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Previous thread: >>493733670

Version 1.1 "Undercover R&B" Special Program
Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo


>Current Signal Search
Jane Doe - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)
Sharpened Stinger - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Daily Life of a PubSec Officer" - 08/30 03:59 (server time) - Ends 09/09 03:59 (server time)
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - 09/06 10:00 (server time) - Ends 09/16 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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im not interested in ceaser/burnice anymore
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Today we learned that /zzz/ doesn't play the game.
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new difficulty poll for everyone! how much do you care?

Genuine question, why would you play this or any other cloneslops when you could play Genshin Impact?
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here's the source:
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Hoshimi Miyabi
futa is gay
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retarded options, you can do 20s shiyu 7 speedruns and still not bother with 11/11 because its a retarded fucking game mode that you have to be overly autistic to waste 1h of your life to complete
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I can do 10/11 but 11/11 was a bit much. I probably could do it if I really hunker down
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I was not ready for a fucking 9/11 reference in my Chinese gacha slop video game
Top kek China
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Just noticed they updated online snake duel.
>holding boost button now make your snake quickly losing length (previously you have to tap boost button)
>there is now red pellet that make your snake slither slower
a blimp would just bounce off a building
also one blimp is not equal to two planes
So is Jane the Kafka of zzz? From what I understood she only procs when the enemy has the physical anomaly but not other types like burn , is that wrong?
i just don't have a second team build yet that's a me issue and I am fine with not getting the extra stuff from defense.
futaniggers be like "I only like it because it's less gay to have a woman with a dick fuck another woman than to have a dude in the picture!" then drool over shit like this
nigga you gay
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When are we getting ZZZ Raiden?
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>From what I understood she only procs when the enemy has the physical anomaly but not other types like burn
What did he mean by this?
One word anon: Hindenburg
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Who is Kafka?
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>bi people don't exist
nigga you a faggot.
Do you not understand how disorder works?
would be kinda sad if this world was still using fucking explosive gas in their blimps
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made for belle big futa cock
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>it can't be that easy just having rat and cat
>it's that easy
More modern blimp no longer use flameable gas.
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Wikipedia exists for a reason you know.
uh oh trannypag melty
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mmm... nyo
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I love him...
There is so much hand holding and unnecessary guidance in this game
>there's the key
>use the key here
>do you want to use the key
>you have used the key
>you no longer have the key
More proof that futaniggers are just closeted faggots and trannies.
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I will be surprised what this looks like in a few days
but how else will I know that I need 2500 gear coins to open this lock and fairy can't hack it because it's not a smart lock
kot is forgotten
I'm okay with this if it keeps people from shipping wise with every single girl in the game
W-what happens in a few days.
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How strong are bangboo dupes?
Based, do you have more?
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Who cares, we need the Herta of ZZZ NOW
Mostly inconsequential?
pretty strong in their own assists but pretty weak compared to everything else in this game
only people who dedicate to a specific team should get dupes I think.
sweetily says they're HUGE and you should be investing tall into two bangboos rather than wide into all of them
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go on without me bros. this is all i'm capable of..
>less than half of people can clear everything
show me sweetily's 20 second shiyu speedrun or fuck off
bwo are your characters level 40 what is going on
You're meant to level your agents past lvl 10 bwo.
Level your agents, bwi...
sex with eous
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I'm gonna regret dismantling those perfect HP% discs in the future
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i did..
shut up Grace
>level 1 corin
what a cutiepie
Now their engines to 60 and equip them with actual disks...
are they all using level 0 blue discs??? are their w-engines level 30???
Bwo post gameplay, you're doing something seriously wrong.
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theres no fuckin way
have you leveled your discs
>he didnt roll for the robutt
dont say we didnt warn you
>invested into anton
its over...
Yeah just look at hp scaling units in hsr now like...
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i think my engines on ellen and jane doe are maxed. only have disc drives leveled on ellen
so uhhh when is the 1.2 livestream?
Why is /zzz/ being raided by troon railers
They still use VHS tapes and VCRs if they did I wouldn't be surprised
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I dont play Honkai so I have no idea wtf you're talking about.
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You should use Billy if you're going to get a B! B for Billy! The leader of the Starlight Knight!
Zzz is the side game for HSR players.
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and here i thought people who said troon were the raiders
my god... brickedGOD I KNEEL
I accidentally got a dupe of the butler because I didn't understand the banner mechanics and like anon says it's not worth it.
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Lighter waiting room
>hags and fags
yep, i'm thinking BRICKED.
people actually waste 250000+ dennies to level up the baboons..? no wonder you retards are broke when you throw away money on garbage
Soon ZZZ is gonna guro all of you. The Cannibalism is real, YUMM.
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I like playing the rat so much I had to roll for her weapon
only 120 tapes left for salad and baldnice...
>erotic underwear
Those are just normal panties
Some dudes are just freaks
Don't get me wrong I'd take them home too but they're not super erotic.
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any newcuties here today?
don't invest in Anton.
that man is a complete brick and waste of character resources. you will thank me later if you ignore him completely.
for a short time people thought his mechanic was interesting but it turned out to be completely useless in actual combat and burns up all your dps time on pathetic damage.
don't be fooled.
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Gratz bwo, she is really fun so can't blame you
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What about Belle...?
We don't take advice from wamen here.
(She is cute tho)
you can get by in this game with decently rolled discs at LEVEL 0, agents at 55, engine at 55, skills at the limit for the character's level. has to be a really good a rank with mindscapes or a S rank.
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and this?
>he missed the coffee sorcery event
>1 stun agent
You probably should have rolled for Qingyi M0.
Stun is the most noob friendly way to get fast clears right now.
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How's my Jane stats wise? Don't know if I gotta replace some discs or if she's solid where she's at now.
We get like 100 next patch it's fine unless you're going for dupes.
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She's another AP sub stat from being okay enough to leave alone for now.
That should be good enough
This man speaks the truth. I was told to invest in anton and he sucks ass. Thankfully I figured it out fairly quick but I raised him to 40...
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>no piper
>no billy
>no qingyi
>no zhu
holy mother of omegabrickGODS I fucking KNEEL
I've never played hsr, I just want kafka to stamp on my balls and it'd be cool if she was in a game I actually play (other than koikatsu) so I'd like her to be in zzz
>waste potentially 90 rolls to get 10 seconds off the clock
lemao, do metakeks really
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Post THAT gif.
Not bad but not great either. If you have weaker characters then you might want to shift investment to them.
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i need an abusive conceited gf like lizzie so bad...
Qingyibros can we trust the BA3 "autododge" yet? It's been so bad trying to micromanage her BA3 spam while anticipating the dodge button, she honestly feels clunky.
i disagree
they get double their attack on the final level 50 to 60 boost, that is insane damage
though i agree if they don't deal damage it may be worth skipping over
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I wish I was as good as you friends at this game
I downloaded it when it came out but it's my first gacha, and even tho I play every day and do dailies and everything I feel super far behind compared to other anons
I haven't even beat nivue or whatever yet
bro you need to record and post your gameplay. I'll be nice, I swear I just need to know.
Piper is my girlfriend
Ive never had a problem with the autododge.
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just hold to whip, she'll insta-dodge when you let go early
It's more about being able to plug Qingyi into any A-rank team and have excellent results easy peasy
bangboos are pretty strong
my lvl60 1* officer cui does like 150k damage on chain attack
Come on, anon. You can do at least A rank clear with those garbage lineup.
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So how come Piper didn't get any new wacky voicelines for TV segments?
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I started a month late. Don't worry about other people, just have fun my man. Only thing is be careful about spending resources. I wasted a lot leveling characters that suck. Who's your team so far?
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speaking of anby im gonna go farm the rest of her F core skill right now.
I'm ready for the next snake coop. Arcade really should have weekly coop events that reset like HZ.
retardgod, even the most maxed out bamboo will at best contribute 1% to the overall fight damage
its a complete waste of resources this early into the game when pouring these dennies into actual units will net you more than 1% damage increase

