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Visual Novel General #6603

This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
All posting of untranslated visual novels belongs on >>>/jp/
E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Check https://rentry.org/4chan-vn-help
4. Copy error messages with CTRL+C and paste them with CTRL+V into DeepL
5. Google it

>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

>Need a novel with a specific element?

>Download Links:

Previous thread: >>493691809
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How will you impregnate your imouto when you're using a condom?
You're supposed to poke holes in without her knowledge.
My zako will penetrate the condom's barrier out of sheer will in order to impregnate my imouto
if you can't penetrate a condom, you don't deserve it
Um, where's the condom?
Deepest lore
May the lord forgive me for blighting this general with Y*a.
Any other games like Utawarerumono? Gameplay is not required.
How could she do this to my children...
Tears to Tiara? Monochrome Mobius?
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that's not what I meant by shaken not stirren
Because she is the most evil, most vile moege heroine to exist.
Translating her VN is NN's worst sin and I'm counting delaying DR and TSR for years.
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what am I in for
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>most evil, most vile moege heroine to exist
How bad could it really be?
I already played monochrome mobius. Tears to Tiara has 2 major issues for me. You can't just save anywhere you want and the gameplay feels so clunky. People say the console releases are better but I'm not sure if that's true or not.
See >>493775193
Any other good imoutos?
Every madosoft imouto
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heroines who worship the penis
That's not the correct one and the correct one is crap. Shit ge.
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That is the correct one though
>inb4 NBR
Akiha is also NBR
And that makes Akiha also shit.
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Good best friend heroines?
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imouto that no one liked
The man asked for good imoutos, not fucking trash who need to forget about gyaru, get on their knees, and fix their brother's limpdick with their throats this instant.
heroines that take it up the freaking ass and cry and scream and threaten to tell mom
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I just want to sleep but this dork keeps bothering me.
Phantom of Inferno would've been better if you played it from the perspective of Scythe Master and just fucking won in the end.
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Don't listen to this takogirl fag
We all know she's the best.
ge where you and the heroine commit crimes against humanity [serial killing, genocide]
Junnosuke has truly raised a failure of a human being.
Is a false rape accusation really the worst and evil thing a moege heroine ever did?
dead inside wagie heroines? (not Rino)
ge where the mc or heroine commits suicide and it doesn't just end there with a game over?
surely there's a murderer moege heroine
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All too well...
yurishit garbage unworthy of life
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I think I'll keep trying to play Tears to Tiara. The game gives off some endearing doujin game feel. I have the Dungeon Traveler games to get back to after as well.
Lupercalia literally starts with one of the heroines committing suicide.
I mean that's pretty fucking bad. That's not really something a heroine can come back from.
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Lucia is a miracle of the universe.
And Chihaya is pretty nice, too.
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Is there a ge that is more picrel than Yosuga no Sora?
ge where there's no choices, no h scenes, shit art and its just generally is worthless garbage
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bro you're not gonna fucking believe this
False because I imagine sex everytime the lolis come into view
ge where single MC and single heroine travel around the country together in search of some shared goal?
>Imouto Paradise
>Imouto Paradise 2
>Imouto Paradise 3
Don't forget Onigyu
nta but
>no romance plot
Disappointing. Why even bother?
You wouldn't fuck your robot daughter.
ge where the MC has his whole orphanage murdered so he infiltrates a magical military academy to get a fairy wife in order to get revenge on the killers?
ge where the heroine reviews diaper brands on youtube?
Anon, I...
Wouldn't I?
It's a last of us ge, anon.
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kek that was my exact thought
As someone who thinks that series is ass and would've handed Ellie to the Fireflies without hesitation after learning Druckmann turned her into a disgusting dyke, you have no idea how little that means to me.
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>I would've killed hundreds of people to save my daughter, unless she was gay, then I'd kill her myself
This but unironically.
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Damn straight.
It's death stranding x the last of us x the horizon zero dawn setting. It's not even subtle about it.
>horizon zero dawn
Haven't played that one because the feMC isn't a cute anime girl.
Glad we agree
I'll just slop some random shit together, it's not like keybutas have standards
t. Romeo
Would you let your cute wife hang out with such an insatiable slut?
They are both my wives. The one on the left watches from a chair while I pound the one on right's brains into mush.
she needs her alone time, so why not?
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Where's my cute wife?
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I love white women so much.
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In the dirt where she belongs
VN where your mom gets age regressed into a loli and fucks you?
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The dark skies makes this eerily foreboding.
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garbage fanart
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what does talent taste like
>low sexual content 2.7
>shitty forced gameplay
I just... kneel...
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>moege heroine smiles at me
>smile back at the monitor
>realize what I've done
what am I doing with my life
Total Negronyan and buta death
>tfw no ginkami longu daughterwife
>reposting the same image every day like some shitty ritual
Time to md5
say that one more time and I swear on me mom, I'll fuck your shit up
thanks anon, we all really care about your filters and it's really important you update us every time you add a new one
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i'm kinda like nekonyan the way i shit the bed
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You're lucky I don't have more edits.
Have this Aoko instead.
when I die I want nekonyan to lower my casket so I can be let down one last time
I want to see Aoko get raped and murdered by Dead Apostles and the Fifth True Magic lost to the ages.
I don't always do it, but if you want an update you are on your way to getting completely filtered like the jopoid. At least he has the decency not to spam the same 3 images for months at a time
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If I was good at Photoshop I'd change the background to a night with stars
God, I hope she gets to stick around for longer in the third route. Her scene in the first route was kino, but it just wasn't enough.
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>using a cryptographic hash function with the avalanche effect to filter images
>announcing filters that can be circumnavigated by changing a single pixel
The goth loli was hotter
Aoko sex.
I don't get what the first means and the aokana turd is too lazy to change a pixel. jopoid gets a different filter method
>true end story
>every girl in library club love (you) because (you) are too yasashii
>Thigh high socks
Yeah, I agree.
Time to bust out the md5 randomizer
time to bust
time to pyu pyu
>The goth loli was hotter
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have sex
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Daitoshokan was such a letdown. I'd rather it be plotge that explores the Shepard aspect to its fullest than a sol crossdressing utility club garbage that we got
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>no threesome with Celia and Akane
Why live
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Anyone else gets anxiety when in moege common route is about to end and you fear you're about to get slapped in the face with a bad ending?
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yes I shit and fart myself very hard
ever since i played kazusa's normal route in WA2, i've always been suspicious when everything seems to be going well
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I question the necessity of teaching my 200 year old fox how to use the toilet
Bullet Butlers and Chronobelt TLs when? propellerge is safe to translate or even make a MTL patch
>asakawa yuu, Bey and Redman in one game
blessed life

