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Scoops with frens edition

>20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview

>NA Cross-faction Cross-server /wowg/ Community
All are welcome to join and chat or play.

Previous >>493702572
Do something nice for someone today!
>arms is shit
>everyones playing fury
azeroth has fallen
what porn is this
I thought this was ziv for a second and got jumpscared...
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>see two fully clothed women
you people are so fucking mentally ill
who are these 2 and how do i have sex with them
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Will we ever see her in cinematic graphics?
We are just friends
Glad you were able to heal your eye.
>didn't log in entire weekend
what a fucking shit launch
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EUbros join <Nerub Silkweaving Forum> open to any thread user on EU Argent Dawn Alliance. Whisper any member on EU Argent Dawn Alliance. Horde players can join but you have to join the community called Nerub Silkweaving Forum, ask for an invite there.
so its not porn then? I wont find pictures of this characters futa cock and balls if I look it up in the usual places?
It's grey if you zoom in and look closely lol
How long does Wowpedia take to update?
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the human has kinda skinny arms without any muscle for wearing plate armor
fren sexo
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You opened the portal.
We came.
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should i play bm hunter again in TWW s1?
Yeah the chunky gauntlets and sticc arms is bothering me.
so many of these qualify for Free Space
Still there's no reason to stay disfigured/crippled in a fantasy universe, welcome to the pretty club.
You should
Dark Ranger is getting reworked and looks cool
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So back in the day when (I think) Ner Zhul opened a bunch of portals and broke draenor isn't it possible that some of those portals worked just fine and there's planets conquered by orcs?
based, fuck the haters
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helping out your bingo card.
I love this worg poster
the vulperafag already beat you to it
holy FUCK that's perfect, thanks anon.
Is there a way to track how many weekly events you've done on each character for delve keys? I have a few alts that I've been sporadically playing and I want to make sure I've gotten my weekly keys
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The middle one looks like a Rankin orc.
it seriously feels like there hasnt been any reason to play Disc since Legion
Could you try an create the wc3 nelf archer in that style in a pinup pose with bow?
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>Working from home
>Picked up 2 gathering professions
Who /wagie/ here?
yes, actually
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bm is really simple in a boring way. its fun when you have tons of haste/crit so you can spam barbed shot and have infinite energy to mash kill command and cobra shot but at the start of expansions its kinda lame due to all the downtime. i raided nathria blackout drunk because it was so boring

now i play a fury warrior
why are gathering profs so shit now
i made like a million gold the first week of shadowlands and now i make like 25k an hour
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>Scarlet Commander Marjhan says: Whatever. The revolting, unkempt Horde filth...
>says something bad about the horde
>dies in cataclysm
god i love this unbiased game
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bless the shortstacks
Most fun M+ tank between prot war and blood dk?

Most fun M+ melee between ww monk, enhance, and fury war?
those 2 are not mutually exclusive anon...
god i wish i were my dracthyr
Love maye
simple as
Dracthyr are based
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who are the most based NPCs and why is these 2?
And it's only going to get worse with that fat faggot as the new lead dev.
we already have enough paladins. giving them more races will just make it worse.
I bet they weren't brothers before the China deal went through.
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love xally
>2800~ USD
I'll buy it for three fiddy
when I work from home I gather. doesn't feel like i'm wasting time since i'm being paid.
No, you'll never get KSM as BM.
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Absolute based
Rogue should just be removed from pve. Make it a warmode/bg/arena only class.
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sure bro lemme spend $ 150 on some low effort pinup art from an anonymous frogposter
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I'm just a shell
Holding in these shattered nerves
A skeleton that's lost its skin
And I want back in

Yeah it's really nice. I can just turn on some music to blast, fly around and mine or herb nodes. Head empty, just feels and comfy
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Could you do one like this? Taking off clothes and revealing lingerie/underwear, but with a busty blood elf?
Char description: long wavy black hair, green eyes, plump black lips, beauty mark near lips.
Herbalism is kinda chill ngl
7 and i buy 10 wow tokens
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That's not what she looks like
So why are the Arathi acting like space marines from 40k? Who is their emperor?
retadin mad that an assassin out damaged him in a dungeon lol
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>log in
>do 1 quest for key fragments
>list random crap on auction house

theres nothing to do...
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>leveling in DF zones
>get to the Ohnaran plains
>forgot I have to deal with an entire zone of gay crippled centaurs

I'm so glad this shit didn't continue with TWW.
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I like this mount.
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Why? It's based
Who's this newfaggot forcing himself in the op all the time?
Whfags can't stop thinking about their shit even for 1 minute.
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>I've logged 350+ hours of game time since release
>before the season has even started
>why is there nothing left to do

Touch grass and never post here again.
Dude they're one of the 'Big 3' alongside Maye and Trollanon.
How new are you?
>see a vaguely empire like enitity with soldiers
I love Dark Iron Dwarfussy...
its clearly the guy who runs that community, since it gets listed instead of the guilds whenever he makes the OP
Question anon, how does the armor/clothes generation work out for the characters, is thematic armor data included in the loras? If you tell it to draw an armored Draenei paladin will it give it Draenei themed armor? Asking since I rekember some of the belf and nightborne chars having thematic clothes.
This is the first time I've listed the community in the OP so let's get that fact straight

I'm not including the guilds in the OP because it'll send the schizophrenic spamming his dramafag "news" into a frenzy
Their emperor needs a punch in the face from Anduin for being such a chud.
But violence is WRONG, so Anduin will only CLENCH his fist.
Faerin will be the one to punch him. :)
I'm a Body shape 4 Male Augmentation Evoker
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satan puts these here
nigga just take 3 steps away after you pick it
So with this new expansion of yours out is there a reason to pick up this game if i quit in cataclysm? Or should I let my memory of wow be unsullied, not that cataclysm was amazing
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>1 month later
>he can't even be bothered to play