tard, 150k damage is like 1 basic/charge attack with dps units
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Genshin has Yelan, Hu Tao, Mavuika, Nahida, Klee etc. so overall Genshin has better design with more variety. Honkeks would NEVER
I never intentionally use it, I just unga bunga face tank everything and it works just fine. The only place where it didn't quite work is in DN08 2nd half.
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I can't believe somewhere in the hoyo office there's a snake game balancing committee
We are all talking about the BA3 autododge right? Because her charge attack autododge works as intended, but the BA3 spam autododge never does the slowdown usually seen in perfect dodges. Can you post a webm of it working as intended?
she sees my cumkaku folder...
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that's a bigger gif than i was expecting
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Sister should look at their own brothers with this expression
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Don't forget your weeklies, bros
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This can't be real. This is my Jane doe clear with weeping gemini, lv 40 supports, Seth M0 + no engine and Lucy using soukaku's engine.
Imagine if they made an agent that is just completely about buffing bangboos.
There are more honkeks than giggers ITT because there's simply no content in shart rail and most of you have quit that autobattle game anyway
Oh I meant the charge attack let go. Thought thats what you meant. Honestly havent ever felt the need for an autododge with her kit being so mobile already
If you always dodge with good timing it will never failed, they should add in the description it just gives superarmor if you are late on the timing.
record your gameplay and post it here
imagine if they allowed you to slot bangboos into the character slots instead
neither hsr nor zzz have any content
that's why it's the perfect pairing
>implying GI has content
/gig/ had been doomposting natlan content non-stop, thinking it's an indication that hoyo is cutting back on GI budget to focus on other games.
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The month just have started and I've already completed the Battle Pass.
They should add more stuff to it without making it more expensive.
is there any point in leveling Jane’s attacks? her attack damage/daze doesn’t increase anomaly buildup right?
jane doe x big daddy
big daddy x jane doe
I swap between hsr and zzz. I’m going to fuck off tomorrow to play the new patch. And crawl back after few hours once I’m done
Am I to assume that this week we’ll start getting videos for 1.2?
looking at genshin's characters to see who might have gone under my radar. arlecchino, beidou, candice, dehya, eula, lisa, sara, shenhe, xianyun, yelan, so 10/87
star rail has acheron, black swan, jade, kafka so 4/56. I guess you're right about more appealing characters, but idk kafka and acheron are worth multiple genshin girls. I will give genshin that new gyaru tiger lady is p hot even if her design is all over the place. fucking rollerblades and djing in genshin? what. also
>genshin has a character named gaming
Nope, it's like a 6% DPS difference between skill levels 1 and 12. Not worth it unless you've finished building everything else on her and REALLY want to max her.
Anomaly dps is only 60% of her damage people be acting like her normal damage is lower than 10%.
so the real endgame is solo clear times, huh?
This is some Overwatch porn tier mental disorder but sure go ahead with your brainrot I guess
>was too lazy to do this shit last week because burned out from the game
I fucking regret it now that I got my groove back again
I wish Notorious Hunt wasn't so limited, 3 is too few.
Take your meds honkek
>any point
only if you have resources. It’s better than nothing but not something to melt batteries over
It's mainly a mobile problem, I have my thumb occupied spamming the attack button so I have to remove it for a moment to dodge, which is a problem with stray dogshit like the corruption complex or Thanatos, unlike on PC where you can use all five fingers.
The only time I succesfully avoid damage (without using dodge) is by releasing it super early in a way that when the enemy hits, Qingyi is already in the air doing here dive attack BA4 ender. Is it supposed to have the slow down mechanic in it?
this game needs a cutie like hu tao
yeah, everyone knows it's big daddy x every girl in the sons of calydon. they have to take that big boar cock as part of their initiation into the gang, and then it's a weekly requirement
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The difference make between me being 10/11 and 11/11 was Jane honestly, although I probably could've done it earlier if I just leveled the Kot.
reminder that the Caesar nerf is tomorrow
Self rule handicaps are always cringe because it's always a race towards the bottom.
I'm literally just reporting what's happening
Can someone explain Jane's Wengine? I don't know if I'm reading it right. Just doing a standard dash attack will give a stack? You don't even have to hit anything or dodge anything? So doing 3 dash attacks in a row will get you full stacks? And every time you dash attack it resets the 10 sec timer so you'll always be at max stacks. When it says "entering combat" does that mean any combat I'll ever be in will start me off at max stacks?
battle pass is not a monthly thing, but version based.
>Just doing a standard dash attack will give a stack?
Yes but that doesn't really matter, you're probably perma-dodging shit anyway
>I won't have a new toy to play until fucking March when I roll Yanagi
Defend this. Fucking no content game.
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Will Hoyo get mad at me for requesting a refund? I mean I already did. Was just buy a month subscription when I wanted to see the yen price conversion on one of the monochrome sets, and instead of going through the usual windows it just auto accepted a payment for said item. I have no idea why. Maybe I selected a "save payment info" box without realizing it.
they'll deduct the polychromes, sending you to the negative if you spent them, and if you do it again they'll ban you
Uh oh.
This you?
I'm assuming you are a controller player? Try binding dodge to a button that is separate from the same limb, it might help. I can press dodge mid spam with right click while my left finger is spamming basic attack and without fail it will immediately break into a perfect dodge. I know when I failed the timing always.
any refunds could ban you, I’m serious. Though if it’s something as small, they might just let you slide with a negative on your account. Not so forgiving if someone whales and asks refund on their purchase via apple and google for instance.
i'm actually the biggest retard on this entire site. i just realized that i played the game the entire time without ever leveling up my agent's skills. i only did the core skill enhancement but never the 5 things below it.
The damage from them is mostly irrelevant. They won't even contribute 1% of the total damage of a fight. What matters is the utility they bring. The ones that group up enemies are easily the best.
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At least now you know, better late than never.
Charge backs are always instant blacklist. If you ever try to use that card again it will auto ban that new account too. From every hoyo product.
>that is insane damage
anon have you ever actually looked at how much damage they deal
spoiler: it's a laughable amount
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You dont have to level everything btw
leveling doesnt even really matter unless you a trying to do shiyu defense
Wait notorious hunt still only gives 1 mat at the highest level? The fuck is this shit?
1.2 will let you spend energy to get more runs instead of limited to 3 per week.
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This is a ZZZ Duck post general now.
Post them quackers!
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Yes its fucking bullshit
You usually get diminishing returns past 3 core skill upgrades, but its still fking annoying
You'll be like Goku losing the training weights now.
I can't imagine it not taking a full 300 energy otherwise it will be broken.
Is Soldier 11 a brick of an investment? I keep investing but her damage is just so bad as a dps
7 is cheap to hit. Past that, it's not really worth it.
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to what rank should i level my abilites? My dps spells are all at rank 10/12, and my other units i just upgraded their good spells to 10/12 as well. Should i start farming artifacts now?
The decision will make more sense in 2 months when they switch to 1 new agent per patch cycle.
Can any BillyChads, tell me the skill priority upgrades?
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>people still complaining about notorious hunt when you only need like 3 weeks worth of drops to max a character and each core skill level usually provides a negligible increase in stats anyway
Imagine if these people played genshin on launch where you could spend 2 months doing the weekly bosses and still not get a single character's talents maxed because the drops were RNG
I imagine it'll also have a cap of how many extra runs you can get per week. Watch it be like you can get 1 more run per week for 60 energy.
Post her stats
If Lighter isn't an S-Rank are we getting an Ellen rerun in 1.3?
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So wait, if stacking the same kind of damage increase gives diminishing returns, wouldn't Ellen rather have pen on disc 5 over ice damage if you use her sig and pair her with Soukaku?
recent leaks have lighter as being an s-rank though
Honestly don't trust leaks more than a patch away.
Save your fire mats for Burnice.
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Does daze scale with attack damage at all? Or does the amount of daze inflicted depend only on the skill being used and the impact stat?
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Can I stop farming dps disks now. My supports are suffering
You want to dump as much critdmg on her as possible, she gets an assload of crit from core skill upgrades and inferno metal.

