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>Official WoW News

>Threads of Destiny - New Cinematic

>September Trading Post

>20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview

>NA /wowg/ guild

>WoWg community for NA
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OP is a tranny, bake new bread
Where can I find rule 34 of Night Elves buck breaking orcs?
Jaina... No... It can't be...
based fat hideous stinking retarded orc
why did i read this in Varian's voice?
Because you have no inner monologue and therefore are forced to adopt literal NPC voices to mimic what normal people have since birth?
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The lighting here was cool. Would've been fun if they let Alchemists take an inky black potion and make a inky void potion or something.
my vulpera wife who sims good
wrong. if i didn't have an inner monologue i wouldn't be able to mimic voices in my mind.
The people who are obsessed with the inner monologue thing and unironically call other people NPCs are some of the biggest midwit retards on the planet.
>says i would be using glacial spike a lot
but i literally never use spike unless there is nothing up
just stack them at the darkmoon fair. literally buy 8000
the last time I made friends in wow was during cata
ever since i never managed to find people in game and make friends with them
is it just me?
Why do you have Goofy's shoes?
i can visualise an apple rotating in 4 dimensions with colours invisible to the human eye and emulate sega genesis games with perfect accuracy in real time using just my inner monologue enabled brain
windwalker main btw
I can't even visualise a dot...
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Besides Warrior and Enh Shaman, what're some fun and relatively easy melee specs to play?
can i connect you to a screen with a hdmi cable to proove it?
I genuinely wonder how much of the current player base is bots and "smart" ai chatbots.
this is canon
ret, it's kind of complex though so don't feel bad if you don't "get" it right away
I hate slutmogs
>Ench Shaman
if you think that 15 rotational buttons is easy then you can play all specs in the game without a problem buddy
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>inspect leader
>20% verse
HAHAHAHA OH NONONONO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
isn't pally a wheelchair class?
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Two steps ahead... I am ALWAYS two steps ahead.
Is it going to be fortified week 1? Am I better off doing a couple days of m0 world tour before I start pushing?
They see me rollin', they hatin'
Patrollin' and tryna catch me ridin' dirty
trying to catch me ridin' dirty
post your character
This will happen 100% on week 2 by the way
My favorite is when they require a certain item level but they fail to meet it themselves, in other words they are asking for a free carry.
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you wont invite me? :( because im not 590??
perhaps... there is another way?
*starts crying*
*slowly removes socks*
honestly I think I'm probably playing Enhancement wrong
Ok what about specs Vulpera can use
Just be tank theory.
>oh no, some tranny somewhere thinks im repulsive because i le masturbate
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U guys also think preserv evoker is a mess to play?
So I just wanna rotate through the 3 empower spells in order.. Fire Breath, Dream Breath, Spiritbloom cause duh.

Fire Breath, alright
First Reversion to shorten it's empower time.
Now we are forced to cast living flame tho cause Fire Breath makes it shoot 5 missiles.
Before that, an Emerald Blossom tho to reduce cast time. Possibly a Reversion when it's at 2 stacks.
Now those 5 Living Flames proc 2 Essence Burst and I have to mash out 2 Emerald Blossoms for free.
Between Emerald Blossoms we've gotta cast 1 Living Flame tho cause those things shorten cast time.
That's already 15seconds into battle for just Fire Breath.

Now Dream Breath.
First Reversion to shorten it's empower time.
Now waste and self cast Verdant Embrace to increase it's healing. Cool
Probably now sitting on Essence Burst procs so throw down a few Echo's to duplicate the Dream Breath hot
but don't u dare do that before Verdant Embrace or those Echos are gone.
.. and better pray the Emerald Blossoms haven't been endlessly repeating themselves to eat the Echos..

Now I should get to Spiritbloom but Fire breath is already on 1 digit CD and casting Temporal Anomaly resets it's CD to 0 so I do that.. and now we start over without ever getting to Spiritbloom
Ofc, the CDs for Fire Breath and Dream Breath are completely out of sync now too and the CD reduction from temporal was partly wasted cause Spiritbloom never happened..

And you better pray Reversion doesn't randomly proc and make living flames instant cast cause then all hope is lost.

What is this. I usually go an entire dungeon with maybe 5 spiritbloom casts. I never get the haste buff or hot it gives.
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not reading this shit
your gay btw
I’m not a healsissy but I find evoker awkward as fuck to play in general
dress name?
This is what TWW is going to forever be known for isn't it
This is canonically the wheelchair expansion
Peau de la Bête by Louis Vuitton
Is changing sex/body type for free at the snip shop the only benefit that corporate LGBT pandering brought to wow?
Yeah.. I tried aug and devastation before but they aren't for me. At least preserv is fun, like I enjoy pressing my buttons but it's messy.
i'm gonna make you choke that perfume.
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No, it's also how I met your mother
this guy min maxes the most autistic overtuned easy shit spec to play but doesn't min max his blood dk for 3x overall dps get cancer asap nigga lol
also that's not how u play prevoker stupid ass nigga
how much do you think the barber shop goblin charges to keep your cock and balls on ice until you want them back?
how much would you have to pay to get him to agree to give you someone else's he was supposed to be keeping safe? probably the sort of thing you could only do once as a cock barber before your reputation tanks so he'd probably charge a fortune.
Maybe he could offer a discount for one-way sex changes where he buys the cock and balls upfront for resale no backsies without purchase
Birds don't wear socks retard
so guess we are cooked if we dont play a tank
Don't bother, he won't improve. He's trying to remain a shitter on purpose
don't be fooled you idiot, it's illusion magic. you were never a woman ;3
thats like that southpark episode when kyles dad turns into a dolphin and garrison tries to get a sex change again
I just don’t think empowered spells feel good at all to press and especially not when you have multiple ones
the only one i like is upheaval on aug cause it feels chunky enough to justify the charge time
Aren't they untimed? Unless it's overtuned 1 shot garbage
they are but he said that when he played prot war he didn't break a sweat
when he played dps warrior (i think he said fury) that he got eaten by some mobs, and that he couldn't finish a boss because the scaling was so weird
I'm sure you'll do just fine if you play a human arms warrior that can sim 750k on Patchwerk.
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first result on google
why the fuck do people ask for enchanters to craft their crests in trade chat? just put a fucking work order up you dipshit, it'll get instantly completed
god it makes me so fucking mad
sounds like torghast on release, where tanks just snoozed their way through and rogues need not apply.
what's the point of keeping the "endgame" locked behind level 80? why not let us do it on alts while leveling?
whats the point of levels at this point
just have people create alts at max level after they reach max on a single character
whats the point anymore
sneed i go again...
player numbers
giving new players company. but we have ai teammates dungeons now so fuck that
I don't think you understand how retarded the average wow player is, I have made my fair share of treatises w1/2 where they used r3 materials for the order
How else are they going to get nerds playing 50+ hours of a heavily timegated expansion pack release, if they aren't forced to sit through the content 13 times.
thanks for buying my boe greens bro, makes it worth playing the first couple weeks of an expansion.
me on the left
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do pet families still matter or can I choose whatever I like
what does she smells like OwO
>5 minute dungeons
>raid 4 set bonus active the entire time, even at 80
>multiple bugs and exploits to use and abuse
>everything nerfed and 'fixed' the day the non-paying players get access to it

Early access was a mistake, this will become a trend (as if it wasn't already) in gaming.
a dead body, since she possessed a random velf cultist
I put a slutmog on my worgen dk whenever I'm grinding time walking dungeons as a tank.
I very much hope people take notice of it, regardless of their reaction.
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le result fellow gameplayers
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The problem with simming is it assumes a lot of bullshit things. I know it has levers like "heavy movement, target switching" etc, but it sucks at knowing the fight-by-fight context to things.

The issue:
>run sim single target patchwerk no movement no target switching
>says i'll do 1mil damage assuming perfect play and rotation uptime
>do 900k
>respec how -I- want to spec and feel comfortable with
>run same sim
>says i'll do 780k
>do 1.2mil
It's bullshit like this that just makes me not care.

