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wtf??? edition
>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

Previous: >>493647469
>monk gets ranged attacks and they do damage
>dragoon continues to be cool with weaves and dragon shit
>samurai gets to midare all the time
>reaper gets to enshroud more often and has harder hitting slices
>viper has a fuckton of weaving and has the highest APM in the game atm
>ninja gets nothing
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Post athletic, healthy, fit female characters in gym and workout clothes, preferably sweaty.
catboy supremacy
I'm an EW bab. I see people complain about the 2 minute meta, but nobody ever mentions what it was like before that. Did everyone just have random cooldown timers 1-5 minutes that didn't line up?
post breasts
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my femlala is like this
people want accuracy caps and cooldowns not resetting on wipes again
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ninja got ranged attacks and they do damage
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post your fiddie
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Where are the doman fiddies
any pics of the elezen on the right getting knotted or dragoned?
god damn i love this elf and their golems
>reaper gets to enshroud more often
How exactly?
Holy fuck
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Not sweaty, but kicking.
May I rape
my moonie is waiting for it to get dark so she can commence her 1.7km there and back trip to the grocery store
Most people that complain about the 2 minute meta don't even understand what the 2 minute meta even is.
jesus who is that
My lalaboy's defining character trait is his slutty feet.
you now remember weakness and brink of death reducing your max hp
You know those aren't breasts, right?
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mine is like this
Don't think so. It was from a set from like over a year ago but I don't have the rest. Was really good though.
It's SUNDAY! Post your sunny sunnies!
They look like breasts to me, so I am gonna rapeslap my goonwand to it

Here u go saar
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What are you fighting for?
My femroe wife
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The hope that I might see Zero again
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I will never forgive xandão
Raids require the following:
>reintroducing add management (such as t7)
>reintroducing cc effects (e.g having to stun mobs or keep them heavied/rooted/slept/silenced, and not just pressing Interject once per tier if they can be bothered doing even that)
>return to health-based phase changes rather than strictly time-based phases (like in coils) to allow for more intelligent usage of burst damage
>mini-dps checks for the same purpose as above
>more importance on proper boss positioning (and not just bosses recentering themselves for every mechanic on top of having a giant hitbox)
>more interesting arena design and fights that require you to take advantage of the environment (such as t8, a7, a9 and a10 - with bonus shoutouts to Rhalgr)
>more unorthodox encounters that isn't just a single boss (such as t2, or like t4/a2 but not shit)
>return of door mini-bosses like ADS and Faust
>more unscripted mechanics that require you to pay attention (such as alarm pheromones 1)
Is Ruby Weapon hard?
Alright I can respect that
Imagine cuddling and holding hands while waiting for the queue to pop, and then you continue cuddling and holding hands in the dungeon...
Maybe even a smooch for good luck...
>make raiding dogshit awful to do again
>for minimal gain
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I'm not sure
>nael first clear
>those screams of pure joy
>sounds like people are crying in the BG from sheer exhilaration
>literally just "wow good job guys"
what killed the magic?
Good morning /xivg/
Song has several remixes, it's very popular over 100mil views across most music vids.
https://aethy.com/@PenzNezLala (Otis Jenkins)
https://aethy.com/@cecillacamilla (Cecilla Camilla
https://aethy.com/@rinko (Rinko Rin)
https://aethy.com/@Ikkou (Ikkou Alonz)
https://aethy.com/@Feri@mstdn.jp (Feriri Feri)
https://aethy.com/@kokoha (Kokoha Koha)
https://aethy.com/@sowo (Sowowo Sowo)
https://aethy.com/@achamachama (Atma buster)
https://aethy.com/@Flaffles (Yu Yun)
Hey that's pretty much my search comment.
>lists all the reasons people hate alexander
>lists the most hated current mechanic
Genuinely mentally ill
like every mmo ever raiding turned into a second job
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heehee, i see you're into swordfighting, is it because you want to... prove a *point*?
Are there any good resources for hotbar setups for controllers? Specifically summoner but all jobs would be nice. Want to get in an play without micromanaging skills for an hour.
Femroe wife spotted
Going to keep spamming these?
>very popular
i forgot the masses are retarded
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Cool. Are the queue times fast on it?
I'm the kind of idiot where if the game tells me something narratively, I listen to it. It's how I missed like half of BG3 and did every fight super underleveled
>>reintroducing cc effects (e.g having to stun mobs or keep them heavied/rooted/slept/silenced, and not just pressing Interject once per tier if they can be bothered doing even that)
MFW remembering the last time we had to stun or silence a mob in a raid was before covid
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>people hate fun and engaging mechanics
If I ever voice during a raid victory, I will say 'yippie'.
you had to silence a mob in the another aloalo ackshually
I agree with everything here, however we'd be lucky if they reintroduced even half of those things. The game's audience has changed a lot in the last 5 years. The ironic (and most unfortunate) piece of all this is that SE will cater to raiders when it comes to dumbing down jobs and taking away what made them distinctive and unique because raiders want a stagnant 2 minute meta for their funny number barses, but they won't cater to raiders by actually creating fun, challenging fights like we used to have.
>add phases and HP based phasing are “fun and engaging mechanics”
>”guys hold damage so we don’t phase so fa-GOD DAMMIT PICTO WHAT DID I JUST SAY”
>none of these exclusively post gay content
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I have a really bad habit of explaining half a thought. I'm trying to do Ruby Weapon before continuing post ShB msq because the game is like "hey you probably should stop this thing"
not a raid
no one did these
doesn't count
Variety in fight design is a good thing. It doesn't have to be all over the place, but it's something they should sprinkle in.
SE wants to run a business in this game, and pushing most of those would scare away costumers. Meaning less revenue.
probably not but you can make a PF for it
it's a good set of trials both mechanically and narratively
Wiping to this shit was infuriating.
Do fememememzzens or femroe have higher STR than viera
E1S add phase?
>strategy and teamwork is considered bad design
You are part of the problem.
To get my racks up
>SE adds duty actions in Stormblood to allow us to have unique and sometimes game-changing interactions for encounters
>Uses them throughout Stormblood but slowly phases them out by the end of the expansion
>Brings it back for one savage raid in E5s and then never uses it ever again
Yoshi you NIGGER you had good ideas with that shit, bring it back. The gravity manipulation during Catastrophe was fun.
Depends on your role but the queue will eventually pop
What DC are you on? maybe I can give you a faster queue
To foight everyone around the world!
Thinking of making a catboy alt. Maybe story skipping to Heavensward. Re-enjoying some kino with slightly better visuals.
Are there any active 4chan FCs? Is Alter even still alive now that Dawntrail has been out for a long while?
Agreeing with this anon. Can lend a hand if you're on Crystal/NA. I just did Ruby weapon with another first timer yesterday in fact.
mini dps checks is the same thing as body checks btw
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>in PVP
>see a samurai run up to me
>don't attack him
>still get oneshot from full
So am I supposed to just fucking die when a samurai is near me or what
femezen are tied with rava
sea wolves roe are stronger than both
hellsguard are the same as femezen
e8s add phase
I'd kill for them to give us a reason to use Leg Graze, Foot Graze, Leg Sweep, Sleep, and Repose in raids or trial content.
They're such a waste of hotbar space at the moment.
I don't find adds as scary as those gotcha mechanics they added into experts. Sure you get it after one or two runs, but it's basically forced trial and error in a silly dungeon.
>try to erp with ikkou a dozen different times
>"oh haha I don't do that sort of thing"
>see this
Oh I guess I'm just an ugly faggot then cool
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>Casuals are NEET's
Oh my god, I don't think I know how to be one of those.
clearly you attacked him
It's fine (and even expected) for a fight to have some body checks, people just hated that Anabaseios had so many of them.
they ERP with everyone, you're just ugly.

