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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

>Upcoming Meetups
• September 11, 9:00 PM EDT | Famfrit Lavender Beds W15 P20 | Spooky Club: Haruhi >>493747696

>Previous Thread
catboy supremacy
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Fiddie for my Middie.
no one unironically likes male characters
hes so cute
no one unironically likes grey moonies
Sex with catgirls
may i plap
Can I get a QRD on these potential wives?

Matilla Bairon
Rob Chidori
Rori Chan
Sechen Torgud
Sophie Yumitori
Yatla Sakkos
Yukimi Shimo
Ace Le'fay
Ai Yuzuka
Akemi Sanzo
Altina Orben
Anghir Kha
Angry Lily
Anzu Fhey
Anzu Miyumi
Ariuna Himaa
Artemis Everbleed
Ayame Imai
Catherine Vonsaeber
Ceobie Kahkol
Chisato Horikawa
Chu Charu
Cotota Phantome
Eirene Northstarr
Hanazono Saeko
Isere Karlu
Izumi Satou
Jupyter Kin
Ka Zeal
Kale Mcchaffee
Khorijin Angura
Kiyomi Vargur
Komani Ura
Kora Kafhausa
Korkana Ryubi
Maria Belenet
Miki Okada
Mithia Vyvne
Mouse Girl
Myun Nise
Naren Hodo
Narengawa Mochizuki
Nomulun Kha
Omi Vuhen
Ooki Himaa
Ophan Lemuria
Pan Miyumi
Ranru Shiraishi
Rei Astra
Rhae Aithusa
Saishi Kawahire
Sapphira Nyx
Saran Miyake
Sassa Ljanta
Seiker Rukhan
Shannon Mlemenon
Sunn Dereh
Taban Tuya
Tantalus Blackspine
Thamissa Lunaria
Theo Voloux
Thread Schizo
White Glint
Yesukai Haragin
I have a confession I went catgirl because a girl wanted me to
i am
a midlady
Well I went catgirl because a cat wanted me to
It feels really good to not be in any of these namedropping posts anymore
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Hmm sisters?
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Post ancient hroths.
You got groomed by tortellini didn't you
>not on the list
its so over
I miss Meg's incelzen


It's just the femra cwls.
all hroth owned
life is hardest as a grey moonie..
Are far right leaning glubra into fellow glubra
uh oh someone add it to the woke content detector list!
You know anyone can put tags on steam games right?
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shut up bro
wrong finno fanno general sis
All my wives, even theo
i REALLY REALLY like thighlanders
I've been having heart palpitations for a week.
can i see ur moonie
Have you tried losing weight and not taking estrogen?
ermmm you seem to have posted an image of the final fantasy 16 demo. this thread is for final fantasy 14
I like them!
A friend showed me statistics that Thighlanders, Femroes and Hrothgals are some of the least played and that worried me heavily.
if its not catgirl/femra yuri i dont want to fucking see that shit
I'll always be safe from namedroppers because only one person cares enough but they doesn't have a reason to. That's how irrelevant I am in this general.
I thought this was the sunning rock but there’s rob and theo
wrong thread retard
No she just really liked my catgirl way more than my male
im 15 different posters
I made someone quit the game
sounds like you got groomed my nigga
Idk man, I get ear rubs which can be fun for RP.
I sleep or sit next to people and they don't seem to mind. Also alter is a cool FC that people should checkout if they wanna do clears and such.
Fiddie only.
have you tried confessing this to a doctor
Name and shame
i like both of these
at the same time
Where do I find 4 people to give 10 000 000 gil each to let me win in Mahjong and get the Title / Adventurer Plate stuff?
I want it so baaaaaaaaaaad
It feels really nice to be able to express this part of myself with another person.
I messed up…
Can I get a QRD on these goonbait slampawgs
i like gil...
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Almost there.
I want this catboy to sleep on my lap.
What are the requirements, do I need a certain rating to help you out?
would u guys be interested in a cc meetup or a street fighter 6 meetup
you only need 3 people baka
skill issue
Idk it’s some normie girl. She wants to just make cute gposes which I’m fine with. She knows what I look like irl she thinks it’s cute I dress up my catgirl
Street fighter 6 an actual good competitive game. I’d also give me a reason to work towards Diamond (I’m a plat2 Marisa)
it's only 1800, you shouldn't have to pay for that
you just need determination
there is no requirement, you can be novice with 0 games played, and they'll still get rating out of you
would anyone like a mentally ill trans EB that's bad at computers, bad at artistic stuff like screenshots, and generally just boring and autistic in uninteresting ways?
i remember making this post
she thinks you're gay lol
une coulle big rabbit bepis
Depends on race
she knows you're gay lol
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How come yoshida's other game is allowed to have hot elves?
No. Make something of yourself.
Don’t think so the video calls and pictures paint a different story.
because they're big hulking brutes that remind ffxiv's trannies that they will never be women
so they choose dainty catgirls instead
just make trial accounts bro
Yes, “politically extreme” zoomers are transbians.
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>bad at computers
thats like the one thing trans have going for them you need to work on this
what do you like
That's cute, anon! Post your catgirl!
how do you do this? do you queue up separately or in a party? novice ranked or what?
how do they lose on purpose?
>still getting shitposted randomly
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Okay. Here's the Link.
nta but novice quick match, queue at the same time after making sure the queue is 0/4 without anyone
if you queue as a light party it doesn't affect rating iirc
then they just ask people to discard what they need in chat
this is just an old ass list
I'll warn you now. I sleep purr. This has been an issue before and I was evicted twice for meowing at the walls at night the landlord and neighbor doesn't understand there are evil spirits in the walls at night
you can't queue in a party
what if i have no idea what to discard or how to win at all and i want to be the winner
gimme a qrd on how to wintrade mah-dong
want a boy to kiss my head and fluff my ears
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post femhroths pls
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mfw not a potential wives
hyur, midlander