It's gotten to the point now where even rather casual guilds are now taking bullshit like *shudder* icy veins and simcraft as gospel in all situations
>this is a true story
>join guild
>be UhDK
>love my class, spec, and build
>guild is doing M+ last expac
>join their group since i have decent ilvl
>do purdy gud damage, 2nd/3rd on the meters but only behind a few percentage points etc etc
>i'm "fine" with toe-touching "above average"
>they break the group up after the run
>ask if i can do some more
>"not until you change X talent to Y since we just simmed you and you're building your char wrong"

It's such crap.
how does alleria stand the smell?
she has an undead sister. and fought demons on argus. fel smells worse than decay
No anon me too. Making friends online isn't like how it was back at the start of the 2000s.
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Just use MAXDPS addon and hit whatever button lights up wackamole style
>I once worked for the so-called "Banshee-Queen", Sylvanas, as an apothecary. I used to admire her, but something's changed within her. She's not herself anymore.
cata foreshadowing
does it have a pvp/heal functionality?
Even with Overpowered boosties it was still like 25-30 hours of gameplay to level your entire alt army, unless you were multibox chadding it tf up.
unholy or frost for epic bgs
>anon finds out germans and jews are pretty much the same
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I hope we get to reforge Atiesh.
>>ask if i can do some more
>"not until you change X talent to Y since we just simmed you and you're building your char wrong"
i wouldn't even play with such people honestly, id set my talents as they want and just leave mid group and guild, telling them to screw themselves
I got class connoisseur and loremaster, now I'm working on master of all. It's the end of week 2.
cata was setting up a future lich-queen plotline where sylvanas forcefully creates new undead to replenish her troops.
Before legion launch they said they were going to have part of sylvanas' plot be around the dilemma of the forsaken not being able to reproduce but they never delivered and we just got some bullshit about a magic lamp that didnt get explained for like 6 years
sure, don't you want anathena and the corrupted ashbringer too?
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everything sold instantly and i made a tiny bit more than i lost!
we did it bros
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I left soon after.
They were one of those "semi hardcore / casual" type guilds that were secretly just hardcore all the way and only put a brief friendly mask on.
We were seriously arguing whether it's better to do 300 constant dps or occasional 450 dps every X number of minutes.
after 3500 hours on og and coming back to wow I now realize how much i love warcraft
thank you metzen
Lmao she got called a bitch once by a man she couldn’t control and it went completely insane because of it, that’s a woman alright
what should be my other profession if i don't care much for gold making? i was thinking mining because i'm engineer but eh
stomp it
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what is his endgame bros?
No, those are gay purples.
Every expansion without fail has some item produced via alchemical transmutation that always goes for more than its materials cost
lmao low level quests give like 5 xp on 70-80 levels
funny number
engi lol
>ST sim at 650k
It's fucking over, I'll do shit dps and be laughed at
>he sims
>he looks up guides
>he plays the fotm class/spec
lol i just go by feeling
my rule is to minimize the amount of active buttons to press and just load up on passives/procs
i've never had a problem in the game
i'm going to play feral druid
>he doesn't want 3 of the coolest looking limited edition items and wants a raven dildo with a built in portal.
ok, i'm gonna bite. fuck you nigger
Let me guess, ret player?
no, i play whatever class/spec you play, actually
Expansion early access is damaging to the game and divides the playerbase into normal players, early access paypigs and early access bot farm accounts who make even more money than ever before.
But there's far too many willing paypigs more than happy to early extra to gloat over some imagined prestige.
The expansion is good but the "launch" was just boring
oh, so ret
i can't stop wanting to play
how do i kill the urge
unironically by playing the game
level vulperas and look at their fuzzy butts til you realise you're slowly becoming a furry degenerate
>want to play a certain class + race combo
>it's a dps-only class
>don't touch it because I want to do content instead of having to join queues and be a bitch to shitty tanks and healers that demand inflated ilvl to get carried.
Which day was launch day? Some people were saying it was the early access day, other's said it was the following tuesday.
I was saying it the day it was announced, exploit early exploit often is now part of the business model
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What do?
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you will NOT get keystone master THIS time in season 1!!!
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whats up with the pink elephant?
of course
idk what's it but. DO IT ON A VULPERA.
Flasks and potions will be down to optimized multicraft procs before you know it, and it’s not like pve consumables make a huge difference in your dps
mount... mogs?... cheevooz.......
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i want to logoff
but i just wont hahaha just not gonna do it lol haha
Which expansions are the best to level from 50-70 these days.
outlaw is a million times better than combat
combat was boring as FUCK
>red = press KS
How harder is m0 compared to heroics?
I didn't see a single wipe in heroics so hope m0 won't be a snoozefest too.
isn't there a timewalking event in september and you can use that opportunity to level up fast with all the other mindless dungeon bots?
Drops enabled.
Cute birb!
>all the casuals on wow goldmaking forums crying about the AA shuffle
Putting in effort brings greater rewards than just doing the bare minimum, learning 2 professions and playing within the confines of the game
More news at 11

Its like retards who are mad they graduated college and didnt become millionaires
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guess the location
western plaguelands, outside scholomance instance in that gargoyle boss room
somewhere in dire maul
I had to do that revolting shuffle to be able to keep up with my main profession, what a gay ass system
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based on beta test it's a massive step up, probably lots of wipes and complaining inc.
I went through the effort of making the group
Make your own if you are unhappy with my ilvl
>anime pic
post hidden
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ye it's here
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whoopsie! I accidentaly used my spark by creating this as a dps, feeling like shit now that I'm going to be eternally behind everybody
Maybe 1.8x harder if premade group
About 5x harder if pugging since you will get fresh 80s who want to skip heroic dungeon gearing and go right to phat epics
I got it right by accident by thinking it was the very first part of the instance. I didn't even know about this tower.
Burn it with fel fire
AA should have been tied to a profession it was earned with or weekly capped
They actually fixed a bunch of other AA “exploits” like
>sending orders for profession tools to other characters who use their free 300 AA
>receiving AA from profession treasures
Any rogue spec honestly, the class feels like cheating, you press like 5 buttons on cooldown and just piss damage
i dont get why they made these trinkets so shit
like the current darkmoon trinkets
Stormwind Crypts
its only accessible in old scholo, so its been gone for longer than its been available. Tho recent blizz did add old scholo back with old Scarlet Monastery and old Naxx
do people still perform transmutes?
any other secret old dungeons or raids added to the game?
>inb4 zul gurub secret
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Fuck Sylvanas. Kiss Sylvanas. Mating press Sylvanas into a bed. Massage Sylvanas’ shoulders. Eat Sylvanas pussy. French kiss Sylvanas. Dress Sylvanas up in suits. Dress Sylvanas up in sexy cosplay. Ejaculate inside Sylvanas pussy. Princess carry Sylvanas to the bed. Twist Sylvanas nipples. Suck Sylvanas’ breasts. Lick Sylvanas’ midriff. Encourage Sylvanas to get fit. Get Sylvanas drunk. Sloppy tongue kissing with Sylvanas. Read mature female x younger male hentai with Sylvanas. Eat Sylvanas’ ass. Get Sylvanas horny. Mutual masturbation with Sylvanas. Marry Sylvanas. Big wedding with Sylvanas. Break off into a 45 minute rant about how undead pussy is the best while your friends look at you like you're retarded. Ban condoms and birth control. Massage Sylvanas’ feet. Lick Sylvanas’ armpits. Fuck Sylvanas until your dick breaks. Total Sylvanas Love.
>Knockback boss fought on a balcony with no invisible wall
maybe someone from usa can kill danuser
I'm unironically considering making an alt on Moon Guard and staying in-character at all times, including walking everywhere, hunting/fishing for food, camping out in the wilderness, etc.
How autistic am I and how bad is this idea?
They are SO desperate for people to stay subbed for another month that they are dropping this mog in the trading post
Absolutely fucking wild
seriously autistic
seek help
naw its kinda cute dw, you do you :)
Oh hey it's her Wotlk beta model.
Top 1%, probably top 0.1% roleplayer by nu WoW standards.
The kids have forgotten how to roleplay even in video games.
bro… you can literally use the vanilla stone to do transmutes
newfags got scammed so fucking hard if they wasted their spark on that
make it a dh, and rp it like it can break the 4th wall and knows that it's in a video game.
>inb4 lore explaination for breaking the 4th wall?
insanity and spectral sight
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I can only explain Black Elves as devolved Sand Trolls. Skin pigment darkened to compensate for the harshness of the Tanaris sun.
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the alliance embassy in Dornogal has a high elf mage in it (although black)
pretty much confirmed we're gonna get high elves in the alliance soon, right?
high elves for the alliance / ogres for the horde
in midnight
the fuck? where do you get acuity now if not from treasures? just the weekly books and the shitty patron orders?
Dripfed expansion kept people subbed for Aug/Sept. Slutmog on trading post works for Oct. Nov has the Anniversary event and .5 patch which should carry people over into December.

