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Male midlanders are stronger together

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

Previous: >>493636484
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Doing this to every femlala that posts in this thread.
Nth for EU trannies and himcesses
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I can't believe Chocobo races made me do this...
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wtb active friends / fc on balmung
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Early Morning Sunday Bunday Juggling, YAAAAAAAY
>start getting breakcore with sad and depressed looking anime girl covers in my recommendations
is this it, am i finally turning into a real femlala?
I've never played CC but I want to finish the PvP series fast for some glams. Give me some genuine advice so I'm not complete dead weight. I usually score pretty high in frontlines so I'm not a total retard when it comes to PvP, I think. Also why is no one ever playing RW? Seems a lot more fun if you ask me as a casual.
Dead game
wow won
When will they add baseball to the Gold Saucer?
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*snort* Zz Eh..? Sunday already?
Can I be your friend if I'm from Primal
What do you like to do in game?
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What the fuck is that thing?
Nobody will reply to this post with the line I'm hoping for :(
FF9 was one of my favorite games but the use of its soundtrack here is so jarring.
There's already basketball in the Gold Saucer
What about Queen's Blood
Where is the africa of xiv?
Wherever you worthless niggers congregate.
I want snowboarding instead.
need bwc in my pussy
>Clothed in the filename
just play FL
Whatever are you implying, anon? What's that Hmm for?
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So I don't care if I lose a verfire ready if it procs early?
FL is *really* fucking boring though, even when you're winning.
>balmung fc
male hroth
rw is a lot more unbalanced, cc has balance problems too but nowhere near rw
built for miera
Someone's son.
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A rookie on the rise with razor-sharp claws---the ferocious feline Black Cat!
you don't have a pussy
South Aldenard and Gyr Abania
Since PvP is filled with cheaters anyways I'd rather have an unbalanced but FUN experience.
There's no glams from CC really. You don't have to pretend like this.
I strongly believe there to be alternative variants of this art! Specifically with less clothes!
Gyr Abania is Turkey
>he doesnt know about the hrothgar cuntboys
yes, why would you use your shitty filler spell during burst
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Sure im down to be friends, im currently in HW tho (finishing it), im also in balmung and without an FC
yeah, i know it
thx u bb

not u
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no !!!
I haven't really played since stormblood, all I've done is the msq, right now I need to buy endwalker and catch up so idk I want people to queue and hangout with ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
all I used to do is kill bosses
I like to push the buttons
the gold saucer is fun
what else is there
is balmung not the place to be anymore?
Elezen are not stinky. Miqo'te are stinky.
I was referring to the crystals from the PvP series, anon.
>thx u bb
Are you the bun that didn't like my restaurant name or no?
honestly I think he looks really cool
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Which tank should I play
Which dps caster should I play
/tell Zettai Ryoiki
Verthunder is more potency than verfire. And you'll have a verfire ready by the end of the opener
Perhaps. Perhaps not. We can only know in the future, during one of the many catbox anchors.
You sound boring go hangout with the rest of the boring people at the 'beds.
viera warrior
The correct answer was
>That's Petty Officer Uchiki Sutego.
And then I say
>But why is he in this thread?
I am not a viera
But I wouldn't mind cotanking with a hot viera warrior
You sound cool come hangout with the rest of the cool people at the 'beds!
no matter how hard you cope, it is a mix of both australia and africa
Combined as Australia as Meracydia.
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whats the cutest lewdest thing i can put on a retainer
how do retainer glams work is it wrong to kiss your own retainer
maybe even, hold hands?
Just failed snake fate because 20 people were just flying in the hair waiting for snake to be almost dead before joining in
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Come to ward 14 lavender beds, a bunch of us are all hanging out on balmung right now.
What was your restaurant name?
according to pvers, more balance = more fun
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Man there was really 0 reason to suspect ilberd as being a traitor
>30-40m latenight raids
>constant wipes
>no monk gear drops
dps lvling is hellish.
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rw has usually weekly events on primal (for americans) and chaos (for euros) where the queues will pop, otherwise it's only alive during mogtome events
in terms of cc just be aware what the goal of your job you want to play is then get a feel for what you can get away with
most of the time you'll do fine if you just spam your buttons on cooldown
the farting viera
>trusting mhiggers
Do I work on the MSQ on my main, or try to clear M4S on my alt today?
>black cat
patches of white
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This is how most of you "cool middies" sound like btw.
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which one is cuter?
You can join <<Core>> if you have the thread rep
WAR - Easiest jack of all trades, has easiest time in casual content, tanks hardcore content absolutely fine, shortest cooldown on invuln. Best in casual content.

PLD - Easiest tank in hardcore content, has a ranged burst phase meaning it has the simplicity of WAR + you don't have to worry about melee uptime for several GCDs. Second best in casual content.

GNB - Tank with resource management, does thie highest damage, plays kindof like a DPS.

DRK - Edgelords plays this, has the best swords in the game, people love the job quests, also worst tank in both casual and hardcore content because it struggles to self heal at all levels, good in PvP though.
Nice little bows GAYWAD!!!!!!
Definitely my lalaboy.
People need to learn that losers like these don't represent the serious majority of us.
>browsing f-list
>in a lobby for my kind of thing
>see a purple name that looks interesting
>its a sunseeker miqote
>look at their kinks
>its unironically has that they are an F+
suncats really be out here using the + acronym everywhere they go, do they. the shit is in their racial lexicon.

Also why are pink names the nastiest shit ive ever see if they make an ad? Like im going to stop clicking ads made with a pink name.
need an eb like this
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why are the french like this
Caressing femra tails, polishing their horns and whispering sweet things to their ears.
only black mage and picto are fun
if you play smn or rdm i am judging you very very hard.
you forgot to mention war is the KING of dungeons, not needing healers so yo can speed clear with 3 dps
man dps queues for everything are fucking terrible
i can't wait to be done leveling everything so i can go back to just farming hunts for tomes once a week
just 85 combined levels left...
I you're going to play Paladin and you're going to like it.
You're going to play Summoner and wear the nice looking 99 artifact top and you're going to like it.
Alexander Raids from HW
Sky pirates Raids from HW
Return to Ivalice Raids from SB
Four Lords Trial series from SB
Omega raid seires from SB.
Sorrows of Werlyt from ShB.
Eden from ShB.
>Four Lords Trial series from SB
i forgot how much i hated this shit until you mentioned it
If I recall the big hint was the black market weapon seller
>good in PvP though
*only in frontline, and then only if your team is playing attention to your plays.
damn girl how many brazilian reals did that ass cost

I noticed that half of this fc have other characters in <<Core>> whats up with that
its fun
Can't believe this bun is built for anal
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tu es trop grosse, cochon dégoûtant.
tue-toi, liliane.
...so what's DRK good at then?
>DRK - Edgelords plays this
DRK really needs a rework
looking cool
i only like DRKs in my parties because they pump fat pad into my tight little div
DRK gives the biggest dopamine boost from when you successfully pop TBNs therefore it is the best tank at all levels of play
I was in a 97 dungeon run where the WAR single-pulled and used no mit. It was sad.
blackest night is op
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This game is mocking me.
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Fun and good = WAR, GNB, PCT, BLM
Not fun but good = PLD
Not fun and not good = DRK, SMN, RDM

Don't listen to the shitters and raid trannies who think playing a job just because it has a combat res is something that mentally healthy people would do.
their niche used to be "anti magic tank" but that was way back...
you forgot the three fiends from HW
Need a stress ball like this to grab onto.
I do not like your restaurant name.

