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Previous thread: >>493911965

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Current Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Current Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
Target Extraction: [ Don Quixote ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

Her bad end ID is finally here...
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I like them.
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What will Heasu get next Walpussy?
*scratches my balls* *puts my hand up to my nose and takes a deep breath*
Where Ish content limbabs
You must be severely mentally ill and schizophrenic
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While rupture does need some non dogshit ids I hope its bleed so sanguine desire is finally usable
⪩ ⪨
θ ω θ
Take your pick
If we ever actually get Thumb IDs in the far future, I hope its not fucking Boris because he's the ONLY ONE to not have their Gun gimmick, and then what?
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post the vocaroo.
you know the one.
Who better than big and will be bad wolf ego?
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i wish i saved the one of don smoking weed with the BLACKED silence...
there is one tranny newfag tourist trying to fit in here
The next post ending in 8 is the tranny newfag tourist.
t. tranny newfag tourist
Wow new ID? I was expecting a dead week.
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just got telepole dog in md and it made me think of how fucking rare it is now
Boris will be Sinclair or a potential traitor character like Rodya and Gregor
Post her armpits.
>Waw is pronounced "vav"
My mind is... BREAKING
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Devyat association Id for Rodion, that was mentioned in the roadmap
Though I'm guessing her banner is next week Thursday (wednesday for people in the west, I guess)
In my heart of hearts... it will always be WAW...
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what were you pronouncing it as
rape this chef
I wish I were born 10 years later so I could just read all of Limbus
was bygone ego on this banner or the next one
this one
What about the zwei ID?
They've been releasing so many gacha egos recently, I liked the times when the only thing i had to shard was the 000
i remember resetting endlessly for 6 speed rabbitcliff with QS for the clapfish + teledog combo in RR1...
simpler times...
and you have to catch up on everything that's been released? nah.
It's the banner right after the devyat one
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>Zwei East next
>tfw ishmaballs will steal Don's Knight ID
i wish i were born 10 years later so i could just finish deltarune
I hope ishfags get nothing
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Ishmael getting a filler id just before the season starts is my dream scenario actually, it'd mean she's going to miss out on all the cool shit that's gonna happen in canto 7.
Well, she got a seasonal id 3 seasons in a row
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>already beginning the cope process
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Yeah, i live west of the city.
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Bullying is not okay
Don't bully the Ishbros
I guess because it's a Rodya id it's the right time to post it
Your life is NOTHING. You serve ZERO purpose. You should kill yourself NOW.
Didn't Director confirm the Zwei ID was Don?
Low tier Danteh....
Big Shot Dante would say this
no, it was just assumed because people think the sinner for the next canto gets a S0 ID at the end of the previous season to prepare them for their canto, like oufi
If anons in this thread sounds like that, you should get working in being a narrator in a dark/horror game or announcer or something. You being wasted here, seriously
No he didn't say anything about Don
Patternkeks are just trying to find a pattern in a single occurence
it is terminal
Just took a massive Faust in the toilet
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ngh… Hod sexo…
Me when i get Rodion.
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>fail a 30 minute delivery or it's free order
How fucking retarded can you get?
Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
God please be bleed or charge.
Burn/Charge. But instead you start with 100 charge and need to burn it for massive bonuses or die.
that's not me, my voice is in the singalongs we did ages ago. I'm the very nasally bri ish man screaming about Sunshower Heathcliff (my poor child)
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Why would Faust and Angela say this?
Because they are the two worst women in the entirety of the series. Even Ahab would be a better wife than those two.
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>I am sorry for being so late with the delivery.
>I am sure I can make it up, somehow.
>pizza delivery girl porn but Rodya
Why is Faust a giant in this pic
so the reason the devyat are the premier courier service is because their parcels will auto-pilot through fights and ambushes? good way to protect the package as well just in case the courier dies, not bad
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Nuh uh retard, I got an order coming up real soon. I dont have time for that.
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Faust would be better if she was seven feet tall.

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Name ONE sport Dyon would be good at
High speed prostitution
100m sprint
there's no way she could possibly fuck that up
Provided she doesn't get banned because of how worn down it looks
*concept incinerators new Rodion ID*
synchronized swimming
How would Tony fare in the City?
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Javelin throwing
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She is fucking behind me, isn't she?
she's getting fucked behind you yeah
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Yep. You spoke when it wasn't your turn
For some reason my PC overheats during story cutscenes. Not even gameplay, hell I run much heavier games on my build and yet the fucking visual novel parts overheat it. I can't find any solution around, do you know something about this?
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Getting closer and closer to Tiphereth's turn...
Don will TRIUMPH within the fathoms of her ego and emerge with NEWFOUND PURPOSE through the power of HOPE and LOVE. Also Gregor will go full roach and Sinclair will disappear permanently.
Doing all of this and still getting IGNORED and KEKOLDED by Ayin... what a failure...
Ayin will marry this by the end of the series btw
Devyat south section 1 director
Too big
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would she do this
Canto VII interaction from the first stages as the sinner's gears start grinding and figure out what's weird
maybe if she had one shoe off
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Yes Sinclair, she is fucking you from behind.
GOD I wish that were me
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>pity system named after him
He's the main character
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The director fucked my ass with RNG and I got Ryoshu with my last pull before going over the pity limit, which announcer is best between Yesod, Hod, and Dawn Office? I have everything else.
I have not seen anyone say a single thing about Yesod.
You can just check youtube videos on what the lines are and come to your own conclusion.
I like him.
I should've thought about that first, ty
All the announcers get mogged by Charon. Simple as.
I have seen a single person say something about Yesod and it was positive.
>fuck up your delivery
>get vored by your bag
What's the canon lore behind Ideality even?
how many is ONE i require arabic numeral conversion please
>the bag has a killswitch
this dosent seem worker friendly
>no giantess rodion vore images
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I interpreted it as more of a "I'm late cause these fucktards keep trying to rob me, at least it's better than ending up exactly like them, and not that the freaking bag is gonna eat the delivery person if they fail, or maybe the bag does do something to the deliveryman, but as some sort of last resort kill switch in case the package is compromised.
angela rape
devyat reminds me of death stranding
but sam at least is given a fucking gun
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My heroes would never... They would TRAP and BETRAY.
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rodion's the character who benefits the most by being drawn by anyone but nai_ga
I like how her face looks like :D
I just woke up limbabs, what did I miss?
rodya smile
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You have to paths
Let the box devour you
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The gayest niggas in limbus
they're not black
They are in their hearts.
this will be the first good rodya bleed id
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I'm picking Rodya
yeah but does he have a weapon suitcase that eats people?
Ishmael is gayer.
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>Hod's birthday
>Rodion gets her first image teaser
Today's a day that just keeps on giving
Happy birthday Hod!
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What did Argalia mean by this?
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I did this shit ten times already and its still stuck at 2/3
Now we're only missing the 12th association right?
What would the country be based on for a name?
Anon, your 13th association?
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We don't know if Iori has managed to turn that into a reality yet, so I'm not counting it just yet.
I guess 12 would be Greek, and 13 would be Jewish?
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my brother-in-law... is this based?
faumael is a crime against humanity
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>We don't know if Iori has managed to turn that into a reality yet
Yet I'm 100% sure she did

