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belf monk edition

>Official WoW News

>Threads of Destiny - New Cinematic
>September Trading Post

>20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview

>/wowg/ Guilds

NA /wowg/ guild (and community of same name if you're horde)
>GLOBO FOMO - Moonguard
EU /wowg/ guild (and community)
>Nerub Silkweaving Forum

Previous Thread: >>493822871
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best spec if I just want to hang out in the back and fucking nuke people in bgs?
third for love maye
Thread theme
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i FUCKING miss pandaria fury bros
>pooling rage for a sick colossus smash damage window
>bloodbath to cause that big damage window to leave a huge fuck ass bleed on your target when your done
>bloodthirst crit enrage
>fat storm bolt crit back when it got a stupid damage modifier on unstunnable enemies
>instant snappy whirlwind damage none of that fucking homoerotic multi tick whirlwind shit
>meat cleaver raging blow fucking HURT aoe
>wild strikes so you had a fury spender outside of one fucking ability
i cant cope anymore
remove rampage
remove multi hit whirlwind
give back my gamba bloodthirst crit enrage
i cant handle this ADHD buttonmash garbage you may as well not even have a rage bar its literally just for rampage why have more than 80 rage?
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What the fuck is going on with healers out aggroing tanks with 2 normal heals
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Doomers run wowg, in a week people will complain about the raid and the m+ changes a week later.
we're right here we aren't going anywhere.
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Old and forgotten crone
Make way
Chris Metzen is back
WoW is back
We won

Making a vulpcocksleeve
>Priest (to force myself to overcome healing anxiety)
I like how the death knight hero tree turns highlord darion morgraine into my bitch who has to show up to fight kobolds. It's a very unique tree.
What's your plan for the reset day?
LFR > m0 > delves t8 > normal > heroic ?

Kindly reminder the longer you wait, the worse it will be in pug. DO NOT DO LFR DURING WEEK ENDS, it's 30min per boss with casuals not doing anything in 560ilvl.
what if the raid is good? what if M+ is good? what will you do then, when your last vestiges of doom run try?
Best spec if I don't actually like playing but my friend is forcing me to and I only intend to do whatever m+ dungeons an raids he does with the guild
huge feet
maybe a troon
*fans self in a fluster*
By the Weave!
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The post that demolished doomtrannies...
Her ears are pointing the wrong way and this is what got your attention?
more like city of throws
impossible to get a decent group going
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blizz finally improved the ai after 20 years
lay dormant untill Renilash the battle between doomers and shills.
AvocadoGODS, we won
Why did you crop out the feet
what do they eat
M0 until geared. M0 on alt until geared. Sprinkle in some bountiful t8 delves.
OP is a faggot. Post the fucking feet now
whatever the innkeeper sells dumbass
it feels like tanks got a huge threat nerf.
>those shoulders
wait it all comes out the same day?
Meds, you mold elemental
Gaots and cactuses
But what is actually good about the expansion though? IF you can't answer this in a self-consistent way then you are a shill.
maybe fish because they are connected to a port city through ta eleporter
in heroics or levelling? if its during the 70-80 run scaling is fucky and a 70 with ilvl 500 gear will absolutely out threat a tank at 79. If its in heroic then the tank is just bad lmao
My specs are fun and the gay dragons are gone
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how are you supposed to sell the bind on pickup gear that crafting lets you make? i dont get it
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What professions did you go for?
Are you happy with them so far?
Did you do the AA shuffle?
Holy based
my wowgf is running dungeons with another group

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mining and enchanting
yeah for the most part
I have no idea what that is.
personal crafting orders is the only way. you must advertise in trade with the bots.
she is angling her face for a reason
she looks fucking mournful from the front
all of them, most for personal uses
only with 1 of them
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how can i find a wowbf
not fem btw
Crafting Order
>Crafting Order
>claim to love draenei
>don't draw them with headplate
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Windplappers more hungry for human meat than the Tsavo Man-eaters
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Yeah, I'm thinking we're back.
People have been asking for Azjol-Nerub since WotLK in fact, this is one of the many reasons why I hate WotLK and consider it the beginning of the downward spiral
And the main antagonist is super hot
I love their blue futa horsecocks, I have no clue what plate you are talking about.
faun coded dracthyr
they gave specs specs, it doesn't get more autistic than that (unless they give the hero specs... specs)
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consensual breeding
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Looks qt to me.
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just hit 80 on my goblin warrior today, do i just spam heroics now?
i miss fuccboi anduin
le PUNISHED PRINCE is kind of cringe especially when he gets his power back within 1 irl week of meeting the strong PoC
when is thrall gonna meet a strong dyke PoC to give him back his shamanism? his crimes were small compared to anduin
>knows more about their imaginary cocks than their basic face structure
wow players are cooked
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How many retail logs though?
Chinas market is too violate for western companies.
All it takes is for CCP to notice people are spending too much time on it and it will be banned again.
Is there an actual Kenyan here or just some bizarre retard so obsessed with the "Tsavo Man-eaters" that he brings them up in every thread?
Sleazy bimbo. My favourite
do the awakening machine and the world quest caches for keys for bountiful delves tomorrow but yes, spam heroics or level an alt and spam heroics tomorrow when they drop better gear.
>*raises my ring hand towards you*
heavily doctored picture
look at any of her streams and you can tell she would look horrid if not caked in makeup
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YES. And rares and world quest with specific good gear.
Or you won't get invited to my group tomorrow.
arcane or frost for pvp/m+?? not interested in learning two because I'm shit
chinese have good taste, they don't play r*etoilet
Just wait 2 days for the lvl 8 delves.
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I feel so old that I legit don't even know what half of the items in my bag or for or do.
Reminder that I just turned 30
>wow players are cocked
You can say nigger here.
he never "lost his power", he was refusing to use it cus he'd bitchmade and crying about his scars and his feelings. He could have been doing light shit all along but chose not to becaue he was being written as a rape victim bawling about his trauma by a wiriting room of male feminists and cat ladies.

the one armed one eyed one legged negro simply made him realize he was being a whiney bitch.
>ashy skin
>heavily doctored
You might be the dumbest person in this thread.
arcane in m+
frost in pvp
How about outside of china?
respond NOW please
>Level delves to T8 using non-bountiful delves (may run one quick one 5 times?)
>Do 1 Bountiful Delve at T8
>Do Radiant Echo quest so future delves drop more Echoes
>Do 3 more Bountiful Delves at T8 (that should clear all available Bountiful Delves
frost mage
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Quick reminder that /wowg/ anons (and femanons) are the most handsome and attractive and charismatic and interesting anons in the entire board. Maybe even the entire website.
Aff Warlock is fucking broken and hilarious, full spec into Shadowbolt and gear for crit chance and you just nonstop fire off instant cast shadowbolts that obliterate people. its higher burst damage than Destro.
When is the Light going to turn out to be BAD again? Don't keep us in sus amongus pence, Metzensama.
>MOP 2: Thunder King Boogaloo is imminent as a result
Fuck yeah. Maybe this time they'll let Shamans get the Thunder King's Crown.
kind of looks like my char a bit
>went to xivg
>"post your screenshot" "post your characters"
It's all avatarfagging all day, do these people even play the game?
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alright well lets let thrall have back the elements already
yeah so did garrosh when they fought in siege he corrupted all the elements in a wide radius and then beat thrall down while juiced on old god blood
>Alchemy: was dogshit, fuck RNG recipe acquisition
>Jewelcrafting: was dogshit
>Tailoring: was amazing
>Skinning: was suprisingly good
>Herb & Mining: decent as usual
really isn't much to do
I want to like a spec that can both tank and heal but one of the specs always feels like shit.
>bear sucks at generating threat
>hpal melee healer
>lol monk
You don't need to spoil the obvious
Will nerubians get an allied race?
>bear sucks at threat
is this vanilla? tank threat has been a non issue for at least 6 expansions
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XIV is 99% gooning
At least they post cute girls.
if it doesnt have a player race skeleton they can re use it has a 2% chance of becoming an allied race
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where is Bwonsamdi
>multiple arms
No that would take actual work, and yes that is seriously the criteria for the entire allied race system.
we like this
They have horrific upfront threat capabilities. Bear is the only tank where they have to ramp threat instead of instantly having it. It's a non issue in good groups but its maddening in bag pugs.
>do these people even play the game?
it's vrchat without vr
who gives a shit
What the fuck do the priory even have to do with the plot?
my belly button stinks so fucking bad after a day of work
i sit down to do some mogs mounts cheevos and i get distracted by the stench
It's just second second life
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Bwonsamdi, Azshara, Denathrius, Gallywix and Xal'atath are sitting around a table right now plotting out the rest of the Worldsoul Saga.
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Can’t wait for paladin to open up to more races, no I can’t!
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Secondary issue that will probably be explored more in depth once we actually go to the arathi empire capital.
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Post your character - NOW
Where is she and what is she doing rn?
IDK. You do some shit in the open world prior as part of the campaign but
Real talk, I hope Alleria dies
>Arthas Menethil
>Garrosh Hellscream
>Argus The Unmaker
>The Jailer

