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Previous thread: >>493942909

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Current Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Current Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
Target Extraction: [ Don Quixote ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

I fucking hate sinclair
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Rodya LOVE!
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I wish they would add an extra mechanic to middle Don where she can force an enemy to go first and hit her. Here I was able to set it up kind of but very often, when I get a turn like this, the enemy gets staggered before they hit Don so she can never fire off her counter.
They should upgrade Don's counter to a Ruina Counter at UT5
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Is he actually the strongest character we've seen in Limbus Company?
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I'm fucking sinclair
Dante is the strongest
Rodion's so cute bros...
Assuming Alfonso herself didn't get any augments, no lmao since Vergil exists
Theoretically yes, time powers are busted, but other than that, no.
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Anon you may be retarded
Fujos NEVER count when talking about fanfics
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Fanfic is cringe anyway.
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>Vision of a better world
Genuinely fucking retarded. All of those can easily be bent into a terrible thing.
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So, spoonfeed me
Someone trying to improve the world is inherently better than someone trying to make the world worse, assuming both people are doing the same thing. That said, this is such an obvious statement that it's almost pointless to include.
>Has a CEO's worth of time to use and blitz any opponent
>Has access to the best versions of time collecting weapons
Fighting him would not be fair.
>Hubert can fight
>Alfonso (probably) can fight
>Ayin couldn't
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Rodion is the black silence
What fanfic in particular?
Hear me out. Im completly unironic about this, what if ayin was the bus? there has to be a little light stored in mephistopholes for all the ID shenanigans to work, so surely a little of him is in there, right?
If we're playing on his home turf, sure.
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You may not have realized it but the "Vergilius" Roland mentions and our guide "Vergilius" are actually the same person
Anything with OCs as main characters, anything that crossovers with fuckin everything, most fanfic in fandoms that are all about shipping only or power fantasies, etc. Fanfic is junkfood for the most part but occasionally you find something decent, though it's not often.
Lobotomy corporation has shown time and time again that it's the exception
>all these answers
>despite Don existing
>and Vergilius (a fucking EGO using Color, with Shin bullshit as well)
>She even has the same attack animations as Olga
>Still didn't get the ID
I'm going to find El Director when we go to hell and strangle him
Ayin led an army of unbelievably strong nuggets
Pretty much all the colors we know about would have jobbed against them
we like the don sound ritual post here, and all don sounds
For some reason, my brain thought this conversation was restricted strictly to Fixers and didn't take into account anyone else
Dante is strongest
But I don't want Ayin to be a weak bitch!
L5 Employees to the wings should still be really tough fuckers as well, though. On par with our own nuggets.
"Most dangerous", not "Strongest"
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How long do you keep people on your friend list before you kick them from inactivity?
In an interview they said that aleph ego is as strong as a colour, do with that what you will
Perfect to be pushed down and raped by Carmen
If I dont have reasons to delete them, never, most of the people on my list are anons or randoms that casually added me
I dont even have 200 friends added
I do not give a fuck. If anything, keeping them around for longer is funnier, since it's like having proof of a corpse.
Maybe without the deterrence. Probably why Binah thought they were so special.
Shut up that's a feminine fetish to have
I have like, atleast 5 friends on my FL that i know have died. limited time offer in a way
I want Carmen to mindrape me and then physicalrape me
I genuinely don't understand how this changes anything to the topic of him being the strongest individual in Limbus
Gebura is the one asking the question, not a random grade 5. To be considered a danger to Gebura/Roland you HAVE to be strong. CEOs have access to broken tech sure but they aren't beating Vergil
>CEOs have access to broken tech sure but they aren't beating Vergil
I think it's a closer fight than you think
Singularities are OP and CEOS should have mini versions of them to use for battling
>I suppose I should ask this differently: Who do you think is the most dangerous individual?
>Roland only brings up Vergilius after not mentioning him at all in the "Strongest" discussion
>Roland also mentions that people from Wings and Syndicates are frequently proposed as the strongest
I don't see how this means Vergilius is the strongest, anon. Just the most dangerous. You do know the distinction, right?
this is the cutest heathcliff picture
i want to fuckingkilleveryone
He lost to Iori though
strongest color...trust
shit u rite
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The strongest Color? That would be the Red Inferno.
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It changes it completely. The strongest implies he could beat everyone else in a fight, the most dangerous implies a pletora of other things, such as unstable, or willing to do dirty work others wouldn't for a payday.

My personal assumption is because Vergilius directly told Roland what his "dream" was, and Roland thought he was a nutcase based off what he heard, and he didn't particularly agree with him, despite Veriglius's perception making him assume he would agree with his vision. Unfortunately for Verg, at the time Roland was happy with his current life and married, so he had no reason to agree with whatever radical change he wanted for the world.
Yes? Vergilius is a Fixer.
Anon... The original question involved Hubert
Who is a CEO
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What if she just had unlimited tears? Whatcha gonna do?
Clearly dante would be the White Night
Forgot to specify, he most likely has no idea Vergilius has EGO of his own now, so it's hard to gauge how much more of a power boost the EGO gives him.
>t. Gubo
You can't buy your way to strength. This is reiterated so often I can't stress it enough.
>Gebura being the first EGO user, remarkable will to fight and protect others, "it's the survivors who are strong"
>Philip and Mars being remarkable talents for being so young, Philip's EGO had potential to be incredibly strong
>Warp Jannies explaining how a Color sneaking onto a train ended up creating a mini army of Color trained civilians that shredded through their ranks, needed R corp to help suppress this (probably why Vergil needs to take another train in MotWE)
>Huge variation in Grade 1 Fixers' strengths, with the most skilled individuals being from Charles' Office
>Gubo being utterly shitstomped despite his augments and weapon
Don't forget that Dante is literally me and every girl is mine regardless of lore or whatever gay shit you come up with
Bros, level 50 comes in just a few weeks... I'm not ready.
How disappointing do you think the next XP Lux will be? Also will we ever get a new thread lux? Even doing triple skip a day isn't much thread...
this image made me realise we have the exact same style only hers is pin straight...
Hindley was able to take on the Sinners with only shitty augments he bought with the rest of his money. You absolutely CAN buy your way to Strength in Project Moon.
She has a bar code under her eye. If even her face has the latest prosthetics (ones that can be discerned from normal bodies are known to be old models and even then Geburah and Binah are a shown threat), her body might as well be top of the line.
he looks pretty black there thoguh
They all have color titles already

Dreamy Grey
Cerebral Pink
Oblivion Yellow
Smoky Scarlet
Decay Blue
Naive Cyan
Furious Violet
Isolate Orange
Lusty Burgundy
Inferno Red
Immature Green
Militant Olive
Verminous Brown
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That's the CEO you're talking about, anon.
unrelated anon but i got curious so i chose the pack with my generic strong units team and winrated through it without any intervention, no issues
Ok, same skin complexion? Same haircolor? Same eye color? If so, send me a mail.
>You can't buy your way to strength. This is reiterated so often I can't stress it enough.
>Literally the strongest people in the verse having singularities in them
Also singularities arent buying your way to power you're discovering something supernatural which is just as difficult as learning how to fight and having a will to fight
If I payed someone to DDOS the fuck out of the servers for a week, do you think we'd get free Lunacy?
Devyat rodion is a burn ID btw
>for a week
with just 2 days would be enough
Maybe it's because they are TOO similar. That or it being like the only Outis ID where she's chill and Outis was lacking badly in IDs before it too.
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The story constantly goes to tell you that experience and training is times more valuable than simple augments and such. The same cutscene has them talk about how the augments allowed him to fight, but all that did for him was turn him into a very sturdy punching bag.
In Leviathan Vergilius monologues about the use of his augmented leg before he charges at ultra speeds against the Docent, making it seems it's the equivalent of stepping on the pedal of a motor vehicle, but again, if you don't know how to drive it well, you'll just fuck yourself over.