That means using Zhu's engine.
Would be a nice boost in denny if every over level in BP gives you 10k. At most it will be a little nice gift for people who pay a little and play their game more.
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I'll be crafting pen ratio disc 5 for the hag. Should it be in the energy regen set or the pen ratio set?
Fucking hell anon, yes you can stop. These are the most cracked builds I've seen posted in these threads.
Fuck. I was just going to accept it but it went through a different bank account for no reason.
Why is Koleda the only one with no flashy animation on her agent quest.
pen seems like a scam to me
do bosses have that much defense
>My supports are suffering
why does it matter when you can probably clear each side in less than 1 min with those stats
they’ll introduce it eventually, probably a way of saving overflow energy too so that they can appear as “nice devs” over time
overflow energy has already been datamined, it'll be in 1.2
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apolochromes NOW
Grace can do like 4 flips in the air and she is like a super engineer, whats Phaeton excuse for being fatty slobs and not grabbing a gun or sword.
The latter. The daze multiplier of the skill and their impact stat.
>scale with attack
no. People used to run bare bones anby with only impact disc, skills and wengine leveled up
If you explain it to CS they would probably forgive you if it doesn't become a repeated thing.
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Can Grace stop molesting Eous please.
Low ether aptitude maybe, no point in training to fight if you never go in the hollows
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I was fucking around in hollow zero, using characters at low level so I can nab missing resonium, trying to get that damn schoolgirl bitch to show up and sell me her box and all that. Now, I haven't built physical much at all, despite having every single character I have only leveled Billy and Neko and Piper up to 20. I gotta apologize Piperbros, I thought physical was the brick element and anomaly was the brick class, but she is really fun to play. Not only that but she and Billy killed butcher that was almost twice their level, and on top of that I got the one shot one kill III achievement thanks to pipers insane nukes and spins. I'm really tempted to start building out a physical team next with Piper at the center.
I have rat and was trying her out as well (level 1 with her sig but at level 0 no skills or passives) but she just doesn't feel as fun (probably because she's completely unbuilt but still). I was definitely going to get Burnice so I should build out piper in prep for her right? Already got a maxed Lucy on my monofire team.
Why is cheating on my shark GF so hot...
I will if they reply to my email. In my panic I just sent an email saying to refund said charge. Though I didn't say what UID it was so they'll probably have to ask that.
Cute picture.
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She's here to seduce you back
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sounds horrible
good thing I never touched genshin
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It's still a better game than ZZZ though.
>461 anomaly proficiency on Jane
Jesus Christ dude. How? I have anomaly proficiency on all of my drive disks and have 425.
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Just remember that if nothing else, Piper, Burnice, and m6 Lucy is guaranteed to be a kino and fun as hell team. Fire damage from Burnice and tactical piglet nukes on Piper's spin.
>Canon puffy nipples in game. Almost all fan art are ghost nipples.
Lame as hell desu. There is never enough puffy nipples, inverted nipples, veiny bresat in fan art.
Did Zhu actually spent like an hour watching porn with Wise.

What the fuck.
Where are her canonical pubes?
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keep in mind that a killer whale thiren could easily body slam and mog a shark thiren
spin to win is always fun
and yeah piper is going to be good with burnice, maybe her best partner until 1.3
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New Victoria Housekeeping uniform

Imagine Corin pubes peek
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How many Hollow Zero runs should I be doing per week? I've been sticking with 2 but it feels like I don't get enough bangboo EXP.
>pulled jane and her w-engine
>didn’t put a single denny into her
PiperGODs won…
Does anyone in this general use Rina?
I'm just wondering if its possible to build her as a DPS

Until you can't get anymore z merits
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anyone else think the prerequisites for events are kinda harsh in this game
needing to clear the tedious dark room chapter AND the Jane Doe story seems like a bit much just to access a short event that's only around for 10 days
I completely skipped that bangboo event in 1.0 for similar reasons
What's Lycaon thinking in the background there? I wonder.
You need to play the video game
>complain that there's no content
>don't want to play the content that's already there
>skipped eous sovl event
it's over..
Yeah, ex assist and practice fast double swap with BA in between there to keep her buffs on field constantly. That's it
yeah it's pretty crazy. no idea why they're doing it this way
like oh no someone who hasn't done jane's story mission won't know who seth is. who fucking cares, they'll just see him as a cop and then when they do the story later they'll go oh okay
her attacks are too slow
you can meme an anonaly build on her however
Just finish chapter 3 bro
Also jane's story is mostly combat, no tvs if you're not a fan of that
fontaine sailors are so lucky...
Bangoo exp shouldn't be a problem unless you're trying to level too many of them.
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bwos can i get some advice? i dont want to waste my calibrators...
Wonder why a fish has body hair
Literally just fill out what you need, how are we supposed to know.
Also it doesn't really matter because nobody else wants pen ratio other than her.
>prerequisites for events are kinda harsh in this game
so is every god forsaken fomo trash you either ignore it or you b line it if you want the extra goodies.
40 is the maximum AP sub you can have per disk. But it's super rare to see. You're lucky get the occasional 32.
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I remember spending months fighting the wolf because both Keqing & Mona were using the exact same weekly mats.
glad I skipped this dyke
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i've been trying to level 2 to max and i keep getting walled...
i just don't have enough sodas and bangboo chips
god, she's so cool
Makes sense. I would like to see how quickly anomaly builds up with that jane.
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We fucking LOST
AP doesn't affect build up. Only mastery and that's not a sub stat.
What do I have to do to get her to torment ME
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Why did they make Rina so utterly garbage? I want my torpedo tits maid to be usable.
be a woman
I want to have pampering sex with qingyi
I have a single disc with AP+4 that gives 45
It's just a flat 9 per roll
Did they use up their entire budget on that fucking apple? This looks like dogshit...
Start a criminal gang.
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Because if wise learns how to fight he won't be as easy to rape
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Oh. I'm retarded?
>crafting pen ratio disc 5 for the hag
Uhhh I hope you meant randomly crafting and not using the stat selector, that'd be pretty retarded otherwise.
All she needs is %pen which isnt hard to get and the substats dont matter. Go with the pen set since she's not really that energy hungry, anomaly set is good too.
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Which one on Jane and Which one on Grace bwos?
she's a good support though
you just need an attacker with a pen ratio weapon, a pen ratio 5th disk, maybe even 2 piece pen ratio, rina with pen ratio on all her sub stats plus the obvious pen ratio 5 and set, pen ratio weapon, and ideally m1 so her buff actually stays up
if you have all that, she's unironically amazing
Chinkyi bros... where's our short animation...
We did and BIGLY I'm dropping *** and I will play the superior game Honkai: Star Rail
>siblings dont interact with Seth at all in the Jane Doe story
pretty weird of mhy to do it like this
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>drunk drinking
>no monk style Fisticuffs
zenless is gonna beat every other game to it.
another one baits the dust.
thanks for funding the game over numbers.
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The apple also looked like shit. The budget went into her stocking-clad toes.
Glad I rolled this dyke.
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>another one baits the dust.
They really released a super lesbo character, and I'm here for it
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Post kino
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>hsr gets this
>we get jane raping someone
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Transbiansisters... we won again
None of the zzz girls are anywhere close to marriage material.
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Ok alright I can't cope anymore, Jane really is for yuri.
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I still won't "play" your autobattler.
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we are gonna get sly Cooper Collab from Sony aren't we.
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i don't want to farm the pen set since i have no use for the fire damage set in the same domain. I'd rather just outfit my rina real quick and be done with it.
Why does she keeps bullying cute delinquent girls?
Finding Ellen's stray pubic hairs around the house...
Jane is a mob sweep god in this game, I can't imagine a character killing grunts even faster than she can
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Uhhh Zhusisters our reaction?
>roll jane doe
>no more content for me to use her in
Locking Jane in a room with Corin
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Reminder not to engage shitflingers
Tbf the best electric dps in the game currently is a stun character, Yanagi will save her though.
because they wont be playable, or in game
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>have taken down multiple gangs wearing the same outfit
>they still don't recognise her and keep falling for it
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THIS is fertility incarnate
She sucks at mobbing by herself
okay I won't engage with your post since you're the one bringing up shit out of nowhere
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This is the real dyke batman
Can't rat you out if you catch them all.
>watch someone play hsr
>sets shit to auto and plays a different game
enjoy your homoslop chinkwank "game"
Something about the animation feels stiff and I can't pinpoint why that is.
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I do not care for chinese gojo.
No EP? Ratfuckers, your response?
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Don't use my wife to shitpost
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Why doesn't Jane have buck teeth? Isn't she supposed to be a rat?
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Shill your autobattler to /kvg/, they're looking for a game to play right now.
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Epic Shit
>kills any mob in seconds and has wide sweeping attacks that hits anything grouped up

