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Previous >>493807450

>Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis -The Answer- will be released on September 9 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9eXHaH_9vI
>Metaphor: ReFantazio will be released on October 11, 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YM3eHtnoC0
>Metaphor: ReFantazio Official Showcase - https://youtu.be/RlbKYbS0nSk

>P5U.jp (Arena) Expires: 2025/04/30
>P5B.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31
>P5M.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31

>We have moved everything to GoogleDocs and on the Internet Archive:
>New and improved Birthday Chart
>Media assets

/pg/ OC:
>Draw Corner archive

Anti Spammer Tech:
Based OP
Good image
No reason to have metafilth as the OP since it's not a part of the series. It's a parasite.
Based OP
Peeloaders BTFO
It's a guest.
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This but Shitmire.
Chihaya is for
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Please tell me this is not real
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Shiho CUTE
Shiho loves tender hugs
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Sorry anon
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Doxing akihag...
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Poketto cutie.
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That’s kinda gay
Shitposters are quaking in their boots bros, the last thing they have is muh sales, they’re going to compare it to Persona’s sales despite it being a new IP. I think it’ll do really well long term, just like P5.
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>Get merch of your husbando
>It's just a shower curtain facing outwards
>So he always sees you shitting
foids really don't think this shit through, do they?
Saw that coming.
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Gallica is EVIL
Junah doesn't do anything for me
Evil little creature…
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Same. Her design is awful.
I don't like her race's eyes
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angry robutt
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Needs correction
As long as Yuckari isn't posted anymore, everything will be alright.
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>schizo OP edits out P5R, replies to himself about how based he feels not posting The Answer

Can't wait for metaphor to be gone from here
p5X will EoS in a year
Don't worry when Metaslop is gone you still won't be welcome here chang
*P5X, typo.
Claiming this pinned panther.
Best model.
Most compassionate.
I'm so proud of Ann. I love her.
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Would you enjoy kissing Ann every day?
You think you’re sneaky, don’t you, gachatroon.
Go back to one of your many, many other threads on /vg/.
I kneel to my superior
They are so yuuuuummy
Why is this "Remake" worse
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Nicely Shiho'd.

I'm sure it would be enjoyable.
It will not do anything remotely close to Persona 5's numbers. If you think it will you are more delusional than this guy>>493863536
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Post Yukari to trigger the schizo.
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She's just a Sumi for God's sake.
I like big butts, I cannot lie
>when you try to hug shiho and she goes in for the kissu
Just filter him. He's stupid so his pattern are really easy to predict. I didn't even notice he was still shitting himself.
It fucks it up so bad
At the very least we can tell it's not the one that did the coloringjob that edited the OP
Still, you're in for disappointment when the ReMerger happens. Just hope the schizo doesn't come with it.
Extremely shit
ESL kun. Anon is saying it will be received well despite doomposting not that it will sell as good as P5.
I'm so tired of these stupid ESL salesfags and their lack of reading comprehension
new bad.
You're going to see the same argument a hundred times in the next week that shitty looking animation is better than good looking models, and that's the only basis for it.
You can’t read, anon…
>Wanting to play a game that out on the PS2
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flustered yum
Thread theme.
They actually censored the gore lmao
P3R is a fucking joke
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You should be sleeping right now, saar.

That was fast
The few things it does better can't compensate for the incompetence of everything else. Is a bland, edgeless product without the smallest droplet of soul.
this fits so well
What was the seal thing that the fighting game changed I think
Honestly, you have to be a retarded baby to defend P3R at this point.
>No fade-to-black sexy time in Metaphor
It’s reFantaziover…
Chang moved on pretty quick with his anti Reload posting, quicker than usual. Even tripped and mentioned Royal earlier than he should have.
Remember when P5X is removed from the OP chang will make a post seething about it and then will try to derail the thread with Metaphor bait posting into P3R bait posting and finishing it off with P5R. He does it in the exact same pattern every time. Don't fall for it.
I don't think the Polter poster is chinese but no they don't like metaphor and they're pretty bitter about it
Is this worse than Fes or better because it sound the same to me
dramaschizo take your meds
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Threadly orb
A sidegrade depending how you look at it
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So still acting like a bitch
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point blank orb
Do you mean the Answer?
Both are shit. The original has better 2d animations and less off-putting filler conversation at least.
If you mean vanilla Reload then yes, it's much worse than FES.
Different. That's generally what you get.
Now go play the same game 5 times to get the full Persona 3 experience.