Similarly in the same story, he notices Gubo is a complete fucking shitter when it comes to his stance to attack people, leaving himself completely open to anyone half competent, contemplating that even Garnet despite how green he is, wouldn't have charged nearly as bad as him.
Usually if they haven't played in over a month I remove them but it depends on how long we've been lacking content too
yes, but that would also delay Canto 7
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The story also completely shits on the foolish idea that you can overcome gaps in abilities purely through hard work and dedication (Just look at Finn).
Vergilius compared his augments to something like driving a car. Obviously you'll be a better driver if you practice a lot, but you're still going to lose to someone who bought a jet plane.
He'll get a made in abyss style awakening where he becomes white
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I'm getting destroyed by the envy peca in section 4, any tips or ID suggestions?
buying your way to something supernatural*
allow yourself to be raped by them, sinners will get openings that way
Blind Obsession. Ebony Stem. Outis Binds/Heathcliff Binds. Sunshower
maybe he'll hit 12 o'clock when enough children have been murdered in the city...
>such as unstable, or willing to do dirty work others wouldn't for a payday.
Again, that kind of reasoning if perfectly fine for a world like ours but not for PM's. You simply cannot be considered a danger to absolute superhumans like Gebura/Roland if you're not yourself insanely strong, because pure and exaggerated strength is what resolves pretty all of the conflicts in the City
Vergilius wouldn't be "the most dangerous" if he wasn't able to take those strong people in a fight because EVERYTHING in the City ends with a fight
>Verg stops leading Dante at the end of Purgatorio
So in Limbus will he just quit or will he die? If he dies then Dante really can take his title and become the Red Inferno.
I'm betting on death
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You seem to be missing some context
My contention was that a person could not winrate through Violet Noon pack in MDH safely, OR atleast not without seeing the tablet rearing up for the unclashable 100 dmg AoE attack
Which is exactly what happened there, the final turn was the supernova 100 dmg attack
Your team was just strong enough to winrate through and lucky enough that no attacks were wasted on targeting already broken arms
>my MVEs of the day are
>LCB Rodion
>Shi Heathcliff
>BL Yi Sang
>TT Hong Lu
I'm a Manager from the distant past...
whoa bro, rape is a pretty strong word. try "attacked."
no you don't understand. remove your pants, lay flat and allow the envt peccatula to RAPE you
but... there's nothing that orders the sinners to do that...
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I don't think that logical is completely sound. The Pianist was more dangerous than Roland, but Roland was certainly stronger than the Pianist. Argalia and co were much more dangerous than the Hana Association, but the Hana Association should be stronger than his garage band. Obviously Vergilius is strong, but Roland calling him the most dangerous does not necessarily mean he's the strongest. Like other anons have mentioned, he lost to Iori.
As long as it’s not more sp draining fuckers I don’t give a shit.
So then why do they get mad when I make a brown character white
They're right tho
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>Realized I hadn't done a railway run with NCorp yet
>30 turns on section 1
I forgot the team kinda has no direct damage aside from Sinclair. It is really fun to see enemies slowly get crippled. Meur, Heath, and Donqui just destroying someone's rolls is funny.

Depends on what you have. If you are having a tough time you can do the strategy I normally use against them which is restart a few times to see if any of the faster peccas targets my Yi Sang for whatever team I'm using.

If Sunshower rolls heads (I normally give Yi Sang the bonus sp and extra sp gain bonus from being the 2nd sinner for this reason and pick the damage up buff from the King) it will stagger every single one of them except for Sunshower Heath who you can just gang up on and then clear them up. Once they get staggered you will get a good chunk of resources back since they give sins when staggered and killed.
could be worse
Whats the purpose of making posts like these?
>leftoid looking at a picture of a brown character made white by you
>"So then why do they get mad when I make a white character brown"
if you say so b0ss
we havent really seen how wings come to be other than lobotomy corporation
and from what we saw from ayin he didnt seem particularly rich,just really smart
though again,L corp is the exception so maybe most CEOS are like real life and nepo babies
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silly anon
it was never about raceswapping with those idiots
their idology is basically white = EVIL!!!!
it's the same reason why they also give ryoshu a yellow skin and a big ugly nose in fanart
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We postin white damage now?
Didn't T Corp become a wing after Hubert invented the time manipulation tech and Ayin supported them?
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You take the last 3 digits of this post as SP healing
because whites are better
they're the ones that built modern society and made it to the moon
I'm not white, the nose tells all
>Japanese sinner yellow skinned
Isn't that racist?
Actually grossed me out wtf.
Thank you...
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guys pls stop
Fucking Hell, I actually recoiled
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>Isn't that racist?
i guess not?
they also give race swapped characters an afro.
i guess it's not racist when THEY do it
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Only subhuman clerkoids posting in this dogshit thread
This stuff doesn't do it for me anymore. Post Pale damage
I wish they'd spend the time and resources wasted on walpipi to make actual story content.
Sure, on that I agree, but I don't think that Roland thought of that question as "who could and would kill the highest amount civilians in a short amount of time"
The one asking the question was Gebura, and she was obviously talking about who would be "dangerous" in a direct fight (hence why she first asked about the 'strongest"), and Roland most likely took that into account when giving his answer
>Like other anons have mentioned, he lost to Iori
I don't think he's the number 1 in the City, I was arguing about him being the strongest in Limbus (for now at least, we'd also need to see the full extent of Demian's powers)
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you are correct but you have also posted
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>She was obviously talking about who would be "dangerous" in a direct fight
I don't think there's enough evidence to support that, especially since there wouldn't really be a distinction if that were the case (Strongest in a direct fight vs most dangerous in a direct fight). I think we're looking too deeply into this and Project Moon just wanted to hype up characters that could appear in the future.
Post the yellow ryoshu.
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You take the last digit of this post in paralyze
No coin rolls for you
I can't move!
Negative coin ID with self-paralyze when
>Negative coin skills
You fool
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>Maybe it's because they are TOO similar.
I'm not calling you out or anything, but that's just so unbelievably stupid to me because isn't the whole point of IDs based on characters is to showcase the similarities between the two characters?
But then we get a perfect match of Rodion and Olga, and it's just "nah they're too similar here's someone no one ever thought to compare to her"
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Potential man
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Uhh, Human Resources?!?!
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Man NCorp is lusty as fuck.
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>You can't buy your way to strength.
this is probably the most retarded post i've seen in months
NEVER post here again
Finally, HIS shackles are off
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may i have a crumb of twitter news?
you can keep the degeneracy, we clearly have different fetishes
devyat rodya isn't enough of a crumb for you?
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Ew... Throw that thing out.
what do you need to know boy from brazil
feed faust, let rodya and ishmael starve
Ishmael and Outis both got Olga IDs and they aren't similar at all really. By similar I mean it'd just literally be Olga but with Rodion's voice which they may have thought wasn't interesting or something? Outis also hadn't gotten a new ID for like 5 months until Molar either. Could've just been a last minute swap or something too like R Meursault and Greg seems to have been.
Gay artstyle
can i have them pics? i kinda lost the discussion already
i don't remember
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Feed Rodion Faust and Ishmael
SCP's cognito hazards
What would make Meursault smile? Or laugh?
big swole titties
The Oswaldsault ID.
maybe a good joke
do you mean hong lu's oswald id?
Meursault fits better
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can't wait for Meursault's bad end id to be him smiling at all times.
>Buy super strong augments
>Buy canned experience of people fighting with super strong augments
what now my hardworking backstreeters
It's green so it's probably rupture, but she needs a strong bleed ID
Give me ONE reason why this wouldn't work
Well...clearly since you haven't become the strongest person in the city you can't buy your way to strength
Vergilius would clap you!!! BAKA MY HEAD
Priestsault would've made sense but we already have Dieci so Lawyersault it is.
>hire a cat that runs in and stabs you and then runs out
Power level discussion when it comes to Singularities is pointless because we don't know the upper bound of the limit other than pure speculation. Hubert's potential logical extreme is that he stops time basically indefinitely by using an ungodly amount of reserves stored in T Corp which he can access remotely, but it's very likely not the case because of how broken that would be, so it ranges from slightly better than T Corp employees to that.