Can Xal'atath do it? Can she prove that a girl too can have what it takes to be the final boss of an expansion?
Out of all those maybe Denathrius is semi-relevant, but he's burdened with his origin from the most hated expansion.
the monkey paw curls
she dies but now vereesa is thrown into the plot and ruined
there must always be a windrunner
all these names and then there's fucking Fyrakk.
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Alleria likes BHC and not stinky elf corpse feet
Our devs only got as far as HW.
Fuck you.
She won't be the boss, dude
She's the main villain of the expansion trilogy
A little tease to how the Arathi Empire and the Arathi Light Emperor vibe will be. And holy fuck it was a good tease.
Villain in the first, redemption arc in the second, heroine in the third.
At least it's not Fryakk like that cunt wrote
Imagine a final boss called Fryakk
But what does it have to do with the plot?
>Big Horde Cock
who do we even have for im assuming 3 raid tiers?
like in wrath while leveling you set up yogg+titan keepers lich king and naxx
im struggling to think of anything for war within
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Mmm… dwollz…
I thought it would be Galakrond. Galakrond sounds better.
Tier 1: Ansurek
Tier 2: Uh
Tier 3: Eh
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galakrond has the same issue deathwing had
hes too fucking big we would end up with spine 2.0
Hard no. I'm so sick of sexy girls getting the get out of jail free cards.
I love me some redeemed hot evil girls but the fact that we keep getting this, across fiction, kinda dilutes the fun/impact of a good redemption arc
You can't kill a woman, it scares other women and is one of the few things that gives men the ick
I don't know, they're pretty generic fantasy humans.
It would be funny if there was only one raid for TWW and one of those x.5 raids at most which would be further proof that the Worldsoul saga is a full expansion split into three different expansions instead of being 11.1, 11.2, and 11.3 patches.
gamers get a boner when a female character dies though
I agree it would be funny, I'd still buy them though Metzen is back he will deliver keeynowhe.
Not necessarily. First, I assumed it was going to be a baby Galakrond, and second, they can all turn into dudes.
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What skinning spec should I go for first?
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hehe haha
>gives men the ick
Pretty sure men especially love killing women.
Patch 1: Nerubians, as advertised
Patch 2: Undermine, as predicted
Patch 3: Arathi reinforcements, they finally arrive and are disgusted that the expedition has fallen so low as to associate with filthy outsiders. Have the reinforcement leader be noted to be extremely racist even by empire standards so that the real empire can be written however they want without this reflecting on them too much.
why does this cunt hate Trump so much lol look at his tweets
the aspects and their kids can turn into dudes because of titan bullshit
im pretty sure galakrond was just a mindless proto proto proto dragon
>Metzen delivering patches as expansions
Very kino indeed.
Too bad WoW players aren't gamers.
Elisande was one of the greatest Warcraft villains.
Hot take but paladins should be locked to human males only
QRD on dimensius?
that's the game, retard
You now remember Gigabear
If I just keep playing I'll clear all the content right?
Xal'atath's abusive BF
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look at this little fella haha
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name a more forgettable character
You now remember post your character.
>Heroics are here already

give back old bimbo straightened hair jaina
that shit looks like a wig her hairline looks wack
Pretty obvious she'll turn into some gigantic monster first
And blood elf females.
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sylvanas needs another model update hehe
he's kinda cute
i hope he has a good day
explain to me right now why personal craft orders don't show up like mail does in the character select screen
>a 1 ton tauren flying on a dragon can get caught on an aggressively protruding twig
very cool
this is hilarious
the fish that turns into a giant octopus
thats all i got
Intredasting, now post Highwind without shoes
This guy now argues that BFA was actually sovl and 8.3 was actually one of the best patches the game has seen ever
he doesn't, though
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>leveled to 80 in early access
>finished all zone story quests
>finished all zone side quests
>explored all zones
>killed one of each rare
>found all nonrandom treasures
>farmed out full honor set
>have 585 ilvl pve gear
>leveled my gathering and crafting profession
>dungeon leveled 4 alts
>all this was done before last reset
>did all this fairly quickly despite not playing a lot each day (or not even every day)
>express how content feels light because they delayed the season and m+ so long
>some turboshitter faggot chimes in with "well i'm only like 560 and haven't even finished quests despite also starting in early access" (and has also ALWAYS been on every time i've been on)

There's been nothing to do for two weeks
Thank god the season starts tomorrow
Thanks for reading my blogpost
as someone who started playing TBC and had no fucking idea what is going on in the lore or how the game works, to this day I don't consider KJ the final boss of TBC
always felt like SWP was just a "bonus" or an epilogue and the de facto "last raid" was Black Temple and Illidan was the "last boss" and main antagonist of the expansion
of course the more I learn about warcraft lore throughout the years the more I realize what a retcon-filled travesty of storytelling TBC was and how it was just as bad as any modern WoW expansion in terms of wasted potential and ruining lore, it was just too similar to vanilla in most other aspects to notice or care about that, we were on along for the ride and didn't have critical thoughts about the franchise awakened yet
With Metzen back, she's getting three
You do, Rtord
What do I start getting serious about for tomorrow and new content? Big lady Kul Tiran warrior, fem night elf Demon Hunter, Femhuman mage / paladin. I like all 4 equally and cant decide what to jump into mythics and rank 8 delves and shit with.
he isn't wrong, though
everything that came after bfa was utter shit
>good morning sir that lost his legs in the poo mine
>in wrath the player met the lich king multiple times
>in TWW alleria meets xal atath multiple times
Blizzard really are big into cucking the player out of relevance.
KT warrior
10 pts Luring, 40 pts Trained Tracker,rest in Tanning for more guaranteed Thunderous Hides
How many hours of your time have you put into the War Within, within the first two weeks?