maybe by jast at some point? they need to do smth once they're done with nitro+ right
oi, butas, here comes your favorite treat *throws the soundfile into the pigpen*
children don't talk like that
>M-L Yuuko voicing a whore
Yes. Then have preggo sex with her.
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I always use a walkthrough to read the routes in order from least to most interesting girl and avoid bad ends so no.
How do you know what children talk like during sex?
see >>493787381
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>the power to summon eyeballs to himself
Imagine. Would be pretty guro-comical in a crowd
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>the onee-chan you trusted as a shota betrays you and is later forced to track and kill you
Thats a supremely kino premise.
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a protag so chuuni even his hair is powerful
>no “threesome” where you tie Mio to a chair and force her to watch intense baby-making marathon sex with your one true love Bertille
why even live?
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Might be the most solid prologue I've read, or at least the most solid one I can recall
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>crowd of racist rioters
feels like /vn/
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bros I've been jopping and now google translate says they've received too many requests from my IP
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Infantile little boys are obsessed with big breasts. Upstanding refined gentlemen worship flat chests.
just say you are gay
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it's mommy monday
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Would you let your daughter dress like this?
Melons even
big tits are fine
small ones are too
demand of mine
for girls I woo
is that the butt
has to be fat
gals with no hips
won't get my lips
jopping update, after switching to local sugoi model it's way worse than google translate, practically unusable I actually have to read the stupid moonrunes now
ok, jeffrey
wat its way better than google tl most of the time
can you not turn off the system sound effects if you're going to make sound posts?
looks like I downloaded some outdated model v4 while v9 looks like latest, most likely the reason of it sucking
Anyone played this?

Is it as good as kamidori?
What went wrong
YuriKINO makes butas seethe.
you like yuri because you have gender identity issues
It's very similar gameplay-wise, the main heroine is good for a change, and the main romance acknowledges that MC is banging a bunch of side girls. There is only one major route, but if you try really hard, you can get a "u dun goofed" version of it.
you don't like yuri because you have homosexual tendencies
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wide fairy hips and thick fairy thighs
>MC is forced to do some manual labor
>heroines are worried about him overworking himself
>they even offer to massage him
Moege truly is the escapism dream.
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any ge where you fuck a koala
She doesn't look a day older than the heroine on the left
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imagine being a flat pink, lmao
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Flat pinks are the most reliable heroine
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>drives men to commit horrific atrocities just by existing
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We live in the age of brunettes now
I can but its litterboxed because im not keeping it besides the moment, worthless effort. Cut it yourself if you dont like it.

why did I imagine her lying dead in a pool of her own blood somewhere, with her corpse in a horrible state?
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Why are seething girls so erotic?
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the power of uwa
Look at this sexy body
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love yuzus
I bet her face is ugly as fuck
Why are little sisters such horny, sex-crazed, incestous semen demons?
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if I woke up to this next to me I'd scream. Looks like the main scare in a japanese horror. Not even that ugly besides the fucked up eyes
personally I would just cum
I'm having mixed feelings about hamidashi it is a pretty fun read but this constant talk about gacha and twitter and social media is off putting. I guess it is realistic that modern zoometes are all about being glued to the phone but it's jarring I feel out of touch.
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I love traps the most !
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>pillows next to each other
cute and hugpilled
I want to fuck that robot on the left.
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I love NTR the most!
Is she real?
Astrobot unfortunately is not real.
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>Suzu doesn't wanna go to school so he hangs up the cute girls uniform to bait her and sounds somewhat sad she won't wear it, but doesn't try to convince or force her
>she keeps glancing at it until she breaches the subject herself
This but opposite instead. Daito is such an amazing moege
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Impregnate hags
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why does this uniform have eyes
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the uniform looks like it's making the "its over..." expression
>autistic kid
down syndrome heroine that you take advantage of from a position of power
Daitoshokan looks so fun and fluffy! I wonder if it's short enough to-40 hours... I just want short games that I can realistically finish without constantly stopping and starting...
Daito is pretty long if you want to clear all routes, 4 main heroines 1 true heroine and 3 side heroines it's a lot of content.
She has tights on and is wearing glasses so pretty much everything is safe as far as I'm concerned.
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whatever happenned to the anon that was blogposting Oppai Academy 2? did he run out of cum?
It's boring as fuck, that's what's wrong.
It's somehow worse looking than the mainline games that I refuse to play it
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>younger twin sister
I don't think that's how it works....
She looks like she constantly steps on her own hair
Yes it is?
Twins definitely make a distinction between who's older. Technically the person who comes out first is the older sibling
it looked like a tail to me at first, its pretty weird