my specialty is cuddling and being nice

I tried to once and got bored to death after an hour trying to code

most things except malera
Why do you keep posting the same pics again and again?
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do you guys still like my meena. . .
>im the only bidder on the fc house
surely someone wont come and bid as #2 and win it.. again?
my name is in it so that technically counts
idk do you like my meena....
do you believe in spousal rape
How do I get on the list?
only if you tribute an avatarposter
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Have you screamed at the sky yet today, sisters?
who's that DANK-ASS nigga at the bench/the beds/wherever the idle spot is
Why are you posting here when you’re not subbed to the game
yeah but not for me
FRU ultimate waiting room, I'm just going to goon in the quicksands until 7.1.
she looks like she barks at the moon
We don't have any avatarposters.
do you want help bwo
Gathering: yes, +5.
Everything else: no.
yes, but it has to be to this beast >>493816659
not yet but when my mood inevitably takes a turn for the worse i will be
that wasn't weed
Finally, finally something that fills the void. (kill me already)
can that pinkhroth bitch just go back to /wowg/?
I have friends that still play and post here. Is that a satisfactory answer?
post him
POV I came home at 2am drunk as a skunk and am about to get my ear talked off

I fumbled another baddie.........
post yours first...
there's an option for premade parties, but i can never remember what it is. i know it doesn't affect rating
haven't touched it in years
why do you want to wintrade, just for that guy's gil? it's kind of like poker if you're at all familiar. or a lot of other card games, except with tiles. you try to make a winning combination you can call (generally) based around four set of triplets and one pair. because of hand sizes, you either need to draw your final tile to finish a hand, or take it from someone as they discard it
so if you for example have 3 pon in hand and two pairs, you would be able to call a winning hand on someone if they discard a tile that is one of the pairs. since that would give you four triplets + a pair, in a valid combination
if you're just wintrading and don't care at all about learning the game, discard the tile they ask you to discard when they ask you to discard it/hold on to said tile until then
no i mean like what sort of things are you into what do you do outside of play ffxiv….
world and location so that I may deliver pets?
I LOVE your meenas...
no i want to win myself because i have some friends who will likely do this with me, so apparently i need to know the game a little bit
I’m tired of ERPing every night but my brain chemistry has made it one of the few ways I receive dopamine now….
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Which job should I level
I will tear the walls out and add holy charms along with soundproofing to ensure a night of catboy lap-purring.
no I don't like your moonie
no I don't like your male character
no I don't like your meena
r u a moonie
my femra is still unplapped
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I stayed up way too late playing CC last night and throwing on viper and am feeling it this afternoon
Also with my system for saving stuff I'm quickly approaching IVcp and may just skip that particular initial
red mage
Can I parse purple with 725 item level tomorrow?
I'm not sub'd right now and the desire to re-sub (which was fairly high before hand) has slowly ebbed out. I may get a free account just to dick around in, but I think I finally hit the wall wherein I've played 'enough' to be happy to leave it
That's not an avatarposter, it's a screenshot of a fuckugly modbeast.
*blocks you on discord*
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Please help me win the adventurer plate, I said 4 people so 1 one them can help me do the winning moves and the other 3 what to do so they lose
I'm gil capped so I promise I'll pay 10 000 000 to everyone involved
r u a moonie
why dont you like my moonie? shes a face 4!
why not
im not posting mine i lied
i thought you were going to work
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>I stayed up way too late playing CC last night
Odds RPR
Evens RDM
meena x meena = true kino
I will be a loser, as always
I don't wanna get too specific without talking to you in person, but I like camping for example..
I am at work
are you on NA?
Based, we're totally, playing scary games, watching scary movies or supernatural on the couch till that happens.
A bunch of people started asking after I said I was going to go to bed, it was an unforced error
are your initials YS?
It's pretty early but I can stuff your femra
post you are moonie
You need to stop and kick the habit, anon. It will start affecting people around you. If you need help, I'm sure you can ask for support from your friends. I bet they are only a message away.
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The Grand Company of Eorzea is a beacon of ambition to those looking to start their own adventure and take the matters of the star into their own hands. Each and every new recruit is brimming with potential, and you can be the one that points them in the right direction. Commission with one of the three adventurer-friendly Grand Companies and begin assembling an Adventurer Squadron worthy of the history books.

