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Previous thread: >>493872970

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Current Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Current Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
Target Extraction: [ Don Quixote ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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I dedicate this thread to PM's lovely hags!
4th for Ryoshu!
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All Heathcliffs must DIE.
>4th post
>gets a 4 as well
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next meurdon content when
(ignore the faust I got so many fucking regret duplicates)
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Good post
Her boobies are too small :(
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>33 years old
i meant sang
kill me
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Any woman older than 30 is a hag
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Give it up already.
>captcha: g0x4x
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potentialman coming in with 2 7s
Why would I give anything up when I already won?
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>another 4
You didn't get your SHIt ID for one. These 4s mean NOTHING.
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Its a 4 for Ryoshu alright.
>cocky and assured
>gets another 4
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I'm honestly tired of the rollings.
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Classic non-4 roller response.
You may cry if it helps.
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>Lament, Mourn & Despair rolls heads twice
I would kill for the next Dante upgrade to be guaranteed tails/heads for one attack or turn.
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Any woman older than 30 is a 12
...year old
That shit was so good in previous MD starlight
...out of ten
Another great ejaculation. Drew out a light moan from me. Clenched up and blasted a bunch. Sleepy now
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Any woman older than 30 is a 12 year old
I love Heathcliffs
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Rodya LOVE!
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Post CUTE Erlkings.
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mon bébé (petite fleur)
is this the same for guys?
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>gets a 7
Truthful and Factual, verified by the STRONGEST Heathposters.
Nobody loves Greg
I'm nobody.
I love Gregor.
>Outis love Gregor
Oh yeah? Show us all his IDs and EGOs at uptie 4 and level 45 then pal.
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I really like this image.
>You are mine now.
I think he's a top 1 coolest male sinner, especially in his IDs (along with Mr. Salt)
He's not even as cool as Sinclair though
white woman telling that to an orphan black boy
Sinclair isn't a badass though,he's a cutie
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Heathcliff is white though
Greg isn't a badass either though so that isn't relevant
Retarded *clairyume
he looks brown to me
i'm not gonna read the book or get into an argument over heathcliff's race
Can't even defend your guy without resorting to name calling huh? I guess Greg really is less cool and badass than Sinclair
he's a gypsy
lets not bring race into this thread
That's obviously a white man
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Guess the skill
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dulluhan WON
Very based and factual taste.
Greg's base EGO with all the color stones
Lamentsang s3
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it cracks me up seeing these types of images
this is hilarious
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is this a demian reference
I don't get it
Sinclair is an egg being incubated for greater purpose and N Faust broke the egg early with her greed
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oh okay, sorry i dont know japanese
also that means yes it is a demian reference
They are trying to slowly and gently encourage Sinclair to come out of his shell and grow.
NFaust forcefully pulls him from it.

This is a reference from Limbus Company.
Of course it references Demian, he's right there. Hope this helps!
Most likely some retard was arguing with a brown and/or curry on twatter, then that person said 'I'm whiter than you', so the brown person photoshopped his eyes to appear more blue and posted picrel
Then PMfags on twatter took the image and edited Ishmael and Heathcliff into it
T. Corp donqui )))
very comfy, good post
I don't feel like explaining it but you're wrong and you also sound annoying
Hyperborean Warlord Heathcliff...
It's a low effort edit, most likely stolen from twatter, it is the most logical explanation
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good guesses
You know if you don't know the source, you could unload a shotgun into your mouth instead of posting here
You'd atleast be doing your family a favour
How did you collect 99 Sinking in two turns?
Probably the unique fusion sinking gift of Hoarfrost Footprint or whatever it's called
It's actually ridiculously strong
I know the source, I'm saying the edit from twatter
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it was actually turn 3, theres a staggered ishmael not in the skill chain
also it only had 40 sinking at the start of the hit
Is that Special Contract proc?
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>special contract
Doesn't count, gay and lame. Never post special contract numbers, it's looked down upon in higher society
what happened to you
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He's right.
my eyes... buttered...
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Is the cigarrete holder ego gift bugged? It's not triggering despite every sinner being at 10+ poise
Who would Heathcliff be if he was in the yakuza franchise?
There has never been a bad Lintonpost.
5 poise and 5 count, not count
Ayin did not want this
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Honestly a poster could write the most heinous shit and attach a blurred Linton image to it and it wouldn't fail to make me laugh
...Until now.
>can't be racist
>can't troll
>can't post porn (even censored)
>can't have fun
Why is this site so fucking reddit?
my poor lint... always bullied
through patches of obscured vision...
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Still nothing
Just go to /b/ newfag. That's where you can be curazee and epic like you heard!
post rape
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>go to /b/
>it's basically /gif/ but you can post lolis
This just made me realise that people treat all of 4ch like /b/ now. Meaning any oldfags are long gone. It's only cancer left that doesn't know any better or cares.
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Also according to the description it should give 1 power up just by having poise but only ryo is getting a power up from the curriculum vitae
How can I submit a bug report to PM?
>implying /v/ isn't just /b/ at this point
fuck hod i hate hod dumb stupid bitch
I am alone ...
Considering so many boards are basically dead, or barely have any traffic, it's not a surprise
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I haven't played Yakuza
Or watched the story
But I know there's this one boss that fights Kiryu with a pipe in the sewers