>I guess 12 would be Greek, and 13 would be Jewish?
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I don't personally understand the appeal either, I've seen pictures here and there.
IshMALExisters? Your sinner is black?
full out razors
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Bygone Days EGO too, right? That was in the stream.
Who's gotten so long without a new EGO, Faust?
Bygone days is after Devyat, we'll most likely get it on the 26th, and a week later Zwei, whoever gets the EGO is getting the 000 Zwei ID.
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Huh? But banners are 2 IDs or an ID and an EGO and are once every two weeks. We're getting Rodya on the 19th.
Hello /lcg/ Monzo here.
Have you seen any rupture count application lying around? I seem to have misplaced it and i just can't find it. Director's gonna be pissed if i don't find it
No comment on the shipping, but I really like this comfortable yet smug Ishmael smile.
>another reused design
when is the next single player game?
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Rupture should deal gluttony damage
Yes, it COULD have been an ID + EGO banner, but the director specified on the stream that whoever gets the EGO bygone days banner, is going to get the 000 Zwei west afterwards.

So I don't think they'd do an ID + EGO banner for the same sinner as both new releases.
Ask that without crying again. Ten Years
Why does /lcg/ have talented VA again?
God lantern Don is so hot.
CHADgalia of CHAD ensemble.
Watch the fucking stream nigger
You've had weeks
Is it just me or are Rodion's tits getting bigger every ID?
I did, was it not Bygone days EGO after the Devyat banner? I could be forgetting the details if so.
When every nigger that spends money on limbus gets beheaded publicly
just bought another big pack of lunacy for walpipi~
>those tiny tits
yeah it's just you
You'd have to have money to afford that first.
What do you mean "for the same sinner as both new releases"? I'm confused. Rodion will be Devyat, not Zwei. It's not like they've never done 2 completely unrelated IDs and EGOs as a banner before.
they were always supposed to be gigantic
im just here to vent
have a nice day bye
since you're close, you COULD use... that...
They literally only replace 0 pulls
There's no issue with them being there, if anything each double voicepack is a chance for 100 thread
>tiny tits
I remembered that he specified a separate banner for EGO after Devyat, and not on the same release, another anon called me out on being seemingly wrong, so I'll just check the stream again.
What I remember from it was Devyat then EGO then Zwei west release.
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It's you
They ARE big but Devyat really isn't the id showing them off the most
>Poludnitsa is the personification of heatstroke
this shit can't be burn again i hate you so much director
Sooooo, when are we getting a uhm... a Gregor ID?
It's not just a heatstroke though, it's just one of the things the demon does.
Raw damage that completely ignores the resistances mechanic is a dumb idea
give me anything but burn then
>Make it Gluttony instead, and make Bleed Lust
>People make Sinking, Rupture, Bleed, and Burn teams
>If your enemy has any of the 4 "wrong" weaknesses they melt
you will get a 2 star cheese cooker or some dumb shit like that. no problem.
why cant people simply draw things on-model?
He's getting the 00 devGYATT ID
rupturebros... *cough* when will director give us another id? its been so long...
and if they're resisted the team is bricked
i like this more than a status being a get out of jail free card, but currently the only status who can do this is sinking and everything else is going to get nerfed when director nerfs md gifts
Next update, director will announce he is removing rupture from the game, trust.
Ok nevermind, I had forgotten the EGO is coming along with Devyat, just me misremembering that bit. Whoever got said EGO is gonna get the 000 however, that much was true.
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I want canto 7 to make me cry like 4 & 5 did
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Zwei west 000 to be specific.
So what is this rodya id supposed to belong in the game's lore? tf is she?
I really don't see why it matters.
Maybe it "feels" unfair but feels are full of shit and logically there's no problem with the idea of a team with no highs or lows.
>I am le bloodfiend!
>I cannot be fixer because racism!
>I cannot fight for justice because I'm not a fixer!
>I am le sad!
Very soulful
Just some random, if anyone at all, much like T.corp IDs, or Oufi Heathcliff.
This nigga crying over videogames lmao
What the fuck does that mean?
>tf is she?
??? A devyat assoc fixer?? Duh???
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something tells me canto 7 would end up being the coolest out of the other cantos. having some sad parts sure but not to the point of being tearjerkers, but it'll end up being the coolest one.
I also cried at the end of canto 5, but they were tears of joy because of that disgusting slop of a canto being finally over. Thank fucking god. If I had to see ish being a bitch for one more canto I would've dropped the game. What the fuck were they thinking making her so unlikable for a full intervallo and then a full canto??? Luckily she shut the fuck up during canto 6. I'm glad.
I genuinely cried when I brough wildcliff to solo Erlking. It gave me the chills like it did the first time I played 6-48. Everything in canto 6 led to this very moment. And I'm not afraid to admit, I shed a single tear upon seeing that last clash.
What? People would do it for free.
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>tf is she?
My wife
>huh???? what is this???? a fixer???? I cannot comprehend what this means????
now I understand why it still feels like PM goes into exposition mode on fixers at the drop of a hat
>Luckily she shut the fuck up during canto 6.
That is why Heathcliff's canto is THE Kino 6, The Heartbreaking
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>2nd slot Ryoshu and 4th Outis.
This is what the lack of S3 does to a janitor
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I shed a tear when the bat changed from Revenge to Remember
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The chains of society hasn't eroded my soul
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Could the Sinners defeat the famed Color Fixers known together as the Yoshi gang?
but it has eroded your brain, it seems.
It changed to HOPE though??
Has anyone even commented on that? I swear no one did.
so is the box an ai
I cried in varying degrees every canto ending after 3, wtf is wrong with me
I screamed like Cathy did the moment I saw that Wild Hunt Heathcliff had an interaction with Every Catherine. I had to stand up and walk around a bit to get a breather.
>crying over video games
>goosebumps over video games
>chills over video games
Does this actually happen to people? Why are you so sensitive, like a woman?
>Contraction of has not
Or are you retarded enough to consider "chains of society" as plural?
When is Rodion getting the Rupture count EGO?
i was laughing and wheezing with my whole body when i saw that shit pop up on screen. i hope the hope bat shitposter got a kick out of it
Yeah. Just like K-corp surveillance drones and ampule robots.
some people can consume media critically anon. I hope one day you will read/experience sth that makes u the same way
>I am so hollow and nothing makes me react
>I am so interesting
How's that youtube critic gig going?
critically means judging a work for its value and craft, not crying over it
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Dante did
Others did not, but I think they silently accepted that something had gone down atop Wuthering Heights, and that Heathcliff is now journeying towards saving the pale person they saw in a coffin there
Yes, Cathy's body appeared back in the coffin after >CLEAR ALL CATHY, the sinners just had no clue what or who that was