Same shit applies to the Head, we might've seen everything that they have to offer from LC/Baral/Zena (i.e. W/K/R serums + Fairy/Key), or they might have access to 22+ other Singularities to use at their disposal that we've never seen them use in any of the games because the Head never found their usage warranted.
Why is why Hong Lu gets it
Make what stay loyal to you?
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What Color would be dumb enough to sell canned experience for anything less than Wing Exec's ransom?
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why are her breasts so large
lol what
>we might've seen everything that they have to offer
The Head has had access to all Singularities ever made since the City's founding, no way in hell that's all they have to offer.
I posted this in the wrong thread
Hong Lu will get NO ensemble IDs
you better not post it again because I'm going to stalk you into that thread and spam it with furry yi sang and outis art
it's probably hundreds of singularities at their disposal because of the wings that were replaced and that they probably have developed their own things to get in power in the first place
why are her breasts so small
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Any power level discussion is pointless, since it's a fantasy world, no physical laws actually bind these beings, it's all up to the writer
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uhhhh source?
A command telling him to do so when it is pertinent to the mission. The resulting expression has all of the characteristics of a genuine smile, but mechanically so, as if something is missing still.
then is dogshit
Men smiling at animals makes them gay. Ez.
Only a homosexual would depict as such.
It's the writer's job to keep his setting consistent with what the audience knows.
Of course it's a linton post
Man, I just love it when the writer just lets characters win because lol.
>Heathcliff kills an Arbiter because he does
Cool! Then again, Ishmael kills the Whale because she does.
there have never been any good posts with a linton image attached
the most untrue post to have ever been posted in this general
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I'm ready for his jarringly charismatic bad end ID.
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who are they supposed to be
A distortion!
how interesting
it's don and meursault
There is a near infinite amount of ways for a writer to subvert previously set status quo in a somewhat plausible way for the purposes of storytelling. See kryptonite. You can yell that "it's bad" as much as you want, you'd even be right, but it always happens in any setting that has big emphasis on power levels and we basically live in a Korean dbz at this point
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>The Blue Decay
10 words or less, faggot
Kryptonite factors into power level discussions, though? What are you even saying? As long as the writing is consistent, it should be fine.
The real issue comes from power scalers since writers have no sense of scale.
I just burned down by entire 1500 thread tower just to uptie 3 all the 00s.
And I'm happy.
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ah i see
well it was nice to do anyway, i got the two ego gifts i needed to top up my compendium
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Hag love
I like that we get lunacy back and lore for UTing them.
hags do not have this much flexibility
She displaced her hip shortly after.
Imagine you live in a world BEFORE kryptonite is introduced. IIRC it was straight up an out of nowhere plot device made to nerf Superman as he has become conceptually undefeatable. But shonenbrains will always forget those events and pretend plot devices like these have always existed in their settings while happily and seriously arguing "who would win", till the next random plot device that completely upsets the established order is introduced. That's because they have underdeveloped frontal lobes and subsequently lack object permanence, in effect making them around pre-teen age in terms of cognitive faculties.
Don't waste your breath, people involved in powerlevel discussion are fundamentally fucking retarded and there is nothing anyone can do about it.
You're getting worked up over nothing, anon. You can introduce new elements, but you have to remain consistent (at least to the level expected of the genre). Pulling something out of your ass in a serious story will lead to an unsatisfying conclusion. Just saying "Who cares about power levels, the writer decides who wins" is what leads to terrible stories because the writer thinks he doesn't have to work for that pay off.
>Imagine you live in a world BEFORE kryptonite is introduced.
You mean """"golden age""""" Supe that made tiny versions of himself and shoot gay beams and slapping japs? Older comics were nonsensical. There's a reason Adam West Batman was like that.
So what's with the schizo that spams blocks of text
if you're going to post the same shit every thread, at least be kind enough to correct the gramatical errors of your text
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>Hero stands up to someone far stronger than them
>This is sold as some kind of heroic thing where you sacrifice yourself for doing the right thing
>Actually it doesn't matter because the writer can just write anyone as beating anyone actually lol

>it was straight up an out of nowhere plot device made to nerf Superman as he has become conceptually undefeatable
Superman stories were supposed to be about moral dilemnas, not having him as some kind of weird powerscaling character that can beat anyone
You're just proving even more that this is shit writer bullshit
that's our distortion he appears from time to time
Those people are so mindbroken by shonenfags that they'll excuse bad writing to shit on them. You'd think they'd argue about how physical strength doesn't necessarily affect the quality of a character, but they instead go "Actually, the writer decides who wins in a fight".
I dunno what he's changed about his spam but now he says something that gets caught in my filter kek
>season 4 has been going for 6 months
will this shit be the standard from now on?
>Actually, the writer decides who wins in a fight
Are you actually implying they don't?
10 years
Just read the post chain and that comment immediately makes sense.
This is why reality is superior to fantasy.
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where did all the time go
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>agrees to doing amoral things to go along with far more charismatic friends because it's better than dealing with the fallout of losing that friend
>susceptible to peer pressure
>shooting people at slight provocations and bothersome mental states is canon meursault behavior
>"painfully shy and quiet, often to an uncomfortable degree"
Sault's gun ID is gonna hit pretty different
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God is simply the best writer.
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reality has been surpassing fantasy as of late
soon we will have real man made horrors that are right within our understanding!
If anything it's worse
>Ummm no? A 88mm howitzer wouldn't have pierced the armour of a Stalinium encrusted Heavy TT. Here's proof
>Fuck off nigger, you clearly don't understand that the <schizotechnobabble> of the design allows it to penetrate if it's done through <nearly impossible scenario>
Then repeat ad nauseum.
Fiction is just a delusional reflection of reality, a futile attempt to make order out of chaos.
No, Director swears its because of the new people he had to take on board and train and there were delays while he revoiced Faust in every single chapter so far.
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Those already exist
god needs to hire some students with better prose
>vergilius getting killed by Lenny because they found the mythical Vergilius-killing ray would be fine because the writer just... It's the writer who decides who wins okay?? That doesn't mean it has to be good!!!
>Fuck you shonenfags fuckyoufuckyoufuckyouuuuu
Anyone who ever enters a power-level discussion with "actually the writer decides" is always a complete faggot btw
But your uptie 5 next month limbab?
I like both :)
That's not reality but an imagined scenario in reality, two very different things.
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Bro, your Dante?
Your Milton?
hyper anus?
It's like a normal anus but hyper.
>Acshually powerlevels are about good writing!
This is how retarded you sound.

