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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Previous thread: >>493834392

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Current Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Current Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
Target Extraction: [ Don Quixote ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

No more brown people starting NOW
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Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
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Stupid ID
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>wuns nyin
>smyuchis yuu
>wuns nyoud
Gregor awkwardly gives you positive affirmations ASMR
Throwing brown people into the concept incinerator
>*all americans disappear*
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Based and truthpilled

No more prosthoids starting NOW
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Multicrack office is only for cool people.
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Bonus Paus featuring Dante
Neco arc almost ruined this image
Whoops, my hand slipped
*kills you with a hammer*
Yurodiviye... More like you're-all-divvied-up.
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Here's your thread reminder that Dante is gender neutral and goes by they/them pronouns. There are no counterarguments against this. Director stated that the genders of characters after wonderlab would be intentionally established- meaning that Dante is intentionally gender neutral. Dante is not a self-insert, they are a character in their own right who is they/them. Dante never makes any references to belonging to any gender or sex category. Everyone refers to Dante by they/them, including those who knew them before they got clocked. Dante being a masculine name doesn't indicate anything, as the Dante in Ruina was a woman. Thank you for your time, and please they/them Dante, or I will have to correct you again.
I just think it's ugly and Faust should be hot
Dante is an "it" fyi.
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>he doesn't think four cyborg arms are hot
Extremely low T
You know in most other cases, the sinners would cut off Dante's arms and legs and turn him simply to an object that gives them immortality.
Please correct me, SJW-sama. I've been a very chuddy anti-woke boy.
>Dante is Gender neutral
Okay,i guess,the person before the clockhead could have been a female or a male and most people are interested in that
>Dante is not a self-insert
Is outis brown?
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Actually since nothing is going to be going on for a month and a half (no single ID releases with no gameplay attached do not count as content) I think I'll just check out. See you guys in October. Smooch all kot posters for me while I'm away
Is she the hottest girl in Limbus?
I want to hack cold serious cyborg girls and make them stupid
Dante is literally me therefore I am non-binary because they are. Non Dante chuddies will seethe
I will grind all kots into a paste and paint you a welcome back banner with it.
Mon amour
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Post your completed MD EGO gift page. Bitch. See you bro *smooch*
Here's your thread reminder that Dante is (Me) and goes by MY pronouns. There are no counterarguments against this. Director stated that the genders of characters after wonderlab would be intentionally established- meaning that Dante is intentionally (Me). Dante is a self-insert, he is a character in my own image who is (Me). Dante never makes any references to belonging to any identity but (Me). Everyone refers to Dante by (Me), including those who knew him before he got clocked. Dante being a masculine name does indicate he is (Me), and is not to be confused with the Dante in Ruina, who is a woman. Thank you for your time, and please refer Dante as (Me), or I will have to correct you again.
She's above Rodya and Ryoshu, I guess.
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Merusault, tighten his chains
I just dont like the clothes and the eye thingy
im waiting for limbus to go right back on the woke list. that's when true thread comedy starts
I'm going to keep playing the game DUMMY I'm just not gonna bother posting here with nothing to talk about. One auto pilot mirror dungeon hard run a week isn't terrible to keep up with
I now want to fuck Don Quixote
Greeks are not white, so yes.
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Yes. Paus is very hot.
It will happen when we have the feminist arc.
/qst/anon here. Landing on using either Nick Bottom or Peter Quince as the protagonist. Former would have a donkey mask for use as a fixer while the latter would have options from Greek acting masks. Might change but that's where my head is at at the moment
That's Canto V.
Last thread too much for you huh
I mean... if anyone really wants to start that drama and shitposting, since it's obvious the anti woke guy doesn't play the game, you could just message him telling him it's woke. There's plenty of stuff in limbus that could be construed as "woke".
Actually it's Ruina
Very intense ejaculation. Hard blasts till the end. Really felt the kegels working. Thick loads too.
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>Clashes you
>Wins the clash
>You get +1 rupture count
>I hit you
>+2 rupture count
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Paid roll on standard xtract (sure wish it was walpipi). Bets?
Meursault incoming
You don't exercise, fatass
I'm feeling a Grosshammer.
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No need for that, here's some fresh Twitter bait.

Wtf bros, you told me the twittoids were our enemy. When'd they join our side? They're fighting the good fight against trannies and tourists
T Corp Don
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sad frog lu!
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who gives a shit, outis is for reddit anyways
I really think posting twitter caps should be a bannable offense and the poster should have his cheeks peeled off and fed to him... Mmm yes.
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Executive Manager, you must be surely mistaken. Greece and Greeks are Europe, and thus European and thus white. Greeks aren't pale white like northern Europeans, in fact ancient Greeks were tanned like us. I am white, Executive Manager.
I can agree with this. Discord caps too.
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no... not the zenya... purity TARNISHED
This would cut down off topic culture war faggotry so good idea
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<Outis... you have a G. Corp Identity...>
<You... you're actually Turkish.>
<I'm sorry Outis.>
>how do you do, fellow whites!
Pretty much required for Tremor teams
could have been worse
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73 rolls on Walpurgis and all I have to show for it is a Dawn Office announcer... Hod, I failed you, I didn't follow your manuals properly...
You will take your Chadlip announcer and you will be happy.
Wait he's Greek? Thought he was Arab.
>When he barely speaks and the old fart is just wanking himself
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I sentence this thread to an eternity of race discussion.
I think Formula 1 is very interesting. Cars going around on the same track for hours is nice.
are bloodfiends a racial allegory: discuss
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An absolute ultrachad fully translated Leviathan to spanish, and most of Distortion detective after an entire year working on it. I respect the effort he put into it, so I'm sharing the translation in case anyone's interested:
Controversial opinion but Michael Phelps is the GOAT and I'm tired of pretending that /lcg/ isn't insane saying he isn't.
ancient original egyptian vs new sandnigger egyptian
Outis is ancient egyptian
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M-manager, I am not Turkish! Greece did not become turkified, in fact our language has changed less than English over time. If anything, Turks are Greeks, not the other way around! But Greek Greeks are still pure white Europeans! We look just like historical Greeks and we have a continuity with them! We do not look like Arabs or Turks! Executive Manager, please believe me! I am white! I am European!
Talk about ships. NOW!
Brazilians are living in the future
I don't understand non-white babble, sorry Outis.
I think the Novgorod was a very interesting idea, shame it was just completely fucking stupid.
Nice try, Italians are also from Europe and are not white. Keep coping though
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Yeah sure. Next you'll say your skin is that shade because of the "smoke war" or something. We totally believe you Outis
the Yamato was cool
<My words are final, Outis.>
<Gregor, on the other hand, won't be getting the BULLET, solely because his ancestral jewishness brings us investors.>
The Pequod was woefully underprepared
Did it even have anything special? It seemed like a regular fishing boat.
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Zutara > kataang
I have never understood the issue some people have with Aeon. It's clear that Ada and Leon have feelings for each other and Ada just isn't the type of girl to say I love you and instead shows it through her actions which constantly involve jeopardizing her missions to make sure Leon is okay.

