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Previous: >>493404668

>Ordeal Call III: Neo-Primate Succession War, Archetype Inception:
●Event period: Aug 28 ~ Oct 31 JST (2 Months).
▶NEW Login Bonus (~ Sep 11): 3 Golden Apples, 10 Hellfire of Wisdom, 3M QP, 20 3*Fou-kun (10 ATK, 10 HP) and 1 Beast Footprint.
▶NEW Limited Master Missions: 10 SQ, 10 Stargazer's Teapots, 1 Golden Apple and 4 Silver Apples.
▶Part 2: September 11.
▶Final Part: September 25.

>BB Presents Celebrity Summer Experience! ~ Dubai Strikes Back:
●Event period: Aug 14 ~ Oct 2 JST (7 weeks).
▶Login Bonus: 12 Golden Apples and 66 Silver Apples.

>Lostbelt No.4 Clear Support Campaign:
●Sep 1 ~ Sep 30 JST.
▶Recollection Quests: 6 Golden Apples and 600 Mana Prisms.
▶Limited Master Missions: 20 Hellfire of Wisdom, 400 Evocation Leaves, 1 Rare Prism, 3 SQ and 1 Crystallized Lore.

>Archetype Inception BB Dubai PU Summon:
●Aug 28 ~ Oct 9 JST.
5*Moon Cancer BB Dubai
4*Moon Cancer Tenochtitlan
4*Foreigner Mysterious Heroine XX Alter
All limited

>BB Presents Celebrity Summer Experience! C.I.E.L PU Summon:
●Aug 14 ~ Oct 2 JST.
5*Moon Cancer Mysterious Agent C.I.E.L
4*Lancer Dobrynya Nikitich
4*Avenger Xu Fu
All limited.

>BB Presents Celebrity Summer Experience! Karna PU Summon:
●Aug 14 ~ Oct 2 JST.
5*Lancer Karna
4*Lancer Percival
Both permanent.

>Pastebin for utility links:
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This better be a LB6 situation cuz OC3 so far has been dogshit
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what would you do?
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I did Aesc
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I want NP2 Blushu...
it's 2 am bitch
ignore it
Go to her room to tell how cute her panty is
>he aint' a neet
that's early though
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Cummer my beloved
It's a trap. She's gonna steal your kidneys.
We know georgie, you can move on
Her name is C.I.E.L though
Cunning Idiot Elegant Lady
Instance of
C.I.E.L. or Blushu for friends.
what ever happened to redline? did the author dieded????
go to skadi's room and rape her
>It's a trap. She's gonna steal your sperm
Then why does she look like Mashu dyed her hair?
The fuck does the raikouschizo has to do with this?, are you schizophrenic?
she doesn't really
He's the one shitting every thread with oc3 being bad
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And i have nothing to do with it, I'm just mad they wasted a summer event in a filler arc that isn't even decent
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I hope they delete this too
you need to go back
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>spic hours
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Inmediatlly go and fuck her until I drain my bals
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Blushu is a cutie
Report and move on.
3 more days... come faste rplease
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OC4 surely
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We're still in OC3 phase though
it's going to be incredibly funny when we run into the next timelock
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Expectations for part 2?
huh... Arcueid does the thing?
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Stupid sexy wageslave wife.
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BB Dubai is defeated, either by us, Eresh or Kazura and it throw Moon Dubai into absolute chaos because she is the one holding everything together.

Pretty much a Morgan situation again.
Yeah but at least something will finally happen in the story
We'll spend 5 joke sections dealing with Jeanne and Astolfo and you will like it
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me when I read about gareth cumming from getting her skull smashed in by lancelot
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>the forgotten one
What went wrong?
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>Barely for (You)
Is this even important?
Ignore raikouschizo and his cuckposting lies.
She just got lampshaded by other characters, whenever you put Ereshkigal, BB, City and Xu Fu in one story she won't ever get the same attention.
She also was barely in the summer event and not even in OC3 so far after everyone got split
>Clearly not. Look at the LB6 cast. None of the faes are for (You) beside Oberon
Cool, I don't care.
It probably was when the game was bigger in popularity but not anymore
Please tell me there's more...
Such low-tier bait...
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>he's still mindbroken by LB6
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This ass belongs to (me)
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He/she gave her to me (there's a Nero they have to take care of), I have his/her permission
She's coming back for her soon
I'll take her saber Nero then
Save me OC3 part 2... save me
surely the ass belongs to whoever it's attached to
Remember that Super Bunyan is a skinwalker voodoo god
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Yeah, well. I'm attached to this ass, with my dick.
What's with the LB4 event?
>AI slop
Even sadder!
It's OC3 time for the entire month
It's for the LB4 event.
Filler event for the filler story that robbed us of a proper Summer event this year. Hope you rike it.
GudaBB status?
Dead soon
GudaDraco status going strong tho!
Which manga was this one again? Argatha?
Enkidu? for me
In limbo. Either it gets even stronger or it crashes. We shall see soon.
need illyaXgil doujins
It's a oneshot adaptation of Penth's interlude drawn by her artist. It was in the latest TM Ace.
Only 3 pages, sadly
Gareth seems to have fucking nothing in the way of porn.
Probably since we are in Rome and it will have Christian themes given the ruler class
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OC4 will be by Higashide so he will focus on Jannu, Amakuso, Holmes and Moriarty
Why is morgan so possesive?
There'll be an event locked to LB4 next month. Many speculate the Ruler that appears in SR collab will be the *5 and Sita the *4 because: he'll likely show up in OC4 and they usually spread the rate ups before they happen; Rama's "curse of separation" became "dream of reunion" in his SQ.
This means we're only needing male Molay and all Arcade cast is done.
>all Arcade cast is done
Fuck I forgot about him. He could be in the Ruler OC4. Not sure how Molay will be released if at all.
Get up and lock my door then go back to sleep
>decline call
>block number
Yea I expect a lot Jannu
OCs (true) are tied to a member of Chaldea. This one takes place in Italy, so has to be about Da Vinci somehow too.
I don't think there'll be a lot of Jeanne in the Ruler OC. She'll appear sure, but she won't be a main focus.
OCs (the non gag ones) are about the misuse of the classes. Ruler gets hairy because the definition was ONLY about Saints. So Jeanne being a Saint makes her being a ruler be OK, it'll explore more those who aren't Saints in the class.
That's not what OC is.
The Counter Force will judge Jannu because she was impartial and fell for Dragon cock in one timeline
cute melu
OC are:
1. Personal chapters for the authors (tip: Higashide doesn't care that much about Jeanne, she's Nasu's character).
2. A trial about an extra class misuse to make an argument pro or not of your use for it. We have two violations for ruler: one that a bunch of nonSaints are summoned as Ruler. two is that they aren't arbitrating a Grail War.
3. This all relates to a Chaldea Member. "Egypt" = Alter Ego = Sion (Paper Moon). "Japan" = Avenger = Guda (within themselves). "Italy" = Ruler = Da Vinci most likely (Shadow Border?).
Unimportant to FGO bro.
From what we know, Dante or Beatrice will probably be the center of attention. I bet on the second one because being a woman it would be a better market choice.
Even if given the precedents it will be something strange, like the whole story takes place inside the chronovisor that is said to be kept in the Vatican or through one of the sacred scriptures
I think the one with the most focus (like Kama and Jeanne Alter) should be Astraea, her bond 4 and 5 lines are perfect for this situation and she's straight up Lady Justice herself, I hope Higashide delivers.
What if you can't use Avengers in your party during Ruler OC because of canon compliant timeline?
The avengers left their shadows for Chaldea's master to summon, using avengers in OC4 would be canon-compliant Mr. Story Skipper.
Do you think every extra class will have an OC?
We already know Pretender and Shielder won't. Pretender because they can assume the form of any class and Shielder because "there's only one" and therefore they're gonna put it in the main story.
Not if they're planning on releasing part 2's final chapter next year.
Nasu said no.
It'll just be 3-Gaiden (Mooncancer).