I guess, it's moreso their size difference would suggest them being more than hours apart.
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this artist really struggles with drawing teenagers.
They look so old, especially the dude
release date of erobunny when
I went to school with male female twins and the guy was a lot taller than the girl, it happens. They looked pretty similar other than that though unlike these two.
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>that tummy
>that ominous smirk

the fabled onahole twinmouto
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this thursday will be a full month since their comiket participation, so im expecting the countdown to the reveal to start this friday and the website/launch date the be revealed close to the end of the month(27th)
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It trooned out sadly
I fucking hate oppai
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Oppai are fucking retarded if you think about it rationally
gimme da milk
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unimpressed by the voice. hopefully sounds better when stuff happens
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Suzu is pretty based
here is hoping for an xmas release, 1 and 4 best girls
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I don't understand why you guys make fun of moege so much. It's the lifeblood of the VN industry
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Plotcucks hate the fact that butas won.
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Show yourself.
Moebuddhas won
the flop of the century
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I love traps the most!
t Buta.
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>like what the literal meaning [...]
based TL.
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I love NTR the most!
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based proper dueling etiquette
Best saggers ge? I hate gravity defying tits. When a woman lies on her back and her tits flop out on each side it’s the hottest shit.
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this sentence lol
channeling yamato damashi
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>attempting to deflect a bullet with my arm
I fucking love chuunige, its been too long.
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I'm going to Mamiya.
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Aww shucks, he's not there.
>Mercurius VA
le range.
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>gets his skill complimented
>looks away shyly
Whoa, they did add a CG for his. Fate would have kept it all to black screen with periodic flashes.
Should I reread and blogpost Sharnoth? I read it over 10 years when I was still a retarded newfag to the medium. All those Mary memes make me wanna do it.
do it
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for fights there were portrait cut-ins so far and simple sfx. Doesn't seem like the budget is particularly high but who knows, probably reserved for bigger moments and it works well enough
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>overly serious student council president (Shuugen) with a goofy side
I approve
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>it's the female of equivalent of cosplaying L
For you.
moebuta are not going to like this post...
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I can't tell if I'm playing some ironic shitpost game or a game made by a new up and coming chris chan.
if Death Note was written by Narahara.
Looks like a character from When Thugs Cry that Ryukishi wrote
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He would've raped MisaMisa in that case.
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do what you must
I have already won
I want to finish Nukitashi but now that I know Junnosuke is going to be forced to have sex with the disgusting SS whores, the prospect of the MC having his penis stuck between the rancid slabs of slimy roast beef hanging from their cunts as they squirm and pulse around his dick as if infested by maggots is nauseating. I wish he'd just taken that dildo bludgeon of his and bashed Ikuko's brains out. I just wanted him to be able to stick to his principles the whole way through, even if just optionally. Was that too much to ask?
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Lattler would have sex with Raito in that case
wasnt the Charmareians dev the Karenfag?
Asaspammer and the pure gyaru drawfag
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You sure think a lot about used goods pussy and describe it in awe-struck tone.
Used goods deserve love
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fucking dropped
Negromasa'd that
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>the prospect of the MC having his penis stuck between the rancid slabs of slimy roast beef hanging from their cunts as they squirm and pulse around his dick as if infested by maggots is nauseating
Lovecraftian horrors
Ayakashibito is pretty grounded sometimes (for a batshit insane chuunige that is).
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I will never read, let alone create EVN garbage. Kill yourself for even making that assumption retarded EOP
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it seems on the grounded side a a whole so far, besides introducing the powers and youkai
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Total EVN death
is PG the most shitposted yuzu?
Finish Charmareians 2
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>Translation comes out later this week
But is it any good?
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I can hear the peanut
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I couldn't think of any other way to convey how heavily the disgust weighs on me.

I just want the best for the MC. Smooth, tight, clean, pure pussy, the warm embrace of a friend you know and connect with at the deepest level wrapping gently around your waist as you pull each other close and slowly squeeze tighter, the heat of your bodies mingling and merging as you enter her and you know the sensation of the centers of your being overlapping, building in pressure and sharp intensity as your fingers entwine and her legs lock around you and you gradually coax each other to the height of climax. Mutual love, a connection that you can feel viscerally across every nerve in your body as you give and receive everything from each other.

I don't want to watch the MC's body be defiled by shallow, worthless, rotten used goods.
I was only joking when I posted Freud, but you really do have Madonna-whore complex. Crazy how that weird Austrian keeps being right about everything.
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If this were maggot baits things would get very interesting in the next 3 lines
Love your mom bro
Oh no, I think it's fine for women to be sluts, as long as it's the personal slut of one man at a time. Actual fucking whores are disgusting and unworthy of love, though, and that's what the SS subhumans are.

