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Previous thread: >>493707810

Version 1.1 "Undercover R&B" Special Program
Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo


>Current Signal Search
Jane Doe - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)
Sharpened Stinger - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Daily Life of a PubSec Officer" - 08/30 03:59 (server time) - Ends 09/09 03:59 (server time)
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - 09/06 10:00 (server time) - Ends 09/16 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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ZZZ for this feel?
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best girls
Yeah, I'm thinking she won
Im Eugene btw
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Bwos am I going to make it…
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I'm having fun playing Wuwa with my free 5* while Zzz is so stingy they don't even give you standard fucking rolls.
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>free 5*
what are the characters?
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Your Zhu wife?
A gay dude with a robot arm
I demand sex with a rat and a cat
you should have like 260 standard rolls already bro, almost to the picker
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>lol dood! Newest character... BAD, lmao!
You've guys have been doing this song and dance for eight years.
Eight. Fucking. Years.
Why? For what fucking purpose? You guys only end up being right twice a day anyway due to broken clock fallacy.
>only two weeks left in Jane’s banner
the first week went so fast…
doesn't exist, pretty weird we don't have a berserker character yet
belle had sex with the rat
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It's time!
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Jane is cute
God i wish we did
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Now that we've decided that Piper ISN'T an Anby sidegrade but an Anby downgrade, who's our next A-rank to shitpost with?
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Qingy felt like she lasted for 3 months.
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Shitflingers ruined these threads because mihomo gave them a metric ton of shit to fling. I don't know what you expected.
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>Get Soldier 11
>Forced to get gud and not mash like a monkey
Help anons I've spent like 3 hours on the practice tool but I still feel that my consistece isn't 100% yet
>it took 4 days of nonstop shitposting to prove that m0r0 rat can outperform a fucking m1r1 piper
lmao huge win
Uhhhhhh your caesar???
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Bro when will you finally post your SD7 clear? Me and my homies are waiting in excitement

Some weird dude
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What the fuck is up with this games quest and requirement system
It doesn't tell you what you need to do to progress.
I've gone through every fucking menu in the game and looked up guides that don't explain shit
the next two weeks will be slow if we don't get new content
press escape
look at the red text in the top left
You kidding, right?
What does this cute message from my boyfriend have to do with any shitflinging?
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look at this lol
God I want to rape him so bad.
Stop posting, Jane.
shit makes so sense to me. When i try to match the sound cues I'm too slow. Any faster I'm button mashing
>go off field
How is that a berserker in any way shape or form? We need someone who can hp tank through hits while getting bonuses for losing hp and lifesteal. Would be a cool ass archetype.
Use the shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan music to time your button presses like the japs do
SEAniggers are up soon. It hasn’t even started yet.
Literally Piper
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I salute the rabi
How would a berserker character work?
The less HP they have the more damage they do?
similar to Blade in HSR except not a brick
>it's not MY fault for being a hyper fragile thin skinned baby, it's THEIR fault for exploiting that fact!!
I unironically use my metronome to time it but the timer on the 4th hit and the timer between the 4th hit and the 1st one again are tricky as fuck.
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Honestly, Soukaku. This bitch takes so long to get her stacks off you might as well be a berserker with how many hits you're eating
wtf is evade assist for
this is fucking worthless
detremental even, since it lies about which attacks are red
>it's not MY fault for releasing a blatant cuckbait character, it's YOUR fault for pointing out that she's a cuckbait character you chud!
How it's literally just swooce-swooce-swooce-swoo-ooce
I want a full zoner in this game.
Not the weak Billy shit.
I want someone as cancerous as Nu-11
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That is a fucking chinchilla.

When will you post an image that isn't total shit you dumb stupid bitch.
at the end, yuriGODS won.
>dies in the middle of spin because she got hit twice
Nice berserker bwo
Watching romance movies with seth.....
attacks that are normally red become yellow if you have a character with an evasive assist in your team
thats grace rina billy and zhu
if you press swap it ignores your team order and swaps to that character to do the assist
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Blah blah blah, SD7 clear when? You always got something to say about the meta of this game, surely you've done the absolute minimum and cleared SD7 on S, right?
Literally how is your screenshot you posted blatant cuckbait?
>Approximately 20 pink exps combined per HIA exp run
>Need roughly 150 (?) to go 50->60, so a week of grinding for each moeblob on my main teams
>It's either that or tooting myself for disk farming forever
Dang, guess this is where the "new gacha" honeymoon progression ends and I start hoarding exp and dennys for the rest of time, huh
Kinda tempted to leave my girls at Lv 50 until SD starts actually hard DPS checking me, right now I at least still have to try to optimize a little for stuff like the 3 minute speedrun in the Ballet Twins
the void hunter nigga in the trailer
Does anyone use the chinese voices?
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>i start using another general
>yurifags start their rampant shitflinging
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I like this screenshot
I don't like how chinese sounds
Guys please Jane is a flirty whore the entire point is that she has fanservice interactions with everyone can we move on to more important things like posting her ass
Any time a woman speaks to a man who isn't anon, he's being cucked
Anon may in fact be the single biggest cuckold in human history, being cucked by millions of women every second of every day
Can you explain how that works to a retard? I just unlocked her and want to make her work
Enough with this cringe buzzword, go back to r*ddit if you want a safespace where you can circlejerk over your delusions with zero opposition.
Dumb trannoid.
>still no Shiyu or Notorious Hunt clear posted
It is the year 2026. Animeposter is still obsessing about the upcoming meta 3.0 DPS instead of dropping the game. In the meantime he has bricked himself by going through 50 rotations of Shiyu Defense without being able to get the polys for a full S clear a single time
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Sorry fag, I will not use another twink faggot MC like Wise. Cope with my Belle (Futa)
You get those from other sources like commissions, events, Z-merits, the other SD store, BP etc. etc.
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Soon, he will save us.
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I'm a stupid bitch! I'm a stupid bitch!

Thank you for blessing us with your wisdom, you're by far the smartest poster in this general!!

Arf! Arf! Arf! I'm your stupid bitch!!
Me either. Is that just due to racism or something though?
that's not worth it tho
i guess the slowdown saves a couple seconds for those chars to set up
but i'd much rather have the defence

that "yellow" light should really be green or blue or something, since it's not red but it's not yellow either
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Throw in Caesar to the package and we have a deal.
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you fuck.
Yeah I don't speak it though
you are a tranny in disguise real yuribros prefer clamsmashing
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Even wisepags won LOL
What's a DM? Dick movie?
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Rat and Piperbros, are you getting Caesar/Burnice/Yanagi? I hope Yanagi is an off-field or quick-swap Anomaly as well to experiment with
>cunny game
wheres the f ucking cunny
Me during farming sometimes, to switch things up
>he actively chose not to get called onii-chan by his imouto
>he doesnt get to listen to her voice during tv sections
faggot alert
for Zhu Yuan it let's Qingyi swap in and build her meter with the enemy stationary
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Now call >>493735491
Stupid bitches!
FAKE BLAZFAN, I hope BBCT Arakune rapes you
Like pick better bait.
just yanagi then saving everything else for pulchra
sex with ben bigger
ben bigger gay sexooooo
Kinda wish there was a disk farming daily that cost more stamina for proportionally more rewards and let you fight an actual boss or high end disputed node or something
Would be more fun than just smashing "twink and fatty" or "dog and cat" or whatever 3-4x times per day
Would be weird as fuck if S11's sniper buddy had a gameplan other than "run the fuck away to the opposite end of the map while shooting"
I love how Jane stands around with her thumbs hooked into her unattached suspender straps like some old fat fuck police chief
in Wuwa
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only NPCs
Wil we see a female bear thiren and will they be full bear or just kemonomimi
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>look at this chink clear time that i could never do because i don't have the money nor the skill to do it but i'm still going to act like it's my doing.
It's been 10 years since blazblue is relevant relax, Nu-13 is still my eternal lover.
Shut up Wise
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The only time I tolerate Chinese is if I'm watching something like Three Kingdoms or some such, Ugly sounding language.
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getting kotted is a meme
roll for your favorite agent, you WILL get them
I had to go to sleep in the bed it didn't show any way points or anything
he probably means where is the cunny in an actually ALIVE game, not in a deadge
or, doing a rat pose
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You are STUPID bitches!! Leave Kroni alone!!!