Powerlevelfags are pretty much the same as shippers, delusional retards that attempt to reflect their own perverse desires into an existing work out of a misplaced sense of egoism.
the vergiulius killing ray is a singularity the head dropped in the backstreets accidently
>Shippers mentioned out of nowhere
Sanity dropping fast. Just a few more until it corrodes.
>Can you prove this isn't shit writing
I accept your concession.
Would his chains turn corrosive to fit into the title or something?
I'm not even the manager you were arguing with, retard.
Nice meme. The game will die if they try that.
Consistent power levels are a part of good writing, yes. It's called having stakes/tension.
They should just let Meursault punch Don "The Second Kindred Bloodfiend, the Crimson Countess of the South" Quixote in Canto 7 because Director will find it funny.
Why would you even drop in to make a random post about shippers then? Just don't embarass yourself.
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Sorry you had to find out this way anon.
>Incoherent seething
A setting where anything can happen just because the writer felt like it is retarded, anon. Consistency is shockingly good writing, actually
Shippers and DBSpics having an absolute fit once again, you love to see it.
What's next?
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hindley literally never trained a day in his life.
yet was still was able to buy himself some augments from the budget store and became stronger than most enemies that we fought before canto 6
Let's just talk about which sinner would take care of their feet the best.
>reddit's MD speedrun guide
what the fuck are they even yapping about here
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Why don't you go back there too?
In terms of raw HP, yes.
In terms of actually fighting him, the fucker was still a pushover that we obliterated with ease since it turns out having 900~ HP doesn't matter if you barely roll any better than your fucking butlers.
Sinner for this feel?
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wheres his arm
I saw discourse about it on tw*tter actually
What the exact FUCK is this
the mathematically fastest MD team
I think when bound you would start to corrode and sink.
so what's sinclair's w corp id rank going to be?
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>bragging about sub 30 min
isn't the average bleed/burn run around 20 minutes..?
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Actually, the term you want to use is quickest, as it's a measure of time and not speed (fastest).
How? There's barely any coherent synergy between any of them aside from all being blunt.
It's MDNormal so it should even be quicker, what the fuck.
i just uptie 3 everyone when i get them and i still have 3500 thread
It's just a blunt team run with all your skills being upgraded to S3. Not something I've tried but wouldn't be shocked if it works
charge consumption for skill power
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It would.
I hope we get another, "<Meursault, knock her out."> moment sometime in the future.
The, *hup*! sound after is too fucking funny kek
I don't believe in uptie 5
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I feel like as time goes on there's a greater barrier of entry. anyone that joins has no access to lines 1-4 because 1-3 are flat out gone and 4 requires you to completely catch up on the story. which then comes the fact that they will not have any access to very useful EGOs because they were all in past limbus passes which leaves them to struggle even more to catch up with the rest of the playerbase. and if there's a casual/seasonal player that barely comes on, they're left in the wake of massive power creeps and inaccessible events because they're story based after the most recent chapter. (I don't know if this walpurgis event is a sign of how they'll handle it in the future). I think the next limbus pass needs to have something like tickets for past passes egos or a starter pass that gives new players a few of the very useful EGOs they can no longer easily access.
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so what if he went to boarding school? lmao
the most they asked him to do is probably just 20 push ups and then called it a day.
especially if he was sent to one of those pampered rich kids school
this reminds me
>browsing e6
>suddenly benjamin jumpscare
>on a picture completely unrelated to PM in every other way
you people are shockingly naive
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Yeah he probably had negative fighting experience when you really think about it, I bet Pete could fuck him up.
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Which sinner?
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>I bet Pete could fuck him up.
that's definitely true
if you take away hindley's augments, he's probably even worse than rats.
cause atleast rats fight for their lives day to day
let me give it a try
Anon, why were you on e621 in the first place?
Rats scurry and run and only pick fights they can win
Post the female version.
i was looking at porn. what did you expect? retard.
Probably still more fighting experience than an alcoholic failure!
In order?
Ishmael > Don > Faust > Ryoshu > Outis > Sinclair > Rodion > The rest.
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Pete went to the fucking library, he's a god damn LEGEND AROUND THESE PARTS
>sexual pervert deviant
This is just futafag.
I don't know of anyone else that acts like this.
>tfw mods pussied out and deleted the cheese grater image
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more like 90% of the posters here
especially if they're a sinnerfag
Furries OUT
>What are vampires in literature
it's still retarded desu
List is retarded.
Rodya, followed by Heath, followed by Ryoshu. The rest are either too naive to understand this (Don, Hongers), too flustered to say anything (Ish, Outis, Greg, Sinclair) or would refuse to say anything (Yi, Meur, Faust)
You people seem to forget Dante is the tenth sinner when making this posts that always have Dante as the answer
In the same way a bully who only picks fights with skinny birds has more experience than someone who's trained a martial arts for 6 months
Dante doesn't even know what sex is, he's an amnesiac.
Futafag and ryoshufags. The Outis memeing has died off somewhat.
That's not true, I taught him.
Faust says there's candy in this van, Dante.
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>listening to sinclair's pass on
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hup hup hup hup hup
Really cool of Project Moon to make Heathcliff Wet and Heathcliff Wetter
Still think this guy's art is gross.
Where is Limbus Company’s HR department?
I want to report Rodya for touching me inappropriately without consent during work hours
sorry bud, ever since sunshower this has been a furry franchise
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i hope he's doing it again
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Death to Hog
nemo juice
Life to Hog
bricked my run a little bit since i forgot to upgrade clasped structure until floor 3. finishing it anyways
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i love nutsack
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>limbus twelve years from now
Ishmael and Hong are definitely the biggest coomers
One spent several years on a boat having a bigger and stronger woman help her realize how much she enjoys rope and Hong Lu has a horde of concubines and is "always open to new experiences"
Characters from Ruina making a comeback
>Big Brother Pete
>Blue Wave Finn
>Orange Flame Pirrup
>Zwei Section 1 Director Walter
>Xiao (stay at home mother living off her wealth)
>about 30mins between posts
yep, it's shit
And Xiao, I guess.
It's this the Faust piss artist? I don't think it's leading into that, if that's what you mean.

Machine: Advice: The number of times you have stopped to order food during work hours today is 7.
Rodya: It's fine, this increases my work efficiency.
What would've happened if Vergilius decided to not intervene in the wild hunt fight? Reminder that Faust and whoever made the contract in Limbus Company wanted Vergilius to not step in during such occurrences.
Explain to me like im very dumb because i am why does it feel like my inquisitor sinclair gets punished a lot harder than horse heathcliff for getting heads on the coinflips? my sinclair gets all heads and he does like 20 damage while heathcliff does like a 200 for getting all heads
didn't start my run there
haven't finished my run yet either though
GODte would have manifested and destroyed 30% of T Corp
>Inquisitor Sinclair
I can't fucking guess which one that is.
The Cathy and Heathcliff we saw would have kept leaping worlds, and our sinners would have probably barely survived the wild hunt, unable to reach the roof to stop it.
Heathcliff would have become a complete wreck with no hope of saving.
It would absolutely be funny if next time we see Xiao she really is just a stay at home mom living with Lowell in some Wing. She has the potential to become a color fixer but she lost to the Section 2 director cock.
The One Who Shall Grip - Sinclair.
Part of the N. Corp fanatics led by The One Who Grips - Faust.
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WH heathcliff still does 18 + 5 damage when hitting tails with his EX skill 3, and he gets a percent damage boost from how long he's riding the horse, how much coffin he has, etc.

Nclair does 18 + 6 + 0 and doesnt have any damage boosts, so if you hit tails you're ultra fucked
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So since director said this one is coming with EGO, does that mean it's just gonna be a 000 banner + EGO and no 00? Have they ever done a 000 + 00 and EGO?
Oh okay that one
Erlcliff's S4 has multiple damage bonuses, and rolls slightly higher even if you roll all heads.
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Every Catherine would still be deleted, and the Wild Hunt Heathcliff would become probably a very dangerous multiversal threat. I imagine the sinners would have probably survived, but it would have been by the skin of their teeth. Our own Heathcliff would probably fall into an incredibly deep depression and sent him on an unstoppable self destructive cycle that would be incredibly hard to pull him out of.
>OFF specters
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000 AND EGO!?
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>do walpurgisnacht
>it's a complete nothingburger
Just make the fucking canto director, this is trash.
Abnormalities owe me sex.
OFF is too based to be associated with paus
The first Walpipi had 000 Regret Faust, 00 Hook Lu and Regret Meursault Ego
doesn't count
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>listening to yi sang's pass on
>he starts rapping
I am reminded me of Broly from the first movie.