Anon, you can't even SEE her butt.
how can that be when tbn is unlocked at 70? you cant use it in all levels bro?
Spheeeeene, fart on me!!
sis? your warring triad???
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Post _____.
Good at afking in limsa.
what's this for?
>I do not like your restaurant name.
Ah so it is you. And to be fair you've never eaten there so.
Ngl it's hilarious when you see a tank main claiming what an epic chad they are and you see they play a warrior. Literal perpertual easymode.
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I require a male for lewd purposes.
I'm an empath
jesus christ how horrifying. what dc? and what race was it...
>DRKs talking about muh TBN
you niggers will use EoD and FoD all day and then blame the healer when you die.
It's why I said it's the best in casual content, that's focusing mostly on dungeons. You don't need a healer a lot of the time in casual content as WAR.
hello effy
What do you intend to do?
Having the best job quests.
PLD is fuck AND good >:c
>i-is that 26,240 DPS instead of 26,970 DPS on average in comparison to clearly overtuned PCT?!
>unplayable garbage!
Effy where is your eye?
Death death death death murder murder murder
Jerk him off until orgasm
I play gnb in all trial/raid content but WAR in all dungeon content. I don't trust DF healers,,,
>Be the guy that programs the quests.
>At one point, you do a Ctrl + F "Wuk Lamat".
>Get back more than a hundred results.
>Get bewildered, how the fuck is this possible, who thought this was a good idea.
>Get up to go talk to YoshiP.
>You walk in on him telling Hiroi how he's the next best thing, how this is his greatest chance, how he's going to rock and everyone will eat up from his hands.
>...quietly and discreetly go back to your desk and wonder if maybe the players won't notice.
I use it when a tank buster is coming or I have all the mob that i'm willing to tank. I pop it, it goes off, I use obilation in between and basically never take damage.
I do, and I would.
that's because it is the healer's fault
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>BLM sissies getting uppity again
when are they going to stop coping sisters...?
>Jerk him off until orgasm
erm holy moly
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my femlala does this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iNF613gqDU
Actually 100% correct, I'm impressed.
My soft faggy meena is a non edgy DRK (dorky knight)
RP or quick joi?
Dynamis Elezen
No shame in using training wheels.
how the hell can mch be that low...
>PLD is fuck
what about a femzen...?

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I meant casual and hardcore content. roulettes are for losers.
True chads pick the simplest classes/characters in all games then reach the highest levels of game with them because they don't have the time to invest practicing videogames but still have the common sense and awareness to play well with fundamentals.
devs are retarded :\
stinky go shower
DRK is the best in speed kills and parse runs because it's burst literally deal more damage than most dps and is the best to feed rDPS to.
>RPing a handjob
nigga what? I can do that irl
I know my dick way more than you do.
please do not make viera fart they are beautiful creatures

>not emp-ass

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It's nice to just turn your brain off sometimes. WAR even lets me keep my party alive if the healer is retarded and dies
Empass makes no sense...
>Those thigh-high socks
Holy moly
it should be
>ing me
It's over...
>be me
>mch main
>out damage most people in pf
>hit enrage
>they blame me for playing MCH instead of themselves for not knowing their job
>can't bring up ACT
>get kicked and locked out
my femezen is
>all percentiles
mine too
Most rizztastic midoodle
>she can't read box and whisker charts
Balmung is the place to be if you're a desperate attention whore who doesn't actually play the game like >>493648762 >>493648969
That's a bit depressing bro
>DRK: "You see, I have studied the dungeon running it constantly and listening to the balance and icy veins about the mechanics of each and every mob here I know when they cast how often and whats going to happen to the micro second. This dungeon has no chance for I, A DRK knight am the super chuni and informed gamer!"
>Also DRK: *Dies to the full pull because he didnt check the healers gear*
>WAR: "sheeeeit man im here to do my dailies"
>Also WAR: *12 minute dungeon run*
DRK is pretty good in raids honestly, sustain is really only a concern for the main tank and DRK can simply OT/swap off of MT when its HP gets low. It does generally the most damage and TBN+Oblation are probably the best combo for buster/spot miti, Living Dead is low enough cooldown to get extra usages that GNB and PLD can't. It's also very bursty and cares comparatively little about downtime/GCD misalignment/damage downs because most of its damage is just vomting cooldowns every 2 minutes.
if you hit enrage in pf then brd/dnc wouldn't have done anything because people obviously died to retarded shit during/right before 2min windows. only exception would be if your dance partner never died but everyone else was retarded
my meena did not try the condiment before putting it on his sandwich and is now paying for his sins
(/sprint) (please use it)
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but anon
i do play the game sometimes
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>dead general
did everyone move to TWW?
Only very slightly better than porn spam OPs at this point. Kill yourself GT.
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>Horsecock Soima plaps Gar while fishing
>Horsecock Nanky plaps Gar in TEA
>Triple divorcee Cuckbinis plaps Gar in his apartment after Nanky
>Bought Clears Eiki watches in anguish as his wife changes apartment locations every half an hour (He uses his company's IP addresses to shitpost Lightcord people then cries to Nanky for mercy on his wife's HORSED pussy in the following day)
>Horsecock Soima plaps Binis in Phoenix (He is doing it right now)
>Romani Forces Ryun to HORSE him, kicks his grown ass EB to Balmung to HORSE more people in the quicksands (Yuno was his latest victim)
>Dream's Bass plaps H'ana after a thousand denials she associates with him (she loves schizospic catboy cocks)
>Sewer Rat on suicide watch
>Johnny gets his seventh account ban resulting from calling Aiko a slur because she refused to suck his lalacock
>Bunny Hole earns another mental illness as he is forced to look at Forgh being violently HORSED by Nanky
>Daganis rapes Lyria behind her EB's back (she enjoys it, although she calls it rape for the fantasy immersion)
>Romani blackmails Nanky into HORSING him after missing his daily session with Ryun (Euro Cat's fault)
>Lyn masturbates as he thinks of Lightcord's Horse cocks
>Vazi ordering his shadow plap cabal into leaking more Lightcord logs
>The Speys watch in horror
>Towa gets sloppy seconds on all of the aforementioned names
>My little joan of arc
I don't see what similarities this has with Africa
They actually do because this is the majority of you
It's viable, you can clear all content with DRK with no difficulty whatsoever. It's just in a position where all the other tanks just do that one thing extra that DRK doesn't have.