Ruff ruff purrrr
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I know there is a ship war going on or something but this is my otp.
>want to get kotted
>get knotted instead
it's a rat pose
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It's what mice/rats do, very cute
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>Class Defender
>Using EX gives them shield and if attacked during it gain an ATK boost, EX is a mad dash towards the enemy if far or a slow but powerful hit if close that you can chain the basic string directly from, you can also cancel into the EX from the basic string so you just keep on attacking
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>The thing is that screenshot didn't even refer to Jane
That's already been debunked bwo
she's like 16...
>have to rely on shields
Fake berserker.
i'm hoping lighter is that, he's already confirmed to be a punchfag character although he's a bit too skinny
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I know there is a ship war going on or something but this is my otp.
I fucking hate rats
I am also still salty about The End Times
When the fuck is Jane leaving the game?
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Anyone here using skins OR has seen someone complain on /gig/ or /hsrg/ about getting banned after using such? I kind of want to use some but I dread getting banned

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bro, your koleda?
not to mention that it took them so long to find a single clear 5 seconds better than the disorderbro’s nearly naked piper
Anon, even in that screenshot HE DIDN'T KNOW WHO SHE WAS.
>Shiyu Defense 7-1 in 59 seconds by solo M0U1 Jane



That is just a hairband
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but at the end she's in love with belle...canon
mmm that one might be a counterfeit bear
Is it me or is the gap between standard S-Ranks DPS and Limited DPS absurdly huge? especially so close the initial release
Genshin is completely safe and cosmetic mods are even soft allowed.
HSR did one banwave
Idk about ZZZ
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safe to use, just don't be a retard
Giving shield is just a gameplay mechanic to show them powering through the damage, they wouldn't actually put up an actual shield like Ben
is that gman on the right
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who did you / are you selecting at 300?
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You sound like a stalker.
You can call yourself the dumbest of bitches.

You can then shoo shoo, faggot.
My guy, several M0 A ranks mog the shit out of certain standard S ones.
Me x Jane is canon
Please don't risk it, what if something was to happen to our local, top 1.5% lucky poster?? Don't risk all those balls and C1 S11
I don't know how to feel about this...
The difference between Piper and Jane isn’t really that big but yeah Zhu and Ellen completely eclipse their comparisons.
Yes, the game is already infested with insane powercreep just 2 months in, but retards will tell you HURR IT DOESNT MATTER BECAUSE YOU CAN CLEAR ANYWAY because they think shiyu will stay the same forever
i have a theory that koleda is half thiren and that's why she has sharp teeth
my guess is 1/4 bear?
but as i said this is only based on her teeth
>HSR did one banwave
it works fine on my machine
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ZZZ is a brand new team in HOYOVERSE HQ so they haven't gotten the balance right yet. I expect the power curve to stabilize in year 2.
I do. Best sounding version of most the characters.
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Did you forgive me yet?
My daughterwife Koleda
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Tell me how many patches do you think it will take for her to finally become playable?
Give Billy an S rank and he still won't do it
You CANNOT have power creep until another limited S rank surpasses another limited S rank in their intended role
hey how come we dont' udpate the op with codes
cant fucking wait
i dont forgive you for not showing up you bitchkot
Is it possible to use the samsung coupons with this game.
>another limited S rank surpasses another limited S rank in their intended role
Well Ellen has already been surpassed in DPS by two limited S ranks so...
I'm not forgiving you until you join my squad.
Hopefully never
I can't stand chinese, korean or english voices so I'm stuck with jp
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Yeah, I think HSR did one banwave very early, like during the first month or so, but if Genshin has never made one then maybe the team behind ZZZ won't be compelled to make one either..

Lol no, it'll follow the typical hoyo curve of them simply bumping the HP of the enemies up and then expecting the players to work it out somehow. Happened in GI, happened in HSR, will happen here too

The weirdest thing to me is that they haven't even covered all element/role combinations and they're already powercreeping Anby and Piper with limited 5s.
Yeah, meanwhile the experienced HSR team totally mastered balancing insane powercreep in their game haha...
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she managed to lose her eye as a kid
i think she's crazy enough to have chizzled / sharpened them
You want the feeling of high risk high reward low HP gameplay, and seeing an incoming attack and going "fuck it, we're trading hits", but also want to avoid the experience of
>Stand around and let the enemies hit you on purpose for the first 20 seconds until your HP is low enough
>Just hit the "drain my own HP" skill button and pretend it's being a berserker
An idea would be something like gameplay loop kinda like QY, instead except of gaining i-frames for "releasing" your move during an enemy attack, you take "red health" damage like in fighting games/take temp health loss for trading your big super armored attack into the enemy attack properly
You get stronger in some way for being lower HP and can't die from temp health damage, but you end up constantly running around at effective 1 HP (can probably "control" your health and regen red HP via chains or defensive assist or ult or something)
If they don't want to code temp HP they could probably achive the same effect with scaling HP/damage reduction during your attacks as long as your HP is low enough
Infinite patches because we will never get a playable female furry, it's not safe horny enough
No, it just doesn't sound very pleasing, I'm yuropoor and also dislike hearing german
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Based ratto
>insane powercreep
>massive shitflinging over sub-minute clears involving an S rank versus A rank with less thqn 10 seconds of difference
Nah, not yet
is the rat worth rolling for as a corinfag?
jane effectively replaces corin and you can bring buff support instead
I'm going to get yanagi most likely, depending on if she fits my team, if not, then skip to pull Trigger (on every nigger)
HSR is turnbased slop, powercreep is literally the only way to sell new characters because they all """play""" exactly the same
Reminder piperfags and shitposters got their assholes destroyed last thread
don't replace corin please...
Let’s see your piper Withering Garden 11 solo bwo
To play with corin? No. You want a limited stunner for her.
As a second team just to break away from the formulaic "stun -> big damage window" playstyle? Maybe.
We have to many character with nearly the same outfit... That's pretty much Nicole/Lucy (even Burnice to an extent) but Furry edition.
They really need to put in more efforts.
still sucks that 50/50 losses are handing out giga bricks already.
If you're going purely F2P with not a single ball or dupe, just having C0R1 on Jane makes it pretty substantial
Finally got to fight Nirvana... What is this boss fight? I thought the twins were awful but this is something else.
didn't she lose her eye in the hallow zero event?
cause it was after that she started wearing the eye patch

anyways she had those teeth even when she was a very young child too, so they're natural
>going 4 seconds faster than an m1r1 piper is a huge win for janefags
>launch roster looked the best
>every new character looks worse but replaces them
cleared shiyu 7 with b rank since second team was underleveled and had element disadvantage. still happy and cant wait for caesar. anyone wanna play snake? :>~
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I love him...
And having a literal bara bait and a BDSM butler is safe horny?
Also the people of Genshin criticizing Jane for being too sexualized, but isn't she considered safe horny?
The twins are the 2nd best boss fight in the game though?
i would never replace corin i just want someone to help her get assault
>And having a literal bara bait and a BDSM butler is safe horny?
Yes? Femcels and homos love that shit, it's the definition of safe horny
nah, she puts on the eye patch during her dad's growing up cutscene
Piper does that job a lot better then. She’ll also buff your corins dps with her teamwide buff, rat is a lot more selfish
its pretty awful the first time yes
then you realize you need to collect good resona combos to make it easier.
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Are there more fujo fans of Lycaon or more YJK fans of him?
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Why would I pull if the limited characters didn't mog the standard ones.. ?
Bro we already have a leak saying it will happen, why do people keep denying it?
ignore shiptroonies and belletroonies
I swear to fucking god I have not seen the term "safe horny" thrown around this much since hsrg...
I hate that, everytime that I lose a 50/50 on HSR and don't get a Bronya dupe I get something that I'll never use.
You'll see it much less tomorrow. For some reason this general turns to shit on sundays
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I believe in the Macross dream for the Idol faction
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>nobody has extracted all the voice lines from playable characters to put on the wiki yet
>there isn't even an ingame menu where you can listen to them like there is in genshin

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The only reason I rolled these 3 from Pubseggs is their butt and thighs. Don't care about anything else
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So if I have M2+ Seth, do you just swap him in for the CLANG and then immediately swap back to your DPS? Does doing that give you all the buffs?
I would say there is an equal amount of Fujos, Yumes and Gayfurs in his fanbase
based Macross chad
Just Solder Brick and Brickomata.