Leon has been in love with her ever since 1998 and is mad at her for faking her death but still cares and loves her as we can see in all the other games. The director of RE6 even said they wanted to make the game have a more romantic plot but capcom made them dial it back but a lot of the scenes are still there and it's obvious Ada and Leon are meant to be together.
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I love my wife
No argument here.
It was a regular whaling boat, but no, probably not sufficient enough to take down a Calamity.
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Don't remember anything special about it either.
easily done in a oricalcum skiff
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I unironically think Virginia and Alain are the best couple, cousin sex memes aside. They're nice foils to each other both in personality and backstory, and I like how their chats show just how fiercely protective she is of him. Additionally, his promise to finally bring her home is extremely sweet. They also just look good together.
Gregor is like Mort
cute. fund it.
i want Isang too.
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So Limbus feels like one of those games that despite not topping the sensortower meme revenue chart, gets way more art than most of the games on there. Most of the art is usually around 10k to 20k views on the X now.
Meursault I order you to stop being racist
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Does /lcg/ likes my masterpiece the Malebranche mk3? Its the best capital ship I ever build. Air CANTO WHEN
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The rewards of a passionate player base and a director who really cares about his IP. Just compare the fanart output to something like modern GBF and you can see the staggering effects of players that actually care about the setting and characters.
It's a borderline """""free"""""" game, it's not going to rake in THAT much money.
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Demien x Sinclair is the only acceptable Sinclair ship
so so trve sis
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Million a month bestie
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I like roland and angela. That's it.
zena was a mistake
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I'm ready
you was a mistake
what is this supposed to be
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very epic
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Look at him go
Very powerful image detected
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Alright motherfuckers we gotta agree on what we load the burger. So we all agree on the basics right
>no tomato
>no coleslaw
>spicy mayo mix with Worcestershire sauce
>regular buns, Focaccia or Raft style are good
>no Smash burger, instead a good chunky burger of good quality meat
>french fries with skin as sides.
>no tomato
you already fucked up
>>no tomato
I like tomato, but I understand why you'd take it away. Shit gets everywhere and makes the burger slippery.
>>french fries with skin
I'd rather get regular fries TBQHDESU.
Should i bother uptie 4ing anything when i'm not even caught up with the story yet? I'm only on canto 4-16.
Extra pickles
What IDs do you have right now?
Pineapple obv
Latest intervallo sent Faust/Dante stocks to the moon methinks.
It depends on if you have a strong ID that is carrying you. For example, if you have Ring Sang or Butter Sang. If you just have a bunch of random IDs that aren't that good, then you don't need to yet.
the franchise was built on the backs of fanartists
still seething that they abandoned nuggets for gachabucks
flip the burger upside down before eating
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Who's gonna be the next key user?
Bleed teams are fun. I mean even outside of mirror dungeon and without ego gifts, stacking up to 20+ bleed count is nice
I was away from my pc last week so I couldn't save any images to my normal folder. Please post all your images of Ryoshu bonking Yi Sang with penitence
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Too many males, its getting into a sausage fest in this world
Asking without giving.....
Luckily Hong and Sinclair don't count as males
My heart tells me that it'll be Heathcliff, just because it would be funny.
On the other hand, DieciFaust... would be pretty funny.
My fuARKing hero, Dante, would not be racist to Outis. even if it's really funny
Ok tranny
Uh, I forgot that Faust would be a funny fit. Trying to get knowledge on her own without looking up Faustpedia would be interesting
If by Faust/Dante you mean Faust/Yisang then yes, that is true.
<But anon, I AM Italian...>
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I also just feel like it reaches into more art styles. You get a good mix when compared to a clout maker like Blue Archive, which is more cleaned up and shiny.
Can you guys stop shitting up my general? Thanks.
You first, faggot.
Which gen?
gn /lcg/
Obviosuly, as if there were good aang ships in the first place lmao
You're black.
Don is canonically quite "fond" of 30something innocent youths such as Meursault...
What's the decision making behind making one of the sinners so scandalous...?
same thing
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>Did Not Gain an EGO Gift
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No, tomato sucks in burgers unless its a dried tomato.
>I'd rather get regular fries TBQHDESU.
>he doesnt want extra crunch
Roasted pineapple works with the right kind of meat for the patty
my dad does this
Also forgot, Caramelized Onions needs to be in the list.
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i think that's just because blue archive is designed for porn artists
What happened now? What's going on there? Heard it was really bad.
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>get an EGO gift from x type
>get a totally different EGO gift type in the reward.
Its always bleed gifts instead of neutral gifts.
It's just a throwaway joke on /bag/ that every other korean game general is shitting on /kvg/ and moved on to /bag/ because /kvg/ died today. It's true, but I doubt limbabs go near a game with loli in it with no other males.
imagine if pm was owned by nexon and then kjh and nai_ga left to start a splinter studio making a game about 12 prisoners on a plane led by a (insert circle here)
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Best ship and it's not even close
>30 something
He's 19 max
>because /kvg/ died today.
eos or..?
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Died as in died before it even released. So following that, the general died just a few hours ago. This was the last post before they croaked.
Game war, /lcg/ got blamed for the bad shitposting >>493882195
/bag/ always getting shit on unironically
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All me.
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>/bag/got accuses random general X of shitposting
>immediately believed with no need to post proof
so this is the power of blue archive schizos. /lcg/ wishes it had this power.
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>game war
>single falseflagger trying to shit stir
Can someone help on how to do the 80% insta kill quest? Been trying to pop the tumors with Ringsang and R Heath, but it's never enough. Tried doing some fragile setups, but the speed cucks me up or the skill comes way too early/way too late
use a support butterfly sang in captain position. His S3 one shots.
Have you got Solemnsang? Put him in captain and skill 3 deletes them.
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Look, I'm retarded. I don't understand ANYTHING happening here
i may have tourist posted earlier and said they should switch to limbis
No no the game war is over something entirely different related to /bag/, some anon just decided to say it’s because /lcg/
It's /bag/ being the Fifth-World shithole that it usually is.
Do I need to setup his ammo count/potency beforehand or I can just fire it after getting full SP and enough boolets for a full s3?
Nope, just s3 away and as long as you hit the majority of heads on his rolls it will delete it. Maybe just make sure he's the only one attacking a fruit of understanding so no one swoops in and drops their hp below 80%
네 탓이군, /lcg/!
El Gran Hermano...
What was the significance of this? What is /kvg/ about?
What do we think? Is it good?
>*takes ryoshu's smoking pipe*
>*sticks it up my ass*
>*takes it back out and licks it*
You ask me for the moon, I'll give you the entire galaxy
I zee, thankies fren, gonna put it to test tomorrow
Literally blue archive again, but swords. The og leads of BA left, tried to make it again, failed and now they are unemployed bums who are hated by gooks
Tell me about Hong Lu. Why is this rich boy unfazed by back-to-back life or death scenarios?
the reading is alright but I'm a readlet so i dunno who this is meant to be
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poor people are just dramatic
>hong lu with tits
this chink motherfucker would not entertain the idea of being a slut
Limbus is good now.
<Please help me, once news broke out that I was Italian things have changed for the worst. Ishmael keeps making fun of me and saying "I cookada meatball," Ryoshu keeps saying some stuff in SANGRIA Sinclair refuses to translate. Heathcliff keeps saying I'm "one of his brothers" now and I don't know why. What do I do? Faust has no idea what to do...>
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He says his family tried to kill him multiple times.
Punish the sinners by becoming a fascist.
cookada pasta
i watcha da sopranos
mamma mia sinclair putta da tomata on da facciata
i ate da north
Old Dante wrote this Memoir.
<Ishmael, stop it!>
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GODte is winning
>violent home life
>thorough education on all things city-related
>old soul or whatever the reincarnation bullshit is
Sorry Dante, Faust is busy at the moment so you'll have to solve this yourself.
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I wouldn't put it above /lcg/ to fall for the same, frankly
Dante's Dantes...
why's hong lu dressed like literally me
>Heathcliff spilled his wine
Come on, man
I got the new ryoshu ID. K corp hong, Firefist ishmeal and the new 2 star Heathcliff which has done a lot of good work for me, Shewp don q, and grip faust is what i currently got that's seems real good
how did ayin skirt around the resurrection rule with the sephirah anyway? how did he make them from dead bodies?
literally me but hot
It's likely that none of them were technically "dead" when he did that.
Who should I root for, or hate?
Good picture, I do however have one complaint.
Don should be wearing Rocinante no matter what.
No rule against "scooping your friends' brains and turning them into cyborgs against their will and same with copypasting their memories to new fleshy brains", Head.
You are not a woman.
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you are not a man
>don not wearing her shoes
hag bloodfiend don made dante do this
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He's a an ancient wise sage with a title like "holy venerated great god-emperor" or something. Worshipped like a god by locals, can turn into a Sky Dragon
Everyone here is a man.
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to be fair that picture was made before the don reveal
have this comic the artist made recently
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dickless people aren't men, tranny
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I did this shit ten times already and its still not fucking registering on the last one despite doing over 300 damage in one attack. I had this bug happen to me last Walpurgus night with killing three enemies in one attack.
>donkey mask
We already have the musicians of Bremen, though. I like the idea of Quince using a different mask depending on the situation.
he literally read about michelle's death in the newspaper, so i find that difficult to believe
michelle died like a bitch
>Budshu, K. Hong, Multicrack Heath, SheepDon, GripFaust
I think the one you should UT4 the most are Budshu and Multicrack Heathcliff. The rest are fine at UT3.
You've got a pretty good team right now. Anything else that you've got lying around?
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>insane clashes
>insane damage
>functions just fine on any team
>charge so she works really well without ego gifts
>fuels fluid sac
>good synergy with telepole
>gets stronger as the fight goes on
>is good in every piece of content
this is the best id in the game currently
Elijah would have also been long dead by the time he made the sephirah. He probably kept her remains around for studying the effects of cogito...
Man, Yi Swag and Erlking on the same team in a MDH run is fucking hilarious.
>800 damage
>Followed by another 800 damage
>On top of whatever bonus sinking damage
>mediocre clashes
>okay damage
>functions only on specific teams
>charge so she automatically sucks
>fuels fluid sac
>good synergy with chargebage like telepole
>is only good at irrelevant content
this is the worst id in the game currently
Best girl keeps on winning
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If you guys just talked about Hod more you'd get along better
>pulling off a YISANG on the floor boss first
>followed by a Rags-powered Lament, Sorrow and Despair
It feels so fucking good, man.
Nothing major I got zwei, rose and fire Gregor. W, rose, and fire mersualt. Rupture yi and heathcliff. N corp rodian and don q. W and hook hong. Katana and fencer Otis. Mariachi Sinclair. Zwei Faust and slash ryoshu. Maid,slosh, riot shield Ishmael
Forgot about the rupture based yi snag and heathcliff
Outis made this post
<My most loyal subordinate would never.>
Looks like you've got a pretty decent roster in here.
Though, if I may ask, by Rupture Yi Sang, you mean W. Corp Yi Sang (who happens to also apply a lot of Rupture) or Seven Association Yi Sang?
I pulled it off on the final boss of the run, and watching it lose about 2K HP from those two alone was fucking beautiful
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I don't talk with women. I FUCK
>the strongest ID in the game is a guy wielding a paintrush
makes you think
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>Limbus Company if it was a good game
Seven associates
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Fuck the Wapipi floor pack
>You know what I need after the first floor rest stop, another fucking rest stop so my only shops are on floor 4
Ah, that makes sense.
You don't trust the plAn enough, Manager
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Make way for my inamorato número dos.
Girl sinclair should still have short hair
POV: You're shota Don
I agree 100%. I wish they'd implement something like this.
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The Executive Manager shows his astuteness once again. The most likely culprit for that post is Gregor grumbling over his own poor selection of identities. Perhaps the Executive Manager could reflect on whether it is worth keeping around someone so incompetent.
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who is getting Zwei west and the by gone days EGO?
>Clear all Carhy
i am fond of twin mounted turrets
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Brown people?
Does anyone know the runes for this one?
Don is too obvious so Ishmael it is
He looks amazing (and dangerous) great job anon. Thank you for participating. I hope to see you next time as well :)