>but foreigner
Foreigner literally cannot be misused when is FORBIDDEN by the CF. Read their event dumb nigga. If gets a story it won't be called a OC. More like Shimosa isn't truly an EoR. Basically same position.
No, just the three that were announced from the start + MoonCancer + Foreigner.
5 OC? Seems unlikely...
I hate this game so fucking much it's unreal. I've gotten 3 Ciel who I didn't even give a fuck about and 4 Dob who I also didn't give a fuck about but 0 Xu Fu. Dual 4* rateups should genuinely be fucking illegal under Japanese law.
They should make it clear that you might not get the character you want when you roll.
Or get this they just don't put 2 4* on rateup with no pity system.
Nasu said the point of OC is to explain the meaning of every Extra class in detail, and have people fully understand the class

The only one he turned down was Pretender since he said the human order doesn't consider it an anomaly, since the human order can't detect it.

All other Extra classes will get a chapter.
Why did you roll then?
Some kind of pity for SRs is one of the features I long for the most. I'm really sorry you're getting screwed like that, anon.
Wrong, Shielder is not getting an OC and Foreigner OC now stands dubious at best.
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Foreigner was basically covered by the Imaginary Scramble. It depends on your point of view if the class is being a design flaw or working as intended.
Gilles spells it out to you: the fact alien threats like Outer Gods can solely invade by twisting themselves into a way to be accepted by the Throne of Heroes under a Class Container speaks volumes of our defenses. In doing so they are producing a new set of heroes to help humanity and in a scenario they do try to attack mankind they will either null each other up or the Counterforce will be ready for them in some shape or form.
He said mooncancer wouldn't be getting one either so anything could happen.
So what was the meaning of alteregos and avengers?
For Mooncancer it should be that human extinction stuff but I don't remember any additional weird details for past OCs
It's a bait and switch like Shimosa. Shimosa isn't a real EoR, CCC is. Shimosa was a lostbelt.
>the fact alien threats like Outer Gods can solely invade by twisting themselves into a way to be accepted by the Throne of Heroes under a Class Container speaks volumes of our defenses
They weren't accepted. That's the point. None of those bitches are stored in the Throne. That's why Gilles said they are actually alive.
They tried to grab the real van Goth but he flipped them.
Alterego are isolating a certain aspect or period of a hero's life and turning it into a whole individual of its own, it can be have more pronounced differences than class changes or lily versions based on the Strange Fake Gilgamesh, but eh... the justification sounds flimsy.
Avengers pursue vengeance which is destructive and may create an endless cycle of vengeance, which doesn't line up with the journey to save the world so they feel they shouldn't go with Chaldea to Antarctica in person, also flimsy but it's a filler arc so what can you do.
Honestly the meaning of extra classes is whatever and no more deep than "archer because projectiles, saber because short stick to fight, lancer because long stick to fight" and such.
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Because I wanted Xu Fu and it's the only way to acquire her? Why the fuck else would I be rolling? I got fucked the same way last summer when I wanted Bao but instead got 4 Barg.