S11 clears fucking Fire weakness stages slower than Ellen/Zhu/Jane
Which zzz could you physically overpower and rape? Be honest.
why won't you do it yourself you lazy fuck
I wish this was her avatar on interknot. The one we got is so lame that I'm still using Ellen's.
There’s no reason to use Bronya if you rolled Sparkle like most smart people.
The only decent roll now is Himeko.
Even Clara got shit on by Yunli who’s literally just Clara 2. They didn’t even try with Yunli
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I could physically overpower up to Ben Bigger.
Who should I run in a final slot with Piper and Caesar?
Lucy seems obvious but I'm not a fan of how she plays, but if there's no other options I suppose I could get used to her.
Do you want them to be composed of a loser, two lesbians, a hag, and someone who is like 7 years old?
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I'd be great if they allow picking a specific standard 5* when losing 50/50s to make the pain less painful. But yeah, this game losing 50/50 is pretty bad unless it's to the yiff.
My sister....
Wtf is safe horny? You guys keep saying this, but I never understood the definition, it seems that everyone uses whatever way they can to justify anything, and it's not as if the game isn't already full of fanservice and for all tastes, even the most degenerate.
though she got it in the HZ event.
kinda curious on how she lost her eye
Lucys boars
you could run billy for his ult
>Also the people of Genshin criticizing Jane for being too sexualized
Literally nobody did that other than shippers on twitter infighting
ZZZiggers just really want to emphasize that their game has le fanservice and how much they heckin love gooning, meanwhile actual consumers of gachage (Asian incels) would call them mixed toilet cucks
Lucy, and you make it rain boars.
none of them
they are all superhuman with no actual explanation as to why
Burnice, Lucy, Grace would all be pretty good I imagine
Any of the women + seth
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No, you have to hold his BA to get both the Anomaly buff and shred.
Just doing a defensive assist for the CLANG only gives you the Anomaly, no shred
its evolved to mean "something that won't get me banned on reddit"
it isn't used here, it's a reddit user.
I just noticed that the siblings' place doesnt have any bathroom.
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>Invested all these mats into my C5W4 12x5 piper
>she gets logged by C0W0 Jane

Wise has Belle for that
Mmmm I was more referring to how their powers/abilities worked, through sound/vocals, rather than the personality/individual character type that they are though
go to sleep grace
Should I roll Kinich or is Xilonen a mustpull like every one says she is?
>Wtf is safe horny?
It's something that is considered acceptable by femcels and troons on reddit/xitter/etc.
If you can openly be attracted to something in those places without getting attacked for it, it's safe horny
So CLANG, but don't take the prompt for the immediate swap and do his BA into the swap?
I don't recall Nicole ever being shown doing anything super-human.
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My Firefly is so OP (E6) that I can play her without healer and use a Bronya on the 4th place, Sparkle is usually on the other side.
If you want both, CLANG, hold BA and whilst the quick assist swap is still available, swap back, he'll finish the animation and get you both buffs.
You can also just swap to him during Jane's EX, Salchow or final hit of her normal attack, hold BA on him and quickly switch back to Jane, whichever works for you
where does Belle go then..
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If I'm to believe it, at least 1.5 or 1.6, that's if Miyabi and the rest of section 6 are going to fill out the rest of the 1.3 and 1.4 updates by completing the game's launch video.
>Me whaling E6 made a character so powerful that meta doesn't matter anymore
No shit.
Safe horny = A female character that if you said you wanted to fuck them on Reddit you wouldn't get cancelled or banned for it
For example
>I want Alicia Dimetrescu to mommy dom me and sit on my face with her big amazonian ass
Safe horny
>I want to bend Nicole Demara over and breed her until her debts are fulfilled
Unsafe horny, get downvoted chud
Funny, I rolled C6 DHIL on his release and I just now got Sparkle, it's night and day difference
Look at the door to the right of Wise’s door.
Belle has Wise for that.
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I thought Officer Mew Mew was the only furry in this game
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Do elemental weakness even matter in this game? Like you said I tried to make teams to match up but my typical Zhu team ends clearing everything faster regardless.
Anon what we have is very far from actual barabait character design that normalfags would find too sexual
what does this mean?
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What's the tactical benefit of this pose?
It does, but right now the game is too easy and lets you rip through resistances.
Like jane can go sub-minute on the physical resistance SD side.
baiting cucks like you
her rotten cheese farts
made for futa belle
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reminder to take care of your weekly stuff
-extra merit farming from hollow zero
-weekly boss missions
surprisingly this is all we have unless you want to count some weekly battlepass stuff but the battlepass in this game is easy
Easy anal access.
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why does belle get so jealous?
Makes the guys pop big boners and the loss of blood flowing to their brains makes them mentally slow down.
>thinking about how many (you)s i could farm if i whaled for c6 piper and c6 lucy right now and cleared shiyu 7 in 42 seconds
Good thing I'm not a furry
Nicole is pretty safe horny by reddit and xitter standard, it's Piper and Lucy who makes them seethe
incest is great actually
Tfw New Eridu is an ethostate with no Pajeets

Must be nice
C0R1, just her sig
>Google weight of average male buta-san
>Several hundred pounds, and the pigs are wearing armor and shit too
>She just hits them into the fucking skybox like a normal baseball
Don't lowball the brat, she's probably on the upper half of the cast if anything
wrong, after miyabi is the idols, then new cunny hare, then new sector 6, then new Calydon (not big daddy), then you kill the girl furry like singorna, then you get the orangutan
>didn’t even need M1W1 Qingyi
I kneel
Because oniichans are for imoutos
>Do elemental weakness even matter in this game?
they matter if you're playing brick dps characters (everyone except the latest powercreeps, jane and zhu)
You should buy some ozempic instead fatso. It will help with your breathing problems.
I have a jane and I'm going to whale for M6W6 Lucy (already have piper M6 and her weapon just from normal gacha)
My account is somehow Piper seeded but lucy repellant.
only if she has her weapon lol
So why do you play a furry game?
If memory serves, enemies not being weak to a particular element means they have a 20% resistance to it, so you'd be looking at a 25% damage increase if you swapped from an off-element character to an on-element one, assuming the same base damage output. If the off-element character deals more than 25% more damage than the on-element character, then the off-element character will still clear faster.

No mindscapes and one copy of their signature w-engine.
If you're a metafag you're waiting for Caesar anyway
M1W2* Qingyi
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Cute girlfriends
It's only 15% furry so it doesn't count
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the shining golden kot
now post her fat pussy
I’m not a furry. I’m an anthro enjoyer.
Anyone with a defensive assist is at least stronger than a generic faceless rape bandit NPC, so not them, pick from the evasive assist ones
Rina might be the physically weakest among them since she's not actually jumping and sprinting around but doing some magic (?) floating shit all the time
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can't get in trouble if they never find it
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Seth isn't aware you're friends with Jane so he's speaking in very vague terms - He's even referring to this mystery dirty co-worker with feminine pronouns
"You don't know...", as in you, the manager, probably don't know who this is.
Are you guys rolling for Feixiao?
based ntrchads
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But aren't the idols just like in update 2.0?
I imagine they'll want to do something big with them with music videos and such?
And the furry will already have a model and basically a moveset as she will be a boss.
pussy eating pussy
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As a Newlet I feel blessed that she was my first S-Rank servant, love this kot
it doesnt change that jane is in love with belle lol
Wrong tab, broski.
Yeah. I already have Aventurine, so I'm planning on getting Robin, Feixiao, and then Topaz the patch after.

I originally wasn't interested in the FUA team due to the RNG in Dr. Ratio's kit, but now that Feixiao replaces him, I think I'll like the team.
I started hsr recently and got Bronya in my beginner pulls, I heard she was good for Feixiao so yeah sure
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I think in a few months it will rise to 25%?
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uh oh yurisister melty
Jane Doe is just Neko 2.0 if you think about it
I only have 120 pulls and I only pull for e0s1
e0s0 is for fags
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Except less sexy.
for what? It's canon in game lol
but this isn't her best team, she only needs Robin
Hunt March shits on Topaz unless you have her E1, Aventurine is okay but just run March/Mode without heal to stack FUAs
yes just like Signora
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This but seth is doing it to my penis
She plays exactly like neko
its what made me not want her honestly
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>ending every post with "lol"
This is how we know you're shaking in rage right now
Do you not get tired of rotating between like 3 types of shitty bait
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>Tom and Jerry
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Having an elegant evening dinner with kot
is there any interaction between Seth and Jade? outside the quest that wasn't even "ship"faggotry
post all the fanarts you want, it doesn't change my point
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No she's ugly. I can't look past the manface and literally Genshin Xiao's hair.
Are there many characters in other Hoyo games that took more than years to become playable?
No, but twitter shippers like to spam this general
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>smelly nekobwos getting uppity
>start doing jane doe's breaker majima wahoo spin
>miss entirely somehow
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Mogging Piperpags
Nicole or Belle
The rest of the girls are varying levels of peak or super human abilities so I'd get my ass kicked
No I'm rolling for BS
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Please context who is Signora?
I don't play Hoyo's other games, just out of curiosity?
Jane's dogshit design killed the game
cute and canon couple
>Ellen, Zhu 'crept by Rat
>Piper, Neko 'crept by Rat
>Lycaon, Koleda 'crept by lolicop
>Rina 'crept by Seth
The only ones standing are S11 and Grace.
We need the ugly pink whore to be an electric anomaly enabler and Burnice to release and everyone will be 'crept three months in
but enough about Genshit FLOPact designs
she was a hot dommy mommy in the first story arc that beat up the trap god boy
then she turned into ash by notmei
Should I get Space marine 2?
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is this the peak female form
Signora is a Genshin Impact character from the villain faction who was introduced very early in the story, and a lot of people liked her. Lots of players wanted her to be playable, but about a year or two into the game's story, they killed her off instead, dashing those hopes.
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she looks retarded, I love her
More like S6iggers
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Is there a prefarming list for Caesar Lawrence yet?
sexy Russian ice lady that antagonizes you in the first Genshin story arc
people were convinced she’d be playable and then she fucking dies
1.2 stream is next weekend
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I dropped HSR.
The game stopped being fun once it lost its novelty back in 1.6 and unless they entirely rework the dogshit combat, it will never be fun.
The 2 patches in a row of liyueslop is what killed it for me. Compared to Natlan and ZZZ as a whole, it just feels tasteless and uninspired, no matter how cool the unskippable 10 second long ult animations are.
It's absolutely baffling how I hate all of the new Luofu characters. Hunt March is the only one I actually enjoy conceptually, and even then I still hate how they threw her entire backstory and design inspiration into the fucking garbage just to shill Chinese culture.