January, the ball is in Metzen's court.
it's a fantasy game
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making tons of food rn. i wonder if i should sell them today or tomorrow they'll be worth more on the AH
never ever
>damn i wish i could read
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Why do they all look like they're in a zoom call that's being raided by anon spamming hardcore gay black porn?
wrong meat, you need fish for all the high end recipes.
Faerin is for Wrathion btw. Anduin is elf only.
is this SOVL?
skyriding is so cool
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based and canon.
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>be me
>play mage
I hate it, too much effort
I didn't realize I was using my spark when I crafted lel

Single Target
>Alter between yelling at your retarded pet to do the funny and poking the enemy retard hard with your pointy stick
>chuck dirty grenade at the enemy retard to keep the assbleed-dot from all the crap you stuff in the grenade and summon funny bird that shoots lasers in a circle (dont pick pack leader, its boring AND bad)
>shoot warcrime arrow that explodes in the enemy retards face/ass every 30 seconds
>press coordinated assualt every 2 minutes as big damange CD


>Alter between yelling at your retarded pet to do the funny, poking the enemy retard hard with your pointy stick and doing the bootleg-warrior-speeen
>chuck dirty grenade at the enemy retard to keep the dot from all the crap you stuff in the grenade and summon funny bird that shoots lasers in a circle (dont pick pack leader, its boring AND bad).Make sure that you hit the first retard in front of you so the other retards behind him get hit by his blood-cone.
>shoot warcrime arrow that explodes in the enemy retards face/ass every 30 seconds.Make sure to hit the faggot in the middle of the pack. Let warcrime-countdown dot finish ticking before shooting again if you speced in the WMD talent (as you should)
>press coordinated assualt every 2 minutes as big damange CD

Dont forget that harpoon also negates fall damages if you harpoon to something during a fall.
and the oonly button that deals damage is meteor.
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what classes and roles would they have?
blood or unholy for high level delves? healer or dps brann?
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i wish spellslinger had better visuals
her beta model had gold armor
If your class can’t go invisible then You are gay
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i'm making this one just because the recipe is from a quest so not everyone will have it
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>ToD a rare in front of guy who just landed next to it
haha oopsie finger slipped
tank with dps brann
we have no idea how hard t8 delves are going to be. but probably blood for the sustainability since i think there is a death limit
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Lore friendly classes for worgens?
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I’m not gonna take any talents that make me press extra buttons! I don’t care if we will take 30 more seconds to beat the content!
I have the same transmog as an arms warrior, what are we in for?
replace that paci with...
>anime pic
post favoured
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Which post are you fellows referring too?
Pack Leader is pretty kino desu, makes yelling at your pet alot more effective
Calm down, Anduin
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>need phd in elemental physics
>need cocaine
>need methamphetamine
frost, beast mastery, marksmanship
>need to be put in a retirement home
>pic rel
the rest
>who cares

what a time to be ranged
How long is the respawn timer for these fucking rares? They also have as much health as a random quest enemy so if you miss them by 10 seconds you have to wait forever AGAIN FUCK YOU SHITZARD
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>Noooo you MUST invite me in your group even if i am a underleveled shitter, or ELSE

590 is the bare minimum IL for anyone with two cellbrains in the last two week. If you are not 590, you are a behind the curve shitter. Thats it.

Fucking casuals whining as always. Ruining the game by asking for the LGG feature in 2009 wasnt enough apparently.
Rare sharing culture is so weird. It's in my best interest to kill quickly. The more people who get a mount the less valuable it is.
30 min for most of them, at least 2 rares afaik are on 7 hour timers
>finally get alt to level 70 to begin TWW dungeons
>literally every queue has a speedrunning tank pulling the entire dungeon while ignoring aggro
>cant survive a single elite because of shit ilvl from speed leveling
>dont get any mob XP because dead
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I wish there were small cute shoesies that match the pants in colors. I don't want big boots.
uninstall wizard
>Try active skill talent
>its not ogcd
>right click talent
>gets votekicked for being fresh 70 with bad gear
nothing personnel kid
I'm 579 but also the only warlock in lfg
your move
Its Metzen. Its gonna be High Elves/Amani Trolls as a tribute to Warcraft 2
yo druids
how are we liking dynamic flying flight form??
I didnt see it in any articles but is Hover doing to stay an evoker only ability or will it be universal for all dracthyr?
why would you level with TWW dungeons in the first place?
I think even premades should require vote kick to remove someone. Letting one scizo have the power to ruin your day clearly goes against the social contract.
hallowfall is nice
isle of dorn is alright
the other 2 are garbage, holy shit
Which melee DPS has the least buttons / piano or let's you spec talents in such a way that gives you the least buttons and is all passive
ringing deeps and aj kahet are decent
pretty sure it was always a class spell and not a racial.
wing buffet and tail swipe are going to be available to all classes but on a 5 minute cd, with a talent available to evokers to reduce it
Azj Kahet is the best zone fuck off, hallowfall can get fucked
just play ret pally and line up like 5 buttons that glow the most then press them at random
Because i falsely assumed I could do shitass damage and heals until my gear caught up in dungeons instead of the torture that is 30 seconds for a single mob in the overworld with WQ and normal quests.
Or you gotta shuffle
Can get like 2000k once and then 1k every week if you are a turbodegen and know how to make the money back. You can gamble on bags to get a raid recipe early. You can repeat it on as many characters as you want. Takes hours and millions of gold to do the full shuffle but on average you will earn way more than you spend if you are an experienced goblin.
>stats getting to insane damage with millions of health and dps
>level cap currently 80
>2 more expansions that we know are coming down the pipe
>that would make 90 and then 100 as new level caps
what are the odds we're getting a total squish after Last Titan? so both a stat and level squish?
holy FUCK dwarven women have fat milkers
What pants are those?
Spider Suramar is kino.
Stupid doomer
blizz store mog, he's a paypig lol
>have fun
>have fun with friends

I'm having a great time with ranged
they already confirmed a squish for midnight
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If I make a character on Moonguard amd dont intend on interacting with anyone directly how long can I remain unmolested?
that should teach you to play the fucking prepatch
>Just farm dirt piles for 10 hours on your main when you could level 2/3 characters in that amount of time
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Here's the quick recap on the EU Guild Civil War

Word on the street is that Elysian’s GM is power-hungry, unhinged, and possibly on the spectrum, while Nerub Silkweaving Forum’s GM, salty about being denied entry into Elysian, formed his own guild out of sheer spite.

Key Highlights:

Drama has been heating up, with both guilds clashing in the forum threads. Nerub members are spamming posts, while Elysian members are dead silent.

Screenshots were shared (of course).
Nerub’s GM, Cawaen (aka "Castriot"), has a history with guilds like Very Cute and I AM MY SCARS, while Elysian’s GM, Contirion (aka "Synx"), got roasted for green-parsing logs in Dragonflight.

There’s now a growing movement calling for the two GMs to bury the hatchet, or even merge the guilds altogether.

Drama escalates: NA players accuse Elysian’s GM of getting carried, and rumors swirl that he’s having a mental breakdown, kicking long-standing members left and right. Meanwhile, Nerub’s GM claims he doesn’t want the drama—just some casual gaming with other /wowg/ anons.

Elysian loses a top healer who, surprise, joins Nerub. Now Elysian’s struggling, losing members, and calling for more recruits in /wowg/ threads.

Elysian is even considering freezing all recruitment as their GM continues to crumble under pressure.

The guild war is far from over, and people are already speculating which one will survive the fallout. With Elysian on the ropes and Nerub Silkweaving Forum seemingly thriving, many are putting their bets on Nerub to come out ahead in the upcoming raid race.

>Last and Final Update
This will be my final post here covering this drama. I’ll go back to lurking in these threads. I might consider doing some deep background research on both guilds to complete the final pieces of the puzzle.

>My Conclusion:
There is a lot of homoerotic energy radiating from both GMs. One might say they are both faggots.