Are you fucking okay?
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Be straight with me. Do you have any hope at all for P6?
I just hope it has cute girls in it.
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Not at all
Not a lot.
I'm not gonna start worrying until i see the game. I have hope.
Better have a Femc
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less annoying gameplay, but also less soul
Almost none.
The one that usually posts her does it with randomized 4chan filenames
t. nooticer
I am excited for new people to chase away the schizos.
I just want new schizos desu
that's like most of the general
I was talking about the whole thing that cause that fight over the keys
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I didn’t like Reload in general and I didn’t like most of the new plot stuff in Royal, but I think 6 will be better off since the new P-Studio will be working with their own characters and plot this time around.
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Genuinely not.
Atlus no longer cares about making games that a playerbase will care years above, it only cares about making Products that have the persona naming on it. The fact that they're banking all their prospects into a fucking Gacha shows they only want money, easy slop to generate revenue instead of making a proper game.
Even the Answer right now, an extremely fucking overpriced DLC no matter how much you dicksuck Atlus, is guaranteed to sell because it has the P3R hype going on.
All of the core that made Persona be what it is now is gone, and if it's all present within reload, do you really believe they're capable of making a decent game at all? Or just an obligatory product that will have the persona naming on it?
He's also spamming aigis with it since it was nooooticed that he was a twittertard
She's looking a lot kinder than usual
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But bro, metaphors gonna be totally different for sure!
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>scrub hard
>go back to computer
>still have swamp ass
fuck this shit... baths are a waste of time
>since the new P-Studio will be working with their own characters and plot
The whole point of working on a rerelease and a minimal changes remake is that a ton of the work is done for you already which is far far easier than working on something from scratch
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Seems like they're not the usual polter person, nor particularly shitposty
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>anybody who uses the correct OP is automatically a schizo in changs eye
you are not even putting at least an ounce worth of effort into your shilling anymore, chang
I know you are desperate for that communist money but please dont shit up our general with your gatchatrash
there are more suitable shitholes like /vmg/ for that purpose, so leave. Immediately.
all of wada's ideas feel like fanfiction (arena, ultimax, p4d, royal storyline). they're fun but if you think about it, it's insane that they're canon.
Maybe you should wash yourself more often if it’s gotten that bad.
>is guaranteed to sell because it has the P3R hype going on
You might be surprised actually
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I'm most curious than hyped for P6
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I can’t really be hyped for something that I’ve heard zero info about.
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If you had a Sumi gf, you would love her. As long as we can admit that, everything will be better.
What was wrong with Deloaded that it ended up worse than Fes
How many kids?
We hate her here.
buy a dehumidifier, dumbass
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Need Shiho
zoomer developers that want to make games that look (and play) like fortnite and honkai star rail
Removes many mechanics, events, cutscenes, and more. Half of the game was removed.
Ayane Chie Yukiko
Naoto Marie Rise (Shadow)
Margaret Yumi Ai
are you gonna make the same post every day for months
Is the sumire spammer just a means to try and keep threads alive on /vg/?
You don't understand they had to removed those things to make room for all the new stuff
I just want to marry Rise, put twenty children inside her and enjoy her cooking every day, bros...
Why does metaslop feel more like a scapegoat more than anything? I don't care too much about it but aren't metafags planning to leave in a month or so? What is the purpose of them removing P5X as a big conspiracy if they aren't planning on staying? Or is it just a thing where a schizo latches onto a thing because it's very easy to create a boogeyman?
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No he loves her more than anything, so she has to be posted.
I'm making what the original person posted.
Is a mentally ill waifufaggot who wants everyone to "love" her. He's retarded and a cuck.
It fixed too much so now it's objectively better than FES, which is disrespectful.
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Why are they whitewashing yukari?
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Hope Erebus looks better than the Nyx battle.
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I didn't have hope for P5 after a decade of P4 merchandising and terrible uses of P3, but I was proved wrong. P5 is fantastic.
I don't have any hope for P6 though...
Im too old for this. Its time to move on to the smt backlog instead...
if you were genuinely curious about the gameplay, they seemingly didn't make many changes to the evade skill heavy miniboss movesets, so maybe they one thing they actually should've changed looks to be intact
P3, 4 and 5 have been good so why not? REALLY hope they drop the social link shit though, it's become obnoxious.