And I can definitely see Heathcliff saying his dialogue word for word
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Now I feel fucking old holy shit
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Now you got me interested in actually checking it out
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/b/ was pretty shit back in the day too though honestly but that wild west feel was nice sometimes
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yeah it was special contract and 6 blunt dmg up
Why did he say it?
Yeah, but at least you could do/say whatever you wanted back then, even outside /b/. But now if you're trying to be funny, it's a coin toss on whether you get banned or not. Like insulting SEAniggers on /a/ since all the mods are SEAfags
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>moving through a mirror dungeon on auto
>suddenly i hear outis saying her stagger line
>buh wtf
>look and i'm fighting jyun
>meursault proceeds to punch him to death
what the fuck lol
i did not expect to run into him in the pack i took
he sounds so sex...
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back in the day /b/ had actual discussions going on, now it's just furry and futa generals
one question, lads, can I clear this game's contents using only all-female comps?
>even outside
Nyo. That's the whole point. Summerfags being edgy retards would get banned for shitting up threads or their threads moved to /b/.
Moderation is completely different nowadays and that's why offtopic spam gets a pass so often.
And then the ponies invaded
This game isn't for you.
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Actually it appears to be proccing just doesn't show the buffs on the unit for some reason
But Why Would You Do That
Sisters? This but with males only? I don't want to use females :(
>trying to have fun
>off-topic spams
>I'll let it slide
why? the male characters are good
there's only 12 main characters
by isolating yourself from the male characters you isolate yourself from like,half the cast
if you're a gachanigger this game isnt for you
Play the previous two games first then come back.
Uncle Jun... taught that old hag a lesson.
Also nyo
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So limiting yourself to
Yeah should be possible, though maybe not with base IDs
But if you're going to start the game with the goal of being
>UwU my female heroines that fellate me
That is likely not going to work out
This really is not that kind of gacha
You get into it for the setting and characters. ALL of the characters
I miss certain threads from back in the day. We had a lot of fun.
It doesn’t count for the first turn.
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why would you wanna do that, females should know their place which is the BENCH where they can sit and make me a SANDWICH
This isn't a waifu game
You WILL use Heathcliff in his canto and you WILL like it.
You asked same shit before and you got same fucking answer. Stop fishing for (You)'s, you fucking clown absolute moron.
Yi sang wouldn't say that
I remember when he said this
why would he stop when he keeps getting yous
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poor outis...
i think it'd be impossible to play the games and not feel for some of the characters at least
Give me one too
>20 rolls
>Don't even have boxes to shard the IDs
>Not like it's possible to shard them anyway
Well, that was fucking lame. That Yi Sang ID looked cool.
Leave and never come back
That's not it, I've been paying attention during multiple fights and at no point did any sinner other than ryo (because of another gift) get a power up buff, which is weird because the rolls seem to be taking the +2 into account and the gift shows up on an attack as shown here >>493918879 it just isn't displaying the buff on the unit
classic yi sang line haha
that sucks bro
thank you!
Cute art
rare story of someone not getting what they want
god bless the director
At least you can support them in a few places
you... could use THAT
anon no, thats too powerful
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Nice try, but you can't make me use SHITclair.
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Here's my ID
Every Heathcliff ID excluding Shi Heathcliff + Walpurgisnacht Yi Sang, Ryoshu + Linton Gregor with the new EGO
Use it as support
I don't use him either. Just because I don't find the ID enjoyable.
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what kind of pornography would you flood the faustcord with before they banned you
Would the pornography influence them in any way depending on what i posted
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Based /bag/ refugee
Object head men in business wear. We would have a secret chat where we continued to do so.
skibdi toilet
Is this meant to be Ishmael
no i think it might be sinclair
getting real sick of baggots
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Not taking the event pack makes a bigger impact than I assumed.
I think it's just bored anons looking for (You)s
I've never played Blue Archive and I think the game would be better if all the male sinners were genderswapped.
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Angela ryona. Femsang rape. Snaust lewds. Various doros
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I've never played Blue Archive and I think the game would be better if all the female sinners were genderswapped.
based on the confluence of the gesselschaft's sexual preferences, faust may regard you with intense disgust or subtly playing into the contents of the images which they presume is your fetish. you will also have one or two fausts crossing the rifts between worlds to either kill or rape you.
She would think you're cringe and kill you.
the game would be better if ishmael and heathcliff were genderswapped
>you will also have one or two fausts crossing the rifts between worlds to either kill or rape you.
will they stop each other and die in the process i only care for my faust
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this but with the blondes
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Hod won
You lost
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Who do you have the most shards of?
I like everyone as they are.
I feel male don wouldn't change much
also if Sinclair was a female Demian would be a creepy stalker getting in the way of a loving yuri couple
I have too many Heathshards because I thought that my luck would be utterly abysmal.
I think I'll leave them be until Season 3 rolls around, so that I may shard QQcliff by then.
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>Heathcliff as female
I actually think that would not worsen or make the character any better in any way
No, I actually think this would make the character worse
The tantrum during the SEA intervallo and first 2 parts of canto 5 is extremely woman-like
I am sexist and I cannot see a man throwing that kind of tantrum without my opinion of him going into the gutter
>>493920774 (Me)
>>>>>>>>>>until season 3
Meant to say Season 5.
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Demian and Kromer would also be genderbent, most likely
>nobody would like male kromer because he'd be a creep
Argalia has shooters to this day
This is a terrible take.
Heathcliff would have zero impact as a female.
And Ishmael's winding up anxiety to outburst was exactly what you'd expect from a grizzled seafarer the head lost all of their crewmates to madness.
If anything it would "improve" her because people expect men to behave that way but NOT women.
So when they do snap, it's unpleasant because they're supposed to always be pleasant.
Argalia is hot. Kromer fan art aside looks like an ugly boy. That's the main difference here.
Argalia has more fujos than anything tho
Then again, that's every ruina OC
>the anti ish guy is a retard
holy shit taste
>Kromer fan art aside looks like an ugly boy
watch your fucking tone heretic
Indonesian woman
Stopped reading here and disregarded your post. You are brown.
genderbending the potential partner with the character sucks and basically misses the point of "what if this character was the opposite gender? how would their love interest act instead" or shit like that
Male Kroomer would make me insane.
Luckily she's just another weird girl instead.
Shut the fuck up woman
Shut the fuck up Guido.
also forgot to mention but Sinclair kind of looks like Jeanne from fate apocrypha here (and fuckable) this art is peak
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that says main doe
i agree with both of your statements anon i dont get the hype for kromer cause she looks ugly
at least faust fixes that with her id
too bad it still has those crazy eyes which i dont like
Bug report sent, I'll be expecting 13.000 extra lunacy in my account in 48 hours
you're forced to use yi sang in his canto's dungeon so no
ditto heathcliff
Thank you. I thought something was off on my poise run.
Unless I'm being bamboozled by offense levels multiple times in multiple fights, the +2 final power buff is applying correctly it just doesn't isn't being displayed on the buff bar so poise will still suck after it gets fixed
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>deal 100 damage
oh okay
Ah I see.
>only 100 damage
Oooo scary
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>when I'm advocating for Ishmael to be female as it fits her actions in the story better
One thing I do like is that you Ishmaelfags really do whinge just like Ishmael herself during canto 5
What are you talking about
I drive.
Should have known from LobCorp Anon
Take your time and they rape you

Violet Noon, retard. What else could he be talking about
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Ishmael arc would be vastly superior if she was rape corrected by Dante and turned into his blabbering bimbo bitch
Skill issue if you see that skill come out
Decay doesn't deal 100 damage per sinner
my team just got wiped out, so fun!

>Should have known from LobCorp Anon
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Violet Noon Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Room Like Nigga Close The Door Haha
>Take your time and they rape you
I can't fart away 2k hp
reread the thing you are responding to and then try again
>I can't fart away 2k hp
Don't winrate violet noon, only clash the arms and direct every unopposed attack to the body, if your team doesn't suck you will stagger it the turn before or the same turn it's gonna use the attack. That's the only way besides just killing it to avoid it
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Oh, I think I remember some attack like that from Grant Us Love? How do you even let come out though? Terminal newfag?
All this shows is recency bias
Except canto 2 sucking that's true
It's funny how forgettable Sinclair's canto is now that we've gotten actual kino
Shut the fuck up Linton.
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This only tells me you don't pick the pack in Mirror Dungeon Hard, and don't rotate teams there either
Envy teams tend to get stalled vs it
They can still avoid the attack by staggering it, but chances of seeing it attempt the attack is not uncommon

Probably newfag, but do not forget that Mirror Dungeon Hard is a thing
I don't care
There has never been a good Linton post.
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i couldn't find my guido drive image so have this
Sinclairs canto was still only a third of what later sinners got
why would i rotate teams in mdh
I winrated through mdh event pack with at least 3 different teamcomps though, one must be quite new to struggle with that
Linton is godlike tho????
esl-kun pls stop posting
...in the opposite Mirror World
Shut up
heathclip... :(
??? Point out the ESL in that post
>This only tells me you don't pick the pack in Mirror Dungeon Hard
True. I have no choice but to pick it in my next MDH run now.