>in PvP
>see a samurai run up to me
your mistake is right here btw
>don't attack him
so what are you doing? hint: your mistake is earlier above btw
>still get oneshit from full
You're supposed to recognize a threat or incoming burst on yourself, aka the samurai (a burst-oriented melee job with a cast) running directly at you, and then use your defensive or guard to survive
Oh, ty
I like this purple haired Femezen, I met them on Materia once as a miera, they were adamant they weren't cute and little.
where do you see them erping in those posts
lewd gposing isnt the same as erping t. takes lewd poses and doesnt erp
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My night time sunnie looks like this
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free-use male feet
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>they're making 3 more of these
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Did you know? Meena often adopt a "city" name when leaving their forest homes for the first time as a way to mark the big change in their lives. These can be anything, but they're usually inspired by the new sights we see and the new people we meet. Not all Meenas choose to do this; Those of us that you encounter in cities with "-wesfv" surnames still have a little wild left in them, or at least remember their times in the forests fondly enough to not want to drop the traditional Viera naming scheme.
Thank you for attending today's lesson in Viera lore
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post femhroths pls
shut up fag post the mod for the top that you use on effy
Shut up homo
>press this button to dodge a mechanic
the peak of game design
I'd rather them keep adding funky environmental/stage mechanics than a dumb, unintuitive extra action noone ever knows how to use
matter of fact I don't know a single person who has any idea how even a single Catastrophe mechanic works
They really should've added savage ilvl gear to them as an alt source of gearing, then everyone would try doing it
why isn't mine on here?
You're going to need to be more specific than that
raidcheaters need content to sell to people with RMT
i agree
i just wanted to highlight that the past year people have complained that the problem with modern raiding is body checks yet if you market the body check differently suddenly its sovl
So that explains all of them having some sort of 'femboy' in their name...
I just think it’s weird miera have giant ears but are weak to sounding
I'm a tank on crystal, I'm not in front of my computer right now tho
I sentence you to 20 straight hours of french pfs

this one but the fat tit version
for fun!
Yeah they are and you will keep seething on 4channel about it
>want "hard content" that isn't just savage fights
>SE releases what should be the mythic dungeon replacement
>it's savage bosses
go solo deep dungeons you get good use out of all of it there
Why was it removed? Were tranny pissbabies that upset?
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For peace in the Twelveswood and all of Eorzea.
What's an aethy
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>can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel
>go on a 10 game losing streak
no...i just want to be free...
Hello miss, may I plap?
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No, that sounds hard.
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Wait there's only 1,814 of us who has gotten the title of Epic Hero? No wonder I ranked 11th in the world when I cleared.
what dc bwo
Not sure, but it looks like grindr for lalas
Weak to huh..?
Can i give you my beastren from dd2? I don't have a hroth yet but yours always make my peepee go up.
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they shouldnt be balanced for bis
it should have a locked ilvl at crafted
cryst*l im giving up for a bit tho since this is like the fourth match in a row where ive had someone do less than 40k dps in a 5 minute match
I wish we could've played together like that. I wonder why you never asked. What was I good for?
I can confirm, all -wesfvs I know are wild in the bedroom.
post music i can kill to
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Why the FUCK is catbox down https://www.mediafire.com/file/l1gtioxzeoj1vy7/Theophany_Robe_%2526_Heel_B%252B_Uranus.pmp/file
Only if you win a game of chance, otherwise you could possibly end up on the receiving end
Not surprised. We're in post-nexus bitchfit mods. No one makes mods removing or alterning protected classes.
Nevermind I've dropped down to 20th since.
Mini-dps checks are more palatable because they're more granular compared to regular body checks. If you have a dead person but the rest of the team is on point it might be possible to deal the damage to beat the check anyway if people use burst correctly, as opposed to mechanics that just outright fail if you don't have the entire team up when it happens.
Thanks kisses your nose gently
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If I lose, that means depression wins, and nobody beats MOMMAS SPECIAL BOY.
mount rokkon savage was the biggest CBT experience this game ever had. If it wasn't normal criterion which you can use for prog that shit would take longer to clear than any savage tier.
post more workout gym Venat
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criterion is literally the only fun content they have made in years i didnt enjoy savage criterion very much tho
post music i can kill to
>(You): “We should play sometime!”
>Me: “Ok send me a message when you want to play then”
>(You) don’t send a message ever
>(You): “Why didn’t you want to play with me????”
Don't do it, they'll scam you out of gil
Did you only get the title because you cosplay as a superhero all the time?
Body checks don't exist because of dps, they exist because of mitigation and revive spam.
it's like twitter but less ban happy
I'm a gambling man, let's do this.
binis summoning his horse cock
there are more people doing old savage raids MINE than there are people progging criterion
if you don't clear sometime after release your chances of finding a group are not even funny
Hopefully they lower the difficulty of future versions (maybe somewhere between Unreal and Extreme difficulty).
Nice sunnie
/pet /earrub
>watching my eb stream ff14 at work
>he keeps habitually opening up his friends list on stream to see if i'm online
Honestly I'm stumped that these have savage gear requirements at all.
Why aren't these tuned like unreals? Where everyone with any job gear can just enter it. Why make another ilvl barrier on top?

Savage raiders don't like it because it doesn't give them gear. Casuals don't like it because it requires savage gear. Who is this content for?
Designing a game around people being bad at it is always a terrible idea. A better idea is designing it in such a way as to encourage people to become good at it. "I suffered with idiots who don't know how to play the game" is not a good reason to dumb it down so that even the idiots could do it, what you should do is find like-minded people that you can co-operate with, or help bad players become better. You know, socializing. In an MMO.
thank you, i accidentally double-posted by spamming Submit inbetween gcds...
erp takes so much effort vs just clicking occasionally and pressing PrtSc
baarag had mostly closed to non-artists iirc and aethy was made as the alt
just dont hit him lol (you hit him)
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is transferring to balmung worth it?
holy shit
discount baraag
I was literally LB'ing someone running away, I didn't touch the fucker.
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nta but what the fuck is baraag
Very nice. I like her eyes! How does your day time sunnie look like?
This one is just adorable, I want to hug her and never let go!
But where did your nipples go?
this is true but you dont acknowledge that it will be adding another bodycheck that is occuring over a greater period of time
currently if you have enough people up for a mechanic that is the only body check and you can continue progging all the way to enrage
if you include minidps checks then runs become unrecoverable after a couple deaths because meeting the check is impossible meaning you should wall it
this is a bodycheck that is occuring from whenever the last dpscheck was to when the next dpscheck is
its a mixed bag i actually feel like im playing an mmo here but im also forced to be near people from balmung at the same time
Did people actively forget about the put everything into raid buffs meta in stormblood?
you need to spend your wolf marks anon
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Yes, same reason I got "Hero of Zadnor" and "Blue Justice"