We really need it, because I find myself getting screwed over by 4* way more than 5*. 300 quartz to guarantee a copy of the 4* make it happy lasagna.
He never said Foreigner was excluded in the first place, previous anon is lying. in the original OC preview video you see the Foreigner class card for half a second flash on the screen near the end.
Technically yes, but Shimousa is still 'a main chapter in the EoR arc', it isn't part of the Lostbelt arc.
None of the Foreigners are in the Throne of the Heroes. The subplot with Van Goth was to finally get someone who is, but he refused. Gilles calls them "living heroines." They never died.
He never said he was talking about Foreigner. We now know he was talking about Mooncancer. Dub(AI) in the keywords was Mooncancer. there're no keywords left for Foreigner. It's not getting an OC.
There could be a Foreigner related story in the bleached earth map, but it wouldn't be an OC.
It's still not EoR. Epic of Remnants specificially is facing the Subsingularities created by the pillar demons that ran away.
Foreigner won't get an OC. It could get a chapter to wrap them/make Daybit return but that won't be an OC.
Cool, thanks for the explanation
>Avengers pursue vengeance which is destructive and may create an endless cycle of vengeance, which doesn't line up with the journey to save the world so they feel they shouldn't go with Chaldea to Antarctica in person, also flimsy but it's a filler arc so what can you do.
It's not based on their feelings but Guda's. They'll get filtered by the wall so long as they don't vibe with the kind of battle Guda wants to have.
>he thinks the story locks have anything to do with the chapter
Nothing because I would never summon her
I mean I get classes like Pretender needing an OC to explain them (because they're convoluted), but Shielder really doesn't need one. Isn't it self-explanatory? Hero who uses a shield, done.
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In Nasu you trust
You explain this shit in a data book or interview or with Sion or one of the infodump heads to give that infodump.
There's 0 reason to take 3 years for a filler arc.
Hope we get more italian servants
Dante is almost confirmed
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Please consider sex with the banana
Ordeal Call IV: Kotomine Kirei's Big Family Dinner feat. Dante from the Devil May Cry Series
Yang is not for (You)
>this dumb falseflag bait again
Kill yourself.
They should unironically hire the YGO Dante artist for FGO. We know Nasu is not above plagiarising others' works anyways.
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You're right, she's for me.
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Sorry but there is Beatrice instead of Dante for waifu reasons
Imagine if instead of Lilith the vampire slut is actually Beatrice.
>He never said he was talking about Foreigner
Are you talking about Famitsu? He was directly answering a question about the class card that flashes during the pv, i.e. foreigner.
God. You better fucking NOT deny my Morgan/Tonelico chapter, as well as a happy conclusion for our arc.
It would be cool, in the end Beatrice practically has divine powers in Dante's works
Not happening, Nasu doesn't give a damn
I want both of them jumping in my dick and my face
the perfect slutoria
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If we are like that, he doesn't give a damn about anything except the few things he likes, that happens to be the opposite of what his fans wants.
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Fuck off.
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i need melu butt
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There have been more Cosmos than Dubai fanart lately, seems nips finally are up to date.
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Married women...
Holy massive ass
What is the point of this character?
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I cry in the back...
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why is she so sexo?
Can we have a surprise node or interlude so I can be spared of the shitposting?
>Told him to fuck as soon as he started with the melusine falselfag
>Inmediately goes to the basic uther shitposting
holy kek
Forever grateful my favorite isn't a LB6 servant
We should put his theme
GudaBB love
stop acknowledging him
Why? we are always getting content
>but le 4chin schizo
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Still here, don't care about your rampant schizophrenia, you've lost under all angles including your mind.
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Have fun with Melu ... I'll just sit in this corner by myself...
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Why is GudaBB forsaken here?
We knew she's for kekuno since CCC
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The question is: Why do you keep stirring shit upon us.
Your schizo's cry in other generals again.
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Cuz Hakunon-BB won
BB's entire reason for existence is her love for Hakuno and I just think that Nasu's "DUDE ENTIRELY IDENTICAL CLONES LMAO" excuse he's been running for 20 years is absolute dogshit storytelling
raikouschizo is probably some boardwide lolcow I struggle to think of multiple people not having anything else to do in their lives but be failures who cuckpost all day and night to no success.
I am VERY glad my favorite is not an LB6 servant. I feel bad for Nasu servants as well at this point.
thanks LB6!
Nobody gives a fuck about who raikouschizo targets, using this narrative to falseflag just falls flat.
The only time he ever managed to make people turn off from a servant is by liking her. A grand success I'd say, the collective laughter we had at Ushi Gozen expense is unbeatable.
I’m just boosting morale..
Based LizChad
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No you're not, you're just giving the schizo an excuse to samefag your post like he did.
What's the point of doing your spiel whenever he's around and it's literally just him posting for 8 out of 10 posts?
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>this thread
Wendsday can't come soon enough
The schizo is here 24 hours a day...
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Yeah he truly thought he was smart by roleplaying a "Melufag" by grailing the Melusine he rolled for. Shame everyone's smarter than him and it didn't work at all.
The faggot you're replying to is a wannabe schizo anon. He knows what he'd doing.
Futa Grand Order
meant for>>493714546
You point is valid. Here are passionlip lewds for an apology
>Anon wants 9/11 to come
Dude where's your respect?
That's something you should ask Nasu considering that's the date of part 2 of OC3
R word
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>AI jalterorpa
20 mins, he's getting sloppy in ban evading
We keep responding to shitposters and yet they STILL keep coming back.
What more can we do?
Try responding again, /alter/ morgantard
Maybe you will make the thread worse once more by feeding them attention
Just one more reply...
Not him but do you happen to have the dubai set he did?
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Gogh tummy.
Why my Gogh doesn't look like this?
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get off the smurfette ascension my dude
Not my BB tho.
I'm Goghing to cum
why she has so few porn bros?
Built for hatesex and violent handholding.
>Not my BB tho.
Yeah wish cosmos got some more art too
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Is Marie Alter one of the most popular girls this year?
>Schizo apologist
Lmao or talking in third person.
they deserve it
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>Left SQ: 503
At this rate I'm gonna try for NP copies for BB before Arc reruns. Fucking Nasu.
Finally went through and got the storm pod "new quest" notifications off my UI
What do you guys normally do for the dailies, do you actually bother with the ++/star difficulty ones like Vritra? At first glance it seems it's actually better bang for your time and bond farming buck to take 4-5 slots of units you're bond leveling while just repeatedly instagibbing the Galatea or any other similar node
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Holy mother of god, finally. That last copy eluded me for what 6, 7 years?
I either do coins for QP or just blow up Liz because she makes a funny noise and I'm too lazy to try any of the other ones.
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This is a man.
How do people have multiple level 100 CEs? Leveling CEs is such a pain in the ass.
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This is a man too.
CE bombs.
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I do whatever gives the most bond yeah, currently doing Vritra with pic related since my Castoria and Oberon are both bond 15, but honestly just do what's more comfortable for you, if the pods become a chore you don't want to do you'll miss out on any bond or mats that you would get beating up Galatea or the coins or whoever, and most importantly the Class Score material.
CE bombs aka using multiple maxed out 3* ces as fodder
It was cheaper back then with 1* ces
She's Irish, Chinese.
Like this
The only thing left for me in this game is bond farming for now, so yeah I only and exclusively do the 90** vritra quest.
I go 6CE with my favorite servants and a 1*, it takes me around 5~7 turns to clear it.
I just do the highest-level node that my faves can clear without much issue.
I kill Vritra if I have teapots to use. I take 10+ turns to do it in order to bring 6 bond CEs. Otherwise I kill the coins for QP or Ibaraki for the chance at feathers.
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Slutty JC.
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Not my problem.
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I can't make a joke at your expense because we haven't had a lotto event this year, you can buy skill gems with pure prisms though if you still have any.
Save your apples for whatever lotto comes in the future. That's the best farm for skill cookies.
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>you can buy skill gems with pure prisms though if you still have any.
good joke

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Damn bro that's rough, we're definitely not getting an event until October and there's no telling when the lotto will be, you're out of options other than the class dailies then.
I've ignored Bug and Bitch decently long enough that I can just wring out their remaining 2-3 bond levels while I throw Siegfried at Vritra.
If they cap out before a better 90** shows up then I can just switch back to Stheno instead.
The sooner americans cause their own collapse the better for the rest of the world
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Sex with Lanlan
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Not new, just not autistic enough to spend all my waking hours grinding mats or lazy enough to install automata and let the game play itself
>Kill the puppet and not the puppeteer
So you are a log in and log out retard then
Lurk more.
It's not that hard.
Nah I use up my ap twice a day, and whatever the fuck these things are called every 2-3 days
My exhibitionist wife (14 years old) would never.
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I just want to say that I become dumb when Morgan smiles like that.
Saberfaces owe me sex
two more days
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Why did she do it bros?
punch morgan in the face
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Loli cosplayers tend to be really rude.
Aurora hands typed this post.
He never answered it was Foreigner though. He let them continue with the assumptions. It's clearer in the nip text, the english translation was worded to pretend he said something he didn't. He said there was a hint in the trailer, not necessary confirmed it was that one. The hint was the missing keyword: Dub(ai).
He only said that the secret OC will have a surprising timing and it was the mooncancer one.
Again, Foreigners can get a chapter in bleached earth without being an OC. like how Shimosa was NOT the real Subsingularity and EoR but actually a LB and still got a chapter, Seraphix shit was the real one. Same as this time. He pulled the same trick TWICE.
AI is also part of it. We assumed it was about the Ranis, but now it's clear it's about this chapter.
Post the Koyan one
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More like Florance and the entrance for Hell. Or at least I hope, I really want Dante after the EOR3 tease
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My wife is a retard...
Which girl cares thr most for Guda's mental health?
I'll expect to skip it.
Tie between Oberon and Nemo.
Bb dubai is finally defeated. lmao
Part 3 final boss show up. Kekzuraflop
What a twist.
Kazuradrop backstabs BB Dubai and becomes the big bad
This is kinda weird because Guda doesn't recognize this BB as BB even if others say she is. He did recognize Super Dantes as Dantes. why?
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>Also known as Queen of the Moon
>True form of this "doll" is that of Melt who had been previously absorbed by Kazuradrop.
I swear if Melt still haven't show up then I can see this happening either by part 2 or part 3.
Because he knew super dantes? It's just the Tower Dantes. He doesn't know BB Dubai.
We literally saw FGO BB and BB Dubai in the same scene, (You) were and are correct they're not the same.
Dantes was also divided in half.
But this anon is right:>>493777778
Guda knew the other Dantes, it's the first Dantes of the event, instead of the Chaldea one.
The anon means that Guda can recognize Artoria in Lancer versions and Saber Alter/regular/lily/MHX, but not with Artoria Caster I guess.
Mooncancer's class description is so dumb, I wonder if it won't get erased as a class.
Eraser class is too good to remove mooncancer out of the class.
Those aren't girls.
So why Anko made him a NTR guy
how is it even possible? story doesnt gives so much prisms. And i doubt you can buy everything even if you level up all servants.
I guess its because FGO BB has principles that BB Dubai didn't respect. (You) pay close attention to BB antics through various stories in FGO so it'd be easy to notice something's off after a while.
BB has always been on (You)r side and (You)r side only even as a villain. BB Dubai just seems crazy.
It's possible, I think you're just retarded.
i can see that it's possible, because im quoting the post with cleared shop, retard. The question was "how"
The ones that have tried to stop you from your complicated suicide where you keep taking on worse burdens and destroying yourself, and if anyone tries to stop Guda he fights them and then does even more reckless self endangering things