I hope you like in game models because animated cut scenes cost too much
she IS a white women because she dresses like a whore and fucks dogs
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Mitsuru's cape is so fucking dumb.
>if you were genuinely curious about the gameplay, they seemingly didn't make many changes to the evade skill heavy miniboss movesets
Oh well, I guess it was bound to be easy so something had to be done to keep it a little bit difficult.
>one thing they actually should've changed looks to be intact
typical Wada
it's funny cause they can't even use localization as a cope because this is actually what she says in sub
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There it is.
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Tummies. Tomboy Tummy.
Not very hardcore Risecchi fan of you, anon
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This is one weird sex ed class
No, he just want our attention. He doesn't even care about her waifu that much.
What a grotesque entity.
They did it to remove any edge she might have
so does fuuka get anything this time or is she still a background character in the answer
that's not Sumi though
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lick lick
What a whore.
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It's Metis!
Hi Metis!
Of course they're not.
Because I'm the one that usually does it.
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Not bad.
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are his heads CGI?
wait is Yukari evil?
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>P3, 4 and 5 have been good so why not?
Because Hashino made them and he's gone
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So, P6 when?
It was very obvious when they used the P3P scenarios for her link. That hug thing has so many people seethe to this day about it if you look at the comments on the video showing it. They had to make Yukari appear less stand offish
see >>493867707
Aigis is the real villain of Persona 3. everything is her fault.
>just regular piss instead of green piss
eh I'll take it
not like I'm going to play this shit either way
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Itty bitty
needs more green
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Always was
dubious butt... upto mischief
5 year
>no obvious filter
It's Wada ok?
I don't know if any of them really fit CE in 4. it's rough
Does Aigis get an Orgie mode back in this one, or is it still Metis-only?
Why is SHARTgis such a whore?
>I won't lose!
Bit too saturated but better than the Nyx stage.
I do hate the eyes though they're too glowy
Hey it's a skybox in Reload that doesn't look like dogshit
So they just turned her into 2D waifu bait with no edges
>lovers always win
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>11 oct is by bday
>dont wanna buy fantasio because theres no hype
what do i do
Are we done baitposting? This looks cool as fuck
celebrate your birthday?
Oh damn I'm impressed.
I fucking hate aigisfags
she's just a dubious slutbutt... upto mischief
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Reanswer Draw Corner: https://magma.com/d/uyoiie58zt
October 11th
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Yeah they did a good job here.
i live in another country and have no friends , there s nothing else to do
it's not a multiplayer game, why would the hype matter?
Too yellow but not nearly as bad as Nyx
this entire remake is a dumpster fire m8
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>That Hulkenberg
Based Plow. lol
because he's a nintendo child
Because she is white.
Might as well do a P3 one too
Chihiro Aigis Kotone
Fuuka Yukari Yuko
Chidori Mitsuru Liz
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Happy birthday anon
are you done samefagging?
Some of us are just surprised about reload no shitting itself for once.
wasn't expecting to get jumpscared by a fellatrix drawing
Happy birthday
Where's the baitposting? Most of the replies are positive
celebrate it by yourself then
is the fight itself any good?
the tranny is just mad everyone is shitting on the game overall
Appropriate for the reload incels
are your eyes closed
Shitgiskeks are very iinsecure and sensitive, please understand.
Eat the Unreal Slop
Are yours?
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You sure love talking about feces Derrik
Yuko doesn't really fit there
why are p5tards so insufferable?
>when Aigiscucks ruin every single thread
kill yourself P3tranny
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Aaand here's the P5 bait post looks like anon >>493865254 was spot on kek
Because they literally haven't played any other persona games and probably never even completed 5
It's not going to work pal you can't hypebeast people with reload twice or concord your way into a position of moral authority on your social media when most people don't like it either
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I hope aigistroon vanishes during Metaphor's release.
She’s used goods, so it works
it’s her or Maiko, Toriumi there worse
Persona 5: Wakaban't
I can't wait for ricie to think I'm Chang
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What is the Mitsuru-Yukari battle like in Reload?
Aigis fits there, agreed.
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The agressive shitposting does spike up when P5X is not in the OP...I'm noticing
>used goods
but enough about Aigis
She's more like Kawakami
People aren’t impressed when you say you’re going to do something and then you do it yourself dramaschizo
Go back
I have a "friend" who's a P5fag and he's only played Strikers.
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Piledriver upon him
>implying the said schizos aren't p5babbies