Yeah I only went back to clear the Savage versions after I bumped into a group looking for a melee DPS on ERC, and then the tank and healer wasn't very good so me and the MCH joined another group and cleared all three in 2 weeks after the WAR started compulsively lying and deleted the static server out of nowhere.
twitter with no rules, mostly an art dump for loli/shota artists
It's the perfect California experience.
Huh so I'm not the only one who does that good.
People complain about DRK but SAM is easily, without a doubt the most dogshit dishonest pvp job in the entire game without a single doubt. Anyone I see who mains SAM in pvp goes on my shitlist unless they have a good reason for it like maining SAM in pve as well.
The person that made it has more stuff on here, the Theophany upscale is probably the best & I have no idea why it's not up anymore https://saoirseelezen.myshopify.com/
Flip a coin, best of 3. I've got tails
/wow /wow /furrow
Much the same, except she's frowning even more. {Thank you.}
What happened to this place in endwalker
>Trying to find groups to even do the normal versions
>No one putting out ads and no one responded to my own
its bleak
your fiddie
i should have included that this is currently happening in ultimates right now
i like ultimates so i would like it in savage but i doubt the majority of people wants to see savage become more like ultimates
most of saoirse's shit looks garbage but thank u anyway
they didnt line up naturally and required coordination to do it. now everything just happens automatically
Can I interest anyone in a mentally ill trans eb?
love this frothgal
part of that meta was enforced by fflogs not having rdps at the time rather than the actual game balance
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My middie acts like this
>yet if you market the body check differently suddenly its sovl
Because its
"ok we didnt have the dps for that"
and not
"the attack retargeted and killed 2x as many people because one person died"
What do you even do when that happens
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this is such a comfy pluggin
yes hello lizzy
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Are they going to add more stuff to redeem I've been sitting on these because I'm about to cap but nothing seems interesting after I got the top I wanted...
>this is a bodycheck that is occuring from whenever the last dpscheck was to when the next dpscheck is
I think you and I have different ideas on what a mini-dps check is because this isn't what I was thinking of at all. What I'm referring to is stuff like an add spawning that you have to burst down (such as Shinryu EX), not "you haven't dealt enough total damage by the 5 minute mark so you just die lmao".
The shift started mid/late ShB, and it just continued gaining momentum into EW. Lots of refugees from WoW made the game gain tons of popularity, which prompted an explosive increase in the creation of 3rd party tools and plugins, and those tools/plugins pulled in players from other games like second life, VRchat, etc.
you know what i meant >:(
My fiddie otl asking your middie to piss on it to help her out
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is this person ok
My pissfiddie wife...
mods and more wowfugees mostly
everyone i'm dating is mentally ill unironically yeah there's interest
I don’t. :)
One look at that screenshot should give you the answer. anon...
you ever read one of those "stuck in wall" doujins?
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if there's nothing you want then just get some wolf collars
you can sit on them or trade them for wolf marks whenever you want
share an image of your fiddie with the thread right NOW
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You owe me (1) plap.
I was on Balmung for about a year then transferred off, and it was the most miserable time I've had playing this game
>Lands on tails
Shit. Your go, i'll call heads.
hint: it's the pink lalafell that posted millions of webms
i keep trying effy, but you always push it to the side
get hot water and pour it on. this happened to a friend growing up and he yanked his tongue off and had to go to the ER because he ripped the whole top of his skin off.
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Sure! *bends over*
99 pink parses
I love autistic optimisation and finding little neat things that helps me slide in a gcd or two while doing mechanic
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The pizza shall lead the way
>No MCH EB for my GNB
Gameplay stagnation, PVP rework, and Mare (+ other mods).
cant we just cuddle?

