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She's right you know Edition

>Official WoW News

>Threads of Destiny - New Cinematic

>September Trading Post

>20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview

>/wowg/ Guilds

NA /wowg/ guild (and community of same name if you're horde)
>GLOBO FOMO - Moonguard
EU /wowg/ guild (and community)
>Nerub Silkweaving Forum

Previously on /wowg/ >>493798343
so is the expansion worth buying? is lfg still as unplayable as usual for dps?
Post your toon (aka avatar)
>Would you be 'happier' if I told you my plan before 13.1?
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vanillaboomer bros... i thought no one interacted with eachother in retail and just spammed lfg....
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>so is the expansion worth buying?
>is lfg still as unplayable as usual for dps?
Maybe, we'll know for sure tomorrow when the patch really starts and m0s and raids are open
DF was probably our last chance for playable tuskarr bros
i want to larp as orinoko tuskbreaker fucking blizzard
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I'll just keep posting mogs that I put together. Laugh, cry and spit on them. If you have suggestions I'm happy to listen.
how can you larp as those fatsos?
there are actually so many tanks rn that it feels pretty balanced. healing is still GOAT if you want short queues since healing these braindead tanks is absolutely cancer
>priest gets knocked out of the instance
>doesn't have a key
>rogue has to run over and let him in while we're still fighting the garg
>take a break
>come back
>there's apparently 2 (two) active eu wowg guilds
>and theres already unironic drama
After an entire expansion without any wowg guild whatsoever this is how it turns out
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>DF was probably our last chance for playable tuskarr bros
>i want to larp as orinoko tuskbreaker fucking blizzard
this is what blizzard took from you
from us
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EU friends join <Nerub Silkweaving Forum> if ally ask anyone for an invite if horde join the community for an invite and ask there.
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It's looking like it's over for us, RIP in peace.
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How did we go from THIS...
Jaina's apprentice
You DID remember to farm 4 Coffer Keys per week before now, right, anon?
You could've gotten 4 during Early Access, 4 during launch week, and 4 during this week.
You're going to have 16 Coffer Keys to spend tomorrow, right, anon?
You're going to grind Delves up to Tier 8 before entering a Bountiful Delve so you can make sure every Coffer Key yields an ilvl 603 epic, right, anon?
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>hop on dungeon finder
>tank has a schizo nuclear meltdown
>"HIT... THE... BOSS!!!!!"
>laughs mysteriously and leaves the group
>switch dungeon
>tank sits down, goes on a poetic rant about our ilvls for 10 minutes
>leaves the group, upon questioning him in dms replies with "?"
>switch dungeon
>tank pulls the whole planet, dies, denies every rez and lies there for 15 minutes
what the fuck is their problem?
Which melee DPS has the least buttons / piano or let's you spec talents in such a way that gives you the least buttons and is all passive
I'm mad that they put in the turtle ship that went all over Azeroth but didn't actually tie a fishing event to it.
shut up faggot
Tranny status?
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....to THIS?!
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What are the financial implications of breaking my nofap streak to picrel?
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Based on the Exalted set from Vanilla.
>tfw i will only have 13 and be eternally left behind
might as well quit
Will the wow token drop much lower next week I need blizzard balance for ow2 spins
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>your dungeon is ready!
>spawn in middle of city surrounded by 30 mobs and death sound beeping
>team on 10% hp
>mash out all CDs I possibly can
>somehow everyone survives
What the fuck man.. You can't just jumpscare me like this.
Troon status: it'll only get worse from here it's over.
tanking is incredibly boring so the only people who do it are doing it for something else
holy shit if you’re bored and play rogue do the following
>go to the world quest where you get to ride moles
>get on a mole
>stealth and wait for people to be near the edge
>use the extra action button to charge at them with the mole and knock them off a cliff
also any classic fag who says world pvp is dead is a retard brainlet
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0 as far as i know
elysian is ran by a FtM
leveling to 70 takes too long bros...im gonna buy a boost...
What ilvl will I have to be to join your raidgroup?
I've been collecting wax....teepee. its like I'm collecting cum...covered in cum...
>female draenei BEAST master
I take it back, you're probably right.
>damage numbers appear onscreen, leaving the chat window for its intended purpose
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You could just make you dragon not look like a meth baby.. that's an option..
If you see me fighting an enemy that spawned right next to a plant and you just grab said plant without helping me clear it quicker just kill yourself soulless trash.
Your type are what brings the world down
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Join the NA /wowg/ community if you'd like to play or chat with other anons, but maybe not join an entire guild.


It is cross-faction, cross-server. See you there.
Degeneracy allowed, but get booted.
my sides
>hit the mob
>mob health now doubles
>guy calls me an asshole for making it harder
holy banana
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Elysianbros.. What happened?
what in the everloving fuck is a "wow community"
this will be the same person whining about nothing to do three weeks into the season btw
Pop your cds not like you're pulling a boss right after this, you're picking plants, fag.
that looks even more embarrassing
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wait 2-3 weeks for lowest price
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Laralie a cute
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>*smokes deathweed*
>Ya know, I read a lot. Especially about things... about lore. I find that shit fascinating. Here's a fact I don't know whether you know or not. Night elves were spawned by niggers. It's a fact. Yeah. You see, uh, night elves have, uh, troll blood pumpin' through their hearts. Hey, no, if eh, if eh, if you don't believe me, uh, you can look it up. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, uh, you see, uh, the dark trolls discovered moonwells. And the trolls are niggers. So you see, way back then, uh, elves were like, uh, knife-ears from ancient Kalimdor. Ah, they all had blonde hair and blue eyes, but, uh, well, then the dark trolls moved in there, and uh, well, they changed the whole country. They did so much fuckin' with night elf women, huh? That they changed the whole bloodline forever. That's why blonde hair and blue eyes became black hair and dark skin. You know, it's absolutely amazing to me to think that to this day, hundreds of thousands of years later, that, uh, that night elves still carry that nigger troll gene. Now this... No, I'm, no, I'm quoting... history. It's written. It's a fact, it's written. Your ancestors are niggers. Uh-huh. Hey. Yeah. And, and your great-great-great-great grandmother fucked a nigger, ho, ho, yeah, and she had a half-troll kid... now, if that's a fact, tell me, am I lying? 'Cause you, you're a mailbox dancer.
Shut up anon. You dunno what's cool. My dragon is super awesome
its already under 300k for me on eu and even that is unbelievable so i doubt it will get much lower
>made a MOP remix character to play on with Elysian
>haven't resubbed yet
>check armory for the guild
>got kicked for some reason
What mean..?

>see Noiryx in Nerub guild
>dramanon said Noiryx is the Elysian leader
>remember Elysian leader said he only made the guild because Laralie wanted it to be made
>Laralie is in Nerub
>Nerub Silkweaving Forum

why the fuck can't i find it on horde communities
how can anyone take tauren seriously?
>almost wiped out by fucking centaur
>every tauren in lore jobs
fucking useless race
brewmaster exists
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tauren is the coolest race
>my reaction to your lore babble
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It's like a group chat or guild but without a tag under your name
You can join it no matter what guild faction or server you're in and chat with others

But the fact you instantly got mad and seethed in your ignorance leads me to believe youre annoying
>rogues doing insanely high amounts of damage
what is their issue again with the class?
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brew feels god awful right now with no haste
life is to be savored
but monk players dont exist
The left looks like a man, the boobs could be fake, look at the arms, the bigger male like skull... dunno, the AI seems to have trooned.
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I'm just a fucking dracthyr...
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Let me iiiin, can't find the community. God's this build/community system sucks ass.
Give me a sec im eating dinner and I'll inv u anon
I've run Stonevault around 30 times for the plate gloves, still hasn't dropped WTF!
i'll join on my earthren i want to level
If I join a guild, some website will forever have a note on it that I was in it, right?
cant savor life while my health plummets waiting on longer purify cds
Isn't there an AI model where you can put your aliased screenshot and it smooths it out better than any retarded AA in modern vidya could?

There was this Topaz stuff for movie frames that removed 99% of the noise and left 100% of the details behind, it was amazing back in 2019 but I think that adobe even surpassed them.
Actually, no. I'm an altaholic that accidentally chose only bottom-tier specs to level so I'll probably be so bored of the characters I farmed keys on that I won't bother running any delves on them.
I don't even have any characters that are capped. I didn't play Early Access or get any keys before Launch Week, and I apparently missed 2 keys on Launch Week on the first character I leveled, so best case scenario for me is starting Delves tomorrow with 6 keys on my first character, then having 4 more keys to farm next week, for a total of 10.