Chur bros
ah alright, if every class also got hover i was considering changing in novemeber for my warrior, extra CC and mobility is always welcome but without hover its not worth it.
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>m0 drops 593
>can get 580 just by farming open world
ilvl nonces mad
Biased article.
they haven't confirmed anything
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wtf is this
should i keep it for tier 8?
>after Last Titan
Lmao it's going to happen way way before that. Stat squishes happen almost every expansion now since blizzard is good at design and numbers.
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Exactly, that^s what makes it so fun! Imagine if the entire set was just a drop or craftable thing.. fucking boring, nobody wants that.
Locked inside the shop though? Now THAT'S hype.
Sometimes I log into Overwatch to buy skins even tho I haven't played it in a year or more.
kill yourself retard
I wish I could blow raspberries on that tummy
saddest thing i've read this year
Nah take the 50g
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>they haven't confirmed anything
Everyone and their mother would be 590 and there would be no complaints if this game had the classes factored like OG's.
U are dumb
and you are a coomer, I respect it.. but don't lewd my dragie
>almost certainly
I'll be dead before I play the tranny dragon
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how new are you retard
this is just ion speak
go back nigger
Where's the unsubscribe button
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Why do you keep spamming this maye?
how is blowing raspberries a coomer thing…
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>get to levelling my goblin
>goblin so make him an alchemist
>doomp every single herb and potion I've gathered from 3 characters, one of which is an actual herbalist
>use almost every bronze quality herb I have through experimentation
>get nothing but garbage
I suppose this is one of those professions that require you to have built up piles of gold beforehand?
these are OCEBVLL hours
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on my way to heal your m0 bottoms only chill gamers big loads run
When does the final push week start for traveler tender? Trying to figure out when to resub.
no, you’re meant to use meticulous experimentation once a day
wild exp is a scam for billionaire AH goblins
Why do females in wow always waste so much time dressing like porno stars? Why so many accessories and designs meant only to get cocks erect?
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I don't know what that even means but I assume it's something coomer related..
.. google...
I mean, that's.. I dunno man. I'd get a boner if someone did that on my stomach.
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Why is there no POTM class?
O-oh... thanks.
>orc wearing nelf warden armor
ffs what were they thinking
disgusting as fuck
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>Anon...I'm sorry for all the bad stuff I did...do you forgive me?
sounds like Engineerings scour, except they make you use actual gathering materials? thats just cruel.
Nerub has my vote.
I dunno.. people laughed at the black girl from the cinematic, but I'm watching cinematics and story compilations of her on youtube and she's kind of based.
sup nerds
just dinged 80 without reading a single quest text
stay mad, nerds
Fuck everybody that wants her back. If she returns, then Garrosh should as well. Hell even fucking Fandral or Cho'gall should return and redeem themselves.
She needs an Orc asap
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either you're a mega imbecile, or this is bait
Fandral could have been the one to save Nelves from being such a cucked race, what a waste.
if 7 i buy 10 wow tokens
Why couldn't he? If he wanted to be nice everybody should just accept it. Since they're going to do it with Sylvanas who is objectively more evil in every way.
I've always wondered what being affectionate with Sylvanas would feel like.
Not even sexual, as she probably wouldn't enjoy it, but hugging her, cuddling with her, kissing her, holding hands with her. Asking for a friend.
>have a level boost available
>don't wanna boost a class I already play
>if I boost a new class I feel like I'd rather experience 1/10-70 than be thrown into learning every single button at once
>only really want to play priest right now and kinda want to level through Legion with Xalatath for lore exposure

man this is how they play me, huh
Semi casual half chubby hardcore retards are the worst.
Fucking commit.
If you go to "We are hardcore, obey the fucking book autism" you can only blame yourself when they demand you do something or leave because you actively signed up for this.
If you go to "casual chill M+ and socials" and they suck fucking cock through a straw, that's on you for joining shitters.
Semi hardcore guilds are just a hardcore guild with the skill level of a casual megashitter guild.
This is the truth /wowg/ hates to hear because they are in the semi-hardcore fucking TRENCH.
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Ask Anduin
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I like sitting on my expedition yak and dismount as soon as I notice someone using the transmogger for about half a minute. The way they start to flounder when the transmogger disappears is so funny.
All that progress.. gone.
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actually got an ugprade
>works for the literal antigod, wanting to destroy every world and timeline
>reshaping afterlife into fascism
yeah, chogall's more evil
calm down, all you do in pve is easy mode, you just fight a shitty short encounter script written by DEI
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Sylvanas already has a boyfriend, she can't be with Anduin. She's searching for Nathanos in the maw right now
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we never saw hd varian ingame model
and this is why kids i use my own yak and transmog toy. god i love the trading post
because its a cinematic model
kill yourself
got corrupted by the evil forces, didn't want it to be this way
actually choosing to work for giga death god that seeks to destroy all life
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>calm down, all you do in pve is easy mode, you just fight a shitty short encounter script written by DEI
I know
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danuser is gone and so is his self insert's relevance
she is for anduin now
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>guild has too many players wanting to raid
>split into two groups
>I'm fucked with the shitters
SEND FUCKING HELP, I'm checking the gear on some, they don't even try to gear (darkmoon faire trinkets / normal dungeon gear) few at 565-570 ilvl.
I swear to god, if the first night my group is behind a lot, I'll pug the rest myself.
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>Icycrits left the EU guild
>Rudi left the EU guild
>Incestral left the EU guild
>Pozy left the EU guild
>Entangela left the EU guild
>Gisco left the EU guild
>Spitfire left the EU guild
>Jalopy left the EU guild
>Nizbun left the EU guild
>Doutei left the EU guild
>Khubbo left the EU guild
>Dohra left the EU guild
>Potatosock left the EU guild
>Musei left the EU guild
>Runeheal left the EU guild
>Sawicky left the EU guild
>Polywag left the EU guild
>Thaspion left the EU guild
>Ashanari left the EU guild
>Blueno left the EU guild
>Aeyr left the EU guild
>Deathsu left the EU guild
>Empy left the EU guild
>Koragon left the EU guild
>Fey left the EU guild
>Kaite left the EU guild
>Jocelyn left the EU guild
>Danielle left the EU guild
>Fallaa left the EU guild
>Pizzacat left the EU guild
>Lemondo left the EU guild
>Lynris left the EU guild
>Nastytaxi left the EU guild
>Loveoven left the EU guild
>Slaughterloc left the EU guild
>Yolocrits left the EU guild
>Vajeera left the EU guild
>Yorick left the EU guild
>Raichoo left the EU guild
>Roxy left the EU guild
>Kari left the EU guild
>Shiki left the EU guild
>Switch left the EU guild
>Bearheart left the EU guild
>Castelia left the EU guild
>Gruxx left the EU guild
>Dogman left the EU guild
>Froo left the EU guild
>Chen left the EU guild
>Giggleblush left the EU guild
>Linstead left the EU guild
>Pizzaburger left the EU guild
>Healforfun left the EU guild
>Ralph left the EU guild
>Spook left the EU guild
>Nastynate left the EU guild
>Puba left the EU guild
>Mobilitygodx left the EU guild
>Cuckmeup left the EU guild
>Haruna left the EU guild
>Lerou left the EU guild
>Bannix left the EU guild
>Von left the EU guild
>Qtbootygodx left the EU guild
>Playpal left the EU guild
>Niggertrey left the EU guild
>Tau left the EU guild
>Troves left the EU guild
the Void Lords are only part of J'lor's plan THOUGH
the apprentice of gul'dan got corrupted by the old gods, suuuuuure one more dumb reply and you get filtered
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see >>493809087
and calm down lil kiddy
kys sylvanasnigger
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>anime pic
post hidden
>pass user
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kek fuck off
people were fighting ally scum with nathanos in the plaguelands before anduin was even a voiced character
wakanda post df shitfest lore is this?
ogrefag btfo'd by facts and logic
>anime pic
Post favoured
>pass user
No, no.
Cho'Gall and Gul'Dan are just born that way.
not subscribed to your blog
objectively wasn't. Sylvanas is still way worse than Choägall ever was
shut the fuck up nathanos no-one cares about your self insert
he was retroactively ruined by (you)
filtered. 2dellusional4me
Good ol Karazhan A group/B group guild drama.
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nathanos is an entertaining character who predates (and outlived) the loathsome danuser
he will be exonerated
shut the fuck up pussy, this game is a joke. this is why i can’t bother raiding anymore there’s always one faggot having panic attacks over 5 points of gear score
J'lor is the wow white gigachad, he
>White man walks into the plot
>Mansplaineds that he manipulated every event
>Commits actual manslaughter of the entire universe beyond anything done before
>Leaves the plot forever
It just struck me.
Everywhere on the internet, even where there are successful people mixed with basement dwellers they always go for shiny things, medals, colored titles and so on, to show off.
On 4chan, no one thinks to do that and feels repulsed by it, even the millionaire posters, the anonoymous celebrities etc.
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Would be a shame if I suddenly.. dismounted.
ok, explain it again. without spergout this time
iconic fashy und freshy gigachad poster
Brainlet detected
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They've animated this chad so good.
lmao, hope your guild kicks you
t. storymode enjoyer who got rejected by pugs
i play a male night elf druid
not a furry
just think elves & forests are cool
if you dont have 590 ilvl you are not getting invited to m0 stonevault
have fun with your mogsmountscheevos casual shitter
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Okay, I'll explain it real slow this time
>White man walks into the plot
>Mansplains that he manipulated every event (ALL of them, yes, even that)
>Commits actual manslaughter of the entire universe and it's metaplots and stories beyond anything done before
>Leaves the plot forever
Literally don't think about J'lor AKA Zooval AKA The Jailer. He unironically doesn't matter.
he'll get emasculated by faerin by the end of the The Woke Soul saga
he dies in the final patch of tww or first patch of midnight
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>Normies get out... REEEE
Is there a APM class chart for TWW yet?
yeah, still have no idea who that is. shadowlands is mostly non canon. sorry.
You can really pinpoint the moment he woke up and started posting.
2 more weeks
reminder that frostfire is the ultimate mage fantasy hero spec & only blood elves should consider sunfury
are you talking about shadowlands? its non-canon right? it looked pretty good for a fan made expansion
Damn sorry didn't realize you are the minigame retard.
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U do realize that delves drop 616, right?.. which is.. solo content..
m0 is worthless, nobody wants to do that. You are literally gatekeeping noobie dungeons that don't give any reward
and vulpies, since they come from the desert :3
only arcane mage is based, fire and frost might as well be budget shaman
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Human females...
This Concentration thing is so gay holy shit.
she needs a big human cock ASAP
I will now play WoW
no, that'd be >>493810224 i'm just a passer by
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You two shall get socketed items today. As a gift for helping uncanonize Med'an the second.
im just reading this now and wtf. did they seriously make / theme a hero spec after an unfinished frozen tundra from WoD? the key art looks like frostfire ridge. yeah because maghars are known for their mastery of magic.
Between arcane or frost which is better for doing solo stuff when leveling up and maybe some delves.
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wow this ezra grimm guy was always there
and I just saw him for the first time
Med'an was a good character. made all the elitist faggots shit themselves
frostfire bolt has been a mage gimmick spell since BC nonny
frost rots your brain, arcane is bare minimum cognition and the only such spec for mages
yep its kino
they named the character after ezra chatterton and made him addicted to tobacco as a reference to how the kid died of cancer
Must be nice
Lucky Anduin
>Elysian GM is Noiryx
All you had to say, I'm joining the other one then
wait i just realised: did you mix up the burning legion with the void lords? didn't the jailer only influence sargeras and the lich king?(and the dreadlords but fuck em)
So can we solo shadowlands raids now?
m0 are a failed experiment.
Should I main rogue or warrior?