Because why not?
I hit the limit of 10k starlight ages ago, might as well splurge some and get the initial 3 buffs and steamroll through MDH
It's also more module to box efficient to do 3 Hard runs every week fyi

>winrated through MDH Violet Noon
I actually don't believe you
The arms tend to break and can't be dealt dmg that turn after it, which escalates the situation
Unless you were running the 2 Walpurgisnacht units of Lament Sang and Spider Shu, winrating is risky in Mirror Dungeon Hard for the Violet Noon pack
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The collective ego of mankind when data leak
Devyat Rodya teaser soon?
based ty
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Walpussy's release was last week, right?
I'm expecting dead week
Then Devyat into Zwei into canto 7 without a break
Well okay, I pretty much don't actually JUST winrate, but my brain and hands have automated gameplay adjustments so much that it might as well be a winrate. I just reassign couple of skills here and there on autopilot. Regardless, pack is piss easy, I don't remember a single situation where I needed to dial back and actually think. If you have all units at ut4 lvl45 (which you should), you don't have any excuse for even the slightest struggle there
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>I just reassign couple of skills here and there on autopilot. Regardless, pack is piss easy, I don't remember a single situation where I needed to dial back and actually think.
You're forgetting what the game is, and who a lot of the new audience are
A gacha aimed towards gachafags
Yes, a lot of them are incapable of doing that
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Where is my Arbiter wife Director
Some Anon posted an AO3 fanfic about getting an Arbiter GF
Take it or leave it
preview would be for the trailer coming on friday, with the ID releasing not this week but next one.
We already got no trailer on friday cause it is dead week.
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It was pretty bad so I'll leave it, thanks.
Wooow, not even brave enough to say it to that Anon's face
For me, it's nameless T corp Employee anyway
>20% more pierce and blunt damage, for free
We'll never see anything like this again. Nikolai's Mark is already cucked before it's even announced
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Nothing wrong with having a techno-Amish fetish anon.
>come back to thread
>two tards going back and forth about the pack being easy
I was talking about the mission
lvl38 team 4 the win
What am I looking at?
>have to upgrade my IDs again to level 50 in october
why would we need them again if they already exist
its over
Who cares?
Devyat looks awful.
Hey at least there will also be new Luxes! Also uptie 5 because we get another bough
YOU look awful
I care
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I hope the Zwei ID is an Ishmael 000!
i think they look very nice :)
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Zwei IDs that don't actually have Zwei IDs undercover.
nyo they look comfy
I wonder if we'll ever see the male sinners with long hair or short hair in Hong Lu's case
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Give me Limbus images that make you chuckle
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I like it when Meursault is comically large and Don comically small.
What the fuck is the idea behind limbuss zwei? They are just dudes on a picnic
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Why is Project Type-Moon obsessed with making the strongest characters in their games female. I swear I only know 2 color fixers and the rest are all girls. Even the most powerful beings in existence (Arbiters) are all female.
All I want to know is who gets the fucking Bygone EGO so we can be fixed on who will have the Saber ID
To show the sinners in casualware which makes them appear cute
Ishmael and Don are the only options
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I wonder. I feel that short hair Hong Lu depending on the style would be very powerful.
because they are an incel company, the tranny twitterinas explained it before
I still think it's funny to imagine Erlking storming into HS heath mirror world
>people think making one of the great fixer organisations like this is a good idea
Teaser next week
They're supposed to be undercover so they dress as civvies.
Following the person they're supposed to protect.
KJH has powerful woman fetish. He wants to be pressed under the heel of a stiletto or boot.
>are supposedly the strongest, job all the fucking time
>jobbed to a harmless guy and a handful of nuggets despite her singularities
>even jobbed to a waw distortion that got steamrolled by a random grade 1