If people love playing DRK for the aesthetic or the kit, there is no harm in playing it and anyone telling them to switch off of it outside of week one is stupid.
>Having DRK OT
nigga the GNB does the job better
>rdps when picto has the best burst in the game and blm has the worst burst in the game
uhhh... retard-san...
Do machinist guns not use real bullets? what the fuck is the point of that...
Most of your achievement log can be padded with some of the most superficial bullshit while actual difficult achievements net you like 5 points
holy moly
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Are you referring to the absolut garbage that was cowboy town in DT?
This may shock you but GNB is one of the best MTs.
That lunchbox they permanently have on their hips? They transform aether directly into ammo.
Not sure if it'd look like actual bullets, or if it really does shoot actual bullets at all.
brb committing sudoku
Thanks for reminding me about the ex-static MCH who decided to switch to his week-1 BRD because he saw funny numbers and then proceeded to keep us at enrage prog for a week.
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SMN truly is the Phys Ranged in disguise.

>NIN main with VPR and MNK as secondaries
Yeah I'm eating good right now
no telling someone to switch off drk is stupid even if it's in week 1
you now remember mch ammo
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god fucking damn it
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And I miss it a lot
Why is your asshole eating your pants?
Do you like jerking moonie+ off?
In this tier yeah, it would've been stupid, but we had no idea what the damage check was going to be like. In hindsight it's completely stupid to switch off of any job for THIS tier's DPS check now we know how lax it is.

But in the theoretical case we got a P8S again it would make sense to ask someone to switch off of certain jobs and play the "meta" ones.
It's empath, but with ass.
Remind me about MCH ammo
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what hair
I bet half their achieve points are from in game events lmao
But I don't feel your ass
>playing DRK as OT is just something you tell the shitty DPS whos been keeping you off of clearing enrage while the actual OT swaps over to monk or Dragoon and mogs your logs.
not them but what do you consider superficial bullshit?
The biggest source of points are in relic weapons and crafting/gathering (especially fishing) and I don't think either of those are fake content or whatever you're trying to say
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>BLM sissies still try to pretend they aren't all slaves to picto CHADS
my femlala panties are wet
It depends on the type of week 1, sometimes chaging jobs makes things infinitely easier. Was't the case this raid tier though.
Remember? i never forgot that RNG garbage fire
Right there, are you blind!
I honestly have no idea what joi is, whenever I'm lewd it's posing or roleplay
Post Femezen
It's not hard to cop a feel. She's all for it.
brdbvlls win again
Anyone writing posts like this has never actually raided with multiple tanks to form an opinion and are simply parroting what Xenosys Vex told them.
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It hungers for the chicken nugger
it sounds like youre trying to say impasse
What's an "ick"
can't go wrong with the bunny outfit
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>remove from mch
>give to dnc
>suddenly people don't hate it as much
it's funny
wow it actually got updated
thank u so much anyon
the only reason you would swap jobs is for DPS issues if enrage was tight and if that was the case you would be swapping onto DRK because it does the most damage
Reason to never date someone, it's like a redflag
Does anyone have the Oppenheimer webm where Smile plays?
>ladies and bunboys
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your squad better be strong enough
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What's an achievement that'd make you happy anons? I'll answer honestly whether or not i have it.
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nah m8 i love pvp and bullying men
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I bet it does especially when you fanta lmao
paypal legend...
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Stay away from us you dastardly creature
>DRK does the most damage
Mans hasn't played since EW
>only one of the ebs is faithful
do you have the gunnhildrs blade title
>Reclearing M1S as RPR
>DNC give me the dance partner
>Trying me best
>lots of death but somehow we clear, though not before raining cats
>Even I died, though it was my fault because I was playing badly
>Check fflogs
>Mfw all the DPS beside me were doing <19k DPS
This might be the best thing I've seen posted here.
but good looking Femezen aren't real... this woman is CLEARLY a government psyop
I will milk you all, one by one.
>in char creater about to make lala
>check thread
>see this
>looks like my lala creation
That was close
me in the top left
joi is helping someone jork it
usually a lot faster than roleplay or posing
>when you fanta
based grapeviner
My character harbours no lewd thoughts, what would you plan to do with him?
do you like Yuri?
i cleared p8s week 1 with a warrior and a reaper you have no excuse
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no im the other thing
i hope mentor will notice me with the astrope whistle unlocked/obtained.
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I already know for a fact you have the cool dude achievement
>sewer rat
this reminds me
why is there a mustard bomb strat called "jorking bomb"
I don't get the joke
Next shocker would be if the person behind the femlala was actually a guy.
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I cleared m4s week one through PF as a brd (i had 0 clue what i was doing)
You want to shove chicken nuggets up your ass?
>I cleared M4S week one
That's like clearing P12S week 5.
>Middies act up
>This gets posted
>They get defensive
It never fails to make me laugh.
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Bully my penis with your hands
Im more of a ryo main, sometimes a takuma main if hes in the game
mr karate 1>takuma>ryo>robert>mr karate2>yuri