Season 1 is about to start and I like both classes I just want big dick melee dps to shit on my friends. making enhancement shaman my alt if that changes anything
She's a screamer.
I'd go rogue, I think they're in a great spot right now and for some reason people really hate to lose to rogues
I wish there was some kind of stacking reward for doing consecutive keys. Like if a freshly upgraded key had a 2 hour buff that made it give better rewards
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is the fastest way to get this guy still spamming the pit missive or is there some new secret tech...
I was able to solo sanctum on normal the other day. you need a temporary summon to get past kelthuzad. it drops a full raid worth of loot not personal.
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can i somehow get elvui like unit frames without all the other stuff? like i tried playing around with zpearl and SUF and even if it gives you so many options it's not a clean unit frame like from elvui, but i don't want the whole elvui addon...
I know it's supposed to sexual, but I can't help but thinking of all the fucking screamer shit that used to be so prevalent all over the internet
definity frost for solo/delves
I can't wait to fly the gryphon from stormwind to silvermoon
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you can do it on mythic solo
ok sister!
Quel'thalas will still be instanced
I wish every class got the same love from the developers that druid and paladin get.
you need to enter the pocket realm to kill his spirit but if nobody's on the main platform the encounter resets. shaman elementals and permanent pets don't work because they TP down with you. dire beasts and totems work. demo lock demons might.
sounds about right
>be in arathi zone
>crystal turns negro
>someone pins a rare elite
>fly there for rep
>get an ugly voidwalker mount
Eh better than nothing.
Paladin has been done dirty in wow in perpetuity. They have no respect for the class.
have you seen the druid hero specs?
No one should trust belgian players
Back in my day Arcane used to be the insultingly easy spec and Frost had you doing the full PvP rotation on every dungeon pull.
I seen that they got 1(one) more entire spec than everyone else got.
you don't need any gear to clear normal, faggot
>PvP rotation
rogue here I would kill for druid's specs
If the thing you're fighting is lieutenant rank or higher you don't cast half your spells.
That's why lazy guide writers can write down
1. cast frostbolt
2. repeat
and call everything else a "PvP rotation"
Who the fuck makes videos like that? What's the target audience? Himself? His non-existent GF (let's be honest, there is no point in turning your body into high tier chick bait if you've already got one hooked)?
Chances are he's doing that shit as part of some OnlyFans faggot request.
>attack shadow priest in war mode
>more mechanics appear on my screen than a cata era boss
What the fuck is this
avatroon asleep, here is the updated filter list
>only blood elves should consider sunfury
holy based
t.sunfury fire mage with sin'dorei magister mog
The worldsoul saga... has begun.
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Is this new? Random heroic items can now be fully upgraded for no Weathered Harbinger Crest? What did I miss?
the world soul is dumb and gay
>an entire expansion just to tie up and forget the last two expansions loose ends and give us dwarfs but stone
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Get the fuck out of this thread.
So, whens Shaman going to get a tank spec?
probably because it's a dishonest sissy class?
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If you could, what extra spec would you give your class? I'd really like warden for rogues...
khadgar in an arcane wheelchair was already a really really good joke but i just cant wait what is to come in the future
wow has the funniest story its just the best comedy in the world
more like the shitsoul. i can't get over protodwarf litter in my horde
what do i need to do to be raid ready.
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Actually, never mind. I figured it out. It gives a discount once you've already gotten that slot to 593.
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Is there a permanent light source in the game? Like idk a permanent toy torch that works even in combat or smth? I play with low brightness btw.
buttplug and some lingerie
You already upgraded something in that slot to 593, subsequent items won’t cost crests and will be discounted on valorstones
i believe in Christ Metzen
there is an item you can buy on wowniversaries from the cavern of time.
Blademaster of course
Try this.
>very dumb bait/stupid post beyond belief
checks out
tank shaman
Anything able to tank, please I can't deal with these pve retards trying to tank.
It is too fucking easy and they muck it up.
with how shitty mirror image ai is, be glad warriors don't have that spec
me too
3 beer a bottle of wine and some spirit if things go south
Anduin's cock was made for spacegoat pussy.
EU or US?
tank evoker, I want my dracthyr to be pounded by big monsters (non-sexually).
its been that was since DF. You get a crest discount and stone discount if you have another piece at a higher level for the same slot/type
wasn't the spirit stat removed?
you now remember that turalyon was a puppet for xe'ra and basically allowed her to attempt rape on illidan with the light
raider for warrior (divine steed and death charge removed for the crime of limiting design space)
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Need more details anon.
That's stationary light but i guess i could macro a bunch of these into my spells? i'lll consider that if there's no other option.
How's wanting a light source stupid anon. Some of us take care of our sight.
warrior support spec, Warleader or something. Use shouts and plant banners to buff allies.
>mass quoting
>the bait goes on
I bet he'll get countless replies.
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If you have a proper monitor you could just tweak the settings a bit.. Or add some filters via NVIDIA overlay.
a good healer alsways has some spririt laying around
noone cares about you bro
can't you google "wow anniversary vendor caverns of time" and get the wowhead page yourself? lazy ass maggot
you should go back to mmochampion/blizzard forums
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guess the map
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>he doesn't have the druid mage tower forms
>he tries to cope with this by using the fel bear form or one of the emerald dream forms instead
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by your own admission, you're not american, but we already knew that. Timestamp from your image matches the time it was posted when i look at that post in the archive as an european living in europe within a european time-zone. Your charade will end soon.
chur fag
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do you get harassed by crafting cartels irl?
4th schizoneet spec should be one which uses infinite dragon magic. the lore is you were driven mad and decided to search the timeways yourself after learning you would never be a woman in any of them.
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this but unironically
I suffer from MPCD, I can't do anything by myself
troll catacombs, either in the ghostlands or grizzly hills
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u guys play druid?.. ew
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unrelated but low gamma azj kahet looks fucking sick
I really want a sword + shield melee dps
you're mom after I'm done with her
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>really love the balance of power cat form skin
>forever stuck with using the mage tower skin instead otherwise people might think i don't have it
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u guys buy 4chan pass?.. ew
same, but with the scythe of elune
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>mfw questing through warlords zones after flying around khaz'algar
These budget cuts are absolutely insane. I can't think of any other reason for why an MMO zone released in 2024 has the draw distance of Glover.
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I want holy melee dps monk spec.
When you walk outside hundreds of nits bask your eyes non stop.
When you sit indoor the lower the brightness is the more clear you see as your eyes adapt since they're custom built to resolve details in low light situations.