I sincerely hope Hoolay escapes and just massacres every single Luofu resident while we piss off to Atlantis, but of course the ending is just gonna be "Luofu wins! Isn't chinese culture SO FUCKING FUN? HERE, HAVE SOME MORE TRASHCAN JOKES!"
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Fuck you

she's allergic to telling the truth
>Nearly crack top 10
>earns more than valo
Wait I thought you guys said ZZZ flopped
Just for reference. What are these 3 rotating baits
Getting pulls in this takes fucking forever. I just wanted to get Lucy since she's the only interesting design, but fuck me if I isn't 1 single pull or less per level I play and all I can get with them are Billy and Anby dupes.
No, this is

No, get College Football 25
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i finally had my first pork bun this week
i was expecting more filling, there wasn't much inside.
For Burnice, assuming you don't have her wengine, will it be better to use an Anomaly wengine, or the Steam Oven for more energy?
>ask a genshin related question: no replies
>ask a hsr question: multiple replies
I'm noticing....
Xiao (genshit) is def cuter.
This screenshot quite literally proves the opposite though. Seth clearly has no idea who this mystery senior actually is and is only going off what Zhu tells him about her. So yes the one taking his phone is Qingyi.
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>took Ratfags 3 days to dispute Piper
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Just got Piper and Lucy. Are they any good?
Damn it’s almost like there’s an energy system and mats locked behind weeklies or something.
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They're giving out a free copy of Lucy in 1.2. Just stay strong Lucybro.
In bed? yeah.
Let the shipper live with his fanfictions
Burnice White gave me a leather fetish, I love sluts wearing leather jackets.
Not sure between Koleda and Rina.
>introduced as npc
None of those were labeled as NPC they were all marked as playable. Can't think of a single playable character ever being labeled as an NPC.
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I dunno man, that entire quest is the crutch of this shipfaggotry in the first place.
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She looks more like she's wearing latex.
Yeah the HSR troons come around right after their discord grooming sessions.
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My motivation to play is decreasing.
Don't have Grace, Rina and Lyacon, so I guess one of those three. I'll probably just flip a coin when I get to it.
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Piper's fine, but was powercrept by Jane. If you have Jane, don't bother building Piper.
Lucy is good and worth building as she's a generalized attack buffer, but at M0 she's a bit awkward to use, as you have to swap back to her and use her EX special attack every 10 - 15 seconds. At M2 you can get her buff just by doing her chain attack, making her much smoother.
and by barely 4 whole seconds over a c1 piper lmao
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Damn, what a waste of design, I would also be very frustrated, damn I thought Hoyo knew what their players wanted.
I love latex too. Latex and leather are the best
>outside the quest that wasn't even "ship"faggotry
good to see janecucks are still living in denial
That was such a botch. This bitch was worth billions.
No, she's really not worth it if you don't already have robin and aventurine or topaz.
I want a new character but Rina's c1 does so much for her
This is why I can't take salefaggotry whose entire basis being made up phone sales numbers seriiously desu.
Lucy is great, however Piper is a shitty brick bound to be imminently replaced. Careful not to overinvest.
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I might try gambling my ~40 or so rolls on caesar, then saving for yanagi assuming I don't get her. assuming I like how caesar plays of course. jane/seth/caesar could be pretty comfy, and we really don't know anything about yanagi except that she *should* be an off-field electric anomaly, but that's speculation based on the disc set
I'm honestly not sure. s11 and rina are the only standards I have so far. I was wanting grace, but now I'm not so sure. m1 rina would be the most useful to me right now, although koleda would be nice since I only have anby. I'll make that decision when I get closer to it
it's meaningless as I have no clue what reddit thinks, and if you do you should go back there
no it doesn't. are you genuinely esl? he's saying "you (belle) wouldn't know her"
A 3D model can't cuck you, anon...
It will all be better once Jane Doe's banner is gone. Feels like she's been out forever already.
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We'll see about that.
They also killed off the Slavic ice mommy in HSR as well
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Anby stop eating my resources!
so characters in this game are meant to be paired with their respective factions to maximize dps? No mix and matching?
You can safely skip the Jane banner now, Piper clears even faster than Jane does once you get her some dupes
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she's a brick lmao literal piper sidegrade
Grassy, Woody, and Bricky are piglets
>Why do the little pigs look more red around Ms. Burnice
Are there any that were actually NPCs or enemies that later became playable?
I thought Scaramouche was one of those who was once a boss and then became playable.
You're a shipper, you belong in reddit.
they implemented faction and class/element sharing so you can find other ways to activate their passive.
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that's one way to pair them, but they also have another condition like elemental or archetype like being paired with another anomaly character, or being paired with an attacker or whatever.
there's plenty of mix and matching and certain teams are strong even if you don't trigger their passives
All of the release characters want to be paired with either their same element or faction, but more recent characters, like Zhu Yuan and Jane, have different requirements.