'Till sea swallows all.
I have a small penis (5 inches)
if you actually have like 15 minutes i can chat your ear off about basics if you really want. i got mahjong master within 300 games, but i can not in good conscience consider myself an expert or anything close to it
you need someone to instruct you on how to play? why do you even want the mahjong framer kit if you don't have a fundamental understanding of the game?
okay but what about my moonie though
then I hate your gay ass meena
can i see ur moonie
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What is it about Final Fantasy XIV that makes it so popular?
I yearn for the day to have you beneath my heel and at the end of my musketoons barrel
meena x maloonsters
Would you happen to have two or three minutes available in game to answer a question or two? It's nothing too urgent or pressing, once again.
what do we think about face 4 veenas?
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Yeah, NA!
It won't be honorable but you will be 10 000 000 gil richer...
I'm not trying to be mean but I don't care about Mahjong and wish they wouldn't lock certain framer kits behind content, so I'm willing to balance that by paying people to help me
I have a massive penis (5.1 inches)
i need to take some pictures of my moonie
>Yeah, NA!
where do you want to meet? ill need to unlock mahjong first though
>wish they wouldn't lock certain framer kits behind content
God forbid an MMO give you incentive to do content instead of just giving you shit for logging in
i will wait for ur moonie
my penis used to be massive (5.5 inches) but now its 3.5.....
Any femhorth idles for other races yet? I did see one that I think released before DT and it was awful.
I don't see the problem
is it just the border or something you want, or completion for the sake of completion
i feel like most of the kit is pretty mahjong themed, so it seems silly to pay anything for it if you don't like the minigame
Those aren't issues per say but the low self esteem you display is. Work on that sweetheart.
cute, how many months sis
Just look at >>493816659 for a while and it should be back up to 5.5, bro
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it's this femra who RMTs his gil
accept at your own risk and hope SE doesn't ban you for wintrading or accepting RMT gil
i'll be filing a report on his character for wintrading mahjong just in case
What are you?
my femlala needs a blunt, a bottle of tequila, and a catboy's face in between her legs for at least 20 minutes
Eli Star post
Then work faggot
we'll just make a poal and chat there to avoid any GMs lmao
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Balmung Gold Saucer sounds fine? Near the Triple Triad NPC that gives you the initial cards
I do a lot of other content though
I just want the framer kit really
All my gil was earned selling High Allagan / Dreadwyrm gear on the marketboard and running 2 FCs with submarines!
Why do you think I asked what I should level dumpass
I slipped 6 Ku'ers in a row and then disconnected halfway into Ruby Dragon's window and just went back to sleep instead of trying to log back in.
My femlala has a wide social circle and is no longer entertaining new suitors
Who is this?
I'm typically a bundle of energy but the depression is hitting pretty bad right now, I still have to pretend like I'm happy-go-lucky though because otherwise everyone's going to stop liking me.
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>Win trading in a game mode where everyone has cheats
>Paying people off to win trade
You're better off going to the revival discord for this kinda thing, since thats all they do.
>RMT & Femra
Double cringe.
which race will get me a eb?
>all of these peasants tripping over their own feet in a rush to get 10 million gil
Ah, to be poor...
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Even when I post anonymously I'm completely unabrasive to everyone here, apart from to GT, I think GT is an actual shitstain that needs to be ostracised from these threads.
femra or miera
>admits to running multiple FCs against terms of service
>is about to meet up and pay multiple anons possibly RMTed gil
>then those same anons will repeatedly get into the same matches and happen to lose them all
yeah there's no way the GMs will pick up on that pattern after i file a report spelling it out, they wouldn't dare to take 5 seconds looking at the metadata for those mahjong games
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I pulled your plug, anon. I buttered your hook. It was me, anon. I did it.
Post low poly food
that hurts
sorry, i'm not interested anymore because i'd really rather not get banned
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Ilberd w-why man... the next window is in 11 days...
You've ruined me...
>3 digits off from 777
bwo....what is wrong with u?
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You'd have to be insane to go through with something that leaves this big of a paper trail after you've already been outed, Yukimi
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I am not intimidated
my meena is the evil baby
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Yeah I should be just doing a few beast tribe dailies from now so prod away
Would be cool if they added more ranks to the system.
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good, i'll happily file a report for you and each of the 3 morons you rope into this scheme
i wonder what sound a gil capped account makes when it gets permanently closed?
sis, we cannot use those words anymore...
my meena?
no idea how fucking badly i want to poke and prod you
That is kinda tasty
I wonder how that worm eating moonie is doing
Go male unless you want some real embarrassment in your near future
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Magness sure is uppity today already
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What do the french want from me.... get out of here
QRD on femlalas?
oh my gosh its moonie monday. you know what that means!
Little, adorable balls of joy...
I'm the boss baby
i posted my moonie earlier though
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bros i get it now
To give away French prizes. And it does have less Michael Cera than the English EU stream.
Yukimi Shimo@Balmung
Nymnixia Nyltilia@Balmung
anyone else want to be paid RMTed gil to intentionally wintrade at mahjong and wind up on a GM's desk?
2/4 slots
Gm my cerebral palsy wife
my sunnie is still watching TI but is frowning
I'm new to XIV and haven't played much FF in general. I just ran into Gilgamesh and I adore how much of a dumbass he is. Is he like this in every FF game?
yea sure add me to the list
damn bro are you adding random names to the list or something
>I wasn't added to the list
It's over.......
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nouns bro.......
isn't that the guy who had a meltdown about tzera taking his name?
i already posted my moony
All my exes live in Texas
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>Yukimi Shimo@Balmung
>Nymnixia Nyltilia@Balmung
>anyone else want to be paid RMTed gil to intentionally wintrade at mahjong and wind up on a GM's desk?
>2/4 slots
I wish I had a meena EB
nothing random about it
Most unfun PvP job?
Be sure to add Magness Lascinda@Balmung as well for using outside websites to facilitate RMT behavior
thats okay. today is your day! post those moonies again! :3
I look and act like this
I want snuggle and fuck every mi'qitten in game, simultaneously
God I love sunnies so much it’s unreal
stop baiting me
it's so over......
to play? picto
to play against? probably monk or reaper closely followed by pld
don't force yourself man, everyone has rough days. it's healthier for you and everyone involved to be open about your feelings. if people stop liking you because of that they weren't friends in the first place.
miera post?
what does it mean
r u a moonie
You there!
Transform your character into a moonie!
Don't touch anything else.
Post the result!
Post your meena
I report xivggers for what they say at meetups and hang out spots if it breaks TOS
I am not using a fanta for that
What about them?
ok but i am going over my limit
only a wol bearing moonie fumes or duskie musk can revive me from my slumber
What if I'm already a moonie...
Wintrading? No big deal.
Pedophilia? No big deal.
Not clearing savage on day one? Yep, we're gonna shitpost you for that.