Such as Abby in summer5
BB dindu nuffin
they gonna do something stupid like this in part 3
>enemy too strong ,let merge original BB and BB Dubai
I hope someone will merge Nasu with the knife if something like this will happen with my BB harem.
nasu with the knife: you will rike it
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News Doko?
wahy area wea sow adead?/1
>It turns out BB Dubai actually did nothing wrong and was also aiding Chaldea while seemingly working for the big bad. She ends up teaming with our own BB for the BBBBiggest Comeback in anime history.
Why didn't they run a Pilgrimage Event during this fucking dead period??? I want Erice!!!
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News Doko?
The Kazura betrayal is so blatant and expected by everyone that it would probably be more of a mushroom-like subversion for her to just be an ally played straight all the way, especially since the yellow ribbon on Dubai was already a fakeout and she was somewhat sympathetic to Lip getting nuked
Though knowing Nasu he might just try to subvert one step ahead and make the most obviously foreshadowed shady character that no one trusts just betray you flat-out anyways
They do shit about your mental health unlike girls.
Same as Astolfo. He's retarded.
>Though knowing Nasu he might just try to subvert one step ahead and make the most obviously foreshadowed shady character that no one trusts just betray you flat-out anyways
Hakuno and Hakunon SUS
Karna trusts her.
Wasn't it obvious already?
Grand Foreigner Lovecraft on OC5 will save us
Mitsunari is fun. Why wasn't he voted as favorite npc as those other Guda Guda guys?
Nasu already said that was ORT.
And if it gets a replacement, it'll be Daybit since all jobcrafters are his flunkies.
Because Meiji shit is more popular. And he doesn't have fujobait.
he's got Blaidd
Isn't Daybit just a terminal? He's more like a portal for them to transport anywhere. The one the foreigners respect are the actual Dark Star ayys not their tool/servant
Why are you bringing up an npc from over two years ago we never saw again?
They protect him. They aren't using him as taxi.
Being a terminal doesn't mean he's not synchronized completely considering his knowledge. All real fairies are "terminals" of the planet after all, and you know are divided spirits of its soul.

Whole point of Daybit is that he's not the real boy, but something larping as he is anyway.
Abby and Kama does as well desu

Other girls are more into "he can fix me"
The angels appear to protect Daybit is he's in danger, and its creation seems to be a miracle.
Bro he knows the shape of the known universe (true) and he can magically "analyze" everything where he lands. At least the circumstances. Why do you think it is? This is knowledge from the Dark Star.
None of the Jobcraft people know half of the shit he does.
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Class these stupid bitches if they're Servants
that's mostly cause they're Nasu ripoffs so they're instantly superior
I mean he's the only reason Moneybully came this far. Because he decided to autistically answer his questions.
eh its Marysuebilly
he'd do it without him
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Is this the first time a chapter got shilled other than LB6? Some individual chapters got shilled in promo/collab with adaptations, but in case of other stuff is usually mixed shillclub or popular characters not obvious nod to the cast of one chapter.
Yeah, because it's the first time you have popular characters in a popular chapter (other than LB6). Atlantis was well liked but only has Mandy to carry the goods.
>Cagliostro and Hassan nowhere to be seen
Easy to shill a chapter when it uses as much fanfavorites as possible
This implies there was a time where Jeanne Alter wasn't everyone's n1 waifu who got all fan art and goods.
While OC2 is in the top 3 of FGO most succesful chapters it's hard to call this dedicated shilling.
>Cagliostro and Hassan nowhere to be seen
probably because they also don't match the set?
Friend (Hikki and Mandy), adult figure (Marie Alter, Salieri), your waifu/husbando (Jeanne Alter, Dantes). These merch usually have some code about what's in.
It's one of the first times they realize its popularity and put greenlight on the goods instead of shilling something unpopular. Do you remember how they used to shove Shez everywhere BEFORE they realized Moriarty was more popular so switched? Do you remember nasu thinking and worrying Shinjiku wouldn't be a popular chapter? I know kek.
They just left out the two characters no one cares about
Edmond is there, why wouldn't Cags fit?
Cags was left out because he was another victim of Sakurai writing.
>1st ascension Marie Alter
>adult figure
>protect him
To be fair the whole incident that ended up turning Daybit into the terminal have a very specific and extremely rare condition. It's normal if they don't want such a rare tool to get damaged beyond repair (died)
>He believe americans will turn normal after the elites will be purged
All the problems that caused the country to be like that go back to the times of the british colonies, it's impossible for the US to fix themselves without external help
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I did Aesc
>>Anon wants 9/11 to come
>Dude where's your respect?
who the fuck cares
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People have been theorizing she may be Lilith or some demon
But I believe she is a dragon.
Ruler OC is very likely to be written be Higashide and one of the concepts he is in charge is the Evil Dragon Phenomenom
Her horns are also very similar to Kiyo's. One of the traits of western dragon girls in this game are the horns, demon girls don't usually have them outside onis
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I find it impossible to believe that they're going to be introduced and finished in only a single chapter next year.
Lilith has enough connection to serpents in lore so that she can be a dragon in Fate if the writer really wants it.
I mean it could be a 5 parts chapter
Who said that FGO was parts 1 to 2?
It's Liz Alter, it's in her name - Li-LIZ
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The Melt in this manga was so beautiful and hot, it's a shame they prematurely got rid of her for such a dark plot twist. If only Gawain had killed her in a way her body was impossible to snatch by KD.
please no
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Nasu always said it was a 2 part story. Everything that started from year 1 ends next year.
Please dont jinx it...
>such a dark plot twist
It's just supposed to be a parallel to how Kiara body-snatched Passionlip in the CCC, anon. (Whose body was ironically destroyed by Melt.)
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Nidhogg? Leviathan (True)?
If they revive all the Crypters on early part and make them become part of (My) team then I'm okay with a long chapter
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Melt in CCC also went around using the bodies of others as puppets or dolls, so it's possible Kazura used Melt's stolen power against her, giving a taste of her own virus. Foxtail is filled with ironies and parallels indeed.