Zhu Yuan, for example, gets her bonus when you have any support character in the party, making her far less restrictive in that regard.
Is it true Piper can solo Shiyu 7 side 1 in less than a minute?
I'm actually a drop-shipper.
Sign up to my course to learn how to earn 6 figures of passive income.
>he doesn't already have C6 Piper and C6 Billy
do you not play the game?
>no it doesn't. are you genuinely esl? he's saying "you (belle) wouldn't know her"
>wouldn't know her
He didn't say that. He said "wouldn't know" referring to the situation. As in about the specific thing he's talking about after saying "wouldn't know" which is about a mystery senior he heard about from Zhu that has her desk maintained. If he ACTUALLY knew Jane then he WOULD have said "wouldn't know her" you know why he didn't say that? Because he doesn't know her and as such isn't referring to her specifically but simply the gossip.
lmao, pot calling the kettle black it seems. Why is every shipper tard this retarded?
Who is this one?
No, even Billy takes well over a minute
Jane and Seth are so cute
No, it takes 67 seconds.
0 IQ twitter shipper, what do you expect? And also call others redditors kek
Scaramouche was initially introduced as an antagonist NPC, but was later made playable after he found out the villain faction betrayed him, so he used the tree of knowledge to erase himself from everyone's memories, then became a "good guy."
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>Ugh piss off retard, you are too faggy and easy to read. We will never work together
>VS pic related
Yep. Belle BIG FUTA COCK won
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reminder to people counting seconds in defense modes
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Thinking the same
I know I could make the run too, shame I dont have disposable income to burn
>Still seething about one of the most kino moments of sumeru
The boopon pun just hit
Mother of Deception, Cocolia
Show me your in game selfies, faggot. Enjoy seeing that twink faggot everywhere.
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I don't ship jane with seth, but I also don't ignore reality. jane likes to tease seth, that doesn't mean they're married. she's very obviously the co-worker who stole his phone and typed like this~ which only jane and rina do
the translation is done by retards who don't know english. there are tons of errors in jane's trust quests. just like at launch there were about a dozen examples of the game calling women he. the one I remember is the chick to the side at scott outpost. that one got fixed in 1.1, so we'll see if they fix any of the other issues next patch. the hotpot jane trust event in particular is almost nonsensical at spots honestly
but interestingly enough, in it she mentions going back to the precinct
the story right now takes place after undercover r&b. seth and jane know each other. jane teases seth. that's it
She flirted more with belle in one scene than with Seth in the entire story
Jane and Seth are a couple
end of discussion
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Doesn't M6E5 on A Ranks equate to M0E1 on a limited?
>Kicked seth in the balls
>Forced him to drink until he pisses his pants
>Not flirting
Post incest
No, but I think they each have mentions of each other, not by name, but somewhat implied to be them.
>supposedly did a factory reset on himself
>still acts like an 12 yr old edgelord despite having his crimes against humanity completely erased
read more books, Fatxiao. Hopefully you learn how to write better stories.
Cute and canon
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I can see why someone who pretends to be a girl and loves lgbt characters so much would be afraid of competition from seth.
whats belle's safe word?
futa belle...
>oh jane has a trust event at the Ballet Twin towers plaza
>”as you approach, a peculiar odor wafts towards you”
>Jane: oh yeah I was doing some part time work in the sewer here so I had to wade through the sewer. Wasn’t expecting to see you here while I was waiting for my clothes to dry”
Uh oh. Stinky.
>i-it was a translation error it actually meant "shit I literally just made up
lmao. Immediately moving the goalposts after getting BTFO. Remind me who was it that posted the screenshot of said translation to be used as evidence? Oh so now the screenshot you posted is wrong huh? Well which is it? Is it proof or isn't it? I thought it'd been deboooonked?
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All I need is C6 on Lucy though
W5 would just be gravy
Seriously why are her events so smellfag-focused.
look at this
it's insecurity kek
can't believe these people are real
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WTF? What does Hoyo have against these designs to not make them playable?
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I feel like they modeled Jane after this girl.
well it seems we have a pattern here, hope those furbros are praying their girl aint no dommy mommy
Is there a point in pulling Jane if I'm gonna get C6 Piper from Burnice's banner?
her hair looks way worse
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do "women" really?
Gunning for A rank dupes is such a bitch sometimes. I've gone through 2 full pities sometimes and barely ended up with C3
Haven't played since Inazuma but that sounds like complete dogshit. Phew, i'm glad.
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I worry debates like this Jane vs Piper one will just end up causing power creep to accelerate. Just like when Qingyi got last minute buffed after all the CCs called her an Anby side grade, they might start tuning the new characters higher and higher to guarantee sales.
Of course they're gonna do it over time anyway, but I don't like the idea of giving them a reason to make it progress faster. Ideally this wouldn't be a concern in the first place, since the game is an action game with Persona-like elements they could sell characters off of playstyle and personality. Like Miyabi will sell like hotcakes even if she performs on par with Ellen just because she's an autistic katana wielding foxgirl, all they have to do is make her not feel clunky and slow like she did in CBT.
Mihoyo has a thing for killing off hags.

feel like they modeled Seth after that boy
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Jane is better in different comps
If you plan on running disorder there's no reason though, Piper outperforms jane in Grace teams and early calcs though dubious suggest the same will be true for Burnice
mommy issues, like how mihoyo male employees are disappointments for not having 2 homes and a mansion (for the parents exclusively)
If a women did that to you, you really think she wasn't flirting with you?
I've not seen anything from jane's trust events that imply seth. just zhu and the fact that she 100% works at the precinct
give me a bit of time to do hollow zero and get her mindscape event, I'll show you how dogshit the translation is
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I don't get it...
You either like Jane enough to roll for her or you just skip, there's no point trying to attach more logic to it than needed
Idk but I find it hot as fuck
Brickper isnt good enough even with m6.
Get Jane if you care about anomaly at all.
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Please Hoyo don't kill her just because she doesn't match the tastes of the average Chinese who plays gacha, dommy mommys are great and furry women too.
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Is it worth it?
No? Jane is literally ZZZ's Yelan.
>nekomata isn't actually a thiren at all, just a freaky sex addict that cosplays as a cat and uses those two tails in both of her holes when no one'sl ooking
Are you a woman?
camera nigga
Yeah she touched my cock
Please, Da Wei. Never powercreep a loli with a hag ever again. The general becomes literally unusable
IF you need it? Sure.
I feel like I'm actually in a unique position in Mihoyo games in that I'm completely satisfied with my current disk setups.
This was posted last month but I still laughed
Is there any interactions with Jane and Zhu? That'd be a fun combo.
Jane is what Yelan wished to be but got stuck in Genshin where they just couldn't do horny
Disks in this game are infinitely easier to farm than hsr and genshin.
Prove me wrong.
so far all I've seen is one trust event from jane where she mentions thinking her captain was cheating but finding out that it was a misunderstanding and she was just talking to her mom on the phone. nothing with both of them though
we've gone through 2 full BP's at this point you should be loaded by now.
I mean you're right so why would I? I feel like in general characters in ZZZ are just way less stat requiring too.
I love it
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Bwos I'm giving wuwa a try...
So uh can I swap to Wise if I picked Belle? Asking for a friend.
do it fast before EoS
You don't have to farm for stats like ER, EM and Speed in substats, that's why
Nope. You're stuck.
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i won't prove you wrong, but I will say it is easier because:
>teams are only 3 instead of 4
>substats don't have variance, they are set
>there is less weight on anything other than crit and crit damage
>the first 3 disks have set main stats
>the worst disk is all in one disk so if you get a perfect disk 5 you won
Cute catboy
go to thailand and cut off your penis
In the same time I've been stuck farming an acceptable set for Clara I've fully kitted out 4 character sets in ZZZ.
I'm still farming for an acceptable clara set.
Is MeroMero a reliable leaker?
Because I think he gave Furbros a little hope
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This is my first gacha but I've been having absolutely shit luck on my disc rolls. Blows my mind it gets worse elsewhere
I tried it a while ago
>1.0 story writing is some of the worst I've experienced
>1.1 and beyond was decent
>Changli/Jinshi was kino
>combat is alright
>openworld exploration is pretty much copy pasted from Genshin with some tweaks
Ultimately dropped because I just can't stand openworld gacha slop anymore
God don't fucking remind me of that horse shit. Genuinely the 2nd biggest reason I dropped HSR. Literally every single god damn character wanting SPD was so insanely bullshit that it made building characters actually torture. It's like what if EM tier rarity but for fucking everyone.
>60 cost
no, fuck off
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I diversified my portfolio too much
I've been farming for Acheron since her release and I still don't have a great relic set for her.
Lucky Jane
I spent 3 weeks of energy and tuning at bardic needle to get ONE anomaly mastery disc 6. If you're telling me its worse in those games, then I'm glad I never played them.
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It's cool to see how many /hsrg/ bros we have in the thread. I like how well connected all the Mihoyo generals are
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I got done eating and now I feel too full and tired to play this horrid game.
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the cost comes out to something like 35 since you can continuedly recycle disks into the grinder and convert them into new disks.
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>60 for 2 vs 40 for 2
>6 slots instead of 5
You're wrong
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why does jane infuriate troons so much?
it was only an assumption, leakers are getting ZZZ wrong however
That just means a lot of your guys dropped your game for this one
Genshin is the best because you can use off-pieces and choose substats
Yeah I'd absolutely say ZZZ > Genshin >>>>>>>>>>>>>> HSR for building characters. It gets much more noticeably strict when you have so many more characters to build. I played the game from before the anniversary to the fox homo banner and in that time I didn't even have one character who was fully built since I had to spread myself so insanely thin just to barely keep up. HSR was fucking exhausting to play.
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generous, helpful, and thinking about other people's feelings
Imagine unironically pulling Keksar who has worse animations than a 4 star LOL
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This is what I was thinking of. It was outside of the soup place in Lumina when you ask her about her colleagues. It doesn't actually mention Seth, but I don't really know who it would be besides him.
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you're about to lose 80% of your general to HSR tomorrow you dumbass
Nah I'm just waiting for my 2 days of content from 2.5 to drop.
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oh yeah, that 100% sounds like seth
Reminder that these are the same types of people that lose their shit and fangirl/boy over love and deepspace
To be fair that's why they made hsr and zzz patches be halfway from each other.
Why? It's just some reruns of characters everyone already has.
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Its getting harder and harder to save for her with all the Jane posting
No release date, no faction, no element, no class. Not a very hope inspiring "leak"
What's happening tomorrow? The fox slut? Not picking up your kusoge again just for her.
you troons leaving? thank god.
Is it normal for Zhu's burst to do more damage than the rest of her barrage?
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only good post itt
>unlock bangboo banner
>two s ranks 7 pulls apart
What the fuck why can my luck not be like this on character banners
relationship goals
Why not both?
corin raped me
Zhu is a burst character
Like Corin with a gun
I will roll for Dehya Caesar
What is the worst part of ZZZ and why is it Bangboo's having their own dedicated gacha for no fucking reason?
>he pulled for ellen
your own fault
You've got a higher chance for S ranks on Bangboo than on character or wengine banners.
You can't even spend money on that if you wanted to
>He wants to lose his pity to Plugboo
>belletroon and shiptroon will go back to their original home (htrg) tomorrow.
thanks for the info.
they used to be mixed into the normal gachas, but it was absolutely terrible as now you could get worse rates on normal shit
please never say that again
I don't have Ellen and I have 300 rolls saved. I try not to blow my load on every character
Zhu's entire kit is designed around doing a lot of damage in the brief window where an enemy is stunned so you unload on them with your burst and special ammo to hopefully take them out in one shot. It's why Qingyi being such a field time whore works well with Zhu who doesn't need to be on field that much.
shiptroons are always here
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Nah it's probably only about 1/3
good bait
you dont need bangboos bro
they just there to be cute
its fine
the alternative where bangboos are actually necessary is far worse
I feel like a slut i cant resist a cute girl smile
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Content doko?
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>more Xianzhouslop
literally who cares
wait 2 more weeks bwo
>hey guys we're giving out a 10 pull this patch
>oh what for oh the Bangboo banner
>haha you silly goose did you think you'd get something actually useful?
All of you can eat shit. They should have nothing to do with the gacha. You should simply have them as quest rewards or some shit or from an in game shop you earn currency from Shiyu or HZ or something.
Bangboo banner being the way it is actually helps curb my gambling addiction because I just roll on that when I feel that urge creeping up.
I wish I was joking...
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This doesn't seem fair
>about to hit pity on standard channel
bros I kinda wanna poly it...
>he only has 1 limited DPS
l m a o
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It's in the game to give the perception that Hoyo is being generous with "free rolls". All this shit gets paid out in boopons
>This retard thinks his troon ass leaving is a loss
I bet you think you're a futanari lesbian too hahahaha. Stop buying welkin and buy a mirror.
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I care, dumbass
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that's your sister, grace...
Bwo they don't give out actual 10 rolls for mid patch. Not even in HSR. 10 rolls are reserved for new patches.
now bangboos give elemental damage bonus passively and not having the right one is a 20% damage loss, have fun retard
it was kind of like this in beta
We already got our 10 limited pulls at the start of the patch, these are just a nice bonus. Do you even play the game?
shut up
in beta you had to expend polys to get rolls on bangboo until they were convinced by the testers that would make it even more predatory than their other games and they made it irreelevant and free