Apparently, Bountiful Delves don't drop Radiant Echoes if you already have one, so you need to go to a World Soul Memory after each Bountiful Delve to use the Echo so that you can loot one after each Bountiful Delve.
It means Dramanon is dyslexic and misread "Contirion/Synx"
autist gm had a meltie
I didn't leave so much as get kicked.
I love you paypig animesissy
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i also can't find the guild :I
there are literally holes in textures of the walls in silvermoon that you can see through
why is this capital is so poorly made
exodar don't have such problems
I have 4 thingies for that though. I was saving up to try the hard mode one that costs 5
anduin is so lucky
>still has gathering professions this late into the expac
I'd just assume you're a bot.
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oh wow... I wasn't horny before finding this one
GM kicked Laralie because he had an alt in nerub and you are only allowed to be part of 1guild apparently.
yeah so lucky getting shipped with a walking DEI parody
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xal'atath will be pregnant with anduin's child by the end of the trilogy
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/wowg/ would you all stop fucking around and post your pandas?
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fr I ever saw that exact image earlier before the worgen... I feel so bad now
is my mog based or cringe
How are my stat distribution looking for BM Hunter at 57 wowg?
Some faggot joined it and spams made up shit about it multiple times a thread so people will join his guild where he is king instead. I feel bad for the Elysian GM since he was painted here as some power hungry asshole but in reality he is just a boomer who wanted to make a comfy community for bros to hang out and play.
can OCE niggas join this?
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I would be roping myself if I was a discord troon.
looks like a bunch of random bullshit to me
looks nice
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I could save you.
What's that sword
>Apparently, Bountiful Delves don't drop Radiant Echoes if you already have one, so you need to go to a World Soul Memory after each Bountiful Delve to use the Echo so that you can loot one after each Bountiful Delve.

>I have 4 thingies for that though. I was saving up to try the hard mode one that costs 5

WAIT. You're right. I'm an idiot. It's just that first Radiant Echo QUEST you need to do before more will drop.
So after the FIRST Bountiful Delve you do, make sure to go use the Echo at a World Soul Memory before entering your second Bountiful Delve, otherwise you won't get another Echo.

So, if you run 4 Bountiful Delves in a row without completing the Radiant Echo quest, you'll only get 1 Echo for the week.
If you run 1 Bountiful Delve, go do the Echo Quest, then run the other 3 Bountiful Delves available on day 1, you should end up with 4 Echos total for the day, 1 of which has to be spent on the quest.
This kinda trails with the logic that the wow token goes lower in price the larger the playerbase.

We are, unironically, on "we are so back" levels.
VDV will show you the eggs soon.
Forgot to do the darkmoon faire knowledge points quest. I'm permanently behind now
Rent free
>Anon had to go looking for a twitter account to tell /wowg/ how triggered and upset they are
At this point take your meds if you have to go looking for it.
>Spam threads 24/7 on /v/ saying it's dead

this dude is a secret boss in STV
Yawntrail sisters...what happened!?
Cuntboy (AFAB) vibes.
How can I join a wowg guild on NA
I don't speak that weird internet slang
>So, if you run 4 Bountiful Delves in a row without completing the Radiant Echo quest, you'll only get 1 Echo for the week.
How am I this stupid. 1 Echo for the DAY. Not Week.
WoW is back
Venthyr only baby sorry chud
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Why are you pretending to be me again
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Have any anons here ever had a ban from mass reporting? I've seen a lot of reports of multiboxers, bots or AH competition mass reporting each other so they receive an automated ban. Also if you refuse to sell rare names for gold. Is this overblown r*ddit drama or an actual concern? Makes me not want to resub.
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>change transmog
>log out and go to sleep
>log in
>character select has old transmog
>armory has new transmog
they can't even get that right? lol...
why would you ever want to play with people from 4chan?
Sorrowdark has better grammar than that.
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doomtitans lost BIGLY
You guys are funny
>Be elemental
>swap resto for fresh air
>totems do all the healing
ok fine i guess i will just afk
Noiryx killed Very Cute and now he kills Elysian. He has blood on his hands
I've heard of it, but never experienced it, and sometimes I end up arguing in trade chat about stupid shit that I assume had multiple seething chuds reporting me.
I wish flying wasn't unlocked from the start because riding through some of these zones? It's actually so fucking kino... really makes you appreciate stuff you never would otherwise
>7 more classes to lvl until i get cheevo for getting all classes at max lvl
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Ok here we go, starting an empty hydrus database.
Downloading the b4k importer and ripping 100x wowg threads in order to goon all night.

It didn't have to be like this...
nta but american 4chan groups can be a good time.
Euro 4channers are insufferable tho.
No chill, just angst and boiling autism.
your womb is made for chud sperm :)
*mighty boots alleria*
Because we're cute gamers who love helping each other uwu~
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you now remember lorash the loredestroyer
the edginess of all blood elves players combined in one plot hole character
and he is also still alive and is present in brill restoration
stop raping your dog
Elf men are fucking HOT
I'm not even in the fucking guild or active in the game and I know what happened. Some avatroon couldn't handle being the center of attention and went ballistic and spread made up shit so people would join their guild.
Yes but some of us aren't alcoholics.
>It's time to kick ass and suck BHC, and I'm all outta ass
Alleria Windplapper's insatiable appetite for human meat makes the Tsavo Man-Eaters look like a summer picnic
dawnsisters…. our 24/7 manic spam couldn’t save our dogshit online visual novel… those rapist chuds over at blizzard won AGAIN….
>Titan bastards shot up my ride!
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Anyone else just feels so overwhelmed when playing this game?
Like I don't know what I am doing half the time or what I should be doing?
Wait... how are you even supposed to get 590+ ilvl for raiding with the season cap on crests? People aren't actually cashing in their Carved for Weathered... are they???
>claims to be 10,000 years old somehow
>makes up shit about night elves never helping high elves
>fan of knives civilians during a war
>has ridiculous Shadow the Hedgehog dialogue
Bring him back
Not in WoW. I got a mass report ban in heroes of the storm because I griefed a streamer (used garrosh to throw him into enemy towers) and he got his stream to spam report me.
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I'm not a grill, I don't have one. I do like cum tho
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Still nothingggg where do I find it
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Warrior vulpera or mage?
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Hi anons. I have figured out why you cannot find the community. In order to see it you need to enable the cross-faction check at the top left. Battlenet is very shit I don't blame you for this but this should fix it then I can invite you.
I just hates him because he didn't make all of this up and he wasn't crazy, it's just that the author of the book forgot all of it
and the dumbest part is that he was resurrected (lorthermar doesn't care anymore?) and did NOTHING
4 days ago, I came here asking for a kind anon to gift me the expac since I’m broke atm but desperately wanted to play the start of an expac for once. Today I woke up the gift tab with a notification, and there it was, anon delivered.
I’m so happy and my faith in humanity has been partially restored. Thank you /wowg/, thank you kind anon.
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we have to go back
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>Shake it baby
Hunter war
I'm still playing as the left Orc thoughever
kill yourself
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sylvanas doesn't look like that she has a huge hole in her stomach
europoor or uscuck
why the fuck does fishing take so long to level ive been doing it for like 5 hours and im only 115/300
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I dunno why I asked since I already have one an undead warrior at 70 but maybe it's time I take the vulpill
>mighty dudes doing great deeds
holy fuck take me backs, bros
>its another case of tank pulling entire dungeon, wiping everyone
i hate the damage m+ has done
No she's pristine and she's very tight and wet. Why do you think she was so obsessed with being restored all the time, keeping those Val'kyr around.
back of her head*
cum in xally's void pussy
Based Godfrey
Taken from us too soon (it was a headshot btw)
because fishin' ain't a pas'time or a gig son, it's a lifestyle.
I wanted to gather in Dorn because of the open air but something about the sharding or phasing or something fucked my ability to gather with like 1/3 nodes disappearing as I got to them
I get that they made the guild part work in a way that allows you to apply into multiple guilds at the same time for whatever reason, but using this system feels like cock and balls torture.
I wish someone gifted it to me
Xally cums in your twink bussy
>the tank role has turned from wise collected group leader to egotistical crackmonkey that doesnt even have groupframes on
You don't pull the entire dungeon in mazed content this is a result of XIV and the slow march to zoom that gets worse every expansion.
How good are you at holding your breath?
I remember this thread. what an absolute chad. based beyond belief.
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this is why i pull one pack at a time and let the DPS tank it if they start pulling themselves
>i hate night elves because they killed my people in the Ghostlands during BC
His story would have made perfect sense

>i hate night elves because in the ancient past they exiled my people for demon worship and almost destroying the world and btw im the oldest living high elf known in the entire setting, for no particular reason
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>they will never make dual-wield ranged Hunter and Rogue specs that use hand crossbows and pistols
>they will never make a Tinker class that uses a pistol/crossbow and shield, a 2-handed ranged weapon, or staves and polearms for a turret pet spec, a sniper spec, and a mine-layer spec, respectively
Nerub Silkweaving forum won...
Refugees had years of WoW training undone by wall to wall cancer.
>Poacher Blackhand
Poacher Blackhand has been hired by the VentureCo to help them run protection, and by protection I mean killing endangered and rare animals for their hides! If they keep this up, they'll go extinct!