Im saying I like men
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selfcest? or someone skinwalked as him for selfcest
what the fuck is going on in light
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Listen... this was my first tier on release, let me have this one win....
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nta but
>I like men
sigh i'll sip the fanta which men do you like?
Is this real chat
cutest fiddie this thread's ever seen
my man
ni bao odin got HORSED???
>I will milk you all
Shan't be doing that
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Nope, i did it with a static, we wiped nearly 1100 times for 4 clears. My best funny number was a 58, I've been meaning to go back in and do better, but then DT came out.
Sadly, I haven't done all the duels.
I think I'm still missing the ones in southern front.
I'm like, 100/2000 mentor roulettes for that, been meaning to get back to it
Don't think I have that one, I started playing in 2016.
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i have never done a savage or ultimate...
>hasn't played since EW
Let's do an experiment then. Speedkills are where people pick the highest damage jobs to kill the boss as fast as possible, right?
Please respond and tell me the most picked tank in all four fights this tier. If you want some extra credit, try noticing how many times this job gets picked twice in the same group.
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i never want to do anything blu related in pf ever again
It's okay paypal warrior.
Then you are worthless because I will always be able to have more achievement points than you no matter how hard you try.
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>Bragging about being casual.
>IPgrabber in the external links
Nice try
I wouldn't waste my breath on roulette heroes who think WAR is OP in content that doesn't matter.
but that would be kinda gay...
p8s was literally overtuned because the devs were just too good at the game
they had to herf its health by 2%
so clearing that week 1 with "offmeta" jobs is a massive accomplishment
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the third party leaderboards don't count seasonal achievements and removed/fomo content so if you're competing then anybody can still beat you
The achievement that will make you happy is the ability to find enjoyment in the challenge itself, and then find out what else outside of achievement farming will make you happy, because at the end of the day, nobody will care about what achievements you have. This is coming from someone who has some of the hardest achievements (that aren't mindless farming related) to get in the game.
Please do not milk male characters.
is this even remotely real? i know at least four people in this chart and none of them mentioned liking horse cocks at all
>because the devs were just too good at the game
lol you actually believed that? ahaha
i think my static has one of the only week 1 door boss kills with a full duration weakness on anybody in the party so that's nifty
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Why would I care about some third party shit? the game itself will tell me how many points I have.
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I've been ready to do that for a while, but PF is terrible, like you said.
Shit you're right, guess I gotta double name-change and delete my character...
That's a good answer, but I like to see a number go up sometimes.
all of the achievements that aren't mindless farming aren't that hard
But they're easy.
>this nigga cares about achievement score
Question to my fellow smoothbrains, When I made my cat, I was absolutely ignorant of how the naming conventions work, and used the Letter'restofname on a moonie, now, I prefer the moonie look, but I also prefer the sunnie names, should I not care, or should I fanta and correct the look of my cat?
oh and we had two off meta jobs at that
This is basically normal content
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I am a femlala
having trouble sleeping
the game won't tell you how you stack up against other players, and if you're using your score for that purpose then including seasonal events is retarded for obvious reasons
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Would anyone join a BLU meet up where we clear some of the harder BLU log stuff like 8man trials or if we have enough turn out 24man raids?
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is this high or low? i genuinely dont know
I could rape every miera in this thread
Just don't care.
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only casuals play BLM
I have never laughed at a Vtuber and I don't think I ever will.
I also don't like the shiva theme I think the singer is too lispy.
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i am a femlala
watching the walking dead and making molten glass in runey
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nah m8 i love being a sch and bullying women too
idk who tf you are but the only man i give a shit about is my husband heehee
bet i'm good at punching
nice i dont have any crafter or gatherer cheevos so i thought it might be low
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My femra looks and acts like this
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that's pretty high, yeah
highest i've ever seen is TM, they have like 22k iirc
vtuber humor is screaming really loudly in a shrill voice and lonely losers eat it up
post stats
The hardest ones I have off the top of my head are Epic Hero, Gunhilldr's Blade, Necromancer. The first one actively filters people so I'd say that's the hardest, whereas any Ultimate titles including TOP you can eventually get by bashing your head at it repeatedly.
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the writers didnt care why should you
Anally raping this femlala because it's the apocalypse
My dom made me cut contact with anyone I ever ERP'd with.
who asked you pedo nigger
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oh yeah? well my femra looks and acts like THIS!
High, I'm only at like 11,185 cheevo points
theres a few real world nods to it like the kple kple weapon (https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Kple_Kple) and hippos being native to the region. mahi mahi is a real world fish that can be found in south africa where its known as dorado (mahi-mahi being the hawaiian name which in turns relates it to the lalafell of the south sea isles which is located directly north of meracydia between it and thavnair). Then you have the Sphinx's you fight in Azys Lla and the Benben stone which are very much inspired by Egypt which is also located in Africa.
I've stopped using FF14 OSTs and started playing TWW OSTs in the background.
Played FF6 for years, big fan, but didn't realize sephirot, sophia and zurvan where the world destroying statues from that game until recently.
need an eb like this but it wouldn't really matter because i dont talk to anyone i've erp'd with anyway since im unlikable and have no friends!
i'll play BLM even in prog parties I don't give a fuck
i erped with a lala for the first time today
Kot (again)
Still looking for someone to ERP with for the experience.
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umm i'm not a pedo
i lock BLM out of my barse parties because i need some fat picto cock in my tight, supple divination window
Thanks luvs
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>I'll completely change who I am for you!
Cringe and betapilled.
Well what experience are you after?
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What the hell do you mean 'for the experience'?
>never laughed at a Vtuber

Here, listen to this and try not to laugh.
it matters mostly if you are going to do roleplay and you better have a good reason for a FEMALE KEEPER to take HER FATHERS NAME
I hope they drew some fat moogle cock for you brother
The stalking has gotten worse, i learn who he is seeing now, its a cute fiddie. I stalk the fiddie sometimes just so i know who he replaced me with. I dont feel anything, im not even sure why i keep stalking at this point, we both moved on and yet i find it addicting, the stalking i mean. I dont know how to stop myself and one of the solutions im thinking about is forcing him to block me.
0-4 I log on and work on upgrading submarines
5-9 I play Deadlock instead
Only the most powerful and problematic Gridanians get to join the Wood Wailer Brute Squad.

>a melezen tapped this so good she never got over him
Based beyond belief.
They look like someone that'll rope themselves at the first sign of rejection, so why haven't you?
don't ignore my posts
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so true i hope they draw my femra this
do pvp
nigga stop posting mori calliope likes
Names are cultural, race is genetic. There are tons of reasons you can have X name with Y race or vice versa.
listened to it for 30 seconds and im not laughing im just disgusted
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its my 2nd hardcore iron woman im in skilling jail for now though
Maybe later, I hit rank 25 recently and have been taking a break since then, CC is fun though
>forcing him to block me
that won't stop you
it means he can't see you, not that you can't see him
t. someone also addicted to stalking who has a large catalog of who's internet-fucking who
I share no common sexuality or fetishes with anyone (I'm not attracted to sexual intercourse, my fetishes involve my character who has no desire for sex, and I get off to the idea of him risking it all to protect anyone and everyone, the closer to complete exhaustion or the verge of expiring he is while maintaining an unbreakable spirit and will, the hotter it is)

As you can imagine there isn't really anyone who can fulfill that.
oh what the fuck that's sick actually
Post the Gar Galon horsing
what did your 1st one die to
>picks female character because it's easier
>will fanta to ~literally anything~ for someone they just met
>probably the same sexpest promising to pay for a viera's server transfer earlier
How about you find a personality before you try finding pussy?
i lagged for like 10 ticks in gauntlet
bad game
>healer parsing
nigga what
im joining your parties and not waiting for the card before i start pumping just to spite you
That's pretty chad, anon. Yeah it sounds like a very specific thing. I'm no deviant, so I don't know how that could be accomodated. Well, hm, here's a thought! Your character could give it their all and save a damsel in distress. Who then at night brings herself to fruition, fantasizing about her rescue. You'd, emote the fight you had to endure to save her. While she would emote masturbating to the thought.
The Gold Saucer already has a baseball minigame.
Do people not realize how ugly, let alone creepy, this is