Never change, FFXIV.
You find out who your true friends are when you are having bad days. Not all of them will be able to help but that's ok. Not everyone is good at handling this stuff but as long as those friends can respect that you are having a bad day and keep liking you afterward, that's what matters. Basically, be yourself anon.
petting this fujo
The second point is a social construct
stay mad faggot. go hall monitor some more
uh oh yukimi melty
Builded for smooches
Then I guess you have it easy, but I mostly to see how non-moonies looks like as moonies, but post anyway, any moonie post is a good post.
Yukimi you probably should have just fanta'd to femlala and joined the lalacord and told them you wanted to play mahjong and you could have easily found 3 of them to wintrade for you.
what they do is they all go to dynamis and queue up for full ranked games with only German language turned on and they feed the new person all the points until they're a mahjong master
t. formerly in the lalacord
I really fucking hate ugly characters
sorry are you still here? I was making pancakes
you can queue ranked on other DCs?
Where I want to see
is it me...
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I find myself mesmerized by the low poly fruits in my inn room.
r u a sunnie
such a cute maloonster
When is it my turn to have a melty?
Scientifically engineered in a Garlean magitek lab for the sole purpose of getting Amazon positioned by my hrothgal.
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Wtf don’t do that
Are you a femra?
In march i got so upset my previous EB cheated on me that i made a craigslist ad that featured irl pics of their house, they live in the LA area so they got multiple crack heads showing up for free shit, i don't really regret it either and i have done this kind of thing multiple times and will continue to in the future.
Scholar is so lame.
t. Leviah
wish he would have lots of sex with my catgirl
nobody is stopping you
yeah it doesnt matter what DC you do it on but they do it on dynamis bc its emptier and less likely they get real players
She's been posted enough, I'll let other moonies post instead
Based. Cheaters are scum and deserve it
i am
a male moonie
>starting to feel a connection with my character
>like I'm actually him
Oh no bros...
why are femlalas so powerful
which DC?
*grabs you're leg and picks u up, watching u dangle upside down scrambling to be put down*
>>admits to running multiple FCs against terms of service
there is literally nothing in the ToS saying you can't have multiple FCs
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I am
a femra
who is not fat
how about I post a knuckle sandwich you dork
to play as : scholar feels like it does literally nothing despite being quite strong
to play against : PLD, MNK, AST, PLD and AST because they single-handedly win games while taking infinitely more energy to counter than to competently player, MNK because they can just pick one person and make it so they literally don't get to play for an entire match
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No Malera
you get used to it...
this nigga's not deep enough
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Too cute, I am dead
I actually am my Warrior of Light
okay balmung doing fairy society quests
I walked 4 miles this morning
Extremely based. This is what cheaters deserve.
you’re an ugly tranny actually
just press that "-" next time lil bro
it's faster
Why no one talks about the gameplay
yeah we know your dog is named 4 Miles and you took him out back to shit.
a jew?
glad im not on balmung
I am
a femra
who would hate it if someone sat on her face
I'm a Male Midlander.

That's it.
>i have done this kind of thing multiple times and will continue to in the future
what do you mean? like to other people?
Any good blood mods?
must resist... urge to plap...
Beep beep thats a fatra
Okay, DRG makes me feel like I'll develop arthritis before I turn 30.
Just culled my friend list down to 9 people lol
Ask the British Effy
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Don’t die, you have to live to see more lalaboys.
Where's that slutty dog moonie..
Can you add me then?
WHM needs to have a 90 second Temperance, 2 minute Benediction, Cure2/Medica2 need their MP costs more in line with AST, Aquaveil needs to give a regen when the effect expires and Benison needs to proc a lily when used up.
good mornyan
while you are based for this be careful because they could probably get you in trouble
Okay. I didn't understand why wicked thunder didn' have a checkpoint until I realized 90% of the fight is p1+sunrise. A checkpoint would have made it easier than Honey B.

So true sis
There she is bwo
Aren't you the chick with the blown out pussy?
Light bros...
>Chat with a random for a bit
>Add each other as friends
>Never talk to each other again
there's no new content, everyone either doesn't raid or blew through raids week 1, so we're just in hiatus until new content drops in 2 months
I'm gooned out my gourd rn
Nah not that faggot
i am 8 friends away from being capped
>anon never reaches out
>expects the other person to
Many such cases
>meet again after months
>neither of us remember why we added each other in the first place
many such cases
Scream is the best track.
Yes bro?
There's usually a retarded enemy in every ff game it's not necessarily always Gilgamesh though he's based in ff8
>didnt get added to the list this time either
its so fucking over
My moonie has peas on her head but don't call her a peahead
…but at what price?
Ty, your lalaboy gave me the strength to make it through the day. *smooch*
Still fine too, right?
does anyone wanna frot with my meena after work
Hey babe, can I stick my penis in your vagina until white shit comes out and you have a baby?
This but the instrumental version.
In every game except XV. Some may argue he's not even really Gilgamesh because of how fucking different he is there.
beep beep thats a flatra

What is it
this is just normal sunrise
Yes, gladly.
they made femezens so cute and i made one as an alt and now she's cuter than my main character and it hurts because i like my main a lot but she is just not as cute as femezen...
This moonie has no feet..wtf..
How did you manage that? In vaguepost
yeah i do but can we kiss while we do it
I already beat the tier and got bis do you want to hear me complain about farming the diadem mount

nyalso I wannya do m4s this week without tank lb3
Why are Final Fantasy XIV players so obsessed with sex? I thought this was the best MMO because of its gameplay and story?
>whm needs more mana efficiency and 2 minute mit misalignment
Just increase glare potency by like 10%
ok but no tongue
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>entry period has started
>3 open medium+ plots
>1 of them is FCs only
I-I didn't want a bigger house, anyways...
>every coomer miqo'te troon on xivg using these markings now
>used to be a niche and attractive mod choice
why do you people ruin everything
whenever i do i get ignored or get passive aggressive replies
What shader did you use here?
why not
Shut up
>Something looks good
>Other people start using it
le gasp
Dead game dead region dead DC
Worst place to play by a country mile
Just not even FF if youre outside of NA or JP
i can't stand them they look like nasty stretch marks
You meowst but 18+ to use 4chan