>sucks at mobbing
Yeah... sure
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Every time they release some new trailer or whatever for this character, it further validates my decision to skip her
And to think I was actually feeling tempted to roll for her a few weeks ago
I know this is zzz but stop lying to yourself you will have to shit on its trailers before you critic this trailer
post eidolons
>peak fertility at 13
>fertility declines at 16
>menopause at early 20's
is this what pedos really think to justify themselves wanting to fuck kids?
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I am trying to make Ellen Soukaku anby work but it feels underwhelming. What should be the rotation? Is this team a brick if I don't have lychon?
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>using anby,Nicole,billy for my first main team
>The only thing left is Ben,corin,Soukaku by the way this is a no roll account I know it's dumb
should I wait for the free Lucy or work on the main DPS corin any input is welcome.
You wouldn't love her if she wasn't meta.
damn jane already passed zhu yuan in total art..
the first two cops flopped hard
Big aoe assault procs kills most things in this game, the only time I even need two other teammates with Jane is when it's boss fights
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are you mad?
>the pedophile is a wisepag
Jane honestly doesn't need someone for boss fights either because she prefers to perfect dodge than to parry. Especially with her signature.
>fun short animation with Jane scaring the shit out of a catgirl
>/zzz/ hates it
what the fuck??????
Outter mobs easily edge out of her attacks you will need a magnet attack or a quick stunner to aoe chain sweep to have a consistent fast field clearer jane.
Cop shows always send the same high profile detective undercover over and over again
how is the weather in phillipines, resident gayspammer?
Jane's outfit is sex to draw, you need more imagination to make Zhu's outfit work
no sad.
cause my cousin was raped as a child and in her teens ended up killing herself cause of it
i just want kids to be happy and not suffer
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I never roll for eidolons though