>Tard rages
>Becomes ungodly strong, completely pulverizes every single character while acting like a maniac who's enjoying it
>Completely destroys Vegeta's morale since he is essentially the true super saiyan from prophecy
>Destroyed a whole fucking galaxy somehow before this
>They all raise their hands on their dwindling life and give Goku a smidge of shared power
>He delivers ONE punch to his chest
>His chest chatters like glass, he starts having a fucking seizure mid air, and freaking explodes like a megaman villain

Not even the most powerlevel fag series in existence is safe from convenient wins.
Then 000 K Hong, 00 Talismanclair and both Red Eyes Egos would be next I think. Though if I remember right the Red Eyes were their own banner so perhaps not.
paus love
You're talking as if any Walpurgis has been super big. Season 5 on the 17th of October most likely by the way.
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cool guys rap
I wonder what Don's song will be like
>>494013948 (me)
despite the damage buffs, the damage order was sinclair (2209) > faust (2153) > ryoshu (2117) > rodion (1971) > outis (1725) > quixote (1384) (middle don is such a piece of shit i stg)
floors were nest, workshop, technology -> hell's chicken (had to stop to look up how to get tango marinade) -> emotional judgement -> crushing emotional force
i had to fuse bridle to get clasped, and once again i forgot to upgrade clasped. i understand why they built a team around it because it does incredible damage in clashes, and i was disappointed by how they did outside of clashes. i wish i had gotten gossypium
other notable ego gifts: wolf, sunset moths, that one bleed branch tier 1, charge gauntlets, tango, lowest star++, bridle (on floor 3/4)
i kind of want to build a team around keenbranch now since they still get a damage bonus on staggered enemies and i like pierce units more in general
i don't think mirror dungeons will ever be truly speedrun though
black metal
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Speaking of rap, when do you think Meursault is gonna go crazy and starting super speed pointing out of people silently judging him for his actions?
I don't imagine we're gonna literally have him placed on trial mid canto, unless we get some weird golden bough synergy recreating it if he happens to already have been judged.
They're still inexcusably lazy.
>hurrr we get to fight the ordeals because lobcorp amiright fellas?
>now fuck off
Cool, thank for nothing director.
Rodya would never. I bet SHITmael wrote this post!
I would think Liu Ish would be stronger than Don and just as fast if not faster animation wise.
Alright, Canto VII is going to be my first whole new canto. How do the Cantos drop? Do they all come in one drop, or in multiple pieces over a month or so?
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Stop posting right now Rodya, you cannot escape justice.
segmented in 3
you get one segment every week
What do you think the sinners and Dante talk about during their consultation hours? Do Faust and Meursault just sit there in silence?
Please for the love of god make a decent Rodion bleed id. Red shoes access is so important.
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I've been wondering the same.
While I do want a nice long monologue increasing in heightened tension and emotion for his song I do sort of hope for a ballad or something along the lines of retro easy listening french music like Piero Piccioni/Dalida/Alain Delon.
I'm sure Director will handle it well, whatever suits the feeling of the end of his Canto though.
Is the disease of the mind even a real thing
Feels like it's just some conspiracy theory that Carmen made up so she can start a cult in the outskirts
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Every new canto comes in parts, and new ID releases weekly.
Season release part 1 + new IDs
1 week later part 2 + new IDs
1 week later final part + new IDs

And then often the season featured ID happens after the new RR is released or a month later.
<What's this shit? I'm way taller than that slut.>
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>Meursault just sit there in silence?
Id imagine Dante asks Meursault questions and hoping he speaks his mind but its always a one-sided convo with Meursault just simply answering in on word or a concise sentence
They had scientific proof of it's existence, Yesod himself brings it up in LoR. Play it.
My Don would never be on a picture
if we go by his sinner trailer he will have his fast speaking meltdown
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Yes, that's what I hope for in his Canto.
As for song, something different.
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Faust is constantly trying to get clock, but he won't let her cause she keeps bringing up exact orgasms timings, and weird specific instructions during sex, so it kills the vibe.

Where's the box he's standing on?
More art exists of ishMALE assaulting Dante and she canonically did (fucking harpooned him), so you fail.
>faust is simply present for no reason
I deem this a good image
yeah Im also curious about what type of genre it will be
his va sings well
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What did he mean by this
Index IDs in 2025
>real, genuine answer from a Saultfag
fake, coomer answer from a Faustfag
Why are waifufags like this?
Got it, thanks.
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project moon fans when they see the word index
My mirror world Dante gets some unwillingly, sorry.
sinners who actually talk with dante: yi sang, faust, ishmael, heathcliff, sinclair
sinners who avoid any serious talk with dante: don, hong lu, rodion, gregor
hour of dickriding: outis
hour of silence: ryoshu, meursault
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I want Meursault's story ID to just have a gun and nothing else
>have fallen so deep into a pit of autism that came up with a distortion concept on my own worries
>then started trying to stat it for limbus, as well as give it a rough lobcorp risk grade
>and actually have a concrete idea of what it'd do for the fight
someone please call ayin I can't keep doing this.
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Gee, I wonder how that harpoon appeared on his shoulder...must've been the wind
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His book gives me the least ideas for a potential featured ID, but just like Heathcliff's I guess they can just use the idea of the book as a basis for something else entirely to happen.
I still hold some belief that him "killing" his mother is not a literal thing, and more some weird thing relating to suicide vending machines and their features.
Faust likely uses the time to help out Dante by checking up on him and his progress with the other sinners as well as tell him any information she thinks would help him be a better manager. I'm sure Dante, being an amnesiac, has a lot of questions to ask Faust during consultation hours too. After the Warp Event, Dante would naturally try harder to discuss any issues Faust has now that her perfect image isn't as perfect anymore.
this post feels like the angela stress relief copypasta for some reason
>looking through my old screenshots
>realize I entered the Canto 3 Dungeon with lvl 20 IDs
>find out that you can win by wiping to her phase 2 and that bugs out the cutscene in an incredibly unfun way
was I retarded and had exp lux available at the time, or do they make you go into that place crucially underlevelled
What's the current lowest RR4 turn count?
And is it stuck in bilibili again?
>Dante being a responsible manager tries to stop Ishmael from acting rashly and getting us in trouble
>RAPISTmael fags blame him for being hit by her harpoon
Victim blaming, yikes!
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>doing this after she tried to fucking kill me with a harpoon
Performative bullshit
>ever since sunshower this has been a furry franchise
We all forgot how Ishmael was BEGGING, PLEADING with Ricardo to not kill Dante? "Not Dante, anyone but Dante!" she said, at the top of her lungs? Surely you can overlook the harpoon thing after this?
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Ryoshu either tells Dante that if nothing is going to happen then he'd better stop wasting her time and let her leave, or she just sits there and smokes. I'd imagine at one point, Dante would have asked about the odachi and Ryoshu would have answered between a 50/50 of open hostility and telling Dante that if he asked that question again she'd kill him. or with an incredibly vague statement about it not being the right moment to go into further detail masked under the context of art.
I can't tell if you're genuine or not. Dante was the one who jumped in the way of the harpoon, she had shielded him from the decay ampoules that would have murdered him, and begs Ricardo not to kill Dante.
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certified frenchman hours
Because she saw Dante as a tool to win.
If given the chance she would kill Dante and fuck off forever which is evidenced when she barely cares when the harpoon hits Dante.
People who dislike Ishmael are most definitely not genuine. It's one thing to dislike ishfags, but ish haters have [headcanon]ed ish into some kind of evil villain. Everything she does is a slight to them.
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>Dante endangered everyone by almost killing himself
>Pirates came for revenge for touching the first mate anyways
>Big Brother from the Middle didn't even remember who she was
>The mention of what happened only made the punishment ''more severe'' than what Heathcliff already did
Dante didn't think too much about what he was doing
this, she saw Dante as nothing more than a mere tool to further her own goal (killing Ahab)
>Ishfag already justifying HARPOONING and MURDERIZING Dante
Are you being retarded? She panics and questions why the fuck he would do something like that, she was distressed in the moment and showed that with anger at his stunt.
She didn't like the idea of just using someone for her own means like Ahab, which is just reinforced by the end of her own canto, and her wishing to stick with them cause they're basically the last few friends she has, and she Dante constantly bugging her on what she actually wants to do, and what after revenge pushed her to do so more willingly for her own sake too.
That's just suicide by his part. Stop typing, Outis.
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Reminder that the stunt was completely fucking useless since Ricardo didn't give a flying fuck nor remembered who Smee was.
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god she is so cute
Id imagine the coat is big enough for 2 people
nah it saved ishmael from unnecessarily killing someone out of pure anger. that puts stains on your soul y'know, when hell is real you dont want shit like that to happen. dante saved her from the true inferno
much like ishMALE, ishkeks cant take jokes
>Factually wrong information, and misinterpretation
>I'M JUST JOKING GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't see the "joke".
Dante actually saw Faust on Smee, and thought about the ID he would get from her, so he saved her. He didn't know he would get Pregor instead
<My most loyal subordinate is right, you know.>
<Who's up ticking their clocks?>
yes, i'm sure the guy saying RAPISTmael is trying to have a conversation about the story and isn't just fucking with you
Dante...why didn't you choose her for the Timekilling Time case, then?
Was it even pure anger? She was being practical, if a little neurotic. Do you think the tourists and people of the pier are any happier for having the local kidnappers and torturers having one of their head honchos kept alive?
Plus he didn't exactly stop her from murdering the pirate later when she was calling her out on her weak attitude, and how much worse she could be having it.
Dante himself wasn't sure why he did it, he just felt like she shouldn't just lose herself like you said, but at the end of the day, they're gonna keep casually murdering people all the same, sometimes just for fueling the bus.
Manager esquire, thou doth be full of shit this time!
<I was serious when I told her that she would be necessary to manage all the remaining sinners.>
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Outis, you need to return Dante's PDA immediately.
<Shut up, non-human scum. You belong in the outskirts with the rest of your subhuman friends.>
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she bit me cashy...
first she threw a harpoon at the manager and now this
come save me from this boatbilly
i cant take it anymore
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CEO of sex!
Kromer stop LARPing as the manager before I call the twink's boyfriend again.
Does that mean Heathcliff gets to Uberhell?
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It's the real deal.
Of course he would, he died to it, after all.
>they're gonna keep casually murdering people all the same, sometimes just for fueling the bus.
Technically speaking hasn't every combat scenario been a matter of self-defense so far? Pretty sure the enemies attack first, the Sinners have yet to attack anybody unprovoked.
<I'm racist and I'm going to TRAP and BETRAY all the non-White sinners and Gregor.>
<Outis is too busy bouncing on Executive Manager Dante's dick to be doing that>
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You were stuttering like Sinclair, Dante...doesn't seem to be genuine...
Think of the value on that battlepass.
Director cares so much!
Heathcliff is a gypsy, he was always going to Hell.
Even Sinclair had fucking combat straining in his prestige highschool.
<I was choosing my words carefully so I wouldn't hurt the feelings of my most valued employee.>
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Ok so who's getting the EGO + Zwei west 000? Some arguments are in favor of the idea of Don getting it, so we get a repeat of Heathcliff getting Oufi before his season so he gets another 000 way later, but, since this time we know that whoever gets bygone days is getting the 000, you also have to keep in mind the EGO distribution a little.