Pawbably Johto 4 since that's the one I use most for screenies
You probably didn't like them very much if your reason for liking them was that they're niche
i dont use that trash
Pretty brazen take for someone in raping distance
i finally got my 100 golbez totems
these creatures can't stand on the corner of a marker for the knockback
what's up?
I'll miss Sarah my fishwife
>popular thing is le bad!!!
Cute pits, cute feet. Yep, that's miau miau.
Did this ever happen? I could've used the gil but I wasn't around....
Is she going somewhere?
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I hope I can clear 4 today
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Randoms are allergic to precise positioning. They make wicked thunder a nightmare to prog.
I use markings but thankfully not these specific ones like ever other cat does for some reason
Now that tacos are dead, what's a good item to grind endlessly on crafter for profit?
>moonie pits
Today is a good day for simping
Here's how to fix healers
>decrease their heal/shield buttons while increasing their potency and lowering their cooldowns
>give them rotations and more damage skills
TL,DR: make em like tanks
My femezen can't manage to get a femra wife.
A schizo shut it down. I wanted the gil too
no idea what yours look like but i've never seen these popular ones look good
someone found me through discord and told me to kms because i told them standing on the marker helps to not wipe us
Bwos I LOVE meenas...
t. meena
I'm bis so there's nothing more to talk about and I get called a tranny for wanting to talk about job optimization or anything related.
She was very eerie about not playing for a while, no idea what happened but I'm worried and will miss her
I don’t know where yours has been. . .
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good moonie morning
We all have to follow the rules. Last month it was greasy shit, now it's clan markings. Just do what everyone else does man, it's not that hard.

This. We in the FFXIV movement support law and order. We like doing what everyone else does. If we all do something, that means it's the right thing to do. Comply or die!
Me too
But I'm not a meena...
I'm eating Auntie Anne's for lunch
Just carry me if you're so good.
Smooching this moonie till she instinctively removes her clothes
how are tacos dead, they should just be in hibernation
That's what they used to have, especially SCH. It got scrapped in ShB because so many people would play healers and not use any damage buttons.
Yeah but I don't know if everyone wants the non-normal one nowadays.
I can’t get the link to it right now but there’s like 5 marking patterns by the same guy but every cat is getting the exact same pattern that looks like stretch marks
I just think whm-onlys don’t appreciate their kit. Being able to heal off center is really nice for m2s beat 1, aetherial shift is really nice for ee2 in m4s, the only legit complaints is slightly lower dps than ast and no additional 10% mit.
>give them rotations
yes I would love for me to die because my healer won't stop their rotation to hit a heal button
you can’t just add moonie before every word to make it moonie related
Case in point really.
I'll stick to posting about inane shit instead.
i just brushed! but its okay ill respect your boundaries my frotbun…
non-normal aka uptime aka autocad sunrise has pretty simple little rules, its easy to pick up so if you're comfortable with normal sunrise first, then you're all set to be able to do both

if nobody says which one you're doing, a good rule of thumb is that if the second phase platform has markers, it's uptime sunrise
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Cutting off the horny was a net positive, I can now properly focus on good, healthy, long-term platonic friendships with people I love.
it needs their 90 capstone reduced to 180 seconds CD, mit reduction, the party shield broken out into its own button, and more damage to keep up with AST but yeah it needs heavy buffs it's in a bad spot right now and is good at nothing really
r u a moonie
Is that a female character? W-with exposed PITS and FEET? I'm totally "gooning" to this! RAPE!
Uptime sunrise looks retardly risky compared to this
log on Ravana and see who they're in a party with
I am

a fiddie

who's inSANE. cuh cuh cuh CRAZY! I'm wild, I'm wacky, off the deep end, non compos mentis. I'm absolutely stark raving MAD!!
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Miera are property of Fiera
i look like this
if you like... you should try
meenas being a meena
imagine if falcons loses here lol
hot, sit on my face please
This tier is full of interesting heal mechanics to solve
it looks risky but it also makes solving the mechanic easier to solve. you just lean your cannon to the side of the marker that the closest tower is on.
I think this is the origin of a lot of femezen now. It happened to me.
oh right I almost forgot to actually answer what you were wondering, uptime sunrise is the majority fan favorite because..
1. people like the word uptime
2. following a marker gives you an extra confirmation that you're doing it right, so it's comfier for most
Kong here would anybody like to do reclears with me and some other people at reset we have like 3-4 open spots for shield healer, tank and dps
you're my favorite moonie
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>he wants to see her fat moonies
moonie morning moonie monday moonie marbles moonie mayonnaise moonie maracas
>slightly lower DPS than AST
whm has the lowest healing potencies, is reliant on sacrificing GCDs to heal, and has some of the lowest both healing and damage right now
it also has very little in the way of mana gain since they fucking gutted thin air

every time it gets an identity people who play AST/SCH scream till it gets gutted and WHM is left bland as the objectively worst healer in the game on paper
not only will I sit on your face, I'll plap it. plap plap plap clapping your nose with my hung -
>people like the word uptime
I hate it, the entire time i was pfing it, it was obvious people see the words "brain-dead" and "uptime" and think "haha that means i just go stand on the marker :)" and even after explaining it to them for the 8th fucking time they wipe us again
Congratulations, anon. Well done. I am proud of you.
Mostly AST because a AST in a good players hands have to be killed ASAP or the others won't die.
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I’ve personally been rather partial to these markings but I know it’s up to people’s own taste.
you’re supposed to shove it in anyway. . .
You didnt cut off anything, youre just ignoring it. Do you know why they call it going downhill?
Because coming back up isnt as easy as snapping your fingers and going "I'm better now!"
Your brain is permanently fucked and youre gonna have to live with that. Gonna have to cope with that.
Thank u smooch
I keep teasing my partner hoping that they’ll pin me down and have their way with me, but they’re turning out to be a bigger sub than I am
moonies sleep together moonies wake together
Show her fat moonies then
Kong here, I am a huge homosexual and I really wish a male character would EB me
I like your body, grapec@. It's well taken care of
moonies shit together
Thanks for the treat, I'll be able to die happy.
Why are womb tattoo mods so rare
I am
Also a mooonie
Who just woke up
What kind of level difference do I need to get as much gathering spiritbonding
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she's just so cute it's insane AAAHHHHHHHH I LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my cock stinks holy fuck
kong here, I'm genuinely sorry to everyone I've wronged. I'm trying to turn over a new leaf. I understand if you don't trust me and I'll do my best to let my actions speak louder than words.
because its cringe
Take a shower, bro.
I dont like stinky cocks.
No one from here will really be your friend. They only want to fuck your character, you idiots
they look too much like stretch marks, it's just off-putting. could look good on a body like rue though
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>womb tattoo mods so rare
>Tatto anyhting in this game
Hate that dogshit instantly ruins character when I see it
You're projecting and you don't even know what I'm talking about, but go off king
I will continue gooning, I'll simply swap to single player mode
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Goon. Plap. Sex. Cock. Rape. Cum. These are the reasons why we play the game.