Freshly paved black asphalt on a clear summer day: 1000-1200 nits
Light grey concrete sidewalk on a sunny afternoon: 600-800 nits
Direct sunlight on bright green leaves: 400-600 nits
Snow on a sunny day: 1000-1200 nits
White wall in a well-lit room: 100-200 nits
Newspaper in direct sunlight: 300-400 nits
Average "bright" gamer monitor: 200 nits.
Brightness used to master movies and at cinema: 100 nits.
in ghostlands
not sure if catacombs in grizzly hills have map like that
fucking faggot
>when you're a druid and you want to go chill & take a break from your adventures in the dreamgrove but the legion is assaulting the zone
is there a worse feel??
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my ancestor :)
trying to pick between warrior & paladin dps, help me choose what to level next please lads
first of all
>playind druid
lmao fag
second its impressive how people like the gorilla bear
it looks so fucking bad
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Bro they bleached you, tf happened
why is storm dust still so fucking expensive? i'm not paying 20k for a single enchanting level
I wish they went all in on the spooky aspect and made some zones super dark like this, with you having to use a light source to get around
fem wogen arms warrior
>list 200 bismuth bolts on AH
>immediately undercut in less than 60 seconds by 500 other items
>relist and same thing happens x2
is this a bot? what can I do?
frog posters are always trolls but given how many tourists we had after 2016, they could be genuinely dumb people as well, dumber thank rocks types
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You may kneel before your superior poster.
>is this a bot? what can I do?
nothing but seethe
the market jew bot always wins
>tranime poster
wow im shocked
What professions should I take on my alt? My main is DH herb/alch and my alt is Mistweaver Monk. I was thinking skinning/LW so I can fulfill my own crafting orders but leveling skinning as a healer has got to be awful. My Monk exclusively does M+ if that makes a difference.

Buy the undercut and relist it at your price. Become the bolt baron.
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where do we go from here?
there's a tiny ml model that loads as a userscript which solves the captchas with 0 errors; do not post its github url as they programmed an auto ban if you do
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Next patch will be more horde humiliation.
Never advertise from your main account. Rookie mistake.
frogposting is just late stage MPCD, an uncommon disease which causes a microscopic penis, which in turn greatly lowers mental acuity.
it is hard to obtain, enchanting skill points only improve the quality of the dust not the quantity so its hard to get without mass disenchanting greens - which people are advertising for
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For 4 days now I haven't been able to get rid of my chest and back. They are still 480.
I need a luck buff.. better go donate to aris
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>buy the undercut
buy it out
wait for a higher price
20 in everything, focus on importnat ones for you
For me? It's lure drop.
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Troll female x Blood Elf male or Troll female x Human male?
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>she doesn't post with full anon
i haven't seen a trip or name in years
feels good
next patch is horde only gazlowe sovlkino... mark my words
Whichever ones correspond to the flask/pot you are going to specialize in early on. Decide that first.
kill yourself
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>marksmanship hunter rework is 2 months away
>sentinel still does 0 damage if the tank moves
>dark ranger will now just be bigger aoe kill shot that forces you to take razor fragments and calling the shots
>salvo still mandatory for aoe damagr
>kill zone and chimera shot still useless

I can't be the only one disappointed in this. Yeah trueshot gets cool tentacles now but I want to play something besides rapid fire kill shot for another expansion
>they put him on a mobility scooter
i have not seen a single class say their hero skill tree is functional
just be lucky you dont play survival, we don't even get a choice
Blood Elf twink.
I hear what you are saying but it seems like everyone else had the same idea, there are so many listings going up - it seems like market is saturated. I might look into something else

get botany if you havent already. not sure about alchemy but inscription benefits from luredrop/arathors
wod was le bad even tho bfa, sl (especially sl) and df (le friendship is everything x3 hehe cute!!!!) raped lore harder and had bfa and sl had tons of garbage systems
first time questing in shadowlands and holy fucking shit it's so slow.
yap yap yap yap yap yap yap, who gives a fuck, just tell me what to kill.
I think Wither works right for warlock? Or at least i haven't noticed anything with it. I wish there was a more destro flavored hero tree though.
>frost DK is so good it got nerfed twice before the raid dropped literally just because Deathbringer is the only hero spec that actually functions
strongest range spec right now?
And lock
And shaman
And mage
cant wait for downsyndrome elf porn
want horde rape correction porn where she (he) gets fucked even more retarded
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Neither. Get a real man race.
Some sort of void-themed debuff-focused support spec for demon hunters. There's no big bad burning legion to fight with their own weapon anymore, time to weaponize the void instead.
If the rider horse worked in dungeons I'd never take it off...
no. now click this podium and channel on it for precisely 43.5 secs because that's how long it takes for pelagos to have another meltdown.
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Warcraftlogs owner tweet

Is WoW back?
Is this a flaseflag?
/wowg/ status?
>guild fights are back
We're back.
kill yourself
>Is WoW back?
>Is this a flaseflag?
>/wowg/ status?
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What could possibly go wrong when pulling an entire corridor + following room of mobs that can AoE fear?
It's a mystery..
desu im not even doing alchemy, just picked up herb for some extra cash while doing quests during launch
is overloading the underground a meme? i already got 40 botany but the other trees look like memes too
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>fixes your dogshit design
All hunter specs are completely fucked right now same with rogue lol
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>meet the demands of several playerbases instead of just one
>numbers increase
rocket science
kill yourself
Keep yourself safe, passfren.
prot chads get fear break so its not their problem
overloading is a meme for sure
I went cultivation for the bonus finesse - im going to do individual herbs next
No. Classic and fashy und freshy posters won by such a landslide that the mere mention of them will activate seething canned response bots.
I'd love a default raid leader spec.
Unholy UI but yeah tanks are retarded and m0 week is going to be a rude awakening for people who don't know how to slow down. Shoutout to tanks who pull the first room in Meadery and get stunlocked to death like it's TBC lmao
I don't get it, you posted a picture with all females.
>western market is dead except for a couple hundred thousand whales
>bloat numbers with chinese (fake like everything else in china)
i wish they didnt take so long to cast, or at least dealt more damage
it'd be nice if you could charge them during Hover or could use Tip the Scales more often to counteract this too
That's a clicker UI if I ever saw one, holy fuck.. Why would you do that to yourself, man? Literally just use the buttons on your keyboard.
can anyone explain whats happening with China and wotlk? is it Blizzard or 3rd party? whats the timeline for them?
still very strong cuntboy vibes
warden rogue tanks would go so fucking hard... which is why it'll never happen
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>the post that buckbroke doomtrannies and zivtroons
>I went cultivation for the bonus finesse
that sounds like a good idea. id rather use limited points for universal gains
Which classes aren't?
WOTLK classic released late in China.
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I'm a healer. I use healbot like every healer. You've gotta click stuff to heal it. Do you want me to write up to 25 macros for every single party member for a single spell?
Meadery usually comes with tanks that have half a brain.. but stonevault is aids. We wiped 3 times. Then he did the same thing in the rooms before the last boss that has the same asshole mobs but instead of fears they perma interrupt and stun.
God I hate the chinese.
I love them.
WoW is back
Metzen is back
I am back
I want to to kiss you.
you’re a bitch kill yourself
>mycobloom prices have skyrocketed on my server
>can't transmute them to storm dust for easy money

man... why do people have to catch on
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My guy healing is more than just clicking healthbars. Positioning is key. I swear you will become a much better player if you just learn to use keybinds.
I want to rub my vagina with you...
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>highest DPS doing 283k
>dev doing 283
Jesus christ you have nothing but yourself to blame. You unironically suck asshole, and should be capable of bursting for like 2m+ in those circumstances.
WTB tea ceremony spell for monks. We've been eating mage food for 20 years, it's time for change.
who cares about chink wow? you don't play with them
>transgender pve shit
simmer down lil timmy you play against shitter bots
>I use healbot like every healer
Bruh it's not 2009 anymore. Just turn on mouseover cast in the base UI. You do not need any healer-specific addons.
t. 3.3k MW
AzjKahet being nearly pitch black means detecting by pheromones makes way more sense
Seems like I struck a nerve, eh? Just use keybinds like a normal person.
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I'm a healer u dumbfuck. I can't heal while feared.
Are you literally new to RPGs? kek
Unironically the best way to learn your class/spec is to play pvp.
this guy will make up any faggot excuse don’t even bother reaponding. i have experience in these matters
no multiglad? not reading lol
there are people in 2024 that dont have bigdebuffs installed and then presume to brag about their rating which you cant lose any of btw
This is true but I hate wow pvp
>Thinks it's relevant in the current year
How much new PvP content did you get with TWW? Oh, that's right. A single BG (which is more than you've gotten in years, mind you). It's not a priority because literally no one gives a fuck.
kill yourself
why does everyone in the game....talk like this...?
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11 MILLY just in classic wotlk in china.
Doomtrannies status?

PVP is shit but he's right PVE is also shit. I mean honestly if you're doing more than clicking in wow you're in method or trying to hard.
>Region with 1.4 BILLION with a B people
>Somehow surprised that a fraction of those jump on the bandwagon when they are finally allowed access to the content after 20 years
>kick is up
talk like what...?
Funny how when classic is doing well, we're doing well but when classic isn't doing well it's classic sucks and is dead. real funny.
chinks all run 11 characters to do gdkps
its one milly chinks maximum
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>the game will live on in west taiwan even if it's dead everywhere else guys!
I am still mad they killed TBC and Wotlk classic servers.
how am I supposed to target the one mob that's casting when there are 10000 others ontop
The group usually stands in place for 5-10 seconds. The guy was in the next room before any of us even moved. Can't kick what isn't in range.
how are people leveling to 70 so fast?
>bloat numbers with chinese (fake like everything else in china)
i've no idea what you mean
>Doomtrannies status?
Assblasted in unfathomable ways.
god I'm so glad that WoW is back
UTTER fashy und freshy classichad viktory.
same. if it's not TBC i don't care.
Ok bro you are free to refuse to improve and remain a novice forever.