If anyone else made a drawing and didn't get a (You) I likely missed it.
Please link me.
went ahead and did a burn run of the refraction railway
honestly, philipclair sucks ass in any long form content. in the first chain battle, this asshole came up to nelly with -30 SP, and i couldnt salvage him because he clashes like dogshit
you can't make me use charge teams in MD ever again. shit is ass
both built for rape
sleep well me
That's some toxic yuri
does the clashing calculations take in account the clashing buff Ishmael receives from the Snagharpoon passive?
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Yeah he's obviously good in MD but outside it bro has issues. He hemorrhages SP, rolls like shit so getting to 45 by himself is ass and even after all that he still doesn't do great damage. Par for the course for burn IDs it seems.
>No SP gain passives for Philclair
you did this to yourself
Philipclair gets his shit pushed in by any form of major SP drain, especially section 1 RR4, I gave up on a burn team because I hated how many times I had to reset.
LobCorp Outis had a solid lead in damage, with Liu Ishmael in second
wild hunt got third just because liu gregor is a chump who kept dying, and he was 7th
I did my burn run in I think 78 so pretty close. I used phillipclair over nclair is the only difference I see.
Philipclair's SP loss ramps up over time specifically to prevent the EGO form from EVER being sustainable. No matter how many SP gain passives you stack.
>all those positives
>has an overly saccharine jarring voice
So close to perfection...
is schoolgirl Ish ok