>Trap launcher
Poacher Blackhand launches a random trap under each player, after 3s the trap is fully armed.
Frost trap: Puts a 15yrds patch of ice that slows movement by 20%, stacks. At 100% you will instead be frozen in place.
Explosive trap: Deals a massive amount of damage in a 5yrds radius
Narcotic trap: Releases a 20yrd cloud of narcotic gas, which slows attack and cast speed by 50%
>It's in my SIGHTS! (Tank mechanic)
Periodically, Blackhand will shoot his target with his extra strong powdershot dealing damage after a short cast time (1.5s, cannot be interrupted) and reducing the armor of anyone hit by 20%
After a short cast time (2s, interruptible) Blackhand instantly casts It's in my SIGHTS! on all party members.
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Same. I don't know what all these "keys" and shit I keep getting are.
>lorash the loredestroyer
kek, perfect for blood elves then
don't see the issue
Idk anon maybe try joining with some alliance toon and ask them to invite you to your horde toon
>staves or pole arms for a turret pet spec class

??? what the fuck are you talking about my man. Thank god you’re now in the creative team.
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how many people will M0 Dawnbreaker filter? keep in mind the average WoW player wipes in Heroics
Pulls in XIV are limited to 2 mob packs, not the whole dungeon.
You're on crack.
the story of the night elves landing in quel'thalas was itself stupid back in TBC, but that could be put down to Fendral sending them out
oh, by the way, the funny thing is. the author forgot that the night elves were there. so Malfurion says that the night elves never attacked quel'thalas
this is just terrible
All while that weekly reset timer is ticking in your ear.
she really wants me to cum...
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>someone calls me shit
uh oh! did you forget the social contract?
Damn, if only there was an expansion with these 'ven-thers', oh well
Okay dumbass if you don't have a gathering profession this doesn't even apply to you.
It about gathering as im fighting for the node.
>anon wants to play GW2
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did you check cross faction?
tinker class should use guns and explosives.
always thought it was weird how hunter is literally the only class that uses guns, bows or crossbows
>open currency tab
>6 currencies
>bag full of other currencies that for some reason arent in the currency tab
genuinely lost and unwilling to google every item in my bag lol
i will just ignore all that shit and just equip highest ilvl whatever
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got to 109/200 dream leaf and i used this on a druid that helped me
this didn't do shit
or who does this work exactly?
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very pretty moth
you need bots to ban someone. and you can't long range report. have fun setting up a botnet of rogues
>Anyone else just feels so overwhelmed when playing this game?
>Like I don't know what I am doing half the time or what I should be doing?
Read up? Its not that difficult to grasp
Are you of stupid?

What is it with all these toddlerbrains who cant grasp the most basic, surface level shit
he is? holy crap!!!!
I will personally stop healing anyone that pulls like a tard
>the story of the night elves landing in quel'thalas was itself stupid back in TBC,
this was always retarded, tyrande was willing to giveher fucking life in WC3 to save kaelthas and his blood elves in tbc becuse she saw them as her kin
fuck metzen and fuck tbc
It hurts really really bad when I poop.
I think I have a hemerobiid or something.
Please help me /wowg/!
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clean it up tankie
I fucking hate waiting for npcs to stop talking. just shut the fuck up and give me the quest, I don't care about your life story.
you're dying

this will be the last post you make
*kicks u*
>only one more day til I'm free from ragnatards and quel'theshits for the rest of expansion
Modern XIV dungeons are built around there being two conceptual pulls (they are not two mob packs you're just full of shit) between any given boss specifically because the community for years knew the actual pull strategy for literally any given dungeon was "you start pulling and do not stop until you reach the boss" and any instances of you not being able to do that are gated mechanically by there being something like a door that will not open until the pack of four mobs you are fighting are dead. This is the exact same behavior on display. You start the pull and you don't end it until you reach the boss.
Thanks. Maybe just the r*ddit FoTM. Is TWW the savior of WoW now that the dust has settled?
Pull the entire dungeon to the LoS spot
Shut the fuck up if you can't read:

>Tinker class that uses a pistol/crossbow and shield, a 2-handed ranged weapon, or staves and polearms for a turret pet spec, a sniper spec, and a mine-layer spec, respectively

That means the pistol-and-shield spec is the spec that lays down turrets, the 2-handed ranged weapon spec is the sniper, and the stave/polearm melee spec is the one that drops mines.

I forgot what their Tinkers were called. Were they Machinists?
I enjoyed the turret spec but hated how they seemed to be balanced around running 2+ Tool Belt skills and constantly swapping action bars.

In DT there's 2 mob packs, a wall, 2 mob packs, and the boss int he current dungeons.
Sometimes there's 1 mob pack, a wall, and then 1 elite mob
Grats now you have one day to level and get to 580 ilvl
I love Final Fantasy 14
>tank pulls that entire hallway before the last boss in stonevault
Yes and it's designed that way because of the last 10 years of the game's existence.
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aw yeah she mirin'
wants that WoL bigger dick
>Are you of stupid?
Yes. They keep dumping random shit on me instead of gear.
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>niggers get keystone hero in 1 (one) season in DF now think they are gods
lol, lmao even
>No mass grip
me too
but WoW is back with metzen's kino so for now I'm playing it
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anon who did that is fkin bad azz
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This is me.
is there any way to see what delves I've already done
I want the bonus exp from first time clears
It's a problem. You need wowhead or a wiki pulled up constantly to keep track of everything. Hell, just yesterday I had to quickly search where the fuck Siltstone Pond was because an area-wide emote about some rare spawn rising up at Siltstone Pond didn't mean shit to me because there was no Siltstone Pond on the map. I had to search it, see where on the map the first result said it was, then quickly fly over to tag the rare spawn at ~2% hp.

Same shit happens with Beledar's Shadow. Every time it went dark the first week I was playing I had no clue what the fuck to do about it. Only after stumbling upon Beledar's Spawn and getting the mount did I learn that the main thing people do during the dark period is hunt the Spawn down for the mount. So, gg, I guess?
You haven't bee allowed to pull the entire dungeon at once since 2.1, a decade ago
GW2 did a lot of things right combat and build wise. Abolishing the trinity kind of fucked them though.
That's me.
the motorcycles go so fucking hard, can't wait to get em...
Can't wait to run a Dracthyr (Horde) and never go beast mode!
Fuck off retard
I love you
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You're fucking gross man
Is it true that femWorgen only like little Vulpera boys?
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>buy level 70 green boes off the ah
>theyre actually level 80