I like this. You like this. We like this. This is Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail.

Wuk Lamat? The rite of succession? Sphene? Don't care about them unless I can plap them, and now that mods are back, we can. We can finally Play The Game™. Time to get comfy and eepy, now that mods are back back you can coom ‘n goon with all the classics in the ‘cord like AS (x3), GL, OL, HH, LL, SS, VM, MV, IM, and many others. All we need now is a movie meetup and it’ll feel like we never left Endwalker. One could say it's like going to the "grammy's".

My femlala downloaded 2 packs that were made this week alone
Tattoos just mean you want to be a special snowflake with no personality.
miss him bros..
And on the actual hard healchecks of the tier, such as fusefield, it’s great, bell makes the first 4-5 fuses a breeze and macro is far less useful. The dps /mit issue is real, but pretty minor unless you are getting chadded hard by a sch
I am
a sunnie
with 10k Twitter followers
I dont mind these but on modbeasts they absolutely do look like stretch marks with the massive tits and ass they force
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What hair mod shall I use...
stay moonie, whore
this should be MCH LB3 instead of what we have
I am
a sunnie
with 10k Twitter accounts
I thought the cat was better
Okay but hear me out, dickhead, it works for Halloween next month
can i see ur moonie
..yeah I do...
>unless you are getting chadded by a SCH
that's pretty much every SCH though
>erm your job is objectively the worst and is at the bottom in every category but you have a single ability that does somethign everyone else can also do, so stop asking for buffs
I fucking hate SCHfags and ASTfags for this
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I keep making catgirls and getting bored of/fantaing after a week or two each time, I think I don't like being a catgirl........
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2nd and give me the link to it.
>Okay but hear me out, dickhead, it works for Halloween next month
Cringe. I don't like therefore I don't want to see it.
There is no WE
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Your moonie is pure sex, please don't fanta off of it......
I'll stop calling you effy
the oily skin everyones using looks worse than the clan marks
every time i cat Full Metal Field i think about this image and this post.
fuck you nigga
there's no way
does anyone have a list of md5 filters for the trans advertisement spamming
also use that long ponytail
Makes me sad to hear it, I think she was lovely
Giving this moonie a paizuri creampie beneath her clothes and making her walk around with it.
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Armour for this feel?
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lalalfells.... LALAFELLS! are you a lalafell? am iiii a lalafell i dont know now i have a gun im shooting you aaaaa, you are currently reading this in my voice, soft belly and chest how do they do it we have to know, you are now breathing manually, here with Murutar in the ; fiiiieeeeeld (Sponsored by NordVPN)
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Yeah we really won with the graphic update
Yeah WHM is so great that half the LFP posts on the forums andLFP discord say "looking for non-WHM healer"
feels good to have everyone constantly looking for almost any healer that's not your job hmmmm
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Post SAM
The straighter looking ponytail
if you wanna then why dont you post your character HUH
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What was he breeding out here?
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effy is so petty for doing this
>Someone posts a long seemingly coherent paragraph about a job in the game
>Sit up straight in my seat to read something worth a shit in the threads for once
>It's about PvE not PvP

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But that's a modbeast!
you are the minority for liking pvp
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i have company in game so i cant take anything new at the moment sorry...
>and making her walk around with it
they'd get so sticky i bet it'd hurt for her to pull her tits apart at the end of the day
my duskie wife
i really really like 2
The buffs you are asking for (temperence on 90seconds, more healing efficiency on cure 2 (????)) aren’t relevant to whatever deficiencies whm has.
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lol stormblood would have caused so much more outrage if it came out today
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Don't worry, I'd keep adding to it throughout the day.
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I wish I could, but I haven't unlocked it yet :( cool pic tho!
people getting tired of Val's shit huh
yes but the most annoying faggots know how to get around them
ok ok im sorry, I said id stop doing it...
my male middie is the Mr. Green of /xivg/
They don't need to know, using brio to strip will keep it a secret from them
WHM is twice as popular as the next most popular healer. They usually already have one.
I"ve cracked the code: CC is a vehicle to fabricate thread drama. Damn, it makes sense.
can we have a sopranos meetup
How many changes do you have to make to a format before just accepting it doesnt work
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>you are the minority for liking pvp
>PVE metatroons talk about the game
>No you're parses are bad.
>Can we get some class flavor in this stale br-
>CCissies talk about their game
>How do you play Y?
>*get an answer*
>"Man I'm not doing so well gang maybe I shouldn't be qing
>CCissies encourage them to play and get better.
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you'd run out of cum eventually right???
One day you will, anon! Chin up!
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No... No...!!!
yeah I think we all kind of knew that
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No you
I think it is https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/114699 ?
They both still exist, I just want something different for my "main"
I see, I see...
I'm not asking for that I'm asking for
>lilybell on 180 CD
>partywide shield untethered from wings and unique CD
>healing potency buffs
>glare potency buffs
to even be on equal footing with the other healers
remember, SCH is top dog and is literally bugged. In about a month they will fix the SCH/SMN bug and it will get potency buffs to its skills and pull even further ahead without anything else changing
Qrd on Yukimi?
yea we can recreate the scene where vito is getting sucked off in the van. you can be vito
meat please
both are faggots
tanks are even less interesting than healers though this solves nothing
Dude made a huge fuss out of quitting to gather attention and just came back like nothing happened. I'd keep some healthy distance.
qrd on magness?
For this big booba moonie nerd?
That shit makes me diamonds. It will be several times so there's a swamp of jizz between her hag udders each time she tries to let her tits breathe.
>the goyim are starting to notice
>Raid tier done and already BIS
>Combat isn't complicated, neither is gear
>Just doing old ultimate's or doing pvp
>Story is weak and theres nothing much to talk about until patches.