I'm so glad that I have no clue what the original of the HOPE meme is
I've seen the golden bat picture and I don't care
>feeling anything over canto 5
Do limbabs really? I felt nothing playing that canto and Heath's made me sperg out like an autist.
>Others did not, but I think they silently accepted that something had gone down atop Wuthering Heights, and that Heathcliff is now journeying towards saving the pale person they saw in a coffin there
Can't wait for the flashback scene later down the line saying that they did notice that and just didn't show us.
>finish canto 6
>heathcliff’s bat changes from Revenge to my legal name and full address

What did el director mean by this?
There is nothing in limbus worth being emotionally moved like that lmao
that means he wants to remember those details of you anon, your so lucky.
Can Ryoshu, Yi Sang and Hong Lu pass their driver exams?
>Does this actually happen to people?
Yeah. But it has nothing to do with being sensitive. Art always evokes certain types of emotion. Some just react much stronger depending on mood or movement of the planets. I don't fucking know.
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Which sinner would be the best wife and mother?
>If I had to see ish being a bitch for one more canto I would've dropped the game.
>Finish canto 6
>suddenly has the urge to suck heath's dick
uh oh, what does this mean for me limbabs??
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Anon obviously everyone noticed... It's just that we only have access to Dante's thoughts, so we only know about his comments
The other sinners just haven't openly talked about it with each other or to Heathcliff, they are a touchy bunch after all
yi sang
Reminder that MEURSAULT saved Heathcliff, not Ishmael. Your Heathmael delusions will never come to fruition.
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I want Don to stay a cheerful retard even after C7...
Jokes on you, I ship Meursault x Heathcliff
Ok but that only means more gay shit
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And for the super retards amongst us, no, it didn't automatically change
Heathcliff changed it
Meurcliff sex.... UUUUOOOOOOOHHHHH ToT
Do they take turns or
Why is that parasite Ishmael clinging on my hero Heasuclippu?
Director ships Meurcliff confirmed?
Thank god
Ishmael is for Dante(Me) and I genuinely don't know if I would have kept playing if Heathmael became an actual thing
>he feels
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Whether the other sinners talked amongst themselves about it... we will never know
I don't think it would pop up or be important considering we're juggling 13 main characters
Director did it for the FUJOGOD that carries the Korean limbus art community
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>I genuinely don't know if I would have kept playing if Heathmael became an actual thing
Post sinners being friends
>The absolute fucking mess that is Wuthering Heights
>Somehow everyone just forgets certain things about the events there
>Everyone just agrees to not mention it at all
>Heathcliff, the one obsessed with revenge, decides to change the "REVENGE" on his bat, into remember
>No one seemingly points this out
Same with him distorting, everyone just kinda moves on.
How would Candle Jack fare in th
Limbus biggest mistake is the obscene lack of lines.
So much more things that should be said and written, but arent.
Only Cathy was erased from their memory, they prob still had some memories of what went down there. They likely also know to not ask Heathcliff what would be considered sensitive for him.
Limbus biggest mistake is the female sinners don’t have massive boobs and are naked all the time
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It's hard to say, wouldn't Candlejack be classified as an Abnormality? I think th
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I feel like I should be doing Gebura's Red Riding Hood Boss until I'm past the first part of Urban Nightmare.
This boss is a ball buster.
Pheh. Everyone knows that Candle Jack is n
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Limbus has the least appealing cast of females yet they still managed to somehow attract the coomers.
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Please understand, small North Korean food smuggling operation. Didn't have enough funds to mention it in a voiced event, which is all the events Limbus has.
I personally do it after actually getting Red Mist.
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Your family has the least appealing females
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The Blue Sicko can't be this based.
Sounds like a plan. Guess I'll progress with the floors before coming back to do Gebura's stuff.
The entire fight is just bad.
>I'm past the first part of Urban Nightmare
You can do that. But some UN key and combat pages can help you there.
>colors can just get crushed by any ol random debris
I thought they were strong? Verg and Iori were slashing buildings apart with their fight
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I agree that there being no discussion about the distortion is bad, but your insistence on the sinners not discussing about the bat being odd, is odd in of itself
They are giving him some space and they know he has lost someone
>everyone agrees to not mention it at all
Almost as if they are adults and know not to prod at things