By having a plater profile that doesn't suck.
you lose rating by not gaining it. this is why new players are the worst most worthless pieces of shit and need to be gatekept from even participating.
You pretarget and put it on focus or you target him like everyone else in m+, it's not like you need to target someone to heal with breath.
Will do! I'm having tons of fun
Exploration XP gets you to 70 in like 4 hours if you're an Earthen.
You're welcome.
so how many tinderboxes are you faggots sitting on
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WoW won.
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My DK fren is back. I just caught him moving.
kill yourself
Why is the main blimp/ceiling SO low? Why are the houses so cramped that you have to zoom in if you want to do pulls in there? Do the people designing these assets know they're for a dungeon and that the camera will get fucked? Do they not care? Why does this keep happening?
i love you
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These things? Literally zero. Why? Are they useful beyond leveling crafting to max or selling them on the AH?
Kinda bug and kinda snack
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WoW won.
I like your posts and think you have value. I hope you keep making them and have a plesant day. also cool horns.
you need 15,000 of them for a mount that's being removed at the end of TWW that's why everyone's buying them.
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Cho'Gall made a book out of the skins of his followers. That doesn't sound like someone who wants redemption.
Which mount? Is it cool enough to warrant such effort?
i bought ten just in case the market explodes on reset because i havent precrafted anything and need pvp enchants too
bis enchants, tank armor kits, and there may be something else theyre used for that idk about
That's why I DM people instead.
hoylshit i loved this game
you can just use your mouse, backpedaling and still clear the highest level of pve content
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What's the best way to gain rep in each zone?
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Nelf gem supremacy
>tvtranny posting a literal bugwoman
every (((goblin))) is using it for the acuity shuffle + greens are a pain in the ass to farm
Virtually everything in Chinaland is managed through a Chinese company that 'represents' the main studio. In this case it's Netease managing Blizzards product. It's why they get such wildly different promotions like spectral tiger, blizz bear, level boost potions, a tv puppet drama show, pizza hut collab with in-game pets and irl merch, etc.
Just because you _can_ doesn't mean that you should. There are Autistic young men out there on HRT right now speedrunning video games because they can. The rest of the World looks at the with disgust and confusion. Their family want nothing to do with them.

Be better. Just keybind your spells.
Where did you find that picture of Obama as a kid?
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Was getting from city to city this fucking complicated twenty years ago?? You took a ship on a schedule, but now all that shit is out of order and you can't enter the portals??
the game has built in mouse over options
This is what happens when you bloat your company with jeets who only know how to juggle issues between queues and teams
I know but that's not fun. I like healbot.
it was on Osama's computer
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what the fuck did they do to pets? my warlock pet cant hold aggro and my hunter pet dies instantly.
you'd look cringe try harding to beat pc on easy mode tbqh, it's understandable if they're a habit from pvp-ing but otherwise don't be a tryhard
Your warband looks like its from a season of power rangers nobody watched.
arathor's or finesse tree
you need to be a knower for the good arathor's spot tho
i could let you in the know... for a price
>having to use cheats
only actual answer
not to mention the pathing being worse than on private servers
I'm having to dismiss my fucking pet mid combat because that fucker is stuck somewhere and half my abilities dont even work without him humping the mob
honestly it's too late. I've used clique for so long why would I stop?
Same for anyone using healer frames so long as your addon is still being developed it will always offer more than base ui.
I can only say I understand if people are new you can tell them don't bother learning addons but wow doesn't get new players so...
Silvermoon previously (and still can) just be transported to from the Undercity with an Orb at its entrance.
Now, yeah, its a bit out of the way since the Undercity is technically gone now, so now portals from the main Horde capital are open.
Same with Stormwind to the Exodar, the Darkshore/Rut'theran docks don't exist anymore, you can literally only get to the Exodar and Azuremyst via portals. Slight bastard of a thing for any Horde characters trying to explore Draenei lands.
>Heeelp, internet I can't figure out how to see enemies casting using the default UI - even when told explicitly how to do so!
Autism at its finest.
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i used that shit during wotlk
imagine gimping yourself with that ugly shitty addon
Yeah but you don't need this, I still use the old BfA one.
you can still explore draenei locations
just talk to zidormi to return back in time and take a portal in rutheran village
I use healbot because I am nostalgic (retarded and a shitter).
why do you insist on capitalizing autism. are you a believer in autistic god?
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No you stole all my Runescape gold that is unforgivable
Yeah, that's what I mean by it being a slight bitch to do.
Or I guess it would be if anyone was ever around in the area when you're forcefully flagged.
Beginning of a new sentence.
Aside from that the autocorrect thing underlines it whenever I use lower case, so..
You've cursed us with a 3 hour xivtroon meltdown. Thanks for that.
What happened with addons being written in RUst?
I'm tired of the LUA shit ruining the 1% lows and even the average fps just because the language is dogshit and the programmers are worse.
anon you know he's just a phoneposter
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you now remember
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>an Orb at its entrance
I'll see if I can find that.
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>Tsavo Lions
>Alleria "Built for BHC" Windrunner
Which was the greater man-eating menace?
Yeah I was sick a lot when I was younger so I got into wow to play with my friends from school and I got really into crafting and flipping. Sometimes I'd spend a whole day just autistically crafting and relisting stuff and someone got really mad, I started getting angry letters in-game from multiple people (probably just the same guy but making alts) then at some point I got suspended for abuse of economy. But back then you could just call customer support so I talked to some nice guy and he reopened my account. In retrospect it was probably some older middle aged dipshit malding over some kid infringing on his 'goblin' empire which is even funnier/sad.
danuser must die
Entrance meaning up stairs, the literal front gates of the place in Tirisfal.
why did you post an empty image?
This form was kino as fuck imo. Is there a way to have it rn?
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I suspected.
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so what did zaelia do? another rapey healer or just garden variety racism or whatever gamers usually do?
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this weapon trigger me
not red enough for the belfs
not blue enough for the helf larpers
if you already have something for mouse over healing its fine but actively choosing to click on frames feels like masochism to me
High Elf rangers tended to have a green theme more than the others didnt they?
it's for high elves who live in lodges
echo doesnt care about racism
the black tranny tried to get naowh shit canned a few months ago for saying nigger
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yeah but hunters cant use it so is basically a rogue weapon

still it should be red/blue
>giant pools of plague and skulls everywhere
>hordefags: yeah this looks like a place where good guys hang out
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ThErE's A zOmBiEeE oN yOuR lAa-AwN~
>echo doesnt care about racism
but they do care about sponsors and advertisers
and naowh isn't really with echo nowadays, he's only subbing for andy
>multiple pulls
>cryboom healer has a loud and proud panicking C R Y B O O M
is trollanon a good person
>Funny how when classic is doing well, we're doing well but when classic isn't doing well it's classic sucks and is dead. real funny.
Zaelia had to be cancelled so the secret racist guild led by JoshPriest could get it's second healer (they only need 2).
i dont really keep up with it but he was still on the mdi squad last season idk
maybe the black tranny pulled it off
are vdh actual tanks yet or do you still have to hop skip around to even stay alive, no I'm not talking about the shitter bait webm above
this but it was max who set things in motion
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no bully ;_;
Max is part of the KKKabal.
Post the WCL Nickname.
Why do you unquestionably stupid people play a video game made by a horrible company of racists, rapists, transphobic men
Justify it seriously justify why you think it's acceptable. There's a reason why wow players are afraid to mention they play wow to others. It's because they willingly support a company like Bl*zzard.
I never trust blizzard game players desu. Even when they come to my game generals I know they're just a creepy incel rapist.

Quit this game you stupid nazis
The fastest tank I’ve gotten grouped with through the finder so far was one
So I’m guessing even if they don’t have the set bonus any more they’re still very strong in the hands of someone with a modicum of skill who can manage boss to boss sized pulls
naowh left echo a long time ago

explain this meme to me
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>Quit this game you stupid nazis
>convoke that late
The tanks only mistake was thinking he had a preemptive healer.
>decide to go herb and mine on my alt
>mine and herb for 30minutes
>start thinking I should change professions
is there another alt friendly profession combo that makes money, preferably by just logging in and doing some simple profession shit?
VDH identity is to be a 3 pump chump.
It doubles down on this, all your shit revolves around the meta+spikes windows and then running like a sissy until things die.
>WoW has 200 million players but they are all chinese
>EU & NA completely dead
Is this what winning looks like?
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Any other ideas for mogs I can put together? I'm bored.
during an old relationship, his girlfriend was yelling in his face so he pushed her away
that's it
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>EU & NA completely dead
credit card swiping
is this the new doomtranny cope? get the rope already holy kek
Well if you were forcefully resurrected and cursed to be undead for the rest of your foreseeable future, what sort of shithole would you live in?
>4channel.org/vg/ user calls others creepy incel rapists
lol, lmao even
So you not only tolerate the terrible things blizzard executives do, but support their choices?