Every expansion, there's poopsockers who come out of the woodwork screaming about how there's nothing to do after they have devoted as much time to this game, this hobby, as a hard-working man does to his job.
it metzen had never left maybe she wouldnt have gotten character assassinated with bfa-shadowlands
>voljin is dead
>who among you will help me avenge him
that hit was gas
you ARE 590+ with 2000 valorstones and maxed crests ready to go... right...?
oh no... don't tell me... hahahahaha!!!
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Stormwind & Dornogal are kinda laggy sars
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How does /wowg/ feel about Trans players?
We need more kul tiran women. Make that chub warrior glorious
I'm unironically Item Level 560, so if you had any pointers, it would be much appreciated.
Footnote NPC from a TBC quest that got ascended into void god Xel'naga because they ran out of lore
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They've never been more immersed in their game
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>be shaman in fjord
>meet lich king spooky ghost form
>hey a shaman i was one of those lol *pop*
>release spirit
And this is what the avatarfags want this general to also turn into
Highwind looks cute, what is this mod called?
UberUltra Void God*
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i dont think it will ever be as bad as second life fantasty the fourteenth general
But of course, my wife is the protagonist of WoW, what do you expect?
Probably going to be something out of left field. Tho Venture Co was involved in the campiagn looting a golem factory. And we do know of leaks pointing to a goblin raid. Maybe Venture Co stole something important from the earthen?
Then theres also the Harronir and how they are clearly associated with Life. They had a shot in the cinematic
There is also beledar itself, looks like it has the same purpose as the Old Gods and Titan machinery, influence the world soul to the Light.
There was an insanely obnoxious one in my guild when I quite, and it's amongst the reasons why I quit.
Thanks nigga.
only actual literal sociopaths.
men without serious mental illness recoil from killing women, even when those women threaten them. Its biological programming, women are valuable alive and in most cases do not present a mortal threat. Its always better to capture her than kill her.
>Trying out classes I mever sticked to
>Death knight is fine
>Like playing monk actually
>character is a non-pandaren
>on an rp server
>cant find the video of argent confessor paletress getting hurt anymore
fucking youtube
They really should've done more to divorce it from Pandaria. Especially for windwalker and brewmaster
I'm going to fix WoW

Humans: War, Pally, DK, Hunter, Rogue, Mage, Lock, Priest
Dwarves: War, Pally, DK, Shaman, Hunter, Rogue, Priest
Night Elves: War, Hunter, DH, Druid, Rogue
High Elves: War, Pally, DK, Hunter, Rogue, Mage, Lock, Priest
Draenei: War, DK, Hunter, Mage, Lock
Vrykul: War, DK, Shaman, Hunter, Druid, Rogue, Mage, Lock
Kul'Tiran: War, Pally, DK, Hunter, Rogue, Mage, Lock, Priest
Dark Iron: War, DK, Shaman, Hunter, Rogue, Mage, Lock
Wildhammer: War, Shaman, Hunter, Druid

Orcs: War, DK, Shaman, Hunter, Rogue, Lock
Undead: War, Pally, DK, Rogue, Mage, Lock, Priest
Tauren: War, Shaman, Hunter, Druid
Troll: War, Shaman, Hunter, Druid, Rogue, Mage
Blood Elves: War, Pally, DK, Hunter, DH, Rogue, Mage, Lock, Priest
Goblin: War, DK, Hunter, Rogue, Mage, Lock
Ogres: War, DK, Shaman, Hunter, Mage, Lock
Nagas: War, Shaman, Hunter, Mage, Lock
Dark Fallen: War, DK, Hunter, Rogue, Mage, Lock

Pandaren: War, Shaman, Hunter, Monk, Rogue
Dracthyr: War, Evoker, Hunter, Rogue, Mage, Lock
what happened?
Lovely Highwind.
Good, I don't want each player to be the saviour of the world, it's demented. There can't be a million saviours. They are the roadies of the actual superstars.
Thing is that they can't expect us to give a shit about Dimensius the way we did Sargeras. Yes, Sargeras was used extremely sparingly but he still had an overwhelming and direct presence through twenty years of Warcraft, and he had an entire roster of well-established minions. Dimensius MAYBE has Xal'atath and MAYBE someone he works for seeded Azeroth with the Old Gods. He has to make his presence known now or he's going to become a fat joke like the Jailor.
xivg is just wowg if wow had actually attractive player models
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Post PvP playlists
I'll start: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1E8NzAQ9TOI5hn
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The bosses are dev self-inserts
>human male blood dk
>kul tiran male brewmaster monk
>draenei female marksmanship hunter

I want to make a femdead warrior and a gnome mage
What class for a fem gob?
Xhqhe was a huge chatterbox and always insisted on people referring to Xhqherrgh in the appropriate gender. I generally don't use gender at all when talking to people in WoW, I don't give a shit and I assume most people do. But not that one. And Xhqherrgh initiating the talk made the problem impossible to ignore.
hit renown 8 or 9 for the veteran track helmet, shoulders and chest
buy the shitty darkmoon decks until you get real dungeon trinkets
most rares drop high ranked explorer or adventurer gear
i was 580 before i even entered a heroic
26 hours at 80
took about 4 to level
total 30ish
>no one was talking about transwomen
making a humanoid dracthyr for a different class is kind of tempting for a fem human on horde side
Where tf is the guild at

Heroics are up and I'm trying to farm
EU or NA
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You forgot the gnomes
Is Demon Hunter dps still retard-proof in raids?
>blood elves x2
>no nightborn
Shit. Neck yourself bluecuck.
people who que tanks in arena need to get cancer asap
All of the specs can be given a culrural spin. It is just a different form of shamanism that is being openly taught because of the ethos of monkhood being cultivation and sharing of experiences
Bro she turned out to be an evil shitter in the same expansion.
Any time Sylvanas appears heroic is completely out of character. She's been a ruthless, snobby megalomaniac going back to Cataclysm.
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predictions for this week?
what did she do wrong in legion? and dont say bfa pre patch
>30 hours devoted to playing video games across two weeks
Neet confirmed.
Femgob are builded for warlocks
In Cataclysm she was just trying to resist Garrosh's attempt to kill off all Forsaken to soften the Alliance before the orcs can finish it off.
If you're horde don't forget to look for community instead and cross-faction.
Druids get nerfed, Paladins, Monks, and DKs get a buff because of course they do. Priests get a bug fix. Shaman also gets a nerf disguised as a bug fix.
>Argus is responsible for recreating legion soldiers
>Called the 'Unmaker'
Sarg thought he was being sneaky huh.
players are an obvious obstacle in the way of nu-writers making wow story into a YA novel about their OCs
the game is just a vehicle for failed writers to gain an audience because nobody would read their shit if it weren't attached to an already popular mmo
Pandaren have the highest interspecies bodycount it is not even close
According to dataminers patch 3 has Ethereal shit associated with it, maybe K'aresh?
>t.Genn greymane
Your son might've loved if he was better
I'm sure Alleria is older than you are.
Tried to enslave the val'kyr using Hela's lantern under the pretense that the Forsaken are a "race".
She was killing living beings using the blight and forcibly raising them as undead under the pretense that the Forsaken are a "race".
Yeah man 2 hours per day on average? I have 10 jobs and 5 families and 15 dogs and 33 cats and 17 holidays coming up okay I don't have that kind of luxurious, bourgeois time on my hands.
They need to be forgotten.

They're different and BE were needed because horde cucks would cry if Alliance got DH and they didn't. Just like they cried when Alliance had paladins because shamans suck.
Anon, you keep grey parsing and your spec is totally wrong. No, it's not "based and redpilled". We need to talk.
Original 2006 lore panel for TBC had Metzen talking about us reactivating Ner'zhul's portals and using them to take the fight to the Legion. Blizz used to overplan like crazy for expansions, just look at Wrath and the fucking tournament.
Ironic how WoD was maybe closest to a sane position of power and plot relevance for the player in the story.
The Horde should just be orcs and pigs. Actually they shouldn't even be playable. Actually in fact Thrall should have been a dungeon boss because he went insane after realizing orcs are inherently bad. The only faction in the game should be Alliance. Humans should be demon hunters.

goon chads we're all here
Ironic that WoD sucked and Legion saved WoW.
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I'm not going to dps while I heal, the melees can't fucking do anything right.
They had probably planned for Galk to be the big ultimate fight where you used Dragonriding to get around attacking various parts of his body, sort of like Madness of Deathwing but fully realized. That obviously didn't happen so Tindral got the meme flight mechanic instead.
No I won't stop playing single minded fury mountain thane
Sorry I only goon to furry vtubers
erm actually this is............................... based
*posts gray homoerotic man*
i agree with stupid thing you said actually
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>23 years old
>Looks 40
that would have been fucking terrible
imagine trying to tell 19 other faggots to land and hit gallys left leg no HIS left while trying to hit tight dps checks
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BY THE LIGHT!! Stop this man, he is too based!
Kinda sus names sis.
Yeah, this pretence is now also shared by the church of Light. Seems that you just have a problem with the Forsaken, in which case: sucks to be you.
no. i only goon to korean streamers
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>blizzard acknowledges and condones erp
really actives the almonds
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I haven't touched monk in years and this thing's been sitting at level 50 for a minute