For example, this chapter cover (pic-related) foreshadowed Passionlip and Melt dying under the high school's Sakura tree. It's both of them resting on the ground as Sakura petals and branches fall on them. That's why you see the Sakura tree in many panels during their fight.
You mean like BB Lily actually being kazuradrop
Or BB Dubai being evil

I dont know why people think Nasus obvious twists aren't supposed to be obvious when hes been doing them literally forever
Will she be popular or forgotten
Depends her story role, first impressions are important
Design is fine, she kinda feels like she could be a bratty girl or maybe arrogant stacy diva like Melt
She also has that evil/goth vibe that make characters like Alters popular
Probably popular for two weeks and then everyone go back to the old fan favorites as usual
Do we know who's the welfare? Kazuradrop?
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I'm actually hoping she doesn't appear in OC3 because so far it's that bad with all the servant-verse shit. Not to mention, Melt appearing in an incident that's about shilling hard BB, Tsukihime, and Eresh would suck. It would be like Jeanne Alter appearing in a story that is about pairing you hard with many other characters but her.
Double Hakuno
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It better be because I don't feel confident in my ability to roll her
I can't take it anymore. I need to hug Nitocris and I will destroy anybody who gets in my way.
But GudaSaba is good tho and Melt already had Seraph. While there can be moments between her and Guda, in the end the other girls deserve those moments too. Unfortunately, not many get the kind of treatment.
Shut up Ozy
A literally who japanese servant who shows up for 30 seconds near the end
Nasu didn't write any japanese servants in years
Summer welfares are always supposed to be popular characters, so it has to be Kazura there's no one popular left besides her.
Not popular
I really fucking hate Tamamo.
We didn't get a popular summer welfare in years anon. Knocknarea is even the least popular summer servant period
OCs technically count.
When was the last time he wrote a japanese historical figure?
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Beast OC when?
How will Black Myth Wukong "inspire" Nasu to change the plot?
More black characters or something
>Da Vinci
>Medb 2
They are incredibly popular in my heart, anon.
A shame that Sakurai is never ever going to explore the fact that Thrud's is Thor's daughter, but I'll take what I can.
>Reason Takasugi and to a way lesser extent the other GG6 lads got popular is because 2021 barely had any other appealing guys besides Oberon and maybe Taigong (Tunguska did not do him any favors and needed extra help to not fall into the pit of utter irrelevancy)
>Unlike the next year later where the gender ratio wasn't so lopsided and there was 3 guy SSRs for one story chapter (Traum), a NPC is obviously not going to get much attention
>Never relevant again after GG7
Maybe when the monkey is playable (with Ieyasu too hopefully), he'll be saved
Hakunon gets more fanart in any given year than Kazura has had in her entire existence, try again.
Kazura is more likely to be welfare then. We don't get popular characters for free during summer anymore.
Welfare is Lip
Lip is already playable retard
Welfare is (Me).
Are you for (Me)?
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Arisu... Forgotten...
Name recent servants that aren't forgotten
The ones I like because I think of them often.
Only chinks care about wukong
People very into culture war stuff also care
>clapshit character
>a second BB
>mhxa who already had an alt and serves no purpose
They really wasted half of the summer lineup. Can't wait for next year to only introduce new characters and not give swimsuit to anyone.
This but unironically
This is the last summer event, after shilling his servanverse and CCC magnum opus to the max Nasu will end the yearly summer events.
you know what, I bet nasu thinks this event/chapter is his magnum opus
He is probably very proud of it and will be baffled if it isn't well received. Will probably get defensive about it too if that happens
No. I bet he did all of this on purpose so he can have an excuse to say
>summer is not worth it enough so we should stop now
Nasu likes subversion for the sake of subversion.
I bet he thought it was one of his best ideas ever to disguise a main story chapter as the usual Summer Hijinx
The Aniplex management will call him a retard
It still made enough money for that to not stick
All the servants I wanted swimsuits alts of got it so I honestly don't care if they stop summer.
What if they release someone else you would like to get a swimsuit?
I haven't enjoyed a completely new character since LB7, I'm safe
Monkey King would make the curry cast DBZ shit look tame if he ever showed up meaningfully, you can't even do the Herc cope of "this is him before he became a Buddha/god/whatever" because his most destructive literal chimpouts are at the start of his story and not the end
Monkey King game will just convince Nasu to do his usual bullshit where the character is nerfed and summonable because it's just one of his hairs or not really him for real, all the Pretender checkboxes
>BB Dubai made a fuck ton of money
>/fgog/ thinks summer will end
Do you have a source that isn't made up numbers?
He'll hire Toyotaro to draw Wukong and chastise himself for not getting Toriyama to do it
He's inside a dude now that's his nerf
I think it will end because Nasu is autistic and wants it to end not because of money.
Wukong was already in gudaguda ACE
I was kinda baffled by how negative Black Myth ended up being towards Nasu's beloved Buddhism desu. Not sure how he reacted to that.
My grails are burning a hole in my pocket and demanding Kazuradrops release on 9/11.
If he doesn't learn that women and western are biased and he may have been fooled too, then I don't know what will.
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It would be cool and ironic if Charles the Great (True) was a Savior.
Like if he didn't deny his myth and was the aggregate Karl and Charlie
Karl eventually
One of his hairs would work for an Alter Ego wukong, I guess.
Isn't Sanzang also just a fragment of the actual one or at least summoned before the end of the journey?
I'm talking about how Black Myth appears to be a reinterpretation of Journey to the West's conclusion, in that Wukong becoming a Buddha was actually not all it was cracked up to be and that Buddhism wasn't the true path.
>OC4 by Higa
Karlitobros... hope?
So only you lmao
Imagine if we got all 13 Emperor Constantines.
How would the fanbase refer to them
There's me too
Like "Constantine N"?
>Wukong becoming a Buddha was actually not all it was cracked up to be and that Buddhism wasn't the true path.
That was the real ending or Black Myth ending?
>Black Myth
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Jirai-kei Bob.
Wife shaped menhera
By their class I suppose. We have enough classes that they could each have a different one.
eh I don't think it's too surprising
the most famous parts of Journey to the West are about the dude beating up every east asian pantheon he can get his hands on and pissing (sometimes literally) on them, even buddha
he and the pig stay horny or violent angry fucks who get marginally better the whole way through the journey while the monk is a portrayed as a useless tard to the end if I recall, them getting to keep their promotions (for real this time) at the conclusion was honestly pretty optimistic if anything

kinda aligns with nasu really, given his equally respectful takes on buddhism like kiara
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Jirai-kei Morgan.
Waiting warmly right there with you
Kazuradrop won't release with OC3 unless she's welfare so not on 9/11
Black Myth. Journey to the West is a fairly straightforward enlightenment journey.
But Kiara is an inversion of all things Buddhist, hence why she's a corrupted demon or a Beast and not a true Boddhisatva, much less a Buddha. I've no doubt Nasu would never discredit Sanzang and the Journey like the game kinda did with Wukong being exalted as the rebellious troublemaking spirit first and foremost instead of one who mellowed out when he became a Buddha. I think Nasu very much believes in the Buddhist doctrine of "Find a master and serve the right".
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Nurse City.
probably went to the same school as Dr Gilgamesh
Chicks w swords, double the fun
Next year summer line up will be Chaldea staff, so
Summer Sion
Summer Big Vinci
Summer Ophelia
Summer Brolga
Summer Hinako
Summer Koyan (Gordolf's secretary)
Francis Xavier soon
Terminals are extension of the whole thing. That's why he has knowledge Dark Star has. Even if has Independence, it's clearly why there's a reset to keep things "pure."
Considering there are pretty much no big hits anymore to do a summer lineup, light as well do the worst one possible
You spoiled Space Shiki.
I was thinking being the anniversary, Chaldea staff fits more than randos.
Welfare is space Arc
Nasu told me
Welfare is a powered up Bart
The welfare was the friends you made along the way
>there are pretty much no big hits anymore to do a summer lineup
Anon are you retarded?