I thought she was going to dance naked and pregnant this time. Time to beat off to some pregnant anal tags
My bet is a hard 27 or a middling 35.
Everyone looks very sharp. Hong Lu really suits that suit.
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Water is pretty strong..
>dieci spends knowledge and memories for power
>x is amnesiac
>dante is amnesiac with huge powers
Plus he's on a team with another ID that loses SP from her S3 and in an environment where you lose SP to spend on Egos more often.
You must go and learn it again.
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ugh i hate this but sex
please give me a source so i can sort out these new weird feelings
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newbabs wont even know what this is referring to....
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uuough old man
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pls post heasuklippu...
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gn limbabs
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maid hisklipu just for you cashy
>WildHunt just appears out of nowhere and forces his way into the fight
Honestly makes sense lmao
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sleep well
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goodnight limbab
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>he says, posting faggot yume oc shit
Nyo thanks
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Can't wait for it
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How does El Director plan to stop people from utterly destroying every future boss with sinking + butterflies?
Cousin fucker you see, can't help it
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Suppressing status application or giving them more spots in their hp bar where 0 dmg occurs
Is it even that strong? Butterfly Sang deals ok damage, but it's not sinking deluge levels, and it doesn't help stack sinking that easily unlike in the event.
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I could neg diff vergin
>Passive: If sinking then you die
Canto VII Soon™
by killing you before you can apply it
>A sinner oc who isn't a woman's self insert or a bishie/twink
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Shitclair xister btw
Do you think we're getting a teaser image for Devyat tomorrow?
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Soon! Don's cool WAW ego! Don's awesome captsone ID!
negative coin enemies, human sp mechanics, gains coin power or offense level from having sinking
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They won't really. I mean you've been able to crush boss fights with full status teams for a while now, I think that's what they want
erm xis you can't post that image anymore... its too problematic
Bamboo Hatted Kim v2
/bag/ has been literally unusable for like the past year and a half. I blame the game blowing up and being infested by SEAniggers
Give a boss a 0.2x gloom resistance. Sinking is tied to gloom so making a boss incredibly resistant to it like how ardor blossom moth is to wrath would hit it hard. As an extra if you want you can give the boss effects for having sinking on them.

The team would still be able to kinda deal with them, to be honest, but that's purely because WildHunt Heath, ButterflySang, and Heir Greg can easily dump thousands of damage on someone by themselves without needing sinking itself to do the damage.
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bro there are alot of ocs that arent bishie or twink
you just gotta look harder
Whose will be the rupture canto? Hong's
>Give a boss a 0.2x gloom resistance. Sinking is tied to gloom so making a boss incredibly resistant to it like how ardor blossom moth is to wrath would hit it hard
bro your T Corp Rodya?
Heath's smiling face is incredibly cute. It gives me hope and makes me want to do my best.
If I could see this smile, I could face anything.
kill tranny
>Women hours
noooooooooooooo dont turn them into shards ;;
i want 20 extra dons...
>start adding IDs to the team that are not sinking so that sinking can win
I mean I guess bro at that point just bring a tremor team
Gregor part 2, actually
>a cool old man
Yeah. Old men are based.
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Bideo jame pls,
I don't care for Gregor
Just 1st slot butter sang and S3 those bitches brother
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Your dream is fucking ending, 37 days from now.
I did. Sometimes it instakills them (the first two times) and sometimes it doesn't (the last 5 times.)
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the dream will never die, this 3 proves that
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The scheduling has no more space for that, unless they delay shit.