well i guess im still using these gloves then
post bimbo'dorei
you havent seen peak retard until you see a tank pull the entire first room on cinderbrew
Partially, they can't get enough of the horde while their men suck off nelf futas
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>farm the cinderbee mount
>didn't get a single shard for Alunira the entire time
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You will never be me you obsessed schizophrenic lunatic
Meds and fuck off
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In a homo way I hope.
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>tank pulls the entire first room of AV
remember to report all avatar posters
Female elf sucks human male balls hnnngrg
kecha looks like she would have been cute if she wasnt wearing that stuff
I pull that entire room, but I am a BIG DICK WARBVLL.
By that I mean DPSissies got like, 20 seconds before I flatline to double my 1.2m dps.
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So happy for you anon
>darkness comes ability
>fly away
>still somehow hits me even though i am literally 10 feet apart
epic so fucking epic i CANT WAIT FOR THE M+ OF THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Absolute cinema
kinky, care to share a few illustrations?
where's the rogue femworg poster, I miss that dog...
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based repooter
>see 12 year old redditor with a racist name in trade
>15 minutes later there's an even more flagrantly racist name saying "who the fuck reported me?"
>repoot again
>fugly face
>big honking amazing super duper awesomesauce BOOBIES
a deadly combo
Kecha makes the stinkies pushies...
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>Decide to make a PVP character this time around
>Spend a few days playing
>Do well (playing Rogue so it's impossible not to unless you're retarded)
>Get extremely fucking bored
I should have listened to you, /wowg/. PVP is so fucking dogshit boring.
>"who the fuck reported me?"
more like the KOPISS lmao
she looks like she mingles with men of the orcish descent
imagine listening eric prydz and leveling dk
i'm retarded
week 8 of bloodfang pieces just not dropping
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krile thighs bottom text
i keep seeing more and more female nightelves with just male reallife names
like a slutmogged elf named
the fuck are these guys doing
>i want everyone to know my irl name and that i jerk it to my character
freaks man
my hot wife bimbo
don't worry anon you'll get them in november
maye would NEVER be mentally ill enough to do such a thing. He has NEVER done a false flag attack on himself EVER
Why does Alleria act like Turalyon and Khadgar are "clueless in the matters of the heart" when she's the one that's a fucking aromantic psycho nutcase especially in the BtDP novel?
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Well, someone has to keep those orcish gentlemen on their toes, right? I like to think I bring a little grace to the wild side.
We are finally getting her sexo armor. Coomers rejoice
You just suck and aren't funny. No one's offended by sex. You're just lame as hell and autistic
DPS is a thankless job...
why did you copy paste your dad's text message?
Nah no way... The MGtroons never avatarfagging during the guild spamming was surely just a coincidence. They would NEVER do something like that...
lol ok DPSissy
>thanks you for doing half the kicks of the tank and 5% more damage
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wowbros we literally cannot stop winning
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>shit on classic and china man
>suddenly china man and classic good when it fits the narrative
Spineless retoilets trying to take away classics victory
Stop impersonating maye
>idling in SW shitposting on wowg
>see human rp walk by me
i forgot i was on RP realm
Bro the only reason you dpsshitters even exist is because you need to GET THE BIG NUMBARS BRO literally every raid could be beaten with tanks and healers as long as the mechanics aren't deliberately made to be like PLS DO MORE DAMAAAAGE I WANT TO DOOOO DAMAG I DONT WANT TO STOP DAMAGE!
DPSissies aren't human. Every tank should have WotLK prot warrior-tier tuning so I can just make a party of 4 tanks+1 priestsissy sucking our cocks and ignore DPSkeks entirely.
>give gilneas back after 10 years of fighting
>multiple leaders become best friends with one another
>everyone gets along and fought for the night elf rights
yeah the writing team does wonders knowing all the other lore
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wtf sorrowdark fucks orcs
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Wdym she expresses her love for turalyon and her son multiple times throughout the campaign
The Alliance must always have 4 enemies
And one must be fel in nature
When they dropped Ludo Lullabi's artstyle for whatever came after, that was the day the comics were over.
And then they kept adding the comicbook characters as if they were important to the wow canon.
Varian was a mistake. Instead of "Conan", which is Danath's territory, Varian should have become an Emperor Aurelianus character since Stormwind is basically supposed to be Cosntantinople when the Turks (Orcs) invaded.
>Retard is impersonating Maye when he isn't even online
>Will then cry later about how maye only spams for attention and never talks about the game
>But it's just some schizo doing it
You're such a transparent fucking faggot
wait a minute I'm lost, who said that?
is there an addon to autodecline certain realms when they apply to my group or color them differently?
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This is who you're playing with if you play with wowg
god i hope so
i don't goon to my character that's disgusting
Oh fuck is it really memefox being devilish
all women fuck orcs
>Obsessed with black cock
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This is Horde's ERP hotspot, yeah?
Gilneas glamour up never ever. Imo best zone in WoW
>nooo my hecking namefriend
why the fuck do you care? why would someone waste their time impersonating them in the first place too? what's wrong with both with you?
[HealBot] A new version is available
Hey that’s me
Nothing comes more unhinged than an avatartranny.
This thread is so confusing dude. This game is like 20 years old but everyone here talks like a 13 year old on twitch. None of the female models are attractive at all but people pretend they are. And there's such a strong air of anime guy/FF player here but absolutely nothing in this game could appeal to those people.
Bro don't let baldmonbald see this bro, he's gonna hecking roast you on stream for having an opinion different from him about what the peak human king archetype is. Don't let him know Terenas Menethil never even used a sword.
Mind you Danath is more Jason Statham or Burt Reynolds than Conan.
You are even worse than they are kys
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I hope they impersonate you on more platforms and make people think you're a MAP.

I don't know who you are, I just hate people who blog with character screenshots.
A tankchud doing suboptimal DPS but dodges fire good? No one bats an eye
A DPSGOD misses a single button on his rotation? Everyone loses their minds
>one of the female models are attractive at all but people pretend they are
you don't get to tell me what I'm attracted to faggot, I love barbies
green parser seethe
First time seeing the doomsissy discord try to get attention?
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has literally anyone in the history of ever used these things
>I just hate people who post their wow toon in the wow thread
>So I hope people call you a pedo for it
actually take your fucking meds
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Stop being schizos.
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So why are people seething on forum about this shitty pet?
I play this game pretty much since launch (with a huge gap) but I never thought of this pet as valuable or worth having... what's the issue here?
>avatroon has a meltie because someone doesn't like people troon posting
kek, try plebbit out
No, I feel bored since once you do world quests and weekly quest there is nothing to do except heroics which are on the same level as leveling dungeons.
are you talking about left or right?
This is such a mentally ill image with all the extra photoshop. Its near the same level as that obese panda whose stomach is twice the size he is. Its quite frankly, disgusting, that I have to share a thread with the creator of this image and his mentally ill defense force.
Man you suck too. What even is this. Everyone here sucks. Talk like a human being.
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Sounds boring. I want a gunlance tank.
Exclusivity. There's nothing else.
kill yourself
You've tolerated those freaks for years without relentless bullying, it rests on your shoulders as well.
Vulpera sexo tailpulling
Love ya. Hows it going. Took the hunter pill?
Why do people make the argument that tanking is the easiest role because it is pass/fail, even though DPS is also pass/fail?
sisters...i'm unironically going to climb m+ with prot pally, it's over for me?
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That isn't actually me btw I'm on Epsilon RPing atm
>I just hate people who post their wow toon in the wow thread
>Notice a pandaren in Ashran
>Talk to him
>it's a follower
>They had to add a trigger warning message for people who did not want to recruit a pandaren
it gets buffed in 2 months. it will be pure pain and suffering before then, though. personally as a prot pally main since TBC i have swapped to Bear since its actually functional and can heal/protect the team (which is what i liked about prot pally).
what? what follower lol
It objectively is. I've asked 3 different top AI models to evaluate all wow class+spec combos basked on how much they stress the working memory and also how much they rely on the right hemisphere and tanks were the bottom of the barrel, except brewmaster.
no I don't care, tryhards will carry me as usual and I will get loot easily
I don't know what the fuck anything you said even is.
because tanking is by far the most forgiving because of your large EHP, defenses and nature of the role
you can do bad dps, stand in fire and frontals, ignore mechanics like chasing candles in the kobold dungeon and still be considered a competent tank
Arent they getting gigabuffed
Anon was trying to do mods
It's never even cool mogs or character concepts either, it's just female characters in shitty leveling greens. Not a single one of these retards could do mythic raids or get any PVP stuff. I'm a massive shitter but even I have stuff worth showing off (I don't.)
Nah, honestly it's obvious he does all the work in their relationship while she takes him for granted.
based truck just arrived
This is the type of subhuman that used to spam "touch grass" when it was the Twitter meta a few years ago.
Manual mouth breathing retards with zero self-awareness.
Next to the horde inn there is a pandaren npc
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this was once a soul
>tank chases candles
>pulls mobs into darkness
holy retard
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wowg guess how big his cock is.
So is there no NA wowg guild or community? Should I start one?
So how is m0 going to work, is every TWW dungeon AND the 4 additional ones available in m0 form or is it just the season 1 roster?
Please explain to me like I'm retarded because yeah I'm retarded.
We have a community group chat to join