If Don gets it now, she'll have one EGO over Heathcliff, Outis, Gregor and Ryoshu, and +2 over everyone else, thanks to guaranteed BP EGO. The others running shorter could be corrected via BP EGO too I guess, but just something to keep in mind, and ID wise, she'd be catching up with the ones who have one ID over everyone else, so nothing really wrong there.
To me it's either Don or Ishmael, leaning more into Don.
Not for long, imagine how much food can fit into that box of holding.
honestly, I'm calling it.
the rodya ID teaser released today IS zwei west
>for less than $1 per month you can feed this poor, autistic Korean man that pretends to be a cartoon dog
reminds me of those sappy charity ads
Ishmael is the only sinner who has not received a 000 ID this season. Don got T-Corp relatively recently. Also, I think Ishmael fits Bygone Days much better than Don does. The new Zwei ID is almost guaranteed to be Ishmael.
Isn't neuroticism and paranoia over seeing your friend die a super brutal death, and fearingi what's happening around you the opposite? He cared too much, and that turned obsessive. His newfound understanding post realization is the rationality to maintain discretion after all.
<Outis is right. Greeks are not Turks, and are in fact pure Europeans. Greeks are pure Whites. Her skin being tan is normal and expected for Greeks, this does not make me Turkish.>
if greeks are turks then that means turks invented western civilization.
It will get worse
Thats the delivery association retard. We already know it's that.

It's mostly self defense yeah, but they still kinda murder a lot of shitters for fuel most likely.
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I may be stupid, but if I'm right you owe me the sinclair Waw being more N-clair support
How does she fit Bygone Days better than Don?
Need Liu GF.
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take a look at this anon and see who gets it
Beautiful totem. Which sinner is that?
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Right I forgot about T.corp Don, which is not a seasonal ID either.

In her own Canto she laments the past that is gone, and the many dreams she wanted to achieve with her friends from the Pequod, so Bygone days and lamenting for the past fit her just fine.
We know nothing about Don to make that judgement call yet, we just know Bloodfiend Don is hoping for something with the "promised timepiece" that is Dante.
Oh, hong lu, of course. It's been a while since he got one
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>Last online 2 days ago
Yepyep. Another trash jobber removed from my friendlist.
I'm starting to think "shitmale" posters actually really like Ishmael, and just want other users to not waifu her out of jealousy
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<Outis. Please get off the computer. Stop spreading lies. They're bad, you know?>
This season has lasted MUCH longer than average however.
assuming it's Don it makes sense that they purposefully delayed her Bygone Days EGO until after the reveal as Yi Sang's and Gregor's Bygone Days EGO has Portrait assuming features from their past (Mirror shards & Cockroach-like appendages) in the art
All of you are getting put in the book, and the middle will get our vengance.
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>Isn't neuroticism and paranoia over seeing your friend die a super brutal death, and fearingi what's happening around you the opposite?
First of all, it wasn't just one death, and it didn't matter if it was brutal. Also he wasn't
Second, Ayin and co. forced Gabriel through every fucking medical procedure they knew about. And nothing was found.