>underdogs that always manage to come out on top/to reach their goal
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anons, would you be so kind to share me some of your finest ricardo images?
>Teaser next week
she's being released next week, trailer on friday
if no teasers it could be bygone days EGO single banner trailer on friday
Director literally said he likes strong women and abnormalities.
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>I swear I only know 2 color fixers and the rest are all girls
>indigo elder
>black silence (arguably)
>the blue reverb
>vermillion cross
>red gays
>siegfried (i assume he's a color since lol& mentions him in that limbus tweet along with a bunch of others like jade qilin but we dont know anything about those)
>female colors
>red mist
>purple tear
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You forgot the Black Silence
They would 100% make a teaser image for new association. So if no imagine today or tomorrow, no friday trailer.
How the fuck you expect content week after Walp and call me a delusional? Brat.
Bygone days come with Devyat.
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he's cool i hope we see him again
Director's fetish
Angelica is the Black Silence
>b-b-b-but Rolan-
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gn limbabs
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wait a second that dog...
>black silence (arguably)
>Bygone days come with Devyat
I know that was the plan, but I could see them releasing them in 2 different banners to thin out dead weeks in september
Since when is Roland's wife a man
>yeah bro she IS a color bro, she died from a literal building collapsing when other colors can survive 100x worse but you know, she was PREGNANT so it doesn't count
should have asked for memes, but these work too, thanks anons
is to mess with a friend that is about to fight him
>strongest characters in their games female
All job to cock
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I'm getting filtered
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Oop, well here you go.
you can pirce the shit out of the whole fight, takes like 7 to 12 turns
Use big AOE.
You couldn't even last long enough make a female climax even if she could feel your pencil dick.
>she died from a literal building collapsing
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right if i even mention BS it just triggers the loop where we talk about roland not being BS because kjh wrote about it in the artbook
>newfags in thread that don't know who the black silence is
how does this keep happening
it's been forever...
I've been trying but I either get fucked over by speed (even with the mask for more speed) or the moment replacements come in they fuck me over with ego that I cannot counter.
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One piece is real
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It's not healthy to self delude like this. You can't just decide a game's lore is factually different than it is because you want.
>Ruinababs on their Blacked silence debacle again
>niggersouls out of nowhere
Roland wasn't the Black Silence though. There is no debate, it's just how it is.
Why is it important to you that he is in your own headcanon?
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>mentions him in that limbus tweet along with a bunch of others like jade qilin
does anyone happen to have that translated in full
>angelatroon is a black silence denier
>siegfried (i assume he's a color)
I don't think he's a color but he's color level.
I remember in the LOR artbook KJH wrote there could be "Wing employed fixers" that are color level, that's probably what Siegfried is
>Roland wasn't the Black Silence though
Anon they was both the Black Silence
>Anon they was both
black anon...
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canto climaxes for this feel?
>they was both
We know that Snaust is real. But what if Faust met Snaust? What would be the outcome?
They wasn't, sorry to break it to you anon.
Don canto
not out yet
he doesnt fucking deny it in game, he just circumvents angela when she asks him outright. the fucking fight is called reception of the BS, his unique page exclusive to him is called BS, so what am i supposed to assume here.
I dont have the image at hand right now but it is what it is
1: Hey.
2: Yes, did you call.
1: ... Who is the strongest?
2: Of course the one in front of me.
1: No, in the City. Who is the strongest fixer?
2: Hm... Unlike in the past there isn't a concensus... Some say it's the fixer of the Great Lake, others say Hagen, Ungen, Zick, Artos, Jade Kirin, and some even say its that bastart Rinaldo, there are a lost of good candidates. I haven't met most of them.. There are only a lot of rumours.
2: But there are still tavern brawls on this subject? And if you include the other Associations and Wings the list is endless.
1: It was like that during my time too. My repuation was overblown.
2: Was it? Based on what I've seen there were no exagerations.
1: I better ask differently. Who do you think is the most dangerous?
2: My vote is on the fixer Vergilius.
1: Then they probably got a Color.
2: Yes. They even got your Color. Anyway, I thought you didn't care for such ranking?
1: ...I became a bit curious now that I have a more distant perspective of the City.
I'm going to climax all over your face.
Canto 7
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many thanks anon
Why even engage a schizo that straight up is headcanoning shit about the game?
Roland? A thug shaker.
Roland would never...
It would be cute and they would communicate seamlessly. And become powerful.
Oh yeah and zick here is just siegfried if i remember correctly
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pic related
Zick = Sieg, other names might be spelled differently too.
Rinaldo has to be Renaud from Charles Office cause that's the original name in the book, koreans assume it too even in the wikia.
He took up his wife's mantle. He was not made color by the Hana, she was.
Just because you wear someone's things doesn't make you them or have their titles etc.
I don't know if you're just fucking with me or you really don't know but yes. Roland was not the Black Silence, it was his wife.
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Give me your Bygone Days/Zwei West predictions nyow
>Black Domain "Trial by Blade"
>-Both are Immortal
>-Both have Attack & Magic +900%
More like BLACKED Knight Lindamea.
Post that alice Ish (cathy), I liked that one
>Bygone Days
Hong Lu
>Zwei West
director already said the same sinner is getting both bro...
Oh you mean you aren’t getting the buff to physically show its icon? Oh, that’s cause it doesn’t give you one. Like the Sheep/Today Look/Skull and SunShower Gift, ut just gives you 2 power. Same with passives like Strife, it doesn’t give you 2 Counter Skill power, mostly because they don’t yet have an icon for it.
It’s not a bug it’s just inconsistency. PM has Final Power buffs but only ONE ego gift bothers to show it to you
I wish I had a chart with the # of IDs and EGOs for each sinner so I could predict stuff better.
El Director said they considered the rotation of the IDs/EGOs for it so it can probably be deduced easily by excluding sinners that already have Zwei and bygone days.
why is everyone talking about bygone days
did I miss a leak or something?
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if don gets bygone days as a WAW and sinclair, hongers, and sault get WAW battlepass EGOs, don could be the first ALEPH
Did u watch the stream
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Devyat Rodya's banner is going to include a Bygone Days EGO
it was in the stream
Oh boy, dontards are being dellusional again
True and factual
Dilate tranny
Whats with the penguins?
yes, but genuenly didnt see the bygone days part, or my brain just deleted that memory
cool tho, I like how bygone days is related to the pasts of the sinners
It's Devyat north
north is cold
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You know I'm right. She's going to get the first ALEPH.
why rodya
did director say she would get it
Ishmael will get the EGO and the ID.
>b-but my patter-
It only happened with Heathcliff, it's not a pattern and doesn't prove anything. Don doesn't HAVE to get the last ID of the season.
but penguins live in the south...
Rodya always gets the least fanservice-y ID
>did director say she would get it
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You mean we are going to get ALEPHs before sinners even get a 2nd round of WAWs?
il direttore said that rodya would be getting devyat, yes
he also said whoever gets bygone days is also getting zwei west
>Devyat north
Penguins, leg thing to climb mountains, long coats
>Devyat south
Sailor suit and hats, also venture in the great lake
>Devyat west
>Devyat east
>Devyat west
>Devyat east
West seems to be knight themed going by Zwei.
We don't know.
holy shit this guy is cringe kek
Didn't PM say something about the actions of their characters not being influenced by their gender?
nta but I don't know if it really is advocating for something if your argument is that you're a sexist and can't see men having huge tantrums in the same light as women. Also, it's not really surprising you got jumped by others when you applied a double standard with ''Heathcliff as female'' and ''IshMALE''. Couldn't write ''Ishmael as male'' or ''FEMcliff''?
>Devyat west
Pony express cowboy couriers
>Devyat east
Hand carts pulled by debt slaves and guarded by wuxia warriors
Liu west will have like aincent chinese armor
>genderbending males to females
based and heterosexual
>genderbending females to males
cringe and gay
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gn /lcg/
hmm nyo
sex with don quixote (male)
We have ze best worldbuilding in the whole fucking world ja!
>genderbending males to females
based and heterosexual
>genderbending females to males
based and homosexual
Genderbending is always gay, homos.
Alternate mirror worlds sinners now, now that's fair game.
>im le hypocrite!
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I saw Royda new I.D in a dream. She was not smiling. And yes was a Devyat 000.
If we turn Sinclair into dough can we bake him into a girl? It worked with Isabella and erlcliff, after all.
>Genderbending is always gay, homos.
But if your bro became conveniently attractive woman, you would be balls deep inside him by now.
No hypocrisy here. If you want to turn females into males as a guy you're a faggot, simple as.
It's obviously different with women but YWNBAW
If you genderbent all the sinners twitter would have a melty over femclair ryona in canto 3
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Post it
Le lore dump
Tranny propaganda, as epxected of SEAnigger hours
my pants would also have a melty over femclair ryona in canto 3
hmm nyo, I think I will post my headcanon dumb instead
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Well they can clench their axe wounds for what's coming
>being attracted to an attractive woman is a tranny thing
That sure showed me.
>Don pummeling Femclair
God that would have been so fucking hot
You are not gonna fool anyone xister...
Now go have your tranny fantasies about your friends turning women, assuming you got any
Jesus man, everyone asks the same fucking thing all the damn time. CAN A BRAND JUST NOT USE AN ANIMAL AS ITS SYMBOL AND MASCOT ANYMORE?
I don't have "fantasies about your friends turning women" That's just a bit of projection on your end.
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Every single thread
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I was thinking the same.
Also it might be a reference to that fictional arms and delivery company from that one gatcha that was funded and is ran by a sapient, talking emperor penguin rapper
If we had news and/or content more than once every 3 months maybe things would be different
And who do I blame for this?
the first human
I blame people who do not share my ideology
Me. I did it.
I'm starting to think I want to buy lunacy... this is bad.
No he's not. He's racially ambiguous. Gypsy is just a guess on the book
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I finally had a dream where I have sex with a limbus last night. It was Outis and we were at a cinema and she made me eat her out in front of some childhood friends, heathcliff and hong lu and she called me pathetic and it was great.
Overall 9/10 wish it was Rodya.
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Here's my based and true headcanons
>heathcliff is weak to handholding
>dante drinks through the hole in his clock
>gregor runs on two hours of sleep
>sinclair still gnaws his nails (hence the gloves)
>vergil didn't let meursault wear a neon green sunvisor
>don has greasy hair
>rodya doesn't like being around the sinners when it's not on her terms
/v/ is just /pol/
That implies it actually says something political, but it's the same shit you hear on shitter and leddit
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>rodya doesn't like being around the sinners when it's not on her terms
What are her terms?
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She said something really flowery with regards to losing color when they reached T corp
So... my guess is, a situation where every sinner atleast feels equally deprived of something?
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Whatever she feels like at the time. She's a self-centered person that doesn't like the idea of not being in control, as we've seen several times, and I'm sure that's reflected in how she treats the sinners too. Ever notice how she's only chipper when she has control of the conversation?
who is the blacked silence?
How does this explain her liking to be around Gregor or Emil?
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Sleeping with my wife, Hod
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>knows it's useless to object to anything going on
>puts his trust in Dante
>goes to sleep immediately to conserve strength
He used his brain too much in Canto VI so he has to rest it as much as possible.
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>wants to be special (but isn't)
>attaches to the sinners with massive self-esteem issues
Rodion is pathetic.
Filthy gipsy was so often imprisoned he doesn't really care anymore
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>>puts his trust in Dante
I wonder who is behind this post
So you admit your first post was completely wrong?
Also, why wasn't she around Heathliff then?
I like Ishamel being depressed in the corner
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Because he is a bit off a stand-off ish bastard prior to canto 6
Also because Rodion does say with some venom that she thought he and Heathcliff were closer to origin, and learning about Wuthering Heights felt like a betrayal
I am definitely paraphrasing and might be exaggerating, but I am sure Rodion comments on that
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>"New Refraction"
>New custom boss fights
Are we finally getting actual content mods? before PM bans them because no fun allowed
>before PM bans them because no fun allowed
Because Limbus Company is a gacha*
>she thought he and Heathcliff were closer to origin
Tnis should have make her drawn to him, though since they are equally of low origin
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I'm not that anon. Keep walking, CHUMPERNICKEL.
Prior to canto 6, Heathcliff is a bit on edge thinking about how he'd win back Cathy. He's violent and takes it out on everything and everyone else
He really wasn't close to ANYONE. He only butt heads with Ishmael and Rodion probably gleaned that it was either shoving against each other or keeping the distance when it comes to Heath