I see what people mean by red flags, nobody normal would make a post like this because they actually have a personality.
But you
>I'm so desperate for any kind of interaction I will literally mold myself to whatever you want
Only creepy manipulators are into that, and they just want to use you, not actually like you
My personality is fucking your mom when you go to work.
Sometimes I think I'm deranged for being an autistic, anxious, overly emotional in anger and sadness retard and then I see posts like >>493653004 or cliqueshit drama and feel better about myself (even if I'm not that much better)
it's actually thanks to these posts that i learned banan juice is gar galon
man might be the most ridiculed ebin on the board and yet he still posts his generic limsacat here
Shut up and jerk my penis you stupid little faggot
Judging by your posts you've never fucked anything but your hand and probably didn't even satisfy that.
youd actually make a good candidate for vore stuff unironically enough.
That's not funny that's just cringe, which can be funny but this aint it.
Judging by your posts you big mad that I fucked your mom.
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my femlala does this
Settle down jeet, go AI generate yourself a catgirl to jerk off with.
Yeah the biggest difficulty is finding someone who can find some kind of overlap where it would work for the both of us, given the highly specific scenarios I actually get off to.
NTA but I fucked your mom too.
i closed it after a minute that was just awful
You won't say that when you see me throbbing in front of your eyes
You got shot down by a moonie and you're trying to call anyone else mad? Go sip that fanta, little guy, I look forward to seeing you do it again in three days when you're still being ignored.
>gets kicked
ummm okay?
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I don't know if this is a surprise but I think you just get off to regular roleplay. I think you would have a lot more success if you just dropped the E since it appears that you don't require it to get off and this way you don't need to worry about your partner getting off either, just that they have fun roleplaying a cool villain or some such to fight you.
I sip orange fanta while your mom rides me.
They said she's mixed heritage hence her Sun Seeker name but Moon Keeper appearance. Just say her parents are from either clan.
Go have another meltie in discord, you know who you are.
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eb like this?
theres actually succubus draining but only if its an actual mean soul stealing and consuming succubus instead of the more now and extremely common "tamed and I milk semen for food" succubui
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>anyone itt calling someone else a virgin
Very erotic. Thanks for sharing your lala.
weary traveler
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This you?
You're a boring faggot that is afraid to risk it for fear of rejection so you try for a "protective" fantasy as a personality.
Just like one of those closet gays playing females characters that have no traits beyond trying to act cutesy and quirky.
Honestly that'd probably work, nobody needs to know I have my hand down my pants, thing is I have a horrible habit of losing interest once I'm "done".
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Anyone else use their Squadron for sexual relief?
He's been sexpesting anyone posting a female character all night and already begged someone to transfer to his world, promised them real world money and now he's showing exactly why nobody wants him.
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post a minion
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mate don't change urself for weirdos on the internet, love yourself you fuckin' cringelord
Grown ass men desperate for attention and affection have to be my favorite genre of poster here. Bonus points if they’re fantaing to whatever fotm race the thread is circle jerking about and play it off as “I always liked this race!”
Cute catgirl golem, you and I both know nobody likes malera!
Kindof, except all my characters are in the GARO armours so I have my own tokusatsu squadron of heroic wolf knights.
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hehe, little sword
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I know this thread is unusable garbage but maybe for the blogpost nature of my post it's better there's no /v/ thread
I did it, and i've only get 10 levels to go on fisher too
This one.
I was very proud of getting back then because the ranked queues still had a lot of people and was still pretty competitive.

But then later down the line it became very easy to get because the pool of players was very low and for one of the season all you needed was to reach the crystal rank to get it, which then made me realize that using the tittle was shameful and only the top 1 and top 30 tittles mattered and I was just too shit to get them.
Kek it might actually be, same energy.
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Just throw this thread in the fire every other post is a schizo post
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Just fucking off once you're finished is pretty lame, though it's hard to write horny in the aftermath. You shouldn't encounter that problem though since what you want is effectively just normal story roleplay, but if you're gonna do it anyways at least have the common decency to come up with some kind of excuse and let the other person know. Though you should really try to at least leave the scene somewhere that a fade to black makes sense.
I only play casual CC, but that's pretty neat.
Gettin there with combat stuff too
I may joke about this one looking unwashed but visually she's my favorite catgirl.
Just stop posting here if you don't like it bro, I read this shit while I'm eating breakfast and dinner
Same my name. Like your mom did.
>Attempted to try to top 100 during a random season
>Realize the hardest part aren't even the fights, its just finding people to play or play at the same extreme hours as the other people also going for top 100
>also dealing with people who just wintrade to get up there

I just gave up
Such is post nut clarity, but it also produces the best naps.
You're really asking for it
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Hasn't sexpested me whatever that means.
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>same my name
Just like your fat mom's stinky flaps.
Looking for an eb who can tolerate 4 hour rp sessions leading into 4 hour erp sessions.
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>tries fliting with hookers on an alt
>rejected and then he starts falling back on achievements on his main
Such a sad life you live.
what class should i play in cc
Looking for an eb that doesn't really care.
I don't have much to offer, so whatever.
I am a femra, about to take her girly meds.
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dungeonsissies will get on their knees and worship pictochad cock
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good mornyan evevywahn :3
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It's always pleasant to know that I will never ever be as big a loser as the grey guy here
I'll kill your family if you do this
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this but force fed girly meds
Play within the first month. GRIND until you get to diamond so you remain in the active queue player pool when the queues get less active later down the line. All you then have to do is play whenever the active period for your DC is and you can get top 100 easy. There really is no wintrading or cheating that prevents people from getting top 100.
You're old and you're still doing this..?
Also is FFXIV a requirement for you to enjoy this kind of roleplay? If not there's an active furry superhero room on F-List that may interest you.

PLEASE like male characters
Why are these threads so much better during American hours?
Nice tits fag
shut up bro
ok i dedicate getting my ass kicked to you
im not playing on crystal
you would never attach your character to this post
Good morning :)
We play the game
If you CC fags here were actually skilled you’d have no problem dealing with PLD in CC
I don't need to, the appropriate people already know who I am.
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100% he plays a female miqo'te
This is what I mean whenever I say "desperate and pathetic maliddies/malera are always the only people who /tell you in Ul'dah"
Feels pretty good reading you schizos fight each other while my tummy get full :)
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His rizz...beyond...measure...
The mark...of...a true...maloodistarterster....
Oh I didn't mean to imply everyone did but I def remember alot of matches where I was against the same groups of people and they suddenly decided just not to play or just do extremely poorly (going beyond just usual mistakes and bad calls). I will attempt this next season (if the ultimate doesn't also take up too much of my time). I think I don't play enough during the first few weeks and it ruins me later on
my catgirl? no my gyattgirl
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So its really that bad here now
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You really are two faced after all
I thought I didn't care but not caring is hard
Makima has bigger breasts than this AI shit
How do you get the blurred motion look? Is it gpose, reshade, or photoshop?
Im an indecisive fuck who wants to be anything that will fufill my lovers request.
If I am fufilling my passions it would be drinking people or churning them down into nutspunk keeping their entire bodies as payment for their pleasure. I love the final moments of someone before theyre gone. it shows their true character (if they are a good roleplayer of course) oh and respawning is lame, if anything if they somehow live they have to be corrupted or have some kind of scarring, be it mental as their minds being warped to feel that loss being pleasure or whatever, physical be it that ive drained them to nearly the last drop so they have mere months left to live after i gave them the best pleasure they will ever receive and then they eventually come back for me to take that last drop begging on their knees. or spiritually as i warp their very soul to be more like me, though Id rather devour it or absorb it into my own if its prey. most people are prey.
full with my semen owo
NTA but probably photoshop/image editer, theres no gpose/reshade to do that
Who are you talking to anon?
that choker is asking to be snapped via standing BJ
Only if you're a tall into femlalas
Yes Unnamed Neko@Jenova it is that bad because you are still posting.
Are you a normal lala or one of those disgusting fulalas.
I dunno why people meme about PLD
PLD is shit at carrying and only OP if your team has a brain
GOD, Trusts are soo boring.
Do I bother you that much?
Normal femlala
xivggers are too retarded to just attack and cleave the PLD when they cover to instantly kill them
It's not
You flatter yourself. You're one tranny out of the hundreds who shit this place up.
RDM is fun af
That's worse...
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Nigga get a grip please
it was not always like this
Oh hey, I posted that. It was sent to me from a fiddie friend (green). The other person (gray) was a malera.
>not AI
>is actually drawn but looks souless
thats not a compliment.
nta but your posts are dogshit
Chief was added to the picture. the original artist is Khyle.
>be SE
>know that people W2W considering the Mits
>add NPCs to social content so people don't need to rely on others
>be SE again
>don't make NPC tanks capable of W2Ws
>Squadron NPC tanks can at least do 2 to 3 groups
>Trust NPC tanks can't even handle that
>Trust NPC healers won't keep you up if you're doing that
Haven't you been spamming the thread for like a month or something, obviously people don't like you
>get a grip
You spam all day every day. The only thing you need to grip is a pistol pointed at your head.
holy MOLY
my femra otr
Already tried that, they're not into the same thing, quite often the opposite thing. They're in it for the muscle worship, power fantasy, corruption and humiliation stuff.
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>Yaoi hands
Didn't say it as a compliment just said it's not AI
i used GIMP for the blur effect, but I needed a picture with and without all characters to do it. it's basic masking and just a linear blur filter
>it was not always like this
lol the only thing that changes here are the names
You realize crowd control in WoW lasts up to 10 seconds, then doing it again for half, you can be sap locked for that amount of time, THEN stun locked for another 10, and THEN their buddy fear chains you for another 15 seconds, AND THEN their druid buddy entangling you for another 15.
So tell me, how is a PLD shield bashing you for 3 seconds makes some of you lose their shit here?
Samefagging his own posts
nigga there are a ton of face 3 raens here if your malera ass is looking for one, xivg has the highest concentration of face 3 femra you can find in any game community.
>"actually im a female raen looking for a male raen, sis"
Also common.
xivggers are terrible at pvp, even the "good" ones in this thread
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I don't think we're thinking of the same room. The one I'm talking about does almost exclusively nonsexual roleplay
>it's shield bash that makes them hate PLD!
t. someone who does not play cc at all
This game isn't balanced around that much CC, obviously.
This is Glue Licker irl
They think top tier jobs unironically have no counters
Nobody likes malera
Nobody likes maleria
The hardest thing that's ever happened to you, is the hardest thing that's ever happened to you.