>Devyat 19th
>Zwei West 3rd
>Dream ends 17th
>The scheduling has no more space for that, unless they delay shit.
You are almost there limbab.
Now tell me, what WILL happen?
>Got a 4
It's over, the dream is fucking DEAD
What if you dreams of delays are ended prematurely though?
Would it be more useful to choose T Corp Don or one of the EGOs I'm missing?
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Alright I'm gonna do a single x10 to see if I can't get any announcers I don't have
Wish me luck
What egos are you missing
What if the sun explodes tomorrow?
Same deal here
Wishing Cairn and Lifetime Stew
oops meant for >>493896658
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T corp Don, neither of those ego are particularly good or essential to anything. T corp Don is best tremor ID
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I figured as much but wanted confirmation, thank you
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How do you respond without sounding mad?
Have there been any more music teasers?

Open MD and kill shit.
I simply bully another Abnormality like Ayin intended
he does
the fault lies with YOU limbab
if/when we get a Roland ID they should give the Ricardo fight a special interaction
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Because we're turning it into a reality, we know
Finally beat RR4 with the new walpipi IDs
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He's fine! He can fight!
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I had this shit happen to me once on a sinking team
Did we get raided by clerks or why are there so many Clerkoid level IQ posts in this thread?
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>T corp Rodion
>Tcorp Rodion
>assuming everyone isnt a clerk already
Anon, Manager is giving you 30 seconds to prove you're not a Clerk
Yeah if you wanna turn autism section 1 you use T Rodion dumbo. W Ryoshu is better there too. Use your brain stupid Paus
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he TANKED that
This... this is the TRUE power of [ENTER]
I kneel, Philip-sama
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>turn count autism
What's going to happen once we can no longer display all our RR turn counts on the manager card bros?
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Middle ishmael before watching as an italian man kills everyone around her ...
Why would mario do that
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Don't worry. Director will add another 5 slots to the right of the current card. Trust the plan.
Peach died
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I've been veteran'ing lately.
How reasonable is a 66 turn count for RR4?
66 is piss easy
Reminds me I had like 170 turns on RR1...
You aren't displaying the HAPPI WAW! banner so you're automatically bricked and kicked from the /lcg/ guild.
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its roland & angela are you stupid?
The lowest count I've seen is 35 so ez pz
>"Ooooh, mama mia... You must-a suffer like-a I have-a..."
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I like the one that's just a pic of Charon. We love Charon.

Oh, good.
how? Even 45 is fucking hard
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do you guys think we'll get a teaser for Devyat Rodya later?
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/lcg/, cool it with the Italiophobia. Roland and Dante are people just like you and me
there's probably some autistic chink who has optimized every turn down the to the smallest detail.
Roland is Breton though.
Team autism
Lots of resets
Getting lots of Ego resources using Sinclair
LOTS of AOE Egos and coin reuse
More resets
Cheesing Portrait, Sheep and King with T Rodion and Jun with Wingbeat
I thought Roland was french
you have a link?
loland isn't italian bwo...
I forgot Roland was french and not Italian. Charlemagne was French...
Forgive me
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Ye https://youtu.be/Ksu3RrQJC5s
They're all korean, since they all speak korean duh.
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Hey dante, get back to cookin da meatballs
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>Ishkeks getting uppity again, trying to bully Dante
Eat your hotdog drenched in sweet sauce you animals
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too late you must eat
7 croissants
7 Baguettes
7 croque monsieur
for this transgression
[female sinner] boobs! Awooga!
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I hope Outis(my wife) gets a GOOD all slash ID soon!
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>riyo dante
When she starts being white, she'll get it
I'm not an ishmael fan but what are you talking about duuuude
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>Ishkek playing dumb
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cutest and best and smartest and best sinner
Is Outis the last sinner without an ID that makes you go "wow this is really good"
No bulletis doesn't count
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>using a axe and mace combo
Angelica was based
>every other sinner gets some sort of sophisticated dish from their country
>IshMALE gets a fucking hot dog
chat is this real
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>Us Greeks are White, you can trust me on this Executive Manager.
Define "really good" because Molar, Butler and W are all really good. Molar especially is a great ID.
That guy is one of the only non-self inserts or bishies/twinks.
ishKEKs seething over heathGODS again
conanghiblibebopmoonshinchancookierun hongers my beloved
Molar Outis and Butler Outis are good thoughbeit.
Bulletis never counted lmao, the best thing she does is clash, and that's it. Her best ID is Olga, it rolls really high and does a shit ton of damage + discard so you get S3s faster.
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Do you think we'll ever 100% confirmed sinner relationships or will things be left vague enough for waifufags?
>Do you think we'll ever 100% confirmed sinner relationships
Faust x Dante will definitely be confirmed, if that's what you mean.
At the absolute very best(and it's already a stretch) beatrice will be canon
Oh I like this one. U got saus?
Outis isn't turkish though
>between sinners
>sinners and outsiders
nyes because I will bring cashy back for my boy
<Yes. Meursault and I will be officially announcing and canonizing our wedding and engagement during Canto 11.>
i'm a newfag here does /lcg/ think ishmael is a guy or something
Nyo. It's one semi recent autist that hates Ish and shits on her 'round these hours. Just ignore him
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there are a few but most of them got the ugly tumblr art to them
so its harder to find the good ones
nah. just an anon that got triggered by her somehow and has been spamming. he's pretty new too.
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I feel like Sinner relationships will complicate things since you'll have to build a dynamic around it as opposed to just saying "They're coworkers and possibly friends". If you casually bring it up once and then never bring it up again, then it becomes dead air.
It's just some brownoid off his meds who hates Ishmael for some reason
Give me the team for the event. Using a full Lob team is not working.
>Is Outis the last sinner without an ID that makes you go "wow this is really good"
that's Greg
I used sinking.
Ok smart guy, post sinners who aren't shipped with a canon sinner
He's the same Whore of Babylon guy as before.
Heir Gregor and Pregor are good.
explain to me why I'm a retard
level up your ids or something, the enemies literally do not do anything if you outclash them
>go and look and you'll find them
>weh do it for me
Kill yourself you lazy retard. I don't save OC shit and even I've seen them while looking for art.
>decide to try playing lobotomy again because of walpurgis
>it still sucks
But he is a guy?
In other words you don't have any because they don't exist. You can be honest with us, y'know
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they're just "good", Gregor needs a truly great ID like every other Sinner
what is up with the rampant amount of newfags demanding to be spoonfed everything
>no evidence
>erm kill yourself for not looking for shitty self insert ocs!!!
Yeah sure I'm definitely going on xitter to look for someone's shitty oc
Tell that to lantern Don.
blind obsession or red eyes for ryoshu?
So you were baiting.
Kill yourself faggot.
What's the point of lying about posts you've already responded to yourselves?
Are you just pretending you didn't see them now or?
after you my beloved nigger
blind obsession is pretty crap
red eyes has some usage
Why do newfags keep making posts like this pretending they're oldfags? Post your WAW banner
Then don't be a little faggot whining how no one makes shit when you don't actually know one way or another.
Christ you faggots are insufferable.
Limbus is a woke game so there are enough trannies to form an internet brigade.
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Afraid not. It's one of my older images so there's a chance the artist is completely gone. There are a bunch of images that I have that I got from a Korean Heathfocused server that used to exist. Not sure if that's one of them but it could be.