>by far the most forgiving
The entire fucking raid wipes if you make a mistake or don't already know every boss mechanic as a tank.
(former) CIA spooks are all officially eunuchs, so 0cm
yeah that's why I said the nature of the tank role just ignores mechanics like that
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let's fix it with undressed females
yes tanks pull everything they can. this mentality switches over to where there are no forced barriers preventing you from pulling all of the dungeon.
if you played during arr, you would remember the sac runs in ampador keep where the tank would literally pull half the dungeon because he could
WE LOVE bunch of grown fucking men erping and circlejerking in the thread and everyone's always excited when new friend posts and people start countdown for how many minutes until futafag tries to groom them!
Meant for >>493833142
what do we think about them
holy meds please
I have always been anti-maye since the very beginning when he was calling everyone faggots and niggers.
every boss on raid normal difficulty can be boiled down to
>face boss away from raid
>taunt when DBM tells you to
>press your buttons
it's only on rarer encounters like neltharion you actually have to coordinate a bit as tanks
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>think about playing vengeance demon hunter
>remember i have to click 4+ ground aoes
This faggot (w/e his circlejerk moniker is) spammed your threads good, I've scrapped over 2k images and his troon keeps showing up every 4th image... the image order was randomized as well.
Pure unadulterated mental illness.
>and still be considered a competent tank
Why does how you are considered by others matter for the difficulty of the role? You can be a bad dps and die every pull as a DPS and the raid will still get cleared on anything below mythic.
Are you sure it's because of that and not because he didn't like furries
6 multigorillion gold goyim and the bike is yours!
Maye post
Only TWW roster, all expansion long, daily reset.
That pussy must be incredible
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I want to play as an Alliance Highmountain Tauren
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>playing a female character at all
this is your fault
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>Tinker with 2H Hammer runs into mob pack
>Swings hammer down to AoE daze them
>Drops caltrops to slow them
>Drops a bigass bomb in the middle of them with a ~3 second fuse
>Rocket-jumps away from them, setting off the bigass bomb early
>Lands behind nearby caster mob that wasn't in the melee
>Plants a sticky explosive on it (debuff that will explode when it expires in ~3 seconds)
>Uses big fuck-off knock-back attack to launch enemy into group slowed by caltrops
>Sticky explosive goes off with the caster mob in the middle of the group
>Elite spawns
>3-Minute DPS CD has every other attack plant a sticky bomb, or gives you shoulder flamethrowers that do a Cone AoE in front of you for the entire duration (flamethrower sets off every timed explosive immediately)
>Defensive CD is an electromagnet that sucks up debris and scrap, so the more bombs you set off during the CD the higher your damage mitigation gets
right, left is valuable as an onahole
Disingenous bastard, I didn't clear Antorus the Burning Throne on Normal Difficulty and thereby defeat Sargeras and his Burning Legion about a month before the BfA pre-expansion patch to have cocksuckers like you tell me that all I needed for that raid was to install DBM, which I DIDN'T DO BY THE WAY, SUCK MY BALLS.
>still talking about how you want tinkers
Christ man its just not a good idea
thats not even the worst thing about the spec. it's trying to play around contingency because some dumbfuck pulled more mobs and you already used your sigil of flame and fel dev on what you intended to pull
please stop posting this retard
>follower dungeons
>ai followers
I feel like we are on the cusp of garrisons 2.0 with more customizable followers. Blizzard have followed this trend for years now.
guys they should add [[insert deviantart tier idea straight from FFXIV]]
Why not? It's just another class
guys they should add a Lord Garithos class
What are the best races for each class?
Human-paladin of course
Night Elf-druid
>translate: im mad people are getting more attention wearing shitty leveling greens than my M+$÷9001 maze gear
Fuck this, less Holy Fire spam
some fucker keeps putting wowg links as next thread in the xivg thread, i guess i wasnt paying attention
they should make everything lame and gay just like XIV
...oh wait that already happened
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>jumping around
>more bombs
just sounds super fucking hobo.. like some indie mobile game stuff
custom in-game portraits like how old wow armory was
better game
anyone got a source for the supposed incoming prot paladin changes?
>Anon is grower closer to realizing the MMO genre as a whole is second only to speedrunning when it comes to lgbtq saturation
But they already added Faerin
So did blizzard finally realize that spending all their marketing on Twitch and Quin69's view bots was not bringing any players to the game?
What does it mean when you "get attention" not because anyone cares but because you spam threads?
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Fine, but one last post. Ally sissys BTFO eternally
NTA but I hate VDH for one really stupid reason. I hate Spirit Bomb. It feels awful to press for some reason. Maybe I'm just autistic.
Orc Shaman and Night Elves are supposed to have their own classes that are exclusive to them, including Druid and Demon Hunter.
bro stop I thought my brain had atrophied while I was reading this
>this is the schizo metzen and his team pander too
oh my lord...
the delay takes some getting used to but aldrachi reaver doesnt take it, and thats supposed to be the tankiest build for vdh right now. fel scarred is still good for everything else, though.
bro nobody wants this shit, make nagas and ogres
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Nagas being factionless is fitting. Not sure ogres have a decent parallel
Baal why do you continue to post your terrible bait here every day
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>Rogue fucking sucks to play
>Fury warrior is more barbarian-ish than what I'm looking for
>Demon hunter has to be an elf
What do I play to get the "fast dual wielding guy" archetype now?
You genuinely have a mental illness if you believe any of that. You will wake up one day and see how much of your energy has been wasted here
>adding naga and ogres to the game when 70% of the populace play elves
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im EU redpill me on the EU guilds? are they any good or should I just join a normie guild?
I want that shit
but thats just general changes for paladin, the only protection change was a new talent for dot and some more WoG healing
it doesn't address their main issue of scaling badly and lackluster mitigation
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>enter a casual BG
>everyone is either a Marksmanship Hunter or an Affliction Warlock
why is everyone such a metaslave now?
70% of the playerbase is elves because like 70% of the available races look like elves or humans. Orcs, Zandalari and even Undead prove you can design a monster race people will play.
Just so you guys are aware, elven feets aren't a new thing. Elven feets have been a thing since at least 2006.
Tying up Futranny Maye and throwing xer to the Tsavo Man-eaters
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suck it up and keep playing rogue like the rest of us
Aren't they just pretty trolls??
2 weeks since release

is the hype completely gone?
monk ;)
they should make DH available to nightborne and void elves already. They can just reuse the existing nelf/belf customizations they have no excuse.
Troll women are pretty and have better asses. Harronir are just bat trolls
nerubian silkweaver is full of trannies and erpers
elysian seem normal but are no longer affiliated with wowg
>split playerbase with early access
>no content besides levelling for 3 weeks
They should just add more furry races
>white human cultures represented in-game as humans or extremely human-coded elves and dwarves
>non-white human cultures all represented in-game via cartoonish caricatures as beast races

what the fuck do these people even want from this franchise lmao, using warcraft as a foundation point to try to build this new unrelated progressive IP has led to some profoundly schizophrenic contradictions. how can you play this game while caring about this shit, for fuck sake darkspear trolls are big-lipped, voodoo-practicing spear-chuckers with long dreads that live on tropical islands. how can asian humans work when pandaren exist and are a 1950s-tier racist caricature of Chinese culture.
I went back to monk. Playing rogue is suffering.
Call me stupid but I genuinely feel like xiv doesn't have any of that stuff
>elysian seem normal but are no longer affiliated with wowg
What happened
>elysian seem normal
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Noo! Turalyon! Your sacred vow of chastity...
nightborne dh would be amazing but i also use shadowmeld all the time on my dh so that would be hard to part with
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You can't make me
more agi daggers for me
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This whore has made me cum so many times it's unreal
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>Affliction Warlock
that's fun and I cannot blame people for playing it
This is extremely hot..

Where is this from?
Dude is a prince and heir of TWO kingdoms. He drow in dwarven pussy/cocks (depending on his tastes) whenever he wants.
beyond the dark portal or something
some anons here never played monster hunter on the psp and it really showed
Beyond the Dark Portal, possibly the only well-written Warcraft novel. At least the parts that don't have Golden's obsession with food.
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What class do vulpera look best as, transmog wise
For me it's both. Then there's tyrande, assumi, alexstrasza...
the gm of nerub made their guild pretty much out of spite after leaving elysian because he wasn't given invite perms and he leaked a bunch of shit noone cares about like chat messages and roster etc but the gm of elysian is tired of tranny drama so he has closed the borders pretty much to attempt to stop more drama.
>possibly the only well-written Warcraft novel.
The Last Guardian clears.
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This is someone's son
the one you unlock where you write DELETE in the box that shows up when you click delete character
why did they add shadowlands crafting materials to classic material vendors? they now literally sell classic material and shadowlands ones
>Undertale lets play
>Steven Universe season 1 complete
>Steven Universe watch online free
>Steven Universe rule 34
Desu I will drop a worgen druid to make a harronir one. Maybe swap to worgen warrior instead
Whoever came up with the claw grip deserves to be boiled in excrement
you're the one crying about it, you tell me
leather or mail
I don't get it.
its in the OP
I admit I haven't read it, but it literally has only one character that I care about so I'm not in a particular rush to read it.
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WoW has been feasting on their corpse for awhile now.
Follower dungeons are better trusts, Delves are better variant dungeons, Warbands are better retainers.
As usual Blizz is at their best when taking and improving on other games ideas.
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Somewhat important context is that "lost a healer to nerub" = the healer had an alt in nerub and GM had a meltie about it and kicked their main.
How do we fix rogue?
he's whining about pronouns
the female worgen avatar has he/him pronouns while declaring that they are not a femboy
>buys wowtoken in your path
I'm gonna pet that dog
I really need to read it. Thanks
Every fuckin' time.
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I'm gonna delete your dick, bitch
i'm afraid to play rogue. maybe monk? how's ele?
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Is it bad if everytime i hear Xal'atath's leit motiff i think about her feet? i swear in the spider city cinematic that leit motiff lined up with the feet shot scene and that's why i keep thinking about them... fuck... blizzard got me into the xalatoes...
Retardbro, castrated people have their balls cut off not their dick...
Why would i make crafted gear if they can't be upgraded and converted into tier.......?
>the healer had an alt in nerub and GM had a meltie about it and kicked their main.
Someone joining a guild made to spite your guild is a bad look, full context.
>Fuck up as dps
>Fuck up as tank
>Everybody dies