Fucking traitorous scum
>Assuming I'm black because I'm picking crops
Alright dude that's just messed up
literally who else says FOR THE EMPEROR
Similar oldfag here, I quit back in late Wrath only just now coming back
I'm having fun genuinely, it's pretty good
lmao when he yoink xD
Do not engage with the night media shill post
Why gear up when your simps will carry you through normal anyway?
jaina with her hair down covered in filth and locked inside of a wooden cage and pregnant
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Why aren't you playing a Night Elf right now?
Americans in another 6 months.
Because blood elves are hotter
I don't even remember what part of cata i quit in, i just remember being so pissed off by what they did to my rogue and mage spec and how I was being gaslit in the forums I dropped the game
What's there to play? Even without poopsocking it takes just 1week to run out of content and that's even being generous.
i already have a night elf warlock
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Undead master race
i literally am. nelf warrior
Because I knot them
I don't really care about fotm racial chasing.
Assa rogue is the only good rogue spec, but arcane and frost mage are super fun at the moment
I am playing arcane mage and liking it
I don't play what I want to fuck
prot > blood
fury > ww >>>>> enhance
No interesting character ideas
how do i get to azuremyst isle as a human with no portals unlocked
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Because I emptied my balls inside one earlier
He should be leveling alts, grinding renown, and show his viewers that the game is fun to play.
>play alliance
>wish i could just go back to being horde
>play horde
>wish undead could finally be paladins
there's no winning in this life
Eugh, I guess the combat/hemo rogue dream has been dead for a decade so I shouldn't be surprised. Happy to hear arcane is alive. Installed the blizzard launcher again to see how overwatch is doing after quitting that for 3 years, was considering trying retail wow too
Leveling alts isnt fun in modern wow lmao
>futa with balls
Overwatch is rancid shit but both retail wow and season of discovery are popping off and really popular
Not to shill but now's a good time to try
I havent seen a single seam in TWW, in probably 75 hours of just flying around mining.
low level levelling on alts is the most fun part of the game. you dont have to look at peoples ugly characters. you can walk through the comfy nice looking zones. everything is cohesive.
But that /wowg/ Orc said arms was the best!
Why aren't you watching porn right now?
I've seen 3. seem spec seems like such a scam.
You parasocial freaks need to get a life. Obsessing over some baldie and crying when he doesn't play your game enough can't be healthy for you.
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I didn't want to play a second Demon Hunter, but I actually like Demon Hunter's storyline (so far). And I don't have an Alliance character on this server.
I only saw two gay centaurs and one crippled one. Are you really so weak and fragile that that's enough to send you into a mental spiral? What happened to being the master race?
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By kneeling, is the elf being respectful or disrespectful towards the dwarf?
>ilvl 588
>still not going to be invited to any groups as a DPS on Tuesday
>Overwatch is rancid shit
So then same old same old, Ill give retail a try. I wonder if my guild still kept me in it after a decade
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I like your ui.
>anime pic
post hidden
>guy says nothing about any of this but you bring it up
You're weird dude
my furry guild will have heroic cleared on Tuesday
i dont care if youre ilvl 600 im still not inviting m*ges to my groups
How the fuck are people getting to 590, im stuck at 583 with no more crests to spend, and im not downgrading the other ones cause im not retarded
meant for>>493734273
Same but im at 575. out of valorstones too and maxed out my gear
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having a reference image to mimic actually works pretty well
the bow didn't turn out that well though and I had to manually fix some stuff and put in effort to redraw stuff in photoshop

that's one of mine as well so should be easy enough

loras for characters are usually trained on image datasets, which would typically include themed clothes/armor yeah
The futa balls are the best part though
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They should add this as body type 3
>guy says nothing about any of this but you bring it up
>forgot I have to deal with an entire zone of gay crippled centaurs

You're either blind or really really stupid.
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>Mog is blue
>Mog is green
>Mog is red
simple as
You brought up all the racist stuff though
>How new are you?
Last time I posted here was during bfa
>big 3
No idea who any of those fags are
apparently you can get vet gear in weekly chests so its just pure luck
Full 580 without using any crests. About 400 weathered crests total (one-time uncapped renown rewards + 270 season capped). 30 crests gives a 590 piece via crafting enchanted crests. Three pieces of 584 renown epics.
I haven't used my crafted sparks yet, but a lot of the 590+ avg people have 606 pieces from that.
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Are they going to stick the landing with the Arathi Empire lads? When light (Alliance-coded) finally has the chance to be the bad guys?
bm is a fun alt, do not main it.
>Master race" is racist now? Better tell them that.
>"hasn't posted bfa"
>Somehow finds the emotional investment to get upset at an OP pic
believable and organic
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>Only play Unholy/Blood
>Mog is just heroic tier 10
>that's one of mine
Is that the original resolution? If your copy is bigger, please post it, luv me shal'dorei.
is GLOBO FOMO doing ok? :3
Why are the feet censored?
hey man are you alright
>sit down in my chair for hours a day playing this game like a addict
>the hard chair is actually somehow training my butt making it firmer and more plump
fuck leg day at the gym
She would be extremely sweaty, smelly, and covered in Orc blood after a hard day of fighting. You wouldn't want to lick that.
as an orc the tall helmets look silly, though it looks ok without it too
This would save blizz
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thats where ure wrong, kiddo
get ready for some gnarly hemorrhoids
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>tranime pic
post hidden
Unironically you guys are bad at the game. There is enough crests to be 588 at least. If you don't have enough crests you either wasted them on things you shouldn't have, or you haven't collected enough that are available. 270 weathered crests is the current cap but you were able to have way more than this cause of the ones from quests and renown not counting towards cap, so you actually have 300+ crests to spend.
As other anons have said valorstones are easy to farm from wax so valorstones are not a concern.