How the hell do I play monk, and what should I avoid
Yeah give us ogres
>Less total player population than male pandaren prot warriors
forsaken has always been survival of us even above the horde since vanilla
but she wasnt a straight up villain until bfa long after metzen left
I am hoping for another Heroic Sludgefist situation with the 2nd to last boss.
"Alleria" was basically just a name attached to a generic elf archer archetype until recently when she got completely changed because some new hire wanted to indroduce his cool new idea for a character into the story
The goblins produce in-universe pornography for global consumption. This is not new
i got up and clapped with tears in my eyes when alleria gut punched xalatath
truly cinema
ogres are actually cool and they will be added in midnight as a horde race
WW should be like D3 Monk, way cooler
Knees are too sharp.
All while that gnoll bitch from the 5-man is running around setting up decay totems.
When Thrall came in with the DDT was infinitely better
>Horde race
They are aristocrat mages known for enslaving orcs. Alliance race
fuarrrrk i would love a giant bell drop as an aoe spender
sisters.... season 1.... has been cancelled
Best I can do is playable Mok'nathal in the Outland revamp.
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I cracked the code. I figured out the story. Do not read if you don't want to be spoiled.
Xal'atath is actually a magic well avatar like Anveena, except she's from the world of the Ethereals and was corrupted into becoming a void-well. Now, she seeks to rejoin with her Azerothian counterpart and coalesce light and void into a new arcane wholeness of lesbian sex and sapphic erotica
>M+ gets pushed back a week while they try to fix the Dawnbreaker ship
I wish.
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is this supposed to be rare?
Remmant of the Danuser boner for "le Light is the true evil and le Void is le missunderstood" trope
Metzen couldnt scrap a whole dungeon so it was just put aside in a side quest
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>went into armor
>except for some funny gadets it's useless
>useless, all the mats are lower than the costs
Alright, I guess I am done trying to make shit, I've sunk 100k+ for nothing, fuck bots and richniggers maninpulating the market
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That new hire? Chris Metzen
Ok but that's my Dracthyr on the left
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Selling these #rare names on Moon Guard and Wyrmrest Accord...!
james earl jones died
You mean merge?
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i really like this zone. maybe even more than hallowfall
don't care, not wow
Lol, I kinda believe you. The same thing happened to the sperg trelfs.
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>The weavers of silk have 21 members online
>People already have millions of HP this early into the expansion
Are they going to stat squish again?
Why don't we just do a flyby and cut that big web.
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>install twitch ad blocker
>doesn't work
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Cosmologically the universe was created from a separation of light and void using order.
they will before midnight
No. Never again. No need to fact check me this is the correct answer.
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ads? :)
teach me
TTV LOL PRO doesn't block SHIT
Azeroth is a sleeping troll woman and we are going to wake her up by going too deep into her moist caverns
New troll here!
Post troll ass
bible reference
get twitch alternate player
everything else shit itself after awhile
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Which melee spec has the most suvivability in PvP?
Azeroth is Yrel who was sent back in time inside the Beledar(AU Oshu'gun) to become the crystallized heart of the planet.
death hunter
That's not a spec........
never played OG in my life if that's what you're implying, just really liked the franchise up to FFX-2
The #ad meme didn't last very long did it.
what exactly is there to log in retail right now?
>hat should I avoid
sorry to say this again but azeroth should be a night elf
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Here is my warband, any suggestions?
my draenei shaman looks like this and acts like this
also she's a BLACKsmith
i hope alleria and turalyon figure out how to solve their contact problem so that they can kiss
it was kinda lame when tyrande and malfurion did it but I'm sure human male elf female will be the kiss that will save Worlo warca
Azeroth is; therefore it thinks
The radiant echo is Xal'atath fucking with us. Locus-Walker is in on it, don't trust that motherfucker.
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>Allied races start out with 1 gold
>Log into character
>Use Warband bank portal
>Transfer the gold piece into my warbank bank
>Delete character
>Make another allied race
>Repeat for infinite gold
I just destroyed the economy, sorry not sorry
Nah fuck you all. Azeroth is a Pandaren. The true primal race
azeroth is archmage modera in disguise
Swap the nelf out with a goblin
Man this quest of this sadist kid in hallowfall...
How long would it take to actually make any meaningful cash with this?
Could blizz even notice it being automated?
Dracthyr should get hair options, like a mane. The spikes/spines look so shitty. And more colors for the wings and markings. If they can't transmog 99% of armor there's no reason not to at least give them a couple dozen more color tints and patterns so everyone doesn't look identical. Fucking lowest low effort trash I've seen after mechagnomes and at least the robocop nuggets have some decent enough looking mechanical parts.
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ngl id gigglesquee and nom someone's head if that happens
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Is this a good name for a worgen hunter?
What are the salaries like for erpers?
Not breteesh enogh
But I'm out of tanks for goblins to be, what do I make him?
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Why can't Blizz make fishing fun?
Just make 6 gorillion low chance recipes and fun things so people continue fishing and have something to look forward to.
Thel literally dumped a dozen shitty skins in this xpac and called it a day.
How hard is it to make up some fun shit, holy fuck.
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So while I quest through old zones I've been thinking how much potential there is for a revamp. Imagine if this got flood and turned into a port as a fishing village or a competitor to stormwind's harbor. Though considering booty bay exists the latter wouldn't work that well.
half blind one armed BLACK womyn is gonna inherit Azeroth's power and peg Anduin with her stump.
turn every goblin female
and then turn the elf into a kul'tiran man
But worgen can't have beards.
textures on that axe are so blunt it should be used like a mace
you can get a lot of mileage out of most of em 2bh. it's probably paladin if you're still learning. sv hunt and dk feel pretty bad vs physical damage specs.
I just rp my profession picks. Fish for the sake of it and not profits. Cook the fish later and eat it instantly
Azeroth was the friends we made along the way.
Looks right
Yeah that's alright
Azeroth was. You have to let go. The accident was not your fault.
I want hearthstone Gadgetzan.
You gotta wake up. Azeroth was 30 years ago
How do professional military, non-nobility families where the man, his wife, and their only son are all soldiers even function when there's nobody to fight? No wonder Alleria is nuts.
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Race/class for this feel?
Why do herbs disappear when I gather them? Am I just imagining them? Am I a schizo?
Troll or Tauren warrior
tauren shaman any spec
Enough about Azeroth.
What about these two sluts?
Meds. Now.
They get salary from working the paperwork. Frankly a skill issue
Tauren warrior with the gay haircut
retoilets KEK
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Like this?
It's not about the money, fuck the money. How do they live when there's noone to kill?
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specs for this feel
I want to FUCK Draenor and her PRIMAL way too full of LIFE energy SAVAGE and LUSH orc planetussy
Mooning sluts
proof it
Yep that slut pig KT will service those goblin cocks nicely
Do (you) have a wow bf/gf, /wowg/?
Having one makes the game way more fun!
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aug when the tank waits until all buffs expire to pull another pack
Now have the kul'tiran impregnate all those goblins
I am my own /wowg/ boyfriend.
i... i loved WoD, i'm sorry...
>Banned because of mods
It's over
No, I'm not into 30 year old has-beens
not making a gobbo until they add the tinker class. surely next xpac.....right?
nelf gf now
Any healing spec for when dps that starts to dps while the tank pulls packs.
Blizz just rolled out first renown exploit banwave