idk you tell me
If you wanna pvp, play a real man's game.
Like worms2.
I realize I am the problem. I realize I am the reason I never make friends. I've been a loner the majority of my life. Now I don't even have family. My parents are dead and the other family I have, I don't talk to despite my attempts to reach out. For whatever reason, I push people away when I start to become friends with them. I have pushed so many people here away. The soul crushing loneliness is starting to get to me. I find myself crying often now. I cannot continue down this path. Something has to change and I do not know what I should do.
qrd on the fat middie at lb14
I play BLM in pvp and I secretly enjoy it when people are in the backlines bullying me (I'm not very good so I have trouble dealing with it...)
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>I play BLM in pvp and I secretly enjoy it when people are in the backlines bullying me (I'm not very good so I have trouble dealing with it...)
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Ok but don't share around :x
Do you like catboys?
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qrd on why the aesthetician, Jandelaine, is a BITCH who fucked up my haircut
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my femlala is approaching
i wish terminal illness on you
All me
wait what.. why are you mad at me..?
just freeze them or jump away sis
that's a nice steak but i wanted a picture of that duskie's rod
Dios MIO that's funny.
Huge zoomer with less personality than Effy somehow
sex and also wife
Nope. Mine recharges everytime I see big moonie tiddies
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>I play BLM in pvp
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my miera looks like this
How come when I focus the BLM I get shidded on
leave me ALONE
now is not sex time!!!! he fucked up my hair and must pay!!!!!
never trust yourself to get help from your team
instead, click on a team member and then target who theyre targeting.
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>shota miera
why is your rod so underdeveloped
I mean I know that in theory but in the moment I drop my spaghetti and panic, can't figure out who to jump to quickly enough, or suddenly my team is out of los...

>7.1 LL
>trailer shows wuk and is narrated by wuk
>1 dungeon, 4 hours of msq cutscenes, 1 trial
>new alliance raid will drop obsolete gear
>24 man savage(in 7.15)
>cosmic exploration and new foray delayed to 7.2
>1 new variant dungeon(7.15)
Man I wish this person would take requests
I need to go down on some bunny twink tonight
I'm queuing on chaos
It requires help to increase its ilv anon! hush
my moonie is drinking a celsius and is walking through the halls very fast
How about i bully you on the wolves den pier instead of in a match
7.1 has the pvp update so that'll keep me going until next expac
hoping each job gets 1 new ability or something.
>me a Wuk Lamat enjoyer getting to watch the thread seethe
Sounds good to me chief
Pretty sure he’s talking about in casual content where healers might use 20% of their kit, and tanks can use pretty much everything but invuln. Although I don’t think tuning casual content so he had to use all of his abilities would make him happy either…
yeah lets do it
*pours sand on it until it gets bigger and starts to burn*
my sunnie is drinking a celsius and is ready to do chores
is viper okay in criterion dungeons? i want those glowy swords
taht's likely but god damn is that grim
they really d fucking hate casuals now, they give us no fucking content
my fatra is dead
chaos casual crystalline conflict 1:30 ET
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meteodriving this nooticer
*primal rends u*
My moonie is watching you, waiting for the opportunity to strike
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tell her to just buzz it off it will grow back
you don't have to clear as viper to get the glowy swords, but it should do just fine
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>me a Wuk Lamat enjoyer getting to watch the thread seethe
neat thanks
>you don't have to clear as viper to get the glowy swords
due to my autism, i must.
i'm not about to use a totem on a job i dont play even if the weapon looks cool.
you don't understand I actually like eating shit because I get to watch chuds seethe as they watch me eat shit and smile about it
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*hops away*
Leviah-coded post.
can i see ur moonie
If you think about it, the real “healslut” is the OT, besides maybe 1-3 mechanics in a fight, they do nothing but stroke the MTs mits.
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Thank you! https://litter.catbox.moe/w7ebg0.png
i like dis
Buy modified submarine parts
Not while she's stalking this other moonie
jesus christ that longer than a horse's
how come there's no solo savage level content?
At first, I was so embarrassed by taking a sub out in public, but I actually enjoyed it. I think I'm becoming an exhibitionist...
why are there no normal femezen
I think I will just suffer for now... (also the aesthetician is a malezen, so not a her)
Is the ninja job quest significantly worse than the rogue job quest for anyone else? It feels like a real sharp downgrade in terms of storytelling.
*pulls you back*
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Since Mahjong is not about skill, especially in XIV, and it's all about grinding through random luck, link me to a mahjong bot
Something that just plays the suggested move or whatever, over and over ad nauseam
Maybe then I'll get to 1800
Spent 2 hours ERPing with a Rava+ as a Rava+ while working from home. There is a depressing shortage of versatile F+s bros
wait a minute that's not a kaladanda, that's a penis
ok hold on let me see if i can get this other moonie