The guy who is 575 ilvl you are literally not even trying. Not much more to be said.
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I would have actually liked and used the Nelf heritage armor if it looked like how it was supposed to.
I use the toys to sometimes change my model to check the animations and holy shit male worgen has super unsatisfying melee animations. That front flip is so fucking lame.
I have been looking all over for wax. I havent done any dungeons at all yet so ive been clawing my way to 575 ilvl. i have plenty of crests
lesbians aren't real btw
Just to check, how many sparks of creation do you guys have?
i'm trying to craft a 2h weapon but i'm missing one fragment to create my second spark.
i've done each weekly event and opened each weekly chest.
post female tauren
>autistic DPSkeks minmaxing gear they will replace in 2 days because they will get instadeclined otherwise
TankGOD here. I will be entering Mythic at 550 ilvl. You will beg to join my group.
this doesn't happen btw
Everyone has only the one spark
It is not possible to get two right now
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Why are crests capped anyways? Why would Blizzard stop the player from just upgrading their fucking gear? I don't understand the gameplay purpose here.
The fastest valor farm if you don't have a dungeon spam group is to fly around and collecting wax. You get ~1 valor for each disturbed Earth, but you get 2 valor for each wax you turn in. It gets very boring, but I was able to get 140 wax an hour. If you're insanely min/maxing, you can also hoard the wax if you're valor capped and have a buffer to deposit
Thank you tons.
Stop having fun
globo fomo gemmy, keep grinding or keep losing! many such cases!
thanks mate
except I'm 587 and I'll be the one tanking while you whimper for a disc priest to even apply
Drip feeding players keeps them subscribed longer than letting them blow their whole load in a single weekend.
I counted 6 gay couples in the plains and 5 cripples. Try playing the game.
So you haven't done any dungeons and you haven't maxed out your gear at all.
For the same reason you are limited to one raid reset a week.
Timegating and making drops feel meaningful.
and then they just throw that philosophy out in a couple weeks by letting the poopsockers maze themselves in M+
I did. Guess I'm not so obsessed with it that I was actively looking for it. Or I simply don't give a shit about nonexistent pixels and computer code the way you do.
ive done everything i can since everyone says i need to be 585+
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I will be inviting night elf resto druids to my groups
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It's gonna lead to porn though cause avatroons are mentally ill and incapable of just making normal sfw shit and keeping it that way.
She was in the first hearthstone cinematic though.
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What's the lore on this skin color?
They also have to use crests on their gear
>keep grinding
but it's capped, you literally can't
Becoming more demonic-looking from all the demonic energies they use.
Hey /wowg/, I'm ERPing in Goldshire right now. And what're you up to? Don't tell me you're wasting time on Heroics?
that's the keep losing phase
is there any good guilds on moonguard that I can join?
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>Hey anon I'm gay.
>BTW, I'm gay.
>Uh, okay, you already told me that.
>But I'm gay!
>I get it, you're gay.
>I'm gay!
>Please stop.

That is why we hate you and you should kill yourself.
GloboFomo has their doors open for wowg anons :d
couldnt they just make drops meaningful and have longer progression by just not having this awful i lvl system and anti RPG approach to gear
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I will be inviting Vulpera females to my group.
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>half a zone and an entire dungeon based on a meme (candles/kobold)
Sounds like it's story time.
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Thinking about getting compressed.
I've been seeing a lot of prot warrior dwarves in my dungeons.
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>people made a gold cap with professions
>I am still trying to make my investments back
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not in goldshire, but same anon, same...
Arathi are pretty WH coded though. And this is coming from someone who would put a bullet in the head of every 40kfag on the planet if possible. I hate them almost as much as troons and furfags.
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It's human holy priests and Draenei shaman for me, thanks
any last slop request before I sleep?
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Which race would best fit this song in the WoW universe?

How is Laughing Coffins?
I heard that the guild is good
You can't undo my memory we all saw it.
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when did Blizzard get fun again?
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>me with 560 ilvl getting ready to invite 590s to carry me in mythics
Nope nuh-uh I didn't forget to crop the pic nope I don't know what you mean mmhm
The game was better when he wasn't well known, became worse as his popularity grew, and improved once he moved on to other things.
It is a good sign for the game if he stops affiliating himself with wow. Anyone who wants wow to be enjoyable should also want the eceleb cancer excised.
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Avatarfags please keep your blatant attentionwhoring to on-topic discussions.

Now then, if the majority of Arathians mixed race half-elves, are they technically their own sub-race?
>You can finally play a dragon in your human form and use transmogs
>But not if you are an evoker
Guess I am retiring my current evoker and remaking her as a priest or something
I swear the sidequest team is separate from the msq team because the difference in sovl is actual worlds apart
Do it

>same coloration
Based sisterfucker
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>having a reference image to mimic actually works pretty well
Can it be used to turn sketches/simple drawings into full art easily or does it need to be more detailed?
For example turning this draenei pally sketch into a proper image
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That's very cool.
I only know it from a single Chaossu3D OC, I thought it was something custom.
550? That's it? Mythic raiding has been casualized.
>posting erp screenshots on /wowg/
Which proff box from Gnawbles will give me the most moolah from the AH????
this worgen used to be happy and joyful and now....
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this kid is fucking based
no one is taking a tank that low and if they do, the healer is instantly leaving lol
>I'm ready to settle down
I wish human females were real...
Go fight some people
God I wish I had a dracthyr boyfriend
youre not a real demon hunter if you use the skin tones available to any elf
licking nelf tummies
So what you babysit the tank it's not that bad.
At least then you can actually play healer instead of shitty dps.
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Best warrior set in the game and its not even close
Does using the image reference just mimic the pose or full on keep the original scan I.E. would it be messy to say turn that night elf into a draenei/orc/human/whatever race wearing different stuff.
>You can finally play a dragon in your human form and use transmogs
>But not if you are playing the dragon class