I wish they would have finished the TL for this kusoge even if it was just for the meme value.
You WILL have sex with used goods and you WILL like it
Used goods are good because I have a savior complex.
This, but unironically.
What if she says that her previous bf was better?
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Beat her until she lose consciousness
yasashii chad still gets the girl at the end of the day
>Come back for the first time in awhile
>Find out Reboot got banned again
Thanks for delaying the release an entire year for nothing NN
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>grisaia Yumiko
kurokami sexo
Along with somebody else's kid(s), leaving behind no legacy as his yasashii genes fail to pass on and die out.
hes asking if the game is any good, retardbro
>shit art
Reading a translation is kind of like having sex with used goods when you think about it
ge where a future version of yourself tries to change history but ends up getting caught by you
You don't deserve a good translation.
You don't deserve a good story.
You deserve. nothing.
And you also have two condoms on your dick to ruin the experience even more (one is the shitty translation and or localization and the other being difference in language so certain things can never get across properly regardless of quality)
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even if i'm only getting 70% of the enjoyment as JOPs, i'm still enjoying it at the end of the day
>Reading a translation is kind of like having sex with used goods
that's the best part doe
maybe we can ditch the "not" from "notKakashi". Based molester
So a better experience that people pretend isn't because they're 14 year olds stuck in a 35 year old body?
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if only this was a woman's car one could find some sexyness in the gagging stench
I'm a gamer, I'd rather skip the tutorial anyways.
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Reading a translation is like jerking off in the corner to this guy fucking your wife in all holes
Women smokers are super hot.
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Disappointing, 0 effort put into translating her somewhat unique way of speaking. "can't meet dawn/morning" was also just nuked into "can't sleep" earlier.
At least besides the way she speaks its a solid TL for the line. eh.
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literally me
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>rollerblading attached to a bike
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hopefully she applies the good girling to sexual favors in her route
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It's joppin time
Kiss Canadian women.
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I feel like I should know this VA but cant pinpoint it
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Is this another Jeweha?
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So what's deal with Bri*ish people?
I haven't played jeweha yet but pretty sure it's not racistge.
Just bought Daemon Muramasa on GoG, what am I in for bros
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peak of the medium
Not a story of heroes.
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they have oppai
All killed by Saxons.
its kinda like fate stay night HF
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I can see her armpit...
Do you like NTR?
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>a proper emotional scene between MC and Suzu even despite him trying to interrupt like 5 times getting more and more pissed off at being ignored
frst time I see this trope done well
It was all his fault btw. Stupid dumb bird.
>det when not shitposting
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her beauty eclipses the moon
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iinchou cute
A pretentious kusoge.
Steined that gate.
required /vn/ reading
It is made for 13 years old edgy chunnishiteaters that think hecking dark gritty sad story with forced NTR flavor = kamige
its kinda like fate stay night if it was dogshit
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>iinchou ryuu---osanaijimi messatsu ken
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>52 degrees
Really? That was worth the dutch angle?
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>voiced MC has no voice during h-scenes
It makes one redditor tourist mad
you should blogpost to make she mald
Why would the jews promote moege?
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maybe its not as grounded as I thought
/ourgirl/ approved kamige
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hey im not the director idk how this stuff works
This, you need to have read some kusoge to properly appreciate the kamige. Is the law of balance.
Fate/Stay Night'd that
Should I skip the pseudo science info dump and still understand the plot in stein gate, really couldn't give 2 rat asses about muh science honestly
but you should only read kamige like muramasa and ignore uminegro and the likes like rewrite
Reading Negromasa is akin to willingly eating shit.
No one should do that.
Albion, my love.
It's pretty bad, honestly. Even shitposting aside.
I was willing to rate it 5/10 if it wasn't for that true route.
do your chuunige reps
>1 (You)
What do I get?
>aquacuck changed the username after getting bullied
God I fucking love SCA-di's asinine waffle I want to see the look on his face as I ask for extra ketchup
I still have yet to hear Ayako Kawasumi moan.
you plan on drawing anything else?
>I will never read, let alone create EVN garbage
You didn't read Katawa Shoujo though?
If Subaru was the village mattress, why didn't we ever see a gangbang scene? Missed opportunity desu.
She moaned when GODcher slammed her to the ground in Fate route.
>schizo65 melting
feels bad his favorite VN ever being rated lower than the average moege
This, but unironically.
He will always be trenny
Mememasa had a surprisingly strict budget. Two h-scenes in one chapter would've been too much effort, and Mizuhi's breaking hits harder..
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Kind of suspicious how he picked up a girl that looks like the female version of his childhood friend
He wishes lmao
I can't help notice that NTRmasa score steadily sinks now that moogyshills are mostly gone.
Holy cope, it happens.
getting filtered by TNSR?
Why not? Good hearing exists irl.
She dutch angled my schrodinger's cats till I'm a puppet with it's strings cut
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ge where the wagie heroine still thinks that if she works hard and delivers results that she'll be rewarded for it but gets redpilled on her route?
I wish more VNs dabbed on achiever heroines. Women aren't meant for great things, learn you fucking place whore.
No I eat this spinozaslop up but all I can imagine during one of the naval gazing sessions is telling SCA-di to put my fries in the bag
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This is not GODcher though?
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They are both closet homos.
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>hearing cats and individual species of crickets within a 150m radius
Has there ever been a nukige that's created thinly veiled titcow equivalents of hoyoshit girls so that it could portray their slutty character designs getting properly stuffed full of dick and impregnated like how Oppai Academy does with F/GO cumdumpsters?
Bullshit. I didn't hear anything
Please delete this image.
Maybe he was just making shit up?
I don't know, but tell me if you find a March 7th clone I can fuck
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the chuuniest of chuuni arts
How can they bait me with such CUTE designs but not add sex scenes??
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Are you retarded?
literally me
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literally me
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Who the hell asked for an all ages Yuzuge? Even worse, asking for it to be translated? Disgusting
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white hair has a route idk about iinchou
Iinchou has sex with others only
I'm glad they let her have an old man force her instead of the lame protagonist
They are both sexually involved just not with MC.
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more heroine designs like this pls pls pls
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Me and my lust for my depressed wagie gf Rino
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That cosplay is fucking soulless bro
I did.
You know, 2/3rds of the 3DPD in that pic wouldn't look so bad if they just lost some weight.
they'd look like shit even if they lost weight because they're just 3d ugly whores lol
Not sure how you can tell
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>I'm putting together a team
You could say that about anyone.
Not a fan of that outfit at all.
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Have you ever wage slaved?
Good. Never get in the cage, broski.
It's fine to acknowledge and embrace the superiority of 2D, but all 3D entities must struggle against the imperfections of the flesh.
I don't have aphantasia so I can picture what they'd look like with fat removed from their facial structures, which would become less wide as the skin compresses towards their cheek bones.
Yeah, that's kind of the point.
moege moege moege moege moege
Do you really want to hear a man's moans, faggots?
Any skibidige?
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This but unironically
ge where the yasashii, altruistic heroine slowly becomes more yandere over the course of the ge?
I'd like to hear Redman moan more
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Hey greetings guys, ehm I'm just letting people know I'm starting this project https://forums.fuwanovel.moe/topic/31650-shuffle-essence-translation-project-003/ , I didnt posted the build drive folder in that thread because I thought they could see it as piracy (funny coming from a former Visual Novel pirate site) so here is the link to it https://drive.google.com/drive/u/6/folders/1BKcn4szWp8AUrfbrgFjGWnuMiYWWWywq , also will try to post upcoming updates on our server in case anyone feels like following or evevn helping out in this project https://discord.unclebane.xyz/
me on the right
Wasn't this essentially translated on steam already minus the H scenes?
Essence has the sensei hag as a heroine, right? Good shit, hope it's successful.
Incredibly based.
You don't? Are you gay?
if I still had a gf I'd have her listen to it and tell me her thoughts
straight kino hours
I'd unironically watch a gay porno starring Archer and Bey's VAs
post it here too for vis
>raged 6.74 on vndb
what's wrong with it
i-i can be your gf(male) a-anon...
I literally waited a decade for this.
I wanna see a hentai OVA where a smug daddy dom voiced by Takehito Koyasu fucks the stuffing out of a bratty sub voiced by Aoi Yuuki.
>Kimika ending is the only canonical one
Holy based.
janny pin this
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no one cared who I was until I put on the mask....