>His newfound understanding post realization is the rationality to maintain discretion after all.
Well yeah that's his core supression tells you he will still have hate outbursts towards Ayin from time to time but won't pretend to be ok when he isn't. Remember, it wasn't his caring that got to him, but his desire to keep with a good face along with it.
Of course it's real
Why are you doubting Carmen? If you're gonna be doubting her you should honestly just leave these threads.
Carmen is gonna help us make the world a better place and cure everyone of the disease of the mind
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<Quiet, IshMALE.>
>this does not make me Turkish.>
Uh oh Outis
>non pure white ayin
I know nothing was found, he was suffering from a mental breakdown, and Ayin was afraid his unusual behavior was due to him getting affected by an abnormality or whatever, so he forced the tests on him which just made his mental state worse.
Still, disease of the mind is general apathy, so I feel like his mental state doesn't really fall into that.
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I don't think they'll deviate from this pattern
t. patternfag
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I love ishmael
Bygone Days Don
Zwei West Don
Bloodfiend Hunter Ishmael 000
Bloodfiend Hunter Sinclair 00
We need more 00s. I don't care if they're bad. There should just be more of them.
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What would bloodfiend hunter's gimmick be though? It can't be bleed, since bleed just feeds their enemy, maybe they are prosthetic users?
Burn IDs that purge other negative status effects to apply more Burn.
000 zwei sinclair
Stake crossbows + rupture.
unique burn based on holy water
It's your fault, shitcliff. Shouldn't have moved your hand close to Ishmael's mouth when she was ready to bite. Ishmael did nothing wrong, it was you being stupid in that moment and besides it didn't matter since that hand got torn off by an abno
why would bleed feed their enemy? they'd be depriving them of what they need to live by using weapons that make them bleed more
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Rodion just does what she wants because Dante isn't firm (nor strong) enough to stop her
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<Calling other sinners with bad names won't change the outcome...please get off the computer, Outis.>
A good chunk of 00 are not even bad though, they're just not as casually strong, while some are better than some 000.
Hook Lu, Lantern Don, Wuthering Faust (sink count application), Pequod Sang, N.corp Heath, Muticrack Heath, 7 Heath, Shi Ishmael, LCCB Ishmael, T.corp Rodya, Cinq Outis, Ring Outis are what i'd consider fairly stable and good, even if some are not super strong.
<Ishmael... Get off the computer...>
Because Cassetti literally got stronger with bleed on him.
my bets are a bunch of pierce stacking, with some form of removing bleed from themselves.
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Cassetti, Sasha and the bloodbags all get benefits from bleed on them, and they stack bleed on themselves. They control and crave blood, so having blood by the dozens empowers them. They can die if it gets out of control of course, but the more blood they have on them, the crazier they get, and they can probably control their own blood to not bleed as hard as humans.
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<Why's everyone on my computer?>
Bloodfiend Hunter Ishmael in this outfit and her hair is always on fire
Hopefully Burn or Rupture since those two archtypes are pretty under supported.
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Sounds like she's raping dante when you say it like that...
why does everything have to be rape with you people
I think you're just mindbroken about rape anon
cuz it's hot
>He just does what he wants because she isn't firm (nor strong) enough to stop him
That sounds really bad now, huh?
gregor or rodion as my first thread exchange for sinking
I thought Alfonso was a man
Rodion is better for general use but is also dogshit for sinking without UT4 Rimeshank.
What is /lcg/'s thoughts on OCs
Small and bad.
cringe and when i still could use twitter and saw them on my timeline i would wince in cringe
I'm not the kind of person to make OCs and have them interact with official characters, but I think people should make what they like
Behead OC makers
Behead OC reposters
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<Attention, everyone! Dante here~! I think...uh...I I hereby declare that Rodya is deserving of an extra helping of desert today after she's been super helpful! Oh! And that Outis should stop lecturing her for bringing snacks with on Mirror Dungeon runs...and that Ishmael should stop reporting me to Outis for eating said snacks during a Dungeon run. That is all.>
I like them a good deal because I like when artists put a little of their own soul into their art.
They stink
just started playing this game love faust so far
<The next person who touches my PDA is getting RAPED.>
If there's some effort put in, I can get behind them
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I like them. It's often glorified fanfiction/yumeshipping but I do like seeing the perspective of other peoples understanding of the setting and how they'd try to write a character for it. Hypotheticals are fun like that and I can't help but respect the guts it takes to create a self-insert OC to fuck your favorite sinner.
I have 2 myself
I find making an OC or two is fun, but trying to force them to be with the main plot is less so.
it's more interesting in my opinion to deal with the fallout of the games than having a "live character reaction" to them
Is this what you saw?
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another faustGOD joins the fold
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the erica oc is cute
you should probably leave these threads if you dont want to get spoiled,anon.
love semi robotic geeky independent matter of fact woman with elegant hairs
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>doesn't enter the thread
>shoots and KILLS you from afar
>job completed in less than 5 minutes
<U-Um, I don't know why but the manager's PDA got flung over to my seat with a note telling me to post something with it. I-I hope this is okay.>
You did good Sinclair.
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>Semi robotic
Do you not love non handy info cheat Faust?
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I like them
I find ocs nice as long as they don't too crazy
I saw some people make an AM sinner and that shit is just impossible
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As long as they keep in their own yume oc circles I’m fine with it. Stop shilling them here
That dude looks cool
I suppose i can get behind OCS as long as they arent interacting with characters already established like this >>494023259 because that makes me cringe
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Comfy monopierce run to get my rewards tomorrow instantly.
Ayin will come back and give us a boon
I'm Going To rSmooch You Sinclair?
aww how sweet
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It's mostly okay as long as the artist don't ship the OC to any official characters and actually make their knowledge or reaction on things fit like a glove in the City, if the artist do plan on adding that information.
The villain from mlp?
who? post a pic of him
>especially if he was sent to one of those pampered rich kids school
You mean, like Sinclair?
Do fusion gifts activate their effects so long as you have 5 IDs that meet the criteria on the bench as well? I think I remember seeing it being possible to activate the fusion gifts in teams lower than 5 or solo, so long as the ones on the bench are meeting the criteria of it, but I may be mistaken.
That's because some fusion gifts activate regardless of having 5 or more IDs with X status.
Like Hoarfrost, it activates both in solos or in comps with no Sinking.
<Sinclair, you're fine. Who was the one who wrote the note and threw it? You're going to get RAPED.>
For all the traditional fusion gifts, you can't. All have to be fielded. This is the part of Ringsang and Ring Outis they actually wound up nerfing; they used to count as inflicting all the statuses they could, so they were essentially free spaces for a few archetypes that'd still enable the fusion gift to activate. A Rupture/Sinking team that activated both Enrapturing Trance and Black Sheet Music was possible during the period before the nerf.
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bros Im so happy we are getting bloodfiend Ids next season
we're getting Nosferatu for don's Waw, right?
There's another artist, but I forgot her twitter username.
no retard, Nos is stuck in the library
It's going to be a Limbus original abno, probably Four-hundred Roses or Rose Hunter
No, Sleepyhead
you're stuck in my dick
Good bait.
I'm too big to be stuck in something so tiny
havent seen any spoiler so far and i got some frens for support unit its chill
Secondary bro...
Angela set the abnormalities free in the ending we literally have Scorched Girl EGO
im early in the story shes acting like a secondary narrator for rn
You clearly weren't paying attention cause that was the initial plan, which was dumb and destructive, she didn't actually do it in the proper ending.
We don't know the fate of the abnos inside the books however, nor if they can even count as regular abnos since they're stuck inside books, and it's not just Angela recreation them with her EGO powers and being wholly unaware of it.
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>Verminous Brown
There's something wriggling in the caca
One: Angela didn't release the fucking abnormalities, you retard.
Two: Abnormalities are not unique entities. The Big Bird that they saw wandering around the actual Black Forest is not the same as the Big Bird that is in Lobcorp HQ. Learn what extraction actually is.
It's either the weird toy Giraffe that feeds on blood, or the flower if the EGO is gonna be related to blood.
Me? I'm a primary
perhaps even lower than that
that one subclass from DFO where it's a inquisitor and they throw holy water and then set the enemies on fire and they wield a giant two handed axe that they can also set on fire
so basically The Vermilion Cross
Serious question, how do you guys think Uptie 5 will be achieved if not through resource burning? I'm thinking it could be through quests or something, maybe even joining multiple IDs into one unique uptie 5
Oh could also be the weird blood arms coffin that gifts wound clerid.
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it will be either of these
I hope it'll be something in a deeper range so he can sing smoothly and freely. I really look forward to it.
Right looks stupid so no.
The fabled nullary...
>Implying Don doesn't look stupid
Sinner with this feel?
Okay then, answer me this: Does W Corp's or T Corp's singularity cause the time dilation effect suffered by riders of the WARP Train?