Makes sense to me
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anon, she won't remember you if you're a non-human or horde player when she grows up and becomes a genocidal warmongerer in the name of the light. Prepare to be purged in the new human/half-elven Order of the Light.
you can go from 550 to 570 in about an hour of grinding
it cant turn that exact image into a full color one, but it can draw something based on it
you can control the strength of the denoising (how much it adheres to the original) where low strength is barely changed and high strength is very different from the original
the trick is trying to find the balance between drawing something new and not straying too far from the reference image
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I had a great time making you moan and cum for mommy this morning Maye. You're a cute boy when you're not so wrapped up in your silly head with those silly thoughts.
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>this is someone's son
>implying i need to do mythics
i'm delving. solochads win again
because M+/lategame fags dominated every expansion until DF and now TWW. You actually realize what's always been there but no one gave a shit about because they were too busy doing chores to make number go up.
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Miqote race when?
Im not an expert on AI so Im just making an educated guess, but I think the AI kind of discerns what's in the base image already, then looks at your prompts, and fills in trying to mimic the image depending on the denoise strength
you can turn the night elf here into a draenei, but you'd need to operate on a higher denoising level to change the image enough from the base, or you'd need to inpaint the draenei afterwards, but the results wouldn't be great without a lot of effort & trial and error
>tfw just starting my own groups
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I liked it better when you faggots left after SL and it was simply doomers running amuck in DF.
>who founded the demon hunters legion
That's so DARK
I love it!
is disc priest DPS any good? what are my options if i want to dps as priest without shadow stuff
Why do you pretend to hate cats?
No, Disc does very little damage. It is not a DPS spec.
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They're all someone's son.
black kid obsessed with violence? COLOR me surprised
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Would be really nice if Blizzard took a few minutes from their busy schedule to fix this shit by making HD updates to all the old loincloth, speedo, and bikini armors. Literally the only race/gender combo it doesn't do this on is Human Male.
uh oh xivtroon meltie
As someone who stopped playing shadowlands and dragonflight 2 weeks in, how's this expansion?
your game sucks but hopefully very soon
Before this xpac healers were kinda forced to do some dps in mythic+ and dungeons overall.
RN dmg output is pretty high and tanks can't heal themselves as much so healers are back to being well, healers.

But for playing solo? No, it sucks, you're not supposed to go around doing solo shit as a healer, nope.
How the fuck do people level 10-70 in a couple hours
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dont be a dick anon
Very fucking good
Genuinely good story and side quest plots
Classes feel fun to play
Fucking boring
Enchanting one got giga nerfed and is only worth like 1k gold now. I think they all suck
Y'all know any actually good glams in this shit ass game? lmao, all ugly . bad game
Story is dogshit, gameplay is alright
Damn, I'll just grab some alc shit then
Could you make a sexy eldritch looking void elf in a pinup pose? Either going with magic + shadow limbs/tentacles or going shadowform mode? Whatever is closest to the general idea that works.
we're nothing alike
at least 50% of this thread, id even wager more, has never nor will ever touch your game
Why is she still in an orphanage when she talks like a 16 year old?
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.. Are you saying I should specifically use the Demon Hunter skin? Does sin'dorei even get this skin? Where can I make changes post-creator?

>cringes while his daughter collects $7,000 a month
Sperm donor.
trauma can mature someone
Ye. Why the curiosity.
3/10 nostalgia bait with nothing interesting or good added
>class feel
6/10 simple but fun
Nothing to do so far so no score
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GET OUT OF MY GAME! STOP COMING BACK! THE GAME IS BAD STILL, GO AWAY! Leave us boomers to our retirement home!
She still can't physically take care of herself for shit.
Best zones since BFA
Main story is eh, side quest stories are pretty decent
Gameplay is fun
Get warband xp and darkmoon buffs, fly around just exploring zones and gathering.
you cant ask this question and expect a decent answer yet man
the game hasnt been out for two weeks even
two months from now youll get a relatively reasonable answer
honeymoon phase has to wear off
God I wish that were me on the left
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>Fly down and land on a herb node
>It disappears
ahahahhahahahahahahahahahh AHAAHAH LOOOOLOLOL XDDDD Rofl dude kekekekek XDD ahahha
Story is a steup up from DF by a lot.
Gameplay is amazing as usual
And Everything is looking to get much better on the future.
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>boomer retirement home
That's gacha, hoyoslop in particular
>Black girl endures trauma, becomes a heroine defending the Arathi with a little help from her sidekick(you)
>Anduin endures trauma, turns into a sulky little bitch for 5+ years
Are white boys even trying?
I also heard that they stomped the fuck out of a shitty guild named Landfill yesterday
the black and red gladiator version looks better and im pissed ill never have it
hard ask but can try
Metzen will right this wrong
kek, same shit just happened to me
new shaman spec is a ranged tankler
jewboy probably clapped and cried reading Danusers shit writing
He's had opportunity since he MoP. Odd it hasn't happened. Maybe Anduin's always been a little bitch
It's just weird that it disappears *right* as I'm clicking it
Not while I'm on my way down or towards it no no no
Right when I mouseover it, gone
yea i dunno wtf they are doing witht that character. hopefully he dies this expansion
Just wait 10 years from now they'll bring her back as an Yrel-type character but she'll be gay and disabled.
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its honestly kind of sad that /othermmo/ has to compete with hoyo, while WoW competes with /othermmo/ and OSRS. Then there's obviously misc MMOs here and there like GW2 that have sovl but no one pays attention to them. Not to mention Nexon or K-games taking up a good portion of the pie for gachas and other online games.
Competition's pretty tough out there for live-service slop atm.
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New Platinum Kino
new mmo when
I opted into data measurement in bnet account settings just out of curiosity and it stopped happening. DCs when taking off from rocks / props stopped too.
Anduin will trans into Andustraza and will marry Toddy Whiskers (male) in Midnight. I work at Blizz, I'm insider. Also parts 2 and 3 are being merged now after we prant some numbers last week. I'm insider. At blizzard.
Earthen are Danuser's cringeslop, actually. Platinum is wrong and gay as usual.
Is Andustraza hot?
Doomies eating another L
Love to see it
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Laaame! If I want demonic skin, I can't be dark-skinned.
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>GW2 that have sovl
what are your pronouns xis?
"making gold cap" in this context is less of a "10.000 to 10M" thing and more of a "3M to 10M" thing
also why do they have normal facial hair?
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>healing an overpulling bear made of paper in priory
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oh yeah?! What's your opinion of TWW so far oldfag of 2004?
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Am I cool?
This is modern blizz, it will monkey paws so hard that they removed the old model and replaced it with a hd cargo shorts with a knee cap protector
they were probably "lets fuck eachother savagely up the ass!" brothers if you catch my drift
You would be if you swapped to body type 2
that's not going to stop herbs from despawning retard
they despawn 10-15 seconds after the first person picks them
you showed up late to the party
did the devs even bother researching the fundamentals of commercial mead brewing? Every time that NPC whines about his "stills" I cringe. Unless he's also making mead-based liquor, in which case I'm intrigued.
i thought glowing eyes were cool when i was 10
I went 130k to 3m in ~30 minutes via tsm botting then some cunt who apparently plugs his ethernet cable directly into blizzard servers started sniping my shit on 20+ characters with a one hundred percent success rate
even hid them in his garrison to prevent in-game reporting baka just wanted some bank
>they despawn 10-15 seconds after the first person picks them
Gathering nodes have always randomly despawned even back when only 1 person could gather it
Earthens are a good example of a conceptually boring race that gets set up well enough through lore to become interesting.
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You are. Never let peer-pressure trannies make you chop off your cock at the barber's shop. Reject trannies, embrace oldschool, masculine, roided-up males.
They made a bunch of HD versions of the Shifting Sands skimpy armor and made it skimpy on men, too, so it's not outside the realm of possibility.
>allowing blizzard to sell your data isn't going to result in favorable treatment
uh huh.
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What other video games do you play when waiting for Tuesday so you have actual content to do?
No, there are some nodes on the edge of phase borders that are effectively uncollectable if you've completed certain quests, THAT has been happening since they added phasing, but what you are describing has not. You are just showing up to the herb after someone else has picked it and flown away, at the time it is set to despawn.
No, you're using an entire set.
A good set, but an entire set at once. You can do better at Combat Barbie Dressup.
How about a Hallow's End pinup?
A slutty witch posing with a pumkin in a spooky halloween decorated graveyard. Would prefer it being a nightborne with long brown hair, but other races work too if shaldorei are too frequently requested.
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Risk of Rain 2 fixed their shit so that's been my go to right now.
>depicting yourself as the chad being triggered by the change
>started with 250k
>currently at 150k
>didn't bot flip and tried crafting and selling shit instead
I guess that was my problem
has anyone in that thread had the courage to tell him he's a man
I still seethe knowing we won't get it and the worst part is you see them being put next to the ugly heritage set during the last quests in DF.
Because it is a dress it’s an exception not a rule unless they released the skimpy version of a leg armor then there is realm of possibilities but even if they do they will hide the ass portion for some weird reason
Fucking Landfill literally brought out 40 players and all got stomped by Rytes LOL