On reaching canto 6, his origin pushes her away because Wuthering Heights
>He really wasn't close to ANYONE. H
That was the case with everyone though.
Hmm nyo. Rodya is fat. That's her personality.
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Yes It's Surely A Nice Gift.
How could she grow up to be such a hottie
Fell asleep on the sofa which gave me a weird surreal dream about the Boltsman Constant, that ultimately didn't make any sense because the calculations involved a 2 meter tall giraffe that occupied a 400cm^2 area.
Sinners for this feel?
Dante (Me)
Boltzmann rather than Boltsman, I'm dumb
With this 4 i will have gay sex with meursault
I just had a dream where I was smothered by a lady's huge tits
Sinners for this feel?
i once got b& from /a/ for talking shit about a vtumor
with this 9 outis will concept incinerate sinclair
Angela gave her a perfect body made out of light so it really wasn't that hard
You're more likely to get banned for /a/ for on topic posts than to get banned from /v/ for off topic posts
am i supposed to finish each day asap or grind to train my nuggets as much as possible cuz that sounds tedious af
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I'm praying for this artist to draw Tiphereth too
With this 4 outis will concept incinerate (you)
You're supposed to grind a little until you reach ordeals that are too risky, but experience gained decreases fast with the difference between virtue level and abno rank.

In practice I'd advise training up to rank V on WAWs, up to rank IV on HEs, up to rank III on TETHs, and up to rank EX on ALEPHs
Don't bother grinding until you have the Asiyah missions done
I don’t think Angela decided what they looked like
Ayin would never, female or otherwise
People will call them a pedo
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>it's real
Trips confirm
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Looks good
Odd hour to post it, but sure.
Fuck off, director. Where's the fucking ish content? Rodya already got her T Corp shit that no one cared about.
erm rupture status?
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>rodya discussion causes her to appear
>ishnegro still malding
You want content? Bald is Awesome Ishmael 00 for the next Walpurgis.
tentatively back, but let's not get too uppity yet
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Kill yourself. Why does /lcg/ hate Ishmael so much?
>>for fun
its a "live-service gacha"
you're better off ripping the whole thing and running it on your own engine if you want to mess around with custom battles than a modded client.
>Poludnitsa is a noon demon in Slavic mythology. She can be referred to in English as "Lady Midday", "Noonwraith" or "Noon Witch".
I hate westerners so fucking much
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>u-uwahhh i'm so WEAK that i cannot even DREAM of HURTING my direct SUPERIOR
Her time will come. Stop being greedy for once, Ishbro. Never had patience or something?
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>Delivery mode
So is this basically a porter ID?
Because niggers like you
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reminder that the sinner getting the EGO from this upcoming banner is also getting the Zwei West ID