We have
>Space Jeanne Alter
>Space Abby
>Space Scat
>Space Tamamo
>Space Morgan
>Space Melusine
And welfare Space Artoria (somehow different from MHX)
The story has been shitting on Bart so hard I really expect him to have his badass underdog moment.
Nasus set it up pretty damn hard
Just making a servant Space is enough to not be a hit anymore
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I know from the articles about the game director, that he was inspired mainly by GoW. With that starting point and then looked for the narrative excuse to kill all those gods. But it is curious that it seems that the one who pays the damages is Christianity. I have to say that it is funny that most of the Chinese that I read make up things too absurd that no atheist here in the West I saw use to attack the Christian religion as false, I got some laughs.
seeing some cute mordreds here

Still waiting for Summer Himiko...
bart will download a car and reintroduce piracy to the AI of the moon
that or he'll strike up a relationship with that AI on the boat who becomes the first woman to tolerate his retarded fetish, reminding the AI on the moon of how love can blossom between less advanced robots and retro humans, or something
>637 quartz and 35 tix
Surely it's enough right fgog
Sounds like enough to get 0 5* yeah.
Enough for what?
900 quatz to spark
tickies are worth threem quatz ea
Darth Vader is a heroic spirit now...
What happened now
Guess I'll always be an assclaplet...
>Space Tamamo
Wouldn't that just be the sun?
succubi Usually have horns at least outside of fate,fate went with a pretty boring representation if we assume just like the Merlins they’re all essential high elves(white hair elf ears)
Iori wasn't even a year ago
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>hololive's Gigi's idea of peak design is bakatoria's first ascension
>wants to use it as inspiration for future outfit
>calls her summer artoria
anything can happen, i got np3 draco in 5 tickets
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i am in love with a dragon
please do not post random sluts in /frog/ thank you, only relevant sluts
Eh... Not really, curry have Rama killed Ravana who conquered heaven. There's also Hanuman who is said to be direct inspiration for Wukong. Vritra waging wars against Indra, Durga killed Mahisasura who conquered 3 worlds. So yeah, someone like Wukong isn't really new to curry DBZ.
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I fucking hate mexico
Kill yourself tlaloc you fucking bitch
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It's time for some Anastasia's covers
Lullaby / кoлыбeльнaя :
Once Upon A December :
Nice, but I'd rather hear her moan my name.
Can I roll?
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James Earl Jones died... But he will live on because he sold his voice to Disney for AI sloppa
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>Summer 10 will be absolutely fucked
Lol they have no one left to pick
i want her to give me a footjob
Time for Summer Jack.
ok gay faggot
She will throw up blood on your dick and her feet
Bedivere, Munenori, and Kama (Male) for the boys.
Parvati, Scheherazade, and Mata Hari for the girls.
I'm sorry, I saw the leaks. It's going to be Ooku 2 and Kiara is going to be running the show.
i read this as samurai jack
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They still have Jack, Miyu, Dechi, Jeanne Lily, Ana, NR, Wu (non shit swimsuit version), Chacha, Bunyan, Sitonai, Gogh, Draco, and LIZ (forma da pretender) to pick from. There's a lot of highly desirable semen demons left.
Beast and OC summer with Draco, Tiamat, Koyan, Kali, Marie Alter and some filler picks
Shut the FUCK UP, stupid pedo
Fuck I just started OC3 and I already used up my CS from fighting Astolfo
>Bring Jannu
>Use skills so he can't keep up his buffs
The battle is tedious but it is not hard at all.
You must have been thinking too much
If you have Astraea at np2+ just bring her along and she'll ruin the day of most mooncancers.
I still haven't finished part 1...
They had no absolutely problems filling out summer 9 with pure disasters.
speak for yourself. I asked for Ciel. I asked for Xufu. I asked for MHXA. I asked for City. And I asked for BB but not really cuz we already had her but I'm not complaining.
There will be no Summer 10
>I asked for Ciel.
You did not ask for summer Ciel.
Or space Ciel.
They can just pick 2 popular picks as the SSRs and the rest with unwanted filler, it's not that hard.
But yeah, I don't expect much from summer in a long while anyway, so good luck to the rest of ya if your favs still haven't gotten a swimsuit.
the idea that AI wants to be Human is certainly a true nasu moment
>people only just realising nasu is the worst writer
Still Sakurai.
Actually, I think YOU are the worst writer. Yes, YOU! The shitposter in this general.
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Can't wait to stick it in her butt.
Why can't FGO be fun to play instead of just tedious?
that's meant to be a fun easter egg
How else are you supposed to be deeply immersed into the role of getting forced against your will through one retarded pseudo-singularity after another while your own servants conspire to fuck you over?
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Shhh.... She's sleeping.
I still don't have Jannu bro...
Novum Chaldea + Team A summer
*5 Olga + Sion
*4 Habenyan + OOOOOOOO + Paisen(True) + Cerejeira
>about to be Japanese 9/11
Almost time for the big OC3 chapter update today
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Deepest lore.
The first part was released at 18:00 jst so only tomorrow
>Even thin Caesar has manboobs
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Not sure about Nasu but the case files author played it and will probably do some other stuff with Wukong being in the novel.
The Sangzang that is the servant is before she become a Buddha they could just do the same reason to make Wukong a servant if they want.
>Always run with a pierce CE invuln on your main attacker in case the boss or even mobs have some shit gimmick
>Don't assume it's a scripted loss or free bond farming node for full backline shitters even if the node costs 5 AP
>Always be ready for a potential full NP charge and self-buff pierce invuln on enemy break
Come now anon, you've cleared dozens of these by now
Just because Chaldea always comes unprepared doesn't mean (you) have to as well!
I do wish your cast of supporting backliners would be better in story about telling you what the gimmick is going to be before you enter, they can clearly do it with fights like Tlaloc's but they seem to think "this enemy will hide behind 50 evade proxies" is fine
Wukong is inside Ergo's ass already though.
from what I recall wukong's real bullshit was less that he's "powerscaled over some other pantheon entity" (though he does thrash a lot of random names) and more that the story is explicit about him doing DBZ shit while being retardedly immortal
>ate magic buddhist immortal fruit so he's on one layer of invuln
>overdosed on immortal fruit so he's on a second
>forcefully removed his date of death from hell or whatever so he's on a third level
>got put in some magic east asian forge of anti-immortality that was supposed to be the conceptual weakness of his immortality but it just made him even more invincible instead
>if you finally cut his head off he just regens instantly or splits into two monkeys instead
shit reads like nasu powerwanking ORT constantly just walking everything off during the raid
Sony doesn't give a fuck about what Nasu wants, kiddo.
Post website.
It's anniversary so it's Chaldea staff summer with Sion, Olga, Ophelia, Hinako (dressing more modestly), Big Vinci, Miss Crane, Koyan (she counts as staff briefly, that's why she's left), Habetrot, Mashu, Cherry Blossom Tree (portuguese). Also hawaii shirt Gordolf, Kadoc, Romani, Kirsch (dressed as a victorian ill boy), Daybit with a skuba outfit, Pepe, Martini shaker Munierre, Speedos Beryl and Speedo Lev.
It'll be reset Chaldea which will have all those characters anyway. See cast
Koyanbros are in luck that Koyan was "technically" part of Chaldea.
Sun Wukong would just be a Dragonball reference and you know it
He went full contrarian with greeks because he didn't want to make them a Saint Seiya reference (even if he did cloths for achilles, jason, and quirinus).
>we beat the big bad villain
>Oi Mashu, toss me a senzu bean!
>*proceeds to revive the big bad*
Hey guys, when are we updating Brave Liz for the new, modern, sensitive audences?
>Wins a grail war
>I wish for an interdimensional HGW where the losers timeline gets erased
Sounds familiar?
Depends Nasu loves to wank Buddhism and Wukong became a Buddha by the end of the journey. So he might just focus on the Buddha side of Wukong.
ENTER, King Shulgi of Ur
El Hermano de Gilgamesh
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Now she wake up.
bit more than that chief
Plus 3 hour tip
Will there be a maint?
I'm not spoonfeeding you.
There's still a time gate until 25th, we're going to be on Nasu's wild ride for a month
Holy shit that's so fucked up
No wonder square is in the shitter
Business as usual
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They added a Hint button now for story fights
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The Kadoc protection squad has assembled.
Last day of nothing, finally...
why so smoldime
I don't get it. Internet is drowning people with porn and yet we have all that censoring of the most inocuous stuff happening, it's like a bandaid on a wooden leg.
Dunno, but it sure is cute.
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News Doko?
is he 1/3 god?
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Can we add a costume for Tez aniki as Chaldea guest or arm dealer or something
Are you retarded? We are only getting reruns banners
Part 2 Karna Archer or alter since we still not met him in part 1, I feel like he will got a new form here like Edison.