Interesting take. Are you sure that's the hill you want to die on?
shoulda punched the bitch out, that would make the hoe respect him and not narc
try something creative
i wonder how much Max sweats at night about that name getting leaked. it would destroy the entire RWF
this shitposting is not even funny but got it is just a /wowg/ meme
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In what sense?
I think it's tasteful to adopt skull motifs when you're a cursed dead person. like putting sticky note reminders on the bathroom mirror. also probably offers a tactical advantage to dwell in toxic shit if it doesn't melt your hide but does everyone else's - like how quilboar live in masses of giant thorns and knee deep in their own sloppy processed food diarrhea
Do every side quest (including the ones that aren't part of sojourner) and every one-time treasure, then every event and WQ, then install HandyNotes and kill every rare once per week. There's a few other weird hidden things like the "Life on the farm" quests in Hallowfall. At this point what separates the men from the boys is your willingness to camp rares. 150 rep per rare per week adds up.

You don't have to kite but you need Spikes, Meta or Brand up 100% of the time. Maybe overlapping at the start of a pull. I've seen a lot of noob shitters playing VDH who will open with Fel Dev and follow up with nothing, and then they die.
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>this shitposting is not even funny but got it is just a /wowg/ meme

Is there no EU Guild?
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Is there any 2hander that looks similar to picrel? it's from Elden Ring. Thanks in anticipation.
The truth will set him free.
>no one talking about transwomen
is it not fucking silly that rares aren't labelled on the map but give 150 rep per? and there's about 80 of them?
meanwhile WQs give 50 rep each and there's maybe 30 combined across all zones weekly. seems an important thing for the game to tell you.
Nerub Silkweaving Forum
Elysian (i think this guild is trying to distance itself from wowg)
I don't think "2hander" is enough, you should mention it's fucking big.
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Actually Blizzard just hotfix stealth nerfed Wither so there is an internal cooldown for Wither stacks, making it completely worthless as a spec and dropping your DPS by 30%+. Most Warlocks only have 1 viable hero talent tree now.
the 2h mace from gnarlroot, maybe
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There really isn't much that haven't been done to death already. I usually go for a theme or color palette that matches my current build.
You're thinking of Elysian
At least try.
what mog fits female nelf warrior the best?
heritage armor with pants, belt and chest hidden
how mind numbingly boring is it to level via dungeon spam
like if i hop on my 70 druid and go bear form will i lose my mind before like 74?
Sylvanas was an evil bitch, but rational in her mindset

Cho'Gal was just a lunatic schizofrenic religious fanarit. Ress him and he will Just try to start the Hour of Twilight again
half the new instant cast / quick cast procs still do that thing where they're consumed if you finish casting a non-instant version of the spell when they come up
i'm already doing that tho
nta but what can he do? every mog is either visual vomit or le wholesome chungus traditional adventurer garb
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Several of varying designs, thickness, spikiness, colours and whatnot. At least in regards to that sort of themed design.
ICC has variants of this one.
The Warhammer of the Silver Hand is a wider headed bladed version.
Otherwise there's a few non-specific themed regular drops of different colours semi-closely matching that one from Shadowlands, though they still have spikes.
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Mograines Might
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its criminal that there isn't more moira r34
Very boring because for some fucked reason there are only 4 dungeons in the 70-80 pool. The rest unlock at 80. If it's your first character just quest. Otherwise do it over a couple of days.
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whats the essential bimbo class and spec?
arigato sensei
>for some fucked reason there are only 4 dungeons in the 70-80 pool
Not anymore
Chudbreaker as a leveling dungeon.
because XIV lost hard and has zero content
>always when i open the dungeon journal it's opens DF dungeons
>raid groups popping lust and spazzing out their their entire pve swifty macro rotation on beledar's spawn the microsecond it spawns
please for the love of god give him a one-minute immunity bubble
the season hasn't started yet chud
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I'm doing the best I can, Anon :(
operation: switch to static flying and stop fucking dismounting early just because the ship didn't dematerialize from under you 2 times in a row
>a video game made by a horrible company of racists, rapists, transphobic men
i will now play your game
skinning, 50 pts in lures lets you get 5-6k gold/day per character for 5 min of work (flying to ringing deeps and killing a rare)
tailoring for passive cloth drops+daily duskweave cooldown
alchemy for daily cooldown and selling pots to raidfags
and thats about it i think, everything else i tried was ludicrously expensive to level so i didnt try it on my alts. leatherworking might be ok though, it didnt seem too pricey.
doesn't matter, it should open the latest dungeons and not previous xpac
I'm a sissy
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This one looks really unique. You won.
looks like a cross between a dorf and a gobbo
> a video game made by a horrible company of racists, rapists, transphobic men
Damn so THAT’S why WoW is so fun even 20 years later.
Draenor had a LOT of soul put on it, and (personally) the best soundtrack
It was just extremelly barebone of content.

Being in the middle of beloved content-filled expansions like MOP and Legion didnt help either
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And with the BRD raid censoring her design I doubt she'll be getting any.
we also waited so fucking long to get wod too
>not using the fence tech for the warg jumps
they were ngmi before ever zoning in
if wods first patch was content instead of le epic selfie camera and blood elf models it would have been a decent expansion
top tier leveling atleast the first time and the heroics were good
She's still hot
Nope. Use Diabolist for adds/mobility-heavy fights and the Demon Soul one for single target/static bosses. Hellcaller is utterly trash ATM
her son is watching the raid you sick bastard.
looks like moira was still leveling
>make magic dispels a healer mechanic
>load every single dungeon in s1 with dozens of required poison dispels instead
lmao priestcucks
Thanks buddy, the mythic version of that one looks amazing though a bit on the more fantasy side but still gets the job done and very well.
Thank you anons, might consider those for other mogs. Wanted one like picrel cuz it deviates from the "bladey mace" design wow maces usually have, i wanted something more bonky and low fantasy.
cool it with the anti semitic posts
This is good because you incorporated some forsaken edge into it instead of going full undead light cuck.
The clown shoes plus bowlegged stance is funny too, makes him look like a DK who has forgotten how to stand normally.
Join us <Nerub Silkweaving Forum> if ally ask anyone for an invite if horde join the community for an invite and ask there.
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holy fuck is Affliction warlock OP. why do they have higher burst than a destro warlock or fire mage? just nonstop instant cast shadow bolts and malefic ruptures that obliterate health bars.
Spoke to him a few times, he seems to be.
if they didn't fuck up as much as they did wod would've probably been the best expac to date, it really is a damn shame since to me it's the one that feels the most "warcraft" out of all of em
I miss Necro Arcane
Dont forget Blizzard given up on the expansion during the beta when they decided to cather to Reddit's complaints about having to fight too many orcs in the litterall Orc Planet. Some zones like Gorgrond were pretty much re-done
Nelf priest
i feel like karabor and the horde towns were cut too because of redditors crying that the horde didnt get proto shatt too
not that it matters we would have lived in our garrisons anyway
holy priest
resto druid
assa rogue
bm hunter
They should have just told us they fucked up and given everyone 2 free months
>Our bad, we need more time to make Shattrah kino, here you can have Yrel in your Garrison and dress her up in outfits
just get someone from horde to list the guild and put the guild invite link in the community
>a video game made by a horrible company of racists, rapists, transphobic men
That's literally every single AAA game
This is actually one of the least unhinged generals and it's horrifying to realize this.
Woudlnt that just reverse the issue for ally? I can post the community link when I'm home
quality of the general increased dramatically when ralph left
its what we did in NA and seems to work

Among the stuff cutted we can mention
>Cronal Spire
>Karabor/Blackspire capitals
>Garrison in every zones
>Shatrath raid
>Faraloh/Void themes raid involving Ner'Zhul and the Void
>Zangar Sea zone with under water mechanics
>The unnamed Ogre continent whose existence was later cancelled but for some reasons still appears in the map
>Proper factions reputations instead of grinding thousands of mobs like It was a 2004 vanilla faction
which porno is this from?
Light based dps priest spec
Zealot or Inquisitor or something
has absolutely 0 (zero)(none) shadow spells and only uses Holy magic
holy priest already exists you dumb woman

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