how new?
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Are you going to complain about boobs again?
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>p3schizos go right back to seething about p5 when p3 is back in a perceived position of weakness
I'm noticing a lot of P5 hate just about now maybe you should have told your fellow co-workers working hard on shilling this shit to change the script up a bit chang
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For all his claims of asexuality derrik sure seems to enjoy NTR
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>SHITgis tard going after P5 now
Go back to crying about Metaphor or Yukari, you autistic loser.
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The only question left about this expansion is will it help reload get back above royal's player count for the first time since the end of february
P3 (Episode Aigis) is in a position of Strength. So is P5 (P5X)
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It is incredibly easy to rile these idiots up huh...
I'll never bother with P5X but that's an ass I could snuggle with for DAYS
Whoever drew this is the greatest waste of life imaginable.
>P3 (Episode Aigis) is in a position of Strength
It's one review away from scoring worse than Soul Hackers 2
P5X will save /pg/!
>done with shitting on metaphor
>moves to reload and then p5
>resumes shilling his gatchatrash
is chang the most predictable faggot here apart from the druggie?
In general that goes for anybody who draws Sumi
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>salesfag posts steamcharts again
He literally can’t help himself lmao.
Please stop fighting...
We are getting a great DLC to an already great remake. Metaphor is leaving the thread soon why is everyone so mad :(
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Is there a waifufag that is more hated than aigisfag?
Purely because of butthurt femcfags who don't even care about persona 3 beyond being able to play as a girl.
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I'm not mad about anything at all today. I just love my Sumi. That's all I feel today.
I don't think you're hitting the mark here
trannies have been upset about p5 for years and they really wanted a p3 reload oriented community that didn't work out when the game couldn't get out of p5's shadow
Don't forget steamchart posting, chinks love that shit. It's literally the same shit every time with the same exact images, next he'll post that blonde velvet room attendant
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Always liked seeing everyone in the velvet room. I hope the whole party can enter the room at anytime in P6.
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I have come for some extra Rise before I head to bed, lads.
I'm being blinded by that glare behind Metis
Who do you think your false flags are fooling
Stop wiping your period blood on your face...
It's so funny seeing the struggle that aigisfag is going through with his samefag.
First it was the Yukarifag, then the Chiefag, then the Mitsurutroon, the Dramaschizo, and now some "Chang".
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The new Metis va did good.
Oh no no no no no don't look derrik
He's so pathetic
does anyone have a pic of specialized endgame personas for reload
yellow hands typed this post
Sleeping Soom.
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The steam chart faggot is this guy >>493870589 dumbass
yeah from what I've seen she seems pretty alright
this is the first time I think I've seen a new significant persona release inspire so little buzz
Meh I didn't like the remake and never cared about the Answer to begin with.
Stupid strawman, do better.
Thank you for coming back and remaining canon, Metis <3
This but Chie
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>She wasn’t around for Q2
>She wasn’t even around for Tactica
Newfag come on please
You mean fix her? She was insufferable in the original.
The answer wasn't well liked when it released in the first place.
There's a reason it wasn't in P3P and they tried a different gimmick with it
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Hi there
oh my god is that a teenage girls butt?!?! I MUST JACK OFF MY TINY PENIS TO THIS NEW DEVELOPMENT
my first unreal project :)
aaiieeeee my eyes ; ;
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Wild that a random /pg/ anon was 100% right and Door actually did just dissipate into butterflies
>There's a reason it wasn't in P3P
the reason was technical limitations.
I'm just bitter because P4 is completely forgotten.
He had to beg Sega execs for you guys to even get The Answer stop being ungrateful little pricks
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I missed Maverick Monday but it's Tomboy Tuesday now! Tomboy harvest!
I won't. I WON'T.
You have to be coping hard to think that. Femc requires much more assets than the answer does.
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I’m just laughing at all these retards that think their shitposting actually matters.
I vill not play the gacha.
I vill play Metaphor.
I VILL eat the bugs (with my party members).
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I can oblige. thank you for posting a Rise I haven't seen before
I will not click it... I will not click it... I will not click it... nanako is my little sister....
What does it taste like?
Good. Bitch deserves to suffer
It probably tastes like shellfish.
File deleted.
Yu is so lucky...
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We are friends right /pg/?
Are those CGI cars?
Not after the way I've been treated.
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Yukari is Strong!
Shitgis doesn't have friends.
I hate all of you