Is it really that simple? If you pour hot water on a frozen windshield, the windshield shatters and breaks. Obviously car windshields aren't the same as human tongues but I'd be worried...
*casts chiten in your presence for FREE battle high*
nothing personel
Current fight design works in tandem with job design. You cannot change either without making other feel like shit.
What the heel
No that's gay as fuck
I didn't know this cat was f+
I'd say rape but honestly this fiddie might just fucking kill me
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It came up as heads 3 times. It's never been more over than it is right now
That hair is really good. The ahoge is cute
I don't know who you are but I want to ruin your butthole
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Which hat?
Need to meet and smooch this cat
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What even is this website? Twitter for poor people?
The problem is that raids became hardcore the moment they started tuning them around entry ilevel.
Think about it, when you tune them to be clearable week 1, not clearing them week 1 becomes a failure, rather than the norm.
Now instead of raid teams being FCs getting casual groups together and progging for fun over a few months, its only hardcore squidbobs doing w1 alarmclock clears
If theres interest why dont I have a bf pulling my hair while im trying to play ffxiv dawntrail? Checkmate
Why is there a xivg'er standing right behind me, go back to Balmung stay off Aether
even me?
buttnaked femroes
my femezen talks like this
This cat is made for heavy abuse
No offense bro but you're actually a little bit retarded
No this happened during endwalker, you guys are in a trance
Currently on my eighth hunt train of the day.
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She can't be either or!
It's pretty good for the "helmet hair" look I want! :D https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/113239
Uhmm.. maybe..
Yes! Even (you)
Only if you can overpower her
i assumed you meant things like push percentages on a fight but the idea of an add spawning that you have to kill in a certain time or it wipes is mostly the same thing unless the add is only meant to be alive for like 20ish seconds while there is no mechs going on which i dont see as particularly interesting and depending on how tight the check is this is essentially the same as a current body check
the longer this add mechanic goes for and the more things that are going on during it the more relating it to the same thing as an ultimate miniphase where the things i said before all apply makes sense
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I'm glad you enjoy my posts, in a platonic way I hope!
sasuga atomic helion
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this is a good point but whenever i raise it people get butthurt for some reason
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No MCH EB, but...
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You have my attention.
i'm blasting
That's the first time I've been plapped by an ebin here. It's everything that I wanted it to be and more!
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Agh fine, sure.
it'll heat up enough where your tongue won't be stuck. you might scorch your tongue but the alternative is much worse.
How submissive?
What is there even to do after msq besides weekly savage
This is also good, imagine how freaky these two get..
my lalaboy needs a tweedle dee to his tweedle dum
Make a new character like me.
Having to always message first is kinda annoyiny, it shows you aren't wanted as a friend
What's the chat command to blacklist somebody?
I need more cool job portraits to copy
Kill all lalaboys
Hello goonies
Most statics don't actually clear week 1. There's still many, many statics out there that are still progging the current tier (mainly the more casual ones that only raid once or twice a week). I agree with you otherwise, though, the expectation shouldn't be to clear the entire tier immediately. You also could definitely getting away with tuning savage harder if there were other end-game duties (such as criterion or savage alliance raids) where you could get gear from to improve your chances.
Extremely submissive if you hit my buttons (its not hard)
I know it'll heat up your tongue so you can unstick. I'm more wondering if the severe swing in temperature won't have adverse affects for your tongue.
Anal rape.
you could actually just pour a lot of room temp water, but you'll need more
any water above freezing will technically heat up the metal enough to unstick your tongue
Hello sempai!
ERP with grown ass men, pvp, shitpost, play other games, goon
don't even need to do that. they should have their own gear system like forays.
He's just like me...
swys I didn't know you where into this kinda stuff...
Take cool lore gposes of your character
Yes, your tongue will shatter and you'll have to call Safelite for a new one.
I'm developing an obsessive crush on someone who I've only spoken to for 30 minutes. I already see so much in common...
When was mare added? What was the game like before mare? Did people still "sex goon plap"?
May I see your boobs please
you should make a self insert boy character so we can watch your cute cock flop around uselessly as we plow you
8 years later this game hasn’t changed a bit. I feel like I’m doing the same thing over and over again with every expac. If only Reddit would stop sucking Yoshi P off.
Respectfully staring
I guess you just have to die then and be a pile of bones next to a bus stop pole
Tying this suncat to a bed and teasing her with increasing amusement at her frustration
I didn't say I'm scared that it would shatter but thanks for confirming you don't actually know with your sarcastic and lazy reply. I accept your concession.
Wee woo wee woo, this lalaboy has been arrested for the distribution of illicit substances. A thorough cavity search is in order.
>t. policeroe
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>been playing this game since ARR
>joined a /xivg/ FC when i first started
>the FC doesn't even have a spot on the OP list of FC's anymore despite it still being somewhat active
Well yeah that's what playing the same MMO for several years is, it's not like they'll suddenly change the game into a different game.
you can easily take most of your clothes off without mare, mare is nothing
The fiddie stumbles forward, trying to recreate the pose the camera man had asked her to do. The man hastily snaps this picture, only to avoid capturing the aftermath that transpired immediately after as the fiddie fell face first into the his expensive camera lens...
He was left with shattered dreams and equipment, but at least the picture was worth it...
the end
i got disconnected
wtf no he doesnt
People ERP'd in fucking Maplestory without mods. Where there's a coomer with an imagination, there's a way to coom.
I need someone to drain my Suncat's balls
Will you send me panty bulge pics
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>mainly the more casual ones that only raid once or twice a week
haha, yeah... surely a group spending hours and hours a week would've cleared by now...
i cant even think of any xivg fc's that have survived that long the one on ultros maybe?
Thank you for informing us.
M or F?
The OP list is actual dogshit and no one has bothered fixing it in like 4 years but people just keep it there for some reason
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good afternoon
Bro I remember people ERPing in fucking Club Penguin when I was a kid.
You dont want that
I regret not playing maplestory, so many sexy milfs tell me they used to nolife that game
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I don't think I could forgive these devs if we went through a whole new world expansion and don't get a single "sexy tribal gear" set out of it
Sorry, bro. If it makes you feel better my static only cleared m2s yesterday.
shall i also inform you when i queue for frontline?
Sorry bro, that's racist
Why not
cute fiddie
your bare face got posted as a cc portrait a while ago, or someone with the same name, and it was cute
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well since youre a retarded goonbeast modder you dont need them to
This game had a huge erp scene even before mare, mare just made it bigger still.
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I second this
She's an expert in the Bobby Hill style of women's self defense
I cant read that without thinking of Always Sunny lol
There was probably even more ERP before Mare.
Mare is what made the quicksands and a lot of nightclubs be full of "gooners" instead of RPers. They actually pushed RPers out.
Tryna do lewd things with you
>you don't actually know
Oh my God you're serious. Please be American.
Its gross also youd just post it and bully me
Well, I'm not. I do like a good roe.
It's a good thing I wasn't asking for your opinions, huh?
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I am
A hroth
Sex with all of these
Suspect is named Tweedle Dee. Yep, he's pulling out a firearm, I repeat he's pulling out a firearm, moving to constrain his body with ropes. Subject is clearly intoxicated and acting erratically. Moving his legs out of the way to remove resistence. Sir, calm down, this is for your own good. Do not resist.
Poor emaciated one, I pray you find more than just scraps to feast upon in your future.
Well, I can't exactly refuse that request on a sunnie sunday, can I?
Are there any more?
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I would be this moonies friend and act like her biggest support and most emotionally supportive friend but if I ever had the opportunity to rape her after a party when she’s black out drunk I would
i think about that bit with frank when i write it sometimes too and laugh
but i did shoot ropes to that picture, so thank you
Allegedly this catboy is my self insert. But also . . . I'll have you know that I'm usually a dom, ok......
She's gonna beat you to death with a big ol' brick when she gets out of her bindings
Moonkeeper or Hroth?
Male by the way.
I think those are lowkey my favorite viper swords
Yup, that's a wife.
>I'm a dom
nice joke Effy
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Crystal please que!
You look like you sell frosted flakes.
gay sex with this catboy
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I just kinda wish they'd live a little and try to maid raids weird and interesting.
At the very least i want more stage hazards
>youd just post it and bully me
I'm not the kind of person who would do that
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You don't mind putting on this spandex superhero costume, asking for a friend.
>hang out at Ul'dah spot when that was the afk spot
>randomly got someone schizoing me when I barely post and made up a fake backstory about me
>spot gets changed to LB14
>haven't been mentioned since
I guess it was some permanent Ul'dah resident that posts here, I wonder why they were so mad
I do have some of their twitter wccounts
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This freaky
Make a PF and I'll join.
Need to shoot my goon juice all over this goonie
i am
a gay hrothgar
>she’s gonna beat you to death
I’d die happy.
Queueing as tank
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yeah she does erp you just got turned down
I am
A suncat
Full of rage
And suffering
>share retarded opinion, get called retarded
classic modbeast mc syndrome
Litmis test to view overall readership.
Please subscribe to our newsletter for further geopolitical insights.
please show armpit with a disappointed look on your face
what is the difference between coomer and gooner?
I'll eat more if a certain someone wants me to, I saw him looking at some... "thicker" hrothgals before, but I kinda like being the ultra rare hrothtwig.
Same but scratch the rage and replace it with lewd thoughts
imagine people having these faces mid anal sex
Man that’s crazy
Can you bend over now?
Tanks are already filled though...
Thank you friend!
>maid raids
hi i'm a maid
coomer is a state of being and gooning is an action
The gooner is also a doomer while the coomer is more of a bloomer.
its frustrating to know that my living and home situation would be considered extreme child neglect and endangerment etc but unfortunately i am over 18 stuck at home as a NEET in a hopeless economic and social situation surrounded by rot and decay and no friends etc.

god this world sucks. my family fucking sucks. they're like complete zombies now and the house is a rusted shithole and i have fucking borderline autism cptsd DID whatever.