Part 3 most likely Kazuradrop or super Lip and Hakunos for welfare.
5 hour maintenance tomorrow.
More like part 2 Koyan rerun and part 3 Arcueid rerun. With Astolfo, Jeanne, Kiara somewhere too.
Part 2 will be Archetype Earth & Edison gacha. Also Saber Astolfo, Summer Jeanne & Summer Kiara reruns.

Part 3, Kazuradrop gacha by herself. Passionlip Summer welfare.
Passionlip is npc though
Nah, too much story focus.
Hakuno is the obvious NPC. The moment one of them was confirmed to be a master instead of a servant is the moment your cope died.
Even further than that, the moment that one of the two started getting more portraits with different clothes but same expressions was the moment your cope died.
Delusuonal Lip faggot
Looks better, especially the abs
I'm rock hard.
>The welfare will be available in the third part
>Both the NPCs are already in the story and both could've helped in fighting but never do
>They're not even servants, they're just AIs who moved over from one of the many EXTRA universes and will go back when the story's over
>Meanwhile Lip is out of commission and the one we have now has no voicelines
It's genuinely not hard to see who's going to be the welfare.
Yeah probably Kazuradrop
This will be the 60th iteration of the exchange between Liphate and Liplove, and they have not gotten any more efficient at the process.
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Nasu would just nerf him into being a jobber because he's an incompetent hack. I hope we never get Wukong because I'm tired of my favourite mythological characters getting treated like jokes.
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Who ?
2 is gonna be Lip Lily, those are her arms
Nah, it would be a literal who got summoned just to defeat the big baddies
What a shit year.
Andromeda rabu...
Fuck off lack
but the hair is too short for any self respecting Sakura 5
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what a slut...
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Need Cummer wife
Halloween event next month will redeem the year. Beside the possible Liz welfare, there will be brand new and original Servants.
It has to.
Unless this year's GudaGuda is Halloween, in which they'd bring in two previous NPC's (one of them Elizabeth JAPAN), and at most one new character.
>brand new and original servants
And they'll be forgotten after a week as usual
sorry anon sama in order to placate you we'll give you the 500 Morgan and Melusine alts you desire and rightfully deserve
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When the FUCK are we getting the welfare?
Two weeks I think
Since when were you under the impression that there's a welfare?
melu rate up when?
Remember when people said Foreigner OC will happen and that silhouette is definitely summer Gogh?
can't wait for my Lip welfare anons
it's over
Wrong year
Can't wait for you to kill yourself
next year summer event or costume
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Where's the aesc rerun?
2 months ago.
We are definetly getting Kazuradrop/Muryan
Also is tomorrow. Tell me that someone here at least have some level of excitement or interest at the very least.
We're not getting a new servant tomorrow at all though
Forgot to say content.
I don't have any idea who is the welfare. But Kazuradrop should be on a surprise banner of the final part.
I'm the welfare
No, you are the shit fare.
I am the breaking bad:
Then I'm welfare Walter white
Put your dick away, waltuh.
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Waltuh, drop a beat. Mic check, yo, yo, it’s MC finguh on the mic, yo.
I forgot Santa Helena was a thing, Arcade exclusive Santas was a crime
>breaking bad posting
>but no gustavo
I love this artist
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gremlin corgi
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I hate how the English fandom attached her with that dumb corgi name/meme
Melusine has ugly eyebrows.
cumming inside cummer
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Arcade has been getting better Santa servants than us for years and it's fucked up. I want my Santa Helena and Fran already.
corgis are ugly and annoying dogs and im tired of pretending otherwise.
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Pretty sure we'll get another male Santa this year.
Nah don't worry we just won't get a Christmas lotto this year. We'll get an OC that stretched out for 2 months instead.
You are funny
didn't they say there would be events during OC3?
Where are the events?
Sir there's been a summer event running this entire time
Need to edit and post the videos on my youtube channel first.
and im still not even at 2million points...
Good sar it says it has over 30 days left, when can I expect the next event good sir?
End of October perhaps
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They announced it.
If they’re going to force so many forced deployments on us, why can’t they force us to deploy servants that are actually good and useful for that node?????
Never mind that, I'd take a 10/10/10 servant instead of 8/8/8 for now.
say is OC3 gonna have free quests?
Yes? There are new mats exclusive to OC3 right?
Is there gonna be a new rate up tomorrow?
There are but that's not a confirmation.
Yeah a Koyan, Kingprotea, Astolfo, Kiara, Jeanne or Arcueid rerun.
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I think we will get a new gacha tonight because nasu always spoils shit with them for some reason.
How do you do a new gacha with no new character?
Didn’t GSX-401FW Stargazer Jeanne get a rate up just a few weeks ago?
After digging a bit here you go.
>If you clear all main quests for "Soucho III: New Primate Successor Battle: Archetype Inception" during the opening period, a new free quest will appear on the Blank Earth at that point (no free quests will be added to the "Soucho III" map).
>In the new free quest, you can obtain new skill enhancement and spirit origin ascension materials that will be introduced in "Soucho III."
It's a battery thinggy quest so you might want to save it for it.
Because Nasu will spoil a new character
There won't be one
>new materials gated behind storm pods
How do you defend this?
eh drop pods tend to have decent rates at least?
though I guess you can't really apple them like you can other shitty mats.
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Why arent you playing Horizon Walker
Storm pods have really good rates, with many having fixed mat drops too.
The only servants asking for the new mats are BB Dubai and MHXXA anyway, and they want it for the Append skills only. So I don't think they're high priority at all in the first place.
It looks like genuine trash
They said it a while ago it will be Oct
>3D models
Owari da.
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I prefer
type of games okay?
>isn’t made by actual humans
Hmmm, nyo.
Will we get new servants tomorrow, you think?
>KR Ghost
it's shit
Build was the best out of all Heisei.
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42 days for what? Just give us the new servants already
k bros i ran fga and got to 3million points
I like OOO, Drive and Ex-Aid more
I'm more of a Garo man myself but it's been a while since a new series.
Best was Gaim. Second best is Build it lingers on the Evolt too much.
We already have them though, only the welfare is missing
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So why is a random nigger giving orders to MY servants?
you're a cuck
did you miss your drake having sex with faceless men in a main story chapter?
Based Garobro
Kuuga was the best Heisei btw.
How powerful is his Enuma Elish?
Kills side characters, does nothing to main characters.
Kamen Rider sucks
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Bold of you to assume you aren't getting a Jinako rerun instead
bros we're finally getting news tonight!!! arwent you excited!?
no, my workout headphones just died and now i have to workout in silence...
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Given how Nasu writes, almost nothing actually interesting will happen until the last 5% of this segment and then it’s 2 more weeks of waiting, so no.
Plus if the first segment is anything to go by, it’s also going to be incredibly tedious to play through.
/alter/tard welcome
Takeuchi really went and made me appreciate tummies after Morgan.
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Youre joking right? 3d Models are superior. They can be utilized in a ton of ways and give you a lot more angles to appreciate the design from
Well, does this game have cunny?
The difference between Sakurai and Nasu.
the funny thing is that niggelf is probably supposed to be super tall but is actually around 170cm or some shit
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Do you get paid by the gooks to shill their slop or do you do it for free?
Just don't reply and report.
That looks worse than our shitty 3D models
Nothing wrong with mocking inferior games. If you are offended, that's your problem.
Astolfo and Edison are poised to drop out next while taking their evade spam/break bar revive with them and the other factions shouldn't have shitmob followers, at least from what's been described so far, fingers crossed
Though now that I type this I'm sure Nasu will let one of the gag factions survive and pester us to the end
Stupid-ass clown. SEI HATE!
Paid shills have always existed in /v/ and /vg/.
New Servants or an Arc/Lip rerun?
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>time-gated story chapter
so nothing important will happen
Kazuradrop tonight
We're obviously getting Violet tomorrow
For me it's (Me) (Francis Xavier) (female)
I need to make her a mother
12 hours til disappointment
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don't care, rolling for Blushu
Acgn, look it up.
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12 hours til fillerkino
New chapter dropping tonight.
What obvious story set ups do we have?

