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Sexual Thoughts Edition

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Ready Up: https://tf2gfragready.b4k.co/
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>Previous Thread
Too early.
I made it right at bump limit though, I dunno what you want from me
page 10, dumbass.
what do you think we are? a gacha general?
NTA but I don't think there's a single general on this board that actually waits until page 10
You're cucked in the head, spit-boy. We do what we want until it's prevented directly
thread is so dead that nobody will see that I'm into fat bitches
I see you and you're based
nth for fuck pubbies and remind them to bow down to COMPGODs
Are trolldiers who rocket jump 90% of the time playing the game?
Or are they basically just friendlies who get an occasional kill?
they look like friendlies because it's so easy to avoid them
You aren't playing the game if you're playing Soldier.
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>makes map
>adds 5+ "contributions" who didn't do anything except a shitty model or act as a "gameplay advisor"
>if the map gets added all those contributors get a % of your cash and the map isn't seen as only yours
Are multi contribution maps the ultimate form of kekoldry? You're literally letting other men touch your creation, your property, with YOUR consent, and they get praise and part of your pay for it
How has NO ONE called the newer mappers a bunch of KEKS for it?
It's similar to how this type of person will ebeg and donate to ebeggars who post requests for money on Twitter.
>I can't afford my transition surgery, please help fund it!
>I can't afford my rent, please help fund it!
>My wife divorced me when I came out as trans and I need money for a new matress because I've been sleeping on the floor, please help fund it!
These are all real examples I've seen, not ficticious.
What specs do you need to play this game on a laptop?
>Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60GHz, 1800 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)

Will the x64 build of the game benefit from a semi-modern CPU?
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Is he going to apologize for saying that the petition would be denied by security? I doubt it. Being passive aggressive is just a typical day.
Why is he so mad
Keep crying Emporium bitch, you will never fit in or brainwash this general
what will the petition even do? the bot problem is solved.
the only "fix" now is to ban idle bots (a non-issue in regards to the game itself) and rebalance a lot of shit (several hilarious implications. like valve making the right changes.
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Why can't I upgrade this sentry?
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There's your problem. It's a wooden Sentry, you gotta use wooden metal for that one.
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Bros... I think I'm in love with a female...
>no Zhanna gf
Why live?
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The way I see it now that the bans rolled out is it's a reminder of how many people care about this and how they can and will kick up a fuss if this sort of neglect creeps in again.
It's not really gonna do much but it's always nice to potentially give some more motivation to put in treadmill work to keep this game working.
Perhaps put in more than the bare minimum like the cases and maps and anti cheat we got now but that's me huffing pure hopium.
They tricked you, buffoon
Amputator is gorgeous
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tfw tf2
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>be spyfag (most played class but shit)
>playing spy
>like six gamers chasing me
>dad comes in to ask something
>brain playing the game on auto pilot while answering
>bob and weave like a motherfucker, sidestep and stab five fucking guys in a row, narrowly escape the sixth (couldn't stab him, asshole pyro airblasting)
>looked like something straight out of a swipez montage
I wish my crap laptop wasn't crap and I had shadowplay or something similar on, that shit was bananas
The coolest I've ever felt playing this game
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>be spyfag (most played class but shit)
It is a terrible feel.
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