the Steam version released by Yumehaven is based of the PS2 release of Shuffle called "On The Stage" which added Kareha and Mayumi routes, they whole sale copy pasted the "newer" edited 2012 version of the Mangagamer's translation release they release just shortly before they lost the license (using both releases file scripts), Essence+ came 4 years later (2009) and adding 5 more girls/routes ( Kareha's sister Tsubomi, Sakura, Matsuri, Nadeshiko and Daisy). all these 5 routes being of course not translated yet and seeing how Navel is at the moment, seems they arent feeling like license it to anyone else after Yumehaven lost the license thise 2021 and the game got delisted off Steam https://delistedgames.com/shuffle/
Any pro tips for the gameplay stages in Sharnoth? This Liar softge that didnt include a neat guide like Forest and Cannonball
i wish people would do this for to heart 2 and its fd
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Yep, it's kino time
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more like Kimika end > TNSR > rest of subahibi
VNs where MC is a prince trying to take back his kingdom after an evil force killed the king and took over?
TnSR Zakuro would do that.
>the ending where Takuji experiences real affection is the first one
Dunno how I'd feel about that...

On the topic of NuminöseI not repeating, do you believe that Ayana was just messing with him when she proposed the possibility of being through this exact same scenario for billions and trillions of times already? Yukito/Takuji seemed to unconsciously agree with the idea.
navel can't be stopped.
*punches her in the butt*
redman's voice is too powerful...
Nice, gl with that. Would love to play Mayumi's route.
>hag sensei
>blonde watakushi desu wa senpai
>flat tomboy classmate
I remember being mad you couldn’t go for them in the original games, good to see they will finally be translated
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>all ages Uchikoshi kusoge and a total bitch
>Japanese girl who wears bandages and gets mogged by every other girl in her ge
>kusonukige with bad art
>rest are Kino Senki which is good but not enough
I am sad bros
need more cute brown sexualized pharaoh heroines
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Almost there bros...
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Yeah Nadeshiko, her route is in Essence+

Thank you, Im trying™

Alright thank you and noted, will repost the post over there then

who knows, I never cared about vndb scores, they are like MAL scores where I have series I legit love scored 7.2 because they are "too talky and not enough action scenes" or some other shit like that, never care for those, its better to judge stuff yourself, only time I would use some score is when a good amount of people has voted it overhelmingly negative below the 5 score

the moment I read even the Yumehaven version getting delisted was when I accepted there wasn't any hope Navel would be fucked to ever release Essence+ or anything else of this series to the west legally, so if you cant read or buy any of these releases anymore legally, then I wont care about doing shit myself then.

FD? for what I can read on vndb the only patch out of this one is a partial one, while I dont have the time to fuck with it, if this is a pure visual novel with no sort of gameplay feature and there *easy* enough ways to dump the dialogue scripts, this framework Im sort of using could be used for any visual novel translation project with human readable/editable scripts, Shuffle/Ethornell Engine dumped script are quite clean for me to work with which helps a lot (picrel)

I will try post some updates *if I can remember* over here but its better to follow me on my server since Im balancing many things since I also do commissioned translation works and such so my server would be the best reliable place to get updates
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Ah shit, got the wrong pic for the scripts post, here
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Disgusting pederast kys.
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peak performance
die pedophiles
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She's 18 years old, stop projecting
Maybe on planet gaylord.
t. biggest homogay on Earth
>preferring disgusting fabric covering all a girl's legs over thigh high socks leaving a peek into heaven inbetween the rim and her skirto
Gay, gayer, this anon >>493847596
t. poof boy who is sucking cocks.
we don't sign our posts here sis
This is just a petite girl
>hating pantyhose
the absolute state of /vn/tards
And what a petite girl
petiteness is a dogwhistle, chud
God I fucking love petite girls
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Petite people are offensive to look at for americunts.
Any petite girls who are 180 cm tall?
No really dough
There are tons of petite models. Riley Reid is also very popular.
fuck off, homofag.
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VN with yasashii MC who rape corrects the evil villainess?
why is it so huge...