Why would you use old flying when there's is better new flying now?
yes it's new
That's up for debate
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Probably cause it's often annoying. I'd use old flying a lot more if swapping between the two wasn't so clunky and retarded.
Some boomers just don't have the motor skills to push space bar once every couple seconds. You gotta consider how they feel.
its so much faster
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Bea bee :d
when travelling long distances to press num lock and leave it alone for a bit I guess
Depends on the area and what you're doing. Sometimes flying slower is comfier and more useful, and other times dragon riding is preferable to cover more ground.
I don't like not hovering and anytime I touch any wall I phase enough where it thinks I am cheating and crash. I hate the energy system too. Just buff up the speed of normal flying if its such an issue
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I've posted on wowg daily for 12 years. im going to a new life tomorrow evening moving 800 miles away. im building a new life for me, beloved wife, and my unborn girl. ill miss you, thank you all beloved wowg my worst habit. my deeply rooted anxiety. I can do this one without you. good luck I hope you find peace.
See you tomorrow
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>also why do they have normal facial hair?
they don't, they're metallic hairs
leisure time is not exclusive for young ppl.
New flying is only good for flying long distances. Old flying is better for everything else.
why is this game so fucking boring holy shit. in vanilla i feel like i'm part of a much larger, living, breathing world. retail feels like i'm in a small room with a bunch of toys that's connected to another room with the same shit in it
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side quests in this xpac are such kino it's unreal.
>wtf video game didnt give me my childhood sense of wonder back
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>All ability damage increased by 5%
Hell yeah motherfucker.
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shadowform and stuff is too wow specific and the AI doesn't have a grasp of it
Im using another base model here because pony is bad at broad fantasy - it's almost purely trained on booru pinups
I couldn't really get a result I was happy with but I think this one looks cool, but it's not exactly what you asked
the hand is pretty fucked but I tried 20+ times to regenerate it without a good result

this is the last for today as I need to sleep
Ringing depths made me want to pull my hair out. I stopped giving a fuck about the ugly dwarfs and shutting down like they matter.
My favorite part of being a dark iron dwarf is not looking anything like how dark iron dwarves are shown in game and the meme mole machine from nowhere that goes anywhere.
Also the fact that I still do quests where I kill dark iron dwarves to defend iron forge

Very cool
more like it took that sense of wonder, shat on it and sold it back to me and like a moron i bought it
Vanilla can be empty shit too if i dungeon spam my way to level 60.
1. I wasn't a child when I played classic.
2. I played classic last year.
Go play Classic already you demented lunatic
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>try to take off from mount
>disconnected and have to restart because it refuses to log me back in
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You play World of Warcraft in 2024.
Especially hollowfall ones. Just pure sovl.
Herbalism bros what specs did you go for?
It's weird how when I go and play classic now I still feel it. It's weird how other games even relatively recent ones like Elden Ring and BG3 still give me that feeling.
How strange.
you're a troon thoughbeit
Enough. He's in the right. I don't understand why the older crowd disparages old stuff so hard. I played classic. I'm 22. It's genuinely a better game
>go play it
I did. Now what
he's been doing that for years now, just get used to it because no amount of bans or insults will ever stop him. he feeds off of any kind of attention and in the absence of it he just starts samefagging, schizoing out, and inserting himself into any and all ongoing discussions.
>talk to a character
>mount up and fly to a different location
>they've somehow teleported there
fucking hell this story focused bullshit needs to go. ruining mah immersion
>I did. Now what
Keep playing it?
>he's in the right
He's not and neither are you. If you wanna go talk about classic go to their dead general
id rather have old flying during quests where you have to fly around and pick 10 things up. new flying is aids for that specific situation because you run out of vigor. i wish there was an option to always start flying with old flying, then double tapping space would switch you to new flying

or just make it so taking off the ground no longer costs vigor
Mention that retail lacks soul and watch how the shill recoils and seethes.
>he doesn't walk everywhere for true immersion
who are you kidding you don't want to be immersed
did i touch a nerve? wanna talk about it?
>playing as a tranny dwarf
Both Elden Ring and TWW gave me that sense because i didn't speedrun either of those.
Lots of braindead fucks speedrunned elden ring with cheese builds and thought it was too short and too easy. And that's fine, the game allows you to skip the difficulty and the lore if you don't want to, does that mean the game has nothing of it?