any bets?
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Because you retards throw a tantrum at the slightest sign of negligence and are also somehow the most retarded of the sinnerfags
I have no clue how people refused to believe it was the golden bough's resonance with Ishmael that made the whale open its mouth
Your retards make Donfags look like genuine geniuses
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I'm always asking for Ishtent here but you're just embarrassing
Sinclair or Don
It's been eight fucking months since she got her last 000 despite her being the most popular Sinner in the entire game (Don is reddit and doesn't count)
Fuck yourselves.
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yep, your whiny ass always talking shit about other sinners and crying gives other ishbros a bad name. just stop typing and shut the fuck up.
>fedex except they give a shit about the packages they deliver and are armed accordingly
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Is not that /lcg/ hates Ishmael, its the fact you faggots make for an easy target for how fucking whiny you all are
Multiple people said Honglu would get the bygone days, but my bet is either sinclair or Ishmael, both already got their stories so bygone days won't spoil anything, are gloomy as fuck, and Ishmael doesn't have a zwei ID tho sinclair does but is such abysmal dogshit that it might as well not exist
It will be charge, and you will like it
It’s doubly bad since she’s likely an adult
People just force headcanons
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>rodion teaser
>thread is crying about Ishmael
Wha wha wha mein weifu dun git stuff wha wha wha
bygone days seems like it'd fit sinclair pretty well thematically but
>>>>>>sinking on sinclair
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Man, I miss Hindleyposting.
Sorry to disappoint you rupturebro, but she's gonna be burn. Poludnitsa is a midday demon in slavic mythology associated with heat strokes.
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We are geniuses though, we're hiding our true nature, just like Don
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She looks so pretty bros... im so happy to be one of the 2 rodya fans.
Stop caring for once. Screaming here won't change a thing. You'll only dig a deeper hole for your reputation and well, all Ishmaelfags. I believe there are sinners who had longer times without content and they survived. Why can't you? It's already bad with all the false flaggers...
Reminds me of Liu reveal where we got nothing but Ryoshu whining
Oh fuck you're right, she does need a proper Bleed ID that is not base
Cuz nobody cares about rodion
Like, yeah I love her, but just don't care about her, Tkt was the first glimpse of actual character she got and was a year and half after game release, she needs to be fleshed out way more
Rodya still isn't special btw
maybe if we got rid of Count and just did things how Ruina did statuses things would be better, maybe if we stopped making ids that only inflict 1 potency or count one year into the game things would be better, maybemaybemaybe play Ruina instead
>we haven't gotten an association with bleed yet
You're on to something
Oh no, I missed another of my rivals. I will track you down and erase you. Rodya is mine and mine alone.
It's charge.
i want it to be rupture because i think the butterfly status was meant to be a test of how strong on-hit damage should be and non-MD rupture isn't nearly as consistent as butterfly is
prepare for a lot of
>Consume additional Rupture Count
Will be rupture
And will not deal any count
4 if true
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>/lcg/ would fall for an obvious falseflag because it makes Ishmael look bad
you VILL use ze mariachi
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she is so pretty wut
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you bleed and charge fags have it so good and yet you still want more.
Shut the fuck up Ishnigger.
Any guesses on the delivery box ''devouring'' things?
another dogshit 00 for meursault
sinclair 00 (he pleasures old men and women for money)
Is it falseflag if u fucks are constantly like this? At some point ur mask becomes you if you wear it for long enough.
Arknights association btw, whether you like it or not this is a fact.
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If Devyat does delivery you think they do food delivery? If so I feel like Rodion would be the kind of delivery person who eats like half the food before they deliver it
Post that Rodion art where she's making delivery while bloodied
on-kill charge gain/potency probably
it WILL be charge
I'm guessing the packages they have to deliver have a built in killswitch for the courier if not delivered on time?
Now I want it to be a charge/bleed ID hybrid
There's another Rodya inside the box.
gregor 00 that's better than rodya's 000, trust this 7
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>I-It's a falseflag
Do IshNIGGERS really?
Given that every single piece of tech has some bizarre side effect/cost, I assume that the delivery boys carry some sort of localized pocket dimension that kills them if they fail or something weird like that.
desu it looks like it's one single hungry whale
Last time they also posted the trailer way later. Have they changed their posting hours?
Here's you Ishtent
its gonna be burn tremor, actually, to simulate fainting.
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There will be no more charge or bleed on the bus until Canto VII. I will force the director to do so.
two rodyas for one? what a steal!
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>absolutely despise Ishmael and falseflag as an Ishfag to damage her reputation so I don't have to see her disgusting boatbilly face in MY general
Two steps ahead. I am always, two steps ahead.
Rodya makes even shitty looking ids look good
You are nta.
I was expecting the image of her getting dicked by the whale
You disappointed me anon
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but anon, THAT has been forbidden by the head!
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>People conveniently forgetting that Zwei West is most likely either Ish or Don
That or new season 000
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The costs for the various services are kind of funny in how extreme they are
>Your cheap energy? Actually made by sending employees to interact with dangerous monsters
>Your super effective healing liquid? Actually made by making a human-turned-supernatural-being cry by forcing it to watch snuff films
>Your super fast and convenient travel? Actually makes you spend 10000 years in a pocket dimension that you forget about
Rodion strikes me as the type that spits in your food.
it's 100% don and then she will get her seasonal id months later like heath did
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Don't show me this, I was seriously considering dropping money even though I know it to be stupid to spend above daily pass.
Rodya’s too fat and her tits are too big
Correct me if im wrong, but.... has not rodya gone way longer than ishmael to get a 000 id? (and her 00 ID took her literaly ages)
its gonna be Greg and Faust, just so South Zwei is completely unusable and unsalvageable
Every sinner is too fat and their tits are too big.
Gluttony bleed, Trust director told me in a dream
Patternfags, who hasn't received their 00 ID for the longest?
Nobody cares about Zwei West it looks like utter shit and it's guaranteed to be a filler ID.
lucky for you naigar fixes that problem
Rodya's too thin and her tits are too small
So they can use people already shown on the Zwei South IDs?
also congradulations, Rodion, on being the only Sinner to get a 3* id of your nationality (other than Ishmael and to an extent Gregor, since he's Germano-Jewish)
>contained maggots
is this rodion the first 000 from their actual national association?
Sinclair though for some reason I doubt this banner will have a 00
Idk if its the longest but sinclairs last 00 was during SEA, so over a year ago.
The buff icon exists since curriculum vitae uses the exact same buff and it has an icon, it's also displayed on the gift description
It might not be a bug but it's still an oversight that should be fixed
Yes. Ish only "technically" as part of 8.
Yeah, probably to keep them from running away. That's why she's glad that the box detected hostile entities even though it took some time, so the delivery time probably gets extended and she can keep fighting with better abilities instead of thinking of running and getting killed.
Nah gregor still needs his 13th association ID that will be hebrew themed. TrVST in the PLVN
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>actually used horsecliff for the first time today
what the hell he's awesome
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Why of course
people complain about his S2, which IS bad, but you have infinite Counters so just use those if you can't maintain count
Remember to use his counter while on horse form since it gives you a free skill 3 if you're above 20 sanity. He's utterly busted.
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skippa skippa
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I hope the zwei 000 is ishmael so that she gets a shitty filler id just before the season while everyone else is showed with cool bloodfiend hunter ids, there is no better monkey paw i could think of for these whiny fags
it definitely eats people or something to keep the box completely secure, and will eat the deliverer if they don't feed it enough
I'm from Russia and I have never so much as heard of a "Poludnitsa" before...
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Watch out, don will suck you dry if she catches you!
And so is Outis!
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This is just embarassing
Delivery box devours people, including the courier
stop shitposting with my wife
So is she saying being late is better than being murdered by the box she just used to murder all the thieves with, or do you think the box has some type of killswitch in case someone other than the delivery person tries to open it?
I thought why they posted teaser in this ungodly hour until I checked the calendar and noticed Korea has a holiday from 15 to 18.
>Liu Rodion
>Zwei Rodion
>Dieci Rodion
>Deyvat Rodion
this SLUT only lives for MONEY
what time is it in KR?
>Ish feetent
Thanks for sharing anon, that shit is too rare
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That seems pretty standard for Mirror Dungeon
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She's gonna suck my dick
Box is an alien (in the sense of being non-human) thing with a pocket dimension that is used to carry packages, store weapons, and eat people
Oufidion soon.
The what? Is this supposed to be a known figure or is director just pulling random shit from wiki again
it's пoлy дницa retard пoл дня пoлдeнь idiot
now this is good
anon its the name of a weapons system for an association we've never heard of until now i highly doubt that it's ever going to be important again
I'm saying I've never heard of the mythical creature you stupid faggot couldn't it have been a normal thing like the domovoy or a rusalka or someshit.
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well, when's the last time you've seen a farmer collapse in the wheat field from heatstroke?
gooners be like "hag sex"
Slav folklore demon, demon of noon who assailed people working midday with all sorts of shit, from a heat stroke to madness.
Carries sickles, shears and scythes.
this is some witcher shit isn't it
i can tell by the art style it's that polish fuck's doing
It was in Witcher 3
You DID play it, right anon?
canon size btw
It's not Mirror Dungeon, it was the event
AND he was not even the captain
burnGODS, we are back in business
Remember, no Russians.
well maybe if you weren't an uneducated chochol you'd heard of it. i have a slav bestiary and it's in there.
too many buttons
It's a cool name for a weapon that carries several weapons in it dumbass
>witcher shit
it is a eastern european myth so I guess. artist is apparently a warhammer 40k artist.
Those aren't mutually exclusive
>too many buttons
how, the gameplay was mind numbingly boring
just spamming dodge
aren't all russians busy dying in the war, why are they /here/
Nigga i obviously know its the weapon, how is it not clear that i was asking about the reference
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any buttons more than P and Enter is too many buttons howeverbeit
How many times do you think Dante's had to rewind Sinclair's fractured pelvis
the tutorial introduced to me twenty buttons to keep track of and at least two wheel menus i had to swap between for more options
i could not be bothered to figure out how to play it properly
those are stink lines
Russians and Ukrainians I have met in real life are really nice and chill people but Russians on the internet are a different breed.
The director light shines in the darkest places
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Sinner for this feel?
It is in KR saturday to wednesday
Meursault / greg
if one of the weapon systems is named after the Noon Wraith, maybe we'll have a Ring situation? where they inflict multiple statuses and you can choose which kind depending on the combat settings selected?
Maybe Badzula for Tremor (or, because i think it would be REALLY funny, Morale and Tipsy); Liadashtsik for Sinking (or even unique sinking that causes infighting when you reach panic?)
Now this brings a whole new meaning to "mewing"
Dante (Me) / Sinclair
If you fail to deliver the package in time you get tentacle raped by the box
oh no! a late delivery again haha, that's the third time this week haha
does she always stink, is it because of her vagina?
>is director just pulling random shit from wiki again
You really have any doubts after Heathliff got Dullahan and Earlking?
Drawanons, get to work chop chop, please
stinky sailor
Well if we're going with mildly adjacent mythos then the next Devyat devices should be called Shurale and Akbuzat.
devyat sinclair/yi sang/hong lu
8 should have been the delivery association, "Activating Bigfoot high power delivery mode maneuvers" sounds way better
Finally…Rodyatent…happy Rodya…
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Are the Devyat basically this guy?
but i already drew tentacle porn last week
i guess if there's room i can try
don't think i can't see through your thinly veiled attempt to solicit ishfeet posting
Sinclair or Yi Sang, anon...take it or leave it
yes, except the baby is inside her womb and i put it there
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i like how the oomfie association got one underwhelming ID and then was completely forgotten
so true
Yes. Rodya is delivering nothing but sperm
Hong lu