>first ending
I misspoke, there could have been other POVs before TNSR, it's just that it definitely requires Kimika's to have happened at some point and the rest like the true can happen after tnsr. Made me remember DTRH1 also happened during Tomosane POV, so likely TNSR was a prerequisite for the DTRH1 dead world to exist.
>numinose 1
She's messing with him. I mean - even if what she said is true and the moment he closed his eyes billions of years passed, it doesn't matter. It definitely doesn't loop because she asks him where does he want to go from there. But it's also true that this might've happened many, many times - Yuki in Subahibi opens her eyes to the same white on the roof too.
wasn't it more so that they accepted it as a possibility?
Why are white women always so powerful?
>shota MC
>wears a choker
Who thought THAT was a good idea?
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The ghetto
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another project I would like to work on in the future would be Green Green (Overdrive Edition) since Overdrive has disbanded and there arent any news of they ever releasing this one in english unlike other of their works, issue though is that it makes use of that type of "animation" that makes the characters mouth flap as the dialogue goes goes off, issue is though that each fucking sprite has its own unique mouth flap so I would need to think how to deal with that one if I ever decide to fuck with this project too in the future
>shota MC
He isn't
Translate Shuffle 2 instead of the old and dated Shuffle
>translate kusoge instead of kamige
Evenicle's world is what happens when you let a Moebuta become God
fuck off already, homo spammer.
White women always win
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I love oppai lolis, especially Yuki!
turn on my computer and jack off to oppai academy
>hide replies
That's what I do
Those are children...I'll be contacting their parents immediately
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wake up for real this time
Correct the brats with my BIG DICK!
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piss smelling planet
Need more shota mc fucking JKs
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too cute for this world
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lol no, first of all I have an actual attachment to Shuffle being of the first anime series I started watching back in the early 2000s when I finally went weeb, also Shuffle 2 is too new and a whole different damn story/universe basically to me by the looks of it, perhaps because one of the old writers of Shuffle died in 2016
Kek my boy Jun is the best
royal blood
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I didn't mean the actual, chronological beginning, but rather the order of loops existing in such a way that Takuji grows less and less compassionate with each one, seeing how he couldn't grasp the concept of love in Tsui no Sora Remake until hearing Kimika's voice again.
>wasn't it more so that they accepted it as a possibility?
He does, declarative statements would be out of place in a discussion of possibilities, but his monologue describes the sensation as "a feeling that he's experienced this millions of billions of times before, but at the same time, as if it happened for the very first time". It doesn't really matter in the great scheme of things, I just interpreted his honest thoughts in such a way that he subconsciously remembers the sensation of repetitiveness.
>But it's also true that this might've happened many, many times - Yuki in Subahibi opens her eyes to the same white on the roof too
Huh, true. I didn't catch that.
I'd still view the Purgatory/Afterlife of DtRH1 differently than the Abyss or Hell in Tsui no Sora remake, though, since the existence of the Milky Way Railroad leading souls to Salvation/Heaven seems to contradict the eternal nature of TnSR's Afterlife.
what settings are best in magpie to upscale to 1080p? the discussion i find is more about higher resolutions
Only kids use upscalers
ok poorfag
if i play a vn windowed i get too distracted so i have to play fullscreen but it looks ugly
Vn where heroines are initially racist toward mc?
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>t. kid who fell for the 4K monitor meme
You also have 32GB of RAM, right?
get this filthy neet out of here
nta but 32gb of ram is barely enough these days for some games. i upgraded to 64gb from 16gb and it's night and day. I'm currently idling at 21gigs of ram being used right now since I'm too lazy to restart my programs or computer.
>tech babble
fuck off >>>/t/
AI is getting pretty good
MC looks a little chubby here
>to 1080p
planet pedo
You see, I use the internet quite a lot, but I don't know much about computers.
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Heroines like this?
>I'm currently idling at 21gigs of ram being used right now since I'm too lazy to restart my programs or computer.
average windows user
I have 8GB of ram but I dont play AAA sloppa on PC, thats more than enough for VNs
the most intelligent muramasa reader right here
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Not only does he use windows but he probably just clicks 'accept terms and install' and ends accepting the installation of additional shit programs that just bloat the system.
>Unlimited Clippy Works
So much SOUL in one image
I look like this and I say this
I look like this and I do this
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Need Rin wife
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>says the samefag
i typically try not to install anything and automatically have my firewall block everything.
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How do you reply without sounding mad?
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>bratty child
How do you reply without sounding mad?
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>only one (you)
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like dis
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VN with a plain-looking heroine?
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Satcher is my favorite samefag.
Oh, I forgot tonight's episode; not like I care tho
Thanks for the update, Karenschizo.
So, as I pray...
AIsir needs to deflate these two cows
>Takuji grows less and less compassionate with each one
Im not seeing it. He should be the same between all of them, the only change that occurs is that he isn't in Takuji's body (can be understood as not being born as Takuji if you consider Yasuko's words) in subahibi, letting him experience love.
>a feeling
if it's Takuji's soul that's about to become one and all/Ayana then there is no issue with it, it's the first time for him but whether we're talking about looping or him having experienced this as billions others theres no contradiction.
I dunno the relation between subahibi and tnsr to begin with, I don't think the milky way leads to heaven or anything, Zakuro just merges back into the soul collective or whatever actually happens to them after death.
Could theorize it's still the same wonderful everyday "hell" and Zakuro can appear there because she was a transcendant entity in a way - when something happens and she sees the vision of the end she can also see into the mahou shoujo brains and communicates thoughts via touch, just cant distinguish between reality and manga.
>lolicon world
>cow tits everywhere
something seems off here...
>bro brought a gf home to stay the night
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I love moege.
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Why do women always lie to me even in vns. Useless bitch.
>Rance for japanese ants
ᵏᶦˡˡ ʸᵒᵘʳˢᵉˡᶠ ʲᵒᵖᵒᶦᵈ
Kanami is saying that there aren't any enemies nearby but there's a miniboss 1 step away on the map
Kek took me a bit
I watch it in the morning tho
>four characters from an untranslated VN
based jop
that mini-boss clearly grinded stealth
PrimalxHearts was so good that I have no desire to play the sequel
I fucking hate Argentina so much
Cant be, moebutas are against harems and threesomes because they project their rl moebuta values into the game
Without JOPs it cannot be read.
And this is what happens when a plotchad enters that world.
found the plotfag malding at the finest moechads
Number of anons here seemed to really like the piss witch, but she wasn't small enough for my liking to give it a shot. She is cute though.
it's hardly lying if that's what she sincerely believes is the truth, she's just an idiot and can't ninja for shit.
Will never read primal farts
Will never read
her boobs are way too big, but she is cute at least
>Primal Sharts
No thanks, I don't like moege and I don't like being drained dry by hour long h-scenes
Rance's final wives are clearly superior to Asta's
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Rance had multiple games to accumulate those, Asta does alright for only one (minus Gurigura)
Too much words to say you are gay.
Anal sex with lolis and imoutos.
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who the fuck is this?
I meant his Green Knight's phase wives like Natal
too voluminous mister anon
Now now, dear, if you don't start behaving there won't be any dessert for you tonight. Only good girls get cream pies.
Gurigura is cute and flat. She's good in my book.
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For me, it's Riche.
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Anon looks like this???
>her route ends with her having oniichans kid
all imoutos should have that kind of ending imo
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FUCK girls
Any VNs for this?
get fucked bitch
woke DEI slop
better than the VN
Let's have sex with little Mashiro!
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Why are pinks like this?
I want to read the entirely of Rance, but Mangagamer is holding 03 hostage.
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I like to imagine that one day AI will be so good it will be able to rewrite FSN in any city.
why naze doshite why
Tenshi Souzou REBOOT!
This is gonna get a variety of responses as I know everyone has a different definition of what I'm looking for. But fuck it might as well try. What are some Vans that have a more...sensual feel to it? Not necessarily just hscenes that are hot, but ones that give the descriptions that make you feel you actually need to take your clothes off cause if you don't you will pass out from heat exhaustion?
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Japan loves America
More like tenshi so-so reBANNED
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weird how little of this game I've seen across all my years here when it has such a peak lolimommy
I want to plap impertinent brats
Why do they always have that gay little salad on the side?
A grail war in an American city could be kino
Coleslaw? It's just a thing people have always had with bbq. Every culture has traditional side dishes
That hardly looks like a loli
>across all my years here
You've been here for like 2 years doe.
Fate/strange Fake
Goddammit. Not again. Welp. Post the gif
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sex with richard
This is why walkable cities are needed
Okay I need this boards opinion. Is Walkure good (for me)? I usually am on the fence of a VN that ends up getting an anime adaptation for some reason.
lemme just meld our minds so i can tell if you'd enjoy it bwo
Thanks m8
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How the fuck are we supposed to know what's good for you?
If you like pubes and piss then download it now
America was never built that way. Even NYC needs public transit.
Being carless in America is essentially being a second-class citizen
Okay I like pubes, not so much the piss. How heavy is that involved?
What am I in for?
komori kei was so based for giving her a solo doujin
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its a lolihag, counts if baldr's Noi does