I rolled her when everyone was shitposting about Ruan Mei being better and I should just save my rolls for someone else. I remember this leaker would post videos titled "I even gave Robin the advantage" etc, glad I don't listen to retards
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>Quicksilver/Naruto (with tits) dons her finest chinawank dress and high heel boots to get drunk and blast the suona while doing the least amount of kung fu possible given the circumstance.
Wake me up when the Xianzhou Luofu gets sucked into a blackhole and all the remaining "long-life" species gets FOXDIE from a previous containment breach in the Artisanship Commission.
I've rewatched this vid like 4 times but I still cant shake off the feeling
I'm getting tired of transbians
It's a little bit ugly
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Ellen is a gigabrick even if you have the knot
I'm glad I skipped Jane.
>but your clear times
Soulless metafaggotry
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Im glad you get it anon
It's never too late to become a spingawd don't worry
ur ugly
Doesn't really matter because she's the fastest character and her attacks have long reach to them. She'll flip halfway across the arena to hit something with her EX special.
I regret skipping Zhu Yuan...
I have them set up that way too. Makes sense to me, build up Anomalies then pop a huge Disorder during stun.
>mass replying
uh oh melty
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HRTkeks want every eyes on their game's trailer.
No shit I'm talking about mob clearing effectness
I'm too lazy but I'm pretty sure most replies enjoyed it
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>get excited for some drunken master shit
>get this instead
I'm so disappointed
Every dps needs them to be grouped up. she's a better mob clearer than both Ellen and Zhu. Zhu is absolute shit for mobs unless she's M1 then she's only decent, still worse than Ellen.
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don't we basically have sex with qingyi during her story?
every sci-fi story I've read with "sensory sync" always analogizes it to sex
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>fun short animation
We got not one, not two, but THREE FUCKING TRAILERS where this character sexually harasses another woman. Are you really still going to put on a straight face and tell me it's just a "fun animation" with no ulterior motives whatsoever?
Okay, you do realize instant clearing a wave is different than fast killing chase downs one by one right?
nice trauma dumping lil bro
I'm still jerking off to megasuki
MHY isnt that cultured
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Yes, we basically mindfucked her.
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you guys seriously have no taste
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>this is somehow a bad thing
Zhu gets the privilege of getting to run with nicole/qingyi/resonaboo which is a ton of natural grouping
I'm not convinced. We need three more before results can be considered conclusive.
Chill bro she sent her to prison at the end
based pedojeet sticking to his cultural morals
I want to carry her around the offce...
Having to swap and trigger chain attacks to deal meaningful damage makes her very slow at dealing with mobs.
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Post lolis and Zhu to enrage the schizo
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If she did it to a guy instead we'd get endless cuckposting.
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>one (1) patch in and the powercreep is already so bad that swapping and chain attacks are already considered DPS losses
Man, this game will NOT last at this rate
mihomo gachas have the worst kind of subhumans faggots from any gacha community, you should know this by now
how good will jane / seth / ceaser be
might pull for janes wengine instead cause im not really interested in ceaser
You absolutely suck with zhu if you can't clear groups effectively especially when chingyi and nicole grouping them nice and easy for you to set up a chain finish with zhu.
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Ok but why did the criminal in that animation look like fei xiao.
not really, qingyi stuns them extremely quickly for a chain into nicole and a assist into zhu which deletes them
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sex with karin....
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small camel toe
>graffiti ninja
kind of neat
>you can wake Howl up automatically now
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*Sigh* I can't stop thinking about my wife Zhu Yuan...
/zzz/ is just like 5 schizos arguing back and forth about the same shit all day and night
stop nooticing
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your wife is very sexy
I wish ZZZ gets a character that actually dances.
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This character looks dorky af
you mean 1
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She DID do it to a guy, and we already got endless cuckposting. Half of her art is with Seth and it's all over reddit and twitter, it's impossible to escape it.
It feels like they're trying to appeal to all the most cancerous and mentally ill demographics at once with Jane, she can't get any worse. Actually boggles my mind that so many so-called "straight men" rolled for this piece of shit.
Jane does that with just basic attacks
>letting a fanbase affect what you think of a character
Actual twittertroon behaviour. No surprises that you chose ZZZ's trans representation to avatarfag with.
Are level 1 runs even feasible? No way you can S rank with them at medium to high level floors. Is it fun?
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I don't regret skipping anyone yet.
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the animations are cool
if only the actual game was entertaining enough to be playable
i've no joke played flash games with more developed turn based RPG combat
jane doe on danbooru
>1370 results
seth lowell on dabooru
>325 results
-seth_lowell removes 10 pages out of 70. last I checked, 15% isn't 50%
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>this faggot again
do you not get tired of getting btfo'ed?
*runs out of energy*
I'm letting the animators cook but we're going to need some more Jane yuri porn after all this, especially futa
brown fuming hands typed this post
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I like Ellen :)
Zhu got all the credits
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I should make a recording but Piper doesn't actually need to spend more than 20 energy on wiping the 4 mobs out in the beginning.
My Piper can clear them all out in two rotations and then you can dodge-cancel the final hit to save energy
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Okay, am I doing something wrong or is a day 1 player supposed to have this few balls?
It just feels like I barely have any signatures for my A ranks
>>letting a fanbase affect what you think of a character
How the fuck is that what you got out of my post? The fanbase didn't make an entire main story mini-chapter revolving around Jane and Seth, and they didn't make 3 trailers where she dykes it up. Jane's awful fanbase is just a reflection of her awful canon character.
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>All characters should act like sexless avatars of Allah
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nice thread my zzziggers
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I am a supporter of lesbians if it's rape.
so are the cops supposed to be the chinese zodiac or that white tiger phoenix turtle dragon thing?
Is Seth beating Wise in that booru?
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>clearing mobs
Unironically just use Qingyi Billy Ppier
it's 2024 anon, we don't lesbian shame
Genshin introducing a bunch of sexless snowflakes to the company that made a bunch of dyke games is hilarious
>every character must NEVER interact with anyone except mc-kun!!!!
kill yourself
mmmmmmm yeah, I'm thinkin SEXOOOOOOOO
And what is her "awful canon character"? You're like those fucking tiktok troons geeing mad at a gacha character showing any signs of sensuality.
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Maybe that's just how Jane does stuff, regardless of the gender she's dealing with. Not everything needs to be motivated by sex.
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Why can't you freaks just headcanon everyone as bisexual and be done with it? You guys know mihoyo will never confirm anyone as gay or straight, so it'll always be valid
>but muh headcanos
Who cares? It's all in your head anyways. Might as well change that thought into a positive one.
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>letting the final slam drain your energy instead of cancelling it with a dash when you get below half and then finishing them off with a normal spin
>I like Ellen :)
So you support lesbians
Wise can't even beat Belle let alone Seth, majority of self insert art is with faceless characters rather than Wise
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I put it on the Puffer Set since like you said, I don't want to farm the fire/pen stage. It's easy to luckshit a swing jazz Pen Ratio since you should be farming famged metal for the multitude of phys dps anyway. I know I do.
jane killed the thread
you cant refute this
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>>every character must NEVER interact with anyone except mc-kun!!!!
This but unironically. Sorry if that makes you mad, sister.
>Come to a 4chan gacha general
>Gets mad that a gacha character isn't a pure Mormon virgin
Also the flirting with the truck girl in the game too. Do they have character writers? If they do then Jane's is definitely a yurifag.
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Why are they promoting a degenerate lesbian rat subhuman so hard
Should my Soukaku be seeing more field time? Her skill takes so long, so I've pretty much been only use her chain attack.
>thread going just fine until the schizo came out of nowhere and started whining about people who weren't even posting anything and then he starts blaming jane
She better be ether anomaly
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i'm pretty sure it was the lack of content and all of our schizos migrating to /gig/
money from normalfags
Dude this place is JUST schizos
How new are you? In literally every gacha general, purity is extremely highly valued. These are waifu collectors.
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Yup, obvious janefag falseflag
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woke is good actually, it enriches ZZZ culture and spread love through people
No, I've never seen any other general sperging out about lesbians other than hsrg.
Damn we're never going to be big in comiket at this rate.
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Thoughts on fucking the police?
>refuse to play a game because everyone in it is a mormon virgin
>gets mad when slut doesn't act like a virgin without blemish
>game is just more hoyo dyke slop
yeah cant say im surprised
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This character didn't like the woke lesbians though
I always have her slot one to start with my ellen slot two and my koleda in slot three
She does pretty good damage on her own
>gets drunk
>schizo out
>doesn't move like she is drunk
>beats up everyone around her
She acts like shit wtf? I want drunken battle not alcohol induced schizophrenic outburst.
Everyone is Billy downgrade, your opinion doesn't matter.
Who can blame them.
Jane Doe's design is bland and boring.
Compare it to pic rel and she's voiced by Nao Toyama.
I wish Dawei fires waterkuma and give us the Genshin character designersm
>Qingyi is a much better team member for Jane than her dedicated one, Seth