like being a child stuck in the body of an unmatured adult with the expectations of an adult

the world is ending so whatever i guess
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do bunboy enjoyers like this?
Have this early morning old geezer.
Shut up retard
You also don't mind putting on this spandex superhero costume, asking for the same friend friend.
Fino Fanto XIV?
I remember when I did the very first raid DT raid with its destroyable platforms and thought "oh neat, we're going this path?" and it was just a one off and I got a bit disappointed that wasn't a running theme

I'm one of those tanks, I can drop if you decide to PF it
This is one of the more popular twitter bunboys
Id like to believe that anon.. anyway I wouldnt wanna send stuff like that unless I trusted someone deeply
yeah this place is really my only outlet at this point
What's the oldest achievement you got?
Coomers appropriated the word gooner. Now all we have is henchmaxxing or meatgrinder mogging.
205 is my Rava+'s favorite animation
The first MSQ achievement I got
You get a prescription of 30 minutes of ear scratches and an hour of cuddles daily!
And you get the same, but with slow, lazy anal sex to go with the cuddling!
It’s our resident Finnish schizo, just ignore them
Fine, but next time you want help please start by making a PF. Often people queue trying to help the person who asked and get put in different groups.
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I have recently learned that I am classified as what you would call a poonie
It's true. I pinky swear . . .
Can we at least play hacky sack first
If that's what makes you smile & shine bright, then I have no choice but to follow through
quit whining in an imageboard made for video games and start doing things to improve your own life

my life got flipped upside down a few years ago but I've made the most of it and am moving up the corpo ladder with a well-paying job despite never having worked a year in my life nor having any education

just work. improve yourself
which ones?
Where's the BURY ME BURY ME MCH edits?
hey you wanna...
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one more
What does that even mean?
What a sexy moonie
Oh yes, I love getting a static together that can prog a grand total of 2 hours per week because everyones schedules are fucked
Sir I think your cat might have autism
Cute poonie, though she would look better stripped bare
Sorry . . .
Oh yeah. She got beheaded- no worries though! The helmet has AI
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Alright I will PF. It will be under A.B.
The answer is going to be MSQ-related no matter the player you dingus
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my opener kept getting interrupted by the phoenix trial boss going untargetable while we were farming it yesterday it was really annoying
pale moonie, of course
when i was 7 my mom would interrogate me endlessly when i'd come home from school and i cried all the time because she never stopped interrogating me for everything i did and i never knew what to say because nothing ever happened what can say about nothing but she'd never fucking stop
I am a sunnie, that is a newfag
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happy to help
here you go pit fiend
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No. Too metro. He should look soft, but kind and intelligent. The sort of boy I would be happy to introduce to my mother.
File deleted.
>If that's what makes you smile & shine bright, then I have no choice but to follow through
It would, but only after I’ve had my way with her…
May I plap?
You take it from F+? I've been missing out.
Riddle me this
Why do gay people play as female characters?
what body do you use?
I seem to have lost my ability to get plapped...
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does this set work
Trying to see if I can make something "knightly" for viper
there aren't a lot of good helm options for this kind of theme
Gooning was originally a more specific thing, edging for a long time to basically fry your brain with horny. Its just become slang for masturbation as it hit mainstream.
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Please share your current tier raid memes with the thread
boohoo dude both my parents are dead and i've been on my own since i started working, do not let your past influence your future that hard
I am a maid boy
I am a hroth, that has been here since before male miqote existed...
Good thing I'm not gay.
weird hroth bwo
Because I want to look feminine and be called a good girl while getting choked and fucked by another man playing a female character
Unironically a skill issue
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The odd urge to draw a moustache on this fiddie's visor with permanent marker.
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My fiddie acts like the one on the left
Because they know there are more straight men than gay men in the game and they know playing a female will give them access to more men.
Now one of my friends is bullying me into helping her, sorry sis!
my dad died when i was 8
when i was 13 i was surrounded by people constantly yelling and saying they'd kill themselves
i witnessed full psychosis at that age and it was horrifying and chilling. he'd come to my doorway all the time to repeat a phrase. he'd keep repeating it over and over all the time.
i cried on the phone as a teen when i was alone with him in the house and he just smiled at me
if people went to church on sundays they wouldn't be bitching online in a video game forum so I'm marking this as another loss for atheist
>She got beheaded
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That screenshot was from before they existed...
Hey wait a god damn second...
there really needed to be a full gear collection for it like any other piece of important content. having one set of cosmetic gear that you can buy from the market doesn't incentivize players to interact with it at all. also doesn't help that it's really boring to replay.
i know i'm just funposting hehe
no, Lara
helmet looks more ninja-ish than knight-ish but it looks good
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Should I get fatter?
>feminine and be called a good girl
>another man playing a female character
Prison gay
Damn I thought I was the thiccest here but ig not
And sure
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>be called a good girl
I live for this...
proportion fetishes influenced by early porn exposure.
What game is this?
"Modbeasts"are better people than those who don't mod and you're a tourist.
Hmmm time to let out some of my submissiveness on that hroth before I got back to domming
By hacky sack you mean you swirl your tongue around my nuts right?
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*stabs you twice*
Yeah it does remind me too much of shredder's helm too... can't find other helmets for this theme, maybe I'll go for a hat
basically second life for everyone in this thread or otherwise.
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this is a pretty npc ngl
This is unironically true
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Would, though it needs to be certifiably more edgy. Needs that villain-turned-kuudere-anti-hero energy.

to be fair i think part of the reason why it might not be showing up is that there was technically a "split" on the fc when stormblood released and new servers came with it, and we made a decision to move servers, some staying behind, i assume we got taken off after that