We went over that.. 4's closer if we're talking regular posting.
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>Spend an hour trying to search for femdom VNs
>It's all porn games

It's sad that the only games I've seen that do femdom well is the fucking trap saga
talented pinks
Kind of like a natural born slut?
name ONE slutty pink
That's about it.
Caster's VA, Atsuko Tanaka-san, is facing a trial in the afterlife today courtesy Japanese Buddhism. Today it's King Sotei, who will judge her on lust.

That Saber rape attempt from Caster will almost certainly appear in this trial. We have to pray that she passees the trial, if we dont, she risks going to Jigoku.

Here's the full court docket for Atsuko Tanaka-san
>August 20th - Atsuko Tanaka enters the sanzu river
>August 27th - Trial 1 with King Shinko. Judged on killing
>September 3rd - Trial 2 with King Shoko. Judged on theft.
>September 10th - Trial 3 with King Sotei. Judged on Lust.
>September 17th - Trial 4 with King Gokan. Judged on Lies.
>September 24th - Trial 5 with Great King Enma. Which realm to reincarnate in Samsara is determined. (ie. human realm, animal realm, deva realm, etc.)
>October 1st - Trial 6 with King Henjo. Determined where she reincarnates.
>October 8th - Trial 7 with King Taizan. Remaining conditions of reincarnation determined.
>Reincarnation occurs right after King Taizan's trial

Since I am Caster's master, it falls to me to make sure Type-Moon is accomodating her trials. I'll send them an e-mail today asking for their help in praying for her.
We love little girls here.
Heroine who can grow a futa dick with magic?
>religions that aren't Christianity are schizophrenic
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That's a cat.
Futanari heroines who you castrate and mangle the dick and balls of?
>triangle mouth
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I look like this and I say this
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Anal sex
is this real
Goodnight PLOTMANIACS and jabronie moebuta without a life that don't know it a kino when you kino a kino and kino yourself into a fable,moebuta
I just shot Type-Moon an e-mail.
pic related.