I shid my pants
Calm down Xal, you shouldn't even know about Draenor yet
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Log onto old main. Forsaken Warlock, Emerald Dream realm. Load into the Undercity, faithful cat on a broomstick pet is waiting for me. RP walk through the city, a few belfs at the AH. Nobody else. Get to the upper city, get on my horse ride over to the blimps.
Make my way to New Agamand, my hearth has been set here since Wrath. But I wanted to enjoy the walk. It's empty, been that way for years didn't expect anything else. Mount up and go to Grizzly Hills, kill a few npcs for old times sake.
Make my way back Tirisfal Glade and Brill.
Head up to the clock tower where my guild once had /y arguments with another forsaken guild most evenings about how they were shitting up our property values and should go to the cemetary next to us and bury themselves.
Head to the mausoleum next door, where my whole guild made it a point for years to open the doors step in and log out. Before I go head to the new zones, click my quest scroll. Tell Thrall I don't want to hear it, and skip forward. Fly around and only find a few people just hanging out in any zone minus Hallowfall. A few small groups there. All humans and elves.
Pack it up back to the old world. Stop at a few old rp spots. Duskwood, the elven/druidic portal. Andorhal, the Bulwark. Head down to the dwarven areas, where their hobbit homes are.
It's all empty, likely will remain that way until the servers shut down. Think about the hundreds of thousands of honor kills farmed here back in the day.
Maybe one day we will lose a battle for real in wow. Have to take the world back bit by bit, and these old zones will be new again. Players in them, and hopefully a rp-pvp realm to fight for them again. I'm doubtful but like that dumb ass orc said, you can't kill hope.
i think it's just a reference to that delve final boss zekvir stalking us or something, not sure tho
Turalyon Windrunner
Well the parents were absent and their son suffers from neglect so they keep their distance, Allaria is suicidal and Turalyon is really shit with his emotions. Looks to be a case of no therapy and calm life givibg too much time to think about how shit things have been. I don't think they hold thanksgivibgs anymore because they abadoned the wikdhammer bloke and Khadgar prefers to hang out with orcs nowdays
Im still not seeing any proofs
wheres the proofs
as feral, is there ever a situation where you would take wild slashes over brutal slash?

brutal slash just seems like a much superior choice, not really any harder to play, and even a gain for single target too
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>She doesn't know about Feign Death
I unironically miss just losing herbs to actual players instead of the harsh capriciousness of the void.
>check ownedcore
lying faggots
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>Kihra (WarcraftLogs Creator): "I am fairly certain that World of Warcraft is at an all time high player count across its entire lifetime."

blizzard didn't even need microsoft to be saved... So I ask: what's the point of microsoft?
>2 million+ damage storm bolts
I miss it too.. The most fun version of fury.
What's the go-to well fed buff, and flasks for healers? AH is filled with garbage and I don't know if that's intentional.
Every wow expansion is the same
>the art team hit it out of the park
>amazing sound design!
>Oh wait the loop of mythic+ and daily logins actually sucks
Anduin will marry her and take her last name though.
And thus Anduin Lothar will walk the world once more.
log in weekly then? monthly? you're free to do that.
That's a stupid question. Microsoft bought ABK because they want a monopoly on the gaming industry. Same reason they've been buying up every other studio they can get their hands on.
Bros, I can't play one run of the meadery without getting a boner.. why are femgoblins voice lines so hot?
Spider people so cute
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I... I don't understand
Do you think Faerin and Alleria are the same person?
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Another one is that this would be amazing for an expanded stormwind harbor, you could even connect the deeprun tram. Maybe even a second level for the airships.
God I wish we had shithole slum Gadgetzan.
I think it was more Microsoft wanted Blizz. I wouldn't be surprised if microshit started trying to push warcraft stuff, either with console ports of the RTS titles or bundling a wow sub in with gaypass.
seems so
sucks to suck anon
hahahaha get rekt exploiter
if real, how long is the ban
>game reaching the player levels of 2008-2009
>sell the company for microsoft for some reason
>play 18 hours a day
>get banned because my renown is too high
4 days
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What did you do, anon?
>perform a known exploit
>get banned
you deserve it
Just appeal and they'll hand review your account then. If you knew you are a exploiter you wouldn't even try to appeal cuz you're probably renown 20+ which is inexcusable
bobby's decision, he got his $300 million golden parachute and has retired in peace
Desu this expansion has a good soundtrack. Not WoD or TBC tier good but it seems like they realized that there are more instruments and styles than just orchestral hypetracks. Hearing a broken piano and dead silence after a beat while getting herbs in the caves caught me off guard.
>templar is cool af
>have to sacrefice survivability for it as prot
am i missing something here?
>it's real
Blizzard getting rid of western players because of chinese need more servers
based ion dabbing on exploiters
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if tusks of mannoroth drops RN from garry, i will buy 15 wow tokens
>blizzard didn't even need microsoft to be saved... So I ask: what's the point of microsoft?
Yeah they needed china and wotlk classic.
Microsoft is temporary.
Xang raiding Ulduar on his 20 accounts is eternal.
>he didn't get welfare tusks
Want to hear my craziest TWW theory?

Hallowfall and all its inhabitants are just illusions created by the Void/Old Gods/Naaru. They're ghosts, the Arathi expedition sank and they're all dead. The whole zone is about illusion.
>classic saved WoW
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WoW is good again BECAUSE of Microsoft you retards
sorry i was too sick to play during mop remix
they didnt drop tho oh well
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>first it was 20 alts
>now it's 20 accounts
The absolute state of doomtrannies being permanent onaholes to hopeGODS is UNREAL.
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bRO what if the entire game was just something someone made up, that'd be sick dude
RIP bro, when are you coming back?
apology for poor english

when were you when storm dust is kill?

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Oh no no no no no worldfirstbros what do we do now
Classic didn't save shit. China did. They'll be swamping warcraftlogs tomorrow again when the 30000 guilds all push as hard as they can to give themselves a chance of winning that cash prize for world first.
>Microsoft buying Activision made chinks want to play Wrath
retard alert
i hate patrons
I feel like fucking an orc woman. Perhaps a troll and a pandaren mayhaps too
>its true
Cool what about the knowledge points people got? The hundreds of millions of gold they are ahead of normies?
>chinese playing classic
Classic won.
rip storm dust price
Tanks need more healing this expansion.
More heals means more threat.
This is intentional,

Resto druid. It's far from the best healer this expansion, but all the instant cast abilities means it's more forgiving for you be reactive instead of proactive regarding encounter mechanics.

If you prefer dps, ret paladin. Not meta, but there are fairly simple builds for it, so you won't have to get too invested. If you prefer ranged, demonology warlock, it has a somewhat simple rotation and a few self heal options, and having a pet will make open world leveling easier for you.
Liquid was explicitly telling their players not to do it because of what happened with the seed exploit before amirdrassil.
Sucks to be those echosissies if they took the gamble I guess.
>Microsoft slapped NetEase across the face with it's gargantuan cock and said "If you ever do that again I will rape you to death"
Did some higher level CIA spook finally get sick and tired of Ion's bullshit and tell him to fuck off or he's in for a tour in Gitmo?
I see so many people playing WoW now. Are we back or are we back?
Kotick was the one that tanked the relationship in the first place so him being gone was probably all that was needed
it's like the old butchery v carve choice node, wild strikes is better in such absurdly fringe situations that it may as well not exist.
Microsoft buying activision allowed them to get rid of bobby who was THE person that caused the netease contract to go sour in the first place.
So yeah, they did.
hate gingi so much, i remember his rage when he lost shadowlands mdi, got so salty he punched his chair lol
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The server's gonna be down all day.
qrd on CIA Ion
>knowledge points
Hopefully rolled back, but it'd be typical blizzard to overlook that
>The hundreds of millions of gold they are ahead of normies?
Probably nothing, but it doesn't really matter for the very top guilds anyway, they have thousands if not tens of thousands of people ready to throw their gold at them
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very cool, anon, but according to the mural, the crystal is real; the mural is more important than everything else because of Iridikrons forces foreshadowing. Arathi expedition is basically Arathi Empire foreshadowing for future patches or expansions.
Method got too close to Echo and Liquid so they got banned.
we are but doomies are still trying to find a way to cope with this information
I heard from a very trustworthy source on 4chan.org that Ion Hazzikostas used to be a glowie and worked as an interrogator in Gitmo.
>jannied a day before patch