Of course not. Dude played in easy mode and skipped the game, that's what easy mode does in Elden Ring (not literally but the obviously giga overtuned shit is pretty much meant like that as usual in Fromsoftware games).
If i dungeon spam every dungeon in vanilla because that's what the guide said, then i will find vanilla to be empty too. You play slow in vanilla? good go play slow in Elden Ring go play slow in TWW, and you will find all three to be pretty good and immersive.
american ogre lookin bitch
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None of this shit seems worth it. Am I missing something with these rat people?
>Spouts inane babble about classic in the retail thread
>gets told to go to the classic thread then
>heh struck a nerve did I
Why are they like this
wow hasn't had immersion since wrath
those are certainly words
Yeah you missed getting 30k gold worth of materials before they nerfed the fuck out of the waxy boxes
I spammed dungeons in tranilla and i'm enabled to say it's an empty boring game with a dead world and narcotic gameplay. No you won't make me play it slow, gonna cry about it? tranilla = bad.

Now replace tranilla with retail and that's unironically what these br aindead troons think.
That's it? I have 8 million in my warbank
I mean TWW is definitely a step up from the usual and feels more immersive and connected which is nice. It is still disconnected from the rest of the game world though and is entirely self contained.
Stop it. I already won classic. There's nothing wrong with me pointing out the flaws in retail.
I'm talking about retail not classic.
anyone else based & redpilled?
you act like we haven't heard all the flaws of retail a million times already. this isn't some breaking news
uhmm dracthyr body 2 doesn't wear a bra so you got monkeypawed
So hear it a million and one times. Why is this inappropriate but someone making AI porn, ERPing, and linking youtubers is okay?
>admits to coming to the retail thread just to stir shit up and offer nothing useful
Go away retard
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Not that anon but why are you so starved for attention? What went wrong during the development of your brain?
oh it's just a grifting tourist
phew that was close almost took the brownskin in good faith
>holy shit some old god wannabe in an elf body blew up dalaran and is now raising an army of nerubians to destroy us
Lord Andestrasz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFODclG8mBY
Per box, yeah. You could easily get 3-4 boxes in an hour before wowhead told everybody to do it for valorstones, which caused blizzard to panic nerf the boxes so the economy didn't instantly crash. Combined with all the other random shit you got from digging up wax it was probably the best gold farm in the game for an entire week. No investment capital needed, just dig and make millions in a day.
i think leveling has to go or needs a complete redesign. for someone who doesn't care about the story (i haven't cared since like, wrath) i just skip all of the dialogue and cut scenes. i accept the quests, go to the location and round up as much stuff as i can and mass aoe it down. nothing really poses any kind of challenge and its boring
if leveling is just a vehicle for blizz to tell their story, then for people like me who dont care about it, it's just a chore. something i have to "get out of the way" until i can play the game, which for me is the endgame. i mean they sell boosts to skip leveling so clearly they don't really want you to do it unless it's the current expansion
maybe give us adventure mode from the start or something. let us spam dungeons, do world quests and shit like that to level renown and xp, and leave the story for people who care about it
Not only is the Death Knight tier set for the upcoming raid fucking ugly as shit, the set bonuses are so boring for all three specs.
didn't read
I didn't come here. I have been here. And I'm not stirring shit. Merely validating someone's opinion on playing TWW. I don't need to love all of TWW to continue playing. I don't need to be a classic purist to see how classic does thing better. My identity is not involved in the video games I play. I bought TWW completed the campaign and all side quests and my ilvl is 586. I'm enjoying fishing. I can talk about where it stumbles.
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Wonder if they originally inteded Mereldar to be the new hub.
since when is the first tier set bonus of a new xpac a big deal.
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Do people really think this is ugly or is it just shitposting?
is there a spec that fits "cool as fuck but has always been garbage to play" more than frost dk?
If they did they made it a severe pain in the ass to get to
you couldnt even if you wanted to kek
that whole early access shit probably alienated 5% of the playerbase
why nerf the boxes if the economy would balance itself if everyone was doing it
Enhancement Shaman
coolest thematic ever. absolute fucking garbage gameplay.
WoW would only get better if they deleted the token and perma banned IP banned anyone who even touched gold cap
What's so bad about it?
he means the Nerub'ar tier, which does look like dogshit
sorry bub blizz says first tier bonus has to be bad
why? uhhhhh because
my spec's 4pc bonus isn't even worth using it's a 1.6% dps increase
literally better off optimising stats instead
He said tier not anniversary mog.
I like the monk one because its just "the monkiest monk to have monked" but the others are bad. especially Judgement
>muted colors
>fucked up the helmet and gave it chinese eyes
>its still a dress that flexes the textures when you move
the dk one is just kind of boring imo
leveling my first toon from 70-80 took me 4 hours. idk what you are complaining about. do you want to go back to the classic days where leveling took hundreds of hours?
his fingers are weak and he can't press buttons
the DK one is literally just "we have the Lich King's armor at home"
ayo wow gz imma be honest
y'all lame af and so is the game
I've never ever been a fan of wows artstyle so I don't give a shit i don't transmog anyway
Maybe if humanity wasn't so retarded and idiotic it wouldn't have decreed that breasts were demonic creations of Satan made to tempt men from God and destroy the minds of children (who spend the first several months of their lives sucking on them, go figure) and spent thousands of years vilifying breasts, we wouldn't be at this point.
Dk's best parts are head and shoulders knees and toes.
Not the right set anyway
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I played a lot of classic and SOD and I didn't find it very fun overall
The only time I enjoyed classic was raiding with my guild for an hour or two but we'd just raidlog after that and the moment was fleeting
I much prefer being in retail either vibing in town, chatting with others (people actually talk in this game if you aren't a social recluse like classicfags), doing small solo content or group content.
There's just more to do, and the things there are to do are simply more fun and engaging and make me want to keep playing

Coming here to sealion and lie about a bad-faith argument about how good and immaculate and amazing classic is while also shitting on retail as much as possible makes you incredibly boring and uninteresting