>Captcha: AHHPP
They all were in Witcher 3.
do you think fred durst could survive in the city
The sound you make when tentacle raped. Unisex.
Speaking of which, Is Oufi Heathcliff better to use in a Blunt/Tremor team? I'm using Multicrack Heathcliff but I'm seeking better options.
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I have returned once again. To face Catherine... and the accursed wretches of the manor. I stir awake early to the morning of the forest. Especially as the sun rises over a nightmare; in that nightmare, Catherine... fades away. And always, I... They must be serving that milksop 'Young Master' a cup of luncheon black tea by now. Heh heh... I'm sure the stump of his arm I mauled off his torso... aches. Though they have never once invited me to their dinner banquets, Catherine would always visit me with food she took from the kitchen.
... All meaningless recollections of the bygone days, now. A timepiece, is it? Good. The 'promised' hour is nigh... I shall keep you in my sight. Patience was never Catherine's strong suit, after all.
... Yet I do not know if she could bring herself to welcome me when I have changed so much. This place is rather silent for a forest, isn't it...? That is because I have made all living things here mine.
In that silence, memories of Catherine return... and I begin to sink like a rock. There once was a woman who cared for me in my youth. Yet here I stand, soon to test my blade against her own.
But this time, I shall take her under my fold as she had done for me. Hah, do you feel the intense rapture of letting the fury take hold?!
Ruminations of all kinds have no purpose here; not for you, not for me. All that remains is to settle this once and for all here, atop the storm-broken heights!
Who shall remain standing here once it passes, I wonder. The keen end of my wrath-blade aims true. It is the greatest fuel to my flame of existence.
I shall bring utter ruination to you, who have broken my heart... and Wuthering Heights, the cradle of our meeting! ... My life ended the day my Catherine departed the world.The dawn of the promised banquet, the day of the hunt rises. I can feel it even at the tip of my hair... that the destruction of Wuthering Heights is nigh. This howling noise... must be the tempest. Catherine, she weeps...
the popular consensus is not to use him in tremor because purple tremor overwrites the good tremor recolors
i use him anyway and it's fine
Someone please lead this mentally ill hobo out of my manor.
thats cause combining tremor was handled in the worst possible way imaginable. Instead of making a team, where each member has a unique form of tremor, inflicting them all on one guy and creating the ultimate status ailment...it lasts one single turn and as such, the damage tremor type is the only one that matters and any tremor unit that changes your tremor type is worthless if you own the best units for that status...
how, how did they do it? how did they introduce a niche for tremor, then killed it the moment the entanglement mechanic was revealed?
Of course, the same thing happened to unique panic types, since your Ruin and Echoes of the Manor are basically worthless on most Season 3+ enemies
*slaps my big fat belly*
Where's the Ishmael content?
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>devyat association is a logistics company
>connected with penguins for some reason
bravo director, we got a bootleg arknights collab
i await for our bootleg fate collab with seibah don next month.
The prescript will decide the nature of the ID.
1- Rupture
2~3- Bleed
4~5- Unique gimmick
5~6- Sinking
7~8- Burn
9- Tremor
0- Rape
>gayknights invited couriers
*takes a sip of my Mountain Dew Baja Blast* *burps* *scratches my ass*
Ish content limbabs cmon git
It sound Polish.
What's the occasion for the invitation?
he's talking about the Emperor Logistics company, which was funded by a talking, rapping, emperor penguin
no, you cannot play as him
well we already know that but thanks for confirming
May you greedy Ishkeks get a fucking HORRIBLE, potential man tier 000 ID for your greed.
>other sinnerfags complain about no content
>Ishfags complain after not having something for 7 months
Suck my clock, faggots.
>Ishfags still whining
is that some kind of shield?
OK I've been putting off the Walpurgis 4 missions for a while now because of a couple, really.
>Kill an enemy with 80%+ HP with a SINGLE skill.
>Complete suppression after breaking every part of Grant Us Love except it's body.
Any pointers for getting through these. Literally everything else I can manage/have already done.
Glad to see we're nothing like those whiny Ishfags, right Ryobros?
manager-esquire why dost the generator of cobbled stone hath a block like the most lightless night in it
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Not him and I never complain about lack of sinner content, but as an ishfag, I'd love another sloshmael-like ID. But honestly, I'd just rather more 00 IDs, even if they're not very good. I just like more art and designs. Too few 00s in the last few banners.
outis lookin good
>Has literally no shit 000 IDs
>"But it's wrong! We need more!"
Until you get your fair share of G corp Gregs, Potential mans, KK Rodyas and other trash, you can complain.
Don't be rupture please I want it to actually be a good ID.
why are ishfags like this?
>The Ryongest
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Curbstopming I.F. is my passion
>Kill an enemy with 80%+ HP with a SINGLE skill.
RingSang and LamentSang can do this one with their S3 easily
Serious Skullbuster can too but its harder
>Complete suppression after breaking every part of Grant Us Love except it's body.
You're probably gonna have to suffer the 100 HP damage or else strategically stagger the body
Then wait for arms to revive so you can keep attacking them
shouldn'tt cuz Seven is the designated rupture association.
>an ID only good in Sinking as a support
>charge ID that's been powercrept by other charge IDs
>Burn... nuff said
>one strong ID that was released all the way back in season 3
The speed gimmick Sinner is Don though, so its gonna be the Dongest.