I now regret lvling Seth to 50 and 6 fucking disc drives to 15
I already knew you were unironically retarded, don't worry
We know, Kinich.
Philipino hours
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>>Come to a 4chan gacha general
I like how you say this as if waifu culture hasn't always been a huge thing on this site.
Cuckolds jerking off to art of their "waifu" having sex with other characters and shaming others for not doing the same didn't become a thing until blacked-addicted redditors mass-migrated to this site in the past decade
god no, most of genshin's designs are so fucking bland, the outfits in particular are so fucking boring
stay the fuck away from zzz
>gives the lolis interesting designs
>gives the hags repulsive designs
based hoyo
lolichads won
>outsold by emelie
Honestly idk how to feel. Kinda like her but the color vomit just burns your eyes. Guess i'ts okay if u skip every action.
This whole website has been like this for like a decade
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Luv Caesar
Mualani will be forgotten in a month just like how everyone walked past Yoimiya.
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>come back to Lumina Square another day
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swing jazz set is on ether set though? i chose ellen for my waifu over zhu, so that domain is also dead to me.
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is this really the same game?
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>Saying this when /a/'s anime of the year is Gushing Over Magical Girls
i fucked all of youre waifus
do you guys know if the black cat is still around?
i'm lvl 51 but i don't see the cat anywhere anymore. i had him at green blue trust halfway
Two more weeks trust the plan
hey buddy, blue archive is a few threads down
btw self inserters are as mentally ill as the troons they fear, just on the opposite spectrum
/a/ is probably the board that attracted the biggest troon infestation in recent years, everyone there is an autogynephile now
He doesn't show any indicators after a certain level and you have to check around yourself
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who cares? its all animations, it's all fucking animations
the gameplay is still fucking dogshit one year in, all the cool animations in the world won't change how terrible it feels to play anything in that shit game
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I fucking hate pagpags.
>Rappa's animations just leaked
>/hsrg/ is having a melty again
Can I stay here a while?
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Yes, Inky trust event is random and sometimes the game don't even tell you.
Maybe they should use cash to make sure Burnice's hair renders properly instead of ... this.
this applies to both hsr and zzz kek
ah okay thx you
why do they have to come into a nice comfy thread and start shit
don't they have 3 demanding sweatshop jobs they need to work in order to survive
>Mountain Lion Gang Liaison
More like Mountain Lion Gang Lesbian LMAO
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ZZZ is accepting BA and HSR refugees
>use iqdb on this pic
>it thinks it's a Feixiao pic
>btw self inserters are as mentally ill as the troons they fear
So true sister. Straight males who are attracted to cute girls and don't like cuckolding are clearly just as mentally ill as men who cut off their penises because they think it'll turn them into women
But then there'd be nothing to shitpost about
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>16 days until Caesar
/a/ is full of schizos sperging out about yuri.
my name is Caesar...
why does she have my name...
that's a man's name...
what the fuck...
We only accept snowbreakfrens and tolerate nikkers here.
you have a girl's name lmao
Trannysis... what universe are you living in? You get instabanned if you say anything bad about yuri on modern /a/ because all the mods are troons too
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>mentions cucking out of nowhere
yeah definitely
>kill wolf
>1 component drops
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Ok I did make a webm
Grand total of 0 energy spent because of C4 Piper, ttk like 2 seconds for 4 mobs
At least we don't have actual fujos here yet.
It's not that much better in here, atm.
>3 whole trailers confirming Jane's sexual preference
based. I have no idea what retards over at shitter and fagget are smoking shipping her with seth, I haven't seen any tension or chemistry between them when I played the story.
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>characters still only have two different attacks
Why does the criminal look like Fei Xiao
wrong. I ship seth and lycaon.
What happened to BA? Shouldn't /bag/ be happy Project KV died?
>My fresh under built Jane can solo a critical node faster than my Ellen team
I feel like I fucked up my Ellen team somehow...
the highest difficulty weeklies take like 5 mins to kill, that's 15 mins of snooze
When Qingyi's banner was up it felt like forever until the next one. Jane's banner feels kinda fast
Damn, that m4 makes more of a difference than I expected.
I'm just amused thinking about the redditors calling the Jane promotional videos embarrassing on account of the sex appeal.
It's almost like Hoyo just keeps making Jane stuff out of spite lol. Sad we probably won't get another character that horny for a while. I hope they go overboard on the idol faction promotion too.
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My crit ratio is fucking bricked
Jane's fast ass banner is saving the game
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>aaiiiiiiieee no you can't talk about jane she's transbian pandering wisebros you're being cucked why aren't you mad yet!!!!
>nooooo you can't like her for her gameplay she's outclassed by piper no don't actually look at gameplay vids just look at these spreadsheets i made!!!!!
What's the point of this type of shitposting when her banner launched days ago?
I hate /pol/ so fucking much
>i-is that art of jane and seth?? oh god that's so fucking hot, I'm gooning so fucking hard rn, I wish I could watch her have sex with him
>i-is that jane sexually harassing a woman again? oh god that's so fucking hot, I'm gooning so fucking hard rn, I wish I could watch them make out while she tells me how much she hates men like me

>umm yikes chud, why are you calling me a cuck? that's pretty transphobic of you
Schizo hands typed this post
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if you are running crit damage disk then yes, because you shouldn't run crit damage disk unless your other disks are +2 crit + 3 crit damage...which i doubt you reached that amazing set yet.
>go to transmute them sorry you need one more to trade for the right part
seapags are unironically obsessed with cuckolding
and they like to shit up everything they get their hands on
It's always people with no self-control trying to convince themselves to not roll for fomo
KV died just means /bag/gots just lose their life raft when BA is eventually dying.
The game's talent already left, so the damage is already done.
>It's almost like Hoyo just keeps making Jane stuff out of spite
Almost everything mihomo does nowadays is out of spite against straight men.

>I hope they go overboard on the idol faction promotion too.
Don't worry, they'll make sure to release several trailers of them making out with each other in between sucking their male producer's dick
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theres a better way but its not as funny
It's been clear yuri is steadily taking over anime and anime games the past few years. the age of harem wish fulfillment animes dominating are owari as people realize people would rather have no dudes at all.
>"i love one dimensional characters" the picture
me personally its love and deepspace
you need a main stat crit damage with +5 crit substat, which will take you a while.
Jesus imagine making the conscious decision to skip Zhu Yuan for Jane Doe, only to get this. Humiliation ritual.
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Yeah I'm waiting for a crit rate woodpecker electro piece to drop (I've fed like 90 gold discs and 20 batteries worth of energy to the domain and still don't have one)
they helped each other escape so clearly they're fucking
>saying this when kagurabachi is the next big anime
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Shitposters still haven't figured out anything to doompost about KING yet so they have to keep post about rrat
Anime’s been shit for years irrespective of that issue so nothing of value is lost
>why yes, I do enjoy yuri because I hate the fact that I was born a male and prefer to imagine how much better my life could be if I was a cute girl kissing other cute girls
>not a tranny btw
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1+1 is better, simple as. Having a male MC is just making you a cuck.
I hate Americans so much.
I rolled for both of them
How the FUCK are you proccing Shock with one Evasive assist?
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It's pretty big yeah
Can totally ignore energy regen discs once you have it
my windows screen recorder is bugging and doesnt work anymore
Shit's cancer lol
Sick grace play btw, her dodge counter really triggers shock in once single cast pretty nuts
Yuri gets so many likes on xitter compared to hetshit it's no wonder why big companies are shifting more to it
I rolled for both?
this has completely soured me on the game
you just know they are going to do this shit with every character and cater to those twitter retards while the threads become completely unusable every character release
im just going to cut my losses before I waste more of my time
>a fucking rat
AM disc
its good bwo
that and trash mobs having 0 buildup res
I'm glad Caesar will be for us self-insert WiseGODS.
Truly the best cameraman in Teyvat.
Shitposters can't shitpost Caesar & Burnice because they don't even play the game.
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caesar takes big boar cock daily though
You can stun and anomaly most trash mobs with a single EX skill
Jane is a whore and I will be skipping her
it's over, dead game, idols got cancelled, waterkuma got fired
Why'd you even start then? the Hoyo logo should've been a warning. HSR, GI and HI3 all have yuri.
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liking girls kissing girls was completely normal a couple years ago
what changed...
yuri has been steadily taking over anime in the same way DEI and LGBT has been steadily taking over western media: almost nobody actually likes it other than a very small but very mentally ill minority, and it almost always results in flops, but it will keep getting forced over and over because a certain (((demographic))) is paying for it for demoralization purposes

every single yuri anime that seems "popular" on the surface is instantly forgotten as soon as it stops airing as all the people getting paid to astroturf it move on to their next job. does ANYONE remember that fucking gundam dyke anime that was everywhere for a while? yeah me neither
With not even a third of an EX skill in Piper's case lol
Any stunners/supports that are high priority to take to 60? Between ascensions and skills, I feel like I never have the time to farm drive discs.
>corrupting a pure maiden like caesar with handholding
You wouldn't dare...
and in reverse Fujos have taken over shonen too.
everyone here is a faggot except you and me anon
What a surprise it's the gig subhuman again
Witch from Mercury? ACK would never let me forget so no, try asking about that yuri anime where highschool girls have a gun.
You retarded culture war fags know that Twitter hates Yuri because to them it's straight men exploiting lgbt for sex right?
it was a niche, that's now eating into the self inserters territory.
self-insert culture was a mistake
It was liked when it was taboo and novel and the two women involved were hot. Now that the west has gone fully down the lgbtqxbbq+ rabbit hole and exported their degeneracy worldwide its no long hot and liked to the same degree
anon, the weekly boss takes like 1 minute to clear
>Twitter hates Yuri
So we're just boldly stating the opposite of what the obvious truth is and going with it, now? Next you'll tell me women hate yaoi.
it was co-opted by faggots
2016 was far more than a couple of years ago.
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>woman can like gay men having sex and masturbate to it but when it's men jacking off to gay woman having sex it's bad
twitterfags are retarded, and your opinion is discarded when you include them into your argument
ZZZ will benefits a lot from Yuri, for both straight people and lgbt people, why must we fight? to fuel a meaningless war?