weve not really had any drama on the fc though outside of that, no-one ERP's with each other and its very chill
I need an EB like this
>played ffxiv before the neko sentai mod even existed
>"YOU'RE A TOURIST" t. retard who started playing 3 years ago
okay man
EB who teases me by fucking my fiddie’s face in ffxiv then getting up, grabbing my hair and fucking my face for real
Why did you turn off Kong when you took this picture?
Need some tits to match those hips
Does this cat has an album?
If you didn't come here from Twitter you don't belong .
It really is that simple.
early morning floffgal
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>hot catgirls piloted by boys irl
>best of both worlds
>win win
Ok Reddit
Certain schizos whose only "personality" is hating mods aren't going to like this.
the fiera you do the rest of the role quest is adorable
Actually it's snowing
My weaknesses- bumper stickers and sharpie. Keep your creative mediums at a distance, please
Raping the right
Making love to the left
sad state of affairs for xivg isnt it
sloppy messy threesome with these two where we get so drunk and vile that we can't rightfully speak to what happened that night without ruining the image of all parties involved beyond repair
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goossy or pussy?
>Because I want to look feminine and be called a good girl
>while getting choked and fucked by another man playing a female character
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>"Modbeasts"are better people than those who don't mod
Mods are whatever but modbeasts will always be unsightly garbage.
I came here via a friend who's a gposer, does that still count
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still 1 more hour until it gets dark enough for my moonie to go out
So uuuuuh
Is there a hole between the arms or...
i still cant tell if this is actually someones retarded fetish or just a joke
Waiting in the bushes for this moonie
Still would
I lovr face 3 fiera so much
I'm bi, and this game has taught me I like male (personalities) a lot more than female, and love cock, but like hot femmes more than mascs visually.
Hot Girls with dicks piloted by males are the ideal.
my moonie is a bush expert i can see you a mile away
I am going to slap a bumper sticker tramp stamp on this fiddie.
how did we get here?
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yeah shes adorable, im a big fan of the gap moe of being the best hunter but also a bit of an airhead
>putting clothes on your googirl
sis? let her run natural
By the lack of shit to do in Endwalker
Even if you did see me you'd let it happen as you cannot fight your moonie nature
considering the rest of the pixiv account, i'm going with fetish
I don't see the joke in this https://files.catbox.moe/s8nlk1.png
Dang, I like my costumes simplistic and soft with no rough edges.
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There's no way you're posting your fiddie after this, but hi.
Please be a cute twink irl.
Name your /xivg/ biotranny crush!
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I'm the cutest femra :3
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>the clothes aren't slime as well
Missed opportunity
why did i open the catbox
It's probably both, much like /d/orses or those retarded twitter dances with boobs 3 times the size of a normal person.
by letting the days go by like the water underground
All this modbeast talk is the reason I'll never post my goonbeast or share my mare
the thread sure is nicer when cc shizos are not shitting it up
SO true
My current EB
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Alright, fine. Are you happy now? Can I go back to educational content?
there is are two c's in schizophrenic
You have horse teeth
Old Wakka?
Nice tits slut
>love cock
Don't you feel ashamed when you say that? You people are so interesting...
>never poses with male players
I'd respect you a lot more if you stopped lying about being bi.
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Axel Stone really let himself go
>8k resolution images
Chubby tranny sorry.
Val fucks men irl he doesn't like male midlanders
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the one on the left is gonna rape you
the one on the right is not for rape!!
>that we can't rightfully speak to what happened that night without ruining the image of all parties involved beyond repair
we are NOT playing valorant
Why would I? Cocks are awesome.
I look like this irl (I will cut next year)
They fucking murdered him in SoR4.
>its another episode of insecure male character players seething that nobody wants their cdata for lewd purposes
You have to be sexually repressed and scared of your own sexuality like him.
I wish I was more mentally ill so I could fit in with all of you better.
hey can you guys talk about the game for a little bit
i dont see anything different, just thinner HUD?
Holy cute.
Kong is my favourite Moonie
So long as I get to have sex with the left, I do not care at this point
the dye channels on most gear have been so awful
You first, bud. Surely you have a lot of topics to talk about?
dog in wig
No because playing the game is pissing me off
Titan Prog for UWU is NOT going well
*sucks you're nipples*
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why don't they merge parties
This is actually cute
You all need Claire in your life.
Why be embarrassed about your interests?
Honestly I wish I could find an EB with this bodytype in-game
the option to switch to a job if you're currently a different job
Well, skin tight/smooth is fine and good. Just a little more evil, more anti-hero. Something like F-Zero GX Black Shadow is pretty based appearance-wise, minus the head and actual-villainy at least.
No, I just can't understand you gay people.
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>Want to hang out and play with my gf
>She starts feeling horny
>Make her cum
>She goes to sleep right after and we don't get to play
I feel used
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because im not all that into
>hairy gigachad with stupid hair
>retarded sims hair port ten feet tall with blackout tattoos
>miera wearing women's clothes
>penis cages
Would you feel shame in saying "Man I love tits"

Its the same thing
Why does it have savage gear requirement?
Why not be an alternate way to gear alts?
The content is right there
I want to do lewd pics with your sunnie. Moonie is acceptable as well.
Do I go farm the last ARR primal spells I need for Blue or do I just go AFK
But I don't want to erp with men? I'm not homo
That's fine, but you should understand that you don't understand it and leave it at that. Don't be like the weirdos here who constantly complain that this isn't their curated twitter feed of only posts they like and people they like.
Have you ever had a teacher in school that was so hot you couldn't concentrate on the lesson at all?
This is me right now...
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>static begging me to play phys ranged so they can recruit a friend that takes up my role
I'm fine with it, but what job should I play?
DNC seems like an RNG fest
Machinist has high APM
BRD is kinda ???
We want to do the new ultimate together
Can I have a mcdf of your male cat with his cock out?
My male midlander awakens
machinist is fun and brain off
Dancer by a mile imo
Old Halloween contest idea
God I wish you loved me
I think I would have liked that gameplay if I played in 2014. But now it just looks slow and I wonder where the mechanics are. Half the fight he's not doing anything.
I remember there being a reshade thing that had an option to put a light source and it was much much better than the option in gpose but I forgot what it was called
But that's a biological desire because I like women. Men are masculine and seeing them in that sort of light makes me feel like vomiting.
>Don't you feel ashamed when you say that?
Penis fetish is real.
Studies have shown that almost all people enjoy pornographic content more when there's a penis or penis analogue present than when its not.
Even having something as simple as a dildo present caused viewers to experience higher levels of arousal.
i like bard :)
just pick whichever you have a favorite glam for
>im bi as long as the men look like women
Ok transbian.
for me it's fat pp
also, sauce?
DNC is only RNG with their feather shit
BRD also has some RNG procs but mainly just deal with song timing and making sure your dot is applied
MCH is based entirely on your latency. If you can't get your hypercharge hits into your wildfire window you might as well not play the class.
We should do a meet where we do savage or ultimates. Can have groups compete with each other to see who gets the farthest or clears the fastest or some shit
im going to create a male character
you wouldn't dare
>>hairy gigachad with stupid hair
>>retarded sims hair port ten feet tall with blackout tattoos
>>miera wearing women's clothes
>Every male character looks like this
Dancer is the easiest because you get the dashes.
But Bard is way better and machinist (if you like high apm) is more fun. Though if your group already has like viper/sam and BLM, you need raid buffs and not machinist.
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switch a couple of options and I'm already one of the cutest catgirls of the thread lmao
based, thanks bro
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try again next thread
it's not high apm it's like 45 at most
the other two are piano jobs that will strain your wrists and hands much more
Male chars will say this, then never actually approach anyone to ask if they want to do a pose
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Why are you like this.
Okay that makes more sense.
I'm so sorry
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>”modbeasting/cooming is just a 4chan thing, 99% of people aren’t like that”
>meanwhile, other MMO threads like /wowg/ are normal
So considering that basically no one in FFXIV mods and everyone is normal aside from us, why are there so many mods? Does this thread really have that much creative output?
damn this is some /d/ tier shit
I have had some success and approached people
who are you quoting
>”modbeasting/cooming is just a 4chan thing, 99% of people aren’t like that”
>So considering that basically no one in FFXIV mods and everyone is normal aside from us, why are there so many mods?
What the actual fuck are you talking about?
Tbf all catgirls look the same and they all look cute
So post it then?
>he means pic related
Concern trolling, WE LIKE THIS
I don't remember making this post
Idk your point, but Hayley's Sunnie is fantastic
is this ragna/v/
i started on it the other day but i'm hardstuck trying to do the thief job quest lol
i am
a male moonie
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You should actually reply to the post on these. Because some retards actually do say things like this.
When are you going to have another melty about how much people hate you
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Don't give up, meena cultural studies is probably more important to teach than even mathematics or the sciences.
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You constantly say that FFXIV isn’t some “coom ‘n goon” game and that most people aren’t like us. So I’m asking WHO is making all the mods and coom trash if we are the only ones doing it? How many mod makers do we have in this thread?
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You man Harry, because that's a grown ass man lmfao
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make me kind of want to go face 3 sunnie
You couldn't take 30 seconds to fix that clipping?
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Does anyone have a decent RP character sheet template? Doesn't need to be too fancy or complex, or have stuff for ERP, anything is fine really
4chan is not one person sis and the majority of people would not agree with that sentiment
Clean your nose.
Cute bimbo with large but not completely unrealistic proportions? Yeah, I'll palmrape my goonstick to this
i hope "for hire" is just a fancy way of offering free help otherwise that's a bannable offense
Anon fighting the voices in his head and winning arguments in the shower
the natural poonie bloonie goonie totem pole
ESL time already?
Alright this is based. Keep em coming
they probably both made the pf without checking if there was already one up first
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It's me. I made all the mods and coom bait. My bad.
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It's important to share our culture, bro. Don't let them get to you
trying to find something else to do when i cant stomach diadem farming and someone told me about it, i'm pretty clueless too and searching wiki links for almost everything
cut that out
She really is. So is your femra.
Most people put that on carrd or f-list, just free form. Just look at how others do theirs in game from plates.
so many melts bro...
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I have this one and one more I'll post for you
Offering help for gil isn't bannable
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send me a msg
I uhh don't actually know how to fix his ivcs to get his dick working lol. I've always had issues with the bones not working. also why i don't have any pictures of my moonie naked.
im a stout opposer of draw girl call it a boy
i mean when it's not it's usually just meteor. which isn't anyone's fault, males have way less GOOD cc options
Do catgirls really?
let me disprove your theory
Why not
No hablas ingles, Pablo? Post hand, hermano.
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and this one
The music is sending me
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"People" really get off to this shit
this is so grotesque and retarded it just turns into comedy
>he didn't make billions of gil with the leftovers at expantion start
don’t post upcoming boss spoilers wtf
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Good afternoon /xivg/
Frontlines is always the worst, but that EXP is nice.
This is awesome thanks
Fair I'll have to travel to DCs where people actually RP kek
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it's so easy :3
name her tank buster and raidwide
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Where's the anal circumference stat on these sheets?
Stuff like this is really cringe and not what you want to put in your carrd or whatever, desu...
Okay this one is actually cute.
>repost commonly-held assertion
>”Y-you’re ESL!”
Why is the Final Fantasy XIV community such a cult? People pretend to be so tolerant and diverse (they LOVE transwomen and their “woobers”, along with miscegenation and getting “blacked”). But if anyone points out the flaws in their own logic, they start getting racist. Why do people worship Yoshi-P so much?
Thanks everyone who helped with the first trial o/
urianger pls.... look away..........
May my maliddiester plap