>"but m-muh Outis would-"
Outis might be sharp with her tongue, but she knows enough that Heathcliff would retaliate without hesitation and take her head off
>Cried at yisang climax of fly broken Wings
>Cried at Ishmael chart your own path boat scene
>Cried when Vergilius finally entered the fight
>Pure autism banger overload in the final Earlking fight
Yeah, I enjoy the media I consume how did you know
How did the conversation between Jae-Heon and Argalia go when he asked him to define his sister's corpse and make a puppet out of her just to troll Roland?
Based emotion haver.
she was gregnant + distortion
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Hongers would ask 100%.
>the media I consume
Kill yourself nigger
Cringe emotional instability sufferer
Retards here can't understand nuance for the life of them. Would u ask sb you know who just lost sb special to them about that person? Even if the details are still unclear to you, you would know better than to ask them about it.
crybaby bitch boy tourist reddit xitter discordnigger faggot
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hmm, i rate you absurdly based
Underages aren't allowed to post here you know
>Cried when Vergilius finally entered the fight
Fucking kek
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>Heathcliff endangers himself to pull Ishmael out of the whale cum
>She does absolutely nothing for him, ignores him in his time of need, and doesn't interact when he's clearly in mourning
Women am I right?
Get BHK and you can clear easily with him and Oscar.
Ishmael does that twice lol
>Dante, you are my compass
>Lmao get fucked retard, I'll be having paid leave
She's just a shit person
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Pure sex
Bamboo hatted Kim. Also second strongest slash user in entire game.
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Come on Anon, all of us know he's literally
>pretending to be retarded
Unless the joke here is you're pretending too
Your emotions shall only be a hindrance to you from now on. Forsake it and be just like the other emotionless, edgy limbabs.
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Mother died today. Or maybe yesterday, I don't know.
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Im not sure about that. After all, you just got memory wiped (again) and you don't ask questions about the most visible change in the room?
There are anons ITT that doesn't know you can cry because of different emotions
>Cried when Vergilius finally entered the fight
Made me kek
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I cried when you posted this
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>Cried when Vergilius finally entered the fight
only cringe part of the post
>Almost as if they are adults and know not to prod at things
>Outis might be sharp with her tongue, but she knows enough that Heathcliff would retaliate without hesitation and take her head off
Why would that be an issue? Something happened that left things unexplained, someone does something that strongly hints they knew something was up and nobody bothers to ask?
>one off for the peak Meursalt post
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I'm sorry bro
Have we even seen Ishmael be kind to anyone? Ever?
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>One off
There are no Zenakots in this thread… /lcg/‘s soul is dying…
More like
>I am le bloodfiend!
>Kill niggers!
>Oh shit, they got cool shoes.
>I am le happy!
Ishmael is just pure scum that attracts the other human scums. Who would have guessed?
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>soulless m*chines and cl*rks itt
Sometimes I replay 6-48 and the last segment tends to hit harder every time.
>The hearts connected. Despite everything.
Even thinking about it now gives me goosebumps.
Queequeg I guess but it was more on QQ being kind to her. Maybe the brochures she keeps on reading I guess.
Next person to post Cashy gets raped
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i hate nyaggers
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Yea, I can't go on with my week without a does of Wild Hunt Heathcliff 6-48 solo
*Punches you in the stomach*
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Lowell don't look...
>more moles
At least this artist supports the canon couples
ghost cathy would've stopped being genocidal if she had gotten dicked downed by any hiskurip
Will she talk about food?
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What do you think she's delivering?
It's Rodya ID bro.
Doubt that unfortunately
It's a given at this point. T Corp ID didn't really have any business with food but guess what, she's eating steak.
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>At least this artist supports the canon couples
There is "?" tho
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I sure hope so unironically
It's always super cute when she does
Shut the fuck up Philip
>boob moles
I dislike that they do it to every character
The sad part is that they didn't, eh? HAHAH- *cough* *wheeze*
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We aren't in the bus with Heathcliff
But if an amnesiac like Dante understands Heath looks like a man on edge... then I think everyone else would understand as well. If it means being kept in the dark about a miniscule thing like letters on a bat being changed, then I'm sure a person with a functioning brain would know what to do
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Considering the fact that we already have WAW ego that costs 35 sanity it's safe to assume that ALEPH will cost 45. But wouldn't it be funny if they had a 100% corrosion chance? Like, using them would make you immediately panic and corrode.
It's meaningless now. WAWs have consistently shit the bed in being useless while HE and even TETH are still doing work. An ALEPH EGO would just be a very expensive EGO with more conditionals added on to it
>At 5+ Absolute resonance
>Coin power boost to #5 unit
>If the attack is unclashed
And so on
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ALEPH with 20 SP cost and 20 SP drain for 4 turns
Only Awe and Roses are particularly bad, the rest are pretty good.
Personally, I cried whenever a parent has to deal with the death of a child in stories.
Ready for Ryoshu's canto?
Isn't it kinda early for Aleph egos
We're only 1.5 year into the game and we'll keep going for at least 10 more
Loops are real
Our progress is going to be reset after a certain point
either they write too much and piss people off or write less and let people fill in the gaps with headcanons
since pm loves fandom culture so much they'd rather go for the latter
Sadly that's just not possible for a gacha game
Awe is a lot better now that Ryoshu has an actual good Bleed ID. She's the absolute queen of inflicting assloads of bleed potency, and Gaze of Contempt can easily give her like +30% damage for the followup turn. Not only that, but Awe is INSANELY good in RR because it pumps the absolute fuck out of her resource generation, which is extremely valuable for low turn clears where you tend to run very low on resources.
Garden of Thorns is just bad though. If you build your entire team around it, it works all right, and it synergizes well with Contempt actually, but it's just not worth building around.
I'm le based your le cringe
true hongfags realize he is also bad at pretending to be retarded
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Most WAW are amazing, there are a couple of outliers but overall they're pretty nice
We're not getting them until canto 12 at least
what if Don wanted to not eat people to live and she has to cope with the fact he had done that for a long ass time, there's no undoing all the villainy she has committed simply by living as a bloodfiend, and the shoes are a stopgap that will not cure her and she can only wish to become someone who isn't a monster
Director taking from Buffy of all places? Neat.
Depends on Aleph. We probably going to get designated "tame" one. And it's either is going to be completely broken or shit. Tho. I think Don Canto is early. I imagine the earlist one would be Hong/Ryoshu Cantos. Which is decent ""halfway mark""". I guess.
I fucking hate UT4ing WAWs
Fucking 150 shards AND 170 thread is so expensive but so many WAWs suck until they're at UT4
never heard of it
lobotomy corp literally says its inspired by cabin in the woods on the steam page
a lot of pm makes sense being influenced by joss whedon
>westoid influence
The trannification is nigh...
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Oh don't worry its going to get worse with UT5.
the only way to make an Aleph EGO cool is if it takes over a certain amount of turns and gives your sinner 3 skills with their own attack animations
Limbabs. Here's your new ALEPH. Enjoy.

COIN: 28+22
SP COST: 20 up front, -15 for the next 3 turns.
SIN RESOURCES: 4 Gloom, 5 Pride, 4 Envy, 4 Sloth
[Before Attack] Gain (highest Reson-3) Atk Weight (max 3)
[Before Attack] Give 1 Protection, Damage Up, Attack Power Up, Haste, Clash Power, SP Heal Efficiency and 3 Offense/Defense Level to all allies this turn and the next 2 turns.
[ON HIT] Inflict 2 Sinking Count and 1 Sinking Potency
[ON HIT] Inflict 1 Fragile next turn
[ON HIT] Inflict 1 Bind next turn

Do you like?
no, I want a magical girl, the sooner the better
with big boobs
XX boobs
MoSB Rodya ALEPH EGO where she just eats a lot
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>Rereading Canto 2 now having finished C&P
>Lizaveta is a fucking member of the middle
I hope to god we get to see that. That's the most wacky fucking thing out of this whole shitshow canto.
ALEPH EGO better be a "I win" button. If its anything below that its shit.
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I feel like sleeping.
its impressive how underwhelming Canto 3 and its climax are now
Because Demian kill steals it. Sinclair doesn't actually beat Kromer and doesn't really learn all that much instead of stop being a fucking pussy and fight.
It's ruined by Demian spawning right in front of us and killing Kromer in one blow
But if it wasn't for that it would have been a pretty cool final
Please Zwei Don. I would love an excuse to run a Zwei team this coming up canto
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>parryes nyou
whyat nyow
*rapes you
>have to level up and tie Faust, Sinclair, Rodion
Oh fucking godddddddddd Director please give us resources
That was my plan if Don gets Zwei ID. And if not. Holy shit it's so over. But I can already imagine how painful EX-clears going to be. So maybe it's a blessing.
unironcally in the book it's kinda like that
Demian just tells Sinclair one day "lol by the way Kromer won't bother you anymore dude" not defending it but it's just funny how they did the same thing
It's a missed opportunity to not let Heathcliff's Zayin EGO corrode now.
I want the dog.
I dislike Iori and think that she should be beaten with a belt
>Full Zwei Team
>Using Zwei besides gregor
Dios mio...
I miss my orphans Danteh...
I thought she was working under the Middle? Simiarly how Kurukumo work under the Thumb
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As much as I want it to be Don, Director ruined it by saying they would get Bygone Days too, Don has no sinking and we have too much sinking already
Ish will get it, Don will hopefully get a nice ID at the start, it's not like there is a rule against it
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Rodion hater anon here, small update
Rodion might actually be worth it
>pic rel
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I thought this was Rodya for a moment
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So fucking based
I get goosebumps while listening to music sometimes, does that count?
I was planning something Devyat related so I can draw this It won't be Rodya though
I don't like you
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Here's your new ALEPH, bwo
>DON'T TOUCH ME Don Quixote
>40+1+1+1+1+1 Counter
Attack Weight: 7
On 4x Sloth Res, remove Indiscriminate tag.
[On Use] Perform Amplitude Conversion to Tremor Reverb
( I - V ) Tremor Burst
[After Attack] Gain 10 Aggro next turn.