enough time to hit the store for some GAMER FOOOOOD
ever since the bobby kotick (Jew) era the company's goal has been to get the highest price from Microsoft or whoever else was in the market for a video game company.
It's why cod and guitar hero before it had games shat out and why king was acquired
It's all to make the shareholders money
We are back until we are gone again at which point we will no longer be back
>join disc for raid signups
>31 people
>NINE healers
>zero ret paladins
the fotm shitters rerolled fdk
we are so fucking back
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But the launcher says 4 hours. Surely a company such as blizzard would never extend it.....
lmaaaaaooo do snails really?
yessss ill make sure to relay this to brann while im doing delves morning till night for 6 weeks
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The doomguys said we'd get less content with the nu model but we're getting a full size raid in a minor patch...
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>The king of diamonds has been made a pawn
Magni becoming subservient to his girlboss daughter
>From the earth, he draws strength. Our earth. Our strength.
Iridikron not realizing he's being used.
>The lord of ravens will turn the key
Khadgar turning the wheels of his wheelchair
>Its surface blazes bright, masking shadows below.
>The boy-king serves at the master’s table. Three lies will he offer you.
Anduin becoming subservient to Faerin.

How much of Worldsoul Saga did Il'gynoth foresee?
exploit chads ....
>chinese have taken over the game
>game is dead in the rest of the world
It's all about whether you think this is what winning looks like.
Shut the fuck up chud watch the asmongold video okay????
why is there a todd howard photo framed on the wall lmao
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EUbros join <Nerub Silkweaving Forum> open to any thread user on EU Argent Dawn Alliance. Ask any member for an invite. Horde players can join but you have to join the community called Nerub Silkweaving Forum first and then ask for an invite.
>but we're getting a full size raid in a minor patch...
made entirely from already created assets? Even Dragon Soul had more effort put into it than that
Have the autismos figured out what the best embelishments are yet? There are no videos about them and the wowhead comments on each are completely empty.
>getting banned means you cant compete in MDI/TGP

based blizzard going to ban Gingi so Echo implodes with Gingi and Zaelia gone
6pm uptime with that attitude.
I don't get it
She's staring at her log in screen
Did she get banned too?
We are back but the loony troonies will keep pretending it's over because they can't accept that 2021 was a flash in the pan
How many raids do you think there will be in TWW?
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Rest in piss doomtroon. You won't even have a last words because of how brutally BTFO you got. Trooncord won't save you.

Accept that youre just a Onahole for hopeGODS.
>game is dead in the rest of the world
Still more players than xiv
>get laughed at by friends for wanting to play disc priest in maze+
it's over...

hahah fucking WHORE
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What of the Naga book? This was added while the devs were balls deep in Worldsoul's planning and development.
wait, world firsters look like that? Is it trans?
where does it come from
there are worse things to play
Is she crying?
QRD on the bans? What's gotten so many people banned?
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>Chinese playerbase surge finally made Blizzard devs feel comfortable enough to start banning some of their 500,000 western players.
A renown exploit
This box spins too?


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There is zero chance that anyone in the actual race got banned.
Us mining chads get away with having 80+ extra knowledge for an entire week with nothing but a rollback and those sissy raiders got themselves a 4 day ban right before the season starts just to get an extra delve key LMFAO
Imagine getting world first but it's a s1 tww world first, an eternal asterix lmao
>Ask any member for an invite.
is it really necessary if they're alliance. Just request to join and wait for your request to get accepted no?
The west has fallen - only china matters.
Probably but they have a bunch of other people that run heroic splits and funnel gear to the mains
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>female white (most likely takes miles of BBC
100000000000000000000% deserved
Why the fuck does profaned tinderbox go for so much?
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wow what great worthwhile dailies, thank you blizzerd
gems = crushed
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People tried to adjust the dripfeed tube and Blizzard slapped their hands away.
Give goblin girlfriend going
>YAWH, ya gotta pay in advance BUSTA!
Was she exploiting?
Anyway it's only 4 days
because it's a very rare drop and you could make 8k faster and more reliably mining bismuth
Echosissies already workshopping their cope for when max swoops in again
yeah we are getting nagas/azshara as well soon tm. They are throwing different clues and look at what sticks
Anon we have proof right here
>4 days
does this actually matter though?
She's cool
And this tranny and it's calculations are worth of trust why?
So almost nobody seems to know that you need to open the guild menu again after you get approved. This is easier and theres always someone online. That works too I guess but very few people are joining this way
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>ferm rep with DMF buff
>get banned because blizzard didn't calculate my 1 extra renown level I got thanks to this buff when issuing bans
I don't know if it was dumb luck but running the nightfall sanctum delve i've gotten 5 in 8 runs just making sure I open any loot box and have brann gather everything.
fuck off simp
>three lies
>I enjoyed killing people while I was controlled!
just trying to sound edgy and beg for sympathy
>I can't use the light anymore...
being lazy also wants people to feel sorry for him.
>that time he said woah it's dark I can barely see in the campaign end scenario
it wasn't that dark come on
sorry I'm a horde vulpera enjoyer, you guys will bully me
I feel utter disgust towards her after briefly watching the porn with her.
Damn bro don't give away your secrets, I'm tryna make a quick buck
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rep is for fags
Just appeal anon, 1 extra renown is pretty excusable, if you were max renown then yeah you're fucked and for good reason.
reminds me of
>kill 1 frog doing dailies on timeless isle
>get entire cloak rolled back
I also used DMF buff and did not get banned because I did not perform the severed threads exploit.
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>Blizzard banning players exploiting reputation
>4 day bans

>Just before the raids

blibli, that's not cool at all

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Fuck all of that, how are Elemental shaman right now?
She exploited and justified it "It's a bug on blizzard's side I shouldn't be banned, my entire guild got banned because we used two accounts"
She then justifies that she only got like one extra renown out of it
Basically fuck them, they're all faggots and for once Blizzard is based for fucking them up
>Blizzard tricked Western players into exploiting their own "mistake" to ban them from the competition so that Chinese guilds could claim the world first
>some random french bitch
not in the world first race. those guys are gonna go completely untouched.
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Naga would make a ton of sense as an early enemy in Midnight given how Quel'Thalas is one big peninsula+island. I also wouldn't mind if they took another stab at a Vashj'ir style zone using what they learned from the first blunder.
Shaman is golden right now, but beware of nerfs.
I'm a frog too and my friend literally ganked her on his rogue in warmode the other day, he was full comp stomp green and she was in pve gear, he said she died during the initial kidney shot, and that he got a lot of angry texts from simps
But method is the only guild that was dumb enough to actually do it
Echo and Liquid both told their players not to perform the exploit in case they got fucked like they did for exploiting seeds before amirdrassil
the law firm he was previously employed by worked on some government cases and people spin it up for fun
that french bitch is in method rn anon
His 3 lies are
>I'm straight
>Faerin is a woman
>I'm bigger than her
29:04 in the VOD to see the moment she got banned kek.
That's 29 hours she's doing a subathon so technically it's still Yesterday's stream.
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Sounds about right. Especially that last one
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do i race change my belf monk to mag'har orc?
>>some random french bitch
>not in the world first race.