Not to mention pulls and shit in M+
i want to remove her toe rings with chain with nothing but my tongue
Whoever is playing that dog wants to be a thin male but worgen males are hulking monstrosities. So he's playing with the female model and asking to be called he/him. Which is far from the cringiest thing anyone has done on an RP server so I don't know why it's screenshot worthy
>leit motiff
Just say 'fanfare'.
Erm your embellishments that also add flavour to your gear?
most people wont be happy until the buttons light up for them and the APM is around 30, with every buff or DoT being something that you can apply once and forget about, or doing the rest of your rotation applies it automatically
Bro we all saw the context. Lying your way out of this isn't going to work for you.
delete outlaw and bring back combat
add troubadour support spec
let every rogue spec mog all available daggers and 1handers
I thought cataclysm revamp was good
but I see now
elysian gm can't accept that one person had an alt, not even in another guild but just an alt, and had a melty. Proceeded to act as if they were "cutting ties" before waiting a day and shitposting now. This is on top of the GM wanting to be carried coming to light
He GM of Elysia.
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So how do I do an acceptable fury war rotation? I've never actually played this class before but from my limited play now I assume I just Raging Blow, Onslaught, Bloodthirst all the time while pressing Rampage from time to time for enrage + whirlwind for cleave during groups?
Recklessness, Avatar, Roar and Bladestorm for big niggas.
Do I get this at least partially?
I don't care.
You faggots are obsessed with Xal'ataths feet.
I want to grab her boobies and honk honk awooga booba mrmrbmrmbrmbrmmrbm honk honk honk hubba hubba
We are not the same
combat was shit
im sorry you consider ss ss evisc the peak of gameplay but classic is over there for you
>delete outlaw and bring back combat
Holy based. I never got why Blizzard is so obsessed with pirates.
do you even realize
that we REALLY are BACK
WoW is back
We won
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why did the burning legion need portals to azeroth when they are all the fuck over outland and you can literally see azeroth from outland?
why is euro hours /wowg/ so hostile?
Yeah that sounds right
That's based THOUGH
I don't get feet fetishists at all
>elysian gm can't accept that one person had an alt
but there are a bunch of alts in the guild? why you lying nigga?
it destroyed a lot of the soul of the old world. how naive we were then thinking 5 years was a long time.
The dark portal was for the orcs to come through and fuck everyone up so the legion could invade later
no you can't
it's just a reused texture of azeroth in black temple
Think of WoW as a circus or carnival. Tomorrow the petting zoo and little kiddy rides open. Then next week we can finally go on the big boy attractions.
Thy also needed portals to outland.
all the times are hostile when you play vulpera so it's no difference for me

>Subtlety is now the only stealth spec but doesn't have 16 cooldowns and the finishers actually do large hits
>Assassination uses an offhand vial and is all about poisoning and using a poisoned dagger for.. well, assassinating
>Outlaw becomes Combat again, but is focused on being a streetfighter who fights dirty, throwing sand in opponents eyes etc.
I think toes can be cute but sole people are fucking weird.
make all the specs whackamole light up bing bing dingalingalingaling wilhelm scream MISSILE MISSILE CAUTION PULL UP train horn nigger at 900 decibels
because outland blew up and is half exposed to the twisting nether.
it's quite hard to die as the tank unless you majorly fuck up the pull or press zero defensive cooldowns when shit gets tough
as a dps player you step in one frontal on high keys and die instantly
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This is someone's son
>play bdk
>pull literally every mob in the instance
>dps keep dying to unavoidable aoes
>kick them for being bad
Demons get sucked back into the twisting nether if they're not brought in by portals or bound locally with magick, they are not really material beings anymore because of the FEL
Can level 80's solo Castle Nathria (solo)?
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WoW is back and my back hurts after 3 hours behind the pc
>offhand vial
shut your goofy ass up fuckin putricide lookin ass
Is aug the spec where versality is the most worthless piece of shit?
Rogues should be removed because there was no Rogue hero unit in Warcraft 3. Sorry not sorry biatch.
You forgot Run Away Little Girl!
Tits are fake asses.
You're a scat fetishist in denial.
Feet are clean and delicate.
>twitterfag believes WoW is bad white people (alliance) vs good POC (horde)
The absolute brainrot state
It would be so cool
They came from the fuckton of portals closed by Illidan in TFT
Later in TBC they used multiple smaller portals in the various Invasion Points
It was that the alt was in nerub, not that there was an alt
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rate me paladin mog
my vulpera wife!
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Oh, darling, if only you knew the power of a well-placed screenshot. But if it's a game of shadows and whispers you want, I'm more than happy to play along. After all, attention is a currency, and I’m rich beyond measure.
runescape 3 lookin ass
Funny that the big bad legion needed a shock force to weaken the planet up first.
you look like the main character of a warcraft TV show aimed at 6-8 year olds whose best friends are a cranky old night elf, a jolly dwarf who drinks too much soda, and a gnome who always blows themselves up with their wacky experiments
you all go on weekly adventures in the eastern kingdoms and learn an important lesson about life or yourselves every episode
I want to play a goblin in the Alliance
look like some jrpg bitchboy off to kill god and save the world
>humans are based off white people
>orcs are based off blacks
This is how it has always been
Thats how Blizz sees the game too given the last 5 or so expansions..
This is why I stick to tbc zones exclusively. They're so much nicer to level through.
You look like a chud attending his first Turalyon rally.
tell me about it
>literally cant die outside of the nether
should have just went zap brannigan on azeroth with waves and waves of imps
>he doesn't know
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Imagine coming from a game with sound design as perfect and timeless as Warcraft 3 into a game like WoW where everyone plays with the sound off and just listens to their gay retard weakauras airhorns.
You now remember the sound of a map ping in WC3.
You now remember the sound of the menu opening in WC3.
You now remember the sound of a mission objective or quest being given in WC3.
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>raid mechanics for tanks
>press taunt when dbm tells you to taunt
Sometimes when I'm playing DK my damage is average but then sometimes when I'm playing it explodes and I feel unstoppable.
Truly frost DK is the Vegas of specs
the only sound my weakauras makes is the pizza tower taunt sfx when my subterfuge window expires
the problem with footfags is they never shut the fuck up. they have to constantly announce that they like feet and try to make it their entire personality. absolutely no other fetish has obnoxious people like that
I'm a fury warrior
I exclusively wear mail and leather
They should have a talent to boost wearing mail. Hell yeah
I still love many things about cata revamp
But the worst thing aboujt it that it left so many locations in ruins for many years
I mean you're not wrong. I had the same intrusive thoughts.
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I wanna do this to a gnome
and your brain is offline
if they made wow 2 and it played more like a character action mmo with dodging/blocking, and with only 8 or so ability slots but still had iconic abilities like bladestorm and similar core rotations would you guys welcome the change or hate that it just became like gw2

i guess what im asking is, is the 30 keybinds tab-target mmo gameplay outdated or not, in your opinion?
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>14x multicraft proc on a potion I am making at a huge profit margin with concentration
>also 50% of concentration refunded
Feels good!
Feet people are the lgbtq of straights
I want to be that gnome
is awakening the machine a thing i can do daily or is it just once a week for the shot at the mount?
this might be the worst mog I've seen
i havent watvh anime but this sounds like.how konosuba looks like in the trailer
any news about reformed scarlet crusade joining Alliance?
The offtank is usually the guild retard. No seriously it's always like the gm's little brother or some shit and anything more complicated than taunt swap is utterly beyond him.
Yeah they're
you look like a new recruit that just got promoted
MMOs as a genre are pretty much outdated.
At least you won't have action combat since how would you balance that around 20 players in a raid group.
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stop trying to convince me to make a gnome but if i were to what class would it be