pic unrelated
Anon they fucking hated magical girls gushing what are you talking about.
is there anything more cucked than letting the opinions of other people dictate what you do and do not like?
>oh no I used to like this thing and the thing itself hasn't changed but people I don't like now like thing so I can't like thing
absolute woman mindset
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We got invaded by reddit rejects who are terminally culture war brain rotted.
anon it was gameplay vids that were the exact entire contention with Jane and Piper until today though
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>homosexuality was co-opted by faggots
Snowbreak, Nikke, Eversoul are all there for self inserters
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I thought china haed lesbos?
>letting twitter affect your opinion
Incredibly low test mindset. I'm just going to laugh at you when you say that you can't enjoy something because "m-muh twitter!"
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>comparing normal cute Yuri to Yuri that was obviously made for straight people
you must be stupid
Does having a perfect crit ratio really matter when all your attacks multihit so much? Doesn't it basically even out or am I dumb?
wow so many melties
too bad twitter is affecting the game too so you can't escape it by ignoring it retard
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cute af
>nikke mentioned
kek the shitskin is following his usual script
>>woman can like gay men having sex and masturbate to it
Who the fuck are you quoting? Fujos are just as mentally ill as yuritroons if not more, the only reason you don't hear people complaining about them as much is because they only cling to and ruin male characters
That's been 4chans relationship with reddit for years now.
Now you got unironic transexual lesbians. Cringe.
>my example doesn't count j-just because
And did you miss all the twittards and tiktroons complaining about Jane being too sexual? By your logic that would automatically count it into the same category because of how much Twitter affects your opinion.
its actually higher impact BECAUSE he hits so much
a suboptimal ratio has a chance to high roll or low roll
a bunch of multihits reduces the variance and brings it closer to the average
corin also has big hits that she wants to be critting
soukaku is NOT short!
she's compact
>twitter complains about Jane being too sexual
>Hoyoverse double downs
Plapping Shortkaku's blue pussy...
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snowbreak literally just got hit with censorship a few weeks ago because femcels mass reported it to the CCP, and nikke has always been cuckshit
there is NO game that appeals only to straight men and doesn't suffer the wrath of femcels and troons, even BA is being sabotaged
Work on your Corin
>the people complaining about Jane being too sexual share the same opinion with Twitter
I'm notiiiiiiiicing.
they also made it so you can change a 1 to a 0 in a very obvious text file and it'll undo all the censorship
I just tried the same stage, same evasive attack with my Level 55 Grace, Core skill D and AM disc6. It fills to the max but doesn't proc, forcing me to waste an EX skill to proc it. What am I doing wrong? Buildup should be affected by Level Difference right?
dont play the game but thats kinda based
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I rolled for Zhu because of her fat ass
I rolled for Qingyi because of her nice round ass
I rolled for Jane because of her fat ass
Don't care what anyone else says
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>twitter is affecting the game too
wheres the doubling down
Ok that's funny
The new trailer that you fags were crying about.
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I rolled Jane Doe.
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Anon her core skill E gives anomaly mastery
core skill e gives you 15 or something AM iirc
>and nikke has always been cuckshit
NTR enjoyer here, please elaborate
based fat ass enjoyer
Same, I want a reason to build my M6 Nicole
nikke is not cuckshit schizo
and ba gets sabotaged by its own devs not some boogeyman
Cute fools!
Butler vs Sharkboo for the Ellen team?
did yuri shipping killed your parents
don't worry, the CCP is probably gonna hit them even harder when they find out about it

>please elaborate
look at the pic. also I'm pretty sure there's something about most of the girls having a previous owner who thoroughly used all their holes before (You)

ok cuck
wtf I'm dropping ZZZ for nikke now
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bwos I got a shitty crit slot 4 piece
Yes. My mom's head was crushed between the colliding asses of two ZZZ hags
> caring about nikke previous owners
Oh that schizo is in this thread.
Good luck zzz bwos I hope he stays here and stops spamming nikg
Talk about New Hope too kek
>canon male mc
>nearly all girls romanceable
I like that Eversoul niche but I dont want to to die either. I'm conflicted
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>even BA is being sabotaged
I don't want to know the alternate reality inside your head because it sounds worse than the one that the rest of us are in.
I hope he gets killed in an accident at one of his sweatshop jobs and never plagues any /vg/ thread ever again
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ya know I think the real message of jane's extra media is also partially on how a dominant woman can still abuse your inexperience as well as any man

like does anyone really think Jane is gonna get back to these girls? let alone mention them?
So many difficult Schizo's converging here. Where's barry and the blacked Mika poster to fill out the collection?
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this thread needs more cunny
>>caring about nikke previous owners
well at least you're not even denying it
Are the people who left returning?
Fuck no wonder my Grace feels like shit to play, fixing that right now, will update later.
source? asking for my friend.
sharkboo does good damage
you never want to do 3 chain attacks in an ellen team so butlet never does damage
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if a male character had three trailers like jane's trailers but with other men literally everyone would be calling him a homo.
Lolno they're blacklisted from ever working on anything related to nexon ever again, /bag/gots are just coping by pretending they won when KV was cancelled but it won't undo the damage
Sharkboo is better.
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So true fellow deadbeat.
>yuri defender (knight-class) defending yuri
>posts pic from yuri game
>claims pic unrelated.
How far should I be able to go in Shiyu defense before WL50? I can only S-rank as far as level 5 (no rat)
yeah we know janes a bisexual slut
whats your point
If you have 2 level 55 Agents you can s rank all of SD.
if you can't clear both sides of stage 7 in less than 2 minutes by IK level 40 you should just uninstall
Coom thread?
Maybe 1-3
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>a few days that jane been out
>find out she a much better piper in everyway
>all the people that have her are angry they invested in piper
>all who didn't get her are coping by saying 'the rat is only for metafag'
>people are crying all over the place

jane has made this hard week a great week
The only straights in Mihomo games are the random NPCs.
Zoomers with no taste
Juvenile self-inserters
Culture wars muh politics retards thinking yuri is legbutt
Trannoid retards thinking yuri is their representation
And specifically on 4ch after 2016 influx of post-election tourists that stayed

Take your pick. Yuri always was for straight men and lesbian women (we don't consider bisexuals as people here).
You need to be IK50 to promote agents past level 50.
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Or what if they released a trailer like janes but it was with a male character raping a weak mouse thiren colleague inside a cop car? Wonder how it would be recieved
Cope, as a bi I WILL fuck Seth's asshole and Jane's pussy.
meanwhile, a few months from now:

>a few days that [new character] been out
>find out she a much better jane in everyway
>all the people that have her are angry they invested in jane
>all who didn't get her are coping by saying 'the [new character] is only for metafag'
>people are crying all over the place
Piper is unironically better than Jane in disorder teams though
And even looking holistically a C0W0 Jane is barely better than a C1 Piper. She only clears 5 seconds faster lmao is that a huge powercreep
still waiting on a m0r0 jane clear that can beat a m1r1 piper
just one
Eh even Acheron got half a year before she got powercrept to hell and back with Fei Xiao
>homosexuality was always for straight men
You were always a tranny in denial. Just because it wasn't socially acceptable to be a tranny back then doesn't change anything.
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>everyone from the drug bust was Thiren
I'm not racist and I have thiren agents....but let's be honest
Why does the recent characters for both Genshin and HSR look like they came from ZZZ?
is this a new AI bot hoyo is milking?
and why i keep playing f2p gacha.
the memes
the cope
and the salt

speaking about cope, found 2 that don't have jane
Jane is really getting a lot of favouritism. Extra jiggle detail, extra trailers. Especially for a design that I don't think is that great.
Would you rather spend the rest of your life with a man or a woman?
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>yt recommends new jane video
>rumao zzz is going to get spammed with cuck schizos again
>open thread
just as predicted
What did Mihoyo mean by this?
It's gonna be the same fag posting it too
oh, you must have been digging through the trash for food earlier. from another anon
lads, I've been digging around Bilibili, found a 43s C0R0 clear with Jane
some more clears:
44s C0R0
34s with C0R1 and Nicole
34s with C0R1 and Rina
23S clear with C2R1

13s clear from what I can only assume is C6 lmao
Because now every time you post yuri some mentally ill self-inserter who cannot think about enjoying anything without projecting will go something like: "huh you wanna be a girl? You tranny! YWNBAW!" when real yuri enjoyers (male) don't self-insert. Retards just cannot comprehend it and it all spirals down into culture war shit
Ummmm bwos???
It feels like every other mindscape on a thiren character is talking about how aggressive and predatory their race is, I don't feel safe living with them
“Around thirens sound the siren” - ZY
>thirens are the niggers of ZZZ
i'm going to call them tiggers
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Men are for fucking, but I would want to settle down with a biological child one day so I would only marry a woman.
>wow I clear so fast wow haha that mf who built Piper clear slower than me and still got the same reward...haha...
>when real yuri enjoyers (male) don't self-insert
So you just enjoy watching your waifu have sex with other people? I could swear there was a word for that...
your nekomata?
Getting off to them, yes.
Shipping and romance I don't think is common.
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>anons didnt read my post
>janefags are still lording and wanking themselves off about clearing 5 seconds faster than a c1 piper
xdlmao even
Real yurifags don't have waifus either
>a-actually I don't care about clear speed, that's why I wouldn't shut up about it for days!
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So why do they care if they don't like either of the girls involved? Are they just braindead porn addicts?
>skipping caesar for this
>my limited S-unit clears 5 seconds faster than your C1 A-rank unit in your face
cute anon
so cute
I still regret skipping Zhu Yuan.
>ask for runs that can beat it
>posts them
>"ummmmmmm you guys didn't read my post"
That's just your preference. If you like romance and you like yuri then you will like yuri romance

But your fictional waifu will always have sex with other people and not you cause you are just some guy sitting in front of the screen watching, what's the word for it again?
none of these runs count
>If you like romance and you like yuri
... you are trans.
>still waiting on a m0r0 jane clear that can beat a m1r1 piper
I was the post above that anon bwo
I guess you can only read and attack the weakest arguments
>same topic for 3 months straight
aren't (You)s tired
>Non Chinese character that's a ninja
>All those fucking SF6 color splashes
>Potentially cooler characters coming
>but have to keep playing Star Rail
I'm at odds here.
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>meanwhile self insert chads
>he's still at it
How do you become a person like this?
And somehow we still are the best hoyo general.
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>Look for some yuri hoyo fics
>tags: "Girl Penis" "Trans Female Character"
Lets be honest if she was flirting with a guy people would be losing their minds. While nobody cares if its a girl.
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when's she going to be playable? After she serves her sentence that is.
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You lot don't even understand how perfect assist works, stfu.
>rolling for a sidegrade before the most broken support in the game drops
brickgods i kneel
and dont cope by saying you were going to roll both if you weren't poor you'd have gotten C2R1
>someone post proof
>anons didnt read my post

everyone point and laugh at this copefag
be born filipino
>reading fanfics
We have TERF femanons here?
>search for tranny shit
>find tranny shit
??? what's the problem
It's just hilarious you think it's a massive win that your limited S-rank unit clears faster than a fag with two pipers and nothing else
If you think that's anything but a sidegrade i've got nothing to tell you buddy
I'm not rolling to fucking make this game easier, I'm rolling for variety and characters I like. Why the fuck would I get cinemas. This game is too fucking easy for it.
this character looks like she's straight out of some western tranny cartoon, how fitting
okay she's a sidegrade
can you stop shitting up the thread constantly holy fuck no one else cares
>saying this to a character that looks exactly like HSR's next character
Make sure to tell all the newfags who ask if they should roll for Jane the truth then, thanks anon glad you get it
Nobody cares
Yea we don't have as many schizos
>roll the sons of calydon characters
>get a character that competes with Jane
I'm glad I skipped this patch
also hotter too
>Same ears
>Same hair
>Same shirt
>Same jacket
What the fuck.
this is why metafags are eternally fucked in the head.
I appreciate them throwing money at the game to avoid the powercreep boogeyman though.
what’s a western tranny cartoon. How would you know of this
ellen is a corin sidegrade
zhu is a billy sidegrade
qingyi is an anby sidegrade
jane is a piper sidegrade
never roll. save for eos
>it's the piperfag vs. c0r0 jane copers shitposting hour
im out
they're both ass that are getting powercrept by 1.3 btw
All that matter is gameplay and getting new characters.
Is the gameplay good for you? roll/play them.
Do you like character? get them.

Only retards think they are going to play the same shit forever and IF you do have fun doing that, god bless your soul, go play mh or some shit
Actually we've come to the consensus that those are all upgrades except for Jane, who is factually the worst limited unit for f2ps by far. keep up with the thread anon
I'm getting jane, caesar, and burnice M3
Now what.
Hazbin hotel
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>Jane already proven to be a flop and weaker than Piper
>Still shill her with some lesbians shit that nobody wants

Ignore the rat and embrace Calydon kino.
theres nothing to do but fight 3 enemies in vr training 4 times a day
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im the pipertard that did the run
I did not make this post
I just have speedrun autism
heres the run if anyone still cares
As long as you let newfags know not to invest in Piper because she clears slower than Billy
>everyone throwing shit at one another over faster clear times
>i'm just here happy i was able to finally s rank shiyu
I thought this was gay porn from the thumbnail....
Does Lucy apply her buff on chain attacks? I don't see the icon pop up
>5 seconds over a c1 a-rank = upgrade
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>try to do different style animations comics etc
Only at M2.
I rolled for both and also Qingyi
Do not regret it
The only brick so far is Ellen
weldone anon and i know that feeling too.
i like jane and how sassy she is
plus i also got c6 seth as well, so for that banner i got 2 new characters so win win
>play jane
>get to actually enjoy my time with a fun and fluid character
>play piper
>have to perfectly optimize my literal one single move
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You're a cool guy disorderbro, banger run
I'd try to beat your record but squeezing out the last 5 seconds is ridiculously hard
When I get c6 for my Lucy and Piper your days are numbered though
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Okay, since i don't have any character to build, i will f build my m2 piper (without sig) and see if i cant get somewhere close to 1m.
hearing voices that aren't there is a sign of schizophrenia
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thanks OG piperbro
your team looks sick too id try it if I had koleda
unfortunately stun is less valuable when the boss dies in 1, so I think disorder has an advantage for this rotation
ill be aiming for c6 on both too however...
>Wisepags were so devastated by this post they refused to even respond

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