fucking hell this got me LMAOO
Taking off those cloths and sending a cat box is easy too
you aren't making a strong argument...
This has to be someone fucking around.
built for my black highlander
more like rapegals
Show her woober
Lol I love this style of posting because it always has a few truths to it.
The erp scene is absolutely obsessed with shemales and interracial, it's crazy.
My midsized range rover loves face 3 femraen
You're cringe
>why is the community not my hug box!
fuck off poltard
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it is
There is no good reason to log in.
Are they getting raped or are they doing the raping?
Love these posts. Please make these. Always gets a hearty chuckle from me.
I'm a fiddie and I'd let this man pin me down
I don't want to give myself away
What face sunnie is the best and what face moonie is the best
This is what porn sickness actually looks like
they are quite literally made for smalldom
This is the only miera I like. Waiter waiter, more please!
Cant believe nobody wants to eb a fat mentally ill tranny… what has this world come to?
Hypers unironically like this shit
Face 7 sunnie, face 5 moonie
built for my femezen
very well
He weighs like 500 ponze there's nothing your fiddie could do to stop him
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I'm fairly certain you don't like me like that anyway
absolutely agreed but Yoshi-P is too scared to do this, everything has to be the same more or less
I would cut my left arm off just to huff those balls desu
My femra will choke you and spit in your mouth and call you a good girl
i only like ed bpd trannies
I NEED to sheathe my Sunnie+ woober in someone like right now
Had me until the last word.
You will be present for the next cultural lesson and you will have a pencil and notebook with you.
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Its not fair
I know and it's such a turn on to imagine all the weight pressing me down as he pounds me
Pretty much yeah, although they were usually all between 1 min and 3 mins with a few 90s stuff thrown in there
My gripe with everything being 2 minutes is that there’s now very boring downtime phases after your opener since most raid buffs are just 2 minute cds now
You do your opener, 123 for 2 minutes, then dump everything when all the buffs turn on again- it makes a lot of jobs feel kind of samey when you’re all playing around 2 minute raid buff burst
ermmm where's your smooch license
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But we are on f-list...
You know what? That can be arranged.
>elk wannabe
>and failing just like him
Fat is the deal breaker
dont worry with enough negging i can help you develop one
how long can ffxiv survive with its outdated and dying gameplay?
Mare ruined erp in ffxiv and brought in a whole universe of people from vrchat/second life/the sims who just want to goon / jerk off
Id stop eating for the right eb yeah
You can specify that you prefer meeting in the games you play on there anon. It's not that uncommon.
only for myself at the moment
maybe I will find good friends soon
I am considering paying someone to spend time with me.
This but unironically.
the next mmo is in 10 years unless they go bankrupt before then
nothing of value was lost
Are you identifying as trans again now Preebitz?
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I miss when this dude used to look like an actual fiddie
Give me a week
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I should've made a min height sunnie
The sign of a real friend is that they want to spend as much time with you as you do with them and they make the effort to make this happen, as much as you do. If you are both always online, either on Discord and/or FF, and you are the only one reaching out ever, you don't have a friend, you have a user.