Huff my musky balls classicfags
rare based mayepost
>need like 25k timewalking badges
>for some reason I have like 60k all over my account
This game should just be pickna class and race and create character and there are no levels.
Talent trees are redundant and boring. Leveling doesn't do anything for your character
Just let us do end game and gear and the story guys can do story
how do you earn Renown(rep?) after doing the story and all side quests? Sorry this is my first time playing Retail
Puritans and the christians that spawned from them aren't human, yes.
Classic is better though. Not sure why you have to be so mean. I don't raid in classic. But judging a solved game vs an unsolved one is unfair. You didn't give it a fair shake.
Classic is so cool. The adventure man. The social stuff. I
Probably because blizzard figured a box you could farm in 15 minutes giving 150 ore and 2 null stones was a bad idea and would immediately invalidate the gathering profession entirely.
I mean, he has a point
ALL civilizations decided that breasts were evil and should be hidden. ALL of humanity is at fault for this.
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I'm tempted to see what happens
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fellas. im looking for a cool melee to main. so far people told me rogues are hard so im left with warrior. are there any dps that are easy for warr? also is the APM really that high?
What adventure vanillacel? i spammed every dungeon in guide order but there was no 'venture.
No lore either and gameplay super boring. Bad game.
Arms APM isn't very high, it's nice and paced well
Fury can either be zerg spammy or slowed down depending on which frenzy talent you take
you dont which is why boomer retards keep crying for dragonflight speed with normal flying
SoD phase 1 was great. Everything after was just dungeon spamming to level straight into raid logging.

Classic I quit when I realized I was logging in just to do Molten Core lol
concentration fucking SUCKS I can't craft max quality materials without it and it's timegated

and the new ingenuity is the worst stat they could have possibly added
Someone better tell the millions of male doctors that they'll never be women.
ir you want a baby tier and slow apm melee spec you're joining the ret shortbus
Pretty much why I don't really see them as true genderless body types. Drac were always trannies though which still has them covering their chest using type B when humanoid. Earthen don't have any real parts yet still have to hide their boobs.
you just reaffirmed my point
4 hours or 40 hours, either way its a chore. the entire experience is trivialized, so why have it? obviously to tell their story. but i dont care for the story, so why have it at all?
Fury is spamming as FUCK. Arms is slowed down but more buttons to press. Think its only like 2 more.
the token was fine when it was around 50k in wod
banning that many people is excessive but AH addons definitely need to go and when a bot/actual cheater is banned the gold/items also need to go but what the game needs most is a gold squish
these half assed measures like adding cosmetic shit for hundreds of thousands isn't cutting it and only hurts the casual and new players who actually care about it
>t.seething evangelical
People outside of your 3rd world don't care. Hell some people in your 3rd world don't care
this you bro? lol
>uhh i'm a porn addicted erptroon and classic players dont erp, so retail is better
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Yeah that's when I quit too
SoD phase 1 was great but I was just logging in to do BFD. Log out after raid for a week. And then Gnomer. Log out after raid for a week. And then ST, with little bits of STV pvp here and there. Log out after raid for a week. And then Molten Core. And soon BWL and ZG? No thanks
>call people stupid for thinking boobs are evil
>get called an evangelical
Do you even know what the word means, child?
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about high APM specs, is outlaw that hard? idk where to look for but on youtube people put all the rogue specs at like mid-high dificulty so im lost here.
if you are a healer/support/caster/alchemist/tailor/herbalist/first aider/enchanter/any gatherer in general you are a woman because the level 60 human brownie said so
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Here goes nothing
Is not hard but you have to spam, play around subterfuge, manage roll the bones and now even killing spree
ok Darleon the fucking bipedal dog lmao
mental illness incarnate
outlaw takes practice because you have a 0.8s gcd and you need to know what you're doing next before it comes up because you won't have time to think about it, it's the highest apm dps spec
I like it but I think a lot of people have bad fingers apparently
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No Outlaw isn't hard, it's just badly designed currently and (unironically) requires a couple weakauras to tell you when to Roll the Bones or when to use Between the Eyes

>t. knower
found the woman
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I got turned into goo but at least I got this achievement for it
sisters... M+ tomorrow

hammers up
Weekly quests, rares, world quests. Most people will probably do their weekly chores and just slowly fill it out over time instead of autistically grinding 40 rares every day
You don't need a weakaura to tell you when to roll, you just need a big bar with the buffs to know whats up and if you hsve to reroll asap or keep
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why did they have to give her that stupid haircut don't even care that she's black
all of the special treasures give 150 rep when you collect them for the first time
bountiful delves give 1.1k once for each faction when you use a key
world quests give 50
weekly events give varying amounts
rare spawns give 150 each once per week
Ah okay. I just want to get to 8 to buy the armor pieces. Guess I'll do some rare hunting thanks!
>joined multiple groups in a row with a leather wearer wearing that retarded fuzzy snow hat that play like giga retards
Hmm new pattern noooticed
yeah its you, you degenerate furry
It's a brainwashed redditor who sees the entire world through the lens of mutt politics and obsesses with evangelitards being "le hitler", while in reality they are pathetic cucks who let their country become the most dysgenic & degenerate shithole on earth.
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playing horde this expac is so fucking garbage
>earthen in orgrimmar
>secondary fags in an alliance story
its joever
Alliance is still mad about Cata
I'm playing genshin instead of tww. It's 7/10 slop instead of 4/10 slop.
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>An entire article dedicated to telling you how to play the MMO by yourself
I mean, its exactly what I'm doing and I'm glad that its an option but I still think its kinda funny they're just openly encouraging people to play alone
Wow, Faerin is fucking stacked. You think she needs help washing those giant tits?
Anybody else excited fort the absolute shitstorm of retards screaming about how delves need to be nerfed?
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>we have to wait until 2025 to play Haranir
the story is beyond garbage so i dont know why you people even care which faction its about
Yes but no since they'llbe nerfed
why would I play genshin when I can just fap to art of sucrose
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Lots of single players pseudo-MMOs in the market, mostly gacha like Genshin. Honestly WoW is much better since at anytime you want you can just jump into group content.
This is true for almost every live service game
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Another one for my collection. Fucking love these.
>It's a brainwashed redditor who sees the entire world through the lens of mutt politics
It's pretty much all terminally online zoomers, be it 4chan, reddit, twitter, whatever. It's always american talking points and american perspective no matter if said zoomies never set foot in america.
Why has she got an oyster coming out of her throat?
There is a massive foot fetishist at Blizzard in a position of power and he is not subtle about it
I have a feeling that Xal is going to scream like this in The Last Titan
And that's a good thing
How did you come to that conclusion anon?...
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Let him cook. Let us win.
I wish I could grind rep in dungeons.
Isn't this guy friends with the kid who's mom got him Everquest 2?
i wish i could grind rep period. theres nothing to fucking do. at least in dragonflight there were multiple ways to grind renown and optional factions to grind rep to get some gear. this time around theres NOTHING
Sidequests give a fuckton of rep, did you do them all?
Your glasses look stupid.
>Loses to dracthyr feet (m)
>Loses to corpse feet (old god)
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>"I have an extended supply of coots for outlanders"
>I Can't Breed
Dawg, the first season of the expansion hasn't even started yet. It's only been out for two weeks. We're still making our introductions and all that.
>>cringes while his daughter collects $7,000 a month
i clear that in a week dive welding. get a real job.
Imagine playing alliance
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I haven't played the game since 2018, and I heard they revamped the overworld. Is the game worth rejoining with a new character?
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i played mostly assassination last expac and enjoyed a lot. is the learning curve that high? i usually did decent-good dmg in raids.
yes, except for that 1 in hallowfall that makes you wait extra time or whatever. i did everything at dfs launch too. my highest rep is 15.