If the ten kings of hell weren't listening, they sure are now.
I love Karen
Kill yourself
Kill yourself Karenschizo
>4's closer if we're talking regular posting.
If you'd been posting for that long you wouldn't have sperged out at a certain anon you certainly would have recognized for blogposting a nukige.
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Brocon imoutos are the best!
VNs where a man and woman suck your dick at the same time?
Anon's Life
post female fantasy
I would suck on this little sisters tongue
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Should I grab photonflowers and photonmelodies before the sale ends on steam? I'm getting close to finishing chapter 9 of ML Alternative so I don't want to look too much into them in case there's any spoilers etc
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If your ge has an autistic sword heroine, I WILL cherish her!
If your ge has a childhood friend heroine, she WILL get raped by others!
I want to rape pure gyaru schoolgirls!
average scatji fag
>those tummy wrinkles
based. i only played through Tokyo Negro for mitsumi.
based, literally the only reason to play
the only reason to play is watching he get raped by others, you're right
it is a plotge after all
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tokyo negro is not uminegro, homo
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I'm fucking READY
sad this song wasn't in the vn, I've always loved it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67lQv3X-MkQ
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i'm citing the character not the plot THO
the one character that happens to be the one made by the writers to be the rape victim kek
the CEO got raped too
No one cares about irrelevant throwaway characters. Plotge exists for the heroines to get raped.
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It's really not very good beyond laughing at how bad Cage-kun and Belt-kun's routes are. You have to play like a women to get the good ends, that is to say pick the absolute worst and most retarded options whenever possible.
I will give the playboy credit for murdering the bitches whores that kill you, even though he knew it was an accident. iirc he says something like "I know your death was an accident, but theirs won't be."
I look like this
the ceo getting raped mattered more to the plot than mitsumi getting raped
I don't recall a single character getting raped in Utawarerumono.
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Also best boy is fandisc only and I think he only got like 1% of the vote in the poll or something. God women have such dogshit taste.
The heroines getting raped is the entire plot. They're the girl that the main character dates and loves so her getting raped is what matters more for the erection quality of a plotcuck.
Why would anyone get raped in a moege?
What about Hakuoro?
the main character was not in love or dating her, though
if there are dark moege then utawarerumono is a light plotge
We hate Tokyo NEGRO here.
Why is the ending CG the two of them together smiling then, speedreader?
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He was probably asking for it.
read my post again
>the main character WAS not in love or dating her, though
I hate rape garbage as much as the next guy but I like Mitsumi as a character and her background.
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Nosuri gets her own spinoff game but Touka gets ignored...
>I hate rape garbage
>reads plotge
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>no canon name
Got anything for me?
This is unironically what made me pick the VN up. Blonde guy is literally me
I'm here to laugh
Orion is super cute and endearing from second one, I can't believe it. I thought women liked little boys?
didn't she have a name in the anime?
Yeah and I think it's a 3/10.
this fits
VN where the MC and heroine are the only people left in the world, but they hate each other?
otomestacies are so cute
Anon's Life
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MAL just says "heroine"
I don't want to ruin the serious scenes but I'm sure this will makes 90% of the vn more enjoyable so fuck it
It doesn't really matter. She's basically Link and Orion is Navi.
Karura also raped him.
>This is unironically what made me pick the VN up. Blonde guy is literally me
who the fuck reads otomege
Also why Momoyo route is kino route, you see God Emperor Yamato basically pull off the most coomer public execution to demoralize troops. Kawakami War is based.
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Otome game are built different.
every time
all-ages btw
The bar at 3 am on a Thursday at a shitty pub and you still aren't drunk enough to be happy.
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religious people are the freakiest
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>wake up in hospital bed with amnesia
>super hottie barges in your room
>kisses you
Would work super well in a moege. Take notes butabros
True visualizers
Really makes you think.
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Fashioning Miss Lonesome was pretty funny. Lots of joke ends.
This nuns got FAT nipples
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So I noticed this combat becomes a lot more tolerable when you set everybody on auto except your mc. I kind of wish there was a speedup mode but maybe I can remedy that with cheat engine if I ever find the game too annoying.
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Anon what the fuck have you been reading
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God I need to see more despair Akiha
Impregnating white women...
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Lord forgive me
Are there any non nukige with cute nun routes?
its bigger than her hand
>reading kusoge
>all of the heroines have delicious, squeezable tummies
Makes it all worth it.
>that clipping
I donut believe anybody when they say they don't want nun of that.
AI video gens are getting out of hand
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It seems like the whole amnesia and "lost my emotions" thing is just gonna be an excuse for the girl to sit there and be treated like shit or have guys force themselves upon her. Women are so weird...
>Welcome to Canada 2077
Oh wow Orion really doesn't shut the fuck up. I get why he's unpopular now
>no moege with heroines like this and an architect MC
it would be pure kino… imagine the food autism scenes
should I play propeller kino?
I suspect it's because women are threatened by the protag having a personality and ambitions. They need a completely lifeless doll to self insert into, but someone has to do the talking, so they make him "translate" everything.
Instead of
>(You) I need to tell him how I feel.
>Orion: Eh? You need to tell him how you feel?
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White women thread
VNs where the MC and heroine are both miserable, lonely people who find comfort in each other?
Tokyo Babel is total trash on account of being written by that retarded faggot Higashitty, unfortunately. Maybe the others aren't as bad, though.
His previous VNs were pretty good though.
Lilith casually carries the entire VN.
A long time ago when Princess Waltz was first released I thought it was pretty okay, but it didn't hold up when I went back and tried to read it again. His more recent Fate shit is truly fucking miserably bad, though. I've never read Ayakashibito, but I forgot he wrote it until I checked and the blogposter has made me a little interested, so maybe that was good back in the day.
Stella of the End

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