the only person that would ever complain about this shit is whales since they can't whale it. everyone gets the same amount of rolls....for fucking free you tardspackle
I don't get this argument, HSR and Genshin only give one multi during logins per patch as well. We have the bangboo login added on, while they get nothing. It's just extra shit, it's not taking away a multi.
How desperate do you think HSR is right now if they have to run 4 banners at the same time?
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Deserved for being a big fat stinky whale.
DPS's this early in the game are marginal improvements to your account. People are comfortably clearing SD with the standard cast
Should I be running Rainforest or Gemini on Jane?
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am i retarded and misremembering or did they also give away a free 10 pull at the start of this patch?
anon i think you're just mad for no reason
Bangboos are cute
End of story
and hot
Was yours deserved when you had to fork out 180 rolls for Jane?
>hey here's a counter argument for why this thing is actually not bad by my completely retarded strawman example of how bad things COULD be that has nothing to do with how things actually are
Hey anon, shut the fuck up.

I am in good shape though
you dont get it because you are wrong. we could have extra 10 pulls instead but it is wasted on bangboo
Not for that
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either, but gemini will be better against bosses that take a while to stun. your assaults during their stun phase will be bigger, and that's likely helpful in getting them to actually die
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bunch of indie chubas that I discovered stopped playing and only going to stream story content because endgame combat is too hard whereas they can just toggle the auto mode in hsr. You guys did this, it's all you "gamers" fault because everything has to be tough and challenging.
Its bait or you never played this game
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THIS. We NEED to be like HSR where they don't give you shit on the second banner of each patch.
Where TF is THE OST Release?

Im beyond pissed, when the FUCK are they gonna release the damn soundtrack.Its been 3 Months, Mihoyo, for the love of fucking god.Release it, and my life is yours, but release it NOW.