She's a main in Method since for ever and always streams WFR
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>blizzard banning exploiting shitbags

I play on Argent Dawn because Asmongold plays there when he is on EU
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So are they just gonna retcon that Quel'Thalas is actually 100x bigger for the next xpac?
Why everyone wants the ara ara sac?
simps are showering her on donations the absolute STATE of the west
Just cause or is there mechanical motive?
This is fallout from all the built up animosity they felt towards the frog gods. Devs were just waiting for the next big exploit to lash out.
i guess just cause? i've been belf for years but orcs seem kinda cool and if i pick mag'har it could be like a blademaster type thing?
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>4 days before/during Heroic week

Blizzard loves the casu now spits on hardcore gamers
call an ambulance, baine...
what was the exploit anyway?
People keep saying WoW's back but what about WoW's front?
here comes the "I didnt exploit I super swear I didn- what do you mean it's impossible to have severed threads level 25 without exploiting i just farmed it with my secret method okay????"
I bet any grill wow streamer could just sit at the login screen, say they got banned, then get flooded with simp donations.
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>Playing aug with a roster now
What spec should I main when I play alone, and simply want to blitz through raid / Maze+?
Not necesseraly looking for the strongest, I just want something fun enough at that performs decently atleast
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we need islam asap
Sounds fun enough, go for it
She's comfy, she's not like the other streamers
fk of
>chinese hate LGQBT+ stuff
>Blizzard get rid of them
>millions of chinese players out of nowhere
S tier now, F tier in 2 months
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It's doing pretty great too. Not a lot of people can appreciate cougars
The lesson of TWW is that manly men die and experience anguish while girl power picks up the fruits of their labor afterwards while claiming they were essential to anything that happened
Do you need a tank? I could join on my brewmaster. I'm horde though.
dragonflight still exists


Remember when asmon got banned for buying glad and managed to overturn it in 5 minutes by furiously texting his contacts at Blizz?
Bans are for normal players, not ecelebs. All these streamers will be fine.
So where is Maxx? Aren't they competing for the world first?
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>mfw 4 days behind on timegated content
>getting banned because of a mistake on blizzard's end
Why are people defending this
ok, but they aren't removing the rep or rewards so who cares?
vashj'ir was fine, speds with no spacial reasoning abilities got filtered
straight men in shambles!!!!
>Now you remember that you are a normal player, not a eceleb
But that was the lesson of BFA(Rhastakhan)...and Shadowlands(Krexus)...and DF(Sarkareth)...
I don't want to learn this lesson anymore!
You "play" a compliance simulator and thought you'd get ahead by exploiting.
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Actually unironically Max who made the ban happen
>Echo has their entire guild renown 25 in first week of xpac
>Liquid cannot figure out what exploit was used to achieve this
>Max mentions this exploit every stream
>"uh yeah it's weird that Blizz never bans us for exploits, we would TOTALLY never exploit again if bans where handed out for exploits"
We already knew Metzen lost his touch since TBC.
I stopped giving a fuck about WoW story after Arthas died. But it doesn't sunrise me that bringing back Metzen didn't change anything.
don't remind me we never got any resolution to any of this shit
Goblins should lead the Horde. Goblins are the greatest. Goblin engineering strongest there is. Goblins smartest there is. Goblins will win the war against Azeroth!
no one caresa bout these people, though. it's always nice seeing ebeggars getting shitted on
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Now imagine Vashjir with skyriding(waterriding?), that shit would feel fun as fuck.
yuropoors dont deserve world first
Too fucking bad!
Let a girl show you how real hood niggas use the light
>you... completed the renown track faster than we said you could? BAN BAN BAN BAN BAN AHHHHHHHHHHH FUN DETECTED
Xyronic totally didn't get banned every tier since legion
i hate this nuspeak
chinese miguel and chinese thomas are factory coworkers who look out for each other by observing proper safety and not blaming others when they fail to report faulty equipment or infrastructure
chinese beef is a straight frog who fucks women frogs so loud you can hear his balls banging against their vagina flaps from across thaldraszus
chinese wellington is a loaf of bread
chinese vyranoth was killed by odyn for unlawful dissent
you think this is western exclusive? The chinese and korean simp-mliking streaming scenes absolutely dwarf what the westerners are capable of
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>So where is Maxx?
This is the wow thread, not yugioh.
>chinese vyranoth was killed by odyn for unlawful dissent
that would be based. President Xi, fire when ready
>chinese miguel and chinese thomas are factory coworkers who look out for each other by observing proper safety
Why western cucks are like this?
max sisters... i'm feeling good this tier
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Does M+ open on heroic or mythic week?
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>trying to figure out a good UI for pvp
>check pvp streamers
>they're all schizophrenic
theres too much SHIT to keep TRACK of
koreans and chinese are even bigger simps, you just don't see it because you don't use afreeca or bilibili
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World of Warcraft is now officially Chinese property.

Kneel before Xi.
is prot pal really as bad as the doomkeks say it is?
I played it some in season 3 and 4 of DF but it felt super weak in high keys because your self healing doesn't scale at all with your damage output or amount of mobs pulled - and you couldn't afford to spend holy power on healing outside of wings because then your SotR uptime would drop and have you killed
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>ban competitors
>becomes number 1

Americans on Earth, Americans on Azeroth
?? I haven't gotten to the end of their questline yet but they are trained properly and the sheet metal conveyor belt they're working on is from a reputable manufacturer
>chinese Malfurion getting ready to face Fyrakk
wait until you find out about phantasy star online
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>Fags exploited early remix to get broken cloaks
>Same fags exploited a renown farm lost hours of grind and 4 days of M4 loot
Blizzard has been a bunch of absolute fagoïds nevevr EVER doing anything to punish people exploiting, and now that the chinks pump goybucks into the game back, they can finally btfo some retards
Truly WoW is back
i don't even know what we're laughing about but I'm giggling like a retard hehehe
Oh we got an expert here.
Please show some proofs then.
How come the nerubians weren't in control of Beledar when the Arathi arrived? Hadn't it been there for a long time as had the nerubians
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>its actually impossible to make a good-looking lightforged
name a more classic combination
besides euros and drinking semen
Scripe just tweeted that they "just got some new casters"
pvpers have spent 15+ years learning to be really good at one specific thing
it's the speedrunning of wow
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>am*ricans will lose to china now
Just watched the new Pilav video... what did Preach do for money that Pilav was talking about?
>"they can't ban all of us"
>bans all of us
im an eu chad
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cheers anon, i did it.
its not perfect transmog i know but i've never really been good with outfits
Oh Ivan, it must sting that you must clutch at the skirts of China so desperately
The best chink guild took 5 days and 1000 pulls to kill tindral LOL
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Azshara will be certainly involved in the elven-related storyline of Quel'Thalas (same characters as in Nazjatar). It seems she is about to fuck up dragons on the dragon islands and will return only after Xal'athat storyline comes to an end.
China won
They fucking won
Wait Pilav LIVES?
I don't care about any of this post your hottest characters
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>Didn't buy TWW
>Didn't get banned
Why the fuck is everyone talking about China all of a sudden?
is there cum dripping out of her ear you sick fucks
>read some leddit retard swearing BM pets as pack leader are immortal
>try it out and they're exactly the same as dark ranger
do these literal boomers just pull one mob at a time in between breastfeeding their wife's son?
Last time there was a mass ban before a WF race, it was Korea that stole what should've been a free American win
Do Koreans still play WoW? Would be hilarious to see a repeat
>can't proof
Heh, easy victory.
what did Preach do NOT for money?
Leveled a monk and a hunter, what next?
because they won bigly (by doing nothing)
Because they run videogames now and are absolutely mogging us in player count at the moment. By us I mean the rest of the world.
Nigga that's an airpod
nerubians are degenerated aqir, they still use shadow power but at some unknown point in their cultural history they became wary of old gods & old gods minions. the old queen said no to Nzoth when he asked for help during the events of bfa, only recently the queen was overthrown by her daughter who wanted to return to what's shown in that mural and sided with xally.
>Do you need a tank?
well just join anon and see if you have people to play with. Theres a lot of tanks tho. I mean desu theres a lot of people period so. And no being cross-faction doesnt matter
Do you even read your own hero talents? Pack Leader has like 1 thing that increases mend pet slightly and thats it. Think for yourself instead of trying to get all your info from fucking reddit.
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can't see shit when doing this WQ as a tauren
wait for the pvp rework
maybe next expansion they make it for humans
china saved worlo
Indeed, my easiest win yet.
Because China, as always, saved our based games and here, saved WoW
Azshara will kill azeroth and become The Last Titan
the machine event with the 20 waves
made a big deal out of quitting the game because of blizzard's abuse or whatever, then came back because they invited him to an office tour where they pinky promised they fixed all their workplace harassment issues (he believed it)

he didn't do it for money though he's just not very smart
Why aren't you playing an elf or human
I've done that but I didn't get a mount.
imagine extracting that from what I typed
you're genuinely retarded
>wait for the pvp rework
this is as funny as the imaginary raid rework
Russian demoralization campaign + China stronk ricecels getting uppity
Same thing happened on /sp/ during the olympics
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slightly better screenshot, had to remove the nokhud pennant since it was spinning faster than meatspin for whatever reason so i had to put pvp pennant
anyway, thanks for the push on race change i like this more
Now you remember the era when Blizzard turned into chinese ass lickers between Wotlk and Shadowlands