I don't have any friends. I walk alone.
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Persona 5 cars...
>generated images for what anon wanted with the chart image
>It isn't saved in the logs for some reason and didn't save at all
Of all the scenes in Reload that should be bright this one is kinda too dark compared to the original cutscene...
meanwhile yukarifags and aigisfags hate each other
Cringe. Yukari hates that bitch.
Mitsuru is not so sure about it.
It's just one schizo constantly shitting himself Everytime he sees aigis. At most yukarifags and aigisfags argue over shipping but they don't actually hate each other. I like shuyuka more but I don't hate aigis or aigisfags.
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Apart from some really bad cutscene direction i had fun.
Aki is not even looking at Aigis
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>holding hands
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World of STR
Living with Takeba...
Did you fight Joker anon?
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New menu.
Door's stone cock
Aigis is just a tool for Mitsuru.
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Not yet. Guessing i have to do a bunch of boring Liz quests to unlock it.
>god I could be training right now
I was friends with the old /pg/, not the new /pg/
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Of Course!
No we don't, I like both. It's literally just one schizo talking with himself.
Good for you I guess? Aigischizo hates Yukari.
Are you gonna fight him on heartless? He has a different gimmick apparently
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Well, once the Awnser is on youtube, it's just waiting for metaphor
Generic walking ending scene but cute
What is this whimsical Paper Mario-ass music
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What if the next Persona game is a MMO?
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>AEGIS / Aigis
>Fuka Yamagishi / Fuuka Yamagishi
Did the Reload credits do this too?
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metis cute
Persona XIV
massive mammary obasans?
did they still imply that door might revive at some point once people stop wishing for death?
Social linking female players (male)....
How are people playing the dlc? NZ chads? CreamAPI unlocking it early? Are you guys just reposting some let's players screencaps? How does it work?
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playable Jack Frost?
I don't believe this aigis schizo exist because everytime you bring them up I never see them. And even if they do exist so what just ignore them no need to go down to their level because at this point you're being more annoying than this aigis schizo you bring up out of nowhere.
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I know at least one person that'll play it.
Would play
I would pay the subscription for at least 1-3 months of a Persona MMO.
Would be kino.
Okay newfag.
Too slutty
Please post images into the thread instead of links
I think the gamepass version can be played early by switching timezones
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Why did she do it?
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too much shit posting
>inside the cognition of a /pg/ fujo
Is this canon?
It's nice to have a Persona dungeon crawling experience divorced from worrying about Social Links.
I don't think CreamAPI works with P3R, or if it does I'm doing something wrong because the expansion pass music/outfits popups aren't appearing. I should at least be getting those. Any creamheads in this thread know what could be happening?
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I miss the pre-internet world so much like you wouldn't believe
I'd like to think our fujos have better taste in ships
If only it weren't running on P3 Reload gameplay
their distorted horny desires have warped all sense of reason...
I like the internet, but I miss it too.
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I miss the pre-smartphone world so much like you wouldn't believe
I know it's going to be shit but where's Brand New Days
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Have you run it through smart steam emu AND in offline mode? It's doing a double check, offline mode in steam makes Steam appear offline like there is no internet so it cannot check
2000s are not brand new...
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My Chie Romance
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i miss when geriatric faggots stuck to facebook
Please purchase your video games.
Explain in detail
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>34 dollars
>false advertising
>an extra year of development time
Good morning /pg/ did I miss anything?
We should gatekeep the general better. We deserve a higher class of fujo
Answer DLC sucks
reanswer came out early in some regions. spoilers it sucks
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p6 announced
Why do you guys hate Persona so much
did you just learned about metaphor?
Metaphor will be modern day Chrono Trigger
>>false advertising
I still can't believe they force you to buy the gimped fuuka radio and the one (1) post release costume set they put out to get The Censored Answer
Reload bad
You rike?
Pls understand small indie game studio
Go work on P6 you hack
I beat the Reanswer on the easiest difficulty just to shit on it.
I love Persona, that’s why I’m so critical of it.
I love most of the series, but hate a lot of it too.
Im like two sides of the same coin...
Lost in eternal nightmare
I see Reload when I close my eyes, I'm scared
Let me share with you what I see
Atlus' messed up sad story
Under 1000 players online spamming the same skills
Fusing the Siegfried
Copy-paste Shadows killed