>100-50 Unique Counter
>MANAGERIAL WARNING: Attempting to view this corrosion's statistics in combat automatically initiates combat with this EGO going first.
Attack Weight: 11
[On Combat Start] 100% Chance to redirect the first attack of this round from both sides to this skill slot. Allied units are immune to this at a ((Sloth Res - 1) * 20)% chance.
[On Hit] Inflict 10 Paralyze this turn and the next turn.
[On Hit] Inflict 20 Tremor.
[On Hit] If Target has less than 3 Stagger Thresholds on this Part, Generate (3 - remaining Stagger Thresholds) Stagger Thresholds at 10, 30, and 60% of remaining HP.
[On Hit] Inflict Tremor Collapse (inflict Tremor Burst and lower the Tremor Count on target by one; consume 5 Tremor Potency on target to perform Tremor Burst and reduce Tremor Count by one again, repeating until you cannot consume any more Tremor Potency on the target)
[On Kill] This counter may be used again (up to 5 times).
[On Kill] +100% Chance to redirect next attack to this skill slot.
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How would Faust react to Dante doing this
>t. Sinclair
She gets banned from Gesselschaft for being too close tot he manager
Now THIS is something worth using.
Who cares, gyarus are good.
Brags about it on Gesselschaft, making all the other Fausts jealous
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I already drew Rodya before, if that cheers you up.
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>babte faub ib nob a strebb ball
That's not my art btw, it's from another anon. I meant drawing nsfw of her.
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Ban this stress ball from the Gesselschaft IMMEDIATELY
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Oh and there's a small chance that instead of yelling "DON'T TOUCH ME" as she corrodes, she uses a distorted version of her "MANAGER ESQUIREEEEEEEE" homescreen idle line
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Can you post it please?
You know what it actually does
I take back what I said
/lcg/ is so gay
I headcanon that Meursault did so because Heath and Cathy reminded him of Marie. Maybe the reason why HE got the Matthew ID...
I want a little Rodya who can fit in my pocket so I can feed her snacks
just nuked the college's toilet
sinners for this feel?
i know you are here
I'll post it again sorry for no pubes
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Rodion is beautiful!
Love it
I want to suck on them
>inverted nips
good, GOOD
I want to be smothered by Rodya.
I'm not lying and won't deny it
How do you think Outisfags would react if Penelope wasn't even an actual character?
>Outis is a weird ass clone
>her whole live doesnt exist and its just fabricated
What like they were dead or an entity or something? Penelope is gonna be Outis' split personality which is why she can never return home and why the last bullet from Shootis will hit herself too.
I would be unpleasantly surprised that the personification of what is considered Odysseus's main goal in his story is non existent. Unless you mean that Outis is a schizo, in which I'm all for it.
Surely Directore wouldn't save them from getting cucked? Surely he plans to BTFO Outisfags and undesirables by introducing Outis' HUSBAND Penelope?
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u got handle?
>Outis loves herself
Based Narcissus
If Penelope is real AND a woman then it means PM are cowards.
Is this sharing a banner with Bygone days? Or is it really 7 more damned weeks till Season 7? That would be incredibly disappointing. Assuming standard 2 week banners, it's a week till Deviat Rodion, then two weeks of hers, and if Bygone isn't sharing the banner, it's 2 weeks of bygone days and 2 weeks of Zwei West.
I swear to God if they are gonna wait SEVEN MORE WEEKS just for the first act of canto 7 I'm gonna have an aneurysm. There's nothing to fucking DO in this game besides click winrate like 50ish times in mirror dungeon
gay sex
>Penelope is gonna be Outis' split personality
>Outis is just the City version of Old Boy
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Probably Oct 17th
I find it fun to try and use multiple archetypes of gifts in an MD. Poise and Tremor is an obvious one to mix and match, but Poise and Burn works wonderfully with Nebulizer, due to all the pride you can slip into Burn teams.
Here's something fun you can try; optimize a Rosepanner team.
art of the same moment
we didn't get any hint of a 00 so devyat rodion's gotta be a 000 + EGO banner
any delays means don's canto ends after halloween, and I feel like directyor wouldn't want to miss out on that
manifesting a plague on these two artists
yeah nvm i recognized you anyway pilotfag
It's not there because it would just be unnecessary
>Heasclipu why did you change the word on your bat
>to remember cashy...
We don't need it
I do, but I unfortunately don't draw women that much, as least not them as the main focus.
maybe if we all work together it'll actually work
manifesting blessings upon these two artists
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Why did you even ask then? If you want to be like that I'll draw Rodya instead.
manifesting plagues and famines unto you and your village
I like Limbis writing because it's impactful while being to the point, unlike say a Nasu work where a good 3 hours at the start is just learning about the MC's food preferences and thoughts on Japanese vs western architecture or some shit
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not my village!
well I think you should draw women with massive tits and inverted nips more often
>3 hours at the start is just learning about the MC's food preferences and thoughts on Japanese vs western architecture or some shit
Let's torpedo the thread:
How much of an exaggeration is this? Spoonfeed me, give me examples and/or collages from /fgog/ or whatever the name of the general is
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This entire thread must be purged
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i'm just slow-brained
the realization only kicked after
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Faust's massive retarded breasts.
Watch your tone with me, boy.
would contradict current outis lore so kjh is a hack
How about you just AI generate women with massive tits and inverted nips? AI can do that just easily.
manifesting plagues and swarms of locusts to you and your lineage
no sovl
Omniknight is a shit hero
anyone who curses malkuth/hod artists is damned to an eternity in hell
Being LATE grudgefagg. But I was delusional all along. How sad and pathetic.
Paus is not retarded..
Explain to me clearly what the artist meant by this.
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Sorry to get your hopes up then. Maybe after college I'll do more requests of pm female characters.
Nasu's tism is peak and what makes Nasu's writing Nasu's writing
faust is being brainwashed by a smartphone app into thinking she’s having sex with dante while a fat ugly bastard splooges directly into her fallopian tubes
GrudeGODs are committed to getting a proper 8+ hours of sleep a day
Those specific parts of the image are from the PoV of Lowell/Dante. The respective ladies are asking something.
it means the artist is a faustGOD
>Sharing your fantasies again
God i hate this general please save me Director
Paus needs a bib and a binky Dante
Paus wants you to read her stories
Paus wants milky
Paus wants upsies
Paus wants to nap in your lap
Dante please give Paus what Paus wants
That fat ugly bastard? Dante.
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Perhaps they are dressing like that for their significant other
Or perhaps they are cheating whores
The "?" is what makes these pics flavorful
>while being to the point
Yes, I love how direct Demian is.
in what situation would you say your partner's name with the person you're cheating with out of nowhere
>Requiring sovl for porn of all things
I'm going to punch you in your hymen
You must love Moby Dick
you’ll never get this because anon made it up
>ABDL fags here
Kill the thread
The world needs more sovl
Please give handle if you plan on doing commissions
I'd do this for my Faust.
I meant here>>493979193
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The further we get into the story, the more people will realize the supremacy of Faust x Dante
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They aren't saying anything. Or else you consider that "Xiao" is also Xiao saying her own name out loud?
The "Dante?/Lowell?" is only here to tell you that maybe it is their POV, maybe it isn't.
Putting this Paus in a blender.