How am I supposed to get 2.4k attack on Jane when her disks are AP/Physical/AM? Currently only at 1.9k
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You probably shouldn't be playing gachas bro...
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If she weren't a cute blue oni girl, Soukaku would be getting shit on for being a clunky, boring character that takes free damage that you're forced to play because she's the best support for Ice teams.
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Why would I move from a game with fun gameplay to a a game with no gameplay? It just doesn't make sense. If zzz is slow for part of a patch I'm gonna go play a game on steam, not play a game in a genre I don't enjoy.
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I always say content is too hard in the surveys regardless of the actual difficulty because wanting hard content in a gacha game, where the tools to finish hard content isn't free, is retarded
level her and her wengine
Then literally just don't roll.
nigger people do that shit with level 1 characters
simulated universe doesn't matter
just swap out when she is doing your plant the flag
characters don't take damage when they are swapped to your current character
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Sounds like skill issue to me.
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Anon, you don't understand.
Boopons are literally total freebies that don't affect our patchly wish income.
We get the exact same amount of polies as HSR does with their jades, which is tied for being slightly bigger than the patchly amount of gems Genshin gets.
We also get patchly 10 pulls. We also get polys from events. We also get polys from content.
You're getting mad over nothing
is this nigga really having a melty about fucking bangboos
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I hope his animations are cool
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>characters don't take damage when they are swapped to your current character
don't lie bwo
this only works for certain moves and perfect assists
They wouldn't do that. We'd just get nothing. These games have a very carefully made process on the amount of free rolls they give per patch.
yes and you should call him a faggot
pink or blue
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mmmmmmmmmmm rrat
>those 10 Boopons could've been even more pulls
1.9 is insanely low bro. Have you even levelled her and her engine to 60? You should have like 2k minimum with those upgraded and a maxed Disk 2. If not more.
>special attack 1
bro why
Of course. You just have to go all out.
Can we all agree that going
>Jades - nothing - jades - nothing
is better than
>Chromes - Boupons - Chromes - Boupons
go try it
when you are doing a plant the flag on your own, and when she reaches the "stick it in the ground" swap out to someone else
she will do the rest of the animation and not take any damage during it while your on a different character.
its easy to check because you can see everyones health bar
boopons are cool though
i get to scratch the itch for free
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>posted this like hsrtroons leaving is a bad thing
Please, let me get the door for you lovely ladies!
Yes, fuck off with your false sense of generosity. You fucking know they're going to use giving out boupons instead of chromes as a reward at once point.
average shipper of this thread
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>new weekly content
>3 runs per week
>each run gives you a token for a shop
>A rank characters are 30 tokens, S ranks are 150
>A rank engines are 24 tokens, S ranks are 120
>standards only, but limited ones get added 2 years after their first run
It'll never happen, but thoughts?
bangboo rolls being part of the free starter 100 "rolls" is the most egregious part of their ad campaign its just a blatant lie and Im sure alot of people quit when they realized that. still not playing hsr at least genshin has gameplay somewhat. I dont know how people can "play" hsr.
She still takes damage during the animation before the flag is opened.
Her EX skill also doesn't chain perfectly so there's ample frames where she takes damage.
Compare this to characters like Lycaon, Ellen, or even Nicole who can have continuous i-frames for multiple seconds.
TF is a Torrid.
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After seeing that thirens are be more animalistic (other than bears) and so be like 1/4 human with one of the 'leaked faction' coming out.
It got me questioning, since most are most likely half human, but can they be 3/4th human and could koleda a thiren cause of her teeth? and does that mean her dad's a furry?
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what the hell are you talking about?
This is the reason why they're bad and anyone unironically pretending "hur it's fine cause we get the same amount of rolls as HSR" is a newfag. They can straight up lie to our fucking faces today and say "we're giving out 50 rolls" and people would fucking cheer and it could just be for the Boopons. It's insanely scummy.
Clothing store for fat fucks. They made a new sizing system so instead of size 78 they can say they're a size 4
he is a genshintard so he is probably allergic to reading
>100 pulls
>80 of them were boupons
Damn that's like 20 pulls. That's disheartening. No wonder HSR is beating us
she doesn't take it when she is not the main character.
you are thinking that im sticking it out for her full animation when I am not. I am not speaking of a perfect assist where you are locked into the chain either.
You start the animation, which locks the normal character swap, obviously if you get hit here you are a moron with bad timing.
you reach the planting, the swap button unlocks
swapping here means she can't take damage because you are on a different character.
yes and 80 of those 100 free pulls are boopons
Ah, thats funny af.
At that point just copy PGR
>1 A rank dupe = 30 shards
>spend batteries to earn up to 2 shards a day, 60 battery charge per run
>S rank standards are similar but require much more shards
>Release a one time only limited S rank selector on the standard banner, 90 rolls to guarantee it
>new limited agents get added 3 months after their banner ends
must suck being bored all the time
It's 100-80 not 100+80 you fucking retard.
>having sex with the gf
>been going for a while
>dick has softened up a little
>start thinking that it’s probably what Seth’s feminine dick is like
>cum at the thought
what does it mean? am I gay?
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Sorry this a mihoyo general. Mihoyo has a system and it works. Feel free to go back to your tencent flops.
Holy kek we got real tourists here? For their sake I hope they're just falseflagging giggers because that's embarrassing.
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It's not fair, why can't we have a waifur in the game? Like even Mahjong Soul has one now.
Why do I have to have degenerate tastes that are super niche.
This game needs Co-OP where you play as bangboos vs boss monsters.
You're right, that will never happen. But yes memes aside getting dupes of characters should be grindable. Especially for A ranks.
Basically what got described. I'll keep playing both btw
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>stopped being f2p on my 21st summon since the game only has enough for 20 after doing all 1.0 content
it's over for me bros
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I love this specific pose that Qingyi does after some of her moves
>she doesn't take it when she is not the main character
This only works when you trigger an Assist with Fly the Flag.
>obviously if you get hit here you are a moron with bad timing.
The fact that you need a 2 second window to do Fly the Flag makes her more clunky than most characters.
>you reach the planting, the swap button unlocks
>swapping here means she can't take damage because you are on a different character.
Yes, that's how Fly the Flag works.
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Yeah that's what's making me pause
Sucks we can't be compare Jane to Piper C6 with Lucy C6 at all, just because they haven't had their banners yet
But that was probably intentional on hoyo's end
Btw characters that are still locked into their animations when you swap can 100% still take damage and die.
post a video of it happening then
fake and gay
Literally can't happen. I swap with Piper in mid-swing constantly and have never once seen her die.
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True, unless the move is invulnerable
Like if you swap out of Zhu EBA 3 she can get smacked, but if you swap out of Piper's spin she phases through all damage
I keep track of all my pulls and 1.0 had enough for almost 200 pulls.
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They can take damage but they can't die from what I've seen.
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Gay game
Riko my love.
If the attack has no invincibility, yes.
It's literally on a move-to-move basis.
Moves like Soukaku or Nicole where they give you a Follow Up Assist almost always make your previous character invulnerable.
Normal Assists (bad timing) means your characters can still get hit.
When a Corinbro meets a stunner seeded account in coop...
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who should corinbwos save up for?
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I wouldn't put it past Hoyo to weigh certain A ranks heavier on the banner. Obviously anecdotal but I pulled double Bens compared to Nicole on ZY's banner. Seeing similar results of Seth/Anby on the current banner with Anby being weighted higher. I'd go a step further and say the standard character on a lost 50/50 changes every banner (one gets weighed heavier than the others) Last banner was Grace and this one is Rina
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This was done week 2 of the game before they added any new content without spending money. And I had 40 pulls leftover after.
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i don't need anyone else as a corinbro
The average corinbro look like this?
>play rat, the sexbot and chargeblade cat
>playtime is like 70% rat/20%Qingyi/10%Seth
>the rat does all the damage
>final screen
>2000 points Quingyi/1200 rat/800 Seethe
Whut? are the scores based on sex appeal or something?
>play Soukaku
>hold E
>enemy moves an inch away
>she's just standing there doing nothing and taking damage
she feels bad to play against Thanatos because either she doesn't get her buff off or she eats up the chain attack time if she's in your chain
Rape kits
Airborne attacks have invincibility frames and her spin has super armor.

around 7 mins.
i wouldn't hold e against him
her flap flap tap E is better since it has HUMONGUS range
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you are wrong
might as well not play because that defeats her purpose
No, their ad literally read "Download for 180 free pulls!" Which they eventually changed to "100 free pulls and 80 Boopons!" after the backlash.
Not sure where Genshin comes into this. Rent free, as they say.
>i-it wasn't work time...
>food... wasn't included...
Fake news
thats actually fake and more gay than before
>Visit /wuwa/ to see how the free homo is like
>Half the posts are about Genshin and a streamer playing Genshin
>had 1% hp left
How is this even a debate? People who actually play the game knew this already.
...the losing competition
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worry not sharkboo is here to pick up the SLACK
do not reply to me ever again you retarded genshintard
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>smashed Sokaku
Based robot. I'd smash her too.
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I've missed a lot of events and I'm still at Ch. 2 interlude. But the worst feeling so far is that I'm 17 rolls away for the weapon guarantee for my Jane and I'm getting desperate for polychromes.
I'm rolling for Caesar since I want Lucy dupes, after that I'm saving until idols since I have 2 good teams.
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the miyabi teamwork attacks will save soukaku
You've got two fucking weeks. Just keep clearing the story.
>rolling the weapon
Just save the pity for caesar who REALLY needs it.
w-what happens next
The hitstop frames makes it even more hilarious
Go back
if you're at a lull where you need to increase your level, use your batteries. also do those agent stories during lulls since they give ik exp
if you're just busy/lazy then oh well. if you get through the story before the banner ends you can easily get it
Only women love this gay sizeflation shit. Men embrace the XXXXXXXL
the issue here is that you didnt animation cancel with normal swap but used assist swap instead
characters left behind when you assist swap get damaged, always dodge if you dont want them to die

its only for red flash icon apparently. I was wondering why I get hit sometimes switching.
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>post Genshin in /wuwa/
>Samefag x10
>SEE?! They talk about nothing but Genshin
Fuck off fag and stay at reddit
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/zzz/'s fake Soukaku users exposed for having never brought her to Withering Garden 11/11, higher SDs, and Disputed Nodes
You shouldn't use Soukaku in Disputed Node precisely because she takes free damage
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Going Burnice and Caesar
Skipping Yanagi unless she does some wild really cool shit for anomaly, I'm fine with using my Grace instead
I'm just starting, and I'm only interested in Jane Doe.
HSR patch 2.5 is going live soon. I'm less invested here but I read every dialogue in this game so I want to take my time and be immersed with the storyline.
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so your supposed to
>animation begins
>assist swap activates halfway thru animation
i dont get it how do you pick a normal swap?

>wind damage
>that slow as FUCK movement in the TV section
>attack animation speed
I remember looking at this game 2 years ago and thinking it looked trash, probably because it was. They did a good job making it more appealing.
This guy loves creating drama between threads and watches Tectone 100%
you dont, you already fucked up if you decided to commit to a long animation that cant be dodge cancelled and doesnt have enough iframes
I love tv
You could always burn through a bunch of arcade and Hollow Zero research achievements which have a lot of one-time polys
you have to quick assist to get the flag buff bro
if you normal swap you dont get shit
also I dont think that has iframes either
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You're retarded or don't play the game.
Normal Assists ALWAYS leaves the character you swap to vulnerable.
That's the different between Perfect and Normal Assists.