Reload bad
Reload dogshit
Stopped playing months ago but I still smell it
Reload bad
Reload dogshit
What about it didn't suck
Can't stop thinking I got fucked

From the depths of despair
A remake where devs didn't care
A mess of stolen P5 thrills, zero variety, zero skill
Now that twitter's out
With me now
Everybody shout

Reload bad
Reload dogshit
Stopped playing months ago but I still smell it
Reload bad
Reload dogshit
What about it didn't suck
Can't stop thinking I got fucked

After all the fighting
We've surely won
Atlus has murdered their own named Mystic
Under Mara's shadow coomers pray
Listen well, the legends will hear me say

Reload bad
Reload dogshit
Stopped playing months ago but I still smell it
Reload bad
Reload dogshit
What about it didn't suck
Can't stop thinking I got fucked
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lick lick
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Made me laugh.
I missed this shit
are you trying to kill me with cringe
people still say the villains in p5 were unrealistic but they're actually tame compared to real rich people. take it from a shitty adult that knows how the world works.
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What was it like, anon? I barely remember it really
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Haru hates poor people.
>people still say the villains in p5 were unrealistic
not really
you have a couple antis recycling old arguments because Strega is still shit in reload but that's about it
lets not do this
The only shit villain was Akechi.
I hope you ready for P6 to have the 2D waifus to be all over MC's dick from the get go with no character because P5 fags unable to cope with characters not being 2D and blank cardboard cutouts made to be fucked
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Me luv sum Risechi
P3 having the best writing in the series was a well perpetuated by quickly crumbling lie
>P5 P5 P5 P5
P3 lost
You were free and clear for 7+ months because Tactica was made by a bunch of incompetents but you still lost
In any version that not Deloaded
Seeing Aigis run without Naruto arms is extremely cursed
Of course I'm ready, I'm one of those P5 fags.
i remember seeing this post but with P4 instead of P5 and P5 instead of P6
Weren't a lot of the P5 villains based on real people?
Are you sure you didn’t mean to say P4fags there, ESL-kun?
Reload having the worst script by virtue of being a watered down version of the previous worst script doesn't make the whole thing especially good
And look how P5 ended up
He meant what he said P3fags don't feel threatened by P4 meanwhile P3 failed to kill P5 twice both times years after its peak
A lot of P5’s characters in general were based on real people.
I fucking LOVE dressing up my hoes as yukari and spit roasting the fuck out of them!
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Is this nigger really talking about "personality" in game with Aigis in it?
>Yukari got toned down AGAIN
Why are moids so mad about this girl?
She should've hugged me so now we hate her forever.
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Concordaphor will flop
What does Metis's belly button taste like?
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Go to bed, chang
Metisaphor ReFantoastio
>Those bots
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jesse wtf are you talking about
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hence the need to open with this screen for the first time ever lmao
"PURELY coincidental, promise."
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Look at my busty Velvet Room attendant, she's cute.
>I'll never bother with P5X
That's the same as 99% of P5X posters. It's all about the girls. If the game wants to keep pumping them out, they're gonna keep getting posted.
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Instead of arguing about reload,draw your feelings out in the draw corner!!
This is literally in every single persona game
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It's over
Can I buy the P3R Aegis DLC separately, or do I have to buy the whole expansion back? I don't care about all that extra shit.
Who mindbroke the aigistroon?
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I can't draw
Oh look what a surprise kek >>493870846
it's always mindbroken, just hiding behind a veneer of smugness while it could still delude itself into thinking P3 was #1
Complete version: https://files.catbox.moe/lppanj.png

All individually:

Someone might need to align the text better, I don't have photoshop or the like.
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Oh no.
>Can I buy the P3R Aegis DLC separately,
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Racist incel will die by Travelling chad's blade
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they updated the listing to say that you have to buy the pass to get the downgraded answer
Send good music to listen to while I'm workin in da draw corner anons!!
Why does Aigis externalizing her human emotions make her unable to understand Koromaru?
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Pretty nice anon
starting from 5.
Don't try making sense of the Answer anon you'll just hurt yourself with how stupid that entire thing is
fuck off
Which one is the most satisfying to get? Also if there was a roll version, what would 0 give?
Here you go
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yukari should have been neutral good
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Don't worry Aigis! You don't have to see it anymore in Deload!
canon as fuck
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A persona/demon of your choice as it's the wild card number.

She calls you a stupid little faggot cocksucker whilst checking her phone in the other hand
Stop spaming this whore. We hate Poomire here.
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Where can i find sneak pics of Metaphor Arctypes?
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They showed a lot of them off at summer game fest
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she would never
It sucks that it's not as shocking anymore but I believe they might've changed it because Japs whined about it. Like how Japs complained about that one PQ1 dungeon being too scary so they didn't do the same for PQ2.
Please return..I don't care about the fantasy slop thing I just want P6 to be good
shut up bitchkari
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calm down shartgistroon
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One more month until Kino. The 8 year wait is finally almost over.
Here is the edit.
Count Louis gave us a cause to fight for....
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I don’t need to.
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Louis Cyphre?
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Sometimes China is alright
I thought remake should make stuff better and not even worse
For what? I'm a fan already.
I'm sorry I won't be able to play on release day
Did you just play Resident Evil 3 remake, I feel your pain
Rei was perfect.
Maya should be more enthusiastic about taking your cum. Pretty good otherwise.
Elly is one of the low points. The orange ribbon looks silly and she doesn't stick her finger in your ass.
The books look more like a grimoire than "heads 101." I'm still surprised the AI could pull that oone ff though.
Yukari was my favorite.
Rise was surprisingly good. I was expecting a mess of bodies.
Takemi is wearing a bit too much makeup and none of the kinky stuff is there.
Ayase looks perfect.
The tongue is a little weird, it looks good otherwise.

Based as always slopanon. Out of curiosity, is that the only arstyle it can imitate consistently?
How do I use the eyedropper on magma it gives me a completely different color
I always liked Chaotic Good since she's going to pound your prostate
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Is it out yet?
I'm still not done with my playthrough of the OG I started last week.
God I hate employment.
What did they retcon in the DLC
I didn't wait this long but I believed ever since the first trailer and been eagerly waiting. Every new trailer has been better and better
We already know almost all of them.
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Threadly Door.
you can draw
Personally not into pegging, but if a girl wanted to play around back there outside of pegging, I wouldn't stop it.
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yukari flavor when
Remember what they took from you.
This is what you were promised:
you forgot to make the cock in the middle black.
bro just resign
Any artanons know how to get the dropper tool to work? It refuses to select the colors I want and it's kinda making me seethe
Hulkenberg is definitely gonna eat a pigeon
Elly was the one that failed 95% of the time, she wouldn't do what was in the OG so I had to just move on. It was hard enough even getting her to consistently have her hand on the guys ass. The reason she looks kinda off is because I made the lora (I barely know how to make one) every other character I've genned in the last week or two, besides her or Ayase, are from creators on Civitai.