a lot of faust fans recently huh? i remember when liking faust was cringe because everyone said she had no personality
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>I fuck Faust
>Faust brags about it on Faustchan
>gets a month-long ban
>tries to appeal
>appeal denied. Try again in 3 days
>range banned for VPN that she didn’t use
What do?
its the brazilians
He won though.
A manager like you deserves rape. So does faust for that. Everyone on the bus should tie you two together and fuck you losers until you're crying broken messes
>So I kindled the shavings; helped prop up the innocent little idol; offered him burnt biscuit with Queequeg; salamed before him twice or thrice; kissed his nose; and that done, we undressed and went to bed, at peace with our own consciences and all the world. But we did not go to sleep without some little chat.
>when our smoke was over, he pressed his forehead against mine, clasped me round the waist, and said that henceforth we were married; meaning, in his country’s phrase, that we were bosom friends; he would gladly die for me, if need should be.
okay i see your point of view and i agree
How did you know?!
Nothing changed. Faustfags just feel more uppity now. Since no N-Clair tier incidents for a while.
This perfectly straight behaviour thougheverbeitfully
>because everyone said she had no personality
only tourists said that though
I just care for my sinners bro.
>Brazilians have higher media literacy than anti-Faustfags
Is this why ishbabs are so gay?
FGO writing can generally be separated from normal Nasu writing since it's so different. Normal Nasu writing is VNs so he has time to add plenty of his SoL stuff which is an attribute of his world building/characterization. VNs are more books than anything. In FGO (and in games in general) writing needs to get to the point quickly because how the medium works.
I dont get hard if there is no sovl
rape mangas without sovl? trash
porn without sovl? trash
art without sovl? trash
that sounds hot
how did you know
>anon made it up
Retarded secondary. Read Fate/Stay Night
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Post gay pics of Ishmale
Dantehhh, you fucking retard... you are meant to challenge the sinners, not indulge their fantasies... Keep this up, and we will have a consultation, Dantehhh...
futa faust-ish.jpg
>for their significant other
Indeed. I'm glad we all see that Dante is Faust's significant other.
it shouldn't be
Ishfags will try so hard to make her look pretty
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I'm getting skill issued by this... which teams did you guys use?
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Bet dante goes
<I cooka da pizza, mama mia!>
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What about this then, dumbo
Just use EGOs. Ryoshu's base and Ledgermain already covers 4. Rest is up to you.
>i remember when liking faust was cringe because everyone said she had no personality
This changed?
What does Vergilius say?
All the debuffs needs to be on a single turn, so do it on the body of Violet Noon
Take in Faust with Hex Nail EGO
Stinky sailor. Plenty of eye candy on ths shiny beach
Fair enough.
Well,there's a lot more Faust posting and a lot less Faust bashing
You can compare it to Sinclair,or Ishmael,being constantly bashed
Should have been Rodya's
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But why should she now suddenly have a personality?
This is also hot
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Bleed or Rupture?
call it
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hong lu is the patrician choice
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Wtf I love futa now
Unironically both
When did i say she developed one? I spoke of less people crying about Faust and Faust fans,not that she got better
I'm not literate enough to judge that
Haste, with a speed condition for +1 base power and 1 pierce fragility.
Let's settle this
Even numbers (4 excluded) - bleed
Odd numbers - rupture
4 - Burn/Tremor hybrid
Flavorful (useless)
>a third tremor ID to Rodion
I wouldn't even be mad, I'd just laugh
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If it's bleed and rupture I'll shit myself because a couple of threads ago I was spitballing ideas on how one could potentially work
This but Faust x Yi Sang.
That just defense level down bro. They could slap it on some coins of her kit. Now if she actually change effects based on her current dimensional bag mode... Now we getting somewhere.
It's fitting since she's so obese.
Faust x Dante X Yi Sang
>poludnitsa is a eastern European heatstroke demon
Burn ID? or maybe "go random bullshit in my bag!" ID?
I feel like discard is guaranteed though
the canon couple grows more appealing with every update
>dropping the delivery box
You're gonna get vored, sis
I hope they have Sinclair get the boris ID and just have the VA do the boris voice
whats the meta sinking team for walpurgis with Yi Samg?
>delivery association
sorry but it's burn. Burn bros will have to suffer not getting a new 6th member again
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food coma…
Fuck you, it won't be burn
Her Liu ID is a director of some section, no way they'd make us choose
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Dante is an incel, he would never be allowed into a polycule.
Next walpurgis is going to be Heath ID and outis EGO, and theyll be from the same abno. Because El director HAS to make the correlation even more obvious
What correlation? Nigger?
missing their spouse
No, t*rkish.
>he thinks it will only take 10 years
Worst part, they currently share 5 ego (4 if you dont count aberration)
Like, get some originality
Outis is a single, childless cat woman. Penelope is the name of one of her cats.
>but she knows enough that Heathcliff would retaliate without hesitation and take her head off
Eeerm, didn't Heathcliff go through a whole character arc about no longer lashing out violently at minor things, sir?
i need this artist to draw meursault
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I disagree
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>no rodion voring giantesses images
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Manager esquiah.... read my book manager esquiah....
he's my favourite and I rolled until I got him last Walpurgisnacht
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Dante knows french, what could it mean?
Why even live?
I don't understand why this game and Underrail are shilled so heavily on /vrpg/
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What's her fucking problem?
7 Faust pee
Next Wall of Piss DonDon is getting the Bongbong id
<White women owe me sex.>
Dante is Meursault
you'd use, haven't in this case.
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Thank you bwos. I always forget that the arms and the body count as 2 different entities
Don Quixote, Ryoshu, Heathcliff, Dante, Outis
Faust, Meursault, Hong Lu, Ishmael, Rodion, Sinclair
Yi Sang, Gregor
fear and hunger for /v/ elitists
whats the lore explanation for id/ability/events previews? Is it Dante sleeping and having schizo dreams?
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no, not really
Do this but with SMT Demons
Because they're both good games?
Funger is reddit.
Trying to gatekeep some RPGmaker h-game is funny.
Chastizing is different from bashing someone's head in (see first canto)
>sinclair without grass type
You are reddit. F-fuck you.
>BulbaDEITY slander
I have seen two people say something about Yesod and they were very positive.
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I wish I was cool
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>runs in
>stabs you
>runs out
He's also my favorite sephirah and I'm disappointed to not have gotten his announcer
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Sinclair would give in to peer pressure instead of picking the clear underdog choice.
Shit. When was the last time Rodion got an ID preview? Rose?
nice ( '֊')
There are better games out there, like M&M6 that is more deserving of having threads than the endless generals propped up by Discord fags.
Rosedya never got a teaser because she was the season 2 launch ID
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I should have phrased it better/been more explicit
We know how much Heathcliff has changed and how much of a softie he truly is, because we have the POV of Dante and Heathcliff and know in full what has gone down
The rest of the sinners don't have that much info
Partially because information has been erased through CLEAR ALL CATHY, partially because they just don't see or know what happens as it goes down as well