If you don't have experiences outside of your own, you will have nothing to compare it to.
they're different games and arenas aren't really comparable to cc since 5's are dead content. are 5's even still queueable, even with a premade, on retail?
cc is an ounce of the problem. it'd be more like if kidney shot had a tiny cooldown, and if rogue got to symbiosis bop off of a paladin that is not in the match
cover is far and away the fundamentally larger issue. pld stun is nothing
I'll have to go hunt it down then. As for the whole FFXIV thing, I just enjoy playing the game, wouldn't be too much to tack an extra layer of weird on top.
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Why does everyone hate face 3?
Because it's a joke you dumb nigger and I'm going to repeat it every time somebody talks about CC.
There is no stun that even comes close to 10 seconds, sap is only 8 seconds, fear is only 8 seconds, entangle is only 8 seconds.
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for a while there was a guy that ran a massive harem cult who was a face 3 malera who would lovebomb people and cock vore them all and was an all around braggart and dumbass.
Super Anthro Room. Join that channel and the OOC one. Though it's pretty dead on EU hours. I can't guarantee it's what you're looking for so maybe lurk for a bit but it seems to be in line
damn that doesnt sound fun at all why do you people play wow pvp
What has to go wrong in a person's life that you willing join someone's cock vore harem?
get a level 100 to one shot them all for you
is it weird if whenever i see a xivgger for the first time, i look at their adventurer plate right away?
Shadow the hedgehog fan looking ass
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>cock vore them
Why would that be weird
3s are unironically cock and ball torture, and any pillar humper that disagrees just wants you to suffer with them
That's why the feature exists, brainiac.
my femlala is like this...
idk some people act weird when i target them
That’s their problem not yours
my hrothgal on top
probably because they have the retarded plugin that alerts them. I wouldn't even notice someone's targeting me unless they walk up to my face and start staring
>Super Anthro Room
Idling in there now
Warrior axe flip is on GCD and is part of their burst damage
Dark Knight pull can easily be sprinted out of and without it they can't really tank
Gunbreaker stun relies on being in Limit Break which limits their movement and ability to act beyond the LB
Paladin's Shield Bash is a stun on oGCD and costs nothing to throw out
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malera cock vore
>You can put all of the DoH/L relic in the armoire
>You can't do it for the DoW/M
I literally have 19 weapons I have to shove in my retainers
Fuck's sake
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Worse, it's usually children(teens) still figuring life out
>starts a harem
>submits them all to cock vore
It's fucking ugly
No you can't lol I tried puting my ShB crafting relics in the armoire and it wouldn't let me.
remember when the pld dash had a stun on it
i just discard them, if they have replicas i can buy.
>implying anyone under the age of 26 plays this game
At least 10 people who browse here are in the 20-24 range.
but anon
i'm 25
Everyone I've met in this game is either late teens/early twenties or over thirty.
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everyone i meet in this game is in their late 20's or early 30's but acts like a zoomer
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Need an EB that will watch symphogear with me and then dress up as Kirika because scythes are cool
i bet you feel so dumb right now
Hello /xivg/ I want you to know that

I imagine your elezen having french accents if duskwight and having recieved pronunciation english with a hint of french if wildwood

I imagine your midlanders sounding like they're from birmingham or middle America

I imagine your hrothgar sounding Slavic

I imagine your viera sounding scandinavian if veena and jamaican if rava

I imagine your highlanders sound arabic

I imagine your lalafell having new york jewish accents

I imagine your roegadyn sounding welsh

I imagine your miqote sounding like gypsies if sunnies and american blacks if moonies

I imagine your raen sounding like koreans if pale and Indians if brown

I imagine your xaela sounding mongolian if pale and turkish if brown
How do you all feel about this
veena win again
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This soft faggy meena is being weird I need a janny
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my elezen sounds like this actually
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je me sens horrible
my femxaela speaks in an overpolite manner because she's a self-hating racist and wants to appear like a raen
My maleraen is black
Good morning. I'm gonna have a really bad hair day.
my fiddie has an east coast accent
but i won't say which one
My Hrothgar speaks in a stereotypical generic softspoken American protagonist accent
Everyone I met in this game is a little girl.
my Male midlander has a southern Carolina parental figure twang, like someone who's taught at a school for 10 years but doesn't talk slowly.
did someone put glue on the walls
My highlander would get rocks thrown at them in Arabia, for public indecency.
Can any of you ERP rizzlers give me some advice? I approached an ERPer for some fun despite my anxiety about it a few days ago, she said she didn't have time but "maybe in the future" and sent me a friend request too. Haven't seen her around since, probably an alt so understandable, would it be pesty to hit her up again the next time I see her on? Or should I leave it up to her to reach out? I'm probably overthinking things but she was cute and I don't really do this kinda thing usually, so I don't want to fuck it up by being awkward or annoying...
Don't update the thread with your ERP please
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we can't just keep copying WoW anon.
Your malera looks like this
>these two are plapping
When I first started playing I really expected the armoire to be able to hold more things than it did
>Bro thinks ERP is like going on a date
it was High FPS Physics Fix fucking up, but I kinda like that bed head.
I wonder if some people in hunt trains actually believe that them getting one-shot killed over and over is an unavoidable thing out of their control, and haven't heard of looking or dodging.
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am i a pretty gypsy

u should beat him up, i can help
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>I imagine your lalafell having new york jewish accents
Thats just dunes, plains canonically come from fantasy new zealand so they would sound like discount australians
I am walking around the streets of Kugane at night, it's peaceful and the music is soothing
They are probably on toasters bro, I cant imagine what poorfags have to deal with when I run those
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I'm inexperienced at this and just don't want to be a creep anon, don't bully me...
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Oh good that's more or less how I imagine her, with all the soothing clarity of a freshwater stream, if such a thing can be translated to a voice
i play shield healer always and just spam shields so no one dies!
I would never a soft faggy meena
Nta but the lala=jew meme is am old one
>weirdly important to many religions despite being from fuck all nowhere
>most scheming subversive villains in early ffxiv are lalafell
>weird features
>men are often characterized as perverts some owning slaves or "servants"
>Jews let in the Muslims in Spain
>lalas let in the ala mhigans in eorzea
>vastly overrepresented in postions of powers even outside of their city state
>many city states are practically owned by uldah most viewing it as their greatest ally