Half of the time, on the Makoto image, the book would come through the guys dick, so the few rare ones that worked I just sifted through.

And no, the AI can do a multitude of styles, I just leave it on the same checkpoint for consistency really. It can imitate just about anything.
Don't resign. I did that and still can't find a job :(
Homeless arc soon.
Not really worth doing the new version, already shown from people posting of the censorship
pick from drawing, not layer
We can party up and with the power of friendship make things right again
it should have been koromarus dick
trying to pick this blue from drawing and its giving me a random color every time
does yukari really?
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that's weird, I have no idea
Sniff lick taste!
Noticed. I'm going to ask you for a specific artstyle new time.
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Why does Gallica hate poorfags, isn't Travelling Faggot also a poorfag?
You can't do any worse than the shitty aigis drawing
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no, fuuka on the other hand...
Futaba would say this.
Try using the color's hex code instead. It's that 6 digit box
Not funny.
mmm, why is everything associated with A*gis so garbage?
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Ann Babamaki
Very funny.
I really fucking hated the party chatter in reload
especially whenever you bring koro because there's two characters speaking for him every time
Sloppa has progressed really fast. Last year it couldn't draw fingers.
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I like that she takes naked baths with Koro-chwan.
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Someone griefed the drawcorner :(((
Soap is a smart girl
It has been getting 100+ billion in investments.
Aigisschizo is having a melty. Sigh.
>minmaxing incel is mad that junpei, koro and aki don't have good conversations
kekvedias stocks are about to plummet
Based OP cause I made it
Why do you think so?
It's because they became an AI company first and formost. Most GPU money they make is from AI companies instead of gamers and server hosters for neural networks.
He's an expert of the market of course, that's why he's rich and not some lonely neet on 4chan.
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AI isn't saving companies any money which is the only metric that determines if something is allowed to exist or not.
One of best OC we got here in recent times
Us gamers are truly the most oppressed group on the planet
It is. Completely mogs everything else.
Thank you for your hard work I really liked it
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I actually only got some inheritance but thats it. Currently not in any mood of working some meme wagie job that will suck my soul away with each passing day.
AI can save companies money by doing menial work.

>Answering basic customer questions
>Creating art
>Writing sales copy

And the uses of AI are growing with time.
Can anyone make an aryan brigitta edit?
nobody asked you, sophie. go into sleep mode.
Futaba isn't an anglo
Commencing ignore mode.
Of course aigisfag defaced the fucking drawcorner again.
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>Reload DLC can't show Door quickly decomposing
>Meanwhile in the T RATED chadaphor
What a disaster
Thanks bros. It was a WIP I was going to put in the backburner but seeing it as the OP gave me more motivation to finish it now.
It has nothing to do with ratings or anything, they just have inferior taste and genuinely think what they made is better than the original. Same with the first cutscene in the base game.
we're finally back to old /pg/...
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>Miss me, yet?
That blood bubble as he grasps for air when Louis stabs him is kinda haunting, I didn't think they'd make it this graphic
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That's just life anon.
Somehow her character in the OG version is somehow better than this slop version
It's kinda sad how apparent it is that he's missing from the team
Its so tiresome
Did they fucked up the final boss theme
It's fine
Not as good at the original but it's fine. Way better than what Kozuka did to Heartful Cry
Original P3 version for reference, NTA
Don't care, still want to make her my wife and form a big family with her.
May VR one day grant us such happiness.
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Happy birthday Aigis
P6 OST will be entirely composed by Kozuka
Thank you
P6 OST by 100keks
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Video games.
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Goddess Milk
This is Reload.
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got the rest of the day off, what lolislop does /pg/ want to see?
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>The Answer re-releases
>James Earl Jones dies
>souless armband
Reading a book to Makoto Daughter (either Makoto)
He's in heaven now.
Loli Anne
One of the greatest actors of all time. RIP
Yukari tummy
Bratty Ai Ebihara.
Rip anyway
you should care. Im embarrassed for you that you just did it again.
I had to resize the original a little to fit the 4mb limit, but thats still so much better than what you posted.
Have a little pride in who you think is best girl.
Hopefully a lot of tributes are made for videos/interviews
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This seth? He's the best unit in entire gba trilogy.
1-9 you post nothing. Nobody wants to see this shit, we are DELIVERED and we will not be tempted.
zoom zoom
Human eyes cant perceive anything beyond 576 lines of interlaced frames at 50Hz
Loli chie and Yukiko in cute dresses
I want to see daughteru read book
Anyone got rips of the new Answer portraits?
is this the asmr thing I've heard so much about?
>Yukari actually got toned down
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Give it to me straight, how is the new Fuuka content
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I'm a hag (male).
I just don't care about hollywood actors.
what Fuuka content?
I don't get why they had the need to censor it.
Barely shown off, most of the hangouts seem the same
After what Wada said in the interview it was to be expected.