>Tenochitlan is randomly obsessed with being the sister city of dubai and acting crazy, she was probably brainwashed by Jeanne
>They told you three alter egos were in Dubai, Guda imagines melt but they never actually told you it was Melt. They let your assumptions fool you. Just like how melt in CCC event thought she would see Emiya in the church, but it was an unrelated alter version, Nasu plays with expectations.
>Kazura is obviously planning something
sabird (pink)
Don't care. I'll skip it because it's retarded and shit. Guda Guda author should displace Nasu as main story writer. He's the one who knows how to use Servants instead of shitty ocs nobody gives a fuck about.
Sparse thoughts

AE will fight Ciel, Ciel will job and AE will do something to help (You).
Jeanne will die offscreen and we'll find Kiara instead.
Astolfo and Edison will randomly job at some point.
We'll fight Hakunon as portrait master + BBD and they'll job to (You) + BB Cosmos or something cheesy like that.
Kingprotea will fight her Alter.
Karna, Xu Fu and MHXXA will rejoin the party.
(You) will make an AI go crazy to show the negatives since part 1 showed the positives.
(You) will call out someone being weird/traitorous ( likely Kazura ).
(You) and Eresh will meet and do some stuff
Summer Lip return will be teased
Melt statue was hijacked by Kiara, so Melt is just back in Chaldea doing nothing
>Nasu plays with expectations.
Bro nobody, absolutely nobody, has expectations of this slop. We're waiting to wrap so we can know the title of a real OC.
>a real OC
Yes? Hello? The ones affecting Chaldea members and not this gagshit? Like how OC1 was about Sion and OC2 was about Guda.
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i still haven't finished part 1...
>2 day old thread

Man these threads really slowed down dramatically.
It gets good at Camelot.
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>literally giving a shit about a filler gag "chapter" where the plot is literally guda and co trying to leave so wouldn't even touch this shit with a ten foot pole
Bro? It's shit.
Almost as if BBshit and Extrashit and SUsht and clapshit killed the game and the interests of most of the players.
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someone give me the willpower to finish this
I thought this was ocunny for a moment
This chapter feels like some kind of doujin. I'll be real. It's not just badly written but the setting and cast are bizarre I can't take it seriously.
I'm stuck in chapter 4 because I got bored.
>Sakurai learned script battles are fucking annoying so she doesn't do them or cheeses them (like super dantes vs cag)
>Nasu shits out a chapter with the most obnoxious forced supports since Olympus

Someone needs to break his fingers for this.
And yet /frog/ defends the state of the game and still gives them money.
Where’s the free servant?
>thinking I care about any OC chapter
Speak for yourself, I haven't given them money since they announced the filler arc.
>Bro nobody, absolutely nobody, has expectations of this slop
Expectations is "You lead the audience to assume X, but you never actually say X, therefore you suprise them when its actually Y". Use the player character to gaslight the player into beliving a falshood,by having the player character reach a false answer that the NPC never told them
The subversion of expectations
You can't subvert expectations when I have none.
Part 3.
Only those who have absolute faith in Nasu will be rewarded tomorrow. All the non believers will be left disappointed.
Nasu has literally never written a good chapter.
There is fuck all reason to believe in him.
You were on such a good track there yet still funded the turd.
>Sakurai has literally never written a good chapter.
Servant for this feeling?

>FGO doesn't have a single good chapter
This is shit but gudaguda is not better or maybe worse because of nipshit.

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