An example would be how after beating Nelly, Heathcliff gets coated in black and has a temporary moment generated by probably the diary + bough(?) to listen to Cathy's actual conversation about marrying Linton in full
To the rest of the sinners, he just vanishes and reappears a minute later

The point I'm trying to convey is, even if you and I and Dante know the truth, it isn't as obvious to others
Do you think Sinclair thinks highly of Heathcliff with the number of times he's had his head caved in?
Heathcliff has changed. And he likely won't violently react without a second thought
But the sinners aren't privy to this and would definitely still assume he's still got the short fuse

Atleast during Walpurgisnacht 3, which is almost immediately after canto 6 iirc. That was the context for the discussion
The sinners might have caught on now that he has mellowed out and actually a big softie
alright i'm dragging out the bit overlong but it is nice to know people aren't unhappy with him. i'm waiting for netzach myself
This is the first time. You're thinking of the advertising in Japan for the Rosespanner IDs, but Rodya has not had a shadowed teaser like this until today. Gregor has also yet to have one.
If it's better then why doesn't it have endless threads? Checkmate M&Mcuck
Small cameo in T-Don teaser image.
You are trans.
Hmm, fair.
The truth is, I'm a limbus player so I didn't actually read your blog post. I don't know how to.
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dumb kot
>shit to average IDs
>not a ID teaser 1.5 years in
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Why don't you make Might and Magic 6 threads, then? The Artix Entertainment thread manages to survive just fine.
Rodyafags are gross
Better than than hypergryph shit, do we really need 11 sinners + vergil + charon + dante + LCCA woman reacting to new bat or stuff like that? I wish there was more interaction and story overall but not
That one feels more like trying to push Ish to admit she likes Faust like that directly, and she's too tsun so she feels embarrassed.
Bloodborne dude Gregor teaser for next the walpurgis. Also featuring Pameli Sinclair 00. Trust the plan.
It doesn't really matter, I'm only giving an example that mediocre slop like Underfail and whatever the hell Black Souls is has a fake presence in the RPG community. It's all Discord toddlers.
Rodion just got her first ID teaser in 1.5 years so hopefully Gregor bud will be getting one soon as well
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Did you cry at stinky feet?
>Fake presence
But BSfags legitimately like talking about the game?
>runs back in
>gets a 4 AGAIN
>cuts your BLACK arm off AGAIN
>runs out
Every time with you fucking niggers
>Then make a thread
Kill yourself as messily as you can.
>everything i don't like is discord
>like talking about the game
Every thread.
No one in the City asks anything because then you outed yourself as a retard for not knowing "obvious" lore.
20+ threads ago, maybe. Now it's mostly pure schizophrenia. I blame RHDW...DRHW......
DRH development limbo.
But enough about Leaf
You can activate the box to "combat mode" or whatever they're calling it
after a number of turns it starts doing damage to Rodion
Status? The more turns the box is in combat mode it starts overheating inflicting Unique Burn on the enemy and Rodion
Don't let me cook
I never played black souls i can't remember if i even downloaded it.
I only know there a woman who fucks dogs or something.
above average quality /lcg/ post
Outis Holiday
>people that play limbus hate the game
many such cases!
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I don't hate the game... I'm literally playing Mirror Dungeon and having discussions about character decisions and actions
I don't really care if there's one or one thousand MM6 threads out there you retarded fag, I don't like Fallout much but it makes sense for that game to have a ton of threads. I'm saying that neither of the games I mentioned has an organic presence on /vrpg/.
Nobody likes limbus as a game. Just barely tolerate it.
>I don't hate the game
not a real fan
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I wonder how i started a discussion on BS with just one leafpost
truly shows the power of the main heroine
limbus is just better ruina
I don't have time to read a novel for every I amd new abno fight. This shit is tedious and hurting my eyes.
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I don't know this character but...
Outis explaining how she's white doko
Outis doesn't know that Turks aren't White.
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literally me
Please make only organic posts.
She is GREEK (strong sperm)
Shes Greek tho. Bradd pitt played a greek so they white.
holy shit is that meursault
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>want to get some fresh air for my chronic nausea
>open the door
>there's a fucking fire
sinners for this feel
>passive-aggressive non-committal indirect reply
You lost.
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She has a carapace and antennae. She lives under the limbus fridge.
there are no brazilian sinners
Turkish hands typed these posts.
fucks dogs
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ok maybe working at Dreyvat isn't as fun as I thought it would be
Yes, the confections have been accepted.
just noticed how low the tatoo goes. Does it mean the cock and ball are augmented too?
That's Gregor. Besides he's Jewish. Outis is 100% GREEK (white European, all of europe comes from greece!)!!
average day in the city
porch pirates begone
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>people still think working anywhere is fun and safe in pm world
reminder people thought middle is pretty chill and a good place to be at.
You're Reddit. Kill yourself
Outis is obviously phenotypically Turkish, this is cope.
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how is that turkish
You are implying that Greeks aren't just Turks who claim they aren't Turkish.
>Makes character BETTER with a few strokes
Good job.
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I felt heartache and concern for Gregor. His song made me cry.
I felt stress and irritation during Rodion's Canto at how much time was spent on focusing side things.
I felt impressed and enjoyed Sinclair's Canto. The general aesthetic is one of my favourites.
I cried and teared up a lot at Yi Sang's Canto and still do.
I teared up at Ishmael's song and resolution.
I was visibly shocked and impressed when Vergil showed up.
Multiple parts of Heath's chapter impressed and impacted me emotionally.