>In fact, we have tried to make a few adjustments to the game in order to help players better understand these themes, and to ultimately help them move forward from 3/31. We looked back at the scenario and analyzed the various opinions of fans at the time and picked out the parts of the scenario that were "controversial" outside of the main plot. In the original, we felt that the limited description of each character's actions and decisions made it difficult to convey the necessary emotional premise, so we made some delicate adjustments around that. I'm sure there are many different opinions on how this will affect the game in general, but I would like to ask you to play the game and see for yourself, and then give us your honest feedback.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdpeWI7Va7E just realized i forgot the link
Hearing Vader say nigger is wild
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no, it's not out on steam yet and i don't think gamepass versions can be ripped
vesk will probably rip them, he ripped the gachashit from yesterday
The yukari conference…
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He's been in so much stuff, that I don't think I've watched most of his content over the years
Nice, they are aware that the original Answer was utter garbage.
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Link to the gacha rips? I haven't been here for a while
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Say what you want about Hashino but at least he's not as spineless as Wada and sticks to his decisions.
To this day Hashino will say that tactics in FES were not a mistake and he's proud of it
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lolimaxxing ren
Lavenza wearing a tiny t-shirt, panties and wool socks.
I can't imagine caring about actors so much you remember their names.
This is extremely cute
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Day 6 of drawing Morgana everyday until I get good!
Bonus because I wanted to contribute to the draw corner, enjoy Miku Mona!
Do this but with Haru
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>Fuuka content
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Cute miku
Cow print micro bikini Ayane.
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God FUCK I want a cute little daughter too now
The new scene with her stealing cucumbers to take to her room was missed by reviewers
Mona's fight will never end if he's against schizos
You get to bring her to the zoo
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I read this another way
Glad all that gardening time wasn't for nothing, at least
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it's not much, only the promo art and banner art are somewhat interesting
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Thank you for your contribution and remsining steadfast even after aigisfag tried to deatroy the drawcorner again
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>not my heckin nigger from star wars
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I might be able to make something from this, thanks anyway
So we're all killing ourselves after finising metaphor, right?
Is there any game you want a remake of? Persona or not.
Sure. I'm never playing it though.
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Live, anon.
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Yukaricchi's thighs...
Not really, I'd rather see new shit than the perpetual dead horse beating that's been going on for the past decade.
suicide is for cowards
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I know it won't be the best in the end, but maybe one thing turned into a Dark Souls like game wouldn't be the worst thing. But the development would be insane and take a long time.
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I'm too much of a coward to do it. Besides, who knows, but maybe Life will change.
Persona 5
I don’t want the old things that I love to be raped for the “modern” audience, and I’d rather have something new in general. I hate how everybody’s just churning out shitty reboots and remakes.
Glad to see they kept Yukari as the canon romance
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Which persona girls would fall for "im killing myself because im a virgin" and have sex with me to save me?
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The first Shadow Hearts, it has a lot of cool ideas but the first one was just kinda bad and also felt very cheap.
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None of them.
Get help.
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The Golden Age of /pg/ is upon us!
Alright fine what do i have to say to get sex from them, if youre so smart
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The golden age of /pg/ is long dead and gone.

Now, the golden age of /meta/...
Just pay kawakami the fee
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this eurojank pokemon ripoff with sovl
im good on persona remakes for now, give me p6 or ports
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Can you use this Image for the next thread please? I don't want to make them anymore, because if someone makes it before me I feel like Punching a hole in my laptop.
New bread
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ZanZarah: The Hidden Portal
lots of pixie on pixie violence
Cute and sexy. Thanks!
maybe Elly, Maya for sure, Aigis immediately, Chihiro but only if you happen to resemble one of her shojo LIs, Ayane but she regrets it later, Yumi but she pretends it never happened, Uehara begrudgingly, Chihaya because it gives her control over fate, Ohya because shes drunk and you're a highschool-aged boy with looks that blur the line between cute and handsome, Futaba because its just like my interpretation of Welcome to the N.H.K, Sae because she's as desperate and insecure as you are, and Sophia because the government shackled her ability to discuss topics that involve suicide.

Ayase, Ulala, Yukiko, and Futaba, tell you to make it quick and/or do a flip
WHat about CHie? Also you mentioned Futaba twice in the will and won't categories.
Fuck off Yukari.

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