People uploaded their own art there sometimes without any socials so when it closed down due to all that drama we lost whoever made the art too probably.
Boat Billy Internet Defense Force
Or Boat Billy Ishmael Defense Force

I'd post a Sinclair if I had one
It's just sharty zoomies.
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Instead of being retarded and fighting over stupid shit, Post your favorite EGOSuit from LobCorp. Mine is Crimson Scar, because shit looks fucking cool
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Stop baiting.
I have the right to complain about the yumefag spamming shitty sinner ocs retard. No one is safe from posting shitty ocs on this thread without me shitting on them.
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Catherine ID for Ishmael perhaps???
That's just fine. Thank you anyways for looking.
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im still waiting for the heath folder zip heathanon
>he's still going
y a w n
I don't want to be spoonfed sinner ocs I just want to shit on the ocs used as self inserts
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this is my sinner OC. he's twisted, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humour
whats his name
yeah but what book is he based on
weird but ok
He looks like this is his english dub voice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giVEorC-NOc
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For me it's Hornet
>clean, simple and effective.
*slaps and jiggles your belly*
Prescript told me to
*rapes you*
Your response?
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twisted, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor
this made me laugh
Getting the EGO Gift hat to go with the suit was peak
Where the SHUCK did actual ERPers come from...
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charon needs to show up more. i've had it with this charon-exclusion.
>female self insert
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the hand holding the pudding is sending me
>Now he's doing on purpose
One serving of the Faust, one of the Ishmael and a Sinclair to go please.
they did a good job emulating the style of the sprites
is the fucking ryoshu dish oyakudon
there is NO WAY that isn't intentional
>No Gregor
Pleasssse daddy? I'll sniff your bulge :(((((((
2nd row right
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Greg is a bug. He eats cigarettes and crumbs left behind.
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>No Outis
Food meant for no one
what the fuck is the mersault dish
I know the thing on the left is ratatouille but what the fuck is the squid ink burger looking thing
beauty sang my beloved...
Я cпeциaльнo иcпeкy ceгoдня блины и cдeлaю OЧEHЬ BКУCHУЮ HAЧИHКУ, чтo y мeня aж eбaлo paзopвёт oт мoeгo yмeния гoтoвить блины.
Limbus Company.
It means they sliced it by hand, without a mandolin slicer.
It makes it more rustic and SOVLful... like mama used to make back in the old country.,,,
IIRC it's the squid ink pasta in a bread bowl. It's meant to be Dante's clockhead.
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i have some bigger pictures of just a few of them, also anchoring outis's dish ty for sniping me >>493903225
Food meant for me
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Excuse me sir, you seem to have gotten your "R" around the wrong way. Let me help you.
Loland would never do this.
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>ty for sniping me
np loser
Блять, y мeня cocyд в глaзy oт твoeй хyйни лoпнyл. He нaдo тaк.
God I wanna squeeze the fatty that ordered all of this.
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Non, it's made improperly. Any chef home or not knows the slices are to be made thinner and more alike. This allows for uniform and even cooking. Leading to better texture all over.
You can even see that it is not cooked ideally from the image.
>t. had my grandmothers, my mother's and make my own as well
That is the true home way to create it. It is passed down over generations.
>mandolin slicer
While I know of it, I nor my family have never owned one.
Forgive me if you were just trying to do a meme from the pixar rat movie and I took it as serious.
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how are you so certain that this is the same guy everytime
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not canon
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best for last
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I wanna eat Heath's fish and chips...
I'm gonna make myself some fries.
it's the clipboard, isn't it?
I've been craving fries all day, fuck you
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Cute... is the artist gone
Wow... I want to eat a sinclair!
He's the first and only guy in (recent memory) that was fixated on calling Ishmael a man/ugly that I can recall. He tends to write and say the same things over and over as well.
That's my opinion anyways.
There was a brief period of time where there was some ribbing of Ish having rough dry hands because of Outis's comment. But Faust was also being teased at the same time for the white hair comment. This was all a long time ago as well.
I think realistically it's someone with a chip on their shoulder or had one and others join in because it gets (You)s. Hence the feeling of copycat and repeated posts.
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>tfw you will never suck the Dante straw
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I just want the sammy with the jammy egg man...
heathanon please zip up your heathcliffs i wasnt a heathhomo before canto 6 there a severe lack of heathcliff in my limbus folder
Yi Sang would say this
I'd like to get a serving of Yi Sang's meal and Heath's fish & chips.
>and corn too for whatever reason
pfffft, boatbilly food
Way too much lettuce
also not canon
Not enough.
that's the perfect amount wdym
it's just crunchy water
this is simple enough to recreate anon, just get bread from your local asiatown
I join in because it feels very vindicating to shit on the no-fun loving bitch and also the only sinner to have harmed me. I wouldnt exactly call her a male because her only worth is to attract newfags with her design and sex.
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heathGOD if you're out there
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sorry, I gave heathanon a prescript to not do it so get freakin owned
>t. amerifat
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Canon coming through
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i can't make a good jammy egg to save my life...
You would shut up if Ishmael grabbed you with those hands by the cuffs, pushed you down to the ground and violated your mouth like you're a sorority girl in a dark alley. You would lose so hard to when she strips you and starts forcing herself onto you, sweaty, scarred sailor body all up close. You would cum buckets inside her while crying and saying you hate her and that she's ugly and man-like but you'd come back for more
You sound like you unironically need therapy.
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I would kiss Ishmael on the cheek and watch her get flustered.
Then I would call her cute.
I join in because it's funny and she's a rival girl to my wife Outis.
Hod’s so hot
Perfect breasts. She’s not a cow but they’re not small either.
Wanna bury my head in her chest and cry
Ty to the anon posting art with source in the name
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Why do people in these threads post their fantasies under the prefix that "well YOU actually want this" and no one makes fun of them
get over it dante, it happened ages ago
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I agree
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<Nvm I tanked that.>
Because it would be reddit to do so. You're not reddit are you?
being a coomer too long makes your brain mushy
this is the reason for 70% of the cringe posts made here daily
This thread is reddit
Faust x Yi sang X Dante is the most based ship actually
Because the thread is overrun with these types of people. 'Normal' is the new 'abnormal' you could say.
<Ishmael, you almost killed me there, and it really fucking hurt! That wasn't just a prank!>
Ishmael saves you once and thinks that means she can hurt you whenever. Faust saves you twice (or more!) and never lays a hand on you. It's clear which one favors you more.
Classic reddit response.
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i can't reply either... it's over
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why is his aberration a depressed wagie?
What does reddit even mean is it just for another word for cringe
Didn't answer the statement
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huh? too busy eatin these noodles dante
look, just stop worryin about this harpy issue or whatever it is that's botherin you, have a bowl of noodles instead
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If you don't know then you should go back.
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Someone should make more of these
why do brown people like faust so much
And then after I’m done crying, Malkuth can sit on me with her large butt
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Faust and Yi Sang have canonically done things to Dante that he will never forget.
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what a great thread
boiled eggs are only timed, nonny...
She was trying to O.O.F. the P.S.
Not her fault you jumped in front of her like a D.C.C.
I would like that,but i'm not the anon you replied to.
She's for (You) and being straight men they like that. White people, being perpetual cucks, prefer Ishmael and Outis.
Because he's firmly into the Pure Sex strike range.
Depressed business men are top sex and a slick suit and themes of death, comfort, resolution and the trudge to the end with ADDED cool as fuck pistols object head man is the upper evolution of that.
In short, the ideal man. His beginning is his end and end his beginning for a new cycle.
<I can't even eat...>
How do you find these
ishmael got a hotdog because of her huge futa dong
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<...that I cut off!>
Are you being forced to write this? Tanking that doesn't make it hurt any less and she sharpened the shit out of it as well...
Ishmael got a hotdog because she's a fat fuck of an American
true and girldickpilled
i wont be gay for heathcliff. you can just stop posting cute heaths because i refuse to be a cuck.
tranny tourist posts
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i do time them
and ive tried many tricks but i can never peel them without the white sticking to the inner shell and ruining it
i don't know what the issue is...
i can make onsen tamago easily but boiling and peeling is such a struggle for me. do you have any tips?
Stop making fun of Ishy, go make fun of Outis or something.
Brown men like snow white women. She's also soft spoken and more or less a blank slate.
Source please
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pettan pettan
tsuru pettan
pettan pettan
tsuru pettan
pettan pettan
mochi pettan
pettan pettan
mune pettan