>inb4 they didn't erp with me so now i'm mad

They can do whatever they like. But they should think of you and make time for you in their schedule, just as much as you do for them. You have other things to be getting on with as well, so why is it that you're the only one making time for them?
a while since no competition and its too risky for the industry right now to make mmos
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bro... just start talking to people and be social instead... its not as degrading
I'm fine with it.
>who just want to goon
That would be the smut writers actually. Most people who do mare stuff actually coom and log off.
Gooners can and will spend 12 hours stroking their dick like addicts while they sext gam in game.
Any Lala bodymods? Please share I do not have nor want a Discord account
You don't have to spend money if you want to spend time with me
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Does anyone know how to get the dialogue data like this screenshot? This was circulated through discords between the expansion download being available and early access. I would have assumed FFXIV file explorer but that shit seems abandoned as do most of the forks. I want to train some voice models
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i got it right here
cute poonie
I don't understand what the Second Life refugees even see in this game. Mare and third party plugins have to be way more complicated and restrictive to work around compared to the >game they're coming from.
how much?
Before: Jobs are designed to be fun, unique and fit the class fantasy.
After: dude just press your buttons when they light up lmao
my moonie looks like this except dark
and a different hair
and i lied to you
blud really finna make a mod to replace the dawntrail voice acting
Same, except im broke so I'm just getting fucked on both sides
sometimes when you guys post modbeasts, i just burst into laughter
>school uniforn teir outfit
no thanks, also delete your hard drive.
Show moonie
can i see ur moonie
Sometimes the worst examples make me want to goon but only if I'm already horny.
Damn. adding this one to the "induces gay thoughts" list.
fucking really?
I can literally fuck someone on the futa bench rn
Show me (You)r moonie, liar.
She has dignity
second life is dated as fuck
Anon I escaped xiv RP to f-list because of mare and brainrotten individuals

i did what you want to do but i'm not a good prompt engineer so good luck lol
do catboys really
I'm 100% gay when I see a boy like this god I want him to love me and hold my hands and tell me that I'll be okay
>j-just bee urself!
Fuck off, normie faggot. Not all of us are privileged like you.
And what do you want to do? I don't want your money
sure you can wannabe elk lmao
M'naago is the only humanoid you can't dress up
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my catboy doesn't
>Mare and third party plugins have to be way more complicated and restrictive to work around
lol no
this is now how u get friends
Someone said she's in MSQ cutscenes or something and cant have a bikini cat in one of those, but it sounded like cope
when you max them out, usually you can dress them up
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I guess you're not one for puns...h-heehee...
Just play cc during queue syncs and chat it up with people after the game if you just want companionship
>Friend complains we don't do things together enough
>Is permanently invisible mode on discord
>Rarely logs into FFXIV. If I'm busy when they log in, they immediately log back off.
Make yourself available if you want friends to reach out.
Finishing to this nun
my personality is vore and erotic writing.
I love M'naago
Nice moonie, now send cat box of her
delicately crafted to be griefed in FL
just lol
Because they can port mods they stole from that game into xiv and get paid to do so.
Are there any plugins for buying multiple items from the market board, having to buy all these listings of single units one by one is soulcrushing
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Do you mean with gil, or real life money/gifts?
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I still find tons of ERP. I can still ERP 5 times a day if I wish to. Just can't find it in Quicksands anymore.
that color combonation is glaring but in the wrong way.
you look like a rotting rasberry
I know who this is.
Oi. What's wrong with invisible mode on discord
what kind of *oonie is this
the best moonie on god
Did you read the post
what in the world are you buying so much of
No you dont.
Nothing, if you don't want anyone to message you.
If you want people to actually invite you to things, you need to be actually available though. Shooting messages into the abyss where someone may or may not be is not fun.
It's a little weird, I tried it a couple times and it doesn't really seem that fun, I'd have more fun jerking off to porn than some sweaty guy pretending to be a girl online9
Maybe I should go back to being a moonie...
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>glamourer to my old sunnie
>my ass gets fatter
can i see ur moonie
hanging out with people this lonely is my fetish but they never reply back when I offer to hang out
It's fucked that you even brought up erp. I'm just talking about normal stuff. Not even erp. Some people will legit only talk to you if you message them first and I've been at peace since I've stopped doing that. Some people message me first back and forth and I've found that those people are my real friends.
Yes I do.
I think I'm going to give up on Gposing
If you have yesalready you can just add the prompt to an autoaccept, i think there's an mb plugin to do it but i forget
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Uh, sis….? Just be yourself, just go out and talk to people. It’s so easy to make friends and everyone’s super sweet and friendly. I have sooooo many friends, FFXIV is just such a social game for playing other games!
What are my initials then?
Old ARR/HW materials for submarines.
I brought up erp because that's the thread response to posts like this. It's literally in greentext saying inb4 at the start. Are you a newfag, anon?
oy vey
I got 4 people added
It works for some people but others aren't so lucky.
People in this game don't know what complementary colors are.
It makes you look unavailable. I scroll past people who appear offline and I'm not going to message you on the chance that you may be on.

This but unironically but also don't be yourself if yourself sucks, be a better person.
I'm mentally ill
I don't get why you're seething so much, I legit just went on the bench in thr last 10 minutes and I'm already fucking someone.
I don't want to say as if it is who I think, you keep it a bit of a secret.
incorrect, you almost scared me.
We know. You're on 4chan.org/vg/
a maloonster I hope
im nta.
I never knew this was a thing. I still get invited to stuff on invisible so I never considered that. Retard alert from me lol
Red nose moonie is kind of cute...
I'm a sunnie right now though
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sussy amongus
message me on discord right now then.
A cute moonie
Coonie for short
do you want me to make an exception...
all moonies are coonies
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its meant to go with my meena
i just glamoured him into my catgirl when i took that pic
saran threesome...
Sorry I speedread your post anon. I've discussed this before in an older thread and the responses were just all about ERP (I don't ERP), that's why. I'm just talking about in general. This is strictly a XIV thing for me because I've never encountered it in other games.
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it took me 1-2 weeks to get my blm from 1 - 80
im on par to do the same with paladin in one day 1 (one)
goddamn "in need" roullette bonuses are good
im actually getting annoyed having to fully regear all my armour slots every 20 minutes or so
suffering from success
My moonie is a special type moonie
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Please don't, while an understandable and relatable feeling you'll just hurt yourself if you do this. Try small acts at first, like reaching out to people with comments like "nice glam!" or anything similar, a tiny thing that could start a conversation.
In no time, you'll have people to call friends. .)
can i see ur moonie
do we know each other well enough and talk regularly
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I glamoured to moonie
aren't they all?
now glamour to goonie
Ahh! It's not you, just someone exactly like you!
It's like 55-70, hours or you could spend $25.
You can skip buying level 70 gear too, at least.
my moonie rejects your taxonomy efforts
I accidentally glamoured to g.cloony
post result
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This. If you’re not super duper social with tons of friends, you’re just a bad person.

Why are you such a bad person?
This. And sex with that xaela gwub
Why are you such a bad person?
I'm not talkative and bad with conversation, so I keep to myself.
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just went to eulmore to see what the shb era shines were called, forgetting they get removed. I may be stupid
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I have
where can i redeem my prison sentence
whew, your friend sounds cute though~
Your fetish as in it actually gets you off?
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See >>493683573
They are super cute, both when they are big and small~
nice goon crystal
how do we explain the resurgence of moonies?
damn, graphical update looking good
I think using the tilde is a lazy way to type flirty
are you a moonie trying to research this
The anima weapon grind is pretty long, but I'm almost done.
Kill yourself, Ai Yuzuka.
I actually charged it with negative goon energy, so it serves as a gooner repellent
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That's an awfully big word..
>and small
Alright, eating you as payback for that...
i'm about to pass out gnite random smoocher /dote
S-Shut up!
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I've had a proof of concept for a bit anyway :^)

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