Do i need to continue
lay hands upon this faggot and there will be consequences.
EB status?
But Yoshi-P warned everyone many months in advance that they'd have to save their pocket change and buy new rigs.
My maleraen is black sorry, fuck your lore
Too late
Eb status?
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I'm houseless, where do I find curtains to gpose? Specifically red curtains if possible.
FYI Appal and Effy broke up because Appal found out Effy is underage
I don't, but my character does.
Eb me
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>I imagine your lalafell having new york jewish accents
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>I imagine your raen sounding like koreans if pale
But she's supposed to be a cute shinobi who loves dango, wears a casual kimono and speaks like she's from an anime (I've only ever watched 3 abridged episodes of my deer friend nokotan)...
good morning
If you can describe the exact setup you want made, or the exact housing props you want placed, I can make something for you in my home. Otherwise, there's almost definitely some of those in Eulmore at the Beehive, especially with the closed ones on stage.
I am
the unplappable sunniegirl
Did someone fuck you in the eye or something?
God I wish
Good morning.
And did you sleep well?
>I tried puting my ShB crafting relics in the armoire and it wouldn't let me.
You can.
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jamaican me crazy
This lalabvll fighting some bard playing songs for the first time in limsa.
fanta off sunnie then
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I am
A miera going for a morning walk
brother that is not the armoire
That's the glamour dresser, you retard
Eb status on cat
Do you want to join my newer, closed-off for friends FC?
Forever single
NIN status?
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Cute. Now post a real pvp game
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I am
A femra working from home on the weekend
Based wish you the best of luck
4chan retard displaying his incredible lack of reading comprehension
I will rape you
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I actually meant the glamour dresser in the original post, not the armoire but whatever.

It's still annoying that I have to put all my battle job relics on the retainer.
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yeah, he'll catch these hands fucker
my moonie eb would kill you in one big uppercut punch
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no one wants my ugly-ass character lmao.
Don't have that.
May I plap?
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Me standing next to your modbeasts.
Okay, then you're not a retard.
You're still dumb, lol.
That's it, I'm pulling all my ads
a pretty good sleep yesyes
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worst mistake of your life.
Does anyone want a mentally ill trans eb?
Cute sunnie! Would gently rub her ears all day.
i hate when people make the cum look like this looks retarded
I will rape your moonie eb too
Off yourself already you disgusting freak
race and gender?
Love yourself already you beautiful woman
Glad to hear that. Hope your day will be as good as your sleep.
while i am definitely rapeable my moonie eb is not so she will protect me.
Link some good twitters so i can jerk off i like + and big boobies it doesnt need to be both
why does the enemy team always get the people with recuperate bound
Based pedo shotacon femrar
I like this tree hugging elezen
If you have too many games or wins, they put you with people with lower winrates.
Sorry my femra also has a husband that she loves very much.
raens are east asian, retard
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eb like this?
If she is a moonie and I'm a sunnie then metaphysically speaking I've already raped her and that rape is just waiting to become manifest in the world of Caesar
And then I will rape you
after like 5k or so games i still dont know if this is true or not but it really feels like it sometimes
do you want an equally mentally ill tranny eb
I thought only Sea Wolves would sound Welsh. Hellsguard should have something else, I'd hope...
I was never sure what to guess with them being mountain/volcano people and vagrant/for-hire fighters.
Oh, okay. I will respect the sanctity of that and never ask again.
ok where are you
>”why are some people in the casual PvP mode not as good as I’am??? Don’t they care about being good???”
so blacklist him, retard?
You're early enough in the story that you don't have access to Eulmore yet? I can't really think of anywhere else that might have red drapes. Can you describe the exact setup you were hoping for?
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it's over....
its not about being good its about doing the bare minimum and putting all your buttons on your bar
who are you quoting
good morning, my future wife. want some grilled cheese?
Is there a Shupogaki dance emote?
I'm gonna /wave to this femroe when I see them next.
do you like fiddies
woah me too
Do you like meena
we won
we were winning the cc match then i dced and when i reconnected we lost
very cool yoshi very cool
Yeah, dc?
Coeurl Gridania
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so tired
estoy preemal
This but with my golem fiddie, or if I'm lazy, my femra. I want to get better at gposing but I feel stagnant. I can't utilize furniture or props which has hampered my process by a lot.
Yeah but I'm black and play a male xaela
People dont even like femezen unironically
do you like catgirls
>Helions 23
I will protect
What race should I fanta into? I want to make lots of fake friends and get into cliques
do you like pale fiddies?
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good news bros!
The people in this thread don’t correct
I will /pet you back. I hope you have a nice Sunday, in case I don't see you today!
>I imagine your roegadyn sounding welsh
Only Sea Wolves would sound like this yeah since Hellsguard are islanders, if anything in my mind they sound Caribbeans or even Jamaican lol.
good now let me enjoy peace
umm tomestomes are almost given away like free candy.
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Lvl 33...
I will accept this /pet solely because we looked cool standing next to each other the other day.
why does every asian language other than japanese sound retarded
I think Erenvilles voice fucking sucks
my hero
Woah, that's a good hair mod
can't decide between msq or griefing cc today
This ones very cute but I couldn't just let her walk away from her crimes
Looks like an alien
Post vintage ebinism.
>chimps are stronger than humans
>humans rule the world and go throw peanuts at the chimps on the weekends with their kids
High strength is meaningless.
You don't have access to an apartment? That setup seems pretty doable, though maybe with an extra touch of color adjustment in post. There's unpainted herringbone flooring in game, by default. And the drapes don't look too hard.
I mentioned it, but if you want that recreated, I can probably give it an attempt.
It's actually Eorzea geographically
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>your character's race is just [insert real world race]
There's only analogues and aren't actual stand-ins, otherwise elezens are actually Africans because Aldenard is the closest comparison to it
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>Cancelled already
My femra will no longer look and act like this
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Yup, tracks
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Zut, I do not 'ave un accent, plebiàn. Refrain from such things, s'il-vous-plaît
Duskwights are Africans though, "culturally "
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yeah but moonies are canonically retarded ITT (the only canon that matters) so does it really matter?
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Are shields for pussies...?
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Where does one find all these rapist sunnies, hypothetically speaking?
DRK and DRG because apparently I picked the wrong fucking tank
My paladin does not use a shield, she blocks the tankbuster with the back of her hand
Wait... there are apartments in this game? I've been trying to find something like red curtains for hours.
I'm sorry, I had to pirate the artifact NIN gear through glamour. It was too good. Dun kill mi.
>There's only analogues and aren't actual stand-ins
Explain how duskwights make up only 10% of the gridanian population but commit 52% of all murders and 90% of all violent interracial crime.
Um, no, sweaty, all the mexican interracial fetishists agree that all characters with dark skin are actually IRL niggers
>roegadyn are less strong than hrothgar
God I just had the leakiest cum of my life
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Oh pshaw, I'm sure you carried the majority of the coolness. I appreciate the company!
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i have this https://files.catbox.moe/sorlz9.png
>all the mexican interracial fetishists agree that all characters with dark skin are actually IRL niggers
Why are whites like this?
the elementals made the wood wailers come up with fake statistics
Fucking hate myself and I’ll be alone forever
I didn't know DRGs were spellcasters.
Oh yeah, that's the good stuff. More.
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Viper is, I must say, surprisingly fun. Not the dual wielding fantasy I was going for but I'll take it.
i felt this too but like a year later i got used to the feeling and now it's not that bad
Yeah, in each residental district you can buy an apartment, half a million gil, it's just a small room but most of what you can put in housing you can put in your apartment
I ended up being fucking awful in every single game I played so I guess I'm going to go do submarines instead
based incontinent poster
They have dragon magic it counts
It's not because I'm fuckin dumb
please make another french speak post right now
I miss when PLD had a shield attack.
If anything how come the only shields move in PLD kit are shield lob and shield bash??
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will we ever have anyone as unhinged again?
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u want some of this too?
i do like ear rubs...
grilled cheese....
Moonies aren't retarded, they just saw what the universe offers and decided that acting dumb is the best for everyone involved.
It lost its magic when they removed the debuff, I just find it boring now
I miss kino like this
Well of course there are! Apartments and free company rooms are equivalent housing options. If you're in a free company that owns a property, you can buy a free company room for 300k gil. And it's your own private box to decorate as you see fit. If you aren't in a free company, you can buy an apartment for 500k. The only conditions for ownership are not being f2p/trial, and having completed the level 50 Ultima quest in the msq. Actually, I don't even remember if you need to do that, you might just need a single job at 50. Outside of Balmung, every world in the game should have open apartments to just swing by and buy one of.
I'm going to kiss you
>keeping up a 30 second buff was good for the job
Its a little known fact, but Eiki and Gar's cuckold threesomes started when they were both lalafell.