Wild Heath voice lines + Translation.
Feels with sinners?
>looks stupid
so it's perfect for Don then
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Same. I need him in light summer clothing, slightly disheveled with a revolver.
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The gun needs to be based
What time dilation? The train only rides for 10 seconds.
So did plague doctor.
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>Right looks stupid
thats perfect for Don then dumbass
She's only pretending, fags. She's actually the smartest sinner.
She cant even cut a potato
Sex. With samjo
she jobs to two shitty shoes
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>heh I'm only pretending to be retard-
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If Don were cloned would her clones also be bloodfiends
gn /lcg/
Man, what did Sinclair even get this season? Was it literally just Dawn Office? No other EGO or ID? Everyone else got at least two things.
Not that I like Sinclair, he's my least favorite, but it does feel like he's been neglected a bit.
Bad night...
I think they're fun and cute. Sometimes cool, sometimes cringe. Generally I like creative things with a series I like. I wish more people interacted with the setting in creative ways. It's fun to discuss.
Long gone are the days of nugget discussion.
You mean shit like Don or Ryoshu?
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reddit below
he got the crybaby EGO
>sometimes cringe
I've learned to embrace this aspect. Everything is kino in its own special, autistic way.
Sinners for this feel?
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Oh yeah. I forgot about that shit. What a fucking forgettable EGO. It was just some shield right? And some basically impossible to use sinking? I guess that's better than Branch of Knowledge, but that's an unbelievably low bar
sleep well me
Yes. Cringe in this context isn't necessarily a negative thing for me. I will find it amusing or charming depending on intention.
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Why is outis in another game and why am i married to her?
>he didnt fall for it
its over...
shake that ass dantehh... now drop it down low... fuckkk...
Thank you very much.
That's is her pre-limba story
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>the barbarians know
NTA but, technically speaking, neither. the dimension the train passes through experiences time at a different rate to the city IIRC. if not, it's W-corp at fault, as T-corp is merely harvesting time, and it would be a waste if they unleashed it to extend the journey.
Even if something isn't my thing I appreciate people writing, drawing, modding, modeling, cosplaying and creating for PM. Keeps life blood and movement. Being inspired by the setting is cool and relatable.
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I really do think Sinclair has a decent chance of getting Bygone Days/Zwei West. Blubberbubble is a joke and Ryoshu getting yet another ID is proof that walpipi doesn't count.
I hope you appreciate my joke, Captain.
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anon I think you might be gay
devyat will be rupture because they are green
devyat will have tentacle rape scenes if you fail to kill something in time
i'm worried they might actually have some fucking time limit gimmick
OCs are cool, unless it's one of those self insert OCs that they ship with the sinners like that erica whore. That's just beyond cringe.
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I do want Outis dressed like this though
There's no way this is a man. Men don't look like this
Personally fine with me unless they self-insert into interacting with the characters.
Tres association when?
>put lobotomy corp ryoshu on xp lux team
>outdamages fucking nclaire who was the king of blunt xp luxes since his release
nani the fuck?
That's just her base ego suit with one of those one-side shoulder cape things and a peaked cap
berets are cooler
Nuggets are better, sinner ocs don't nearly have as much sovl as them. Fixer ocs can be interesting as long as they're not colors or paired with canon characters.
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Deyvat Rodya will be bleed + rupture so that red shoes will become viable
I can name 13 self inserts "I want to fuck Sinclair/Meursault/Gregor" and ONE (1) that isn't and that's the Frankenstein sinner.
Wouldn't Victor Frankenstein be better as a sinner than the monster?
uuoh cute boy
what game is he from?
>Doesn't cuck herself with sp
>Max ramp-up by turn 2
>Enemies weak to gloom
You really have a chip on your shoulder over that character huh?
I dont think the lux enemies have any kind of sin weakness
the gfl neutral cloud
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bwehs? stop ddosing the game?
Devyat will be negative coin IDs for no reason at all
Don't make me boot up limbus again you piece of shit
So which sinners get cucked out of ensemble IDs? 3 of them gotta bite the bullet.
this would be the funniest thing to do to rodion fans, right after making all the new content take two million year long wave battles
shitmael obviously
>all this shitting on waifufags
nyo i will not be a cuck
i will MANIFEST in universe and fuck my wife and there is NOTHING you can do to stop me.
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>put me in coach
She easily gets Tanya's ID. Surviving two instances where everyone around her died helplessly would ABSOLUTELY cause her to get Carmen'd.
>shitting on waifufags
>he has to literally imagine opposition to feel oppressed
Waifufags rule /lcg/, stop being dramatic.
That'd be Hiskurippu however
>bu-but woman-
he got the QQ ID too.
And Dongbaek (forma the zorro mojado)
what were they thinking with negative coin awakenings
>Rodya got her big new ID! Wow!
>It's worse R Heath since it just fucking kills you if you take too long
Rodion's base id was originally negative coin
>wouldn't it be cool if we made negative coin IDs?
>>>NiggerClair happened
>maybe not
>weak attempt to gaslight me
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Retard take. He gets Jae-heon or Elena. Tanya's "strength means survival and that's all that matters" fits Ishy.
It's probably due to the "i don't like characters that fuck canon characters" comments, no?
>taisho roman in 2024
enjoy zero chinese and korean players!
Gregor, Rodion, and Outis.
the three of them feel like for varied reasons, they'd simply not reach the point of distorting. I'd say sinclair shoudn't either, but ir's be hilarious if he later got ensemble phillip as an ID too
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It already has, however.
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god this mom is so hot
Rodion Greta bro?
Hey you know how Gregor smokes? But he has one bug arm. Do you think he has to get someone else to help light his cigs? Do you think Dante helps him, leaning in close with the lighter and putting it up against the cigarette held loosely in his mouth, the short space between them filled with the oddly comforting sound of Dante's ticking? Do you think they ever sit there in silence, Gregor appreciating the moment of quiet on the otherwise chaotic bus? Do you think Gregor has ever nodded off during a moment like that, since he's getting older, forgetting himself and accidentally dozinf on Dante's shoulder?
I'm normal and can be trusted around old men. Let me on the bus
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>grab cig with normal arm
>put on mouth
>grab lighter with normal arm
>light it up
It was like knocking four quick times
on the door of unhappiness.
I want Faustgalia so fucking bad it's insane. Crazy 40 year old Faust with long hair uuuuooooooh
Ryoshu will get the Argalia ID.
It's obviously going to Hong
I can see it, but I'm not sure. at the very least I can see the following however
>faust elieen
>bremen ryoshu
Easy As Pie?
Although I'd like him for Hong Lu, that is a beautiful mental image.
You forgot
>Greta Rodion
I've always disliked Faust from the start because she said some shit like if a tree falls in a forest and you aren't there, did it really make a sound? Like yea bitch, it's called VIBRATION.
Lunacy time.
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She gets Jae heon unless Heath gets it.
>Argalia Hong
>the guy whose sibling hate him
>becoming the guy who went lulu over his sister's death
Faust, my idol and wife, never said that. Your hate is based on nothing. You should start liking her instead.
Have you read his book?
who has
argalia famously only had the trait of wanting to fuck his sister really bad
okay but who is getting the bygone days ego next week?
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Really? This?
Where's the one where he has his violet/indigo eyes instead?
Making these types of girls smile genuinely make me harder than the Earth's crust.
Post tumblr sinner tranny fanart.
i found a picture of (You), anon. i think that counts
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Finally uploading LRumble 3, got dinged on copyright so I gotta rerender the whole thing so it doesn't sound like ass at the end.
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>mfw I know Faust better than a faustfag
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here you go, pale damage
Behead Clockheads
Make a good post for a change
>the fact of its sound
she said it does make sound THOUGH
You touch Dante or Homka balls and I'm putting you in the Agent Blender
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Hokma? Who's...
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I limbroke my little limbfinger
whyd you do that
does hokma sit on the cuck chair
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Baking new Bread.

Will share on page 5.
No, Dante does
No that's Angela.
Damn ;;
Hope you got it set and wrapped and have OTC painkillers if needed anon...
That's Ishmael
No he's on my lap.
i will not take my meds, gubo
God thought it'd be funny
are you our lord and savior, Ayin??
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damn... well hopefully get treatment for it soon friend and heals well
uuu my little broken bird
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Here, have some more since you asked
>which just made his mental state worse.
Nah, he was doomed by that point
>Still, disease of the mind is general apathy, so I feel like his mental state doesn't really fall into that.
He was trying to do that though, that's the point
You could say it got to him in reverse since he went legit insane but medically or abno related he was clean.
Ayin is Jewish...
Only a Jew can out-jew The Head.
Prove he's jewish. Post his duck
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I just played some random fucking chinese gacha where the tutorial was literally just an up/sidegrade of Library of Ruina. Im not upset with how Limbus company plays currently (except for launch, god Limbus company on launch day was fucking awful. Fucking 70%~ chance for heads at 45 sp was cancer in canto 3.), but the gayme could have been more innovative.
I didn't ask. KYS
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>gacha whore
I did ask. LYS
Funny or Sexy.
Pick one.
You did. Subconsciously you did.
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That's Angela. And Carmen
>Captcha: GNXXX
>Faust 30
Aw man :(
Sinclair 500. Your point?
Carmen is everywhere all at once
>Outis: 800
MIERDITAclair gets outshined by a half-turkish Sinner. Sad!
Every anon is having sex with carmen then? what a whore
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it was me, I played another gacha
>slay the spire combat
They're very self-inserty. Generally I don't like them as characters, but there is an appeal in seeing a woman clearly thirst after one of the sinners and use an OC as a vehicle to do so. Endearing in its shamelessness. Men couldn't do this, but I guess men prefer to insert as Dante.
Men do this. You're just not familiar with it.
Go to the waifu thread on /a/ and ask people to post art with their SIs.

Don't forget an Original Character doesn't just mean a self insert as well.

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