i have 2 days /played at max level so far. i played elden ring for more hours in less time when it came out and nobody complained. idk why mmos of all genres get people going "eww u played a vidjo gaem?? u nerd go outside!!!"
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Runas v2...
If you want to do a pointless grind that gives nothing of actual value there's a mount grind you can go do. Personally I'm glad there's not shitty grinds that every tryhard guild and group leader insists you HAVE to do to get the shitty piece of gear you will replace within 5 seconds of the season starting.
Research more and find out if the game has things you'll be interested in doing. Set yourself long term and short term goals.
You mean mythic 0

M+ is on 17th
>expac features mostly alliance characters at the main stage
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>Walk in GS
>Row of males AFK
>Almost every single female are interacting with one another
I thought the failing male playing futas was just a myth
only you know that for sure. you can play up to level 20 for free with some restrictions (no mail/ah/etc). give that a shot, if you have fun boppin around doing quests consider a resub.
dude just play mut rogue
You shitters will never be better than the horde.
da hell is mut rogue?
I think the sets are fine it's just the ugly disproportionate models of wow that ruin most of them
The only thing that has changed since legion was them getting rid of the endless endgame progress bar grind that was AP.
Stay as assa
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My life for the Horde.
So we can all easily agree that Dornogal is the best laid-out and most easily accessible city that Blizzard has ever made for WoW, yeah?
It looks like it was purpose built by the inhabitants, I think it's great and that's not even honeymoon stuff. It's just perfectly laid out.
I can't be the only one who constantly hears NPCs yawning
Sex with Xal'atoes
Sex with Sylvanas
Sex with Alexstraza
Sex with Jaina
Sex exclusively with the old waifus and none of the young ones
is it hard friend? dont wanna be kicked from raids...
>Artifacts gone
>Every class is much worse or slightly worse
>Every patch has half as much content
>No random side objectives like invasions or interesting rep grinds
>No rep boxes for easy dailies
Y-yeah it's just like legion!!
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Even when I lose I still win!
that's assass
you'll cowards will NEVER the good days of wrath mut again lmao
mine wrath mut rogue is still stat squished
Bro invasions were literally just extra world quests on a timer
There's an entire zone that does that every 3 hours this expansion
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I never noticed the city in the background, that's sick
Btw what race should my demonology lock be?
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isnt this all dragonflight stuff? should i do them or just delete from my journal?
nigtborne bt2
vupera (male)
ass is easy
what did they winned?
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Didn't the writing team say the day the bright red dot in the sky disappeared we would be in it deep bros?
Not a bad idea I like their animations
I'd do one but I wouldn't play one
Last time I played a pera I unironically switched back after three days
i don't know who that is
what did they win?
I hate assa so I don't know but you just have to jugle debuffs, shouldn't be hard
What did Anon mean by that?
alright then wait until .5 and make it a dragon
if you read their books in lore, they dont even consider themselves humans or elves but just arathi
We won the war against the garbage guild known as Landfill last night.
Those retards actually sent 40+ players and we fucking stomped them LMAO
LAUGHING COFFINS remain undefeated
I absolutely hate PvPing against shamans and mages.

I always enjoy raping both on my ret
That doesn't explain much, I don't know who those other guys are either
I dumped all my old quests that were relatively meaningless to complete, but if you want to do it for the lore and the 3g 50s reward go ahead
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>quest gear has literally ZERO haste
this is painful as fury
>try rogue
>die from pulling a single mob
>no self heal
>doing basic rotation requires a phd
>don't have any leather mogs
>no idea what buttons to press, game expects me to already know how to play this class
>can't run into a billion mobs and aoe them down like my main
this is why I only play paladin
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>garbage guild
You, me, cheap goblin off brand liquor in the hatchery (it's empty because we can't have children).
Stick to paladin retard. Advanced classes are beyond you.
>You, me, cheap goblin off brand liquor in the hatchery
It's a date
>(it's empty because we can't have children).
Why not, the mastery buff is good and the additional CC could be useful in pvp
at level 71 you can buy 528 ilvl rings and neck from the auction house for like 500g each. go buy some with haste
I went bountiful harvests to 40, then botany to 40, and am now doing cultivation. Not sure what to get next
our faction is a third hand cast of extras....
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Outlaw feels based when you get your prepull and rotation and weakauras and clique right
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I did it!!
Now I can finally level my alts
naturally is there symmetry between the cosmological forces? Right now clearly there isn't as some realms got altered by us and lost massive battles, others are in alliance like death and life making an asymmetric power couple

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