I enjoy KJH's works too.
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not this time
>Average city job is dangerous
Who would've thought
They are. Most definitely. I think Middle is the 2nd most hedonistic faction behind ring maybe
>>493990341 (Me)
>hedonistic faction
Hedonistic finger* oops sorry burrrp
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my cock and ball are augmented
isn't it the other way around?
Outis and heathcliff

>Lost their Lover
>Now single
>Share 5 EGO

How have I seen no shipping of them yet? Is everyone missing this potential?
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anon please... i don't want to think about that
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The fact that any shipping of Heathcliff (other than with Cathy) exists is a sin to begin with
>Lost their lover
If it's anything like the original tale, their lover is waiting for them loyally no matter how much time passes. And then Outis gets dicked at least 3 times along the way to survive.
Stop being a homewrecker.
>Share 5 EGO
Im sad to say that hes dead as fuck
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The lower parts glow during orgasms, and you risk having your dick ripped off by the pussy grip.
hmmm... i really shouldn't fuck that then
If it gets ripped off, what then?
Wow that sounds bad, surely the Middle doesn't have punishments that get you passed around ahahahaha...
>Lost their lover
>Now single
So not Heathcliff
Their tattoos glow when exerting strength.
If you fuck with the Middle unless augmented you may get your bits crushed.
You will be utilized in whatever other way deemed necessary or tossed to the side.
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Danteh... get to work Danteh...
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Time for your dailies, Limbabs
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tyim tyuu dyuu yuur daiwies, wimbyabs!!
I forgot to do my dailies.
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The only ships I've seen with Outis that weren't "I WANT HAG FEET ON MY COCK" were all dyke shit.
And most people ship Heathcliff and Ishmael together instead of anyone else.

The most common ships on THAT fanfic site are (from top to bottom)
>Faust/Yi Sang
>Ishmael/Don Quixote
>Gregor/Hong Lu

Jack and shit from Outis. If you limit it to M/F instead of fagshit?
>Faust/Yi Sang
>Gregor/Hermann for some fucking reason?
>Meursault/Don Quixote
>Dongbaek/Yi Sang

Make of this what you will.
They only share 3 Egos so where's the 5 coming from anyway
close but no cigar...
what the
>Meursault was fine with letting Don get tattooed on her breasts/crotch
Grim, it's not looking good for you Meurdonbros
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What sinner will be the first to use these, and how their effects looks like?
One day I will fix all the greg meur shippers... one day...
>What sinner will be the first to use these
The Red Inferno Dante
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I meant like, the penis wont be able to leave her, right? Does she absorb it?
Amazing, how are fanfic writers so terrible at their jobs?

For the M/F stuff
Nah she'd spit it out. Patoo.
crackship that is weirdly popular for some reason, same as donmael
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It's ok, he gave her some ice cream.
>mfw my dick gets hit with the Envy 6+ a.res blunt attack from middle don's pussy
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So little love for our Manager...
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Oh fanfic gazer. I ask thou, anginn there any Meursault/Reader stories?
Manager is free to use toy.
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You'd be dead bro. Into dust.
Lmao. I swear, if Vergil was a girl these people would fucking hate her. He has almost zero chemistry with Dante.
Vergilius, tall and imposing, stands at the front of the bus, his usual dark attire blending seamlessly with the dim, industrial lighting of the interior. His silver hair falls neatly around his stern, angular face, framing his sharp eyes that are now fixed on Dante. The faint hum of the bus engine fills the silence, but Vergilius’ presence dominates the space.

His expression is one of pure disappointment, his brows slightly furrowed, and his lips pressed into a thin line. The weight of his gaze is almost palpable as if he's judging Dante's every action – or inaction. Without moving, he utters in a cold, yet firm voice, "Dante, do your dailies."
Vergil would be sexy either way imo.
Oh nyo... I thought it was going to be sex.
I just remembered one artist ships Yi sang and Outis
Most authors on that site will tag anyDante relationships as Other, but I'm not sure if that impacts anything
>if Vergil was a girl
>these people would fucking hate her
Murderhobo cryptic hag mentor and inexperienced manager? There is no way people would hate it.
But what if they made Vergilius a loli
he is talking about the fujoshi fags that specifically ship Male Dante and Verg
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There are 5.
Here is a list of the amount of fanfics where it was you shipped with someone else, Manager.
>Dante/Yi Sang: 11
>Dante/Faust: 30
>Dante/Don: 3
>Dante/Ryoshu: N/A
>Dante/Meursault: 11
>Dante/Hong Lu: 8
>Dante/Heathcliff: 7
>Dante/Ishmael: 4
>Dante/Rodion: 2, one of which was a Dante/Rodion/Gregor pairing.
>Dante/Sinclair: 9
>Dante/Outis: 18. However, 8 of these were written by the same author.
>Dante/Gregor: 29
>Dante/Vergilius: 93.
>Dante/Charon: None romantic or sexual, but six with the & symbol (which represents non-sexual or romantic relationships) were found.
Even accounting for this, none of the Dante ships besides Dante/Vergilius would breach the threshold of the least popular general ship, which would be Gregor/Hong Lu at 61 entries.
Verg as a loli or shota would also be epically based and cute.
very few girls ONLY want guy x guy relationships
those that do are usually just going through a stage
I don't know if actual gay men write BL fanfiction in the west
it's always aidens going through a political phase before realizing nothing will save them
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A correction must be made.
Ryoshu was spelled "Ryoushuu" on Ao3.
Her listing would be 5 instead of N/A. This would still leave Dante/Rodion as the least popular ship and Dante/Faust as the second most besides Dante/Vergilius, Manager.
No further discoveries to be made; the observation log is concluded.
why are you fuckers reading ao3 ship fanfics
what the fuck is wrong with this general
Ryoshubros we're so back
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FaustGODS (Vergil fujos don't count)
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the people have spoken
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>There are 5.
Thank you Meursault. I suppose it's time I go figure out how to navigate that site.
I'm lonesome and want to dabble in the fantasy of me x sinner...
We arent reading them, we are only writing statistics about them. Different type of autism
Saying "Oi, you little..." In response to someone directly insulting your clothes is pretty normal. It's not like he was violent or even yelled. He's certainly come a long way from when he fucking brained Sinclair back in Canto 1 (he was based for this btw)
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>Dante/Faust second most popular
I guess even AO3churls recognize the canon couple? (Gay ships don't count)
>It doesn't count
Faustfags still lost though
>one week to do rr4 so I can use the tickets for walpipi
>REALLLLLLYYYY don't want to do it
>Dante/Vergilius: 93
I thought it was just a shitpost...
>Gregor/Hong Lu at 61 entries
Fudanshi exist, yes
You know this is never happening, right?
Please link me something a western fudanshi has written. I'd be curious to see men writing men for once. I've read plenty on my own cultures.
>lets go daddy big dick meursault
holy moly
>Erlking fame/lame/tame/bane
???? Too big of a language for the ESL
It's clearly tame.
Are u ok bro?
Actually, it's clearly "shut up faggot. Who writes 'How Erlking tame. his maid'?"
You might be actually retarded.
It's an ESL being uppity that he knows it should be tamed or tames and is feeling superior over another ESL kek
it's cronge whatever it is
Dark, shaking hands wrote this post
I don't think you're even able to follow what's going on mate.
Projecting only makes you look more goofy.
Embarrassing kek

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