We'll need multiple X associations though, there are 12(13?) associations and only 7 status effects.
>Has literally no shit 000 IDs
Completely irrelevant.
RodyaCHADS where you at? How we looking about the new ID?
>The speed gimmick Sinner is Don though
Ryoshu's underwhelming performance is locked behind a speed gimmick. Don has two speed IDs that were released in season 0
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Free idea drawfags
This image but with Rodion as Sam and baby Dante in the BB container
You cunts whine if Ryoshu's 00s aren't fucking OP. Of all the sinnerfags, you're the worst of them all
What, Bind?
Literally the opposite of Haste, sorry.
>>an ID only good in Sinking as a support
>Having one of the best sinking appliers in the game isn't enough, I need more!
>>charge ID that's been powercrept by other charge IDs
>What is W Meursault, W Yi Sang
>>Burn... nuff said
>ID itself isn't bad, the archetype is
>>one strong ID that was released all the way back in season 3
>all the way back in [LAST SEASON, HER CANTO]
spd is cinq with a side of poise while zwei is a clusterfuck (def if you ignore rodya and sinclair) for now.
>no counter
I accept your concession
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Stop pretending with the back and forth already.
What a bizarre response when you were the one baiting
GreGODs are the trve sinnerfags.
>gets dogshit
>>it's alright
>gets useable dogshit
>>it's alright
Unbelieable homos but they don't whine
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I think I'm going to cry about lack of yisangtent and cause trouble today.
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so fucking pretty holy shit
>What is W Meursault, W Yi Sang
>there being worse IDs means another hasn't been powercrept
This is the brain of the average anti ish fag
Okay, but is the new Rodion ID going to inflict at least Defense Level Down?
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Don't twist the words, retard
Nobody was complaining about Yuroshu
LCCB is an awful ID and acknowledged by everyone
The issue was about Liushu, who was a very bland season 1 burn ID that was released in season 3
She also gains haste and her crit requires 6 speed. Maidmael is also the same with her speed gimmick
When was the last time Don got a speed gimmick ID?
>Defense Level Down
>On Rupture/Bleed
There are barely any here
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y'know a general debuf association wouldn't be too weird.
holy shit it's one sin
*licks my massive cube of sugar*
Mmyup. This isn't an Ishmael banner. Thinking I'm gonna skipparino this bannerino.
all sinners currently have an equal amount of 000 and 00 ids except for few that have 1 more. If Ish hasn't gotten anything for a while then she must have been getting content for a long while before. Be patient and stop being whiny low-life faggots.
you RETARD, she's better than W outis as well. Her only "powercreep" is not being better than the fucking Multicrack IDs
W Meursault is without a down a better pick than Deermael since he has nuke setups. Not to mention, him being superfast makes his speed EGO perfect since it'll shit out so much charge on the same turn rather than the next. It's a better pick than Don's sheep since Envy/charge is now abundant
>season 1 ID
Ryoshufags are so retarded
you must be fucking retarded because their chins are no different but their noses are; and thus, right cat is better because of the better nose
uh oh
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>who was a very bland
I think she was very flavourful
What the hell does she have that makes her stand out as a season 3. She's literally an uptie 5 Liu Gregor
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What sort of flavor are we talking about here
Salty and sweaty flavor from her pits. Yummy
>*takes a massive bite out of a stick of butter*
So again
>there being worse IDs means she hasn't been powercrept
Imbecillic argument
>thread good until ishfags
every single time.
every time i open a fake link and get a baby dante or minidon and not hyperbara gregor or will be bad wolf buttfucking der shooty i die a little inside
>Peccatulum Invidiae trying to be ishfags
would you like a pregor instead?
>thread good until seething fags bitch about Ishfags for no reason
My gangrenous feet DEMAND Ishmael content.
I assume either one has to be max level for it to work and I can't half-ass it with Lv40?
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Level 40 wasn't tested
They overkill at 45 so 40 still might work
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hmmmmm, as I am a pro art critic I can say,
stick to your day job.
Don't even fucking TRY to suggest running W Meur over R Ishmael. You literally don't know what you're talking about
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I do, because I DO run Meursault on my team without Rish
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What kindled this flame of wrath that burns within me…?
…No. It doesn’t matter why it burns—what matters is that I am the ripping and tearing tempest that will bring about their ruin. I stir awake early to the morning of the forest, as early as the sun rises in the manor. There is no better place to hone my vengeance. They must be serving that milksop 'Young Master' a cup of luncheon black tea by now. Heh heh... I'm sure the wound, the stump of his arm I mauled off his torso... aches. They have never once invited me to their dinner banquets, nor have I ever wished to be. Yet... I suppose they appeared rather merry.
... Let's see if they can continue to smile upon my return. Hm... what use would I have for a timepiece when I have long forgotten the meaning of time itself?
Yet... I sense that the hour of a certain 'promise' is swift approaching. This place is rather silent for a forest, isn't it...? That is because I have made all living things here mine.
In that silence, memories of... something... rises before fading away. How... disconcerting. There once was a woman who cared for me in my youth. Yet here I stand, soon to test my blade against her own.
But this time, I shall take her under my fold as she had done for me. Hah, do you feel the intense rapture of letting the fury take hold?!
Ruminations of all kinds have no purpose here; not for you, not for me. All that remains is to settle this once and for all here, atop the storm-broken heights!
Who shall remain standing here once it passes, I wonder. There are times when I find myself snared by a question: what binds me so to this manor? ... I see the flicker of the answer behind your eyes.
Perhaps, should I cut off your head and gouge out your eyes, I may find that knowledge resting in the hollows of your sockets. But that revelation will change nothing. The glass shards of my sword are opaque and shrouded in mist. I see... nothing past them. For what do I sharpen my blade...?
Wait, they finally ''fixed'' W Meursault? Since when?
Since Regret released
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The dawn of the promised banquet, the day of the hunt rises. I can feel it even at the tip of my hair... that the destruction of Wuthering Heights is nigh. This howling noise... must be the tempest. O Wild Hunt... (Mad Laughter) (Mad Laughter) (Mad Laughter) ... Prepare for your execution...! In the tempest... Again! Again and again, until the storm sleeps! ... You shall slumber in burial. ... You shall scream. ... You shall be torn apart. Even in death... I... shall... For the hunt... The hunt has failed... no matter. This pain will only hone my claws. March forth, my Wild Hunt. Those who dare to stand in our way shall only join us in this procession, this march to the end of this fathomless wrath...! ... Is it over? Have I truly slain them all? Then why... why won't this rage end...? What a sorry mess this is... no matter. I will return. I will return again and again until the day I crush Wuthering Heights between my teeth.
Be patient, Tiph
very nice
T Don gets an ass load of haste but doesn’t do anything with it I think

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