And that era is about to through that era again
The phrase 'rule over Land, Sea and Sky' is the hint for expansion order. TWW is the underground expansion, Midnight is coastal/ocean, TLT will take place on a floating continent, possibly Avaloren.
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that's an airpod. you know, I'm a big fan of cooming myself but maybe its time to take a break?
*horns and drums intensify*
*drums go wild*
*horns blow strongest*
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reminder that China is pushing for more character with big tits and no niggers/fags in vidya. Worlo is about to enter a new golden age
Do people really care about this world's first nonsense?
He's bri'ish, after all
yeah. personally I only care about it when something funny happens and the raidtrannies get all uppity
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reminder that tww has a higher peak than:
retail is winning bigly
There's nothing more important than the race for world first. If you don't understand that then you are an alliance cuck.
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Your grandchildren will learn Mandarin in school and be whipped when they misspeak.
TWW with all the female leaders and characters is just to encourage Chinese men to reproduce.
its not a 100% drop lol
99% of the playerbase don't care about it, only the friendless losers watching twitch 24/7
no but it's a situation that creates clear and distinct teams in conflict which is prime shitposting material, so people WILL talk about it despite having no actual interest in the race itself
A similar principle applies to most things on 4chan
Okay so a bunch of Chink shills where dropped here to make nonsenese posts. Got it. Taiwan is a real country btw.
you owe me the mount
>Genshin Impact X World of Warcraft

My ultimate dream
I miss pozy
ok I will give it to you
nah its just something to shitpost about
the show itself is the most boring shit
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Cyberhorror expansion when?
I think it's entertaining, and it makes for prime shitposting, since whichever "side" loses becomes the saltiest motherfuckers in the universe
99%?!?!?! damn wow really is at its peak numberswise
>having grandchildren
o i am laffin
arena was the most watched esport on twitch at one point in time
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gacha gods run /wowg/
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Holy lmao
as much as i hate gacha shit, genshin is too popular to make a collab with wow
He never quit the game though, he did make a clickbait thumbnail which is where that came from though so he's kinda half guilty.
Oh my god I'm going to breed?
Praise the red sun! Bow to the mandate of heaven! Ni hao ea cin qin pao maow lin ching chong tao!
That'd require Titans ro be overt bad guys. So maybe Midnight or TLT if Xal commits and becomes an old god
>How come the nerubians weren't in control of Beledar
Weren't they a relatively neutral, separate kingdom? Also, it's hard to take control over the sun, and it's also basically inaccessible and seems to be able to protect itself.

>Alternatively, one account of creation says that the birth of the Great Dark Beyond sent "shards of Light" flying through the cosmos, suffusing planets with life.[21] Beledar may be one such shard of primordial Light, which could explain the naaru-like shifting behavior.
why was everything added in shadow of the necropolis
Delete this.
Been there hundreds of times, you got lucky but y, its farmable there.

The real tip is that the prices will drop like a fucking rock when people spam delves tomorrow. I'd advise you to sell ASAP
Shadowlands was a cyberhorror expansion.
The horror of being in a cyberspace created by actual drooling retards.
Too bad they're afraid of skeletons and skeletons are wow's aesthetic at its best
I'm convinced that being a world first raider is a mental illness.
>all these evokers
Why? Why she needs so many Evokers?
funny how stupid people were back then
Going from melee to healer has taught me two things.

Melee is for tanks only. Ranged somehow still can't bind a and d to strafe, or stop hard casting abilities.
euros usually force a person to lvl the same class a shitload of time and use the one with the best luck afte splits
I mean Azj Kahet is pretty close to where Beledar is. The nerubians have lived there for centuries at least. It's weird that they haven't claimed the zone at least. Beledar seems like a pretty powerful thing for a lack of a better word, to be in control of.
That's what world first raiders do - They play one class, so they level like 15-20 of the same one, then run a billion heroic raids with only some characters from the guild and a bunch of helpers trading items to said characters, and pick whichever one ends up the most geared for the actual mythic raid race
Likely the class she is using for RWF. They need to make a dozen alts of the same class to run as many heroic splits as possible. Whichever character lucks out with the most gear gets taken to the race.
This is fucking retarded, how can anyone get excited about RWF
danuser was a bad as a narrative designer
but he was a good man according to his colleagues
I bound q and e to strafe. I tank by the way.
my second monitor is for feet and mommy ASMR
no time for this wurld firzdt eespordz bizznitch
someone post the clip of the exact moment the whore gets banned
I miss Danuser and Shadowlands
Here's your (you), that's decent bait
that's why they win most of the time tho they do small optimization like that
I understand and that's what makes it fucking gay
For the Horde!
what's their reasoning behind making duskweave and dawnweave so rare when they used to drop all the time a week ago?
shit's going for 90g a piece now
found the xivtroon
>Have to go out of town for doctor's appointment.
>Gonna miss start of season 1
>Gonna miss one of my raid nights.
>Gonna almost be a week behind.
It's so joever for me.
Season 1 is gonna last 4+ months what's the big deal
You're gonna be behind for the entire trilogy now, better find a different game to play for the next 4 years
It's true, but it seems like the story leads us in another direction. Blizz might say that Azj Kahet was an isolationist kingdom, and that saved them in previous ages when trolls wrecked other servants of imprisoned old gods or even in more recent times when they denied servitude to N'zoth forces.
Oh you think you have it bad
I have to become the doctor so I can't play at all
Not how WoW works. If you fall behind early or join a patch late you are fucked for the entire season.
This just isn't true, I've caught up before. You just need to run your own groups to get into shit you're mingeared for
Remember to thank china in next thread.
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Then they are not my grandchildren
They're OUR grandchildren.
I don't give a single fuck about the raid, but the shitposting and drama can be fun sometimes.
Name a worse feeling than finding out your healer girlfriend healed for another group that got the drop you wanted
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Yeah, only a couple of guilds are really 'competing' in the race. Some other normal guilds might get 3/8 or 4/8 early but the last couple of bosses WILL be tuned for characters who got near perfect rng luck during heroic splits.
>come back to vg a year later
>WoW is chasing its 2nd golden era
>Xiv is apparently on its knees with DT
WTF happened
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>season one debut experience features earthen mass exploration of azeroth
Your best friend joining another guild on his alt, forcing you to gkick his main. It has to be done. This is a negative sum game, and if you are not with me, you are against me.
I like the way you think comrade.
I will have fun
this is why mythic should be scaled or something
regression to the mean
wow had its absolute nadir and lowest point at the same time as 14 had its absolute peak
people confused this with being the normal state of affairs
The story game had a bad story.
The gameplay game continues to have good gameplay.

Thats so fucking gay LOL
Brother Korloff is how I expect most human monk to act
>All the 3 classes with the best looking T2 sets are getting buffed
Sound like a win to me
lmao get rekt
nah bro just take all the cc, survivability and mobility you can in your talents and fill it out with the highest burst dmg possible

then go press your cds on people in bgs
press defensives when they are going on u
cc ppl of your healer or yourself whatever who cares

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