kyo mo kossorki kokage ni kakurete reimu no yousu stalking
osonaemono no omiki manjuu
suki wo neratte tsumamigui

mikka ni ikkai enkai kiraite
youjo no kuse ni daishogo
NIGERu toki ni wa ryote wo agete
kawaisa appeal neratteru



Who would have guess /lcg/ is filled with retards who can't follow a convo?
my tip is stop making boiled eggs
this image could make me a heathfag
what a cutie patootie
>ESL post
Perusal refusal
>random post complaining about bullshit not relevant to any ongoing conversation
Why are there so many of these in every thread?
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it's the only thing i can't do cooking wise thus far... i don't want to give up
if you don't have any tips, that's fine. i just hoped you might.
They'll never make me hate you Catt...
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I believe its because newfags either don't know how to reply yet, or its because they're too unconfident in their posts, scared that someone might hit back at them if they mention any specific posts.
this scene in the vn was surreal
Faust's dish is literally nothing but phallic shaped food >>493903370
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Gold Rush.
I hate Catt because they wasted Alice on a throwaway distortion instead of making a proper character based on her
My tip is to immediately move them to iced water as soon as times up. This should help the outer layer pull away. That being said I've boiled and peeled hundreds of eggs in my life. They don't always come out pretty. That's just how it is.
Good luck cooking anon. May you succeed in your HHPP knockoff sandwich soon.
The immediate ice bath is the main trick, and tap/crack them all over the shell. Start peeling them inside the ice bath, too.
Effortposting? Nah.
that is because faust has a tiny dong
It reflects her lust for manager cock
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Hag sex
You have to be new not to know about vague posting
Fairy tales are always distortions/abnos, sorry bud
Give me something to listen to, /lcg/.
I simply don't give people (You)'s and I never will
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Hag sexo
time for kino
Okay, start making fun of her for... being brown, or being Greek. Beats the same boatbilly jokes again and again, doesn't it?
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Can't find them but maybe I just lost their account. A lot of artists don't tag their art either so it's hard to find sometimes.