Lalafell erpers are so weird man.
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How did he get access to his account? Why would you share your account details? He honestly deserved his account wipe.
That's really good to know. I think I might need to sub then because wandering for hours just to find the right curtains is such a pain.
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youre one of those girls that throws one punch and then starts crying because you chipped a nail
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>cuckold threesomes
uhh based
I only unlocked it now so can't really speak about that, but as a healer main I am easily satisfied.
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There are apartments in this game, if you go to housing wards and see big yellow buildings like circled, that's where apartments are.
As other anons have said, it's not a big space but it is your own personal spot, marketboards are right outside the building and there are a LOT of available locations especially compared to homes that you can keep with no strings attached, just pay the fees for the space.
How do I
i can fix her
>Sapphira Nyx has the highest tier of strength
But then why does she keep losing?
idk once i graduated college I stopped going outside as much so my anxiety is a lot more controlled since i dont go outside lol
not healthy but yeah mentally im okay now
Yes, actually. It was objectively more engaging than "duhh just alternate lmao". I don't get why this game is so allergic to DoTs and buff/debuff upkeep.
>removes a pointless vuln debuff
Get back in the cuck chair BLMsissy
can't beat the cock
femra have a hidden instaloss modifier
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My fiddie looks like this
Pissen to me
Brahms was a sad man that let a man pretending to be a tranny from the Balkans control his life.
Are homes/apartments attached to your server or can I just go to an emptier server and buy one there? Sorry I don't really know anything at all about the housing part of this game. Mainly just been bashing my head at dungeons and raids to lvl.
Ah I don’t have the anxiety problem just I’m very alone by the time I get home
do you think she has a sphenis
See >>493662440
>is there a correlation between race and intelligence?
i feel bad for Zanaki there
and entire server of tranny horsecock futa modders and he just wants a normal dude
Because you use a shield to protect not to harm.
It was the same change on MNK.
Nobody cares, it's still the 90% the same buttons.
DoTs don’t do anything but “tick every 3 seconds for damage” with no other interactions in the kit, that’s boring as fuck. No Patrick, constantly having to upkeep 18/24 second DoTs that again tick for damage every 3 seconds and do nothing else
You're right it's one of very few level 50 things that don't need you to finish ultima, however you do need to be a certain grand company rank, forget what
The debuff was the only thing keeping VPR for being full on "press the glowing button" the job. It feels like dogshit to play now.
oh for me it was a mixture of retarded anxiety and loneliness which fed off each other (too anxious to make friends and too lonely to be happy)
It's attached to your server, all you can do is visit other buildings from other servers.
>a gay furry is the most normal on EU
sad times!
Nta but I stopped playing MNK after maining it since HW
Also the gap closer uses the shield to attack
Look at Monster Hunter
you use the shield to guard, but attack as well
Server specific, have to be on your home world. But like I said, unless you're on balmung, there will 100% be apartments open. And basically every world, at least, has a few small homes open, every housing cycle. Upside to apartments though, is that you can keep them permanently. If you don't enter a home for 45 days, or you take a two month break, it gets demolished and thrown back on the next housing cycle.
Do bear in mind i'm pretty certain unlike WOW once you have paid at all you can't go back to free even if you aren't at any non free content yet
There are apartments 100% open on balmung
Balmung still has plenty of apartments open
t. Transferred here last week and got one in the Empyreum no problem
Good to know! I think they had a shortage for quite a while, but I'm glad there are openings again.
>Wait... there are apartments in this game?
How long have you been playing just wondering
Anon's probably just working on old information. There was a time where you literally couldn't even get an apartment on mung, I think that was before they added empyreum.
You still have the same openers and press the same glowy buttons. Why is it a big deal?
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Gotcha, thanks anons! I know these are stupidly obvious questions that are probably well documented, so thank you for taking your time to indulge this poor sprout.
which one is the 1incher? small pps are hot.
Hmmm... think I'll save my post for the next thread...
my femroe will finally get viper to 100 today and take it into EX trials. This job is so fun man idk why I thought I would hate it
The MNK change was trash too. So was removing the Huton buff from NIN. Ever since stormblood the game has been purging DoTs and debuffs from every job or made them braindead by incorporating them into buttons you'll be pressing for different reasons anyway. Maybe DoTs aren't the most creative design but when they just remove them and don't replace them with different systems, then yes the rotation absolutely becomes more braindead and less engaging.
>removes vuln
>buffs the weak attacks
>same total potency
>same rotation
>wtf this is dogshit now
I don't understand your logic

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