I would play a World of Warcraft if it was literally me controlling a Warcraft 3 hero as myself and playing on a Warcraft 3 map with Warcraft 3 music. I don't need a World of Warcraft 2, I need a World of Warcraft 3.
there is no offtank. both tanks do the same exact shit. i dont think there has been a dedicated offtank role since WoD
this, I hate the pirate meme
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Post your BULLpera and i will put it through the slop-pipeline with no regards for aesthetics, proportions, safety, or ethics.
There should be a very simple rule in raid design that if a boss doesn't have ANYTHING for the other tank to do during a swap then that is now a single tank fight.
The exception of course being timing taunt fights like the giant elder or the big worm.
True, replace rogues with wardens (fem nelf only)
do the futatrannies replying "wheres the penis" on every posted image of a female not count? its the same thing
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What about the ranged tank you needed for the third raid in BfA?
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I'm trying to get TWW Loremaster, just did all the quests available in azjkaket and am still missing a few questlines... how is it possible?
If season starting tomorrow doesn't fix AH's terrible prices, I'm actually done with the game and quitting. This is the worst AH I've ever experience in an expac.
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time to short wowcoins?
Unless you are in a Mythic raid team fighting for world #1 you should not care about the AH at all.
all the quests markers are on the map. i got loremaster yesterday easily. you might have to fly into the city part of azj kahet to see them
Every day, before I start to play with my Retribution Elite Paladin, I pray to Turalyonn so my journey to the top of the parse is guided by the light.
Stay mad bitchhhh buy a token
just type the missings quests in google and look where they start
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I don't know what this is
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theres a bunch of bullshit in the lower part that you might have missed
Holy priest healslut
I already have a dwarf for that
MMo's as a whole are outdated
Just look at Wildstar
Or New world

Both amazing at launch but totally flopped
Only mmo games they retain the playerbase after launch hype are games with ancient playerbases
I would almost definitely not play this, only reason i resubbed was for the gameplay
holy shit bear feels like shit at 40
tell me it gets better and i actually get buttons to press
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Your response?
WoW is back
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You can't actually do this. But one day blizzard will give up and allow for open community buying and selling of wow tokens
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I've been stuck here for 20mins. It's crazy because I have done this quest for at least 3 times before. And it's a small cave, I'm just directionretarded.
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>tank is a retard and has no idea where to go after first boss
I don't fucking care if we go straight to boss or kill the mini bosses just fucking commit I'm sick of flying around waiting for the tank to pick a fucking spot to land
I have already earned 1 million gold this expansion, you have to be a literal retard to run out of gold
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pour ice on her and make her watch alleria get fucked by turalyon, anduin, varian, khadgar, shaw, derek, nathanos, rhonin, my human male paladin and of course arthas
>Log on female Goblin warrior
>Put on Alice in Chains - Facelift

Yep it's kino leveling time
Why is she impregnating miquella
1 million gold doesn't get you anywhere except for tokens
ok just started tww
where the FUCK is the addons tab in this new interface?? can't find it anywhere
your dungeonfinder?
Everybody acts this way, including ass and boob people. You're just trying to mask how much you seethe that feet broke into the mainstream and whatever sick shit you're into didn't.
what did she mean by this
Esc menu > addons
>alice in chains
my nigga
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anduuehn wryeuhhn
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nowhere to be found. Also found nothing on the "option" tab
1m ain't worth shit for people who actually need gold to buy things and aren't just profiteering to scrounge for a token
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Fuck Sylvanas. Kiss Sylvanas. Mating press Sylvanas into a bed. Massage Sylvanas’ shoulders. Eat Sylvanas pussy. French kiss Sylvanas. Dress Sylvanas up in suits. Dress Sylvanas up in sexy cosplay. Ejaculate inside Sylvanas pussy. Princess carry Sylvanas to the bed. Twist Sylvanas nipples. Suck Sylvanas’ breasts. Lick Sylvanas’ midriff. Encourage Sylvanas to get fit. Get Sylvanas drunk. Sloppy tongue kissing with Sylvanas. Read mature female x younger male hentai with Sylvanas. Eat Sylvanas’ ass. Get Sylvanas horny. Mutual masturbation with Sylvanas. Marry Sylvanas. Big wedding with Sylvanas. Break off into a 45 minute rant about how undead pussy is the best while your friends look at you like you're retarded. Ban condoms and birth control. Massage Sylvanas’ feet. Lick Sylvanas’ armpits. Fuck Sylvanas until your dick breaks. Total Sylvanas Love.
Idk then blizzards shit is so fucked
is skyward ascent the same as pressing space?
there's literally nothing important to buy right now regarding gear thoughbeitever
Will Xal'atath be forgiven and pardoned because she's a girl?
You need to have add-ons first dumbass
If it's not in the options menu then you are not loading any addons.
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Projection man. I'm not sure where you live where people talk about sex all the time
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Hunter or Evoker for battlegrounds?
You know Metzen lost his way and became a pussy long before he couldn't tell his daughter that women wear bikini's in order to make men cum. He had fallen all the way back when he decided that the Orcish Horde being a race of literal demonspawn from hell riding wolves as black as the moonless knight was just not good enough for his self-insert, that they had to become noble shaman naturalist savages instead or else he just couldn't think of himself as one.
A guilty conscience over man's inner desires to kill, rape and murder. The ultimate succumbance to cucking. Humiliation. Ritual.
oh nvm, im a retard, i tought my old addons were still downloaded, but i probably had it all purged last time ive unistalled. Installed Details and now the add-on tab shows up.
this. so much this
Its probably in the wrong folder, the right one now is _retail_ subfolder or some shit
MMOs are outdated, WoW 2 should be a single player RPG with optional server based multiplayer
On planet Earth
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Based gooner
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Unfathomably BASED anon
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>Vulpera posts
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You have been replaced.
Wouldnt the feet be smelly, like really bad smelly? Corpse smelly? She possessed a fucking corpse bro
What if we went to the Shadowlands and got the soul of the elf Xalatath is skinriding, could we use it to force her out of the body maybe?
not a bad idea, have some form of hetarchy, grassroots servers as well

also real 3d not pseudo 3d projection of pure 2d flat gameplay
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This elf face just begs for my sticky load
Huh? I found him already. His physical body was next door to his dream ghost.
more importantly
does the soul have good soles
>come back to WoW
>first thing he does is download 50 addons
bro just play the game
probably not. I doubt xally is letting the corpse actually rot and degrade. probably purged all the yucky bacteria with void magic
what if we didn't go to shadowlands thoughbeit
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What they already did in the anniversary patch is good. Slice and dice becoming passive makes the class a lot more fun because you're no longer required to spend combo points and a GCD on a 0 damage ability. That just wasnt fun at all.
Bring back acrobatic strikes. Yes I know it didn't make sense for the dagger class to have longer melee range than a 2 hander but the class needed it. Just say it's shadow magic extending your reach or something.
Remove the class's reliability on stealth and vanish to do damage (except for sub). Having more damage while you're in stealth is cool and thematic and could be a small bonus for every rogue on combat start, but vanish should absolutely not be a DPS cd. It feels awful. But you know what feels even MORE awful? When your fucking tank in m+ doesn't let you restealth between packs and your dps drops by 50%. Absolutely retarded design here.
Remove the RNG buffs from outlaw. Period. All of them. If slice and dice feels awful to press just think about how awful pressing the dice button feels then seeing garbage buffs. Why the fuck have we had this shit for more than 5 years? Remove it. The tragedy of outlaw is that it's actually pretty fun once you strip away the trash dice mechanic.
The elf merged with her like Arthas
Remember - void elves are evil to begin with, she was probably ecstatic to be taken over by an elder god
>everyone jerking off to your body and the malevolent eldritch horror possessing it
this is some macabre fetish shit i know it
ive just downloaded Details, this and handy notes are usually the only addons that i run. addons addicts make me sick,
Weakauras are basically mandatory for some specs to see procs and shit
I doubt a random elven soul would win a mental struggle against some eldritch monstrosity from the dawn of time
I'm sure you'd love them to be smelly, but no. Elves don't rot. Examples: Sylvanas, san'layn, etc.
i dont download details because im always top dog
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Alleria is so pretty
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>all these "algari competitor's X" patron orders with knowledge rewards
you just know the pvpgroids bitched and moaned at blizz to get this thrown their way
Cute, thanks. What ai are you using?
I love mods
most specs have had ingame tells for procs since cata lil bro
>concussion face
That's a hunter.
sneedolands got memoryholed chud, don't you dare bringing that up again
The shit ones that clutter the center of your screen? Yeah.
>painted nails
>has soft looking soles
>remarkably clean
>feet are actually cute looking
>cant recall any scene where she wasnt levitating
>purposefully goes around barefoot
she knows exactly what she's doing and it's working
having to farm these gay ass BGs is a miserable experience
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saving my hunter for dark ranger's revamp, as an elf because i'm predictable