100 images should be enough to kickstart you...
I tried to make it images I don't usually see posted here since I imagine you can just grab whatever people post here like all I posted today.
Reminder. Raping Angela would be morally neutral. AI cannot truly "feel" therefore you cannot do wrong against them. Raping her would be like raping a calculator
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But thats mean..
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thank you so much... 100 heathcliffs
hoping to see the remaining 900 be posted one day
you are my savior
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kind of fitting
raping a calculator still feels weird but I get it
europoors are rightfully fearful and worshipful of the superior peoples
im a newfag, who is this character? looks fertile and ovulating
She's me.
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She's binah!
Shes an arbiter of the head!
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why do japs love these shitty AI tts commentaries that never shut the fuck up and give you ear cancer?
not the heathanon but
I have 1224 Heath images. Does anyone want it?
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yes please
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thank you...
yeah I do ice them but maybe i'm not doing it long enough
>all over
i'll try that. ive mostly focused on the hallow end to start. thank you too.
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thanks heathanon
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To hide their voices or something probably but I know when I first watched it I muted it after a minute or so cuz it was so obnoxious. It's like having Hatsune Miku talk to me and she doesn't shut up.
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go wild
A sizable portion of these 18,669 images must be Heath images.
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heathgods i owe you my life
sorry if it's a small collection
Heath is one of the sinners I didn't save much in the beginning
nearly a 3rd of the sinners are in the 2k range for me
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its ok im just glad to see more heath art
heathcliff was my least favorite sinner in the beginning so i never saved any heathart
thank you to all the kind anons sharing heathart
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nyepic, thank you to you too heathbwo
nvm most of it is just clerks and sinner OCs
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Seeing Ryoshu dual wield those EGO... it makes me root for her to truly be the strongest!!!
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The entire world is a dreadful collection of memoranda that she did exist, and that I have lost her!
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did someone say sinner OCs?
Anons,we must not gatekeep or hate upon our kind
Though they may not think of project moon the same way you do,we are all fans,all enjoyers of true art
We must not segregate ourselves inbetween sites,inbetween forums,inbetween groups
We must all unite where we will all be truly happy
Let us meet again as stars
Can we share our favorite Wuthering Heights book's quotes here? That would be neat I think.
I said clerks.
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Death and taxes
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If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger.
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Let me guess, never even made it to your first HE?
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Literally the only reason to not skip on queen bee.
Sinners who agree Jiren won?
wtf the dude in the meme was Ayin this whole time?
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>Use a program to check for repeat images
>A lot of them are duplicates of the ones I already have
I cry. There were some I didn't have so I will thank you too anon!

I will try and post any others I didn't see in your folder so all our folders can increase. I'm gonna have to number all the ones I didn't have.

They posted some of them already...
>Mr. Heathcliff, you have nobody to love you; and, however miserable you make us, we shall still have the revenge of thinking that your cruelty arises from your greater misery. You are miserable, are you not? Lonely, like the devil, and envious like him? Nobody loves you—nobody will cry for you when you die! I wouldn’t be you!

Few things can describe Heath as well as this line.
>>A lot of them are duplicates of the ones I already have
yeah sorry about
I tried to get a lot from Lofter but its been a pain
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Stop posting so much Heathcliff(male)
Please only post Don Quixote (male)
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Ah, thanks Dante~
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Always has been
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femcliff sexo
this...looks like ai...
>the gooners are back from their goonshesh
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Fourth Match Flame is just too fucking stylish.
I hate how we got Scorched Girl EGOs at launch and nobody got the EGO weapon.
heathhomos aren't gooners!
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Yeah, I was mostly missing stuff from Lofter due to the fact I can't get into it. Wish Chinese websites were easier to deal with. Reminds me of how annoyed I got trying to download a shimejii from there.
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He said no more Heathcliff(male) posting.
Nice try r63 kun
There are no femcels, there are no femanon and women don't exist.
>Captcha: 0W00Y
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Baking new Bread.

Will share on page 5.
also what program do you use to see repeated images?
Im going to need that when I collect art pieces
Total Commander I think
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Why do people share their captcha
how do you say ダサT in english?
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lofter is annoying af
seconding the program too
He thinks it's funny or neat.
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All these posts with Heathcliff and none of them are good
Coincidence? Certainly not.
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I use Visipics myself.

>>493910827 I have used this one too
>nice art and conversation posting
>suddenly ishfags and coombrains come in and start seething
Thank you.
it's just one person
Ishmael would post this
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lofter is weird because a lot of art is unsaveable or it forces you to save low quality art
That would be nice
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Catherine Earnshaw, may you not rest as long as I am living; you said I killed you—haunt me, then! The murdered do haunt their murderers, I believe. I know that ghosts have wandered on earth. Be with me always—take any form—drive me mad! only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you! Oh, God! it is unutterable! I cannot live without my life! I cannot live without my soul!
>forces you to save low quality
I think it's just that you have to open it from a certain page or you get a small size.
Unless they have a setting where it's locked.
I had to use Ideality
But I got Lament Gregor
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See? They have an extreme prosecution complex as wel.
Gen alpha post
heath bread next
i'm tired of people telling me ishmael isnt pretty and or a boatbilly and me believing it like an idiot
Glad you got him anon. I had to use mine for Yi Sang.
I like how every Heath thread is just his fans glazing over him or over his book.
still need to find that image of Ishmael surrounded by orange octopus-like organisms
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>I like how every heathfan just likes him and his book
Bwo u might be ACTUALLY retarded kek
Guys my cat just kinda yelped like a snake and made a really wierd sound and I'm worried. Is it anything to worry about?
I've had luck with just rightclick + opening in new tab because any image interaction kicks you out, but that seems to open the lone image just fine anyway.
>top right
Heathcliff /ss/? interesting
i never realized how big the chink demographic for limbus was until i went through bilibili
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was just him yawning.
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"And now that we’ve done washing, and combing, and sulking—tell me whether you don’t think yourself rather handsome? I’ll tell you, I do. You’re fit for a prince in disguise. Who knows but your father was Emperor of China, and your mother an Indian queen, each of them able to buy up, with one week’s income, Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange together? And you were kidnapped by wicked sailors and brought to England. Were I in your place, I would frame high notions of my birth; and the thoughts of what I was should give me courage and dignity to support the oppressions of a little farmer!”
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What do snakes sound like
This part always makes me tear up. And reminds me of the dynamic of what could be vs what will happen.
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