can i see ur moonie
who am i looking for
The only thing that comes close is the duels in Bozja and DRS
its an MMO
I can only imagine the shitstorm as Sphene EX has Wuk Lamat come in for a whole section and it's just shouting in lowercase
looking at fflogs, it seems to be the highest dps melee in most of them right now so
go wild bro
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It is King of the Hill day.
We only have horsecocked femezen, obscenely racist femezen, mentally ill and massively insecure femezen and lastly just one that’s all 3
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I think I shall actually learn a new job today.
*hops away again with my second hop*
truly terrible
DO YOU LIKE CATBOYS????????????????
>Give me attention!
What the heck, I'm not racist!
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become an accountant bitch
>no boobs
>nobody pays attention to me
*Dashes to you with Onslaught this time.*
i love flatties
Like they should
BLU so you can kys
im 2/3 :)
I usually skip to the second part without posting the boobs
And this is what happens most of the time.
>3 day vacation
>didnt make it on the list
what did he mean by this
That length...
Is this the power of duskwights?
You severely underestimate how big horse's are
grown-ass man on a blonde fiddie, everyone
i cant i have to keep walking i have to keep moving my molecules are going crazy i feel like im being watched
can’t account for how fat this dork is
If you get that other moonie then I'd have no choice but to post my moonie
I thought he was just a middie who liked wolfs
How do I hit a BLJ in this game
Drg -> elusive jump
Be an Australian.
Connect to an NA server via WiFi.
Swap to DRG and press elusive jump.
that's the meat i wanted, thank you very much
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Tempting but I’m not exactly hurting on Gil management at the moment so I’ll pass hun
Already done dearie
dont worry ill protect u moonie from the other moonie because the other moonie will be preoccupied with dealing with me and posting their moonie because moonies are always true to their moonie word

dont worry moonie im working on it to see your moonie i am stopping the other moonie to see your moonie so i can see their moonie and then actually i can see both of your moonies and from that point theres two moonies

foray will be 7.25 at the earliest, they've never released it at X.1
I am a fiddie holding onto the real post until new thread
>The only new addition to SMN is...
>Lunar Pheonix
She seems to have sped up so I'm gonna need her to stop or else I cannot show you my moonie
i feel like most of xivg's blonde fiddies have brainrot like that.
I am a fiddie that likes tall f+
Yeah sure
Today is middie monday
Yet my male middie remains the most hated middie here...
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>he doesn't make anchor posts right before bump limit
Post your Scrimblos (NO BRIMBLOS ALLOWED)
do your amazing post right now and maybe it'll blow everyone away that the conversation carries into the next thread
builded for my femezen+
We know Tali
Is it middie Monday or meena Monday
>not on the list
GOOD! *sniffle* It's not like I wanted *sniffle* to be a wife *sniffle* anyway...
i wont give up on stopping both of these moonies right in their tracks to see both of these moonies because these moonies are very important to me moonies are my lifeblood
it's male char monday
moonie monday
>make cute moonie
>just an MM clone
fuck me that fag really got the design down
Why it can't be Ramuh, Ravana, Lakshmi, Susano, Sephirot, Sophia, Zurvan
>threadcrush isn't on the list
tali's a bit busy taking ex-catboy dick on the goblin wolves' den pier
fmemezen fmonday
mallidie monday
can i see ur moonie
>fuck me
You don't need to ask twice, kitten. Where you at?
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Does she actually??
Where's hroth hero I haven't seen him for a few days
>ex-catboy dick
my hellsguard femroe is earth aspected
I wish it was sunday, 'cause that's my fun day.
>You do not have permission to view this page.
do tali really
Because next to no one mains femezen. It's an alt race.
Anyone have the dog ear mod for miqo on hand?
You have to be careful bro moonies are known for their jealousy...
the one who ignyored moonies and then chased after relienna
>Thread slowed down to a crawl
>everyone waiting to avatarfag in next thread
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I am
logging in
You'll never guess what in-game activities I'm gonna partake on...
there is still a moonie that i crave to see... one that i have hunted for weeks, and this seems to be the only way to draw that moonie out... i have to take the risk... risking myself...
same reason there are no normal malezens. all the stable ones are taken or get taken.
You weren't supposed to point that out...
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Triple Triad
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here take my avatar
fwmenzen+ is based and im tired of pretending they're not
i might post my moonie in the next thread
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It happens every thread
jazz venuz and tali? say it ain't so.
Brave. I have faith in you
may i see your fiddie
ty boo
I agree
r u a moonie
I don't think there should be normal femezen
Man's got a thirst for free use fiddies these days
I'm mad.

Gramps, are you gonna play mahjong without me?
How do we respond without sounding delusional?
time to see who falls for it
Posting my femra in the new thread
Two grown men, IDK how you niggas do it knowing it's a grown man
No my friend. I am on the path of the moonie same as you. They are fickle beings.
Shut the fuck up
Are Middies modded to have Elf ears legal here...
He’s posting but with furry art, not his avatar. He got bullied
>knowing it's a grown man
that makes it better, anon
fujos are disgusting
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Cuz I'm bi?
no it's being a culture vulture
They’re either already gay or cope by saying “it’s just erotic writing practice bro”
Grown men have been nicer to me than any woman in my life has ever been.
Kind of a dumb tag tbհ, there is one main character that happens to be gay, but it literally does not define him in anyway and he is the most gigachad character.
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>the fiera cabal is real and villainous
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posting my avatar in this thread
spritely and timid, approaching a moonie is an art with the most delicate of technique... a kindred spirit...
delete this
>being straight only in big 2024
I am a sunnie who likes boys
thank u for listening :3
sorry when talienne arliss talks like this i can't resist
New thread
I haven't seen any furry art

I like a few m, but the emotion I feel is closer to "wao cool.." instead of sensuality
how come /wowg/ is so much funnier than us bros
Does not attract the second life idler crowd that never ever talk about the game cause they don't actually play it
they have to be, it's a coping mechanism
lol lmao
do lalafell really
>"quick" mahjong match
>takes an hour
Probably jorking it inbetween moves.

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