don't know if i should make another
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u rite brb downloading an epic weakaura suite
You mean the marketing department knows what they're doing
Feet are SFW porn
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Based snekposter
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craft it up wagie
i need some cheap and easy gear to play the actually fun game mode
>autistically min max and save keys
>autistically min max and poopsock the delves in the way you say
>hit level 8
>start using keys on bountifuls
>get that godawful fucking dogshit trinket every single time
yeah nah i'll just chill my way with my title group
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it is in womens nature to show off their feet
during the summer 80% of women wear flip flops fucking everywhere
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I haven't played WoW in 10 years.
Give me one reason I should ditch OG for it.
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where is sloppa anon
zamn, how do I do this on controlnet, u don't have to spoonfeed me just tell me what I need to use
change of scenery, maybe see if you enjoy it in its current iteration. if not, no harm, no foul
just play whatever you find fun
wtf I love aislop now?!
you should go back
Why do women like going barefoot while men don't?
Remove dice mechanic. Might as well bring back Combat at that point. Not that I'm complaining.
But how long did it take compared to previous expansions? That’s the problem. Not everyone has the time to farm or sit in front of the AH the whole day.
>just sounds super fucking hobo.. like some indie mobile game stuff
Just like a Tinker.
Just an ADHD-addled real life tinkerer.
crave attention and know that men like feet even though many of them wont publicly admit it
We need a Shadowlands Remix so I can do my mountsmogscheevos without doing the horrendous Anima grind
>Give me one reason I should ditch OG for it.
you shouldn't
you should never play wow and never come to this general again
OG player here

Is WoW good?
Because we let them.
Men would wear them or crocs or something else gay if we weren't always subconsciously thinking about how women get the ick from seeing male feet.
Nightborn babes...
I have 3 or 4 keys and will still get CE and do keys higher than 99% of the people min maxing reset delves, wax, and """""prebis"""" heroic dungeon loot with r3 enchants and consumables
none of this shit matters in a week once m+ actually opens lol
Better gameplay, less sovl (nowadays)
Cata isn't bad. You can actually see the struggle of wow in this new expansion really well though. You spend all this time chumming it up with the king and shit but vanilla to even mop just had you helping randoms most of the time. Mop actually did a really good job of feeling like you were exploring a new continent that wasn't really centered around the player.
if you don't have the time, you can buy tokens, that's the whole point of them
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also it'd be one thing if she was walking around in sandals or strappy heels... but she is full on BAREFOOT
Social pressure
When a girl goes barefoot, it's seen as cute, when a guy does it, it's seen as unhygienic and weird
Don't forget Brann and whoever the other seasonal Delve Followers are.

I'm hoping we get Garrisons 2.0 that are persistent between expansions and let us keep a roster of beloved companions you can take on World Quests and do Follower Dungeons with. Even give them their own dedicated questlines.

If Blizzard were an ambitious company anymore, they'd be looking into leveraging AI to make followers that generate unique responses and respond to things you say and major lore events in real time.

The true next-gen MMO will be the one that has LLM-driven NPCs.
A spider just crawled across my keyboard while in a dungeon. I ran away and am now posting from my phone lmao.
She doesn't walk, dude
Also you don't know the temperature there, but, chances are, it's very hot - the heat goes up the deeper you go underground, and the cave next to it has freely flowing lava
White human male retribution templar paladin btw.
Male blood elf post.
This is what you get for living in Australia.
>next gen MMO will be an open world single player game with AI companions
God i wish i was chitinoid
You were supposed to flick that fucking nigger across the room with precision like a real gamer
You mean if Blizzard were somehow an even scummier company?
>Someone joining a guild made to spite your guild is a bad look, full context.
Not as bad as kicking someone out of spite. If you're willing to socially manipulate people like that, there's zero chance you're not a control freak down the line, too.
That's the type of GM that says "We're a drama-free guild!" but classifies "drama" as "any time anyone disagrees with me".
You can purchase Chinese citizenship with an investment
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No, I will have 18 if you're including next week's, not just 16
>Whit(e) huma(n) m(a)le (r)etribution (t)emplar paladi(n)
Matthius Shaw gave me a paper with holes in it, and when I put it to this message these are the letters that were visible.
Best I can make it from it is that white human male retribution templar paladin is actually code for
What's a decent price to get a sky golem for?
you telling me her feet are extremely sweaty?
elysian gm brown hands typed this post
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criminally unfunny, kill yourself
legally funny, LIVE
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"miss you" is an understatement
bye forever old friend
only funny through a legal loophole, purgatory yourself
>not even controlnet
i kneel
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>implying some barefoot bitch can replace the mascot of the franchise
>in reality he is just a boomer who wanted to make a comfy community for bros to hang out and play.
Can confirm
You fucks told me alchemy was THE gold making profession this expac. Well, after dumping gold to level an alt’s alchemy to max with full blue equips, why the FUCK DO ALL THE POTIONS AND FLASKS STILL HAVE NEGATIVE FUCKING PROFIT? THIS’LL CHANGE TOMORROW WHEN THE RAID OPENS, RIGHT? I DIDN’T WASTE MY GOLD AND TIME FOR NOTHING, RIGHT?
In fact, they would the least sweaty compared to everyone else because they're bare.
tier 3s or transmute.
Because raids and m+ where they are used are not released yet?
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>always subconsciously thinking about how women get the ick from seeing male feet
That's everyone, though. Male feet are disgusting. It's a biological fact: female feet are sexy and cute, even other women like them whereas even gay men hate male feet.
Can you just throw a ponydiffusion checkpoint into stable diffusion if all you've used is 1.4/1.5 up to that point? I took some time off during the period when the pony models blew up.
tempered potions retard
nah the wraps around her ankles are pooling sweat as we speak
the second that dam breaks and the salty fluids come beading down ill be ready with glass in hand
actually I don't like Sylvanas
I don't know, but pony diffusion is XL so it requires 8 GB.
Gay men love male feet, don't ask me how I know this
And dykes are the biggest footfags on planet earth
>girl wears slutty anklet to accentuate her feet region
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Does this include pvp combat in war mode? It doesn't say anything about it.
>Gay men love male feet
fake and gay
>And dykes are the biggest footfags on planet earth
For a reason. They're lesbian. Female feet.
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I'll miss you my boy, I'll miss you lil bro. I wish things didn't have to be this way.
maybe next expansion if both of us are still here on this gay earth. love you man.
No since you can upgrade the gear. "In arenas and battlegrounds"
go back
>That's everyone, though. Male feet are disgusting
So? Men are bros. We've farted, pissed and shat together in communal toilets for thousands of years. We don't give a shit how disgusting we are and we certainly don't give a shit about how disgusting other men think we are.
The only reason men observe hygene, groom themselves or do anything else to superficially control their appearance (such as covering their feet) it is because we don't want to disgust the fucking women. And it's cringe.
You've seen nothing
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it doesn't, wpvp is PVER territory the way god intended.
>is XL so it requires 8 GB.
I have 8GB but have never been able to get an XL checkpoint to run.
The urge to splurge on a 4090 with 24GB is massive lately.
Alchemy is fucked because they all sell based on multicraft proc, if you don't have x5 or so each craft you are losing money
neo thread
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wow is so back
what now doomjeets
Just search for gay feet porn if you need proof
>The only reason men observe hygene, groom themselves or do anything else to superficially control their appearance (such as covering their feet) it is because
it's healthy.
you were supposed to take transmutation you omega retard
Enhancement shaman?
asmon is that you? silvervale is not going to fuck you
Giga based. I sabotage on purpose if anyone pulls for me regardless of role. Then I bait them into kicking themselves citing "new tank" or something as the reason. Idiots think they're kicking me, but instead end up with a timer on themselves.
Just works on my 1070 with 2021 drivers.
It is mechanically the easiest. They're hard to kill, have small super easy rotations (blood dk being an exception) and not expected to do anything except hold aggro and go the right way and use their fucking mitigation.

People only think tanking is hard because you're the default leader and having responsibility in wow is intimidating because wow players are awful shitty people

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