Normal Assists are the default unless you get a flash or it's a move that leads into a Follow Up.
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What would Piper smell like..?
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i see
so if its a red prompt when u swap they will get hit if its not an evasive assist
Really annoying defense assist are not priority over offense assist. Pressing the same button twice for different scenarios is awkward as fuck.
>Normal Assists ALWAYS leaves the character you swap to vulnerable.
to and from*
It's so hard to play the arcade games on mobile. Makes me wish that mobile games should have a controller support.
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the leather of an old truck seat + sweat + old lady smell
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what the FUCK
As far as I am aware ZZZ does have controller support on mobile
nobody likes shitkaku, let her stay dead.
The defense assist wouldn't have saved Soukaku.
Characters still get hit unless it's a perfect parry (yellow flash).
You have to dodge red flashes.
Swapping leaves your previous character behind for a second and vulnerable.
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Had this happen at the very last second to my Lucy when doing Shiyu 7 the wipeout screen literally showcased her corpse shit was infuriating
Hmmm no. I used Jane's gift to level her.
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i am going to kill myself
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humina humina
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Lucy got tired of sucking old men's cocks for her father's mistakes.
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Speak for yourself, I love Plapkaku.
... it does have controller support.
she would make an excellent wife
This is not a ship that should be supported
I know but follow ups still take priority over yellow flashes so sometimes I get hit in the fucking face when trying to parry.
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when soukaku goes to mcdonalds what does she order?
anon, you aren't seriously playing this game on a touchscreen r-right?
Based on what?
you think her fav movie is 'supper size me'?
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7 hrs until reset. Is this even worth doing?
I love female lolicons
just do it once retard
it takes 5 minutes
if you guys didn't know you can turn red flashes into yellow flashes, if you bring a ranged character, then the game will convert unavoidable red flash to golden flashes (yellow) because you have the requirement. It will also pull out an evasive ranged character to evade those specific flashes.
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good for sex
cheap to feed
can find work occasionally
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If you don't do it I better not see you in here later complaining about not having dennies.
i think its cute
9 runs per week. I never cry about dennies.
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what happened her is that Soukaku has release frames when that move ends
you can see that the swirls end right before she gets hit
yes, she can get hit during those
the merits are worth it since you can convert all the extra into denny
max is 6 now i think
including the 2 required
>nicole range
>red light
nicole is wierd
i don't think she counts as a ranged evasive assist for some reason?
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"I found two more victims, Wise."
Sucking Soukaku's beautiful blue pussy like it's sea salt ice cream.
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Pure slut
only range evasive is rina
nicole is a range counter
huh i thought billy was ranged evasive baked in as well
zhu and billy evasive assist
zhu billy rina grace
I'm Unironically saving for the actress behind Burnice.
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All these incorrect posts about assists lead me to believe most of you have never finished Disputed Node and had to deal with characters getting one-shot during lingering frames.
none of us play the game we just come here to shitpost
pretty much this, you quickly learn that red assists instead of dodges are worthless when you actually play the game
/zzz/ has been filled with people that obviously don't play the game for a while now.
are you a woman?
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Speaking of lingering frames, if I parry a motherfucker's attack while my Anby is doing her shitty 3 hit lighting combo, can Anby still get assfucked or does parrying an attack immediately nullify any damage it may cause?
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How does this count as SFW
Seriously? How do I connect my controller to my mobile
she's fully clothed
>they are not doing dp assists
holy bricked
Perfect assists and perfect dodges (of the "parry" variety) cause the lingering character to be invulnerable until they fuck off.
It is regular assists and quick assists that give them no invulnerability.
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Why did this thread get fast? Did something happen?
You can trust perfects to make your previous character invincible.
You have to worry a little about the next character, especially if the attack is AoE and chains.
Perfect parries have more leeway because they auto-parry for you for a little bit.
Perfect dodges can lead to being hit by damage a bit more easily.
you need a very specific item
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Bro you can read if whether your agent use defensive or evasive assist from their skill details, you can even check for character you don't own yet via the preview mode...
Just pair a bluetooth controller. Or connect a usb controller. I use a backbone controller when I play on my phone.
who should be my third member in jane/seth?
im crying right now
Misspoke, so I'll add this on before some autist tries to correct me. Regular swaps and quick assists give no invulnerability to the lingering character. Defensive assists and evasive assists do. Those are the terms the game uses.
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Right, so parries are perfectly safe. Got it, thanks!
There no specific member necessary. You can use a support, stunner or another anomaly. Just depends on who you have and how you want to play.
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what is this cute creature
>Just pair a bluetooth controller. Or connect a usb controller. I use a backbone controller when I play on my phone.
Never mind. I only have a Switch Pro controller and that shit fucking sucks as it will not connect to a mobile device via Bluetooth. fuck nintendo
rina or lucy
HOLY SHIT i love them ballistics. PERO PERO PERO PERO.
With the caveat that the invincibility does not last the whole animation for some characters.
dp is kinda gay bro
now i understand why every single agent is in love with her
(You)r sisterwife. Take good care of her.
thats why i prefer the physical cord ones
i don't like bluetooth shit
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We're almost 1.2 and you guys still don't understand one of the more basics gameplay mechanic. Now I understand why some of you act like the game is impossible to play without meta characters.
it would have been perfect for mobile devices too, the battery lasts for days
it's why mihoyo is doing the current event
My sister (wife)
It's simple, but there's nuances and depth.
This topic literally leads into frame data and figuring out i-frames for startup, action, and recovery animations for all the various moves of the characters.
Just get a gamesir phone controller
>be me make a no roll account and only use anby,Nicole and Billy the only issue is the defense mission that needs a second team
who needs basic gameplay mechanic when anyone can brute force it.
irrelevant with dp assists
it's not that deep. LMFAO
>boss stealing two points per hit
back when I played genshin there was a gay guy who did frame counting for characters and would math out their actual dps. jinjinx. other than being gay he was pretty good, a million times better than your average gacha content creator
is there anyone like that for zzz? or is it just chinks posting on chink sites
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I'd honestly rather have a waifu sim with HSR gameplay and ZZZ models/artstyle.
i think its just bait creators these days
honestly cant wait for the hoyo game collab. which character do you guys want ported into zzz?
It is if you want to answer the question "Why did my character die when she's supposed to be invincible during this animation?"
im at 237 energy
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There is no nuance and depth in reading skill description to find out which character does what kind of assist.
even high viewership chinks have wildly different opinions among each other. There’s no science behind the analysis really, it’s just vibes and how each people play. Usually the most convenient team to play, by the majority, being the “best” one eventually.
Arc system fighter for hoyoverse would be kino
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beidou as well, but I'm not quite sure how to incorporate her organically
maybe there could be an area ravaged by hollows that has no civilization and is ruled by pirates. I'm not quite sure if there are loads of other cities or if new eridu is truly the last bastion of humanity
But Jane Doe is the Kafka of ZZZ
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Are you all fags on mobile or something?

How can you not know your characters can be killed after swapping several months since the game's release?
Did you never swap characters or what?

If you want to have a 100% safe swap, you either do a Chain Attack, a Defensive Assist, or do the swap during a move that's fully covered in i-frames.
For instance, Piper tends to be fine because her EX will be immediately canceled into the fully invulnerable follow-up if you swap during it. However, if you're doing a regular Special and not the EX, the follow-up of that doesn't have any i-frames so she can get easily killed because of it.
Quick Assists are not inherently safe. Nicole tends to have no issues with that because her EX has a shitload of i-frames but Lucy is very unsafe after a Fly Ball QA. You generally want to go for her combo as the second hit immediately after her EX will have i-frames for you to safely swap away from her. If you get attacked sooner than that - do the Dodge Counter and QA during it.
Even Chain Attack into Quick Assist isn't inherently safe, but that's mostly just the Soukaku's problem because she lingers on the field for such a long time.
>mentioning a gay faggot who never achieved anything in genshit
yeah show me xis speedrun numbers. oh wait they dont exist
when is hoyoverse cross tag battle
Beidou could be cool gameplay-wise just because this game has an actual counter mechanic so she could experience what it's like to not stand around like a retard while churls decide they don't want to fight anymore
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yeah but imagine kafka also being the kafka of zzz
you can never have too many
I'd rather have collab with Genshin than shart troon rail
the most likely collab would be
honkai 3rd
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I thought a majority of people already cleared Disputed Shiyu 8 (either A or S rank) and most of Critical Shiyu but seeing the absolute state of people in this thread not knowing that pressing Space on a red flash makes you take damage, I guess not
i think people who have refreshed max each day may be close to knot 55 by now but they would hit that fucking huge exp requirement after that point. I doubt anyone is 56.
isnt he just not naming her cause she's a double agent
>How can you not know your characters can be killed after swapping several months since the game's release?
It's literally on a move-to-move basis.
Even within the move, the i-frames do not last for the whole animation.
Some people either never used those characters or never used them where those remaining frames mattered.
yeah, that'd be nice
My brother in Christ why do you think her name is "Jane Doe"?
How to separate some book ass nerd who thinks he knows everything by reading the tutorial but fails the intricate knowledge check you get by playing the game deeper.
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>However, if you're doing a regular Special and not the EX, the follow-up of that doesn't have any i-frames so she can get easily killed because of it.
Piper's jumping animation at the end of her regular special also has invulnerability.

I went and tested it, and you're completely right.
It is invulnerable, all three versions of the finisher - the quick Special swing, the pity-EX jump finisher you get if hold Special long enough and don't have EX, and the EX finisher itself.
I guess it's because it doesn't have enough i-frames to 100% cover the retreat, so Piper can still get hit after the animation finishes but before she leaves the field, so I was thinking it doesn't have i-frames at all.

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