saving surgery behind twenty guys named some variant of Mohammed.
Absolutely Europissing with anger.
>HOW tone deaf do you even have to be to think this looks good or that anyone would want it
This is one of the most confusing things.
I can, at least very hypothetically, understand the mindset of someone wanting to force a character like wuk as it happens through most of the msq.
But what kind of retarded nigger thinks "Oh yea I want this person to show up to make you literally pointless in the final boss to the point where the boss even forgets you're there"
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Good morning.

Sorry I'm still waking up and no one plays on chaos anyway.
zepla was the last person i expected to be /ourgirl/ desu
remember when you first started out in arr?
the world felt vast
so much to do
so much to explore

then the expansions hit
anyone want to do msq roulette?
>to make you literally pointless
Hiroi is an ally to us healer mains and wants to show everyone our pain.
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heavensward was the best time to play
Most people don't like ARR anon I don't know where you're going with this, and while the story is mostly good I really wouldn't say the world felt "vast" it was obviously a rush job to save 1.0 because that's what it was and what they have always publically stated it to be.
Try Heavensward instead most people like that.
Her age made her really appealing to me for some strange reason. It's not even a older women appeal to me sort of thing idk.
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Oh hey it worked.
was it?
i really liked arr because of said points
Is it like a once-off or whenever I want?
cute femra
smart femra
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sure ill run it
The part that really pisses me off is the fact that we weren't even losing the fight and she still took all the credit
in hindsight ARR was pretty boring since there's not much to do besides the story and level alt jobs. if the yokai watch event didn't come back around the time i started playing then i doubt i would've stuck with it.
Smack that rude, useless bitch down.
Where then :<
come to limsa bench balmung
I'm probably blinded by nostalgia but I feel modern MMOs feel smaller in comparison to older titles.
Oh I've done that one before, it's really neat.
>gold bot SCREAMING underneath limsa
>All blacked shit
It's so fucking tiring...
t. black
>i really liked arr because of said points
moonshine and countless other low-importance quests
the actual story is pretty paint by numbers standard ff shit, nothing bad but nothing amazing
how it plays out is atrocious and few if any people care about the arr areas for any reason other than "some of them were nice to look at"
shame you don't do anything of note in any of them
and then for the first time in a decade we get good/better maps the msq takes a nosedive to be the worst one ever
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The fuck
which bench? theres like 4 of em
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>a pair of shriveled horse testicles, served in a birds nest with a side of newts tortured to death by being boiled in lye.
The most quintessential European cuisine prepared by our cultural betters. We poor Anglospheroids wouldn't understand.

Hiroi actively resents the WoL and is a passive-aggressive little shit. It's not about making it good, it's about making an effete little slap at you by giving his OC the kill.
xiv felt pretty tiny and that's coming from games where you could travel the entirety of the world in like 10-20 seconds
Not just that, it made sense, we were all trapped in ice before she appeared, while against Queen Eternal we just went on our knees for who knows what reason
look for the bard playing music
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Go to gn or I'll kick you're ass.
If you wanna play EU CC it's usually better to call it on Light. It's like the Crystal of EU.
its ok if its blacked futa
gnite tikaasi
thx for joining the dungeon
black rose...
>pulls your tail
Eat lead nigger.
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make the thread before i do
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But I only woke up a little while ago...
But then who will take you for walkies
It all felt so unearned. They took out Estinien shielding us with the eye but no no it's VERY important Wuk outdamages us in the final fight. What a trash expac, made worse by how good the others were.
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why's no one using emotes?
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Sorry, I guess I'm just not good at being tasteful
That's insensitive, I can't walk.
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it's so fucking joever
do you mean on the dark souls messages or in general
Most people don't have it installed
the dark souls message plugin
using emotes makes it really enjoyable
Tikaasi could you go make a single, solitary post on /v/ so that schizo ages ten years malding about how you're gangstalking him again?
someone do the art anchor next thread i have some art i just got
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3hrs, 3raids, 3wipes per.

what does baby Jesus mean by this?
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>local time
>1 pm
>server time
>11 am
I've never played CC but I want to finish the PvP series fast for some glams. Give me some genuine advice so I'm not complete dead weight. I usually score pretty high in frontlines so I'm not a total retard when it comes to PvP, I think.
goodnight you long eared grey beauty.
gn sis
>outdamages us in the fight
I have never understood this complaint. Hitpoints are not real.
Bathe at once.
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It's one of the few ways the narrative can show things.
8 people barely manage to do damage to her over several minutes but then wuk lmao shows up and shits on everyone for...some reason
If you liked it that much, I suppose I could do it again.
>drags you by your tail into the men's barracks
That's not what I meant...

B-bwo...? Let me get up first at least.
The thread has derailed into polshizo bullshit jesus
Sounds to me like it was.
>yanks it again
what hair is this?
I don't care where you niggers are from, I am superior to you.
filipino post
>thousands of overpaid retards that needed some nazis to do anything
Those pajamas are just fine for being a stress relief lizard, you don't need to get up any more than that.
>thirdie malding so hard he demands attention NOW
This is why nobody cares what your country thinks globally, and why you're either a vassal of the US or your economy is smaller than Rhode Island's.
It must truly be a poor country if you're so afraid to name where you're from.
Cry more you pozzed tranny, go start a war with orcs and chinks so i can see you lose
>projecting his ideal cuck fantasy
>begging for China and Russia to save him from the yanks
As I suspected. A gypsy.

Many such cases.
It would be very easy to disprove if you weren't so terrified to admit what country you come from.
They never will. They never do. They're always either Turkish rape babies or ricecels.
>Turkish rape babies
Why are modern Turks all ugly brown mentally ill rapists and subhumans, weren’t they originally asiatic?
I am from Croatia what does it matter?
>I am from Croatia
Your GDP is 1/10 that of Virginia. New Jersey has over twice Croatia's population. Your gun laws are more restrictive than California's.
Intermarriage with Middle Easterners and Eastern Europeans, two of the ugliest species of humanity there are.
See this is why they're always scared to admit where they're from, because thirdies know that every single US state mogs them in every single way.
You can stop replying to yourself now.
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Another one for the filter. BYEEEEEEE
Korkana should release his gay sex video, for Fujoshis like me.
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